
Winter 2016-2017


From your

Church Board

page 2

Coming Events

page 2


Corner pg. 3-6

Church News

page 7-9


Page 10

In This


I write today, the day after the election in the United States. My heart is heavy and I, together with many others, are

concerned about what this may mean for the United States, for us in Canada and for the entire world. In ways that really count,

however, this post-election day, momentous as it is, is no different from any other.

Like every day, it's a gift from God, a new and ever opening opportunity to love, and be gracious. Like every day, it's a

precious clearing in which to meet again the Steadiness that undergirds each change and chance, and in that meeting to

believe again that no matter what befalls us, God will not fail to hold us night and morning. God will not fail to will and work the

good of all creation. God will not fail to be God. God will not fail.

"God's steadfast love never ceases; God's mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning: great is your faithfulness." -

Lamentations 3:22-23

Looking more to the community in which we live and worship…. this is a place of grounded being, faith and love. This is

where our focus must reside in order to live in our world and also

in order continue to live into our motivating vision …. Open Arms, Open Hearts, Open Spirit. It would be my hope that you take

encouragement and courage from this, to continue our journey of faith together – together we are stronger!

I also will take this opportunity to wish you and yours a

meaningful time of waiting and preparing during the Advent Season, a most blessed Christmas time and an abundance of

God’s blessings in the coming year!

Blessings Rev. Laurie

9 November 2016

Open Arms, Open Hearts, Open Spirit


As part of seeking new ministry, we confirmed our desire and

commitment to move forward with ministry and mission in

alignment with our values, our bedrock beliefs, and our motivating

mission “Open Arms, Open Heart, Open Spirit”.

As part of this work, we identified the following specific goals for


To support a focus on leveraging existing assets and talents.

To support the adoption of an attitude and outlook of “there is

plenty” rather than “there is not enough”.

What is Christian Stewardship? As defined by the United Church of

Canada, it is …

How we invest God’s “stuff” for God’s mission in the world.

What we do with all that God has given us, all the time.

Discovering the practical value and application of our faith.

About money, but it is not ONLY about money.

The responsible use of God’s gifts in light of God’s purpose as

revealed in Jesus.

As our Finance and Stewardship committee turns their focus and energy on developing a plan for

Stewardship for our congregation, know that the church board will be actively sponsoring and supporting

this activity.

Being good stewards and encouraging all aspects of Christian stewardship is about sharing the gifts we have

– our time, our talents and skills and our treasure or physical resources.



November 20 10:30 am Worship Service with Guest Trish MacGregor November 21 4:30-8:30 pm Bling Party to support EUC Benevolent Fund November 27 10:30 am Advent I Worship Service December 7 8:30 am-noon Meatpies December 12 6:00 pm Collective Kitchen December 13 7:00 pm Tuesday Pause December 24 7:00 pm Family Christmas Eve Service December 24 10:00 pm Late Christmas Eve Service December 25 2:00 pm Free Community Christmas Dinner and Celebration January 4 8:30-noon Meatpies January 6 Deadline to submit Annual Reports January 8 11:30 am After church social hosted by Sunday School with King Cakes

Janice Brock 519-235-0323

[email protected]

Janis Dougall 519-859-0448

[email protected]

Eleanor Clark 519-235-0548

[email protected]

Ena deHaan 519-235-1464

[email protected]

Ann Johns 519-235-0474

[email protected]

Joan Kammerer 519-235-4083

[email protected]

Cheryl Masson 519-335-0670

[email protected]

Arnie Spivey 519-235-2302

[email protected]

Alice MacLean 519-235-1286

[email protected]



Our Church in the Community


Do you enjoy cooking? Want to make

meals to share with your family at an

affordable cost? Join us at the Collective

Kitchen for fun and fellowship. We gather

together and share in the cooking of three

different dishes~a soup, stew or chili, a

casserole and a baked good. For $5 you

can take home a generous portion of each

recipe. There is plenty of fun and laughter

in the kitchen!

