Page 1: Trinity Lutheran Church · little Xtra energy to shower your spouse with love, trusting they too are going the Xtra mile for you. Expect Praise! You might have thought for a long

Trinity Lutheran Church

“ S e r v i n g o t h e r s t h r o u g h C h r i s t , t o g e t h e r ! ”

Easter brings the light of life into our worlds through the resurrection of Jesus Christ! As we look into May,

we pray that the light of health (physical, mental and spiritual) would dawn upon us and we are able to gather once again

for worship as the Body of Christ. Throughout May, Trinity will take the time to do the things that make

for spiritual health - worship, scripture reading, devotions, and prayer. Trinity will also highlight different ministries that seek

to support the mental health of our church and community! Join us as we look to Jesus, who is our head and salvation!

May 2nd-4th Being the Body

May 9th-11th Growing Up

May 16th-18th Knowing God

May 21st Ascension of Our Lord

May 23rd-25th Resisting Enemies

May 30th-Jun 1st Mind of Christ

As you worship at home, until we can safely gather together, make your home the place where faith is lived and shared.

Make talking about the faith in the home a blessing that comes out of COVID-19!

Check us out at, and follow us on

Page 2: Trinity Lutheran Church · little Xtra energy to shower your spouse with love, trusting they too are going the Xtra mile for you. Expect Praise! You might have thought for a long

There is much research surrounding the expectation that we all carry into our marriage relationships. One person expects that they will never be disappointed or let down by their spouse. Another expects that their spouse will have the same interests and passions that they have and want to do all the same things. Still there are some who believe that they will not fight in marriage. All these expectations, yet very few of them are realistic. In May, it just might be time to look at what you expect from marriage! What is realistic, and how you can get there!

Expect Excitement! We all want the passion and joy of the early dating days, but this might not be realistic. Remember back to when you expended all your energy waiting for that phone call, that next date, the next time you got to see your love? All that energy is now spread around to various other commitments and responsibilities. One can’t possibly still be focused on just one thing as you once did; however, expect that you must still provide your attention and commitment to your spouse in order to experience excitement.

Expect Xtra! We all thought that this person we married would always go the extra mile for us; however, we learn quickly in marriage that we are also called to go the extra mile for them. See where you can put in a little Xtra energy to shower your spouse with love, trusting they too are going the Xtra mile for


Expect Praise! You might have thought for a long time that marriage was a constant string of encouragement and praise that comes from your spouse. This is completely unrealistic (I quickly realized, I really am not as great as I think I am). When we are open with our spouse, they get to see our failures and faults; this often leads them to point them out in us so that we can grow. So praise your spouse for being honest enough with you to love you even when knowing all your faults!

Expect Effort! This is one that we probably didn’t expect, even though people told us marriage was hard work. We need to see just how much effort it takes to maintain a marriage and family. Just as in maintaining a home, we have to put on our work clothes and expend a little effort to keep our marriage in a healthy shape.

Expect Conflict! We know that happily married couples fight just

Managing Marriage____________________ as much as those who are not happy. The difference is that they expect conflict will come and they use it to bring them closer together. Consider discussing rules that you will abide by in conflict so that you can quickly identify and remove sin that seeks to separate you.

Expect Togetherness! Marriage is one of God’s great gifts for us to grow closer together. It is what we wanted when we got married, but is something that we often let go of over time. We seem to drift apart. It is time that we start paddling toward one another so that we can enjoy and expect God’s blessings together!

My earnest prayer for you this May is that your marriage would be enriched by God’s presence and Word and that you continue to expect the selfless blessings that God has given us in marriage!

Pastor Henderson

It just might be time to look at what you expect from marriage! What is realistic, and how you can

get there!

Page 3: Trinity Lutheran Church · little Xtra energy to shower your spouse with love, trusting they too are going the Xtra mile for you. Expect Praise! You might have thought for a long

sacrificial giving! May God be praised! This month we welcome, with open arms, the long-awaited Canaday family! As our family is eager to get to know them, the installation service will be scheduled when we can do this face to face in a fitting celebration. When it is safer for the Trinity family to gather together, we will schedule this installation celebration. Until then, Pastor Canaday will be found doing ministry at Trinity as the family gets settled in Crown Point! Watch for ways that you can get to know them as this transition begins! As the Trinity family comes closer to the decreasing curve of the coronavirus, I pray that this time can serve as an opportunity for a spiritual reset. We know that this will forever change how we live, but allow this change to be done with purpose! Continue to make time for the matters of the faith! Protect these new habits forged in this fire, that you may reveal the treasure that is more precious than anything in the world! The gift of faith, fanned into full flame so that the world might see Jesus through you! Keep your home as the central place where faith is shared, discussed, and formed!

