
tudent -Achievement ignified . by Numerous wards Day Citations

Stud('nl. nchle,•c m(' u t. rc~ in!'f.l tt• ns winn e r ot th e Ellznbstb Bird :.::n lllo n at :rn Awards Dny Program Small nwnrd ror the o utstanding onsored by the Student Council girl in the locn l chapter of the soro­ondny afternoon . Fifty students rlty. She will compete for ·the na-rc nwnrded schol nrsbl11s. trophies tlonnl nwnrd. ' citations. Wayne Jneckcl, Stevens Point. was KennCth Wulcheck . Waukesha, n gl\'Cn the A lpha Kappa Rho award

nlogy major. r eceh·ed the Culv r- ntJ the junior making the ·g reatest gers award glnn by Sigma Zeta. progn~ss in n1,plied music. nornry science fraternity. ,vn- Hui,.SCJI Gurd n{' r . Gran ton , won the m Uncher. \V:iupnca . was gh•en Sigma Tau DellR Award ns nn ou t ­

e Sigma Zeta trOJlhy. stnnding writer. Robert Dickinson. ltnrbn rn Coburn , rthhwl11mlc r , w n!" \Va u1>ncn. won the \Vord swortb Ll­·nrtkd n )'ea r's study In Germnny ternry Publlcntlon Prize for t he

an exchange s tudent, with nll best poetrY. and Carole Loveless. pcnses paid by the German Go,·- Edgerton. for the best prose. nment. She was chosen for the Mias Mills and ,Beverly Beer, Ca­nor by Or. Peter Kroner. Ger- vour, were awarded Primary Co un­an tencher, vi.; ho made the an- ell Scholarships. Mary Mlchnlskl. uncemcnt. Merrill , and Barbnrn Bnnnnch, Cus­Dlnne Unehler. Seymour, received te r. were r unners-up. e Bessie May Allen nward of $100 Bm :he r , clt.ed us the outs tnndin~ r nn outstanding borne eco nomics ,w nlor mun on the basis of scholar­udenl. ship and leaderahlp was given the LIia Ablard. Compbellsport, re- Phi Sigma Epsilon Leade rship Tro­h·ed a scholarship from the Wis- phy. nsin Home Agents Association . The Joe Goodrich Memorial Tro-

~ 1:e ::er~. ~:~~ t~:rt;:e:en~~:,:~ f1~~. w::t t':e F~~~~~:kd l:gest~~h1:t~~ Sue l\llUs, Endeavor. was gh•en Blanket awa r ds for outstanding sen­medal as an outstanding mem- lor athletes went to Kestly and Fran­

r of Tau Gamma Beta sorority. els Roma n, Stevens Point. Dennie c Winifred Spindler Award ho- Schmidtke, Woodruff, was given the rs l\lrs. Spindler, n charter mem- "S" Club Award ns the outstanding r . freshman athlete. F h ·c n wo nls for 11111/ik d ,•1m rtm l' n l Russell Koii'.rznk. Ma nawa. and d rnt.,,. were announced by Dr. He r be rt Schott, Me rrill , were chosen i;o Mnrple, depa rtment chairman. for the $50 Senior Conse r vation

o nnn Toepper. Montello, was given Awards dona t ed by the Fox Rive r e Aeolian Award, ns the outstand- Valley Garde n clubs. g senior music s tude nt. Mary Lou Davis. Stevens Point. The Twiligh t Music Club, gan was gh•en the $75 scholaNhlp $50 nwnrd to Connie Smoodle. awarded by the loca l Business nnd koosn . ns the freshman music Professional Women's Club for a jor with the highest scholastic CSC j unior Interested in teaching .

ernge. T h<' ll<-nns' honor w1L.o;: nn­CaryJ Self, Nelllsvllle, won the $25 no un«'tl by Dean of Men. Dr. Bur­pend of the Hess Awnrd. dette Engon. Honored wer e student11 The first Speltz Award went to who hn,·e a B n,•erage or belt r. chard Stroede, Wisconsin Dells. are nctl\'e In campus organizations. -------------------------------------Is a $50 awnrd . and who show leadership a bility. CENTRAL s .. •'TE

The Fulhaber Award went to Su- Those nnmed were: Wil li am Ander- I ~ Eastwood. Ste,•ens Point. He r Ron. Stevens Point: Bacher; Sandra

o_' award was for the student who Bloom. Eagle River : Phyllis Ca11key, POINTER tlnguished herself In the nrea of Phelps: Donald Chesebro. Stevens · ice or piano, or both. Point; ;\llss Coburn : Clara Colrue, ~'he ,r1,;., Sch lollmn n n nd G,•rn ld Uruss Ogdensburg: J ennell e Fuller. Rl1>on : . . . •h'rd Student Connell Fellow- Miss Gatzke; Lou Grobe. Stevens p Citations from Pnt Collier. Stu- Point : Frank Hansen , Waupaca; Bet-nt Government Award for out- lY Hurlbut. Stevens Point, Suzanne ======================e=============== n~;l~d~::~r~~;~~o:S ;:~!t.toa~lc~~ i~:~:· ~~et:~~l~;a~~r;~~:!:o0n:, ~~r~!~: SERIES VH VOL. VII S teven s P o int, \ Vis. May 29, 1958 No. 16

es Bachler. They were nnnouoced ner, Ste,•ens Point : Prlellpp; Pat r icia ========== ================= ==========~ 6hr:w~ouncll adviser. Dr. Frank ~ :::~~.6 · M:rt:1~~;"

8 R~:

1r~t; Sc~~~~=~,~ "Little Red School House" CommenCement - the TGB Installs Officers,

Cobert Prlc)cpJ•. Rot h schild . won Ma nitowoc: Robert Slamkn. Stevens Torn Down for New Union Grand Finale - June 7 Entertains Seniors

0 :t:i:rs:~ T~~:~:nf~rh~h~:~':- fc~\n~:o~:o~anl~:~t.\:!~~~n~e~n~:i::: Once llJ:Uln t he o ld must make wa.y At ;o:OO a .m. Snturdny morning, Tnu Gum nm Hetu Sorority Ins talled with the highest scholastic aver- ven. Ste,·ens Point ; a nd Mon ica for the new. Since two th ings can t June ,. a \'ery lmpressh·e ceremony nm~· ortlccrs a nd e nt.e.rt.u .lncd Its sen~

Prlelepp also won the Joseph Wodla rs kl, Plo,·er. edst in the same pince at the same wlJI tnke 1>lnce - Graduation. Ex- lors at n party In t he home of MTS. Colli ns Memorial Award ns the The Awards Day P rogram closed lime, the Orthmnn Demom,trntlon e rclses will be h~ld on Goe rke F ield Weldon Leahy, 1123 Main St., Tuea--Rland lng student of mathematics. wi th the andlencP. singing t he school school , which bas bee n located oo the thlK yenr H the weather permits . Mr . day evening, May 20. en n Cntzke Berlin with the Kong "The Purple a nd t he Gold." campus on Nor th Fremont street for Runk e , who IM In chn r ge of march- II08tesses were the pa t ro nesses ,

ond hi ghest ~cholastid average r e- Norn;an E . ·~nutzen accompanied nt t hlrty-tlve years, Is bei ng torn down ~ ;; ~~;e::;~e~e~~~~~~:~,t=~~ ut:1:cf:.; ~~:· ~;;: h~ ~;8A~::on Hafor becke'r

·ed the Tau Knppa Epsilon F rn- the plnno. Miss Buehler pro,·lded the to mnke way for the new Student th e Cf\ J>nbl e direction of Miss Edn:i • . · · · · lty Scholarship Award . organ prelude and Si;lndler , Student Union Built th rough the effo rts of Carlesten who promlt1cs the re will Puuhne Ains wo r th, president, pr e-

:";!ldco;1n~h~-ln~::~,t~~p::es:1:~ ~:::~~m::~:ls~e nt. sen ·ed master Oscar· w. Neale, di rector of Rural- e,·~.n be trees on the tle ld . :1::~u:\~~~8 ~::~~~n~~o~b::~:;:~nlee

I t'";;;::;:;::====::=;:;:=:;;:==;;;;;-- -:;---;;;----;;,:- State Graded cou rses. the Or thman :S1H'nk1· r for Ilic 11r uJ:rmn will be lnsrn lh·d w1·rc: l\lrH. Cl~o Hibbs Oemonstrntlon school hna been used ~~\/~~~~\:~~~;·1~~~;~1.J)e;~~t~:~;~~11~~ ~dvh1or ; J\fnrJo l\Jnthey, pr esident :' for practice teaching by 2-yenr Hurn i- ter will be Re,·. Ermin Todd of the l'rl scilln \Vngn ... er, recording 11ecre~

State-Graded stude nts. Due to n new Evangelical and Reformed Ch urch !:::~t:: ;~'t~lnE~1:11!;d~or;::


policy adopted by the regents of Cen- of Ste,·ens Point. The brass ensemble sentuth•e) Bo rbnm Ban:ach, hls~or­t ral Stnte Coll~ which states from College will 1iro,·ide t~e proceK· I 1a11 · Darlene Welch Jnter Soror ity "beginning September , 1959, no stn- slonal an ti r ecetJslonnl music. re1,~et1e ntathe, and' Carole Prah l, dent wil l be permitted to begin any f 'ou,:rmlulnl lons. ~k nlors : alumnae sccrotnry.

