Page 1: Truth about Gujarat - SIT Report

I l

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' I l

& n Asi'Oi- Narata" ,... iurt.,..- ~.0 UlM U'\oe Aolmy ~"~•-'

•~ready been o~oned on 27·02·2002, but .nquory oondold~ wt~n tte ~- Army M.ChcW.U. half roveal~ tl\11 1"10 for~ w.n •va1la0le

u 1 GuJ•r at and tn• sam• h&o been Ci~oyecf al Ute 8otdet'w On 28-02·2002. -.other 4 orO. review meetlf'!g waa taltod by

the C~l Mln11ttf at h•• res~o~MMCE a•GUnd 1300 nr. « .o In wh.c:h Uw 5~tu.tlon w• d'*<:UtMd end deploymc=n.t of fore.• W'll•

r.viOW.d. In \hW .,..tmg Ill V\liiS vnen~ deotoect 1n~' Atn"

V.OUia be etiiM to •••1st ttw CiVil .arnlrn&trlllY.:In to maintain lew & on:fer- •• the .,tulttlaf, ..-. tM $taCO was g.~ng ,_ .. col COoUol '"

"'- of lhiFI th• Ch'-f Mlnllter mao. an otal request 10 SM I. K

Aovari.. the thr u... ~ M:;,.,~(llllft"-1 ~ fQfdeoSoytnen!

oc Army In th• 6tato M doclded 1n the m••uno • fax rnesagt

•as - bi' Sho K l'nryanl• wlsm :l>e a- - (Home) to lhe secrotary, Mtnlttty of Defence, Govt of tnfJI• .wt 1430 h.r•

~ ~ at 10 ~ o1 AJrry at AAIN'dlbad C1tj .,

a!"'d 04hef affoe~ed phlcn lmMecltato!)' Dy .. t11tftlng ,,.,em TM Ch•.r

t,t~ hoo ..,..,_-ou·~""•'rvct!OI'Itl ftlor t!'o6 ... r~ •KOI'I of l.,c H•j P~lgnm• retvm!ng to 1~ $t-.t• to a~ •"r ""to-Mit(!"~. Th.

• 'u ~Milo ~~ uu. 1-.gard W!OIIt; senj on :n.o2~2002 to Addl 00

vrn wtltl tnformattOn to t:)e OG.P ~- tno a.c.t.on ()i'fioef' (Spf.).

Home O.pan:mWJt. Oovt o• Ou}or6t

The Chief Minister elong 'Mth hiS a~bmet f;OIIaagues anc:J

0~ of d"".e Horne Oepsrttnent rea::hed Clrcu1 HouS6 Ar'm6XI.

Shohlbaug. Al'uncdl)bld City atOuna 1000 nns at ec;~ end held •

m 1 I ra wth tne Q!!"~ d 1he Home ~rtmef, SubMquently'

V"!e Chl•f Monutter tl•ld e prw» ~nee lit CtCtHt t'tCiuMo

Ani'IIEOOI , ShatttNug, AA!1'\>Eid.Jib.rj Crty betwH>n 18)0 hrs and 1741$

,,.._ rn tn.s PI"HHI COI"t~. CM ~~ tr.a: a ~hAd t.-n t.U.en by fh• St•t• Govt to e~~ll the Army A vjc;lr;o CO of the

press ~erettee hal been pockJic:W br SM ~ Bha,.aar_ AI

about 1600 tlft. l~ Chief Mlnl&tar'• appttll to pubtlc fOt keep•ng

puce and co ~ ... & ordN HaS letclftMd 11'1 m. Door·

Oa~han et Circuit Houtoe'lexe. Shahlbeug, Mmedabltd c.,,. ._"'d tne ""as talllo<::Sed .. 18.55 rvs befole the~~ rte•\·•


Page 2: Truth about Gujarat - SIT Report


bu!l&b.n The Chief M1nistor hold another law & order f$Yi&w

meeting et his residence &t 2030 hns on 28-02-2002, .,.,.,!ch was

attended by t.hct I'>Gonlor Ol'flOOf$ or u-.e Home OoP<Jrtrncnt and lt'lo

pOllee. The Ch~ Minis-lor- met th• U11ion O•fonco Mlni$10r Shri

Georg.a Fcm;~nQes at hi& re&Kienoe at 2230 hours on 2&.02.2002

In the presenoe Qf coooe(n&d offiC$1$ ltl which the prevalent law

and order $1tuauoo W;)S tevle~d and soconty arrangomenls

diSW$&ed. This is confinned from the reoords of the Protocol

Oc~rtmcnt <J& well a& lhe Pollee Cof'rol Ftoom tneSSSipes.

