Download doc - TV Advert Survey


Media Survey

Summary and personal thoughts

1.) Do you like the urban location?

Most people did like the urban location (8 out of 10) but some would have preferred more scenes in the nature as sport is about health and its healthier to run in the woods.

I think it is better to show a product in use where people would actually use it. Therefore given the fact that most people don't have the chance to run in a forest because they live in cities sport shoe adverts should be set in urban locations.

2.) Do you like the music in Nike running shoes ad or do you prefer the music in the music in the other adverts?

I asked people from a wide age group (from 17 to 62) to fill out my questionnaire. Stereotypically elderly people preferred the music in Nike running shoes yet they said that they would not use it in an advert because they feel the beat does not match the rhythm of running. Obviously the younger generation preferred modern music but interestingly some of them found the music in FuelLondon quite irritating.

Personally I prefer modern music in trainer shoe adverts as well because for me the up to date beat reflects the energy I feel while running.

3.) What do you think in which adverts was the slogan strong and well presented?

Most people liked the slogan in the Nike advert with Ellie Goulding because it was well presented at the end and it was easy to remember. People also liked the Light. Strong. Nike Flyknit yet many of them thought that the slogan could have been shown a bit longer because they couldn't read the Flyknit word. The people that liked the slogan in the Nike running shoes ad thought that it was not outstanding enough. The fonts had a similar colour to the background and some people didn't even noticed it the first time it was shown.

For the same reasons I like the slogan in the advert with Ellie Goudling as well. Well represented, easy to remember.

4.) Do you like the length of Nike running shoes ad or the shorter adverts?

Everyone preferred the shorter adverts because they felt the Nike running shoes ad was dragged for too long, I agree.

5.) Do you prefer a male or a female character?

Equal amount of votes went for both sides (5 for female and 5 for male). Therefore I will chose an actor or actress into my film not based on its gender. 6.) Do you like to see elements of Parkour (Freerunning)?

Younger people both males and females found parkour cool and would like to see it in other trainer adverts as well because it represents well that the impossible can be possible if one trains hard. Yet older people found it a bit disturbing because they were worried about the safety of Ellie Goulding.

7.) Did you like to see a celebrity in the advert?

People said it depends on if they like the celebrity itself. I feel the same way.

8.) Did seeing a celebrity made the advert more trustworthy?

When filling out the questionnaire after watching the advert people who knew and liked Ellie said yes and people who did not, said no. I asked the people who said yes what makes them trust the advert with a famous person in it more. They replied that the fact they have seen that person so often and are to a certain extent emotionally affected by celebrities they like makes them trust look more trustworthy than a random actor/actress. This made me think that people tend to make emotional rather than logical choices when they see a celebrity in an advert. Therefore I concluded that a well beloved celebrity can make an advert more successful than normal adverts. However because unfortunately I don't know any celebrities and I could not afford to pay them to act in my advert; I cannot base my advert's success on a celebrity.

9.) Do you like to see handheld camera movements?

8 out of 10 people liked it; they said it suits the urban location and the vibrating energy of running. 10.) Did the handheld make the shots look irritating?

Similarly to the gender question the votes ended up equally for both sides (5/5). Then when I spoke to them individually the people who said no argued they like handheld but too much hand held makes the film look messy. Therefore I will use a few handheld shot in my adverts but only to a certain extent.11.) Do you like it that pictures are also included in the advert?

7 people out of 10 said yes. At the individual interview they said though that similarly to the hand held it should not be overused. Therefore if it suits my film I will include some pictures but not too many. 12.) Do you like the fast editing technique in the FuelLondon advert?

9 out of 10 people liked it. At the personal interview they said it suits youth, sports and running well. Therefore if I will try to make my advert appeal to a younger generation I will definitely use fast editing technique.13.) Do you like it that a product is connected to a location?

Only 3 out of 10 people liked it that a product was connected to a location. During the interview people who disliked it said they dont find it necessary because people do sport all around the world not just in one location.

14.) Do you think a story for the product is important?

7 people out of 10 said they would like to see a story connected to the product. At the interview they explained that a good story is more outstanding and therefore it also stays in their mind longer after they have watched the advert. Therefore I think it is important that an advert also shows a story that is connected to the product to make the advert successful. 15.) Do you like to see trainer and its benefits in the advert all the time?

6 people out of 10 said no because they find adverts that only focus on the benefits and the look of a product are boring. This supports the result of the question above; adverts that connect a product to a story are more likely to be remembered, therefore more successful in selling products. I think that the competition between similar items is so high nowadays that by just telling why to buy the product is boring but an engaging story can make the product outstanding and memorable. Like the Xmas John Lewis advert.
