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Contents Introduction/Dear Rachel & Louise……………………………3

Barney and Alan…………………………………………………..5

Rebecca’s Drawings……………………………………………...7

Tuckman on TV……………………………………………………8

How Tuckman are My Inspiration………………………………9

The Twelve Days of Wicked……………………………………12

You Know You’re a Tuckmanian When……………………...14

Messages to Tuckman………………………………………….15

My “TuckPod”……………………………………………………16

The Wall of Words……………………………………………….17



Stories from Fans




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Dear Rachel and Louise... I am one of many “Tuckmanians” who would like to dedicate this fan-created

magazine to you. Rachel, you may remember me from Wicked Day 2011 when I gave

you the “We ♥ Tuckman” scrapbook. This is a similar project. I have asked several of

my fellow Tuckmanians to write messages for you, which will be throughout the

magazine. I have also included my own story for you, which was part of a competition

for college, where you had to write about someone who is an inspiration. Other things

included in the magazine include:

The “Wall of Words”


Fan stories from people who have met you and/or seen you in Wicked

A tribute to Barney and Alan

You Know You’re A Tuckmanian When…

…and much, much more!

I really hope you enjoy reading this magazine. I have included everyone’s Twitter

usernames, so you can personally thank them when you have the chance.

It’s always a pleasure, not just for me, but for all of us, to come to see you in Wicked

and even talk to you afterwards as you are both really lovely people as well as truly

amazing performers. You have a very strong friendship, both on and off stage and it

clearly shows during performances. Nearly every time I hear you two sing “For Good”,

it makes me cry, because I can see your close bond during the performance.

Rachel, congratulations on extending your contract into 2012, and I may come down

to see you in Wicked sometime in the year!

Louise, I’m really upset that I didn’t get to see you on Wicked Day as I was really

looking forward to meeting you. I will really miss you when you leave on 10th

December, but I wish you good luck in the future. This certainly isn’t the end of

Tuckman. Tuckman is forever!

Hoping you enjoy the magazine, as well as Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year for


Gemma “GéZ” Dwarwood (@songsinabox on Twitter)

Tuckmanian and Proud!!!

And all of my fellow Tuckmanians who contributed to this magazine.

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Nikki’s Story

In August I went to London for

three days it was mainly to go

and see Rachel and Louise in

Wicked, I’d spent the two months

before hand hoping and praying

that Tuckman would be on for

the evening performance and I

wasn’t disappointed!! I was over

the moon when I found out that

they were on. The whole show

was amazing as always, I had the biggest grin on my face

throughout the whole show and it didn’t stop for the rest of my time

in London. After the show I dragged my parents to the stage door

to see the cast (I wouldn’t go back to the hotel if I didn’t get to go to

the stage door he-he) what an amazing and lovely experience that

was, loved every minute of it!! Rach and Lou were so lovely and

amazing to everyone at the stage door, taking their time, talking,

having photos with fans and signing autographs, just amazing. I

spent the rest of my time in London buzzing about my fabulous

night at Wicked. I don’t get to

go to London very much so

those 3 days were amazing

and Tuckman made it more



Nikki Hayes

(@Nikki_Jayne on Twitter)

Page 5: Tuckmania


Barney and Alan This little section isn’t dedicated to Rachel and Louise, but to their dogs!

Barney (short for Barnaby) is a Jack Russell belonging to Rachel and her husband

Guy. He is 1 year old and his birthday is 7th June. Rachel

regularly posts videos of him to her

YouTube channel (msbarneyboy1), and

if you’ve seen those videos, you would

be able to tell that Barney is quite a

mischevious little fellow, but a lovable

one all the same.

Quite a lot of us were worried when

Barney got lost at Penge East Station in

May this year, but thankfully he was found a day later. This

actually later became a book made by several Tuckmanians,

called “The Adventures of Barney Tucker” in which they wrote

about Barney’s adventures while he was lost. These fans gave the book to Rachel

when they saw her, and Barney happened to be with her, and they both loved it!

I recently found out that in the musical “Hello, Dolly” there’s a character called

Barnaby Tucker; was Barney named after him, or is it just a coincidence?

