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Foreign Minister calls for More Budgetary Allotment to TU .

The Foreign Minister of Liberia, H.E.

Augustine Kphehe Ngafuan has

called for continual financial support

to the William V. S. Tubman Univer-

sity. Delivering the keynote speech at

the just-ended Career/Job Fair held

on August 21,2013 at the University,

the Foreign Minister said that

―government is getting the necessary

bang for its bucks at Tubman Univer-

sity, so let‘s continue to support the

institution financially and otherwise

so that the Agenda for Transforma-

tion can take firmer roots at the insti-

tution.‖ He told the administration,

faculty and students, as well as corpo-

rate executives and local government

officials congregated at the Job Fair,

that his presence at Tubman Univer-

sity brings him personal joy because

as then Minister of Finance they

(government) started to take the

giant and bold steps to reopen the

institution. Speaking of the be-

ginning days of the of University

Hon. Ngafuan said that due to

the depth of destruction that even-

tually caused closure of the Institu-

tion when it was the College of

Technology during the Liberian

Civil War, some described the

opening of the University in 2009

as a risky concept to dedicate

government money to an institu-

tion located in a remote and far

away region. He then continued,

―…like a deep leap of faith and

with the support of The President,

H.E. Madame Ellen Johnson Sir-

leaf, the Maryland Legislative Cau-

cus and other important stake-

holders, seed money for the open-

ing of the institution was provided

through the national budget.‖ In

the midst of battle cries and a

roaring round of applause, the

Foreign Minister and Dean of the

Cabinet told his addressees “from

the level of transformation I see

on this campus, I can boldly

and loudly proclaim that the

Administration of this insti-

tution has more than justi-

fied whatever funds that

have been provided for the

operation of this institution

and are deserving of more

Government support.” He

then lifted a special thanks to

the President of the Univer-

sity, Dr. Elizabeth Davis-

Russell and many other ad-

ministrators and faculty mem-

bers who left their comfort of

high-paying jobs in the

United States to come to this

remote part of Liberia in

patriotic quest to spread the

light of education to some

young men and women of

Maryland County, River Gee

County, Grand Gedeh

County, or Liberia and the

world. This, he said, is patri-

otism, selflessness, and dedi-

cation to humanity par excel-


Volume II, Issue 6

Inside This Issue

Foreign Minister calls for More

Budgetary Allotment to TU

Kwazaye Wameker Takes TU To

Havard Conference

Ambassador Barnes & Hon. Vohiri

speak at TU’s Speakers’ Bureau

Keynote Speaker Urges Students

To Keep Steady

TUSDI Gives TU A Facelift

College of Health Sciences Joins

Others In Fundraiser

Student Clubs & Activities Holds

Intellectual Debate

TU Phoenix Flies In LFA Tournament

Students Say-So

Tubman University Ode

TU Phoenix Flies In LFA Tournament

Volume II, Issue 6

Transformation for Worthy Service

H.E. Augustine Kphehe Ngafuan

Page 2: TU TIMES

February 13, 2014 was an historic day. On that day, Kwazaye Wameker (KW) began his representation as the inaugural (first)

William V.S. Tubman University delegate to the Harvard National Model United Nations (HNMUM) Conference. The Con-

ference lasted through February 16, 2014. This year marked the Sixtieth Session of the HNMUM. The goal of the HNMUN is

to recreate the spirit of diplomacy upon which the United Nations was founded. The Harvard National Model United Nations

represents itself as the oldest, largest, and most diverse student-run Model United Nations conference in the world. Participants

in the Conference engage in activities similar to those in which UN delegates are involved. Both at the UN and at the Confer-

ence, delegates work to convince others to support their positions on various issues in order to get resolutions adopted. In his

role as delegate, Kwazaye Wameker represented TU in a manner which makes us all proud. But how did TU gain entrance to

this prestigious program?

On his own initiative, Kwazaye Wameker, a final year College of Engineering and Technology student, successfully applied to

have Tubman University accepted to participate in the Conference. He actually obtained Tubman‘s acceptance a year ago but

insufficient funding made participation impossible. Harvard granted TU permission to participate this year but funding was still

an issue.