In Christ, Pastor Henderson

“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will

boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ

may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and

calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” 2 Corinthians 12:9–10

Trinity is still the same. We continue to share God’s Word, encourage our church family to read God’s Word and to live according to it. We worship Father, Son, and Holy Spirit each week. Yes, we continue to be “a family growing together learning God’s Word, serving our neighbor to witness Christ’s love.” Yes, Trinity is the same; however, we are greatly changed. Our digital conversations have come to fruition, and we share the hope we have to the ends of the earth...even online. How we face fear and trepidation still magnify our trust in the One who cares for both body and soul. Our worship has been transmitted and live streamed to break down every barrier that we might worship the One true God! Project Joy is an effort to encourage our Trinity family to serve

our neighbors, even amid this health crisis! As people focused on physical care, Trinity works to help people see we need care for the whole person (yes, physically as well as mentally, spiritually, and financially). Check out the many ways that we can care for each individual, as they are made in the image of the God we worship and serve (! We also take May to highlight some other ministries that are doing great work in our midst (Mommy’s Haven, ministry to the Armed Forces, and Mental Health America of Northwest Indiana). Trinity’s response financially amid the health crisis has been a beautiful picture of faithfulness. Our offerings, though they faced a little interruption at the beginning of COVID-19, have kept pace with our budget. The Trinity Stimulus matching gift project (one-time gifts above and beyond regular giving will be matched $.50 to the $1.00) has been well received and seeks to off-set the shortfall in offerings that we saw in October 2019 and January 2020. The generous character of our God, is certainly being revealed consistently at Trinity! Faithful offerings being given, stories of people still Loving in Deed, and

Vision Statement

Page 4: Trinity Lutheran Church · little Xtra energy to shower your spouse with love, trusting they too are going the Xtra mile for you. Expect Praise! You might have thought for a long

Project JOY Here at Trinity, we have worked to encourage you as we walk through this health crisis; however, we have noticed the overwhelming emphasis on physical health with little to zero focus on mental health. As we ask questions about how the choices we have been forced into impact us internally, we have seen many people who are hurting and suffering in the isolation that they now find themselves!

This is where Project Joy comes in! Research suggests that the habit of happiness is contagious, so we as a Trinity family are working diligently to spread JOY! For we know there isn’t a lot of joy out there right now. 18% of adults (that’s 40 million people) currently struggle with some form of an anxiety disorder or depression. Furthermore, when the SARS epidemic broke out in 2003, studies showed that children and parents’ PTSD scores were 4 to 5 times higher than normal after just 10 days quarantined. If there’s any time to spread JOY, it’s now.

Project JOY will consist of 5 different parts all working together to encourage us to daily live in the JOY of knowing Jesus Christ…no matter what our circumstances are! Project JOY will provide opportunities to connect with others in order to know and experience this JOY on a regular basis!

PART 1 – Prayer The first part of Project JOY is that of PRAYER. Each day, we will offer prayer opportunities! Either for you to pray with your friends, family or small group or to join someone who will be leading a prayer group. See website for details. These prayer groups will be available through Zoom at 7:30am and 7:30pm.

PART 2 – Care The second part is that of Support! Trinity’s staff is available to listen to you and walk with you through this health crisis; however, we also have trained ministers who are specifically gifted for this! A Stephen Minister is a caring individual who will listen to you, encourage you, pray with you, and consistently connect with you! You can contact the church today and get connected with a trained Stephen Minister!

PART 3 – Resource Part three of Project JOY is to provide resources as you seek to be diligent in this time of isolation! Resources from things to think about each day: What am I thankful for today? Who can I connect with today? What physical activity can I do today? What blessings do I see in this difficult time? These resources will be available to anyone on our website and compiled from the many great resources we have around us!

PART 4 – Serve Part four will afford you opportunities to bless and serve others. These safe service projects will encourage you to serve others and combat the fear and isolation so many are experiencing. See website for listing.

PART 5 – Scripture The final part of Project JOY will encourage you to hide God’s Word in your heart! As we read and study the Bible each year, we also have an opportunity to allow our mental health to be supported by our Spiritual health – something we here at Trinity love to talk about! Take time each week to memorize scriptures that give hope, comfort, peace and most of all JOY!

No matter what you may feel or where your changing emotions take you, God loves you! These emotions are real, but so is God’s love for you! He dies for you and is present with you always! This truth is greater and longer lasting than any feeling or crisis we face! This truth gives us true and lasting JOY! Reach out to us to learn more about Project JOY or dive into the information on our website!

Page 5: Trinity Lutheran Church · little Xtra energy to shower your spouse with love, trusting they too are going the Xtra mile for you. Expect Praise! You might have thought for a long

Finance Board Notes

Just a couple of quick notes to answer questions that have been asked in the past few weeks.

1. How has income been impacted since the Covid-19 limits went into effect? A. We have been blessed – March closed out $400 above budget for offerings at $93,400. B. April has continued the trend. As of April 22nd, we had received $91,983 against the

monthly budget of $103,000. C. School Tuition is being paid and we even have families paying in full for next school year D. We are due to receive the final Choice Voucher payment in May.

