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  • 8/8/2019 Trinity Bulletin 1/16/11


  • 8/8/2019 Trinity Bulletin 1/16/11


    Order of Worship .............................................................................................................................................2

    Hymn of Praise (7:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m.) I Am On The Ba le eld ..................................................................3Unison Scripture (7:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 6:00 p.m.) .......................................................................................4A Word From The Pastor .................................................................................................................................5Witness for Jus ce...........................................................................................................................................7Sermon Notes ..................................................................................................................................................8Stewardship .....................................................................................................................................................9Green Page - "Killer At Large" Viewing ..........................................................................................................10

    Sp A s

    Legal Clinic Media on / 20 S.O.M.E.T.H.I.N.G. Young Adult Ministry ....................................................11Chicago Mayoral Candidates Forum / Voter Registra on Informa on ..................................................12

    Singles Community - First Friday Worship ServiceMar n Luther King, Jr. Celebra onsTrinity UCC Mar n Luther King, Jr. Celebra on

    Akiba Bookstore

    Annual Mee ng of the Congrega on ....................................................................................................13Ar sts In Residence / Singles Community / THEC HBCU College Tours .................................................14Black and Chris an New Member Class ................................................................................................15Samuel DeWi Proctor Conference - Clergy & Lay Leadership Conference ..........................................16CFABS - Bible Registra on Has Begun! ..................................................................................................17

    Calendar ........................................................................................................................................................18Heart of the Community ...............................................................................................................................20Informa on & Announcements .....................................................................................................................21Prayer Concerns ............................................................................................................................................23Service and Support Groups ..........................................................................................................................242011 Memory Verses............................................................................................................ Inside Back Cover

    A d D v s:In an e ort to keep the worship experience sacred, please return all listening devices immediately follow-ing the benedic on. An audio technician is available in the sound room 15 minutes a er each service forreturn of your device.

    Thank you for your coopera on!

    January 16, 20112011 Trinity United Church of Christ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited. 1

    Table of Contents

    T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S

  • 8/8/2019 Trinity Bulletin 1/16/11


    Choral Introit (7:30 a.m.) ..................................................................................................... Yes I Know JesusChoral Introit (11:00 a.m.) ....................................................................................................Holy Is The LordOpening Song (11:00 a.m.) ....................................................................................... For The Rest Of My LifeOpening Song (6:00 p.m.) ....................................................................................... Great Is Thy FaithfulnessHymn of Praise (7:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m.) .................................................................... I Am On The Ba le eldUnison Scripture (7:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 6:00 p.m.) ............................................................ Luke 11: 5-6 (NIV)


    Invoca onMinistry of Music (6:00 p.m.) .............................................................................................. God Is My Everything

    Parish ConcernsBaby Dedica onVisitor Recogni on

    Passing of the PeaceThe Pastors WordThe Service of Giving

    O ertory SentencesTithes and O eringsScholarship

    Altar Call (7:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m.) ........................................................................................... I Love The LordSermon (7:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 6:00 p.m.) ............................................. A Knock At Midnight (Luke 11: 5-6)Hymn of Invita on (7:30 a.m.) ............................................................................................................ SelectedHymn of Invita on (11:00 a.m.) .................................................................................... Wake Up EverybodyHymn of Invita on (6:00 p.m.) .................................Wake Up Everybody/Mercy, Mercy Me" (Instrumental)Benedic on ..............................................................................................................................Precious Lord

    [O h s h s b g , p sh s y - h s s y.]

    January 16, 20112011 Trinity United Church of Christ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited.2

    Order of Worship

  • 8/8/2019 Trinity Bulletin 1/16/11


    7:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m.


    ChorusI am on the ba le eld for my LordI am on the ba le eld for my Lord;

    And I promised Him that I wouldServe Him ll I die. I am onThe ba le eld for my Lord.

    V s 1I was alone and idle, I was a sinner too,I heard a voice from heaven say there isWork to do, I took the Masters hand,

    And I joined the Chris an band,Im on the ba le eld for my Lord.

    Repeat chorus

    V s 2

    Now when I met my Savior, I met HimWith a smile, He healedmy wounded spirit,

    And owned me as His child, around theThrone of grace, He appoints my soul aPlace, Im on the ba le eld for my Lord.

    Repeat chorus

    V s 3A charge to keep I have a God to glorify

    Just like a man named Mar n,Ill serve my God on highIll take my Masters hand;Social jus ce is my plan

    I am on the ba le eld for my LordRepeat chorus

    About Today's Hymn...

    I am on the Ba le eld for My Lord was wri enby Sylvana Bell and E.V. Banks in 1944. Wehonor the late Father of Gospel Music, ThomasA. Dorsey, who arranged this meless hymn.

    This hymn announces/proclaims a compellingcry that ignites our commitment to ght forsocial jus ce on these shores and beyond.

    Todays third verse honors our beloved Rev. Dr.Mar n Luther King, Jr., who made an indeliblemark for equality and social jus ce for all. Yes,he was on the Ba le eld serving ll he died!!

    About last Sundays Hymn"Im Glad I Got That Old Time Religion"

    This round style hymn allows worshippers topar cipate and publically profess by standing ontheir born again day. Those seated presumablyare candidates for evangelism/discipleship.

    This hymn is found in a collec on of hymns, Spiritsthat Dwell in Deep Woods (The Prayer and PraiseHymns of the Black Religious Experience) from

    1885-1925 researched by Rev. Dr. Wya Tee Walkerpastor, schlolar and former director of the Progres-sive Na onal Bap st Conven on, 1990-1994. Theyhave been edited by Dr. James Abbington.

    These hymns are Bible-based and wri en byunknown authors, highly repe ve honoring andcelebra ng the oral tradi on of our culture.

    Let the Redeemed of the Lord Say So!

    January 16, 20112011 Trinity United Church of Christ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited. 3

    Hymn of Praise

    H Y M N O F P R A I S E

  • 8/8/2019 Trinity Bulletin 1/16/11


    7:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 6:00 p.m.

