

2016 |TMH| c

a FOCUS on Transport & Logistics publication




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d |TMH| 2016

2016 |TMH| 1

indexgeneral inforMaTion





Wheel Nut 2

Vic’s view 4

Abnormal Loads requirements 28

Axle Mass Load Regulations 30

Border Post Operating Hours 40 / 41

Company Profiles 44 - 49

Cross-border Permit Fees 39

Department of Transport (DoT) 16

Industry Organisations 6 - 13

Industry Organisations - air, sea and rail 14

Licence Fees – Motor Vehicles and Trailers 36 / 37

MerSETA Accredited Training Providers 18 - 27

Toll Fees 31

Truck Stops & One-Stops 145 - 148

Vehicle Operating Costs 42 / 43

Vehicle Registration Procedures 34

Visa Information 38

Weighbridges 32

Quick reference guides:

Light Pick-ups 52

Vans and Passenger Carriers 52 / 53

Mediums, Heavies and Extra-Heavies 63 - 71

Buses and Coaches 120

specificaTion pages:

Light Pick-ups; Vans and Passenger Carriers 54 - 60

Mediums, Heavies and Extra-Heavies 72 - 118

Buses and Coaches 122 - 129

dealersHips lisTings:

Dealerships 131 - 143

Company Profile

Light Pick-ups

Vans and People


Medium, Heavy &

Extra-Heavy Trucks &


Buses and


Trailers, Tyres and


Aero Truck 48 / 49

Afrit 50 / 51

Engen 145 - 148

FAW 72 / 73 131

Ford 54 54 / 55 131

Freightliner 74 133

Fuso 76 / 77 135

Hino 78 - 81 135

Isuzu 45 82 - 87 136

Iveco 56 88 - 91 122 136

MAN 92 - 96 123 137

MAN / Volkswagen 116 / 117 128 143

Mercedes-Benz 98 - 103124 / 125


Powerland 105 139

Powerstar 106 - 108 139

Scania 46 / 47

Tata Trucks and Buses

110 - 114 126 142

Toyota 58 / 60 59 / 60 139

Volvo 129 143

Western Star 118 143



2 |TMH| 2016

If the transport industry was ever

cutthroat, it’s probably more so now with

today’s economic pressures.

This is something I’ll be interested

to revisit in March, when we attend the

annual Econometrix budget conference for

an analysis and report back on the finance

minister’s budget speech.

I heard a radio interview early in January,

where it was suggested that the country is

in for another few months of turmoil. It was

predicted that, by April, something will happen

to change that, and, by November, we should

begin to take to a sunnier path.

It’ll be interesting to see what the finance

minister and the folks from Econometrix

predict. Ever the optimist, I sincerely hope that

a positive scenario will materialise.

The pressure to cut back and act wisely

has been apparent across the board, so we

thank all those companies and individuals

who have stuck with the FOCUS team

and supported the 2016 Transport

Manager’s Handbook. We look forward to

offering a new level of value with future

publications. |focus


keeping On


Follow us twitter @FOCUSmagSA



2016 |TMH| c




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a FOCUS on Transport & Logistics publication

The new MAN TGX ushers in Euro-5 levels of efficiency.


Published monthly by Charmont GlobalUnit 17, Northcliff Office Park, 203 Beyers Naude Drive,

Northcliff, 2195. P O Box 957, Fontainebleau, 2032, South Africa

Tel: 011 782 1070 Fax: 011 782 1073 /0360

ediTorCharleen Clarke

Cell: 083 601 0568email: [email protected]

assisTanT ediTor and projecT ManagerGavin Myers

Cell: 072 877 1605 email: [email protected]

suB-ediTorJeanette Lamont

Cell: 083 447 3616email: [email protected]

journalisTsClaire Rencken

Cell: 082 559 8417email: [email protected]

Thato TinteCell: 081 399 3445

email: [email protected]

TecHnical correspondenTVic Oliver

Cell: 083 267 8437email: [email protected]

puBlisHerTina Monteiro

Cell: 082 568 3181email: [email protected]

adverTising salesMargaret PhillipsonCell: 083 263 0451

email: [email protected]

Gareth SmithCell: 074 113 0329

email: [email protected]

circulaTion ManagerBev Rogers

Cell: 078 230 5063email: [email protected]

design and laYouTNelio da Silva

email: [email protected]

prinTingCamera Press

© Copyright. No articles or photographs may be reproduced, in whole or in part, without specific written permission from

the editor.

Is the Transport Manager’s Handbook

everything you want it to be? Does it

provide all the pertinent information you

need? Are there other topics we should

be including, or something we should

be doing differently? Your feedback

helps us keep the publication at the

high standard you would expect of it!

E-mail [email protected] with any

comments or suggestions, good or

bad, and we’ll make sure the Transport

Manager’s Handbook keeps getting

bigger and better.

You’ll have to excuse me for

opening the 2016 edition

of the Transport Manager’s

Handbook on a glum note.

There’s no denying, after all, that tough times

have gripped the world, the country and the

transport industry, over the past few years.

Political issues are causing a lack

of confidence in the country and the rand

is plummeting to new lows. Investors are

running scared and business confidence is

lowering. All industries are experiencing a

knock-on effect, with transport and logistics

certainly no exception.

The proof is in the pudding; in this

case 2015’s commercial vehicle sales

performance – always a strong indicator of

the health of the economy. While the year

started off optimistically in terms of sales, it

didn’t end off quite as expected, as Vic Oliver

details on page 4.

The cancellation of the Johannesburg

International Motor Show (JIMS) and its

associated Truck & Bus Show was another

issue that highlighted worry in the industry.

Following this announcement, however,

the overwhelming sentiment from local

commercial vehicle original equipment

manufacturers (OEMs) was one of relief …

Many of them took the opportunity to get

their most valued existing and prospective

clients together in one place for a few days

to experience what their respective brands

have to offer in a more practical, high-value

sort of way.

Indeed, it’s no surprise that JIMS has been

re-imagined as the SA Festival of Motoring,

which will not include the Truck & Bus show.

While the vehicle OEMs look for new and

exiting ways to engage with their clientele

– the fleet operators – they too, gauging

from the exchanges I had with some industry

players last year, are having an increasingly

tough time.

c h a r m o n tm e d i a g l o b a l

Times are tough, but 2016 is here – and we can only hope for good things

Gavin Myers


2016 |TMH| 3


keeping On

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4 |TMH| 2016


FOCUS has provided a yearly

truck and bus sales forecast for

the past ten years. The forecasts

have been fairly accurate and

have assisted truck and bus manufacturers

to establish their own sales forecast and

business strategy.

We are living in troubled times, with so

many unknown factors and global financial

and political instability. It has, therefore,

become very difficult to provide an accurate

forecast for the number of new medium,

heavy, extra-heavy trucks and buses that will

be sold in South Africa during 2016.

Most truck and bus manufacturers and

dealers operating in South Africa have a lead

time of approximately four to five months

from the date that they place their orders,

to the date that the vehicles are available for

sale. It is, therefore, extremely important to

get the forecast as accurate as possible; to

ensure that there will be sufficient vehicles

available to meet the market demands

without overstocking.

Looking back at the 2015 market, trucks

and buses sold well during the first and

second quarter of the year. At that time, it

looked very likely that sales would meet the

average industry estimated forecast, but, due

to a slowdown in sales in the third quarter,

many manufacturers have had to readjust

their original sales forecasts.

At the time of writing, the market

indicators reflect a total medium, heavy,

extra-heavy and bus market of 29 000

vehicles for the 2015 market. This is two

thousand vehicles less than the average

industry forecast for the year – which was

estimated to be 31 000 new vehicles sold.

Looking forward, many factors are likely to

slow down the sale of new trucks and buses.

These include:

• There are no clear signs of a sustainable

recovery in the sluggish world economy;

• The government’s announcement of an

expected growth in gross domestic product

(GDP) of only 1,5 percent in 2016. For the

truck and bus market to grow in South

Africa, GDP growth should be in excess of

3,5 percent;

• The government’s plans to reduce spending

on infrastructure in 2016;

• Eskom’s inability to provide an uninterrupted

supply of power for new businesses;

• Student unrest;

• The country’s high rate of unemployment;

• The falling value of the rand;

• The increase in new vehicle prices;

• The reduced potential of operators and

businesses to afford to buy new vehicles.

On the positive side, the political pressure to

provide basic needs such as water, electricity

and sewage infrastructure could see the

government being forced to spend more on

infrastructure to provide these facilities.

The slowdown in the purchase of new

trucks and buses should boost the used-

vehicle market.

Taking the abovementioned comments

into consideration, and reviewing the past

performance of new truck and bus sales in

the country, my 2016 industry forecast for

new medium, heavy, extra-heavy truck and

bus sales is 27 000 units. |focus

How many new trucks and buses are going to be sold next year? Here is our 2016 truck and bus market




One of this country’s most respected commercial vehicle industry authorities, VIC OLIVER has been in this industry for over 50 years. Before joining the focus team, he spent 15 years with Nissan Diesel (now UD Trucks), 11 years with Busaf and seven years with International. Do you have a comment or thought you would like to share based on this column? Visit and have your say!


2016 |TMH| 5

6 |TMH| 2016


insTiTuTe of road TransporT engineers (irTe)

professional Movers’ associaTion (pMa)

The Institute of Road Transport Engineers (IRTE), which was founded in 1944 to encourage skills training and education in road transport engineering, is an influential and international professional body with well over 16 000 individual members worldwide. These members operate and maintain every type of road vehicle – from cars to trucks, buses and coaches.

The society’s purpose is to promote safe, efficient and environmentally sustainable engineering operations to the benefit of society.

The IRTE’s aim is to be the preferred professional body for those engaged in the lifecycle management of systems, facilities, vehicles and equipment, and to be the recognised authority on these matters.

Activities within the IRTE include a full annual speaker programme arranged by the various centres; the creation of working parties and study groups on technical topics to prepare reports for the benefit of members and others engaged in the transport industry; and the opportunity to study proposals for new legislation and then make recommendations to the Department of Transport.

The Professional Movers’ Association (PMA), previously known as the South African Furniture Removers and Warehousemen’s Association (SAFWA), was founded in 1959.

The original objective of the PMA was to give its members a voice in applying for transport permits that were required in those days. The PMA also promoted the sharing of return load facilities among its members. Although the permit system was revoked in 1991, the PMA continued as an accreditation body, setting professional standards for the removal industry.

Today the PMA represents a guarantee of superior service, quality and peace of mind. PMA membership is conditional upon prescribed professional standards and a Code of Ethics. All PMA members have undergone an independent audit to ensure that they comply with the minimum standards set for the industry and as such are issued with an AMOSA (Accredited Movers of South Africa) certificate which can be checked on the PMA website.

Chairman: George HartmanTel: 083 325 2078

Email: [email protected]

Secretary: Andre CilliersTel: 082 903 0410

Email: [email protected]

Treasurer: Jim CampbellTel: 082 377 0058

Email: [email protected]


Physical address:c/o Road Freight Association

Building E1 Isando Business Park

Hulley RoadIsando 1601

Postal address:P O Box 511

Isando 1600

Tel: 011 974 4399Fax: 011 974 4903

Email: [email protected]:

naTional associaTion of auToMoBile ManufacTurers of souTH africa (naaMsa)

NAAMSA has as its principal aim the promotion and protection of the interests of the new motor vehicle manufacturing industry in South Africa. The provisions of the constitution of the association confine eligibility for full membership to companies and organisations representing franchise holders that are marketing motor vehicles in South Africa. NAAMSA is representative for all major manufacturers of new cars, new light commercial vehicles and new medium and heavy trucks and buses in our country, as well as importers and distributors.

Physical address:Building F, Ground Floor

Alenti Office Park457 Witherite Street

The Willows, Ext 820184

Postal address:P O Box 40611

Arcadia 0007

Tel: 012 807 0152/0086Email: [email protected]

2016 |TMH| 7


cHarTered insTiTuTe of logisTics and TransporT of souTH africa (cilTsa)

The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) is the international body for logistics and transport professionals, active in over 30 countries and servicing the interests of more than 30 000 members. Committed to advancing logistics and transport, CILT established a section in South Africa, CILTSA, in December 2002.

MissionTo be recognised as the leading worldwide source and assurance of excellence for logistics and transport professionals.

oBjecTives• To establish and maintain the professional standing of

members for recognition of their superior expertise and ability to create world-class logistics and transport values within their organisations and South Africa at large.

• To support the profession’s transformation by transferring skills to young professionals from formerly disadvantaged communities through mentoring and career development initiatives, in an effort to be inclusive rather than exclusive.

• To promote the study of the science and the art of logistics and transport.

• To cooperate with the education sector and with other professional standard-setting bodies, in keeping with our code of professional conduct.

• To foster investigation and research into the development and improvement of logistics and transport.

• To hold regular meetings, conferences and events on logistics and transport.

• To optimise the use of information technology in logistics and transport.

• To provide professional input to the industry, government and the community.

• To promote safety and security in all modes of transport.

Executive Director: Catherine Larkin

Postal address:P O Box 44945 Linden2104

Tel: 011 789 7327Fax: 011 787 7865Email: [email protected]:

8 |TMH| 2016


reTail MoTor indusTrY organisaTion (rMi)

The Retail Motor Industry Organisation (RMI) is the largest employers’ and business representative organisation in the South African retail motor industry – with 7 500 member establishments representing all sectors of the retail motor industry as well as the vehicle bodybuilding and component manufacturing sectors. The RMI is a registered employers’ organisation in terms of the Labour Relations Act and is the largest employer party to the Motor Industry Bargaining Council (MIBCO), where the Collective Labour Agreement for the industry is negotiated with the trade union parties to the Council, as well as promoting and implementing training initiatives through the MerSETA/W&R Seta.

Whereas members of the RMI are all employers, their business activities are varied and cover the entire spectrum of the retail motor industry and the component manufacturing and vehicle bodybuilding sectors. The business interests of RMI members are served by the organisation’s Constituent Trade Associations that represent the various industry sectors. The spectrum of business activities and interests represented by the RMI, as evidenced by the large number of Constituent Associations, is an indication of the wide diversity of activities in the automotive retail sector.

oBjecTives• To promote, protect and encourage the interests of members and the motoring

public by setting and maintaining proper standards of accreditation service and ethical trading conditions in the industry.

• To facilitate the settlement of disputes between members and their employees, by conciliation/mediation/arbitration.

• To facilitate the settlement of disputes between members and the motoring public, by mediation.

• To regulate relations between members, their employees and/or trade unions, and protect and further the interests of members in that regard.

• To promote, support or oppose when necessary any proposal, legislature or other measure affecting the interests of members.

• To participate in the affairs of affiliated bodies, sharing common interests with RMI members, such as AA, AIDC, AMID, NAAMSA, NAACAM, SABS, dti, BUSA, Nedlac, DoT, MIDC, SAIA, SAPIA, and banking institutions.

• To maintain a high standard of business ethics and service delivery to the motoring public by members of the RMI and, where necessary, provide upliftment programmes to improve the knowledge and professionalism of members.

• Development of the informal sector through enterprise development initiatives.

MeMBer associaTionsACRA (Automotive Component Remanufacturers’ Association); ERA (Engine Remanufacturers’ Association); MDA (Motorcycle Dealers’ Association); MIMA (Motor Industry Manufacturers’ Association); MIWA (Motor Industry Workshop Association); MPEA (Motor Parts and Equipment Association); NADA (National Automobile Dealers’ Association); NAZA (Number Plate Association of South Africa); NVTA (National Vehicle Testing Association); RMITA (RMI Towing Association); SADFIA (South African Diesel Fuel Injection Association); SAPRA (South African Petroleum Retailers’ Association); SAMBRA (South African Motor Body Repairers’ Association); SAVABA (South African Vehicle and Body Builders’ Association); TDAFA (Tyre Dealers’ and Fitment Association).

Postal address:P O Box 2940

Randburg 2125

Tel: 011 886 6300Fax: 086 545 1343


souTH african express parcel associaTion (saepa)

The South African Express Parcel Association (SAEPA) is a strong representative voice on matters of legislation, regulation, practice and procedures pertaining to the express parcel industry. The main objective of the association is to advance the interests of the express parcel industry in South Africa to benefit consumers, service providers and the national economy. The association numbers over 100 member companies, including most of the major players in the industry, as well as smaller and independent operators.

Clearwater Office ParkBlock E

Cnr Atlas and Park StreetsBoksburg

Tel: 011 395 1349Email: [email protected]


2016 |TMH| 9


souTH african veHicle and BodYBuilders’ associaTion (savaBa)

federaTion of easT and souTHern african road TransporT associaTions (fesarTa)

The South African Vehicle and Bodybuilders’ Association (SAVABA), a constituent trade association of the Retail Motor Industry Organisation (RMI), represents manufacturers of truck and bus bodies, heavy-duty trailers and special-application vehicles for the transport industry.

In the intensely competitive modern business environment, today’s motor industry entrepreneur requires professional, efficient support and infrastructure that meets, and even anticipates, his or her needs. SAVABA can fill that role through a variety of products and services including: Extensive liaison on behalf of members with the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) and National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications (NRCS); representation on the Customs and VAT Enforcement Caucus on issues such as the importation of goods that could negatively impact on the South African vehicle and bodybuilding industry; networking with various local and international bodies on issues that might improve the local market; close liaison with the National Vehicle Testing Association on legislative issues of mutual interest.

SAVABA has a vote at the National Department of Transport’s Vehicle Technical Committee (VTC), a forum that makes a recommendation to change legislation. SAVABA has implemented a training strategy, with a five-year plan. SAVABA members are graded, which means they maintain their accreditation requirements.

vision• To promote the common interests of the National Road Transport Association (NRTA)

members; being to improve the stature, efficiency and competitiveness of the road transport operating industry and the stature and sustainability of the NRTAs, in the east and southern African region.

• To act as the regional association that represents and provides services to the majority of the road transporters in east and southern Africa, through the National Road Transport Associations (NRTAs) and, in so doing, strengthen the NRTAs.

• To participate fully in regional east and southern African transport activities, led by the Regional Economic Communities (RECs), the TradeMarks and International Cooperating Partners (ICPs), so increasing the efficiency of road transport, promoting intraregional trade and enhancing the competitiveness of the region in the global arena.

oBjecTives• Actively support the member National Road Transport Associations (NRTAs),

strengthening the less-developed NRTAs and encouraging the formation of NRTAs in countries where none exist;

• Seek and enrol membership of large companies as corporate members and provide services to these members in accordance with their requirements;

• Develop and annually produce a Road Transport Corridor Handbook for members and other interested stakeholders;

• Source and manage information relevant to the road transport industry and disseminate it to the NRTAs and other interested stakeholders, through e-mails, the FESARTA website and the Road Transport Corridor Handbook;

• Identify the leading problem issues faced by road transporters along the corridors in east and southern Africa and, through the RECs and other regional and national structures, try to find solutions to the problems;

• Stage an annual Road Transport Forum to workshop and agree on solutions to the leading problem issues faced by road transporters;

• In cooperation with the NRTAs, participate in road safety projects which include driver training, driver health, the prevention of hijacking, the setting up of truck stops/wellness centres and the prevention and containment of the spread of HIV/Aids and other communicable diseases;

• In cooperation with the NRTAs, participate in self-regulation projects which encourage consignees, road transporters and consignors to professionally manage their operations in the best interests of themselves and their countries;

• Actively propose, promote, support or oppose, as may be deemed expedient, legislative or other measures to improve the efficiency of regional road transport services, through appropriate national and regional channels;

• Encourage the settlement of disputes by conciliatory methods;• Cooperate or affiliate with any other body, group or person having objectives similar to

those of FESARTA; and• Do all other lawful things as may appear to be in the interest of road transportation in

general and the NRTAs in particular.

Physical address:300 Surrey Avenue

Surrey Square Office ParkFerndale


Postal address:P O Box 2940


Tel: 011 886 6300Fax: 086 545 1343

Email: [email protected] Website:

Physical address:96 Main Road R55

Crowthorne AH Midrand


Port Elizabeth Office:10 Marchant Way

TaybankPort Elizabeth


Postal address:P O Box 70202


Tel/Fax: 041 360 1335Cell: 078 468 7118

10 |TMH| 2016


road freigHT associaTion (rfa)

The Road Freight Association was established in 1975 to support its members who are, mainly, road freight service providers. It is a facilitating body that influences the state of the industry, rates, upkeep of the road infrastructure, road safety, freight security, driver interests, cross-border transport, development funding for emerging operations, education, health, the fuel price, law enforcement, labour relations and many other issues related to road freight transport.

The Association’s member companies include small and medium-sized trucking companies, including many family owned businesses, owner operators, as well as most of the largest trucking companies in South Africa. RFA members come from all sectors of the trucking industry. Reward carriers and private carriers also belong to the RFA. Furthermore, the RFA’s membership includes a significant number of “allied trades” – those companies providing goods and services to the trucking industry.

vision• To be the voice of the road freight industry in South Africa.

Mission• Adding value in a sustainable and professional manner to the road freight industry.• Providing a collective voice for industry, thus representing the needs and interests of all

road freight transport operators.• Pooling resources for the road freight transport industry, thus empowering members to

tackle issues that they cannot handle on an individual basis.• Supporting the establishment and growth of small businesses.• Ensuring that the industry is aligned with the value system of the country.• Encouraging the commitment of members to core values and standards.

core values• Independence• Integrity• Professionalism• Respect• Service orientation• Sustainability• Transparency

Physical address:Building E1

Isando Business ParkHulley Road


Postal address:P O Box 511


Tel: 011 974 4399Fax: 011 974 4903

Email: [email protected]:

2016 |TMH| 11


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63462 ZF Commercial Workshop B-Transport Managers Handbook.indd 1 2015/11/05 3:16 PM

12 |TMH| 2016


souTH african inTernaTional Movers’ associaTion (saiMa)

naTional associaTion of auToMoTive coMponenT and allied ManufacTurers (naacaM)

South African International Movers’ Association (SAIMA) was established in 1975. SAIMA comprises two sections: a FIDI (Federation of International Furniture Movers) section which has its headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, and a non-FIDI section.

FIDI section applicants undergo the most stringent certification process in the world of international household removals, and the FAIM (FIDI-Accredited International Mover) quality standard is the highest quality accolade in the industry. The non-FIDI section applications have to go through a local certification process called AMOSA (Accredited Movers of South Africa) which is independently audited.

SAIMA’s membership list comprises the foremost international moving companies in South Africa, while it is also the only international moving association in the country that is recognised worldwide. SAIMA members are committed to the highest quality standards.

NAACAM provides companies with a forum to debate and influence policies for the benefit of the automotive industry as a whole. Other vital services provided to members include the constant updating of members on gazetted matters affecting the motor industry. Members have access to the latest export incentives and potential leads and contacts.

NAACAM will introduce members to – and keep them in constant touch with – government officials who have a direct bearing on the industry. Participation in overseas trade missions and international trade fairs is one of many options available to members. NAACAM also makes members aware of developments regarding the Automotive Production and Development Programme.

Physical address:11th Road


Postal address:P O Box 39510

Bramley 2018

Tel: 011 789 7327/011 787 9127

Fax: 011 887 9005Email: [email protected]

Physical address:First Floor, Kaymac House

53 Harris AvenueIsandovale, Edenvale

Gauteng, 1609

Postal address:P O Box 9558


Tel: 011 392 4060/5748Fax: 086 659 0494

Email: [email protected] or [email protected]


souTHern african Bus operaTors associaTion (saBoa)

SABOA was established in 1980 with the purpose of representing the interest of the bus and coach industry at government and stakeholder levels. SABOA’s activities are guided by the vision of being the credible voice of an inclusive, efficient, sustainable and transforming bus and coach industry – which plays a pivotal role in an integrated transport system through safe, reliable and affordable bus and coach services that add value, and is attractive to its stakeholders.

SABOA plays an important role in the transport policy formulation process and is an active participant on issues that affect the industry. The Association is fully transformed and committed to its lobbying, research, education and member-empowerment activities. Additionally, SABOA has established a sub-committee, Coach Operators of Southern Africa (COASA), to represent the interests of its members that specifically service the South African tourist industry.

Physical address:The Pivot, Building B, 2nd Floor

Monte Casino BoulevardFourways


Postal address:Postnet Suite 393Private Bag X033


Tel: 011 511 7641/1454Fax: 011 511 0007/1769

Email: [email protected]:

2016 |TMH| 13


Business uniTY souTH africa (Busa)

Business Unity South Africa (BUSA) enables organised business to play a constructive role within the context of South Africa’s economic growth, development and transformation goals, by achieving an environment in which businesses of all sizes and in all sectors can thrive, expand and be competitive, both nationally and internationally, to the benefit of the South African economy as a whole.

THis oBjecTive iT MaY acHieve BY:• promoting South Africa as a preferred business destination domestically and

internationally;• promoting the development of an economic and social system based on the principles of

justice, a market oriented economy, individual entrepreneurship and equal opportunities;• enhancing, supporting and developing the role of small and medium business

enterprises in all sectors and to the development of linkages between large, medium and small businesses, to the benefit of the economy as a whole;

• advancing and promoting initiatives aimed at job creation and the alleviation of poverty;• act as the principal representative of business in South Africa and represent its

members in its national, sub-continental, continental and international spheres of activity, so as to ensure a primary and consistent representation of the views of the South African business community;

• lobby and advocate agreed upon positions, policies and legislation in the interests of members and in accordance with the objects of the company; and

• advance and promote transformation in the context of business in South Africa and to fulfil the objects of the company in a manner that promotes the full spectrum of South African business and facilitates the role of business in addressing the socio-economic challenges present in South Africa.

Internationally, BUSA is a member of the International Organisation of Employers, the Pan-African Employers’ Confederation (PEC) and the Southern African Development Community Employers’ Group. BUSA is also the official representative of business within the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the African Union Social Affairs Commission, the B20, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the World Trade Organisation (WTO).

Physical address:Unit FFN09

Block 9Bentley Office Park

80 Bevan RoadCnr Rivonia and Wessels Roads


Postal address:P O Box 652807


Tel: 011 784 8000Fax: 086 609 8248

Email: [email protected]:

14 |TMH| 2016


air, sea and rail organisaTional conTacT deTails

air Traffic and navigaTion services (aTns)

Physical address: Eastgate Office Park Block C South Boulevard Road Bruma Postal address: Private Bag X15 Kempton Park 1620Tel: 011 607 1000Fax: 011 607 1570Email: [email protected] Website:

coMMercial aviaTion associaTion of souTHern africa (caasa)

Physical address: CAASA House Gate 9 Lanseria International AirportPostal address: P O Box 658 Lanseria 1748Tel: 011 659 2345/8Fax: 011 701 2536Email: [email protected]:

inTernaTional air TransporT associaTion (iaTa)

Physical address: Sandown Mews East Block Ground Floor 88 Stella Street Sandown Postal address: PostNet Suite 970 Private Bag X9 Benmore 2010Tel: 011 844 6015 Email: [email protected] Website:

s.a. civil aviaTion auTHoriTY (sacaa)

Physical address: Ikhaya Lokundiza Building 16 Treur Close Waterfall Park Bekker Street Midrand Postal address: Private Bag X73 Halfway House 1685Tel: 011 545 1000Fax: 011 545 1455Email: [email protected]:

THe porTs regulaTor

Physical address: Suite 1101 The Marine 22 Dorothy Nyembe Street DurbanPostal address: Private Bag X54322 Durban 4000 Tel: 031 365 7800Fax: 031 365 7858Email: [email protected] Website:

souTH african MariTiMe safeTY auTHoriTY (saMsa)

Physical address: 146 Lunnon Road Hillcrest PretoriaPostal address: P O Box 13186 Hatfield 0028Tel: 012 366 2600Fax: 012 366 2601Email: [email protected] Website:

passenger rail agencY of souTH africa (prasa)

Physical address: 1040 Burnett Street Prasa House Hatfield PretoriaPostal address: Private Bag X101 Braamfontein 2017Tel: 012 748 7000/4Website:

souTH african TourisM service associaTion (saTsa)

Physical address: 3rd Floor Petrob House 343 Surrey Avenue Ferndale RandburgPostal address: P O Box 900 Ferndale 2160Tel: 086 127 2872

011 886 9996Fax: 011 886 7557Email: [email protected] Website:

2016 |TMH| 15

You’re not buying this.

Filename 116692 Scania SA You're Not Buying This_Tipper Truck Ad V5

Size 297x210 Operator SMPage No 1 Modified 19 May 2015 12:45 PM

What you’re buying is so much more than a truck. It’s a

commitment. A partnership.

A whole solution designed and built around the working

life of a vehicle, where Total Operating Economy is more

important than just the initial purchase cost.

Uptime is crucial. If the vehicle is not working, it’s not

generating income. That is why the highest levels of

reliability and durability are built into every model in our

extensive range.

As a one-stop shop, the complete vehicle is also supported

by one of the most proficient service networks in SA.

Offering the greatest availability of parts and assistance,

whenever and wherever you need it.

Payload is the next big thing. We have engineered our

trucks to be the lightest yet strongest they can be. This is

the key to offering the greatest payloads on the market.

And then there’s the fluctuating cost of fuel. With Scania

you can be confident that you are operating one of the

most fuel efficient vehicles on the market. We can proudly

say that this has been the case for decades.

Adding all this up, also taking the cost of R&M, finance,

insurance and residual values into consideration, you will

understand why we focus on total operating economy.

So if you’re just buying trucks, we’re probably not the

supplier for you. But if you’re buying a partnership,

a commitment, a total construction solution, then we

should talk.

There is a better way.

116692 Scania SA You're Not Buying This_Tipper Truck Ad V5.indd 1 21/05/2015 15:17

16 |TMH| 2016


deparTMenT of TransporT (doT)

MinisTer of TransporT

Dipuo PetersPretoriaPrivate Bag X193Pretoria, 0001Tel: 012 309 3000Email: [email protected]

Cape TownPrivate Bag X9129Cape Town, 8000Tel: 021 465 7260/469 6000Email: [email protected]

provincial Mecs of TransporT

Eastern CapeWeziwe TikanaPrivate Bag X0023Bisho, 5605Tel: 043 604 7400/14Email: [email protected]

Free StateButana KomphelaP O Box 119Bloemfontein, 9300Tel: 051 409 8849Email: [email protected]

GautengIsmail VadiPrivate Bag X83Marshalltown, 2107Tel: 011 355 7500Email: [email protected]

KwaZulu-NatalThembinkosi Willis MchunuPrivate Bag X9043Pietermaritzburg, 3200Tel: 033 342 2626Email: [email protected]

LimpopoMapula Mokaba PhukwanaPrivate Bag X9491Polokwane, 0700Tel: 015 295 1015Email: [email protected]

MpumalangaDumisile NhlengethwaPrivate Bag X11310Nelspruit, 1200Tel: 013 766 6811Email: [email protected]

Director: Contracts and Subsidy ManagementLesiba MananelaTel: 012 309 3639Email: [email protected]

road Traffic ManageMenT corporaTion

Information TechnologyPhindile RanugaTel: 012 999 5361Email: [email protected]

Legal Chief Director ServiceAdvocate Adam MasombukaTel: 012 309 3289Email: [email protected]

Chief Director: Integrated Infrastructure and Network DevelopmentBulelani DidizaTel: 012 309 3000Direct: 012 309 3072Email: [email protected]

Road Safety Education and CampaignsMpho MokhantsoTel: 012 999 5090Email: [email protected]

Law EnforcementNontsikelelo JolinganaTel: 012 999 5397Email: [email protected]

Research and DevelopmentDeon RouxTel: 021 999 5298Email: [email protected]

Marketing and CommunicationRefilwe MongaleTel: 012 999 5353Email: [email protected]

oTHer conTacTs

Information CentreTel: 012 309 3000Email: [email protected]

National Traffic Call Centre (NTCC)Tel: 0861 400 800Commuter hotline: 0861 400 800

Northern CapeMartha BartlettP O Box X1368Kimberley, 8300Tel: 053 839 1700/1719Email: [email protected]

North WestGaoage Oageng MolapisiPrivate Bag X19Mmabatho, 4760Tel: 018 381 9100/018 392 7000Email: [email protected]

Western CapeDonald GrantPrivate Bag x9185Cape Town, 8000Tel: 021 483 2200Email: [email protected]

doT conTacTs in gauTeng

Director GeneralPule SelepeTel: 012 309 3172Email: [email protected]

Acting Director: Communications and MediaSam MonarengTel: 012 309 3970Email: [email protected]

Manager: International RelationsNomsa MaekoTel: 012 309 3000/3451Email: [email protected]

Chief Financial OfficerColins LetsoalosTel: 012 309 3649Email: [email protected]

Chief Director: Internal AuditingRendani MakhadoeTel: 012 309 3220Email: [email protected]

Director: Taxi OperationsBafana MkhwebanbTel: 012 309 3075Email: [email protected]

Chief Director: Rail Transport OperationsJan David de VilliersTel: 012 309 3642Email: [email protected]



t M



bal c


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2016 |TMH| 17

18 |TMH| 2016


ManufacTuring, engineering and relaTed services secTor educaTion and Training auTHoriTY (MerseTa) accrediTed providers

Please note that only those training providers listed by MerSETA as having current accreditation have been listed here. Charmont Media Global cannot be held responsible for inaccurate or untimely information supplied.


Automotive body repairer

Aldabri T/A Institute for Quality 17-QA/ACC/0678/11 17 Ngwelezana Road, Empangeni Rail 031 304 5050

Aldabri 106 T/A Institute for Quality Education, Training & Development (Durban)

17-QA/ACC/0031/11 7 Krishna Lane, Pinetown, Durban 031 702 0473

Belcomec Training 17-QA/ACC/0404/09 Ossie Urban Street, George Industra, George 044 874 0018

Black Eagle Engineering 17-QA/ACC/0289/08 305 Hoose Hafeejee Street, Pietermaritzburg 033 345 8126

BMW South Africa 17-QA/ACC/0004/06 6 Fans du Toit Street, Rosslyn, Pretoria 012 522 3890

Bravosat 159 T/A MBR Training Services17-QA/ACC/0628/11, 17-QA/ACC/0642/11

66 Fasfaat Street, Laboria, Polokwane 015 293 0360

Capricorn FET College (Seshego Campus) 17-QA/ACC/0728/12 1919 Freedom Drive, Seshego, Polokwane 015 223 0006

Central Refinish Training Centre17-QA/ACC/0352/09, 17-QA/ACC/0268/08

Haldon Road, Bloemfontein051 522 2771 / 051 525 2539

False Bay College (Westlake Campus)17-QA/ACC/0310/08, 17-QA/ACC/0093/07

Westlake Drive, Westlake, Cape Town021 701 1340 / 021 003 0600

First Car Care T/A STi Autobody Repairers17-QA/ACC/0121/07, 17-QA/ACC/0078/06

378 Voortrekker Road, Goodwood, Cape Town 021 591 8199

Hibiscus Skills Training College 17-QA/ACC/0566/10 9 Builders Way, Hillcrest 031 566 5070

Industry Training & Consulting17-QA/ACC/0507/10, 17-QA/ACC/0549/10

541 Welthagen Street, Pretoria Gardens, Pretoria012 379 1933 / 012 379 8684

MM Raceway Training Centre 17-QA/ACC/0538/10 55/57 Hull Street, De Beers, Kimberley 044 695 0003

Motheo FET College (Hillside View Campus) 17-QA/ACC/0305/08 Hillside View Campus, Khomo Street, Bloemfontein 051 409 3377

Mpumalanga Regional Training Trust 17-QA/ACC/0510/10 5 Moses Kotani Drive, Ferrobank, Witbank 013 656 0875

Northlink College (Bellville Campus) 17-QA/ACC/0029/06, 17-QA/ACC/0214/07

Sackson Street, Bellville South021 970 9000 / 021 951 2231

Automotive electrician

Anglo American Platinum Corporation T/A Engineering Skills Training Centre

17-QA/ACC/0544/10, 17-QA/ACC/0309/08

Ward Street, Randfontein 011 411 6744

BMW South Africa 17-QA/ACC/0004/06 6 Frans du Toit Street, Rosslyn, Pretoria 012 522 3890

College of Cape Town (Athlone Campus) 17-QA/ACC/0287/08 Cnr Protea & Eland Streets, Athlone, Cape Town 021 637 9183

Colliery Training College17-QA/ACC/0306/08, 17-QA/ACC/0171/07

Cnr OR Tambo & Stevenson Streets, Witbank 013 692 3121

Dawson’s Training Academy 17-QA/ACC/0146/07, 17-QA/ACC/0220/07

3a Walkers Lane, Greyville, Durban 031 309 1532

Ford Motor Company of Southern Africa (Struandale Engine Plant)

17-QA/ACC/0349/09 Struanway, Struandale, Port Elizabeth 041 406 7281

Ikhaya Fundisa Techniskills Academy17-QA/ACC/0374/09, 17-QA/ACC/0323/08

Cnr Main Reef & Dobsonville Roads, Roodepoort 011 472 3443

Imperial Technical Training Academy (Blackheath)17-QA/ACC/0344/08, 17-QA/ACC/0107/07

Unit 114/5, Mega Park, 15 Mill Street, Bellville South Industrial, Cape Town021 951 2903 /


Imperial Technical Training Academy (Wadeville) 17-QA/ACC/0107/12 Cnr Osborn & Dekema Streets, Wadeville 011 255 4164

McCarthy Academy Cape Town (Blackheath)17-QA/ACC/0014/06, 17-QA/ACC/0054/06

Unit 8-9b, Saxenberg Business Park, Barlinka Road, Blackheath, Cape Town 021 905 7997

McCarthy Automotive Artisan Academy (Midrand)17-QA/ACC/0014/06, 17-QA/ACC/0054/06

Unit 3/4 Sage Corporate Business Park South, Cnr Suni Avenue & Tsessebe Crescent, Randjiesfontein, Midrand

011 314 8775

Mercedes-Benz South Africa (East London Plant)17-QA/ACC/0553/10, 17-QA/ACC/0005/06

Technical Training & Assessment Centre, 7 Settlers Way, Gately Industrial Township, Gate 10, G Site, East London

043 706 2561

Mutual Construction Company T/A Eqstra Technical Training Academy

17-QA/ACC/0431/09, 17-QA/ACC/0389/09

Building C5, Denel North, Atlas Road, Kempton Park 011 927 4541

Northlink College (Bellville Campus)17-QA/ACC/0029/06, 17-QA/ACC/0214/07

Sackson Street, Bellville South021 970 9000 / 021 951 2231

Putco Limited T/A Putco Technical Training Academy 17-QA/ACC/0579/11 1 Minerva Road, Lea Glen, Roodepoort 011 858 4800

Qualitas Training 17-QA/ACC/0169/07 Unit 4, London Lane, Park Central, Selby, Johannesburg 011 493 6556

Safika Oosthuizens Transport T/A Safika Oosthuizens Training Institute

17-QA/ACC/0582/11, 17-QA/ACC/0602/11

1 Havenga Street, Ermelo 013 246 2095

Service Corps T/A Works Training School 17-QA/ACC/0239/08 352 JR Farm, Elandsfontein, Pretoria West 012 355 0010

The Automobile Association of South Africa T/A AA Training Academy (Montague Gardens)

17-QA/ACC/0345/08, 17-QA/ACC/0023/06

Unit 4, Kiara Square, Esso Road, Montague Gardens, Cape Town 021 552 6167

The Automobile Association of South Africa T/A AA Training Academy (Midrand)

17-QA/ACC/0023/06Unit A, Alpen Square West, Cnr George Road & 15th Street, Randjies Park Ext 16, Midrand

011 347 9300

Volkswagen of South Africa - Technical Learning Academy

17-QA/ACC/0095/07, 17-QA/ACC/0101/07

VWSA B-plant, Kelvin Street, Uitenhage 041 994 4552

Automotive engine fitter

The Automobile Association of South Africa T/A AA Training Academy (Midrand)

17-QA/ACC/0023/06Unit A, Alpen Square West, Cnr George Road & 15th Street, Randjies Park Ext 16, Midrand

011 347 9300

2016 |TMH| 19


Automotive mechanist

Grundy S A T/A Remtec Manufacturing17-QA/ACC/0499/10, 17-QA/ACC/0390/09

Cnr Lindsay & Colas Roads, Korsten, Port Elizabeth 041 403 1307

Diesel fitter

JTK Marine & General Engineering Training Academy 17-QA/ACC/0721/12 130 Victoria Road, Woodstock, Cape Town 021 447 8144

Northlink College (Bellville Campus) 17-QA/ACC/0214/07 Sackson Street, Bellville South 021 951 2231

Shukela Training Centre 17-QA/ACC/0145/07, 17-QA/ACC/0071/06

31 Sugar Mill Way, Mount Edgecombe, Durban 031 508 7700

The Ashleigh Erin Foundation T/A Ithemba Institute of Technology

17-QA/ACC/0386/09 176 Thamagane Street, Tladi, Soweto 011 930 5307

The Automobile Association of South Africa T/A AA Training Academy (Midrand)

17-QA/ACC/0023/06Unit A, Alpen Square West, Cnr George Road & 15th Street, Randjies Park Ext 16, Midrand

011 347 9300

Diesel fuel injection mechanic

Archman Power Diesels 17-QA/ACC/0313/08 4 Reier Street, Okavango Industrial Area, Brackenveldt 021 982 1238

Midas Group T/A Parts Incorporated Africa 17-QA/ACC/0526/10 294 Brickfield Road, Meadowdale, Johannesburg 011 879 6230

Diesel mechanic

Adcorp Technical Training17-QA/ACC/0243/08, 17-QA/ACC/0259/08

President Steyn Gold Mine 1, Welkom 057 391 9300

Anglo American Platinum Corporation T/A Engineering Skills Training Centre

17-QA/ACC/0544/10, 17-QA/ACC/0309/08

Ward Street, Randfontein 011 411 6744

Blue Horison Properties 53 T/A Durnacol Skills Innovation Hub

17-QA/ACC/0695/12 1 Willow Street, Durnacol 034 622 5040

City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality T/A Tshwane Leadership & Management Academy

17-QA/ACC/0577/10 11 Staatsartillerie Avenue, Pretoria 012 358 0054

Clein’s Technical Training Centre 17-QA/ACC/0094/07, 17-QA/ACC/0008/06

Plaas Weltevreden, Plot 455, Nelspruit 013 745 7375

Colliery Training College17-QA/ACC/0306/08, 17-QA/ACC/0171/07

Cnr OR Tambo & Stevenson Streets, Witbank 013 692 3121

Entrepreneurial Development Academy T/A EDA 17-QA/ACC/0353/09 12a Swartgoud Steet, Ridgeway, Johannesburg 011 680 9183

Esayidi FET College (Port Shepstone Campus)17-QA/ACC/0343/08, 17-QA/ACC/0340/08

2 Hillside Crescent, Oslo Beach039 685 4824

/ 5

Ikaheng HR Services T/A Ikaheng Technical Training Centre

17-QA/ACC/0140/07 55 Forge Road, Spartan 011 394 4141

Ikhaya Fundisa Techniskills Academy 17-QA/ACC/0323/08 Cnr Main Reef & Dobsonville Roads, Roodepoort011 472 3443

/ 6

Imperial Technical Training Academy (Belville South)17-QA/ACC/0344/08, 17-QA/ACC/0107/07

Unit 114/5, Mega Park, 15 Mill Street, Bellville South Industrial, Cape Town 021 951 2903

Imperial Technical Training Academy (Germiston) 17-QA/ACC/0107/07 16 Dakota Crescent, Airport Park, Extension 4, Germiston 011 824 4290

Imperial Technical Training Academy (Wadeville) 17-QA/ACC/0107/12 Cnr Osborn & Dekema Streets, Wadeville 011 255 4164

Itumele Bus Lines T/A Interstate Bus Lines 17-QA/ACC/0403/09 36 McGregor Road, Bloemfontein 051 448 4951

JMC Technical Training 17-QA/ACC/0295/08 Plot 25, 11th Avenue, Kelly’s View, Bloemfontein 051 523 3625

KwaZulu Automotive Training Services 17-QA/ACC/0470/11, 17-QA/ACC/0099/07

5 Rapson Road, Northdene, Durban 031 708 5800

Maluti FET College 17-QA/ACC/0375/09 Bolata Road, Phuthaditjhaba 058 713 1330


We offer economical reliable proven engine protection & fleet management systems to all sectors of the commercial transport and mining industry. Our experience and knowledge in the market has enabled us to widen our horizons. With our dedicated staff we have added suitable products to become a one-stop management company.


mineSAFE fleetSAFE powerPRO trackFUEL

Address : 2 Chloor Street Alrode Gauteng I Tel : +27 11 908 5690 I E-mail : [email protected]



We offer economical reliable proven engine protection & fleet management systems to all sectors of the commercial transport and mining industry. Our experience and knowledge in the market has enabled us to widen our horizons. With our dedicated staff we have added suitable products to become a one-stop management company.


mineSAFE fleetSAFE powerPRO trackFUEL

Address : 2 Chloor Street Alrode Gauteng I Tel : +27 11 908 5690 I E-mail : [email protected]


We offer economical reliable proven engine protection & fleet management systems to all sectors of the commercial transport and mining industry. Our experience and knowledge in the market has enabled us to widen our horizons. With our dedicated staff we have added suitable products to become a one-stop management company.


mineSAFE fleetSAFE powerPRO trackFUEL

Address : 2 Chloor Street Alrode Gauteng I Tel : +27 11 908 5690 I E-mail : [email protected]


Address : 2 Chloor Street Alrode Gauteng I Tel : +27 11 908 5690 I E-mail : [email protected] MORE INFO ON OUR OTHER PRODUCTS ON OFFER PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE :


20 |TMH| 2016


McCarthy Academy Cape Town (Blackheath)17-QA/ACC/0014/06, 17-QA/ACC/0054/06

Unit 8-9b, Barlinka Road, Saxenberg Business Park, Blackheath, Cape Town 021 905 7997

McCarthy Automotive Artisan Academy (Midrand)17-QA/ACC/0014/06, 17-QA/ACC/0054/06

Unit 3/4, Sage Corporate Business Park South, Cnr Suni Avenue & Tsessebe Crescent, Randjiesfontein, Midrand

011 314 8775

Motheo FET College (Mangaung) 17-QA/ACC/0576/10 Lebona Motsoeneng 11937, Mangaung 051 409 3388

Mutual Construction Company T/A Eqstra Technical Training Academy

17-QA/ACC/0389/09 Building C5, Denel North, Atlas Road, Kempton Park 011 927 4541

NMI - Durban South Motors T/A NMI-DSM Training Centre

17-QA/ACC/0410/09 6 Sprite Place, Westmead, Pinetown 031 792 0797

Northlink College (Bellville Campus) 17-QA/ACC/0214/07 Sackson Street, Bellville South 021 951 2231

Phalabora Mining Company 17-QA/ACC/0508/10, 17-QA/ACC/0512/10

1 Copper Road, Phalabora 015 780 2415

Putco Limited T/A Putco Technical Training Academy 17-QA/ACC/0579/11 1 Minerva Road, Lea Glen, Roodepoort 011 858 4800

Qualitas Training 17-QA/ACC/0169/07 Unit 4, London Lane Park Central, Selby, Johannesburg 011 493 6556

Rankin Training Solutions 17-QA/ACC/0354/09 Unit 21, Wareing Park, 2 Wareing Road, Pinetown 031 702 8447

Raubex Construction T/A Raubex Training Centre 17-QA/ACC/0412/09 Cleveley, Eeufees Road, Bloemfontein 051 406 2000

Safika Oosthuizens Transport 17-QA/ACC/0582/11, 17-QA/ACC/0602/11

1 Havenga Street, Ermelo 013 246 2095

Shukela Training Centre 17-QA/ACC/0145/07, 17-QA/ACC/0071/06

31 Sugar Mill Way, Mount Edgecombe, Durban 031 508 7700

Sol-Tech Opleidingsentrum 17-QA/ACC/0261/08 1154 Malie Street, Booysens, Pretoria 012 664 8923

The Ashleigh Erin Foundation T/A Ithemba Institute of Technology

17-QA/ACC/0386/09 176 Thamagane Street, Tladi, Soweto 011 930 5307

The Automobile Association of South Africa T/A AA Training Academy (Montague Gardens)

17-QA/ACC/0564/10, 17-QA/ACC/0023/06

Unit 4, Kiara Square, Esso Road, Montague Gardens, Cape Town 021 552 6167

The Automobile Association of South Africa T/A AA Training Academy (Midrand)

17-QA/ACC/0023/06Unit A, Alpen Square West, Cnr George Road & 15th Street, Randjies Park Ext 16, Midrand

011 347 9300

Tshwane South College for FET (Centurion Campus) 17-QA/ACC/0025/06 College Avenue, Tek Base, Lyttleton Centurion 012 660 8524

Volkswagen of South Africa - Technical Learning Academy

17-QA/ACC/0095/07 VWSA B-plant, Kelvin Street, Uitenhage 041 994 4552

Welfit Oddy 17-QA/ACC/0363/09 Kurland Road, Perseverance, Port Elizabeth 041 404 6690

Earthmoving equipment mechanic

Anglo American Platinum Corporation T/A Engineering Skills Training Centre

17-QA/ACC/0544/10 Ward Street, Randfontein 011 411 6744

Anglo Gold Ashanti17-QA/ACC/0119/07,17-QA/ACC/0141/07

1 Central Street, Vaal Reef 018 478 6190

Barloworld South Africa T/A Barloworld-Equipment 17-QA/ACC/0082/06 20 Industry Road, Isando 011 301 4026

Bell Equipment Company SA 17-QA/ACC/0148/07,17-QA/ACC/0122/12

22 Kabelkring, Alton, Richards Bay 035 907 9474

Colliery Training College17-QA/ACC/0306/08, 17-QA/ACC/0171/07

Cnr OR Tambo & Stevenson Streets, Witbank 013 692 3121

Evraz Highveld Steel & Vanadium 17-QA/ACC/0381/09 Old Pretoria Road, Witbank 013 690 9385

Grinaker-LTA Mining Contracting17-QA/ACC/0373/09, 17-QA/ACC/0378/09

5 Ronbex Road, Activia Park, Elandsfontein 011 821 1800

Ikhaya Fundisa Techniskills Academy 17-QA/ACC/0374/09 Cnr Main Reef & Dobsonville Roads, Roodepoort 011 472 3443

Komatsu Southern Africa 17-QA/ACC/0421/09 Cnr Diesel & Isando Roads, Isando, Johannesburg 011 923 1345

Mutual Construction Company T/A Eqstra Technical Training Academy

17-QA/ACC/0431/09, 17-QA/ACC/0389/09

Building C5, Denel North, Atlas Road, Kempton Park 011 927 4541

Phalabora Mining Company 17-QA/ACC/0508/10 1 Copper Road, Phalabora 015 780 2415

Electronics equipment mechanician

Battery Electric 17-QA/ACC/0726/12 533 Malcolm Moddie Crescent, Jet Park, Boksburg 011 397 6190

College of Cape Town 17-QA/ACC/0287/08 Pinelands Campus, Jan Smuts Drive, Pinelands, Cape Town021 531 2105 /

6 / 7

Ford Motor Company of Southern Africa (Struandale Engine Plant)

17-QA/ACC/0349/09 Struanway, Struandale, Port Elizabeth 041 406 7281

Goodyear SA 17-QA/ACC/0043/06 Algoa Road, Uitenhage 041 505 5599

Northlink College (Wingfield Campus) 17-QA/ACC/0029/06 Vanguard Drive, Wingfield Navy Base, Goodwood 021 970 9000

Volkswagen of South Africa - Technical Learning Academy

17-QA/ACC/0095/07, 17-QA/ACC/0101/07

VWSA B-plant, Kelvin Street, Uitenhage 041 994 4552

Instrument mechnician

Adcorp Technical Training17-QA/ACC/0243/08, 17-QA/ACC/0259/08

President Steyn Gold Mine 1, Welkom 057 391 9300

Anglo American Platinum Corporation T/A Engineering Skills Training Centre

17-QA/ACC/0544/10, 17-QA/ACC/0309/08

Ward Street, Randfontein 011 411 6744

Colliery Training College17-QA/ACC/0306/08, 17-QA/ACC/0171/07

Cnr OR Tambo & Stevenson Streets, Witbank 013 692 3121

Evraz Highveld Steel & Vanadium17-QA/ACC/0381/09, 17-QA/ACC/0269/08

Old Pretoria Road, Witbank 013 690 9385

Gijima AST Holdings T/A Fundi Training Centre17-QA/ACC/0215/07,17-QA/ACC/0236/08

16 Lancaster Road, Poplar Secure Business Park, Benoni 011 422 2500

Gijima Holdings T/A Industrial Skills Development - Middelburg Training Centre


Off Hendrina Road, Columbus Stainless Premises, Middelburg 013 247 2219

Goodyear South Africa 17-QA/ACC/0043/06 Algoa Road, Uitenhage 041 505 5599

Majuba FET College T/A Newcastle Training Centre 17-QA/ACC/0497/10,17-QA/ACC/0482/10

Cnr Allen & HJ van Eck Streets, Newcastle 034 318 2021

Metal Mining Training Interventions 17-QA/ACC/0471/10 Cnr Dr Mandela & Newton Streets, Middelburg 013 249 4449


2016 |TMH| 21


Samancor Chrome Ltd T/A Khuphuka Training & Development


Hendrina Road, Middelburg 013 249 4695

Sappi Paper & Paper Packaging 17-QA/ACC/0741/12 East Geduld Road, Enstra Springs 011 360 0415

Shukela Training Centre 17-QA/ACC/0145/07,17-QA/ACC/0071/06

31 Sugar Mill Way, Mount Edgecombe, Durban 031 508 7700

South African Breweries Limited - Training Institute17-QA/ACC/0462/10,17-QA/ACC/0392/09

3 Candican Road, Barbeque Downs, Kyalami 011 540 2709

South African Nuclear Energy Corporation - Necsa T/A Nuclear Skills Development - Necsa


Church Street West Extension, Pelindaba, Brits 012 305 3639

Tekmation T/A Tekmation Training Institute 17-QA/ACC/0098/07 Unit 3, Chamberlain Park, Hulett Street, Jacobs, Durban 031 461 1004

Tshwane South College for FET (Pretoria West Campus) 17-QA/ACC/0025/06 150 Industrial Road, Pretoria West 012 660 8524

Umfolozi College FET (Mandeni Campus)17-QA/ACC/0046/06,17-QA/ACC/0288/08

51 Ohara Road, Mandeni 032 456 3626

Machine tool setter

Toyota Academy - Toyota SA Motors 17-QA/ACC/0089/06,17-QA/ACC/0080/06

15 Prospecton Road, Isipingo Beach 031 910 2968

Millwright (electromechanician)

TM Training Initiative (Adcorp Technical Training)17-QA/ACC/0243/08, 17-QA/ACC/0259/08

President Steyn Gold Mine 1, Welkom 057 391 9300

Anglo American Platinum Corporation T/A Engineering Skills Training Centre

17-QA/ACC/0544/10 Ward Street, Randfontein 011 411 6744

Bell Equipment Company SA 17-QA/ACC/0122/07 22 Kabelkring, Alton, Richards Bay 035 907 9340

Blue Horison Properties 53 T/A Durnacol Skills Innovation Hub

17-QA/ACC/0695/12 1 Willow Street, Durnacol 034 622 5040

BMW South Africa 17-QA/ACC/0004/06 6 Frans du Toit Street, Rosslyn, Pretoria 012 522 3890

Evraz Highveld Steel & Vanadium17-QA/ACC/0381/09, 17-QA/ACC/0269/08

Old Pretoria Road, Witbank 013 690 9385

False Bay College (Westlake Campus)17-QA/ACC/0310/08, 17-QA/ACC/0093/07

Westlake Drive, Westlake, Tokai, Cape Town 021 701 1340

Gijima AST Holdings T/A Fundi Training Centre17-QA/ACC/0215/07,17-QA/ACC/0236/08

16 Lancaster Road, Poplar Secure Business Park, Benoni 011 422 2500

Gijima Holdings T/A Industrial Skills Development - Middelburg Training Centre


Off Hendrina Road, Columbus Stainless Premises, Middelburg 013 247 2219

Goodyear SA 17-QA/ACC/0043/06 Algoa Road, Uitenhage 041 505 5599

Grinaker-LTA Mining Contracting17-QA/ACC/0373/09, 17-QA/ACC/0378/09

5 Ronbex Road, Activia Park, Elandsfontein 011 821 1800

Ikhaya Fundisa Techniskills Academy17-QA/ACC/0374/09, 17-QA/ACC/0323/08

Cnr Main Reef & Dobsonville Roads, Roodepoort 011 472 3443

Izizwe Training Centre T/A Simtech Training 17-QA/ACC/0087/06 5-9 Rapson Road, Northdene, Durban 031 708 5685

Majuba FET College T/A Newcastle Training Centre 17-QA/ACC/0497/10,17-QA/ACC/0482/10

Cnr Allen & HJ van Eck Streets, Newcastle 034 318 2021

Mercedes-Benz South Africa (East London Plant)17-QA/ACC/0553/10, 17-QA/ACC/0005/06

Technical Training & Assessment Centre, 7 Settlers Way, Gately Industrial Township, Gate 10, G Site, East London

043 706 2561

Scaw Metals Group T/A Scaw Metals 17-QA/ACC/0654/11 Black Reef Union Junction, Dinwiddie, Germiston 011 621 1571

Shukela Training Centre 17-QA/ACC/0145/07,17-QA/ACC/0071/06

31 Sugar Mill Way, Mount Edgecombe, Durban 031 508 7700

Sol-Tech Opleidingsentrum 17-QA/ACC/0261/08 1154 Malie Street, Booysens, Pretoria 012 664 8923

South African Breweries Limited - Training Institute17-QA/ACC/0462/10, 17-QA/ACC/0392/09

3 Candican Road, Barbeque Downs, Kyalami 011 540 2709


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22 |TMH| 2016


South African Nuclear Energy Corporation - Necsa T/A Nuclear Skills Development - Necsa


Church Street West Extension, Pelindaba, Brits 012 305 3639

Sturrock & Robson T/A Technotrain 17-QA/ACC/0251/08 8 Lathe Street, Isando 011 392 2058

Tekmation T/A Tekmation Training Institute 17-QA/ACC/0098/07 Unit 3, Chamberlain Park, Hulett Street, Jacobs, Durban 031 461 1004

The SAJ Competency Training Institute17-QA/ACC/0055/06, 17-QA/ACC/0102/07

Cnr Dekema & Guthrie Roads, Wadeville, Germiston 011 827 5710

Toyota Academy - Toyota SA Motors 17-QA/ACC/0089/06,17-QA/ACC/0080/06

15 Prospecton Road, Isipingo Beach 031 910 2968

Tshwane South College for FET 17-QA/ACC/0025/06 150 Industrial Road, Pretoria West 012 660 8524

Umbilo Skills Training Centre 17-QA/ACC/0090/07 27 Ely Road, Umbilo, Durban 031 206 0063

Umfolozi College FET 17-QA/ACC/0046/06 Cnr Caboomnek & Via Richardia, Arboretum, Richards Bay 032 456 3626