Alan is Louise’s Daschund.

His birthday is 1st

November, and he recently

turned 1. And isn’t he the

cutest thing ever? He’s so

small! I love the fact that

Louise seems to take him

everywhere she goes!

Because of the close friendship between Rachel and

Louise, I don’t know about anyone else, but I can’t help

but wonder if Barney and Alan get along just as well!

Every time Rachel or Louise puts up a picture of one or

both dogs on Twitter, I can’t help but go “aaw, how

cute!”, especially at the one where they’re both looking

up at the camera. I love dogs when they do that! I also

have the feeling that Alan looks up to Barney for some


Did you also know that fans have created Twitters for

Barney and Alan? They can be found at

@TeamBarneyTR and @TeamAlanDearman respectively. I’m proud to say that I’m not

only a Tuckmanian, but a huge Barlan fan too!

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Rebecca’s Story

On the 4th November 2011 I got to see WICKED for the first time and I can

honestly say seeing the show and getting the chance to meet you both was the

most amazing experience! Louise you had tweeted me to say that you would

be there so I wasn’t too worried about

that but Rachel I nearly cried when I saw

that you were off sick the night before! I

had flown over from Northern Ireland

too see you both and I really would have

been gutted if one of you was off. We

had to pass the theatre that night on the

way to the hotel and we saw a few girls

waiting outside the stage door so we

decided to take a chance and wait too!

Louise I got to meet you first. I was so

star struck… I basically stood there smiling the whole time and I was shaking

like a leaf! I gave you the card I made which I hope you liked and thanks for the

lovely photo, sorry I was shaking so much! Rachel you were on the phone

when you came over so it gave me a minute to stand there completely in awe

of you! I hope you liked the card and once again thanks for the photo oh and

lets not forget thanks for the time that

you both took to talk to me! You were

both so lovely and I will never forget it!

The show was amazing! Lou you were

hilarious as Glinda and wow you are an

amazing singer! Rachel for someone

who was sick the night before I thought

you were brilliant! You both completely

blew me away and you are and will

always be the best Glinda and Elphie

ever! You have inspired me to start

singing lessons and one day I hope I

can be even half as good as you both. I hope that I will get the chance to meet

you both again in the future and good luck with whatever big adventure you go

on next. Team Tuckman will always be one step behind you!

Lots of love,

Rebecca Harte, Derry, Northern Ireland

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Rebecca’s Drawings Rebecca Harte has kindly submitted her amazing drawings of Rachel and

Louise! I personally think they’re brilliant!

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Tuckman on TV! Not too long ago we were very lucky to see Rachel

and Louise on our TV screens! The lovely ladies

appeared on CBBC’s Junior Bakeoff, where the kids

had to make food for the Wicked’s 5th birthday. One

team (Freya and Keiran) made mini pizzas, complete

with witches’ hats and broomsticks, and fruit tarts.

The other team (Saffron and Kai) also made pizzas,

but also cupcakes

spelling out the word

WICKED on the icing. As

you probably would

have guessed, Rachel

and Louise loved the

taste of everything! It

was Freya and Keiran

who won, and on a side

note I loved the fact that they were wearing pink

and green! I also loved the poses we were shown

of Rachel and Louise (as can be seen in these

pictures), pure genius!

Back in September, Stacey Solomon visited

Wicked as part of BBC Children in Need’s Pop

Goes the Musical. Stacey met Rachel and Louise

and seemed to have a really good time (well then again, who wouldn’t if they

were meeting the lovely Rachel Tucker and Louise Dearman?)! It was then

revealed that Stacey would sing “For

Good” with Rachel on stage, and after the

show had finished one night, Stacey and

Pudsey Bear were called on stage.

Unfortunately from the clips on YouTube

we weren’t shown the whole performance,

but from what was shown I could see that

Rachel’s voice blended perfectly well with

Stacey’s and it looked like a fantastic duet.

Even more unfortunately, the

performance wasn’t shown on Children in Need on TV. I waited and waited for

it, but sadly it never came. Hopefully we’ll get to see the performance at some

point, as I’m sure it went really well!