    LUKE 11: 5-6 (NIV)

    5Then Jesus said to them, Suppose you

    have a friend, and you go to him at mid-

    night and say, Friend, lend me three

    loaves of bread; 6a friend of mine on a

    journey has come to me, and I have no

    food to o er him.

    Unison Scripture

    January 16, 20112011 Trinity United Church of Christ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited.4

  • 8/8/2019 Trinity Bulletin 1/16/11


    A Word From The Pastor

    Todays bulle n cover displays the quietly sung heroesand sheroes of the Civil Rights Movement.

    E B k ,an African American civil rights and humanrights ac vist. She was a behind-the-scenes ac vistwhose career spanned over ve decades. She workedalongside some of the most famous civil rights leadersof the twen eth century, including: W. E. B. Du Bois,Jus ce Thurgood Marshall, A. Philip Randolph, and Rev.Dr. Mar n Luther King Jr.

    R v. J s B v ,an American minister and leader of the 1960s Civil Rights Movement who, as the Directorof Direct Ac on and Director of Nonviolent Educa onof the Southern Chris an Leadership Conference

    (SCLC) ini ated, strategized, directed, and developedSCLC's three major successes of the era: the 1963Birmingham Children's Crusade, the 1965 Selma Vo ngRights Movement, and the 1966 Chicago Open HousingMovement.

    F L H ,an American vo ng rights ac vistand civil rights leader. She was instrumental inorganizing the Mississippi Freedom Summer for theStudent Nonviolent Coordina ng Commi ee (SNCC),and later became the Vice-Chair of the MississippiFreedom Democra c Party, a ending the 1964Democra c Na onal Conven on in Atlan c City, NewJersey, in that capacity. Her plain-spoken manner andfervent belief in the biblical righteousness of her causegained her a reputa on as an electrifying speaker andconstant champion of civil rights.

    M W gh Ed ,founder and president of theChildren's Defense Fund (CDF), has been an advocatefor disadvantaged Americans for her en re professionallife. Under her leadership, CDF has become the na on's

    strongest voice for children and families.

    R v. D . J s L ws , a leading theore cian andtac cian of nonviolence within the American CivilRights Movement. He con nues to be ac ve in trainingac vists in nonviolence.

    D N sh,leader and strategist of the student wingof the 1960s Civil Rights Movement has been describedas: "bright, focused, u erly fearless, with an unerringins nct for the correct tac cal move at each incrementof the crisis; as a leader, her ins ncts had been awless,and she was the kind of person who pushed thosearound her to be at their best that, or be gone fromthe movement."

    R v. J s O g , a civil rights ac vist and aide to the

    Rev. Dr. Mar n Luther King Jr., whose arrest in Alabamain 1965 is considered one of the catalysts for the historicSelma-to-Montgomery march and the Vo ng RightsAct.

    B y d R s ,an American civil rights ac vist behindthe scenes in the civil rights movement of the 1960sand earlier. He is credited as the chief organizer of the1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.He counseled Rev. Dr. Mar n Luther King, Jr. on thetechniques of nonviolent resistance. He became anadvocate on behalf of gay and lesbian causes in thela er part of his career.

    January 16, 20112011 Trinity United Church of Christ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited. 5

    A W O R D F R O M

    T H E P A S T O R

  • 8/8/2019 Trinity Bulletin 1/16/11



    As we enter 2011, I want to be clear aboutTrinity United Church of Christs posi on regardingshopping at Wal-Mart/Sams Club. As a church, we donot shop at Wal-Mart! In fact, if our ministry partnerspurchase items from Wal-Mart for church events,our policy is to not reimburse for those expenditures.

    As your pastor, I ask that you and your family

    also do not shop at Wal-Mart. This has been along standing posi on of our denomina on and acoali on of local churches and labor unions for manyreasons. Even though they are one of the largestcorpora ons in the world, they fail to pay a livingwage to their employees, and as a result, are hometo the largest pool of working poor in America. In

    addi on, being purposefully manipula ve, theyprovide minimal health bene ts, in order to takeadvantage of government health programs.

    Some argue that Wal-Mart is not the onlycompany with these policies, and that is correct. But,strategically, if we can win concessions with Wal-Mart, as the worlds leading retailer, other retailerswill follow suit. This is our ght, and it is not over!

    A recent analysis completed by the Center forCommunity Planning and Development at HunterCollege in New York of over y studies conductedon the impact Wal-Mart has on local and na onaleconomies, provides that: Wal-Mart store openings kill three local jobs

    for every two they create by reducing retailemployment by an average of 2.7 percent inevery county they enter.

    Wal-Marts entry into a new market does notincrease overall retail ac vity or employmentopportuni es. Research from Chicago showsretail employment did not increase in Wal-Marts zip code, and fell signi cantly in thoseadjacent.

    Stores near a new Wal-Mart are at increasedrisk of going out of business. A er a single Wal-Mart opened in Chicago in September 2006, 82of the 306 small businesses in the surroundingneighborhood had gone out of business byMarch, 2008.

    Wal-Mart has thousands of associates whoqualify for Medicaid and other publiclysubsidized care, leaving taxpayers to footthe bill. For instance, in Ohio, Wal-Mart hasmore associates and associate dependents onMedicaid than any other employer, cos ngtaxpayers $44.8 million in 2009.

    Wal-Marts average annual pay of $20,774 isbelow the Federal Poverty Level for a family of four.

    A Wal-Mart spokesperson publiclyacknowledged in 2004 that, More than twothirds of our people... are not trying to supporta family. Thats who our jobs are designed for.

    Wal-Marts 2010 health care o erings have ahigh annual deduc ble of $4,400, which meansa family would have to spend $5,102 of theirown money on health care before Wal-Martsinsurance pays anything. Based on the averagesalary of a Wal-Mart employee, this paymentrepresents almost 25% of their annual income.

    Shopping at Wal-Mart, as temp ng as it is, resultsin a net nega ve for society in many ways. At TrinityUnited Church of Christ, we recognize that everygood deal isnt, and will con nue to ght for therights of . . . the least of these, as instructed by ourLord and Savior, Jesus Christ.Asking you to imagine . . . a me when all workingAmericans can a ord to live on their wages.

