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Tri Factor Project

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I. Table of Contents

I. Table of Contents 2

II. Executive Summary 3

III. General Company Description 4Mission Statement, Vision Statement, Logo, and Slogan

IV. Company Goals and Objectives 5

V. Marketing Plan 6-7Print and Online Strategy Plans QR Code Post Card Samlple

VI. Management and Organization 8Visio Orgnaization Chart (small insert)

VII. Intial Funders 9-10

VIII. Schedule of Development 11-13Detailed Description Visio Timeline (small insert)

IX. Appendices (Resources List) 14-22Large Organization Chart Large Timeline Large Logo

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II. Executive Summary

Tri Factor, LLC is a non-profit partnership of healthy mind, body and spiritual

development groups (Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, etc.) that coordinates development in all

three areas for members. These areas are critical in optimizing total personal growth and are

interdependent of each other. Tri Factor seeks to promote opportunities with our partners that

support complete healthy life styles for everyone. Changes in the availability of medical

records have driven the need for active participation in managing your health. A better

informed consumer will understand the harmony needed in these three areas in order to

maximize their potential.

Tri Factor activities would be conducted at the religious group’s locations, local

gyms/spas, restaurants, supermarkets, colleges, etc. The partners of this non profit would

include sporting apparel stores, vitamins shops, mental health organizations, a board of

certified psychiatrists, and institutions of higher learning. Each service/product is targeted

towards that groups needs. Tri Factor helps form a process for ensuring that all three areas of

mind, body, spiritual improvement are developed concurrently.

Some of the services/products would include the following:

A traveling group of certified athletic trainers that also conduct seminars

Healthy Eating Seminars at organic food stores/restaurants


Tri Factor supported local and national concerts

Tri Factor College Student Meal Card that can be used at partner


Biodegradable water bottles and other Tri Factor Branded items

Health Snack Bars (Tribars) at push carts/vending machines at malls

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III. General Company Description

Mission Statement

Tri Factor’s mission is to serve as a clearing house for the promotion of products and

services that create opportunity to maximize growth and learning for optimal mind, body, and

spiritual development.

Vision Statement

Our vision is to become the world’s best resource for developing the full potential of

an individual through the focused pursuit of mind, body and spiritual fulfillment and to

acknowledge the common features and goals among all human beings.


The final logo of Tri Factor needed to be identifiable and reflect the three

components that make up the whole person. This final version meets those requirements and

could quickly be associated with any organization serving the areas of healthy mind, body, and

spiritual development.

Slogan: “Bringing together everything needed for the mind, body, and spirit.”

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IV. Company Goals and Objectives

The goal of Tri Factor is to become a leader in providing resources that emphasis the

importance of the mind, body, and spiritual connection. Our objective is become a major

influencer in these areas in the next 5 years with a low administrative overhead with a goal of

100% customer satisfaction rate. It is important that we educate the public on the need to

understand the harmony connection in mind, body, and spiritual development in order to

achieve maximum growth and success.

Tri Factor’s market is open to everyone but can be approached in a targeted fashion

in the beginning to show that addressing specific needs is the best method to build public

awareness. For example, specific seminars stressing the needs of seniors, college students, and

working moms can also show the common straits of American citizens. Health care will

continue to be one of the few growth industries in America for the next decade. Technology

has made changes in the way we process and manage health care. Individuals will now have

access to their medical records everywhere and take a more active role in the process. Tri

Factor is poised to become the preferred standard in assisting the average person in

understanding these changes. For example, some prescription medicines have side effects that

impact the emotional state of the person taking them. Tri Factor seeks to show the

interdependence of medical choices.

Tri Factor’s success will be built on presenting the concept of coordinated services as an

enhancement of the products and services that a partner is already offering. Our strength is

connecting groups of members through their personal relationships to healthy mind, body, and

spirit organizations. Tri Factor will operate as a Limited Liability Corporation (LLC) and then

file an application to the IRS for federal nonprofit status as a 501(c)(3) organization.

