Page 1: · T^r^HYSTClANS.-ForRale.ka.u a aduj or-S --UDregRtor,. a_+k-B-w-BBjig' B^r aaaaatha BMl-teyee-,ua g-aod a'^^^^TllTura.fT_Tfo.Uiak. la _8»V_*l?mbv"id

T^r^HYSTClANS.-ForRale. a adujka.u or-S --U Dreg Rtor,. a_+k-B-w-BBjig'r aaaaa tha BMl -te yee-, u a g-aod a'^^^^TllTuraB^ Uiak . Howa la _8»V_*l?mbv" id.fT_Tfo. r^' *'» lk* tBBp OfN4f^%^0 gO

a*^#, --TbJTy^ E***SLi£»I OBu. with an ->»-W4aiaw8^^«_^..__rr-t.«t y-*--*^*** ^.^;nt*Tr_-aT*ut huwi.

w_affori arareatportnttoy W>m« bbjbBA* ¦Wftt-MA Oaly a »£XuaB__ar» b-BaB 33 aadI char-.*^C ____^f*41B^s_wW_4B -.¦oar wl'l ba made ut.

_&, A^«» ~" H JELL. nVi^Nuu.^SYTihn^A^ROFITABraK BUSI49 J aUflt J.rv-E-* RTANO for AALE-Nowte fatl

a*aj, at tb* fBt*-^awao* vbbco._Tfiwklrb 150 par ceot. a month canI \J\J pr*,t.T.)y tremtdi (for a f*w bABABBB a aata

atul adea-ani baaib***, oo i laru or arnail anxount o' caiiltal.__*.**_ i*aU«B-BB ar. now er raged le thl« aaonew wbo are,«_-_-*/them. r**ll/iog moeh aaorathaa tbe a lowe per cent.

RWptrtteBlara f-Areaa hox No. 842 B. Y. _*t-Offlee, fivtoaj


JBOOTO WtXkt Wa9tt*a%._^TarUVATE FAMI-Y, No. 5'2Houa-t-a-at would reot haod-melv T_i_i***d __>tnat,nnnmtjnl^mith kr.xkfut -rveef ia tbeir ruo-ui. 1/re-

A__GENTLEMAN Rod Wa Wife, or onoortwo Mngl* Q*n_e_en, mi f.d handtoraeJ- _..

*d rwonia, at No 171 Eaat ]7th-AL ThA hoaw fcr-*.with batb*, hot alr, aaa. La._MKRlCAlB ao,'-.!- Pror-io. N. G.

da Hotel 1* by 0- tb* r_o*t alry. nmiou aad aaatawao ta *fco City of r_aan**** aSwBB O BOWIaEO rnrrH*. '

AHOME WANTED.By a youoeOenileman ;b a rupecUMe Catholle ta_i!y. A prl.

a abt B__e prrfarrad, or wbere bnt . few aeteet boarder* are

lakea Tha advertiaer I* deeirow of ol-fstoin* a pleuvitaud eheerful bow o. Beat of retareoee gi-.en. Addres* forObb .ok D. 8 ¦ , Dtlly Tnbun* Of_ce._~T~PURNI8HED ROOM to LET.JfOLVery ehup Alao a room and .edrooan attaehed. tottt to *.ngl* Oenlemen only Apply at f>0 _)'¦ Oraeawicli,near Barclay «t, or addrew BB"W N. at tbia

~_T GEINTLEMAN wishoi board for him-jr\. ulf aod little tlrl io a private fatntly ln New-York orWIIHa-nvbargh, the latter prefnred Breakfaart aod tea onlyfort-egentleman Addrew THOMA8, Wit'ia-nia- -cb Poet-©9ie* or Oi' rn of thla paper, atatlng wbara aa isterviewOMkjalaaA_A GENTLEVIPaN and WIFE, who

jtJL woald Iike a qaiet botne, aan he acoopi aaadaied at-ttiiB Boooi and Bedrooni n tbeaecond 'Inor, tn ageoteel Board-lng Houae, on modereAe t*n_*, by applylng at No. 417Oroo.e at. Alao a llall B- droota, that would mtt a



ALADV hitri-ig a handBorriA Houaa,with ail thamcdern improvetnaei*, wighutomeet

O tbat woa d aevance ber $100 or t'rtio. aad forgba aat of lt raceive gf d board anrl 1 and* ime fumi.h.-dTtrOBBji, If daiired, aad wbere the comforta of a booie mayOa ealoyad. A aote addreaaed to R T. T, Tribun. Oflice,arlth aaiaaand wbara aa tBtarriew can ba bad._"_^PRlVl_fETA!itlLY, roaiding in n

j£\ deefrable locatioa i* the vleiaity of IIBa- and tha-tb-av eae aoopmi-odata witb farniahed Rtooi* and B ix-rta OwBtlerntn and Wina. ortwo or tbraa ainzle Oantlemeo.Per rarther ptrticuiara appiy Bt No I.i VV atar a*. Houaefurnkji ed with the mederu iuipr-reroeoU.

A~ GiNTLEVlAN aod Wifo can be oc-coa>_d.led with a aleaaaai famlai ed room oo aee-

oad ftoor, or a i'o|la Oaetleinaa nr I.Uv with . l*rge frontraeoi en third flotir. in a rlain .neate family. Oath ln the8.8-8,1.0 Appiy at No. .41. Weat lith et betweea 8tboad Atb-*x-a.*

A CCX>MMODAT10N for FAMILIESJ\ aat BINOLE OKNTLBM RN, eaa now be wcortjA atBia. Ut Bieeeker-at Tbe uteulre addiiton to the huiidio*bttag aompleied tha bouae oul ba raady fur tha raiaptloa ofB-arcrraor, MONDAY. (let 4

8UITE of haodsomely furnlshndApartoiao.. with Board, eaa he obtained la a private

bouae A front room ta 2d ftoor for a aiagia U_o-Apply at No. 44 vVeat 23d at.

OARD1NG..Elogant aoltea of Parloraaad Bedrootna, alaro siegle Room* bbwIt and rtahly

-_.la_*g) bow ready lo 1*4 for tha wlatar, witb gaa, hatt.,4_t, la tbe firat- claea orown RMna t ou*., No Tb Waat i-iu-at.

I"lOARDINO "dOWN"TOWN.At> CHAMBKRLIN'R N«r_ Riv_t Hoaaa, No t4*)a*hliigi«.ii it new Waahiogio* Market. A few perma-

.aal Boardei* aaa be .cv-. .m-n datad witb Roard at Rl 44B>er week Alao, f*ra_h_4 K.-mi lo -M wiik or wit-oWioard.


BOARD ON BROOKl.VN i.Ii.HTS.AOaatleinnii and hi* V\ iV, a_d tn .. *lng'e '», ntlr-

uea, wuhlng gentral Roard in a vervdwirable loaaiion. uit,beatilted byappllcallon at No 141 IllcU-at, Brook'ya. n ita*la teii inliuie.' walA uf Ibru farriea. SatUfutory tefar-oare* exebeapad.

BOARDINO in BROOKLYN..P«r-*t>na loeallce fur the winl.r. x* ill fintl larga and pleu-

Bntraonraat No 47 San.iitt rV> ily tn'tli, aod atricilyprlvata Terma _itid*r*i*. Referaire* aiohangeo.

BOARD an STATE ST.A GantliimRnand bla Wif raa obtaln a p'euart room. furnttbed or

UBliitLtahed, anik Bi ar.. at No 14 ."-at- at.

TL>OARD. (.(io.! Kootr.B ani Doitril alXJB No _ Puil. t, at. for -aaateat, day aad par_a_aa 1

BO A R D..Lark;« Rooma with Be IBcoiti. Bull.Me a-r t>. iitninnn ani thelr VVIvmci

Mngle U.ntlanina , hath tn tba ImnBe atxge* paaa tba duorApply at Nu 28 St Mark* place, Siii-tt

T>OARDlNG lor tho WlNTEPx..TliaiBadaaritwr bu tabea one of tha but and largert hotiieaIa VA'llllanwbargii-Na *.a H. nth <eth*l, iut tba Peny-tt_d tavlag a aiiuxil family, and more room lhan ba wanla,arnuld tak* . Oei ileanaa aod Lady, or a faw lieottsmea,with ot wtthout Boaid.

BOARD.A I'ront Parlor and i'antryto let tt. ¦ i'ro.1Lleniaa an4 Lad<, nr ta anigle Oaatie.

oiia Ra 'eieaoet exohanged. No II Rutgert t'.

|>OARDlNG..A rcry dpaslrablo^rontJl_l Rocen aad Bedrooni, oa Iba a.»oad fl_»r, are vasan' alRo 63 Bei-e.y-at, e.iiabi* fur a l-iiiiij, or a pany of thruor BJ. geatl-wea

BOARD..Two Gi nr r>:nf»n nu.l thrilrWi\aa,and thrv* or four aiag'e Can find

BMoiAww-BOa i.h lull or paitial B. ard. a' So 0)_BMI4_>84, cotner lui.a tijuar* and 4. av. Beat A r*i*t*.io* glvsaaad tntj.irtd_T>OARD. . Eli'«nnt auUba and AingleMJ P-amra may ba nkti' ierl lu tbe flrat-elaM brown BionaUuaa*. Ni>4Sl \\ e*t .'-1 M , aear im-av liosM Bew, »rt*ail ImptpnBOiOtit*. Befareiioe* requtrtd.

O A R DIN G.A Gfantlaman aml hlaVVife, cr aUigle 0«Btl*uteoji. aaa h* uaooim-idoUd

ith p room* aa* btord at No iB Eaat Br _loayBefcreau. aai-k-iiged

BOA RDING.. .Mt'os,iiiMEv.-oni». wiThBoard. furiilOied cr uofuxniihad,!.-. . Arat ctaw boue,, A*, kt .%-. »I Waat Itta-et. ReferaocuaaehugeR._

OARD1NG.At Noa. 45 onJ i? EaatPaaadaay, °** Aieuaai looaii and pantry Atr . Oantla-

piaua.l rocvins for ¦aaafl* IrMtiemaaB__a aad VV ifc. Alao piaua.t rotun* for -nagiaBi- aad co)j batha.* axa-aaped.

BOARD.At No. IM W.nerlev-pli.ct'.TWaer three tn.glo g*atlaiii*a: alao. a Bkaaliy with-

aal iat.ll ahtldrea, oan oktaia plaauat roonw, with fail 01B.tla! twatd. Re far* nc* * et.i_ag' d.

"DOARD..A ttentli'tnan aml Lady. orA_B wvaral Oentle-ien m-v have plaawnt Roanaa witlO.****-. at tbe teatrall. Lxa.tai iwaiilaf Wo. .? VVeoaMr .:.OefartBcw akobaag d

.DOARD.Rooma for l_mlli«a and aln^lt_.^l__-T'*Wo lM _**1l**-* Ho«-» -^ ***Bil ta* tooaera t'npro**___u Rvfe-easu axahkiied."DOARD-WWi llooau .ultable for mar-^__,Bwat^___, SSa^SKif5^ %nd thflr Wirr..!____! __ -a^l8" ^_?..****4 wita Rowi___^ ^ Ra>.ia, at Nn \ i tao Bn»a4w».itf________.! ^n,,«^-~^^wTfeT__aauta Boara, acd a Bwtaaa.i tsa>a.*id«_- huk ..Boatni. aaf____L . ¦_C_i_^_.^_J^' ,*K",,

_____-. _- __Tk wf ___? *-n .'>"' af'-aut th,iaraaa, bkr RT p*g wub Tha roroa ta tuaalle* w-tl _._..,Oc4d watar. Batb la tha kApptp Bhak1 Cbariuw it__T__- '-.A I ._ a

** ' -_*aao.*-4 W'.ll, aot toiaa.d uaia: Hi.r- . ..K _U**iaacu u.-Jtaugai


SOARD IN A PRIVATE FAMILYL"^A¦_!.__,,07ft,0., ___*-*¦ **>«trao_, adjoaa'lo Lat, arttb Roard, ta a gaaUooka and bta wife. Xu_<oa*wlww«nal4g*n:w-Mootaldb* ux>_mod*t»A Aa*1p ____»t Waa* 11- at.

