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for th* United Stat** and (Jornada, OH* rear ,~JM Six Months, «• 5T*rwe Montkt, M

J SUmle Copi** 6 GmU.


Published erery Wednesday aftaraoo* .1 49 West Main Street.

Kawrwl *t t&e Pw*-oa»«j»* St. JoJuwrtUle M

WIW W4Nf • • MH •WKV.

Story of the Introduction Inte

A. f! MI



CONEY ISLE_ ABLAZE New York'* Playground Haa

Million Dollar Fire,


B l a c k * t p A a u i n u t S o . fir O c t r o y e d — F l a m e *

N a t i v e * O a t l a

NBW TORK, J u l y 3Q. — Coney Is­land, die playground of New York's millions, was visited by a disastrous lire at an early heur, and seven blocks in the amusement son* were complete­ly destroyed, Tllyou's Steeplechase park and nearly a score of small ho­tels were wiped out, and for a time the flames threatened destruction to Luna park and Dreamland, those homes of summer amusement, and the scores of smaller places which fringe the water's edge for a mile.

A lucky shift of the Wind to sea­ward aided the firemen and probably saved the whole picturesque area, but not until a million doilara' damage had been done. Three persons were ln-jurHri, one of them, Gottfried MaaserU. a fireman, probably fatally.

Only the advance guard of the 800,-000 people who flocked to Coney Is­land saw the fire, but the thrilling tales..of..ta*v fearfesa r**o.u6~ot—Ban.

ef ftabhlt*

Australia wants asaalsttat. be* It wants men and wessaa, sat reeerta. The British Aoatranan tells fa* story of the coming of the rabbit, in re-aponse to certain averting men of Victoria, who wasted aosnsthtng fresh to kill. Manning Thatcher made throe attempts to bring rabbHs from Bug-land. When he succeeded at last the sportsmen had forgotten their wast. They Wire probably shouting the moon, Mr. Thatcher could not dispose of his wares. So oa oao hot after noon he and his esrsssalsa*,, l e f t with a considerable harden of unsold wares on their hands', suddenly de­cided to ria themselves ouee and for all of the creature*, which had by this time reached th* dimension! of white elephants." The rabbits were turned loose. They remembered the injus­tice to be fruitful and multiply. They did i t And they devastated Aus­tralia. Mr. Thateher was givea a medal to coaamemorate the gratitude of Victorian, for at* Introduction of rabbits. And BOW Australia at aaottod over a French poison that will kill nothing but rabblUl


Dora, th* armless and legless man, and the flight of Francesco, the flre eater, when the alarm was sounded were told and retold along noisy Surf ave­nue and in the leas particular Bowery.

Coney Island has had four big fires In the last ten years, the last previous one lb 1903, the Steeplechase on that occasion being completely swept out.

"The island," as New Torkfers fa mttfeW*- and) % w*4\Pm Maftok » ton lit east? *\*wao« asje*ttsi «tfy sleep It ever gets—and the last *Mn In* ef eorsy moxatnf merrymakers were swinging gaj-iy If somewhat un-certattlfy d» Starf aa-eone'wfcea George Froatk a watdtaajsn t t Staeatoehase perk, asset a Waawjajg ajrefll of smoke cetmTnf frem aire ***Jave of the Winds'," ohe of the many shows la the park.

>ly had Front bestirred himself action when a flash of flame shot

out of the maw of the cave and lighted up the place In a weird glare. A pa­trolman heard the urgent cry of flre— for the shout of flre in Coney Is an ominous one—alarm after alarm waa rung until the fourth bad been sound­ed, bringing scores of engines and hose carts to flgfat the flames now be­ing swept along under the smart west wind.

The deatractioa of Steeplechase park was a spectacular sight Tongue* of flame leaped hither and thither, lick­ing up the scenic railway, the raisale flatele, the dancing pavilion and the horse racing railway. The little wood­en horses, standing on steel tracks high la the atr, looked like the flaming steeds of the Valkyrs as tbey broke Into Mate. The groat be" tower flamed brilliantly up, a bright beacon sees by incoming' snips as they crept up the harbor In the early dawn. Tbe Steeple­chase hetdl and nearly a score of small­er wooden hotels which fringed along the western side of the park soon were blasting.

