Page 1: Treatment for my opening sequence

Treatment for my opening sequence

Bedroom – Early morning around 2am

Toby (Working name) awakes from a deep sleep out of breath and panicking.

Study – Early morning around 2am

Holding only a candle he stumbles to his dimly lit and secretive study, the central headquarters for his literary genius ideas. He slumps his hollow emotionless body into his desk chair. Not even contemplating the thought of the documents catching alight not caring if they do he places the candle next to various documents and notes. He glances down at the forbidden draw which is part of his desk, every sinew in his body trembling with fear and shaking in distress. He manages to give in to temptation and opens the draw and delves into the depths of the draw and rummages around to find what he is looking for. Then his hand emerges with a pouch of powder inside. He wears a smug smile. He rubs his hands together and grunts looking down at the pouch, feeling pleased with himself. He shakes and appears to thrive for his daily fix. He then gently prises the pouch open, sweeps his arm across the desk clearing space for the pouch contents. He almost forces the papers into the candle flame and then empties the powder from the pouch onto the cleared space on the desk. He seals the pouch back up and straightens it out removing all the air; this seems like a familiar thing to him and shows his estranged obsessive personality. He then dramatically falls to his knees and squeals in pain he rummages amongst the piles of documents on the floor for a ruler. Eventually he finds it and jumps up back into his seat slouching once again. He gets unnervingly close to the powder and proceeds to arrange it into lines. He then gets so close to it his nose and the powder make contact. He snorts and in goes into his system. As soon as it gets to his system he clutches his head and unleashes a thunderingly painful scream.

Study/Hallway – Early morning around 2am

Once the powder kicks in his grabs a pen and notepad still shaking throughout and halts at the bottom of the stairs the just in the door way to exit the house, he throws on his and flicks his hood up and rushes out the door.

Outside – Early morning around 2am