Through the Division of Institutional Advancement, the situation was brought to the attention of Barbara A. Simmons, J.D.,

Dean of International Education, who was determined not to let the efforts of the student go unrewarded. After presenting the

situation to others, the following persons answered the call for help. Contributors were: Dean Simmons, Dr. R. Deborah Davis,

Mr. Gerald Cooper (WVSTU Board Member), Dr. Davis-Russell, Professor Iona Thomas-Connor, Dr. Richard Nisbett, Profes-

sors Patricia and Robert Jones, Dean Gerald Coleman and Dr. Florence Chenoweth (Minister of Agriculture). These contribu-

tions were supplemented by funds which were raised during International Education events last year. Kwazaye expresses his

deepest gratitude to all who made the trip possible. According to Dean Simmons, those who contributed can be assured that

their investment in KwazayeWameker is an investment which will contribute to the cadre of future Liberian leaders who are

grounded in honesty, commitment to others and dedication to the highest principles of public service. Serving in the role of

faculty advisor to the Harvard National Model United Nations, Dean Simmons worked with Mr. Wameker to review the posi-

tion papers he was required to submit prior to the Conference. He was selected to represent Dominica

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Volume II, Issue 6

Kwazaye Wameker Takes TU To Harvard Conference

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“International Education is

honored to have contributed to

the grooming of a future Libe-

rian leader and looks forward

to assisting more students as

they become world citizens”.

Dean Babarra Simmons , JD

Based on documents he reviewed pertaining to that country, he wrote position papers which incor-

porated the likely views of that country. Dean Simmons welcomed Mr. Wameker at the airport in

Boston and accompanied him to the sessions of the Conference for the first two days. While at

the Conference, she and Mr. Wameker sent appreciation messages to United Nations Peace Keep-


This may become a project of the International Society which is being formed. Dean Simmons was

able to observe KW and the proceedings. In the delegation room, he sat in a section with the

―Dominca‖ sign which he had to raise in order to address the group. He was assigned to the His-

torical General Assembly which focused on a number of issues resulting in a position paper. Mr.

Wameker was recognized to speak before the Assembly multiple times during the Conference.

During those times, he effectively expressed the position of Dominica.

The Conference had over 73 countries represented. Liberia was represented by a U.S. University.

Other African students included a university from Kenya which had 24 student delegates while a

Ghanaian university brought 6 students. Kwayzaye was revered by the others because he had the

courage to be the sole representative for his University. It was also learned that there is an African

Model UN. This year it takes place in March. International Education will be reviewing the viabil-

ity of having students participate in this and other opportunities abroad. Kwazaye Wameker says

this was a life-changing experience which he will carry with him always. He has made contacts that

will last him a lifetime. Also, the initiative he took in bringing William V.S. Tubman University to

the 2014 Harvard National Model United Nations has resulted in his being hired to represent a

company in the U.S. in Liberia. This was arranged by Mr. Gerald Cooper a generous contributor

to Mr. Wameker‘s travel expenses and now, he has connected him to a U.S. employer. Mr. Wame-

ker will share his experience with the TU community at 12:30 pm on March 5th in the Academic

Complex Gallery. This will be the one of the pre-launching activities of the International Society.

International Education is honored to have contributed to the grooming of a future Liberian

leader and looks forward to assisting more students as they become world citizens.