Volkswagen of South Africa - Technical Learning Academy

17-QA/ACC/0095/07 VWSA B-plant, Kelvin Street, Uitenhage 041 994 4552

Vuselela FET College T/A Matlosana Centre for Artisans & Learnerships

17-QA/ACC/0672/11, 17-QA/ACC/0032/06

No 1 Simmer & Jack, Stilfontein, Klerksdorp 018 484 1152

Welfit Oddy 17-QA/ACC/0363/09 Kurland Road, Perseverance, Port Elizabeth 041 404 6690

World Focus 382 cc T/A Richards Bay Technical Training & Assessment Centre

17-QA/ACC/0033/06 33 Ceramic Curve, Alton, Richards Bay 035 797 3096

Xstrata South Africa T/A Eastern Limb Training Centre 17-QA/ACC/0620/11 91 Ridder Street, Rustenburg 014 596 2206

Xstrata South Africa T/A Xstrata Alloys 17-QA/ACC/0618/11 Xstrata Alloys Eastern Limb Training Centre, R555 Steelpoort Road, Steelpoort 013 230 5127

Motor mechanic

Anglo American Platinum Corporation Ltd T/A Engineering Skills Training Centre

17-QA/ACC/0544/10, 17-QA/ACC/0309/08

Ward Street, Randfontein 011 411 6744

Belcomec Training 17-QA/ACC/0404/09, 17-QA/ACC/0342/08

Ossie Urban Street, Geroge Industria, George 044 874 0018

Blue Horison Properties 53 T/A Durnacol Skills Innovation Hub

17-QA/ACC/0695/12 1 Willow Street, Drunacol 034 622 5040

BMW South Africa 17-QA/ACC/0115/07, 17-QA/ACC/0004/06

6 Frans du Toit Street, Rosslyn, Pretoria 012 522 3890

Boland College (Worcester Campus) 17-QA/ACC/0560/10 Renier Street, Worcester 021 886 7111

Border KEI Training Trust T/A Border Training Centre 17-QA/ACC/0360/09 10 Mfaxa Street, Mdantsane, East London 043 761 2141

City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality T/A Tshwane Leadership & Management Academy

17-QA/ACC/0577/10 11 Staatsartillerie Avenue, Pretoria 012 358 0054

Clein’s Technical Training Centre17-QA/ACC/0094/07,17-QA/ACC/0008/06

Plaas Weltevreden, Plot 445, Nelspruit 013 745 7375

College of Cape Town (Athlone Campus)17-QA/ACC/0217/07,17-QA/ACC/0287/08

Cnr Protea & Eland Streets, Athlone, Cape Town 021 404 6724

Colliery Training College 17-QA/ACC/0171/07 Cnr OR Tambo & Stevenson Streets, Witbank 013 692 3121

Eastcape Midlands College Business Unit 17-QA/ACC/0142/07 42a Cuyler Street, Uitenhage 041 995 2000

Eastcape Training Centre 17-QA/ACC/0009/06 Spondo Road, Struandale, Port Elizabeth 041 456 1616

Entrepreneurial Development Academy T/A EDA 17-QA/ACC/0353/09 12a Swartgoud Steet, Ridgeway, Johannesburg 011 680 9183

Esayidi FET College (Port Shepstone Campus)17-QA/ACC/0343/08,17-QA/ACC/0340/08

2 Hillside Crescent, Oslo Beach 039 685 4825

False Bay College (Westlake Campus) 17-QA/ACC/0093/07 Westlake Drive, Westlake, Tokai, Cape Town 021 003 0600

Ford Motor Company of Southern Africa (Struandale Engine Plant)

17-QA/ACC/0349/09 Struanway, Struandale, Port Elizabeth 041 406 7281

Grundy S A T/A Remtec Manufacturing 17-QA/ACC/0390/09 Cnr Lindsay & Colas Roads, Korsten, Port Elizabeth 041 403 1307

Ikaheng HR Services T/A Ikaheng Technical Training Centre

17-QA/ACC/0140/07, 17-QA/ACC/0118/07

55 Forge Road, Spartan, Kempton Park 011 394 4141

Ikaheng Training & Development 17-QA/ACC/0528/10 164 Tibble Visser, Estorie, Bloemfontein 071 696 4106

Ikhaya Fundisa Techniskills Academy 17-QA/ACC/0374/09 Cnr Main Reef & Dobsonville Roads, Roodepoort 011 472 3443

Imperial Technical Training Academy (Belville South)17-QA/ACC/0344/08, 17-QA/ACC/0107/07

Unit 114/5, Mega Park, 15 Mill Street, Bellville South Industrial, Cape Town 021 951 2903

Imperial Technical Training Academy (Germiston) 17-QA/ACC/0107/07 16 Dakota Crescent, Airport Park, Extension 4, Germiston 011 824 4290

iThemba Labantu Vocational Training Centre 17-QA/ACC/0520/10 Cnr Eisleben & Sheffield Streets, Philippi East, Cape Town 021 371 2814

Jaguar Land Rover South Africa 17-QA/ACC/0441/09 47 Regency Avenue, Route 21 Corporate Park, Irene, Centurion 012 450 4161

JMC Technical Training 17-QA/ACC/0295/08 Plot 25, 11th Avenue, Kelly’s View, Bloemfontein 051 523 3625

KwaZulu Automotive Training Services (Durban)17-QA/ACC/0470/11,17-QA/ACC/0470/10

5 Rapson Road, Northdene, Durban 031 708 5800

KwaZulu Automotive Training Services (Melrose)17-QA/ACC/0480/10,17-QA/ACC/0470/10

Normans Toyota, Cnr Corlett Drive & Melrose Arch, Melrose 011 326 4232

Lovedale Public FET College 17-QA/ACC/0677/11 Gert Goosen Drive, Zwelitsha 041 365 1209

Maluti FET College17-QA/ACC/0361/09,17-QA/ACC/0375/09

Bolata Road, Phuthaditjhaba 058 713 1953

McCarthy Academy Cape Town (Blackheath)17-QA/ACC/0014/06,17-QA/ACC/0054/06

Unit 8-9b, Saxenberg Business Park, Barlinka Road, Blackheath, Cape Town 021 905 7997

McCarthy Automotive Artisan Academy (Midrand)17-QA/ACC/0014/06, 17-QA/ACC/0054/06

Unit 3/4, Sage Corporate Business Park South, Cnr Suni Avenue & Tsessebe Crescent, Randjiesfontein, Midrand

011 314 8775

McCarthy Automotive Artisans Academy (Pinetown)17-QA/ACC/0014/06,17-QA/ACC/0275/08

Unit 16, Palm River Industrial Park, 1 Devon Road, Pinetown 031 709 0514

Mercedes-Benz South Africa (East London Plant) 17-QA/ACC/0005/06Technical Training & Assessment Centre, 7 Settlers Way, Gately Industrial Township, Gate 10, G Site, East London

043 706 2561

Mopani South East FET College 17-QA/ACC/0060/06 Cnr Combretum & Haarlem, Phalaborwa 015 781 5721

Motheo FET College (Hillside View Campus) 17-QA/ACC/0305/08 Hillside View Campus, Khomo Street, Bloemfontein 051 409 3377

Motheo FET College (Mangaung) 17-QA/ACC/0576/10 Lebona Motsoeneng 11937, Mangaung 051 409 3388

Mpumalanga Regional Training Trust T/A MRTT 17-QA/ACC/0510/10 5 Moses Kotani Drive, Ferrobank, Witbank 013 656 0875


SPECIFICATIONSMoffett M2 rangeCapacity 1500kgs @ 600mm load centreLift Height 2200mm

SPECIFICATIONSMoffett M4 rangeCapacity 2000kgs to 2500kgs @ 600mm load centreLift Height 3040mm

SPECIFICATIONSMoffett M5 rangeCapacity 2000kgs to 2500kgs @ 600mm load centreLift Height 3150mm

SPECIFICATIONSMoffett M8 rangeCapacity 2500kgs to 3500kgs @ 600mm load centreLift Height 3040mm

SPECIFICATIONSMoffett M9 rangeCapacity 2700kgs @ 600mm load centreLift Height 3150mmUnladened weight 3100kg

APPLICATIONBeverageFoodWhitegoodsAnimal FeedCatering SuppliesParcel deliveries


Forklifts and friendships for lifeAPPLICATIONBeverageFoodWhitegoodsAnimal FeedCatering SuppliesParcel deliveries

APPLICATIONBuilding materialAnimal feedIndustrial gasTimberScaffoldingTurf

APPLICATIONBuilding materialsAnimal feedAgricultureRoad ManagementRoofingScaffolding

APPLICATIONPoultryBeddingEquine SuppliesAgricultural Supplies

2A Drill Street, Boltania, Krugersdorp, South Africa | Tel: +2711 953 6806/0861 SHAMROCK (74267625) |



to view the full

range and specifications

of The Moffett truck

mounted forklifts on


2016 |TMH| 23


Nissan SA 17-QA/ACC/0525/10, 17-QA/ACC/0604/11

Ernest Oppenheimer Street, Bill Wilson Building, Rosslyn 012 541 3937

Nkangala FET College (Middelburg Skills Campus) 17-QA/ACC/0447/09 2 Jan Heyns Street Cnr Dr Beyers Naude Street, Middelburg 013 243 5524

NMI-Durban South Motors T/A NMI-DSM Training Centre

17-QA/ACC/0410/09 6 Sprite Place, Westmead, Durban 031 792 0797

Northlink College (Bellville Campus)17-QA/ACC/0029/06, 17-QA/ACC/0214/07

Sackson Street, Bellville South 021 970 9000

Qualitas Training 17-QA/ACC/0169/07 Unit 4, London Lane, Park Central, Selby, Johannesburg 011 493 6556

Safika Oosthuizens Transport T/A Safika Oosthuizens Training Institute

17-QA/ACC/0582/11, 17-QA/ACC/0602/11

1 Havenga Street, Ermelo 013 246 2095

Sedibeng Training Centre 17-QA/ACC/0061/06 6 Moshoeshoe Street, Sebokeng 016 988 1350

Service Corps T/A Works Training School 17-QA/ACC/0239/08 352 JR Farm, Elandsfontein, Pretoria West 012 355 0010

Shukela Training Centre 17-QA/ACC/0145/07, 17-QA/ACC/0071/06

31 Sugar Mill Way, Mount Edgecombe 031 508 7700

Sol-Tech Opleidingsentrum 17-QA/ACC/0261/08 1154 Malie Street, Booysens, Pretoria 012 664 8923

South Cape College 17-QA/ACC/0021/06 Tommy Joubert Building South, Cnr Courtenay & Cradock Streets, George 044 884 0359

Summit Auto SA T/A Fury Training Centre17-QA/ACC/0242/08, 17-QA/ACC/0221/07

Cnr Witkoppen & Douglas Road, Fourways, Sandton 011 658 1599

The Automobile Association of South Africa T/A AA Training Academy (Montague Gardens)

17-QA/ACC/0564/10, 17-QA/ACC/0023/06

Unit 4, Kiara Square, Esso Road, Montague Gardens, Cape Town 021 552 6167

The Automobile Association of South Africa T/A AA Training Academy (Midrand)

17-QA/ACC/0192/07, 17-QA/ACC/0023/06

Unit A, Alpen Square West, Cnr George Road & 15th Street, Randjies Park Ext 16, Midrand

011 347 9300

Toyota Academy - Toyota SA Motors (Sandton) 17-QA/ACC/0080/06 Cnr Old Pretoria Road & Spartan Crescent, Wesco Park, Sandton, Johannesburg 011 809 2478

Tshwane South College for FET (Centurion Campus) 17-QA/ACC/0025/06 College Avenue, Tek Base, Lyttleton, Centurioin 012 660 8524

Umfolozi College FET (Sundumbili Campus) 17-QA/ACC/0046/06 Cnr 1325 Ntuthuko & Mkhanya Streets, Sundumbili 032 456 3626

Volkswagen of South Africa - Technical Learning Academy

17-QA/ACC/0095/07, 17-QA/ACC/0101/07

VWSA B-plant, Kelvin Street, Uitenhage 041 994 4552

Vuselela FET College T/A Matlosana Centre for Artisans & Learnerships

17-QA/ACC/0032/06 Simmer & Jack Mine, 2 Shaft, Stilfontein 018 484 1152

Welfit Oddy 17-QA/ACC/0363/09 Kurland Road, Perseverance, Port Elizabeth 041 404 6690

Wilbat Projects 148 17-QA/ACC/0015/06 380 Tara Road, Bluff, Durban 031 902 4240

Motorcycle and scooter mechanic

Bike & Boat T/A Van Der Spuy Bike & Boat 17-QA/ACC/0417/09 26/28 Stevenson Street, Witbank 013 692 5181


SPECIFICATIONSMoffett M2 rangeCapacity 1500kgs @ 600mm load centreLift Height 2200mm

SPECIFICATIONSMoffett M4 rangeCapacity 2000kgs to 2500kgs @ 600mm load centreLift Height 3040mm

SPECIFICATIONSMoffett M5 rangeCapacity 2000kgs to 2500kgs @ 600mm load centreLift Height 3150mm

SPECIFICATIONSMoffett M8 rangeCapacity 2500kgs to 3500kgs @ 600mm load centreLift Height 3040mm

SPECIFICATIONSMoffett M9 rangeCapacity 2700kgs @ 600mm load centreLift Height 3150mmUnladened weight 3100kg

APPLICATIONBeverageFoodWhitegoodsAnimal FeedCatering SuppliesParcel deliveries


Forklifts and friendships for lifeAPPLICATIONBeverageFoodWhitegoodsAnimal FeedCatering SuppliesParcel deliveries

APPLICATIONBuilding materialAnimal feedIndustrial gasTimberScaffoldingTurf

APPLICATIONBuilding materialsAnimal feedAgricultureRoad ManagementRoofingScaffolding

APPLICATIONPoultryBeddingEquine SuppliesAgricultural Supplies

2A Drill Street, Boltania, Krugersdorp, South Africa | Tel: +2711 953 6806/0861 SHAMROCK (74267625) |



to view the full

range and specifications

of The Moffett truck

mounted forklifts on



24 |TMH| 2016


BMW South Africa 17-QA/ACC/0004/06 1 Bavaria Avenue, Randjespark, Midrand 012 522 2491

David Folb T/A Kempton Park Motorcycles 17-QA/ACC/0448/09 7 Albatross Street, Rhodesfield, Kempton Park 011 970 2195

Esayidi FET College (Port Shepstone Campus)17-QA/ACC/0343/08,17-QA/ACC/0340/08

2 Hillside Crescent, Oslo Beach039 685 4824

/ 5

Honda South Africa 17-QA/ACC/0488/10 111 15th Road, Randjespark, Midrand 011 847 9419

Ikaheng HR Services T/A Ikaheng Technical Training Centre

17-QA/ACC/0118/07 55 Forge Road, Spartan, Kempton Park 011 394 4141

Sheetmatal worker

College of Cape Town 17-QA/ACC/0287/08 Thornton Campus, Cnr Cedar & Poplar Roads, Thornton, Cape Town 021 531 9124

Eastcape Training Centre 17-QA/ACC/0009/06 Spondo Road, Struandale, Port Elizabeth 041 456 1616

Ikhaya Fundisa Techniskills Academy 17-QA/ACC/0374/09,17-QA/ACC/0323/08

Cnr Main Reef & Dobsonville Roads, Roodepoort 011 472 3443

Northlink College (Bellville Campus)17-QA/ACC/0029/06,17-QA/ACC/0214/07

Sackson Street, Bellville South021 970 9000 / 021 951 2231

West Coast FET College 17-QA/ACC/0338/08 1 Academy Street, Vredenburg 022 482 1143


Aldabri T/A Institute for Quality 17-QA/ACC/0678/11 17 Ngwelezana Road, Empangeni Rail 031 304 5050

Aldabri 106 T/A Institute for Quality Education, Training & Development (Durban)

17-QA/ACC/0031/11 7 Krishna Lane, Pinetown, Durban 031 702 0473

Belcomec Training 17-QA/ACC/0404/09 Ossie Urban Street, George Industra, George 044 874 0018

Black Eagle Training 17-QA/ACC/0289/08 305 Hoose Hafeejee Street, Pietermaritzburg 033 345 8126

BMW South Africa 17-QA/ACC/0004/06 6 Frans du Toit Street, Rosslyn, Pretoria 012 522 3890

Bravosat 159 cc T/A MBR Training Services17-QA/ACC/0628/11,17-QA/ACC/0642/11

66 Fasfaat Street, Laboria, Polokwane 015 293 0360

Capricorn FET College (Seshego Campus) 17-QA/ACC/0728/12 1919 Freedom Drive, Seshego, Pollokwane 015 223 0006

Central Competent Centre 17-QA/ACC/0765/12 Bohmer School, Haldon Road, Bloemfontein 051 525 2539

Central Refinish Training Centre17-QA/ACC/0352/09,17-QA/ACC/0268/08

Haldon Road, Bloemfontein 051 522 2771

False Bay College (Westlake Campus)17-QA/ACC/0310/08,17-QA/ACC/0093/07

Westlake Drive, Westlake, Cape Town 021 701 1340

First Car Care T/A STi Autobody Repairers 17-QA/ACC/0121/07 378 Voortrekker Road, Goodwood, Cape Town 021 591 8199

Industry Training & Consulting17-QA/ACC/0507/10,17-QA/ACC/0549/10

541 Welthagen Street, Pretoria Gardens, Pretoria012 379 1933 /


MAPC Trading T/A MAPC Training Academy17-QA/ACC/0368/09,17-QA/ACC/0262/08

Cnr Voortrekker Road & 3rd Avenue, Maitland, Cape Town 011 216 0641

Marouns Auto Paint Centre T/A MAPC Training Academy

17-QA/ACC/0348/09 Unit 2, Castle Park, 19a Buro Crescent, Mayville 031 208 3221

MM Raceway Training Centre 17-QA/ACC/0538/10 55/57 Hull Street, De Beers, Kimberley 044 695 0003

Motheo FET College (Hillside View Campus) 17-QA/ACC/0305/08 Hillside View Campus, Khomo Street, Bloemfontein 051 409 3377

Northlink College (Bellville Campus)17-QA/ACC/0029/06,17-QA/ACC/0214/07

Sackson Street, Bellville South 021 970 9000

Tool, jig and die maker

Actom Training Centre 17-QA/ACC/0316/08 2 Magnet Road Cnr Main Reef Road, Knights 011 820 5024

Coastal KZN FET College (Umbilo Campus) 17-QA/ACC/0038/06 1 Jameson Crescent, Congella, Durban 031 274 8440

Dorbyl Automotive Systems 17-QA/ACC/0070/06 20 Bennett Street, Neave Industrial, Port Elizabeth 041 408 6164

Eastcape Midlands College Business Unit 17-QA/ACC/0142/07 42a Cuyler Street, Uitenhage 041 995 2000

Eastcape Training Centre 17-QA/ACC/0009/06 Spondo Road, Struandale, Port Elizabeth 041 456 1616

False Bay College (Westlake Campus) 17-QA/ACC/0310/08 Westlake Drive, Westlake, Cape Town 021 701 1340

Ford Motor Company of Southern Africa (Struandale Engine Plant)

17-QA/ACC/0349/09 Struanway, Struandale, Port Elizabeth 041 406 7281

Gijima AST Holdings T/A Fundi Training Centre17-QA/ACC/0215/07,17-QA/ACC/0236/08

16 Lancaster Road, Poplar Secure Business Park, Benoni 011 422 2500

Izizwe Training Centre T/A Simtech Training 17-QA/ACC/0087/06 5-9 Rapson Road, Northdene, Durban 031 708 5685

Sol-Tech Opleidingsentrum 17-QA/ACC/0261/08 1154 Malie Street, Booysens, Pretoria 012 664 8923

South African Nuclear Energy Corporation - Necsa T/A Nuclear Skills Development - Necsa

17-QA/ACC/0337/08 Church Street West Extension, Pelindaba, Brits 012 305 3639

Sturrock & Robson T/A Technotrain17-QA/ACC/0707/12, 17-QA/ACC/0251/08

8 Lathe Street, Isando 011 392 2058

The SAJ Competency Training Institute 17-QA/ACC/0102/07 2 Sheffield Road Cnr Dekema Road, Wadeville, Germiston 011 827 5710

Toyota Academy - Toyota SA Motors 17-QA/ACC/0089/06,17-QA/ACC/0080/06

15 Prospecton Road, Isipingo Beach 031 910 2968

Umgungundlovu FET College (Plessislaer Campus) 17-QA/ACC/0063/06 FJ Sithole Street, Pietermaritzburg 033 341 2100

Volkswagen of South Africa - Technical Learning Academy

17-QA/ACC/0095/07, 17-QA/ACC/0101/07

VWSA B-plant, Kelvin Street, Uitenhage 041 994 4552

Welfit Oddy 17-QA/ACC/0363/09 Kurland Road, Perseverance, Port Elizabeth 041 404 6690

Tractor mechanic

Ikhaya Fundisa Techniskills Academy 17-QA/ACC/0374/09 Cnr Main Reef & Dobsonville Roads, Roodepoort 011 472 3443

The Automobile Association of South Africa T/A AA Training Academy (Midrand)

17-QA/ACC/0023/06Unit A, Alpen Square West, Cnr George Road & 15th Street, Randjies Park Ext 16, Midrand

011 347 9300


Adcorp Technical Training17-QA/ACC/0243/08, 17-QA/ACC/0259/08

President Steyn Gold Mine 1, Welkom 057 391 9300

Anglo American Platinum Corporation Ltd T/A Engineering Skills Training Centre

17-QA/ACC/0309/08 Ward Street, Randfontein 011 411 6744

Anglo Gold Ashanti 17-QA/ACC/0119/07 1 Central Street, Vaal Reef 018 478 6190


2016 |TMH| 25


Bell Equipment Company SA 17-QA/ACC/0122/07 13-19 Carbonade Cell, Alton, Richards Bay 035 907 9340

Blue Horison Properties 53 T/A Durnacol Skills Innovation Hub

17-QA/ACC/0695/12 1 Willow Street, Durnacol 034 622 5040

BMW South Africa 17-QA/ACC/0004/06 6 Frans du Toit Street, Rosslyn, Pretoria 012 522 3890

Coastal KZN FET College (Umbilo Campus) 17-QA/ACC/0038/06 1 Jameson Crescent, Congella, Durban 031 274 8440

College of Cape Town17-QA/ACC/0287/08, 17-QA/ACC/0217/07

Thornton Campus, Cnr Cedar & Poplar Roads, Thornton, Cape Town 021 531 9124

Colliery Training College17-QA/ACC/0306/08, 17-QA/ACC/0171/07

Cnr OR Tambo & Stevenson Streets, Witbank 013 692 3121

Denel T/A Pretoria Metal Pressings 17-QA/ACC/0636/11 Church Street West Extension, Pretoria West 012 318 1484

Dragon Precision Training Centre 17-QA/ACC/0252/08 217 Loskop Road, Estcourt 036 352 2120

Eastcape Training Centre 17-QA/ACC/0009/06 Spondo Road, Struandale, Port Elizabeth 041 456 1616

Ekurhuleni East College for Further Education & Training (Daveyton Campus)

17-QA/ACC/0034/12 Heald Street, Daveyton 011 730 6600

Ergo Mining T/A Ekurhuleni Business Development Academy

17-QA/ACC/0540/10 Vlakfontein Road, Brakpan 011 742 1051

Evraz Highveld Steel & Vanadium 17-QA/ACC/0381/09 Old Pretoria Road, Witbank 013 690 9385

False Bay College (Westlake Campus)17-QA/ACC/0310/08, 17-QA/ACC/0093/07

Westlake Drive, Westlake, Cape Town021 701 1340 / 021 003 0600

Gijima AST Holdings T/A Fundi Training Centre17-QA/ACC/0215/07,17-QA/ACC/0236/08

16 Lancaster Road, Poplar Secure Business Park, Benoni 011 422 2500

Gijima Holdings T/A Industrial Skills Development - Middelburg Training Centre


Off Hendrina Road, Columbus Stainless Premises, Middelburg 013 247 2219

Goodyear SA 17-QA/ACC/0043/06 Algoa Road, Uitenhage 041 505 5599

Hansing Engineering 17-QA/ACC/0110/07 Camp Street Extension, Saldanha 022 714 4440

Ikhaya Fundisa Techniskills Academy 17-QA/ACC/0374/09 Cnr Main Reef & Dobsonville Roads, Roodepoort 011 472 3443

Izizwe Training Centre T/A Simtech Training 17-QA/ACC/0087/06 5-9 Rapson Road, Northdene, Durban 031 708 5685

JTK Marine & General Engineering Training Academy 17-QA/ACC/0721/12 130 Victoria Road, Woodstock, Cape Town 021 447 8144

Kupferberg Machine & Heat Treat Shop 17-QA/ACC/0245/08 Industrial Area, Aggeneys 054 983 2610

Majuba FET College T/A Newcastle Training Centre 17-QA/ACC/0497/10,17-QA/ACC/0482/10

Cnr Allen & HJ van Eck Streets, Newcastle 034 318 2021

Maritzburg Engineering 17-QA/ACC/0588/11 13/14 Roycol Park, 70 Gladys Manzi Road, Mkondeni 033 386 9081

MCD Training Centre (Meyerton)17-QA/ACC/0312/08, 17-QA/ACC/0300/08

Samancor Premises, Farm Kookfontein, Meyerton016 360 2388 /


Northlink College (Wingfield Campus)17-QA/ACC/0029/06, 17-QA/ACC/0029/06

Vanguard Drive, Wingfield Navy Base, Goodwood 021 970 9000

Pretoria Portland Cement Company T/A PPC - Technical Skills Academy

17-QA/ACC/0554/10 530 Portland Avenue, Slurry 018 644 8185

Sappi Paper & Paper Packaging Unit - Enstra Mill 17-QA/ACC/0741/12 East Geduld Road, Enstra, Springs 011 360 0415

Scaw Metals Group T/A Scaw Metals 17-QA/ACC/0654/11 Black Reef Union Junction, Dinwiddie, Germiston 011 621 1571

Sedibeng College for Further Education & Training (Heidelberg Campus)

17-QA/ACC/0395/09 1 Fraser Avenue, Heidelberg 016 349 1022

Sedibeng Training Centre 17-QA/ACC/0061/06 6 Moshoeshoe Street, Sebokeng 016 988 1350

Service Corps T/A Works Training School 17-QA/ACC/0239/08 352 JR Farm, Elandsfontein, Pretoria West 012 355 0010

Shukela Training Centre 17-QA/ACC/0145/07, 17-QA/ACC/0071/06

31 Sugar Mill Way, Mount Edgecombe, Durban 031 508 7700

South African Airways Technical Training 17-QA/ACC/0709/12 Jones Road, Johannesburg 011 978 6642

South African Nuclear Energy Corporation - Necsa T/A Nuclear Skills Development - Necsa


Church Street West Extension, Pelindaba, Brits 012 305 3639

Sturrock & Robson T/A Technotrain 17-QA/ACC/0251/08 8 Lathe Street, Isando 011 392 2058

The SAJ Competency Training Institute17-QA/ACC/0055/06, 17-QA/ACC/0102/07

Cnr Dekema & Guthrie Roads, Wadeville, Germiston 011 827 5710

South African Breweries Limited - Training Institute 17-QA/ACC/0392/09 3 Candican Road, Barbeque Downs, Kyalami 011 540 2709

Toyota Academy - Toyota SA Motors 17-QA/ACC/0089/06,17-QA/ACC/0080/06

15 Prospecton Road, Isipingo Beach 031 910 2968

Tshwane South College for FET (Centurion Campus) 17-QA/ACC/0025/06 College Avenue, Tek Base, Lyttleton, Centurion 012 660 8524

Umbilo Skills Training Centre 17-QA/ACC/0090/07 27 Ely Road, Umbilo Durban 031 206 0063

Umfolozi College FET (Mandeni Campus)17-QA/ACC/0046/06,17-QA/ACC/0288/08

51 Ohara Road, Mandeni 032 456 3626

Umfolozi College FET (Richtek Campus) 17-QA/ACC/0046/06 Cnr Naboomnek & Via Richardia, Arboretum, Richards Bay 032 456 3626

Umgungundlovu FET College (Plessislaer Campus) 17-QA/ACC/0063/06 FJ Sithole Street, Pietermaritzburg 033 341 2100

Volkswagen of South Africa - Technical Learning Academy

17-QA/ACC/0095/07, 17-QA/ACC/0101/07

VWSA B-plant, Kelvin Street, Uitenhage 041 994 4552

Vuselela FET College T/A Matlosana Centre for Artisans & Learnerships

17-QA/ACC/0672/11, 17-QA/ACC/0032/06

No 1 Simmer & Jack, Stilfontein, Klerksdorp 018 484 1152

West Coast College (Vredendal Campus) 17-QA/ACC/0091/07 Hoerskool Road, Vredendal North 022 482 2425

West Coast College (Atlantis Campus) 17-QA/ACC/0338/11 Charl Uys Drive, Atlantis Industria, Cape Town 022 482 1179

World Focus 382 cc T/A Richards Bay Technical Training & Assessment Centre

17-QA/ACC/0033/11 31 Ceramic Curve, Alton, Richards Bay 035 797 3096

Turner mechanist

Ford Motor Company of Southern Africa (Struandale Engine Plant)

17-QA/ACC/0349/09 Struanway, Struandale, Port Elizabeth 041 406 7281

Toyota Academy - Toyota SA Motors 17-QA/ACC/0089/06,17-QA/ACC/0080/06

15 Prospecton Road, Isipingo Beach 031 910 2968

Volkswagen of South Africa - Technical Learning Academy

17-QA/ACC/0095/07 VWSA B-plant, Kelvin Street, Uitenhage 041 994 4552



26 |TMH| 2016



Aldabri 106 T/A Institute For Quality, Education, Training & Development (Bloemfontein)


43 George Lubbe Street, Hamilton, Bloemfontein 031 304 5050


Adcorp Technical Training Jet Park 17-QA/ACC/0259/12 49a Bisset Road, Hughes, Jet Park 011 571 9900

Adcorp Technical Training 17-QA/ACC/0243/08 President Steyn Gold Mine 1, Welkom 057 391 9300

Africa International Training Facilities T/A AITF 17-QA/ACC/0439/09 234 2nd Avenue, Bredell 079 967 9940

Africa Skills Manufacturing & Related Services T/A Africa Skills

17-QA/ACC/0735/12 133 Mitchell Street, George 044 884 0791

Aldabri 106 T/A Institute for Quality Education, Training & Development (Bloemfontein)


43 George Lubbe Street, Hamilton, Bloemfontein 031 304 5050

Aldabri 106 T/A Institute for Quality Education, Training & Development (Johannesburg)

17-QA/ACC/0031/09 43 Goldman Street, Florida, Johannesburg 011 472 0918

Anglo American Platinum Corporation Ltd T/A Engineering Skills Training Centre


Ward Street, Randfontein 011 411 6744

Ayize Training 17-QA/ACC/0691/12 30 Marconi Drive, Newcastle 031 462 4803

Black Eagle Engineering 17-QA/ACC/0289/08 305 Hoose Hafeejee Street, Pietermaritzburg 033 345 8126

Boland College (Worcester Campus) 17-QA/ACC/0560/10 Renier Street, Worcester 021 886 7111

Border KEI Training Trust T/A Border Training Centre 17-QA/ACC/0360/09 10 Mfaxa Street, Mdantsane, East London 043 761 2141

City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality T/A Tshwane Leadership & Management Academy

17-QA/ACC/0577/10 11 Staatsartillerie Avenue, Pretoria 012 358 0054

College of Cape Town 17-QA/ACC/0217/07 Thornton Campus, Cnr Cedar & Poplar Roads, Thornton, Cape Town 021 404 6724

Dinyane Education & Training T/A DET Training 17-QA/ACC/0358/09 2 Shaft Road, Evander 017 632 4991

Douglas Simpson Projects T/A Planet Projects 17-QA/ACC/0630/11 101 Lumen Street, Labore, Brakpan 011 738 0007

Dragon Precision Training Centre (Estcourt)17-QA/ACC/0072/06,17-QA/ACC/0252/08

217 Loskop Road, Estcourt 036 352 2120

Dragon Precision Training Centre (Ladysmith) 17-QA/ACC/0252/08 75 Centenary Road, Ladysmith 036 633 2955

Eastcape Midlands College Business Unit 17-QA/ACC/0142/07 42a Cuyler Street, Uitenhage 041 995 2000

Eastcape Training Centre 17-QA/ACC/0009/06 Spondo Road, Struandale, Port Elizabeth 041 456 1616

EBS Training Academy 17-QA/ACC/0380/09 16 Laboratory Street, Klipfontein, Witbank 013 697 1269

Ekurhuleni East College for Further Education & Training (Daveyton Campus)

17-QA/ACC/0034/12 Heald Street, Daveyton 011 730 6600

Ergo Mining T/A Ekurhuleni Business Development Academy

17-QA/ACC/0540/10 Vlakfontein Road, Brakpan 011 742 1051

Eskom Holdings Ltd T/A Eskom Academy of Learning (Artisan Faculty)

17-QA/ACC/0040/06 Dale Road, Midrand 011 651 6238

Evraz Highveld Steel & Vanadium 17-QA/ACC/0381/09 Old Pretoria Road, Witbank 013 690 9385

False Bay College (Westlake Campus)17-QA/ACC/0310/08, 17-QA/ACC/0093/07

Westlake Drive, Westlake, Cape Town021 701 1340 / 021 003 0600

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2016 |TMH| 27


COMPANY NAME ACCREDITATION ADDRESS TELEPHONEFastvents Fifteen 17-QA/ACC/0682/11 Malcolm Boulevard, Vecor Industrial Park, Vanderbijlpark 016 986 3089

Fluor SA T/A Fluor Training Centre17-QA/ACC/0463/10,17-QA/ACC/0324/08

Kiewiet Street, Secunda 017 631 3098

General Petroleum Installations T/A G P I 17-QA/ACC/0435/09 Erf 1051, Humewood, Port Elizabeth Harbour 041 582 3228

Gijima AST Holdings T/A Fundi Training Centre17-QA/ACC/0215/07,17-QA/ACC/0236/08

16 Lancaster Road, Poplar Secure Business Park, Benoni 011 422 2500

Gijima AST Holdings T/A Industrial Skills Development - Tlhahlong Centre

17-QA/ACC/0398/09, 17-QA/ACC/0391/09

Cnr Nelson Mandela & Ngoako Ramatlhodi, Lephalale 013 247 2209

Gijima Holdings T/A Industrial Skills Development - Middelburg Training Centre


Off Hendrina Road, Columbus Stainless Premises, Middelburg 013 247 2219

Ikhaya Fundisa Techniskills Academy 17-QA/ACC/0374/09,17-QA/ACC/0323/08

Cnr Main Reef & Dobsonville Roads, Roodepoort 011 472 3443

Industries Education & Training Institute (Maitland) 17-QA/ACC/0144/07 Ieti House, 195 Voortrekker Street, Maitland, Cape Town 021 511 8048

Industries Education & Training Institute (Port Elizabeth) 17-QA/ACC/0144/07 Cnr Somers & Uitenhage Roads, Sydenham, Port Elizabeth 041 487 1545

JS Skilled Labour Training 17-QA/ACC/0567/10 44 Viljoen Street, Hendrina 013 293 0989

Knowledge For Ever 17-QA/ACC/0321/08 22 Barium Street, Saaiplaas, Virginia 057 217 2293

Majuba FET College T/A Newcastle Training Centre 17-QA/ACC/0497/10,17-QA/ACC/0482/10

Cnr Allen & H J van Eck Streets, Newcastle 034 318 2021

Maluti FET College 17-QA/ACC/0375/09 Bolata Road, Phuthaditjhaba 058 713 1330

Masiqhame Trading 81 T/A Kim’s Welding School 17-QA/ACC/0626/11 8 Maryhill Road, Industrial Park, Austerville, Durban 031 461 4462

MCD Training Centre (Meyerton)17-QA/ACC/0312/08, 17-QA/ACC/0300/08

Samancor Premises, Farm Kookfontein, Meyerton 016 360 2388

MCD Training Centre (Vereeniging) 17-QA/ACC/0300/08 9 Faraday Street, Vereeniging 016 422 8541

Metal Mining Training Interventions 17-QA/ACC/0471/10 Cnr Dr Mandela and Newton Str, Middelburg 013 249 4449

Molokutho Engineering Holding T/A MTA - Mitchells Plain Training Academy

17-QA/ACC/0112/07 Denel Site, 100 Swartklip Road, Mitchells Plain 021 376 4794

Mopani South East FET College 17-QA/ACC/0060/06 Cnr Combretum & Haarlem, Phalaborwa 015 781 5721

Moqhaka Training & Employment 17-QA/ACC/0254/08 Office Park 12, President Rietz Avenue, Westdene, Bloemfontein 051 448 0126

Mpumalanga Regional Training Trust T/A MRTT 17-QA/ACC/0510/10 5 Moses Kotani Drive, Ferrobank, Witbank 013 656 0875

MSC Artisan Academy T/A Master Artisan Academy SA17-QA/ACC/0730/12,17-QA/ACC/0536/10

Unit 40, Frame Park, Phillip Frame Road, Chiselhurst, East London 043 726 1842

Northlink College (Bellville Campus)17-QA/ACC/0029/06, 17-QA/ACC/0214/07

Sackson Street, Bellville South021 970 9000 / 021 951 2231

Nthuseng Technical Training Centre 17-QA/ACC/0379/09 5 John Dodson Street, East End, Bloemfontein 051 432 0188

Perfect People Solutions 17-QA/ACC/0558/10 1 Fabriek Street, Kuils River 021 900 4374

Pretoria Portland Cement Company T/A PPC - Technical Skills Academy

17-QA/ACC/0554/10 530 Portland Avenue, Slurry 018 644 8185

Qualitas Training 17-QA/ACC/0169/07 Unit 4, London Lane, Park Central, Selby, Johannesburg 011 493 6556

Rehoboth Welding Assessment & Training 17-QA/ACC/0452/10 111 Bluff Road, Jacobs, Durban 031 468 2472

Samancor Chrome Ltd T/A Khuphuka Training & Development

17-QA/ACC/0612/11 Hendrina Road, Middelburg 013 249 4695

Sedibeng Training Centre 17-QA/ACC/0061/06 6 Moshoeshoe Street, Sebokeng 016 988 1350

Shukela Training Centre 17-QA/ACC/0145/07,17-QA/ACC/0071/06

31 Sugar Mill Way, Mount Edgcombe, Durban 031 508 7700

Siyazizwa Investment Holdings 8 T/A SIH Training Expertise

17-QA/ACC/0662/11 13 Geduld Street, Sasolburg 016 976 0813

South African Nuclear Energy Corporation - Necsa T/A Nuclear Skills Development - Necsa


Church Street West Extension, Pelindaba, Brits 012 305 3639

South Cape College 17-QA/ACC/0021/06 Tommy Joubert Building South, Cnr Courtenay & Cradock Streets, George 044 884 0359

Steinmuller Africa T/A Steinmuller Technical Training Academy (SATTA)

17-QA/ACC/0694/12 Cnr Roger Dyson & Frikkie Roads, Pretoria West 011 806 3320

Support Training & Development 17-QA/ACC/0356/09 30 William Stow Street, Sasolburg 016 976 2592

Tekmation T/A Tekmation Training Institute 17-QA/ACC/0098/07 Unit 3, Chamberlain Park, Hulett Street, Jacobs, Durban 031 461 1004

The Ashleigh Erin Foundation T/A Ithemba Institute of Technology

17-QA/ACC/0386/09 176 Thamagane Street, Tladi, Soweto 011 930 5307

The SAJ Competency Training Institute17-QA/ACC/0055/06, 17-QA/ACC/0102/07

Cnr Dekema & Guthrie Roads, Wadeville, Germiston 011 827 5710

Training Force 17-QA/ACC/0419/09 Unit 10, Mkondeni Industrial Park, 36 Varborough Road, Pietermaritzburg 033 386 2976

Tshwane South College for FET 17-QA/ACC/0025/06 College Avenue, Tek Base, Lyttleton, Centurion 012 660 8524

Umbilo Skills Training Centre 17-QA/ACC/0090/07 27 Ely Road, Umbilo, Durban 031 206 0063

Umfolozi College FET (Richtek Campus) 17-QA/ACC/0046/06 Cnr Naboomnek & Via Richardia, Arboretum, Richards Bay 032 456 3626

Umfolozi College FET (Mandeni Campus) 17-QA/ACC/0046/06 51 Ohara Road, Mandeni 032 456 3626

Umfolozi College FET (ZCBF Campus) 17-QA/ACC/0046/06 ZCBF Gate 2, ZCBF Community Park, Richards Bay 035 797 4313

Volkswagen of South Africa - Technical Learning Academy

17-QA/ACC/0095/07, 17-QA/ACC/0101/07

VWSA B-plant, Kelvin Street, Uitenhage 041 994 4552

Vuselela FET College T/A Matlosana Centre for Artisans & Learnerships

17-QA/ACC/0672/11, 17-QA/ACC/0032/06

No 1 Simmer & Jack, Stilfontein, Klerksdorp 018 484 1152

Welding Academy Training School 17-QA/ACC/0565/10 Old Dunns Building, 6 Price Street, Witbank 013 656 3898

Welfit Oddy 17-QA/ACC/0363/09 Kurland Road, Perseverance, Port Elizabeth 041 404 6712

West Coast College (Vredenburg Campus) 17-QA/ACC/0346/08 5 Fabriek Street, Vredenburg 022 482 1143

West Coast FET College 17-QA/ACC/0338/08 1 Academy Street, Vredenburg 022 482 1143

Wilbat Projects 148 (Bluff) 17-QA/ACC/0015/06 380 Tara Road, Bluff, Durban 031 902 4240

Wilbat Projects 148 (Isipingo) 17-QA/ACC/0015/06 2 Rana Road, Isipingo, Durban 031 902 4240

World Focus 119 T/A Elitsha Holdings 17-QA/ACC/0100/07 3a Holden Street, North End, Port Elizabeth 041 484 7732

World Focus 382 T/A Richards Bay Technical Training & Assessment Centre


33 Ceramic Curve, Alton, Richards Bay 035 797 3096

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28 |TMH| 2016


aBnorMal load fees 2016

The mass factor, M, is based on a value of R0.18 / km and the congestion factor, K, on a value of 0,01615 based on the June 1995 Producer Price Index (namely 100,00) and adjusted annually.

eMBargoes on aBnorMal loads:In terms of the provisions of standard condition, an embargo is in place for the conveyance of abnormal loads and movement of abnormal vehicles on public roads during weekends and public holidays. The closure days of school terms are included in the embargo periods. Check with the respective provinces to confirm embargo dates.

aBnorMal road TransporTaTionGauteng: 012 310 2472/2474Mpumalanga: 013 756 6333/6332North West: 018 381 9168Limpopo: 015 295 1076KwaZulu-Natal: 033 355 8825/8610Western Cape: 021 483 2076/2079Eastern Cape: 043 604 7414Northern Cape: 053 802 5533Free State: 051 409 8592/8270

dangerous, explosive and aBnorMal loads souTH africa:Contact the Department of Transport’s Dangerous Goods Inspectorate on 012 309 3178

TransporTaTion of explosive suBsTances:SAPS Chief Inspector of Explosives: 012 393 2764

It is one of the basic functions of the Abnormal Loads Technical Committee to recommend the fees relating to exemption permits. For obvious considerations of credibility and efficiency, fees should be uniform, and calculated and applied by all provinces. New fees will be effective from April 1, 2016.

The proposed fees are set to optimise the income derived by the provincial governments based on actual scientifically determined costs and indexed to the Producer Price Index (PPI).

addiTional eMBargo daTesJanuary – 3March - 18 from 12:00; 21; 24 from 12:00; 25; 28June - 15 from 12:00; 24 from 12:00August - 5 from 12:00December - 15 from 12:00; 16; 23; 26No traffic escorts will be available from December 12, 2016, to January 9, 2017.



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tel: 012 661 0830tel: 012 661 0830email: [email protected]: [email protected]

since 1987

2016/17 2015/16

Basic permit fees (not recoverable, for permits involving engineering input, GCM > 125 000 kg, stability checks and width > 6,0 m) R860 R810

Basic permit fees for all other permits (not recoverable) R320 R300Any changes to permit (up to three changes) R255 R2401 month area/period permit fee R360 R3403 month area/period permit fee R720 R6806 month area/period permit fee R1 440 R1 360

12 month height/length permit fee (old generation car carriers registered before April 2013) (up to 4,6 m high, per province) R800 R750

12 month height/length permit fee (PBS car carriers) (up to 4,6 m high, per province) R1 600 R1 50012 month area/period permit fee R2 880 R2 72012 month Smart Truck (PBS) permit fee with mass R33 000 R32 50012 month Smart Truck (PBS) permit fee with no mass R16 500 R16 250Fax fees R105 R100Certified permit copy R125 R120AV sequence registration fee R850 R800AV combination registration fee (initial and five-year renewal) R850 R800AV combination registration fee (recalculation/other) R285 R270Mass factor R0,76 R0,71Congestion R0,072 R0,068Provincial escorting fee/vehicle/km (KwaZulu-Natal only) R22,5 R21Provincial escort fee/hour/officer (KwaZulu-Natal only) R195 R185Minimum escorting fee/vehicle R770 R725Weekend escorting fee, per km (if requested by applicant; not refundable if cancelled after the weekend) R22,5 R21Minimum mass fee per axle R0,168 R0,158Additional fee for weekend permits (allowed at the discretion of the permits office only) R660 R620Copy of TRH 11 R95 R90The following fees are levied per province for empty vehicles (normal empty leg vehicle permit fees are included in the area period permit fees. Basic fees are additional)1 month area/period permit fee R180 R1703 month area/period permit fee R360 R3406 month area/period permit fee R720 R68012 month area/period permit fee R1 440 R1 360Specially Classified Vehicles i.t.o. Regulation 21 (g) of the National Road Traffic Act No. 93 of 1996, paying reduced license fees (Province of KwaZulu-Natal only)1 month area/period permit fee R1 080 R1 020 3 month area/period permit fee R3 100 R2 900 6 month area/period permit fee R6 200 R5 800 12 month area/period permit fee R12 400 R11 600

2016 |TMH| 29


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30 |TMH| 2016



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Single axle (steering) – single tyres 7 700 kg

Single axle – single tyres 8 000 kg

Single axle – dual tyres (four tyres) 9 000 kg

Tandem axle unit – single tyres 16 000 kg

Tandem axle unit – dual tyres 18 000 kg

Tridem axle unit – singles or duals 24 000 kg

Maximum permissible combination mass 56 000 kg


Overall length

Any vehicle excluding a semi-trailer 12,5 m

Articulated unit 18,5 m

Full trailer excluding drawbar (GVM exceeds 12 000 kg) 12,5 m

Full trailer including drawbar (GVM does not exceed 12 000 kg) 12,5 m

Overall length, excluding drawbar, of a trailer with one axle/axle unit other than a semi-trailer:

(i) GVM exceeds 12 000 kg

(ii) GVM does not exceed 12 000 kg

11,3 m

8,0 m

Overall width

Overall vehicle width (GVM is 12 000 kg and over) 2,6 m

Overall vehicle width (GVM is under 12 000 kg) 2,5 m

Overall height

Maximum vehicle height 4,3 m


Semi-trailer 10,0 m

All other vehicles 8,5 m

Front overhang

In the case of a front-axle unit, the front overhang is measured from the foremost axle and not the centre of the axle unit.

Semi-trailer 1,8 m

Goods vehicle: 60% of wheelbase, or

a) if the driver’s seat is not more than 1,7 m from the front end: 6,2 m minus half the wheelbase

b) any other goods vehicle (including a trailer): 5,8 m minus half the wheelbase. In the case of a front-axle unit, the front overhang is measured from the foremost axle and not the centre of

the axle unit.

Rear overhang (measured from the rearmost axle)

Refuse collectors, roadmaking and road construction vehicles, buses and farming vehicles: 70% of wheelbase

A trailer with one axle or one axle unit (excluding a semi-trailer): 50% of body length

Any goods vehicle: 60% of wheelbase

Load projections

Load projection must not be confused with overhang. Basically, overhang is part of the vehicle, whereas projection

is that part of the load extending beyond the front end and/or rear end of the vehicle.

Maximum load projections

Side load projection – in the case of a goods vehicle with a GVM exceeding 12 000 kg maximum on each side of the longitudinal centre line

In the case of any other goods vehicle

1,3 m

1,25 m

Front load projection on all goods vehicles – the projection of the load beyond the front of the vehicle

OR the front overhang plus the front load projection must not exceed the front overhang as prescribed in regulation 356 (1) (b).

300 mm

Rear load projection on all goods vehicles – the projection of the load beyond the rear end of the vehicle 1,8 m

Note: the combined length of a vehicle or combination of vehicles plus front or rear load projection must not

exceed the prescribed overall length of the vehicle or combination.

Drawbar length

Maximum length of conventional drawbar 2,0 m

Length of an underslung drawbar – the maximum drawbar length is not prescribed, but the maximum distance

between the rear end of the towing vehicle and the front end of the trailer must not exceed 2,5 m

Maximum axle mass loads and dimensions for buses

Maximum length of a rigid bus 15 m

Maximum length of a train bus 22 m

Maximum length of a Rapid Transport Bus train 26 m

Maximum width of a bus (front wheel track must exceed 1,9 m) 2,6 m

Maximum axle mass load on a Rapid Transport Bus train (dual wheels – non-steering) 13 000 kg

Maximum axle mass load on a Rapid Complimentary or Trunk Bus (dual wheels – non-steering) 12 000 kg

Maximum axle mass load on any other bus (dual wheels – non-steering) 10 200 kg

axle Mass loads and diMensions

2016 |TMH| 31




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Toll fees

Route PlazaClass 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4

Light vehicles Heavy vehicles 2 axles Heavy vehicles 3 or 4 axlesHeavy vehicles 5 or more

axlesN1Huguenot Mainline 32,00 89,00 139,00 225,00Verkeerdevlei Mainline 46,00 92,00 139,00 195,00Vaal Mainline 54,00 101,00 122,00 162,00Grasmere Mainline 16,00 48,00 56,00 74,00

Ramp (S) 8,00 24,00 28,00 37,00Ramp (N) 8,00 24,00 28,00 37,00

Stormvoël Ramp 7,50 18,50 21,50 26,00Zambesi Ramp 9,00 22,50 26,00 31,00Pumulani Mainline 9,50 24,50 28,00 34,00Wallmansthal Ramp 4,50 11,00 13,50 15,50Murrayhill Ramp 9,00 22,50 27,00 31,00Hammanskraal Ramp 21,00 72,00 78,00 90,00Carousel Mainline 45,00 121,00 133,00 154,00Maubane Ramp 19,50 52,00 58,00 67,00Kranskop Mainline 36,00 92,00 124,00 151,00

Ramp 10,00 27,00 32,00 48,00Nyl Mainline 47,00 88,00 106,00 142,00

Ramp 14,00 27,00 32,00 41,00Sebetiela Ramp 14,00 27,00 34,00 45,00Capricorn Mainline 37,00 103,00 120,00 151,00Baobab Mainline 36,00 99,00 136,00 164,00R 30Brandfort Mainline 37,00 74,00 111,00 156,00N2 Tsitsikamma Mainline 43,00 108,00 258,00 364,00

Ramp 43,00 108,00 258,00 364,00Izotsha Ramp 7,50 13,00 18,00 32,00Oribi Mainline 24,00 43,00 59,00 96,00

Ramp (S) 11,00 20,00 27,00 43,00Ramp (N) 13,00 23,00 32,00 59,00

Umtentweni Ramp 10,00 18,00 25,00 41,00King Shaka Airport Ramp 5,00 10,00 15,00 20,00oThongathi Mainline 9,00 19,00 25,00 36,00

Ramp (S) 4,50 10,00 13,00 18,00Ramp (N) 4,50 10,00 13,00 18,00

Mvoti Mainline 11,0 31,00 41,00 62,00Mandini Ramp 6,00 11,00 14,00 18,00Dokodweni Ramp 16,00 31,00 36,00 50,00Mtunzini Mainline 37,00 72,00 86,00 128,00

Ramp (S) 31,00 58,00 70,00 101,00Ramp (N) 6,50 14,00 16,00 27,00

Mariannhill Mainline 9,50 18,00 22,00 34,00Mooi Mainline 41,00 101,00 142,00 192,00

Ramp (S) 29,00 71,00 99,00 135,00Ramp (N) 12,00 30,00 43,00 58,00

Treverton Ramp 12,00 30,00 43,00 58,00Bergville Ramp 18,00 21,00 38,00 59,00Tugela Mainline 59,00 98,00 154,00 213,00Tugela East Ramp 37,00 61,00 90,00 125,00Wilge Mainline 55,00 95,00 127,00 180,00De Hoek Mainline 40,00 62,00 95,00 136,00N4 Pelindaba Mainline 4,50 9,00 13,00 16,00Quagga Mainline 3,50 6,50 9,00 13,00Swartruggens Mainline 75,00 187,00 227,00 267,00Kroondal Ramp 12,00 29,00 32,00 38,00Marikana Mainline 18,00 43,00 48,00 57,00Buffelspoort Ramp 12,00 29,00 32,00 38,00Brits Mainline 12,00 42,00 46,00 54,00K99 Ramp 12,00 30,00 35,00 42,00Doornpoort Mainline 12,00 30,00 35,00 42,00Donkerhoek Ramp 10,00 14,00 21,00 40,00Cullinan Ramp 13,00 21,00 31,00 51,00Diamond Hill Mainline 30,00 42,00 79,00 131,00Valtaki Ramp 23,00 33,00 48,00 109,00Ekandustria Ramp 18,00 27,00 37,00 75,00Middelburg Mainline 50,00 108,00 165,00 216,00Machado Mainline 75,00 208,00 303,00 432,00Nkomazi Mainline 57,00 115,00 167,00 240,00N17 Gosforth Mainline 10,00 27,00 30,00 41,00

Ramp (E) 4,50 17,00 18,00 25,00Ramp (W) 5,50 11,00 15,00 20,00

Dalpark Mainline 9,00 19,00 25,00 34,00Denne Ramp 8,00 16,00 21,00 27,00Leandra Mainline 30,00 75,00 112,00 149,00

Ramp 18,00 45,00 67,00 89,00Trichardt Mainline 15,00 37,00 57,00 75,00Ermelo Mainline 27,00 67,00 100,00 133,00

32 |TMH| 2016

Province/Route Weighbridge Location

Eastern CapeN2 Kinkelbos Between East London and Port ElizabethN2 Mthatha MthathaFree StateN1 Kroonstad Outside KroonstadN5 Senekal Between Winburg and SenekalR59/R30 Bothaville Between Bothaville and OrkneyGautengN3 Heidelberg – North Bound N3 Northbound near HeidelbergN3 Heidelberg – South Bound N3 Southbound near HeidelbergN4 Donkerhoek West of Donkerhoek, between Pretoria and RaytonN14 Pinehaven Corner N14 (Hendrik Potgieter Road ext) and Steyn Street, RoodepoortBapsfontein R25/R50 Bapsfontein Between Pretoria and DelmasPretoria West Boekenhoutkloof Traffic College, off Rietfontein Road, Pretoria WestMeyerton R59 Meyerton Northbound near Johan Le Roux offrampKwaZulu-NatalR102 Gingindlovu GingindlovuN2 Empangeni North Coast RoadN2 Groutville North Coast RoadN2/R102 Marburg 1 Allesun Road, Oslo Beach, Port ShepstoneN2 Park Rynie South Coast RoadN2 Umhloti North Coast RoadN2 Winkelspruit South Coast RoadR74 Greytown North of Pietermaritzburg (between N2 and N3)R69/R34 Vryheid Between N2 and N3N3 Ladysmith Outside Ladysmith on R103N3 Midway Estcourt south interchangeN3/R103 Mkodeni South East of Pietermaritzburg, 2 km from Market Road interchangeN3 Westmead Corner Richmond and Stockville Roads, Marianhill, PinetownN11 Newcastle 500 m from Iscor interchangeN11 One Tree Hill Between Ladysmith and NewcastleLimpopoN1 Mampakuil MampakuilN1 Mantsole North/South Bound Between Pretoria and Bela-BelaN1 Beitbridge BeitbridgeN1 Polokwane 12 km from Polokwane at R101 intersectionN1 Zebetiela ZebetielaN11 Groblersbrug 5 km from Botswana border (R35)N12/R36 Mooketsi Between Polokwane and DuiwelskloofN11 Rathoke Between Roedtan and Marble HallMpumalangaN2/N17 Ermelo ErmeloN11 Loskopdam Lay-by Loskopdam Lay-byN11 Middelburg/Hendrina Lay-by Middelburg/Hendrina Lay-byN4 Montrose MontroseN4 Ngodwana Lay-by Ngodwana Lay-byN4 Wonderfontein Lay-by Wonderfontein Lay-byN4 Farrefontein Near Machado Toll Plaza, Machadodorp, on Nelspruit sideN4 Komatipoort KomatipoortN4 Machado Near Machado Toll Plaza, Machadodorp, on Middelburg sideN4 Middelburg Eastbound Opposite side of Toll PlazaN4 Middelburg Westbound Opposite side of Toll PlazaN4 Middelburg-Witbank Between Middelburg and EmalahleniN17 Bethal BethalN17 Kinross KinrossR38 Badplass Lay-by Badplass Lay-byR38 Hendrina Lay-by Hendrina Lay-byR570 Malelane Lay-by Malelane Lay-byR35 Middelburg/Bethal Lay-by Middelburg/Bethal Lay-byR33 Stofberg Lay-by Stofberg Lay-byR575 Vandyksdrif Lay-by Vandyksdrif Lay-byR555 Wonderhoek Lay-by Wonderhoek Lay-byStoffberg R33 Klawer Stoffberg, between N11 and N4North WestN4 Bapong BapongN12 Potchefstroom Northbound PotchefstroomN12 Potchefstroom Southbound PotchefstroomR49 Zeerust ZeerustKoster R52/R509 Koster Rob Ferreira Street, Industrial Area, KosterNorthern CapeN1 Colesberg 4,6 km outside Colesberg towards BloemfonteinN7 Springbok 10 km south of SpringbokN12 Kimberley 10 km outside Kimberley towards Cape TownN14/TR7014 Upington 10 km outside Upington towards OlifantshoekWestern CapeN1 Beaufort West 2 km north of Beaufort West towards LaingsburgN1 Joostenbergvlakte 40 km north of Cape Town towards PaarlN1 Rawsonville 20 km south of Worcester towards PaarlN2 Somerset West Outside Somerset West Road towards Cape TownN2 Swellendam 2 km south of SwellendamN7 Klawer 1 km south of Klawer on Cape Town-Namibia roadN7 Moorreesburg Outside Moorreesburg towards MalmesburyN7 Vissershok 30 km north of Cape TownR27/R45 Vredenburg 15 km south of VredenburgOutside SAN4 Moambo Moambo, MozambiqueN4 Maputo Maputo, Mozambique







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2016 |TMH| 33Product in photograph is for illustration purposes only and is subject to stock availability.