2. Trinity Stimulus

A. As of April 22, we have over $11,200 in gifts given so far that will be matched at $.50 on the dollar. See Pastor Henderson’s video and letter for the details.

3. Did we repay the Endowment Fund (EF) the short-term loan as agreed in January? A. If you were not at the Congregational Meeting in January, you may have missed that the

Congregation approved a $60,000 loan from the EF to the General Fund. The payback is based on the receipt of the Choice Scholarship payments at the end of March (received) and the final one due in May. This was all before Covid-19 impacted our Ministry.

B. The payment for March was queued up and ready to be paid when Covid-19 Stay at Home limits came from the Indiana Governor.

C. The $40,000 payment and a $16,000 gift are being held in our General Fund as a buffer as we continue to monitor restrictions from the State.

D. The good news is that the general Fund Account has not dropped below $80,000 since the Covid-19 Restrictions have taken effect.

4. Has Trinity applied for the Payroll Protection Plan (PPP) SBA Loan? A. Yes, we did through Centier Bank. Our application was not submitted prior to the

funds being allocated by the SBA ran out. B. Our application is pending for submittal if the next round of funding is approved by the

Federal Government C. We have requested $321,000 which is 2.5 times our monthly payroll with benefits

included D. We do not have to pay the loan back as long as employment is not reduced before

Dec. 31, 2020, and we use the funds strictly for payroll expenses.

5. What about our bills? A. All bills are paid including benefits and we have cash in the bank that will cover 2-3

more payrolls assuming income stopped today – This is not happening, but is frame of reference

B. The Trinity Stimulus will focus on catching up our commitment to Synod and District.

Page 6: Trinity Lutheran Church · little Xtra energy to shower your spouse with love, trusting they too are going the Xtra mile for you. Expect Praise! You might have thought for a long
Page 7: Trinity Lutheran Church · little Xtra energy to shower your spouse with love, trusting they too are going the Xtra mile for you. Expect Praise! You might have thought for a long
Page 8: Trinity Lutheran Church · little Xtra energy to shower your spouse with love, trusting they too are going the Xtra mile for you. Expect Praise! You might have thought for a long

To say that Holy Week 2020 was unlike any that we have experienced before is an understatement.

Most of us have been sheltering in place and working from home. Others have been unfortunately laid off. And others, like our brave medical workers, grocery store clerks, pharmacy technicians, and many others, have been working among the public every day catering to our essential needs. I can say that I’ve been living in a bit of a home/Trinity bubble. Every day I wake up, work at Trinity among the pastors and Cynthia, go home, pretend to teach my kindergartner and 2nd grader, go to bed, and do it all again. Lather, rinse, repeat.

But Holy Week was different. The ministry team had to roll up our sleeves, get our hands dirty, and find some way to creatively spread the Easter story with no church family physically present. We received our live stream device in just the nick of time. Ryan Johnson & Katie Gutierrez worked tirelessly with the acoustics in the Sanctuary so the sound is absolutely perfect for you. There’s the perfect blend of pastor & organ. The pastors and I have been using every online platform we have to make sure information gets out to you and you stay well informed. Cynthia has been busy in her office making sure the gifts you all graciously send in are accounted for and taken care of.

Then, a couple of Trinity members suggested we do an FM broadcast Easter parking lot service. We brought the idea to our Trinity family via Facebook and there was a resounding ‘Yes, let’s do it!’ So we looked at ourselves, rolled our sleeves up and set to work. Ryan & Pastor Henderson spent quite some time making sure the FM transmitter would work perfectly.

Then, before you know it, came Maundy Thursday. I spent my time behind the live streaming camera while Karol played beautifully next to me. I found myself so distracted that when it came time for communion I realized there wouldn’t be any communion. Whaaaat?! A worship centered around the Last Supper and no communion, how can that be?! I admit I got a bit emotional behind that camera as the realization could be seen on my face. Karol must have been thinking the same thing because after the service she turned to me and said, “I’ll never forget this Maundy Thursday service.”

Then came Good Friday. I found myself behind the camera again. As the Sanctuary grew darker and the candles were going out, it just seemed, well, empty. When I looked down from the balcony you all weren’t there. At the end of the service, as is our custom, the pastors started to hammer their nails into the cross. The ‘clink clink’ sound was deafening as the sound bounced around the empty Sanctuary. I turned the camera off, walked towards the cross up front and grabbed the hammer from the pastor. “Clink, clink, clink”. Again, the sound seemed far more deafening with my Trinity family not sitting behind me in those pews. But you were there. Hundreds of you were following along and worshipping with us from home. Sitting at your table, or by your living room tv, your bedrooms - eyes on the screens, waiting for Easter morning with the rest of us. You were all there. We were still all together.

