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5 Most popular Religion.

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Travel Religions D A T E I S S U E D 5 / 2 9 / 0 9 V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 1


I N T E R E S T :

The oldest mono-

theistic religion is

Judaism . It was

found in 1943 B.C

The youngest mono-

theistic religion is

Islam. Islam believ-

ers are called Mus-


The oldest religion

is Hinduism. Hindus

believe in multiple


The most peaceful

religion is Bud-

dhism. Buddhist

don’t believe in a


Christianity has the

most believers.

Christians follow by

the bible.

Inside Article

Pg 2-3. The oldest mono-

theistic Religion

Pg 4-5. The youngest

monotheistic religion

Pg 6-7. Oldest religion

Pg 8-9 peaceful religion

Pg 10-11. Most believers.

High believers of the world.

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P a g e 2

By: Gabbie, Lucy Syn, Ivelisse

Pg 2-3. The oldest monotheistic Religion.

There are 14 million believers in Judaism. There

are multiple rituals for Judaism.

Pg 4-5. The youngest monotheistic religion.

Muslims follow the Qur’an as a guide book to

life. They worship their god in a Mosque.

Pg 6-7. Oldest religion.

Hinduism believe in multiple gods. The souls of

the Hindus are reborn.

Pg 8-9 peaceful religion.

Buddhism believe in no particular god.

They believe in no violence or harm to

living things.

Pg 10-11. Most believers.

Christianity has over 2 billion believers.

God died for our sins.

Page 2


Lucy,Syn, Gabbie, Ivelisse

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Oldest Monotheistic religion The oldest monotheistic religion is Judaism. The history of this religion goes

all the way back to 1943 B.C. there are about 14 million believers. The geogra-

phy of where Judaism was found in Israel. Israel is kind of like a desert. The be-

liefs of Judaism are very simple. There is only one

god, they believe in. they do their worshipping in the

Synagogue to proceeds their practice of Judaism.

They use both prayer and they study the Old Testa-

ment. In Israel there are many trademarks.

Israel is religious country. This country belief is mostly

Judaism. The founder of Judaism is Abraham. Abra-

ham was known as a prophet sent from God. There

are leaders in this religion. The leaders are known as

rabbis or priest. They were there to help them make

sacrifices and tell them the word God. The time pe-

riod that Judaism was founded in was the time period of Abraham which was

around 1943 BC. So in conclusion Judaism was the first religion founded. This re-

ligion contains 14 million people.

Judaism is mostly founded in Israel. Israel is dry and almost like desert

land. They are located by the Mediterranean Sea, but the Jordan River sepa-

rates Israel from Jordan and Syria. Israel is really not that large but the Judaism

is strong because more than 14 million people believe in that religion. The be-

lievers lived in many places according to the Old Testament. This is because

the Jesus/Hebrews were created in the Garden of Eden. But made God mad

and he sent them out. Then from the line of Adam and Eve, Abraham came

out and they were travelers. The believers now live mostly in Israel but are found

all over the world.

The beliefs of Israel Judaism is that there is are God and he was the crea-

tor of the earth and everyone in it. The people actions to God are that they

obey him and trust in God. The relationship between Judaism’s and there God

The star of David.

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and please him. So in conclusion the beliefs and practices have been

passed down through the history of the Jesus. They have strong beliefs and they

know that what they are doing is right.

The Judaism religion has many practices. They hold their worship in syna-

gogues and they make sacrifices to God. They have certain animals that they can

sacrifice. They can sacrifice balls, lambs, cloves and anything that you won’t really

eat. There are many roles to the religious leaders. There is a priest which makes the

sacrifices and goes to God and produces them. The rabbi preaches and make

sure that the laws are put forth and that the people are following the laws. The

people of the Judaism religion don’t meditate but they pray. When they pray they

make sure that they are free of sin and they want to get close to God. They make

sacrifices for their sins because you can’t go to the God or pray to him Unholy.