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How Tuckman are My

Inspiration There was a competition at college where we had to write about someone who

is an inspiration, and knowing me, I decided to write about Rachel and Louise.

I still have yet to hear the result, and I hope I win the competition.

There is always someone who people look up to and see as a role model,

whether it be a parent, brother, sister, friend or even a celebrity. My role model

is indeed a celebrity, well technically it's two: Rachel Tucker and Louise

Dearman, the current leading ladies in the musical "Wicked", known amongst

the fans as "Tuckman".

"Wicked" tells the story of two girls: Elphaba, born with green skin, who would

eventually become the Wicked Witch of the West; and Galinda, who would

later be known as Glinda, the Good Witch of the North. The musical focuses on

how these two characters loathed each other at first, but would later become

the best of friends, and their friendship would later be tested when they end up

on opposite sides, and rivalry for the same love interest. The moral of

"Wicked" is that no matter what, friends are forever and sometimes the person

who changes your life the most may be someone you would never expect at

first. Also, it gives the audience a different view of the Wicked Witch to as she

is portrayed in "The Wizard of Oz".

Before landing the roles in March 2010, Rachel and Louise had spoofed the

two characters a year earlier in a sketch series known as "Jest End". When I

watched the performance on YouTube, I could see that they had good

chemistry on stage and really knew how to make me laugh, as well as having

extremely powerful voices. I knew that they would be the perfect choice for

Elphaba and Glinda when the cast would change, and when I found out they

got the parts, I was over the moon!

I was no stranger to Tuckman, especially Rachel, as in 2008 she was a

contestant on BBC's "I'd Do Anything", where Andrew Lloyd Webber was

looking for a Nancy for his production of "Oliver!". Rachel eventually became

my favourite to win, and ended up finishing 4th in the competition, which I was

upset about and would have liked her to win. Later in the year, Rachel was

casted in "We Will Rock You", a musical I am a huge fan of, and I thought she

was perfectly casted. As for Louise, I wasn't very familiar with her at first, but

around 2 years ago a friend sent me some tracks of her album, which

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consisted of musical theatre covers. When I got to "Whistle Down the Wind", I

cried, as it was the most emotional, powerful recording of the song I've heard.

The line "I will not abandon you, my precious friend" makes me cry every time,

and when I recently listened to it, I can just imagine Louise singing it to

Rachel, due to the strong friendship that has developed between them. In the

past year or so, Louise has sung on the adverts, and whenever

they come on I turn the volume up, sit next to the TV and order anyone in the

room to be quiet!

The many times I have watched Rachel and Louise in "Wicked", I have seen

the strong chemistry between them on and off stage. Their close relationship

clearly shows during performances, and sometimes I wonder whether they are

acting or simply being themselves, because it's so hard to tell. Am I watching

Elphaba and Glinda, or Rachel and Louise?

I was very excited for Wicked Day this year, because I would be meeting

Rachel face-to-face! I was a bit upset that Louise wouldn't be there because

she had a family event to attend to and a gig later that evening, but I wasn't too

disappointed because there would be other chances and I will hopefully get to

meet her some other time. A few days before the event, I asked several people

who wouldn't be attending to write messages for Rachel and Louise, and I

would put them in a scrapbook. I only got seven messages (including my

own), but it was better than nothing, even though the book ended up with

loads of blank pages! I gave it to Rachel on the day, and she loved it! She gave

me a hug and I had a picture taken with her, and she said that she would give it

to Louise when she saw her. The moment I left Rachel, I felt a little distracted

because I had just met one of the nicest people ever and for a moment that

was the only thing on my

mind, and then someone

spoke to me and I

immediately snapped back

into the real world. My

heart was touched, and it

stayed that way for about

six hours, and I couldn't

stop smiling! I later saw a

picture of Rachel holding

the book on a fansite

someone had set up for

her, and it excited me so I

contacted Andy, the owner

of said website, and told

him about my experience.