SOARDI_aiG.--*A Gen_f^an ~andliUAVBa or twa atatka BAtO.BBBk aaa .>-!*. n a k_r» rrt-1ao Ako aaasaR *V-_r. aaoM waifortably fbbbbmL witb

«T*a*aay aBUakid. Two atag-'* _*atl*uaa aaa aleo be ac-aeaitBilBUil wttk pnad Rea.e aa* Bas-_. 1».b-~ at No.rl Waatar-at, wxxat of Ricodwar. RaOrvnca *A_-_ng*d.

OARrJ|Ni_..A tront BasfrTifnt. witiiRSgat.r tJtacrw-, la WA with aiyaa Rcwrr-a, ta . haoat_^__**o wiAtni -nprvv.meajta, Na *W Otbobi at, aea:CIibbbs ylmn

f>OARD!NG.-Tlirrvea orfour aingla Gf»n--B-f tlawia W laVaiieBkaa aad thelr \a raa aaa he avo.-aaaAakaR trtth parOal or fhll Ru*rd, tn _. Urg* maderaro-r*S3__*r' §^fo***t.*****<*i*«*****

OOARD..Ib tha larjp commodloojgy baaa* Na 1/T B_it_a_ Ooot board BtwtO MM

BOARD in SOUWlmOOKlTnT-IA gaatiemaa aad wife aad a (*w a g_tl*m.

tu be bccri.i' odatrd w,t*i lare- r-oc. in a n* B1J f-r.-i'.h-e'J tuuaa, of tba fi-at claaa, r_tr.og Baodare lagrivemant*.Apply ai L'otcia at. fred-ora from U.ka, aear tba Hi-tt. Ferty- _.le.o_t-_a l_qtiiwd._

BOARD irTRROOKLVN.. Two hand-ar-o* parlort ob firat BaWI alao Bcrla rooma wit), fall

w paittal Board, at No 19. P_toa-t_, batB.a Oraapt andPinaagple Ma.

BOARD!-~B.kA^OKLYN..Gentlemwoaadtliair VVireacaa be ac-ommoda'ed with pleaaaa*.

>li> Pioon_, ¦Bfl panttiet finnahed a* aof-'o'iberl; l!k--wi.o(wo Oant*em«a witt Braakfatl and T.t. Tta* e_i-

forfa of home wtil be fbaod A pp'y at Ma. 1 Vi A4*_t-*t-

OARDINO..Two yonng Mea, or aGaa-emao aad hla Wlfe, eaa be ar.ouimoiat.I wttb

s ipocluo* Room on ti.e aoc._d floor, witt Board, ia a pri-rato f_o>t!y. ln tt* Beigbbwbood of Oroal tt aad tte B ,w-

_pb wbare tte eomforta of a home oao be eoroyod Rafar-aoc.axehaaged. Addraat 8. H. Trtbaaa Ol.a_BOARDINO.A ploBaaot Parlor on

.eeoBd floor, witb Board. to re-t tt 8 < l*n*.le_i- andVV'ita. Elne Paatry attaebed, and batt io tta l aaa. Alao.a larga tuiuble f r two Oeottamen. It hu a pi'tryandgia'B. Apply at No IMChambtjrttt_

BOAhDin CHaMBERS-ST.A Oen-tleman aad Wife aaa obtain a pletvaat Room witt

Board a*. No 1-6 Cliambe-t *t. Atao, two nozle Ueatlemonmay be oceo_irri4>dbted.

BOARD WANTED-ByaoiDglo Gen-tlamar lna privata Preoch famliy, whera Prensl -.

SB~k*B *xelu*iveiy. in tblt City or ia Brook'yn. Tarmtn.oderata. Addie*. ItOBERT, Box No ?,414 P.O., pootpiid.

B'lMRD WaN 1 _D.By a naval____**»,tor bta W-fe aad ber aervaat, dnnng tbe Winter. ia a

r'nr'ly pnvate family. Addrew L. W.A, Triboao Office,atttinf teruii locatiua, Ac.

BOARD WA1.TED..A furniBhedfroot parlor aod li-droom odiotaln-, on tta eeeond

floor, for t Oentlemar, and VV'ifa Thoae bavtag aacb BB*commuriariuDi may addreaa P. R L, tt tho n-icart thitpoper, atitlcg faiiy tanne, iocatioo, Ac Refazeace. ex-ci.anred.

I^URNIsHED ROOMS near Wmhiog-F too Sqoare. A geatlemto and htt wife (wlthoot eh.l-Ireo), cao ohtaio BBB_BBt, fumialied r aitnt, witt aaa of tbakiter-.m, or a few aingie geatiemaa tak'-n. w'ta or withoutfcre.faet, lo a firat claaa privata btniae Engliafa aod rar*aot. epokea No. II St Clameot'e-placa, Btaedoogtl-at,ketwwaji Waverly place aad Cli iton-place.

F"URNI^HED ROOlVIS, withont boitrd,at **lo. 14- ChamhcrB-ft Tka k*_aU.n taoetirable, tbo

boutt :. firt* elaae. wel' forolahed aod ooaupltd by a amal!pnvate lamily. without ohlldrto.

FURNI-vHED RtrOVlS to LET.Withrr althoot partlal Bsard-two Roo-t oa toa te ml

floor to Oeotleaan. ortoa Oaottemaa aad I, . VVife AppirBt No b_7 Hotul. tf, wwt o.' Br.adwiy. Refereace* ra*rjuired.rURNlSHED ROOMa-l..A few'Geo-F tlan ob ean be arronirnodated witt Porntabad Roomaky appiylog at No. 4". Veeoy-af.

EURNI *._____) KOOICB ta LKP.Twaingie geotlemAB, with or without partlal board, al6 Cbambara-at

GRA M H ERCY HOUSE.No. 908Oroadway, eoroer of .'th tl., New-York.It ttlt day

.peoed fur tte roaeptloa of gnotta. Itooottlna two aoa*1,-ed rcrorna, repieto witt erery modare aoareotanee, aod larhrnlabed throngtiout in a ttyle of alogaaco, at ls_t, aot rar

puted bv any f-iotel ln tta C1ty of New-Tork It will balapt ud tne Amaricao and Eo.-ope_a piaoa oomhioed. andtta r-Bttunuit and tablo d'hote wtli bo of the nxnt aupaiiottharaeter Tha locatloa of tho Hoaae ta in tte oaator of thomost faariioaable portloB of tta aity, aad tte proprleuir* willrp.e bo exertloo ln mtko thalr ___.* eoe nf the hrat-elawof famliy Hoteb, while, at tta aame tin.a. t ley wil* babappy to reaaiva af goeata ttoao who may lenpira-ily riailtte cityN. B~Panilllaa aog bi ooUce.New-Vork, Juo. 1 I8..Pandllet aod partlaa a-pplled witt inecta at tha

t. Juoal 18..UONAOI t CO., rropiietoTA


DLEASANT FUKNISHED ROO.VISI to LET-With or wittont Preakfatt aod T«a at No

i*y. Oroena-tt., ratweea Cllntoa aad Warartay-f.aa. Taaknser haa all tba t-odara Irr.p. evemeala

ROOMS to LET..A prirato family.aearlttb-et and the 6th.a* , will reat antil the tiral

of May nett, a froot parlor and uaa or two ooouguoaabed-roorni, eiUer furni.bed or uafarr.lth'd, to ona or (wo tta*

tla ilrnti-uirn Oa* aod batt ia ttA bouto AddreAiAN*IERBON. at tbU offic._

CHiMS, handsomcly furnlsbed, to letat Nu

ROOMS to LET..A few (tentlemenean ht acocmmoaated ia a privata famliy for the

wi:,(-r, at No M V artck-B. oppoBto Bt Joh** r.rk, witbapoclout Rooma, on aeeood or thtra fleoia, furnUhad or un-a-i_f.i.' d. Apply oo tte premteea.

QT. alOHNS PARK..Two or "throep_J) (iaatlemen can be a_.n>mcd-tod with Board for thetaloter, tt No..-., V orlck-tt, next door to l_igbt-at~ aod p-poaiie tha Park. Oa*. Batt. Ac

TEN (dry nnd liHndsoine FURNIBHP.I) ROOMBtoletforlba winter at ths OUiord

Uou.e, No. b_ VVarren-at Apply at aay hour

TO LET ROOiMS.One, two or thrrve,all oo tte aeeood floor, to a amall family. or to Oentle-

ttirn withuut |h- ard. trum oow to lha l.t of May. ln a ¦***.rat- lli.u.e, witoia five niiuiite.- walk of ths Rlt> Ilall Cro-toa water, batMug aooveuirnrea, ya _, vault. BWOi houat,Ac. Aoply to A HABCV, No. I._ Kultoo-at. npa'airt

TO I__T~_WtTH "BOARCr^-TlHr,*.froat Parlor and 2 Booatt fot atagle Oaatlameo, at No.

145 Hudauo-M, opaoBW 8t Joha* Park. Baf-aoe. ex-

th-nred._ri^O LET.A Sulte of RtiomB on aerondJ_ 'Irorof hoeee Nu 3.1 '.dav. o-, upi-4 by a BttTBM

fau.tlr, f-i m«'''_ ot unfi ri,:n r<t. wllhou'. Kotrd, ln o:.e u.twuairzle OaaflBBWOa. Rrlerenoet requlred.mO LET. vviili BOARD-A lirpe frontJL Room a. d r.rdroom, witb Paotrlsi, to ¦ rtry plea*40t

loea'i.a, *_r av., b-'u-rtn I'th aad I' tta , ooti block frouiBiubdway atage Audraaa Bo, No I 146

\l/AN___)~_OARD-_-y a lahi.ri.»T ?, lo a plaii,, i'rets*._t faiiiily, _i wliish he wid

paj 91 rit per week. arar City Hall or Chal^am nuara.NoCathailio ne*da_*kv,r. Addraat i tbiaoiice

WANTED.An unfurni-lit- Room and¦______-, wuh Botid. tor * (}_n(<ar..o and h.a

VV'iff, to a anvate tttnl'v wbeta ibere ara fow ot no etherbtardai. Situauoo balkroau "tb and'.'lat ata. BBd l.t acdllb-ava. Addrea ISAAC. Trlbuoali e

ANTED.By a **in_,l(* an un-f rntt-d Boom, with a tue place aad p.< try at-

tacbad, <o aiiiull prtiate lui.lly, ira oj botrd-era.locaiiuB betweeo lili aiid PtiBc tl. nci far fiuni weetof Brr-odway Trroai moat be modertte Tlie t.*t of r.*»r*

u and tequlitd. Addrcat AL1CE, Broadway Poat-Oii'ee.



(.OBBrB to Crt.