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V. Marketing Plan

Print Media Strategy

The initial print medium strategy will consist of QR code post cards (my sample

code will direct you to temporary blog) that is distributed at health conscious locations

such as vitamin shops, restaurant that focused on natural foods such as the Whole

Foods chains of stores, local gym and Spa’s. QR Codes will be printed on post cards and

will direct the consumer to a sweepstake (10 prizes awarded monthly) after a 90

second info commercial (similar to my podcast). Sweepstake contestants are required

to register by email to participate. All visitors (registered and non-registered) can

choose which 5-15% off promotional code they want to use from one of Tri Factor’s

partners. Possible prizes include the following:

Reduced or free one month memberships to local gyms

A free 1 month supply of vitamins

20% off sporting apparel item

1 hour mental health consultation with licensed psychiatrist

½ hour free massage session

Free promotional Items (branded with Tri Factor logo of course!)

Additional distribution areas include local churches (bulletins/programs),

educational institutions, and health fairs. This method along with the QR code post

campaign will advertise the name and services of Tri Factor with the minimum level of

cost. Simple and straight forward services should also build momentum through word

of mouth or social networking.

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Marketing Plan (continued)

On-Line Marketing Strategy

My approach will be to use the power of “shared branding” through jointly

beneficial collaborations. Tri Factor must be seen as an added service to what a

company is already offering to its customers. The QR Code post card style and

simplicity will be offered to Tri Factors partners as a tag for placement on a partner’s

website or any other supported web presence such as a company’s blog. Tri Factor

members can also Tweet or Facebook their participation in Tri Factor supported events.

Shared member support will also be assisted by the development of the Tri Factor App

that allows instant updating of the status and participating of members statewide.

Events such as marathons, the NFLPlay60 initiative and other sports related activities

can become an important part of the Tri Factor community.

In the second stage of this strategy, an online brochure and monthly newsletter

with tips on healthy mind, body, and spiritual development will be initially distributed

to visitors from the QR Code Print campaign and referral from partner’s web presences.

Cross platform marketing will also be used with targeted advertisements based on

consumer’s buying profile. Guest writers that support Tri Factors mission and vision

goals will be invited to contribute to this component of the online strategy. Lastly,

social networking efforts will include creation of Tri Factor community events such as

mind and spiritual seminars and sponsored races. For example, a Tri Factor community

member will Tweet an impromptu roundtable on the use of medicinal marijuana for

Cancer patients. This discussion could involve medical doctors, psychiatrists, and even

a spiritual leader.

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VI. Management and Organization

Tri Factor’s organization will consist of four levels of management; a Board of

Directors, a Standing Organizational Committee Group, an Executive Director, and six

Assistant Directors. An organizational chart of Tri Factor shows the relationships of the

management and organization structure.

Board of Directors

Each member of the board of directors will have professional and personal

experience in one of the key standing committees. This approach seeks to maximize

the talent of all of the stakeholders of Tri Factor.

Standing Organizational Committee Groups

This management group will consist of top professionals in the areas of

fundraising/Non –Profit Operation, human resources, budget/financing, legal, and

marketing. Each committee will consist of no more than 3 members each.

Executive Director

The Executive Director of Tri Factor will serves as the top paid employee and will

report directly to the Board of Directors and indirectly to the standing organization

committees groups. This person will be a seasonal non-profit executive with

experience in the health care area.

Assistant Directors

The six assistant directors are the only other paid employees of Tri Factor. The

assistant directors report to the Executive Director. Each Assistant director will

have extensive experiences in their areas of function.

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VII. Initial Funders

These partners will serve as the initial members that will form the foundation of Tri

Factor. As founding partners this group will serve as the first providers of services to members.