According to Shri $AnJ•Y Sh.,II'6Pf, 0$0 to CM the Chief

Mlnltter tnet Shri Geosgc Fcrnandf'"· the rhen Union Defonco Mfnla.tor on 01~·2002 at about os.3o hrs at h.B residence In the

I pro$0nce of Govt. Officials and Army Off.cers. As per the press

retca$0 f»ued by the Gujara1 tnformalion Bureau on 01-03-2002

Shrt Gordnan 2acJafla, the then MoS (Home}, Shri G. Subba Rao.

the then Chief Secretary Shn Ashok. N~tayan, the- lhOn ACS

(Home) alld olht:J .&Onlor poliCe off~er& indud1ng Shti K..

Chcl~ravarthi, the then DGP, Shtl K. N.ty~:~nl':ltldam, the then

Secretary {Home) and ~.enior Army o~:~nd Air~force offiQOI"$ a1tondod

the said meeung In thlS moeMg, CM rC!quo~tcxf for 4cploymQn1 of

lflor• Pate Military Fotcea (PMFa) and BSF, to whJeh'Shtl George ¢f:Wllandes agreed. CM also apprhsed the: Pe:fttnot:! M lni1ltCT about

the allotment of 5 Coys or PMFs: to the Stone or Gujarat. The Chief

Mlni~ter met me H.E. Governor of Gujarat at 0930 hrs at

Rajbnevan and apprised h1m about the latesl Jaw & order s!lu3Uon

In Gvjaral and also about the sec~.~ri!y 31'1'11ngemonl.'$ and

l>andQOast made in ltle S1ate Ourong 1000 hts to 1300 hr$, C,:M

had attended to U\6' Govt worK llnd g;~vo o!roe~:1on& to tt'le

Adm"i!ltrativc funcl$0noaries to ta)(e preventiVe actions to enaure

that the diSCurbed Situabon did not spreod The Ch~f Minister ;,J.:$0

mctt lhe Coogress actcg~lion lnfonncd them aboul tn. ~Uon tl!lkcn by tho Govt t~ncl Ol~&ed th&m not to lo~e any protest In

11"11$ r'P98.r0 The Mlnlctcr ;a~o g:.vo duoctionG for tho G;~~foty

and &eCUrity ol the H-aJ Pllgnm& lCl..Jming to Gujarat. CM aJso

dlseussed lh• c:ash ~o4es and QI)Ollt the otller help to be given to

Page 3: Truth about Gujarat - SIT Report

lho ""' vlaol""' H4 eloo alsc""•t "'" '"''•••• foe me ~llot c:.,.... •wneo Dy VVIOU$ NOOtl nd 011'/e CJII«:tlons fO< ctMt

....,,.., ·~ (1:1 0. ptOYtded to rkJt •"-=* ... ICIJ'M,. .,.. •lw

QeJ,... dLtec.on. to tne ~ 11"1 .,. Stale eo nwo:• ~

~ "*~Ca. set'YIICeS to .,. lh.CCecl "' ... iind oU\el'

~-- OA heto I ~ & oroet rev.- mMt-nQ a 1300 'l'n... AhGoUliM' law & Cl'lder te"View f'nMtlng WU h6ld b)' CM at 1500 hrs

II hill ,...;enoa At 1630 hrs. CM '*'a' ' ,.... confetcnoe at

C1rcu'1 ~ Annexe, Shalilbaug, Al'lmecl•b•d C•IY to thte pn~u oonf..,.n~- CM Informed 1he pr-.. 1n,1 13 oQiu~nna of Army h&ct

b-.n d1pioyect to a&&l&t the Stele Clv.l Administration and thiil

•hoot •I .Jght otd•rs to malntam l.llw & ord•r •tll.laUon ht1d be9n

,. • ...,.., CU ••- bnefed the proas al;l()ul h·• rw:~aUng w•:h Che

Un.on O.tttK~e M;nistet ltld al50 ebout the MQioyment of Army

l1o •• ;e .. ln.t deta.i:s of va•·llijUI. riOt inodrecUJ 1"10 about

..,. ~~of CP..,Fa in thr 6~• .. Ca.t .-o lr'iouneo ltle

..... .rJoul the tequl~ ol ~ ~ MIO.A\rt' ~ trorr. ttle r·~N»unna State!; ¥'0 aopMhld lo tn. mao.a 10 ~ rettra•.,._ CM 1'\eld a~ law & order -..,..._, tnMtlt\9 at 2030 h!"$

-c hit •.-lctoooo

A• pat tlwl ,..que~t mode by lh8 Qovl. ot Guj•,., lhe Army ~

I*"'Mtl weto a\rtlfted from Ina bmder •n<llil•y started $rTiving et

MmoCiat>cld Clly In the night lntervefilfi'SI l0·U:l·2002101-Q3-2002.

