Page 1: TRUMPET · PDF file · 2017-11-30TRUMPET NEWSLETTER Minister’s Corner 1-3 Coming Events ... and beauty of Christmas, the birth of Christ, God with us. ... What I’m talking about

Winter 2017



Corner 1-3

Coming Events page 4

From your Church Board

page 5


Update pg. 6-8

Outreach Corner 9-12

Church News page 13-17


Page 18-19

In This


Today is the American Thanksgiving and ‘Black Friday’

has been inundating my email inbox for the last week or so. These two are polar opposites… thankfulness, gratitude,

blessings vs advertising, consumption, consumerism,

obsession, gluttony. I find myself leaning towards thanksgiving – thanksgiving for the good and opportunity in

my life, gratitude for the gifts and abilities to be who I am today and blessings, oh so many blessings in oh so many

places. One of those blessings is you, the many individuals

who create this place of community and faith. You, who through faith and generosity, through love and gratitude reach

out to the community and to those on the margins to say… ‘Here we are! We can help!’ What great gifts you bring and you


The Church year is drawing to a close. Soon it will be Advent, our time of waiting and preparing for the birth of our

Saviour, Emmanuel, God with us! It can also be a time where

we get entangled in the ‘busy’.

The Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh teaches wisdom

through the ceremony and meditation of tea (a Buddhist

parallel to Communion):

“You must be completely awake in the present to enjoy

the tea.

Only in the awareness of the present, can your hands feel the

pleasant warmth of the cup. Only in the present, can you savor the aroma, taste the

sweetness, appreciate the delicacy. If you are ruminating about the past, or worrying about the

future, you will completely miss the experience of enjoying the

cup of tea. You will look down at the cup, and the tea will be gone.

Life is like that.

Open Arms, Open Hearts, Open Spirit


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If you are not fully present, you will look around and it will be gone.

You will have missed the feel, the aroma, the delicacy and beauty of life.

It will seem to be speeding past you. The past is finished. Learn from it and let it go.

The future is not even here yet. Plan for it, but do not waste your time worrying about it.

Worrying is worthless.

When you stop ruminating about what has already happened, when you stop worrying about what might never happen, then you will be in the present moment.

Then you will begin to experience joy in life.”

May your Advent time be blessed,

May your Christmas time be blessed as well!

Rev. Laurie

23 November 2017

The True Meaning of Christmas

"Be still, and know that I am God.” Psalm 46, verse 10.

In these days leading to Christmas, there are many things that can keep us from the

opportunity that stillness brings; to pause and to be ready and open to the wonder

and beauty of Christmas, the birth of Christ, God with us.

Physical illness, emotional and mental distress, social commitments, deadlines at

work, relationship differences, shopping, and other stressful situations that can

distract and disquiet us.

In all of that, our hope would be that you find a time of pause. A time of stillness. To

open a space in yourself for the light and comfort of the Divine to be present with

you, to renew you, to open your heart to the love that is ever present in the Divine.

Pause. Be still.

On all our pathways, Christ is with us. His blessing surrounds us, enfolds us, invites

us. His love will never leave us.

From Exeter United Church, may you share in the gifts of this season. And may a

very Merry Christmas be yours.

Rev. Laurie O’Leary

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The Immoral Majority By Anthony Robinson

“You shall not follow a majority in wrongdoing … you shall not side with the majority so

as to pervert justice.” Exodus 23:2

Lazy minds love expressions like, “Most everyone thinks,” or “Many people believe,”

and “Everyone is saying …”

The practice of attributing your own negative or self-interested views to anonymous

others or a hypothetical majority is a bane of church life. “Your know, Pastor, I think

most everyone agrees that …” Really?

Constructive criticism is completely legitimate and absolutely necessary. But do it like

grown-ups. Say, “This is what I think.” Don’t say, “Many people are thinking.” Be


In Exodus, God’s people are warned about following the crowd, about “following a

majority in wrong-doing.” What I’m talking about isn’t just following the crowd; it’s

using the crowd for cover.