- i i —

C o a e r I s l a n d B l a s e l a a o a a l a s T . NEW YORK, July *».—Investigation

convinced George C. Tllyou, owner ef Steeplechase park, which was de­stroyed on Sunday, that tbe flre which awept clean thirty-five acres of Oeaey Island waa the work of an incendiary. Mr. Tllyou has received fivo threaten­ing letters. Last Friday he received the final letter, which threatened Mr. Tllyou's property and Informed him that he would be murdered unless money demanded was paid at once. The total loss will reach 11.800.000.

fteoord of the Seamy Side of the Oay French Capital.

From 1,000 to 1,600 bodies are re­ceived In the morgue in Paris ovary year. These represent suicides and murders, and not the deaths that oc­cur in the ordinary course of events. And of these selr-alaughterers nearly half are drownings, which means that every day at least two persons lump Into the Seine; two poor wretches who have failed to find life worth liv­ing. In the months of October sad November suicides by drowning In Paris are double what they are* the remainder of the year. The prospect of having to suffer the hardships of another winter, begging about In the cold and sleeping out In th* snow, 1* too much, for many a fate-rursad wane derer. An Interesting fact revealed by the suicide statistics of Parte la that women show a decided dislike to drowning aa a means of violent death. Four times a s many men as woman are fished out of the Seine. The rec­ords show that asphyxiation is the fa­vorite way with the weaker sex "for shutting off this mortal coll," whoa it haa oaased to bo bearable.


Mawtber* ef Court Maybe Harked Seati to TheJr P w Youth.

According to a recent dectelon la ths> MtaattSippi osarte. electric light

must Insulate tree* as wall particularly those tree*

V s k k tavlte tbe email soy climber. la a Mississippi town recently a amall boy climbed a tree aad.comlag la coo tact with the uninsulated wire* of a Ugkttag eoaaaaay, wMch passed through the branch**, received a shock which caused him to fail. As a result the young climber was badly Injured sad his father brought suit against the lighting company. The tree la aasetioa was a assail oak, hav­ing numerous breaches which came close to the ground. The court hand­ed dews the novel decision that aa the lighting company had knowledge Of the tree and what kind ef tree It was. It also ought to have seen fast It was last the kind of tree into which chil­dren ware likely to olimb. Therefore, said the court, the Immemorial habrt of email boya to ctlmb trees filled with aSendaat branches Is oas of which ooraorattoas atretohlaa wire* through such trees mast take notice. It was held that small boy* had s right to olimb suck trees sad a ve?diet was given la favor of the father.


Financial report of the Board of Education of Union Free, School, Dis­trict No. 2, Town Of St. Jobiisvile, New York, for the year ending July, 1907:

KEOKIPTO. On hand last report .* 106K w From tax on property oolteoton 7678 17

«• » » «« hank ;uai " Public money library and appratus _.,..

From .academic fuud, quoto

.WO 18

76 22

and fattendence ';:"*.;::-—SOTST From public money .supervisor 12*6 00

" uou resident tut Urn ,Ml»-den 100 00

From non-resident tution local 146 19


ThS toemlng, Net the Evening, the Beet Time, th* Watchmaker Say*.

"Most people,'' said the watchmak­er, "wind their watches at sight; but It would be better to wind them la the morning. You see, we are liable to go to bed at different hour*, and so wind our watch at Irregular inter­vals, aad it Is bettor to wind it regu­larly. Then we are more liable to forget to wind our watch at night than In the morning and so may let It run down. But we are pretty sure to get up in the morning at oar regular hoar, whatever the bear at which wa went to bed, and so by winding It then we may Insure regularity of wind­ing; and tbe watch Is brought to mind then, when we put it on for use, and we are toss likely to forget to wind I t So morning Is the beat time to wind a watch, if you can get yourselfjnto the habit of winding It then."

Total... 110961 28 j^aSrr 1>1«BUHBMKNT8.