Customer Care and 24-Hour Roadside assistance 0800 008 800 For product queries or to locate your nearest dealer, go to

To win one of four Special Edition 80th Anniversary UD Model Trucks, go to and complete the ‘Contact Us’ tab. Insert the ‘hash tags’ which are most important to your operation.

UD Trucks. We go the extra mile so that you can go the extra mile.





Going the Extra Mile

Win with UD Trucks

When you purchase a UD Truck you win big: #Established Dealer Network #Aftersales Support #Fuel Efficiency #Uptime #Low CPK #World Class Technicians

All names entered into the ‘Contact Us‘ tab on the website will go into a draw for Four Special Edition Model Trucks which will be drawn at various intervals during the course of 2016. Winners will be notified telephonically.

34 |TMH| 2016


veHicle regisiTraTion procedures

To applY for a new veHicle’s regisTraTion, You will need:• A completed RLV application form.

• Acceptable identification of the title holder and owner.

• A certificate issued by the vehicle manufacturer or

importer printed on the manufacturer or importer’s

official stationery; or the RC1 registration certificate

issued to the manufacturer, builder or importer when

they first registered the vehicle.

• The relevant fees as prescribed in the province of


To applY for a used veHicle’s regisTraTion, You will need:• A completed MVR1A or RLV application form.

• Your South African identity document (local residents),

an identity document issued by a foreign country (non-

permanent residents), or a traffic register number


• If the vehicle is to be registered to a company: a certificate

of incorporation or name change issued in terms of the

Companies Act.

• If the vehicle is to be registered to a close corporation: a

founding statement or certificate of name change issued

in terms of the Close Corporations Act.

• If the vehicle is registered in South Africa: the registration

certificate concerned.

• If the tare has changed: a mass measuring certificate.

• If the vehicle has a new engine or the VIN/chassis number

has changed: a South African Police Service (SAPS)

vehicle clearance.

• If required by the registering authority proof of the right

to be registered as title holder of the vehicle concerned,

for example an invoice or sales agreement.

It is advisable to contact the nearest call centre or

registering authority to establish whether they accept or

require any other document as proof.

Please note:

• To obtain a mass measuring certificate contact your local

registering authority for the contact details of a facility

offering this service.

• A SAPS clearance will only be issued after your

registering authority has issued you with a referral. After

the referral has been issued the vehicle’s registration

certificate must be presented to the SAPS to initiate

the process.

• The registering authority will assess your application; the

fees are for your own account.






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2016 |TMH| 35


36 |TMH| 2016


souTH african MoTor veHicle licence fees







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Tare (kg) Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZulu-Natal Limpopo Mpumalanga North West Northern Cape Western Cape Tare (kg) Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZulu-Natal Limpopo Mpumalanga North West Northern Cape Western Cape

14 April 2014 1 July 2014 1 April 2015 1 April 2014 1 April 2015 1 May 2014 1 May 2015 1 April 2015 1 June 2013 14 April 2014 1 July 2014 1 April 2015 1 April 2014 1 April 2015 1 May 2014 1 May 2015 1 April 2015 1 June 2013

0 - 250 R246 R252 R180 R204 R162 R156 R198 R216 R255 0 - 250 R162 R126 R180 R204 R162 R156 R156 R120 R123

251 - 500 R276 R252 R252 R258 R192 R168 R222 R240 R264 251 - 500 R222 R252 R204 R258 R192 R168 R182 R168 R156

501 - 750 R282 R252 R288 R318 R204 R180 R258 R240 R270 501 - 750 R276 R252 R288 R318 R204 R180 R234 R216 R210

751 - 1 000 R318 R384 R312 R390 R252 R204 R288 R264 R294 751 - 1 000 R330 R384 R336 R390 R252 R204 R282 R252 R261

1 001 - 1 250 R402 R384 R360 R444 R276 R252 R348 R324 R354 1 001 - 1 250 R426 R384 R384 R444 R276 R252 R336 R324 R354

1 251 - 1 500 R504 R510 R492 R558 R348 R324 R432 R414 R480 1 251 - 1 500 R546 R510 R504 R558 R348 R324 R450 R426 R480

1 501 - 1 750 R594 R510 R564 R666 R402 R408 R522 R498 R540 1 501 - 1 750 R642 R636 R600 R666 R402 R408 R528 R498 R540

1 751 - 2 000 R654 R636 R720 R774 R492 R480 R588 R558 R609 1 751 - 2 000 R762 R762 R720 R774 R492 R480 R606 R582 R609

2 001 - 2 250 R858 R636 R828 R936 R738 R564 R588 R714 R828 2 001 - 2 250 R924 R762 R864 R936 R738 R564 R744 R714 R831

2 251 - 2 500 R1 026 R762 R1 008 R1 110 R750 R684 R888 R858 R960 2 251 - 2 500 R1 056 R888 R984 R1 110 R750 R684 R888 R810 R963

2 501 - 2 750 R1 164 R762 R1 128 R1 290 R828 R804 R1 002 R972 R1 086 2 501 - 2 750 R1 230 R1 020 R1 164 R1 290 R828 R804 R1 008 R954 R1 089

2 751 - 3 000 R1 194 R888 R1 284 R1 458 R1 020 R924 R1 098 R1 008 R1 095 2 751 - 3 000 R1 368 R1 020 R1 308 R1 458 R1 020 R924 R1 104 R1 074 R1 098

3 001 - 3 250 R1 482 R1 146 R1 380 R1 632 R1 110 R1 020 R1 284 R1 248 R1 335 3 001 - 3 250 R2 826 R2 796 R2 472 R2 760 R1 110 R1 020 R1 950 R2 220 R1 338

3 251 - 3 500 R1 746 R1 398 R1 632 R1 860 R1 254 R1 176 R1 482 R1 428 R1 503 3 251 - 3 500 R2 880 R2 796 R2 712 R3 066 R1 254 R1 176 R2 124 R2 400 R1 503

3 501 - 3 750 R1 902 R1 524 R1 896 R2 088 R1 440 R1 332 R1 692 R1 620 R1 830 3 501 - 3 750 R3 396 R3 054 R3 024 R3 384 R1 440 R1 332 R2 382 R2 646 R1 830

3 751 - 4 000 R2 100 R1 524 R2 100 R2 310 R1 602 R1 476 R1 854 R1 776 R1 983 3 751 - 4 000 R3 690 R3 306 R3 336 R3 696 R1 602 R1 476 R2 592 R2 826 R1 983

4 001 - 4 250 R2 328 R1 656 R2 280 R2 550 R1 758 R1 608 R2 034 R1 974 R2 163 4 001 - 4 250 R4 080 R3 816 R3 552 R4 014 R1 758 R1 608 R2 904 R3 420 R2 163

4 251 - 4 500 R2 550 R2 034 R2 472 R2 760 R1 944 R1 776 R2 220 R2 160 R2 337 4 251 - 4 500 R4 380 R4 068 R3 936 R4 374 R1 944 R1 776 R3 108 R3 432 R2 337

4 501 - 4 750 R2 748 R2 160 R2 700 R2 994 R2 112 R1 932 R2 418 R2 304 R2 496 4 501 - 4 750 R4 752 R4 200 R4 224 R4 740 R2 112 R1 932 R3 330 R3 702 R2 496

4 751 - 5 000 R2 976 R2 292 R2 892 R3 216 R2 196 R2 076 R2 586 R2 514 R2 676 4 751 - 5 000 R5 130 R4 326 R4 572 R5 100 R2 196 R2 076 R3 558 R4 002 R2 676

5 001 - 5 250 R4 620 R4 068 R4 380 R4 872 R3 342 R2 592 R4 008 R3 930 R4 002 5 001 - 5 250 R5 640 R4 452 R4 980 R5 526 R3 342 R2 592 R4 290 R4 410 R4 002

5 251 - 5 500 R4 992 R4 326 R4 836 R5 400 R3 726 R3 492 R4 374 R4 230 R4 302 5 251 - 5 500 R5 970 R4 578 R5 352 R5 964 R3 726 R3 492 R4 320 R4 686 R4 302

5 501 - 5 750 R5 424 R4 704 R5 292 R5 904 R4 104 R3 636 R4 764 R4 650 R4 677 5 501 - 5 750 R6 414 R4 578 R5 736 R6 384 R4 104 R3 636 R4 926 R5 022 R4 677

5 751 - 6 000 R5 472 R5 088 R5 844 R6 432 R4 386 R4 164 R5 136 R5 052 R5 052 5 751 - 6 000 R6 864 R4 962 R6 168 R6 858 R4 386 R4 164 R5 304 R5 364 R5 052

6 001 - 6 250 R5 952 R5 340 R6 288 R6 954 R4 818 R4 488 R5 562 R5 538 R5 460 6 001 - 6 250 R7 362 R5 472 R6 612 R7 314 R4 818 R4 488 R5 706 R5 760 R5 460

6 251 - 6 500 R6 456 R5 472 R6 720 R7 512 R5 190 R4 860 R5 994 R5 922 R5 880 6 251 - 6 500 R7 842 R5 598 R7 068 R7 806 R5 190 R4 860 R6 090 R6 132 R5 880

6 501 - 6 750 R7 110 R5 850 R7 440 R8 094 R5 580 R5 220 R6 462 R6 354 R6 315 6 501 - 6 750 R8 316 R5 976 R7 476 R8 286 R5 580 R5 220 R6 504 R6 504 R6 315

6 751 - 7 000 R7 500 R6 360 R7 908 R8 658 R6 168 R5 772 R7 374 R7 038 R6 918 6 751 - 7 000 R8 790 R6 108 R7 920 R8 760 R6 168 R5 772 R6 978 R6 888 R6 918

7 001 - 7 250 R8 304 R6 486 R8 328 R9 228 R6 354 R5 952 R7 590 R7 248 R7 155 7 001 - 7 250 R9 270 R6 744 R8 352 R9 228 R6 354 R5 952 R7 320 R7 248 R7 155

7 251 - 7 500 R8 556 R7 122 R8 796 R9 792 R6 762 R6 324 R7 812 R7 710 R7 575 7 251 - 7 500 R9 834 R7 122 R8 832 R9 792 R6 762 R6 324 R7 758 R7 710 R7 575

7 501 - 8 000 R9 084 R7 632 R9 708 R10 776 R7 446 R6 936 R8 556 R8 472 R8 301 7 501 - 8 000 R10 830 R7 758 R9 744 R10 776 R7 446 R6 936 R8 514 R8 472 R8 301

8 001 - 8 500 R9 990 R8 652 R11 100 R12 102 R8 328 R7 824 R9 618 R9 528 R9 345 8 001 - 8 500 R11 880 R8 652 R11 064 R12 102 R8 328 R7 824 R9 540 R9 528 R9 345

8 501 - 9 000 R11 556 R9 540 R12 072 R13 446 R9 288 R8 712 R10 692 R10 578 R10 326 8 501 - 9 000 R13 512 R9 666 R12 168 R13 446 R9 288 R8 712 R10 614 R10 578 R10 326

9 001 - 9 500 R12 474 R10 050 R13 416 R14 772 R10 242 R9 564 R11 688 R11 646 R11 379 9 001 - 9 500 R14 868 R11 064 R13 464 R14 772 R10 242 R9 564 R11 736 R11 646 R11 379

9 501 - 10 000 R13 458 R11 448 R14 580 R16 176 R11 196 R10 488 R12 828 R12 756 R12 408 9 501 - 10 000 R16 278 R11 700 R14 616 R16 176 R11 196 R10 488 R12 780 R12 756 R12 408

10 001 - 10 500 R16 626 R12 846 R16 272 R17 922 R12 366 R11 604 R14 400 R14 094 R13 725 10 001 - 10 500 R18 012 R13 104 R16 332 R17 922 R12 366 R11 604 R14 136 R14 094 R13 725

10 501 - 11 000 R18 210 R13 992 R17 676 R19 668 R13 584 R12 696 R15 762 R15 474 R15 021 10 501 - 11 000 R19 746 R14 244 R17 748 R19 668 R13 584 R12 696 R15 498 R15 474 R15 021

11 001 - 11 500 R19 890 R15 264 R19 308 R21 444 R14 784 R12 876 R17 178 R16 656 R16 443 11 001 - 11 500 R21 540 R15 516 R19 380 R21 444 R14 784 R12 876 R16 908 R16 890 R16 443

11 501 - 12 000 R21 552 R16 536 R21 048 R23 232 R16 080 R15 024 R17 630 R18 282 R17 793 11 501 - 12 000 R23 346 R16 788 R21 132 R23 232 R16 080 R15 024 R18 336 R18 282 R17 793

For each additional 500 kg or part thereof

PlusR1 920

Plus R2 280

Plus R1 740

Plus R2 085

Plus R1 374

Plus R1 224

Plus R1 830

Plus R1 842

Plus R1 875

For each additional 500 kg or part thereof

Plus R1 920

Plus R2 280

Plus R1 752

Plus R2 085

Plus R1 374

Plus R1 224

Plus R1 806

Plus R1 842

Plus R1 875

2016 |TMH| 37


souTH african Trailer licence fees







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Tare (kg) Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZulu-Natal Limpopo Mpumalanga North West Northern Cape Western Cape Tare (kg) Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZulu-Natal Limpopo Mpumalanga North West Northern Cape Western Cape

14 April 2014 1 July 2014 1 April 2015 1 April 2014 1 April 2015 1 May 2014 1 May 2015 1 April 2015 1 June 2013 14 April 2014 1 July 2014 1 April 2015 1 April 2014 1 April 2015 1 May 2014 1 May 2015 1 April 2015 1 June 2013

0 - 250 R246 R252 R180 R204 R162 R156 R198 R216 R255 0 - 250 R162 R126 R180 R204 R162 R156 R156 R120 R123

251 - 500 R276 R252 R252 R258 R192 R168 R222 R240 R264 251 - 500 R222 R252 R204 R258 R192 R168 R182 R168 R156

501 - 750 R282 R252 R288 R318 R204 R180 R258 R240 R270 501 - 750 R276 R252 R288 R318 R204 R180 R234 R216 R210

751 - 1 000 R318 R384 R312 R390 R252 R204 R288 R264 R294 751 - 1 000 R330 R384 R336 R390 R252 R204 R282 R252 R261

1 001 - 1 250 R402 R384 R360 R444 R276 R252 R348 R324 R354 1 001 - 1 250 R426 R384 R384 R444 R276 R252 R336 R324 R354

1 251 - 1 500 R504 R510 R492 R558 R348 R324 R432 R414 R480 1 251 - 1 500 R546 R510 R504 R558 R348 R324 R450 R426 R480

1 501 - 1 750 R594 R510 R564 R666 R402 R408 R522 R498 R540 1 501 - 1 750 R642 R636 R600 R666 R402 R408 R528 R498 R540

1 751 - 2 000 R654 R636 R720 R774 R492 R480 R588 R558 R609 1 751 - 2 000 R762 R762 R720 R774 R492 R480 R606 R582 R609

2 001 - 2 250 R858 R636 R828 R936 R738 R564 R588 R714 R828 2 001 - 2 250 R924 R762 R864 R936 R738 R564 R744 R714 R831

2 251 - 2 500 R1 026 R762 R1 008 R1 110 R750 R684 R888 R858 R960 2 251 - 2 500 R1 056 R888 R984 R1 110 R750 R684 R888 R810 R963

2 501 - 2 750 R1 164 R762 R1 128 R1 290 R828 R804 R1 002 R972 R1 086 2 501 - 2 750 R1 230 R1 020 R1 164 R1 290 R828 R804 R1 008 R954 R1 089

2 751 - 3 000 R1 194 R888 R1 284 R1 458 R1 020 R924 R1 098 R1 008 R1 095 2 751 - 3 000 R1 368 R1 020 R1 308 R1 458 R1 020 R924 R1 104 R1 074 R1 098

3 001 - 3 250 R1 482 R1 146 R1 380 R1 632 R1 110 R1 020 R1 284 R1 248 R1 335 3 001 - 3 250 R2 826 R2 796 R2 472 R2 760 R1 110 R1 020 R1 950 R2 220 R1 338

3 251 - 3 500 R1 746 R1 398 R1 632 R1 860 R1 254 R1 176 R1 482 R1 428 R1 503 3 251 - 3 500 R2 880 R2 796 R2 712 R3 066 R1 254 R1 176 R2 124 R2 400 R1 503

3 501 - 3 750 R1 902 R1 524 R1 896 R2 088 R1 440 R1 332 R1 692 R1 620 R1 830 3 501 - 3 750 R3 396 R3 054 R3 024 R3 384 R1 440 R1 332 R2 382 R2 646 R1 830

3 751 - 4 000 R2 100 R1 524 R2 100 R2 310 R1 602 R1 476 R1 854 R1 776 R1 983 3 751 - 4 000 R3 690 R3 306 R3 336 R3 696 R1 602 R1 476 R2 592 R2 826 R1 983

4 001 - 4 250 R2 328 R1 656 R2 280 R2 550 R1 758 R1 608 R2 034 R1 974 R2 163 4 001 - 4 250 R4 080 R3 816 R3 552 R4 014 R1 758 R1 608 R2 904 R3 420 R2 163

4 251 - 4 500 R2 550 R2 034 R2 472 R2 760 R1 944 R1 776 R2 220 R2 160 R2 337 4 251 - 4 500 R4 380 R4 068 R3 936 R4 374 R1 944 R1 776 R3 108 R3 432 R2 337

4 501 - 4 750 R2 748 R2 160 R2 700 R2 994 R2 112 R1 932 R2 418 R2 304 R2 496 4 501 - 4 750 R4 752 R4 200 R4 224 R4 740 R2 112 R1 932 R3 330 R3 702 R2 496

4 751 - 5 000 R2 976 R2 292 R2 892 R3 216 R2 196 R2 076 R2 586 R2 514 R2 676 4 751 - 5 000 R5 130 R4 326 R4 572 R5 100 R2 196 R2 076 R3 558 R4 002 R2 676

5 001 - 5 250 R4 620 R4 068 R4 380 R4 872 R3 342 R2 592 R4 008 R3 930 R4 002 5 001 - 5 250 R5 640 R4 452 R4 980 R5 526 R3 342 R2 592 R4 290 R4 410 R4 002

5 251 - 5 500 R4 992 R4 326 R4 836 R5 400 R3 726 R3 492 R4 374 R4 230 R4 302 5 251 - 5 500 R5 970 R4 578 R5 352 R5 964 R3 726 R3 492 R4 320 R4 686 R4 302

5 501 - 5 750 R5 424 R4 704 R5 292 R5 904 R4 104 R3 636 R4 764 R4 650 R4 677 5 501 - 5 750 R6 414 R4 578 R5 736 R6 384 R4 104 R3 636 R4 926 R5 022 R4 677

5 751 - 6 000 R5 472 R5 088 R5 844 R6 432 R4 386 R4 164 R5 136 R5 052 R5 052 5 751 - 6 000 R6 864 R4 962 R6 168 R6 858 R4 386 R4 164 R5 304 R5 364 R5 052

6 001 - 6 250 R5 952 R5 340 R6 288 R6 954 R4 818 R4 488 R5 562 R5 538 R5 460 6 001 - 6 250 R7 362 R5 472 R6 612 R7 314 R4 818 R4 488 R5 706 R5 760 R5 460

6 251 - 6 500 R6 456 R5 472 R6 720 R7 512 R5 190 R4 860 R5 994 R5 922 R5 880 6 251 - 6 500 R7 842 R5 598 R7 068 R7 806 R5 190 R4 860 R6 090 R6 132 R5 880

6 501 - 6 750 R7 110 R5 850 R7 440 R8 094 R5 580 R5 220 R6 462 R6 354 R6 315 6 501 - 6 750 R8 316 R5 976 R7 476 R8 286 R5 580 R5 220 R6 504 R6 504 R6 315

6 751 - 7 000 R7 500 R6 360 R7 908 R8 658 R6 168 R5 772 R7 374 R7 038 R6 918 6 751 - 7 000 R8 790 R6 108 R7 920 R8 760 R6 168 R5 772 R6 978 R6 888 R6 918

7 001 - 7 250 R8 304 R6 486 R8 328 R9 228 R6 354 R5 952 R7 590 R7 248 R7 155 7 001 - 7 250 R9 270 R6 744 R8 352 R9 228 R6 354 R5 952 R7 320 R7 248 R7 155

7 251 - 7 500 R8 556 R7 122 R8 796 R9 792 R6 762 R6 324 R7 812 R7 710 R7 575 7 251 - 7 500 R9 834 R7 122 R8 832 R9 792 R6 762 R6 324 R7 758 R7 710 R7 575

7 501 - 8 000 R9 084 R7 632 R9 708 R10 776 R7 446 R6 936 R8 556 R8 472 R8 301 7 501 - 8 000 R10 830 R7 758 R9 744 R10 776 R7 446 R6 936 R8 514 R8 472 R8 301

8 001 - 8 500 R9 990 R8 652 R11 100 R12 102 R8 328 R7 824 R9 618 R9 528 R9 345 8 001 - 8 500 R11 880 R8 652 R11 064 R12 102 R8 328 R7 824 R9 540 R9 528 R9 345

8 501 - 9 000 R11 556 R9 540 R12 072 R13 446 R9 288 R8 712 R10 692 R10 578 R10 326 8 501 - 9 000 R13 512 R9 666 R12 168 R13 446 R9 288 R8 712 R10 614 R10 578 R10 326

9 001 - 9 500 R12 474 R10 050 R13 416 R14 772 R10 242 R9 564 R11 688 R11 646 R11 379 9 001 - 9 500 R14 868 R11 064 R13 464 R14 772 R10 242 R9 564 R11 736 R11 646 R11 379

9 501 - 10 000 R13 458 R11 448 R14 580 R16 176 R11 196 R10 488 R12 828 R12 756 R12 408 9 501 - 10 000 R16 278 R11 700 R14 616 R16 176 R11 196 R10 488 R12 780 R12 756 R12 408

10 001 - 10 500 R16 626 R12 846 R16 272 R17 922 R12 366 R11 604 R14 400 R14 094 R13 725 10 001 - 10 500 R18 012 R13 104 R16 332 R17 922 R12 366 R11 604 R14 136 R14 094 R13 725

10 501 - 11 000 R18 210 R13 992 R17 676 R19 668 R13 584 R12 696 R15 762 R15 474 R15 021 10 501 - 11 000 R19 746 R14 244 R17 748 R19 668 R13 584 R12 696 R15 498 R15 474 R15 021

11 001 - 11 500 R19 890 R15 264 R19 308 R21 444 R14 784 R12 876 R17 178 R16 656 R16 443 11 001 - 11 500 R21 540 R15 516 R19 380 R21 444 R14 784 R12 876 R16 908 R16 890 R16 443

11 501 - 12 000 R21 552 R16 536 R21 048 R23 232 R16 080 R15 024 R17 630 R18 282 R17 793 11 501 - 12 000 R23 346 R16 788 R21 132 R23 232 R16 080 R15 024 R18 336 R18 282 R17 793

For each additional 500 kg or part thereof

PlusR1 920

Plus R2 280

Plus R1 740

Plus R2 085

Plus R1 374

Plus R1 224

Plus R1 830

Plus R1 842

Plus R1 875

For each additional 500 kg or part thereof

Plus R1 920

Plus R2 280

Plus R1 752

Plus R2 085

Plus R1 374

Plus R1 224

Plus R1 806

Plus R1 842

Plus R1 875

38 |TMH| 2016


Country Visas Tel/Fax Address Hours

Angola All nationalities require visas. Tel: 011 622 6025 011 622 9621

Fax: 011 622 7939

Waterside Place,15 Zulberg Close,Bruma

09:00 – 12:00

Botswana South African citizens do not require visas to enter Botswana.

Tel: 011 403 3748/9 Fax: 011 403 1286

Ground floor, 66 Jorisson Street,Braamfontein,Johannesburg

08:30 – 16:30

Kenya South African citizens do not require visas to enter Kenya for periods that do not exceed 30 days.

Tel: 012 362 2249Fax: 012 362 2252

302 Brooks Street, Menlo Park, Pretoria

08:30 – 16:30 Monday to Thursday08:30 – 13:00 Friday

Lesotho South African citizens do not require visas to enter Lesotho.

Tel: 012 460 7648/0 011 720 2862

Fax: 012 460 7949

222 Smit Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg

09:00 – 12:30

Malawi South African citizens do not require visas to enter Malawi.

Tel: 011 803 4919Fax: 011 807 7790

4 Dodge Street, Woodmead, Sandton

09:00 – 13:00Monday, Tuesday, ThursdayClosed on Wednesdays;9:00 – 12:00 on Fridays

Mozambique South African citizens do not require visas to enter Mozambique.

Tel: 012 401 0300Fax: 012 326 6388

529 Edmund Street, Arcadia, Pretoria

08:00 – 12:00

Namibia Certain nationalities require visas for Namibia. South African citizens on business require a business visa.

Tel: 012 481 9100Fax: 012 344 5998

197 Blackwood cnr Church Streets, Arcadia, Pretoria

08:30 – 12:45

Swaziland South African citizens do not require visas to enter Swaziland.

Tel: 012 344 1910Fax: 012 343 0455

715 Government Avenue cnr Blackwood Street, Arcadia, Pretoria

09:00 – 12:30Monday, Wednesday and Friday

Tanzania Certain nationalities require visas for Tanzania and need to apply in advance. Check requirements prior to departure.

Tel: 012 342 4371Fax: 012 430 4383

822 George Avenue, Arcadia, Pretoria

09:30 – 12:30

Zambia South African citizens do not require visas to enter Zambia.

Tel: 012 326 1847/97 Fax: 012 326 2140E-mail: [email protected]

570 Ziervogel Street, off Hamilton Street, Arcadia, Pretoria

09:00 – 17:00

Zimbabwe Certain nationalities require visas for Zimbabwe. These are obtainable free of charge at the border post.

Tel: 011 037 3400 011 615 5879

Fax: 011 615 1016

13a Boeing Road West,Bedfordview,Johannesburg

08:30 – 12:00Closed on Wednesdays

Visa requirements are subject to change without notice. Charmont Media Global cannot be held responsible for inaccurate or untimely information supplied.

visa inforMaTion

2016 |TMH| 39


applicaTions for cross-Border road TransporT perMiTs

The application fee and issuing fee are payable in respect of each country in which the applicant wishes to pick up or set down goods or passengers. Excluding tourist applications.

For conveyance of Permit type DurationApplication fee per

vehicle per country

Permit issue fee per vehicle

per country

Total fee per

vehicle per country


< 35-seater minibus

Temporary permit (immediately)14 days R160 R160 R320

3 months R160 R320 R480

New permit

(to be advertised)

12 months R160 R1 780 R1 940

5 years R160 R4 000 R4 160

Renewal (immediately)12 months R160 R1 780 R1 940

5 years R160 R4 000 R4 160

Annual compliance fee 5 years - R600 R600


> 35-seater bus

Temporary permit (immediately)14 days R160 R180 R340

3 months R160 R360 R520

New permit

(to be advertised)

12 months R160 R2 000 R2 160

5 years R160 R4 600 R4 760

Renewal (immediately)12 months R160 R2 000 R2 160

5 years R160 R4 600 R4 760

Annual compliance fee 5 years - R690 R690


< 35-seater minibus

Temporary permit (immediately)14 days R160 R170 R330

3 months R160 R530 R690

New permit

(to be advertised)

12 months R160 R1 930 R2 090

5 years R160 R4 200 R4 360

Renewal (immediately)12 months R160 R1 930 R2 090

5 years R160 R4 200 R4 360

Annual compliance fee 5 years - R630 R630


> 35-seater bus

Temporary permit (immediately)14 days R160 R190 R350

3 months R160 R1 830 R1 990

New permit

(to be advertised)

12 months R160 R2 070 R2 230

5 years R160 R4 830 R4 990

Renewal (immediately)12 months R160 R2 070 R2 230

5 years R160 R4 830 R4 990

Annual compliance fee 5 years - R725 R724


Class 1

< 20 000 kg

Temporary permit (immediately)14 days R570 R750 R1 320

3 months R570 R1 420 R1 990

New permit

(to be advertised)

12 months R570 R4 290 R4 860

5 years R570 R6 000 R6 570

Renewal (immediately)12 months R570 R4 290 R4 860

5 years R570 R6 000 R6 570

Annual compliance fee 5 years - R1 030 R1 030


Class 2

> 20 000 kg

Temporary permit (immediately)14 days R570 R1 000 R1 570

3 months R570 R1 900 R2 470

New permit

(to be advertised)

12 months R570 R5 720 R6 290

5 years R570 R8 000 R8 570

Renewal (immediately)12 months R570 R5 720 R6 290

5 years R570 R8 000 R8 570

Annual compliance fee 5 years - R1 370 R1 370


Temporary permit (immediately)14 days R2 000 R2 000 R4 000

3 months R2 000 R6 000 R8 000

New permit

(to be advertised)

3 months R2 000 R18 000 R20 000

12 months R2 000 R18 000 R20 000

Renewal (immediately)3 months R2 000 R6 000 R8 000

12 months R2 000 R18 000 R20 000

OtherReplacement of vehicle R160 R160 R320

Issuing of duplicate permits R160 R160 R320


Minibus means a motor vehicle designed or modified solely or principally for conveying not more than 35 persons including the driver; (means a midibus, minibus or motorcar as defined in the

National Land Transport Act, 5 of 2009).

Bus means a motor vehicle designed or modified to carry more than 35 persons including the driver; (means a vehicle as defined in the National Land Transport Act, 5 of 2009).

Freight operators will be classified as:

Class 1: Heavy vehicle means a motor vehicle or combination of vehicles designed, modified or used for the carriage of freight that does not exceed a gross mass of 20 000 kg.

Class 2: Heavy vehicle means a motor vehicle or combination of vehicles designed, modified or used for the carriage of freight that exceeds a gross mass of 20 000 kg.

40 |TMH| 2016


Border posT operaTing Hours


Border posts Office hours



Goba Fronteira/Mhlumeni








Matsamo/Jeppe's Reef





08:00 – 17:00

08:00 – 18:00

08:00 – 16:00

08:00 – 16:00

07:00 – 22:00

08:00 – 16:00

07:00 – 22:00

07:00 – 18:00

07:00 – 20:00

07:00 – 00:00

08:00 – 18:00

08:00 – 18:00

08:00 – 18:00


Border posts Office hours


Makhaleng Bridge

Ficksburg Bridge

Maseru Bridge

Monantsha Pass

Bushman's Nek


Peka Bridge

Qacha's Nek Gate

Ramatseliso's Gate

Sani Pass

Sepapu’s Gate

Tele Bridge

Van Rooyenshek

06:00 – 22:00

08:00 – 16:00

24 hours

24 hours

08:00 – 16:00

08:00 – 16:00

08:00 – 16:00

08:00 – 16:00

06:00 – 22:00

08:00 – 16:00

08:00 – 18:00

08:00 – 16:00

06:00 – 22:00

06:00 – 22:00

NOTE: Facilities on the South African side


Border posts Office hours


Kazungula Road





Mt Selinda/Espungabera


Nyama Panda/Cochemane


Beit Bridge




Kazungula Ferry

Kazungula Road

Victoria Falls/Livingstone

06:00 – 18:00

08:00 – 16:00

06:00 – 20:00

06:00 – 18:00

06:00 – 16:00 (commercial


06:00 – 18:00 (light vehicles)

06:00 – 18:00

06:00 – 18:00

24 hours

06:00 – 18:00

06:00 – 20:00

06:00 – 18:00

06:00 – 18:00

06:00 – 22:00


Border posts Office hours














Kazungula Ferry

Kazungula Road

Livingstone/Victoria Falls

06:00 – 18:00

06:00 – 18:00

06:00 – 18:00

06:00 – 18:00

24 hours

06:00 – 18:00 (commercial


24 hours (light vehicles)

06:00 – 18:00

06:00 – 18:00

06:00 – 18:00

06:00 – 18:00

06:00 – 18:00

06:00 – 18:00

06:00 – 20:00

06:00 – 18:00

06:00 – 18:00

06:00 – 22:00






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2016 |TMH| 41



Border posts Office hours










06:00 – 18:00

08:00 – 16:00

06:00 – 18:00

06:00 – 18:00

06:00 – 18:00

06:00 – 18:00


Border posts Office hours





Cochemane/Nyama Panda

Espungabera/Mt Selinda















Kosi Bay


08:00 – 20:00

06:00 – 18:00

06:00 – 18:00

06:00 – 18:00

06:00 – 18:00

06:00 – 18:00

06:00 – 18:00

24 hours

08:00 – 15:00

06:00 – 18:00

08:00 – 18:00

08:00 – 16:00

06:00 – 18:00

08:00 – 16:00

08:00 – 17:00

06:00 – 24:00

NOTE: Facilities on the South African side


Border posts Office hours

ANGOLA/NAMIBIAOmanheneOshikango Ruacana

BOTSWANA/NAMIBIA Buitepos/Mamuno Mohembo/Shakawa Ngoma Bridge

SOUTH AFRICA/NAMIBIANakop Noenieput RietfonteinVioolsdriftCargo Alexander Bay Onseepkans


06:00 – 18:0008:00 – 18:0008:00 – 18:00

07:00 – 00:0008:00 – 18:0007:00 – 18:00

24 hours08:00 – 16:3008:00 – 16:30

24 hours06:00 – 22:0006:00 – 22:0008:00 – 16:30

06:00 – 18:00


Border posts Office hours

NAMIBIA/BOTSWANA Mamuno/Buitepos Ngoma Bridge Shakawe/MahemboImpalila Island

ZIMBABWE/BOTSWANA Kazungula Road Pandamatenga Ramokgwebana/PlumtreeMaitengweMatsiloje – Mphoengs


SOUTH AFRICA/BOTSWANAPlatjan Boshoek Bray Gemsbok Groblersbrug MakopongMiddelputs Stockpoort Skilpadshek Pritshane MolopoPontdrift Ramatlabama Road Swartkopfontein SSKA Saambou BrugDerdepoortKopfontein Tsabong/McCarthy's Rest ZanzibarTwee Riviren

08:00 – 18:0007:00 – 18:0007:00 – 18:0007:00 – 18:00

06:00 – 18:0008:00 – 16:0007:00 – 20:0006:00 – 18:0006:00 – 18:00

06:00 – 18:00

08:00 – 18:0007:30 – 16:0007:30 – 16:0008:00 – 16:3008:00 – 18:0007:30 – 16:0008:30 – 16:3008:00 – 16:0007:00 – 19:3007:00 – 16:0008:00 – 16:0007:00 – 20:0007:00 – 19:0007:00 – 19:0007:00 – 19:0007:00 – 22:0008:00 – 16:3008:00 – 16:0008:00 – 16:30

NOTE: Facilities on the South African side






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ill-informed companies might quote

freighting rates that are too low

and will subsequently be unable to

balance the books, resulting in a rapid

descent into financial difficulty.

These poor decisions can also impact on

the more established transport operators

that transport goods at market-related

rates. They may suddenly lose a contract to

an under-quoting operator oblivious to all the

cost risks. The cheaper operator will usually

be unable to meet the agreed conditions of

the contract which, in turn, tarnishes the

reputation of the road freight industry as

a whole.

Being armed with comprehensive

knowledge and an understanding of vehicle

costs enables transporters to submit

professional, competitive quotes and tenders

to prospective clients.

A well-constructed costing and an open-

book policy with clients also afford a smoother

negotiation when rates need to be increased,

for example, due to a rise in the price of fuel.

One way of effectively justifying the increase

in the fuel component of the costing is to

show the client the cost breakdown of the

company’s rate structure.

Heavy vehicle operating costs are divided

into two segments. The first covers fixed

costs (also known as standing costs),

while the other comprises variable or

running costs (see next page for a detailed


A breakdown of the cost elements for

a seven axle inter-link combination vehicle

operating two-and-a-half times a week on

the Johannesburg/Durban route, (covering

144 000 km annually), fully loaded both ways,

might look like this:

In today’s highly competitive road freight market, it is important that operators remain aware of the

factors affecting vehicle operating costs. Sadly, many transport businesses fail because the company is

unaware of all the possible costs that can be incurred when operating a heavy vehicle

As can be seen from the calculation,

variable costs represent more than 50

percent of the vehicle’s total operating

costs, costs that can be controlled and

reduced by operating and maintaining the

vehicle professionally. |focus

fixed cosTs

Finance 20%

Insurance 6%

Crew 12%

Overheads 4%

Licence 1%


variaBle cosTs

Fuel 43%

Tyres 2%

Maintenance 5%

Toll fees 7%


42 |TMH| 2016



2016 |TMH| 43

fixed cosTs

Fixed costs are exactly what they imply:

truck costs incurred whether the vehicle

is used or not. They are mainly made up of:

• Depreciation and interest: ideally, the

depreciation portion is taken as the cost

of the vehicle divided by the useful life (in

years), while the interest is the cost of

financing the purchase price.

In practice the depreciation period

is often equated to the period over

which the vehicle is financed. There can

be a residual value at the end of the

useful life which should be subtracted

from the purchase price. In this context,

and with devaluation of our currency,

corrections must be made for the

relative purchasing power of the rand at

the time the vehicle was purchased and

when it was disposed of.

For simplicity’s sake we will lump

depreciation and interest together and

use the monthly finance repayment

figure. This component is usually not

subject to escalation over the life of a


• Crew: the cost of the driver or drivers

(in multi-shift operations). Care must be

taken to allow for annual and sick leave.

• Insurance: the premiums are generally

taken as a percentage of the vehicle’s

purchase price, the level of the voluntary

excess and the claim history, and can

vary from four to 10 percent per annum.

Where valuable goods are carried a

goods-in-transit cover will have to be


• Licence fees are based on the vehicle’s

tare mass and vary from province to

province. They make up about one

percent of overall cost.

• Overheads include anything that is

required to keep the operation going,

for example office or workshop facilities,

parking areas, despatchers, clerks,

telephones and ancillary vehicles. This

cost is generally divided between the

vehicles operating out of a depot. As a

guide, use 10 percent of fixed costs.

• To get a measure of the fixed cost per

kilometre, the annual fixed cost is divided

by the actual, or estimated, annual

kilometres travelled.

variaBle cosTs

Variable Costs depend on the distance

travelled, the nature of the terrain and the

toughness of the operation. They consist of:

• Fuel: with the current price of fuel, this

component can be as high as 60 percent

of overall costs. Influencing factors are

vehicle and load size, drag co-efficient,

frontal area, rolling resistance and

terrain. This cost has to be adjusted with

fluctuations in fuel price. The cost per

kilometre = cost per litre x consumption

(in litres per 100 km) ÷ 100.

• Tyres: the cost per kilometre is calculated

by dividing the cost of a tyre by its

expected kilometre life. There can be

different wear rates between steering

axles, driven axles and trailer axles. In the

choice of tyres higher rolling resistance

must not be compromised for the sake

of cheaper tyres; as it leads to higher fuel


• Maintenance: most truck manufacturers

offer maintenance contracts for different

types of operations. Incredibly, some big

truck maintenance rates are cheaper

than for some cars.

• Toll fees cannot be generalised but must

be added on a trip-by-trip basis.

One factor that cannot be omitted, of

course, is profit. As a guide, use 20 percent

of overall costs. In a price-cutting situation

this is the only factor that can be sacrificed.

If your costs are still too high, you are better

off not getting the contract. |focus

A detailed breakdown of fixed and variable costs – the two most important truck operating cost categories

– needs to consider the range of constituent parts in a transport operation


made eaSY



44 |TMH| 2016



in a revolutionary change of strategy,

Isuzu Truck South Africa has moved

away from the traditional role of

dedicated truck original equipment

manufacturer (OEM) to that of an “enterprise”

with an African geographic footprint.

Operating out of Johannesburg, a new

venture has been established – Isuzu Motors

Sub-Saharan Africa (IMSSA) – in support of

Isuzu’s objective of being the number one

brand in Africa. During 2013 and 2014, Isuzu

Motors Ltd of Japan supplied over 25 000

new Isuzu trucks into Africa.

Isuzu Truck South Africa’s director and

chief operating officer, Craig Uren, states:

“As an enterprise, we are now involved in the

delivery of a complete truck product solution

that ensures quality and design suitable for

African market conditions, where we serve

nine countries.”

Isuzu is South Africa’s top-selling chassis-

cab, forward-control configuration truck. By

June 2015, nearly one in three medium trucks

sold in South Africa was an Isuzu N-Series,

and 70 percent of these were equipped with

Isuzu Automated Manual Transmission (AMT)


Isuzu AMT was launched in the medium-

range N-Series during 2008 and in the heavy

F-Series in 2011. Isuzu AMT models held 51,7

percent of Isuzu Truck South Africa’s total

volume sales in 2014.

During 2015, Isuzu Truck South Africa

became the first truck manufacturer in South

Africa to improve the logistical process for

complete trucks with cargo bodies.

Says Uren: “We have now invested in a

wholly owned truck bodybuilding subsidiary,

KANU Commercial Body Construction. In

addition, we have acquired Automotive

Chassis Technologies (ACT), a company that

conducts off-line customising and chassis

modifications as an extension to the Isuzu

truck production line.

“Both KANU and ACT are based in Port

Elizabeth; providing centralised control over

design, quality and warranty, plus the ability

to schedule the supply chain into our dealers

without overstocking their facilities. It requires

an ‘enterprise’ approach,” he continues.

Isuzu Truck South Africa has launched

a unique, unilateral programme to improve

the engineering quality, durability and on-road

safety of cargo bodies and all equipment fitted

to Isuzu trucks in Africa.

This initiative includes training, self-auditing,

and configuration management guidelines for

truck bodybuilders in Africa. This service is

free, excluding the cost of an initial audit, and

will benefit the entire road transport industry.

All new trucks, regardless of make, will

benefit from Isuzu Truck South Africa taking

the lead on this ambitious project, which will

improve the total cost of ownership of trucks as

well as the value of used trucks on the market.

An aggressive campaign to align

aftermarket parts prices that reflect real

value coupled to quality standards was also

launched – ensuring replacement parts

deliver full service life for lowest total cost of

ownership (TCO).

“It’s not just about price,” says Wayne

Morgan, Isuzu Truck general manager:

aftersales and parts. “We have examined

technical competitiveness of ‘cheaper’ parts

on the market and find disturbing differences.”

Service, too, is an aftermarket “enterprise”

activity – it’s all about how customers use a

truck and achieve lowest TCO. Service is about

monitoring truck applications from cradle to

grave and the variable warranties that Isuzu

Truck South Africa is now introducing as an

innovative, value-added offering to operating

an Isuzu truck.

Uren offers a final and powerful vision

of where this new concept of ‘enterprise’

is heading: “The Isuzu Trucks franchise

culture is to offer customers the best

‘aftersales’ experiences. In doing so, we sell

trucks.” |focus

Isuzu Trucks reflects on a successful 2015 and looks at what’s in store for its operations in sub-Saharan

Africa during 2016

coMpanY profile

44 |TMH| 2016

2016 |TMH| 45

paCkagecoMpanY profile


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46 |TMH| 2016

coMpanY profile

based on its 2015

performances in South Africa,

as well as in the seven other

southern African markets in

which it operates, Scania is clearly doing

something right. Notable for its bus and

extra-heavy commercial vehicle (EHCV)

offerings, the company has also introduced

a number of value-added services to boost

both its own performance and that of its


Says Wager: “We had another record

year in South Africa during 2015. In the

EHCV segment our market share for the year

was 15 percent. We finished in a very good

way in terms of our sales volume of trucks.

Regarding buses, we are equally happy. It was

a good year for us and we’ve ended in second

place in the market.”

One notable event of 2015 was the

delivery of 66 buses to the Cape Town

bus rapid transit (BRT) system, MyCiti. “The

vehicles are also being fully maintained by our

workshop technicians,” Wager adds.

He talks with pride about the brand’s

performance in neighbouring countries. In

both Namibia and Botswana, Scania has

retained number one market share in the

EHCV segment – with close to 40 percent

in the former, and around 50 percent in the


“We are extremely pleased with our

performance in Namibia – we were able

to sign a number of new customers during

2015, who are delighted with our offering

and performance. The economy there is

holding up well, though the market is much


“Botswana has its economic problems;

the market is down considerably, but are

happy with what we are doing there.”

Over on the east coast of Africa, the

company celebrated the opening of its first

dealership in Mozambique at the end of

November 2015. “I’m confident that, with

our new dealership in Beira, Mozambique

will become a big market for us. The market

is flooded with ex-American left-hand drive

vehicles – the potential is huge,” smiles


Up in Tanzania, Wager notes competition

from Chinese brands and a lack of cross-

border traffic as reasons for tough conditions.

“But we are satisfied with our performance.

Many operators there have remained with or

returned to Scania, due to the robustness of

our trucks.”

The company also has independent

importers in Zambia, Zimbabwe and Malawi,

though those markets are all currently

struggling and present a challenge.

“We do have a very strong footprint

in the southern African markets,” says

Wager. “Our sales and service all falls

under one account, so if a local truck needs

to be fixed in a different country, the billing

Despite tough market and economic conditions, Scania South Africa has had yet another record year.

Entering 2016, though, Steve Wager, the company’s MD, is not letting complacency set in



2016 |TMH| 47

coMpanY profile

goes through us here in South Africa,” he


“Despite the economic issues, I’m fairly

confident about the future of southern Africa

and we expect to see strong growth in these

markets. In South Africa, though, I think we’re

going to be in this ‘doldrum-state’ for another

year or so …”

The local economy’s performance during

2015 presented challenges to the whole

market, resulting in a decline in overall sales.

“That’s inevitable and a very good barometer

of the economy and general demand.

We original equipment manufacturers all

expected market growth this year (Scania

predicted five percent) and geared up for


“What transpired, however, was a five

percent decline in the market. That ten-

percent gap – and all the stock not bought

– makes the market more competitive,”

Wager explains.

This competitive marketplace, says

Wager, ensures that the team at Scania

keeps on its toes and sets out to differentiate

itself by offering optimal solutions to the


One of these solutions, introduced in

October 2015 through Scania Finance, is

Scania Insurance – a competitively priced

insurance solution tailor-made by people

who understand the insurance needs of


While the offering is still young, Wager is

pleased that it is striking the right chords with

operators. “We’ve done a number of road

shows and have attracted a number of big

customers. It is a very competitively priced

product, because it’s not generic,” he says.

Two of Scania’s more established

solutions; truck rentals and used trucks, have

also proved successful and are developing

strongly. Launched at the beginning of 2013,

Scania Rental is a flexible product designed

to meet customers’ rental needs for up to

a year.

“This is a core product to us, not just an

add-on. In addition to truck tractors, we’ll

continue to expand rentals into many other

sectors,” Wager notes.

The company also expects its used-truck

business to expand, although the sales

success of new Scania trucks has made this

more difficult than expected. “As a result of

the success we’re having with new vehicle

sales, there are a lot of trade-ins, but our

used-truck operation is a core business; we

now have a very professional used-truck


It is clear that there is plenty to keep

Scania and its customers happy as 2016

gets underway. While all indicators point

to another tough year, Wager is not

despondent. “We expect the market to

recover slightly during 2016, albeit not to a

great extent. Business confidence is fragile

and some sectors, such as mining, are on

their backs.

“We’ve entered 2016 on a record level,

so we need to carry on doing what we’re

doing while expanding in other segments,

such as construction. We don’t sell a

lump of metal, we sell a transport solution

and top-class customer service,” he

concludes. |focus

48 |TMH| 2016

coMpanY profile

aero Truck began operating over

30 years ago when Cameron

Dudley-Owen founded the

company “to demonstrate, to

the South African transport industry, the

benefits of fitting aerodynamics, and to

manufacture units which were as good as

those being offered anywhere in the world”.

While Aero Truck’s bespoke, locally

designed and produced aerodynamic aids

are the company’s claim to fame, it offers

transport operators so much more …

aerodYnaMicsComputer designed using the latest CAD

software and adapted to fit specific trucks,

Aero Truck’s bespoke aerokits return fuel

savings of between seven and ten percent.

While kits are available for all makes and

models on the local market, over the last year

the company has developed its Dolphin range

of kits, which uses aircraft aerodynamic

principles in its design.

“We have developed this design principle

to fit most trucks on the South African

market. It has been expanded to include

medium and smaller-sized trucks. We have

also produced a design specifically for fridge

units,” explains Dudley-Owen.

From a safety perspective, vehicles fitted

with aerodynamics experience significantly

lower wind buffeting/turbulence. “This means

that the vehicle’s handling characteristics are

improved, which, in turn, has the effect of

reducing driver fatigue – arguably the most

common cause of serious accidents,” adds


Enhanced fuel economy and safety are

not the only benefit from fitting an aerokit,


“Many fleets are embracing the idea of

‘going green’ and addressing the issue of

reducing their carbon footprint. Our products

provide an ideal way for our customers to

achieve this,” says Dudley-Owen.

“Customers also mention that the

enhanced appearance of a fleet, which has

been kitted out with aerodynamics, works

well in improving a company’s profile and

brand image. A further advertising benefit is

that the large frontal surface area of the roof

of the aerokit is often used as advertising

space by the company concerned.

proTecTionAero Truck’s range of bull bars, side-under-

run protection bars, and headlamp and

windscreen protectors are all designed to

be both functional and aesthetically pleasing,

while placing the smallest possible weight

penalty on a vehicle.

Offered for the entire range of trucks sold

in South Africa, Aero Truck’s bull bars are

produced to be light yet strong and effective.

They are designed to use curved contours,

rather than sharp angles or edges.

“The unique construction of our bars

contributes to ensuring a safe environment,

while still providing maximum protection for

the vehicle against accident damage. User

and general safety of the public is of great

important to us,” notes Dudley-Owen.

Aero Truck is known for its leading work in truck aerodynamics – creating

custom kits that return great savings from the vehicles to which they’re fitted

– but the company offers so much more



2016 |TMH| 49

coMpanY profile

During 2015, a range of lightweight

cosmetic bull bars was developed to meet

demand from a specific segment of the

market. These include the popular “Elk”

bar – a high profile bar featuring mesh

inserts. To go with this, lightweight spotlight

bars and roof top bars have also been


The bull-bar concept is not unique

to the truck tractor, though. An exciting

new development is the side-under-run

protection bars for trailers. These units

almost completely eliminate the risk of

vehicles and motorcycles getting caught

underneath long trailers when the vehicle is

turning. Similarly, they also protect cyclists

and pedestrians from injury or death, claims


“Although not yet legally required in South

Africa (despite this being the case in a number

of developed countries), these protection

bars represent a major step forward in

contributing to road safety. Both SAB and

Coca-Cola have chosen to fit the side-under-

run protection bars to their entire fleets and

we hope this initiative will be emulated by

other transporters,” says Dudley-Owen.

While all these components are made

from steel and aluminium, care in design is

taken to minimise their weight. “There will

always be a degree of weight added to the

vehicle, but this compensated for by the

safety aspect of all our products,” Dudley-

Owen affirms.

coMforT and convenienceConsidering many trucks sold locally are quite

standard, Aero Truck developed a range of

accessories to enhance driver experience

and safety. The company’s sun visors act

to reduce glare, enhance safety and reduce

driver fatigue.

Similarly, its windscreen guards are fitted

to reduce damage to the truck’s windscreen,

which can be expensive – especially when the

vehicle operates in poor road conditions.

Aero Truck’s expertise also extend to

full sleeper-cab extensions. These units are

prefabricated by the company and then

fitted either above or behind the cab. Cab-

over sleeper converisons have the benefit of

doubling as aerokits.

For vehicles running more local operations,

Aero Trucks similarly manufactures crew-cab

cabins, which are bolted onto the chassis

behind the original cab. These crew-cab

conversions are requested when a vehicle

has to be adapted for a different use from

that for which it was designed, or where

there is no availability of a correctly spec’d


“The integrity of the cab is not

compromised by our work, and the cab

extensions are almost indistinguishable

from an original. We take issues of safety

very seriously and a prime consideration

is to ensure that the standard of our

workmanship is such that crew safety is

never compromised,” assures Dudley Owen.

All Aero Truck products carry a two-year

warranty against defective materials and

workmanship. |focus

Main: Aero Truck’s Dolphin range of aero kits at the 2015 focus Truck Test.Right: The full Coca-Cola fleet now runs side-under-run protection bars.Far right: The complete Aero Truck product range.


