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Great ProsPectsM pw bd xp m ld p d. t d xpg xg fm dmd

icd f ic d ipmt tt t pi pfmc dl, b l mll-fdl. F g mg p m pw d, dmd pd pdd pp. t d fid gdt ipmt mfct, tmti, tc d ipmtdl d p d g , d wg. t sl fMti Pw Tcg t Fw i pig pc wit cg d i cgizd d i pidig t idt wit c id mp.

Key PartnershiPsG Mt d J D ptd wit Fw Cg t ppp d g pgm m dmd f d pl.

aPPrenticeshiP traininGCtid tdpp mt cmpt t i c d -t-j tiig. W -l mp f agll eqpm t, agll eqpmt (J D ag t), a Bd d cll Dmg rp, a Bdrp, am s t, am s t (GM-aseP),h D eqpm t, M Pw t (am), M PwTcici (Di) d Tc d Cc Tcici. If wt t cm pptic, mt d mp w i wiig t ti t j d pid id tdp.

Get unDer the hooD.Cid c i tptti d mti pw tcg. W ctig fm wig fm ipmt d g, di-pwd ctctiipmt, t icig x ic, tpt tc, d cc.

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MoTIve PoWer TeChnICIan (DIesel) -aPPrentice– a 64-week Ontario College Co-op Diploma (Truck & Coach Technician)

Apprenticeship program amalgamating the Ontario College Diploma requirements,

our months o practical, on-the-job co-operative training at a truck and coach

service acility, and the entire Ontario Apprenticeship Truck & Coach Technician

in-school curriculum. This program is designed to give graduates the essential

advanced technical, organizational, interpersonal, administrative and managerial

skills required or the heavy duty service industry. Students will get progressive

and comprehensive learning experiences on internal combustion spark ignition

engines, power trains and modern heavy duty systems. Students will learn howto communicate eectively, diagnose and solve problems logically and undertake

responsible work tasks with a minimum o supervision.

Please note:

* Both the Automotive and Diesel Apprenticeship programs are 64-week programs,

including co-op, and are comprised o an initial 32-week in-school segment,

ollowed by 16-weeks o co-operative work experience and concludes with a nal

16-week in-school segment.

* Participants in the Automotive and Diesel Apprenticeship programs are registered

as a post-secondary student and an apprentice concurrently and pursue both

diploma courses and apprenticeship in-school training in their trade.

* Graduates o the Automotive and Diesel Apprenticeship programs will not only

possess an Ontario College Diploma but will also be granted exemption rom the

entire apprenticeship in-school training in the related skilled trade.

* Graduates will also be in avourable status i they wish to apply or our alternate,

16-week, Motive Power Technician programs. Credit or those courses that

bridge our diploma programs will be granted thereore signicantly reducing the

requirements or this second two-year Ontario College Diploma.


– a 30-week Ontario College Certicate program, which allows students to explorethe eld o technology in urther preparation or technical skills at the college

level. This program will provide students with the skills and academic requirements

necessary or entry into a number o career programs oered at Fanshawe College.

In addition, those students meeting all program requirements with a minimum 70%

average are GUARANTEED admission to a selection o Fanshawe College programs

oered in the Schools o: Transportation and Motive Power, Building Technology,

Applied Sciences and Technology, and at our regional campuses.

MoTIve PoWer TeChnICIan(auToMoTIve) - (aCCeleraTeD)– a 48-week Ontario College Diploma program designed to provide students with

essential advanced technical, organizational, interpersonal, administrative and

managerial skills required or the automotive service industry. Students will receive

progressive and comprehensive learning experiences on internal combustion, spark

ignition engines, power trains and related modern automotive systems. Eective

communication, diagnosing and solving programs logically and how to undertake

responsible work tasks with minimum supervision will also be covered.