    Rev. O s Moss III

    A Word From The Pastor

    January 16, 20112011 Trinity United Church of Christ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited.6

  • 8/8/2019 Trinity Bulletin 1/16/11


    S ks d S sBy Rev. M. Linda Jaramillo

    Chris na Taylor Green was born on September 11,2001; she was nine years old when she was shotand killed on January 7, 2011. Chris nas is the Ari-zona face in the book, Faces of Hope,that included onebaby from each state born on that fateful day almost 10years ago. Today, her beau ful smile is on the front pageof newspapers and at the center of television screensaround the world. Chris na had just been elected to herstudent council so she wanted to meet her Congresswom-an; a young leader whose life was cut short by tragedyin a shopping mall in Tucson, Arizona. Our thoughts andprayers go out to her parents and extended family whoso courageously spoke of her innocent and hopeful spirit.We cannot help but grieve the loss of our childrens in-nocence.

    S cks and stones can break my bones, but wordswill never hurt me. I remember this phrase from my child-hood; it was how we responded to someone who was call-ing us names, pu ng us down, or just being mean. Whilethis response was a way to de ect the pain, it did not re-ally help because words did hurt; we just pretended thatthey didnt. Todays children are no di erent, words s llhurt them, but the s cks and stones have turned into gunsand bullets.

    During sad mes like these, we cant help but be an-gry or lose hope for the future. Every day, we hear voicesseemingly intent on proving that anyone who disagreeswith our point of view is wrong and should be silenced.Most will agree that we live in a me when our profounddi erences of opinion are escala ng from words to muchmore violent expressions from s cks and stones to gunsand bullets.

    Words can be in uen al instruments of hate and an-ger that can lodge in the hearts and minds of those who

    are focused on destruc on and despair. Words can also bepowerful sources of encouragement meant for good andkind purposes. The power of sugges on is far more sig-

    ni cant than any one of us wants to admit. We must notunderes mate the poten al that words have to be usedas s cks and stones or guns and bullets...

    While our leaders set the example for appropriateand civil behavior, we cannot simply blame our public of-

    cials for the culture of hos lity in which we live. Each oneof us must take responsibility for the ways in which we

    interact. As adults, we should provide the example to ourchildren on how to resolve di erences without violence.Ironically, just a few days following the Tucson tragedy, weobserve the birthday of Dr. Mar n Luther King, Jr., a pub-lic leader who walked among us pleading for a nonviolentresponse to injus ce. His words ring so true today, Dark-ness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

    Regardless of our own perspec ve on any issue, letsnd ways to disagree and even get angry, without resort-

    ing to violence. Otherwise, our children will see only hate,darkness, and despair, rather than love, light and hope. Aswe grieve and search for answers to this shoo ng tragedy,lets remind ourselves that we can and must par cipate intransforming our current culture of violence to one of careand kindness. Our children deserve nothing less.

    Sp N :Our hear elt condolences to the familiesof Judge John Roll, Gabe Zimmerman, Dorwin Stoddard,Dorothy Murray, Phyllis Scheck, and Chris na TaylorGreen. Our thoughts and prayers for the recovery of thoseinjured, including Congresswoman Gabrielle Gi ords. Inaddi on, we pray for the parents of Jared Lee Loughner,who are also wounded by this terrible tragedy.

    Witness for Justice

    January 16, 20112011 Trinity United Church of Christ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited. 7

    W I T N E S S F O R J U S T I C E

  • 8/8/2019 Trinity Bulletin 1/16/11


    Sermon Notes

    January 16, 20112011 Trinity United Church of Christ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited.8

    S E R M O N N O T E S

  • 8/8/2019 Trinity Bulletin 1/16/11



    Empty pews are a sad pat of todays congrega ons. Many things vie for the a en on, moneyand talents. We can learn a valuable lesson from two widowed sisters, Pauline (age 101!)

    and Ella (age 98). Although these ladies reside in a modest apartment complex and livewith numerous age-related aches and pains, they never neglect worship service or thing. Notonly do they a end weekly Sunday services and Bible study, but most any other church func onwill nd them in their usual pew par cipa ng in worship. Fellow members are encouraged bytheir presence, their wisdom, and their example.

    An inner peace and joy surrounds these ladies. They are cheerful and content in mes of bothcelebra on and adversity, as they con nue their lives with rm adherence to the Will of God. Theywould not grieve the Holy Spirit by missing church, unless they were ill.

    Pauline and Ella serve as a reminder to cheerfully a end worship services when possible. It iswri en in Hebrews 10:25, Let us not give up mee ng together as some are in the habit of doing,but let us encourage one another all the more as you see the Day approaching.

    God bless senior members such as Pauline and Ella. Although their physical abili es to serve arelimited, they s ll provide us with a beau ful example of stewardship through their dedicatedchurch a endance and thing.

    Y F ds S v ,

    Th S w dsh p M s y

    C s A. K g, EdD L d M s , Ch p s


    January 16, 20112011 Trinity United Church of Christ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited. 9

    S T E W A R D S H I P

  • 8/8/2019 Trinity Bulletin 1/16/11


    In (Gods) hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of every human being. Job 12:10

    Killer At LargeHow Does Food Affect My Family?Come and learn more about the food we eat

    and where it comes from.

    Saturday, January 29, 20112:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.


    The Green Committee invites you to a

    movie and discussion

    Green Page

    We need you! Join the Green Revolu on. The Green Commi ee meets at the church

    the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m.Contact Us: [email protected], 773.966.1500, Mailbox 2385

    January 16, 20112011 Trinity United Church of Christ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited.10

    G R E E N P A G E

  • 8/8/2019 Trinity Bulletin 1/16/11


    Special Announcements

    A y dy d d s v G d T y U d Ch h Ch s ?

    Th 20 S.O.M.E.T.H.I.N.G. Y g Ad M s yis ready to start a movement!!

    Now is the me for anyone, ages 19-29,to lead people to Christ, serve community, and a rm our culture!