50 |TMH| 2016


0 0

12 4

60 8



Head Office: Rosslyn Tel: +27 (0)12 541 2123 7 Phillips Street, Rosslyn, PretoriaSales Office: Boksburg Tel: +27 (0)11 892 9200 42 Viewpoint Road, Barlett, BoksburgSales Office: Cape Town Tel: +27 (0)21 552 6043 6 Signal Crescent, Montague Gardens, Cape TownSales Office: Bloemfontein Tel: +27 (0)51 813 8630 San du Plessis Ave, Estoire, BloemfonteinSales Office: Pomona Tel: +27 (0)10 590 8861 78 Pomona Road, Kempton ParkSales Office: Windhoek Tel: +264 (0)61 259 425 Portion 452 (A Portion of Portion 24) of Farm Brakwater No 48 A, Brakwater, Windhoek, Namibia























For more innovation visit


2016 |TMH| 51


0 0

12 4

60 8



Head Office: Rosslyn Tel: +27 (0)12 541 2123 7 Phillips Street, Rosslyn, PretoriaSales Office: Boksburg Tel: +27 (0)11 892 9200 42 Viewpoint Road, Barlett, BoksburgSales Office: Cape Town Tel: +27 (0)21 552 6043 6 Signal Crescent, Montague Gardens, Cape TownSales Office: Bloemfontein Tel: +27 (0)51 813 8630 San du Plessis Ave, Estoire, BloemfonteinSales Office: Pomona Tel: +27 (0)10 590 8861 78 Pomona Road, Kempton ParkSales Office: Windhoek Tel: +264 (0)61 259 425 Portion 452 (A Portion of Portion 24) of Farm Brakwater No 48 A, Brakwater, Windhoek, Namibia























For more innovation visit

52 |TMH| 201552 |TMH| 2015

Quick reference guide




ne p




Manufacturer Model GVM (kg) Power (kW @ r/min) Payload (kg) Page

Ford Ranger S/C 2.2TDCi LP 4x2 L/R Base Chassis Cab 2 925 88 @ 3 700 1 132 54

Ford Ranger S/C 2.2TDCi 4x2 XL Hi-Rider 3 200 118 @ 3 700 1 998 54

Ford Ranger S/C 3.2TDCi HP 4x2 HR XLS 3 200 147 @ 3 000 1 166 54

Ford Ranger Sup/C 2.2TDCi 4x2 XL 3 200 118 @ 3 700 1 111 54

Ford Ranger Sup/C 3.2TDCi 4x4 XLS 3 200 147 @ 3 000 937 54

Ford Ranger D/C 2.2TDCi 4x4 XL 3 200 118 @ 3 700 1 083 54

Toyota Hilux Single Cab 2.0 VVTi 5MT A/C 2 700 102 @ 5 600 - 58

Toyota Hilux Single Cab 2.7 VVTi Raised Body SRX 2 650 122 @ 5 200 - 58

Toyota Hilux Xtra Cab 2.4 GD-6 Raised Body SRX 2 750 110 @ 3 400 - 58

Toyota Hilux Xtra Cab 2.8 GD-6 Raised Body Raider 2 750 130 @ 3 400 - 58

Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.4 GD-6 4x4 SR 2 910 110 @ 3 400 - 58

Toyota Hilux Double Cab 4.0 V6 4x4 Raider AT 2 870 175 @ 5 200 - 58

Toyota Land Cruiser 79 4.0 Petrol 3 200 170 @ 5 600 1 135 60

Toyota Land Cruiser 79 4.2 Diesel 3 200 94 @ 3 800 1 060 60

Toyota Land Cruiser 79 4.5 V8 Diesel 3 300 151 @ 3 400 1 225 60


Manufacturer Model Name GVM (kg) Power (kW @ r/min) Payload (kg) Page

Ford Transit Connect 1.6 TDCi Ambiente LWB 2 405 85 @ 3 600 1 004 54

Ford Transit Custom 2.2 Ambiente LWP LP 3 100 74 @ 3 500 1 304 54

Ford Transit Custom 2.2 Ambiente LWP MP 3 325 92 @ 3 500 1 505 54

Ford Transit Panel Van 2.2 MWB Medium Roof FWD 3 300 92 @ 3 500 1 325 55

Ford Transit Panel Van 2.2 LWB-Extended (Jumbo) High Roof RWD 4 700 114 2 270 55

Ford Transit Single Chassis Cab 2.2 MWB Low Roof FWD 3 300 92 @ 3 500 1 597 55

Ford Transit Single Chassis Cab 2.2 LWB-Extended (Jumbo) Low Roof RWD 4 700 114 2 691 55

Ford Tourneo Bus 2.2 LWB-Extended (Jumbo) High Roof RWD 18-seat 4 600 100 1 605 55

Iveco Daily 35S15V11/E4 3 600 107 @ 3 200 – 3 500 1 485 56

Iveco Daily 50C15V16/E4 5 400 107 @ 3 200 – 3 500 2 830 56

Iveco Daily 50C15V16/E4 23-Seater Midibus 5 400 107 @ 3 200 – 3 500 2 200 56

2015 |TMH| 53


Manufacturer Model Name GVM (kg) Power (kW @ r/min) Payload (kg) Page


s a



ple c





Manufacturer Model GVM (kg) Power (kW @ r/min) Payload (kg) Page

Ford Ranger S/C 2.2TDCi LP 4x2 L/R Base Chassis Cab 2 925 88 @ 3 700 1 132 54

Ford Ranger S/C 2.2TDCi 4x2 XL Hi-Rider 3 200 118 @ 3 700 1 998 54

Ford Ranger S/C 3.2TDCi HP 4x2 HR XLS 3 200 147 @ 3 000 1 166 54

Ford Ranger Sup/C 2.2TDCi 4x2 XL 3 200 118 @ 3 700 1 111 54

Ford Ranger Sup/C 3.2TDCi 4x4 XLS 3 200 147 @ 3 000 937 54

Ford Ranger D/C 2.2TDCi 4x4 XL 3 200 118 @ 3 700 1 083 54

Toyota Hilux Single Cab 2.0 VVTi 5MT A/C 2 700 102 @ 5 600 - 58

Toyota Hilux Single Cab 2.7 VVTi Raised Body SRX 2 650 122 @ 5 200 - 58

Toyota Hilux Xtra Cab 2.4 GD-6 Raised Body SRX 2 750 110 @ 3 400 - 58

Toyota Hilux Xtra Cab 2.8 GD-6 Raised Body Raider 2 750 130 @ 3 400 - 58

Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.4 GD-6 4x4 SR 2 910 110 @ 3 400 - 58

Toyota Hilux Double Cab 4.0 V6 4x4 Raider AT 2 870 175 @ 5 200 - 58

Toyota Land Cruiser 79 4.0 Petrol 3 200 170 @ 5 600 1 135 60

Toyota Land Cruiser 79 4.2 Diesel 3 200 94 @ 3 800 1 060 60

Toyota Land Cruiser 79 4.5 V8 Diesel 3 300 151 @ 3 400 1 225 60

Iveco Daily 50C15V18/E4 5 400 107 @ 3 200 – 3 500 2 790 56

Iveco Daily 50C17V18 LD A8 V/E5 5 400 125 @ 3 000 – 3 500 2 638 56

Iveco Daily 70C15V20/E4 7 000 107 @ 3 200 – 3 500 3 974 56

Iveco Daily 55S15WH 4x4 5 500 107 @ 3 200 – 3 500 2 955 56

Iveco Daily 55S15WDH 4x4 Crew Cab 5 500 107 @ 3 200 – 3 500 2 735 56

Iveco Daily 70C15/E4 7 200 107 @ 3 200 – 3 500 4 905 56

Iveco Daily 70C15D/E4 7 200 107 @ 3 200 – 3 500 4 690 56

Toyota Quantum 2.5 D-4D 14-Seater Bus 3 200 75 @ 3 600 – 59

Toyota Quantum 2.5 D-4D Crew Cab Panel Van 3 200 75 @ 3 600 – 59

Toyota Quantum 2.7 LWB Panel Van 3 200 111 @ 4 800 1 355 59

Toyota Quantum 2.5 D-4D LWB Panel Van 3 200 75 @ 3 600 1 285 59

Toyota Quantum 2.5 D-4D SWB Panel Van 2 800 75 @ 3 600 1 070 59

Toyota Avanza 1.3 S Panel Van 1 680 70 @ 6 000 500 (1 222 dm3) 60Focus Mag Ad2.fh11 1/19/16 3:56 PM Page 1



54 |TMH| 2016

Transit Custom2.2 Ambiente

LWB LP2.2 Ambiente


ENGINE Capcacity (cc) / Cylinders

2 198 / 4 in-line

Power (kW @ r/min)

74 @ 3 500 92 @ 3 500

Torque (Nm @ r/min)

310 @ 1 300 350 @ 1 450

Fuel Economy (ℓ/100 km)

7,0 7,3

TRANSMISSIONNumber of Forward Gears / Drive Wheels

6 M/T / FWD

High / Low Ratios 3,727:1 / 0,683:1Final Drive 4,19:1ExTERIOR DIMENSIONS (mm) Overall Length 5 339Overall Width (Incl. Mirrors)

2 290

Overall Height (Laden and Unladen)

1 909 / 2 022

Wheelbase 3 300Sliding Door Width 1 030Sliding Door Height 1 320Rear Door/Tailgate Width

1 400

Rear Door/Tailgate Height

1 340

INTERIOR DIMENSIONS (mm)Max Load Length (With Bulkhead)

2 922

Max Load Length (With Load-Through Bulkhead)

3 452

Max Load Width 1 775Max Load Width (Between Wheel Arches)

1 390

Load Height Floor to Roof

1 406

Load Space With Bulkhead (SAE) (m3)


WEIGHTS (kg)Gross Vehicle Mass

3 100 3 325

Gross Combined Mass

4 400 5 125

Kerb Weight 1 796 1 820Gross Payload 1 304 1 505Towing Mass (Braked)

1 300 1 800

Towing Mass (Unbraked)

750 750

WHEELS AND TYRES15” Steel 215/65 R15

Std -

16” Steel 215/65 R16

- Std

BRAKESABS with EBD StdEBA (Electronic Brake Assist)


FORD PROTECTService Intervals 15 000 kmService Plan Dealer Option Roadside Assistance

Three-year/unlimited km

Comprehensive Warranty

Four-year/120 000 km

Corrosion Warranty

Five-year/unlimited km




Capcacity (cc) / Cylinders

1 560 / 4 in-line

Power (kW @ r/min)

85 @ 3 600

Torque (Nm @ r/min)


Fuel Economy (ℓ/100 km)


TRANSMISSIONNumber of Forward Gears / Drive Wheels

6 M/T / FWD

High / Low Ratios

3,581:1 / 0,79:1

Final Drive 3,69:1ExTERIOR DIMENSIONS (mm) Overall Length 4 928Overall Width (Without Mirrors)

1 835

Overall Height 1 852Front Overhang 878Wheelbase 3 062Rear Overhang 878Sliding Door Height

1 228

Sliding Door Width


Rear Door Height

1 136

Rear Door Width 1 248Turning Circle (m) 12,2INTERIOR DIMENSIONS (mm)Max Load Length (No Bulkhead)

2 153

Load Space Between Wheel Arches

1 226

Load Height Floor to Roof

1 269

Lift Over Height at Kerb


Load Space (SAE) (cu.m)

3 6

WEIGHTS (kg)Gross Vehicle Mass

2 405

Gross Combination Mass

3 205

Kerb Weight 1 401Gross Payload 1 004Towing Mass (Braked)

1 200

Towing Mass (Unbraked)


WHEELS AND TYRES16” x 6.5 Silver steel wheel


BRAKESABS with EBD StdEBA (Emergency Brake Assist)


FORD PROTECTService Intervals 15 000 km

Service PlanFour-year/60 000 km

Roadside Assistance

Three-year/unlimited km

Comprehensive Warranty

Four-year/120 000 km

Corrosion Warranty

Five-year/unlimited km





LP 2.2 TDCi 4x2 L/R Base Chassis


HP 2.2 TDCi 4x2

Hi-Rider xL

HP 3.2 TDCi

4x2 H/R xLS

2.2 TDCi 4x2 xL

3.2 TDCi 4x4 xLS

2.2 TDCi 4x4



Capacity (cc) / Cylinders

2 198 / 4 in-line

2 198 / 4 in-line

3 198 / 5 in-line

2 198 / 4 in-line

3 198 / 5 in-line

2 198 / 4 in-line

Power (kW @ r/min)88 @

3 700118 @ 3 700

147 @ 3 000

118 @ 3 700

147 @ 3 000

118 @ 3 700

Torque (Nm @ r/min)285 @ 1 500 - 2 300

385 @ 1 500 - 2 500

470 @ 1 500 - 2 750

385 @ 1 500 - 2 500

470 @ 1 500 - 2 750

385 @ 1 500 - 2 500

Fuel economy (ℓ/100 km)

10,8 6,8 7,9 6,8 8,6 7,4


Number of Forward Gears / Drive Wheels

5 M/T / RWD

6 M/T / RWD6 M/T /


High / Low Ratios4,220:1 / 0.763:1

5,441:1 / 0,974:15,441:1

/ 0,974:1

Final Drive 4,7:1 3,15:1 3,15:1 3,15:1 3,55:1 3,55:1

Diff-lock - - Opt Opt Std Std


Overall Length 5 113 5 354 5 354 5 354 5 354 5 354

Overall Height 1 703 1 806 1 806 1 810 1 810 1 851

Overall Width (Incl. Mirrors)

2 163 2 163 2 163 2 163 2 163 2 163

Wheelbase 3 220 3 220 3 220 3 220 3 220 3 220

Cargo Floor Length - 2 317 2 317 1 847 1 847 1 549

Cargo Floor Width - 1 560 1 560 1 560 1 560 1 560

Cargo Width Between Wheel Arches

- 1 139 1 139 1 139 1 139 1 139

Cargo Depth - 511 511 511 511 511

Turning Circle (m) 12,0 12,0 12,0 12,0 12,0 12,7

Ground Clearance (Fully Loaded)

135 237 237 237 237 237


Gross Vehicle Mass 2 925 3 200 3 200 3 200 3 200 3 200

Gross Combination Mass

4 425 5 000 5 000 5 000 6 000 6 000

Tare Mass 1 648 1 857 1 889 1 944 2 118 2 054

Payload 1 132 1 998 1 166 1 111 937 1 083

Towing Mass (Unbraked)

750 750 750 750 750 750

Towing Mass (Braked) 1 500 1 800 1 800 1 800 3 500 3 500


16” 7.0 Alloy 255/70 R16C

- - Std - Std -

16” 7.0 Steel 255/70 R16C

Std Std - Std - -

17” 8.0 Alloy - - - - - Std


ABS/EBD Opt Std Std Std Std Std

ESP/DSC - Std Std Std Std Std


Service Intervals 20 000 km

Warranty Four-year/120 000 km

Corrosion Warranty Five-year/unlimited km

Roadside Assistance Three-year/unlimited km

Service Plan (Five-year/90 000 km)

Dealer Option

Std Std Std Std Std

2016 |TMH| 55


Transit Panel Van2.2 Medium

Wheelbase Medium Roof FWD

2.2 LWB-Extended (Jumbo) High Roof


Capcacity (cc) / Cylinders 2 198 / 4 in-line

Power (kW @ r/min)

92 @ 3 500 114

Torque (Nm @ r/min)

350 @ 1 450 385

Fuel Economy (ℓ/100 km) 7,6 9,3


Number of Forward Gears / Drive Wheels

6 M/T / FWD 6 M/T / RWD

High / Low Ratios 3,727:1 / 0,683:1 5,441:1 / 0,794:1

Final Drive 4,71:1 4,1:1


Overall Length 5 530 6 704

Overall Width (Incl. Mirrors) 2 474 2 474

Overall Height 2 490 2 749

Wheelbase 3 300 3 750

Rear Overhang 1 208 1 931

Sliding Door Width 1 300 1 300

Sliding Door Height 1 700 1 600

Rear Door Width 1 565 1 565

Rear Door Height 1 748 1 887

Turning Circle (m) 11,9 13,3

Europallet Capacity 4 5


Max Load Length (No Bulkhead) 3 200 4 373

Max Load Length (With Bulkhead) 3 044 4 217

Max Load Length at 1,2 m (With Bulkhead)

2 900 4 073

Max Load Width 1 784 1 784

Load Space Between Wheel Arches 1 390 1 154

Load Height Floor to Roof 1 886 2 025

Load Space (SAE) 9,1 13,5


Gross Vehicle Mass 3 300 4 700

Gross Combined Mass 5 325 7 000

Kerb Weight 1 900 2 355

Gross Payload 1 325 2 270

Towing Mass (Braked) 750 750

Towing Mass (Unbraked) 2 800 3 500


235/65 R16C Steel Std -

195/75 R16C Steel Dual Rear Wheels - Std


ESP with Failed Boost Support Std

ABS with EBD Std

EBA (Emergency Brake Assist) Std


Service Intervals 15 000 km

Service Plan Dealer Option

Roadside Assistance Three-year/unlimited km

Comprehensive Warranty Four-year/120 000 km

Corrosion Warranty Five-year/unlimited km

Transit Single Chassis Cab

2.2 Medium Wheelbase Low Roof


2.2 LWB-Extended (Jumbo) Low Roof



Capcacity (cc) / Cylinders 2 198 / 4 in-line

Power (kW @ r/min)

92 @ 3 500 114

Torque (Nm @ r/min)

350 @ 1 450 385

Fuel Economy (ℓ/100 km) 7,6 9,3


Number of Forward Gears / Drive Wheels

6 M/T / FWD 6 M/T / RWD

High / Low Ratios 3,727:1 / 0,683:1 5,441:1 / 0,794:1

Final Drive 4,71:1 4,1:1


Overall Length (Without Float) 5 572 6 579

Overall Length (With Float) 5 767 6 797

Overall Width DRW (Without Float, With Mirrors)

2 474 2 474

Overall Height 2 176 2 183

Wheelbase 3 504 3 954

Chassis Frame Length 3 142 4 149

Floor/Chassis Frame Height 737 743

Rear of Cab to Front Wheel Centre 1 407 1 407

Rear of Cab to Rear Wheel Centre 2 097 2 547

Turning Circle (m) 12,5 13,3


Float Internal Length 3 205 4 235

Float Internal Width 2 038 2 138


Gross Vehicle Mass 3 300 4 700

Gross Combined Mass 5 000 7 000

Kerb Weight 1 628 1 934

Gross Payload (Without Float) 1 597 2 691

Towing Mass (Braked) 750 750

Towing Mass (Unbraked) 2 800 3 500


235/65 R16C Steel Std -

195/75 R16C Steel Dual Rear Wheels - Std


ESP with Failed Boost Support Std

ABS with EBD Std

EBA (Emergency Brake Assist) Std


Service Intervals 15 000 km

Service Plan Dealer Option

Roadside Assistance Three-year/unlimited km

Comprehensive Warranty Four-year/120 000 km

Corrosion Warranty Five-year/unlimited km

Tourneo Bus2.2 LWB-Extended (Jumbo) High Roof

18 seatsENGINECapcacity (cc) / Cylinders

2 198 / 4 in-line

Power (kW @ r/min) 100

Torque (Nm @ r/min) 350

Fuel Economy (ℓ/100 km) 8,2

TRANSMISSIONNumber of Forward Gears / Drive Wheels

6 M/T / RWD

High / Low Ratios 5,441:1 / 0,794:1Final Drive 3,31:1ExTERIOR DIMENSIONS (mm) Overall Length 6 703Overall Width (With Mirrors) 2 474

Overall Height 2 781Front Overhang 1 023Wheelbase 3 750Rear Overhang 1 931Sliding Door Height 1 564Sliding Door Width 1 200Rear Door Height 1 836Rear Door Width 1 565Load Height Foor to Roof 1 955

Turning Circle (m) 13,3INTERIOR DIMENSIONS (mm)Max Load Length (No Bulkhead) 4 279

Max Load Length (With Bulkhead) 4 245

Max Load Length @ 1,2 m (With Bulkhead)

4 066

Max Load Width 1 762Load Space Between Wheel Arches

1 390 / 1 153

Load Height Floor to Roof 2 015

Loading Height (Laden) 709

Loading Height (Unladen) 612

Load Space (SAE) 14,8WEIGHTS (kg)Gross Vehicle Mass 4 600Gross Combination Mass 5 350

Kerb Weight 2 913Gross Payload 1 605Towing Mass (Braked) 750

Towing Mass (Unbraked) 2 200

WHEELS AND TYRES195/75 R16C Steel Dual Rear Wheels Std

BRAKESESP with Failed Boost Support Std

Emergency Brake Warning Std

ABS with EBD StdEBA (Emergency Brake Assist) Std

FORD PROTECTService Intervals 15 000 kmService Plan Dealer Option

Roadside Assistance Three-year/unlimited km

Comprehensive Warranty

Four-year/120 000 km

Corrosion Warranty Five-year/unlimited km

56 |TMH| 2016




Daily 50C15V16/


Daily 50C15V16/

E4 23 Seater


Daily 50C15V18/


Daily 50C17V18 LD A8 V/E5

Daily 70C15V20/


Daily 55S15WH


Daily 55S15WDH

4x4 Crew Cab

Daily 70C15/E4

Daily 70C15D/E4


Overall Length 5 650 7 230 7 230 7 630 7 630 7 630 5 432 5 432 7 373 7 373

Overall Width 2 010 2 010 2 010 2 010 2 010 2 052 2 016 2 016 2 052 2 052

Overall Height 2 580 2 700 2 700 2 745 2 700 3 050 2 634 2 667 2 187 2 115

Front Overhang 1 008 1 008 1 008 1 008 1 008 1 008 900 900 1 008 1 008

Rear Overhang 1 120 2 120 2 120 2 520 2 520 2 520 1 132 1 132 2 015 2 015

Wheel Base 3 520 4 100 4 100 4 100 4 100 4 100 3 400 3 400 4 350 4 350

Bumper to Back of Cab N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2 516 3 188 2 375 3 128

Cab to Rear Axle/Unit N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 784 1 112 2 983 2 230

Turning Diameter (m) 12,7 14,4 14,4 14,4 14,4 14,4 14,4 14,4 15,5 15,5


Manufacturer’s Gross Vehicle Mass

3 600 5 400 5 400 5 400 5 400 7 000 5 500 5 500 7 200 7 200

Manufacturer’s Gross Combination Mass

7 000 8 700 8 700 8 700 8 700 10 500 9 000 9 000 10 500 10 500

Manufacturer’s Front Axle Mass

1 900 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 500 2 450 2 450 2 500 2 500

Manufacturer’s Rear Axle Mass

2 240 3 700 3 700 3 700 3 700 5 350 3 700 3 700 5 350 5 350

Permissible Maximum Vehicle Mass

3 600 5 400 5 400 5 400 5 400 7 000 5 500 5 500 7 200 7 200

Permissible Maximum Front Axle Mass

1 900 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 500 2 450 2 450 2 500 2 500

Permissible Maximum Rear Axle Mass

2 240 3 700 3 700 3 700 3 700 5 350 3 700 3 700 5 350 5 350

Unladen Front Axle Mass

1 250 1 425 1 750 1 425 1 519 1 574 1 745 1 840 1 495 1 615

Unladen Rear Axle Mass

865 1 145 1 450 1 185 1 243 1 453 820 925 800 895

Total Unladen Mass 2 115 2 570 3 200 2 610 2 762 3 026 2 545 2 765 2 295 2 510

Permissible Maximum Drawing Vehicle Mass

7 000 8 700 8 700 8 700 8 700 10 500 9 000 9 000 10 500 10 500



Model Configuration F1C F1C F1C F1C F1C F1C F1C F1C F1C F1C

Capacity (cm3) 3 000 3 000 3 000 3 000 3 000 3 000 3 000 3 000 3 000 3 000

Maximum Power (kW @ r/min)

107 @ 3 200 - 3 500

107 @ 3 200 - 3 500

107 @ 3 200 - 3 500

107 @ 3 200 - 3 500

125 @ 3 000 - 3 500

107 @ 3 200 - 3 500

107 @ 3 200 - 3 500

107 @ 3 200 - 3 500

107 @ 3 200 - 3 500

107 @ 3 200 - 3 500

Maximum Torque (Nm @ r/min)

350 @ 1 400 - 2 600

350 @ 1 400 - 2 600

350 @ 1 400 - 2 600

350 @ 1 400 - 2 600

400 @ 1 250 - 2 600

350 @ 1 400 - 2 600

350 @ 1 400 - 2 600

350 @ 1 400 - 2 600

350 @ 1 400 - 2 600

350 @ 1 400 - 2 600


Make / Model 6S400 OD 6S400 OD 6S400 OD 6S400 OD8 Speed Hi-Matic

6S400 OD 6S400 OD 6S400 OD 6S400 OD 6S400 OD

Number of Gears 6 6 6 6 8 6 6 6 6 6

High and Low Ratios5,37:1 / 0,79:1

5,37:1 / 0,79:1

5,37:1 / 0,79:1

5,37:1 / 0,79:1

4,69:1 / 0,667:1

5,37:1 / 0,79:1

5,37:1 / 0,79:1

5,37:1 / 0,79:1

5,37:1 / 0,79:1

5,37:1 / 0,79:1

Synchromesh or Constantmesh

Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Auto Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh

Rear Axle Ratio 3,91:1 4,18:1 4,18:1 4,18:1 3,91:1 5,13:1 4,87:1 4,87:1 4,55:1 4,55:1

Retarder Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional N/A N/A Optional Optional


Size and Ply Rating 225/70 R15 195/75 R16 195/75 R16 195/75 R16 195/75 R16 225/75 R16255/100


R16225/75 R16 225/75 R16

Radial or Crossply Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial

GAUTENG: Apex, Boksburg, Germiston, Kempton Park, Centurion, Heidelberg, Roodepoort, Sandton, Edenvale, Strijdom Park, Vereeniging, Wonderboom, The Glen, Weltevredenpark. WESTERN CAPE: Milnerton, Brackenfell, Paarl, Somerset West, Paarden Island. EASTERN CAPE: East London, Port Elizabeth, George. NORTHERN CAPE: Upington. FREE STATE: Bloemfontein, Welkom. KWAZULU NATAL: Newcastle, Pietermaritzburg, Richards Bay, Pinetown, Mobeni. LIMPOPO: Bela-Bela, Louis Trichardt, Polokwane. NORTH WEST: Brits, Mahikeng, Rustenburg, Klerksdorp. MPUMALANGA: Witbank, Ermelo, Lydenburg, Nelspruit.










M (


) 47



• 1-Year/60 000km Service Plan• 3-Year/200 000km Warranty• 3-Year/200 000km Roadside Assistance• ABS with EBD• Chassis Cab

• 3-Year/60 000km Service Plan• 5-Year/150 000km Warranty• 5-Year/150 000km Roadside Assistance• 1.3 Ton Load Capacity• Versatile Dropside Deck• Chassis Cab

SMS ‘MIGHTY’ to 33362 and we’ll call you. SMS charge R1.50.

47771 Hyundai Commercial Vehicle Print 297x210.indd 1 2015/12/09 9:21


2016 |TMH| 57

GAUTENG: Apex, Boksburg, Germiston, Kempton Park, Centurion, Heidelberg, Roodepoort, Sandton, Edenvale, Strijdom Park, Vereeniging, Wonderboom, The Glen, Weltevredenpark. WESTERN CAPE: Milnerton, Brackenfell, Paarl, Somerset West, Paarden Island. EASTERN CAPE: East London, Port Elizabeth, George. NORTHERN CAPE: Upington. FREE STATE: Bloemfontein, Welkom. KWAZULU NATAL: Newcastle, Pietermaritzburg, Richards Bay, Pinetown, Mobeni. LIMPOPO: Bela-Bela, Louis Trichardt, Polokwane. NORTH WEST: Brits, Mahikeng, Rustenburg, Klerksdorp. MPUMALANGA: Witbank, Ermelo, Lydenburg, Nelspruit.










M (


) 47



• 1-Year/60 000km Service Plan• 3-Year/200 000km Warranty• 3-Year/200 000km Roadside Assistance• ABS with EBD• Chassis Cab

• 3-Year/60 000km Service Plan• 5-Year/150 000km Warranty• 5-Year/150 000km Roadside Assistance• 1.3 Ton Load Capacity• Versatile Dropside Deck• Chassis Cab

SMS ‘MIGHTY’ to 33362 and we’ll call you. SMS charge R1.50.

47771 Hyundai Commercial Vehicle Print 297x210.indd 1 2015/12/09 9:21

58 |TMH| 2016



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ModelHilux Single Cab 2.0


Hilux Single Cab 2.7

VVTi Raised Body


Hilux xtra Cab 2.4

GD-6 Raised Body


Hilux xtra Cab 2.8

GD-6 Raised Body


Hilux Double Cab 2.4

GD-6 4x4 SR

Hilux Double Cab 4.0

V6 4x4 Raider AT

Engine capacity (cm3) 1 998 2 694 2 393 2 755 2 393 3 909

Maximum Power (kW @ r/min) 102 @ 5 600 122 @ 5 200 110 @ 3 400 130 @ 3 400 110 @ 3 400 175 @ 5 200

Maximum Torque (Nm @ r/min) 183 @ 4 000 245 @ 4 000 400 @ 1 600 - 2 000 420 @ 1 400 - 2 600 400 @ 1 600 - 2 000 376 @ 3 800

Fuel System Petrol Petrol Diesel Diesel Diesel Petrol

Emission Control Euro 2 Euro 2 Euro 2 Euro 2 Euro 4 Euro 2

Transmission Manual 5-speed Manual 5-speed Manual 6-speed Manual 6-speed Manual 6-speedAutomatic 6-speed,

paddle shift

Driven Wheels Rear Rear Rear Rear 4WD Part-Time 4WD Part-Time

Differential Lock 3 3 3 3 3

Auto Disconnecting Front

Differential3 3

Front Under Protector 3 3 3 3 3

Fuel Tank Protector 3 3 3 3 3

Cruise Control 3 3

Air-conditioner Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Auto

Reverse Camera 3 3

Bluetooth 3 3 3 3

Illuminated Entry 3 3 3 3 3 3

Multi-Information Display 3 3 TFT 3 TFT

Alarm + Immobiliser 3 3 3 3 3 3

Emergency Brake Signal 3 3 3

Front Airbag(s) Driver +

PassengerDriver only 3 3 3 3 3

Knee Airbag(s) Driver 3 3

Side Airbags Front 3 3

Curtain Airbags 3 3

Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS) 3 3 3 3 3 3

Brake Assist (BA) 3 3 3 3 3 3

Electronic Brake Force

Distribution (EBD)3 3 3 3 3 3

Hill Assist Control (HAC) 3 3 3

Traction Control (TRC)Active Traction Control


Active Traction Control


Vehicle Stability Control (VSC) 3 3 3

Trailer Sway Control (TSC) 3 3 3

Downhill Assist Control (DAC) 3

Wheel and Tyre 205/70 R15 Steel 225/70 R17 Steel 265/65 R17 Steel 265/65 R17 Alloy 225/70 R17C Steel 265/65 R17 Alloy

Fuel Tank Size (ℓ) 80 80 80 80 80 80

Gross Vehicle Mass (kg) 2 700 2 650 2 750 2 750 2 910 2 870

Gross Combination Mass (kg) 4 200 5 150 5 500 5 500 5 750 5 750

Towing Capacity - Unbraked (kg) 750 750 750 750 750 750

Towing Capacity - Braked (kg) 1 500 2 500 2 750 2 750 3 200 3 000

Service Intervals (km) 10 000 10 000 10 000 10 000 10 000 10 000

Service Plan 5-years/90 000 km 5-years/90 000 km 5-years/90 000 km 5-years/90 000 km 5-years/90 000 km 5-years/90 000 km

Warranty 3-years/100 000 km 3-years/100 000 km 3-years/100 000 km 3-years/100 000 km 3-years/100 000 km 3-years/100 000 km

2016 |TMH| 59



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Model2.5 D-4D

14-Seater Bus

2.5 D-4D

Crew Cab Panel Van

2.7 LWB

Panel Van2.5 D-4D LWB Panel Van

2.5 D-4D

Panel Van



Power – kW @ r/min 75 @ 3 600 75 @ 3 600 111 @ 4 800 75 @ 3 600 75 @ 3 600

Torque – Nm @ r/min 260 @ 1 600 – 2 400 260 @ 1 600 – 2 400 241 @ 3 800 260 @ 1 600 – 2 400 260 @ 1 600 – 2 400

EngineTurbocharged common

rail diesel

Turbocharged common

rail diesel

Petrol with twin balance


Turbocharged common

rail diesel

Turbocharged common

rail diesel

Length/width/height (mm) 5 380 / 1 880 / 2 285 5 380 / 1 880 / 2 285 5 380 / 1 880 / 2 285 5 380 / 1 880 / 2 285 4 695 / 1 695 / 1 980

Wheelbase (mm) 3 110 3 110 3 110 3 110 2 570

Load area: length/width/height (mm) – 3 470 / 1 730 / 1 635 3 470 / 1 730 / 1 635 2 930 / 1 545 / 1 335

Fuel tank capacity (ℓ) 70 70 70 70 70

Seats 14 6 3 3 3

Payload (kg) – 1 355 1 285 1 070

Gross vehicle/combination mass (kg) 3 300/4 200 3 200/4 200 3 200/4 600 3 200/4 200 2 800/3 800

Turning circle (m) 6,2 6,2 6,2 6,2 5,0

Front suspension Double Wishbone Double Wishbone Double Wishbone Double Wishbone Double Wishbone

Rear suspension Leaf Spring, Rigid Leaf Spring, Rigid Leaf Spring, Rigid Leaf Spring, Rigid Leaf Spring, Rigid

Wheels Steel (with wheel cap) Steel (with wheel cap) Steel (with wheel cap) Steel (with wheel cap) Steel (with wheel cap)

Tyre size 195/R15C 8PR 195/R15C 8PR 195/R15C 8PR 195/R15C 8PR 195/R15C 8PR

Power steering Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Height-adjustable steering wheel Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Air-conditioning and radio/CD Manual/Yes Optional/NA Optional/NA Optional/NA Optional/NA

Sliding side doors 1 2 2 2 1

Electric windows (front) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Driver airbag D+P D D D D

Safety belts for all occupants Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Head restraints 14 6 2 2 2

ABS and brake assist Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Immobiliser, central locking and

ToyotaCare Microdot systemYes Yes Yes Yes Yes


ModelHilux Single Cab 2.0


Hilux Single Cab 2.7

VVTi Raised Body


Hilux xtra Cab 2.4

GD-6 Raised Body


Hilux xtra Cab 2.8

GD-6 Raised Body


Hilux Double Cab 2.4

GD-6 4x4 SR

Hilux Double Cab 4.0

V6 4x4 Raider AT

Engine capacity (cm3) 1 998 2 694 2 393 2 755 2 393 3 909

Maximum Power (kW @ r/min) 102 @ 5 600 122 @ 5 200 110 @ 3 400 130 @ 3 400 110 @ 3 400 175 @ 5 200

Maximum Torque (Nm @ r/min) 183 @ 4 000 245 @ 4 000 400 @ 1 600 - 2 000 420 @ 1 400 - 2 600 400 @ 1 600 - 2 000 376 @ 3 800

Fuel System Petrol Petrol Diesel Diesel Diesel Petrol

Emission Control Euro 2 Euro 2 Euro 2 Euro 2 Euro 4 Euro 2

Transmission Manual 5-speed Manual 5-speed Manual 6-speed Manual 6-speed Manual 6-speedAutomatic 6-speed,

paddle shift

Driven Wheels Rear Rear Rear Rear 4WD Part-Time 4WD Part-Time

Differential Lock 3 3 3 3 3

Auto Disconnecting Front

Differential3 3

Front Under Protector 3 3 3 3 3

Fuel Tank Protector 3 3 3 3 3

Cruise Control 3 3

Air-conditioner Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Auto

Reverse Camera 3 3

Bluetooth 3 3 3 3

Illuminated Entry 3 3 3 3 3 3

Multi-Information Display 3 3 TFT 3 TFT

Alarm + Immobiliser 3 3 3 3 3 3

Emergency Brake Signal 3 3 3

Front Airbag(s) Driver +

PassengerDriver only 3 3 3 3 3

Knee Airbag(s) Driver 3 3

Side Airbags Front 3 3

Curtain Airbags 3 3

Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS) 3 3 3 3 3 3

Brake Assist (BA) 3 3 3 3 3 3

Electronic Brake Force

Distribution (EBD)3 3 3 3 3 3

Hill Assist Control (HAC) 3 3 3

Traction Control (TRC)Active Traction Control


Active Traction Control


Vehicle Stability Control (VSC) 3 3 3

Trailer Sway Control (TSC) 3 3 3

Downhill Assist Control (DAC) 3

Wheel and Tyre 205/70 R15 Steel 225/70 R17 Steel 265/65 R17 Steel 265/65 R17 Alloy 225/70 R17C Steel 265/65 R17 Alloy

Fuel Tank Size (ℓ) 80 80 80 80 80 80

Gross Vehicle Mass (kg) 2 700 2 650 2 750 2 750 2 910 2 870

Gross Combination Mass (kg) 4 200 5 150 5 500 5 500 5 750 5 750

Towing Capacity - Unbraked (kg) 750 750 750 750 750 750

Towing Capacity - Braked (kg) 1 500 2 500 2 750 2 750 3 200 3 000

Service Intervals (km) 10 000 10 000 10 000 10 000 10 000 10 000

Service Plan 5-years/90 000 km 5-years/90 000 km 5-years/90 000 km 5-years/90 000 km 5-years/90 000 km 5-years/90 000 km

Warranty 3-years/100 000 km 3-years/100 000 km 3-years/100 000 km 3-years/100 000 km 3-years/100 000 km 3-years/100 000 km

60 |TMH| 2016






4.5 V8


1.3 S

Panel Van


Max power – kW @ r/min 170 @ 5 600 94 @ 3 800 151 @ 3 400 Max power – kW @ r/min 70 @ 6 000

Max torque – Nm @ r/min 360 @ 3 800 280 @ 2 200430 @

1 200 – 3 200Max torque – Nm @ r/min 121 @ 4 400

Engine typeV6 DOHC





32-ValveEngine type

16-valve DOHC

with VVT-i

Transmission Five-speed manual Five-speed manual Five-speed manual Transmission Five-speed manual

Driven wheelsRear/selectable





4WDEngine capacity (cm3) 1 298

Front suspensionRigid live axle, coil


Rigid live axle, coil


Rigid live axle, coil

springElectronic fuel injection 3

Rear suspension Rigid axle, leaf spring Rigid axle, leaf spring Rigid axle, leaf spring Passenger safety cell 3

Tyre size 265/70R 16LT 265/70R 16LT 265/70R 16LT Tyre size 185/70 R14 Steel

Power steering 3 3 3 Power steering 3

Brake system load sensing,

proportioning and bypass valve, ABS3 3 3 Electronic brake distribution 3

Passenger safety cell 3 3 3 Anti-lock braking system 3

Door impact beams 3 3 3 GOA safety body 3

Impact absorbing steering column 3 3 3Driver/passenger front


Length/width/height (mm)5 095 / 1 870 /

1 955

5 095 / 1 870 /

1 955

5 245 / 1 870 /

1 955Remote central locking 3

Wheelbase (mm) 3 180 3 180 3 180 Length/width/height (mm) 4 190 / 1 660 / 1 695

Front/rear track (mm) 1 555 / 1 460 1 555 / 1 460 1 555 / 1 460 Wheelbase (mm) 2 655

Ground clearance, unladen (mm) 235 235 235 Turning circle (m) 4,7

Angle of approach (degrees) 36 36 33Windscreen wipers:

intermittent setting 3

Angle of departure (degrees) 27 27 27 Electric windows Front

Load area length/width/depth (mm)2 235 / 1 600 /


2 235 / 1 600 /


2 235 / 1 600 /


Colour-coded bumpers/

front grille3

Load capacity (kg) 1 135 1 060 1 225 Luggage capacity (dm3) 1 222

Gross vehicle/combination mass (kg) 3 200/4 700 3 200/4 700 3 300/6 800 Gross vehicle mass (kg) 1 680

Towing capacity: unbraked/overrun

braked trailer (kg)750 / 1 500 750 / 1 500 750 / 3 500 Service intervals (km) 15 000

Fuel tank capacity ( ℓ ) 90 + 90 90 + 90 90 + 90 Fuel tank capacity ( ℓ ) 45

5002442A IMPERIAL Commercial ad focus on logistics 210x297 FA.pdf 1 9/28/15 3:08 PM


62 |TMH| 2016

While the vehicle is the core, it’s just the beginning of what we can offer you.To find out more about the Volvo Truck range or to locate any one of our dealers for all your sales and aftermarket requirements, please visit Stand a chance to win a limited edition Volvo Model Truck by using the reference #VTSA2016 when submitting any online query on Facebook orour website.


2015 |TMH| 63


heel d



2015 |TMH| 63










The aim of the quick reference guide is to help you, as an operator, find a comfortable fit based on your specific operating

conditions and which truck models are best suited to your transport applications. The guide is divided into nine categories:

4x2 Truck Tractor; 4x2 Rigid Freight Carrier; 6x2 Truck Tractor; 6x2 Rigid Feight Carrier; 6x4 Truck Tractor; 6x4 Rigid Freight Carrier;

8x4 Rigid Freight Carrier; All-Wheel Drive; Specialised Applications including construction, tipper, mixer, mining, quarrying, timber, refuse

and others. Models are listed according to their Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM). The guide will then direct you to the correct specification

pages in THE TRANSPORT MANAGER’S HANDBOOK based on the model and applications you are interested in.

One of the most important considerations when buying a new bus or truck is selecting the right vehicle for the job: one that is

suitable for the particular type of operation to be performed

This is not an easy task and many factors have to be considered.

For example, beware of buying the lowest priced vehicle before

checking that it is right for your operation, and ensure that

the manufacturer provides back-up service to keep your new

vehicle on the road. These guidelines can be used in choosing

the vehicle most suited to your application:

• Determine the payload to be transported and

endeavour to select a vehicle with sufficient capacity to legally

carry the payload, giving maximum productivity.

• Give some thought to your business’ expected growth.

If necessary, buy a larger vehicle to accommodate this

forecasted increase in capacity.

• If your selected vehicle is a rigid unit, consider buying a

vehicle with sufficient pulling capacity to pull a trailer when

your business grows.

• Deciding on vehicle power must be based on the power

needed to do the job. An over-powered unit will use a lot

of fuel. You therefore need to investigate your operating


• In the medium commercial vehicle (MCV) category vehicles

doing long-distance, high-speed routes normally require more

power (kW) and torque (Nm) to handle the wind resistance

than those involved in local, slow, distribution type of work.

• Many professional hauliers in the heavy commercial vehicle

(HCV) category use a ratio of 180 kg per kW. (Note that

this ratio is to be used as a guide only and only applies to the

bigger units.) The best way to determine the required power

and torque rating is to ask your truck dealer for a tailor-made

performance calculation.

• Carefully examine additional retardation features like

retarders and intarders to make sure your vehicle will be

safe on downhills, especially if you are operating in hilly

conditions. This will reduce expensive brake maintenance

costs and downtime.

• The strength and flexibility of the truck chassis should also

be examined for its suitability to your operation type. Some

vehicles are designed for highway operations and, when

operated in rough conditions, the chassis lacks the flexibility

and strength to cope.

• Different types of rear suspensions are fitted to the various

truck models sold in South Africa. The vehicle you buy must

have the correct suspension for your operation. Suspensions

designed to operate on highway road conditions can be very

expensive to maintain if operated on dirt roads.

• Lastly, but most importantly, ensure your purchased vehicle

is supported by a manufacturer or dealer offering the full

back-up service that will be required to keep your vehicle on

the road for its expected lifespan. Remember, the vehicle can

only generate income when the wheels are rolling.

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While the vehicle is the core, it’s just the beginning of what we can offer you.To find out more about the Volvo Truck range or to locate any one of our dealers for all your sales and aftermarket requirements, please visit Stand a chance to win a limited edition Volvo Model Truck by using the reference #VTSA2016 when submitting any online query on Facebook orour website.



2 m



64 |TMH| 201564 |TMH| 2015


Manufacturer Model name GVM GCM DTEngine power –

kW @ r/minTypical Application page

Isuzu GRR 600 AMT 11 000 16 000 16 000 154 @ 2 600 Medium-/long-haul 86

Isuzu GRR 550 11 000 16 000 16 000 176 @ 2 400 Medium-/long-haul 86

Isuzu GSR 800 13 500 18 000 18 000 176 @ 2 400 Medium-/long-haul 86

Isuzu GSR 800 AMT 13 500 18 000 18 000 176 @ 2 400 Medium-/long-haul 86

FAW 15.180 FT 15 000 24 000 24 000 132 @ 2 300 Short-/medium-haul 72

Mercedes-Benz Atego 1528LS/36 15 000 34 000 34 000 205 @ 2 200 Medium-/long-haul 103

Isuzu GTR 850 AMT 15 500 24 000 24 000 176 @ 2 400 Medium-/long-haul 86

Isuzu GTR 850 15 500 24 000 24 000 176 @ 2 400 Medium-/long-haul 86

Isuzu GVR 900 16 000 32 000 32 000 206 @ 2 400 Medium-/long-haul 86

Isuzu GXR 35-360 16 500 34 500 34 500 265 @ 2 000 Medium-/long-haul 87

Isuzu GXR 40-360 Retarder 16 500 40 500 40 500 265 @ 2 000 Medium-/long-haul 87

MAN-VolkswagenConstellation VW 19.320 Sleeper Cab

17 700 44 000 44 000 235 @ 2 000Distribution/high volume/beverage


Fuso FP18-350 17 900 42 000 42 000 257 @ 2 000 Short-/medium-haul 77

FAW 16.240 FT 18 000 32 000 32 000 177 @ 2 300 Short-/medium-haul 72

Mercedes-Benz Actros 1844LS/36 DD 18 000 44 000 44 000 320 @ 1 800 Short-/medium-haul 100

Mercedes-Benz Axor 1835LS/36 18 000 44 000 44 000 260 @ 1 900 Short-/medium-haul 98

Mercedes-Benz Axor 1840LS/36 18 000 44 000 44 000 295 @ 1 900 Short-/medium-haul 99

Tata Prima 4028S 18 000 40 500 40 500 200 @ 2 500 Short-/medium-haul 114

Tata Prima 4038S 18 000 40 500 40 500 276 @ 2 500 Short-/medium-haul 114

Iveco 682 SC430G34TS T/T 19 000 50 000 45 000 250 @ 1 750 - 2 100 Short-/medium-haul 89

Iveco Stralis AT440S35T/P 19 000 44 000 44 000 259 @ 1 930 Short-/medium-haul 91

MAN TGS 19.360 BLS L Cab 19 000 45 000 45 000 265 @ 1 800 Medium-haul 93

Hino700 2038 STL/AIR SSC/DDC

19 500 45 500 45 500 279 @ 1 800 Medium-/long-haul distribution 81

Mercedes-Benz Actros 2036S/36 20 000 44 000 44 000 265 @ 1 800 Short-/medium-haul 100

Tata M2SEF 20 500 45 000 45 000 250 @ 2 100 Freight 113


Manufacturer Model name GVMEngine power –

kW @ r/minTypical Application page

Hino Dyna 4-039 3 550 67 @ 4 000 Short-haul 78

Isuzu NLR 150 4 200 96 @ 2 800 Short-haul 82

Tata SFC 407 EX 2-Tonner 4 900 53 @ 2 800 Short-haul 110

Isuzu NMR 250 5 200 96 @ 2 800 Short-haul 82

Isuzu NMR 250 SWB 5 200 96 @ 2 800 Short-haul 82

Isuzu NMR 250 Crew AMT 5 200 96 @ 2 800 Short-haul 82

Hino 300 614 SWB 5 500 100 @ 2 500 Short-haul 78

Hino 300 614 AT SWB 5 500 100 @ 2 500 Short-haul 78

Hino 300 614 LWB 5 500 100 @ 2 500 Short-haul 78

Isuzu NPR 275 AMT 5 800 96 @ 2 800 Short-haul 82

Fuso FE6-130 Canter LIFT 6 000 96 @ 3 500 Deliveries 76

Isuzu NPR 300 6 200 110 @ 2 600 Short-haul 82

Isuzu NPR 300 AMT 6 200 110 @ 2 600 Short-haul 82

Hino 300 714 SWB 6 500 100 @ 2 500 Short-haul 78

Hino 300 714 AT SWB 6 500 100 @ 2 500 Short-haul 78

Hino 300 714 LWB 6 500 100 @ 2 500 Short-haul 78

Hino 300 714 MT LWB Crew Cab 6 500 100 @ 2 500 Short-haul 78

Fuso Canter FE6-109 6 500 81 @ 2 900 Deliveries 76

Tata LPT 709 EX 2.5-Tonner 6 900 68 @ 2 400 Short-haul 110

Hino 300 815 AT SWB 7 300 110 @ 2 800 Short-haul 79

Hino 300 815 AT LWB 7 300 110 @ 2 800 Short-haul 79

Hino 300 815 AT Crew Cab 7 300 110 @ 2 800 Short-haul 79

Fuso FE7-150 AMT Canter LIFT 7 500 110 @ 3 500 Deliveries 76

Hino 300 814 SWB 7 500 100 @ 2 500 Short-haul 79

Isuzu NPR 400 7 500 110 @ 2 600 Short-haul 83

Isuzu NPR 400 SWB 7 500 110 @ 2 600 Short-haul 83


2 m



2015 |TMH| 65


Manufacturer Model name GVMEngine power –

kW @ r/minTypical Application page

Isuzu NPR 400 AMT 7 500 110 @ 2 600 Short-haul 83

Isuzu NPR 400 Crew AMT 7 500 110 @ 2 600 Short-haul 83

Fuso Canter FE7-136 7 500 100 @ 2 900 Intercity/express deliveries 76

Tata LPT 809 EX2 3-Tonner 7 700 67 @ 2 400 Short-haul 110

Tata LPT 813 EX2 4-Tonner 8 050 95 @ 2 400 Medium-/long-haul 111

Hino 300 915 LWB 8 500 110 @ 2 800 Short-haul 79

Hino 300 915 MT LWB Crew Cab 8 500 110 @ 2 800 Short-haul 79

Isuzu NQR 500 8 500 110 @ 2 600 Short-haul 83

Isuzu NQR 500 SWB 8 500 110 @ 2 600 Short-haul 83

Isuzu NQR 500 AMT 8 500 110 @ 2 600 Short-haul 83

Fuso FE8-150 AMT Canter LIFT 8 550 110 @ 3 500 General Bulk deliveries/truck-hire 76

Fuso FE8-150 AMT DC Canter LIFT 8 550 110 @ 3 500 General Bulk deliveries/truck-hire 76

FAW 8.140 FL 8 999 105 @ 2 600 Freight carrier 72

Tata LPT 913 EX2 9 000 95 @ 2 400 Medium-/long-haul 111

Mercedes-Benz Atego 918/42 9 500 130 @ 2 200 Short-haul 102

Hino 500 1017 FC 10 400 121 @ 2 500 Short-/medium-haul distribution 79

Fuso FK10-240 10 400 177 @ 2 600 General Bulk deliveries/truck-hire 77

Isuzu FRR 600 AMT 11 000 154 @ 2 600 Short-haul 84

Isuzu FRR 550 11 000 176 @ 2 400 Short-haul 84

Tata LPT 1116 11 500 118 @ 2 400 Medium-/long-haul 111

Mercedes-Benz Atego 1118/48 11 900 130 @ 2 200 Short-haul 102

Iveco EuroCargo MLC120E22 12 000 162 @ 2 700 Short-/medium-haul distribution 88

Hino 500 1324 FC 13 500 170 @ 2 500 Short-/medium-haul distribution 79

Isuzu FSR 800 13 500 176 @ 2 400 Short-haul 84

Isuzu FSR 800 AMT 13 500 176 @ 2 400 Short-haul 84

Isuzu FSR 800 SWB 13 500 176 @ 2 400 Short-haul 84

Isuzu FSR 750 Crew AMT 13 500 176 @ 2 400 Short-haul 84

MAN-Volkswagen Constellation VW 13.180 Day Cab 13 500 132 @ 2 200 FMCG regional distribution 116

Mercedes-Benz Atego 1318/48 13 500 130 @ 2 200 Short-haul 102

Mercedes-Benz Atego 1323/48 13 500 170 @ 2 200 Short-haul 102

Iveco EuroCargo MLC140E22 14 000 162 @ 2 700 Short-haul distribution 88

Tata LPT 1518 EX2 8-Tonner TC/SC 14 900 132 @ 2 500 Distribution 111/2

FAW 15.180 FL 15 000 132 @ 2 300 Freight carrier 72

MAN TGM 15.240 BL C Cab 15 000 176 @ 2 400 Freight carrier 92

Mercedes-Benz Atego 1518/54 15 000 130 @ 2 200 Short-haul 102

Mercedes-Benz Atego 1523/54 15 000 170 @ 2 200 Short-haul 102

Mercedes-Benz Atego 1528/54 15 000 205 @ 2 200 Short-haul 102

Iveco Eurocargo MLC150E24WS 15 000 176 @ 2 700 Short-/medium-haul distribution 88

Isuzu FTR 850 15 300 176 @ 2 400 Short-haul 84

Isuzu FTR 850 AMT 15 500 176 @ 2 400 Short-haul 84

Isuzu FTR 850 LWB 15 500 176 @ 2 400 Short-haul 85

Hino 500 1626 FC LWB 15 500 184 @ 2 500 Short-/medium-haul distribution 80

MAN-Volkswagen Constellation VW 15.180 Day Cab 15 900 132 @ 2 200 FMCG regional distribution 116

Isuzu FVR 900 16 000 206 @ 2 400 Short-haul 85

Iveco Eurocargo MLC160E24 16 000 176 @ 2 700 Short-/medium-haul distribution 89

MAN CLA 15.220 BB C Cab 16 000 162 @ 2 400 Freight carrier 96

Fuso FM16-270 16 000 199 @ 2 600 Express freight/rigid and drawbar applications 77

Tata LPT 1623 16 000 154 @ 2 500 Freight carrier 112

Isuzu FXR 17-360 16 500 265 @ 2 000 Short-/medium-haul 87

Hino 500 1726 FC LWB 17 000 184 @ 2 500 Short-/medium-haul distribution 80

MAN-Volkswagen Constellation VW 17.250 Day Cab 17 700 184 @ 2 500 FMCG regional distribution 116

MAN-Volkswagen Constellation VW 17.250 Sleeper Cab 17 700 184 @ 2 500 FMCG regional distribution 117

FAW 16.240 FL 18 000 177 @ 2 300 Freight carrier 72

Iveco EuroCargo MLC180E28 18 000 202 @ 2 500 Short-/medium-haul distribution 89

Iveco EuroCargo MLL180E28 18 000 202 @ 2 500 Long-haul distribution 89

MAN TGM 18.240 BB C Cab 18 000 176 @ 2 400 Freight carrier 92

MAN TGM 18.280 BB C Cab 18 000 206 @ 2 400 Freight carrier 93

MAN TGM 18.280 BB L Cab 18 000 206 @ 2 400 Freight carrier 93

Mercedes-Benz Axor 1828/60 18 000 205 @ 2 200 Short-/medium-haul 98


2 m



66 |TMH| 201566 |TMH| 2015


Manufacturer Model name GVM GCM DTEngine power –

kW @ r/minTypical Application Page

Mercedes-Benz Axor 2535LS/39 25 000 50 000 45 000 260 @ 1 900 Medium-/long-haul 99

Iveco Stralis AT440S43TY/PT 26 000 44 000 44 000 316 @ 2 100 Medium-/long-haul 91

MAN TGS 28.360 BLS L Cab 28 000 45 000 45 000 265 @ 1 900 On-road 94


Manufacturer Model name GVMEngine power –

kW @ r/minTypical Application Page

Tata LPT 1918 10-Tonner 19 000 130 @ 2 500 Medium-/long-haul 112

Isuzu FVM 1200 24 000 176 @ 2 400 Short-haul 85

MAN-Volkswagen Constellation VW 24.250 Day Cab 24 700 184 @ 2 500 FMCG refrigerated transport 117

MAN-Volkswagen Constellation VW 24.250 Sleeper Cab 24 700 184 @ 2 500 FMCG refrigerated transport 117

Fuso FN25-270 25 000 199 @ 2 600 Medium-haul 77

MAN TGM 25.280 BL L Cab 25 500 206 @ 2 400 Freight carrier 93

Hino 500 2626 LWB 26 000 184 @ 2 500 Short-/medium-haul distribution 80

Mercedes-Benz Axor 2528L/51 26 000 205 @ 2 200 Refrigerated/liquid and dry bulk 98

Mercedes-Benz Axor 2628L/57 26 000 205 @ 2 200 Refrigerated/liquid and dry bulk 98


Manufacturer Model name GVM GCM DTEngine power - kW @ r/min

Typical Application Page

Isuzu GXZ 45-360 Retarder 25 500 45 000 45 000 265 @ 2 000 Medium-/long-haul 87

Isuzu GXZ 45-360 Auto 25 500 45 000 45 000 265 @ 2 000 Medium-/long-haul 87

Tata Prima 4938S 25 500 49 500 49 500 279 @ 2 100 Medium-/long-haul 114

Iveco 682 SC600G43TS T/T 26 000 60 000 56 000 316 @ 1 525 - 1 900 Medium-/long-haul 89

IvecoStralis AT700S43TZP Hi-Way

26 000 70 000 56 000 316 @ 2 100 Medium-/long-haul 91

IvecoStralis AS750S48TZP Hi-Way

26 000 75 000 56 000 354 @ 1 540 - 1 900 Long-haul 91

IvecoStralis AS750S50TZP Hi-Way/E5

26 000 75 000 56 000 367 @ 1 525 - 1 900 Long-haul 91

MAN TGS 26.440 BLS LX Cab 26 000 65 000 65 000 324 @ 1 900 Medium-/long-haul distribution 93

MANTGS 26.440 BLS-EL LX Cab (EfficientLine)

26 000 65 000 65 000 324 @ 1 900On-highway medium-/long-haul


MAN TGS 26.480 BLS LX Cab 26 000 65 000 65 000 353 @ 1 900 Medium-/long-haul distribution 93

MANTGS 26.480 BLS-EL LX Cab (EfficientLine)

26 000 65 000 65 000 353 @ 1 900On-highway medium-/long-haul


MAN TGX 26.540 BLS XLX Cab 26 000 65 000 65 000 397 @ 1 900On-highway medium-/long-haul


Fuso FV 26-350 26 000 50 000 50 000 257 @ 2 000 Short-/medium-haul distribution 77

Powerstar VX 2628S 26 000 43 000 43 000 213 @ 2 200 Short-/medium-haul 107

Powerstar VX 2642S 26 000 65 000 65 000 309 @ 2 200 Short-/medium-haul 108

Powerstar V3 2646 26 000 65 000 65 000 338 @ 1 900 Medium-/long-haul 108

MAN TGS 27.400 BBS L Cab 27 000 65 000 65 000 294 @ 1 800 Medium-/long-haul distribution 94

MAN TGS 27.440 BBS L Cab 27 000 65 000 65 000 324 @ 1 900 Medium-/long-haul distribution 94

MAN TGS 27.480 BBS L Cab 27 000 65 000 65 000 353 @ 1 900 Medium-/long-haul distribution 94


2016 |TMH| 67


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68 |TMH| 201568 |TMH| 2015


4 m



MAN TGS 27.480 BBS LX Cab 27 000 65 000 65 000 353 @ 1 900 Medium-/long-haul distribution 94

Mercedes-Benz Actros 2641LS/33 DD 27 500 65 000 65 000 300 @ 1 800 Medium-/long-haul distribution 100

Mercedes-Benz Actros 2646LS/33 DD 27 500 65 000 65 000 335 @ 1 800 Medium-/long-haul distribution 100

Mercedes-Benz Actros 2654LS/33 27 500 65 000 65 000 395 @ 1 800 Medium-/long-haul distribution 100

Mercedes-Benz Actros 2658LS/33 HYP 27 500 65 000 65 000 425 @ 1 800 Medium-/long-haul distribution 100

Tata V3TXF AMT 28 000 75 000 56 000 354 @ 2 000 Medium-/long-haul 113

Freightliner Argosy DDC 12.7-1650 NG 28 115 60 000 60 000 373 @ 1 800 – 1 950 Medium-/long-haul distribution 74

Freightliner Argosy DDC 14.0-1850 NG 28 115 60 000 60 000 373 @ 1 400 – 2 100 Medium-/long-haul distribution 74

Freightliner Argosy CUM 500-NG 28 115 60 000 60 000 373 @ 1 700 – 1 800 Medium-/long-haul distribution 74

Freightliner Argosy CUM 530-NG 28 115 60 000 60 000 395 @ 1 600 – 1 800 Medium-/long-haul distribution 74

Freightliner Argosy CUM 620-NG 28 115 60 000 60 000 462 @ 1 700 – 1 800 Medium-/long-haul distribution 74

Hino 700 2841 STL SSC/DSC 28 300 65 000 65 000 302 @ 1 800 Medium-/long-haul distribution 81

Hino700 2845 STL/AIR SSC/DSC

28 300 65 000 65 000 331 @ 1 800 Medium-/long-haul distribution 81

Hino 700 2848 STL/AIR DSC 28 300 65 000 65 000 353 @ 1 800 Medium-/long-haul distribution 81

Powerland 3024 30 000 60 000 60 000 309 @ 2 200 Medium-/long-haul distribution 105

MAN TGS 33.360 BBS L Cab 33 000 65 000 63 600 265 @ 1 800 On-/off-road/Medium-/long-haul 94

MAN TGS 33.440 BBS L Cab 33 000 90 000 77 760 324 @ 1 900 On-/off-road/Medium-/long-haul 95

MAN TGS 33.480 BBS L Cab 33 000 90 000 84 720 353 @ 1 900 On-/off-road/Medium-/long-haul 96

Mercedes-Benz Axor 3335S/33 33 000 65 000 62 400 260 @ 1 900 Medium-haul distribution 99

Mercedes-Benz Axor 3340S/33 33 000 65 000 65 000 295 @ 1 900 Medium-haul distribution 99

Mercedes-Benz Actros 3344S/33 33 000 75 000 75 000 320 @ 1 800 Medium-/long-haul distribution 100

Mercedes-Benz Actros 3350S/33 33 000 75 000 75 000 370 @ 1 800 Medium-/long-haul distribution 101

Tata V3TVF 33 500 75 000 56 000 308 @ 2 100 Short-/medium-haul 113

FAW 28.380 FT 33 700 62 200 56 000 280 @ 2 200 Medium-/long-haul/heavy-haulage 73

FAW J6 28.460 FT 33 700 75 000 56 000 338 @ 1 900 Medium-/long-haul 73


Manufacturer Model name GVM GCM DTEngine power - kW @ r/min

Typical Application Page

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serco_ad_74x210.indd 1 2012/11/29 10:19 AM

2015 |TMH| 69


4 m



Checkpoint ® Fit the Original, Fit Checkpoint 021 703 2432 021 703 2432

To fit or not to fit, is



Manufacturer Model name GVMEngine power –

kW @ r/minTypical Application page

Tata LPT 2523 TC 15-Tonner 24 000 170 @ 2 500 Medium-/long-haul 112

Isuzu FXZ 26-360 25 500 265 @ 2 000 Short-/medium-haul 87

Isuzu FVZ 1400 25 100 206 @ 2 400 Short-/medium-haul 85

Isuzu FVZ 1400 Auto 25 100 206 @ 2 400 Short-/medium-haul 85

MAN CLA 26.280 BB C Cab 26 000 206 @ 2 400 Freight carrier 96

Mercedes-Benz Axor 2628/45 27 500 205 @ 2 200 Medium-haul 98

Mercedes-Benz Actros 2654L/45 HYP 27 500 395 @ 1 800 Medium-/long-haul 101

FAW 28.330 FL 28 000 245 @ 2 200 Freight Carrier 73

Hino 700 2841 28 000 302 @ 1 800 Medium-/long-haul distribution 81

Powerland 3034 30 000 247 @ 2 200 Medium-/long-haul distribution 105

Mercedes-Benz Axor 3335/45 33 000 260 @ 1 900 Medium-haul 99

Mercedes-Benz Axor 3340/45 33 000 295 @ 1 900 Medium-/long-haul 99

Mercedes-Benz Actros 3332/45 33 000 235 @ 1 800 Medium-/long-haul 101

Mercedes-Benz Actros 3344/45 33 000 320 @ 1 800 Medium-/long-haul 101

Mercedes-Benz Actros 3350/45 33 000 370 @ 1 800 Medium-/long-haul 101

MAN TGS 33.360 BB M Cab 33 000 265 @ 1 800 On-/off-road freight carrier 95

MAN TGS 33.440 BBS L Cab 33 000 324 @ 1 900 On-/off-road freight carrier 95

MAN TGS 33.480 BB M Cab 33 000 353 @ 1 900 On-/off-road freight carrier 96

Tata K7CEF 33 500 250 @ 2 100 Short-/medium-haul cargo carrier 113

Iveco Trakker AD380T42H On/Off 38 000 309 @ 1 900 On-/off-road 90

Iveco Trakker AD380T42H LWB 38 000 309 @ 1 900 On-/off-road 90


Manufacturer Model name GVMEngine power –

kW @ r/minTypical Application page

Hino 700 3541 35 000 302 @ 1 800 Medium-/long-haul distribution 81

MAN TGS 41.440 BB M Cab 42 000 324 @ 1 900 On-/off-road freight carrier 96

MAN TGS 41.480 BB M Cab 42 000 353 @ 1 900 On-/off-road freight carrier 96

70 |TMH| 201570 |TMH| 2015








Manufacturer Model name GVM GCM DTEngine power - kW @ r/min

Typical Application page

Tata SK 407 EX 4x2 2-Tonner 4 900 6 900 6 900 55 @ 2 800 Tipper/short-haul 110

Tata LPK 813 EX2 4x2 4-Tonner 8 050 10 050 9 700 95 @ 2 400 Tipper/short-haul 111