Sl'ltl P S St'!al'l ttto then Add' S.Crvtarv IL&O) f'l• swed that on

r~ee~pe of •nc~~nauon !rom the Army • auU'ICfll~t. a orogTwnme

in:IIC.atJI'tg the .arnval Of tne Aim'; and ~ ~ll&lC (~!"§,

_.,.,. Mnl tO aw C4P •no OW:s Al"'.tnedabtld Ory S.OO. C«-, and

~11;14 e.c, c, nm on 2:s.c2..2Q02 -..rt Howw.r. w. !wet C!a1ed

01-oJ.-2002 .• re .. aud deplo~ w....... Olf !Vmywkh a coh.ww"ls

for MmMaiMid C1ty a..~ 2 f;OIV"""-. e•ah 'OI 0flroG.I CJI)' and

OOOI"Wll •M ' coluMn for R~kOI City w""' • .,, b~ h•m S:hti P S.

S"-lllh h .. 1110 atated 1nat Shn Ourdeyal Singh, rh.- then Acfdl 00

hed IH.Ibmltt-' • ropotl to ACS (Home~ .on 02.0J-2002, V\-Cie v.t.icn

tole •nrormed lhtU 3 Battalions ~ lntanuy Olv1Jt0f1 reached

A.t-m•dablel Oty on 01-03-2002 •nd U'Uit I 8a:taHon strength

Page 4: Truth about Gujarat - SIT Report

h•vlng ~ ~mn• was depl~""t:l on D•1~n•e•r. Gomtlp~.o~ K1111khod

.nrj A.fnfalwwi1 et Ahtroc£t;blld cty Ht f\IMI'IrW lnfol'ftl~;o-- ,.. the

! btoCial•on - aeployod '" D•n:r-~ ~-AI-.m. ~n'lda

~ l(.a.Upll.r, Sh~ .,.., M...._..,u,. P S a....-s Sf'W'I

Cit..rdlltal ~ llad el$0 ~lii'Oilll«f ,,_.. 2 ~ of m4J Plro

Dol~ ..,_,. depk)yeC tn Jl.;hlpc.n VtJ.eiPV ltld Pakl a~ ano one~~ kQpc:1n ~

&f'ln P S Stl•h 1"13-e. tunhtr tlat..,. .tiUit on 01.03-2002..

•nother c:t•lh wreleu m..osao• w•• • .,, by 81-nl J R R-ajpul. me tt'l•n Urn:ler Georcto.ry, Home Dep.rt~nl ..wlh the •PP'ov•l ct 1ha

ACS (HO,.,.l to all CsP, OMa, S.P lOt arta Western R•ilway SP,

e.rod•, '" ~h•c;t. !\ _.. ernph~Kic.ooa N1 '" ~ or 1M prevalent

!Wr'Ch•rg.lld •l'ld tense ~· CSit~tChoru• Of'/lllr'l by lhe home

o.p.rtlftM'II 111me ana again rot tn~~""-'anc. of p,.tb'ic: order .-.d .,.._ thOUtd be ~rr~. 11 tNt m111~ ....,.... athef'

~ inciuding itYlplemetYtiii'JOn d COI'M"IUI'Yl riots SCil'll!tl'ie.

;·~ ._. G"'M" bV U'"e Go-It Qf II"WJJ• 10 ptOmOte oommJnal

natmony. &ll'ect!W aClton&. ag<t~fi\St urvuty mot. and 1.1~vt

a~bly •nd meetmgG of Peaolir CoMf"'''.tHM ett:. w.r• al90 orven

- liln1t P S, tne th•n Addl S.-cr•ary 1~0~ 1\.Qs also

•tacea «hill an 01.03·2002, DGP fell tt11111 tt'lt te~outee& av8..4ab!e\ hiM .,...,. jnsuffic:ien1 u:> deal wuh ''- tow a. order '-iluatlon In