Page 9: Trinity Lutheran Church · little Xtra energy to shower your spouse with love, trusting they too are going the Xtra mile for you. Expect Praise! You might have thought for a long

I woke up Sunday morning thinking it would be a cold, rainy day as was predicted earlier that week. God had other plans. I pulled into church as the Son/sun came up and our praise band was setting up in our prayer garden. Everything was set and we weren’t sure if any of you would show up. But you sure did. 68 cars pulled in and grabbed up those spots. Some wearing their Sunday best, others in sweats. (No judgement - I wore leggings) Pastor’s voice thundered through FM 88.9 and he stated, ‘honk if you can hear me!’ Smiles stretched across everyone’s face as that noise signaled we were all physically together once more, as a Trinity family. The service was beautiful and our band did an outstanding job. Pastor, Hannah and Rachel stood and waved goodbye to everyone as they pulled away. Rachel was waving her hand so hard I thought it was going to wave right off her arm. She turned around and said, “I’m realizing how much I’ve missed these people I love so much.” And we do miss you. Terribly. From my perspective the building just isn’t the same without you all. But one thing is for sure. Our pastors are working tirelessly to stay connected. To keep us all connected. So call us, let

us know how you’re doing. Cast your burdens on us, we’ll help carry the load. Cause we’re all in this together, we may be (temporarily) separated, but we’re still together.

Melissa Maxwell

Page 10: Trinity Lutheran Church · little Xtra energy to shower your spouse with love, trusting they too are going the Xtra mile for you. Expect Praise! You might have thought for a long

I’m telling you. Jesus sightings happen everywhere, all the time.

In the April newsletter, I shared with you what I said to the students on the last day we were all together in school - March 13th. The Lord had led me to share from His Word a portion of Luke 12, where Jesus tells his disciples, “Do not be anxious about your life… Consider the lilies: even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass, which is alive in the field today, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, how much more will he clothe you, O you of little faith!”

Fast forward one month and one day, Holy Saturday. Jacob and I practiced with Karol in the balcony - how blessed we were to be among the very few who celebrated Easter physically in our precious sanctuary. (We won’t be taking that for granted anymore!) Naturally, we fell to talking about how different this Easter would be. “Oh,” I said to Karol, hoping beyond hope, “will there be lilies around the altar tomorrow?” She didn’t think so, and I looked at the chancel with a little fall of heart. At least the Easter banners were still hung.

Easter Sunday, we were up and out of the house super early, just like any Easter Sunday. It was a strange sight as we turned onto Indiana Ave and approached the completely empty parking lot. I was so consumed with the sad sight that I almost missed them. “Lilies!! Somebody brought lilies!” There they were, on both sides of the entrance to the west parking lot. Pastor was entering the Atrium from the narthex, and I opened up the doors and asked who brought the lilies. “What lilies?” He had no idea. I asked Karol; she didn’t know. I looked down at them again from the music room, and that’s when I saw all the other wind-powered whirly flowers all along the sidewalk, and later on saw them stretching all the way down the South Street side of the property, waving their colorful petals in celebration.

Oh you of little faith! On today of all days, didn’t you know how much I would love and care for you? Consider the lilies…..

Those women on the first Easter morning approached their sad site, expecting it to be full, but their sorrow turned to joy when the grave was found empty! What a wonder! Now here on Easter 2020, a wonder for me. God used the hands of someone to place those lilies at the entrance. That person (who I’d love to thank!) could not have known how it would turn my own small sorrow into overwhelming tears of joy! Once again, Jesus amazes me with the depth of His love. He doesn’t just do the most incredible thing ever - dying the death I deserved, and giving me the rights to His victory - and then drops the mic. No, He takes care of my little wistful longing, too, and everything I need in between. That’s Love - Love Indeed!

Will you consider being part of the Trinity School Family come fall? New Student Enrollment for the 2020-21 school

year is underway! Contact the school office for a tour! 219-663-1578 ext 3


Page 11: Trinity Lutheran Church · little Xtra energy to shower your spouse with love, trusting they too are going the Xtra mile for you. Expect Praise! You might have thought for a long

Sing Your Faith

Music has power! Music helps us learn and memorize! Music strengthens faith! Music is not expendable! Music is the universal language! In the age of Covid, music is an “essential.” Music is important to us in ways we may not often realize. Imagine a movie with no music. Imagine a wedding with no music. Imagine a road trip with no music. Imagine worship with no music.

Martin Luther knew the power of music. That’s why, while many other reformers of his time removed music from worship, Luther accorded music--next to theology--the highest place. He affirmed music as an excellent gift of God to be used, not only for praise, but for proclamation of His Word. Luther knew the nourishment music provides for living the Christian life. He knew the power that music has to move the hearts and minds of people. Whether in times of sorrow, joy, despair, or struggle of any kind; music married to the Lord’s Word shapes our lives and gives us a voice for proclaiming His Word, His amazing Gospel message, and for singing our faith. Luther teaches us that music can become the living voice of the Gospel.