Hino 500 1324 Tipper 13 500 17 000 17 000 170 @ 2 500 Tipper 79

Tata LPK 1518 4x2 8-Tonner 14 900 21 400 21 400 132 @ 2 500 Tipper/short-haul 112

IvecoEuroCargo MLC150E22H 4x2

15 000 18 500 18 500 162 @ 2 700 On-/off-road tipper/compactor 88

Mercedes-Benz Atego 1518K/33 15 000 21 000 21 000 130 @ 2 200 Tipper 103

FAW 15.180 FD 4x2 15 000 24 000 24 000 132 @ 2 300 6 m3 Tipper 72

Fuso FM15-270 4x2 15 100 32 000 32 000 199 @ 2 600 Medium-/heavy-duty tipper 77

Isuzu FTR 850 Compactor 4x2 15 500 24 000 24 000 176 @ 2 400 Compactor 85

Hino 500 1626 Tipper 15 500 24 000 24 000 184 @ 2 500 Tipper 80

Powerstar VX 1627 4x2 16 000 28 000 28 000 199 @ 2 300 On-road medium-haul rigid 106

FAW 16.240 FD 4x2 18 000 32 000 32 000 177 @ 2 300 6 m3 Tipper 72

MAN TGM 18.240 BB C Cab 4x2 18 000 28 000 28 000 176 @ 2 400 Tipper 92

Mercedes-Benz Axor 1823K/36 18 000 28 000 28 000 170 @ 2 200 Tipper 98

IvecoStralis AT440S43T/FP CT 4x2

19 000 44 000 44 000 316 @ 2 100 Car transporter 91

Isuzu FVZ 1400 Tipper 6x4 25 100 36 000 36 000 206 @ 2 400 Tipper 85

Isuzu FXZ 26-360 Mixer 6x4 25 500 43 500 43 500 265 @ 2 000 Mixer 87

Isuzu FXZ 26-360 Tipper 6x4 25 500 43 500 43 500 265 @ 2 000 Tipper 87

Tata Prima 2528K 6x4 25 500 - Provision 198 @ 2 500 10 m3 Tipper 114

Isuzu FVZ 1600 Compactor 6x4 26 000 36 000 36 000 206 @ 2 400 Compactor 85

IsuzuFVZ 1600 Compactor Auto 6x4

26 000 36 000 36 000 206 @ 2 400 Compactor 85

Iveco682 DC260G29H Tipper 6x4

26 000 50 000 50 000 213 @ 1 750 – 2 100 Tipper 89

Iveco Trakker AD260T38H Off 6x4 26 000 50 000 - 279 @ 1 900 Tipper 90

IvecoTrakker AT750T44TH On/Off Hi-Land 6x4

26 000 95 000 56 000 324 @ 1 900 Tipper/short-haul 91

MAN CLA 26.280 BB C Cab 6x4 26 000 44 000 44 000 206 @ 2 400 Tipper 96

MAN CLA 26.280 BB C Cab 6x4 26 000 44 000 44 000 206 @ 2 400 Mixer 96

Fuso FV26-350 6x4 26 000 50 000 50 000 257 @ 2 000 Tipper 77

Fuso FV26-350 6x4 26 000 50 000 50 000 257 @ 2 000 Mixer 77

Powerstar VX 2628 6x4 26 000 43 000 43 000 213 @ 2 200 On-/off-road short-/medium-haul rigid 106

Mercedes-Benz Axor 2628B/33 6x4 27 500 36 000 36 000 205 @ 2 200 Mixer/Tipper 98

Isuzu FXZ 28-360 Compactor 6x4 28 000 45 000 45 000 265 @ 2 000 Compactor 87

IsuzuFXZ 28-360 Compactor Auto 6x4

28 000 45 000 45 000 265 @ 2 000 Compactor 87

FAW 28.280 FD 6x4 28 000 50 000 49 440 206 @ 2 200 10 m3 Tipper 73

Hino700 2838 SSC STL Tipper 6x4

28 000 28 300 28 300 279 @ 1 800 Tipper 81

Western Star 4900SB 28 390 74 000 74 000 373 @ 1 700 Wrecker Chassis 118

FAW 33.330 FC 6x4 33 000 33 000 33 000 245 @ 2 200 6 m3 Mixer 73

MAN TGS 33.360 BB M Cab 6x4 33 000 65 000 63 600 265 @ 1 800 On-/off-road tipper 95

MANTGS 33.480 ABN BBS L Cab 6x4

33 000 130 000 84 720 353 @ 1 900 Abnormal loads 96

Mercedes-Benz Axor 3335K/36 6x4 33 000 65 000 62 400 260 @ 1 900 Tipper 99

Powerstar VX 3335 6x4 33 000 43 000 43 000 250 @ 2 200 On-/off-road short-/medium-haul rigid 107

Tata Prima 3338K 8x4 33 000 - Provision 268 @ 2 100 19 m3 Tipper 114

Tata K5DEF 6x4 33 500 43 500 40 000 250 @ 2 100 Tipper 10 m3/medium-/long-haul 113

Tata K5MVF 6x4 33 500 43 500 33 500 287 @ 2 100 Mixer/short-/medium-haul 113

Iveco682 DC330G34H Tipper 6x4

33 500 62 000 56 000 250 @ 1 750 – 2 100 Tipper 89

Western Star 4900SB 34 000 100 000 100 000 447 @ 1 700 On-/off-highway tractor 118

Iveco Trakker AD340T38H 34 000 44 000 56 000 279 @ 1 900 - 90

2015 |TMH| 71


heel d




Manufacturer Model name GVM GCM DTEngine power - kW @ r/min

Typical Application page

Tata SK 407 EX 4x2 2-Tonner 4 900 6 900 6 900 55 @ 2 800 Tipper/short-haul 110

Tata LPK 813 EX2 4x2 4-Tonner 8 050 10 050 9 700 95 @ 2 400 Tipper/short-haul 111

Hino 500 1324 Tipper 13 500 17 000 17 000 170 @ 2 500 Tipper 79

Tata LPK 1518 4x2 8-Tonner 14 900 21 400 21 400 132 @ 2 500 Tipper/short-haul 112

IvecoEuroCargo MLC150E22H 4x2

15 000 18 500 18 500 162 @ 2 700 On-/off-road tipper/compactor 88

Mercedes-Benz Atego 1518K/33 15 000 21 000 21 000 130 @ 2 200 Tipper 103

FAW 15.180 FD 4x2 15 000 24 000 24 000 132 @ 2 300 6 m3 Tipper 72

Fuso FM15-270 4x2 15 100 32 000 32 000 199 @ 2 600 Medium-/heavy-duty tipper 77

Isuzu FTR 850 Compactor 4x2 15 500 24 000 24 000 176 @ 2 400 Compactor 85

Hino 500 1626 Tipper 15 500 24 000 24 000 184 @ 2 500 Tipper 80

Powerstar VX 1627 4x2 16 000 28 000 28 000 199 @ 2 300 On-road medium-haul rigid 106

FAW 16.240 FD 4x2 18 000 32 000 32 000 177 @ 2 300 6 m3 Tipper 72

MAN TGM 18.240 BB C Cab 4x2 18 000 28 000 28 000 176 @ 2 400 Tipper 92

Mercedes-Benz Axor 1823K/36 18 000 28 000 28 000 170 @ 2 200 Tipper 98

IvecoStralis AT440S43T/FP CT 4x2

19 000 44 000 44 000 316 @ 2 100 Car transporter 91

Isuzu FVZ 1400 Tipper 6x4 25 100 36 000 36 000 206 @ 2 400 Tipper 85

Isuzu FXZ 26-360 Mixer 6x4 25 500 43 500 43 500 265 @ 2 000 Mixer 87

Isuzu FXZ 26-360 Tipper 6x4 25 500 43 500 43 500 265 @ 2 000 Tipper 87

Tata Prima 2528K 6x4 25 500 - Provision 198 @ 2 500 10 m3 Tipper 114

Isuzu FVZ 1600 Compactor 6x4 26 000 36 000 36 000 206 @ 2 400 Compactor 85

IsuzuFVZ 1600 Compactor Auto 6x4

26 000 36 000 36 000 206 @ 2 400 Compactor 85

Iveco682 DC260G29H Tipper 6x4

26 000 50 000 50 000 213 @ 1 750 – 2 100 Tipper 89

Iveco Trakker AD260T38H Off 6x4 26 000 50 000 - 279 @ 1 900 Tipper 90

IvecoTrakker AT750T44TH On/Off Hi-Land 6x4

26 000 95 000 56 000 324 @ 1 900 Tipper/short-haul 91

MAN CLA 26.280 BB C Cab 6x4 26 000 44 000 44 000 206 @ 2 400 Tipper 96

MAN CLA 26.280 BB C Cab 6x4 26 000 44 000 44 000 206 @ 2 400 Mixer 96

Fuso FV26-350 6x4 26 000 50 000 50 000 257 @ 2 000 Tipper 77

Fuso FV26-350 6x4 26 000 50 000 50 000 257 @ 2 000 Mixer 77

Powerstar VX 2628 6x4 26 000 43 000 43 000 213 @ 2 200 On-/off-road short-/medium-haul rigid 106

Mercedes-Benz Axor 2628B/33 6x4 27 500 36 000 36 000 205 @ 2 200 Mixer/Tipper 98

Isuzu FXZ 28-360 Compactor 6x4 28 000 45 000 45 000 265 @ 2 000 Compactor 87

IsuzuFXZ 28-360 Compactor Auto 6x4

28 000 45 000 45 000 265 @ 2 000 Compactor 87

FAW 28.280 FD 6x4 28 000 50 000 49 440 206 @ 2 200 10 m3 Tipper 73

Hino700 2838 SSC STL Tipper 6x4

28 000 28 300 28 300 279 @ 1 800 Tipper 81

Western Star 4900SB 28 390 74 000 74 000 373 @ 1 700 Wrecker Chassis 118

FAW 33.330 FC 6x4 33 000 33 000 33 000 245 @ 2 200 6 m3 Mixer 73

MAN TGS 33.360 BB M Cab 6x4 33 000 65 000 63 600 265 @ 1 800 On-/off-road tipper 95

MANTGS 33.480 ABN BBS L Cab 6x4

33 000 130 000 84 720 353 @ 1 900 Abnormal loads 96

Mercedes-Benz Axor 3335K/36 6x4 33 000 65 000 62 400 260 @ 1 900 Tipper 99

Powerstar VX 3335 6x4 33 000 43 000 43 000 250 @ 2 200 On-/off-road short-/medium-haul rigid 107

Tata Prima 3338K 8x4 33 000 - Provision 268 @ 2 100 19 m3 Tipper 114

Tata K5DEF 6x4 33 500 43 500 40 000 250 @ 2 100 Tipper 10 m3/medium-/long-haul 113

Tata K5MVF 6x4 33 500 43 500 33 500 287 @ 2 100 Mixer/short-/medium-haul 113

Iveco682 DC330G34H Tipper 6x4

33 500 62 000 56 000 250 @ 1 750 – 2 100 Tipper 89

Western Star 4900SB 34 000 100 000 100 000 447 @ 1 700 On-/off-highway tractor 118

Iveco Trakker AD340T38H 34 000 44 000 56 000 279 @ 1 900 - 90


Manufacturer Model name GVM GCM DTEngine power - kW @ r/min

Typical Application page

Fuso Canter FG6-136 SWA 4x4 5 400 7 000 7 000 100 @ 2 900 Utility/fire truck/rescue vehicle/off-road 76

Fuso Canter FG6-136 4x4 6 000 7 000 7 000 100 @ 2 900 Utility/fire truck/rescue vehicle/off-road 76

Isuzu NPS 300 4x4 6 000 9 500 9 500 110 @ 2 600 Short-haul distribution 83

Isuzu NPS 300 4x4 Crew Cab 6 000 9 500 9 500 110 @ 2 600 Short-haul distribution 83

Isuzu NPS 300 4x4 SWA 6 200 9 500 9 500 110 @ 2 600 Short-haul distribution 82

IsuzuNPS 300 4x4 SWA Crew cab

6 200 9 500 9 500 110 @ 2 600 Short-haul distribution 83

Mercedes-Benz U4000 S/C 4x4 7 500 25 500 25 500 160 @ 2 200Rescue/recovery/fire fighting/off-road


Mercedes-Benz U4000 C/C 4x4 7 500 25 500 25 500 160 @ 2 200Rescue/recovery/fire fighting/off-road


Tata LPTA 715 4x4 7 650 10 250 11 000 108 @ 2 500 Short-haul/on-/off-road 111

Mercedes-BenzAtego 1118AF/39 4x4 SWA

11 000 11 000 11 000 130 @ 2 200 Off-road/short-/medium-haul 103

Isuzu FTS 750 4x4 SWA 12 200 18 000 18 000 176 @ 2 400 On-/off-road 85

Mercedes-Benz U5000 S/C 4x4 12 500 32 000 32 000 160 @ 2 200Rescue/recovery/fire fighting/off-road


Mercedes-Benz U5000 C/C 4x4 12 500 32 000 32 000 160 @ 2 200Rescue/recovery/fire fighting/off-road


Hino 500 1322 4x4 13 000 21 000 21 000 152 @ 2 500 Freight carrier 80

Isuzu FTS 750 4x4 13 500 18 000 18 000 176 @ 2 400 On-/off-road 85

Mercedes-BenzAtego 1428AF/39 4x4 DWA

14 500 14 500 14 500 205 @ 2 200 Recovery/fire fighting/police/security 103

Iveco EuroCargo MLC150E24W 15 000 18 500 18 500 176 @ 2 700 On-/off-road 88

Powerstar VX 1729 4x4 17 000 34 000 34 000 213 @ 2 200 On-/off-road short-/medium-haul rigid 106

MANTGM 18.240 BB C Cab SWA 4x4

17 500 28 000 28 000 176 @ 2 400 Freight carrier 92

MANTGM 18.240 BB C Cab DWA 4x4

18 000 28 000 28 000 176 @ 2 400 Freight carrier 92

Mercedes-Benz Axor 1823AK/39 4x4 SWA 18 000 28 000 28 000 170 @ 2 200 Tipper 98

Iveco Trakker AD190T38WH Off 19 000 44 000 44 000 279 @ 1 900 Off-road freight carrier 90

Powerstar VX 2635A 6x6 26 000 65 000 60 000 250 @ 2 200 On-/off-road short-/medium-haul rigid 108

Mercedes-Benz Actros 3344A/45 6x6 SWA 27 000 65 000 65 000 320 @ 1 800 Freight carrier 101

MAN TGS 33.360 BB M Cab SWA 6x6

29 000 60 000 60 000 265 @ 1 800 Off-road freight carrier 95

MANTGS 33.440 BB M Cab SWA 6x6

29 000 60 000 60 000 324 @ 1 900 Off-road freight carrier 95

IvecoTrakker AD380T42WH Off 6x6

40 000 75 000 56 000 309 @ 1 900 Off-road rigid 90


Manufacturer Model name GVM GCM DTEngine power - kW @ r/min

Typical Application page

FAW 35.340 FC 8x4 35 000 45 000 45 000 250 @ 2 200 8 m3 Mixer 73

FAW 35.340 FD 8x4 35 000 45 000 45 000 250 @ 2 200 15 m3 Tipper 73

Hino 700 3541 8x4 Tipper/Mixer 35 000 57 000 56 000 302 @ 1 800 Tipper/Mixer/Freight Carrier 81

Mercedes-Benz Axor 3535K/51 HYP 8x4 35 000 40 000 40 000 260 @ 1 900 Tipper/Mixer 99

Mercedes-Benz Axor 3535K/51 HUB 8x4 35 000 65 000 62 400 260 @ 1 900 Tipper 99

Mercedes-Benz Actros 3550S/33 (AV) 6x4 35 000 120 000 88 800 370 @ 1 800Medium-/long-haul


Iveco Trakker AD380T38H Off 6x4 38 000 66 000 56 000 279 @ 1 900 On-/off-road tipper 90

Western Star 6900XD 38 165 150 000 107 280 447 @ 1 700 Heavy Hauler 118

Powerstar VX 4035 8x4 40 000 75 000 60 000 250 @ 2 200 On-/off-road short-/medium-haul rigid 107

Iveco Trakker AD410T42H 8x4 41 000 60 000 56 000 309 @ 1 900 Rigid tipper/timber 90

Mercedes-Benz Actros 4144K/51 8x4 41 000 65 000 65 000 320 @ 1 800 Tipper/Mixer 101

Western Star 6900XD 8x6 48 165 200 000 111 120 <463 @ 1 700 Heavy hauler 118

72 |TMH| 2016

MODELMedium Truck Heavy Trucks Extra Heavy Trucks

8.140 FL 15.180 FL 15.180 FD & FT 16.240 FD & FT 16.240 FL 28.280 FD 28.330 FL 28.380 FT 33.330 FC 35.340 FC 35.340 FD J6 28.460 FT Low/High Roof

Vehicle Description 4x2 Freight Carrier

4x2 Freight Carrier

4x2 6m3 Tipper 4x2 Truck Tractor

4x2 6m3 Tipper 4x2 Truck Tractor

4x2 Freight Carrier 6x4 10m3 Tipper 6x4 Freight Carrier 6x4 Truck Tractor 6x4 6m3 Mixer 8x4 8m3 Mixer 8x4 15m3 Tipper 6x4 Truck Tractor


Overall Length (OL) 6 810 mm 9 252 mm 4 300 mm 6 375 mm 10 175 mm 7 208 mm 9 868 mm 6 888 mm 7 208 mm 9 018 mm 9 018 mm 7 010 mm 7 010 mm

Overall Width (OW) 2 038 mm 2 380mm 2 380 mm 2 470 mm 2 470 mm 2 490 mm 2 495 mm 2 490 mm 2 490 mm 2 495 mm 2 495 mm 2 495 mm 2 495 mm

Overall Height (OH) 2 385 mm 2 670 mm 2 670 mm 2 760 mm 2 760 mm 2 940 mm 2 960 mm 2 960 mm 2 940 mm 2 960 mm 2 960 mm 3 108 mm 3 560 mm

Front Overhang 1 150mm 1 312 mm 1 312 mm 1 375 mm 1 375 mm 1 418 mm 1 418 mm 1 418 mm 1 418 mm 1 418 mm 1 418 mm 1 470 mm 1 470 mm

Rear Overhang 1 800mm 2 600 mm 1 000 mm 1 200 mm 2 200 mm 1 575 mm 2 675 mm 1 495 mm 1 575 mm 1 665 mm 1 665 mm 1 568 mm 1 568 mm

Wheelbase (WB) 3 860 mm 5 340 mm 3 510 mm 3 800 mm 6 600 mm 4 075 mm 5 775 mm 3 975 mm 4 075 mm 2 000 + 2 400 + 1 350 mm

2 000 + 3 400 + 1 350 mm

3 975 mm 3 975 mm


Manufacturer’s Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM) 8 999 kg 15 000 kg 15 000 kg 18 000 kg 18 000 kg 28 000 kg 28 000 kg 33 700 kg 33 000 kg 35 000 kg 35 000 kg 33 700 kg

Manufacturer’s Gross Combination Mass (GCM) 14 000 kg 24 000 kg 24 000 kg 32 000 kg 32 000 kg 50 000 kg 50 000 kg 62 200 kg 33 000 kg 45 000 kg 45 000 kg 75 000 kg

Manufacturer’s Front Axle Mass (GA Front) 3 000 kg 5 500 kg 5 500 kg 7 000 kg 7 000 kg 8 000 kg 8 000 kg 7 700 kg 7 500 kg 15 400 kg 15 400 kg 7 700 kg

Manufacturer’s Rear Axle Mass (GAU Rear) 6 000 kg 9 500 kg 9 500 kg 11 000 kg 11 000 kg 20 000 kg 21 000 kg 26 000 kg 25 500 kg 19 600 kg 19 600 kg 26 000 kg

Permissible Gross Vehicle Mass (V) 8 999 kg 14 500 kg 14 500 kg 16 000 kg 16 000 kg 25 500 kg 25 500 kg 25 500 kg 25 500 kg 33 600 kg 33 600 kg 25 500 kg

Permissible Gross Combination Mass (D/T) 14 000 kg 24 000 kg 24 000 kg 32 000 kg 32 000 kg 49 440 kg 49 440 kg 56 000 kg 33 000 kg 45 000 kg 45 000 kg 56 000 kg

Permissible Front Axle Mass (A Front) 3 000 kg 5 500 kg 5 500 kg 7 000 kg 7 000 kg 7 500 kg 7 500 kg 7 500 kg 7 500 kg 15 600 kg 16 600 kg 75 000 kg

Permissible Rear Axle Mass (A Rear) 6 000 kg 9 000 kg 9 000 kg 9 000 kg 9 000 kg 18 000 kg 18 000 kg 18 000 kg 18 000 kg 18 000 kg 18 000 kg 18 000 kg

Unladen Front Axle Mass (T Front) 1 780 kg 2 680 kg 2 500 kg 3 560 kg 3 640 kg 3 980 kg 4 540 kg 4 250 kg 4 360 kg 7 180 kg 7 180 kg 5 000 kg

5 080 kg

Unladen Rear Axle Mass (T Rear) 1 200 kg 2 020 kg 1 620 kg 2 260 kg 2 620 kg 4 280 kg 4 100 kg 4 500 kg 7 300 kg 7 020 kg 7 020 kg 4 200 kg 4 280 kg

Unladen Mass Total (Tare) 2 980 kg 4 700 kg 4 120 kg 5 820 kg 6 260 kg 8 260 kg 8 640 kg 8 750 kg 11 660 kg 14 200 kg 14 200 kg 9 200 kg 9 360 kg


Make & Model Emission Standard

Cummins ISF 3.8s3141 (Euro III)

FAW CA6DF2-18 (Euro II)

FAW CA6DF2-18 (Euro II)

FAW CA6DF2-24 (Euro II)

FAW CA6DF2-24 (Euro II)

Weichai WD 615.50 (Euro II)

Weichai WD 615.44 (Euro II)

Weichai WD 615.38 (Euro II)

Weichai WD 615.44 (Euro II)

Weichai WD 615.69 (Euro II)

Weichai WD 615.69 (Euro II)

FAW CA6DN1-46 E3 (Euro III)

Capacity 4 cylinder/3 760 cm3 6 cylinder/6 557 cm3 6 cylinder/6 557 cm3 6 cylinder/7 127 cm3 6 cylinder/7 127 cm3 6 cylinder/9 726 cm3 6 cylinder/9 728 cm3 6 cylinder/9 726 cm3 6 cylinder/9 726 cm3 6 cylinder/9 728 cm3 6 cylinder/9 728 cm3 6 cylinder/12 530 cm3

Power at r/min (Kw) 105 @ 2 600 132 @ 2 300 132 @ 2 300 177 @ 2 300 177 @ 2 300 206 @ 2 200 245 @ 2 200 280 @ 2 200 245 @ 2 200 250 @ 2 200 250 @ 2 200 338 @ 1 900

Torque at r/min (Nm) 450 @ 1 200 - 2 200

650 @ 1 350 – 1 600

650 @ 1 350 – 1 600

890 @ 1 400

890 @ 1 400

1 160 @ 1 400 – 1 700

1 250 @ 1 200 – 1 600

1 460 @ 1 400 – 1 600

1 250 @ 1 400 – 1 700

1 350 @ 1 100 – 1 600

1 350 @ 1 100 – 1 600 2 100 @ 1 400


Make & Model ZF 6S500 FAW CA6TBX085 FAW CA6TBX085 Fast Gear 8 JS 118 TC -B 8 JS 118 TC - B FAW CA9T B160M FAW CA9T B160M FAW CA9T B160M FAW CA9T B160M FAW CA9T B160M FAW CA9T B160M ZF 16S 221

No of Gears 6 6 6 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 16


Geared Speed (km/h) 120 km/h 120 km/h 120 km/h 120 km/h 120 km/h 93 km/h 93 km/h 105 km/h 93 km/h 93 km/h 93 km/h 120 km/h

Maximum Grade (%) 29% @ V 25% @ V 25% @ V 50% @ V 50% @ V 36% @ V 36% @ V 30% @ V 36% @ V 36% @ V 36% @ V 30.4% @ V

Rear Axle Ratio 4.33:1 4.875:1 4.875:1 4.875:1 4.875:1 4.875:1 4.875:1 4.111.1 4.875:1 4.875:1 4.875:1 3.70:1 4.444:1

The above specifications are not binding – subject to change without prior notice. Phone: +27 87 702 0800 l Fax: +27 11 974 3933 l Website:

FAW Truck Range

2016 |TMH| 73

MODELMedium Truck Heavy Trucks Extra Heavy Trucks

8.140 FL 15.180 FL 15.180 FD & FT 16.240 FD & FT 16.240 FL 28.280 FD 28.330 FL 28.380 FT 33.330 FC 35.340 FC 35.340 FD J6 28.460 FT Low/High Roof

Vehicle Description 4x2 Freight Carrier

4x2 Freight Carrier

4x2 6m3 Tipper 4x2 Truck Tractor

4x2 6m3 Tipper 4x2 Truck Tractor

4x2 Freight Carrier 6x4 10m3 Tipper 6x4 Freight Carrier 6x4 Truck Tractor 6x4 6m3 Mixer 8x4 8m3 Mixer 8x4 15m3 Tipper 6x4 Truck Tractor


Overall Length (OL) 6 810 mm 9 252 mm 4 300 mm 6 375 mm 10 175 mm 7 208 mm 9 868 mm 6 888 mm 7 208 mm 9 018 mm 9 018 mm 7 010 mm 7 010 mm

Overall Width (OW) 2 038 mm 2 380mm 2 380 mm 2 470 mm 2 470 mm 2 490 mm 2 495 mm 2 490 mm 2 490 mm 2 495 mm 2 495 mm 2 495 mm 2 495 mm

Overall Height (OH) 2 385 mm 2 670 mm 2 670 mm 2 760 mm 2 760 mm 2 940 mm 2 960 mm 2 960 mm 2 940 mm 2 960 mm 2 960 mm 3 108 mm 3 560 mm

Front Overhang 1 150mm 1 312 mm 1 312 mm 1 375 mm 1 375 mm 1 418 mm 1 418 mm 1 418 mm 1 418 mm 1 418 mm 1 418 mm 1 470 mm 1 470 mm

Rear Overhang 1 800mm 2 600 mm 1 000 mm 1 200 mm 2 200 mm 1 575 mm 2 675 mm 1 495 mm 1 575 mm 1 665 mm 1 665 mm 1 568 mm 1 568 mm

Wheelbase (WB) 3 860 mm 5 340 mm 3 510 mm 3 800 mm 6 600 mm 4 075 mm 5 775 mm 3 975 mm 4 075 mm 2 000 + 2 400 + 1 350 mm

2 000 + 3 400 + 1 350 mm

3 975 mm 3 975 mm


Manufacturer’s Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM) 8 999 kg 15 000 kg 15 000 kg 18 000 kg 18 000 kg 28 000 kg 28 000 kg 33 700 kg 33 000 kg 35 000 kg 35 000 kg 33 700 kg

Manufacturer’s Gross Combination Mass (GCM) 14 000 kg 24 000 kg 24 000 kg 32 000 kg 32 000 kg 50 000 kg 50 000 kg 62 200 kg 33 000 kg 45 000 kg 45 000 kg 75 000 kg

Manufacturer’s Front Axle Mass (GA Front) 3 000 kg 5 500 kg 5 500 kg 7 000 kg 7 000 kg 8 000 kg 8 000 kg 7 700 kg 7 500 kg 15 400 kg 15 400 kg 7 700 kg

Manufacturer’s Rear Axle Mass (GAU Rear) 6 000 kg 9 500 kg 9 500 kg 11 000 kg 11 000 kg 20 000 kg 21 000 kg 26 000 kg 25 500 kg 19 600 kg 19 600 kg 26 000 kg

Permissible Gross Vehicle Mass (V) 8 999 kg 14 500 kg 14 500 kg 16 000 kg 16 000 kg 25 500 kg 25 500 kg 25 500 kg 25 500 kg 33 600 kg 33 600 kg 25 500 kg

Permissible Gross Combination Mass (D/T) 14 000 kg 24 000 kg 24 000 kg 32 000 kg 32 000 kg 49 440 kg 49 440 kg 56 000 kg 33 000 kg 45 000 kg 45 000 kg 56 000 kg

Permissible Front Axle Mass (A Front) 3 000 kg 5 500 kg 5 500 kg 7 000 kg 7 000 kg 7 500 kg 7 500 kg 7 500 kg 7 500 kg 15 600 kg 16 600 kg 75 000 kg

Permissible Rear Axle Mass (A Rear) 6 000 kg 9 000 kg 9 000 kg 9 000 kg 9 000 kg 18 000 kg 18 000 kg 18 000 kg 18 000 kg 18 000 kg 18 000 kg 18 000 kg

Unladen Front Axle Mass (T Front) 1 780 kg 2 680 kg 2 500 kg 3 560 kg 3 640 kg 3 980 kg 4 540 kg 4 250 kg 4 360 kg 7 180 kg 7 180 kg 5 000 kg

5 080 kg

Unladen Rear Axle Mass (T Rear) 1 200 kg 2 020 kg 1 620 kg 2 260 kg 2 620 kg 4 280 kg 4 100 kg 4 500 kg 7 300 kg 7 020 kg 7 020 kg 4 200 kg 4 280 kg

Unladen Mass Total (Tare) 2 980 kg 4 700 kg 4 120 kg 5 820 kg 6 260 kg 8 260 kg 8 640 kg 8 750 kg 11 660 kg 14 200 kg 14 200 kg 9 200 kg 9 360 kg


Make & Model Emission Standard

Cummins ISF 3.8s3141 (Euro III)

FAW CA6DF2-18 (Euro II)

FAW CA6DF2-18 (Euro II)

FAW CA6DF2-24 (Euro II)

FAW CA6DF2-24 (Euro II)

Weichai WD 615.50 (Euro II)

Weichai WD 615.44 (Euro II)

Weichai WD 615.38 (Euro II)

Weichai WD 615.44 (Euro II)

Weichai WD 615.69 (Euro II)

Weichai WD 615.69 (Euro II)

FAW CA6DN1-46 E3 (Euro III)

Capacity 4 cylinder/3 760 cm3 6 cylinder/6 557 cm3 6 cylinder/6 557 cm3 6 cylinder/7 127 cm3 6 cylinder/7 127 cm3 6 cylinder/9 726 cm3 6 cylinder/9 728 cm3 6 cylinder/9 726 cm3 6 cylinder/9 726 cm3 6 cylinder/9 728 cm3 6 cylinder/9 728 cm3 6 cylinder/12 530 cm3

Power at r/min (Kw) 105 @ 2 600 132 @ 2 300 132 @ 2 300 177 @ 2 300 177 @ 2 300 206 @ 2 200 245 @ 2 200 280 @ 2 200 245 @ 2 200 250 @ 2 200 250 @ 2 200 338 @ 1 900

Torque at r/min (Nm) 450 @ 1 200 - 2 200

650 @ 1 350 – 1 600

650 @ 1 350 – 1 600

890 @ 1 400

890 @ 1 400

1 160 @ 1 400 – 1 700

1 250 @ 1 200 – 1 600

1 460 @ 1 400 – 1 600

1 250 @ 1 400 – 1 700

1 350 @ 1 100 – 1 600

1 350 @ 1 100 – 1 600 2 100 @ 1 400


Make & Model ZF 6S500 FAW CA6TBX085 FAW CA6TBX085 Fast Gear 8 JS 118 TC -B 8 JS 118 TC - B FAW CA9T B160M FAW CA9T B160M FAW CA9T B160M FAW CA9T B160M FAW CA9T B160M FAW CA9T B160M ZF 16S 221

No of Gears 6 6 6 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 16


Geared Speed (km/h) 120 km/h 120 km/h 120 km/h 120 km/h 120 km/h 93 km/h 93 km/h 105 km/h 93 km/h 93 km/h 93 km/h 120 km/h

Maximum Grade (%) 29% @ V 25% @ V 25% @ V 50% @ V 50% @ V 36% @ V 36% @ V 30% @ V 36% @ V 36% @ V 36% @ V 30.4% @ V

Rear Axle Ratio 4.33:1 4.875:1 4.875:1 4.875:1 4.875:1 4.875:1 4.875:1 4.111.1 4.875:1 4.875:1 4.875:1 3.70:1 4.444:1

The above specifications are not binding – subject to change without prior notice. Phone: +27 87 702 0800 l Fax: +27 11 974 3933 l Website:

FAW Truck Range

74 |TMH| 2016




DDC 12.7-1650

NG 6x4 TT


DDC 14.0-1850

NG 6x4 TT


CUM 500-NG

6x4 TT


CUM 530-NG

6x4 TT


CUM 620-NG

6x4 TT


Overall Length 6 807 6 807 6 807 6 807 6 807

Overall Width (excluding mirrors) 2 590 2 590 2 590 2 590 2 590

Overall Height 4 144 4 144 4 144 4 144 4 144

Front Overhang 1 032 1 032 1 032 1 032 1 032

Rear Overhang 1 448 1 448 1 448 1 448 1 448

Wheelbase 4 325 4 325 4 325 4 325 4 325

Bumper to Back of Cab 2 260 2 260 2 260 2 260 2 260

Back of Cab to Centre Rear Axle 3 073 3 073 3 073 3 073 3 073

Turning Radius (m) 11,8 11,8 11,8 11,8 11,8


Manufacturer’s Gross

Vehicle Mass28 115 28 115 28 115 28 115 28 115

Manufacturer’s Gross Combination Mass 60 000 60 000 60 000 60 000 60 000

Manufacturer’s Front Axle Mass 7 250 7 250 7 250 7 250 7 250

Manufacturer’s Rear Axle Mass 20 865 20 865 20 865 20 865 20 865

Permissible Maximum Vehicle Mass 25 250 25 250 25 250 25 250 25 250

Permissible Maximum Front Axle Mass 7 250 7 250 7 250 7 250 7 250

Permissible Maximum Rear Axle Mass 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000

Unladen Front Axle Mass 4 499 4 517 4 524 4 535 4 582

Unladen Rear Axle Mass 3 763 3 763 3 763 3 763 3 763

Total Unladen Mass 8 262 8 280 8 287 8 298 8 365

Permissible Max Drawing Vehicle Mass 60 000 60 000 60 000 60 000 60 000


Make / Model Series 60 Series 60 Cummins ISX Cummins ISX Cummins Signature

Configuration 6-in-line Diesel 6-in-line Diesel 6-in-line Diesel 6-in-line Diesel 6-in-line Diesel

Capacity (cm3) 12 700 14 000 15 000 15 000 15 000

Max Power -

kW @ r/min

373 @

1 800 - 1 950

373 @

1 400 - 2 100

373 @

1 700 - 1 800

395 @

1 600 - 1 800

462 @

1 700 - 1 800

Max Torque -

Nm @ r/min

2 237 @

1 200 - 1 500

2 508 @

1 200 - 1 500

2 237 @

1 100 - 1 400

2 508 @

1 100 - 1 400

2 800 @

1 100 - 1 400


Make / ModelEaton-Fuller FO-185313A-






Eaton-Fuller FO-20E318B-




No of Forward Gears 13 18 18 18 18

High / Low Ratios 12,19:1 / 0,73:1 14,4:1 / 0,73:1 14,4:1 / 0,73:1 14,4:1 / 0,73:1 14,4:1 / 0,73:1

Synchromesh or Constantmesh Ultrashift Plus Ultrashift Plus Ultrashift Plus Ultrashift Plus Ultrashift Plus

Rear Axle Ratio 4,56:1 4,89:1 4,56:1 4,56:1 4,30:1

Auxiliary Jacobs Brake Jacobs Brake Cummins Intebrake Cummins Intebrake Cummins Intebrake


Size and Ply Rating Front385/65 R22.5


385/65 R22.5


385/65 R22.5


385/65 R22.5


385/65 R22.5


Size and Ply Rating Rear315/80 R22.5


315/80 R22.5


315/80 R22.5


315/80 R22.5


315/80 R22.5


Wheels Alloy Alloy Alloy Alloy Alloy

Fuel Tank (Aluminium) (litres) 1 x 492, 1 x 378 2 x 492 1 x 492, 1 x 378 2 x 492 2 x 492


2016 |TMH| 75

76 |TMH| 2016



FE/FG Canter FE Canter LIFT FA FK / FM / FN Fighter FP / FV Supergreat




FG6-136 SWA4x4


FE7-150 AMT4x2

FE8-150 AMT4x2

FE8-150 AMT4x2 DC

FA9-137 TIP 4x2

FA9-137 FC 4x2


FM15-270 Tip4x2


FN25-270 FC6x2

FP18-350 TT4x2

FV26-350 Tip6x4

FV26-350 Mix6x4

FV26-350 TT6x4

DIMENSIONS (mm)Overall Length 6 015 6 735 6 105 6 105 5 935 6 685 7 185 7 735 6 985 8 195 8 710 6 690 10 305 9 760 6 115 7 200 7 200 6 690Overall Width 1 995 1 995 1 995 1 995 1 995 2 035 2 145 2 145 2 205 2 205 2 170 2 470 2 470 2 470 2 510 2 490 2 490 2 490Overall Height 2 195 2 260 2 435 2 435 2 205 2 195 2 210 2 230 2 420 2 420 2 470 2 690 2 680 2 675 2 930 2 940 2 940 2 940Front Overhang 1 145 1 145 1 130 1 130 1 140 1 140 1 140 1 140 1 275 1 275 1 135 1 245 1 245 1 245 1 370 1 370 1 370 1 370Rear Overhang 1 480 1 700 1 475 1 475 1 395 1 695 1 745 1 845 1 950 2 120 2 300 1 700 2 915 2 140 945 1 310 1 310 800Wheelbase 3 350 3 850 3 460 3 460 3 400 3 850 4 300 4 750 3 760 4 800 5 210 3 680 6 080 5 650 3 800 3 860 3 860 3 860Bumper to Back of Cab 1 710 1 710 1 710 1 710 1 715 1 715 1 715 1 715 1 800 1 800 1 990 1 990 1 990 1 990 2 130 2 130 2 130 2 130Back of Cab to Rear Axle or Center of Unit

2 785 3 285 2 880 2 880 2 825 3 275 3 275 3 170 3 235 4 275 4 355 2 935 5 335 4 903 3 100 3 100 3 100 3 100

Turning radius (m) 6 6,8 6,8 6,8 5,8 6,82 7,54 8,25 6,9 8,5 8,3 7,1 11,1 10,7 6,9 7,4 7,4 7,4MASS DATA (kg)Manufacturer’s Gross Vehicle Mass 6 500 7 500 6 000 5 400 6 000 7 500 8 550 8 550 9 600 9 600 10 400 15 100 16 000 25 000 17 900 26 000 26 000 26 000Manufacturer’s Gross Combination Mass

7 500 8 500 7 000 7 000 6 000 8 500 8 550 8 550 9 600 9 600 16 000 32 000 32 000 32 000 42 000 50 000 50 000 50 000

Manufacturer’s Front Axle Mass 2 460 2 850 2 600 2 600 2 570 3 100 3 100 3 100 3 510 3 510 3 600 6 000 6 000 6 000 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500Manufacturer’s Rear Axle Mass 4 500 5 400 4 300 2 800 4 500 6 000 6 000 6 000 6 520 6 520 6 800 9 700 10 000 20 000 10 800 21 600 21 600 21 600Permissible Maximum Vehicle Mass 6 500 7 500 6 000 5 400 6 000 7 500 8 550 8 550 9 600 9 600 10 400 15 000 15 000 24 000 16 500 25 500 25 500 25 500Permissible Maximum Front Axle Mass

2 460 2 850 2 600 2 600 2 570 3 100 3 100 3 100 3 510 3 510 3 600 6 000 6 000 6 000 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500

Permissible Maximum Rear Axle Mass

4 500 5 400 4 300 2 800 4 500 6 000 6 000 6 000 6 520 6 520 6 800 9 000 9 000 18 000 9 000 18 000 18 000 18 000

Unladen Front Axle Mass 1 565 1 655 1 785 1 785 1 510 1 560 1 655 1 845 1 990 2 070 2 145 2 825 3 035 3 100 4 270 4 195 4 195 4 195Unladen Rear Axle Mass 710 805 765 765 695 825 780 845 1 265 1 240 1 420 1 920 2 085 3 455 2 100 3 810 3 810 3 810Unladen Total Mass 2 275 2 460 2 550 2 550 2 205 2 385 2 435 2 690 3 255 3 310 3 565 4 745 5 120 6 555 6 370 8 005 8 005 8 105Permissible Maximum Drawing Vehicle Mass

7 500 8 500 7 000 7 000 6 000 8 500 8 550 8 550 9 600 9 600 16 000 32 000 32 000 32 000 42 000 50 000 50 000 50 000

ENGINEMake FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSOModel 4D34-2AT5 4D34-2AT4 4D34-2AT5 4D34-2AT5 4P10-4AT2 4P10-4AT4 4P10-4AT4 4P10-4AT4 4D37 - 100 4D37 - 100 6M60-1AT1 6M60-1AT2 6M60-1AT2 6M60-1AT2 6M70-9AT2 6M70-9AT2 6M70-9AT2 6M70-9AT2


turbocharged, intercooled

4-in-line turbocharged,


4-in-line turbocharged,


4-in-line turbocharged,


4-in-line turbocharged,


4-in-line turbocharged,


4-in-line turbocharged,


4-in-line turbocharged,


4-in-line, turbocharged,


4-in-line, turbocharged,


6-in-line turbocharged,


6-in-line turbocharged,


6-in-line turbocharged,


6-in-line turbocharged,


6-in-line turbocharged,


6-in-line turbocharged,


6-in-line turbocharged,


6-in-line turbocharged,

intercooledCapacity (cm3) 3 908 3 908 3 908 3 908 2 998 2 998 2 998 2 998 3 907 3 907 7 545 7 545 7 545 7 545 12 882 12 882 12 882 12 882Output – kW @ r/min 81 @ 2 900 100 @ 2 900 100 @ 2 900 100 @ 2 900 96 @ 3 500 110 @ 3 500 110 @ 3 500 110 @ 3 500 100 @ 2 500 100 @ 2 500 177 @ 2 600 199 @ 2 600 199 @ 2 600 199 @ 2 600 257 @ 2 000 257 @ 2 000 257 @ 2 000 257 @ 2 000

Torque – Nm @ r/min 275 @ 1 600 370 @ 1 600 370 @ 1 600 370 @ 1 600 300 @ 1 300 370 @ 1 320 370 @ 1 320 370 @ 1 320 420 @ 1 500 420 @ 1 500 686 @ 1 400 786 @ 1 400 786 @ 1 400 786 @ 1 4001 620 @ 1 100

1 620 @ 1 100

1 620 @ 1 100

1 620 @ 1 100

PERFORMANCEMaximum Speed (km/h) 101 104 89 89 120 120 120 120 100 100 119 120 120 108 99 89 89 89TRANSMISSIONMake FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO EATON EATON EATON FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO

Model M025S5 M035S5 M035S5 M035S5 M038S5M038S6



(DUONIC) AMTMO36S6 M036S6 M060S6-OD FS-8209 FS-8209 FS-8209 M130S2x5 M130S2x5 M130S2x5 M130S2x5

Number of Forward Gears 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 9 9 9 10 10 10 10

High / Low Ratios5,181:1 / 0,739:1

5,380:1 / 0,722:1

5,380:1 / 0,722:1

5,380:1 / 0,722:1

5,494:1 / 0,723:1

5,397:1 / 0,701:1

5,397:1 / 0,701:1

5,397:1 / 0,701:1

5,4:1 / 0,711:1

5,4:1 / 0,711:16,748:1 / 0,731:1

12,64:1 / 1:1 12,64:1 / 1:1 12,64:1 / 1:18,147:1 / 0,786:1

8,147:1 / 0,786:1

8,147:1 / 0,786:1

8,147:1 / 0,786:1

Type Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh SynchromeshREAR AxLEMake FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSOModel D2H D035H D033H W/LSD D033H W/LSD D3H D035H D035H D035H AA-7.14 AA-7.14 D050H D10H D10H D10H D12H D10HT/D10H D10HT/D10H D10HT/D10HRatio 5,714:1 5,714:1 5,714:1 5,714:1 5,714:1 5,714:1 6,166:1 6,166:1 5,13:1 5,13:1 4,875:1 4,625:1 4,625:1 5,142:1 5,571:1 6,166:1 6,166:1 6,166:1TYRES

Front 7.00 R16 215/75 R17.5 215/75 R17.5 10 R17.5 7.00 R16 215/75 R17.5 215/75 R17.5215/75


R17.5235/75 R17.5 235/75 R17.5 11 R22.5 11 R22.5 11 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5

Rear 7.00 R16 215/75 R17.5 215/75 R17.5 10 R17.5 7.00 R16 215/75 R17.5 215/75 R17.5215/75


R17.5235/75 R17.5 235/75 R17.5 11 R22.5 11 R22.5 11 R22.5 12 R22.5 12 R22.5 12 R22.5 12 R22.5

FUEL TANKLitres 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 160 160 200 200 300 300 400 300 300 300

2016 |TMH| 77



FE/FG Canter FE Canter LIFT FA FK / FM / FN Fighter FP / FV Supergreat




FG6-136 SWA4x4


FE7-150 AMT4x2

FE8-150 AMT4x2

FE8-150 AMT4x2 DC

FA9-137 TIP 4x2

FA9-137 FC 4x2


FM15-270 Tip4x2


FN25-270 FC6x2

FP18-350 TT4x2

FV26-350 Tip6x4

FV26-350 Mix6x4

FV26-350 TT6x4

DIMENSIONS (mm)Overall Length 6 015 6 735 6 105 6 105 5 935 6 685 7 185 7 735 6 985 8 195 8 710 6 690 10 305 9 760 6 115 7 200 7 200 6 690Overall Width 1 995 1 995 1 995 1 995 1 995 2 035 2 145 2 145 2 205 2 205 2 170 2 470 2 470 2 470 2 510 2 490 2 490 2 490Overall Height 2 195 2 260 2 435 2 435 2 205 2 195 2 210 2 230 2 420 2 420 2 470 2 690 2 680 2 675 2 930 2 940 2 940 2 940Front Overhang 1 145 1 145 1 130 1 130 1 140 1 140 1 140 1 140 1 275 1 275 1 135 1 245 1 245 1 245 1 370 1 370 1 370 1 370Rear Overhang 1 480 1 700 1 475 1 475 1 395 1 695 1 745 1 845 1 950 2 120 2 300 1 700 2 915 2 140 945 1 310 1 310 800Wheelbase 3 350 3 850 3 460 3 460 3 400 3 850 4 300 4 750 3 760 4 800 5 210 3 680 6 080 5 650 3 800 3 860 3 860 3 860Bumper to Back of Cab 1 710 1 710 1 710 1 710 1 715 1 715 1 715 1 715 1 800 1 800 1 990 1 990 1 990 1 990 2 130 2 130 2 130 2 130Back of Cab to Rear Axle or Center of Unit

2 785 3 285 2 880 2 880 2 825 3 275 3 275 3 170 3 235 4 275 4 355 2 935 5 335 4 903 3 100 3 100 3 100 3 100

Turning radius (m) 6 6,8 6,8 6,8 5,8 6,82 7,54 8,25 6,9 8,5 8,3 7,1 11,1 10,7 6,9 7,4 7,4 7,4MASS DATA (kg)Manufacturer’s Gross Vehicle Mass 6 500 7 500 6 000 5 400 6 000 7 500 8 550 8 550 9 600 9 600 10 400 15 100 16 000 25 000 17 900 26 000 26 000 26 000Manufacturer’s Gross Combination Mass

7 500 8 500 7 000 7 000 6 000 8 500 8 550 8 550 9 600 9 600 16 000 32 000 32 000 32 000 42 000 50 000 50 000 50 000

Manufacturer’s Front Axle Mass 2 460 2 850 2 600 2 600 2 570 3 100 3 100 3 100 3 510 3 510 3 600 6 000 6 000 6 000 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500Manufacturer’s Rear Axle Mass 4 500 5 400 4 300 2 800 4 500 6 000 6 000 6 000 6 520 6 520 6 800 9 700 10 000 20 000 10 800 21 600 21 600 21 600Permissible Maximum Vehicle Mass 6 500 7 500 6 000 5 400 6 000 7 500 8 550 8 550 9 600 9 600 10 400 15 000 15 000 24 000 16 500 25 500 25 500 25 500Permissible Maximum Front Axle Mass

2 460 2 850 2 600 2 600 2 570 3 100 3 100 3 100 3 510 3 510 3 600 6 000 6 000 6 000 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500

Permissible Maximum Rear Axle Mass

4 500 5 400 4 300 2 800 4 500 6 000 6 000 6 000 6 520 6 520 6 800 9 000 9 000 18 000 9 000 18 000 18 000 18 000

Unladen Front Axle Mass 1 565 1 655 1 785 1 785 1 510 1 560 1 655 1 845 1 990 2 070 2 145 2 825 3 035 3 100 4 270 4 195 4 195 4 195Unladen Rear Axle Mass 710 805 765 765 695 825 780 845 1 265 1 240 1 420 1 920 2 085 3 455 2 100 3 810 3 810 3 810Unladen Total Mass 2 275 2 460 2 550 2 550 2 205 2 385 2 435 2 690 3 255 3 310 3 565 4 745 5 120 6 555 6 370 8 005 8 005 8 105Permissible Maximum Drawing Vehicle Mass

7 500 8 500 7 000 7 000 6 000 8 500 8 550 8 550 9 600 9 600 16 000 32 000 32 000 32 000 42 000 50 000 50 000 50 000

ENGINEMake FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSOModel 4D34-2AT5 4D34-2AT4 4D34-2AT5 4D34-2AT5 4P10-4AT2 4P10-4AT4 4P10-4AT4 4P10-4AT4 4D37 - 100 4D37 - 100 6M60-1AT1 6M60-1AT2 6M60-1AT2 6M60-1AT2 6M70-9AT2 6M70-9AT2 6M70-9AT2 6M70-9AT2


turbocharged, intercooled

4-in-line turbocharged,


4-in-line turbocharged,


4-in-line turbocharged,


4-in-line turbocharged,


4-in-line turbocharged,


4-in-line turbocharged,


4-in-line turbocharged,


4-in-line, turbocharged,


4-in-line, turbocharged,


6-in-line turbocharged,


6-in-line turbocharged,


6-in-line turbocharged,


6-in-line turbocharged,


6-in-line turbocharged,


6-in-line turbocharged,


6-in-line turbocharged,


6-in-line turbocharged,

intercooledCapacity (cm3) 3 908 3 908 3 908 3 908 2 998 2 998 2 998 2 998 3 907 3 907 7 545 7 545 7 545 7 545 12 882 12 882 12 882 12 882Output – kW @ r/min 81 @ 2 900 100 @ 2 900 100 @ 2 900 100 @ 2 900 96 @ 3 500 110 @ 3 500 110 @ 3 500 110 @ 3 500 100 @ 2 500 100 @ 2 500 177 @ 2 600 199 @ 2 600 199 @ 2 600 199 @ 2 600 257 @ 2 000 257 @ 2 000 257 @ 2 000 257 @ 2 000

Torque – Nm @ r/min 275 @ 1 600 370 @ 1 600 370 @ 1 600 370 @ 1 600 300 @ 1 300 370 @ 1 320 370 @ 1 320 370 @ 1 320 420 @ 1 500 420 @ 1 500 686 @ 1 400 786 @ 1 400 786 @ 1 400 786 @ 1 4001 620 @ 1 100

1 620 @ 1 100

1 620 @ 1 100

1 620 @ 1 100

PERFORMANCEMaximum Speed (km/h) 101 104 89 89 120 120 120 120 100 100 119 120 120 108 99 89 89 89TRANSMISSIONMake FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO EATON EATON EATON FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO

Model M025S5 M035S5 M035S5 M035S5 M038S5M038S6



(DUONIC) AMTMO36S6 M036S6 M060S6-OD FS-8209 FS-8209 FS-8209 M130S2x5 M130S2x5 M130S2x5 M130S2x5

Number of Forward Gears 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 9 9 9 10 10 10 10

High / Low Ratios5,181:1 / 0,739:1

5,380:1 / 0,722:1

5,380:1 / 0,722:1

5,380:1 / 0,722:1

5,494:1 / 0,723:1

5,397:1 / 0,701:1

5,397:1 / 0,701:1

5,397:1 / 0,701:1

5,4:1 / 0,711:1

5,4:1 / 0,711:16,748:1 / 0,731:1

12,64:1 / 1:1 12,64:1 / 1:1 12,64:1 / 1:18,147:1 / 0,786:1

8,147:1 / 0,786:1

8,147:1 / 0,786:1

8,147:1 / 0,786:1

Type Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh SynchromeshREAR AxLEMake FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSO FUSOModel D2H D035H D033H W/LSD D033H W/LSD D3H D035H D035H D035H AA-7.14 AA-7.14 D050H D10H D10H D10H D12H D10HT/D10H D10HT/D10H D10HT/D10HRatio 5,714:1 5,714:1 5,714:1 5,714:1 5,714:1 5,714:1 6,166:1 6,166:1 5,13:1 5,13:1 4,875:1 4,625:1 4,625:1 5,142:1 5,571:1 6,166:1 6,166:1 6,166:1TYRES

Front 7.00 R16 215/75 R17.5 215/75 R17.5 10 R17.5 7.00 R16 215/75 R17.5 215/75 R17.5215/75


R17.5235/75 R17.5 235/75 R17.5 11 R22.5 11 R22.5 11 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5

Rear 7.00 R16 215/75 R17.5 215/75 R17.5 10 R17.5 7.00 R16 215/75 R17.5 215/75 R17.5215/75


R17.5235/75 R17.5 235/75 R17.5 11 R22.5 11 R22.5 11 R22.5 12 R22.5 12 R22.5 12 R22.5 12 R22.5

FUEL TANKLitres 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 160 160 200 200 300 300 400 300 300 300

78 |TMH| 2016


Dyna 4-093 300 614 SWBHino 300 614 AT

SWB300 614 LWB 300 714 SWB

Hino 300 714 AT

SWB300 714 LWB

Hino 300 714

MT LWB CC300 814 SWB

Hino 300 815 AT

SWB300 815 LWB AT

300 815 AT

Crew Cab300 915 LWB

Hino 300 915 MT

LWB Crew Cab500 1017 FC 500 1324 Tipper 500 1324 FC


Overall Length 4 515 4 710 4 710 5 965 6 120 6 120 6 735 6 735 6 735 6 735 7 245 7 245 7 250 7 250 8 540 6 445 9 460

Overall Width 1 695 1 695 1 695 1 695 1 995 1 995 1 995 1 995 1 995 1 995 1 995 1 995 1 995 1 995 2 175 2 355 2 355

Overall Height 1 960 2 115 2 110 2 110 2 200 2 220 2 200 2 260 2 200 2 220 2 215 2 235 2 235 2 250 2 490 2 615 2 615

Front Overhang 960 980 980 980 1 110 1 110 1 110 1 110 1 110 1 110 1 110 1 110 1 110 1 110 1 145 1 235 1 235

Rear Overhang 1 010 1 135 1 200 1 555 1 580 1 580 1 760 1 750 1 760 1 760 1 940 1 940 1 940 1 930 2 260 1 285 2 550

Wheelbase 2 545 2 525 - 3 800 2 525 - 3 800 2 525 - 3 800 3 430 - 4 600 3 430 - 4 600 3 430 - 4 600 3 430 - 4 600 3 430 - 4 800 3 430 - 4 800 3 430 - 5 200 4 200 - 5 200 4 200 - 5 200 4 200 - 5 200 4 990 3 780 5 530

Max. Homologated Body Width 2 100 1 870 - 2 100 1 870 - 2 100 1 870 - 2 100 1 995 - 2 500 1 995 - 2 500 1 995 - 2 500 1 995 - 2 500 1 995 - 2 500 1 995 - 2 500 1 995 - 2 500 1 995 - 2 500 2 055 - 2 500 2 055 - 2 500 2 400 2 600 2 600

Bumper to Back of Cab 1 479 1 560 1 560 1 560 1 670 1 670 1 670 1 670 1 670 1 670 1 670 2 680 1 670 1 670 1 770 2 060 2 060

Cab to Rear Axle / Unit 2 025 1 945 1 945 2 820 2 870 2 870 3 310 2 300 3 310 3 310 3 640 2 630 3 640 2 630 4 365 2 955 4 705


Manufacturer’s Gross

Vehicle Mass3 550 5 500 5 500 5 500 6 500 6 500 6 500 6 500 7 500 7 300 7 300 7 300 8 500 8 500 10 400 13 500 13 500

Manufacturer’s Gross

Combination Mass4 000 7 300 7 300 7 300 8 300 8 300 8 300 8 300 9 300 9 100 9 100 9 100 10 300 10 300 15 000 17 000 17 000

Manufacturer’s Front Axle Mass 1 800 2 300 2 600 2 300 3 100 3 100 3 100 3 100 3 100 3 100 3 100 3 100 3 100 3 100 3 600 5 500 5 500

Manufacturer’s Rear Axle Mass 2 550 4 360 4 400 4 360 5 100 5 100 5 100 5 100 5 500 5 500 5 500 5 500 6 200 6 200 6 800 9 000 9 000

Permissible Maximum Vehicle

Mass3 550 5 500 5 500 5 500 6 500 6 500 6 500 6 500 7 500 7 300 7 300 7 300 8 500 8 500 10 400 13 500 13 500

Body and payload allowance 1 912 3 390 3 335 3 315 4 135 4 075 4 120 3940 5 090 4 830 4 795 4 610 5 950 5 715 7 380 9 300 9 125

Permissible Maximum Front

Axle Mass1 800 2 600 2 300 2 600 3 100 3 100 3 100 3 100 3 100 3 100 3 100 3 100 3 100 3 100 3 600 5 500 5 500

Permissible Maximum Rear

Axle Mass2 550 4 400 4 360 4 400 5 100 5 100 5 100 5 100 5 500 5 500 5 500 5 500 6 200 6 200 7 000 10 000 10 000

Unladen Front Axle Mass 1 042 1 355 1 395 1 385 1 550 1 600 1 565 1 665 1 575 1 625 1 645 1 745 1 630 1 750 1 945 2 565 2 670

Unladen Rear Axle Mass 596 755 770 800 815 825 815 895 835 845 860 945 920 1 035 1 075 1 635 1 705

Total Unladen Mass 1 638 2 110 2 165 2 185 2 365 2 425 2 380 2 560 2 410 2 470 2 505 2 690 2 550 2 785 3 020 4 200 4 375

Permissible Max Drawing

Vehicle Mass4 000 7 300 7 300 7 300 8 300 8 300 8 300 8 300 9 300 9 100 9 100 9 100 10 300 10 300 15 000 17 000 17 000