cou rse which does not re(1ulre 4 yen rs • • i•ink s 11 n1Hlragons and blue dnl-

of preparation toward graduation," Sigma _Tau D_e!ta, English :~~~c~1;ie~•~;\iire~~1~e~:11~bcl~~d~~1"~

the Orthman Demonstration school Fraternity, ln1hates II ret iring 11rcsldent, Mias Ainsworth, has outlh·ed It.a use fuln ess as a 2- Sigma Tnu Delta, national honor- ('loured. year rural teaching school. ary English Fraternity, Initiated Games were 1•lnyed an d prizes were

Used as . a boys ' dormitory while eleven new members on Wednesday award d to $111:anno Monroe. Patricia the third floor of Delzell Hall was evening, )lay :? I. In u ca ndl e light Heutllni.;. Jenn Gntzke , and Marcelin.

ce remonr. The new Initiates were I Sknh1ki. Entertainme nt co-cha irmen being com1,1eted, the Demonstration Gerry Case. Stevens Point : Loli; were li ed)' Bjork and :\liss Wagnor. school was nicknamed Bllko Hnll b)' Gehres, l!arshfleld; Donna '.\lueller, ~l ur)' .\ rm ~lurhmck read n llme rlck Its occupants. Although used for Hlc hlnnd Center; Uob D1ckl111son. ru r ,·:tch ,::-lrl lt•:i,·ln;: schoo l and gift.a a compn rnth·ely short time b>· the Waupac~; Anne ~\lcL!nd?n, Wlscon- were 1•rese11ted to ;\l a ry Lou Dablllch, "Bllko Boys" many CSC students sin Ra indtJ; Laddie Zelliogcr. Phil- Sandra JJloom. Mi sK Gatzke, Sharla

lips; .Annetta Herman, Mosln~e : Uill Giese, Sue Johnson , Mis8 Monroe, know the Orthman Demonstration Tru1tkowskl, Sobieski; Juno ~1ellnakl, Miss Heading. F;l en nor n.osta l, Doorrn · school only as Bllko Hnll . Stratford; Gloria Ri chard, \\i lscons ln Sanks, J oyce SchJottman, Miss Skal-

H. 18 with some noslll lglu that this Haplds; and E91lly Runge, 1ilgerton. s ki, Xanc)' Veven, and Luella Wes-

reporter, sees the Orthmnn Demon- :~~erp~::c~~;e~m:~:rhenac~:ner.i~::~::~ lowskl. stratlon school torn down. A rural red roi;e and Mr. Le land Burroughs The evening wns concluded with school g raduate myselt, J can see In read original poetry. • the singing of the sorority song,

the Immediate future an end to all Xe w off icers fo r S lg mn Tnu OeHu ----- -------ru ral schools The demoli shing of nr e us follows : Da rbarn. Bowens,

the little red. brick school Indicates t:_~s~f:nzt~lll~~:r:. t;~~:~~~/C::~t~!: the end of the pe riod of rural edu- my Runge, historian and press rep r &-cat1on In Wisconsin. sentatlve.


Happy Vacation,



Four CSC Faculty Members to Leav

Min Mary Neuberger She has a elat er , Sis ter M. ,\ nse

La Salle, lll lools, or the order or Fra ncia or Asslnal, who will plet e he r tlftl etb rea r as a nun July, a ft e r whi ch lime s he 11lnn1 visit he re.

After her re tirement, MIH N berger will continue to mnko home at 118 Oak Stroot where lives with an aunt , Mlea Ther Riese bl.