Everyone is welcome!

For more information call the office 519-235-0860 or Heather at 519-872-9144

Upcoming dates:

Monday, December 12, 6-9 pm

Special Christmas Cooking

Monday, January 23, 6-9 pm

Our Benevolent Fund has helped more

than 75 families with groceries this year. The individuals and families who come in seeking

assistance have exhausted all of their other options and are deeply grateful for the help

that we are able to offer them. Some are single adults, some have children or

grandchildren living with them, and some don’t

even have a roof over their heads. When they come into the office they receive a warm

welcome, a care package filled with personal care items and a small gift card for one of our

local grocery stores. You can support this important outreach ministry through donations,

by purchasing extra VISTA cards for Foodland or Independent or by dropping off toiletries

and personal care items to help fill the care packages that are gratefully appreciated .

Thanks for your support!

Our next date to host the

Free Community

Meal is Sunday, Febraury 19, 2017.

Come out, join us for dinner and meet some of the people

from our community. For more information on how you

can be involved call the office 519-235-0860


Our Church in the Community


Almajarish Family Update Ibraheem turned 40 on Oct. 1 and had a Canadian celebration with a few friends at Tim Horton’s.

Everyone enjoyed Thanksgiving Dinner with 3 other Syrian families and sponsors in Zurich.

The whole family enjoyed the Hallowe’en Howl on the trail, carving Jack-o-lanterns and Trick or Treating on Andrew Street.

Ibraheem and Fatima go to E.S.L. classes on Tues. and Thurs. mornings with 4 other new friends from Syria.

Sham and Mohammad received School Report Cards and parents had interviews with teachers with help from Moni, an interpreter from London.

The family does daily leaf raking to keep the grass clear at end of each day – only to be surprised in the morning by MORE LEAVES!

Ibraheem has worked at a few volunteer jobs – picking up garbage at Canadian Tire parking lot, unloading baby chicks at a farm, car-washing and vacuuming car interiors at HMP. Please ask him if you have a job to keep him busy. He has also dropped off his Resume at some local factories.

Shahid and Fatima enjoy Friday Storytime at Library with Sandy Robilliard and Asher every week.

Sham went to a Grade 6 Hallowe’en Party at the Legion.

Sham and Mohammad are enjoying their school I-pads.

Ibraheem is looking forward to getting his G1 license to learn to drive in Ontario.

Fatima has been making cheese from yogurt, and pickling carrots.

The whole family loved shopping at the Rummage Sale with Patty Brintnell.

Ibraheem and Fatima met Batoul (a young Syrian woman who arrived in Goderich in February) and a rep from her Sponsorship Group at Goderich United Church - for coffee in Goderich.

Sham, Mohammad and Shahid are excited to be welcoming a new little baby brother or sister in late Spring 2017!

Drop by 309 Andrew Street and enjoy tea with Ibraheem and Fatima. They will miss greeting neighbours on the street when weather gets too cold to sit on the verandah.

The Sponsorship Committee’s Wish List for Christmas is all about accepting more donations to replenish our Fund after spending $10,000 to hold the house from March to Aug. We have recently received $3000. and now we need to raise

$8000. more before January 1, 2017.

Please help us by writing cheques made out to: EUC Refugee Fund

Shukran! Dianne, Susanne, Janet, Patty, Ena, Paul


You are invited to join us on:

Sunday, December 25 2:00-7:00 pm

at the South Huron Recreation Centre as we gather together with others to

celebrate Christmas as a community. There will be an afternoon of games and

fellowship followed by a full, family style turkey dinner.

Everyone is welcome!

We are planning for 200 guests this year and we will need lots of help to make it

happen. Watch for the sign up board in the Andrew Street entrance or call Heather in

the office to find out how you can help. Busy on the 25th? There are lots of ways to

help out ahead of time too!