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Volume II, Issue 6

Ambassador Barnes and Hon. Vohiri Speak at TU’s Speakers’ Bureau

Ambassador Nathaniel Barnes and Hon. Vohiri were guests of the Tubman University‘s prestigious and intellectual Speakers‘ Bureau on November 28, 2013 and December 6, 2013 respectively. Speaking on the topic ―Advanced Considerations in Foreign Policy‖, Ambassador Barnes said that within the concept of global-ization, Liberia‘s foreign policy should be focused in four strategic areas, namely strategic geopolitical considerations, domestic/national agenda, global dynamics, and critical strategic considerations as areas where Liberia could advance its foreign policy. Speaking of the Liberia‘s strategic geopolitical location, Ambassador Barnes highlighted the need for Liberia to package solid policies and laws with the fundamental goal of making positive impact on the lives of Liberians. With oil on the horizon, he said that Liberia should join the global fight against piracy and terrorism. He also said that in order for Liberia to be globally competent, there is a need to build its human capital. Investment should be made in higher education and vocational training and teachers should be paid higher than a minister of government or legisla-tors. Speaking about religion, he said that though Christianity and Islam have been tolerant in Liberia, there is a need to look at the commonalities and extreme groups within these religions. Making a SWOT analysis on Liberia, he then asked the questions ―who are Liberia‘s allies? ―The Chinese or Americans? How does this serve the interest of Liberia?‖ In conclusion, Ambassador Barnes underscored the need for Liberia to use its current global influence as chip for bargaining. These questions then set the pace for discussion between Ambassador Barnes and the listening audience. Speaking at the Speakers‘ Bureau on December 6, 2013, the Executive Director of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Hon. Anyaa Vohiri told her audience that Liberian EPA is the principal authority for implementing the national environmental policy and sustainable management law for the protection of natural resources in Liberia. She said that entity was established in 2003 under the EPA ACT. She continued, ―the Environmental Protection Agency Act (EPA Act) and the Environmental Protection and Management Law (EPML) provide the legal framework for the EPA and give the agency its enforcement powers.‖ As a regulatory agency in charge of ensuring protection of the environment and Liberia‘s natural resources, she said that the Agency continues to work closely with other government ministries and fosters cooperation with the private sector to ensure compliance with environmental laws of Liberia. She told the students, faculty and staff at the Speakers‘ Bureau that during her tenure, in 2011 her administration began a re-structuring process of the various departments of the Agency. This process deemed it prudent to re-classify EPA personnel ac-cording to the newly instituted Professional Grading System (PGS). The PGS she said resulted in right-sizing personnel to ensure that employees were placed in the proper positions according to their specific qualifications and experience. Following the re-organization she disclosed that the EPA now has five departments (Administration, Planning and Policy, Inter-sectorial, Compli-ance and enforcement and Finance) and one stand-alone unit (MEAs). The Speakers‘ Bureau is designed to bring to the University and the community qualified speakers with a message of relevance to provoke a positive. Continue on page 5

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Volume II, Issue 6

Hon. Anyaa Vohiri Executive Director of the Environ-mental Protection Agency (EPA),

Ambassador Nathaniel Barnes Eminent Citizen of Liberia

To become a guest at TU‘s Speakers‘ Bureau

please contact [email protected]

or by calling Solo O. Gaye at

+231 886 709 726.

Audience at the Speakers‘ Bureau

Page 6: TU TIMES

The keynote speaker of the first Career/Job Fair held on February 21, 2014 at the William V.S. Tubman University, Foreign Minis-

ter, Hon. Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan urged students to keep their eyes on their goals, objectives and dreams. He said success is a

combination of handwork, hard preparedness in dominated courage mixed with the grace of God. In reference to the biblical story

of Peter who kept his eyes fixed on Jesus while walking on the water, the keynote speaker said the moral of the story is that no mat-

ter one‘s circumstances, no matter the difficulty of today or tomorrow, one should keep his or her eyes on his or her dream. ―If

your dream is to be a medical doctor, or a pilot, or a Minister of Foreign Affairs, or the Governor of a the Central Bank, or a future

President of Tubman University, keep focused on that dream regardless whether you are going to bed today with an empty stom-

ach‖,. Speaking of national interest, Foreign Minister Ngafuan cautioned students never to put personal interest above national

interest. ―… We cannot afford to log out Liberia; we cannot afford to become indifferent to the future of our country. A good fu-

ture for Liberia will most likely lead to a good future for Liberians. So we should never pursue our personal ambition or objectives

to the detriment of national ambition. We should make our dreams and our visions to be in sync with the national vision-a vision

for national development and prosperity, a vision for peace and security within our border and sub-region and in our world‖, he


Classifying time as the most valuable wealth for students, the keynote speaker said that one of the advantages of being young is your

future is still ahead. ―It is an advantage of being young because you have not reached the point where you would reminisce on the

past and, as reflected in Robert Frost‘s famous poem ―Regret the Road Not Taken‖. ―In your ledger of life there has not been much

debiting and crediting done yet. Time is your greatest asset which you must not squander‖ he concluded.

Also speaking at the Career/Job Fair, Dr. Laurence K. Bropleh, Corporate Executive of Lonestar Cell MTN urged students to

choose their careers based on what he described as ‗contextual relevance‘, he then noted that job opportunities in Liberia of today

and tomorrow are opening up more in the technical areas, so students who take the emerging trend in the job market into consid-

eration will be giving themselves a significant advantage.

