
Tugas InggrisTraditional lifestyle in USAMarriage and Family in USAFamily in USA and more than half of unmarried adults between the ages of 18 and 24 still live with their arents! "ut the Ameri#an family now has #hanged! Today only about one$%uarter of all households #onsist of a traditional #lear family and more than half of all households have no #hildrenTraditional lifestyle in USA &ating in USA&ating styles and habits vary between eole of di'erent ba#(grounds! "ut Ameri#an generally use a for( in the hand whi#h they write! Fried #hi#(en) hamburgers) i**a) and ta#os) usually to be eaten with the +ngers! There is a signi+#ant di'eren#e between what eole may do at home or in a fast$food restaurant) and how they a#t in a more formal restaurant! Traditional lifestyle in USASo#iali*ing in USA"oth men and women usually smile and sha(e hands when greeting! Ameri#ans may greet strangers on the street by saying ,ello or -ood morning) although they may ass without any greeting! .hen greeting someone for the +rst time) Ameri#ans #ommonly say) /leased to meet you or ,ow do you do0! There are regional variations su#h as Aloha in ,awaii or ,owdy in arts of the .est! Friends often greet ea#h other with ,ow are you0 and resond Fine) than(s! .ildlife USAMonar#h "utter1y /reserves) throughout Me2i#o3o#(y Mountain 4ational /ar() 5olorado.ildlife USA&verglades 4ational /ar() ,omestead FloridaA#adia 4ational /ar() Maine/oular Food in USA5hi#(en) or( and #orn #oo(ing in a barbe#ue smo(er4ew 6or( style i**a5hi#ago style dee dish i**aSe#ial 7rin( in USAIrish 5ar "omb8ong Island I#ed Tea 7ouble 5ho#olate 5hi Frau##ino The "a#ontini8ands#ae in USA8ands#ae in USAFamous la#es of usaTo 9 8IST :F FAM:US /8A5&S I4 USA4ew yor( #ity8os angeles5hi#ago4ew yor( #ity1! Also (nown as the big ale2! ,ome to lots of famous ameri#an landmar(s9! Famous for new years eve #elebration at times s%uare! Also (nown as ;ball dro@#hi#ago1! Famously #alled the ;se#ond #ity! Most famous for its farms and largest industrial areamusi#s in usa1!Usa is melting ot fo a lot of #ulture2!Famous for grammy and other awards9!Most renowned genres are Aa**)o)3n")and many more4!Usa is the worlds largest musi# mar(et>!sin#e the beginging of 2@th #entury usaBs musi#ians gained a global audian#e4ative tribe1!The native eole of usa is the indian eole2!Famous for the tradition of than(s giving9!The most famous indian head #hiefC sitting bullDtatan(a iyota(eE4!Sitting bull died in 18?@4ative tribe #ultureTotem oleTeee/ea#e iemo##a#ins#aital.ashington d#Famous for the white house and the washington monumentThe 7!5 stands for distri#t #olumbia Serves as the us #aital #ityThe name washington #ame from george washington