A. W. Fortune.. 9 1100 00 Kate I. Burdick 660 00 Alice A 'Blodgett........ 600 00 Bernloe Dockstader.... 600 00 LavinaCole 600 00 Carrie Elite 460 09 Mary N Hart 426 00 Emily C Terry 426 00 Amy A Hardendorf 426 00 Lynn Dickerson... 400 00 Mildred A Young...... 400 00 A Matilda Wagner. . . 400 00 Alios B Oomph 340 00 Mrs E C Miller 1312


•ejja puw u«m oas t*\\ *«d atf) s|tn aaijy- BSjiq uajiuusqajnq JO JJUJU 8 B| | 0d OfO*,* e i i ) tspuy lattdj »H» jo esoto em pu« 'sorjjud Sunoaai -uoa e%) uodn pejoaoiiu asu 'suouiep eqt o)*ju<loJd oi 'spujn u* jo sjuasjij "**mmM Saippe* jo spueq em 0| spinot moaj 'no 3|j9uwn} jo asqonop jnonoeij OAieoea pwt 'aeq-jasoi }|* Sfdaoo •tmojf eqx i>po» iqjtaoed « uo po»»Dixo»uf V*3 Q% pjlJJOad pUB 0|O«Urf8SB 'spUSJJJ eremnut ifoqi tjlta 'umoja«pf<q ptrs epiiq eq* maqi uawaieq pus 'poiuetd ea*w»sod oejqj 'nenpno^r- *r sfaoaka et» jo >u»suos> »n\ JI (dj* eq« jatipq* pus -£uvx spuepj siq 'seauvAp* s,«e %sO( oqj o) v^»(qo «iu»j*a eq( pftioqS •eoasi-iottuii qjuui j« M*M* UU SI eaaiiJetH ujpui jo suai.aoi' 00> HHA1

-XuoiusJ»o «BS|JJSH UBiinoeal


Lavenworth 4s Co 18 00 Library Bureau 3 60 Randolph McNutt 168 79 Am Book Cot 14 83 Randolph McNutt 32 60 J E Hammett Co 60 76 . Maynard Mecrll & Co 17 90 The Baker Taylor Co- 94 18 A B Dick Co 126 A B Dick Co. „. 126

.8 403 07

Yea, If That Had Been the Caae. Dtnny had hurriedly Summoned a

doctor to administer to an acquaint­ance who had accidentally taken poi­son. Aster the phyalelaa bad given the* sick man a doee ef medtelne he remarked that the medicine was aa antidote for th* poison and that he hoped the patient would pull through all right In spite ef the antidote, however, the sick man grew rapidly weeae and died, that night at the was* ninny waa load In hi* denunci­ation of the doctor. "Poor John d •ve been alive thi* noight," he ex­claimed bitterly, "If thot docther hadn't hastened hia death wid one lv hla anecdote*!"—Harper'* Weekly.

Rescue Chamber In Mines. The "rescue chamber" la a safety

provision of some of the large Aus­trian mines. It is a strongly timbered retreat, aad its single entrance haa s door that can be made tight against air aad water by means of rubber fit­tings It has throe cylinders of ox­ygen, sufficient to enable 39 men to breathe three days. Inhalation gear is st hand for parties leaving the chamber for reconnaissance or signal­ing, aad canned food, medicine and flrat-aM appliances are also kept la the place. The standard room will ac­commodate 14 men for s reasonable time for rescue.

Men Shun Oowdatw*. "Thar* is eae thing that no real

man will stand for,"'said the tall girl. "He positively will not carry an um­brella all trimmed up with knot* of ribbon Several ttmee I have bean obliged to lead sa umbrella to mea who got caught in the rata. Bach of those umdlrelia* waa ornamented wtth tufts of rtfbea whoa tbe man left tbe house; when be brought it back the ribbon was gone. He had been ashamed to be eeea walking along the •treat carrying an umbrella wfaoee handle was trimmed wtth ribbon rosettes and had taken them oft s s soen ss he left tbe house aad had forgot to put them oa again. Nowa­day* hi order to save trouble tea both of us, I take the ribbon off myself be­fore offering a man aa umbrella."


Payment bond and interest...! ..897 FUEL A N D PREPARING 8AMB

F 8 M«shsf,nto,m»... f 24068—-. " •« - 128 27

D J Storms Eat 222 00 John F Klook.. S-3&

When the baby is teething it is cross and restless, it becomes feeveriah. and in many oases vonilte a Kreat deal and ofteutiintM cannot even keep cool water on the stomach All the delicate little organs of the! stomach are affected,

inging on colic and diarrhoea. CBSOA-HWBKT for babies and ohildrmi maketi the stonuvoh right and OIIUVOM inflam­mation and prevents irritation. CASOA SWKKT makes the baby happy and wall. Bold by S. walrath.