There are both Holy days and celebrations are the Tyhte Purim, the Sabbath and

the Passover and many more. The Judaism religious people take the religion seri-

ously and they make sure that the relationship between them and god is Holy and


Judaism is a relayed religion that there are many believers. The Judaism be-

lieves are really impacted in their religion. They are impacted by being so involved

in their religion that that is all they think and do. The religion of Judaism is very

compacted and strict. There are rules and laws that you have to follow. There are

also rules and regulations. There are sacrifices and problems. But most of all there is

faith and trust. The believers put everything they have in their Gods hands. They

put themselves, their family and everything they own. Overall Judaism is religion

that everyone can learn.

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P A G E 5 The Youngest

Monotheistic Religion Islam is the youngest of the three Monotheistic religions. The founder of Islam

is Muhammad. Muhammad is the messenger of the god (Allah). Islam was found in

Saudi Arabia, which is mostly deserts. There are about 1 to 1.8 billion believers in the

religion Islam. Allah is their god. The Qur’an is what the Muslims live by. The

Mosque is where the Muslims practice their worship. You are not allowed to wear

your shoes in there. This religion has many rules.

Islam was found just about 1400 years ago in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Allah is

their one true god. Allah means god in Saudi Arabian. Muhammad is the final prophet.

He was the one who revealed the religion Islam. The followers of Islam are called

Muslims. There is just about 1 to 1.8 billion Muslims. Islam is the second largest re-

ligion in the world.

Saudi Arabia is only one-third the size of the United States. Saudi Arabia is

where the most Muslims live today. In Saudi Arabia is where Islam was started and

created. The population of Saudi Arabia is 27,601,038. The population of Saudi Arabia

has been frequently growing. Saudi Arabia’s lands are mostly rocky and sandy. The

land consists of deserts and semi-arid regions.

The Qur’an is what the Muslims of today follow. Allah, which means god, is

the Muslims one true god. Day of Judgment happens in all of Muslims life one time,

where they will be judge on what kind of life they have lived. The Qur’an has 114

chapters in it. A person who can memorize the Qur’an is called a hafiz. The Muslims

follow multiple practices. There is fasting (where they don’t eat from sun rise to sun

down), predestination (through individuals still have free will, but god predicts what is

next), and Jihad (there are two different types verbal and physical, if you are verbally

coming against Islam they will defend it and if you physically attack the Islam faith

they will protect it).

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Saudi Arabia has multiple pros and cons of the region

Muslims follow multiple Practices. The Mosque is where the Muslims go worship Allah. In

the building, you‘re not allowed to wear your shoes inside of the building. The Mosque is also a place for

the community together. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. When Muhammad was 40, the angel

Gabriel came to him and made revelations. Through the rest of his life, more revelations came to him

and afterwards they put in the Qur’an. There are five pillars, which the Muslims have to follow in their

everyday life. Shanadah means sincerely reciting the Muslim profession of faith. Salat means perform-

ing ritual payers in the proper way 5 times a day. Zakat means paying an alms (or charity) tax to befit

the poor and the needy. Sawm means fasting during the month of Ramadan. Hajj means pilgrimage to

Mecca. The Muslims have strict rules that they have to follow and yet they have the second largest faith

in the world.

The religion Islam and the country where it started, Saudi Arabia are very interesting things.

Always remember that for Muslims that Allah is god. It is the youngest Monotheistic religion. Saudi

Arabia is filled with deserts and

rocky land. The climate gets very

hot there. There is only one true

god Allah. The Qur’an is the way

Muslims live. The Mosque is the

place of worship for the Muslims.

It is not regular churches there is

not any furniture. This religion

is unique and there are more

things you can learn then just

this. The Qur’an

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Oldest religion

Hinduism is the oldest religion. The Brahman is god to the Hinduism. The Hin-

dus Believe in many gods but there is only one eternal god. The Land area of where

Hindu started. India’s population is just about 2,973,190.

India is filled with lots of mountains. There are three

gods for Hindu; Brahma (creates the universe), Vishnu

(preserves the universe), Shiva (destroys the universe).

Brahman is the main god. There is a temple made for

each god. The Hindu’s go to the temple at least once a

day. 82% of India’s population is a believer in Hindu.