Make Toyota Hino Hino Hino Hino Hino Hino Hino Hino NO4C-VA Hino N04C-VB Hino N04C-VB Hino N04C-VB Hino N04C-VB Hino N04C-VB Hino J05C TF Hino JO8C TW Hino JO8C TW

Model Configuration N/A NO4C-VA N04C-VA NO4C-VA NO4C-VA N04C-VA NO4C-VA N04C-VA 4-in-line 4-in-line 4-in-line 4-in-line 4-in-line 4-in-line 4-in-line 6-in-line 6-in-line

Capacity (cm3) 2 986 4 009 4 009 4 009 4 009 4 009 4 009 4 009 4 009 4 009 4 009 4 009 4 009 4 009 5 307 7 961 7 961

Max Power – kW @ r/min 67 @ 4 000 100 @ 2 500 100 @ 2 500 100 @ 2 500 100 @ 2 500 100 @ 2 500 100 @ 2 500 100 @ 2 500 100 @ 2 500 110 @ 2 800 110 @ 2 800 110 @ 2 800 110 @ 2 800 110 @ 2 800 121 @ 2 500 170 @ 2 500 170 @ 2 500

Max Torque – Nm @ r/min 192 @ 2 400 392 @ 1 600 392 @ 1 600 392 @ 1 600 392 @ 1 600 392 @ 1 600 392 @ 1 600 392 @ 1 600 392 @ 1 600 420 @ 1 400 420 @ 1 400 420 @ 1 400 420 @ 1 400 420 @ 1 400 496 @ 1 500 710 @ 1 500 710 @ 1 500


Make / Model R452 Hino M550 Hino A860E Hino M550 Hino M550 A860E Hino M550 M550 Hino M550 A860E Hino A860E Hino A860E Hino MYY6S MYY6S Hino LX 06 S Hino LJ 06 S Hino LJ 06 S

No of Gears 5 5 6 5 5 6 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

High and Low Ratios N/A4,981:1 /


3,742:1 /


4,981:1 /


4,981:1 /


3,742:1 /


4,981:1 /


4,981:1 /


4,981:1 /


3,742:1 /


3,742:1 /


3,742:1 /


5,979:1 /


5,979:1 /


7,818:1 /


6,746:1 /


6,746:1 /


Synchromesh or Constantmesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Automatic Synchromesh Synchromesh Automatic Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Automatic Automatic Automatic Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh


Ratio 4,375:1 4,333:1 4,333:1 4,333:1 4,625:1 4,625:1 4,625:1 4,625:1 4,875:1 4,875:1 5,125:1 5,125:1 4,875:1 4,875:1 4,100:1 6,142:1 5,428:1

Type Single Reduction


Single Reduction


Single Reduction


Single Reduction


Single Reduction


Single Reduction


Single Reduction


Single Reduction


Single Reduction


Single Reduction


Single Reduction


Single Reduction


Single Reduction


Single Reduction


Single Reduction


Single Reduction


Single Reduction



N/A Exhaust Exhaust Exhaust Exhaust Exhaust Exhaust Exhaust Exhaust Exhaust Exhaust Exhaust Exhaust Exhaust Exhaust Exhaust Exhaust


Size and Ply Rating 195/70 R15C 205/75 R16C 205/75 R16C 205/75 R16C 215/75 R17.5 215/75 R17.5 215/75 R17.5 215/75 R17.5 215/75 R17.5 215/75 R17.5 215/75 R17.5 215/75 R17.5 215/75 R17.5 215/75 R17.5 8.25 R16 11 R22.5 11 R22.5

Wheel Size 15 x 5J 16 x 5.50 16 x 5.50 16 x 5.50 17.5 x 6.00 17.5 x 6.00 17.5 x 6.00 17.5 x 6.00 17.5 x 6.00 17.5 x 6.00 17.5 x 6.00 17.5 x 6.00 17.5 x 6.00 17.5 x 6.00 6.00 x 16 8.25 x 22.5 8.25 x 22.5

Service Brakes - ABS No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No

Service Brakes - Front Disc Disc Disc Disc Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum

Service Brakes - Rear Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum

2016 |TMH| 79


Dyna 4-093 300 614 SWBHino 300 614 AT

SWB300 614 LWB 300 714 SWB

Hino 300 714 AT

SWB300 714 LWB

Hino 300 714

MT LWB CC300 814 SWB

Hino 300 815 AT

SWB300 815 LWB AT

300 815 AT

Crew Cab300 915 LWB

Hino 300 915 MT

LWB Crew Cab500 1017 FC 500 1324 Tipper 500 1324 FC


Overall Length 4 515 4 710 4 710 5 965 6 120 6 120 6 735 6 735 6 735 6 735 7 245 7 245 7 250 7 250 8 540 6 445 9 460

Overall Width 1 695 1 695 1 695 1 695 1 995 1 995 1 995 1 995 1 995 1 995 1 995 1 995 1 995 1 995 2 175 2 355 2 355

Overall Height 1 960 2 115 2 110 2 110 2 200 2 220 2 200 2 260 2 200 2 220 2 215 2 235 2 235 2 250 2 490 2 615 2 615

Front Overhang 960 980 980 980 1 110 1 110 1 110 1 110 1 110 1 110 1 110 1 110 1 110 1 110 1 145 1 235 1 235

Rear Overhang 1 010 1 135 1 200 1 555 1 580 1 580 1 760 1 750 1 760 1 760 1 940 1 940 1 940 1 930 2 260 1 285 2 550

Wheelbase 2 545 2 525 - 3 800 2 525 - 3 800 2 525 - 3 800 3 430 - 4 600 3 430 - 4 600 3 430 - 4 600 3 430 - 4 600 3 430 - 4 800 3 430 - 4 800 3 430 - 5 200 4 200 - 5 200 4 200 - 5 200 4 200 - 5 200 4 990 3 780 5 530

Max. Homologated Body Width 2 100 1 870 - 2 100 1 870 - 2 100 1 870 - 2 100 1 995 - 2 500 1 995 - 2 500 1 995 - 2 500 1 995 - 2 500 1 995 - 2 500 1 995 - 2 500 1 995 - 2 500 1 995 - 2 500 2 055 - 2 500 2 055 - 2 500 2 400 2 600 2 600

Bumper to Back of Cab 1 479 1 560 1 560 1 560 1 670 1 670 1 670 1 670 1 670 1 670 1 670 2 680 1 670 1 670 1 770 2 060 2 060

Cab to Rear Axle / Unit 2 025 1 945 1 945 2 820 2 870 2 870 3 310 2 300 3 310 3 310 3 640 2 630 3 640 2 630 4 365 2 955 4 705


Manufacturer’s Gross

Vehicle Mass3 550 5 500 5 500 5 500 6 500 6 500 6 500 6 500 7 500 7 300 7 300 7 300 8 500 8 500 10 400 13 500 13 500

Manufacturer’s Gross

Combination Mass4 000 7 300 7 300 7 300 8 300 8 300 8 300 8 300 9 300 9 100 9 100 9 100 10 300 10 300 15 000 17 000 17 000

Manufacturer’s Front Axle Mass 1 800 2 300 2 600 2 300 3 100 3 100 3 100 3 100 3 100 3 100 3 100 3 100 3 100 3 100 3 600 5 500 5 500

Manufacturer’s Rear Axle Mass 2 550 4 360 4 400 4 360 5 100 5 100 5 100 5 100 5 500 5 500 5 500 5 500 6 200 6 200 6 800 9 000 9 000

Permissible Maximum Vehicle

Mass3 550 5 500 5 500 5 500 6 500 6 500 6 500 6 500 7 500 7 300 7 300 7 300 8 500 8 500 10 400 13 500 13 500

Body and payload allowance 1 912 3 390 3 335 3 315 4 135 4 075 4 120 3940 5 090 4 830 4 795 4 610 5 950 5 715 7 380 9 300 9 125

Permissible Maximum Front

Axle Mass1 800 2 600 2 300 2 600 3 100 3 100 3 100 3 100 3 100 3 100 3 100 3 100 3 100 3 100 3 600 5 500 5 500

Permissible Maximum Rear

Axle Mass2 550 4 400 4 360 4 400 5 100 5 100 5 100 5 100 5 500 5 500 5 500 5 500 6 200 6 200 7 000 10 000 10 000

Unladen Front Axle Mass 1 042 1 355 1 395 1 385 1 550 1 600 1 565 1 665 1 575 1 625 1 645 1 745 1 630 1 750 1 945 2 565 2 670

Unladen Rear Axle Mass 596 755 770 800 815 825 815 895 835 845 860 945 920 1 035 1 075 1 635 1 705

Total Unladen Mass 1 638 2 110 2 165 2 185 2 365 2 425 2 380 2 560 2 410 2 470 2 505 2 690 2 550 2 785 3 020 4 200 4 375

Permissible Max Drawing

Vehicle Mass4 000 7 300 7 300 7 300 8 300 8 300 8 300 8 300 9 300 9 100 9 100 9 100 10 300 10 300 15 000 17 000 17 000


Make Toyota Hino Hino Hino Hino Hino Hino Hino Hino NO4C-VA Hino N04C-VB Hino N04C-VB Hino N04C-VB Hino N04C-VB Hino N04C-VB Hino J05C TF Hino JO8C TW Hino JO8C TW

Model Configuration N/A NO4C-VA N04C-VA NO4C-VA NO4C-VA N04C-VA NO4C-VA N04C-VA 4-in-line 4-in-line 4-in-line 4-in-line 4-in-line 4-in-line 4-in-line 6-in-line 6-in-line

Capacity (cm3) 2 986 4 009 4 009 4 009 4 009 4 009 4 009 4 009 4 009 4 009 4 009 4 009 4 009 4 009 5 307 7 961 7 961

Max Power – kW @ r/min 67 @ 4 000 100 @ 2 500 100 @ 2 500 100 @ 2 500 100 @ 2 500 100 @ 2 500 100 @ 2 500 100 @ 2 500 100 @ 2 500 110 @ 2 800 110 @ 2 800 110 @ 2 800 110 @ 2 800 110 @ 2 800 121 @ 2 500 170 @ 2 500 170 @ 2 500

Max Torque – Nm @ r/min 192 @ 2 400 392 @ 1 600 392 @ 1 600 392 @ 1 600 392 @ 1 600 392 @ 1 600 392 @ 1 600 392 @ 1 600 392 @ 1 600 420 @ 1 400 420 @ 1 400 420 @ 1 400 420 @ 1 400 420 @ 1 400 496 @ 1 500 710 @ 1 500 710 @ 1 500


Make / Model R452 Hino M550 Hino A860E Hino M550 Hino M550 A860E Hino M550 M550 Hino M550 A860E Hino A860E Hino A860E Hino MYY6S MYY6S Hino LX 06 S Hino LJ 06 S Hino LJ 06 S

No of Gears 5 5 6 5 5 6 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

High and Low Ratios N/A4,981:1 /


3,742:1 /


4,981:1 /


4,981:1 /


3,742:1 /


4,981:1 /


4,981:1 /


4,981:1 /


3,742:1 /


3,742:1 /


3,742:1 /


5,979:1 /


5,979:1 /


7,818:1 /


6,746:1 /


6,746:1 /


Synchromesh or Constantmesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Automatic Synchromesh Synchromesh Automatic Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Automatic Automatic Automatic Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh


Ratio 4,375:1 4,333:1 4,333:1 4,333:1 4,625:1 4,625:1 4,625:1 4,625:1 4,875:1 4,875:1 5,125:1 5,125:1 4,875:1 4,875:1 4,100:1 6,142:1 5,428:1

Type Single Reduction


Single Reduction


Single Reduction


Single Reduction


Single Reduction


Single Reduction


Single Reduction


Single Reduction


Single Reduction


Single Reduction


Single Reduction


Single Reduction


Single Reduction


Single Reduction


Single Reduction


Single Reduction


Single Reduction



N/A Exhaust Exhaust Exhaust Exhaust Exhaust Exhaust Exhaust Exhaust Exhaust Exhaust Exhaust Exhaust Exhaust Exhaust Exhaust Exhaust


Size and Ply Rating 195/70 R15C 205/75 R16C 205/75 R16C 205/75 R16C 215/75 R17.5 215/75 R17.5 215/75 R17.5 215/75 R17.5 215/75 R17.5 215/75 R17.5 215/75 R17.5 215/75 R17.5 215/75 R17.5 215/75 R17.5 8.25 R16 11 R22.5 11 R22.5

Wheel Size 15 x 5J 16 x 5.50 16 x 5.50 16 x 5.50 17.5 x 6.00 17.5 x 6.00 17.5 x 6.00 17.5 x 6.00 17.5 x 6.00 17.5 x 6.00 17.5 x 6.00 17.5 x 6.00 17.5 x 6.00 17.5 x 6.00 6.00 x 16 8.25 x 22.5 8.25 x 22.5

Service Brakes - ABS No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No

Service Brakes - Front Disc Disc Disc Disc Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum

Service Brakes - Rear Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum

80 |TMH| 2016


500 1626 FC LWB 500 1626 Tipper500 1726 FC


500 2626 FC

LWB500 1322 4x4 FC

700 2841 FC 6x4/

2838 TIP SSC STL 6x4

700 2038 TT STL/AIR


700 2841 TT STL SSC/

DSC 6x4

700 2845 TT STL/AIR


700 2848 TT STL/AIR

DSC 6x4700 3541 TIP/MIx/FC 8x4


Overall Length 9 460 6 445 9 780 11 185 7 960 10 845 / 7 695 5 955 / 5 845 6 895 6 895 6 895 9 045 / 9 045 / 9 995

Overall Width 2 355 2 355 2 355 2 355 2 355 2 490 2 490 2 490 2 490 2 490 2 490

Overall Height 2 650 2 630 2 690 2 680 2 800 3 030 3 025 / 3 510 3 020 / 3 505 3 020 / 3 505 3 505 3 065

Front Overhang 1 235 1 235 1 255 1 255 1 235 1 380 1 380 1 380 1 380 1 380 1 380

Rear Overhang 2 550 1 285 2 600 2 780 1 930 2 635 / 1 285 935 / 835 835 835 835 1 135 / 1 135 / 1 935

Wheelbase 5 530 3 780 5 780 5 850 & 1 300 4 650 5 430 + 1 350 / 3 630 + 1 350 3 480 3 180 + 1 3503 180 + 1 350 /

3 205 + 1 325

3 180 + 1 350 /

3 205 + 1 3251 850 + 3 430 + 1 350

Max. Homologated Body Width 2 600 2 600 2 600 2 600 2 600 2 600 2 600 2 600 2 600 2 600 2 600

Bumper to Back of Cab 2 060 2 060 2 060 2 060 2 060 2 055 2 055 2 055 2 055 2 055 2 055

Cab to Rear Axle / Unit 4 705 2 955 4 975 5 670 3 825 5 430 / 3 630 2 805 3 180 3 180 / 3 193 3 180 / 3 193 5 130 / 5 130 / 5 280


Manufacturer’s Gross Vehicle Mass 15 500 15 500 17 000 26 000 13 000 28 000 19 500 28 300 28 300 28 300 35 000

Manufacturer’s Gross Combination Mass 24 000 24 000 32 000 32 000 21 000 57 000 / 28 300 45 500 65 000 65 000 65 00057 000 / 57 000 /

65 000

Manufacturer’s Front Axle Mass 6 300 6 300 6 500 6 500 4 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 15 000

Manufacturer’s Rear Axle Mass 9 000 9 000 9 000 18 000 9 000 18 000 9 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000

Permissible Maximum Vehicle Mass 15 300 15 300 15 500 24 500 13 000 25 500 16 500 25 500 25 500 25 50031 608 / 31 608 /

31 923

Permissible Maximum Front Axle Mass 6 500 6 500 6 500 6 500 4 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 15 000

Permissible Maximum Rear Axle Mass 10 000 10 000 10 500 20 000 9 200 21 800 13 000 21 800 21 800 21 800 21 800

Unladen Front Axle Mass 2 850 2 760 2 830 3 150 2 985 4 655 / 4 410 4 730 / 4 770 4 868 / 4 923 5 020 / 5 083 4 923 / 5 083 5 990 / 6 055 / 5 840

Unladen Rear Axle Mass 2 005 1 950 2 100 3 385 1 870 4 475 / 4 395 2 280 / 2 210 4 118 / 4 123 4 270 / 3 668 4 123 / 3 668 3 650 / 3 650 / 3 910

Total Unladen Mass 4 855 4 860 4 930 6 535 4 855 9 130 / 8 805 7 009 / 6 979 8 985 / 9 046 8 986 / 8 751 9 046 / 8 751 9 640 / 9 705 / 9 740

Permissible Max Drawing Vehicle Mass 24 000 24 000 32 000 32 000 21 000 56 000 / 28 300 45 500 65 000 65 000 65 00056 000 / 56 000 /

65 000


Make Hino JO8C TT Hino JO8C TT Hino JO8C TT Hino JO8E UB Hino J08C UL Hino E13C WL / WP Hino E13C WP Hino E13C WL Hino E13 WK Hino E13 WJ Hino E13C WL

Model Configuration 6-in-line 6-in-line 6-in-line 6-in-line 6-in-line 6-in-line 6-in-line 6-in-line 6-in-line 6-in-line 6-in-line

Capacity (cm3) 7 961 7 961 7 961 7 684 7 961 12 913 12 913 12 913 12 913 12 913 12 913

Max Power – kW @ r/min 184 @ 2 500 184 @ 2 500 184 @ 2 500 184 @ 2 500 152 @ 2 500 302 / 279 @ 1 800 279 @ 1 800 302 @ 1 800 331 @ 1 800 353 @ 1 800 302 @ 1 800

Max Torque – Nm @ r/min 739 @ 1 500 739 @ 1 500 739 @ 1 500 739 @ 1 500 603 @ 1 500 1 863 / 1 814 @ 1 100 1 814 @ 1 100 1 863 @ 1 100 2 157 @ 1 100 2 157 @ 1 100 1 863 @ 1 100


Make / Model Hino MF 06 S Hino MF 06 S Eaton FS 6109 Eaton FS 6109 Hino LX 06 SZF AS Tronic AMT /

Hino MTZF AS Tronic AMT ZF AS Tronic AMT ZF AS Tronic AMT ZF AS Tronic AMT

ZF AS Tronic AMT / ZF MT /

ZF AS Tronic AMT

No of Gears 6 6 9 9 6 16 ̸ 7 16 16 16 16 16

High and Low Ratios 7,395:1 / 1,0:1 7,395:1 / 1,0:1 12,637:1 / 1,0:1 12,637:1 / 1,0:1 6,515:1 / 1,0:114,120:1 / 0,827:1 (ZF)

6,230:1 / 0,595:1 (Hino)14,120:1 / 0,827:1 14,120:1 / 0,827:1 14,120:1 / 0,827:1 14,120:1 / 0,827:1

14,120:1 / 0,827:1 (Tip)

13,804:1 / 0,835:1 (Mix)

14,120:1 / 0,827:1 (FC)

Synchromesh or Constantmesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh SynchromeshConstant 1st - 16th /

Synchro 2nd - 7thConstant 1st - 16th Constant 1st - 16th Constant 1st - 16th Constant 1st - 16th Constant 1st - 16th


Ratio 4,875:1 5,428:1 4,625:1 4,625:1 5,428:1 3,9:1 / 6,4:1 3,7:1 3,9:1 3,9:1 3,9:1 3,9:1

Type Single Reduction Hypoid Single Reduction Hypoid Single Reduction Hypoid Single Reduction Hypoid Single Reduction Hypoid Single Reduction Hypoid Single Reduction Hypoid Single Reduction Hypoid Single Reduction Hypoid Single Reduction Hypoid Single Reduction Hypoid


Exhaust Exhaust Exhaust Exhaust Exhaust


Size and Ply Rating 11 R22.5 11 R22.5 12 R22.5 12 R22.5 10 R20315/80 R22.5

156/150 M

315/80 R22.5

156/150 M

315/80 R22.5

156/150 M

315/80 R22.5

156/150 M

315/80 R22.5

156/150 M

315/80 R22.5

156/150 M

Wheel Size 8.25 x 22.5 8.25 x 22.5 9.00 x 22.5 9.00 x 22.5 7.00 x 20 9.00 x 22.5 9.00 x 22.5 9.00 x 22.5 9.00 x 22.5 9.00 x 22.5 9.00 x 22.5

Service Brakes - ABS No No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Service Brakes - Front Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum

Service Brakes - Rear Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum

2016 |TMH| 81


500 1626 FC LWB 500 1626 Tipper500 1726 FC


500 2626 FC

LWB500 1322 4x4 FC

700 2841 FC 6x4/

2838 TIP SSC STL 6x4

700 2038 TT STL/AIR


700 2841 TT STL SSC/

DSC 6x4

700 2845 TT STL/AIR


700 2848 TT STL/AIR

DSC 6x4700 3541 TIP/MIx/FC 8x4


Overall Length 9 460 6 445 9 780 11 185 7 960 10 845 / 7 695 5 955 / 5 845 6 895 6 895 6 895 9 045 / 9 045 / 9 995

Overall Width 2 355 2 355 2 355 2 355 2 355 2 490 2 490 2 490 2 490 2 490 2 490

Overall Height 2 650 2 630 2 690 2 680 2 800 3 030 3 025 / 3 510 3 020 / 3 505 3 020 / 3 505 3 505 3 065

Front Overhang 1 235 1 235 1 255 1 255 1 235 1 380 1 380 1 380 1 380 1 380 1 380

Rear Overhang 2 550 1 285 2 600 2 780 1 930 2 635 / 1 285 935 / 835 835 835 835 1 135 / 1 135 / 1 935

Wheelbase 5 530 3 780 5 780 5 850 & 1 300 4 650 5 430 + 1 350 / 3 630 + 1 350 3 480 3 180 + 1 3503 180 + 1 350 /

3 205 + 1 325

3 180 + 1 350 /

3 205 + 1 3251 850 + 3 430 + 1 350

Max. Homologated Body Width 2 600 2 600 2 600 2 600 2 600 2 600 2 600 2 600 2 600 2 600 2 600

Bumper to Back of Cab 2 060 2 060 2 060 2 060 2 060 2 055 2 055 2 055 2 055 2 055 2 055

Cab to Rear Axle / Unit 4 705 2 955 4 975 5 670 3 825 5 430 / 3 630 2 805 3 180 3 180 / 3 193 3 180 / 3 193 5 130 / 5 130 / 5 280


Manufacturer’s Gross Vehicle Mass 15 500 15 500 17 000 26 000 13 000 28 000 19 500 28 300 28 300 28 300 35 000

Manufacturer’s Gross Combination Mass 24 000 24 000 32 000 32 000 21 000 57 000 / 28 300 45 500 65 000 65 000 65 00057 000 / 57 000 /

65 000

Manufacturer’s Front Axle Mass 6 300 6 300 6 500 6 500 4 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 15 000

Manufacturer’s Rear Axle Mass 9 000 9 000 9 000 18 000 9 000 18 000 9 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000

Permissible Maximum Vehicle Mass 15 300 15 300 15 500 24 500 13 000 25 500 16 500 25 500 25 500 25 50031 608 / 31 608 /

31 923

Permissible Maximum Front Axle Mass 6 500 6 500 6 500 6 500 4 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 15 000

Permissible Maximum Rear Axle Mass 10 000 10 000 10 500 20 000 9 200 21 800 13 000 21 800 21 800 21 800 21 800

Unladen Front Axle Mass 2 850 2 760 2 830 3 150 2 985 4 655 / 4 410 4 730 / 4 770 4 868 / 4 923 5 020 / 5 083 4 923 / 5 083 5 990 / 6 055 / 5 840

Unladen Rear Axle Mass 2 005 1 950 2 100 3 385 1 870 4 475 / 4 395 2 280 / 2 210 4 118 / 4 123 4 270 / 3 668 4 123 / 3 668 3 650 / 3 650 / 3 910

Total Unladen Mass 4 855 4 860 4 930 6 535 4 855 9 130 / 8 805 7 009 / 6 979 8 985 / 9 046 8 986 / 8 751 9 046 / 8 751 9 640 / 9 705 / 9 740

Permissible Max Drawing Vehicle Mass 24 000 24 000 32 000 32 000 21 000 56 000 / 28 300 45 500 65 000 65 000 65 00056 000 / 56 000 /

65 000


Make Hino JO8C TT Hino JO8C TT Hino JO8C TT Hino JO8E UB Hino J08C UL Hino E13C WL / WP Hino E13C WP Hino E13C WL Hino E13 WK Hino E13 WJ Hino E13C WL

Model Configuration 6-in-line 6-in-line 6-in-line 6-in-line 6-in-line 6-in-line 6-in-line 6-in-line 6-in-line 6-in-line 6-in-line

Capacity (cm3) 7 961 7 961 7 961 7 684 7 961 12 913 12 913 12 913 12 913 12 913 12 913

Max Power – kW @ r/min 184 @ 2 500 184 @ 2 500 184 @ 2 500 184 @ 2 500 152 @ 2 500 302 / 279 @ 1 800 279 @ 1 800 302 @ 1 800 331 @ 1 800 353 @ 1 800 302 @ 1 800

Max Torque – Nm @ r/min 739 @ 1 500 739 @ 1 500 739 @ 1 500 739 @ 1 500 603 @ 1 500 1 863 / 1 814 @ 1 100 1 814 @ 1 100 1 863 @ 1 100 2 157 @ 1 100 2 157 @ 1 100 1 863 @ 1 100


Make / Model Hino MF 06 S Hino MF 06 S Eaton FS 6109 Eaton FS 6109 Hino LX 06 SZF AS Tronic AMT /

Hino MTZF AS Tronic AMT ZF AS Tronic AMT ZF AS Tronic AMT ZF AS Tronic AMT

ZF AS Tronic AMT / ZF MT /

ZF AS Tronic AMT

No of Gears 6 6 9 9 6 16 ̸ 7 16 16 16 16 16

High and Low Ratios 7,395:1 / 1,0:1 7,395:1 / 1,0:1 12,637:1 / 1,0:1 12,637:1 / 1,0:1 6,515:1 / 1,0:114,120:1 / 0,827:1 (ZF)

6,230:1 / 0,595:1 (Hino)14,120:1 / 0,827:1 14,120:1 / 0,827:1 14,120:1 / 0,827:1 14,120:1 / 0,827:1

14,120:1 / 0,827:1 (Tip)

13,804:1 / 0,835:1 (Mix)

14,120:1 / 0,827:1 (FC)

Synchromesh or Constantmesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh SynchromeshConstant 1st - 16th /

Synchro 2nd - 7thConstant 1st - 16th Constant 1st - 16th Constant 1st - 16th Constant 1st - 16th Constant 1st - 16th


Ratio 4,875:1 5,428:1 4,625:1 4,625:1 5,428:1 3,9:1 / 6,4:1 3,7:1 3,9:1 3,9:1 3,9:1 3,9:1

Type Single Reduction Hypoid Single Reduction Hypoid Single Reduction Hypoid Single Reduction Hypoid Single Reduction Hypoid Single Reduction Hypoid Single Reduction Hypoid Single Reduction Hypoid Single Reduction Hypoid Single Reduction Hypoid Single Reduction Hypoid


Exhaust Exhaust Exhaust Exhaust Exhaust


Size and Ply Rating 11 R22.5 11 R22.5 12 R22.5 12 R22.5 10 R20315/80 R22.5

156/150 M

315/80 R22.5

156/150 M

315/80 R22.5

156/150 M

315/80 R22.5

156/150 M

315/80 R22.5

156/150 M

315/80 R22.5

156/150 M

Wheel Size 8.25 x 22.5 8.25 x 22.5 9.00 x 22.5 9.00 x 22.5 7.00 x 20 9.00 x 22.5 9.00 x 22.5 9.00 x 22.5 9.00 x 22.5 9.00 x 22.5 9.00 x 22.5

Service Brakes - ABS No No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Service Brakes - Front Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum

Service Brakes - Rear Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum


82 |TMH| 2016

Model NLR 150 NMR 250 NMR 250 SWB NMR 250 Crew AMT NPR 275 AMT NPR 300 NPR 300 AMT NPS 300 SWA

Axle layout 4X2 4X2 4X2 4X2 4X2 4X2 4X2 4X4Control Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward ForwardSMODS M110N23 M110N24 M110N26 M110N29 M110N31 M110N30 M110N32 M110N45MASS

Permissible body + payload 2260 3130 3180 2920 3520 3680 3680 3200Tare - total (T) 1940 2070 2020 2280 2280 2520 2520 2800

GVM 4200 5200 5200 5200 5800 6200 6200 6000V 4200 5200 5200 5200 5800 6200 6200 6000

GCM 7050 8700 8700 8700 9700 9700 9700 9500D/T 7050 8700 8700 8700 9700 9700 9700 9500

Axle - front GA/GAU 2900 2900 2900 2900 3100 3100 3100 2800Axle - front A/AU 1950 2300 2300 2300 2900 2900 2900 2800

Axle - rear GA/GAU 5000 5000 5000 5000 6000 6600 6600 6600Axle - rear A/AU 3700 4480 4480 4480 5600 5600 5600 4240

Litres of fuel tank 1 included in tare ltrs 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15Litres of fuel tank 2 included in tare ltrs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Tools included in tare Jack, warning triangle, basic tool kitSpare wheel included in tare Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

PERFORMANCE High & Low ratioGradeability at V % 52 43 43 43 37 37 37 43/80

Gradeability at D/T % 31 26 26 26 22 24 24 27/50Max. geared road speed km/h 133 122 122 118 107 121 121 104

MAJOR DIMENSIONSOL - Overall length mm 4730 6020 4730 6020 5985 5985 5985 5985OW - Overall width mm 1770 1770 1770 1770 1995 1995 1995 1995

WB - Wheelbase mm 2475 3345 2475 3345 3365 3365 3365 3395CA - Cab to bogie/rear axle mm 2022 2892 2022 1771 2792 2792 2792 2882CE - Cab to end of chassis mm 3167 4457 3167 3346 3346 4302 4302 4302

OH - Overall height mm 2150 2160 2160 2160 2225 2265 2265 2265FOH - Front overhang mm 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110ROH - Rear overhang mm 1145 1585 1145 1585 1585 1510 1510 1510

EH - Chassis height rear mm 760 810 810 810 830 845 845 1000HH - Ground clearance mm 200 210 210 210 225 195 195 235

Chassis width rear mm 700 700 700 700 850 850 850 850Turning radius (kerb to kerb) mm 5250 7250 5250 7250 6400 6400 640z0 6450Turning radius (wall to wall) mm 5800 7950 5800 7950 7150 7150 7150 7200

ENGINEMake Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu IsuzuModel 4JJ1-TC 4JJ1-TC 4JJ1-TC 4JJ1-TC 4JJ1-TC 4HK1-TCN 4HK1-TCN 4HK1-TCN

Capacity cm3 2,999 2,999 2,999 2,999 2,999 5,193 5,193 5,193Layout Diesel inline 4 Diesel inline 4 Diesel inline 4 Diesel inline 4 Diesel inline 4 Diesel inline 4 Diesel inline 4 Diesel inline 4Type Turbocharged Intercooled Common Rail

Power at r/min kW 96 @ 2800 96 @ 2800 96 @ 2800 96 @ 2800 96 @ 2800 110 @ 2600 110 @ 2600 110 @ 2600Torque at r/min Nm 330 @ 1600 - 2600 330 @ 1600 - 2600 330 @ 1600 - 2600 330 @ 1600 - 2600 330 @ 1600 - 2600 404 @ 1500 - 2600 404 @ 1500 - 2600 404 @ 1500 - 2600

Emissions standard Euro 2 Euro 2 Euro 2 Euro 3 Euro 3 Euro 2 Euro 3 Euro 2CLUTCH

Make Exedy Exedy Exedy NA NA Exedy NA ExedyModel 300 300 300 NA NA 325 NA 325Type Single Single Single NA NA Single NA Single

Diameter mm 300 300 300 NA NA 325 NA 325

Operation Hydraulic Assisted Hydraulic Assisted Hydraulic AssistedAutomated Hydraulic

Controlled Wet Clutch

Automated Hydraulic Controlled Wet

ClutchHydraulic Assisted

Automated Hydraulic Controlled Wet

ClutchHydraulic Assisted

TRANSMISSIONMake Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu IsuzuModel MYY5T MYY5T MYY5T MYY6S (AMT) MYY6S (AMT) MYY6S MYY6S (AMT) MYY5T

Type 5-speed synchromesh

5-speed synchromesh

5-speed synchromesh

6-speed synchromesh

6-speed synchromesh

6-speed synchromesh

6-speed synchromesh

5-speed synchromesh

Shift Manual Gearshift Manual Gearshift Manual Gearshift Automated Manual Automated Manual Manual Gearshift Automated Manual Manual GearshiftNo. of gears forward 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 5

First gear ratio 5.315 5.315 5.315 5.979 5.979 5.979 5.979 5.315 H / 9.790 LTop gear ratio 0.721 0.721 0.721 0.759 0.759 0.759 0.759 0.721 H / 1.328 LTransfer case No No No No No No No Yes

PTO Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional OptionalDRIVE AXLE

Make Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu IsuzuModel axle front F029 F029 F029 F029 F031 F031 F031 FD028

Model drive axle rear R045 R050 R050 R050 R060 R066 R066 R066Reduction type Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single

Final ratio 4.100 5.125 5.125 5.375 5.857 4.300 4.300 5.125SUSPENSION

Front Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springsRear Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs

Shock absorbers Front and rear Front and rear Front and rear Front and rear Front and rear Front and rear Front and rear Front and rearStabilisers Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesSTEERINGOperation Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power


System type Vacuum Hydraulic Vacuum Hydraulic Vacuum Hydraulic Vacuum Hydraulic Vacuum Hydraulic Vacuum Hydraulic Vacuum Hydraulic Vacuum Hydraulic

Front Discs Discs Discs Discs Discs Discs Discs DrumsRear Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums

Anti-lock braking system (ABS) Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard StandardPark/emergency system Drum on Propshaft Drum on Propshaft Drum on Propshaft Drum on Propshaft Drum on Propshaft Drum on Propshaft Drum on Propshaft Drum on Propshaft

Exhaust brake Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard StandardELECTRICAL & FUELFuel tank 1 capacity ltrs 75 100 75 75 100 100 100 100Fuel tank 2 capacity ltrs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TYRESSize and ply rating - front 195/75 R16C 7.00R16-10PR 7.00R16-10PR 7.00R16-10PR 7.50R16-12PR 7.50R16-12PR 7.50R16-12PR 10R17.5Size and ply rating - rear 195/75 R16C 7.00R16-10PR 7.00R16-10PR 7.00R16-10PR 7.50R16-12PR 7.50R16-12PR 7.50R16-12PR 10R17.5

CAB & EXTRASType Day Day Day Crew Day Day Day DayRoof Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low

No. of bunks 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0No. of seats (lap rear & centre) 3 3 3 6 3 3 3 3

Air conditioning Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional OptionalRadio Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional

Tilt cab Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes

NPS 300 SWA Crew Cab NPS 300 NPS 300 Crew Cab NPR 400 NPR 400 AMT NPR 400 SWB NPR 400 Crew AMT NQR 500 NQR 500 AMT NQR 500 SWB

4X4 4X4 4X4 4X2 4X2 4X2 4X2 4X2 4X2 4X2Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward ForwardM110N47 M110N44 M110N46 M110N35 M110N37 M110N33 M110N38 M110N39 M110N40 M110N43

3140 3210 3150 4880 4840 4920 4600 5700 5680 57203060 2790 3050 2620 2660 2580 2900 2800 2820 27806200 6000 6200 7500 7500 7500 7500 8500 8500 85006200 6000 6200 7500 7500 7500 7500 8500 8500 85009500 9500 9500 11000 11000 11000 11000 12000 12000 120009500 9500 9500 11000 11000 11000 11000 12000 12000 120002800 2800 2800 3100 3100 3100 3100 3100 3100 31002800 2800 2800 2900 2900 2900 2900 3100 3100 31006600 6600 6600 6600 6600 6600 6600 6600 6600 66004240 5600 5600 5600 5600 5600 5600 6600 6600 6600

15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesHigh & Low ratio

43/80 43/80 43/80 32 32 32 32 32 32 3227/50 27/50 27/50 22 22 22 22 23 23 23104 104 104 116 116 116 116 107 107 107

5985 5985 5985 6635 6635 5985 6635 7355 7355 59851995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 19953395 3395 3395 3815 3815 3365 3815 4175 4175 33651821 2882 1821 3242 3242 2792 2241 3602 3602 27923301 4302 3301 4952 4952 4302 3961 5672 5672 43022265 2265 2265 2255 2255 2265 2255 2275 2275 22751110 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 11101510 1510 1510 1710 1710 1510 1710 2070 2070 15101000 975 975 845 845 845 845 855 855 845235 210 210 195 195 195 195 205 205 195850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 8506450 6450 6450 7150 7150 6400 7150 7800 7800 64007200 7200 7200 7900 7900 7150 7900 8500 8500 7150

Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu4HK1-TCN 4HK1-TCN 4HK1-TCN 4HK1-TCN 4HK1-TCN 4HK1-TCN 4HK1-TCN 4HK1-TCN 4HK1-TCN 4HK1-TCN

5,193 5,193 5,193 5,193 5,193 5,193 5,193 5,193 5,193 5,193Diesel inline 4 Diesel inline 4 Diesel inline 4 Diesel inline 4 Diesel inline 4 Diesel inline 4 Diesel inline 4 Diesel inline 4 Diesel inline 4 Diesel inline 4

110 @ 2600 110 @ 2600 110 @ 2600 110 @ 2600 110 @ 2600 110 @ 2600 110 @ 2600 110 @ 2600 110 @ 2600 110 @ 2600404 @ 1500 - 2600 404 @ 1500 - 2600 404 @ 1500 - 2600 404 @ 1500 - 2600 404 @ 1500 - 2600 404 @ 1500 - 2600 404 @ 1500 - 2600 404 @ 1500 - 2600 404 @ 1500 - 2600 404 @ 1500 - 2600

Euro 2 Euro 2 Euro 2 Euro 2 Euro 3 Euro 2 Euro 3 Euro 2 Euro 3 Euro 2

Exedy Exedy Exedy Exedy NA Exedy NA Exedy NA Exedy325 325 325 325 NA 325 NA 325 NA 325

Single Single Single Single NA Single NA Single NA Single325 325 325 325 NA 325 NA 325 NA 325

Hydraulic Assisted Hydraulic Assisted Hydraulic Assisted Hydraulic AssistedAutomated Hydraulic

Controlled Wet Clutch

Hydraulic AssistedAutomated Hydraulic

Controlled Wet Clutch

Hydraulic AssistedAutomated Hydraulic

Controlled Wet Clutch

Hydraulic Assisted

Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu IsuzuMYY5T MYY5T MYY5T MYY6S MYY6S (AMT) MYY6S MYY6S (AMT) MYY6S MYY6S (AMT) MYY6S

5-speed synchromesh

5-speed synchromesh

5-speed synchromesh

6-speed synchromesh

6-speed synchromesh

6-speed synchromesh

6-speed synchromesh

6-speed synchromesh

6-speed synchromesh

6-speed synchromesh

Manual Gearshift Manual Gearshift Manual Gearshift Manual Gearshift Automated Manual Manual Gearshift Automated Manual Manual Gearshift Automated Manual Manual Gearshift5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

5.315 H / 9.790 L 5.315 H / 9.790 L 5.315 H / 9.790 L 5.979 5.979 5.979 5.979 5.979 5.979 5.9790.721 H / 1.328 L 0.721 H / 1.328 L 0.721 H / 1.328 L 0.759 0.759 0.759 0.759 0.759 0.759 0.759

Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No NoOptional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional

Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu IsuzuFD028 FD028 FD028 F031 F031 F031 F031 F031 F031 F031R066 R066 R066 R066 R066 R066 R066 R066 R066 R066

Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single5.125 5.125 5.125 4.556 4.556 4.556 4.556 5.125 5.125 5.125

Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springsSemi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs

Front and rear Front and rear Front and rear Front and rear Front and rear Front and rear Front and rear Front and rear Front and rear Front and rearYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power

Vacuum Hydraulic Vacuum Hydraulic Vacuum Hydraulic Hydraulic Brake Boost

Hydraulic Brake Boost

Hydraulic Brake Boost

Hydraulic Brake Boost

Hydraulic Brake Boost

Hydraulic Brake Boost

Hydraulic Brake Boost

Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Discs Discs DiscsDrums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums

Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard StandardDrum on Propshaft Drum on Propshaft Drum on Propshaft Drum on Propshaft Drum on Propshaft Drum on Propshaft Drum on Propshaft Drum on Propshaft Drum on Propshaft Drum on Propshaft

Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10R17.5 7.50R16-12PR 7.50R16-12PR 7.50R16-12PR 7.50R16-12PR 7.50R16-12PR 7.50R16-12PR 225/70R19.5 225/70R19.5 225/70R19.5 10R17.5 7.50R16-12PR 7.50R16-12PR 7.50R16-12PR 7.50R16-12PR 7.50R16-12PR 7.50R16-12PR 225/70R19.5 225/70R19.5 225/70R19.5

Crew Day Crew Day Day Day Crew Day Day DayLow Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 3 7 3 3 3 7 3 3 3

Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional OptionalOptional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional

No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes


2016 |TMH| 83

Model NLR 150 NMR 250 NMR 250 SWB NMR 250 Crew AMT NPR 275 AMT NPR 300 NPR 300 AMT NPS 300 SWA

Axle layout 4X2 4X2 4X2 4X2 4X2 4X2 4X2 4X4Control Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward ForwardSMODS M110N23 M110N24 M110N26 M110N29 M110N31 M110N30 M110N32 M110N45MASS

Permissible body + payload 2260 3130 3180 2920 3520 3680 3680 3200Tare - total (T) 1940 2070 2020 2280 2280 2520 2520 2800

GVM 4200 5200 5200 5200 5800 6200 6200 6000V 4200 5200 5200 5200 5800 6200 6200 6000

GCM 7050 8700 8700 8700 9700 9700 9700 9500D/T 7050 8700 8700 8700 9700 9700 9700 9500

Axle - front GA/GAU 2900 2900 2900 2900 3100 3100 3100 2800Axle - front A/AU 1950 2300 2300 2300 2900 2900 2900 2800

Axle - rear GA/GAU 5000 5000 5000 5000 6000 6600 6600 6600Axle - rear A/AU 3700 4480 4480 4480 5600 5600 5600 4240

Litres of fuel tank 1 included in tare ltrs 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15Litres of fuel tank 2 included in tare ltrs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Tools included in tare Jack, warning triangle, basic tool kitSpare wheel included in tare Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

PERFORMANCE High & Low ratioGradeability at V % 52 43 43 43 37 37 37 43/80

Gradeability at D/T % 31 26 26 26 22 24 24 27/50Max. geared road speed km/h 133 122 122 118 107 121 121 104

MAJOR DIMENSIONSOL - Overall length mm 4730 6020 4730 6020 5985 5985 5985 5985OW - Overall width mm 1770 1770 1770 1770 1995 1995 1995 1995

WB - Wheelbase mm 2475 3345 2475 3345 3365 3365 3365 3395CA - Cab to bogie/rear axle mm 2022 2892 2022 1771 2792 2792 2792 2882CE - Cab to end of chassis mm 3167 4457 3167 3346 3346 4302 4302 4302

OH - Overall height mm 2150 2160 2160 2160 2225 2265 2265 2265FOH - Front overhang mm 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110ROH - Rear overhang mm 1145 1585 1145 1585 1585 1510 1510 1510

EH - Chassis height rear mm 760 810 810 810 830 845 845 1000HH - Ground clearance mm 200 210 210 210 225 195 195 235

Chassis width rear mm 700 700 700 700 850 850 850 850Turning radius (kerb to kerb) mm 5250 7250 5250 7250 6400 6400 640z0 6450Turning radius (wall to wall) mm 5800 7950 5800 7950 7150 7150 7150 7200

ENGINEMake Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu IsuzuModel 4JJ1-TC 4JJ1-TC 4JJ1-TC 4JJ1-TC 4JJ1-TC 4HK1-TCN 4HK1-TCN 4HK1-TCN

Capacity cm3 2,999 2,999 2,999 2,999 2,999 5,193 5,193 5,193Layout Diesel inline 4 Diesel inline 4 Diesel inline 4 Diesel inline 4 Diesel inline 4 Diesel inline 4 Diesel inline 4 Diesel inline 4Type Turbocharged Intercooled Common Rail

Power at r/min kW 96 @ 2800 96 @ 2800 96 @ 2800 96 @ 2800 96 @ 2800 110 @ 2600 110 @ 2600 110 @ 2600Torque at r/min Nm 330 @ 1600 - 2600 330 @ 1600 - 2600 330 @ 1600 - 2600 330 @ 1600 - 2600 330 @ 1600 - 2600 404 @ 1500 - 2600 404 @ 1500 - 2600 404 @ 1500 - 2600

Emissions standard Euro 2 Euro 2 Euro 2 Euro 3 Euro 3 Euro 2 Euro 3 Euro 2CLUTCH

Make Exedy Exedy Exedy NA NA Exedy NA ExedyModel 300 300 300 NA NA 325 NA 325Type Single Single Single NA NA Single NA Single

Diameter mm 300 300 300 NA NA 325 NA 325

Operation Hydraulic Assisted Hydraulic Assisted Hydraulic AssistedAutomated Hydraulic

Controlled Wet Clutch

Automated Hydraulic Controlled Wet

ClutchHydraulic Assisted

Automated Hydraulic Controlled Wet

ClutchHydraulic Assisted

TRANSMISSIONMake Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu IsuzuModel MYY5T MYY5T MYY5T MYY6S (AMT) MYY6S (AMT) MYY6S MYY6S (AMT) MYY5T

Type 5-speed synchromesh

5-speed synchromesh

5-speed synchromesh

6-speed synchromesh

6-speed synchromesh

6-speed synchromesh

6-speed synchromesh

5-speed synchromesh

Shift Manual Gearshift Manual Gearshift Manual Gearshift Automated Manual Automated Manual Manual Gearshift Automated Manual Manual GearshiftNo. of gears forward 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 5

First gear ratio 5.315 5.315 5.315 5.979 5.979 5.979 5.979 5.315 H / 9.790 LTop gear ratio 0.721 0.721 0.721 0.759 0.759 0.759 0.759 0.721 H / 1.328 LTransfer case No No No No No No No Yes

PTO Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional OptionalDRIVE AXLE

Make Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu IsuzuModel axle front F029 F029 F029 F029 F031 F031 F031 FD028

Model drive axle rear R045 R050 R050 R050 R060 R066 R066 R066Reduction type Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single

Final ratio 4.100 5.125 5.125 5.375 5.857 4.300 4.300 5.125SUSPENSION

Front Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springsRear Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs

Shock absorbers Front and rear Front and rear Front and rear Front and rear Front and rear Front and rear Front and rear Front and rearStabilisers Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesSTEERINGOperation Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power


System type Vacuum Hydraulic Vacuum Hydraulic Vacuum Hydraulic Vacuum Hydraulic Vacuum Hydraulic Vacuum Hydraulic Vacuum Hydraulic Vacuum Hydraulic

Front Discs Discs Discs Discs Discs Discs Discs DrumsRear Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums

Anti-lock braking system (ABS) Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard StandardPark/emergency system Drum on Propshaft Drum on Propshaft Drum on Propshaft Drum on Propshaft Drum on Propshaft Drum on Propshaft Drum on Propshaft Drum on Propshaft

Exhaust brake Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard StandardELECTRICAL & FUELFuel tank 1 capacity ltrs 75 100 75 75 100 100 100 100Fuel tank 2 capacity ltrs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TYRESSize and ply rating - front 195/75 R16C 7.00R16-10PR 7.00R16-10PR 7.00R16-10PR 7.50R16-12PR 7.50R16-12PR 7.50R16-12PR 10R17.5Size and ply rating - rear 195/75 R16C 7.00R16-10PR 7.00R16-10PR 7.00R16-10PR 7.50R16-12PR 7.50R16-12PR 7.50R16-12PR 10R17.5

CAB & EXTRASType Day Day Day Crew Day Day Day DayRoof Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low

No. of bunks 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0No. of seats (lap rear & centre) 3 3 3 6 3 3 3 3

Air conditioning Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional OptionalRadio Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional

Tilt cab Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes

NPS 300 SWA Crew Cab NPS 300 NPS 300 Crew Cab NPR 400 NPR 400 AMT NPR 400 SWB NPR 400 Crew AMT NQR 500 NQR 500 AMT NQR 500 SWB

4X4 4X4 4X4 4X2 4X2 4X2 4X2 4X2 4X2 4X2Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward ForwardM110N47 M110N44 M110N46 M110N35 M110N37 M110N33 M110N38 M110N39 M110N40 M110N43

3140 3210 3150 4880 4840 4920 4600 5700 5680 57203060 2790 3050 2620 2660 2580 2900 2800 2820 27806200 6000 6200 7500 7500 7500 7500 8500 8500 85006200 6000 6200 7500 7500 7500 7500 8500 8500 85009500 9500 9500 11000 11000 11000 11000 12000 12000 120009500 9500 9500 11000 11000 11000 11000 12000 12000 120002800 2800 2800 3100 3100 3100 3100 3100 3100 31002800 2800 2800 2900 2900 2900 2900 3100 3100 31006600 6600 6600 6600 6600 6600 6600 6600 6600 66004240 5600 5600 5600 5600 5600 5600 6600 6600 6600

15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesHigh & Low ratio

43/80 43/80 43/80 32 32 32 32 32 32 3227/50 27/50 27/50 22 22 22 22 23 23 23104 104 104 116 116 116 116 107 107 107

5985 5985 5985 6635 6635 5985 6635 7355 7355 59851995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 19953395 3395 3395 3815 3815 3365 3815 4175 4175 33651821 2882 1821 3242 3242 2792 2241 3602 3602 27923301 4302 3301 4952 4952 4302 3961 5672 5672 43022265 2265 2265 2255 2255 2265 2255 2275 2275 22751110 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 11101510 1510 1510 1710 1710 1510 1710 2070 2070 15101000 975 975 845 845 845 845 855 855 845235 210 210 195 195 195 195 205 205 195850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 8506450 6450 6450 7150 7150 6400 7150 7800 7800 64007200 7200 7200 7900 7900 7150 7900 8500 8500 7150

Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu4HK1-TCN 4HK1-TCN 4HK1-TCN 4HK1-TCN 4HK1-TCN 4HK1-TCN 4HK1-TCN 4HK1-TCN 4HK1-TCN 4HK1-TCN

5,193 5,193 5,193 5,193 5,193 5,193 5,193 5,193 5,193 5,193Diesel inline 4 Diesel inline 4 Diesel inline 4 Diesel inline 4 Diesel inline 4 Diesel inline 4 Diesel inline 4 Diesel inline 4 Diesel inline 4 Diesel inline 4

110 @ 2600 110 @ 2600 110 @ 2600 110 @ 2600 110 @ 2600 110 @ 2600 110 @ 2600 110 @ 2600 110 @ 2600 110 @ 2600404 @ 1500 - 2600 404 @ 1500 - 2600 404 @ 1500 - 2600 404 @ 1500 - 2600 404 @ 1500 - 2600 404 @ 1500 - 2600 404 @ 1500 - 2600 404 @ 1500 - 2600 404 @ 1500 - 2600 404 @ 1500 - 2600

Euro 2 Euro 2 Euro 2 Euro 2 Euro 3 Euro 2 Euro 3 Euro 2 Euro 3 Euro 2

Exedy Exedy Exedy Exedy NA Exedy NA Exedy NA Exedy325 325 325 325 NA 325 NA 325 NA 325

Single Single Single Single NA Single NA Single NA Single325 325 325 325 NA 325 NA 325 NA 325

Hydraulic Assisted Hydraulic Assisted Hydraulic Assisted Hydraulic AssistedAutomated Hydraulic

Controlled Wet Clutch

Hydraulic AssistedAutomated Hydraulic

Controlled Wet Clutch

Hydraulic AssistedAutomated Hydraulic

Controlled Wet Clutch

Hydraulic Assisted

Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu IsuzuMYY5T MYY5T MYY5T MYY6S MYY6S (AMT) MYY6S MYY6S (AMT) MYY6S MYY6S (AMT) MYY6S

5-speed synchromesh

5-speed synchromesh

5-speed synchromesh

6-speed synchromesh

6-speed synchromesh

6-speed synchromesh

6-speed synchromesh

6-speed synchromesh

6-speed synchromesh

6-speed synchromesh

Manual Gearshift Manual Gearshift Manual Gearshift Manual Gearshift Automated Manual Manual Gearshift Automated Manual Manual Gearshift Automated Manual Manual Gearshift5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

5.315 H / 9.790 L 5.315 H / 9.790 L 5.315 H / 9.790 L 5.979 5.979 5.979 5.979 5.979 5.979 5.9790.721 H / 1.328 L 0.721 H / 1.328 L 0.721 H / 1.328 L 0.759 0.759 0.759 0.759 0.759 0.759 0.759

Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No NoOptional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional

Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu IsuzuFD028 FD028 FD028 F031 F031 F031 F031 F031 F031 F031R066 R066 R066 R066 R066 R066 R066 R066 R066 R066

Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single5.125 5.125 5.125 4.556 4.556 4.556 4.556 5.125 5.125 5.125

Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springsSemi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs Semi elliptic springs

Front and rear Front and rear Front and rear Front and rear Front and rear Front and rear Front and rear Front and rear Front and rear Front and rearYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power

Vacuum Hydraulic Vacuum Hydraulic Vacuum Hydraulic Hydraulic Brake Boost

Hydraulic Brake Boost

Hydraulic Brake Boost

Hydraulic Brake Boost

Hydraulic Brake Boost

Hydraulic Brake Boost

Hydraulic Brake Boost

Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Discs Discs DiscsDrums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums

Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard StandardDrum on Propshaft Drum on Propshaft Drum on Propshaft Drum on Propshaft Drum on Propshaft Drum on Propshaft Drum on Propshaft Drum on Propshaft Drum on Propshaft Drum on Propshaft

Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10R17.5 7.50R16-12PR 7.50R16-12PR 7.50R16-12PR 7.50R16-12PR 7.50R16-12PR 7.50R16-12PR 225/70R19.5 225/70R19.5 225/70R19.5 10R17.5 7.50R16-12PR 7.50R16-12PR 7.50R16-12PR 7.50R16-12PR 7.50R16-12PR 7.50R16-12PR 225/70R19.5 225/70R19.5 225/70R19.5

Crew Day Crew Day Day Day Crew Day Day DayLow Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 3 7 3 3 3 7 3 3 3

Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional OptionalOptional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional

No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes

08600 ISUZU (47898) information in this brochure was correct at time of printing, but all measurements, specifi cations and equipment are subject to change without notice. Some equipment may have been changed and is available at extra cost. Isuzu Truck South Africa (ITSA) may make changes at any time, without notice, in prices, colours, materials, equipment and models. ITSA makes all reasonable attempts to ensure the availability of all vehicles and equipment. The information in this brochure is general in nature. Your nearest Isuzu Truck Dealer can confi rm all measurements, specifi cations and vehicle/equipment availability on request. Bodies and applications illustrated are not standard equipment. E & OE. October 2015.