Can make Lemon, Chocolate and Cust­ard pies better than the expert cook by using "OUR PIE." as all the ingredi­ents are in the package ready for im­mediate use. Bach package, enough for two large piee, 10 cents. Order to­day from your grocer. 4w


You should try at once "OUR-PIE" Preparation for delicious LemoU piee.

'A. lady says: "I will never again try ito ™ "make Demon pie in the old way while I " can get'OUR PIE'Preparation", Try

it.and yon will say the same At gro­cers, 10 cents. 4w


H.TAUBMAN Leading Jewelry and China Store a m m u m maaaaggj Bansagss»SMsaaaa»aaaa»aaa»aaaaaa»a»aaaaaa«»aasaSPsa^

July Basement Specials These are real live BARGAINS and at the prices they a r e

marked for this sale carvt help but interest you,

D J Storms Est • i >i >>

A M C l i n e ."!!"!! Qeo W Nellta ~ — ,

326 62 82 62 60 260 900_


J e s w e y S t a t * B o a r d Dlasalaaca D r . J. W . W a r d .

TRENTON, N. J., July 30. - The board of managers of the State Hos­pital POT the Insane bora have by reso­lution dismissed Dr. John W. Ward, the medical director of the Institution. The testimony given by Dr. Wgrd be­fore the bouse Investigation committee, when he said that Enoch Silvers, a pa­tient, had died from the effects of be­ing beaten by two attendants, Is cited in their report. This testimony, th* resolution declared, was In contradic­tion of the statement made by Dr. Ward to the manages* at the time of Silver's death.

It was also in contradletkm of the testimony given by Dr. Ward to the medical committee of the hospital when they Unsaturated Silver's death. These taets yea* i^vast aa "the reason why Dr. Warjd shantd net be retain nA benefit to th* Institution."

SSaaattaar1 e f « * • aaaaamll Claam. M A T I 0 M A L UE

Dug Up Cheat of Gold. A workman named Lesnaert,

ployed by M. Defranoq, a builder at Menln, France, has made for bis em­ployer a stroke of luck which will probably contribute also to his own advantage He waa making a trench in the courtyard of an empty house recently bought by M. Defranoq, whoa at a depth of about three feet hi* pick struck something hard. Working around the obstruction, be at last laid bare a metal cheat of considerable site, aad Oils, on being forced open, waa found to contain gold coin* still negotiable to the value of 13.004.

Hot or CeM Water. It it S debatable question whether

It Is a wise practice to drink a cupful of hot water immediately upon rising

ery morning. The hot water neaxlt y mat tbey cannot live without

their morning drink, but there are re­liable phystejaas who claim that this practice is debilitating to the stomach aad that it cannot fall to do Injury. Tbe habitual see of eold water is aa excellent habit to form. It is natural to drink cold water. Cold water Is a tonic to the stomach, aa It Is to the akin. It gives tonicity to the mucous walls of the Stomach. Th* practice of taking five or six glasses of cold water a day Is a good on*. It will help to clear tbe complexion, brighten tbe eye*, aad la said to be almost a cer­tain remedy for puffneaa under th* eye*.

He Get the Job. A traveler fust returned from Ja­

pan tells the following story: A mer canttle Arm la Toklo. having exten­sive commercial relations wlth^ the United States, wad desirous of* en­gaging the services of a translator Many applicants replied to the Arm's advertisement but one of the neces­sary quattflcatlons was the ability to Speak the English tongue in the ver­nacular, which qualification proved to be s stumbling block to moat of the applicant* tor the position. Final­ly one appeared who had received hla education in the United State*, aad on being aak*d if be waa well versed la the vernacular, he replied, "Sore, Mike!" He secured the position.