C"OTTAIJE to LET al REDFORD. L. 1.-lo. t-'.na ine h d r,a-ru». dr8wtng-roor_a, pan <z aad

)*i at laaa Bl .'.h kiicl>en aad larga oeil.r. Sttndai a »nd wil, ae letdy for oecoptl._ by tte l&thof

Oct. ber. To t l-od l.oaat oo ohjactloa to let fjz a termof yeara Tmant eaa have zarden taid out to >ait himaelf.Ouiiiibiaea by eveiy boa4 Ua Pultoo *__ BouiQ Eer.-le .

ApFly lo P.B'..v^^N Y r-M09taaES1RARLE OKFICES tt^rETV-^l.rge aod _e*ouful aultea of Routu. la tta Mee bulld*

taf No.1. lire-oalab-et, Bilta-ta fot Ih. _i ,)f .h'.ppipgbv-to* cr uf tawyart ln txtandva prac tke, alao, nogtaRootx. w-.ll ba tat oa rcotooahle termt oo appllettiuo oo thoM.BM to JOBEPH J COOK.E b CO.

PART of a HOUSE ta LBT-To at»4 rit.eiiiin aod VV'itf, or rery ¦BB.I ainily Plea.aaf-

ly at, *t»d on tta wt at aide of the ci'.y, joat abj .-a Caaal r rristi cf two large and one amallroooa oa lha _J " _:,bmoroom io att'o, baaament, froat vaa't aad t_ia largawi. P.-aaaaiou aiveo lmneditielv. Reot at tba rate oft_.» per aoriuiii Addreaa Box _J_< Poat-O-i.-a

FDRN1SL.ED HuUSET^A g_ol houaeia a deihabia kacatloo ia 9rooklyn. oom-rti-y far.

o!t':eJ, wlll bo lat Ij ag.d teaanL Iaqulre at No. 1.5Bioadway

ROOMS with ST_-A_1 POWER taI ET.P.-is lighi BooaM, with goodauady Power, to

WL ta tta aaw Itapot Buiiloj, aoroer of Caa tre aod Prank-fraaWa. Apply to W. A. ALULN, na tta tramtaa. **>A__dlar. fi- ¦_ to 10 daily.

STORBS toi LttT.Threo Storea to lattaC.'irt-.t Bi.Alyai, aa'table for Pamltara Suraa,Ory Ovx.tor ta-Ba Storat; wi'l aot be rented 9>r Lio_w

BttrieA Btaat, Ra-i fc, __,a atjra, ?.* fur ti.>i ooa la-tki*k of g. p. TOVV N8ENO.

npO LET, in BROOKLYN-In"To-up-B_________k>two diroa-j, r Aidbaaaoio-r bilsk Hoitet,a__Vw,*,"_*'*.. *,°* bbajM Wok-a-ol'-B-, two t-rae-

4^____Tii _u*'* TV**..mMBBM cew and flffll f_._ah.*-ta___$Lt. Rtt 9aa__!2l " "yft *"'V° _.W

[Ti____^i^i^MF^£^^E^w____?S&5S.5_^^Ore.awt___ BmtmS^^_%\*T_^atsmk.Ho.iCt1 . BA_A*gg .r-**fMtTvaMj

! 1 taulttfi-_!^Ii?to____S_s^<*___-._E,rl± N___^W__T^t^^knTU.-4rJffila_W^ l^ttxrvitaaMtaraWa^,^ST... _^ *» t ztad IM-A IfVbtlJtftHART. Ita 7| Jiaibm, btrtmrtwa 14 S5- t M

** tlma

T[) LET.Well-Ughted ROOMS, witbar w'<ixoot Rtea. Power, ,.'uv **.». Inealraof

C M BIMONHON. Nalll l_aw._

f*pO LE1'..Thf lirj.*. Bi!4«»rne>iif. kooft-J. U Nu BiOk Mt. B**oa1w*T. aat- dniag (iraae __-.__,

beiar'''leot wK.e bj 110 Le' d«er, -tl' be le-W tar *K."... a-i. Bow_n* R_i_t_, .. Rt 11-rd Aalooa, h.vag ath* a-co_t.dadoba wai' adat toa for tucn parooaea, aua i u

gaa, Cr_t_r. vater, -atar ci **l*. aad a very na* kt. a__-

ApylytoD T HAC"ARL\N, No. 77 id ar. rroaa A t. 9A B.Br.d5tc: r.BL, or No 3 Na***u at, froia U A M.ta.r »i_TO LET at HOBOKEN.Two ion-

T'cieet aod b»B_8orr.« three-atu v. tiaroeo: aid on 1 I.rliar briek b-uea. witl.ic faat bloesg of tie ferry la 'kearewrcwoa Hurlaco M, kn wn u Kran-,;r_ Tarrx.e. Toabct_.a e.r po- on* ot th* i.oat leiiraaig the vtc_.ltv of Ne»-*i ort. ¦ ."an blgb ponad aad good aol. baelaf aTi'ewof tba ity aac river Excb h-mw hu ta.lee rooos*.

pantrie., st-l a large unrter celltr, Power gardac ;i»e«tdeepta f-oct aod a yard 4*> feet deap ir the rear. Taaaa b. .¦»«are wtth r.ngea tn the krehaaa. bul andI eoli wattrat the wub toba aod aioaa arttb every -lavt-n'enee for botaad enla K*tha, thower kaa.a k Th-". a-e arlthla ha" xabour of W al-*t, ana will he >et mttcb vlow the New- orkrai" Itq'itre at tke Hctweea 1.nd Utlice, ag

VV. W. RUirPEN, Afao*

T© LET.A modern built* three atoryM< i*e. ii. eo-ipleUorier, in a rery d*t'rable lo tti *a,

ap towa near Bmaeway R.» t t*"1 Pui-itnra, if re-qoiree. Addraat Box Ne. I ' .'< iVi- >i_- e

T(TlET-1.ROADWAY STORE No.6<7 .The ipeciooa St'.re. M feet deea ia the aaw

" MarMe Buiid-.Lgt," r.aar Bl.es_*r st- Alao, BauoaeatRtore*, V-iif' f... loffy *nd w>'. Iigii'ed Alaol.rx. ar,

a-raaii Btaaaa la tb* LoOa. RERBOBI BREWSfER.

TO LET.On Btage route. E*8t drook-in sa_tli_ree.ory B itk Ho.aa. tix ro xna beao-

DaeBt, i.' tnd fe.lar, t-lcing-doort, ia.vary aonvaniect loraa.iall farnly Rent, *. .. t_ fi-it May next Poa-aea.trn ir_.edtaialy. Inqnlre at the A_eney. Mml-Av,near Prankiia. E K V'AN RG'RCt

TO LET.To r ainglt* Gfntifman, witb-oat Bnard a t.rge fnrnl.hed Boom witb paaBry .:-

taeti-d. on tbe thi-d flowr at No. 141 Ureeaariah-t A pri¬vate fami'y Appl. eit-her at tbe hou*., or of Mr. U. A.11ALSEY at No. 14. Waabingtoa-«t, eoraer of Day-et

TO LET on BR8_tADWAY--T_o aewand apscloni etnre ar.d ba*rrr.-nt. admirably located nn

Ihe B. E aorner rf Broadway and Broom a-at. Apply toll.MILLER, No Itt Bowery.

O LET.A furniahed Honae in thf*toa.i ot Ry», 4*'e*tu_e*r*r Co.. within on. hoar. ride

frotn tl.e eltytby the New-York and NewHavea RallroelTbe bouae a of toodern hnlah. convanieet ko th* depoc andI* ha every re.pact . deatrable _.untry reald.nae Poatea-at-vB Unmed-tely. Apply to U M. C. OSBORNE. No. 1 IPoar1 at._

TO LET-.Serernl very d*a|i^hrful roomi,fBmiaaed or unrumlahed. o adrntraaly adapbadfer of

fior. beiog in the new and epaclo. bxUleing 8 E. eornsr

Boadway aod Broo...»? Apply . U. MiLLEa, No. l'_Bowery.

TO LET.With or without ateam pow¬er, tke firat, aoeond or tblrd Rtore* of tb* large krtoA

butidlngon V7tb st, oear tltb-Bv. fleiteble for bury work.Inqu'.r* la th* r ffioe of Aoundry

Uoneee ittartuft.

HOVBE WaNTED.The adverdVerla deair. ua cf getUng a houee where the reat will ba

taken out ln whole or tn part ln boarding Tbe prlvliege Uwacted of takltig a few other re*pe.t*i. e hoerder* Loea-tloo op Acdrew T. B, No. 47u Ith-av. Ooodiefar-ence givea


HOUSE WANTED .A gentlrmnn,witbarmall fa.'i.ily.w_nte atwoorthrae-atory, modrra

i.i,i.'t i-iite tn rn tha lat of No.rmber a* tt Beat fro n

i -1> to *-->" per b- mim. Addxeia OOOO TENAN f, at tl.eOrfice of tbia paper.

HOU8E WANTED UP~TOWN.Toieua for a tu-all family. Bitaation. kc. mug11« fir.t-

rale Addrew. witb deacripuoa and terma, J. N., Tii'.iaaOffic*.

MILL WANTED.Waatod to len.*fr _ tie lit nf \prlln»xt hy a mtller. whothor- uV

ly nnd.n'atda tiie buimeaa B O tfj M'il, wirb .- aid wtterpr.wer situatu ia b grain country. Apply by letter, atattogpartleuiar*, tern.a, Ar. to

E. vv.ui NHAM k SON, No. .1 B*tit*_-«t.

PART of HOUSE WaNTED by ain ail f»i: iit, oa Waat aideof the sry, h-twenn Kr.nk

LnBicl *t itrect. Rent rnid l.e modarate, .nd tlia n-tgh-boihooii g..cii. Addrr-«.l.c W, Baa Ull P Ol

Yl/ANTED-A fur;iialn*.l H..uso ln theO * upper pa-t ofthe city, from NoTeraber to May;

real from tl.ixi1. Ri,.V U per annoin family Bm.ll; ixtii.faemry .ifereecea a« t» rar.ful c»age. a'd the whol- of therert |.oid in advance, if tieatied Addres* Box No 10 i'oet-Offire

WANTED.*.parfmfnt8 aui'nlile for hPhynrUi eontlgting nf r ll ee tnd bedrooui oa n-ne

floor It I. de.lred tl ai the ioeatliin abould ** on Ih, 7th,.or' ih ai.. .'ih prr«eri-d / anrl be'ween I"»ih and '-Kh at*.Rent n rat be rnoderate. Add eaa R. > Trtbuae ofliae.

ANTED to RENT.Frotn this timeuntil IMof May. I_">l. a Houae, four Itortet hign,

ln a pleaeant lenteel locatlnn, ith .11 tne modern imp'ote-ineita. Tbe rert not to e\ced Al.VKi per annum. Addre_L.BixNo I.ITR. B T I.A fOBga


Real Cetau tor Bale.CHANCE for a HOUSE and LOT.Worib Rl.itai ax iii be gl-e.-i t.i eacb purr.hegor (aot lo

AA\ JB- »-v._ w',--1-". n,i. u. a. '¦_ _. ...u «.*».. ¦ \__- .

aacne. one thouaand) uf a bol'.le tf Coi. gne, for tl. *t HAL-BK Y B Urug btora, *t the oomer of Pea.-1 aad Raoa-*M. Alarge proportion have already been told.