    Come out, ready and willing,

    Friday, January 21, 7:00 p.m., Room 120

    Ques ons? Email [email protected]

    January 16, 20112011 Trinity United Church of Christ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited. 11


    Are you experiencing a con ict with a friend, neighbor or loved one?

    Are the two of you looking for a way to resolve the con ict peaceably,

    restore your rela onship and avoid court? Media on may be an op on for you.

    Media on is the process where a neutral person (mediator) helps people withcon icts or disputes resolve their di erences in a mutually sa sfying way.

    T d y d sp b h d d h gh d , p s h TUCC L g C 773-966-1500, M b x 2339 L g @ y h g . g

    S P E C I A L A N N O U N C E M E N T S

  • 8/8/2019 Trinity Bulletin 1/16/11



    Sunday, January 30, 2011 2:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.Trinity UCC Sanctuary


    The Mayor recruits businesses to the city for jobs. S mulus money created 9,157 jobs (7,300 for youth).

    What jobs, job training programs and industries will be brought to Chicago? The Mayor sets the budget for all city services. Chicago has a $654 million DEFICIT for 2011.

    How will city services be delivered while plugging the de cit? Tax Increase, cuts?

    The Mayor appoints members to the Board of Educa on. Blacks make up 45% of Chicago Public Schools. What is the educa onal plan, and how will it be funded and measured for success?

    The Mayor can direct police to targeted areas. Blacks were arrested at a rate of 8 mes higher than whites.

    Will blacks con nue to be dispropor onately arrested? The mayoral candidates know that the city popula on is comprised of 36% African Americans.


    Sponsored by Church In Society Ministry

    REGISTER TO VOTE if, since the last elec on, you either: TURNED 18 MOVED CHANGED YOUR NAME

    How to register:1. Trinity UCC Deputy Registrars will be registering voters a er each service through Sunday,

    January 23, 2011. Have at least 2 pieces of iden ca on

    One must have a photo of you and at least one must have your current address

    2. Online at h p://www.chicagoelec

    I p D s R b :January 25 Last Day to RegisterJanuary 30 Mayoral Candidates Forum, 2:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

    January 31 Early Vo ng BeginsFebruary 22 General Primary Elec on

    January 16, 20112011 Trinity United Church of Christ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited.12

  • 8/8/2019 Trinity Bulletin 1/16/11



    FIRST FRIDAYS WORSHIP SERVICEFriday, February 3, 2011 7:00 p.m.

    S ve Wo ds for SinglGuest Ministers:Rev. Dr. Kim LymoreFaith Community of St. Sabina

    Rev. Aaron McLeodTrinity United Church of Christ

    Rev. Rochelle MichaelTrinity United Church of Christ

    Rev. Stephen ThurstonNew Covenant M.B. Church

    Rev. Ti any TrentTrinity United Church of Christ

    Rev. Reginald WilliamsFirst Bap st Church of University Park, IL

    Rev. Charles WooleryFirst Wesley Academy of Harvey, IL

    January 16, 20112011 Trinity United Church of Christ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited.

  • 8/8/2019 Trinity Bulletin 1/16/11


    In Celebra on of Mar n Luther King, Jr. Day,

    here is an o ering of program

    and ac vi es that available in theChicagoland area:

    SUNDAY, JANUARY 16, 2011:

    S.O.U.L.(Southsiders Organized for Unity and Libera on)MLK Day Celebra on and Public Mee ngFirst Presbyterian Church, 6400 S. Kimbark2:30 - 3:00 p.m. Musical celebra on and registra on3:00 p.m. Public mee ngInforma on: (312) 402-0572

    MONDAY, JANUARY 17, 2011:

    Rev. Dr. Mar n Luther King, Jr. Prayer Breakfast2250 N. She eld Ave., Room 120AB8:30 a.m.Guest Speaker: Ac vist and former Black Panther Party Leader, Elaine Brown

    andRev. Dr. Mar n Luther King, Jr. Evening Lecture inDefense of Our BoysSt. Vincent DePaul Church, 1010 West Webster6:00 p.m.Guest Speaker: Ac vist and former Black Panther Party Leader, Elaine Brown

    To RSVP for one or both events, or for informa on, Call (773) 325-7759 or email, [email protected]

    Rev. Dr. Mar n Luther King, Jr. Celebra on -A Day On, Not A Day O Governors State UniversityCenter for the Performing ArtsOne University Parkway, University Park, IL 10:30 a.m.Speaker: Rev. Adron Robinson, Pastor, Hillcrest Bap st Church of Country Club Hills, ILSpecial Guest: Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sr.

    The Jewish Federa on Annual Mar n Luther King, Jr.Commemora on Program

    The Jewish Federa on, 30 S. WellsChicago, IL11:00 a.m.Guest Speaker: Rev. O s Moss III, Senior Pastor, Trinity United Church Of Christ

    DuPage County 21st Annual Celebra on of the Life,Legacy and Vision of Dr. Mar n Luther King, Jr.

    Wheaton College, Edman Chapel401 East Franklin St.Wheaton, IL6:30 p.m.Guest Speaker: Bishop Vash Murphy McKenzie

    Dr. Mar n Luther King Celebra onDuSable Museum of African American History

    740 East 56th Pl.Chicago, IL10:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m.Special performances by Cerqua Rivera Dance Theatre,Chocolate Chips Theatre Company and more.

    TUESDAY, JANUARY 18, 2011

    Mar n Luther King, Jr. Commemora on Program

    Saint Xavier University, 3700 West 103rd St.Chicago, IL5:00 p.m.Guest Speaker: Rev. O s Moss III, Senior Pastor, Trinity United Church Of Christ

    January 16, 20112011 Trinity United Church of Christ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited.

  • 8/8/2019 Trinity Bulletin 1/16/11


    Sunday, January 23, 2011 All Worship Services

    Rev. Dr. Raphael Warnock Senior Pastor

    Ebenezer Baptist CHurch Atlanta, GA


    Jennifer Holliday Award-Winning Recording Artist and Broadway Star

    Trinity UCC Continues

    the Celebration ofDr. Martin Luther King, Jr.!