EN. THAL ,s· TATE GR·A I UATE-S '-------1 Religiou_sNews The W c~le y $(• nlur R t.>cognl tlon



~~~;:~; t ' ;:~ ;:~f s8;,:~~!d~1;~h

2:;c:~ The seniors honored were : Carol

1'ht• tknu1 11d fur rn1mblc tenchers teaching Cnndldnt es 0 some of .the •Rnce. Ardis --.- Peshtigo _ Green :'I I US IC )IAJOHS Nelson, Snndrn Bloom. Sue Johnson, 1he College Placem ent Office, to Caci.ors which have prompted the nay Anderflon. Sharon Rhlne lnndl•r Mnrthn ( T oni) w,u lke r, Sharon (An-

1 _fnll vacancies, has been g reat er change In ea rlie r ~policy. Rusc hka, Rober t _ Hart ford _ _ Grad . School dy) Anderson. N,uncy Coo n. Sylvtn lent Is s11rlng thnn In any 11revi ous The outlook ror _t hc ftlfure ns to Green Bay Chesebro, Donald _ Ste,•e ns Point Hunson, Betty Hurlbut. nnd Ardis

ar. Two mnjor fnctors would se t he ndequacy or the SUl)J>l Y or cat>- Rending. Patr icia - Ste\'ens Point _ Grad School Race. lU ,, romote this trend . nble teachers in the \'O r ious grades - Biron Colrue, Clora·_ Ogde nsbu rg The senio r 's tnb l~ wns decorated ,d One Is the continuing Increase m and s ub je~t areas is not very en- Ruc insk i Joseph _ Sle\•e ns Poin t Pe rner. Al bert _ Stevens Point _ with n l\lnypole an d lilacs wore the I'.' e 11ulntlon which bega n In 19'2 A cournglng A fa r g reat er num ber or - Eau Cla ri e Necedah cente ri1lece or th e speake rs table. du (:dieted drop In popula tion g rowth ca pable young ni en nnd women will •Ruesch. Leo na rd _ Mlllndone _ Toeppe r . Donn a _ Monte llo_ \Vnu- R ev. Le n. Red nour , m l11l11ter of th e sb llowlng th e i•nr years has not oc- need to e nter the )lrofesslon in those Eau Cla ri e tom a Me th odis t Church at Monroe, wns 1 rred . arena whe re the s horta ge Is e ,•tde nt. • Seefe ldt, Maxin e - Le nn _ W est Sala r y Range: Low _ $38S0: th e g uest 11,1,eaker.

Y<'a The hea \'y e nrollme nts In the ele- If the de mands a re to be met . For Alli s Hig h _ $ 4850 Wayu e Bnldwln wn1:1 master or ,n entarr sc hool s wh ich bega n in 1947 Lhose who wi sh to e n te r th e pro- SJc.n lsk i, Maxine - Stevens Point_ RUBAi , p UCATlO~ _

4 YFr\B ceremoni es. Carol Ne lso n, senior

.t'!i c j us t r eachin g th e hig h school fesslon. th e opportunities a t nil e le- W a~hn Ha ns'an . z'!~ma _ Ste\'ena Poi~~ _ s 11en ke r, gn,·e thu nks and encour~ge-

ari ~:~e rF~re~!:d:ex: 11~en1n~(:~· ~~~ ~~e ~~:r:,~e!~~:: a1:;e~;e:~:i !~ea~o=~ S11e~~lc~h as - Plnlnrleld - Sor- Gra d . School . me;~0t;~:




0s,'.:~~~g bes ides

I)• mor e e le m e ntary teachers, but the high school le \'el a rc very favor- • Untiedt, Joanne - Curtiss_ West nun.Al~ EOUOATION - 3 yt,-;~ Jt th e sen iors were : Re v. a nd Mrs. Len

,u:: a!::;:. incr ease for high school ~:~c.te!~:i~~g wrhe~o:~:P!:t: ~~~st~~~= Wal k~ ~l.lt1 Martha _ Evansville _ Ande~:~~· G~:~1:: - Amhers t - ~~~n::;· : ~:: a_::01

M1:;pp~: r7;e~\~;

,1111~ :~~~:~u~an:: ~~:n~:~r::s~e s~::: ~l~.:t : rie:~p~a;~~~r:;!~r:i:: a~~~~~= ·w a r:.1 al~ ~7i~nd - Baraboo - An- Conl;~~ckB~:e:ka - Shi octo n - ~oe~~:~lo~;i·e:.:~ ~nddvs!!~:·) .F rank lln 47 , s ufficie nt to a ttract enough s trative . pos itlona and some a t the tioch. Ill . Hube r Y,•onn e _ ArJ)in _ Marn- WIiii am Scribner lend g roup s ing-

ochers to meet lncreaBlng demands. college and unh•erslty leve ls. Sal- W e bs ter . J ames - P la infi eld '- To- tbon Co. Ing. "Give Us Thia Day'' nnd "The 1 Y: Two other Interesting trends in n r les a re expected to Incr ease a n- mah Kruzlckl, J o Ann _ Rmiholt _ Lord Bless You and Keep You" were

Jib e demand for t eachers have bee n nua lly until the s upply of teache rs Whites ide, Alvina - Ath e ns _ Portage c!o. s un g by J a mes Wright, acco mpanied la served. more nearly meets th e de mands. Stoughton . , , ,, by Carole Pra hl.

Young men are In great d€'numd Those from Central State College Sala ry Range: Low - $3800, :~~;\IJ F.D UCATIO~ - - l.'°EAH. Our tha nks go out to Anita Weg-r Inte rmediate a nd uppe r e lemen- who ha\'c a lready been place d In High - $4400. Expe rie nced: Low r: ~d Dolores - Lodi - Ha rt- ner. J oan ne Doyer, and Shirley Link

,u(l ry grnde pos itions. Pa re nts bnve future positions a re na follows : - $4250; High - $5000 Le va nduske, Velda _ Nellls"lll e _ fo r prepa ring th e delicious meal. epi cognh:ed th e \'alu e of th e lntlue nce •:nn1A.RV SEOO~·DAH.Y EDUOATIO!li C FuJJowlng t he banque t Pres ident

5 men in the school prog r am at this Name - Home Address - Position BIOLOGY MAJORS Loftls.'a:t a;:~re t _ Amh ret _ Cm·<Sf NeJKOn Installed the otflcera f.o~ -e's e level. Men a r e now filling mn.ny Arndt. Kathryn - Steve ns Point - Betry , Donald _ Waupaca _ O. North Ca rolin a 1968-59. They are: Wil li am ScrJb-or sltlons or e le m e ntary school prm- Marinette of Wis. M'cl\1llllom, Diane _ Ste vena ·Point ner , 11restdent; Nancy ,,Scha ttne r , "B pal . form erly he ld by wom en. • Asenbre nn e r , E leanor - Shawano Damro. Richard _ Kaukauna _ _ Portage Co. vice-preside nt ; Margaret Epple, sec-

1 pe A greate r nu.mbcr of women are - S. Milwaukee Service Sternltzky, Belly _ Gr an to n _ re tary ; Da,•ld J . Evans, treasure r. tr t o fill high school positions . Braun, Rose lla - Gree nwood - Grone wald, Ln Vern - Milltown - Clark c o. ,ve ext end a ha nd o r congradula-

addltlon to the bea\•y percen tage Banltowoc Montana . tlonH to o ur graduating sen iors. 1 Ir wome n a t the loi·er g rad e school Brener. Ba rba ra - Wfs. Rapids - J e ffrey , Rfcha rd _ Wis. Rapids MATHF.)IATICS )l:\JORS wo e l. The percentage of wome°: Green Bay Johnson. Richa rd _ Hori co n _ Bac he r, WIiiiam - Waupaca.

So achers on some high school s t a ffs •Burke~t. J ean - Stevens Point - Federal Service Grnd . School LSA NEWS lud freq ue ntly very low. This Is du e Chicago · Jarackn. Robert _ Phillipa Bruss. Ger a ld - Fre mont _ Antigo The lus t LSA m eeting fo r this Yor the limited number or women Caskey, Phyllis - Phelps Rasmussen , Ve rnon _ Mars htie ld Davia. Rex - Ste ve ns Point scmei.tcr was held Sunday evening,

11 th majors In the sciences, mathe- Coburn, Barbara - Rhinelan der - _ Clintonville Druckrey, William _ Shawano _ May 25. We wer e ve ry happy to r:i ul atlcs, the social sciences. and mu- Study In Ge rmany Slomk a , Robe rt _ Ste \'e ns Point • Oconto .. have se\·ernl members or Gamma Wf The limited te nure of women Curr, , Dorothy - Hortonville - Wa nl e , Ri cha rd _ Horicon _ Ser- H a nsen. FrnnJ;t - Waupaca _ Pre- De lta Join 11a for a coat s upper ,

th e t eaching profession as co m- Nee nah ,·Ice hi e-Green Bay showing of " The Martin Luthe r re d t o me n , In recent year s, neces- Dupuis, J oa n - Mosinee - Wanke- J e rsey, J oseph - Clintonvill e _ Stor y" nnd wo rs hl11. a tes a g reate r nu mber of re place- s ha B IOLOGY-00.SSERVATIO.S Seymour During th e busi ness meeting 1t was nt llB we ll as fo r fi filng new posl - Durnaceau, Jnnet - Ste\'ens Point MAJORS Pa rk s, Ramon - Ste\'e ns Point - a nnounced that o ur Songfest trophy ns. - Racine Ke hl. Donald - E lkhorn Rib Lake le a t the e ngravers now and then At the hlJth school le ,·el , the de- Hermann. Valer ie - Bowler - Sea rl es, Robert - Union Cente r - P r lellpp. Robe rt - Ro th schild - wtll be displayed In the CWA trophy nd for capable teachers of mathe- Rnclne F ed . Services Wausau ca se. J im Hnugsby woe e lected vice~ tics, chemis try, pbyalca, Eng- Giese, ~barla - Mars hfi e ld - ClfF.)IISTUY MAJORS Roatal, Eleanor - Me r r ill - Racine president by a n unan imous ballot. .

h, borne economics, and music J a nes\'lll e Anderson. William - Wittenber g - Expe rienced: Low - $4000; Hig h Early in th e fa ll . we wlll start pea r to lead the lis t . A normal de- Hann;~:~n·B/~yce - Merrill Industry - $6000 anot he r yen r o f LSA activity ' with

::e rsh':ltbb:enma1;~e~!e~::~er~:~ Hoppe, Mary ~ Stevens Point - Nomndy , Charles - Stevens Point HOMB 1'~00NOMICS MAJORS a ba nqu et. See you th.en !

n a re finding the numbe r or va- Beloit . . Wad~s;~~bfvan - Mara thon Brau~~k~a rol - A;;tlgo - White

clea Incr easing s lowl y but stead- J eckl e, J oan - Green Bay - Be loit CONSERVATION MAJORS Buggs, Charlo tte - Ste ve ns Point jo;:~c~,~~;~!;·:, ~~:Ym;;~ a ~ ~!:_"~ la~:; a Te~~e!~:pl[heof d~e~:!~r: ~~ \h~: John~or:~n S~:Y - Rblne la n~ er - Chle bowakl. J e rry - Pu lae~i • - \Vest Salem De ll Park.

se nt. It Is expect ed that more •Kertulla . Arlowlne - Pren tice Oed~::;· ~~::•s - Delblt - Ste- Coon1"1t~ncy - Hntl ey - Oexte r , Aft e r t he picnic th ey managed to

001 ls w,lll lnc lude1

on1e obr more Mart~:~ n~;na - Ste\·ens Poin t - F'a ust . Gordon _ Madi son _ Sta te Fuller , cJ~nnnette _ Ripon _ Ma r - get In some softba ll a11 well as slgbt-

t ons o conserva t on n t elr cur- Se rvice kesa aeelng be fo re th e rain fe ll. lum as fun ds a r e available be- Muck;ldSut:nne - Merrill - Ma d- Knight, Charles - Dalton - Se r- Gatzke. J:an - Be rlin At the ln1:1 t meeting of'"the school

se of the extrem e .importance of • · "ices Ge rbys ha k Audre _ Cr h·itz _ yea r, Ma y 22, a st rip mm on socia l subject a r ea. This progr a m In Nels::~ Carol J . - Merrill - Wau- Kates. Ke nn eth _ Ste\'e ns Point Cllnto'n\'llle Y work was s hown . P lans wer e begun