Thanks for your support! Peace and blessings for your holiday season.


Our Church in the Community


Some pictures from last Christmas.


Updates from groups and committees


Name tags – As our holiday season fast approaches please remember to wear your name tag to assist guest ministers and speakers to put names to faces. “Never leave home without it” by using our holders provided at all 3 sanctuary entrances. If you still need one, they will be provided by ordering through the church office.

Baptism – Receiving the Sacrament of Baptism, we welcomed into our church family on June 12th, Jack Michael Moore, son of Megan & Ryan Moore of Clinton. Rev. O’Leary had the blessing of performing this baptism of her grandson. Our baptism services will be now scheduled on an as needed basis. Contact the church office to register & receive an information pamphlet.

Confirmation – If any youth Grade 9 and up (age 14 & older) have interest in continuing their spiritual journey through the confirmation process, contact the church office.

Membership – On November 13th, we welcomed new member Brenda Turner to our church family through the Profession of Faith.

Weddings – Congratulations to these newlyweds married in outdoor ceremonies on June 11th: Laurel Shapton (Larry & Donna) & Ryan Maule at Windermere House, Muskoka; Michelle Roy (Deb & Steve) & Tristan Tye in the bride’s parents backyard.

Teleministry & Visitation Teams – In June, our M & V Team hosted an Appreciation Luncheon and social time for both teams with 25 in attendance. Rev. O’Leary led a presentation on pastoral visiting & calling, followed by question period & sharing of experiences.

Helen Coates has graciously taken on two extra Teleministry calling lists. If you haven’t received your friendly ‘Hello’ phone call at Thanksgiving you’re on one of our 4 calling lists needing volunteers to confidentially give personal attention to any concerns, comments & compliments with a reminder of upcoming events. Please “reach out & touch someone” by assisting with this mission. Coordinator of this important ministry is Donna Shapton 519-237-3726.

Sunshine Cards – 7 ‘Thinking of you’ cards were sent since May to those of our congregation who have been ill, recovering from hospitalization &/or in need of our support & encouragement. If you know of someone from our congregation in need, call the church office.

Monthly after church socials – Thank you to the Sunday School for their bbq lunch in June. A BIG thank you to the following volunteers who graciously provided light refreshments, for a time of fellowship, following weekly church services in July and August.

Dianne Shapton & girls Jerry & Alice MacLean Glenda Wagner Ann Klungel Carl & Jean Mills Joh & Diana Cusveller June Hodgson Susan MacGregor & Jim Hughes Larry & Sandra Idle Tom Bates Bob & Eleanor Clark Ann Johns Gladys Talbot, Helen & Bob Coates, Susan MacGregor & Jim Hughes Thank you to our Membership & Visitation (M&V) Team for providing refreshments and the Sunday School for their hotdog lunch for our important time of fellowship so far this fall.

For further information on any of the above, please call Linda Russell 519-237-3445 or the church office 519-235-0860. Every day is a gift, that’s why it’s called the present. .

Submitted by Linda Russell



Updates from groups and committees


Stewardship will be an area of focus for our committee in the months ahead. What is

Christian Stewardship? As defined by the United Church of Canada,

Christian stewardship is ... everything we think, say and do after we say "I


Christian Stewardship is how we invest God's 'stuff' for God's mission in God's


Stewardship is ...

How we spend our time

How we care for our body and make healthy choices

Our priorities around money

How we choose to employ our talents and gifts

How we manage our relationships

How we care for the environment

How we practice our faith

We are called as individuals and as congregations and communities into God’s

mission. We participate by giving the gifts that God has entrusted to us. These

gifts are everything that we have: our time, our talents and skills, and our

treasure or physical resources. Christian stewardship includes all aspects of our

lives. It is about our personal, work, and family life. It is about the good

management of donations, including those made to our church. It is about our

congregational and denominational life, which flows from our individual and

collective desire to be part of God’s mission for the world.