A new tab on the Trinity website will offer a daily devotional on music of the Lutheran church. On the “Latest” tab is titled “Sing Your Faith.” You’ll find a short devotional focused on one of our hymns or a stanza of a hymn. Sometimes it will offer artwork or a link from which you can listen to or sing along with the hymn from the devotion. The Lutheran church is sometimes nicknamed, “The Singing Church.” We have an amazing and rich heritage of music actually written for the church. It’s not “art” music, but music written specifically for singing the faith; written by talented poets and musicians from the first centuries of Christianity to today. Sometimes words by themselves can be so much more when put to marvelous tunes. Sometimes we don’t realize what treasures we have until we don’t have them--like fellowship together on Sunday morning. Let us treasure our music and use it to strengthen and sing our faith.

Page 12: Trinity Lutheran Church · little Xtra energy to shower your spouse with love, trusting they too are going the Xtra mile for you. Expect Praise! You might have thought for a long

Well, here we are again. Nothing much has changed, in some ways. But many things have changed since last month. Church services and Bible classes are different. Holy Week was not what we are used to, but thanks to our Pastors and staff for making those services happen so we could be a part of them from home. Prayer vigils twice a day for us to attend. Zoom is the new method of getting folks together to talk/study with each other. I’m getting used to searching for videos on YouTube. We are getting pretty good at ordering groceries online for pickup or delivery. After this is all over there will be a new normal for many of us. The hard part about this virus and travel restrictions is still not being able to plan anything. Obviously, many businesses and events are still closed or cancelled. ANOAB is rescheduled for May 22nd. It’s hard to schedule a workday at Trinity if we are all still quarantined in our homes. The Canaday family is scheduled to be moving into the Parsonage the 20th of May. Keep an eye out for other notices of Pastor Canaday’s Installation and move in dates. If you are looking for a project around Trinity for yourself or your family, let us know. The Prayer Garden could use some more clean up or trimming. The hedge/tree row between the soccer field and the Camp House is in need of a cleaning. So, what’s going on around Trinity? School is still closed so Ryan Johnson still has time to do things that he normally would have to fit in between the routine stuff. Lately, he and the other custodians have been doing some tile/slate floor cleaning and waxing. Ryan always has projects around Trinity that require his time. Not much has happened concerning the re-carpeting of the Sanctuary since last month. We have had

another meeting with a carpet vendor. We are trying to find the correct type of carpet with the color to match our existing. We are also waiting for material samples for the new kneelers at the Communion rail. It would be nice to get all of this pulled together while we are not using the Sanctuary. We are expecting all of this to be funded by current and expected estate or memorial gifts made to Trinity. Just a reminder, again. When you have estate/memorial gifts or you are managing your Required Minimum Distributions from your retirement funds, keep Trinity in mind. Those can be tax free donations. I’ll repeat this statement exactly as it was in the April Newsletter. Hopefully by the time you read this our virus will have started to make an exit from our world. Continue to be safe and avoid contact, if you can. Thanks to everyone who works in the hospitals or are first responders, or who work in essential businesses. Stay healthy. Keep in touch. Gary Diekelmann

A huge thank you to ALL who supported the Trinity Hornet Player's production of Charlotte's Web! What a blessing from God that we were able to perform in front of three audiences. I'm always proud of our students' effort, hard work and dedication, but I'm humbled by the support these students receive from loving hearts like yours! Your love is Love Indeed! And I thank you all!

Page 13: Trinity Lutheran Church · little Xtra energy to shower your spouse with love, trusting they too are going the Xtra mile for you. Expect Praise! You might have thought for a long

5 Work From Home Tech Tips! This pandemic is making so many people around the world work from home for the first time ever. Technology is helping millions work from the safety of their home and that is a great blessing! Here are a few tips that will make working from home during this difficult time easier and more efficient! 1.Create a Dedicated Workspace - Have a specific area or room in your house that is dedicated for work. On your work table/desk have some essentials that you need for work; a second monitor, printer, stapler, etc. Be sure that this area is specific for work only. If you want to take a break, walk away from your work area. This will help keep you focused at work and able to relax during breaks and after work hours. 2. Get Dressed - Working in your pajamas sounds like a great idea and maybe okay to do on Fridays for a treat, but it may make you feel lazy and not motivated. Also, it is likely that you will have a video conference and you want to be sure to still look professional during this time. 3. Morning is Prime Time (for most) - Start the morning by checking emails and taking action on quick action items. Making a to do list of emails and other actions items you would like to complete for the day is a great way to start. Get started on the list right away and try to get a bulk of the work done in the morning while still motivated. 4. Update Your Technology - When you are working from home you need to be sure to have a well working computer, hard drive for files, good internet, comfortable chair, etc. You would not want to be working and waiting for your old computer or slow internet to keep up during a zoom meeting. Having cloud storage is great, though an external hard drive is a good idea, just in case the internet goes out. If you do not have an ergonomic chair, be sure to take more physical breaks to stretch and move around. 5. Watch Out For Phishing - Scammers are in full throt-tle right now; they are using this terrible pandemic to trick people for several reasons. Be extremely vigilant; always check the sender's email address, hover over links to see the address before clicking on them. Be sure your phone and computer have the latest and up to date security. Also, make sure your home Wi-Fi network is password protected.