CHtcegs , Cletofeed fjatrolt

Maw Tor* rhlladalahla

Tor! St. Lewis

A Qreat Swimmer. A remarkable sw\m bw aa eight-

year-oid horse, says a Klldyaart tele­gram, I* occupying- the atasattae of

MK t k * > o c a l '"habitant* It appeara that "* S farmer named Morgan Macmahoa.

who lives oa a email island la the estuary ef the aVhaaaoa, took the bore* by boat to the atadnlend. and after working it all day tamed it loose tn th* eveaiag with a number of other horSea When tbe awaer awoke east momlhg what was hi* ssteaJahmaat to And th* faithful eeJaeaj paaeefallr graslag near Its stable A was Wat as from a swim, aad (here la not tbe slightest doubt that the bare* bad swum all the way from th* mainland to th* Island, a distance of * little tea* than three miles -Pall Mall

Boston Waamsgtoa

T w a H « a * r * 4 < a A a a l » e » » a r v . BRIDOETON. N. J„ July 2aV-Tb*

two hundredth anniversary of the founding of the Presbyterian church at Oreenwlch, N. J . will be celebrated on Wsdnsedsy seat.

III. KfLLBttRI, Mass., July 38. Mr*,

louts* M. Toft, mother of WltMam H. Taft, secretary of war, is wwleusly IB with

O O M m P A T I O H .

for constipation there Is nothing quits so nled Si <"hamberlaln's Stomach and IdvwT TaMet*. Thay atwayt fn* doee a xdeaaaat movement ef the bowel* without 'any diaajtreeabieefrhet. Pftea, 2fte. garnets* free, g Wslrsth'*

T * K e e p F l o w e r s "If you wsat to bring Sower* la

town from the coantry," said tbe girl who toss oat occasionally, "don't brine them la your hand. If it take* you two hours to come in they will aever*revlve, go matter how much water you pat on them after you get here. Take a pasteboard aboe box, lay wet paper In It. pat tbe Sower* in, sprinkle them well, aad pot another layer of paper over them, Juat bring them borne with you aad they'll keep fresh aad sweat In your Sat or studio for the longest klad of a time."

Total $ 740 77 SCHOOL SUPPLIHB

C W Bardeen f 3 90 McBea&Son _ 26 20 Beward Walrath „ 34 89 L H W o o d S96 Milton Bradley A (Co.. 9 72 Chris Pox 1.20 Ezra Dlllenbeck 9 00 P R Newell 66 90 E A Handy 20 28 A W Fortune 4 81 Seward Walrath 10 66 C W Bardeen 12 00 Kny Beheeran Col 6 70 Seward Walrath „....„ 4 91 E A Handy 20 00

Remember the

Bostan Old Home Week

lfewHTfjrr Central Lines

•July 26th to 29th Consult Ticket Agents.


9cts This is'a very pretty jug and this price is only for this week.

CRYSTAL GLASS WATER PITCH­ERS,-extra large .size, assorted de­signs sold everywhere for 30 cts.

23c each.


9? cts AHjcolors, regular 10 ft lengths.


9 cts| eacji. The best thing for Jthe price on the market.

CRUMP TRAY AND SCRAPER The best cheap 'silver plated fork on Finely|nickle plated, something [every the market, costs you .only

98c doz one needs, Jand at the price you shouldiTt miss them.

J&ISSQRS- j j izea , plated, well made and sharp only

9cts each


the basement. i n

Eyes Examined FREE




F L Coventry „ % 14 11 F B L a y h e Charles Cool „.

222 67 MA-

760 18 00 40 00 10 00 4 47

40 00 49 26

283 19 96

A CCrouse M Walrath Chas Cool ChasCool , A W Fortune M Walrath , F L Coventry 4 00 Egison Crouse 10 75 East Creek E L Co...„ 6 00 H L Sutherland 43 20 M Wil llama 96 67 A Horn Sons 7 66 Interstate Tel Co........ 6 90 Monroe Ackerman 60 80 A Sponable 7816 J AUter Est.... 60 88

The LeekamMh's Chanaa. Oa the park bench sat two lovers.