e sc hool s la not only popul~r p son . Reetz , Al\'ln - Neshke ro Hanso n, Syh'ln - Wittenbe rg tor t he ra il freshm e n>J) icnlc. Dlscus-h . many boys but effective m p ~~::mu~ J\~~.r:,,I _Lo~ ChiCam~:i; 1 Scbnee berg , Da"ld - Wis. Rapids Hedi n. Ca rol _ Wis. Rapi ds slon wrus he ld as to the possibility o f

~st le\'ln g desi red resu~ts. _ R~cl/ :,:n PPC\li a l 8 S kn lland. D nnl s - Elroy - Se r- He ffe rn an, Na ncy - Whi tewate r _ sendin g lette rs to dlrfe r ent Luthe ra n or ncnncl es In both ,ocal an d In- • e \'Ices Married Churches In the area t o acc1ualnt

menta l m usic ha\'e fa r exceeded Ra t~Jr~~~ ::rbara - Portage ... - Wh itworth, Walte r _ Lacrosse Holman, Nancy _ ·w au i>nca th em with the functlo n11 of the Gnm-a nds. Those mnjorlng In th is R ld J Y St p I Wolff. Gene - Be rli n - Tomahawk Hurlbut Be t ty - Ste\'e ns Point _ ma Dell a Chapte r o n this campus In

d s hould find no p roblem In se- eyno 8

· oan - evens O nt - Wohlble r Carl _ Chippewa Fa ll s · Ea~t Troy · hopes of arousing early Interest In Ing a favo rable position. •R ~fa~~le~ S • 1 - Banking Lewis, He hm _ Ste \•ens Point _ th e gro u11 with pros11ecllve fresh-

~ he qunlh y o r 1l candhlnt.e's re- uc 11 8 • ose - t e, e ns Pont - Ziebell, Richard -- \Vauan u - Med- E lkhorn

Is studied far more critically Green Bay ford \.. J\I h M j I e e r ecent year s than forme rly. Rutkowski, Arl ene - Stevens Point · an:~; ar or e - owle r - G reen

~: ool o fficials expect a n nttractlve S - J\lo ntnna BXG U $H MAJORS N'Je muth . Eileen _ W eynuwega _ If my place we re being f looded , e point average to assu re a de- a nk! iai~::a - Wis. Rapids - Aton , Hazel - Wis. R apids - Ru- Wausaukee An d J rea r ed thnt J might d ie

t e academic backg round for sue- · dolph Nordlund Caro l n _ St ,·e s p I

l I would c limb up on the Po lute r '1:1 t, ful teachin g. Grades r eceived In Syl\'ester, Chnrlollee - Ste\'ens Q.hrl s tla naep, Collen - Iol a - :'\i n \'Ill: e n on jokes , f cation courses must re tleet a ha- Point - Kimbe rly 'Gro~r . - Beloit Sch lottman Y J oyce St ve s P

I t necam1e th ey arc so d ry --

1nq und erstandin g o f teaching prln- Szalk;::t.Ai~:ncy - Gree n Bay - Hans4:n. Ri chard - Wittenbe rg _ \V~st Alli s - e 11 0 n Stoutonla a, techniq ues. a nd metbo.da. The Engle Ri ver Ska lltzk \' Nancy _ i\-fllwou kee _

~: :::~~es or!ius~s:: n:~al~entt~:h!;! ~!~u s~~·re~ ~t~:~!1 = ~~f~~;:ild - Spleg;~n~er om~ - Marlon - Sha- Ma l!~ojn . l ·w- e-, -. -,.- ,h- e- o,-o-co-, -, -o-! -b-el-n-g -p-rl-n-, e-d

cl rts of s tudent teachin g assig n- Wis. R api ds Ve,•en. Na ncy Hager _ Wa beno _ Smi t h, Nona - Portage - Wilton by a loca l co nce rn and would sooh ts. Those s tudents with attrnc- Zimmerman. Vi r ginia - Wausau - . , Ma rri ed Stnck~~rt:vna\~f

1~ - Murahfl e ld - -be 1>resenlt!d to qu ali fi e d members.

recommendations as to persona l Waukesha Westpha l, Eugene - Marlon - T 11

kl V I

Faculty a d v.lao rs from the Ce ntra l 11 t tea, characler traits. sound • Orlrka. La ,·onne - Clln tOn\•l llc Oconto Fa lla Y "; ul~ lrgl n a - Mnrnthon - State College 11oclnl science de pnrt-

hab lts, a nd gener a l atti tudes Sa lary Ra nge: Low - $.3400; GEOG RAPHY MAJORS Wagne r . _ Anti O

_ D p •r ment fo r the second semester were: selected firs t fo r the more r e- High - .$4200. Expe rienced . Low Brlse lden. J~mes - Ste\'ens Polnl W ea lowll ki , Lu e lla _ T~ e rto n e e c Ca rland Fothe rg ill, Ouy Gibso n and

~!~I: assignm ents In teaching ;;/Ffr!!~Fa::~,g:E~r~!~~<°' . - Marinette Wod lara kl, Monica _ Pl!\'er _ Sey- ~~:1;\5~\

9 S~!:t~iu :edv~~e~:~d r: ~

trn~urrlc ul n r acth•ltles are be- El, F:)fF:STAHl' HISTORY l\f..\JORS • ;our I

d th e firs t fa ll meeting In September. ng o r g reater im portance In the Fre ibe rg. l\T a ry - Ste ,·ens Point - Ande raon. Arling ton - \Vaupaca xpc r e nce · Beginning with tho first i;emcstcr lion of t eacher candid a tes. Ef- MCDI ii - l\l nyvlll e t" f II e J0 '"8-GO YC{•r a J)rogram of \'e experiences in a care fully Johnsto n, Wayn e - Gree n Bay - A,·~ r y, J o hn - Antigo - Wauwn- Alpha Gamma Concludes ;pon~orlng,:1 J>romlnbn t figures to ted extra-cu rricula r a rea often Ea u Cla ri e tosn Year b R t El t· spea k on matters o r publi c Inte rest

determ ines the a ,·a llabllity of Ke ll ey, Patricia - Royalton - Sey- Charlesworth . J ohn - New Lo ndon Y ecen ec ion will be initiated. The progrnrna will r fe r red i>Oaltlon a ca ndidate mou r · Con ra d. Karl - Kauk a una Alpha Ga mma, an h onor socia l be open to the Htude nt body and th e

d like to obtain . Le tte~~iol~ohn - Ste\'ena Poin t - g~:: ~~jn:.ot: ~~ = ~~!~;~~~!r~d ~~;~De; t~: t:;:!~d 8: ~ : :te ~,rg~~:~~:: public . . conirnst to ro rmer years. wh e n l • D· I _ Wis R id _ Grobe. J.,oul a - Marshfi eld - Three o ff icers fo r 19 58-59 school yea r o n T he purpo~e o f Alpha Gum rnn Is t o nlng teac hers were ge ne rall y ... oomnns. :' e · ap 8 I a kea Tuesday May 20 foste r Inter es t and Increase k nowl-

selected for teachh.1g pos itions •Mal!~r~~s~f~rlan - Tish Creek - Keat! ; , Fred - A ntigo'-- P ul aski Office~ for tho· commJng ycnr nro: edge for those who nre lnte ree ted In e lar ger school SJ.stems until Sturgeon Buy Pete rson. John - Cambria p res ident , George H a hne r , Wisconsin th e socia l science f ields beyond th e h:d com11 le ted l \l.O o ~ ?tore Ma rko. Leonnrd - Ste\·ens Point - nomnn, Geo rge - Ste\'ens Po int Rapids; vice-pr es ident.., Wtlll nm clnss room. ,\hove nvernge scbola.stle

r s uccess ful teaching m 8 ~ 1 Roman Francia - Stc\'e ns Point Gu elcher Wisconsi n Rapids · aec re- abili ty Is one of the requirements or

ler school. more a re now f!nd- 1 n r·;u1~:one - Ste\'e ns Point Sc he ur~ll. Robert - J\l nnltowoc - tary and tempora ry r eport~r . La d- memberHhlp . A three-point average ft J)oss lb le t p obtain posi tions ~ 0

_ WCfft Allis Senlcee dlo Ze llinge r, Phllllps; and treasJre, In t he major or minor In the soc ia l Y slied scho~1 system for th ei r • Mo nte Ge nevie ve - Wa uBatr - Smi t h . Ge ra ld ine - Mars hfie ld Robe rt Hanes, Amherst Junc tion . science field o r a two-poin t. overa ll posi tion . The Improve ment In Sh~boygan Trem el. James· - Wausau Past president a n<l (.. vice-pres iden t nverage 18 r equired . . rog ra m of th e pre paro.t:on °~ Nottl ema.n J a nia _ Sbnwano _ Whites ide, Donald - Stc\·ens Point were, r espective ly, George Hahner Students Inte rested Jn flU.n,c ap.

ens, more car eful screen ng O

• Green· Day - Gr ad . School ,and Robert Priellpp. r.llcntJon du r in g Sep te mber will !Ind b en tering the profeBSlon, and • Pe ronto Archie _ Mad ison _ Wlellnsky, Ronald - Wautoma James Drlselde n r e ported on mem- the consti tution or the organization a::;P:~l~~~e, :;at~~!:; nni°d :a~ Grad . School . Marsbti eld beQ!~l p certl tlcates, which be said on the Alpha Gamma bulle tin board .

.. THE POINTER May 29, 19·

Logging at Lagmore ~FAMiLISARSSF~ACSESsmm]~· m~,:~:b~~f:~~::.';:~;~~~~·::~ .. ~~lh~ (The tollowlng. n copy or llu• l lh ,ee yen,s he mnde the All-Co

graduation nddress dell\·ered by SiaScfi lntrnmurnl softbal l tenm - ~ssssssssss~ssussn:sss:u;s,"'" terence ten m. Ho hns l)lnyed tw Phln\us T. L agmore. Prceldcnt or has a record or two wins nnd one With n-.;..hlt of bribery, we were at the hcn d of the class - this years on tho Pol~1 ter baskethal Lagmore Debind lustltutc. to th~ Jmss. Credit tor th e firs t win goes nble to claim Chnrlolle Buggs as tim e ni. 1,, the teache r. She e njoyed team. The extra time he has la d 1 ctus or 1958 , Is the Inst of th e to Jerry "Swh•elar 111 ·· Kudla who11e this week's familiar fnce. \\'Ith her her orr-cnm1rnk teaching nt Rosholt voted to belonging lo lhe Newrna Logging al Lagmore nrllclcs.) unorthodox llltchlng stance;. and vivacity. she has con trib uted m·ore but s tlll trembles l\•he n she thlnka nnd "S" Clubs. He also kee11s bus

"True to Lugmore 's tradition of so·lc (pack to batte r . Jlitchlng than her share to tho 11.rnn:r extra- of the f,"' .H.A. •banquet. The re s he on u part-limo Job. waltln,: until the last mom ent to through thf" kn ees. Take!! hlg aim c urr lculnr ncth·lties both in high .i::n,·e a 1weech berore eighty mothe rs As )·uu cnn well ~er, G1•ul'J: .. b find a commencement s1umker. I· from the re flection or homeplate In school an d colleJ::C. and dnu~hters ! been ,•e ry active during his cull~g 1 am h111l1>Y to thnnk the mt!.mbc~ or th e second hase mau·s eyeis) com- At P. J. Jatohs High School. Char Even with nil •these activities. days. He tru ly bati been an out th e Senior Class for settll n~ on me pletely de moralized the 011 poslng 11howed her avid interest In lll)Orts Char round tim e to work ns a ,ec- etandl ng exam)) IO ot what n colh·,: as their choice. Hmn.1,·e r. enough to team. Tho outfie ld was nea tly c losed by being acth·e In "the Catali na rctnry for the Recrea tion Oe i,nrt- stude nt ehould got ou t ot eduentlo the appctltcrs. and on with the by i1hecr ma!l!I. The lack or Ol)llO!il- (s wimming) -Club. c hee r ing us a me ut. This s ummer s he 11la 11 11 to besides a lot of rncts. PrCscutly 1 main course. lion In th e 11eco115,I game e liminates Pe1> Club m e mbe r. a nd serving 8R continue worki ng there, and th en. Ooorge Is single, willing, but 1

