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Prior to building a new single family home, Prior to building a new single family home, the contractor must obtain a tree permit the contractor must obtain a tree permit and disclose all the trees to be removed and disclose all the trees to be removed from the property and if they are saving from the property and if they are saving any trees for tree points, they need to any trees for tree points, they need to show on a site plan what trees are to be show on a site plan what trees are to be preserved and install a barricade around preserved and install a barricade around them. them.

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My inspection for a My inspection for a barricade consists barricade consists of calculating how of calculating how may points will be may points will be required for the required for the

size of property. size of property. This is done by This is done by

dividing 2,000 into dividing 2,000 into the square footage the square footage

of the property.of the property.

A standard 10,000 sq ft. A standard 10,000 sq ft. lot will require 5.0 tree lot will require 5.0 tree pts.pts.

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I check for fencing I check for fencing around the tree out to around the tree out to the drip line and the the drip line and the

stakes need to be 6 ft stakes need to be 6 ft apart. apart.

After the home is After the home is complete, I verify that complete, I verify that

the trees remain in the trees remain in good condition to be good condition to be able to count them able to count them for the pts required.for the pts required.

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When all trees are When all trees are removed from the removed from the site prior to site prior to construction, the construction, the contractor is contractor is required to install required to install native trees to native trees to meet the required meet the required pts for the pts for the

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(c)(c) Installation: The property owner(s) shall be Installation: The property owner(s) shall be responsible for installing all trees in a sound, responsible for installing all trees in a sound, professional manner and in accordance with accepted professional manner and in accordance with accepted good horticultural techniques. good horticultural techniques. (1)(1) Grow bags and containers shall be completely Grow bags and containers shall be completely removed from the root ball prior to planting. removed from the root ball prior to planting. (2) (2) Burlap shall be sliced in both directions on the sides Burlap shall be sliced in both directions on the sides of the root ball and removed from the top one-third of the of the root ball and removed from the top one-third of the root ball. root ball. (3)(3) All twine or wire shall be cut off from around the trunk All twine or wire shall be cut off from around the trunk at the top of the root-ball. at the top of the root-ball. (4) Trees shall be mulched to a minimum depth of two (4) Trees shall be mulched to a minimum depth of two (2) inches and a maximum depth of four (4) inches with (2) inches and a maximum depth of four (4) inches with organic mulch at least to the perimeter of the root-ball. organic mulch at least to the perimeter of the root-ball. (5)(5) The owner(s) or their agent(s) shall provide sufficient The owner(s) or their agent(s) shall provide sufficient soil and water to sustain healthy growth of all trees. soil and water to sustain healthy growth of all trees. (d)(d) Anchoring: Trees with a caliper of four (4) inches or Anchoring: Trees with a caliper of four (4) inches or more shall be anchored for a period of at least one (1) more shall be anchored for a period of at least one (1) year. Single staking of trees shall be prohibited. year. Single staking of trees shall be prohibited.

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  In order to count In order to count toward the minimum toward the minimum

tree point tree point requirement, a requirement, a

preserved or planted preserved or planted

tree musttree must have a have a

minimum height of minimum height of eight (8) feet eight (8) feet

measured from the measured from the natural ground level natural ground level

to the highest point of to the highest point of the foliage and a the foliage and a

minimum caliper of minimum caliper of two (2) inches two (2) inches

measured twelve (12) measured twelve (12) inches above the inches above the

natural ground level.natural ground level.

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2 inch caliper = 1 tree pt.

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4 inch caliper = 2.5 points

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Verify that the trees have not been Verify that the trees have not been installed under power lines, if they have installed under power lines, if they have been, make sure they are trees that have been, make sure they are trees that have been recommended for under power lines been recommended for under power lines which can be found under Code Section 3-which can be found under Code Section 3-2-188(2)(b) Figure 8: 2-188(2)(b) Figure 8: Bottlebrush Bottlebrush (Callistemon spp.), Crape Myrtle (Callistemon spp.), Crape Myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica), Loquat (Lagerstroemia indica), Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica), Silver Dollar (Eriobotrya japonica), Silver Dollar Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus cinerea), Sweet Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus cinerea), Sweet Acacia (Acacia farnesiana) ,Wax Myrtle Acacia (Acacia farnesiana) ,Wax Myrtle (Myeica cerifera(Myeica cerifera) & Yaupon Holly) & Yaupon Holly

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The Contractor or Owner Building does The Contractor or Owner Building does have the option of buying out the tree have the option of buying out the tree points by paying $100 per tree point to the points by paying $100 per tree point to the Native Tree fund. This means they do not Native Tree fund. This means they do not have to install any trees on the property.have to install any trees on the property.