MoTIve PoWer TeChnICIan(autoMotive) - aPPrentice– a 64-week Ontario College Co-op Diploma Apprenticeship program amalgamating

the two-year Ontario College Diploma requirements, our months o practical, on-

the-job co-operative training at an automotive service acility, and the entire Ontario

Apprenticeship Automotive Service Technician in school curriculum. This program

is designed to equip graduates with essential advanced technical, organizational,

interpersonal, administrative and managerial skills required or the automotive

service industry. Students will get progressive and comprehensive learning

experiences on internal combustion, spark ignition engines, power trains and related

modern vehicle systems. Eective communication, diagnosing and solving problems

logically and undertaking responsible work tasks with a minimum o supervision are

also integral components o this program.

MoTIve PoWer TeChnICIan (DIesel) -(aCCeleraTeD)– a 48-week, Ontario College Diploma program that will give students the essential

advanced technical, organizational, interpersonal, administrative and managerial

skills required or the heavy duty service industry. Students will receive progressive

and comprehensive learning experiences on internal combustion compression

ignition engines, power trains and related modern heavy duty systems. Eective

communication, diagnosing and solving programs logically and how to undertake

responsible work tasks with minimum supervision will also be covered.

Graduates o the Mot ive Power Technician (Automotive or Diesel) programs are

equipped to work in service, parts, warranty claims, sales, customer relations and

many other industry related positions. *Please note: graduates o Automotive or

Diesel programs will also be in a avourable status i they wish to apply or the

alternate, 16-week diploma option. Credit or those courses that bridge our diploma

programs will be granted, thereore, signicantly reducing the requirements or this

second Ontario College Diploma.


tp dM Pw

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appp PgmApprenticeship programs require an employer/sponsor. The employer must register the apprentice with the Ministry of Training, Colleges andUniversities at 217 York St., Suite 201, London, Ontario, N6A 5P9, 519-675-7788. A typical apprentice might require 600 to 700 hours of classroom time(an eight or ten week block of time each year for three years). This format is called ‘block release’.

aGrICulTural equIPMenTtechnician (bloCk release)– as an agricultural equipment technician, you’ll work on large machinery such as

tractors and harvesting equipment, maintaining, repairing and overhauling engines,

transmissions, hydraulic systems, and electric and electronic systems. Your

communication skills will help as you work with customers and managers and you’ll

be expected to keep up with new technology.

aGrICulTural equIPMenTtechnician - John Deere tech(bloCk release - enhanCeD) – this apprenticeship program requires the sponsorship o a John Deere dealership.

John Deere provides specialized equipment and diagnostic tools and the curriculum

is jointly designed by John Deere and Fanshawe College. Over a 28-month period,

students spend 40 weeks at Fanshawe College in three separate sessions (one

16-week and two 12-week sessions).

auTo boDy anD CollIsIon DaMaGerePairer (branCh I - bloCk release)– working mainly indoors, most oten or a local auto body shop or dealership,

you’ll restore, repair and replace auto body parts and interior nishing. You’ll

assess damage and estimate the cost o repairs. You’ll operate soldering equipmentor use ller to x holes and dents, then prime and paint suraces. Increasingly

complex methods o repairing vehicles means top-notch skills and a commitment to

continued learning are required.

auto BoDy rePairer aPPrentice(branCh II; bloCk release)– you’ll learn about the dierent types o materials used in the construction and

repair o automobiles and gain condence in using the materials and tools available

to repair damaged vehicles, everything rom large-scale structural repair such as

rame straightening to detailed nishes and colour matching.

autoMotive service technician(bloCk release anD Day release)– an automotive service technician diagnoses, repairs and maintains engines and

many electrical and electronic systems in cars, trucks and buses. Some mechanics

choose specialties such as engines and uel systems, electrical and electronic

systems, suspension or brakes.

autoMotive service technician(GM-aseP) (bloCk release - enhanCeD)– this program, which requires the sponsorship o a GM dealership, trains students

in the testing, diagnosis and servicing o General Motors vehicles. You’ll train on

current GM components and products.

heavy DuTy equIPMenT TeChnICIan(bloCk release)– rom everyday maintenance to troubleshooting, overhauling and repairing,

you’ll keep big equipment such as bulldozers, cranes and graders on the job on

construction sites, in the mining and orestry industries or even in modern labs

where they overhaul uel injection systems. You’ll read and understand operating

manuals and service specications and enjoy the challenge o changing technology.