To a ll ,·ou 1u·oud 1mN•nt .. , broth- .any 11 e(>d or mention here. We won't Jlresldent of G.A.A. Like e ,·e ry whe n most or us are re turning to Ing . His future 11lana Included

ers. ehtte rs. wives. hu!lhands. aunts. mention the third game elthn. other classmate. one of her biggest CSC. Char will le11,•e hom e for towards completing a !\laste r 's d uncles. and other honored gue~t.s . u The ouuuandlng social e ,·ent of thrills was when the Panther team Wes t Salem - th e site of· he r g ree In phy81cal e du cation and the welco me. You ha,·e c,•ery rl,:ht to th e year, The SiaSefl S11rlng Formal , won th e state basketball tourna- e le ,·eo month vocational job. looking fo r a teaching ond conchln be proud of your 10,·ed ones who took place the 2Hh al th e h ·erson llll!nl. Though It was a dark. rainy day Job. will r eceive their de~ree todn)". Ballroom. We are 11roud to retlort F'rl e nds. Romans. nnd Countr,·- whe n Char first come to CSC we 1,------------.1 Thei have earned It!!! { In more a successful ~al hcrlnl{. Low point men. did_ you know Char Is a for- ho)le It will be a bright ttn1111y day ways than one. ) · In the afternoon came during a mer Latin Club mem be r ? Besides whe n she start8 011 her chosen ,•o-

To all you studenLH. wh o for a 1:1evere attack of g rcut thirst fo llow- lhl11 organization she was n Orn- cation. Al leas t It will be ror a ll l)erlod o f tour years have !!trui,;gled ing a slei;::e of tec hni ca l diffi cultl e11. matte Club me mbe r nnd, a ltho ugh tho11e who get to know her!

Roving Reporter By

Francine Townsend lo reach this day, I offer you my A telegram wns quickly despn tchecl s he IH~\·e r mad e he r stage de but, This Wl'<' k '" st• ulor rmnlllnr f111·1• congratulations and s incere best and North Central Airlines fl e w In s he was 11lwnye thoro on opcnln~ ·will be bock with us next year. Ho wish es. It bas been a long, tou gh :i gai, ex pe rt on a special flight . He night - e ither sen •lt1g ne an ush e r is J im Rlchnrd15 from Gresham, '------------1 road, and you ba,·e co,·ered It well. did his work quickly and we ll amid or rushing madly about back stage Wisconsi n - Is t he re any place lt Is j ust about tha t limo agal

How eve r. tbat Is not what I th e "Huzzahs .. or those assembled as a crew membe r. Partlcl1>atlng lo else? wh e n school Is out once more, .an really want to talk atiout. l'\o. I am and Joy a,:;nln reigned SU J)re me. Oreb 8 18 and all Its prog ram11. took Jim graduated from Gresham everyone Is g loomy and depressed c going to speak to a ,·c ry select The nun uul :-oflbtdl ,:nnw was 11 11 he r SJ)are (?) time. High School in .1953. In high It could be th a t now eve ryone h group who J know Is sitting in th e much hinde red by showers al te r- schoo l his acth·ltles Included : bas- give n Ul> th e Joys ot schoo l an a udience today. This grou11 Is nat ing with downt1ours . Ou r adml- ketball, ba15e ball , cho rus, band, a nd goes out and works. Then llgnln. J mor commonly known about th e ration for th ese l11tre1>id so ul s who drama t ics. Just might be the te8 ts . which har cami)Us 08 the ··1 11tellec tual 11et:· so me how found l he courage lo T Ii e fllll or 11ma fo un d Ji m 11 t been s neakin g up so fn11t. And mny the "radicals,'· "non-conformlsu,:· piny ·In 111,lte o f the Inclement CSC. Unfo rtunate ly, the 8umm e r ot be It could be the Iden of a who! o r "Individualists.·· weather knows no bounds. 1955 Jim con tacted 1101!0, an d was eummer ahead, with no 8 o'cloc

Four years ago. you came he re Other athletics during the day unable to return to college. How- classes, te rm papers. a nd Thursda and Immediately you set your- In cluded sa5=k races and Bingo. The ever , he didn't "gh•e up the shli>" nig hts al the "Union." seh•es up In a g roup a1>art from th e se,·eral winners In these e,·ents and was only out or schoo l a year. A fe w i,t udl'nls lm,·e s iK•n1 al I real. You were agaln11t th e mnjorll)·. were awarded appropriate gi fts O~hats are off to you for your l'it' llll'i-ter 1>lnunlng thei r summe e ,·en tr it was Just to be dlffereut. which we know will beco me treas- tre1 e ndous comeback, Jim! ve ry ca refu lly. so as to make th

u your rrlt•nds wt·rr un 11 1111- ured momentos o f the day. W lie a t CSC. Jim 1>layed on the most o r it. Hero Is what they cam ,wci111 group. you we re also. You As darkness fell. accompanied by varsl Y basketball team. wo15 1net1l- Ufl with wh e n naked. "WHAT AR had to find recognition. and th e more rnin, the grou11 repa ired In- dent o f his sophomore class ( 1954- YOU COING TO DO T HI S SU~! on ly way you co u ld do IL was to doors nnd e njoye d a hearty r e past 55), be lo nged to Newman C lub , a nd MER ?"

{~~a;1~e~\~~t t~:is"~;~~:~:t:~i~hs~~;~ of A~·~:;1ersth: nd ~:~:~le\he SlaSe fl ~~=e ~1:~~s s un g with /the Me 11 ·11 Gruel' $011111U'rs: " Work a t Lak

hor~e and buggy. and th e only rem - Chamber '.\tuslc Society entertained J im 11lans to IJe married t hi s ~oe.°e::.hil:.1~~ forget a bout $Choo

nant.s are a psuedo-grou11 011erntln~ with ise\·era l numbers which we re s um me r on June 21 a nd establish

un~:~e~h~t 0~!111

:a~~e-~iatters or stu- ~·e1~mre~:\~:~d a1:aln won th e Best ;::~~:~e e!1~plo~~:~~9

:i~lntbe H~~ ~::';::, ~:·1:: •:,:sk/·l~~~::··slee11 an 1

dent go,•ernment a nJ policy, you Dressed :O.lnn award. Nice going Charlott• Buggi WSPT. After he g raduates at tho rec u1>erate from a year at school." had no time for it. You we re too Jim. · Wh e ne ,·e r things got bleak In e nd or next semester. Jim wlll odd Lo uise Anderson: " Tr)' sumrne bu i,iy trying to J)Ut 011 the good Those n re lhe e,·en ts 1111 until sc hool , Char would h1we only to his talents to th e teaching l)ro- echool. a nd for t he r emainder o front of a 11ho11y. about 10:00 11.m. We s hall end think or that g lorious week ahead fcss lo n - Inte rmediate leve l. Uelll the summer , n li ttl e work. an

When your fellow c las~mrnlPS here so :u~ not to cause unnecessa ry 11t a cott age in · Waupaca. Each or luck! lots or loafing:· we re goi n~ to tormals. a thleti c e mbarrassme nt and to avoid any s ummer she and he r fri ends would Iknnls lfr,:t•rl: ''P iny bnscbnl! e vent.':4, concerts, or other ,;oclul s lander s uits. · Stlend u wee k there havlng a good work on co nstruction, and jus fun ct lo1111 hero ou cam11us, you wcr We are looklng forward to next t ime and "eating crackers." (No hn,•e a lot of fun:· too btts)' s lttin.-; at th feet of th e yea r. one cou ld cook!) Alice Ho1t1w: "Cnst aside m leaders of your ~rou1•: too htt!I)' "It mined nil the first week:· worries and have a good time. l trying to be what you an··n·t. to I),. Annual . " S" Club Picnic said Char when i1 he recalled he r Chicago I ho11e!" wh:it you s hould be and to ~ct a first daye at CSC. Although these nn,·l' Schill: l ' m going to stud good ed1!c11t1011 . · , Usual Sedate Affair rlrst fe w days were rathe r dork. - the bird8 nn,d the hoes." )

l\lnn)' n r th,· 1wo1,1t· i. ,,,... ut l,i,;.:- Tiu· :rn nunl "S" Club picn ic was s he soo n brightene d them with her \\'n>·1•1e Kumm : "\Vork nt

m or 1• were fooled by your front. I held at Iverson Pnrk on Monday, numerous • activities. Since s he had filling station. filth a nd bunL su 11pose most or them would go on :'\lay 19. The food committee did cho11c n Home Ee . ns her majo r . It ( Hunt? With no hunting season!) thinking that you wern real, nnd a fine Jo b In s upplying some 50 wni,m'l long f)efore s he wns going Anne tt e Gosh : " If I have t im arte r th e>· ha d left here. tliey athletes with hnr-b-que. chocolate to Home Ee. ·Club meeti ngs. That bet.wee n s tud ies nud work, I a would s1>read the word about th e milk. notato chl1HJ, and the rest o f sa me year she Jll edge d Omega J\lu going to try to get n moon tan: · "Individualists.. or "thin ke rs" ( I the things necessa ry In making a nic- Chi sorority. If noth ing e lse as n Unn) Hcckt·r: "'Spe nd the su think maybe stinkers would be a nlc complete. LaVern Luebs torr 11ledge. s he lea rn ed the art or me r cu rin g a n ulcer:· be tt eT word) that we re me mbe rs o f brought a Jnr o f ants along. cause :is forgery when her pledge date re- rl c~:~~ Diu·ls: "Ummm - gel ma th ei r graduating class. Howe ,·e r. J he Hald . "What '11 a picnic without fu sed to write the necessary ac-hope th ey will no longer labor un- ants?" count (This couldn't have been It looks like everyone Is 1,:0! d e r thl.s dange roue illusion . The bar-b-que wa11 11repared by Jac k!). Many of he r bee t limes In l o have an e xciting 8ummer. Here

r~ you are what you prete nd to chief-chefs J lgg11 Meuret and Jack collego came us an Omeg during hoping you wil l hn,•o a wond er! he . what a re you doing at this Blos11e r. It w:lJt.JJ.u 11posed to teed 150 ho mecom ing. One partlcul11r incl- G•o•g• Romo" tim e