“A Night of Abundant Blessings” is still scheduled for May 22nd! We can’t wait for the quarantine to lift so we can get back to work planning the final details of the event. An evening of fellowship is just what we’ll need after being away from each other for so long. Ticket sales will remain open, as well as VIP and wristband purchases, donations, and table sponsorships until May 7th. We can’t wait to share with you a variety of silent auction items, raffle baskets, balloon gifts, a money wreath, and some great Live auction items, too! Special events that evening you won’t want to miss: Heads or Tails - A game that is sure to excite. Enjoy participating for free or buy extra strands of beads as “second chances'' for just $20 per strand (limit 5). Prize is two Southwest Airline roundtrip tickets! Wine Pull is back! For just $25, pick one of the 25 wrapped bottles of wine and you’ll be called to the front to unwrap your bottle. The bottle with the gold star wins a Cooper’s Hawk 1.5L bottle of Meritage Wine, a 3-month membership to their Wine Club, and a complimentary wine tasting for two. A chance to win 3 pieces of stunning jewelry, handcrafted by our very own Apryl Bielawski Both familiar and brand new Live Auction items such as a new set of tires, fishing charter trip, Cubs tickets, and more! You’ll receive your auction booklet one week prior to the event with all the important details and exciting items up for grabs! We thank you all so much for your continued support during this time. We can’t wait to see you at the Avalon Manor on Friday, May 22, 2020 for food, fellowship, and fun! Doors open at 5:45pm.

We’d like to give Pastor Canaday, Bethany and the boys a warm Trinity welcome! Would you consider, while out running your essential errands, picking up a few items for the Canaday’s pantry? Or, feel free to order a SCRIP card! (gas, groceries, or restaurants, etc.) Please have all blessings in by Mother’s Day. Their oldest son does have some dietary concerns so please call Karol Ketcher or Melissa Maxwell for questions on that.

Page 14: Trinity Lutheran Church · little Xtra energy to shower your spouse with love, trusting they too are going the Xtra mile for you. Expect Praise! You might have thought for a long

Well that “2020 Unexpected Interruption” Journal I mentioned in last month’s newsletter just ended up longer than I planned. I am certain that the other Sunday School teachers miss you and

your children just like I do. I have really enjoyed being with my family and there are certain blessings from this time that I pray we retain in our family lives going forward, but I do miss being with and worshiping with you all. When we can have Sunday School again, we will develop a plan, but for now, do those family devotions, pray together, and thank Jesus for all He has done. Check out Project Joy on the Trinity Website!

“Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.” 1 John 3:18

Only fitting, our verse for the last month of the Sunday School year was the verse at the beginning, our theme verse... Any questions?: Rachel Henderson 563-386-1037 or [email protected]

Join our Zoom Bible Study (at 9:30am) by opening your web browser and going to and clicking the “Join a Meeting” button. Enter the meeting ID 778 8481 8283 and download and run Zoom. Enter the password RomansBib. When entering, please use your name for access. You will need to enable your audio (and/or video) to participate in the Bible study, but can connect without and use the “chat” feature to share questions.

Good morning and Easter tidings dear Trinity families! I hope you had a worshipful Holy Week, even though we had to spend it apart. We are blessed to know that Christ has risen and given us victory over death! May our Lord continue to encourage us and strengthen our faith. As we continue to spend time apart and in isolation, I wanted to give you a message and let you know, “You are not alone!” God’s great love was shown to us from the cross at Calvary, and now we experience the hopeful and joyful season of Easter! May the Ressurrection of our Lord be your comfort each day. If you would like me or anyone in our Youth Group to pray for you or offer encouragement, we are right here by your side. Please make use of our Trinity Facebook page to let us know how you’re doing, or you can email me privately [email protected]. We are a family that walks together and leans on one another in times of need. May our Lord Jesus carry us through and bring us to the summer months! God’s blessings to you and yours, Pastor Gadbaw

Plant Sale - All pre-order sales will be fulfilled. If there is freedom to be open on a grander scale we will offer more! Once we see what happens in May, we can make that decision, but for now, pick up times for pre-order will still be available Friday, May 8th (9am-5pm) & Saturday, May 9th (9am-11am) Weekly FUN - We are hoping to have a Spirit Day/Unevent Fun Day each week from now until the end of the school year! We will get a reminder out each week of the theme, and you share your pictures with Trinity on social media or send it to [email protected] capturing how you have creatively put our theme into place sometime during the week. Week of 4/27 Church at Home Week of 5/4 Pillow Forts Week of 5/11 Backyard Adventure Week of 5/18 What’s Cooking? Week of 5/25 School’s Out for Summer Celebration

Page 15: Trinity Lutheran Church · little Xtra energy to shower your spouse with love, trusting they too are going the Xtra mile for you. Expect Praise! You might have thought for a long

Most likely not June 15th-19th! Rocky Railway is still hopeful to happen, but there are a number of concerns about VBS logistics with the current picture of the world, so keep praying and we will keep you posted. Thank you for your prayers and support! In the meantime, we have a variety of supplies that we hope for when we gather for VBS, but with economic hardship for many and uncertainty, we are holding off on requests right now. Except we are now collecting 3oz Pringle containers for a craft. If you eat Pringles, consider purchasing the 3oz size and donating the canister. Any questions: [email protected].