They will also be a good source of recommending additional partners. Since Tri Factor is not

looking to sell one product or service over another one, businesses natural competiveness

should be kept at a minimum. Many of these partners may also serve on the Board of

Directors. This list may include groups such as New Jersey Psychiatric Association, Whole

Foods, GNC, Live Strong Foundation, Dicks Sporting Goods, The Black Minister’s Council of

New Jersey, The New Jersey Jewish Organization, and Local Spa’s.

Initial services offered by Tri Factor will be finalize by the founding partners and

may include the following:

Eat Well Workshops

Food Safety Seminars

Personal Development Workshops (focus on mental health)

QR Code Sweepstakes (requires support from founding partners)

The next sets of partners represent the second tier that will form the foundation for

most of the services offered to customers. These partners may include groups and companies

such as the following:

Vitamin Shoppe

RiteAid /Walgreens

New Jersey Division of Mental Health Services

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Initial Funders (continued)


New Jersey Association of Mental Health and Addiction Agencies, Inc.

Nike, Modell’s, Target, and Sears.

NFL Play 60 campaign (encourages kids to play 60 minutes a day outside)

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VIII. Schedule of Development

My research into non profit organizations pointed at two main problems in creating

and maintaining a non profit; fundraising and professional development of the staff operating

the organization. These two areas greatly impacted the schedule of development and required

the inclusion of fundraising and personal development committees. These committees are

critical to the success of Tri Factor and will be created with the best people in the areas of

fundraising and personal development. Possible committee members include staff at New

America Foundation, Giving Children Hope, GOAL USA, Center for Neighborhood Enterprise

and Brother’s Brother Foundation. These groups operate with low administrative overhead and

maximize their resources to meet their mission objectives and should provide key experiences

in fundraising. Key New Jersey business leaders will also be invited to serve on the board of

directors. Future plans would include leaders such as American Express Chairman and CEO,

Kenneth I. Chenault.

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Schedule of Development (continued)

A Schedule of Development timeframe is included as a Microsoft Visio graphic in

the appendence. Listed below is a breakdown of the development goal timeline to show the in-

between steps needed to develop this non-profit.

January 2012-January 1, 2013

Time Frame Development Goal_______________________________

1-2 months Present idea to potential members of Board of Directors

1-2 months Form Board of Directors

3 months Form and select working committees

1 month Legal creation of Tri Factor as an organization

2 months Select Executive Director

1 month Present concept to potential funders as directed by

fundraising committee.

1 month Meet with potential founding partners (may include the

companies of board of director’s members)

1 month Solicit founding partners from recommendations from Board

of Directors

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Schedule of Development (continued)

February 1-January 8, 2014

Time Frame Goal__________________________________________

3 months Form Funding Partners Group

3-6 months Initial Promotional Materials

This stage consists of finalizing the development of

promotional materials with input from working committee’s

members and partners. This stage will also include creation

of the initial set of services that will be offered to members.

2 months Offer services to partners customers through founding

partner’s websites with QR Code sweepstake campaign

3 months Development of Tri Fac App

Ongoing Conduct continuous campaigns to attract additional

partners and professional development of key personnel.

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IX. Appendices

I am attaching larger copies of each of the Schedule of Development,Organizational Charts, QR Code Post Card Sample and Logo

Listed below are some helpful links used in completing this project.

Support Center for Nonprofit Management(

New Jersey Non Profit Organizations(

Non Profit Marketing Firms in the NY/NJ Area(

Religions groups data for New Jersey


Jewish Federation of Central New Jersey

Muslim Community of New Jersey

Christian Career Center

Black Ministers Council of New Jersey

New Jersey Hispanic Research & Information Center

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Assistant DirectorFinance

Assistant DirectorPR/Community


Assistant DirectorOperations

Assistant DirectorHuman Resources

Assistant DirectorDevelopment

Assistant DirectorPlanning and


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QR Post Card

This is a sample of the Post Card that can be distributed at appropriate events supported by Tri Factor. This is a functional QR code, it

will “take” you to a sample Blog I set up to show how it could work.

And the winner is!!!

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Tri Factor Logo

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