AR A R E OIM'OK'ITNITY..2100ACREA A LAM) r'OR SA1.E-AII nnder eultiva-

ticn exe. ptlng ilJarreao' v\ u.d _.. >t ta aitualed ootb* Peort* Leka, *aj lllisoi* Blrnr, . I.w tsilae aurtb nf iheBtiUiiihlBg City o' Prort.. It u a tioe ilr-'i 8uU, and lo 8aaetlon ol ihaeouotry iner*a*'nt r.proly In lt* population.I' iu gre,laAtw.BtaM i.'a.ioJ -ith tne Nortb.Bd BeaBh bj «ir.oifH,.r*. wh_b .rn pa**ing conuautlly f,iChlcago. ala.) fui Rt Lui.ia. Tbia Kirm aoai.iuAl il-aaaa,with aeveral I'.nrng and oi'.-r brriluiag. ll .l*o buo.itll.iii'Afple T(»e«. atd 6,e«4i Pe_eh Treu whlc'i ba-.e ,ui:c in.r-c. oewiing It i* well adapted lor s ulony. or forexiar_t\e fainiti.g ai.rl lt now affer.,1 I r uie at a modaratepilce, on euy terma. Addreu B. C , at Tribane Offic*.

CEDAR GROVE for SALE.AtStaiea Itland. frtinunr on tbe New-Vork Bay, aew

the locuoa cf tb* Old Tr-e, about .j nulu BAtW tneNarrowa eUihradng *' aaiea of Land, inguudlng the Cedara,BoliaiLga acd l>«-ek, . ith lette-i patea: for tbe grant Uierra-for The lease of tbia property la a'oout termtaetaag, tbeaacie havlug beea oocupied fur th* laat flxa rear* during th* wuona, ua piaoe of reaorl toraea balh'Bg aod pua-lie euierta.uientPor partiemlarB, taqnlre of J. DI LL, aear, or Mr

H"VVKB, on th* pra-taee, or ef R. k B. IgORO, No. 1-Pr-Bt-M , New-York -Dated. Bept A. I-..

COUNTRY isEAT for SALE.Thel.iderce of the ixte Powler Ortgga, of Cora.ail.

Orarg* Coutty, N. Y- wiCi iift*--n acre. of land. wellBtocked witb afit* var'ety of t/uita, le greU aboadaao*. l*ortered ft-r ul* Krom ita daily eo-n_t_!aa*.!oa by *4a*_.boat and ra'i'-ad witb Naw Yrrk. ud tt* beeatti. andhaallby otuuloa, kaliag at tha ectraaee to tbe Hig'i aod*. oath. ha-kaof tb* il-deua Riier. ot auoh it buac _a-id-tcg Mrw, leederi it very i*ertah;e u a BBB.AMBI oraa_ir_errr-i.ri o*. Kor partlcu.ara .prlj i.i Maasra. C. H BtNi),Ksaj-No. *.r Booih tt, JAMKS MARaH Kto. No. il aod H_ LKNa-r- t'< tnii -_, No .'ri WaaBtllgton..New-To-k. or P. B. 0R1-0S, C-bwb.I.

CH EAP RENTS..For Bole.oma or threeeb.tee Lota on l.ulney-i*-. Brooklyn. niaar Kult-an ar

atataa,) lurroua**. witb plaa.>t c I'tc- bouaes A toodci u_'nriabi8 ccttage aan be huii: for |l R ", tba prea ol one

..a three f.r Bi.'..',) _i__ng a rau'al of iaaa thaaRltai (ora bouiea-d lot. Tbr--e ba Uliog ihareg in a goodBoc'eta wlil be aold, if dttued. Apply lo J. BRI.TAN,No. BBl Proadway.T\ESIRABLE BUILDLNG LOTS-lo1/ lha tkun'.'fal vtiitra of Yonkera, oo taa ba-kt of tbeU-_ao_|Rtvrr. Aar -only 0.>o .The und.nigned t-Aeraf-w wl*.by auhtcrtptu r.. 4* Bal dingLotaln thit part of tbe vjlageofYoakera caa.d OUewood, lylaag i.a«-.tely oa th. baaUcf tha H-e*ua River la Ui* -vot beaunfui part of tbe wholeri-ega. Th.u k,r»aic tbe m_*t daetraMeof anyBowottsredfor aaie and frou tbeir location m.t rapidly incroue inval-a. Ttnkara iathe moet cx.Taai-ot place ol rea.* tka vlctaity ol tba city. It ia rnly half an hvtar'a ride, hytbe UuUoe lUver Railroad, f, om tn* 31at at. Bta:.oo. ardtTklea ara i*BH'in| both wtya oo_t;nia*1y 't raa alao berucbed by at teveia' dmea a day It ia propoud :oB.pooaof tb* above Lota oa tba foliowtng terma Taroetac-, aabatuu- aad well H.iwraare to be built ooLota No 7 and _ at a caat ol tlj**> aath ; 43 m*k*cripu__awtll b* rocaived for tba 44 .ta. and wcen tae arhoia n._-her are BB_*_ri-ed totjfha auiVtcriiieit wiii ataat tofttl-taaddi.aa*-. lou aa-roag the-traelTea, in aack man-itruthey aiiail uree npoa, aad *t*w aiu.1 _b__ Loca M> Taad tbaii aaw u**aiite<i t-ih* IIot.** lo be built co a**.hlet*. o.>toke paldutte of "i Bvi to* atkny time pravioue to the diatficn of t ua Lo_; the b%la_-Bm*yro-_aoa bradaaRatortaag.fort^-Myrart. Mapa ofthe prntwrty will b* tkawB a-d far_ar pBrUcalara madekaowa ay apply-i to tk* ubaatikor.

Ai.BEr.T B. NICOLAY.Anctl'r'- r, Raa] E»t*'« aod Icnrance Ataot

Offr.8, t.'o tf Waii tt f-.m io A M to j r HL tai No.M4 Oraad Bt. frata 4 P. M to 9 P M

DA-T MORRISANIA VILLAGK..JlJ Aboet I.' Lota (r«_a__g MBAB.) varytng ta Baafrom ooa-eigiitii of an aera to *.t _i _ aia o_ered for 8ALBM th* bbobI fcvorahi* lema, Taa per aaat. dowa asd bal.aaaa aa ar bafcre *-_*_, l.__ Titl*p-.rfut. Tbaot .M-kK-pT * ref- boalthy aad baaniCfal !___t:_a. aaar aad laBkJ r-w ot tha Rirer, and la tha launedla-a viclaityBf tea W-jJBBB. of wtet. of Uie _oaB weaitby aaR ro>aya.ub'.a ai__er_a of W'Mta-natar County. Aka _te tw-_flarttAla cooamartar of a utls Aeveral -oaaee ar* oowb_--o aad lota wll.-ig -*ai_iy. Por roap* aaR otkag la.far- auoa appty ae 0. 0. VV | STi>N, No. 4 Try jo-n. w aaatOarla. a.Uroad OOkta, oppoMt* City HaU.

L^OR SALE.~B.-ar STAM_X)_lD."C--i"JL aociieiat.A PARil, _ t-Oi'NTBT SEAT. c_-j_i_-aapB'. St aaruoi eiBaimat iaud, wall wr_d*d aad wat-r-d,yieg al o.t half a tie fr jtn tke T-Jaatv a_ar tha Ru-.d, aodatraat un rrriBBtu wa k frt tboB*w H*rao Bilroad.tation Tha boa** j pkaaaaaOT Otuatad. ea __?-

Sa-VriB-S ___B-__!K fo' aoitiaBlua. Inqaire efKUV?iSt-r. *«__:_!_______*¦ ti 8>bt_«ord, or of B- S.BOW lit. sa jj; Oruatdarty, New-PwR.



"I70R SALK.Tliat TaluHMe tra-t ofJr IbbI krai-- a* P-rton. r'B__d 00 Vork Rivw. ioG.trewter( B '.i). V *.'g'*»A coata'aing i.TOt aorw.. ' Ol_BB arret a-» at-* i-*t firm ag laad aod -O*' air-a "t.-i

niaitb v ery va .abla ' * "¦'.*¦« paatoroa dtrtBgItrtBtiBhyir T trtmtt* b '- w_8 a *j_rp bBOryU-.wti, of yalbMa p*-* md ,-k tin.-er.

1 >r. t! lt r r ¦(*-. a rt-ora--w M:1i. B w-a f...aad a»c rtstu, a - a ttara-Bull *'tn', 0 e-

BClled Dy tn tagla. of M bora* pnwar ce'ub'e M10 .a-.i f, eloftiznberin U !".:;«. w- I :n til thoinat-i-ery. A-.eoone ' -. tt aatiraly oew tnd oftte bt.t do-MPi-on. fca.vir.t b.n r_ on'r nln.i tm nth..

Mmtkitt tta above. tberc .- Bfl Z*-d Dnelliog-aad a Birnnpoe tbe ptemlaet A *t-Aii.«t w_*rf * 9*1-- ereer-dbboo tteirvpertv 'or ihaac-cmmot.anonnl tbe izr-oaniiii.ct.try wnie! :ti*th..r:ht will hs profiublA Mther. ar*

wr a-a*.:. oow irjoMog on Vork Ri-er faarn* tae p::> aiilj-ooe to Boiumore aod oo- tn N -rfclk.Tta de_ eo* f..i eoru wood U very gr»ar. an.i lt wi.I raal".-

iv ar.rrard _.'" to I? . par co-d it the laniieg

The akov* orui-arTty being ar_-ab'e at all tetarvB*. c tartadkabCAga. for, ta cue*oaa*i of export, _a, .al-dom toee roef witb. . ,_

Peraoradasi.-it: fnrtber eoll upoa JO-SPFH Al M.VT.iER. No. -H Mari.ll-.t., Ph.ladelp,.-, or

CHARI.ES MATHER. 00 Ib8 premneATitie loiiitpntab e, as-i iamedlata pottaarion

FOR SALE.The three story _ric_Ho-aa aad Lot Wo. BR Weat _<__. feartt boooo

weat of f_ av. reglete witt ave.ry cj.*.ieo.-b_rh_,¦atar c-aotA Crutoo water; ateeileot Itxadoa,kejBaiairaoa tta premlae*. or to RICHaBO ACESRMAN, V ilthWard Bank P.a_*a»ioo_

FOR SALE..A Fartn of 66 acres. ofgood bfl-, iiroated near the L__t lataod Rtil.oad.

aooidiatant from tb. Par_ii_zda.e depot and tae _ai._Mfi_iv-._A?e of 8o._, Ovttazhay. Thaia atx upoa tha prr.mtae* a

tarpe two-B.-ry fiame Dwelilog ta tborougb ropttr. a naw

Batj. .tat'iet _c. A very dea-.rable .oeatloa lt aifui.a.1 lotatt.r.. Appllto J-MB9 B bilkban.

Co-nttllor at Law. No. 51 Wqllat. Id d_r._

FOR SALE.A Farm of 6, acres. ,_

milea from B.nd 8ro>k Railroad Depot aod Can*!,arlre* ,(**¦. ona tarm of 4" __re_, $;i>0; three apleadiifa m* of I'ar acraa eaeb three farm* of 60 aerea each; t.'i-eafarm. of 5* aa*e. each ; tl! rod imgrov-mecu aad raii-road ft-or faimt ol ¦ aerea; fotur ftna. of 1J acret; aH aoldr.a_yranra H utaa ana l.ita. Bt ¦*._*, H tela. Taan-nevOB. real eorate of -II kir.d. Call on 3 V AI U Porttic l-tel.8_t-rdava baa 11 to .'; other dtvi Bt Platafi.ld Oepot. Ab*totifn'l traat for building on at Ptalnftald ta bo aold low I

riARM tar SALE or EXCHANGEJT fcr CITY PROPERTY.-Th* Porm lt flruatod iaNrw-Jerw*y. A ihort di.tanee f.tioi fort I.ea, aod eooulatabout 37 aerea It ia a loctti ..: la a food e.-igb-borhood. of a neh ani, aaaplted with aa errel oat w.ll audetreexo uf waur. a* ahuodani e of fmit tra.a. a ,.ne h-.-ee,I arn. rrenary. aod otl-ar outoutldio**, all ln good order, audIj a v-ry da*lra*i!e rraideoc*. Apply to

VVRI01IT91AN 1 CLARK. 1 .-Broaderay,New-York.