I know one congregation where their practice is, “If you have a complaint or a concern,

we (the congregation’s elected and called leaders) want to hear about it. If you allow

your name to go with your concern, we will bring it to the Church Council, discuss it

and get back to you. If you won’t allow your name to be used, we will listen but do

nothing further.” That’s a congregation inviting people to be responsible adults.

In all sorts of human groups, institutions, and organizations, anxiety-based group-think

gets rolling and somebody ends up getting badly hurt. Not just somebody; in the end,


So, if you aren’t sure that a self-proclaimed moral majority or someone that claims to

speak for a majority is seeing clearly and acting justly, stand up and speak out. Speak

for yourself. By speaking honestly and humbly for yourself, you just may – here’s a

strange thing – end up speaking for more than yourself.

Prayer: Grant us the humility to respect the decisions of a majority even when we don’t

get our way; the courage to challenge a majority when justice requires it; and the

wisdom to know the difference. Amen.

God is Still Speaking, Daily Devotional, United Church of Christ 5 october 2017

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Sat., Dec. 2 UCW Trip to Parkview United in Stratford to see 101 Nativities

Sun., Dec. 3 11:30 am After Church Social hosted by Church Board

Sun., Dec. 10 11:30 am Macaroni and Hotdog Lunch to support Youth

Thurs., Dec. 14 11:30 am-1:00 pm Free Soup Lunch for the Community

Tues., Dec. 19 7:00 pm Lessons and Carols with South Huron Community Choir

Sun., Dec. 24 7:00 pm Family Christmas Eve Service

Sun., Dec. 24 10:00 pm Candles and Communion Service

Sun., Jan. 7 11:30 am King Cakes with the Sunday School

Mon., Jan. 8 Annual Reports Due

Wed., Jan. 17 7:00 pm Church Board

Sun., Feb. 18 10:30 am Annual Congregational Meeting




I am new to the Exeter United Church team but in the short time I have been here the

support from the Church community has been amazing. My first big project was the Pro

Musica concert, the support from businesses, local community members and congrega-

tion was fantastic. Exeter United Church is so grateful to be able to present a cheque to

Jessica’s House- Huron County ( a residential hospice) for over $2,500.

Small towns pull together in astounding ways. We all need to be thankful for

the great community that we choose to live in.

Karen Brintnell

Communications Specialist

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We celebrate the success of Reunion Sunday and express gratitude to Janis Dougall

and her team for spearheading the event.

We celebrate the London Pro Musica concert for Jessica’s House and express

gratitude for the community’s support at this event.

We celebrate the musical gifts of the South Huron Community Choir and give

thanks for the relationship that is growing with our congregation.

We celebrate the different ideas and opinions held by members of our congregation

and give thanks that we listen with integrity and respect.

We celebrate all of our outreach programs and are grateful for those who tirelessly

work to ensure their effectiveness.

We celebrate our changing world and give thanks that we are challenged to be

forward thinking, to set new directions and new goals. Opportunities to share your

thoughts will be made available in the coming months. Stay tuned.

Janice Brock 519-235-0323 [email protected]

Eleanor Clark 519-235-0548 [email protected]

Ena deHaan 519-235-1464 [email protected]

Ann Johns 519-235-0474 [email protected]

Joan Kammerer (Chair) 519-235-4083 [email protected]

Cheryl Masson 519-335-0670 [email protected]

Stephen Platts 226-218-9208 [email protected]

Alice MacLean 519-235-1286 [email protected]

Brenda Turner 519-235-0220 [email protected]

Lois Godbolt 519-235-0691 [email protected]


Highlights from your Church Board

22 NOVEMBER 2017

Finance and Stewardship presented and the Board supported a new clearer Budget

Reporting format for monthly meetings

The Board has given direction that the current governance structure needs to be


Town Hall type meetings will be organized and held in 2018 to gather information

about sharing ministry and future opportunities

We will be presenting Jessica’s House with a donation of $2625.56 from the profits of

the Pro Musica concert held on September 30th

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Finance and Stewardship Committee


Christian Stewardship is how we invest God's stuff for God's mission

in God's world.