For her part, the Vice President of Academic Affair and Acting President, Dr. Elizabeth E.Q. Carbajosa said that the University is

producing new breed of graduates that are not only degree holders but graduates that are employable. ―We are producing a new

breed of graduates who are intelligent, competent, and passionate in their chosen career. We have ensured that they will be mar-

ketable graduates because we designed competency-based curriculum reflective of the needs of the industries and responsive to the

sentiments of the Liberian people‖, she said. Dr. Carbajosa then added that she was proud of the 4 years of existence of the Univer-

sity and that the University will soon let out students from the cocoon who have wings and ready to fly to their dreams. Dr. Carba-

josa also assured the Cooperate Executives and other employers that the products of TU are ready and are of real substance with

rich experiential and service learning. She then told students not be mere students but Tubmanites, soon to graduate and soon to

be hired because the University is successfully providing knowledge, skills, and quality experience that will transform them( stu-

dents) into new men and women who need to serve not only their employers but humanity. ―I shall not say good luck my dear stu-

dents, but I say, may you find the right and the most fitting work place for your character and skills, you have not graduated yet

but we in this University are already shinning with pride and honor for what you will become‖, she concluded.

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Volume II, Issue 6

Keynote Speaker Urges Students to Keep Steady

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Volume II, Issue 6

Mr. Benoni Tarr Grimes , Director of Career Planning

Hon. Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Liberia

CRC, GVL, & LONESTAR CELL Executives at the Program

Rev. Dr. Anthony Dioh Vice President for Student Affairs/W.V.S.T.U

Dr. Elizabeth E. Q. Carbajosa Vice President for Academic Affairs/W.V.S.T.U

Students and Guest interacting with a repre-sentative of Lone Star Cell at the program

Student interacting with representatives of Institutions at the Fair

Students and Faculty of TU at the Program A cross section of participants at the Career Day fair

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Volume II, Issue 6

The Tubman University student Development Initiative ( TUSDI) has given the campus a

facelift for the year 2014. The organization which is headed by its Executive Director Stu-

dent Prince J.C. Morris on the 23 and 24 of December 2013 undertook a massive paint-

ing exercise on campus. According to our correspondent, the students painted the fence,

the entrance gates and other facilities at the cost of $300 USD.

Mr. Morris disclosed that the funding for the project was raised amongst students in the

spirit of volunteerism. He also invited other students to become members of TUSDI.

―As we strive to achieve higher education, let us commit ourselves to volunteerism that

will lead us to becoming true leaders to build our country Liberia ―, Mr. Morris empha-

sized in an interview with our correspondent.

Stunned by surprise and impressed with the level of Volunteerism by TUSDI, the Vice

President for Institutional Advancement Rev. Rita Townsend said ―I have never seen

Tubman University Students doing this before.‖

The main focus of TUSDI includes environmental protection, development, community

outreach and sports. The organization was established in 2010 currently has 50 registered

members in all colleges of the University. In November 2013, the organization embarked

on cleaning the drainage near the Academic Annex.

TUSDI Gives TU a Facelift

―As we strive to

achieve higher educa-tion, let us commit

ourselves to volunteer-ism that will lead us to becoming true leaders to build our country

Liberia ―,

Mr. Prince Morris

TUSDI At Work Rev. TownsendpPoses with members of TUSDI

Mr. Prince Morris

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College of Health Sciences Joins Others In Fundraiser

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Volume II, Issue 6

The College of Health Sciences of the William V.S. Tubman University in collaboration with the Friends if JJ Dossen Hospital

hosted a free concert/fundraiser at the Harper City Hall in the quest to raise $10,000.00USD for the hospital. The concert/

fundraiser which was held on February 11,2014, brought together market, women, staff of JJ Dossen Hospital, as well as Tubman

University's Staff and Faculty and the community of Harper at large.

According to the Chairperson of the organizing committee, Professor Iona Thomas–Connor, the fundraiser was the beginning of

several fundraising events which will be held by the group. She added that the funds raised will be used to complement the efforts

of national government in providing good hygiene and nutritional needs at the hospital. She told our reporter, ―JJ Dossen Hospi-

tal is the only hospital, the one that must take care of those who reside in Maryland County; it requires our immediate and ongo-

ing support for its nutrition program, and to maintain the facility in sanitary and environmentally health condition.‖

To meet these needs, the Friends of JJ Dossen, the William V.S. Tubman University College of Health Sciences , and the County

Health Team invited Madam Miatta Fuhnbullah, Liberia‘s Goodwill Ambassador for Maternal and Child Health to launch the

first of many fundraising activities in a free concert. Speaking at the concert, Madam Fahnbulleh said that she was happy to be in

her maternal home for the first time and pledged her continual support in any activity that will enable the organizing committee

achieve its goal. For her part, Dr. Odel Kumeh, County Health Officer of Maryland County thanked the organizers and said that

she was very much happy to see members of the community take a bold step in complimenting the efforts of national government.