g raduation excerclse? · You are con- 11eople. hut It bolled down to enough de nt s he'll nev e r forget was when 'l' hc• 1111111 who cllnuu.:c~ o ur rlnul See yo u next year. forming to th e rule of tho majorlt)·. lo reed 50 o r less. "Cheap ham bu r- s he and l\1Jry J o got u1> at 4: 00 lssm• Is a fellow kn own to mo11t as you know. For four year11, )'O u have ge r! " was the chefe' only comment. a.m. On a cold, cold morning to Geor ge Edwnrd Roman . George, or Som e unin formed J>Cn.011 h defied th is rule. Now that It has Some of the Ingredients used In ma k- fin ish decorations on a float anrt "Blutto·· was born at St. Mary 's made tbe sca thing rema rk tb come down to the final wire all Ing th is specia l ba r-b-que were left fo und themselves a committee o f Hospital on May 3, 1934 In th e ci ty everyone doeen't road the n orl

:~~r c::~fe~0curhedre;~:: nn:11 to~~=!~:~;e~el::~!!:~~ ~:~l~n:!a\bheat it la:::d th~: r e~~I: J:~ ~f0~~;u:::k ~~l~~:~=~~~:e,irs~~n=I~~ !l::t::·yo:!t~~~I!~ 1 s~~fl 0n11d!!I cloak or ··pbonyism" which you and onions. The chefs' said. "We as lntersororlty represen tat ive In whe re he lived un til In eigh th grade. to prove th ey do. It you don 't re have bidden behind Is s trial11ed ha,·e a limited budget and have to use he r Junior year. Then she was U11on comJ)le tln g h ie 11rlmary cdu- this bit of Journalistic wlsd from you. once and for always. what we can get." e lected. president of ·Intcrso rorlty cation, Geo rge mo\'Cd to Stevens dro11 a note Into the Poin te r was

So mntt c r ,the re , ·uu 1.:o. what Th~ hlghllJ,tht o r Lht• ,•,•cu ing wns Con nell a nd thei r Stud en t Cou ncil Point along with his da d , mothe r , luu1ket; If you do r e11d It, do yo u turn out to he. or try to he. lhl' tu1,:-of-wnr o,·e r the Plover rive r . repr eeentntlve. Realiz ing he r value and two brothers. f,~rnnk and Dave. bothe r . remember this. When you're brag- It was th e und e rc lassmen agalnet as a n officer, th e Student Couilcll A new addition, M11rllyn Ro man, Now that all doubts on that glng abou t your "lndlvldualli1tle" the Junlor11 and seniors. The under- eoo n made her ,..1>ress~re1nesentatlve. was ad ded shortl y, and Is now seven coun t are sett led; WHAT A college days. don't forget to t e ll claesmen niaklng good use of a tree With an added Inte rest in basket- yea rs old. YOU COM ING BACK TO SCI! them t hat you wore a caJl and for anchor won the first of three ball, Cha r Journeyed out to Kansas Ururgr gr1ulu11tt•cl from 1•. ,I . Ji"OR? gown and weot to commencement tugs. Only one uppe r class letterman City for t he big tournament last Jncobs Hig h Schoo l aS one o f Its Neb Werner : I might as • exe rcise. the same as the "real got wet , Ron Hoenlsch. Coach Rieb yea r. With a ca r full o f girls, s he top seniors. He had r eceh•ed seven finish my last semest e r. s tudent.a." )larko then took the "Vele" o ff to left Point at 7 :0 0 p.m. and d r ove athl etic letter awa rds In the follow- ,Jnym e Neh ring : ( have notb"

Pblnlus T. ~more, President. the side and gave an Inspiring pep s traight t hro ug h till 11 :0 0 a.m. Ex- Ing sports: football, a three-yea r e l11o to do. talk. ~le said, "You lilly-livered ao hauste d but full o f enth uelam, they lette r ea rn e r and making the All- Unrrcll )to nk : Women?

• and ~o .~ b!tter s hape up or we'll n il were Just In time fo r th e aecond Con feren ce team his last yea r; bas- l ,ounnn AlmonHon: So I , Annual Pointer Banquet drown Ve ry determined afte r this game - which unfortunate ly, ketbu ll , being n two-year rnnn. a nd gradua te aome llmo (I The an nual l'o lnln bunquel was ~:s:iring talk a nd with Tank Luedtke Poln~ lost. (natu ra ll y they wo n the tinnily busehnll where he ' nlao Wc rmir Wc.rr1be.~g : To see -.,,

held on May 2:?, at th e Hot Fish ncbor the upper cla88men pulled first ) e11 rned two letters In both basket- now cro1, o f freshm e n girls. Shop Awards were presented to ~~e ro~kle~

1 mto the drink It was This year Charlotte has encoun- b.a ll and footba ll his e~nlor year, Mnrllyn Lunu,ye: NothlnA' ,~

etafr members by Cliff Haas Don- e ap ece - te rc d many ne w ex1lerle nces - George wo11 v-0ted Most•Valu ob lo bette r to do na Mueller, and !\Ir. Dlakesle;

1 Tht-11 ca me the fhm l, 22 men s train- most of them enjoyable He r slay Player by h ill coach and team mutes. l tobert F'i• llc nz : To ottemvt

Mr. Blakes lee ga\e a tarcw 11

°1g on each side or the Plover River at t he Home Ee House proved to He also sang In the Men's Glee fi nish my 4th year.

talk on the future poaslblhtles : f :f~hrD;n Danie la~? acting ~s.~efe ree be loads o f fun eve n though she Club 1111d c hurch choi r Mnrtlm Wruc:.k : I may no t the Pointer Mary Jo Dugg11 re- Inc: h any g r~at k heave-hos the 14 claims she had ne ver cooked berore Arter f'o11111 h•tlng hlp:h srhool, Do n K octkc· I'm c razy · tbt tiring edl t~r thanke d the 'stntr ay rope HO e. sp rawling letter- As luck would have It, Bhe was George en te red the Unlvere ity or why . ' membera fo~ their coo11erat1on ::; t~end ~:~:t~~dre!g:~nt!:tc~~:!~ oil ::1er c~o khlth e ~flgh]Pres/dett dH;n- goicundo on n football scho la rshlp. A;ulren Jo:kthd1I : 'Co use 1 Ii throughout the year th

11 n n an 8 w e re nv te o r eorge decided to trnnsf~ r back lo 11c hoo1 •

Clltt Haas will be th e new editor ;\'~~tg~n~ dct,erml1111Llo11 th e up., ~!~~l:r a lfve~yth l~: at~I gt~ng ex- Steven: POlnl t ho nexl fa ll . how- ,Jo hn 1.okc m <H!n : I 'd he and Bill Hull will re place him aa perclassmen pulled each and e,er out ~ I Y moo• n ey ran ter, ecouae o r a cha nge o r 1>1111111 not to fi nish my los t year.

business manage r "rookie" Into the c reek for the ,.1[. one °wa1t:d c;~~:~tly o;:,c/'e;~n ~';~~= ;eor~~ l11m~o;ewfl~!~s ~~a:r~~:',~ llk~.r:•h!~;oto : Habit. 1 alw11rs

Patronize Pointer Advertisers

tory. The defeated crews only com- utes while the girl acting aa maid g r aduati ng with a history major It · 1 J 111 1 ment w:is, "Walt till next yea r !" ran downstairs, opened the freezer, and phyelcal education a seems ns r t.he ma or.

A softba ll game, and a seranad e at grabbed the Ice c ream and daehed raph I nd geog- CSC studenljj will be bPC'k 1n Nelson Hall ended a tine evening for back upstalre Saved ' ' n Y 1m

0,°;8· - J>Ureult or highe r e ducatio11 the lettermen. The month · or ro'und Cha r Geo;;/:8~1~ ~~": ~~g~:;"o'ot~r:~ !:~10:~poslte sex. Have a 11l('f

. fay 29, 1958 THE POINTER

FROM THE SIDELINES Pointers Outdistanced in Oshkosh Track Meet

Oshkoah State won their tenth straight track meet and m ad e short

.\no ther s choo l )'t•ttr b t"u,s l111,t by Season's record: work or CSC and White water In a along with a nother year of sports Lacrosse 100 2/ 3, CSC 30 1/ 3. trlau g ula r meet h e ld at Oahkos b on

a .1t CSC. Although th is )'ear wasn 't Osh kosh 71 ¥.t, R l11o n . 6311.t ·. Saturday morning al 9:30 a.m. on 1s too producth•e "Championshl11wlse" Law re nce 581h. CSC 26 Y.t. May 17 . The Oshkos h Titans plied

for the Pointe r t eams they did pro- CSC 78. St. Korbcrts 57 , Lake- up 89 1/ 6 points and White wa te r col-\'lde some exciting moments. I think land 28. Jected 4 I points for second place.

-g 11 Is approplate tha t the seasOn be Oshko11h 9:!. CSC 39. The Pointers managed 315/ 6 t o trail J l re\·lewed at th is time. Wi nona 84 % . CSC 651,i, Rh•e r In th e scoring column. J: r'OOTBALL: Falls 47%. Eau Clai re 20¥.t. CSC was left without a firs t pince o The Polntcni fi n ished with a 3-<I Oshkosh 8!1 1/ 6. Whitewater In e\·ery e\·ent exce1,t the f)Ole ~aul t . I>· o,·e rall r ecord and a 2-4 confere nce 41, CSC 3 1. Don Rysk os k l wound up In a thr ee it reco d with tbe non-confe r ence tilt Lacrosse 641h. l\lllwnukee way tie fo r firs t place with Larry

,, De loit bei ng cancelled he- 621,i, 011hkosh 67 5/ 6 . Brunet and Jein Pete rson both of l'nuse of th e flu. The blghllght11 of Whitewa te r 25. River Falls Os hkos h.

e the season Included th e picking of 9 1/ 3, CSC 6. The schoo l low hurdle r eco rd set In n Ro n Hoenlscb and Geo rge Roman TENNIS: 19<19 by Tom Curry was broken by

to the All-Confe~e nce sq uad alo ng .·\ frw ur l h t· br11 , .... o nt•:,,i clo nn<'d Jl ggs l\teuret. The old tlm_e of 25.6 wi th the 44-0 trounci ng the Poi nte rs l<' mi l:,,i i- ho rl ... 111 an atte mait to es- sesonds was lowe red to 2a.3. Dic k gtl\'e Milwau kee. Although th e tabll:sh tennis he re at CSC. This Is Ri ce also sailed In unde r the r ecor d Poin te rs finished with a 24 <1 co n- th e way they came out: In 25.5 but failed to pJace. The ferc nce mark they were second to Whi tewate r !I CSC record breaking tim e was only good Milwaukee ln scoring, but were Oshkosh 8 CSC enough fo r thi rd place as Roome of the wont team In the lengu.e de- Oshkosh 11 CSC Oshkosh set a new Oshkosh reco rd fe nslvely. Pointer ho m eco min g fnns LaCrosius Jj Ea u Claire. 1 wi t h a time ot 24 : 8.

won't torg~t th e exci ting ga me In Yo u ca n see b}' looking at the Rice nlso placed third In the high Th r .. of CSC'i "old time" fi refight•n or• 1ho...:n her• 0 1 they or• f1ghllng an .acre of