The passing locksmith dropped hla kit aad laughed long aad uproariously. "Why do you laugh T asked the park policeman. "Ob, lust to get eren." confided the locksmith. "You know lore always laughs at lockamltha, so I thought it would be a good chance for the lonlfsmtth to laugh st tors.". KLt.'nv. Aad then the eld man laughed himself out of eight

Bri l l iant D i s p l a y . The Romeo of 1110 gently steered

bis air yacht to the vine-covered bal­cony. "Darling," he whispered, ro­mantically, "1 can see a dosen stars." "Do be oarefal, Romeo," cautioned the fair Juliet, as she picked a rose from ber liarce! wave. "If pa comes out you wtli »*e a thousand stars." And •van then the old gentleman could be beard hunting for hi* oane. , _

John Woodroff. 9 63 Burton Shell 47 80 Henry Smith 130 Egison Crouse 7 21 Village of St. Johns-

ville 192 68 ChasCool 49 26 M Walrath „ 4 73 Interstate Tele Co 6 76 Burton Snell.. . . 6 80 B B B e e k m a n 2 60 ChasCool 49 26 M Walrath 4 17 M Walrath „ 6 34 Chas Cool 49 26 Frank Harding 2 26 W m H L e a r y 5 96 A W Fortune 10 86 M Walrath 4 17 CharlesCooi 49 26 A W Fortune 3 40 C P Lampman... 50 00 Interstate Tel Co - 6 75 B W Porter 15 00 Frank Harking 4 86 ChasCool..... 49 28 M W al rath. 4 «7 A W Fortune 1 78 Egison Crouse 2 68 Chas Cool 49 26 M Walrath , C P Lampman..... M Walrath Chas Cool .' M Walrath..

Excursion Rates to Albany Every Sunday

June 30th to Sept. 2nd VIA

New York Central Visit fAItro Park on the


Consult Ticket Agents.

Cameras and Supplies Enlargements

of your Post 'Cards residence

HENRY TAUBMAN, Jeweler and Optician


Rdi«« Mlftios, Sow Struck, Bskotas ef Gaa Ma. __; ™ « M H B OSkT AT THS LASSSATOSV OS

B . C. D e W I T T 6c C O M P A N Y , CHICAGO. H i .

For Sale by SEWARD WALRATH We will pay

CASH r o r your second hand wood or iron -working T o o l s . Oive detailed statement of each Machine you want to dispose of and price, BUFFALO TOOL & MACHINE CO.

Buffalo. N.Y. iw

301 for 51.00 WILLIAMS.

A W Fortur Chas Cool. Interstate Tel Co Wm H Leary Montgomery county

Publishing Co GWNlerman M Walrath „ JCRronk 2812 Chas Cool..... 40 00 Frank Melding 66 23

426 10 00 4 68

A Harsh R o m l n d o r "Of eeurse." said th* serene atatea-

naan, "I am the logic*! eandtftato" "Perhaps." answered Senator Bor-ghum. "But you waat to remember that when It eeraes to taltytag aa rote*, it'* mathematics aad sot lefts that counts "

0 -A. m T *r> n . x h..

Evanv Woarmw WILL ira^trrsmawraD If yon have pains in the back, Uri­

nary, Bladder or Kidney trouble, and want * certain, pleasant herb cure for woman's ills, try Mother Oray's Aus* tr*Usn-fi6sf. I l l s * safe aad never

At Drag* Bam pie pacsk-

Tha Mothar

falling monthly iregulator gfsto or by tnafl 60 cts. ag* FRKK. Address. HrayCo., fjslioy, W. Y.

•- - • - • • • i - |» i» ia- iaa«i .M*M*i*saas>

A CaaraiN Ctraa w s Arwi s o Fajrr. Bhake Hits your shoe* Alton's Foot

Rase, s powder. It curst Tired, Aeh-lag, Callous, BwaaUag, Hwollan fasti

istorea, 2fte. AUea fl.

A cleansing, clean, cooling, soothing, twaling honschold remedy Is DoWitt's Carbollaed Witch Haael SalTe. For barns, oata, scratches, braises, insect bites, and sore feet it is Oneqnaied. Good for Piles. Beware of imitations. Get DeWitt's. It is the best, Sold by 8 Walrath.


KIDNEY and Backache

aatrarh* Oesafpaasa/s as a MM«««. Tas sMsate

oaaers'Ki a frs»-.| hair

•Msatelaa (m*«at

^ I F X A W L .

Total t 1664 01

RECAPITULATION. , n t S » T F R 8 M B M 8 .

$ M28 12 From teathers wages. 11 library, apparatus and furniture

From payment bond and In­terest.....

From fuel and preparing same school supplies

Dtexpai " eontingn material, repairs, etc.