    January 16, 20112011 Trinity United Church of Christ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited.

  • 8/8/2019 Trinity Bulletin 1/16/11


    Jazz-A-Palooza and Community Comedy DVD sets s ll available

    Purchase any of these tles andreceive 25% o an addi onal book purchase!

    Bible class registra on is s ll going on!

    Sign up and purchase your books today!Don't forget to join the Trinity UCC - Book of the Month Facebook page!

    AKIBA STORE HOURS Monday - Thursday, 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m., CLOSED FRIDAYS

    Saturday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.Sunday, after each Worship Service

    (773) 962 - 5660

    January 16, 20112011 Trinity United Church of Christ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited.

  • 8/8/2019 Trinity Bulletin 1/16/11


    A M g h C g gT sd y, J y 25, 2010

    7:00 p. .


    January 16, 20112011 Trinity United Church of Christ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited. 13

    C O N G R E G A T I O N A L M E E T I N G

  • 8/8/2019 Trinity Bulletin 1/16/11


    Special Announcements

    THEC 2011 Sp g B k HBCU C g T sDont know what to give your college-bound high school student for theholidays? How about their rst up-close and personal look of historicallyblack colleges and universi es (HBCUs) during spring break on a TrinityHigher Educa on Corpora on (THEC) college tour?

    T d s s d M h 27 h h gh Ap 1s , d Ap 17 hh gh Ap 22 d, 2011.

    For general informa on, tour i neraries, and payment plan informa on,contact THEC at 773-966-1508 or [email protected].

    THEC -Helping to make the dream of higher educa on a reality!Visit us at

    ARTISTS IN RESIDENCE NEWS6 h A W Y h A W ksh p s ss!This year, our Art Workshop had over 40 a endees,most between the ages of 9-14! They learned thebasics of funny and superhero comic strips. Be onthe lookout for their work on display at Trinity UCC'sAnnual Spring Art Exhibit!

    Fresh o his recent Art Loop open, J ss H w dhasbeen selected to exhibit alongside his mentor, JudithRoth, at Chicago State University President's Gallery.For details, go to h p://

    S ph C will be exhibi ng her works at ETATheater Gallery; visit to h p://www.etacrea on.html for details

    P k Th ps will be exhibi ng at the Museum of Science & Industrys 40th Anniversary Black Crea vityCommemora ve Gallery and Juried Art exhibit; ar stsrecep on will be Wednesday, February 9, 2011; for details

    Singles Community presents:

    A New Year, A New You: NewRules for Singles in 2011

    Tuesday, January 18, 20117:00 p.m. - Atrium

    Facilitator: Rev. Stacey Edwards-Dunn

    January 16, 20112011 Trinity United Church of Christ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited.14

    S P E C I A L A N N O U N C E M E N T S

  • 8/8/2019 Trinity Bulletin 1/16/11


    Special AnnouncementsTh S w dsh p M s y C d y I v s A N w M b s


    N w M b C ss

    If you have not taken both new member classes (Sessions I and II), the Stewardship Ministryis expec ng you! Please dont delay! Comple on of the new member process a er you have

    Walked the Aisle is in three stages:

    Comple on of Sessions I and II (in that order) of your New Member class Right Hand of Fellowship on a rst Sunday evening. The Right Hand of Fellowship is a

    requirement for full membership Become an ac ve member, working in one of the ministries of your church home

    Ad s d T sS ss s I d II

    Saturday, February 5, 2011Registra on: 9:30 a.m. Class: 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

    AtriumCon nental Breakfast and Lunch will be served

    Ch d 12 y s d dSaturday, February 5, 2011

    10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.Children must be accompanied by parent or guardian

    R v h R gh H d F wsh p S d y, F b y 6, 2011 4:45 p. .Please remember to bring your Bible if you dont have one, well provide one for you!

    Please RSVP and CONFIRM your par cipa on!Call the Membership/Ministry Services o ce, 773-962-5650, immediately!

    January 16, 20112011 Trinity United Church of Christ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited. 15

    N E W

    M E M B E R C L A S S

  • 8/8/2019 Trinity Bulletin 1/16/11


    Special Announcements

    Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference , Inc.The social jus ce network of Black ministers, civil rights leaders, lay leaders,human rights ac vists, seminarians and educators

    With VisionBy FaithThrough Ac on!

    8 h A C gy d L y L d sh p CF b y 7 10, 2011

    K p s h V s : V s y L d sh p A G s(Proverbs 29:18)

    Th Hy R g y M C k

    F g:Rev. Dr. Frederick D. Haynes III, Rev. Dr. Frank Thomas,

    A y. Michelle Alexander, Rev. Dr. Wilson Goode,Rev. Dr. Bernice Powell Jackson, Rev. David Forbes, Rev. Michael P eger,Dr. Sandra Barnhill, Bobby Wooten, Rev. Teresa Fry Brown,Rev. William Small, Rev. Gina Stewart, Rev. Marcus Cosby,

    Rev. Mar n Espinosa and others

    B A Th F B q W d sd y, F b y 9, 2011h g R v. J ss J ks , S ., R v. D . W L ws ,

    D . D s W s d B sh p B b K g

    G p P k g R :$600.00 and includes (4) A endee registra onsand (2) Beau ful Are the Feet Honoree Banquet Tickets

    I d v d C R g s :$250.00S g D y R g s R w h G p P k g :$155.00B A h F H B q k s:$75.00 each

    S D W P C , I . T s s d w R v. O s M ss III, R v. D . J h W gh , J ., d D . Iv C h s

    January 16, 20112011 Trinity United Church of Christ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited.16

  • 8/8/2019 Trinity Bulletin 1/16/11


    Special Announcements


    PROBLEM: You resolved to take a Bible class in 2011, but don't know where to start? SOLUTION: TAKE A BIBLE CLASS

    PROBLEM: You want to run for o ce but nd yourself a short a few Bible classes!SOLUTION: TAKE A BIBLE CLASS