There are many gods for Hindu; there are 3 main ones

and multiple little ones. Hindu was created around in

3000 BCE but there is no set date that it was found. It is

the oldest and second most popular religion. Brahman is the main god who created the

universe. There are multiple branches leading off Brahman that the other gods in Hindu

follow. There is no set person who founded Hindu. This religion was one of the first,

so all of the religions have a lot of similarity to that one. Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism

are the most similarities to Hinduism. There are just about 837 million followers of


India is very well known for having the tallest mountain in the world. India’s

lands are filled with many mountains, considering that is where the Himalayas are lo-

cated. Mt. Everest is 29,032 ft tall above sea level. Hinduism started in India. Most of

the believers today live in India, Nepal, Indonesia, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. 13 % of

God Shiva

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the world’s population believes in Hindu. There are just about 1.1 million believers in the U.s of

Hinduism. India is a peninsula. Most of India is surrounded by water. There are many lakes and

rivers in India. India’s population is just about 2,973,190.

Hindu’s do yoga to connect with god.

Hindu’s religion has multiple gods. Brahman is the main

god for Hindu. Brahman means god. Men and women have their

own stages for life. Men have four stages that they go through.

Stage one; they become a student and study from the Vedas from

the ages 8-24. Stage two; becomes householder, holds the wis-

dom and power of the house (can be turned over to eldest son).

Stage three; aging householder/Forest Dweller, they leave their

family to be more committed to Brahman. The women have only

three stages. Stage one; she is a student and learns the teachings of Brahman. Stage two; is the

householder and complements her husband’s duties. Stage three; Forest Dweller can leave with

husband if she desires. There are four different types of yoga, which Hindus do to connect with

god. There is Karma Yoga: path of work, Jnana Yoga: path of knowledge, Raja yoga: path of physi-

cal & mental discipline, Bhakti Yoga: path of love. There are many temples, where Hindus go to

worship their gods.

The souls of the Hindus are reborn. Hindu’s worship in a temple. There are separate tem-

ples for each god. Their rituals are dedicated to three of the gods. They mediate to connect with

their gods. There are 4 different types of meditation. They have several different types of celebra-

tion for Hindus. In the last week in August sees Hindus all over the world celebrating the birthday

of Lord Ganesh called Ganesh Chaturth, just like our Christmas. Hindus have many different prac-

tices different from other religions.

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Peaceful Religion In China, one of the main religions is Buddhism. Buddhism has 376 million people

following the religion of Buddhism. This religion was founded originally in Nepal but

China takes more of the religion in the country. This religion has no God. The Dalai

Lama is the one who the Buddhist follows. Siddhartha Gautama founded this religion of

Buddhism. Meditating and praying is the key to a better life. This religion is a form of

meditation and prayer and acting right.

China was founded by Siddhartha Gautama. The only spiritual leader is the Dalai

Lama and he is a monk and leads the meditation. The Buddhism culture was founded in

500 BCE. The main story of this is that a man named Siddhartha Gautama discovered

that if you meditate and pray a lot then you would receive more in your surroundings.

The Buddhist add things to their surroundings to make the are more peaceful and high

with energy. There will be more peace brought to you as well. In other words, you will

find the path of enlightenment. Therefore, in conclusion, the Buddhist has no personal

god and that they do not center their lives on a personal relationship between god and


The physical layout that is in China is that it is very wet and has many foothills,

mountains, and hills. This area is tropical too but like not as tropical as the Bahamas’.

The numbers of people who follow this religion is 376 million people who are followers of

the Buddhist religion. The population of china is over 1.3 billion people. Their population

keeps growing every day. The Buddhist believers lived in Nepal when the religion first

starts. The believers now live in various parts of the world. Therefore, in conclusion this

religion is in places all over the world.

In the Buddhist religion, they have no personal god. The role of the individual is

the eightfold path to Enlightenment. The relationship between God and an individual is

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nothing since they do not have a God. However, the relationship between an individual and karma is

a different story; the relationship between them is very strong. The Buddhist believes in no violence.

They believe in only doing good in life. The relationship is also close because they both rely on each

because they both need to happen to each side. So in conclusion the people of the Buddhism religion

believe in Karma.

The Buddhist worships at home, in a temple, wherever there is good energy. The titles and

roles of the religious leaders are one the Dalai Lama and he helps the other believers understand the

ways of the enlightenment path. He also helps Buddhist understand the 4 noble truths. They use both

prayer and meditation for their form of worship. They do have holy days one is the weak and it is the

most important festival for the Buddhist. The Buddhist has many forms of worship and many holy

days. They have The New Year is which the first full moon in April. They celebrate the birthdays of

Bodhisattvas. Buddhism has many celebration days.