I/OR SALE.A Btirgarn..A Farm af_L _ acrat rh dca land, go-vd Innldtagt, oxeallaat watar,vtriety of fro.u .ituated eaat ai_a_of tlia Had. a Rver,.1, iin '-'' o-.'l.a irr m Naw-VorB two hour* ride hy Hnd.aaRiver RAlrood, 1} milra frr_i ihe depo*. at New HambarzhLard:og. fur hirttrr inf_rmatit>a ta.;uira of I'RI M1I.LS.Na2 Ce**nt:e«-alip, N- T._

.OR SALE or EXTfrl^NfiE for CITVPBOPERTY-A firat-claaa PARM. hlghly topro'rd.

of l.-oaera*. ln VVa-'rhae'-r .o.ntv. 1* mtlet from tna Htid*aoa Rlvard, pot at MBf _mg Bald farm prodacea bfteeahoadred do'iar*' wortti of bty toauailr. beeides a grtatabuedac-eof train, apple* Ae. A large Ho*t.', 9traa b0.f (oek aod Karmiag l tentllj, alao fur aala. The loeraat pnoafor tle Earm i* fcighteen Th. ua.d Dollara, Ia.|utre of..- MiCOBD. No. 13 »: aad 8ARI EI.EQDY. No t.1 vvall tt-


f'R SALE.At Mouot Vernon, jjoroLot eorear of tih-av. aad la 9 Borth-ewst oomer.

place *br a ¦' -r* Apply a' No tiI Ctuit-ara B, ofDAVlf) HABRISON. lr_*__L^OR SALE..A liiiii(Noi)it' ('ounrry *j**Ht_L oear the vllage of ABoriv I, 1 , aituated oa Hall J.taNaek raal, ad/ou ir,a the fiarma of Oaorge Kt.wenhcvao aadPetrr Th* b88B8 I« a rottag*, bailt aboot uoe T*trat.d a half. ln hy-i'f-rt, t.llrd ia wlih hdeh, pla//aa froatoed retr; there are four ronma on r ioh Ito >r, with pleaty olcli_et and pantry rrorr:. hejt...neot and kltc.her eellar. waterlo tte aitA haro-fi' hflb. thioi:.'ho-t, marbie roaoUe* fold-log doora Thr pramlaea oontala tlrae a-.-.t of good land laa blgh atate of calHvatlon, ad fen> od with pioket feooe, withall BBflBBBBTB out buiirlinf.; there la in apple aod ftachOtchoid in haanog; Uiare it a beautiful virw of tte Et*'.River aod Pluthtng fliy Tarm* |-i,i«»'. half caah. Apply00 'tt* _irnn,aea to JOHN AL.*4()P. No l*. Laurena K.,or No. 11- Pultonat ol Mr I'AfiWARO

FOR SALE nr to LET.A rery deaira-ble thrao at.ry biick dwalltng Hoooe, rtfUte witt

every #oav*oience..tieh a* oatlia, eat Ac.ln Boatt 4th,aear 2_d-et., *V|______fcyb, onoreateot tc. Orand at andPeck Blip fenira VVonld be ail- oa rearoaai'le t-rmt, rlet low to a rond teoani for furtaer paitir.iara, apply .iE METTIJ-R, No Mlftaatat._L^OR _ALE..Two Iwautiful new HoiiaaaF on Oiford B , Hrooklyn. oeor (na retideaae of Rev Dr.

('. * Tbeaa bo_a. ttand on tarrocea, hava lar.-j d'.aingrootra, dumb wait^ra hr-t air lurnaeas (as. water, aa PrlcaMM apply to BRADLEY, MII.L.8 A WOOimi'LL,No f, Wall *_, N Y._FOR SALE.A Fttrm or Country Seat

of tOf>arr*A oea* Plalnfield, Naw Irrsey, of whl.-.h 60are ta a htgh *(A'.e of euli. -ation, the balanee wu-.tlltndaod good psstura The newlseolarged Nuute aoota n» I-tpiciou. ruorr. everr one with a cl<;*et and foor lar*. paa-triea; an eura lloe Kit.hen (ivdan aid a heatitifal Orel-ard, vkith fiu* apple and petr free*, are nevt *o tta liooaa,wbkh laytootha road The uiiihuTldirri *nd feaeeaeieia

good repair. Apply under lettera A B C, Poat Ofhoe, Pla u-

Bld, tt J.

FOR SALE.Four a-rea of Ground lntte rillage of, adjolning tha k1_BB9 of Mor-

baoIa in plott of 75 by IM faat.d-taut one-half mile fromtha ri- j-t Apply to Al ..I ¦**.. 0 r. WOODRIIPP. WoMfani.t, adjoitir.' lha pr- ni_-t.

OR SALE. Wltll _B_B_d_Rta poBBOB-ttoo, tta larga tbreevattiry Ortek dwelllng Hooto and

t, lo ttrn, No. * i Weat .IB-st-. delfc.trally aituated upao-dta tte Pa,k of the Tbeolo*i-al Hemtobry, aow la parfealorder; wtil* All pa_ited; planihiof rery fall and aomplola,ba'ha, water e'-mrtm, bol air furnari-, Aa. Por kay aod per-b laa.i'B to new tte booee, apply tu JA8. H. WKl.l.B,Eaq. 167 0th-av or tu vvii.l.laM HA*.ELL,. 48 -Ilt*..

FtlK ISALr. or to LKT.Two splendldfirwrlaw BOOSEB, Noa 119 aad 1.1 .WeM *»_..*_

betwee* 7th and Hth-av* They are. replata witii all (ham adem tinpin-.rr.-ort aod now r-eady for occupaoay. Applyto T CaARTt BB, Bilv er vv ara Mannf -turar,.-, M iroar-M.

CHlR SALE.The two-story Houae andJF Lot (pl.taa-y altoatad) lo Corn* arlood-B. Brooklyn,Bx l.ousra i.ur'.h of Lefayetie av , on tha eatt Brje Oo tbeflrtl f_«,t l-eie uretwo panor.. tt * r, n, kitcb., bath rootaa_d pai.'-'ea, aeeotd ttiry. . rioma and bedroom; ataobedrot.i to ti.- a' li The B-BBB i<. baaa Lmilt tar. T-ara,aod ia la aaa p- la rder Th* (iraaett owotr aeli. io corite-qoeiroe rf rau.ovlag oot of tbe Btata. lor|alza of Mr.OOOUaI.L, n.,:th h, _*e n.,itt, la a_rue BreeL

HOUSE and GARDEN for SALE.Ba LanrarnnAplAra.oppo*,,, the pt.f, 0y that

ntn e, ttd coe uf ba plea.ti.te-t iooatioo. ia the eity. TheHt are ;.<n. Bf._¦ r-pv tnd ready foz im-edttte coci-Baocy. Tb* Oardao ta weli atockad with gtape rinet aod_ow.rru)tA atd axtenrfi back to Jfith B_ Th.e only witowaot to pu:cl.t»e oeed appiy to

I liTMAB, N I". Pearl-*t

IOTS AT PRIVATE SALE. FourJ Lott tf (in.und. aach ii by '.-' feet, oa tte eaaterlyBaa of Atlanvcat, oear Poneratr, Brooklya. Ap,

Pjy^to_COLE lt CHILTON, No . VVall-M

LOTS \n tha CITYTrB_rOOkLV_arfla tte 4th Ward. and .it_ted batweea tba threi prio-tlpaJ MflBMfll r_iea and .*.___¦ BreeM of Brooklyn, ffal

the Poltoo-av Atlao'lt.. or RaUr. ad, aod tta Ptauk l-jed.Tbta hlgbly fAvoraato looatloa of the lot, iaaare lo tba veluaof them t. locietaa bayjad oc-ipartaoa. A graat maav ufthe lot. ba-e baea esld lataly. &nd ai| thoaa doBrota of por-Bhatt-g wittaamAllcapi'AJae-e^rU-n-eJyattuttodhomaanooid oa no aroonal aaglect to A, ao tt oaaa aa -tit. Ittta iou wUI r1*e In prt>porti. to tna tapTo*-.anta rairvedob at tfia fta. Tha gr.cea dt .er al preaeat fr _u||7V, w-ltt tta azrtBi.loufaoro-r kiA Mnra than 90 ho_aahiva Meo flfflflflM thera, many ara aow tn band, aal over.rn owner. of bM latead to budd da-iog tha aad dia *r_llow-tag year Biooa tho rlratof Bepro-n-aar tta railroad r-_aatoathere every rr-.oretrg tt b4 tod .o'c!__k, by wblcb all b.1__imea aaa ride M tha Boutt P«-ry :a laat tiiaa *.on cn.n ii*aAt 1) oaiock, AM aad at 7 ueiock, P.M. tta trata l_r_IB* Boatt Parrr for New-Bt*ookiyii7The tnap of N-w ,a,Tb eaa olwaya ba ae-a u tn,bf. karr- of Ey _ k rr*-deT.t_al. No 2.7 Bowaw-y ti tln

M Mr. U. E. S-ckB-tacta, No Veaey-wPorf-r1:erpaj_o*ilara1_o,_ire al Mr. ALEX. EVDAM'BLand Ofhc- ta tha B_llrt_j Ho_s», Naw-Br-oklrn or alaa ntWM RADDE. No i_.Bro_dwt., B Y ; J V( Ob H SkCK-Ma.N. Eaat New-Yorki C. _A0__AC__JL Ho. ittArcb-aL, PbliadelpblA ^^

"JVOTI'jK to nll who ilc-aire to BecnraaJ.! batnaMimer* bo-_b_1 9Ibb\BM at a ewveo'entgiaiar :e from tne cityAt*>*« trgefihe.b*rr»k*ratn'*L« «-ECOND Vir,r,*,GE

A»So. lATluN at m_LlA__9BRin*9R and ut ,i, pu.tiet wt_ toa__acn_a tj th* atm- or who feei ___o.eated tterelo will be bsld at Mil:ta<-y Ha'l. No I '! Biwrr.gjflMB ta Sprtr.' at. oa tta £V_NiN0 tt MOND \ ner'tt ll:b itai. at 7 o'clock.

Ib tae t_ear:t _*to the booka wu! r*miin oo*:. ftyr nbac ip.Bob Bt tta Rib' PkibU 0f»:_ of / NEWEf.L tad J. VV.BAKKLI, No J Nsaaa at. wi.rt n_p* oi tna propena,84 U 1 aaa, eta fcataea, ani ever*, !if.rr_a'.!. obtar.rjd b-.t»WB tbeb .tf t A M *_-d . M

88fXIHt FAR__JU-*8 LlFlTlSTHEJL LIF_ POR MV:."-Soa-_g tta poat, t.d io rtogatta maa at tta P.rm Agecsy, No . Will __, arhare aa _a>

aortni.t of -ia gra__tM rariaty a a_.*aaUy oa ha-d, w_g.Mg far g-r-ra-erA__. _. Ml£__8.