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Landscaping is Landscaping is required for buffering required for buffering and screening parking and screening parking lots, any improved lot lots, any improved lot for commercial use for commercial use when abutting public when abutting public right of ways.right of ways.

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The The contractor contractor submits a submits a landscape landscape plan for plan for review and review and when when everything everything has been has been approved, approved, the the installation installation may start. may start.

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All shrubs & trees must be installed according to the plan, if All shrubs & trees must be installed according to the plan, if they are not, the landscaper must replant or the contractor they are not, the landscaper must replant or the contractor must have the Architect redraw the plan and submit it for must have the Architect redraw the plan and submit it for approval. approval.

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All trees must be stake and anchored according to the legend on the approved plan. And mulch/wood chips must be applied around all plantings.

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All finals for Single Family homes and All finals for Single Family homes and Commercial buildings are placed in a tickler file, Commercial buildings are placed in a tickler file, which are pulled after one year.which are pulled after one year.

For Single Family homes, a period of one (1) For Single Family homes, a period of one (1) year from the date of the issuance of the C.O., year from the date of the issuance of the C.O., any tree dies, or receives major damage or any tree dies, or receives major damage or contracts a disease, such that its restoration to a contracts a disease, such that its restoration to a sound condition is impractical, must be replaced sound condition is impractical, must be replaced by a tree of comparable size and type or a by a tree of comparable size and type or a combination of trees having an equal number of combination of trees having an equal number of tree points. tree points.

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Damage to any of the landscaping or structures Damage to any of the landscaping or structures required by this article shall be replanted or required by this article shall be replanted or replaced, as applicable, within ninety (90) days replaced, as applicable, within ninety (90) days or one (1) growing season, whichever is sooner. or one (1) growing season, whichever is sooner. Damage to a required fence or wall by a natural Damage to a required fence or wall by a natural disaster shall be repaired within one hundred disaster shall be repaired within one hundred eighty (180) days eighty (180) days

Landscaping for Commercial sites must be Landscaping for Commercial sites must be maintained forever, and any changes to the site maintained forever, and any changes to the site must be drawn up by an architect and submitted must be drawn up by an architect and submitted for approval.for approval.

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This is a Commercial property that has removed the buffer in the rear This is a Commercial property that has removed the buffer in the rear of the building, which is required due to the residential property less of the building, which is required due to the residential property less

than 200 feet from this property.than 200 feet from this property.

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All the required shrubs have been removed along All the required shrubs have been removed along the public right of way.the public right of way.

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When I do a 1 year inspection and find a When I do a 1 year inspection and find a violation I send the property owner a violation I send the property owner a warning letter giving them 30 days for warning letter giving them 30 days for single family residence to install the tree single family residence to install the tree points or do a buy out option & for points or do a buy out option & for commercial property I give them 90 days commercial property I give them 90 days to replant according to the approved plan to replant according to the approved plan or obtain approval for any changes made or obtain approval for any changes made to the the landscaping.

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When no action is taken, a Notice of When no action is taken, a Notice of Violation & Notice of Hearing is sent to the Violation & Notice of Hearing is sent to the Respondent to appear in front of the Code Respondent to appear in front of the Code Enforcement Board. Enforcement Board.

These hearings can be seen on CCTV 20.These hearings can be seen on CCTV 20.

The Board votes on what action to take The Board votes on what action to take which may consist of a daily fee of $100 - which may consist of a daily fee of $100 - $250 until the violation is corrected, which $250 until the violation is corrected, which is placed as a lean on the placed as a lean on the property.