    PROBLEM: You have experienced frustra on or anger when challenged by people whodon't believe what you believe!SOLUTION: TAKE A BIBLE CLASS

    PROBLEM: You call yourself a follower of Christ, but break His commandment to "study to show yourself approved!" SOLUTION: TAKE A BIBLE CLASS

    PROBLEM: You want peace, joy, power in prayer, guidance, endurance, and freedom!SOLUTION: TAKE A BIBLE CLASS

    PROBLEM: You have an external rela onship with God, but need an internal rela onshipwith God God is in the Bible!SOLUTION: TAKE A BIBLE CLASS




    January 16, 20112011 Trinity United Church of Christ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited. 17

    S P E C I A L A N N O U N C E M E N T S

  • 8/8/2019 Trinity Bulletin 1/16/11



    MONDAY 1/17

    Sunday 1/16

    TUESDAY 1/18

    400 W. 95th Street

    6:00 p.m. Band Rehearsal - SA

    Women's Drill Team - Narthex II

    6:30 p.m. Arts Ministries - FH

    Membership Clerks - 102

    Sisterhood Ministry - 120

    7:00 p.m. Adult Ushers - 207

    Married Couples Of cers - 116

    400 W. 95th Street

    7:30 p.m. Worship Service - SA

    9:30 a.m. Bible Discovery Hour - WC

    Breakfast - FH

    7:00 p.m. Men's Chorus Rehearsal - SA

    Sanctuary Choir Steering Committee - BR

    Singles Community - A

    11:00 a.m. Worship Service - SA

    1:30 p.m. Dinner - FH

    6:00 p.m. Worship Service - SA

    WEDNESDAY 1/19

    THURSDAY 1/20

    400 W. 95th Street

    6:00 am. -6:00 p.m.

    Prayer and Fasting

    11:30 a.m. Prayer Service - WC

    400 W. 95th Street

    5:30 p.m. Imani/Little Warriors Rehearsal - WC

    6:00 p.m. Band Rehearsal - SA

    Youth Drill Team - 202

    7:00 p.m. Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal - SA

    5:30 p.m. Drama Mime Ministry - 120

    7:14 p.m. Wednesday Word Prayer Service - SA

    TUCC Village Center1947 West 95th Street

    7:00 p.m. Tangeni Business Meeting - W-305

    TUCC Village Center1947 West 95th Street

    6:30 p.m. Tangeni Business Meeting - W302

    Immabasi Mental Health Support - 102


    1/17 MLK Holiday - CHURCH CLOSED1/23 MLK Celebration Worship Service

    2/1-2/28 Black History Month2/4 First Fridays Worship Service

    January 16, 20112011 Trinity United Church of Christ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited.18

    l d

  • 8/8/2019 Trinity Bulletin 1/16/11



    SATURDAY 1/22

    400 W. 95th Street

    7:00 a.m. Food Share - A/FH

    7:30 a.m. Yoga - Narthex II

    9:00 a.m. Saturday Bible School (Pre-K/Kinder-garten) - 116

    Saturday Bible School (1st & 2ndgrades) - 120

    Saturday Bible School (3rd & 4thgrades) - 203

    Saturday Bible School (5th & 6thgrades) - 202

    Saturday Bible School (Adults) - WC

    Discipleship Class - FH

    Saturday Bible School (Teens) - 207

    11:00 a.m. Children's Church (Teachers) - 207

    11:00 a.m. Little Warriors for Christ - WC

    Math Tutorial - 202/203

    12:00 p.m. AARP Safe Driving - A

    Intonjane - 116/120/FH

    12:30 p.m. Math Tutorial Wrap-Up - 203

    Walaika - WC

    Women's Drill Team - Narthex II

    1:00 p.m. Youth Drill Team - 202

    2:00 p.m. Isuthu - 120/207/FH/WC

    3:00 p.m. Pre-Marital Counseling - 202

    5:00 p.m. Deacons-In-Training Phase I - 202

    TUCC Village Center1947 West 95th Street

    10:00 a.m. Reading Tutorial - W302/W305/W307

    FRIDAY 1/21 400 W. 95th Street

    7:00 p.m. 20 S.O.M.E.T.H.I.N.G. - 120

    Africa Ministry - FH

    Healing Ministry - 202

    TUCC Village Center1947 West 95th Street

    11:00 a.m. Free-N-One - E102

    7:00 p.m. Free-N-One - E102

    Tough Love - W305

    HOUSE FOR SALET y U d Ch h Ch s h s s , by

    w , 5 b d , 2 B h , 2 s y h sw h 1,818 sq v g sp .Property hasa full basement and a 1 car garage. The propertyis located on the Southeast side of Chicago. Theproperty will be shown by appointment only.Serious buyers may contact the Business O ce of the church at 773-966-1522, for a showing of theproperty. The Business O ce is opened from 10a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday Thursday.


    ANNOUNCEMENTS Bulle n announcements are due on M d ys

    by 12:00 N Bulle n announcements y d h h/

    s y v s d y v s P s b s

    [email protected], x 773-966-1712

    For informa on, call Donna Hammond-Bu s, 773-966-1536

    January 16, 20112011 Trinity United Church of Christ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited. 19

    C A L E N D A R

    H f h C i

  • 8/8/2019 Trinity Bulletin 1/16/11


    Heart of the CommunityAARP SAFE DRIVING CLASS,Saturdays, January 22 and January 29, 12:00 p.m.,Trinity UCC, To register, call Deborah Washington,773-966-1500, Mailbox 2301

    ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA,Xi Nu OmegaChapter and the Monarch Awards Founda on, Inc.,presents annual Mar n Luther King Day Teen Summit:Teens with Dreams Capturing a Vision, Monday,

    January 17, Bronzeville Scholas c Academy-DuSableCampus, 4934 S. Wabash, Chicago, Registra on beginsat 9:00 a.m., Program starts at 10:00 a.m., Opento tweens and teens, To RSVP and for addi onalinforma on, call 800-616-6708, or visit www.monarchawardsfounda