1 (M||| ACRF.S of LAaND for SALEJ ,«_Px.P9_r _, uu-il^- Co-Bty, I*_aw.Jeraay.-Tliafatacz: tar odera fur a_ta aevenl r ktata, aay from -1 ta jouarret aaab, tta good atate of eu.iv_ut_a, aad a *.aatiy8_.alad aaw Jaoea.'itg, on tha Oflflfllafl and Amboy Rtil-raad Por Bflf-H¦ te*)t_!ai_o. apply t R. R1CHJ'.Y, No.165 Withicf.o-B-, N. Y., or to tta eabacribar at J*__a.B-rx. N J. JAMEB 9C0r.EI.KVV


BtljOOlB.& VlIJ-EPLAIT contbuei to^glVa.,in*n,_ _! __?,rr**'h.**.»»«-, aad luera-ara u"._ra.of__B-8_t._t ai bta owa. __, _, w__Bbhtt-t_.a-_ Rmal-eay ^ ¦". * W*"

LADY, who hu had aareral vi ap_«l»aritnce ia taacblag tte Piano-Pprta. 1* detiroaa 11

.-_B-.f-flB-_t.__ M tta. 45 (ataore Bt- ofr^titrtj. AhD£*BtC^ «*8U MB_J wk:,r«)-_, fi



AHOMC i_ tha COUNTRY forROY_, witf_B ftt-ea mllu of HARTMR3 -T_t

td-trtiaeT 8*111 take only four bori sad .ow anler ua

yea-aofaga, aad arlll derota bta w_-e u_a ja_--at*_* «.

their n-ral, phvru-aJ and tnteUeem*! rr»_i_g. Te-n* fiw

Cr aannci ktmnu B i K* S-ft r«*t O-AA. I«_____ft,f-r- - C C Br;.. Eaq. at tha-S-a of -aBotrdOf

ti a' aP'ry



BO/iRDlNt. .fCHOOL tor BOYS,Pai.aurT. Cjna -Tke W.nter Terra ia R*v E R

li NTIN(rT('S\S4Vlo..l oM.*OBB_--_0BBB I D-nbir.laalxty imiu frur.-i Baa Y--'*, wuli wbicb .t hu *->i aaaa**ea-on twl:e a axy bv reilroad Cireular. with reiarceac.a

.ta b>- had of Ueaar*' U_r\ k Co No t Awer-Hou**, aadof_«.r* GranaiaaA Rte*art.Nj. < Mai*»ti-iai>»_BOARDIN1TI.CHOOL for BOYS Rt

l>OBBS PLRRY-I- . fl KELLOilO. rnncip-t -Noni-er iieaiwd to ii. Ai_.ible wral timu a dav b*railroad Ttrrc *>_ per Qaartar. Wlnter tettioa o_-

rnencu Nor. 1._

ENGLISH and CLASSICAL BOaRD-|t*tj SfiHOO!. for BOY-, *t Bndford. VVutr_ut*r

tn->.,4"'>milfi frotn New-York City, *_d i from tb* HarlemRailroad - *l_e wtt trlewrrm will wmmenr--. Nor I. Num-her ot pupila limlted to 1. Tertt»g.Krc_ |7a to *<t* par«e«ti- n Clrenlara e*a 'o ead of C A. M ARV IN, e.*i, No.1 M N'uwb Bt, New Ycrlr. Tb* Prl-fipal wl.l ca.1 upan anyta the ttt] wbo may de*"-* aa irter.lew, Oct. 7, 8, 2\ ot *_,If the, wiii Bt BAtr**^*&^d\^. A. M.

j^VENWi. SCH«K>L----Thf- Evenlni:J Bclcol if the Matiha-t-B Acadeuiy. at tl.e eorner of

oh-**. e_dA *o*B. fcr tha ...o»ri,V_.-n of Appren-ticu .t.d Yt '.nt Peraoea wli I e mopeoed no McnAay. .ab

Ociob.r aiTo-clotk. P.M. Earl* appllcatioe atthe Aalemy tday or evening! wili be nexeaaaiJ to tecore admiuion.T* ata made ia_y¦________..


TOVVTI-I A. M . Rcctor.-Trte eUbtrer.tli ee*_o_ of thislnittmtiu-wi!! eo-iBUac* cn the IM Novemner fkaaBAa*tta i.cb*ofthe-twrelrratrd hr.e -rove covarir-i . tpBAA of eiakt acow.

remoTed frrm any coatig.oa* e weiling. k'nirr .ndiog a beaa-rww rf th. bay. prw*--* tb- haaoA81 *****£*-

ttngair. Md within haif ao «-ut i aall of tl. City or Naw.

Yo'k Th*r__*k#*rt.eedrrofe*.r*ue eojuetiio uio

Clualcal. Ma !;t atlcai. Kreoab. Bpaai--.h, aud Ita'ian de-

partiner'4, aa.l the Reott-r drTotuh.aeotlre time aml Bt4B*>U r to il.e religioug, inletlectuAt acd phveical traimugofht. pupila. the

lr.-tute. er left tt tiie l\ 8 Bcbool Ageniy, NoW Brt'td-way.wh.- rgggggarct-Mi aiap ko iBita .¦..a>Bat^lwMi«ataly Mto.u'ed lo. Tb* Kf-r-r le parmittad to refor to the

loilnwtrp Bl.lw-BBi.dCiergain*-:. Tha.Riaht Baw.W.H.H«L*icey. 0 D. 01. D. Rigbt Rav A.rotUr U.0lUt0. Re*W. Berrien. I» 0, Rer !. L Hawke* D. 0,R.T.T.B Taxtor. D 0. R*v B J. Halg tt, D D . U*v.E. V Hi-bee, Ih D. R*> VVm. Mom* I.L l», Rev. Wui.Walton, D P._


a*iva.asvaetai'l ucoi.d toione. Per airenla-* and Pr-

trVr to E. H VVIliKiiX.t; 8 Bako_Agercy. No. S«3 Oroadwaa. N. Y , or BJ tbe rnnclpxi alP^r Hevan, Coea.. K A.8M1TH .-__*__RriiaiM r-Tbe Prealdei t and Profagaora of \alaCil-

lege E. C Beaeoicl, En- , No. TO Wall-at. Or J Bolt-n,No. 13 Caat llthic. Tho-u Danny, Kan-Nx i JaimceyC.urt; Perf .1 J Ow.n. D !>.. No. IU Wwt -T-R et llBpra." I 1. S.i-8, No ll*. I'earl *t; 0 8 AppletoB, £oo . No._M Br-adway; A. Keed. Eaq.. No 2i8 Kultos it. New-f orkCity. Rev. A. C. UennUoa, Ulu**ter, Rav Le»i Packai.,Bpetrer, M-ta._

K1NSLEYS SCHOOL, nt Wf-tI'ofat, w,l r*-opes ca tba firat of Nore-nbar Ra-

fa,-i a- a < .-n Be tt, l ntt*d afatu Arnry: Coi Pl«u*atoB,Phiiuaipbla; A GkBBtj Hail, B. Baud* Tutkar ana Rr, u.Uryir Kag*, New Ycrk City: Pi-reBio.-t of Yal* Coil*g*and laited -taua MUttary Aaadauy._

IANGUAGE8 Rod H1STORY..In"i Mroetloa gi ea in anorr.t and m-adern Laneutara,

ai*o le aaeient an.; niodt.i CH ARL.E- KRAIT-BKR Al II I'upiM ipceited at No fc'*) Broadway, Btur- *.

wnt iBailtcte, rt.-m N 1« Laaaoaapiveu ai ptiitie ho i-naa

MADAME SEIBERT, ProffBsorof thoPreneh Laaaoe**, and Tearher bi Mxdetue Chaga-

ray'a eel.-braled Bcbool, wtgliut* AU ap *»nie of her leleur*bour. by tntt'oa. elther la a private f.rmly or la a BohootMad-'ia Chngaray will kindly gtve ail n*c-_ary r-'earencot

R. ..: Hr'RT. No. 1,004 Rroadway, aorner »Mh **-^

MALE BOARDINO ACADCafY.Wil.toa Ct .The Prlr<'tpal of thla Inttitntloa woold wy

at tr i, atii ia rn.nrpa e.t, acd whtla the pupii- ra-

ulve the pioet rliorough liatro. tion. thelr raannera and rnor-a'« a e earaAtll] wttehed over. The ternn xr* in adettn..The Prtnrtpal can beaea" at No K'.Orxnd-tt, or at No. M\Chalhtm, where ireulartcan he obtained

\ ,1 -Tl S WUITLOCk, Prlaclp-I\\. JOHN MAC MULLCN haaop-r.-A s Day Brhool for Boy* at No. Sl" Bowary.

blork froa Broadway aad fivs doora sbove Btindi-at. Hl* terma (tc.i prrqui_ter) will neceawrtiy kup 01* liat'...g real.ied more lb aa two year* laEaroee, and having alu-lad and taught for maay yea. latbs cf'y of New-York. be f-ola bliuaelf qaaeltted to do ju*Rceto tht.e who msy oe plai.dln hlihaai. Br-ideaBpalllag Riadtcg, Wnting, and Arlthmetm. th-r. will ba uughlwHIuoutextiaeharge, Orerk. I.aun. K.enah. Bp_lali Oe*.man, Italia.-x, O.-awtm. Muttg, Oymi.aiUca aod Dantinf.ClrcB'ar, at Lockwood a, No. IH, and, No.-fJBaas-wn

Play l.rouod fbr Bi yi Tweatv-f-v* «.h.-Hbe.i wanted.Terma *?ia . year. A4dru* J. ttAC MUiaL-N, No. 214Cbi yatla..

]1|K. BDMO-ID ANDRADI haa ae-IwB tured tl-e Bl11 f the roevenlent I.4c'ure Room No. SOB .ud mt Hia ¦» gular le,a r. in Voeal Mueij and Ht'n ony,after tlia (.glin "ar'a-.-lrevi4 AyOem, opn.i oa TI'ESOAY.oib(it't I itt ' t.M I -i'; Oentletnea'a clall, B u'clock.iThea.t em lorl< i!ra the u., al no'a'ioa i

Itl OLNT WASHINOTON COLLEOI-Ifl ATE Ir.'STiTl'TE, No.-l3 4- at. mttoat of M*8>iongalat.on \\%»t ngton-ganar*. (OEO VV. CLARKE. A.M. and JA.MKB kAiNNINO. A. M. Princlpala,) W8B.BSBWItu trnl.'iKli.-oly..r ,- tlUNDAY tb* i. -.'sept, IKo.The I'liiiclpaia hm.rg reb'ttad the furn'ilure and rooma

fu. i 'c *.iiuir and le-.tu, -, throughcut t'-a laatltutina. it wtllbe la eouiplete order fur the receptionof lu ProfeaBors,Texch.ri_.ri pupila oa the 13th of 8eot

P-rat-al interviewt wlta tlia rnnotpati, and Catxtoamu.orttalalug naruea of palriuand p.iplla of put year, tugethwwuh plana of li-atruc. .,a. regulatio_, Urnia, Aa , uaay kahad al tha RooriiB ofthe Iut it M

_'ufii.» lacuvad firou "

t., .0 jear* of ag*.