As we shared with you last fall, Stewardship is an area of focus for us this year.

We are called as individuals and as congregations and communities into God’s mission.

We participate by giving the gifts that God has entrusted to us. These gifts are

everything that we have: our time, our talents and skills, and our treasure or physical


Christian stewardship includes all aspects of our lives. It is about our personal, work,

and family life. It is about the good management of donations, including those made to

our church. It is about our congregational and denominational life, which flows from our

individual and collective desire to be part of God’s mission for the world.

Stewardship is

How we spend our time

How we care for our body and make healthy choices

Our priorities around money

How we choose to employ our talents and gifts

How we manage our relationships

How we care for the environment

How we practice our faith

Inspire! Ask! Thank!

Generosity & Gratitude

Our committee’s stewardship journey started last fall when we attended a full day

workshop. We learned we make willing and generous donations of our time, talents

and treasure when we are:

Inspired … when we hear how generosity has impacted lives and brought change.

Asked … when we receive direct and heartfelt requests for our generous giving.

Thanked … when we are personally thanked and know our gifts are appreciated.

With these key learnings, we started this year by asking members of our congregation

to tell their stories – to inspire us by telling us about their generous donations of time

and talents to the church and community and what this has meant to them.

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At our annual meeting in February, the story of our ministry was told using a narrative

budget - what our financial generosity accomplishes i.e. what the money does not just

where the money goes.

This spring and fall Rev Laurie delivered stewardship messages about:

Living thankfully, day by day

Living out our mission locally Participating in our Church’s mission

Inviting generosity

Giving thanks

Tracking Time, Talent, and Treasure!

Our congregational stewardship is how we as a group of faithful Christians, gather and

employ our resources. This year has been about understanding the basics. To take

stewardship to the next level, we need to gather data and set goals.

When it comes to people, talents, volunteers, resources, facilities, promises and money

there’s a lot to keep track of. Today, our office administrator tracks people (name &

address) and our treasurer tracks financial donations using a software package called


Going forward, we propose:

Tracking data about time, talent and other physical resources in ChurchWatch.

Providing the minister with a copy of ChurchWatch to enable direct access to all data

i.e. time, talent and treasure including financial donations.

Our committee proposes making all data in ChurchWatch accessible by the minister

based on the rational that ministers should have access to all membership and gifts

data given including financial givings as this enables a positive and affirming approach

to giving and supports pastoral care. In essence, all givings are the business of


Currently, financial givings are confidential and only accessible by the Treasurer. This

proposal will make financial donor information also available on a very limited and

confidential basis to the Minister.

As per the board’s direction in June, this proposal was shared for awareness at the

Sunday October 29 congregation meeting. It was subsequently shared on Sunday

November 12 following the service which also included a question and answer session.

A total of 43 people attended the November 12 session.

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Feedback received on this proposal can be summarized as follows:

There is general acceptance for tracking additional data on time, talent and other

physical resources. This is based on this data being kept confidential to those who

need to use it and it being stored securely.

There is support for use of financial givings data to support stewardship efforts.

There is mixed feedback on providing the minister with access to financial givings.

Some are supportive and surprised to know the minister does not already have access

to financial givings.

Some are opposed indicating the minister does not need to know about specific

financial givings. Of those opposed, some requested looking for alternate ways to

support stewardship efforts. Others indicated this should be a put to the congregation

for a vote.

Based on the feedback received, our committee requested and received approval and

direction from the board to:

Proceed to track data about time, talent and other physical resources using


Acquire an additional copy of ChurchWatch for minister use with access to all data

excluding financial givings.

