

Awesomely SimpleSharePoint Solutions

Little to No Code Required

April DunnamLead SharePoint Consultant/Developer

About Me

April Dunnam is a senior consultant at ThriveFast and Vice President of the Tulsa SharePoint User Group. April started her career as an IT Intern at Cherokee Casino. She was on rotation in the casino’s many IT departments when she was assigned to the Development Team. It was there she found her niche and a passion for development and began to focus her efforts on, c# and SharePoint. She went on to complete dual degrees in MIS and Marketing from NSU and worked her way up to SharePoint Developer at a telecom firm. April is an active blogger and routinely participates in professional conferences including School of Dev, Tulsa Tech Fest and SharePoint Saturdays.



User Adoption –The Struggle is Real

Draw Users In

Typical User: “What’s in it for me?”

Draw them in with a few simple bells & whistles to make an inviting Home Page

Keep them coming by making it easy to access the information they need to do their day to day job

Create tools/functionality that increase productivity


KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid)

Develop understanding of your users and what they need to do

Start with business process


Awesomely Simple Solutions

Tip #1 – Visual Navigation

“Build it and they will come”….make it easy to navigate and you’ll keep ‘em coming

Promoted Links List

Tip #2 - Welcome Message

Great way to customize the SharePoint User Experience

Pulls Logged in User’s Name and Time of Day for Custom Welcome Message

Free Web Part. Download here:

Tip #3 - Weather

CELGO Weather C – Free App in SharePoint 2013 App Store

Can use to show weather at multiple company locations

Or insert jQuery script from any of the major weather websites (Yahoo Weather, Weather Channel, etc)

Tip #4 - Birthdays/Anniversaries

Showing Employee Birthdays/Anniversaries draws users in and encourages camaraderie.

$125 WebPart from Amrein:


Free Apps in App Store

Tip #5 - Announcements Rotator

BrightBanner – Free Content Rotator App in App Store

Or create your own with jQuery/SPServices/Bootstrap

Tip #6 - Filtered Views

[Me] Filter

[Today] Filter

Tip #7 - Filtered Lookup Column

Consider this scenario: You have a Jobs Lists with a Job Name

field and Job Status that marks . You have a Task List that you want to

create a Lookup field that pulls all Active Jobs from the Jobs List

Create a new Calculated Column in the Jobs List called “ActiveTitle”. Insert the following formula and reference this calculated column in your lookup field

Tip #8 - Audience Targeting

Target WebParts/Content to specific groups of people

Ex: Show different announcements depending on current user’s department

Tip #9 - OneNote

Integrated in SharePoint 2013. Similar to Evernote Capture operational/procedural/how-to information Use instead of list or word document Easy to organize and structure information Embed images, others documents(pdfs, word, etc)

Tip #10 - OneDrive

Integrated in SharePoint 2013

Sync folders on SharePoint to upload from your desktop

Ability to edit files offline; sync back to SharePoint when internet connection is established

Tip #11 - Hide “Recent” Heading

Insert following script inside the <!--ME:</asp:ContentPlaceHolder>--><sharepoint:scriptblock runat="server"></sharepoint:scriptblock> block of your master page:

$(document).ready(function() { var recentLi= $("#ctl00_PlaceHolderLeftNavBar_QuickLaunchNavigationManager div ul li").filter(function(index) { return $("span span", this)[0].innerText == "Recent"; }); if (recentLi != undefined) { recentLi.hide(); } }); 

Tip #12 - Disable Mobile View

Site Settings Site Features

De-Activate “Mobile Browser View”

Reasons to do this: 1. Responsive design eliminates need for SP default

mobile view 2. Mobile View can be confusing to navigate

Tip #13 – Follow Content

New in SharePoint 2013 you can Follow: Sites People Hashtags Documents

View list of items you are following in your MySite

SharePoint 2013 Newsfeed App

Tip #14 – Default Calendar Events to All Day

Download jQuery.min and upload to SharePoint.

Insert Script Editor Webpart in New Form of Calendar. Put the following code in the script editor:


Thank You!