In conclusion, the people of the Buddhist re-

ligion do not have a God in particular just someone

they follow. Siddhartha Gautama is the one who

found Buddhism. Good energy and meditation can

help the soul with good surroundings. China has lots

of rolling hills, mountains, and it is very wet most of

the time. About 376 million people live in china.

Buddhist believes in the path to Enlightment.

Karma is a big thing for Buddhist. The Buddhist

worship at home or at temples to get a better life.

They pray and meditate to connect and center them



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Most Believers Christianity is the largest religion in all of the five major religions. In this religion, they

believe that there is one God. They believe that he exist three persons: God the Father, God

the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. There are many followers of this religion. This religion has

over 2 billion followers. This religion began over 2000 years ago. Therefore, the religion took

place around 80 BCE. This is the religion has the most followers/believers. The founder of this

religion is that of Jesus’ disciples. Jesus’ disciples consisted of 12 men that were chosen by Je-

sus the Son of God. These men were all followers of Jesus and one of them in the end be-

trayed Jesus to the Romans. The leader of this religion is that of a chosen pastor which are

chosen by God for them to preach the word of God. The roles of these men are to teach the

word of God and save them from eternal damnation. The pastors chose deacons to be under

them and they are chosen to be second in command. The deacons are chosen as caretakers of

the church, to make sure everything is working right, everything is going well, and they handle

issues. This religion began over 2000 years ago. Therefore, the religion took place around 80

BCE. The main story of that is that Jesus came to earth from heaven to save us from sin and

hell. When he came to earth, he preached the gospel and he died on the cross for our sins. So

Jesus came to earth, died and was resurrected all to save us from our sins.

Christianity is mostly founded in Israel. Israel is dry and almost like desert land. They

are located by the Mediterranean Sea, but the Jordan River separates Israel from Jordan and

Syria. The River is like a safe haven to Muslim countries that are surrounding Israel. There are

many followers of this religion. This religion has over 2 billion followers. This religion took

place and started in Israel. This religion was where Jesus was born, died, and was resurrected

in. The believers now are all over the world. This religion is founded in places like Africa,

South America, Europe, Asia, America and many other countries. This religion is the biggest

and the largest religion in the world and they are believed to be the actual religion that is true.

The role of God is the creator of the earth. The roles of God are also that he wanted us

to worship him and praise him. So he mainly created from the beginning and wanted us to

worship him. The role of an individual is to worship and praise. They do this as a form of com-

munication with their God. The relationship between God and an Individual is like a father

son/ daughter thing. The relationship is like this because God mentions us like his family once

you join into the Christian religion. This religion is to be in a close relationship with God and to

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serve NO other God because he is a jealous God and he gets mad when you put another God before


The main place of worship is in a church. They go to the church to a place of worship together.

They also have bible studies where you can observe the bible and know it teachings. They have bible

studies and church so that they can communication and to be able to get closer to their God. The

leader of this religion is that of a chosen pastor which are chosen by God for them to preach the word

of God. The roles of these men are to teach the word of God and save them from eternal damnation.

The pastors chose deacons to be under them and they are chosen to be second in command. The dea-

cons are chosen as caretakers of the church, to make sure everything is working right, everything is

going well, and they handle issues. As there form of worship, they use prayer and worship. The form

of worship they use is with singing, dances and music. They have Easter and Palm Sunday. Sundays are

also known as the Sabbath day of rest since when God created the world in 7 days and rested on the

7th day. This religion consists of many followers and many forms of worship.

Christianity is the most popular religion worldwide. Jesus’ disciples are the founders of Christi-

anity. The religion was found in 80 BCE. Israel is a dry land that is filled with deserts. there is over 2

billion followers in Christianity. the role of god to Christians is that he is the creator of all of life and

everything that is not man made. followers of Christ are to live by the bible. E Christians go to church

to worship god. The pastor carries on with the teaching of the bible. Christianity has many different

types of practicing.

Jesus dying on the cross for our sins.

Page 13: Travel Religions

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