Table decision making on providing the minister with access to financial givings until

November 2018 to give our committee and the Board an opportunity to work together

to provide more information and education on access to finances and its relationship to

stewardship and pastoral care.

Our committee’s next steps is to develop detailed plans for implementation and


Stay tuned … we’ll share more as we finalize our plans and work to bring stewardship

alive in our congregation!


The Board approved the Finance & Stewardship committee’s request to proceed with

tracking data about time, talent and other physical resources (not finances)

The Board approved the Finance & Stewardship committee’s request to acquire an

additional copy of ChurchWatch for minister use with access to all data (excluding

finances). This will be reviewed again October 2018

Moving forward, the Board and Finance and Stewardship committee will be working

together to provide more information and education to the congregation concerning

access to finances and its relationship to pastoral care

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Our Church in the Community


CD/OUTREACH COMMITTEE UPDATE submitted by Glenda Wagner

Our goal is to reach out to our own congregation, to the community around us and to the

world with Open Arms, Open Hearts, Open Spirit. To help us do just that, we have planned

several events for the next few months.

It is always very heart warming to experience the willingness of our church family to help

us achieve our goals by giving of their time and donations.

Nov. 27 - Collective Kitchen

Nov. 29 - Sunday School Teachers appreciation dinner

Dec. 14 - Free Soup Lunch

Dec. 18 - Collective Kitchen

Dec. 19 - helping to prepare and serve refreshments after the Lessons and Carols with the

South Huron Community Choir

Dec. 25 - Community Christmas Dinner at Christian Reformed Church

In the New Year we plan to offer a movie night for our seniors. They have done and

continue to do so much for us and now we want to give back. Stay tuned for more details

to come.

Sponsoring the Almajarish family has been a tremendous outreach for Exeter United. We

look forward to and appreciate the updates provided by the committees working with the

family. A huge thank you goes out to them as they have given countless hours and worked

tirelessly to meet the needs of this family of six. Isn’t it wonderful to see the family out in

our community enjoying happiness and freedom that has been made possible by the

sponsorship of Exeter United. The work of the committees involved could not have been

accomplished without the many caring and generous members of our church family and our


Our Benevolent Fund provides valuable assistance to families in our

community through VISTA gift cards to Foodland and Independent

Grocery Stores. Individuals and families are able to receive assistance

from Exeter United every six months or up to twice a year. In addition,

families seeking assistance are given a bag with shampoo, conditioner, soap,

toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, toilet paper, razor and other personal care

products. The addition of these personal care bags in the last year has been

gratefully appreciated. So far this year we have helped 80 families thanks to

your generosity. A special thank you to those who have been purchasing extra

VISTA cards and dropping off donations for our personal care bags.

Extra VISTA cards can be purchased from Carol Brisbin and donated to

the Benevolent program and donations of personal care products

can be dropped off at the office. Thank you for your generosity!


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Our Church in the Community


Collective Kitchen

We met in October and November and had 20 people gather in the kitchen each month

to cook together, learn new skills, share some laughs and prepare food that could be

taken home and enjoyed throughout the week. We have a diverse group of people who

come together each month; from 19 to 85 years old, people with almost no cooking

experience to people who have had a passion for cooking their entire lives, single

people who live alone and people who have large families to feed. We work together,

support each other, learn from one another and have a lot of fun! We are still looking

for new recipes, if you have any recipes that can easily be adapted for large batches

please share them with Heather MacKechnie at

[email protected]

Everyone is welcome!