(!ash In treasurers hands



o n in

887 20 740 77 222 67

1604 01 606 62

110,961 26

!OUT«TAKr>I!»0 BONDS. Issue of 1896..... Issue of 1908 ,


$ MM 00 6080 00

I 9480 00

C. C. Vai>oam, M.J. W A R K R R , J. H. R S A S S V , L. TutMsasatair A. L. BALTSMAN, C. M. KLOCIC, H. T A U B M A R ,

M. W A L R A T H , Clerk.

Board of Education

I'n BSTJ o r t/rmw TROTTRLB'

"It la now eleven years sine* i had a narrow eseape from eonmimptlon," writs* C O Ffoyd, <a leading hnsiness man of Kershaw, 8 ('. "I hart run down in weight ito 186 pounds, and

as constant, both by day it. Finally I began 'taking

w Dtasovery, and eon-Onasd this for shoot six months, wbon myeoughand lung trtmbt* war* sn-tlrsly gone and I was restored to m y normal weight, 171 pounds." 'Thous­and* of person* are heated wvcry year,

toad at H Walrath's drag store.


WITH Dr. King's New Discovery

Notice to Creditors. Pursuant * to an order of Hon. W.

Featoa Myers, Burrogate of J the Oounty of Montgomery, notice. is here­by given to all persons having claims against the testate of John P. Angus, la to of the town of Minden, in said County deceased, "to fpresent the game with the vouchera thereof to Loren W. Augu", Adniinistrator of the said es­tate, at the late residence of the de-censed at Mindenviile, N. Y , io said town of Minden on or before the 21st day of September,'1907.

Dated, March 20, 1907' LOREN W. ANGUS,


PHICE too a «.MV

Trtal Battle ft— Ufa W. THROAT <W0 Om TROUBLES.



Spring Fine Styles as shown by Justus Wagner have won tn« recognition of all conoiseurs in "tailoring.

Our showing of fabrics carefully laalacted for suits and overcoa f s are sure Ut please the most exacting

Your order for Spring gar­

ments will be executed with the utmost fidelity in Kt and



Main street, Port Pain

Hello I Central.

V»/CCA X u i l o mtst-VtG^[MA\7t7sm



Have you cteanjdnes ?

got my work at the


St. Johnsvlllc Laundry.

andhyn ' Dr. King's New

Guaran fiOo and fl.OI bottle free.

P E P 8 I K O L A • W f M

Kidneys e*a< ef wr^afastoOj sn<1 yr> rsmqTs^th^W) SAS

K'buaW, T

alhaaask t»r»»«tn

( v£fesAJ

DaWHfs Kislaay arv. Bladder P-Ms niBMaaU *silii*ls potseas Tscrm the srstsaj larst iM « a * aa* t a i l a* kia»*R i d



iiadiiced liatas to Clayton, Alexandria Bay,

Adirondack Mountain StatioBB

Malone to Forestport inclu­sive, Old Forge, Eagle Rny Haquette I^ake, also ,Eako Placid, HiTison Minos and Wanakena.

Tiokete good going July 2d and 3rd; good rclurnin^on or before July 8th. Excursion ruto to Lake Placid and return, June 29th, ac­count "HOME ECONOMICS MEETING".

Consult Ticket Agents.


Fuller and Oirvan Building, Oar. Main and Ann Hts.,


Pom 'Waa 1

f o a t m o a J t c n K» '4»ay», 8a«a«rth»

t h * Ma|ta«1r 'ni '*ft C f a « % « e D . V V I i f i

• a a * saaoVio* P t D t * » • u n . u r p * »

A Waafcs

Dr. W. W. Jackson* expert artificial pints, crown and bridge maker la aaso-

wlih me For painless extraction, HokfsojraaJV

the slmdlest, tiulckeat and safest anara-. better than gas or vitalised air, intments by mall, phone or at

I nterstate phone Sm. Main Ht. r A |ti*rte>''s drug

Appnit u i a . oppm stafai

for a short time at


Suiiimer is here, buy jyour Straw Hats at

LAMRMAN'S A line line of Children's Wash!

Suits ages 3 to 10 Men's Alpaca LCoals. Serge Suits and

Light Fancy Pants , ;whi te Vests, and S u m m e r Underwear.

Call and get some of the comfortable goods lat

LAMPMANS The Leading and Reliable Clothers

BBH ""» m1'

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