Professor Iona Thomas–Connor in a statement told our correspondent that the community can no longer afford to look away

from the health condition in the County. She continued, ― we find ourselves at a point in our lives when we are quite aware of the

realities of healthcare in Maryland County which requires our immediate and ongoing support.‖ She then revealed that the com-

mittee was able to raise the total amount of $3,000.00 USD in both pledges and cash. The JJ Dosen Hospital is the only referral

hospital in Maryland and Grand Kru Counties.

Senator Ballout of Maryland poses with Madam

Miatta Fahnbulleh after the fundraiser Dr. Lucky O. Ehigiator Dean of the College of Health

Sciences speaking at the program

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Volume II, Issue 6

Mr. Thomas N. Williams Director, Student Clubs &


The Office of Student Clubs & Activities in partnership with the Student Government Association

(SGA) of Tubman University held its first intellectual debate on Thursday, February 27, 2014 at the

Student Palava Hut under the theme ―Awakening students‘ consciousness for society building‖.

The first topic which asks ―Should there be 30% female representation in the National Legislature

(House of Representative & Senate) of the Republic of Liberia as proposed?‖ was debated by six stu-

dents from the Engineering, Management & Administration, Agriculture & Food Sciences and Edu-

cation colleges. The teams (pros and cons) debate was guided by a student moderator and a panel of

judges consisting of three, namely: Dr. Elliott Wreh-Wilson - Dean, College of Arts & Sciences, Dr.

Nathaniel Gbassagee – President, Faculty Senate, and Mrs. Patricia Jones – Faculty, College of Edu-

cation. The judges provided the outcome of the debate based on the indicated categories of evalua-

tion: organization, comprehension/use of factual information, delivery, use of grammar and appro-

priate diction, and rebuttal.

The ―Pros‖ headed by student Stephen Karly obtained fifty-one (51) points while the ―Cons‖

headed by student James H. Wheeder obtained forty-three (43) points respectively from the men-

tioned categories designed by the panel of judges thereby declaring ―Pros‖ as a team winner of the

debate based on the points earned. Participants did not get cash prizes, but were promised certifi-

cates at a later date. Meanwhile, the Director of Student Clubs & Activities, Mr. Thomas N. Wil-

liams thanked the participants, audience and the panel of judges for their contributions to the pro-

gram and emphasized that students should take advantage of the opportunities that extra-curricular

activities offered.

Additionally, he declared that there are more events/activities coming up for students ranging from symposiums, workshops/ trainings, etc., before semester II, AY 2013/2014 expires. He also told TU

Times that the planned Miss TU pageant under the theme ―Beauty with purpose emanating from aca-

demic excellence”, is slated for Friday, April 25, 2014 at the Harper City Hall, but was quick to note that there are challenges in the recruitment process of contestants/representatives from the various colleges since it is perceived to be expensive. However, he promised to work along with the pageant committee headed by Ms. Janice W. George (Queen emeritus) to ensure the success of the event.

Student Clubs & Activities Holds Intellectual Debate

From left-right shows the pro team headed by Steven M.

Karly, Jr., and the panel of judges

Audience at the debate session focused atten-tively.

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Volume II, Issue 6

TU Phoenix Flies In LFA Tournament

The William V. S. Tubman University (TU) male soccer team (Phoenix) topped Zone Two (2) in

the just ended first round of the inter-university tournament played in Sanniquellie, Nimba

County from January 16, to 18th, 2014.The tournament which was organized by the Academicals

Committee of the Liberia Football Association (LFA) is aimed at bringing higher institutions to-

gether to compete through sports.

TU Phoenix was placed in Zone Two (2) along with African Methodist Episcopal University

(AMEU), Cuttington University (CU), and the African Bible College University (ABCU). During

the tournament, TU defeated AMEU by one goal to zero, held a draw with CU, and unmercifully

defeated ABCU two goals to zero.