For more information call the office 519-235-0860 or

Heather at 519-872-9144

Upcoming dates:

Monday, December 18 6-9 pm Christmas Baking Night

Monday, January 22, 6-9 pm

Monday, February 26 6-9 pm


to everyone who donated

and volunteered at

our Free Community Dinner in October, we served shepherds

pie to about 120 people who really enjoyed the community

and the food! Our next month to host is February so keep an

eye out for the sign up Board. Even if you are not able to

help, consider joining us for supper, it is a great

opportunity to get to know our

neighbours and help us us welcome them with




Plans are underway for our 3rd

Annual Free Community

Christmas celebration! This

year’s dinner will be held at the

Exeter Christian Reformed

Church where we can make use of their wonderful,

spacious facilities. This is a collaborative

community project and we are asking each of the

churches involved to contribute a portion of the

meal. Exeter United is being asked to help with

the potatoes, cranberry sauce, juice and afternoon

munchies! Please see the sign up board in the

Andrew Street entrance or contact Heather

MacKechnie at 519-872-9144 for more information.

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Our Church in the Community


Almajarish Family Update– Nov. 2017

1. Baby Ahmed is a happy healthy baby boy who will

be 6 months old at Christmas.

2. Shahid is 3 and registered for JK recently. She

already has a back pack and lunch box ready for Sept.

3. Mohammad (10) had dental surgery on Sept. 30 at

Sick Children’s Hospital in London. He was very brave

and is determined to take good care of his teeth in the


4. Ibraheem has happily worked a few over-time

shifts on Saturdays recently as well as his regular 7

a.m. – 3 p.m. shifts at General Coach.

5. Shahid and Mohammad are registered with Exeter

Skating Club for beginner lessons and look forward to

their classes on Mondays at 5:55 p.m. They also enjoy it

when friends come to watch their lessons.

6. The whole family was kept busy bagging walnuts from

their back lawn and raking leaves in October and


7. Lana Shapton comes every Tuesday to play games or

just hang out or help Sham with homework. More

volunteers for evening activities or visits would be

welcome. Every opportunity to speak English is a bonus

and the tea is always on!

8. The family eats dinner at 3:30 p.m. right after kids

return from school and Ibraheem arrives home from work.

9. Ibraheem enrolled in Arabic Driver’s Ed classes which he attended in London

for 20 hours during 2 weekends in November. Now he is accumulating 10 hours

on road with a Fanshawe Driving School instructor. His Driver’s Licence Test is

booked for Dec. 20 in Clinton.

10. Driving the family for appointments and babysitting are the two remaining

dependencies which keep the Committee busy.

11. By Jan. 1, Ibraheem hopes to have purchased a good used 7-seat van.

If you know of one for sale, please let us know.

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Almajarish Family Update Cont.


12. Fatima has expressed an interest in getting her Driver’s Licence

in the future. She takes Baby Ahmed to her English classes on

Tuesday and Thursday mornings at the Learning Centre downtown.

13. Sham is the organizer in the family and she enjoys filing bills

and important papers. She has adjusted to Grade 7 at SHDHS, but

has trouble keeping up with homework and would welcome more

help during evenings.

14. Sham and Mohammad often act as translators for their parents

and are proud of their English skills. Shahid is also speaking and

understanding well in her second language.

15. The 3 older Almajarish kids enjoyed riding on the Skating Club float at the very

rainy Exeter Santa Claus parade.

16. Fatima and Shahid and Ahmed have attended a few Early Years Play sessions at

the Exeter Villa, and are regulars at the Friday morning story-time at Exeter Library.

17. The Church sponsorship ended officially on Aug. 16, 2017 and the family is proud to be financially independent now. To

document Year 1, the Committee presented the Almajarish family with a photo book of memories of their first year in Canada.

Another copy of the book has been printed to remain at Exeter United Church to commemorate the sponsorship. Speak to

Heather in the Office if you would like to borrow it for a few days. We thank God, the church and the generous community support

for the success of the sponsorship. We DID make a difference for

one family. Ibraheem, Fatima, Sham, Mohammad, Shahid are proud Permanent Residents of Canada and Baby Ahmed is an

official Canadian citizen.

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Submitted by Ann Johns



We have been actively searching / advertising for the role of Music Director /

Accompanist since early October. To date, no applications have been received.

While we have been unsuccessful, there is no need for concern.

