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We have lots of new additions to the LRC this month. Featured below are

some of the top fiction picks:

Children of Blood and Bone, a fantasy novel set in an alternative version

of West Africa, follows the sixteen-year-old Zélie Abebola in her fight against

oppression. This action-packed adventure is a winner of the Goodreads

Choice Awards 2018 and is soon to have its own film adaptation.

Cinder and The Wrath and the Dawn, also pictured above, are both retell-

ings of classic fairy-tales. Cinder reimagines Cinderella in the futuristic city

of New Beijing, in which cyborgs live alongside humans. The Wrath and the

Dawn is a young adult retelling of One Thousand and One Nights.

If you enjoy mysteries and thrillers, Red Nemesis, which tells the story of a

young James Bond on a mission to uncover the suspicious circumstances

surrounding his father’s death, is the book for you. Similarly, in A Good

Girl’s Guide to Murder, our protagonist, Pippa Fitz-Amobi, gets more than

she’s bargained for when she decides to do a school project on a local

murder case. This book was highly requested by pupils, so if you want to

borrow it get yourself down to the LRC!

If you prefer humorous stories, we have lots of new arrivals to the LRC,

including the thirteenth Diary of a Wimpy Kid book, The Meltdown.

Tuesday 29th June 2021

In this newsletter find out:

What has been happening in the LRC this month;

Information about our brand new range of fiction and non-fiction books;

Updates on the book cover challenge and other upcoming plans for the


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Thanks to Miss Lichfield, we have had some great activities for Diversity

Week running in the LRC. Pupils have had the chance to:

Create their own diversity/

ally badge design;

Decorate their own Pride


Read one of the LRC’s

LGBTQ+ books;

Design an eye-catching

poster promoting Diversity


The photograph on the right

shows just a handful of the

fantastic badges made by

pupils in the LRC.

A special thank you to the

Year 8 pupils who helped Miss

Lichfield make the designs into



I enlisted the help of Mrs Gilman and, all the way from Thomas Rotherham

College’s LRC, Mrs Bartlett to help judge the book cover competition. It was

a difficult task to choose the winners, as all the submissions were brilliant.

We are just waiting on the arrival of the Amazon vouchers for the 1st place

winners and then winners will then be announced, so watch this space!


Libraries, as hubs of information and spaces for

learning, have a responsibility to help people

learn about the world around them. Therefore, we

have recently sourced some non-fiction books on

the Israel-Palestine Conflict.

From mid-April, tensions between Israel and the

Palestinian territory of the Gaza Strip spiralled,

erupting in eleven days of violent fighting.

On 21st May, a fragile truce was agreed upon.

However, is was not the start, and nor is it the

end, of the violence. The Hundred Years’ War

on Palestine by Rashid I. Khalidi highlights this,

going back to 1917 to examine the conflict.

Balcony on the Moon: Coming of Age in

Palestine is Ibtisam Barakat’s biography. She

writes of life as a teenager in Palestine from 1972

to 1981, revealing what it is like to grow up in a

politically tumultuous area.

Tuesday 29th June 2021

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The questionnaire sent to pupils just before half-term asked which fantasy

location they would most want to visit. The overwhelming majority said that

they would choose Hogwarts from the Harry Potter series, as shown by

the pie-chart below:

We are going to design a display in the LRC using these responses, so

thank you to everyone who answered the questionnaire.

This week:

I am inviting any pupils who are interested to write a short review or

description of their favourite book, which can be featured on a display in

the LRC.

I will provide coloured card and paper for these to be written on, so please

visit the LRC to complete this. Email [email protected] if you have

any questions.


With the help of Mrs Samuels, every Thursday at 12:40pm the LRC is

hosting a Friendship Group for Year 8 pupils (soon to be Year 9s!). Please

note, the LRC will be closed to other year groups during the second half of

lunch on Thursday.

This is a chance to meet new people and get some support. Take part in:

Mindfulness colouring;


And games. (Uno, in particular, is very popular and we have a new set in

the LRC!)

Tuesday 29th June 2021