IN 04,fara1 and u $UCh Yotll'l the ai)OfOVII ot ACS :Heme), 3

....... wo1• HOI b)' Shri K Nlt)'anaf'ttUIM. U.. thon Sc~ty

(tionMtl to Clwf Seeceta:ry Me:tny• ~- Rot;ta~ and

MatwMUwa lhrDugh .twc;n lf1oM .............. · to spare

10 con-~ NQI o( t.,... ""'"-' ~ to hllp u. ~ poke

~ ~ .,.. krw f. on::1!1N ~ ~ reflY ~ Ot..Q3.20Q2

.,.... ... ,. ~~ f'fqm Sn" R K.. Nalt" Addl. C"'-' Go'Vt. d

RaJ••t"-n In whch h• ~QI"Ottlld to tp~He any OOI"" foroe for

dull•• In ou,.r.l for the titue being 1 IOwOV'flf', 2 Coye or SRI=' w•r•

PIOVtd«< by th~ Govt. of Mollor1111hra on 03·0~2002. and the

Nme wre oeployad in Sural

Page 5: Truth about Gujarat - SIT Report


snn G SubOe Reo. tho !hen Ch ....')l ha• ~ted that

rwt "-Ct oon. e.t:Jroll(:l M1d was. reeaii.O on 01..03-2'0 f-,.aa

·~ "*'l*d II'* he t;em • --· MSUFie 10 .. C.,P, U.Mlo.,

~tO. .... s.p lO 1M.,_.~ ~~~and

polioe hiMI ~ -=- in • deci&Ntl. Pf'O"'IPI ...... •H«z,_,. 'T1al'ltlet to

~in!~ U!e .,tJ.Ie,tJOn Ul"4er CDIIb'ol a'ld l.t\M. ~~ ~ 1\CM: I'MKlta'l•

10 \1 .. 'lll'lett'o'W loi'ce was nece5AfV tQo btl1"9 l"- ~!On U'ldet

controt Th• Chief Secretory p $0 emph .. IMCI •n tn's message that

w-,.-n llvM and properbo$ were lhreal~ t" communal &it~tlon neoe•••IY klree Including tiring 11'1ould to be resorted to bflng the

ellu••·on l.ll'ld•r COI'IIrol and If tn• sltuflltlon Cl&l~loratad be:yond a

po~nt bMidH lf'I'\PO$•ng c;vrlow "ai\Ool 11 •lght" otdet's also 1M

'"Y<MI •q ~m g01.1'1oring of , onl~~;~l mo~ st publiC .,:-aces Trw

lt.r•WII::I!On.. offic;ers were .-..:; 10 ecK.t'IOWiedQ'It uu,. ~ arxs o=r".llllre tft8t no fnilljOf' ~ too~ ,._. 4Jndes --

SM S.nJay BhiiVAt, 0S0 10 CM,.,.. ltllted thai on 02~

2002. m. Ctlllltf MtnfsW" held ilnoth"'r mntno WU'I st!~ ~

Ftm•nc:s.. tl1• then I.Mion Oe-4enc;e ~ini.U.r It 0830 hr$ ~ his

~ence Ounng 003Q nno 10 1230 f'!re. CM met the ·H. E. thoe Govornot Of Gujwon ;and appl'lai!ld him ot th• h•lerl !II!Weuon and

lhl IKUrlty e,_ngements end made by ~no

admlt'll•tra.UQI"'' CM turther 1""- o•~oee fo1 tho retiel

Cllmpt •~r1ed by the vanous NGO. C\.4 alto difc:IA&~ the cas.h.

Ql .. and the othet hoi!r4' :o bo 9f\'C111o U'ltl fiOt ~lms The Chi&(

~ aiM a-~ lll6ti'\.ICblnl It-' $SC.fHSC boWd ~l"rrlr.B:.on '

be held "' ld'led.lled h oeeceful ·~ anCI Mo 10 emute f'• .... ,. 01 d.Jderlts TINO Law & ~ ~ meetmgs. were

l'l4ld by d'le Choef Mtl'ltStef tH h16 ~- •t 1300 hf'l. <tnd 1500

~ ... r"P«t•v.fy CM held a meo&~lr'IO al .,. offloaJ• cf ln. Home

O.p~~rlrNN~I ., USOO hs al C.rc:UJt Hou•• Mnexe, Sheh!O;I;vg

MmodotMid Clly CM als.o l'lekl • or••• c~!'lfol•nce •1 1630 nrs on

Orcu11 HC)uH AnMxe. Sl\eh!baug Mm•at'bld City, dvreng wtlleh

1 d•laJI«Kt press release was IU4Atd by in• Oovl of GuJarat CM

hlkl an • • party meet a1 1800 hfS, In v.-hlel'l U'4l Congress .eaders