We have started our journey by attending a full day workshop in London where we

learned about the following key aspects of stewardship.

1. Inspiration - We need to learn how to "Tell Our Story".

2. Asking - Sharing our story of generous giving.

3. Thanking - We never say thank you enough, or fast enough.

Our committee will be working on all three of these areas in the next few months. Keep your ears open to hear our voice!

Peter Tgahrt, Ann Johns, Rob Snell, Lynn Alderdice, Rev. Laurie O’Leary




The Life and Work of Our Church….


A sincere thank you to all who donated,

baked, cooked, decorated, participated, attended and in any way

supported our annual “Country Christmas Bazaar”. We appreciate

all of the efforts to make it a great

success. Working together we were able

to raise approximately $8,600 for our

church. What a great way to demonstrate

the strength of our church community!

Country Christmas Bazaar United Church Women (and men!)

The Life and Work of Our Church….


Capital Projects for Exeter United Church

Tom Prout, Chairman Trustees

Capital Projects for Exeter United Church, don’t miss out on the excitement. These three projects have been discussed for some time and now we are moving forward. Input from the congregation was obtained at two meetings which were held on Sunday October 30 and Tuesday, November 1st. The projects are: Universal Washroom, also referred to as a barrier-free washroom. Although this project doesn’t have to be undertaken until 2025, based on current legislation, the Trustees would like to be proactive and proceed with this project sooner to make our church more accessible and welcoming. The location of this washroom has generated much discussion which the Trustees will use to determine the final location. The East Entranceway is a key component of the universal access to our church. The current door frame is rusting away and there is interest in adding a vestibule as part of this project. A vestibule would reduce heat loss and drafts from entering the Primary room. Cushions for the pews, if you look around the Sanctuary it is clear that a growing number of you have brought personal cushions for use on Sundays. It is proposed that each project have a separate committee and that each project proceed when sufficient funds are available. There are some grants from various sources but donations from the congregation will be necessary for any or all of these projects to proceed. Based on input from the congregation the projects have been ranked as follows: The east entrance and vestibule came out as the most urgent project. Everyone agreed that the Universal Washroom should be done before 2025 but after the east entranceway. Rather than cushions on all of the pews it has been determined that 50 individual cushions, all of the same material, would be most economical and practical. This way anyone who wants a cushion can have one. The Trustees will be requesting approval of the Church Board to proceed with these projects at its Nov. 23rd meeting. Thank you for your input regarding these projects. We will advise you before year end on the next steps and how your pledges can help.


Submitted by Carol Brisbin

Advent and Christmas are fast

approaching and our thoughts are

turning to the gifts we share to

celebrate the season. It is a time

to be with family and friends and

show them what they mean to us.

VISTA cards are an easy way to

show our appreciation for those we

cherish, especially those who do

not live close by. The last day to

order cards with guaranteed

delivery before Christmas is

December 4th. Orders will still be

taken December 11 but may not

arrive before Christmas.

Cards may be ordered each Sunday

in the Andrew St. entrance after

the service. Remember that the

cards are good anywhere in Canada

and do not expire. You get to spend

100% of the face value of the card

and the Church gets a percentage

from the companies concerned.

What a great way to give money to

the Church without having it come

from your pocket!

Any questions about the program

and how you can get involved,

should be

directed to

Carol Brisbin @



Check out our new website:

Follow us on Facebook

Exeter United Church

Or Twitter




Do you know of someone in our congregation

who is no longer able to participate as fully as

they once did and who would welcome a friendly

visit or telephone call on an occasional or regular

basis? The Pastoral Care Team is pleased to re-

spond to requests of this nature or, in the event

of a family emergency or sudden illness please

let the office know, 519-235-0860.

Please purchase from the

church office


the many wonderful

volunteers who contribute

to the church in various

ways throughout the year-we wouldn’t

have this great church community

without each and every one of you.

Know that you are appreciated!