I which t he Pointe rs los t to Rll'e r reco rd that th e Pointer tea ms hu rdles . Dick Wendel took a close fire for o Stot• ConHrvotion Deportment fllm. Fa lls 18-14 In th e fadin g moments d ldn ·t have winnin g season 's exceJlt second In the mile for his best time --------------:---:----:---:--:------

of the g~me either . for th e basketball a nd baseball or the year. Po"1nters Plac'e - Last n"u·mbceo,••.,lohdltl,n wRltBbr s, .w. Ith 13 and Seasons record : teams. but theae two sti ll t ell short Fritz Kestl~ wllS Just nipped In th e .

CSC Opposition of winning any chami,lonshlps 44 0 with u :, l : 2, a r eco rd . Kes Uy Lacrosse again placed as Wis- In the pitchi ng departmen t J im 20 6 Sports he re at CSC ha\'e brlgh~ was clocked at 51:3. Meuret finis h- consln State Coll ege Coote re nce Hoffman w1111 t he big g un as h e 20 Pla(te vllle 26 prospects thou g h with none of th e ed fourth In this event. Jim Kiefert Cham11lons by nl11J)lng U. ot Wis. won t hree games a nd lost one. H e 1 2 W hite wate r 25 t eams losing too much . The bulk or ma naged a second In his specia lty of MIiwau kee by a 64 1/ 3 to G21n s truck out 43 ba tters w hile wa lking 12 Osh kosh 20 Inst yea r' s football team will be th e 880 finis hing behind Keland o f sl'ore. Oshkos h State finished third only 11 In the 30 Innings tha t he 44 MIiwaukee O back led by Ron Hoe nl sc b ... Big ~hltewa~. George Fledo rowltz and wltb 57 5/6. F'ourth 11lace wen t to pitched. Paul Boehmer stru ck out 14 River Falls 18 Geo rge·· will be missed In the line Ke n Simo~ finished third and fourth White wa te r with 25 l)Olnts, Rh·c r 17 me n In bis 18 Innings as he com-

7 Eau Claire 6 thou g h. Pritz Kestly Is the o nly In their events. r~nlls fifth with 9 1/ 3 poi nts. The piled a 2 - 2 record for the year . BASKETBALL: major g ra duate trom th e basketball Steady Harold Ba lll a rgeon pounded ))lucky Pointe rs brought u11 t ile tall T h e tenm, me n who le. had a n ifty -

The har dcourt boy& finis hed with tea m a nd with th e return or Jimmy out second In the two mile g r ind. With 6 J)o ln ts. 1'he meet was he ld .33 5 batti ng average for the t welve a 14-7 overall record and a 7-5 Marko and Bob Johnson along with Mark Bandow tossed th e 16 po~unde r a t La Cross on Satu rda y, May 24. games. They hnd 125 bi ts In 373 conference mar k for a ti e for third ho ldo\·e rs Jack Kru ll , La Ve rn Le ub· over <IO feet fo r a thl>rd p lace. Ko~tke T h Pol11te r11 who 11laced we re times nt bat . The pi tchers struck l)lace . The highlight o r th e season s to rr. and Sammy Sampson, i>lu s n and Johnson . both I olnterK. tied tor Don Ryskowskl who t ied for 8ec- out 111 o1>1>one u ts In tho 86 inn ings

11 was p robably Jack Krulrs sco rin g good bench th e Pointers may wind fourth In high Jum11. o nd In the 1mle vault at 12 feet : a ud allowed 4 1 e ne my runs to cross of . 37 points, aga inst White wa te r , up in Kansas Ci ty agai n ·LaV e rn Luebstorr took a third In Fritz. Kestly who took 3 rlfth In the 1,lnte. for a ne w school record. La Vern For thos.e ur ) 'OU who· h m ·1• lx-e n the di sc us. The winning di s ta nce was th e 44 0: ;\la rk 13audow 11lnced This Is a list or the leading bitten

o Luebstorf was th e only Pointer to f<.1 1owlr11,: t he nutJor leug ut• ruce~ a 143-foot toss. fift h In the shot pu t with a -12' 11 .. o n the te~ m for the season a nd a run gai n All-Confer ence honors ... L.u e b .. a nd ha ,•e noted that Stan Muslai r .. ritz Kes tly also took a third In toss. The Pointer re lny tea m placed down of the Jilli ,1ing r ecord& t lnlsbed seve?th In the leag ue scor- hns reached the 3000 hit mar k , a nd the broad Jump. The CSC re lay team fifth nnd was co ml)O&ed of Jl ggM . "' · I ng race with Krull taking th o ha \·e wond e red how he s ta nds In conwosed of Jlggs Me ur! l, Ken Sim- l\l e uret . F r itz l< estly, Ke n Simons, BATTERS AB R PCT.

1 ninth sp~t . ' comparison with othe rs. thi s Is on, Gnry Dorn. a nd Fritz Kes tly, nnd Gary Dorn . Busse 34 17 .500 Seasons r eco rd : how he s tood at the begin n ing ot tlnl 11hed second to round out the Two sta te records wer e brok en at Cole 44 8 . -1 32

CSC 011posilion th e season: pointe r sco rin g . t hi s meet; Dick Pam irnch or La· Roman , F . .429 96 Northland 73 Ty Cobb ...... .. ........... 4 .191 CrosKe hurl ed the jn\·eli11 · 191 · 11 ·· Ro man . O. .364 79 Milton 66 Cap Anson ... .. .... 3,524 Hail the Chirping Five! to break th e J)re\'lo us co nfe re nce Pease .350

100 Lake land 77 Tris s i,enke r ............ 3.5l5 CSC':,,i littt•:,,i l b lesJ;Jed t' \'en t a r r l\•ed record of 184 fee l. The record hns ~::;~isch 39

.333 78 St. Norbe rts 89 Ho nu s \\'ngner ........ 3.430 nlmost unnoti ced several wee ks ago stood si nce 19<.?9. .• ·308

:! ~~~~r~t~::e ~~ ~~ileL~~~~n~ ............. ~::! ~ ~~ ~~e 17t~~!h n~~~:t [~raen e::a puen ~: ::~1; llt~l:1d c;~;~~l ~:c::d ~~h ~~;1.1 ~;~~ ;;~~~~!n ~~ ~ :~~! ii ~~~11

~ ~:ud ~~ ;~~~: ;~~8


::; ;:!~; ;;::~~ d;~~ ~~~o a::i8va~~1\.:;; r~,~; ;~\~ caon~~:~e~f t~!

6 P!~1~~e! !~~1~1~=~ ~~~~~:·: Reco:d

1 1


L02s9; 76 Ripon i O The way Stan is goi ng he should bnb>· robins whose mot her hnd se lect- tltion for tl1 e senso n. Boe hmer 3

62 ~~::ros~alls ~; he close to t he 3. 150 mark ::it the ed t he 1,recnrlous corner or the fire Homa n. D.

85 S upe ri o r i8 ::~~\?~i ·sw h~ll(:;a\'~tl1\~~ l~~IY;~~o s~:: :~:::egl:e:l~l~d :;r ~1: :


0:~; ~~; Diamond Dazzlers ~-:~~1/cs

76 PlntlC\·ill e 87 mnrk are: zoo logy students with so me s u r pri se. Xow that th e 19 58 b:iseba ll sea· Shafrauskl 71 Great La kes 70 l\llckc)' Vernon ( -10) 2370 Si nce t he eggs ha d tlrst been noticed son Is O\'e r t he time has com e for 88 Mllwaukeo 91 Ted WIiiiams (3 9) 235! by th e \'arlo us c lasses. so much bu- a loo k at th e lndi \'l du a l sta nd o uts 80 Whitewa te r 71 EnOH Sl:rn~htc r (-12) 2321 ma n Inte rest and c uriosity had been o f th e season. Track Letters Announced 93 Stout 8 6 Red Schoendlcnst ( 35) 2200 exp ressed with the OI)Cnlng o f th e exit J)lf'k B u:-,-1· wn .. -i lh<' lf•nm s lending 69 Oshkos h 9 4 Pee Wee Heese (3S) 2 13 7 door , thnt It was a wo nde r he r lady- hlfl 1•r with 17 hlt11 in 34 t imes nt Coac h Ge ne Ilrod hagen has a n-87 Platteville 90 Ot he rs who sho uld renc h 2000 sbiJ) didn't move to less obs truslve bat for a coo l .500 ba ttin g a ve rnge. noun ced his list of e leven t rack let-

Individual Season Sco ring: this year are De l E nnis (32) 1952 s urro undings. Out . desJ)l te cu r ious It he wou ld hit like t ha t In the te r winn e rs.

K r ull 1~~ :;: 3~~ ~~~ r:1:~~e ;~i:~:u:n t~~ )o~

1!~s 1 !7t

2h :;:f:i: ~r~ ~~e ~~1tr:c~·:ru~:~~~rr:; - :~o~~=~:;e:'c,,r w~~ui~/~::t~!; ~t~e~ la r:::~ ~:enF~~=k~::i'.yLaH;;:~dL~~t Lue bs torf 131 89 351 h ig h h it totals who should set the biologists now Is ho w th e young Next In li ne was Phil Cole with n s to r f , Jlggs Me uret. Ma rk Bandow. Sampson 103 34 240 quite n mark betore t hey retire. little thin gs are e\·er go in g to s urvive .43 2 average com1>lles of 19 hits In Nell J ohnson , Jim K ie fe rt , Dick f\lce, Kestly 7 1 52 19-1 They a re: when they are compelled to learn to H times a t bat. Ousse sco re d th e Dave Weude l, a nd Geo rge Fledoro-Sekel 58 39 155 Ca rl Furl I lo ( 36) 176 2 fly o ff the fire escape - who k nows? most run s with • a g rand tota l or wlcz. Sroda 58 3-1 150 Andy Pn fkos ( 37) 1726 Kottk e 23 21 6J Al\tln Dark (3:i) 1717 Parr 20 19 59 Duk e Snider (32) 1609 Ristow 14 11 3!1 Yogi Be rn (33) 1598 Kubeny 8 3 19 Whitey Lockm an (32) 1590 Schmidtke 4 G 1-1 Gil Hodges (3-1) 152G Wilson 3 .8 14 Neille Fox (30) 152 4 Britte n 2 -1 8 (ages a re In 1mrenthesls) Fr Inell 3 7 F'r eemutb O O Me ndyk e O 0 Wllk.e o·


Many fans ha ve deba ted over wbo Is the better 1, layer Ted WIi­iiams or Stan Mus ia l . He re a r e their reco rds. you can Jud ge for >·ourself:

.1.:o:!:~' e b= ~n~ n;._.11~1;-'~~tils ~ea~N'~ ~~ Te'd W Iiiiams G 19<17, AB 6773,

didn't have" q uite 'enough 10 gain R 16 29, H 2352. 28 47 2, 38 69. the champloosbh1 The outsta nd ing HR 456. RBI 1639. Ave . . 350. ga mes of th e ae~so n we re th o 1-0 Stan Musia l G 2278 , AB 8686. oo-hltt e r Jim Hoffman won from H 1662, H 2957, 28 610, 38 165, P la tteville and the 24-0 drubbing HR 38 1, RBI 1572. Ave .. 340. or La wrence. Other outstanding young players

season's record : who may go down as a ll lime CSC Opposition g rea ts a re Han k Aa ron (2 -1). Eddie

5 Whit e wate r 3 Mathe ws (26) . Willi e Maya (27) , 9 White wa te r 12 a nd Mi ckey Ma ntle (26). Here are

14 Ripon 3 their r ecords to date: 24 Law re oce O Mantle G 952, AB 3418, R 763,

1 Platteville O H 1080, 28 164 . 38 49. HR 207, 4 Platteville 5 ROI 669. A,·e .. 316. 0 St. Norbe r t& Aaron G 579, AB 229 -1. R 387,

12 St. Norbe r UJ H 718, 20 125. 3B 35, HR 110. 1 Milwa ukee ROI 39!1, A\'e .. 3 13. 3 Milwaukee Mays G i62, AB 2899, H 53 1, 7 Os hkos h H 903, 28 128 . 30 63, HR 18i.

10 Oahkoab RBI 509 , A,·e .. 3 11. TRACK:

Tho t hJnclads we ren ' t. too l'IUC- H r.~~l2~e~~ Gt!~~- /rt ;;1°~·1: :~t

<'t"l'INfut either, but. s howed promise RBI 586, Ave . . 28 1.

~~~e; e~~eye:~u ~:~:r:~ :!: ~r'!:!'r p::; Th is e nds anothe r yea r and s ince yea r by establlahhtg a ne w acbool I must depart rrom th is lnatltut lon. r ecord In the 220 low hurdlea at I ' ll lea,•e th e sport.a desk to next 25.3. yea r 's apor u · editor, Jl ggs Meuret.

, Thh brood of robini ho1 been the center af lnterH t of th. llology deportment for obout the lod 5 weekt ~ af the fi r eKOpe• on the north Mete af th


e building. ~ •



Dr. Chang to Appear At California Meeting

Do •o u o ften wonder what your tac y does during the summer ! D . T . K . Chang Is teaching during

e aummer session ' and Is leaving S evens Point by car about Ju ly 30, tor Callrornln. Dr . Chang of the geography de partment wi ll read n pape r at the 54th annual mee ting ot the Association or American Ge­og raphers, Augusi 20, nt Snot.a Monica, Ca lifornia.

The llllo o r Dr. Ch nng·~ J)RJ)(' r wlll be "Olsperanl of Taro In Asia:· Taro is a rood plan t, pro babl)' one of the ea rli est domesticated by man In tropical Asia. In bis study, Dr. Chang uses linguistic e,·lde nce to trace the possible routes by which one form of t..b e plant spreads In Asia. As a food c rop It al one time auatalped the PoPulatlon of Sou th­east Aala, and la s tlll algoitlcant In certa1n parts of the region.

The A.AO Is one of the ::~~a:~r ge«::::.~~~na ~or pr o-


Campus Quips Bob Prl e llpp , g raduating senior,

hns m ain tai n ed a s trai g ht A aver­age wi th the excepllon or two B's which he received fro m Physical Ed ucation courses. Bob apo logized tor these marks by s ta ting, "I'm j us t a s low rope climber." . . . .

A CSC professor d ecide d the end of the semester was overdu e when n stud ent ask ed. "ls the final exam ltOIDI! t o .be obJ ectl o~able?~'

Frustration : Libra r ian when Conference Rooms A.RE In use.

TM Stote ConMrvottOn O.porlment c.omeromon i1 c.ought in the "oct'' while filming th, " of CSC'1 "old time" firefight•u.

llfay 29, 1958

H. W. Moeschler South Side





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he United Stntes radio s tations nd out the top tunes from morn­to night. People must be lis ten­to It. The "Billboard"' magazine

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there's a terrific revival towards the ~-----------' lt=C:a:'":":C:o:ll"=":&:U:":'o"=-=o:1:•:.0.:65=~ ta'dnncen•ent of J azz music today, l i

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Beehot and Martial Solo! , ecetved OF THE PEOPLE "Tery good." Thfs album includes IN THE ,ch aelections as "All The Things

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j ... ,nyles. me Jan reissues of albu ms a re ng out. These albums a re a ll mely good and are definitely

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ord collectlon. IL ___ .:::: ___________________ _J '-------...,.'<·~,---------------J

• THE POINTER May 29, 1958

1954 1958

Our Sincerest Congratulations to· the graduates of 1958. May

• ·\ success accompany you 1n . the years ahead.





/ .