84 |TMH| 2016

Model FRR 600 AMT FRR 550 FSR 800 FSR 800 AMT FSR 800 SWB FSR 750 Crew AMT FTR 850 FTR 850 AMT

Axle layout 4 X 2 4 X 2 4 X 2 4 X 2 4 X 2 4 X 2 4 X 2 4 X 2 Control Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward ForwardSMOD M080F40 M080F00 M080F01 M080F34 M808F02 M080F33 M080F05 M080F35MASS

Permissible body + payload kg 7780 7560 9650 9620 9760 9360 10410 10380Tare - total (T) kg 3220 3440 3850 3880 3740 4140 4890 4920

GVM kg 11000 11000 13500 13500 13500 13500 15300 15500V kg 11000 11000 13500 13500 13500 13500 15300 15300

GCM kg 16000 16000 18000 18000 18000 18000 24000 24000D/T kg 16000 16000 18000 18000 18000 18000 24000 24000

Axle - front GA/GAU kg 3600 3600 5000 5000 5000 5000 6300 6300Axle - front A/AU kg 3600 3600 5000 5000 5000 5000 6300 6300

Axle - rear GA/GAU kg 7700 7700 9000 9000 9000 9000 9200 9200Axle - rear A/AU kg 7600 7600 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000

Litres of fuel tank 1 included in tare ltrs 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15Litres of fuel tank 2 included in tare ltrs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Tools included in tare Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesSpare wheel included in tare Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

PERFORMANCEGradeability at V % 45 47 36 36 36 36 35 35

Gradeability at D/T % 31 33 27 27 27 27 22 22Max. geared road speed km/h 117 121 120 120 120 120 118 118

MAJOR DIMENSIONSOverall length mm 7425 7705 8605 8605 6560 9155 9255 9255Overall width mm 2120 2120 2120 2120 2120 2200 2400 2400Wheelbase mm 4360 4660 5160 5160 3790 5560 5550 5550

CA - Cab to bogie/rear axle mm 3804 3764 4264 4264 2894 3973 4924 4924CE - Cab to end of chassis mm 5699 5639 6539 6539 4494 6398 7189 7189

OH - Overall height mm 2530 2530 2610 2610 2790 2790 2790 2790FOH - Front overhang mm 1170 1170 1170 1170 1170 1170 1440 1440ROH - Rear overhang mm 1895 1875 2275 2275 1600 2265 2265 2265

EH - Chassis height rear mm 955 950 930 930 915 928 1080 1080HH - Ground clearance mm 186 186 221 221 221 221 275 275

Chassis width rear mm 840 840 840 840 840 840 850 850Turning radius (kerb to kerb) mm 6600 7000 9000 9000 6800 9650 9000 9000Turning radius (wall to wall) mm 7350 7750 9800 9800 7600 10450 9950 9950

ENGINEMake Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu IsuzuModel 4HK1-TCS 6HK1-TCN 6HK1-TCN 6HK1-TCN 6HK1-TCN 6HK1-TCN 6HK1-TCN 6HK1-TCN

Capacity cm3 5193 7790 7790 7790 7790 7790 7790 7790Layout Diesel inline 4 Diesel inline 6 Diesel inline 6 Diesel inline 6 Diesel inline 6 Diesel inline 6 Diesel inline 6 Diesel inline 6


Intercooled Common Rail

Turbocharged Intercooled

Common Rail

Turbocharged Intercooled

Common Rail

Turbocharged Intercooled

Common Rail

Turbocharged Intercooled

Common Rail

Turbocharged Intercooled

Common Rail

Turbocharged Intercooled

Common Rail

Turbocharged Intercooled

Common Rail

Power at r/min kW 154 @ 2600 176 @ 2400 176 @ 2400 176 @ 2400 176 @ 2400 176 @ 2400 176 @ 2400 176 @ 2400 Torque at r/min Nm 637 @ 1600 - 2600 706 @ 1450 - 2400 706 @ 1450 - 2400 706 @ 1450 - 2400 706 @ 1450 - 2400 706 @ 1450 - 2400 706 @ 1450 - 2400 706 @ 1450 - 2400

Emissions standard Euro 3 Euro 2 Euro 2 Euro 3 Euro 2 Euro 3 Euro 2 Euro 3CLUTCH

Make Not Specified Exedy Exedy Not Specified Exedy Not Specified Exedy Not SpecifiedModel Not Specified 380 380 Not Specified 380 Not Specified 380 Not SpecifiedType Single Single Single Single

Diameter mm 380 380 380 380


Hydraulic Controlled Wet Clutch

Hydraulic Air Assisted

Hydraulic Air Assisted

Automated Hydraulic Controlled

Wet Clutch

Hydraulic Air Assisted

Automated Hydraulic Controlled

Wet Clutch

Hydraulic Air Assisted

Automated Hydraulic Controlled


Make Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu IsuzuModel MZW6P (AMT) MZW6P MZW6P MZW6P (AMT) MZW6P MZW6P (AMT) MZW6P MZW6P (AMT)Type Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh SynchromeshShift Automated Manual Manual Gearshift Manual Gearshift Automated Manual Manual Gearshift Automated Manual Manual Gearshift Automated Manual

No. of gears forward 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6First gear ratio 6.615 6.615 6.615 6.615 6.615 6.615 6.615 6.615Top gear ratio 0.722 0.722 0.722 0.722 0.722 0.722 0.722 0.722

PTO Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional OptionalDRIVE AXLE

Make Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu IsuzuModel axle front R077 R077 R090 R090 R090 R090 R092 R092

Model drive axle rear F036 F036 F050 F050 F050 F050 F063 F063Reduction type Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single

Final ratio 4.875 4.333 4.555 4.555 4.555 4.555 5.875 5.875SUSPENSION

Front Multi leaf springs Multi leaf springs Multi leaf springs Multi leaf springs Multi leaf springs Multi leaf springs Multi leaf springs Multi leaf springsRear Multi leaf springs Multi leaf springs Multi leaf springs Multi leaf springs Multi leaf springs Multi leaf springs Multi leaf springs Multi leaf springs

Shock absorbers Front Front Front Front Front Front Front FrontStabilisers Front Front Front Front Front Front Front FrontSTEERINGOperation Power Power Power Power Power Power Power PowerBRAKES

System type Air over hydraulic Air over hydraulic Air over hydraulic Air over hydraulic Air over hydraulic Air over hydraulic Full air Full airFront Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums DrumsRear Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums

Anti-lock braking system (ABS) Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard

Park/emergency system Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring SpringExhaust brake Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard StandardEngine brake No No No No No No No No

Retarder No No No No No No No NoELECTRICAL & FUELFuel tank 1 capacity ltrs 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200Fuel tank 2 capacity ltrs 0 0 0 0 0 0 200 200

TYRESSize and ply rating - front 235/75 R 17.5 235/75 R 17.5 265/70R19.5 265/70R19.5 265/70R19.5 265/70R19.5 11R22.5-16PR 11R22.5-16PRSize and ply rating - rear 235/75 R 17.5 235/75 R 17.5 265/70R19.5 265/70R19.5 265/70R19.5 265/70R19.5 11R22.5-16PR 11R22.5-16PR

CAB & EXTRASType Day Medium Medium Medium Medium Crew Medium Medium

Type optionRoof Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low

No. of bunks 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0No. of seats 3 3 3 3 3 7 3 3

Air conditioning Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional OptionalRadio/CD Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional

Tachograph Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional OptionalOn-board computer Yes No No Yes No Yes No Yes

Tilt cab Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Electrical Oil Pump Yes Yes


2016 |TMH| 85

FTR 850 Compactor FTR 850 LWB FVR 900 FVM 1200 FVZ 1400 FVZ 1400 Tipper FVZ 1400 Auto FVZ 1600 Compactor FVZ 1600 Compactor Auto FTS 750 4x4 SWA FTS 750 4x4

4 X 2 4 X 2 4 X 2 6 X 2 6 X 4 6 X 4 6 X 4 6 X 4 6 X 4 4 X 4 4 X 4 Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward ForwardM080F41 M080F06 M080F10 M080F09 M080F12 M080N43 M080N23 M080F18 M080F18 M080F24 M080F08

10610 10300 10500 17370 17810 17850 17860 18710 18760 7260 85404890 5000 5500 6630 7290 7250 7240 7290 7240 4940 496015500 15500 16000 24000 25100 25100 25100 26000 26000 12200 1350015500 15300 16000 24000 25100 25100 25100 26000 26000 12200 1350024000 24000 32000 32000 36000 36000 36000 36000 36000 18000 1800024000 24000 32000 32000 36000 36000 36000 36000 36000 18000 180006300 6300 7100 7100 7100 7100 7100 7100 7100 4700 47006300 6300 7100 7100 7100 7100 7100 7100 7100 4700 470010200 9200 10500 10500 10500 10500 10500 10500 10500 9200 920010200 9000 9000 18000 18000 18000 20400 20400 20400 7500 9000

15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 150 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

35 35 38 25 27 27 32 27 32 65 6522 22 19 19 19 19 23 20 23 44 49118 118 119 108 110 110 110 110 110 111 111

9255 10005 10005 9730 9730 6940 9730 9730 9730 7405 74052400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 24005550 6050 6050 5700 5700 4350 5700 5700 5700 4250 42504924 5424 5424 5074 5074 3674 5074 5074 5074 3440 34407189 7189 7939 7664 7664 4874 7664 7664 7664 5340 53402790 2790 2790 2790 2790 2790 2790 2790 2790 2955 29301440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1255 12552265 2515 2515 2590 2590 1200 2590 2590 2590 1900 19001080 1060 1050 1070 1075 1075 1075 1075 1075 1180 1180275 275 245 257 245 245 245 245 245 257 257850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 8509000 9750 9750 9200 9200 6800 9200 9200 9200 9000 90009950 10700 11366 10200 10200 7700 10200 10200 10200 9850 9850

Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu6HK1-TCN 6HK1-TCN 6HK1-TCS 6HK1-TCN 6HK1-TCS 6HK1-TCS 6HK1-TCS 6HK1-TCS 6HK1-TCS 6HK1-TCN 6HK1-TCN

7790 7790 7790 7790 7790 7790 7790 7790 7790 7790 7790Diesel inline 6 Diesel inline 6 Diesel inline 6 Diesel inline 6 Diesel inline 6 Diesel inline 6 Diesel inline 6 Diesel inline 6 Diesel inline 6 Diesel inline 6 Diesel inline 6

Turbocharged Intercooled

Common Rail

Turbocharged Intercooled

Common Rail

Turbocharged Intercooled

Common Rail

Turbocharged Intercooled

Common Rail

Turbocharged Intercooled

Common Rail

Turbocharged Intercooled

Common Rail

Turbocharged Intercooled

Common Rail

Turbocharged Intercooled

Common Rail

Turbocharged Intercooled

Common Rail

Turbocharged Intercooled

Common Rail

Turbocharged Intercooled

Common Rail

176 @ 2400 176 @ 2400 206 @ 2400 176 @ 2400 206 @ 2400 206 @ 2400 206 @ 2400 206 @ 2400 206 @ 2400 176 @ 2400 176 @ 2400 706 @ 1450 - 2400 706 @ 1450 - 2400 882 @ 1450 706 @ 1450 - 2400 882 @ 1450 882 @ 1450 882 @ 1450 882 @ 1450 882 @ 1450 706 @ 1450 - 2400 706 @ 1450 - 2400

Euro 2 Euro 2 Euro 2 Euro 2 Euro 2 Euro 2 Euro 2 Euro 2 Euro 2 Euro 2 Euro 2

Exedy Exedy Exedy Exedy Exedy Exedy NA Exedy NA Exedy Exedy380 380 380 380 380 380 NA 380 NA 380 380

Single Single Single Single Single Single NA Single NA Single Single380 380 380 380 380 380 NA 380 NA 380 380

Hydraulic Air Assisted

Hydraulic Air Assisted

Hydraulic Air Assisted

Hydraulic Air Assisted

Hydraulic Air Assisted

Hydraulic Air Assisted NA Hydraulic

Air Assisted NA Hydraulic Air Assisted

Hydraulic Air Assisted

Isuzu Isuzu ZF ZF ZF ZF Allison ZF Allison Isuzu IsuzuMZW6P MZW6P 9 S 1110 6S1000 9 S 1110 9 S 1110 MD3500 9 S 1110 MD3500 MZW6P MZW6P

Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Auto Synchromesh Auto Synchromesh SynchromeshManual Gearshift Manual Gearshift Manual Gearshift Manual Gearshift Manual Gearshift Manual Gearshift Auto Manual Gearshift Auto Manual Gearshift Manual Gearshift

6 6 9 6 9 9 6 9 6 6 66.615 6.615 9.48 6.75 9.48 9.48 4.593 9.48 4.593 6.615 / 12.654 6.615 / 12.654 0.722 0.722 0.75 0.78 0.75 0.75 0.651 0.75 0.651 0.722 / 1.381 0.722 / 1.381

Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional

Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu IsuzuR092 R092 R105 D108 RT210 RT210 RT210 RT210 RT210 R092 R092F063 F063 F071 F071 F071 F071 F071 F071 F071 F047 F047Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single5.875 5.875 5.571 6.429 6.143 6.143 6.143 6.143 6.143 5.571 5.571

Multi leaf springs Multi leaf springs Multi leaf springs Multi leaf springs Multi leaf springs Multi leaf springs Multi leaf springs Multi leaf springs Multi leaf springs Multi leaf springs Multi leaf springsMulti leaf springs Multi leaf springs Multi leaf springs Multi leaf springs Multi leaf springs Multi leaf springs Multi leaf springs Multi leaf springs Multi leaf springs Multi leaf springs Multi leaf springs

Front Front Front Front Front Front Front Front Front Front FrontFront Front and rear Front and rear Front Front Front Front Front Front No No

Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power

Full air Full air Full air Full air Full air Full air Full air Full air Full air Air over hydraulic Air over hydraulicDrums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums DrumsDrums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums

Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard

Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring SpringStandard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard

No No No No No No No No No No NoNo No No No No No No No No No No

200 200 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 200 2000 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

11R22.5-16PR 11R22.5-16PR 295/80 R22.5 11R22.5-16PR 295/80 R22.5 295/80 R22.5 295/80 R22.5 295/80 R22.5 295/80 R22.5 12R20 11R22.5-16PR11R22.5-16PR 11R22.5-16PR 295/80 R22.5 11R22.5-16PR 295/80 R22.5 295/80 R22.5 295/80 R22.5 295/80 R22.5 295/80 R22.5 12R20 11R22.5-16PR

Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium

Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 03 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Optional Optional Standard Optional Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Optional OptionalOptional Optional Standard Optional Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Optional OptionalOptional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional

No No No No No No No No No No NoYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


86 |TMH| 2016

Model GRR 600 AMT GRR 550 GSR 800 GSR 800 AMT GTR 850 AMT GTR 850 GVR 900 Axle layout 4 X 2 4 X 2 4 X 2 4 X 2 4 X 2 4 X 2 4 X 2

Control Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward ForwardSMOD M080F36 M080F00 M080F37 M080F34 M080F38 M080F38 M080F39

Natis number 565387 566723 561999 554085 565388 565388 562000MASS

Permissible body + payload kg 12430 12260 13795 13795 18926 18955 26145Tare - total (T) kg 3570 3740 4205 4205 5074 5045 5855

GVM kg 11000 11000 13500 13500 15500 15500 16000V kg 11000 11000 13500 13500 15300 15300 16000

GCM kg 16000 16000 18000 18000 24000 24000 32000D/T kg 16000 16000 18000 18000 24000 24000 32000

Axle - front GA/GAU kg 3600 3600 5000 5000 6300 6300 7100Axle - front A/AU kg 3600 3600 5000 5000 6300 6300 7100

Axle - rear GA/GAU kg 7700 7700 9000 9000 9200 9200 10500Axle - rear A/AU kg 7600 7600 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000

Litres of fuel tank 1 included in tare ltrs 15 15 15 15 15 15 15Litres of fuel tank 2 included in tare ltrs 0 0 0 0 15 15 0

Tools included in tare Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesSpare wheel included in tare Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesFifth wheel included in tare Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

PERFORMANCEGradeability at V % 45 47 36 36 35 35 38

Gradeability at D/T % 31 33 27 27 22 22 19Max. geared road speed km/h 117 121 120 120 118 118 119MAJOR DIMENSIONS

Overall length mm 5455 5455 5842 5842 6300 6300 6110Overall width mm 2120 2120 2120 2120 2400 2400 2400Wheelbase mm 3410 3410 3790 3790 3900 3900 3700

CA - Cab to bogie/rear axle mm 2854 2514 2894 2894 3274 3274 3074CE - Cab to end of chassis mm 3729 3389 3776 4494 7189 7189 5074

OH - Overall height mm 2530 2530 2610 2610 2790 2790 2790FOH - Front overhang mm 1170 1170 1170 1170 1440 1440 1440ROH - Rear overhang mm 875 875 882 1600 2265 2265 2000

EH - Chassis height rear mm 955 930 930 1162 1345 1345 1362HH - Ground clearance mm 186 186 221 221 275 275 245

Chassis width rear mm 840 840 840 840 850 850 850Turning radius (kerb to kerb) mm 5650 7000 6800 6800 6550 6450 6200Turning radius (wall to wall) mm 6400 7750 7600 7600 7500 7200 7000

ENGINEMake Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu IsuzuModel 4HK1-TCS 6HK1-TCN 6HK1-TCN 6HK1-TCN 6HK1-TCN 6HK1-TCN 6HK1-TCS

Capacity cm3 5193 7790 7790 7790 7790 7790 7790Layout Diesel inline 4 Diesel inline 6 Diesel inline 6 Diesel inline 6 Diesel inline 6 Diesel inline 6 Diesel inline 6

Type Turbocharged Intercooled Common Rail

Turbocharged Intercooled Common Rail

Turbocharged Intercooled Common Rail

Turbocharged Intercooled Common Rail

Turbocharged Intercooled Common Rail

Turbocharged Intercooled Common Rail

Turbocharged Intercooled Common Rail

Power at r/min kW 154 @ 2600 176 @ 2400 176 @ 2400 176 @ 2400 176 @ 2400 176 @ 2400 206 @ 2400Torque at r/min Nm 637 @ 1600 - 2600 706 @ 1450 - 2400 706 @ 1450 - 2400 706 @ 1450 - 2400 706 @ 1450 - 2400 706 @ 1450 - 2400 882 @ 1450

Emissions standard Euro 3 Euro 2 Euro 2 Euro 2 Euro 3 Euro 2 Euro 2CLUTCH

Make Not Specified Exedy Exedy Not Specified Not Specified Exedy ExedyModel Not Specified 380 380 Not Specified Not Specified 380 380Type Single Single Single Single

Diameter mm 380 380 380 380

Operation Automated Hydraulic Controlled Wet Clutch Hydraulic Air Assisted Hydraulic Air Assisted Automated Hydraulic

Controlled Wet ClutchAutomated Hydraulic Controlled Wet Clutch Hydraulic Air Assisted Hydraulic Air Assisted

TRANSMISSIONMake Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu ZFModel MZW6P (AMT) MZW6P MZW6P MZW6P (AMT) MZW6P (AMT) MZW6P 9 S 1110Type Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh SynchromeshShift Automated Manual Manual Gearshift Manual Gearshift Automated Manual Automated Manual Manual Gearshift Manual Gearshift

No. of gears forward 6 6 6 6 6 6 9First gear ratio 6.615 6.615 6.615 6.615 6.615 6.615 9.48Top gear ratio 0.722 0.722 0.722 0.722 0.722 0.722 0.75

PTO Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional OptionalDRIVE AXLE

Make Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu Isuzu IsuzuModel axle front R077 R077 R090 R090 R092 R092 R105

Model drive axle rear F036 F036 F050 F050 F063 F063 F071Reduction type Single Single Single Single Single Single Single

Final ratio 4.875 4.333 4.555 4.555 5.875 5.875 5.571SUSPENSION

Front Multi leaf springs Multi leaf springs Multi leaf springs Multi leaf springs Multi leaf springs Multi leaf springs Multi leaf springsRear Multi leaf springs Multi leaf springs Multi leaf springs Multi leaf springs Multi leaf springs Multi leaf springs Multi leaf springs

Shock absorbers Front Front Front Front Front Front FrontStabilisers Front Front Front Front Front Front Front and rearSTEERINGOperation Power Power Power Power Power Power PowerBRAKES

System type Air over hydraulic Air over hydraulic Air over hydraulic Air over hydraulic Full air Full air Full airFront Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums DrumsRear Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums

Anti-lock braking system (ABS) Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard

Park/emergency system Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring SpringExhaust brake Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard StandardEngine brake No No No No No No No

Retarder No No No No No No NoELECTRICAL & FUELFuel tank 1 capacity ltrs 200 200 200 200 200 200 400Fuel tank 2 capacity ltrs 0 0 0 0 200 200 0

TYRESSize and ply rating - front 235/75 R 17.5 235/75 R 17.5 265/70R19.5 265/70R19.5 11R22.5-16PR 11R22.5-16PR 295/80 R22.5Size and ply rating - rear 235/75 R 17.5 235/75 R 17.5 265/70R19.5 265/70R19.5 11R22.5-16PR 11R22.5-16PR 295/80 R22.5

CAB & EXTRASType Day Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium MediumRoof Low Low Low Low Low Low Low

No. of bunks 0 0 0 0 0 0 0No. of seats 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Air conditioning Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional StandardRadio/CD Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Standard

Tachograph Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional OptionalOn-board computer Yes No No No Yes No No

Tilt cab Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


2016 |TMH| 87

ModelFXR 17-360 Freighter

FXZ 26-360 Freighter

FXZ 28-360 Compactor

FXZ 28-360 Compactor

Allison Auto

FXZ 26-360 Tipper

FXZ 26-360 MixerGXR 35-360

(No Retarder)GXR 40-360

RetarderGXZ 45-360

RetarderGXZ 45-360 Allison Auto

Axle layout 4X2 6X4 6X4 6X4 6X4 6X4 4X2 4X2 6X4 6X4Control Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward ForwardSMOD M110F25 M110F26 M110F27 N/A M110F30 M110F31 M110F28 M110F29 M110F32 N/AMASS

Permissible body + payload kg 10350 17500 19900 19900 17820 17970 28350 34110 36840 36840Tare - total (T) kg 6150 8000 8000 8000 7680 7530 6150 6390 8160 8160

GVM kg 16500 25500 28000 28000 25500 25500 16500 16500 25500 25500V kg 16500 25500 27900 27900 25500 25500 16500 16500 25500 25500

GCM kg 36000 45000 45000 45000 43500 43500 34500 40500 45000 45000D/T kg 36000 45000 45000 45000 43500 43500 34500 40500 45000 45000

Axle - front GA/GAU kg 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500Axle - front A/AU kg 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500

Axle - rear GA/GAU kg 13000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 13000 13000 21000 21000Axle - rear A/AU kg 9000 18000 20400 20400 18000 18000 9000 9000 18000 18000

Litres of fuel tank 1 included in tare ltrs 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

Litres of fuel tank 2 included in tare ltrs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Tools included in tare Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Spare wheel included in tare Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Fifth wheel included in tare No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes

PERFORMANCEGradeability at V % 63 40 37 41 45 45 68 68 49 61

Gradeability at D/T % 29 23 23 23 26 26 32 28 28 32Max. geared road speed km/h 120 118 118 116 107 107 112 112 98 104

MAJOR DIMENSIONSOverall length mm 10000 10990 10990 10990 7790 7790 5895 5895 6946 6946Overall width mm 2490 2490 2490 2490 2490 2490 2490 2490 2490 2490Wheelbase mm 5740 6010 6010 6010 4330 4330 3480 3480 4100 4100

CA - Cab to bogie/rear axle mm 5070 5340 5340 5340 3660 3660 2810 2810 3430 3430CE - Cab to end of chassis mm 7950 8900 8900 8900 5690 5690 3900 3900 4760 4760

OH - Overall height mm 2980 2980 2980 2980 2980 2980 2980 2980 2980 2980FOH - Front overhang mm 1480 1480 1480 1480 1480 1480 1480 1480 1480 1480ROH - Rear overhang mm 2770 3495 3495 3495 1295 1295 1035 1035 1330 1330

EH - Chassis height rear mm 1135 1150 1150 1130 1130 1130 1095 1095 1129 1129HH - Ground clearance mm 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260

Chassis width rear mm 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850Turning radius (kerb to kerb) mm 9900 10400 10400 10400 7700 7700 5300 5300 7400 7400Turning radius (wall to wall) mm 10850 11400 11400 11400 8650 8650 6250 6250 8350 8350

ENGINEMake IsuzuModel 6UZ1-TCN

Capacity cm3 9839Layout Diesel inline 6Type Turbo intercooled/Common Rail

Power at r/min kW 265 @ 2,000rpm Torque at r/min Nm 1,422 @ 1,400rpm

Emissions standard Euro 3CLUTCH

Make ExedyModel 430Type Single

Diameter mm 430 430 430 N/A 430 430 430 430 430 N/AOperation Hydraulic air assisted

TRANSMISSIONMake ZF ZF ZF ALLISON ZF ZF ZF ZF ZF ALLISONModel ZF9S1310 ZF9S1310 ZF9S1310 4430 PR ZF9S1310 ZF9S1310 ZF9S1310 ZF9S1310 ZF9S1310 4430 PRType Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh SynchromeshShift Manual Manual Manual Automatic Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Automatic

No. of gears forward 9 9 9 6 9 9 9 9 9 6First gear ratio 9.480 9.480 9.480 11.374 9.480 9.480 9.480 9.480 9.480 11.374Top gear ratio 0.750 0.750 0.750 0.6718 0.750 0.750 0.750 0.750 0.750 0.6718

PTO Optional Optional Optional STD Optional STD Optional Optional Optional OptionalDRIVE AXLE

Make IsuzuModel axle front F075 F075 F075 F075 F075 F075 F075 F075 F075 F075

Model drive axle rear R130 R210 R210 R210 R210 R210 R130 R130 R210 R210Reduction type Single

Final ratio 4.556 4.556 4.556 4.556 5.125 5.125 4.875 4.875 5.571 5.571SUSPENSION

Front Multi leaf springsRear Multi leaf springs

Shock absorbers Front and rearStabilisers Front and rearSTEERINGOperation PowerBRAKES

System type Full airFront DrumsRear Drums

Anti-lock braking system (ABS) Standard

Park/emergency system SpringExhaust brake StandardEngine brake No

Retarder No No No STD No No No Telma (2600Nm) Telma (2600Nm) STDELECTRICAL & FUELFuel tank 1 capacity ltrs 400 400 400 400 200 200 400 400 400 400Fuel tank 2 capacity ltrs 0

TYRESSize and ply rating - front 315/80R22.5Size and ply rating - rear 315/80R22.5

CAB & EXTRASType MediumRoof Low

No. of bunks 1No. of seats 3

Air conditioning StandardRadio Standard

Tachograph OptionalTilt cab Yes. Hydraulic / Electric with mechanical hand pump.

88 |TMH| 2016








EuroCargo MLC150E24W



EuroCargo MLC160E24





682 DC260G29H


682 DC330G34H


682 SC430G34TS


682 SC600G43TS



Overall Length 8 637 8 637 8 114 7 477 7 477 10 042 8 744 8 744 6 985 6 985 6 085 6 770

Overall Width 2 315 2 315 2 495 2 490 2 490 2 385 2 495 2 495 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500

Overall Height 2 717 2 717 2 867 3 007 3 073 2 867 2 835 2 835 3 065 3 065 3 090 3 778

Front Overhang 1 352 1 352 1 352 1 387 1 387 1 362 1 352 1 352 1 435 1 435 1 435 1 435

Rear Overhang 2 460 2 460 1 853 1 935 1 935 3 000 2 123 2 123 875 875 1 000 685

Wheelbase 4 815 4 815 4 815 4 150 4 150 5 670 5 175 5 175 4 000 4 000 3 650 3 975

Bumper to Back of Cab 1 597 1 597 1 617 1 597 1 597 1 562 1 617 2 197 1 901 1 901 N/A N/A

Cab to Rear Axle/Unit 4 430 4 430 4 430 3 940 3 940 5 460 4 910 4 335 3 534 3 534 N/A N/A

Turning Diameter (m) 16,14 16,14 17,2 17,5 17,5 18,9 18,9 18,9 15,9 15,9 13,6 16,6


Manufacturer's Gross Vehicle Mass 12 000 14 000 15 000 15 000 15 000 16 000 18 000 18 000 26 000 33 500 19 000 26 000

Manufacturer's Gross Combination

Mass15 500 17 500 18 500 18 500 18 500 32 500 32 500 32 500 50 000 62 000 50 000 60 000

Manufacturer's Front Axle Mass 4 400 5 100 5 400 5 700 5 700 6 100 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500

Manufacturer's Rear Axle Mass 8 480 9 500 10 900 10 000 10 000 11 000 11 500 11 500 26 000 26 000 13 000 21 000

Permissible Maximum Vehicle Mass 12 000 14 100 14 400 15 000 15 000 15 100 16 500 16 500 25 500 25 500 16 500 25 500

Permissible Maximum Front Axle

Mass4 400 5 100 5 400 5 700 5 700 6 100 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500

Permissible Maximum Rear Axle

Mass8 480 9 000 9 000 9 000 9 000 9 000 9 000 9 000 18 000 18 000 9 000 18 000

Unladen Front Axle Mass 2 930 2 860 3 370 3 695 3 860 3 125 3 530 3 530 4 310 4 320 4 545 4 885

Unladen Rear Axle Mass 1 380 1 540 1 955 2 010 2 040 1 740 1 915 1 915 4 235 4 360 2 345 4 385

Total Unladen Mass 4 400 4 400 5 325 5 705 5 900 4 865 5 445 5 445 8 545 8 680 6 890 9 270

Permissible Maximum Drawing

Vehicle Mass15 500 17 500 18 500 18 500 18 500 32 500 32 500 32 500 50 000 56 000 45 000 56 000




Capacity (cm3) 5 880 5 880 5 880 5 880 5 880 5 880 5 880 5 880 8 709 8 709 8 709 12 880

Max Power - kW @ r/min 162 @ 2 700 162 @ 2 700 162 @ 2 700 176 @ 2 700 176 @ 2 700 176 @ 2 700 202 @ 2 500 202 @ 2 500 213 @ 1 750 - 2 100 250 @ 1 750 - 2 100 250 @ 1 750 - 2 100 316 @ 1 525 - 1 900

Max Torque - Nm @ r/min680 @

1 200 - 2 100

680 @

1 200 - 2 100

680 @

1 200 - 2 100

810 @ 1 250 - 2 100

810 @

1 250 - 2 100

810 @ 1 250 - 2 100

930 @

1 200 - 2 100

930 @

1 200 - 2 100

1 145 @ 1 000 - 1 750

1 300 @ 1 000 - 1 750

1 300 @ 1 000 - 1 750

2 100 @ 1 000 - 1 525


Make / Model ZF 6 S 700 ZF 6 S 700 ZF 6 S 700 ZF 6S800 ZF 6 S 800 ZF 9S75 TO ZF 9 S 1110 TO ZF 9 S 1110 TO9JS135TB





Number of Gears 6 6 6 6 6 9 9 9 9 12 12 12

High / Low Ratios 6,02:1 / 0,79:1 6,02:1 / 0,79:1 6,02:1 / 0,79:1 6,58:1 / 0,78:1 6,58:1 / 0,78:1 9,48:1 / 0,75:1 9,48:1 / 0,75:1 9,48:1 / 0,75:1 11,02:1 / 0,73:1 15,53:1 / 1:1 15,53:1 / 1:1 12,09:1 / 0,78:1

Synchromesh or Constantmesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Syncromesh Synchromesh Syncromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Syncromesh Syncromesh Syncromesh Syncromesh

Rear Axle Ratio 4,11:1 4,11:1 5,33:1 6,95:1 6,95:1 5,63:1 5,63:1 5,63:1 4,88:1 4,88:1 4,11:1 4,11:1

Drive 4x2 4x2 4x2 4x4 4x2 4x2 4x2 4x2 6x4 6x4 4X2 6x4

Rear Axle Distance Apart N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 350 1 350 N/A 1 350

Retarder Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional N/A N/A N/A N/A


Size and Ply Rating 10 R22.5 10 R22.5 12 R22.5 11 R22.5 14 R20 11 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5

Radial or Crossply Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial

2016 |TMH| 89








EuroCargo MLC150E24W



EuroCargo MLC160E24





682 DC260G29H


682 DC330G34H


682 SC430G34TS


682 SC600G43TS



Overall Length 8 637 8 637 8 114 7 477 7 477 10 042 8 744 8 744 6 985 6 985 6 085 6 770

Overall Width 2 315 2 315 2 495 2 490 2 490 2 385 2 495 2 495 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500

Overall Height 2 717 2 717 2 867 3 007 3 073 2 867 2 835 2 835 3 065 3 065 3 090 3 778

Front Overhang 1 352 1 352 1 352 1 387 1 387 1 362 1 352 1 352 1 435 1 435 1 435 1 435

Rear Overhang 2 460 2 460 1 853 1 935 1 935 3 000 2 123 2 123 875 875 1 000 685

Wheelbase 4 815 4 815 4 815 4 150 4 150 5 670 5 175 5 175 4 000 4 000 3 650 3 975

Bumper to Back of Cab 1 597 1 597 1 617 1 597 1 597 1 562 1 617 2 197 1 901 1 901 N/A N/A

Cab to Rear Axle/Unit 4 430 4 430 4 430 3 940 3 940 5 460 4 910 4 335 3 534 3 534 N/A N/A

Turning Diameter (m) 16,14 16,14 17,2 17,5 17,5 18,9 18,9 18,9 15,9 15,9 13,6 16,6


Manufacturer's Gross Vehicle Mass 12 000 14 000 15 000 15 000 15 000 16 000 18 000 18 000 26 000 33 500 19 000 26 000

Manufacturer's Gross Combination

Mass15 500 17 500 18 500 18 500 18 500 32 500 32 500 32 500 50 000 62 000 50 000 60 000

Manufacturer's Front Axle Mass 4 400 5 100 5 400 5 700 5 700 6 100 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500

Manufacturer's Rear Axle Mass 8 480 9 500 10 900 10 000 10 000 11 000 11 500 11 500 26 000 26 000 13 000 21 000

Permissible Maximum Vehicle Mass 12 000 14 100 14 400 15 000 15 000 15 100 16 500 16 500 25 500 25 500 16 500 25 500

Permissible Maximum Front Axle

Mass4 400 5 100 5 400 5 700 5 700 6 100 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500

Permissible Maximum Rear Axle

Mass8 480 9 000 9 000 9 000 9 000 9 000 9 000 9 000 18 000 18 000 9 000 18 000

Unladen Front Axle Mass 2 930 2 860 3 370 3 695 3 860 3 125 3 530 3 530 4 310 4 320 4 545 4 885

Unladen Rear Axle Mass 1 380 1 540 1 955 2 010 2 040 1 740 1 915 1 915 4 235 4 360 2 345 4 385

Total Unladen Mass 4 400 4 400 5 325 5 705 5 900 4 865 5 445 5 445 8 545 8 680 6 890 9 270

Permissible Maximum Drawing

Vehicle Mass15 500 17 500 18 500 18 500 18 500 32 500 32 500 32 500 50 000 56 000 45 000 56 000




Capacity (cm3) 5 880 5 880 5 880 5 880 5 880 5 880 5 880 5 880 8 709 8 709 8 709 12 880

Max Power - kW @ r/min 162 @ 2 700 162 @ 2 700 162 @ 2 700 176 @ 2 700 176 @ 2 700 176 @ 2 700 202 @ 2 500 202 @ 2 500 213 @ 1 750 - 2 100 250 @ 1 750 - 2 100 250 @ 1 750 - 2 100 316 @ 1 525 - 1 900

Max Torque - Nm @ r/min680 @

1 200 - 2 100

680 @

1 200 - 2 100

680 @

1 200 - 2 100

810 @ 1 250 - 2 100

810 @

1 250 - 2 100

810 @ 1 250 - 2 100

930 @

1 200 - 2 100

930 @

1 200 - 2 100

1 145 @ 1 000 - 1 750

1 300 @ 1 000 - 1 750

1 300 @ 1 000 - 1 750

2 100 @ 1 000 - 1 525


Make / Model ZF 6 S 700 ZF 6 S 700 ZF 6 S 700 ZF 6S800 ZF 6 S 800 ZF 9S75 TO ZF 9 S 1110 TO ZF 9 S 1110 TO9JS135TB





Number of Gears 6 6 6 6 6 9 9 9 9 12 12 12

High / Low Ratios 6,02:1 / 0,79:1 6,02:1 / 0,79:1 6,02:1 / 0,79:1 6,58:1 / 0,78:1 6,58:1 / 0,78:1 9,48:1 / 0,75:1 9,48:1 / 0,75:1 9,48:1 / 0,75:1 11,02:1 / 0,73:1 15,53:1 / 1:1 15,53:1 / 1:1 12,09:1 / 0,78:1

Synchromesh or Constantmesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Syncromesh Synchromesh Syncromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Syncromesh Syncromesh Syncromesh Syncromesh

Rear Axle Ratio 4,11:1 4,11:1 5,33:1 6,95:1 6,95:1 5,63:1 5,63:1 5,63:1 4,88:1 4,88:1 4,11:1 4,11:1

Drive 4x2 4x2 4x2 4x4 4x2 4x2 4x2 4x2 6x4 6x4 4X2 6x4

Rear Axle Distance Apart N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 350 1 350 N/A 1 350

Retarder Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional N/A N/A N/A N/A


Size and Ply Rating 10 R22.5 10 R22.5 12 R22.5 11 R22.5 14 R20 11 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5

Radial or Crossply Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial

90 |TMH| 2016








Off / Tipper
















AT440T44T SR



On/Off Hi-Land




















Overall Length 7 862 7 411 7 883 9 413 9 200 9 482 9 482 6 844 6 844 6 070 6 250 6 815 6 815 6 815 6 815

Overall Width 2 550 2 550 2 550 2 550 2 550 2 550 2 550 2 550 2 550 2 550 2 550 2 550 2 550 2 550 2 550

Overall Height 3 324 3 104 3 132 3 132 3 300 3 147 3 147 3 688 3 688 2 990 2 653 3 000 3 615 3 822 3 822

Front Overhang 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 410 1 410 1 410 1 410 1 410 1 410

Rear Overhang 1 780 1 225 1 495 2 080 1 865 1 495 1 495 785 785 1 048 1 048 778 778 778 778

Wheelbase 4 500 3 200 4 190 5 190 5 200 5 710 5 710 3 890 3 890 3 650 3 800 3 200 3 898 3 898 3 898

Bumper to Back of Cab 1 885 1 885 1 885 1 885 1 885 2 025 2 025 N/A N/A 2 350 2 350 2 350 N/A N/A N/A

Cab to Rear Axle/Unit 3 510 3 445 3 745 4 745 4 350 5 125 5 125 N/A N/A 2 710 2 710 2 957 N/A N/A N/A

Turning Diameter (m) 18,9 15,9 15,5 17,8 18 19,2 19,2 14,8 14,8 14,2 14,2 15,9 14,65 14,65 14,65


Manufacturer's Gross Vehicle

Mass19 000 26 000 38 000 38 000 40 000 34 000 41 000 26 000 26 000 19 000 19 000 26 000 26 000 26 000 26 000

Manufacturer's Gross

Combination Mass44 000 50 000 66 000 66 000 75 000 44 000 60 000 60 000 95 000 44 000 44 000 44 000 70 000 75 000 75 000

Manufacturer's Front Axle Mass 8 000 8 000 8 000 8 000 8 000 8 000 x2 9 000 x2 8 000 8 000 7 100 7 100 7 500 8 000 8 000 8 000

Manufacturer's Rear Axle Mass 13 000 21 000 32 000 32 000 32 000 21 000 32 000 21 000 32 000 12 600 12 600 10 500 21 000 21 000 21 000

Permissible Maximum Vehicle

Mass15 700 25 700 25 700 25 700 25 700 33 400 33 400 25 700 25 700 16 100 16 100 25 500 25 700 25 700 25 700

Permissible Maximum Front

Axle Mass7 700 7 700 7 700 7 700 7 700 7 700 x2 7 700 x2 7 700 7 700 7 100 7 100 7 500 7 700 7 700 7 700

Permissible Maximum Rear Axle

Mass8 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 9 000 9 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000

Unladen Front Axle Mass 5 060 4 660 4 960 4 985 5 330 6 725 6 895 4 760 4 780 4 450 4 715 4 965 4 730 4 870 4 870

Unladen Rear Axle Mass 2 600 4 250 4 770 4 795 5 120 3 505 3 815 4 350 4 840 1 910 1 895 3 465 3 620 3 620 3 620

Total Unladen Mass 7 660 8 910 9 730 9 780 10 450 10 230 10 710 9 110 9 620 6 360 6 610 8 430 8 350 8 500 8 500

Permissible Maximum Drawing

Vehicle Mass44 000 N/A 56 000 56 000 56 000 56 000 56 000 56 000 56 000 44 000 44 000 44 000 56 000 56 000 56 000



Model Configuration CURSOR 13 F3B CURSOR 13 F3B CURSOR 13 F3B CURSOR 13 F3B CURSOR 13 F3B CURSOR 13 F3BCURSOR 13




Capacity (cm3) 12 880 12 880 12 880 12 880 12 880 12 880 12 880 12 880 12 880 7 990 10 300 10 300 10 300 12 880 12 880

Max Power - kW @ r/min 279 @ 1 900 279 @ 1 900 279 @ 1 900 309 @ 1 900 309 @ 1 900 279 @ 1 900 309 @ 1 900 324 @ 1 900 324 @ 1 900 259 @ 1 930 316 @ 2 100 316 @ 2 100 316 @ 2 100354 @ 1 540 -

1 900

367 @ 1 525 -

1 900

Max Torque - Nm @ r/min1 800 @

900 - 1 485

1 800 @

900 - 1 485

1 800 @

900 - 1 485

1 900 @

1 000 - 1 440

1 900 @

1 000 - 1 440

1 800 @

900 - 1 485

1 900 @

1 000 - 1 440

2 100 @

1 000 - 1 470

2 100 @

1 000 - 1 470

1 280 @

1 080 - 1 930

1 900 @

1 050 - 1 590

1 900 @

1 050 - 1 590

1 900 @

1 050 - 1 590

2 200 @

1 000 - 1 540

2 300 @

1 000 - 1 540


Make / Model ZF 16 AS 2630 OD ZF 16 AS 2630 OD ZF 16 AS 2220 OD ZF 16 AS 2630 OD ZF 16 AS 2630 OD ZF 16 AS 2220 ODZF 16 AS 2630


ZF 12

AS 2330 ODZF 16 AS 2630 OD ZF 12 AS 1930 DD ZF 12 AS 1930 DD ZF 12 AS 1930 DD ZF 12 AS 1930 DD ZF 12 AS 2330 DD ZF 12 AS 2330 DD

Number of Gears 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 12 16 12 12 12 12 12 12

High / Low Ratios 14,12:1 / 0,83:1 14,12:1 / 0,83:1 13,8:1 / 0,84:1 14,12:1 / 0,83:1 14,12:1 / 0,83:1 13,8:1 / 0,84:114,12:1 /


12,33:1 /

0,78:114,12:1 / 0,83:1 15,86:1 / 1:1 15,86:1 / 1:1 15,86:1 / 1:1 15,86:1 / 1:1 15,86:1 / 1:1 15,86:1 / 1:1

Synchromesh or Constantmesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh

Rear Axle Ratio 5,01:1 4,67:1 5,01:1 4,67:1 5,01:1 4,23:1 4,23:1 4,125:1 4,23:1 3,08:1 3,08:1 3,36:1 3,41:1 3,41:1 3,41:1

Drive 4x4 6x4 6x4 6x4 6x6 8x4 8x4 6x4 6x4 4x2 4x2 6x2 6x4 6x4 6x4

Rear Axle Distance Apart N/A 1 380 1 380 1 380 1 380 1 380 1 380 1 380 1 380 N/A N/A 1 395 1 395 1 395 1 395

Retarder OptionalZF Intarder

Five Stage

ZF Intarder

Five Stage

ZF Intarder

Five Stage

ZF Intarder

Five StageOptional

ZF Intarder

Five Stage

ZF Intarder

Five Stage

ZF Intarder

Five Stage

ZF Intarder

Five Stage

ZF Intarder

Five Stage

ZF Intarder

Five Stage

ZF Intarder

Five Stage

ZF Intarder

Five Stage

ZF Intarder

Five Stage


Size and Ply Rating315/80







R22.513 R22.5 315/80 R22.5

385/65 R22.5


315/80 R22.5












385/65 R22.5 (front)

315/80 R22.5 (rear)

385/65 R22.5 (front)

315/80 R22.5 (rear)

385/65 R22.5 (front)

315/80 R22.5 (rear)

Radial or Crossply Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial

2016 |TMH| 91








Off / Tipper
















AT440T44T SR



On/Off Hi-Land




















Overall Length 7 862 7 411 7 883 9 413 9 200 9 482 9 482 6 844 6 844 6 070 6 250 6 815 6 815 6 815 6 815

Overall Width 2 550 2 550 2 550 2 550 2 550 2 550 2 550 2 550 2 550 2 550 2 550 2 550 2 550 2 550 2 550

Overall Height 3 324 3 104 3 132 3 132 3 300 3 147 3 147 3 688 3 688 2 990 2 653 3 000 3 615 3 822 3 822

Front Overhang 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 410 1 410 1 410 1 410 1 410 1 410

Rear Overhang 1 780 1 225 1 495 2 080 1 865 1 495 1 495 785 785 1 048 1 048 778 778 778 778

Wheelbase 4 500 3 200 4 190 5 190 5 200 5 710 5 710 3 890 3 890 3 650 3 800 3 200 3 898 3 898 3 898

Bumper to Back of Cab 1 885 1 885 1 885 1 885 1 885 2 025 2 025 N/A N/A 2 350 2 350 2 350 N/A N/A N/A

Cab to Rear Axle/Unit 3 510 3 445 3 745 4 745 4 350 5 125 5 125 N/A N/A 2 710 2 710 2 957 N/A N/A N/A

Turning Diameter (m) 18,9 15,9 15,5 17,8 18 19,2 19,2 14,8 14,8 14,2 14,2 15,9 14,65 14,65 14,65


Manufacturer's Gross Vehicle

Mass19 000 26 000 38 000 38 000 40 000 34 000 41 000 26 000 26 000 19 000 19 000 26 000 26 000 26 000 26 000

Manufacturer's Gross

Combination Mass44 000 50 000 66 000 66 000 75 000 44 000 60 000 60 000 95 000 44 000 44 000 44 000 70 000 75 000 75 000

Manufacturer's Front Axle Mass 8 000 8 000 8 000 8 000 8 000 8 000 x2 9 000 x2 8 000 8 000 7 100 7 100 7 500 8 000 8 000 8 000

Manufacturer's Rear Axle Mass 13 000 21 000 32 000 32 000 32 000 21 000 32 000 21 000 32 000 12 600 12 600 10 500 21 000 21 000 21 000

Permissible Maximum Vehicle

Mass15 700 25 700 25 700 25 700 25 700 33 400 33 400 25 700 25 700 16 100 16 100 25 500 25 700 25 700 25 700

Permissible Maximum Front

Axle Mass7 700 7 700 7 700 7 700 7 700 7 700 x2 7 700 x2 7 700 7 700 7 100 7 100 7 500 7 700 7 700 7 700

Permissible Maximum Rear Axle

Mass8 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 9 000 9 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000

Unladen Front Axle Mass 5 060 4 660 4 960 4 985 5 330 6 725 6 895 4 760 4 780 4 450 4 715 4 965 4 730 4 870 4 870

Unladen Rear Axle Mass 2 600 4 250 4 770 4 795 5 120 3 505 3 815 4 350 4 840 1 910 1 895 3 465 3 620 3 620 3 620

Total Unladen Mass 7 660 8 910 9 730 9 780 10 450 10 230 10 710 9 110 9 620 6 360 6 610 8 430 8 350 8 500 8 500

Permissible Maximum Drawing

Vehicle Mass44 000 N/A 56 000 56 000 56 000 56 000 56 000 56 000 56 000 44 000 44 000 44 000 56 000 56 000 56 000



Model Configuration CURSOR 13 F3B CURSOR 13 F3B CURSOR 13 F3B CURSOR 13 F3B CURSOR 13 F3B CURSOR 13 F3BCURSOR 13




Capacity (cm3) 12 880 12 880 12 880 12 880 12 880 12 880 12 880 12 880 12 880 7 990 10 300 10 300 10 300 12 880 12 880

Max Power - kW @ r/min 279 @ 1 900 279 @ 1 900 279 @ 1 900 309 @ 1 900 309 @ 1 900 279 @ 1 900 309 @ 1 900 324 @ 1 900 324 @ 1 900 259 @ 1 930 316 @ 2 100 316 @ 2 100 316 @ 2 100354 @ 1 540 -

1 900

367 @ 1 525 -

1 900

Max Torque - Nm @ r/min1 800 @

900 - 1 485

1 800 @

900 - 1 485

1 800 @

900 - 1 485

1 900 @

1 000 - 1 440

1 900 @

1 000 - 1 440

1 800 @

900 - 1 485

1 900 @

1 000 - 1 440

2 100 @

1 000 - 1 470

2 100 @

1 000 - 1 470

1 280 @

1 080 - 1 930

1 900 @

1 050 - 1 590

1 900 @

1 050 - 1 590

1 900 @

1 050 - 1 590

2 200 @

1 000 - 1 540

2 300 @

1 000 - 1 540


Make / Model ZF 16 AS 2630 OD ZF 16 AS 2630 OD ZF 16 AS 2220 OD ZF 16 AS 2630 OD ZF 16 AS 2630 OD ZF 16 AS 2220 ODZF 16 AS 2630


ZF 12

AS 2330 ODZF 16 AS 2630 OD ZF 12 AS 1930 DD ZF 12 AS 1930 DD ZF 12 AS 1930 DD ZF 12 AS 1930 DD ZF 12 AS 2330 DD ZF 12 AS 2330 DD

Number of Gears 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 12 16 12 12 12 12 12 12

High / Low Ratios 14,12:1 / 0,83:1 14,12:1 / 0,83:1 13,8:1 / 0,84:1 14,12:1 / 0,83:1 14,12:1 / 0,83:1 13,8:1 / 0,84:114,12:1 /


12,33:1 /

0,78:114,12:1 / 0,83:1 15,86:1 / 1:1 15,86:1 / 1:1 15,86:1 / 1:1 15,86:1 / 1:1 15,86:1 / 1:1 15,86:1 / 1:1

Synchromesh or Constantmesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh

Rear Axle Ratio 5,01:1 4,67:1 5,01:1 4,67:1 5,01:1 4,23:1 4,23:1 4,125:1 4,23:1 3,08:1 3,08:1 3,36:1 3,41:1 3,41:1 3,41:1

Drive 4x4 6x4 6x4 6x4 6x6 8x4 8x4 6x4 6x4 4x2 4x2 6x2 6x4 6x4 6x4

Rear Axle Distance Apart N/A 1 380 1 380 1 380 1 380 1 380 1 380 1 380 1 380 N/A N/A 1 395 1 395 1 395 1 395

Retarder OptionalZF Intarder

Five Stage

ZF Intarder

Five Stage

ZF Intarder

Five Stage

ZF Intarder

Five StageOptional

ZF Intarder

Five Stage

ZF Intarder

Five Stage

ZF Intarder

Five Stage

ZF Intarder

Five Stage

ZF Intarder

Five Stage

ZF Intarder

Five Stage

ZF Intarder

Five Stage

ZF Intarder

Five Stage

ZF Intarder

Five Stage


Size and Ply Rating315/80







R22.513 R22.5 315/80 R22.5

385/65 R22.5


315/80 R22.5












385/65 R22.5 (front)

315/80 R22.5 (rear)

385/65 R22.5 (front)

315/80 R22.5 (rear)

385/65 R22.5 (front)

315/80 R22.5 (rear)

Radial or Crossply Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial

92 |TMH| 2016




15.240 4x2 BLC CabF/C

18.240 4x2 BB C CabTipper

18.240 4x2 BB C CabF/C

18.240 4x4 BB C CabF/C SWA

18.240 4x4 BB C Cab DWA

18.280 4x2 BB C CabF/C

18.280 4x2 BB L CabF/C

25.280 6x2 BL L CabF/C

19.360 4x2 BLS L Cab T/T On-Road

26.440 6x4 BLS Lx Cab T/T


26.440 6x4 BLS-EL Lx Cab T/T On-Highway


26.480 6x4 BLS Lx Cab T/T



Overall Length 10 013 6 100 10 250 8 275 8 275 10 250 10 850 10 250 6 020 6 925 6 925 6 925

Overall Width (Body) 2 370 2 490 2 490 2 490 2 490 2 490 2 490 2 490 2 472 2 472 2 472 2 472

Overall Height 2 799 2 936 2 936 3 144 3 139 2 936 3 030 3 027 3 093 3 391 3 391 3 391

Front Overhang 1 350 1 400 1 400 1 450 1 450 1 400 1 400 1 400 1 475 1 475 1 475 1 475

Rear Overhang 3 075 1 125 3 075 2 325 2 325 3 075 3 275 1 725 800 750 750 750

Wheelbase 5 475 3 575 5 775 4 500 4 500 5 775 6 175 6 450 3 600 3 875 3 875 3 875

Bumper to Back of Cab 1 796 1 619 1 619 1 783 1 783 1 619 2 291 2 291 2 280 2 280 2 280 2 280

Cab to Rear Axle/Unit 5 112 3 262 5 462 4 237 4 237 5 462 5 295 5 570 2 615 2 890 2 890 2 890

Turning Radius (curb to curb) (m)

10 6,45 9,9 8,9 8,1 9,9 10,55 9,9 6,6 7,2 7,2 7,2


Manufacturer’s Gross Vehicle Mass 15 000 18 000 18 000 17 500 18 000 18 000 18 000 25 500 19 000 26 000 26 000 26 000

Manufacturer’s Gross Combination Mass 28 000 28 000 33 000 28 000 28 000 33 000 33 000 33 000 45 000 65 000 65 000 65 000

Manufacturer’s Front Axle Mass 6 300 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500

Manufacturer’s Rear Axle Mass 10 000 11 500 11 500 10 000 11 500 11 500 11 500 22 500 13 000 23 000 23 000 23 000

Permissible Maximum Vehicle Mass 15 000 16 500 16 500 15 500 16 500 16 500 16 500 25 500 16 500 25 700 25 700 25 700

Permissible Maximum Front Axle Mass 5 600 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 700 7 500 7 700

Permissible Maximum Rear Axle Mass 9 000 9 000 9 000 8 000 9 000 9 000 9 000 18 000 9 000 18 000 18 000 18 000

Unladen Front Axle Mass 3 095 3 410 3 370 3 960 3 960 3 370 3 565 3 605 4 685 4 816 4 736 4 774

Unladen Rear Axle Mass 1 685 1 735 1 995 2 075 2 075 1 995 2 010 3 372 1 994 3 559 3 539 3 415

Total Unladen Mass 4 780 5 145 5 365 6 035 6 035 5 365 5 575 6 977 6 679 8 375 8 275 8 189

Permissible Max Drawing Vehicle Mass 28 000 28 000 33 000 28 000 28 000 33 000 33 000 33 000 45 000 65 000 65 000 65 000


Make MAN













Model Configuration6-cylinder in-line

Turbo Intercooled6-cylinder in-line

Turbo Intercooled6-cylinder in-line

Turbo Intercooled6-cylinder in-line

Turbo Intercooled6-cylinder in-line

Turbo Intercooled6-cylinder in-line

Turbo Intercooled6-cylinder in-line

Turbo Intercooled6-cylinder in-line

Turbo Intercooled 6-cylinder in-line

Turbo Intercooled 6-cylinder in-line

Turbo Intercooled 6-cylinder in-line

Turbo Intercooled 6-cylinder in-line

Turbo Intercooled

Capacity (cm3) 6 871 6 871 6 871 6 871 6 871 6 871 6 871 6 871 10 518 12 419 12 419 12 419

Max Power - kW @ r/min 176 @ 2 400 176 @ 2 400 176 @ 2 400 176 @ 2 400 176 @ 2 400 206 @ 2 400 206 @ 2 400 206 @ 2 400 265 @ 1 800 324 @ 1 900 324 @ 1 900 353 @ 1 900

Max Torque - Nm @ r/min925 @

1 200 - 1 800925 @

1 200 - 1 800925 @

1 200 - 1 800925 @

1 200 - 1 800925 @

1 200 - 1 8001 100 @

1 200 - 1 7501 100 @

1 200 - 1 7501 100 @

1 200 - 1 7501 800 @

1 000 - 1 4002 100 @

1 000 - 1 4002 100 @

1 000 - 1 4002 300 @

1 000 - 1 400


Make / Model ZF 9S-1310 ZF 9S-1310 ZF 9S-1310 ZF 9S-1310 ZF 9S-1310 ZF 9S-1310 ZF 9S-1310 ZF 12AS1219 TipmaticZF 12 AS 2330 OD

TipmaticZF 12 AS 2331 OD

TipmaticZF 12 AS 2331 OD

TipmaticZF 12 AS 2331 OD


No of Gears 9 fwd, 1 reverse 9 fwd, 1 reverse 9 fwd, 1 reverse 9 fwd, 1 reverse 9 fwd, 1 reverse 9 fwd, 1 reverse 9 fwd, 1 reverse 12 fwd, 1 reverse 12 12 12 12

High / Low Ratios 9,48:1 / 0,75:1 9,48:1 / 0,75:1 9,48:1 / 0,75:1 9,48:1 / 0,75:1 9,48:1 / 0,75:1 9,48:1 / 0,75:1 9,48:1 / 0,75:1 10,33:1 / 0,81:1 12,33:1 / 0,78:1 12,33:1 / 0,78:1 12,33:1 / 0,78:1 12,33:1 / 0,78:1

Synchromesh or Constantmesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Auto CM Automated CM Automated CM Automated CM Automated CM


5,29:1 5,29:1 4,63:1 6,00:1 5,33:1 4,63:1 4,63:1 4,63:1 4,11:1 4,11:1 4,11:1 4,11:1


Engine Valve Brake Engine Valve Brake Engine Valve Brake Engine Valve Brake Engine Valve Brake Engine Valve Brake Engine Valve Brake Engine Valve BrakeElectronically Controlled

Engine Valve Brake (285 kW)

ZF Intarder 500 kW + Engine Valve Brake

(240 kW)

ZF Intarder 500 kW + Engine Valve Brake

(240 kW)

ZF Intarder 500 kW + Engine Valve Brake

(240 kW)


Size and Ply Rating 11 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 365/80 R20 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5

Radial or Crossply Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Steel Radial Steel Radial Steel Radial Steel Radial

2016 |TMH| 93




15.240 4x2 BLC CabF/C

18.240 4x2 BB C CabTipper

18.240 4x2 BB C CabF/C

18.240 4x4 BB C CabF/C SWA

18.240 4x4 BB C Cab DWA

18.280 4x2 BB C CabF/C

18.280 4x2 BB L CabF/C

25.280 6x2 BL L CabF/C

19.360 4x2 BLS L Cab T/T On-Road

26.440 6x4 BLS Lx Cab T/T


26.440 6x4 BLS-EL Lx Cab T/T On-Highway


26.480 6x4 BLS Lx Cab T/T



Overall Length 10 013 6 100 10 250 8 275 8 275 10 250 10 850 10 250 6 020 6 925 6 925 6 925

Overall Width (Body) 2 370 2 490 2 490 2 490 2 490 2 490 2 490 2 490 2 472 2 472 2 472 2 472

Overall Height 2 799 2 936 2 936 3 144 3 139 2 936 3 030 3 027 3 093 3 391 3 391 3 391

Front Overhang 1 350 1 400 1 400 1 450 1 450 1 400 1 400 1 400 1 475 1 475 1 475 1 475

Rear Overhang 3 075 1 125 3 075 2 325 2 325 3 075 3 275 1 725 800 750 750 750

Wheelbase 5 475 3 575 5 775 4 500 4 500 5 775 6 175 6 450 3 600 3 875 3 875 3 875

Bumper to Back of Cab 1 796 1 619 1 619 1 783 1 783 1 619 2 291 2 291 2 280 2 280 2 280 2 280

Cab to Rear Axle/Unit 5 112 3 262 5 462 4 237 4 237 5 462 5 295 5 570 2 615 2 890 2 890 2 890

Turning Radius (curb to curb) (m)

10 6,45 9,9 8,9 8,1 9,9 10,55 9,9 6,6 7,2 7,2 7,2


Manufacturer’s Gross Vehicle Mass 15 000 18 000 18 000 17 500 18 000 18 000 18 000 25 500 19 000 26 000 26 000 26 000

Manufacturer’s Gross Combination Mass 28 000 28 000 33 000 28 000 28 000 33 000 33 000 33 000 45 000 65 000 65 000 65 000

Manufacturer’s Front Axle Mass 6 300 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500

Manufacturer’s Rear Axle Mass 10 000 11 500 11 500 10 000 11 500 11 500 11 500 22 500 13 000 23 000 23 000 23 000

Permissible Maximum Vehicle Mass 15 000 16 500 16 500 15 500 16 500 16 500 16 500 25 500 16 500 25 700 25 700 25 700

Permissible Maximum Front Axle Mass 5 600 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 700 7 500 7 700

Permissible Maximum Rear Axle Mass 9 000 9 000 9 000 8 000 9 000 9 000 9 000 18 000 9 000 18 000 18 000 18 000

Unladen Front Axle Mass 3 095 3 410 3 370 3 960 3 960 3 370 3 565 3 605 4 685 4 816 4 736 4 774

Unladen Rear Axle Mass 1 685 1 735 1 995 2 075 2 075 1 995 2 010 3 372 1 994 3 559 3 539 3 415

Total Unladen Mass 4 780 5 145 5 365 6 035 6 035 5 365 5 575 6 977 6 679 8 375 8 275 8 189

Permissible Max Drawing Vehicle Mass 28 000 28 000 33 000 28 000 28 000 33 000 33 000 33 000 45 000 65 000 65 000 65 000


Make MAN













Model Configuration6-cylinder in-line

Turbo Intercooled6-cylinder in-line

Turbo Intercooled6-cylinder in-line

Turbo Intercooled6-cylinder in-line

Turbo Intercooled6-cylinder in-line

Turbo Intercooled6-cylinder in-line

Turbo Intercooled6-cylinder in-line

Turbo Intercooled6-cylinder in-line

Turbo Intercooled 6-cylinder in-line

Turbo Intercooled 6-cylinder in-line

Turbo Intercooled 6-cylinder in-line

Turbo Intercooled 6-cylinder in-line

Turbo Intercooled

Capacity (cm3) 6 871 6 871 6 871 6 871 6 871 6 871 6 871 6 871 10 518 12 419 12 419 12 419