    IOTA PHI LAMBDA SORORITYislooking for par cipants in its youth program, designedfor pre-teen girls and boys (ages 9-12) who willbene t from guidance and inspira on of posi verole models through educa onal and upli ingac vi es, please send your childs name and parentcontact informa on with any ques ons to C. Collins,[email protected]

    LOOK GOOD-FEEL BETTER a freena onal program to improve self-image and self-esteem of women experiencing appearance-relatedside e ects from cancer treatments, Trained volunteercer ed cosmetologists needed to o er hands-on,self-help instruc on and educa on in hairstyling andcoping with hair loss, skin care, make-up and nail care,

    to cancer pa ents in group se ngs, Volunteers musta end training, Informa on, Call Lori Caesar, 773-398-2629

    MY SISTA, IM SORRY!!!stage playby author/playwright Shywanee L. Manson, Saturday,January 22, 7:00 p.m., IIT Hermann Hall, 3241 S.Federal, Chicago, for ckets, visit www.shyfoxbooks.


    NATIONAL CONSORTIUM OFBLACK WOMEN IN MINISTRY,Chicago Chapter, Prayer Breakfast, BuildingCommunity Among Us and Impac ng CommunityAround Us, Saturday, February 12, 9:00 a.m., 3850S. Wabash, Guest Speaker, Rev. Dr. Gina M. Stewart,Senior Pastor, Christ M.B. Church, Memphis, TN,Tickets and informa on, Call 708-351-8213 or 773-483-4300

    NATIONAL WOMEN OFACHIEVEMENT,Chicago Chapter, presentsa Youth Oratorical Contest, open to 3rd-12th gradestudents, Saturday, January 22, 2011, 11:00 a.m.,Woodson Regional Library, 9525 S. Halsted, For moreinforma on, Call Achiever Gina Davis, 773-535-0294

    PEOPLE WITH SICKLE CELLdiseaseor sickle cell trait needed for research study at theUniversity of Illinois at Chicago, 18 to 35 years old, totest a new computerized program (CHOICES) to teachpeople about sickle cell and their choices regardinghaving children, involves 5 mee ngs over 2 years at aloca on convenient to you, par cipants compensated,Call 312-996-8497 or email at [email protected] andleave your name, phone and email address, and best

    mes to reach you, UIC IRB protocol # 2009-1144

    YMCA ALLIANCEo ers employmenttraining and assistance, free for quali ed, low-income Chicago residents, 18 and over, EmploymentSkills Training, classes in Administra ve Clerk,

    Customer Service and Employment Training, DataEntry and GED Prepara on, informa onal mee ng,Mondays, 1:00 p.m., 11 E. Adams, Suite 300 ANDEmployment Assistance Programs, skills assessmentsand development, career planning, job referrals andsupport services, informa onal mee ng, Mondays,1:00 p.m., 11 E. Adams, Suite 300, Thursdays, 1:30p.m., 501 N. Central, 1st Floor, Informa on, call 312-

    913-2150, Ext. 2209

    January 16, 20112011 Trinity United Church of Christ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited.20

    H E A R T O F T H E C O M M U N I T Y

    I f ti & A t

  • 8/8/2019 Trinity Bulletin 1/16/11


    ACTIVE SENIORS AND FRIENDScookbooks with over 400 recipes for sale, Orders takenon Sundays, a er 7:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. worshipservices, Informa on, call 773-966-1500, Mailbox2301

    AMANI CARE CORNERasks can youspare one Sunday per month? We seek kind, gentleand caring Trinitarians to volunteer to assist the elderly

    and physically challenged members to and from theirPace vans a er worship service, We also pick-upmeals, CDs/DVDs and books from the Akiba Bookstore,Informa on, Contact Donalynne Scha er, 773-966-1579

    AMANI d HORIZON HOSPICEAND PALLIATIVE CAREcan help whenyour family is faced with di cult and challengingdecisions concerning end-of-life care: Hospice,Pallia ve Care, Advanced Care Planning, VolunteerServices/Training, and Presenta ons/Workshops. Allservices are provided free of charge by Amani andHorizon Pallia ve Care, Chicago's rst hospice toprovide culturally sensi ve end-of-life care, For moreinforma on, call Alicia Johnson, Volunteer Recruiter,773-966-1588

    BLAINE DENYE LIBRARY Ministrypartners invite you to visit our library and explore thevolumes on Bible study, African American history andculture, For the month of January, we focus on bookswri en by and featuring Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.and Rev. Dr. Mar n Luther King, Jr.: Sankofa Moment,by Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright; Where Do We GoFrom Here, by Dr. Mar n Luther King, Jr.; A Call toConscience: Landmark Speeches of Dr. Mar n LutherKing, Jr.; A Testament of Hope: The Essen al Wri ngsand Speeches of Mar n Luther King, Jr .; and TheWords of Mar n Luther King, Jr., Selected by Core aSco King, All of these tles are in your church library,located on the 2nd oor, Our hours are Monday-

    Tuesday-Thursday, 6:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m., Wednesday,5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. and Saturday, 10:00 a.m. 4:00p.m.

    DOMESTIC VIOLENCE MINISTRYisdedicated to ending the silent killer in our community,Domes c Violence is not just a woman's problem, it isa COMMUNITY problem. Please come join us in our

    ght for survivors, call 773-966-1500, Mailbox 2317 orcontact Tennille Power at 773-406-4193

    EMMAUS ROAD GRIEF WORKMINISTRY,Thursday, January 27, 7:00 p.m.,Wright Chapel, this months topic is With Us, WithHim, Informa on, call 773-966-1500, Mailbox 2320

    FREE-IN-ONEFor anyone su ering from drugand alcohol abuse, Every Friday, 11:00 a.m. and 6:30p.m., Tough Love mee ngs for family members of drugand alcohol abusers, Fridays, 6:30 p.m., Call 773-966-1500, Mailbox 2319

    MEMBERSHIP SERVICESHave youmoved? Any children le the nest? New employmentor newly married? Forgot your giving number? CallMembership Services, 773-966-1556 or 966-1553