NEWn-tl K\SV MKTHODof Tfftiih-lngand I.earnlr.g tbe Krericb I.aiigo.« lu |ni) Leiaona,

racl. copvtrrteriiiit., qneafocB.toapBear in Novemb. Bext.Pr'ee ct s eopy, ii ; of 1<> coplra, p<J fur aatoariher*, to hoptionde ltey. Apply, rx*t-patd, to TH OBARCOH,I'iif.*«,r. No Ll 6ihav, N. Y. Private Ucor.e *nl!D* elaggea

OS.SINS1NO SCHOOL, BLof Slof,N.Y.-Rev. JOHN P I.ltNOY reapertf.iily aononnc-*

that tbe rett term ot hia REI.ECP RO ARLI NO SCHOOLfor BOY8 will begin on tbe flrr*. Mooday ol' Novn-nber.Fiva Tsranel.. occ- r wktrrn may be filled on Iniiiiedtateapp'ieatioa to tbe Pria.tpal. Cire'ilara containlng full pu-ticolaracBB h« bad br appiy ing to 8 H. PiEfHOM, No. 9Park pl.e, cr to tbe i'nm Ipal at Hing Sisg. N Y.

OAK (.ROVE KEMALESEV1INARY.VONKERB, N Y-The winter term of thia Inatiti-

.ioe will commeoaa Moeday. Nov IM. Clrcuiar*, coqIaiu-lng t'ull partietjiart, Terma _c fornlatied on appUeation tathe Prlncipal. cr at tbe Book-atore of Clarfc Aaatln lc Btnitb,No **, l'i-t Pow, New York, WM. C tfOOTE, l*rUi tpxi.Yonkr ra^Sept il, l<iai._

OROAN TEACHINd..A L-idy wltliBii.p'e of a'.llity to Impart ioatr.tion oa

tbat trgtranmnt, wttbet b lew mora pupii*. Aoy perxon de-aiilpguw ibe waitnd upon, whea partleniara and taima,ohieb wtll lie rr-odora'., wiii be made kaowa by e-dreael-ga Ima to OROAN, Tri'.une Ottice


C.inton acd Waverly place, J. II. PATTON, A. M, Prta-aipal. Th* two U^par-neeta. Colieclate aad Primery, opeooa MONI1AY, Bapt. 6. Pupila are piepared forthaco<int1n|touje,.r for Btimtgaion to aay o.ilegn. The Bmnber of pa>ptla U lln.ited. C'ircalara eontaln:nt further l'iforin.uoamay be obtairatd at tha bookaurea, CRl.'M_IK'i dmggu4atora,No .^Broadway, eor. Mth-M.,orat 'ha Inititnti_B.

DR 1 Vak^TE CLASSl_S lo FRENCHX aad SPANISFL-Prof. A. BA.S.1ET wlil reopea. bfgPr.ncn aed Spani.h OBb-WOB the lHb tna*. He will aiaoorgani/e acewclau for beginoera ob or aboul tha )A4hofOctr.ber. Por tbe particiiarttpply at hia realdecaa, No. *_4Rroadway. hefor* 9 A. Al. and altat 6 P. AL_PRl VATE LESSONS^nSPANlrSH.--

IwwBBMB OORRIN tioBti-uo8 to giv* Prieua IutncL.o ln tb. above la*g-*ge, at tta* ruidaace of pupii*, or ktht* owb, N'i. 41 th ai.

SCHOOL for (ilRLS in NOR[_U__P-TON, MAS3-A Lady. wbo bu had ex-Mitea-a in

tearl.'Bg, w.tea to .citrttct a few i rirl* ia ail tbat la aaitedte thntr ag. aod capa-nty, aad to baatow apoo t'<'.tn r.i. areand atteniioau cMiilir-n reqatre acd receiva at bo_b T.reac. _. r niiiited to iix -audw tba aa* of ta.rte.o. Ter.-iaI :_-n. rle'-r-rnf'-a.Rav. li. ftello-.v*. NewTorg ;Rev ii.i i F. .ra. N>nh_mp:aa. Addiggg iiox No. .41,Nci.aciptoo .oMORica._SI N O I N G SCHOOL.Dr. C. W.

LANOE, Profaxtor cf Music toaeher of ti. pler-. i,niel.ode n. thotciighrtau aad giogirg, will open aiiii;iggchjiol wbara erery ityie ol ftogla| t'ull bo thoroagMytaaght in day aad e real-g.-kasae at very mo*» a'e _-.- -nPur paiticnlara piaau cali at hu raald. nca, No Hl bo-v .ryhafoi Ocl. a, tHR aay day. froa. 1 to i o _iook, og Mooday,VVgda-..-.ay cr r'riaay, frxwa 7 to 3 o'clc.c, P. M.

TAHRYTOWNIN3T1TUTE..In tbiaI*t-irm'.uL young grctlemna ara _Bk__Atad ln ail tba

brtHABm r*<f*rl-nte tor -omtnercial poraaiu or eat*na* CoLleg*. Tb* VV.uter T*r_ rcrrHk-aees oa t.s lat of NO-VEMBE. Crxulan, eonU.iag termg. raferaoau, ka,ud oe obi*i_td ar C. aHEPARI) k CO - Bookacra, No.! .-¦ Koitc-i-at., o-ol E. H VViLCOX, Na. -0 Bro_dw*y,N. T, cr by td-raatiajf A. NfiWJ4 AN, Pru-rpal.

TEACHERS of ScioOLS, SEMINA-RI *>-, Ac, who waat TapUa, will tad lt to their ioiegr-

ut tc i-.akt tbe fact kr-aro .ro-gta tbe n.r,pafkkra,There lt no other a*-.Ae to -u-ipar* wlta. tht*. Tbe a-ai pa-

rAB ot the wt">la caaartry may ba wlecteR bt V. B. FA_B-B'R A-ymr-aui, Ateacy._

TO PAREJvTS..A LRdy keepi_g~tst-ali wkkct -choc4, la Reartrcaaof taking tota ber 'u_ry

twoo- tnre* M:**.*, ttomi to llyttraoIR Oeard, W*a_a|and Tuitbka. emk>re_ag tht FagHth hrajvo.ea. Mua!a at-ri_n i) Porte, B_°° . year. b.rereaow of th* higi.,-. tr rupaet-abil'ty glTsa E-laaMr* aroend*, wtttPB r-m mlnct*. wa.lof a farry to tk* city. Pail pot.ulara wili bo lt aa kj *4fcajaBfBRVaka-kBTkf,'. NB-BBk

MR. and Mad. N0EL REROlKReea-Bnaatag'ra___.e'loa ta tta fre... (-mos.¦ __,

__re. aod i_ 8_h. ot tba Ptao. P_r__, ol a_,,7deocaa cf tbe'.i paAroae or at ttab two, No. M p__Tf.-r-.(__«*' L_i taaJ (i-.ii._o.--a

"jtl L'SIC.A Lady, who hu graat mpe._.v_ rtaraa la ta-chlag P_ao aad Ar _?*_-., witb MkaIb*. aad wbcee n- r_otia .artt-i ber fuptl. bara _o4 eraagood ri-er*.,-a_ atriad to a (aw mo-i 8-f4_. _*¦___.No. _-7*rh-et _.UNIVERS.TYv-RAMlMARSCHOOLPn f £ A J-*i-bo_. eUat-i Tha a__ D ___

Biaota. tt. Jualor, tta l'f per Eagttah. aad tb* 9bflB_Ea_iapaa .imultareoualy oa Moodt), Bafl 9. fBadaaraat.aetv-ad al tta aa* of aevea ,-tr* aod apa*_rd, ar.d tisatiagfc. tta tointirig h.a, w .. ad.le-aa to aay c_fc_^Ctr.Jara __*, ba ob.ln*. at AppU..Va, L__ac*oat__Crowe. b_MMbB^^ tf^^yM^US. SCHOOL AtJEMCY.By £

a H. VV iLOD.i BM Mfl Bruaderat -.-«_r_-< c*** T.ard atgegamtntt by iba _e*( IratitB .a*. t k_i _,

Teaali-r* aod Meirona. Oe* P*r e*nt in aiv-see 1*0*4.adrarce e-.-a_*et a- d paoaore* tte re |oired BflflflflflflflBaBa,tea-orrd by a l.Biferable c__ek_\TOCAL MUMC LE_»ONS.-.y_r.

CHA8. L. 9 ARBES wlll oaw. oa Elemeatat- ¥«_MtwtaCla.* f.r Ledlae and (laaUerr-B, bt 74 _e_t_, sb

TIT-DAY EVENING. Oet A ta Bleackar Ba__agRa\lo Blearker B . .rnerof Merlca


Diiiuing Grliools.DODWORTHS DaNCIN.

_b A-MDEMY. Na t*. 3rc_way, oext to Orwa""hcrch. will opeo fTthe eaoutoa eeeaue, on VVKOfBRDAY, (vt.b-r f. at _t P M , foi Udioo, at <. bt CbU-rw*,and tt7 lor Oaatletiiea PorTtrm*, Ae, aoa Cazdef T_r_B

It la witb fer'ling. ,-f u- i.» than oeual pi'.d. aad _B_Etlcr thal I arronooe tta co_i_ien__ji>eot of tba Claatot%tti.aea-trn tlav-ing ran... to tbo aaa buildlaa. jwaareoted exprt.ty lor tt-purpoaa, I aoa aowodar, far Oabab of '¦ y papita lha -o*t cl-tant. c avameat A.d flflflBBBBeitib iihrner . ever 9B9Med la thie city; ttaexp.rtaBMfllmaoy year. ec-Mlngmo to fcnow aod BBBwfl* f'f < »." -_¦ln the f-;l.a.t nar.aar. It ia oty tataauoo «_ ___a tta w_jau_b an eetabf.thment ahould be, i.|i. for meo.1 aod

Shyaica! lmprove.ent. ooaoe.ted wtth isuoceat aod ta.a.ctal re-roanoo ; and it will ba my gerticiitar . e to at*.

averyttlngct.diceto tte tx_ deportnxat aad foaora! la>¦ro*. ru-.-ot ot all wbo mej oe plaoed u__er .« eharfAThe Clatrea *or Oentlemea w-.u ha eiTAnge. oa aaeadrab

aaw .y*te_i. wblch wlll rreatly faclluafe lha pr,_reaa, aogadd rery moch to the eonvenleoce of th.* pupi'a. But oa tatanuch tpoc would be UkeB br d-_-i'bi»i 'he iji'aai bara,tbepu-Uabed circulai tareferradloa. luruUhing a daooriptbaof the naw mathod aod ita advantatet.AU tte now Daactt of tt* pr-tent aad f rmer aeaeoat at|

betntroKnced_Prtv-te adrew fcr popllt ooly. aerrt muitMy.