Join a Zoom prayer group (at 7:30am or 7:30pm) by opening your web browser and going to and clicking the “Join a Meeting” button. Enter the meeting ID 764 8053 0976 and download and run Zoom. Enter the password PrayJoy. You will need to enable your audio (and/or video) to participate in the prayer group, but can connect without and use the “chat” feature. When entering, please use your name for access.

We are a generous and giving congregation that takes Jesus’ mandate to care for the widows and orphans seriously through making food and taxable items available to those in need. Second Sunday Sharing has

been one of the ways we replenish our little pantry shelves and also share with the Crown Point Community Food Bank. This month let’s concentrate on bringing personal hygiene items: shampoo (regular, 2-in-1), hair conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrushes (soft only), mouth wash, hand and body lotions, bar soap (beauty & deodorant), liquid hand soap and hand sanitizer, shower gel, disposable razors & shaving cream, and deodorants & anti-perspirants.

Please continue to pray for: Cliff Cary (Ed Klingberg’s brother-in-law), Carolyn Gardin (Phil Gardin’s Aunt), Kathleen Hepburn (Dee Pocock’s daughter), Carrie Myers (relative of Gwen Cruz), Pam Silvas (Jill Klingberg’s sister), Sarah Binford, Brian Davis (Son-in-law of Sandra Certa), Linda Petroff, Kay Hoyer (friends of Cruz family), Diane Barolon (cousin of Sandra Certa), Bert Pagan, Michelle Fajman, Kristine Bikoff, Diana Dyba, Lori Swanson (sister in law of John Swanson), Christina Thomas, Bill Ed-wards, Ursula Andrews, Owen Arizmendi, Michelle Krapf, Julie Burkhardt, Bill Borsits, Carla Misner, Dorothy Teer, Carsten Falkenberg, Jim Keilman and Jim Terry. Those serving in the military at home and abroad: Denise Min-Monroe, Jon Parry, Justin Smith, Ely Ronguillo (friend of the Mullins family), Dan Seel (friend of the Mullins family), Tim Stanford, Jeffrey Smith, Tyson Daake, Kevin Jillson (Bill & Sandy Heiser’s grandson), John Luebcke (Gerry Luebcke’s nephew Jim Ponziano (Karol Ketcher’s son-in-law), Marcia Potter, Rose Thomas (Lori Hult’s goddaughter), Chris Tsirlis (Dave Zimmerman’s friend), Keith Hernandez, Bill Mitseff (grandson of Florence & Darrrell Sergent), Aaron Hensley, Michael and Kyle (Judy Wynn’s nephews), Dan Tobin (Nancy Schmidt’s grandson-in-law) and Sarah Board. Also, those serving in the mission field: Brian & Barbara Sorge, Randy & Rachel Stauner, Kevin & Ginny Holmes, Hispanic Mission Work, Lydia House, James & Crystal Neuendor, (Panama), Rev. David & Lois Mahsman, Pack Away Hunger, Compass, and Ascension Christian Lutheran School.

Page 16: Trinity Lutheran Church · little Xtra energy to shower your spouse with love, trusting they too are going the Xtra mile for you. Expect Praise! You might have thought for a long

5/1 Alec Kalember, Robin Luebcke 5/2 Samantha White 5/3 Jennifer Fenstermaker, Deborah Hammond, Gregory Johnson, Jared Schmidt, Angelica Voyles 5/4 Liam Bursac, Sophia Handel, Zachary Lambert 5/5 Makayla Bartholomew, Misty Knestrict, Jennifer McCord, Zachary Puent 5/6 Carl Froman, Kevin McCord, Faith Oosterhoff 5/7 Gary Hammond, Michael Kulak, Christian Robinson, Kristen Wasinski 5/8 Alex Kowalisyn, Marianne Manning, Landin Rosenthal, Michael Strunk 5/9 Rebecca Acheson, Tara Bewley, Alexander Dyba, Joan Johnson, Roberta Kregel, Amanda Rosenthal 5/10 Anna Mae Kerr, Walter Lopez, Paul Mackey, Heather Stefanovich 5/11 Dawn Casey, Michael Strunk 5/12 Gary Dienes, Tyler Doyle 5/13 Chance Bielawski, Chase Bielawski, Rowan Johnson, Hope Zimmerman 5/14 Kenneth Abels 5/15 Heather Arizmendi, Sawyer Damjanovic, Jill Heward 5/16 Nancy Forsythe, Matthew Garner, Joshua Mackey, Lynn Matalin 5/17 Julie Serbin 5/18 Sandra Henderlong, Kaylee Jensen, Ryan Johnson, Jill Klingberg, Isabella Murdock, Leslie Nack, Nikolas Sarafim, Paul Watland, Linda Werling 5/19 Mary Morantz, Christopher Pillman, Abigail Vester 5/20 Evan Ballou, Emmalyn Garner, Andrew Manning, Carla Misner, Alexis Rayonec, Daniel Smith