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I admire Rachel and Louise because of their strong chemistry and friendship,

both on and off stage, and the love they have for their fans. Off stage, they

always have time to talk to their fans and sign autographs, and several people

have brought them presents which they are very greatful for. These are the

reasons that makes them good role models; they are very nice, friendly people

who love and appreciate fans, and watching various videos on YouTube, they

clearly have fun meeting and greeting their fans and occasionally goofing off

with them. I also love the fact that they themselves use the name "Tuckman"; I

believe Louise started it off in a promotional video, when she said "we have a

reservation under Tuckman" when they went into a hotel. I am proud for both

of them and they really have come a long way over the years. It will be very

upsetting for me when Louise leaves on 10th December, and I'm sure that their

final performance will be very tearful and emotional. Most of the people I've

talked to have said they'll be stocking up on tissues on that night, whether

they'll be attending the performance or not! Although Rachel and Louise will

be apart in distance, they will never be apart in heart, especially not in mine. It

is certainly not the end, for Tuckman is forever.

To quote the well known song from "Wicked", because I knew you, I have been

changed for good.

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The Twelve Days of

Wicked Natasha Rush has submitted this Wicked (pun intended) version of “The

Twelve Days of Christmas”! I added a few extra lyrics, to turn it into a song!

Naturally as the song goes on you add the lyrics from previous verses.

On the first day of Wicked, Tuckman gave to me,

a Fiyero all for me.

On the second day of Wicked, Tuckman gave to me,

2 stunning witches and a Fiyero all for me.

On the third day of Wicked, Tuckman gave to me,

3 Ozian bobbleheads, 2 stunning witches and a Fiyero all for me.

On the fourth day…

4 wheels on Nessa’s wheelchair…

On the fifth day…

5 Toss Tosses…

On the sixth day…

6 guards that capture…

On the seventh day…

7 nasty witch hunters…

On the eighth day…

8 spells-a-casting…

On the ninth day…

9 dancers leaping…

On the tenth day…

10 monkeys flying…

On the eleventh day…

11 Shiz Uni students

On the twelfth day…

12 Ozians a-singing…

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Emma’s Story How amazing is Rachel Tucker you ask?! How many pages

do I have to write this… let’s just choose one example!

I was at stage door after being sufficiently knocked off my

feer by the riffing, belting, growling sensation that is the

lovely Rachel Tucker. With my question prepared, I waited

patiently for her to degreenify herself and make her way

down the barrier of fans and finally reach us. When she did,

and after much praising of her performance (particularly

the Fiyero riff!!!) I asked her my question: “I have a charity

gig in December for teenage cancer trust, and I am singing

a solo performance of The Wizard & I, any tips?”

….admittedly after a two show day I was expecting just a

few quick tips… boy I was wrong! Rachel taught me tips of

pronounciation, sang a few lines directly to me (I died a

little bit of excitement in those moments!) and even sand

opera as an example of elongated my vowel sounds. Not

only that, there were breathing and larynx techniques

explained to me too! I’ve taken every piece of advice on

board, and practiced my socks off! So here’s hoping the

performance goes well, and that Rachel will be proud of

me! What a wonderful, sweet and gorgeous lady she is! We

are spoilt rotten at stage door by you Rachel, and honestly

appreciate every second you give us! One amazing lady!

We love Rachel Tucker! And I am, of course, a sucker for

the Tucker

From Emma Minihane (@Miniemj93 on Twitter)

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You Know You’re A

Tuckmanian When… (NOTE: All of these came from me unless it says otherwise)

1. You go around doing “Name the Show” things like Rachel does.

2. You obsess over Barney and Alan, and you’re a Barlan fan as well as a


3. You want a Jack Russell like Barney and/or

a Daschund like Alan when your parents

ask you if you want a dog.

4. You refer to the Gherkin building as the

“Cucumber” like Rachel did in a promo


5. You call your best friend “Witchy Poo” and

(s)he does the same to you.

6. You sing the lyrics to “Rely on Me the Lead”

when singing “Defying Gravity” (whether it

be deliberate or accidental)

7. You make sure everyone in the room is

quiet when the advert is on,

and scold anyone who talks over Louise’s

amazing voice.