Currently, TU Phoenix is topping Zone Two (2) with seven points and four goals. The team is

scheduled to play the runner-up from Zone One (1) in a semi final match at the end of the quali-

fying rounds in Monrovia. Phase two (2) of the tournament begins in Monrovia after the comple-

tion of the Zone one (1) games scheduled to begin from January 18, to 20, 2014.

The tournament resumes February 27, 2014 through March 1, 2014 at the Antoinette Tubman

Stadium in Monrovia. Tubman University delegation to the tournament is headed by Mr. David

H. Erskine, Director for Athletics & Recreation, and Male Soccer Team Coach Emmanuel E.

Baffoe. Other student officials include Team Manager, Amos T. Karwell, Medic Emmanuel Dob-

boe, and student representative Karcee T. Kerzelee. A total number of twenty-five (25) student

athletes were selected from across colleges to make the team.

Meanwhile, Director Erskine extended thanks and appreciation to the support given to the team.

He called for more support as the team prepares for the semi-final and possible final games in

Monrovia. TU Phoenix participated in the first tournament to be organized by the LFA in 2011,

came fourth in the competition and named the Most Discipline team of the tournament.

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Volume II, Issue 6

―Hunted by the bitter memories of the 14 year

civil war, and wasted my precious years, I am

determined to achieve higher education to

help rebuild Liberia. On Saturday, April 27,

2013, I was one of the 148 young Liberians

who graduated from the Grand Bassa Com-

munity College (GBCC) in Buchanan, Grand

Bassa County with an Associate of Arts De-

gree in Mass Communication.

With the cumulative grade point average

from GBCC of 3.230, and a vision of positive

change, in August 2013, I matriculated at the

William V.S. Tubman University in Harper,

Maryland County, where I was a transfer stu-

dent in the College of Education, majoring in

secondary education with emphasis in Eng-


I was accepted under a scholarship program of

the Ministry of Education which covers tuition,

housing and meals. Since I was admitted on

August 26, 2013, the Ministry of Education has

allegedly reneged on its scholarship which

places me in a severe condition in Harper. Ad-

ditionally, on December 4, 2013, I received a

letter from the University that I will be obliged

to start paying for my college expenses from

semester I , 2014/2015 academic year if the

Ministry of Education fails to clear up its arrears

with the University.

With a poor family background and one of the

very few college graduates in my community,

this poses a great challenge to me. Having slept

on the porch of one Mr. Jerry Daye and many

nights, gone to bed without food when I first

arrived in Harper to attend the University, I will

continue to strive to graduate from the Tubman

University and push ahead to my Master.

Though temporarily I am staying at the dormi-

tory, I will not leave Harper City without

achieving a Bachelor Degree. You can help

make my dream come true for a better Liberia.

Sun or rain, health or sickness, I will overcome

some days‖.


Students Say-So

Name: Amos F. Gibson

College of Education

Ambition: Journalist

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Tubman University Ode

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Volume II, Issue 6

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Transformation for Worthy Service

William V.S. Tubman University History & Facts

Chartered: 14 September 2009

Vision: TU aspires to be a center of quality and excellence

Mission: Provide quality educational experiences that transform the lives

of individuals for worthy service

TU has 6 Colleges:

Agriculture & Food Sciences

Arts & Sciences


Engineering &Technology

Health Sciences

Management & Public Administration

We’re on the web!

Upcoming Events:

01 March 2014 Film Show , Academic Gallery, TU Campus, 6:30 pm

05 March 2014 Presentation by Kazaye Wameker, Academic Gallery

12:30-1:30 pm

06 March 2014 Great Books Project , Student Palava Hut, 2:00pm-4:00pm

09—13March 2014 Ebrary participants will visit TU including architectural

students from Howard, Morgan and Tuskegee Universities

Collaboration Initiative Launch

12 March 2014 Architectural Students‘ TU Ebrary Presentations, Academic

Gallery, 12:00pm

14 March2014 Annual International Film Festival , Academic Gallery, 6:30 pm

June 2014 Graduation Ceremonies

TU Times Newsletter

For inquiries, comments or suggestions, please contact:

Rev. Rita Townsend, VPIA, or Mr. Solo Otto Gaye

Division for Institutional Advancement

William V. S. Tubman University

Email: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

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TU Times is a monthly Newsletter from the Division of Institutional Advancement of the William V. S. Tubman University.

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