The Academyla emaikably forlaaatoin ueiog aav*aB.1from oeorly all pirta of tha ci y hy BbBBH or rflBjMA Mthere ara ao (taa ihan thirteeti 1: .-¦>*, which of ttodt'or ur wtttiB ooa two, ur ilirwa flfljafl oaof B;and arringomeat. have *l. b.-ei. tn ruo tUgra Broadway, Madiaoo at. and thttneigli.rLjal, dtra*_ato tta Acadeoiv Duia arturdiog tba patruna ia tbat rtf)aqaal facllitie* witt tte ot_*_ pairti-BA_

DANCINU ACADEMY..SiKuor A.OHERAROI. aoriatad br MtUin. .illE1UR0I ag.

tpe-tf-lly beat 10 Intozm l.i* p__rooa aad tba pu BBB tbat bbl>asclog Atademy. Nn "11 Brvadway, witl be opeoed far tbarecepti-n of pupila oo a-tuidty, Ott l(i Oara ot for

Joung lldiei Brd iraeterA VV'edna*daya and Ba'urdayt aadluodaya aod ThuradayA Bt 3 oclock, P M Eveet_g*__

fur tenJ.-ie-, Tuaadaia aud P.idaT^ at 7 P M rnaaalaa-annt tu famllie. wlll a_o be giren and alaa*.- alf*_d*d m ktKhtola aud aradoo ie* All couiinuon.tion* aAdieaatdoNo 911 Broadaay will bo proH.ptly atteadad lo moamttgtvoo a* itetial._

DANClMi und WaLT/jIlNi.. nt Moot-OflBO llall. Conrt-et. aear Aloutafite piacA Ma A

l.ANNAY woold lnfirm her potrjoe oo4 tha retldaatt afBr.tlyo.tbat al e wt.'l reopen har Kehoul oa We.l.ia.1.*,Oet IJ. Day t of l»atract!,.i. WflflBOaaapfl BBB Be-aNlya,atiii'tn-neiag ai .4 t clork Tha fire. 8 dree will t -kt p<_on K.tdbT. Not Sb: tha aiiesaiditg Boirdea oa tba ih_|Kr: tay f . ,-h rnooth dartag tha araaua -.hoola aod laalltrt ntrand.d ia New-Yarh or Br.tlvn.Comiiianicafiiat B.ldrfn-d tn M:a l.anBay, Moatt|it

Ha .rroklya, will tneat with prnmol attaattioN. i: '.*. --. t'lfv. Mr* l_.nay-a ola.ata at Mia* Cfca-

dearse'a Bchtx I ruroor of Oiaad aod OreeiesU, wiii fc*rroponed 00 Moaday O't -9.


DANC1NO aad WaLTZUMO, at No.H BoBdet-Mr. SBABINO'B Pntate Aead.aoiyM

tue t>i>lltea_e<»inpl__iinaat, arill r-n;i-o l.'.li Oot.'l-*r. Cltwafur v ra.n.l Yuuat MaBara, vv el..e>ie-, t a*d svurttriat .-. i.oloek for 0*idca**B, Ttaa-daya and frtdayt M Io'c'oak, P M B arolug er'* atd Oriu'le* at'suded, Mlprivata inat; nc'4 -ua givea at timea not oocuptod. Por lara.apply at Mr. R'a ra.idri.c*, a* abora.


HENRY WELLS nnd i.ii SHTBA_(Madame K. OtAVr.LLI'8) Aflar*em* for BB__M

No t.rM* Broadway. will opeo on the lat of UBtflflflB of teaofaloa haa raee|/ed notvaraal M9MaUon. Coml'ined v. itt. Irttrnciion la Mfl daaeee a ta faflBjand lr parlor daoclog thioitah all l(a varlatl .na. tb* eaaiWfor developlog Uie uiuoeuiar powara <»l young _B_flBB_8fuuiid .naficlaJ Tha n.aen* ol a.-iuIikl* (a«aa_and ao fflflt tty'.e of moUoo lo ,..,,.-1 ¦<w latiaBtivn rolaA aiiuply oaplalnetl, end ttet* ugk%Uuglit. Tu atap p.-operly lo order toobtatal¦abas.flj and graoeful mlen. fonn a part <f aar.h fcaaaa, aMaveryttijit ta tliat wlll inn art to tha pepUadlf.allie. aad oobia depuitniant. faqutra lii.l.s- *t ,nm ktm-letny._lifADAMK ORA V1KR DESJAR*1*1 DIN'S DANCING ACADEMY, No A4 Ckafaa-place.-KARH.VV E1.1-SE.VSt ).M -Mr.. J. latendtaftartalur to Eurofa, take. tha opportunity ct .¦zprae.lna I.r grad-tude to her oumero.ia p.iflta *r,d their fa____A for thaktalpatronage ahe haa ao long nn'i yr,|. Hor cb.aea ariU -*.¦" -a - oa 8ATCRDAY, Octobar t. la her eleroat BMaMwbere pnvBte monthly S,»'r -a will b* givea at tuB_k Otytand lioort: W.-rtn-adaia aod Se-iirdeys at ll, for Mlaaaa-Maftem Mooday. aad ThuradayA at 71 P. M-, for wdiea and gentlernea. Saht.ola nnd prliata '¦. ., I'-t attandatBrooklyn Claatea for You.g Ladie. at Mr BKBTKA-ANo 4- Pierrepout tt.

THEARTofDANCINC and WALTA-lN(i ror.BP.CTLY-A CARO-The ata-. at

CHAItltl 'lii'-S K Hiii-t, No _n Whit* .' will IO0BB-B911 .-Ari'RDAY Un!, lu*.'. ar . o 1,-i, in tha A.roea

for I.adiea, Ml.*-. Miwte-t, at 7. H aad 'I K.nni, 4. f*t.eriti. 01-n »i the Himi n. No M Hut Ith nt . avear Br.Iv. iv. ,n MOSIIAY, 9ft., Atd Wr.ONCBOAr. .Vth _t IInr on atd a( -4 for '.-1 . .¦!.-*- 1 aad Maitara, oa, M08OA V. .Atn. at -. H and .. tivnini, lor lia'i'-kuiri.N » Mi ( HAKIilrVI ll i-tii-n* h.« kl'i. ara tlisnkl-

'. K.,r fc ,1. 1,,-,-, ... i,,r pa-,1 Baaaaraatafl ..I-eraU'y _,,.,_'ed. and _>.ure* tbat. II ta ali baartBtft ,, laetaaee. lion P-; .a tu B_a88B__B h>t atti-ndbi'ca at that citf, tat

bopea f r ll.e euiniiniation of a aatt 1 f tta r pBfi*aaa_* "

hi* r r.i, * in Naw-Yorh. Poz pa.-ti ._._'., pl-aao --> -»*ni-/ -md s-Pfatap A'./ireaa.

pioiw-farUB.APIANO-FORTE, of Btiperlor tooo

and BflB-ki 7o**8V8; lt U naw, witb all tbe OfllMiu.proveinaotai haodaoma. naew.H.d r_o. It alil b**_l* ¦-,- low, a. tba own*: la aoon to Iravo tt* oUy. AddrtB,prspoid, PIANOPOBTE, tt tne oHi.s of li.l* BBB98

BRADBURYS BOSTOlN aod NEW-YORK PiANOWARE ROOMB, No 4W Bt_dt___thr».e doort I'mve Caaal-M Aewjrfad Planoa, of apgroad with aud wltboBt tha A-.oliao. aa ahaapaa ataaa.Bti.. He wa, HaJIett. Darta lt CrV. , Llghl k Newt.'t **,Aa. Ploato call tnd aximloa. Ordert from *M_ad puaaW_iy attt.-.1.-dto E.O BRAUBUBY.

CARHART'S MELODEONS, whichara proouweci d by tha beat judaee flflpati-r (oak

other*. eaa ba had only of fh. aole egeat .1 8 CLiRK. fta_bl Broadway, ( tha Park ) B. B.IwdrttawBwith itop. for Chuictiat.

70LIAN PlANO-FORTES.-T.__.I OILBERT k CO '8 celil'rated Plano-rorta*. wiB

and wittoat tbo .tloltan. The .ul.acnb.r. who U ti.e _Bageot ia tm. any for tl a aaie cf thea* .B.trumeeU, ( of whlcli haa becorne wafM wide.),. now prefa-alto _9bf tbem at pric. whlcb, to tti.aa wtaluog ti par.ta,cmi.ot fall to I** Bat_M_tr.ry Poaa-aaing factui'-a for ****.>£Ing i'nooa notnrpaiaed, lr BdBatad, oy thoae of aaf 9T9Mhu_e tha city, ha doe. not h-aiu! a 10 aar tha tte ot_ PJJ_..¦. 1 iodoeement* to buyrra oot to be louad el-owAjar*. BA

haacor-_tl> 011 .tnd ao et-iialve b_.')rtoi*Bt of Baaawliand Pianoa. al oarfol> a which bt fearlebtly aaaerta wlll dB)-__ip«liu_B Ollfcart'. alrtant Bruduir. or Cottaoe Plaaffclor ..uaii rooma Alao. Metodeoat. of Priacei ttd * aruiriiluaka Oieod I'.alianaod 01) t.-Piaoia to i'-t.

HORACE WATEU.S. No Ul Broidway,corner »f Aotliony at. ap t"


EXTENSlVE StX)CK of PIA.SOPORTE8, which, rtr wp-riotity of toa. aad ac*'p, cannot la ..irpeased..Tha ni.en'ar b«f **.

cf.iad the antlra -ttabli.Snaot of tl* lat» wall-fcbowa tt*ol Dl BOI8A 8PO0ART, who waraeagaged furmotalkafoity yeor* lo tbta ei'v Wi tte flMBMB.tute uf Pitao >--.aad wh'*,. r-tiitaiioi ta more fay.-rabiy Mbowb tbta b»JMbar lirm h A.rrtcA _

The PIANO KoRT_So8.rad for tila by tba s-lw-ir*-.ara made from tbe rery bc.t .aoauu- d rott-r-_t, ai 4 *

t_lttatataM)a*ay_>ei_tBta Bad ara warra-ted 10 «'»Ad a*

rari ruarr,a»|eai Ihta alimats; ofld 8r* made w;tfce»__* ...'ar -vt.n a to lha U'lBVaiB, Ottf u aad Aa_ra-

B C JOLLIE uaa rt444a__ia*d the atjOta _t-.h of Btdt,with the rxteettaa t-alo,ua of C^i-ta k imo<_ri, aod ._->ttatof IratphP Aiartll. '.tr, lag. to_etta.y, tba lfz***l .*_u .'. ',- ;r_rr,l__f rt._-.n-1n the t.'oli'al BHb.B, Br. ttB.*BieBerad to «_rplT .11 ordert "B the rroij Hbazal tartra.' Io.lIB- PliVNO-r-ORTE LOAN CAMPkHVThit hitklya.aea-fol CompaBj b r.ow ia l-«*|__

The pabita B»(*B.i_B lt c_Pad to Um kt^katkktmtatrm-Tliua aay perreoo u.> bw;otn*i the omrumr ot aw'aadld "*__PitrU, la-ra.a frtrrn tfjrt t_ «-vj, pa.i-fl ritoalMf'¦¦Jrriei.u ef kii.a-twalfil, part ilt Tt*.*, tbay rtwir. «*"_^*7_fula, tad pay tta balmce ia Oki lngtt! -kaitao! oat-t aO-*A\o-t-r.tlly ,. ,__ _,

Pan© P-rtw tur ulro. Eva#y i_Atr_-_Bt »U at tt- "

laldbB.BBM ia » ura.'ted_ ._,

BAMl IL C. J01__IE, 1.. _50 Br^trajrJ'^

F_»F SALE.At No- 8 l^hT-J*;B.zt dnur to lha .A___f Hubba-8 vartaty£*£+

oata.e i-jaw-wood Ptai t-PtiTt-a, WArraol-. w firm "JTbi.^_^__!!_?i«i-^-Gic H. BARMORE o-TwjJfJ^

a mac -.ytcry aal Na -y.T_Trp__,8c*__r tf Cl_f-a,8B _t-i,r_ne. I cf a_*_a_« __f^. ^aawitt tte ._.'a r, frama aal ttttnt a-MB-a aaa a-

n_de:B faBMBfMaBiaMi ¦ .--*

f7_C. ____*_____tm_\'¦M»_-__^?---2___J.t )*. _ Widg. aod oa-tol -j .^_\Xm_4\\\tkt4\w\