8. You believe that just about every

friendship-related song reminds you of Tuckman, and create a playlist of

it called “Tuckman Love”, and add put the songs on your iPod which

you call “TuckPod”.

9. You won’t get up in the morning until your roommate has put your

“Tuckman Love” playlist on for you (from Bea).

10. You fly all the way from Derry just to see them (from Rebecca).

Is that the Cucumber?

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Messages to Tuckman Dear Louise and Rachel,

I think you are both amazing! You give flawless performances and you both

have stunning voices!

I am so happy I got the chance to meet you both and hopefully we will meet

again. Until then, good luck with everything in the future. Louise I can’t wait to

see what you will do after Wicked but I will be really sad to see you leave and

Rachel I hope I will get to see you as Elphaba again soon. I hope you have a

great Christmas!!!!

Lots of love

Rebecca Harte, Derry, Northern Ireland

Dear Rachel,

I can't believe its been over 3 years since we first saw you perform on I'd Do

Anything! I'm still just as big a fan as then, i've watched you in Hyde Park, 3

West End Lives, in WWRY and fingers crossed this year i'll get time to come

home from Uni in Newcastle to eventually see you in Wicked! But even if i

don't i'll still thankyou for your note + for telling us all to keep Defying Gravity -

you're incredible!

Georgia Wilding xx (@jajabinkss on Twitter)


I would like to say a big thank you to you for always being

so lovely towards me. You were so kind letting me have a

special meet and greet with you, It was a dream come true

as you will always be a huge inspiration to me, you are the

best Elphaba that there has ever been and manage to

make me laugh and cry every time - your 'curtain call

shimmy' was particularly fantastic! I am also very pleased

that you are the same height as me, such a big voice from

such a small person and incredibly beautiful both inside

and out! I am so thrilled that you are staying on into 2012 and look forward to

seeing you again soon!

Have a wonderful Christmas and give Barney

a cuddle from me!

Lots and Lots of Love

Elena xxxx (@MissElena95 on Twitter)

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My message for Tuckman is basically just a big thank you for being there

amazing selves. They have a great and unique lovely friendship on and off

stage and this shows through the performances. You both go above and

beyond for your fans and we love you for that, I’m so happy and feel so

privileged to be part of such an amazing fan base and to be a fan of two lovely

and wonderful performers. Hope you both have a very Happy Christmas and a

wonderful New Year. I have been changed For Good and we love you both For

Good and always :D Xxxxxx Always will be Oz’s greatest team!!!

Nikki Hayes (@Nikki_Jayne on Twitter)

My “TuckPod” I have an app on my iPod called iL Maker Plus which allows me to create a

picture for the start screen, and I thought I’d put it to good use by creating one!

I thought it would be a great thing to look at whenever I wanted to tune into my

favourite songs! Here is how it turned out, and it also looks a bit Christmassy

if you look at the colours closely:

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The Wall of Words What if you could sum up Tuckman in one word? Me and my fellow

Tuckmanians have come up with amazing words to describe our favourite

witches. I normally despise graffitti on walls, but this is an exception.

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Acknowledgements I would like to thank the following people:

Everyone who sent me something to contribute to the magazine

(messages, stories, pictures, etc.)

Chloe Leadbeater (@BleedingLvBunny on Twitter) whose fan magazine

“Bleeding Lovely” (for Leona Lewis) has been a great inspiration for me.

Andy Taylor, the creator of the Rachel Tucker Fan Blog and Team

Tucker, for setting up an excellent fanbase for Rachel and bringing lots

of fans together, and for advertising the magazine.

Gregory Maguire (author of “Wicked”), Stephen Schwartz (composer)

and Winnie Holzman (writer), for without you “Wicked” would have not

even existed.

And of course, the lovely Rachel Tucker and Louise Dearman, two lovely

leading ladies who have been a great inspiration and truly amazing

people, and I couldn’t have done it without you. All the best of luck in

the future.


Rachel Tucker

Official Website:



Rachel Tucker Fan Blog:

Louise Dearman

Official Website:







