Page 2: Trap instrumentals - dbinstrumentals com

We Gettin It is a crazy ass trap instrumental. I wanted to make something really grimy and aggressive, so the kicks and 808s had to hit HEAVY, and the melody had to sound like something out of a horror film. I had this beat sitting around for a few years, but never finished it. I remembered the piano melody I had laid down and thought it would be perfect. So I opened up the project and got to work. I changed a lot to make it sound more current. I played around with the mix for a couple of hours and ended up sacrificing some clarity to gain that really loud aggressive feel that was popular at the time. I’ve had loads of emails asking me how I killed the drops like that. I won’t give too much away, but take a listen, remember to share, and if you haven’t already subscribe to my YouTube channel to keep updated with new beats.


Page 4: Trap instrumentals - dbinstrumentals com

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