5/21 Connor Anderson, Deborah Johnstone, Emily Neu, Jayden Saavedra 5/22 Robert Blink 5/23 Eloise Bloede, Terrance Claus, Michael DeYoung, Brian Giacomin, Cory Wielert, Luke Yates 5/24 Michael Feaster, Alexander Feaster, Katelyn Huitsing, Nicholas Nelson 5/25 Ryan Smith 5/26 Carol Hubacek 5/27 Amanda Kosik 5/28 Jean Alwardt, Arron Lehman, Miranda Stephen 5/29 Eugene Fiegle, Sandra Hnatusko, Dennis Mills, Dorothy Morande, Liliana Prince, Donna Steuer, Vicki Stojkovich 5/31 Milayna Damjanovic, Payton Matuska

5/1 Brendan Ballou, Evan Ballou, Ruth Bottorff, Jesse Cruz, Amy Dyba, Lorene Fuehrmeyer, Matthew Garner, Gary Hammond, Gabriel Kokaly, Elaina Kokaly, Aimee Kozlowski, Jene Lintz, Miranda Malone, Tina Matuska, Lesley McCall, Leslie Nack, James Nowoc, Gretchen Pace, Helmi Paul, Willi Paul, Sadie Puent, Blake Pysh, Matthew Rogers, Joseph Rogers, Eli Ruiz, Shannon Ruiz, Nolan Ruiz, Morgan Ruiz, Marc Schmidtke, Loma Sedrak 5/3 Kash Komorowski, Kevin Topp 5/4 Julie Savich 5/5 Sullivan Camery, Nicholas Gilles, Ali Miller, Laura Vajda, Rickie Wilson 5/6 Timothy Gardiner, Christopher Tully 5/7 Hunter Ashlock, Ava Stojkovich 5/9 Natalie Klingberg, Amanda Murdock 5/10 Charles Buth, William Steuer 5/11 Ursula Andrews, James Cizmar, Gary

Page 17: Trinity Lutheran Church · little Xtra energy to shower your spouse with love, trusting they too are going the Xtra mile for you. Expect Praise! You might have thought for a long

Schmidtke 5/12 Cynthia Fitzsimons, Billy Louvierre, Emily Osipoff, Alexander Osipoff 5/13 Erica Bautista, Alexis Bautista, Christy Bautista 5/14 Alyssa Guitar, Hermann Thoelke 5/15 Faith Didonna, Andrea Hicks, Addison Rager 5/16 Susan Campbell, Sydney Dennis 5/18 Kristin Wielert 5/19 Deborah Hammond 5/20 Molly Arizmendi, Norma Lindzy, Robert Stephen, Samantha White 5/21 Jayden Saavedra, Thomas Whitaker 5/22 Helen Sauerman 5/23 Emily Carlin, Victor Illiev, Bethany Johnson 5/25 Kaitlyn Berkshire, Hannah Henderson 5/26 Chance Bielawski, Chase Bielawski, Jacob Camus, Parker Cruz, Nadia Zorn 5/28 Sue Board 5/29 Ellie Kovach, Daniel Smith 5/30 Kaylee Jensen, Luke Thompson 5/31 James Forsythe, Jackson Forsythe

5/4 Michael & Rebecca DeVries 5/5 William & Donna Steuer 5/6 Mark & Kathleen Rayonec 5/9 Eric & Andrea Hicks 5/12 Steven & Janelle Handel, John & Joan Taylor 5/13 Dan & Michele Schuffert, Steven & Cynthia Thurn 5/16 Rich & Angela Miller 5/17 Durk & Mildred Lesczynski 5/18 Edward & Jill Klingberg 5/20 Michael & Jeanne Strunk 5/22 Terrance & Cheryl Claus, Andrew & Karen Knapp, Aaron & Jennifer Tully 5/23 Jeff & Angie Sivak 5/24 Vern & Roberta Vierk, Joseph & Marilyn

White, Craigory & Nancy Wise 5/25 Tim & Vickie Loeber, Joseph & Lisa Riffle 5/26 Pete & Mary Nemeth 5/27 Brian & Roseann Dennis 5/28 Bruno & Sandra Hnatusko 5/29 Mike & Kristina Feaster 5/31 Jesse & Gwendolyn Cruz, Timothy & Kandace VanTilburg

In person: 88 Easter Parking Lot Service: 68 cars Streaming: 2,690

Next month’s deadline will be

Wednesday, May 27th.

Stay safe & healthy Trinity