Aaron Neeb and Lana Shapton have graciously agreed to continue in their roles. As

well, Katherine Napiwotzki and Bob Robilliard have agreed to provide back-up with

Music Director duties.

Special thanks for Aaron, Lana, Katherine and Bob for committing their time and

talents as we continue to work through our search and hiring process.


Did you know that the UCW contribute to the church in a wide variety of ways? They

are the ones who take on the responsibility for decorating the Sanctuary, the

entrances, the vestibules. They also maintain the kitchen and keep it well stocked,

organized and clean! They organize and work hard to make the Annual Christmas

Bazaar and Smorgasbord Lunch happen, which create a great sense of community and

also help with a significant financial contribution to the church. Throughout the year

UCW meetings and gatherings provide many opportunities for learning, laughter and

community. The funds they raise have financially supported many different projects in

the community and in the church over the years. At a moments notice this group of

ladies are always there to provide comfort to families in difficult times with funeral

lunches and kind words. I’m sure there is much more that I have missed…



The Life and Work of Our Church….


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Submitted by Linda Russell


As our holiday season fast approaches please remember to wear your name tag to

assist guest speakers and visitors to put names to faces.

Regretfully this fall we accepted resignations from 2 integral members of our

Membership & Visitation Team. Carole Hockey has resigned as our co-chair and team member joining us in 2015 after previously being our board liaison. Dianne Waun who

most recently shared our secretary duties has resigned after an astounding 17 years. A BIG thank you to both as their important contributions have been appreciated and will

be greatly missed. Linda Russell has stepped down from co-chair duties but will continue as team member.

This fall we celebrated when 2 sets of cousins and 1 little boy were welcomed into our church family receiving the Sacrament of Baptism - September 10, Megan Ray

Freiter, daughter of Ryan & Diane Freiter and Hudson Erich Freiter, son of Andrew & Rhonda Freiter; November 12, Sawyer Paisley Mudge, daughter of Janelle (Clarke) &

Shane Mudge and Bria Patricia Anne Meidinger, daughter of Justine (Clarke) & Tim Meidinger; December 3, Conor Jeffery McBride, son of Jenna (Rader) & Jason McBride.

Our blessings to these families.

We’re grateful for 14 years of faithful service Marie Fisher devoted to our important Teleministry Team ministry before retiring.

Our gratitude to those who graciously provided light refreshments for our after church socials – Barb Gackstetter & Tom Bates for the last 2 Sundays of summer,

Membership & Visitation Team started off the fall with their ice cream sundaes, followed by the Sunday School hotdog lunch and in December the Church Board.

Our sincere condolences to the families of our congregation members who have died recently – Bill Tuckey, Sandra Johnson, Eugene Willard, Ron Bogart and Jim Pinder.

Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers as they travel their grief journey.

6 ‘Thinking of you’ Sunshine cards have been sent since August to those of our

congregation who have been ill, recovering from hospitalization &/or in need of our support & encouragement. If you know of someone from our congregation in need,

please inform the church office.

Our hearts are filled with gratitude for all our dedicated volunteers that show

compassion assisting the Membership & Visitation Team with providing many behind-

the-scene services for our congregation. May you be blessed with love, peace, joy and laughter during this holiday season.

“We should certainly count our blessings,

but we should also make our blessings count"

~Neal A. Maxwell

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Updates from groups and committees


The Capital Projects Committee members are Don McCaffrey, Ken Coates, Joanne

Bowen and Tom Prout.