The job can require perorming hard, physical labour in tough conditions.

PluMber (bloCk release)– plumbers install, maintain and repair pipes, xtures and ttings that carry water

and discharge such as sewage and grey water. On the job and in class you’ll learn

to read and interpret drawings and blueprints, plan and lay out a job, and assemble

and test systems. You’ll diagnose and repair problems, and get to know the

Plumbing Code.

sheeT MeTal Worker (bloCk release) – sheet metal workers abricate, assemble, install and repair sheet metal products

such as heating, cooling and ventilation shats, eavestroughs and sheet metal

buildings. They are employed by construction rms, heating and cooling companies

and parts manuacturers. You’ll learn to work with punches and drill presses, sheers

and brakes and with the latest laser or plasma-cutting equipment. You’ll need to

be good with numbers, physically t and comortable working alone or as part o

a team.

trucK anD coach technician(bloCk release)– working in feet maintenance or construction companies, public transit systems

or small repair operations, you’ll learn to troubleshoot and repair engines, power

trains, ignition and electrical systems, brakes, steering, suspension and more. You’ll

also learn about on-the-job saety and environmental regulations aecting the

transportation industry.

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aIrCraFT sTruCTural rePaIrtechnician- is an exciting program now oered at Fanshawe in partnership with Sault College.

On the leading edge o aircrat maintenance, this program gives students the

expertise, knowledge and understanding o both aircrat structural repairs and

manuacturing techniques. Techniques, standards, and practices conorm toguidelines established by aircrat manuacturers and outlined in maintenance and

structural repair manuals. Students will develop skills and knowledge through

extensive hands-on training. Practical experience will be gained by completing 45

to 60 projects associated with aircrat uselages, control suraces, wings, composite

panels, plastics and sealing procedures. Due to industry growth, the curriculum

and training processes have been developed to accommodate the needs o both the

aircrat manuacturing and repair sectors.

Graduates o the Aircrat Structural Repair Technician program can nd careers

in the repair, overhaul and modication o commercial aircrat in Canada.

Program instructors, working together with the on-campus Placement Oce,

have established an excellent employment network, which will help to secure

employment opportunities or uture graduates.

Visit or more inormation.


*Theminimum requirements for admission to all post-secondary programs is an Ontario Secondary School Diploma with courses from theCollege (C), University (U), University/College (U/C) or Open (O) stream or equivalent or mature student with the stated academic requirements.Graduate programs require a College Diploma or University Degree or equivalent. For more information, please visit

Pre-Technology • Minimumrequirementsasstatedabove*

 Aircraft Structural Repair Technician • ApplicantsmustmeetSaultCollege’sadmissionrequirements

Motive Power Technician (Automotive) - (Accelerated) • Minimumrequirementsasstatedabove*

Motive Power Technician (Diesel) - (Accelerated) • Minimumrequirementsasstatedabove*

Motive Power Technician (Automotive) - Apprentice • Minimumrequirementsasstatedabove*

Motive Power Technician (Diesel) - Apprentice • Minimumrequirementsasstatedabove*

Two-year Programs (Co-op Diploma Apprenticeship)

One-Year Program

Two-Year Programs (Diploma)

Program Academic Requirements*


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Fanshawe College reserves the right to make changes to the inormation in this publication without prior notice.

 The 2011-2012 Academic Admission Requirements are provided as a guide only and are subject to change. For more inormation, please reer to our website at

 The College reserves the right to cancel a program, program major or option, or a course, and to change the location and term in which programs/courses are oered

because o insufcient registrations or or other budgetary reasons. Visit or more ino.

 This publication is available in alternative ormats or persons with disabilities. Please contact the Student Success Centre at 519-452-4282.

Printed in Canada. 11/10

Designed and produced by Fanshawe’s Marketing and Corporate Communications department and graduates of Fanshawe College.