    MICAH LEGAL MINISTRY,Judge SharonColeman is accep ng applica ons (through February1) for law school summer externs, all applica onsshould include a resume, cover le er, transcript, atleast 2 le ers of reference (one school, one outsidesource), and details about their law schools externprogramALSO Judge Coleman is looking for highschool or college students who are interested in thelegal system to volunteer, beginning in May, volunteerapplica ons should include resume, cover le er, two

    le ers of reference (one from teacher or school sta member and one other source), Forward applica onmaterials to Anthony Swanagan, 219 S. DearbornSt., Room 1460, Chicago, IL, 60604, email [email protected]

    SISTERS SURVIVING CANCERneedone another, For God has not given us the spirit of

    fear; but of power, and of love, and a sound mind (IITimothy 1:7), Those diagnosed and/or treated for

    Information & Announcements

    January 16, 20112011 Trinity United Church of Christ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited. 21

    I N F O R M A T I O N & A N N O U N C E M E N T S

    I f ti & A t

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    cancer, join us and our supporters in our Back on TrackSurvivors Group, Amani-TUCHC Program, Call E aMcGregor Jones, 773-966-1585

    TRINITY LIFESAVERSMentoring programmatches adults with children of incarcerated parents,Save a life, Share your me, advice and friendship witha child, Brochures available in the Habari Gani rack,Atrium, Contact Daryle Brown, [email protected] 773-966-1500, Mailbox 2354

    TRINITY UCC AND SAFERFOUNDATION Seeks business ownersor persons with human resources oversight andcompany willing to give ex-o enders an opportunityfor employment, ANDSponsoring Prisoners Re-EntryProgram, a ercare program for ex-o enders: 18 yearsold and up, out of prison 180 days or less, no crimesagainst women or children ALSOPrisoners Re-EntryProgram mentors needed, Must be available to meetwith mentees 2-6 hours per month, If ex-o ender,convic on must not have been crimes against womenor children, must be out of prison for at least 2 years,Call Cassandra Johnson, 773-966-1561

    TRINITY UCC HOUSING MINISTRYencourages everyone to view the Housing Ministrysweb page at, for informa onon a ordable rentals throughout Chicagoland, Submityour a ordable rentals (under $1,300) to [email protected], or contact L. Lowery at 773-966-1500, Mailbox 2329

    TRINITY UCC LEGAL CLINIC providing direct legal advice, media on services andrepresenta on to the congrega on and community,Clinic is open 1st and 3rd Saturdays, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00p.m., and 2nd Thursdays, 6:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. atthe TUCC Village Center, No appointment necessary,Also, we are always in need of legal professionals(especially a orneys) interested in volunteering for the

    Legal Clinic and/or par cipa ng in our legal referraldirectory, To contact us call 773-966-1500, Mailbox2339 or send e-mail to [email protected]

    YOUNG WOMENS CHRISTIANWALK (YWCW) invites girls and women(ages 8 and over) to join us in a ending Cupcakes,Cookies and Conversa on: I Love Me Some Me,

    Sunday, February 13, 4:00 p.m., Blackstone Hotel, 636S. Michigan Ave., Informa on, Call 773-966-1500,Mailbox 2369

    January 16, 20112011 Trinity United Church of Christ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited.22

    Information & Announcements

    Prayer Concerns

  • 8/8/2019 Trinity Bulletin 1/16/11


    Prayer Concerns

    January 16, 20112011 Trinity United Church of Christ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited. 23

    P R A Y E R C O N C E R N S

    Service & Support Groups

  • 8/8/2019 Trinity Bulletin 1/16/11


    Ak b S s(773) 966 - 1504MON - THURS:4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.CLOSED FRIDAYSSATURDAY9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.SUNDAYA er each Service

    A T y U d C -y H h C p(773) 966 - 1506MON - FRI:9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

    B D Ny L b y(773) 966 - 1500, Mailbox 2205MON - TUES - THURS:6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.WEDNESDAY5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.SATURDAY10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

    C -C -V v H p(773) 966 - 1500, Mailbox 2308

    C D v pM s y(773) 966 - 1500, Mailbox [email protected]

    T y H gh EdC p(773) 966 - 1508TUES & THURS:11:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.WEDNESDAY10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.FRIDAY10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.SATURDAY9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.SUNDAYS & MONDAYSCLOSED

    C s g M s y(773) 966-1500, Mailbox 2315

    C d U(773) 966 - 1505(773) 723 - 8382 (fax)TUES & THURS:6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.SATURDAY9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.SUNDAYA er 7:30 & 11:00 a.m. Services

    D s VM s y C dH p(773) 966 - 1500, Mailbox 2317

    D g & A hR v y M s yTough Love / Free N One(773) 966 - 1500, Mailbox 2319

    E d w C /P s S y773-966-1500, Mailbox [email protected]

    F C s gC s(773) 966 - 1500, Mailbox 2378

    H g M s y(773) 966 - 1500, Mailbox 2325

    HIV/AIDS S ppM s y(312) 409 - AIDS (2437)(773) 966 - 1500, Mailbox 2327

    H s g M s y(773) 966 - 1500, Mailbox 2329

    I b s H h &W ss M s y(773) 966 - 1500, Mailbox 2332

    I b s S ppG ps:Community Mental Health Council(773) 734 - 4033(773) 966 - 1500, Mailbox 2375Diabetes(773) 966 - 1500, Mailbox 2374Family Caregivers(773) 966 - 1500, Mailbox 2376

    K j h g SpC z s S ppM s y(773) 966 - 1500, Mailbox 2344

    M h T(773) 966 - 1500, Mailbox 2338

    P s M s y(773) 966 - 1500, Mailbox 2354

    T y C y

    D v p C p.(773) 966 - 1500, Mailbox 2377MON - THURS:9:00 a.m. - 2:00 [email protected]

    T y C pL g C(773) 966 - 1500, Mailbox 2333

    January 16, 20112011 Trinity United Church of Christ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited.24

    Service & Support Groups

    S E R V I C E & S U P P O R T G R O U P S

  • 8/8/2019 Trinity Bulletin 1/16/11