The projects for this year include a Hazardous Materials Study, required by provincial

and federal legislation, a new larger water line from James Street and the east entranceway. The budget for these projects are $5,000, $10,000, and $35,000


The Hazardous Materials Study is underway. We are waiting for the consultant’s report

later this year. The new water line is installed and hooked up. We hope you find better pressure and/or more water to fill toilets faster and fill kitchen sinks. The new water

line will also be an asset when the Universal Washroom is constructed. Because of delays and busy contractors the east entranceway/vestibule will be delayed until April,

2018. This is not a project we want to do over the winter. Although not a large vestibule it will take approximately three months to complete. When completed this

entrance will be safer, more accessible and reduce cold winter winds from accessing

the Primary Room. The ramp currently located inside the church in the primary room will be removed as part of this project. The access will be flat with no ramp inside or


The cost of the vestibule seems high to many of us. Although small, the vestibule has a

lot of details to meet barrier free accessibility, as well as removing the ramp on the inside of the church, lowering the doorway and leveling the outside entranceway to

match the level inside of the church. I have checked with others and the estimated cost of $35,000 is certainly the right ball park for this job.

Many of you have given your time, talent, and money to the church already this year and for many years so the Capital Projects Committee certainly understands that not

everyone can financially support these projects. If you are able to donate to these projects your contributions are much appreciated. You can select any one project or

combinations of all three to support, whatever works for you and your family. Cheques should be made out to Exeter United Church indicating on the memo line which project

(s) you are supporting. Your donation is eligible for an income tax receipt.

Huron Perth Presbytery has approved a $10,000 grant (this means we don’t have to pay it back), for the vestibule project. As well there are Trust funds and Memorial funds

to assist with the costs of these projects.

If you have any questions please contact one of the committee members.

On behalf of the Capital Projects Committee, Church Board and the Trustees.

Submitted by Tom Prout



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The Life and Work of Our Church….



Our 6th full year of this fundraiser is coming to a close and for the first

time, we will not reach our target of $5,000 in income for the Church.

As of the end of November, we have sold 1234 cards with a face value of $97,880.

This has given the Church an income of $ 3,633. The best sellers continue to be the

food stores, and Tim Horton’s. This year, we linked the Christmas Bureau with VISTA

to provide gift cards suitable for teenagers, a group always difficult to provide for. As

a result, we will be donating cards totalling more than $500 to the Christmas bureau.

Thank you all for your generosity. Also new this year was the opportunity to buy $ 25

grocery cards and give them directly to the Benevolent fund. Again, thanks to those

who got involved.

Orders are taken every Sunday in the Andrew Street entrance. If you have any

questions, please call Carol Brisbin at 519-297-2011.


A successful hot dog luncheon was held on Sunday November 5 with donations of

$302.50 being received.

These funds will be used to continue sponsorship of our World Vision foster child and to

make a donation to this year’s Huron County Christmas Bureau.

Thanks to all Sunday School families and teachers who donated food and assisted with

preparations and clean-up.

Thanks to all who attended the luncheon for their support and generosity!

Upcoming dates...

Youth and Young Families



24 4th Advent 10:30 am Christmas Eve 7 pm Kids, Candles and Chaos

Christmas Eve 10 pm Candles and Communion 31 Sunday School cancelled


7 Epiphany – Sunday School King Cakes


18 1stLent/Communion/Annual Meeting

MARCH 2018

4 Sunday School Soup & Sandwich

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UCW Country Christmas Bazaar was a great success

with wonderful community participation and a profit

of $8226.92. A big THANK YOU to everyone

who donated and participated!!!

UCW purchased clothing worth $354 (all items on

sale), from Hansen’s Independent Grocery Store,

to donate to the Huron County Christmas Bureau.

UCW Anniversary Sunday will be Sunday,

April 29, 2018 with Glen Pearson as the

guest speaker.

UCW purchased two new stoves and a new

fridge for the kitchen.

The UCW Fall Rally was held at Exeter United

on Monday, October 16th, it was well


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Check out our website:

Follow us on Facebook

Exeter United Church

Or Twitter


[email protected]


Thank you to all of the members of our

congregation who support the church

through their gifts of time, talent and

treasure. We are blessed to have such

a wonderful community!

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Wishing you all

Peace, Love,

Hope and Joy

this holiday


Merry Christmas!

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