Max Power - kW @ r/min 176 @ 2 400 176 @ 2 400 176 @ 2 400 176 @ 2 400 176 @ 2 400 206 @ 2 400 206 @ 2 400 206 @ 2 400 265 @ 1 800 324 @ 1 900 324 @ 1 900 353 @ 1 900

Max Torque - Nm @ r/min925 @

1 200 - 1 800925 @

1 200 - 1 800925 @

1 200 - 1 800925 @

1 200 - 1 800925 @

1 200 - 1 8001 100 @

1 200 - 1 7501 100 @

1 200 - 1 7501 100 @

1 200 - 1 7501 800 @

1 000 - 1 4002 100 @

1 000 - 1 4002 100 @

1 000 - 1 4002 300 @

1 000 - 1 400


Make / Model ZF 9S-1310 ZF 9S-1310 ZF 9S-1310 ZF 9S-1310 ZF 9S-1310 ZF 9S-1310 ZF 9S-1310 ZF 12AS1219 TipmaticZF 12 AS 2330 OD

TipmaticZF 12 AS 2331 OD

TipmaticZF 12 AS 2331 OD

TipmaticZF 12 AS 2331 OD


No of Gears 9 fwd, 1 reverse 9 fwd, 1 reverse 9 fwd, 1 reverse 9 fwd, 1 reverse 9 fwd, 1 reverse 9 fwd, 1 reverse 9 fwd, 1 reverse 12 fwd, 1 reverse 12 12 12 12

High / Low Ratios 9,48:1 / 0,75:1 9,48:1 / 0,75:1 9,48:1 / 0,75:1 9,48:1 / 0,75:1 9,48:1 / 0,75:1 9,48:1 / 0,75:1 9,48:1 / 0,75:1 10,33:1 / 0,81:1 12,33:1 / 0,78:1 12,33:1 / 0,78:1 12,33:1 / 0,78:1 12,33:1 / 0,78:1

Synchromesh or Constantmesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Auto CM Automated CM Automated CM Automated CM Automated CM


5,29:1 5,29:1 4,63:1 6,00:1 5,33:1 4,63:1 4,63:1 4,63:1 4,11:1 4,11:1 4,11:1 4,11:1


Engine Valve Brake Engine Valve Brake Engine Valve Brake Engine Valve Brake Engine Valve Brake Engine Valve Brake Engine Valve Brake Engine Valve BrakeElectronically Controlled

Engine Valve Brake (285 kW)

ZF Intarder 500 kW + Engine Valve Brake

(240 kW)

ZF Intarder 500 kW + Engine Valve Brake

(240 kW)

ZF Intarder 500 kW + Engine Valve Brake

(240 kW)


Size and Ply Rating 11 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 365/80 R20 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5

Radial or Crossply Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Steel Radial Steel Radial Steel Radial Steel Radial

94 |TMH| 2016




26.480 6x4 BLS-EL Lx Cab T/T On-Highway


27.400 6x4 BBS L Cab T/T

Mainly On-Road

27.440 6x4 BBS L Cab T/T

Mainly On-Road

27.480 6x4 BBS L Cab T/T

Mainly On-Road

27.480 6x4 BBS Lx Cab T/T

Mainly On-Road

28.360 6x2 BLS L Cab T/T On Road

33.360 BBS L Cab 6x4 T/T On/Off Road

33.360 6x4 BB M Cab Tipper On/Off Road

33.360 6x4 BB M Cab F/C

On/Off Road

33.440 6x4 BBS L Cab T/T

On/Off Road

33.440 6x4 BBS L Cab F/C

On/Off Road

33.360 6x6 BB M CabSWA F/COff Road

33.440 6x6 BB M Cab SWA F/C Off Road


Overall Length 6 925 6 878 6 878 6 878 6 878 6 825 6 859 7 185 9 890 6 859 9 890 10 141 10 141

Overall Width (Body) 2 472 2 472 2 472 2 472 2 472 2 472 2 472 2 472 2 472 2 472 2 472 2 472 2 472

Overall Height 3 391 3 093 3 093 3 093 3 391 3 093 3 225 3 225 3 225 3 225 3 225 3 431 3 431

Front Overhang 1 475 1 475 1 475 1 475 1 475 1 475 1 475 1 475 1 475 1 475 1 475 1 475 1 475

Rear Overhang 750 700 700 700 700 750 700 800 2 500 700 2 500 2 500 2 500

Wheelbase 3 875 3 900 3 900 3 900 3 900 3 775 3 900 3 900 5 200 3 900 5 200 5 200 5 200

Bumper to Back of Cab 2 280 2 280 2 280 2 280 2 280 2 280 2 280 1 880 1 880 2 280 1 880 1 880 1 880

Cab to Rear Axle/Unit 2 890 2 915 2 915 2 915 2 915 2 790 2 915 2 915 4 795 2 915 4 795 4 795 4 795

Turning Radius (curb to curb) (m)

7,2 7,2 7,2 7,2 7,2 7,7 7,2 7,05 9,15 7,2 9,15 10,2 10,2


Manufacturer’s Gross Vehicle Mass 26 000 27 000 27 000 27 000 27 000 28 000 33 000 33 000 33 000 33 000 33 000 29 000 29 000

Manufacturer’s Gross Combination Mass

65 000 65 000 65 000 65 000 65 000 45 000 65 000 65 000 65 000 90 000 90 000 60 000 60 000

Manufacturer’s Front Axle Mass 7 500 8 000 8 000 8 000 8 000 8 000 9 000 9 000 9 000 9 000 9 000 9 000 9 000

Manufacturer’s Rear Axle Mass 23 000 20 000 20 000 20 000 20 000 23 000 26 000 26 000 26 000 26 000 26 000 20 000 20 000

Permissible Maximum Vehicle Mass 25 700 25 700 25 700 25 700 25 700 25 500 25 700 25 700 25 700 25 700 25 700 23 700 23 700

Permissible Maximum Front Axle Mass 7 500 7 700 7 700 7 700 7 700 7 500 7 700 7 700 7 700 7 700 7 700 7 700 7 700

Permissible Maximum Rear Axle Mass 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 16 000 16 000

Unladen Front Axle Mass 4 694 4 795 4 820 4 820 4 840 4 522 4 604 4 589 4 629 4 858 4 540 5 646 5 646

Unladen Rear Axle Mass 3 395 4 008 4 005 4 005 4 005 3 435 4 413 4 278 4 593 4 176 4 340 4 568 4 568

Total Unladen Mass 8 089 8 803 8 825 8 825 8 845 7 957 9 017 8 867 9 222 9 034 8 880 10 214 10 214

Permissible Max Drawing Vehicle Mass 65 000 65 000 65 000 65 000 65 000 45 000 63 600 63 600 63 600 77 760 77 760 60 000 60 000


Make MAN









D2066LF07MAN D2676LF04 MAN D2676LF04 MAN D2066LF07 MAN D2676LF04

Model Configuration 6-cylinder in-line

Turbo Intercooled 6-cylinder in-line Turbo

Intercooled 6-cylinder in-line Turbo

Intercooled 6-cylinder in-line

Turbo Intercooled 6-cylinder in-line

Turbo Intercooled 6-cylinder in-line

Turbo Intercooled 6-cylinder in-line

Turbo Intercooled 6-cylinder in-line

Turbo Intercooled 6-cylinder in-line

Turbo Intercooled 6-cylinder in-line Turbo

Intercooled 6-cylinder in-line Turbo

Intercooled 6-cylinder in-line Turbo

Intercooled 6-cylinder in-line Turbo


Capacity (cm3) 12 419 10 518 12 419 12 419 12 419 10 518 10 518 10 518 10 518 12 419 12 419 10 158 12 419

Max Power – kW @ r/min 353 @ 1 900 294 @ 1 800 324 @ 1 900 353 @ 1 900 353 @ 1 900 265 @ 1 900 265 @ 1 800 265 @ 1 800 265 @ 1 800 324 @ 1 900 324 @ 1 900 215 @ 1 800 324 @ 1 900

Max Torque – Nm @ r/min2 300 @

1 000 - 1 4001 900 @

1 000 - 1 4002 100 @

1 000 - 1 4002 300 @

1 000 - 1 4002 300 @

1 000 - 1 4001 800 @

1 000 - 1 4001 800 @

1 000 - 1 4001 800 @

1 000 - 1 4001 800 @

1 000 - 1 400

2 100 @ 1 000 - 1 400

2 100 @ 1 000 - 1 400

1 800 @ 1 000 - 1 400

2 100 @ 1 000 - 1 400


Make / Model ZF 12 AS 2331 OD

TipmaticZF 12 AS 2330 OD

TipmaticZF 12 AS 2331 OD

TipmaticZF 12 AS 2331 OD

TipmaticZF 12 AS 2331 OD

TipmaticZF 12 AS 2130 DD

TipmaticZF 12 AS 2330 OD

TipmaticZF 12 AS 2330 OD

TipmaticZF 12 AS 2330 OD

TipmaticZF 12 AS 2331 OD

TipmaticZF 12 AS 2331 OD

TipmaticZF 12 AS 2330 OD

TipmaticZF 12 AS 2331 OD


No of Gears 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

High / Low Ratios 12,33:1 / 0,78:1 12,33:1 / 0,78:1 12,33:1 / 0,78:1 12,33:1 / 0,78:1 12,33:1 / 0,78:1 15,86:1 / 1,00:1 12,33:1 / 0,78:1 12,33:1 / 0,78:1 12,33:1 / 0,78:1 12,33:1 / 0,78:1 12,33:1 / 0,78:1 12,33:1 / 0,78:1 12,33:1 / 0,78:1

Synchromesh or Constantmesh Automated CM Automated CM Automated CM Automated CM Automated CM Automated CM Automated CM Automated CM Automated CM Automated CM Automated CM Automated CM Automated CM


4,11:1 4,11:1 4,11:1 4,11:1 4,11:1 3,36:1 4,33:1 4,83:1 4,83:1 4,33:1 4,33:1 4,83:1 4,83:1


ZF Intarder 500 kW + Engine Valve Brake

(240 kW)

Electronically ControlledEngine Valve Brake

(285 kW)

ZF Intarder 500 kW + Engine Valve Brake

(240 kW)

ZF Intarder 500 kW + Engine Valve Brake

(240 kW)

ZF Intarder 500 kW + Engine Valve Brake

(240 kW)

Electronically Controlled

Engine Valve Brake (285 kW)

Electronically Controlled

Engine Valve Brake (285 kW)

Electronically ControlledEngine Valve Brake

(285 kW)

Electronically ControlledEngine Valve Brake

(285 kW)

ZF Intarder 500 kW + Engine Valve

Brake (240 kW)

ZF Intarder 500 kW + Engine Valve

Brake (240 kW)

ZF Intarder 500 kW + Engine Valve

Brake (240 kW)

ZF Intarder 500 kW + Engine Valve

Brake (240 kW)


Size and Ply Rating 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 14 R20 14 R20

Radial or Crossply Steel Radial Steel Radial Steel Radial Steel Radial Steel radial Steel Radial Steel Radial Steel Radial Steel Radial Steel Radial Steel Radial Steel Radial Steel Radial

2016 |TMH| 95




26.480 6x4 BLS-EL Lx Cab T/T On-Highway


27.400 6x4 BBS L Cab T/T

Mainly On-Road

27.440 6x4 BBS L Cab T/T

Mainly On-Road

27.480 6x4 BBS L Cab T/T

Mainly On-Road

27.480 6x4 BBS Lx Cab T/T

Mainly On-Road

28.360 6x2 BLS L Cab T/T On Road

33.360 BBS L Cab 6x4 T/T On/Off Road

33.360 6x4 BB M Cab Tipper On/Off Road

33.360 6x4 BB M Cab F/C

On/Off Road

33.440 6x4 BBS L Cab T/T

On/Off Road

33.440 6x4 BBS L Cab F/C

On/Off Road

33.360 6x6 BB M CabSWA F/COff Road

33.440 6x6 BB M Cab SWA F/C Off Road


Overall Length 6 925 6 878 6 878 6 878 6 878 6 825 6 859 7 185 9 890 6 859 9 890 10 141 10 141

Overall Width (Body) 2 472 2 472 2 472 2 472 2 472 2 472 2 472 2 472 2 472 2 472 2 472 2 472 2 472

Overall Height 3 391 3 093 3 093 3 093 3 391 3 093 3 225 3 225 3 225 3 225 3 225 3 431 3 431

Front Overhang 1 475 1 475 1 475 1 475 1 475 1 475 1 475 1 475 1 475 1 475 1 475 1 475 1 475

Rear Overhang 750 700 700 700 700 750 700 800 2 500 700 2 500 2 500 2 500

Wheelbase 3 875 3 900 3 900 3 900 3 900 3 775 3 900 3 900 5 200 3 900 5 200 5 200 5 200

Bumper to Back of Cab 2 280 2 280 2 280 2 280 2 280 2 280 2 280 1 880 1 880 2 280 1 880 1 880 1 880

Cab to Rear Axle/Unit 2 890 2 915 2 915 2 915 2 915 2 790 2 915 2 915 4 795 2 915 4 795 4 795 4 795

Turning Radius (curb to curb) (m)

7,2 7,2 7,2 7,2 7,2 7,7 7,2 7,05 9,15 7,2 9,15 10,2 10,2


Manufacturer’s Gross Vehicle Mass 26 000 27 000 27 000 27 000 27 000 28 000 33 000 33 000 33 000 33 000 33 000 29 000 29 000

Manufacturer’s Gross Combination Mass

65 000 65 000 65 000 65 000 65 000 45 000 65 000 65 000 65 000 90 000 90 000 60 000 60 000

Manufacturer’s Front Axle Mass 7 500 8 000 8 000 8 000 8 000 8 000 9 000 9 000 9 000 9 000 9 000 9 000 9 000

Manufacturer’s Rear Axle Mass 23 000 20 000 20 000 20 000 20 000 23 000 26 000 26 000 26 000 26 000 26 000 20 000 20 000

Permissible Maximum Vehicle Mass 25 700 25 700 25 700 25 700 25 700 25 500 25 700 25 700 25 700 25 700 25 700 23 700 23 700

Permissible Maximum Front Axle Mass 7 500 7 700 7 700 7 700 7 700 7 500 7 700 7 700 7 700 7 700 7 700 7 700 7 700

Permissible Maximum Rear Axle Mass 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 16 000 16 000

Unladen Front Axle Mass 4 694 4 795 4 820 4 820 4 840 4 522 4 604 4 589 4 629 4 858 4 540 5 646 5 646

Unladen Rear Axle Mass 3 395 4 008 4 005 4 005 4 005 3 435 4 413 4 278 4 593 4 176 4 340 4 568 4 568

Total Unladen Mass 8 089 8 803 8 825 8 825 8 845 7 957 9 017 8 867 9 222 9 034 8 880 10 214 10 214

Permissible Max Drawing Vehicle Mass 65 000 65 000 65 000 65 000 65 000 45 000 63 600 63 600 63 600 77 760 77 760 60 000 60 000


Make MAN









D2066LF07MAN D2676LF04 MAN D2676LF04 MAN D2066LF07 MAN D2676LF04

Model Configuration 6-cylinder in-line

Turbo Intercooled 6-cylinder in-line Turbo

Intercooled 6-cylinder in-line Turbo

Intercooled 6-cylinder in-line

Turbo Intercooled 6-cylinder in-line

Turbo Intercooled 6-cylinder in-line

Turbo Intercooled 6-cylinder in-line

Turbo Intercooled 6-cylinder in-line

Turbo Intercooled 6-cylinder in-line

Turbo Intercooled 6-cylinder in-line Turbo

Intercooled 6-cylinder in-line Turbo

Intercooled 6-cylinder in-line Turbo

Intercooled 6-cylinder in-line Turbo


Capacity (cm3) 12 419 10 518 12 419 12 419 12 419 10 518 10 518 10 518 10 518 12 419 12 419 10 158 12 419

Max Power – kW @ r/min 353 @ 1 900 294 @ 1 800 324 @ 1 900 353 @ 1 900 353 @ 1 900 265 @ 1 900 265 @ 1 800 265 @ 1 800 265 @ 1 800 324 @ 1 900 324 @ 1 900 215 @ 1 800 324 @ 1 900

Max Torque – Nm @ r/min2 300 @

1 000 - 1 4001 900 @

1 000 - 1 4002 100 @

1 000 - 1 4002 300 @

1 000 - 1 4002 300 @

1 000 - 1 4001 800 @

1 000 - 1 4001 800 @

1 000 - 1 4001 800 @

1 000 - 1 4001 800 @

1 000 - 1 400

2 100 @ 1 000 - 1 400

2 100 @ 1 000 - 1 400

1 800 @ 1 000 - 1 400

2 100 @ 1 000 - 1 400


Make / Model ZF 12 AS 2331 OD

TipmaticZF 12 AS 2330 OD

TipmaticZF 12 AS 2331 OD

TipmaticZF 12 AS 2331 OD

TipmaticZF 12 AS 2331 OD

TipmaticZF 12 AS 2130 DD

TipmaticZF 12 AS 2330 OD

TipmaticZF 12 AS 2330 OD

TipmaticZF 12 AS 2330 OD

TipmaticZF 12 AS 2331 OD

TipmaticZF 12 AS 2331 OD

TipmaticZF 12 AS 2330 OD

TipmaticZF 12 AS 2331 OD


No of Gears 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

High / Low Ratios 12,33:1 / 0,78:1 12,33:1 / 0,78:1 12,33:1 / 0,78:1 12,33:1 / 0,78:1 12,33:1 / 0,78:1 15,86:1 / 1,00:1 12,33:1 / 0,78:1 12,33:1 / 0,78:1 12,33:1 / 0,78:1 12,33:1 / 0,78:1 12,33:1 / 0,78:1 12,33:1 / 0,78:1 12,33:1 / 0,78:1

Synchromesh or Constantmesh Automated CM Automated CM Automated CM Automated CM Automated CM Automated CM Automated CM Automated CM Automated CM Automated CM Automated CM Automated CM Automated CM


4,11:1 4,11:1 4,11:1 4,11:1 4,11:1 3,36:1 4,33:1 4,83:1 4,83:1 4,33:1 4,33:1 4,83:1 4,83:1


ZF Intarder 500 kW + Engine Valve Brake

(240 kW)

Electronically ControlledEngine Valve Brake

(285 kW)

ZF Intarder 500 kW + Engine Valve Brake

(240 kW)

ZF Intarder 500 kW + Engine Valve Brake

(240 kW)

ZF Intarder 500 kW + Engine Valve Brake

(240 kW)

Electronically Controlled

Engine Valve Brake (285 kW)

Electronically Controlled

Engine Valve Brake (285 kW)

Electronically ControlledEngine Valve Brake

(285 kW)

Electronically ControlledEngine Valve Brake

(285 kW)

ZF Intarder 500 kW + Engine Valve

Brake (240 kW)

ZF Intarder 500 kW + Engine Valve

Brake (240 kW)

ZF Intarder 500 kW + Engine Valve

Brake (240 kW)

ZF Intarder 500 kW + Engine Valve

Brake (240 kW)


Size and Ply Rating 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 14 R20 14 R20

Radial or Crossply Steel Radial Steel Radial Steel Radial Steel Radial Steel radial Steel Radial Steel Radial Steel Radial Steel Radial Steel Radial Steel Radial Steel Radial Steel Radial

96 |TMH| 2016




33.480 6x4 BBS

L Cab T/T On/Off Road

33.480 6x4 BB M Cab

F/C On/Off Road

33.480 6x4 ABN BBS L Cab T/T Abnormal


41.440 8x4 BB M Cab

F/C On/Off Road

41.480 8x4 BB M Cab

F/C On/Off Road

26.540 6x4 BLS xLx

Cab T/T


15.220 4x2 BB

C CabF/C

26.280 6x4 BB

C CabF/C

26.280 6x4 BB

C CabTipper

26.280 6x4 BB

C CabMixer

DIMENSIONS (mm)Overall Length 6 859 9 890 6 859 10 068 10 068 6 995 9 209 9 093 6 857 7 257Overall Width (Body) 2 472 2 472 2 472 2 472 2 472 2 490 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500Overall Height 3 225 3 225 3 225 3 161 3 161 3 548 2 751 2 924 2 867 2 867Front Overhang 1 475 1 475 1 475 1 475 1 475 1 475 1 320 1 293 1 293 1 293Rear Overhang 700 2 500 700 1 000 1 000 750 2 600 1 800 900 1 300Wheelbase 3 900 5 200 3 900 5 703 5 703 3 875 5 200 5 300 3 875 3 875Bumper to Back of Cab 2 280 1 880 2 280 1 880 1 880 2 280 1 688 1 715 1 715 1 715Cab to Rear Axle/Unit 2 915 4 795 2 915 6 195 6 195 2 890 4 942 4 805 3 418 3 480Turning Radius (curb to curb) (m)

7,2 9,15 7,2 11,75 11 750 7 200 10,5 10,5 9,25 9,25

MASS DATA (kg)Manufacturer’s Gross Vehicle Mass

33 000 33 000 33 000 42 000 42 000 26 000 16 000 26 000 26 000 26 000

Manufacturer’s Gross Combination Mass

90 000 90 000 130 000 90 000 90 000 65 000 18 500 44 000 44 000 44 000

Manufacturer’s Front Axle Mass

9 000 9 000 9 000 16 000 16 000 7 500 6 700 7 500 7 500 7 500

Manufacturer’s Rear Axle Mass

26 000 26 000 26 000 26 000 26 000 23 000 10 100 23 000 23 000 23 000

Permissible Maximum Vehicle Mass

25 700 25 700 25 700 33 330 33 330 25 700 15 700 25 500 25 500 25 500

Permissible Maximum Front Axle Mass

7 500 7 700 7 700 15 400 15 400 7 500 6 700 7 500 7 500 7 500

Permissible Maximum Rear Axle Mass

18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 9 000 18 000 18 000 18 000

Unladen Front Axle Mass

4 858 4 540 4 858 6 456 6 456 4 940 3 400 3 700 3 560 3 350

Unladen Rear Axle Mass 4 176 4 340 4 176 3 723 3 723 3 825 2 200 4 560 4 560 4 210Total Unladen Mass 9 034 8 880 9 034 10 179 10 179 8 765 5 600 8 260 8 120 7 560Permissible Max Drawing Vehicle Mass

84 720 84 720 84 720 77 760 77 760 65 000 18 500 44 000 44 000 44 000


Make MAN




D2676LF04 MAN







Model Configuration 6-cylinder

in-line Turbo Intercooled

6-cylinder in-line Turbo Intercooled

6-cylinder in-line Turbo Intercooled

6-cylinder in-line Turbo Intercooled

6-cylinder in-line Turbo


6-cylinder in-line Turbo


6-cylinder in-line Turbo


6-cylinder in-line Turbo


6-cylinder in-line Turbo


6-cylinder in-line Turbo

IntercooledCapacity (cm3) 12 419 12 419 12 419 12 419 12 419 12 419 6 871 6 871 6 871 6 871Max Power – kW @ r/min

353 @ 1 900 353 @ 1 900 353 @ 1 900 324 @ 1 900 353 @ 1 900 397 @ 1 900162 @ 2 400

206 @ 2 400

206 @ 2 400

206 @ 2 400

Max Torque – Nm @ r/min

2 300 @ 1 000 - 1 400

2 300 @ 1 000 - 1 400

2 300 @ 1 000 - 1 400

1 800 @ 1 000 - 1 400

2 300 @1 000 - 1 400

2 500 @ 1 050 - 1 350

800 @ 1 300 - 1 500

1 100 @ 1 300 - 1 700

1 100 @ 1 300 - 1 700

1 100 @ 1 300 - 1 700


Make / Model ZF 12 AS 2331 OD Tipmatic

ZF12 AS 2331 OD Tipmatic

ZF 16S 252 OD Manual

ZF 12 AS 2330 OD Tipmatic

ZF 12 AS 2330 OD Tipmatic

ZF 12 AS 2530 OD Tipmatic

ZF 6S-850 ZF 9S-1110 ZF 9S-1110 ZF 9S-1110

No of Gears 12 12 16 12 12 126 fwd,

1 reverse9 fwd,

1 reverse9 fwd,

1 reverse9 fwd,

1 reverse

High / Low Ratios12,33:1 /

0,78:112,33:1 /

0,78:113,80:1 /

0,84:112,33:1 /

0,78:112,33:1 / 0,787:1

12,33:1 / 0,78:1

6,72:1 / 0,79:1

9,48:1 / 0,75:1

9,48:1 / 0,75:1

9,48:1 / 0,75:1

Synchromesh or Constantmesh

Automated CM

Automated CM




CMSynchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh

REAR AxLE RATIO4,33:1 4,33:1 5,33:1 4,33:1 4,33:1 4,11:1 4,63:1 5,26:1 6,73:1 6,73:1


ZF Intarder 500 kW +

Engine Valve Brake

(240 kW)

ZF Intarder 500 kW +

Engine Valve Brake

(240 kW)

ZF Intarder 500 kW +

Engine Valve Brake

(240 kW)

Electronically Controlled

Engine Valve Brake

(285 kW)

Electronically controlled

Engine Valve Brake

(285 kW)

PriTarder 620 kW

+ Electronically

controlled Engine Valve

Brake (285 kW)

Exhaust Brake

Engine Valve Brake

Engine Valve Brake

Engine Valve Brake


Size and Ply Rating 315/80






R22.512 R22.5

315/80 R22.5

315/80 R22.5

315/80 R22.5

Radial or Crossply Steel Radial Steel Radial Steel Radial Steel Radial Steel Radial Steel Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial


2016 |TMH| 97

German engineering is our heritage, with customer-focusedtechnologies at the core. It fuels our desire to provide benefits through premium tyres and services, thereby delivering solutions that achieve the lowest overall driving costs.

We engineer solutions for you.

Technology Driven /

98 |TMH| 2016



1823K/364x2 Tipper


4x4 TIP (SWA)

Axor1828/604x2 F/C


6x2 F/C

Axor2628/456x4 F/C

Axor 2628L/57

6x2 F/C


6x4 Mix/Tipper


4x2 T/T


4x2 T/T


6x2 T/T


6x4 T/T


6x4 T/T

Axor3335/456x4 F/C

Axor3340/456x4 F/C


6x4 Tip

Axor3535K/51 HYP

8x4 Tip / Mix

Axor3535K/51 HUB

8x4 Tip


Overall Length 6 555 6 855 11 005 10 405 9 455 10 890 7 705 5 815 5 815 6 415 6 815 6 815 9 455 9 455 7 405 9 055 8 790

Overall Width 2 500 2 500 2 494 2 494 2 494 2 500 2 485 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 507

Overall Height 2 999 3 173 2 951 2 940 3 006 2 943 2 983 3 109 3 523 3 209 3 279 3 291 3 279 3 279 3 270 3 318 3 338

Front Overhang 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440

Rear Overhang 1 150 1 150 3 300 2 250 1 900 2 400 1 350 770 770 1 050 720 720 1 900 1 900 750 900 900

Wheelbase 3 600 3 900 6 000 5 775 5 175 6 375 3 975 3 600 3 600 3 225 3 975 3 975 5 175 5 175 4 275 4 925 4 925

Bumper to Back of Cab 1 647 2 094 1 827 2 023 2 023 2 234 1 827 2 396 2 396 2 461 2 024 2 393 2 024 2 024 1 845 1 827 1 827

Back of Cab to Centre Rear Axle 3 390 3 243 5 610 5 189 4 979 5 878 3 585 2 660 2 660 2 168 3 391 3 035 4 587 4 587 3 866 4 924 4 924

Turning Radius (m) 7,45 8,1 11,2 10,8 9,9 11,2 8,0 7,45 7,45 7,75 8,05 8,05 10,5 10,5 8,45 10,75 10,75


Manufacturer’s Gross Vehicle Mass 18 000 18 000 18 000 26 000 27 500 26 000 27 500 18 000 18 000 25 000 33 000 33 000 33 000 33 000 33 000 35 000 35 000

Manufacturer’s Gross Combination Mass

28 000 28 000 36 000 36 000 36 000 36 000 36 000 44 000 44 000 50 000 65 000 65 000 65 000 65 000 65 000 40 000 65 000

Manufacturer’s Front Axle Mass 7 500 9 000 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 100 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 15 400 15 000

Manufacturer’s Rear Axle Mass 13 000 9 000 11 500 19 000 20 000 19 000 20 000 11 500 11 500 18 600 26 000 26 000 26 000 26 000 26 000 20 000 20 000

Permissible Maximum Vehicle Mass 16 500 15 700 16 500 23 500 25 500 25 500 25 500 16 500 16 500 23 100 25 500 25 500 25 500 25 500 25 500 33 400 33 000

Permissible Maximum Front Axle Mass 7 500 7 700 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 100 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 15 400 15 000

Permissible Maximum Rear Axle Mass 9 000 8 000 9 000 16 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 9 000 9 000 16 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000

Unladen Front Axle Mass 3 856 4 536 3 879 3 951 3 943 3 990 3 665 4 694 4 820 4 317 4 670 4 840 4 485 4 550 4 789 6 682 6 780

Unladen Rear Axle Mass 1 945 2 306 2 232 2 203 4 178 2 757 3 635 1 997 2 026 3 390 3 960 4 004 4 530 4 560 4 342 3 000 3 760

Total Unladen Mass 5 801 6 842 6 111 7 278 8 121 6 747 7 300 6 691 6 846 7 707 8 630 8 844 9 015 9 110 9 130 9 681 10 155

Permissible Max Drawing Vehicle Mass 28 000 28 000 36 000 36 000 36 000 36 000 36 000 44 000 44 000 45 000 62 400 65 000 65 000 65 000 62 400 40 000 62 400


Make / ModelM-Benz

OM 906 LAM-Benz

OM 906 LAM-Benz

OM 906 LAM-Benz

OM 906 LAM-Benz

OM 906 LAM-Benz

OM 906 LAM-Benz

OM 906 LAM-Benz

OM 457 LAM-Benz

OM 457 LAM-Benz

OM 457 LAM-Benz

OM 457 LAM-Benz

OM 457 LAM-Benz

OM 457 LAM-Benz

OM 457 LAM-Benz

OM 457 LAM-Benz

OM 457 LAM-Benz

OM 457 LA






6-in-line Diesel












Capacity (cm3) 6 374 6 374 6 374 6 374 6 374 6 374 6 374 11 967 11 967 11 967 11 967 11 967 11 967 11 967 11 967 11 967 11 967

Max Power – kW (hp) @ r/min170 (231) @ 2 200

170 (231) @ 2 200

205 (279) @ 2 200

205 (279) @ 2 200

205 (279) @ 2 200

205 (279) @ 2 200

205 (279) @ 2 200

260 (354) @ 1 900

295 (401) @ 1 900

260 (354) @ 1 900

260 (354) @ 1 900

295 (401) @ 1 900

260 (354) @ 1 900

295 (401) @ 1 900

260 (354) @ 1 900

260 (354) @ 1 900

260 (354) @ 1 900

Max Torque – Nm @ r/min810 @

1 200 - 1 600810 @

1 200 - 1 6001 100 @

1 200 - 1 6001 100 @

1 200 - 1 6001 100 @

1 200 - 1 6001 100 @

1 200 - 1 6001 100 @

1 200 - 1 6001 850

@ 1 1002 000

@ 1 1001 850

@ 1 1001 850

@ 1 1002 000

@ 1 1001 850

@ 1 1002 000

@ 1 1001 850

@ 1 1001 850

@ 1 1001 850

@ 1 100


Make / ModelM-Benz





G131-9/14.57Allison 3000P












No of Forward Gears 6 6 9 9 9 6 9 12 12 12 16 12 16 12 16 9 16

High / Low Ratios 6,7:1 / 0,73:1 6,7:1 / 0,73:1 9,478:1 / 1:1 9,478:1 / 1:1 9,478:1 / 1:1 3,59:1 / 0,69:1 9,478:1 / 1:1 14,94:1 / 1:1 14,94:1 / 1:1 14,94:1 / 1:1 11,72:1 / 0,69:1 11,64:1/0,78:1 11,72:1 / 0,69:1 11,64:1/0,78:1 11,72:1 / 0,69:1 10,19:1 / 1:1 14,19:1 / 1:1

Synchromesh or Constantmesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Automatic Synchromesh Constantmesh Constantmesh Constantmesh Synchromesh Constantmesh Synchromesh Constantmesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh


6,000:1 6,000:1 4,300:1 4,333:1 4,333:1 5,222:1 4,833:1 3,077:1 3,077:1 3,077:1 4,571:1 4,571:1 4,833:1 4,833:1 5,333:1 3,583:1 4,333:1


Engine Brake Engine Brake Engine Brake Engine Brake Engine Brake Engine Brake Engine Brake Engine BrakeEngine Brake +

RetarderEngine Brake Engine Brake

Engine Brake + Retarder

Engine Brake Engine Brake +

RetarderEngine Brake Engine Brake Engine Brake


Size and Ply Rating 315/80 R22.5 14 R20 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5

Radial or Crossply Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial

2016 |TMH| 99



1823K/364x2 Tipper


4x4 TIP (SWA)

Axor1828/604x2 F/C


6x2 F/C

Axor2628/456x4 F/C

Axor 2628L/57

6x2 F/C


6x4 Mix/Tipper


4x2 T/T


4x2 T/T


6x2 T/T


6x4 T/T


6x4 T/T

Axor3335/456x4 F/C

Axor3340/456x4 F/C


6x4 Tip

Axor3535K/51 HYP

8x4 Tip / Mix

Axor3535K/51 HUB

8x4 Tip


Overall Length 6 555 6 855 11 005 10 405 9 455 10 890 7 705 5 815 5 815 6 415 6 815 6 815 9 455 9 455 7 405 9 055 8 790

Overall Width 2 500 2 500 2 494 2 494 2 494 2 500 2 485 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 507

Overall Height 2 999 3 173 2 951 2 940 3 006 2 943 2 983 3 109 3 523 3 209 3 279 3 291 3 279 3 279 3 270 3 318 3 338

Front Overhang 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440

Rear Overhang 1 150 1 150 3 300 2 250 1 900 2 400 1 350 770 770 1 050 720 720 1 900 1 900 750 900 900

Wheelbase 3 600 3 900 6 000 5 775 5 175 6 375 3 975 3 600 3 600 3 225 3 975 3 975 5 175 5 175 4 275 4 925 4 925

Bumper to Back of Cab 1 647 2 094 1 827 2 023 2 023 2 234 1 827 2 396 2 396 2 461 2 024 2 393 2 024 2 024 1 845 1 827 1 827

Back of Cab to Centre Rear Axle 3 390 3 243 5 610 5 189 4 979 5 878 3 585 2 660 2 660 2 168 3 391 3 035 4 587 4 587 3 866 4 924 4 924

Turning Radius (m) 7,45 8,1 11,2 10,8 9,9 11,2 8,0 7,45 7,45 7,75 8,05 8,05 10,5 10,5 8,45 10,75 10,75


Manufacturer’s Gross Vehicle Mass 18 000 18 000 18 000 26 000 27 500 26 000 27 500 18 000 18 000 25 000 33 000 33 000 33 000 33 000 33 000 35 000 35 000

Manufacturer’s Gross Combination Mass

28 000 28 000 36 000 36 000 36 000 36 000 36 000 44 000 44 000 50 000 65 000 65 000 65 000 65 000 65 000 40 000 65 000

Manufacturer’s Front Axle Mass 7 500 9 000 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 100 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 15 400 15 000

Manufacturer’s Rear Axle Mass 13 000 9 000 11 500 19 000 20 000 19 000 20 000 11 500 11 500 18 600 26 000 26 000 26 000 26 000 26 000 20 000 20 000

Permissible Maximum Vehicle Mass 16 500 15 700 16 500 23 500 25 500 25 500 25 500 16 500 16 500 23 100 25 500 25 500 25 500 25 500 25 500 33 400 33 000

Permissible Maximum Front Axle Mass 7 500 7 700 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 100 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 15 400 15 000

Permissible Maximum Rear Axle Mass 9 000 8 000 9 000 16 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 9 000 9 000 16 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000

Unladen Front Axle Mass 3 856 4 536 3 879 3 951 3 943 3 990 3 665 4 694 4 820 4 317 4 670 4 840 4 485 4 550 4 789 6 682 6 780

Unladen Rear Axle Mass 1 945 2 306 2 232 2 203 4 178 2 757 3 635 1 997 2 026 3 390 3 960 4 004 4 530 4 560 4 342 3 000 3 760

Total Unladen Mass 5 801 6 842 6 111 7 278 8 121 6 747 7 300 6 691 6 846 7 707 8 630 8 844 9 015 9 110 9 130 9 681 10 155

Permissible Max Drawing Vehicle Mass 28 000 28 000 36 000 36 000 36 000 36 000 36 000 44 000 44 000 45 000 62 400 65 000 65 000 65 000 62 400 40 000 62 400


Make / ModelM-Benz

OM 906 LAM-Benz

OM 906 LAM-Benz

OM 906 LAM-Benz

OM 906 LAM-Benz

OM 906 LAM-Benz

OM 906 LAM-Benz

OM 906 LAM-Benz

OM 457 LAM-Benz

OM 457 LAM-Benz

OM 457 LAM-Benz

OM 457 LAM-Benz

OM 457 LAM-Benz

OM 457 LAM-Benz

OM 457 LAM-Benz

OM 457 LAM-Benz

OM 457 LAM-Benz

OM 457 LA






6-in-line Diesel












Capacity (cm3) 6 374 6 374 6 374 6 374 6 374 6 374 6 374 11 967 11 967 11 967 11 967 11 967 11 967 11 967 11 967 11 967 11 967

Max Power – kW (hp) @ r/min170 (231) @ 2 200

170 (231) @ 2 200

205 (279) @ 2 200

205 (279) @ 2 200

205 (279) @ 2 200

205 (279) @ 2 200

205 (279) @ 2 200

260 (354) @ 1 900

295 (401) @ 1 900

260 (354) @ 1 900

260 (354) @ 1 900

295 (401) @ 1 900

260 (354) @ 1 900

295 (401) @ 1 900

260 (354) @ 1 900

260 (354) @ 1 900

260 (354) @ 1 900

Max Torque – Nm @ r/min810 @

1 200 - 1 600810 @

1 200 - 1 6001 100 @

1 200 - 1 6001 100 @

1 200 - 1 6001 100 @

1 200 - 1 6001 100 @

1 200 - 1 6001 100 @

1 200 - 1 6001 850

@ 1 1002 000

@ 1 1001 850

@ 1 1001 850

@ 1 1002 000

@ 1 1001 850

@ 1 1002 000

@ 1 1001 850

@ 1 1001 850

@ 1 1001 850

@ 1 100


Make / ModelM-Benz





G131-9/14.57Allison 3000P












No of Forward Gears 6 6 9 9 9 6 9 12 12 12 16 12 16 12 16 9 16

High / Low Ratios 6,7:1 / 0,73:1 6,7:1 / 0,73:1 9,478:1 / 1:1 9,478:1 / 1:1 9,478:1 / 1:1 3,59:1 / 0,69:1 9,478:1 / 1:1 14,94:1 / 1:1 14,94:1 / 1:1 14,94:1 / 1:1 11,72:1 / 0,69:1 11,64:1/0,78:1 11,72:1 / 0,69:1 11,64:1/0,78:1 11,72:1 / 0,69:1 10,19:1 / 1:1 14,19:1 / 1:1

Synchromesh or Constantmesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Automatic Synchromesh Constantmesh Constantmesh Constantmesh Synchromesh Constantmesh Synchromesh Constantmesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh


6,000:1 6,000:1 4,300:1 4,333:1 4,333:1 5,222:1 4,833:1 3,077:1 3,077:1 3,077:1 4,571:1 4,571:1 4,833:1 4,833:1 5,333:1 3,583:1 4,333:1


Engine Brake Engine Brake Engine Brake Engine Brake Engine Brake Engine Brake Engine Brake Engine BrakeEngine Brake +

RetarderEngine Brake Engine Brake

Engine Brake + Retarder

Engine Brake Engine Brake +

RetarderEngine Brake Engine Brake Engine Brake


Size and Ply Rating 315/80 R22.5 14 R20 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5

Radial or Crossply Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial

100 |TMH| 2016



1844LS/36DD 4x2 T/T

Actros 2641LS/33 DD

6x4 T/T

Actros 2646LS/33 DD

6x4 T/T

Actros 2654LS/33DD 6x4 T/T

Actros 2658LS/33


Actros 2036S/36

4x2 T/T

Actros 3344S/33

6x4 T/T

Actros 3350S/33

6x4 T/T

Actros 3550S/33

6x4 T/T (AV)

Actros 2654L/456x4 F/C HYP

Actros3332/456x4 F/C

Actros 3344/456x4 F/C

Actros 3350/456x4 F/C

Actros 4144K/51

8x4 Tipper / Mixer

Actros 3344A/45

6x6 F/C (SWA)


Overall Length 5 815 6 865 6 865 6 865 6 865 6 015 6 825 6 825 6 825 9 190 9 455 9 190 9 190 9 055 9 455

Overall Width 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 490 2 490 2 490 2 495 2 489 2 500 2 489 2 489 2 506 2 522

Overall Height 3 448 3 483 3 483 3 483 3 753 3 245 3 302 3 302 3 587 3 215 3 302 3 302 3 302 3 319 3 364

Front Overhang 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 510

Rear Overhang 770 770 770 770 770 970 720 770 720 1 900 1 900 1 900 1 900 900 1 850

Wheelbase 3 600 3 975 3 975 3 975 3 975 3 600 3 975 3 975 3 975 5 175 5 175 5 175 5 175 4 925 5 105

Bumper to Back of Cab 2 310 2 310 2 310 2 310 2 310 2 095 2 310 2 310 2 310 2 095 2 095 2 095 2 095 2 389 2 314

Back of Cab to Centre Rear Axle

2 730 3 105 3 105 3 105 3 105 2 945 3 105 3 105 3 035 4 520 4 520 4 520 4 520 4 824 4 301

Turning Radius (m) 7,6 8,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 7,45 8,0 8,0 8,0 9,9 9,9 9,9 9,9 10,75 11,75


Manufacturer’s Gross Vehicle Mass

18 000 27 500 27 500 27 500 27 500 20 000 33 000 33 000 35 000 27 500 33 000 33 000 33 000 41 000 27 000

Manufacturer’s Gross Combination Mass

44 000 65 000 65 000 65 000 65 000 44 000 75 000 75 000 120 000 65 000 65 000 65 000 65 000 65 000 65 000

Manufacturer’s Front Axle Mass

7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 8 000 7 500 7 500 7 500 9 000 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 15 000 9 000

Manufacturer’s Rear Axle Mass

11 500 20 000 20 000 20 000 20 000 13 000 26 000 26 000 26 000 20 000 26 000 26 000 26 000 26 000 18 000

Permissible Maximum Vehicle Mass

16 500 25 500 25 500 25 500 25 700 16 500 25 500 25 500 25 700 25 500 25 500 25 500 25 500 33 000 23 700

Permissible Maximum Front Axle Mass

7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 700 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 700 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 15 000 7 700

Permissible Maximum Rear Axle Mass

9 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 9 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 16 000

Unladen Front Axle Mass 4 885 4 793 4 885 5 111 5 559 4 770 4 980 5 187 5 350 4 865 4 553 4 685 4 926 6 730 5 510

Unladen Rear Axle Mass 1 745 3 346 3 358 3 374 3 380 2 070 3 795 3 808 3 860 3 645 4 549 4 240 4 183 3 470 4 380

Total Unladen Mass 6 630 8 140 8 243 8 485 8 939 6 840 8 775 8 995 9 210 8 510 9 102 8 925 9 064 10 200 9 890

Permissible Max Drawing Vehicle Mass

44 000 65 000 65 000 65 000 65 000 44 000 75 000 75 000 88 800 65 000 56 400 65 000 65 000 65 000 65 000


Make / ModelM-Benz

OM 501 LAM-Benz OM 501 LA

M-Benz OM 501 LA

M-Benz OM 502 LA

M-Benz OM 502 LAM-Benz

OM 501 LAM-Benz

OM 501 LAM-Benz

OM 502 LAM-Benz

OM 502 LAM-Benz

OM 502 LAM-Benz

OM 501 LAM-Benz

OM 501 LAM-Benz

OM 502 LAM-Benz

OM 501 LAM-Benz

OM 501 LA


DieselV6 Diesel



V8 DieselV6











Capacity (cm3) 11 946 11 946 11 946 15 928 15 928 11 946 11 946 15 928 15 928 15 928 11 946 11 946 15 928 11 946 11 946

Max Power – kW (hp) @ r/min

320 (435) @ 1 800

300 (408) @ 1 800335 (450) @ 1 800

395 (537) @ 1 800

425 (580) @ 1 800265 (360) @ 1 800

320 (435) @ 1 800

370 (503) @ 1 800

370 (503) @ 1 800

395 (537) @ 1 800

235 (320) @ 1 800

320 (435) @ 1 800

370 (503) @ 1 800

320 (435) @ 1 800

320 (435) @ 1 800

Max Torque – Nm @ r/min 2 200 @ 1 080 2 000 @ 1 080 2 200 @ 1 080 2 400 @ 1 080 2 700 @ 1 800 1 850 @ 1 080 2 100 @ 1 080 2 400 @ 1 080 2 400 @ 1 080 2 500 @ 1 080 1 650 @ 1 080 2 100 @ 1 080 2 400 @ 1 080 2 100 @ 1 080 2 100 @ 1 080


Make / ModelMercedes Powershift

G211-12/14,93Mercedes Powershift

G281–12/14.93Mercedes Powershift

G281-12/14,93Mercedes Powershift

G281-12/14,93Mercedes Powershift

G330-12/11,64Mercedes Powershift

G330-12/11,64Mercedes Powershift

G330-12/11,64Mercedes Powershift

G330-12/11,64Mercedes Powershift

G280-16/11,72Mercedes Powershift

G330-12/11,64Mercedes Powershift

G330-12/11,64Mercedes Powershift

G330-12/11,64Mercedes Powershift

G330-12/11,64M-Benz Telligentshift

G240-16/11,72M-Benz Telligentshift


No of Forward Gears 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 16 12 12 12 12 16 16

High / Low Ratios 14,93:1 / 1:1 14,93:1 / 1:1 14,93:1 / 1:1 14,93:1 / 1:1 11,64:1 / 0,78:1 11,64:1 / 0,78:1 11,64:1 / 0,78:1 11,64:1 / 0,78:1 11,72:1 / 0,69:1 11,64:1 / 0,78:1 11,64:1 / 0,78:1 11,64:1 / 0,78:1 11,64:1 / 0,78:1 11,72:1 / 0,69:1 11,72:1 / 0,69:1

Synchromesh or Constantmesh

Contstantmesh Contstantmesh Contstantmesh Contstantmesh Contstantmesh Contstantmesh Contstantmesh Contstantmesh Contstantmesh Contstantmesh Contstantmesh Contstantmesh Contstantmesh Synchromesh Synchromesh


2,846:1 3,077:1 3,077:1 3,077:1 3,583:1 4,143:1 4,143:1 4,143:1 4,833:1 3,583:1 4,333:1 4,333:1 4,333:1 5,333:1 4,333:1


Engine Brake + Retarder

Engine brake + Retarder

Engine Brake + Retarder

Engine Brake + Retarder

Engine brake + Retarder

Engine Brake Engine Brake + RetarderEngine Brake +

RetarderEngine Brake +

RetarderEngine Brake +

RetarderEngine Brake +

RetarderEngine Brake +

RetarderEngine Brake +

RetarderEngine Brake +

RetarderEngine Brake +



Size and Ply Rating 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 385/65 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 14 R20

Radial or Crossply Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial

2016 |TMH| 101



1844LS/36DD 4x2 T/T

Actros 2641LS/33 DD

6x4 T/T

Actros 2646LS/33 DD

6x4 T/T

Actros 2654LS/33DD 6x4 T/T

Actros 2658LS/33


Actros 2036S/36

4x2 T/T

Actros 3344S/33

6x4 T/T

Actros 3350S/33

6x4 T/T

Actros 3550S/33

6x4 T/T (AV)

Actros 2654L/456x4 F/C HYP

Actros3332/456x4 F/C

Actros 3344/456x4 F/C

Actros 3350/456x4 F/C

Actros 4144K/51

8x4 Tipper / Mixer

Actros 3344A/45

6x6 F/C (SWA)


Overall Length 5 815 6 865 6 865 6 865 6 865 6 015 6 825 6 825 6 825 9 190 9 455 9 190 9 190 9 055 9 455

Overall Width 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 490 2 490 2 490 2 495 2 489 2 500 2 489 2 489 2 506 2 522

Overall Height 3 448 3 483 3 483 3 483 3 753 3 245 3 302 3 302 3 587 3 215 3 302 3 302 3 302 3 319 3 364

Front Overhang 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 510

Rear Overhang 770 770 770 770 770 970 720 770 720 1 900 1 900 1 900 1 900 900 1 850

Wheelbase 3 600 3 975 3 975 3 975 3 975 3 600 3 975 3 975 3 975 5 175 5 175 5 175 5 175 4 925 5 105

Bumper to Back of Cab 2 310 2 310 2 310 2 310 2 310 2 095 2 310 2 310 2 310 2 095 2 095 2 095 2 095 2 389 2 314

Back of Cab to Centre Rear Axle

2 730 3 105 3 105 3 105 3 105 2 945 3 105 3 105 3 035 4 520 4 520 4 520 4 520 4 824 4 301

Turning Radius (m) 7,6 8,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 7,45 8,0 8,0 8,0 9,9 9,9 9,9 9,9 10,75 11,75


Manufacturer’s Gross Vehicle Mass

18 000 27 500 27 500 27 500 27 500 20 000 33 000 33 000 35 000 27 500 33 000 33 000 33 000 41 000 27 000

Manufacturer’s Gross Combination Mass

44 000 65 000 65 000 65 000 65 000 44 000 75 000 75 000 120 000 65 000 65 000 65 000 65 000 65 000 65 000

Manufacturer’s Front Axle Mass

7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 8 000 7 500 7 500 7 500 9 000 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 15 000 9 000

Manufacturer’s Rear Axle Mass

11 500 20 000 20 000 20 000 20 000 13 000 26 000 26 000 26 000 20 000 26 000 26 000 26 000 26 000 18 000

Permissible Maximum Vehicle Mass

16 500 25 500 25 500 25 500 25 700 16 500 25 500 25 500 25 700 25 500 25 500 25 500 25 500 33 000 23 700

Permissible Maximum Front Axle Mass

7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 700 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 700 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 15 000 7 700

Permissible Maximum Rear Axle Mass

9 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 9 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 16 000

Unladen Front Axle Mass 4 885 4 793 4 885 5 111 5 559 4 770 4 980 5 187 5 350 4 865 4 553 4 685 4 926 6 730 5 510

Unladen Rear Axle Mass 1 745 3 346 3 358 3 374 3 380 2 070 3 795 3 808 3 860 3 645 4 549 4 240 4 183 3 470 4 380

Total Unladen Mass 6 630 8 140 8 243 8 485 8 939 6 840 8 775 8 995 9 210 8 510 9 102 8 925 9 064 10 200 9 890

Permissible Max Drawing Vehicle Mass

44 000 65 000 65 000 65 000 65 000 44 000 75 000 75 000 88 800 65 000 56 400 65 000 65 000 65 000 65 000


Make / ModelM-Benz

OM 501 LAM-Benz OM 501 LA

M-Benz OM 501 LA

M-Benz OM 502 LA

M-Benz OM 502 LAM-Benz

OM 501 LAM-Benz

OM 501 LAM-Benz

OM 502 LAM-Benz

OM 502 LAM-Benz

OM 502 LAM-Benz

OM 501 LAM-Benz

OM 501 LAM-Benz

OM 502 LAM-Benz

OM 501 LAM-Benz

OM 501 LA


DieselV6 Diesel



V8 DieselV6











Capacity (cm3) 11 946 11 946 11 946 15 928 15 928 11 946 11 946 15 928 15 928 15 928 11 946 11 946 15 928 11 946 11 946

Max Power – kW (hp) @ r/min

320 (435) @ 1 800

300 (408) @ 1 800335 (450) @ 1 800

395 (537) @ 1 800

425 (580) @ 1 800265 (360) @ 1 800

320 (435) @ 1 800

370 (503) @ 1 800

370 (503) @ 1 800

395 (537) @ 1 800

235 (320) @ 1 800

320 (435) @ 1 800

370 (503) @ 1 800

320 (435) @ 1 800

320 (435) @ 1 800

Max Torque – Nm @ r/min 2 200 @ 1 080 2 000 @ 1 080 2 200 @ 1 080 2 400 @ 1 080 2 700 @ 1 800 1 850 @ 1 080 2 100 @ 1 080 2 400 @ 1 080 2 400 @ 1 080 2 500 @ 1 080 1 650 @ 1 080 2 100 @ 1 080 2 400 @ 1 080 2 100 @ 1 080 2 100 @ 1 080


Make / ModelMercedes Powershift

G211-12/14,93Mercedes Powershift

G281–12/14.93Mercedes Powershift

G281-12/14,93Mercedes Powershift

G281-12/14,93Mercedes Powershift

G330-12/11,64Mercedes Powershift

G330-12/11,64Mercedes Powershift

G330-12/11,64Mercedes Powershift

G330-12/11,64Mercedes Powershift

G280-16/11,72Mercedes Powershift

G330-12/11,64Mercedes Powershift

G330-12/11,64Mercedes Powershift

G330-12/11,64Mercedes Powershift

G330-12/11,64M-Benz Telligentshift

G240-16/11,72M-Benz Telligentshift


No of Forward Gears 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 16 12 12 12 12 16 16

High / Low Ratios 14,93:1 / 1:1 14,93:1 / 1:1 14,93:1 / 1:1 14,93:1 / 1:1 11,64:1 / 0,78:1 11,64:1 / 0,78:1 11,64:1 / 0,78:1 11,64:1 / 0,78:1 11,72:1 / 0,69:1 11,64:1 / 0,78:1 11,64:1 / 0,78:1 11,64:1 / 0,78:1 11,64:1 / 0,78:1 11,72:1 / 0,69:1 11,72:1 / 0,69:1

Synchromesh or Constantmesh

Contstantmesh Contstantmesh Contstantmesh Contstantmesh Contstantmesh Contstantmesh Contstantmesh Contstantmesh Contstantmesh Contstantmesh Contstantmesh Contstantmesh Contstantmesh Synchromesh Synchromesh


2,846:1 3,077:1 3,077:1 3,077:1 3,583:1 4,143:1 4,143:1 4,143:1 4,833:1 3,583:1 4,333:1 4,333:1 4,333:1 5,333:1 4,333:1


Engine Brake + Retarder

Engine brake + Retarder

Engine Brake + Retarder

Engine Brake + Retarder

Engine brake + Retarder

Engine Brake Engine Brake + RetarderEngine Brake +

RetarderEngine Brake +

RetarderEngine Brake +

RetarderEngine Brake +

RetarderEngine Brake +

RetarderEngine Brake +

RetarderEngine Brake +

RetarderEngine Brake +



Size and Ply Rating 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 385/65 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 14 R20

Radial or Crossply Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial

102 |TMH| 2016



918/424x2 F/C

Atego1118/484x2 F/C

Atego1318/484x2 F/C

Atego1323/484x2 F/C

Atego1518/544x2 F/C

Atego1523/544x2 F/C

Atego1528/544x2 F/C


4x2 TT

Atego1118AF/394x4 (SWA)

Atego1428AF/394x4 (DWA)

Atego1518K/334x2 Tipper

U4000 Single CabU4000


U4000 Crew CabU4000


U5000 Single CabU5000


U5000 Crew CabU5000



Overall Length 7 665 8 665 8 665 8 665 9 665 9 665 9 665 6 315 7 495 7 385 6 015 6 010 6 010 6 010 6 010

Overall Width 2 323 2 363 2 363 2 363 2 363 2 363 2 363 2 363 2 416 2 441 2 363 2 300 2 300 2 368 2 368

Overall Height 2 557 2 663 2 667 2 667 2 763 2 763 2 763 2 763 2 875 2 831 2 672 2 775 2 775 3 071 3 071

Front Overhang 1 380 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 050 1 050 1 050 1 050

Rear Overhang 1 885 2 285 2 285 2 285 2 685 2 685 2 685 1 135 2 085 2 085 1 135 1 110 1 110 1 110 1 110

Wheelbase 4 220 4 760 4 760 4 760 5 360 5 360 5 360 3 560 3 860 3 860 3 260 3 850 3 850 3 850 3 850

Bumper to Back of Cab 1 643 1 643 1 643 1 643 1 643 1 643 1 643 2 243 1 643 2 243 1 643 3 530 3 530 3 530 3 530

Back of Cab to Centre Rear Axle 3 950 4 550 4 550 4 550 5 150 5 150 5 150 2 750 3 650 3 050 3 050 2 480 2 480 2 480 2 480

Turning Radius (m) 8,0 8,7 8,7 8,7 9,7 9,7 9,7 7,0 8,7 8,7 6,6 14,5 14,5 16,3 16,3


Manufacturer’s Gross Vehicle Mass 9 500 11 900 13 500 13 500 15 000 15 000 15 000 15 000 11 000 14 500 15 000 7 500 7 500 12 500 12 500

Manufacturer’s Gross Combination Mass

13 000 21 000 21 000 28 000 21 000 28 000 32 000 34 000 11 000 14 500 21 000 25 500 25 500 32 000 32 000

Manufacturer’s Front Axle Mass 3 800 4 400 5 100 5 100 6 100 6 100 6 100 6 100 5 000 5 600 6 100 4 000 4 000 5 500 5 500

Manufacturer’s Rear Axle Mass 6 200 8 100 9 300 9 300 10 500 10 500 10 500 10 500 6 200 10 400 10 500 4 400 4 400 7 100 7 100

Permissible Maximum Vehicle Mass 9 500 11 990 13 500 13 500 15 000 15 000 15 000 15 000 11 000 14 500 15 000 7 500 7 500 12 500 12 500

Permissible Maximum Front Axle Mass

3 800 4 400 5 100 5 100 6 100 6 100 6 100 6 100 5 000 5 600 6 100 4 000 4 000 5 500 5 500

Permissible Maximum Rear Axle Mass 6 200 8 100 9 000 9 000 9 000 9 000 9 000 9 000 6 200 9 000 9 000 4 400 4 400 7 100 7 100

Unladen Front Axle Mass 2 530 2 807 2 775 2 963 2 977 3 165 3 283 3 531 3 214 3 738 2 955 3 310 3 310 3 550 3 550

Unladen Rear Axle Mass 1 121 1 492 1 716 1 703 1 818 1 807 1 952 1 653 1 517 1 849 1 499 1 650 1 650 1 800 1 800

Total Unladen Mass 3 652 4 299 4 491 4 667 4 796 4 972 5 236 5 185 4 731 5 587 4 494 4 960 4 960 5 350 5 350

Permissible Max Drawing Vehicle Mass

13 000 21 000 21 000 28 000 21 000 28 000 32 000 34 000 11 000 14 500 21 000 25 500 25 500 32 000 32 000


Make / ModelM-Benz

OM 904 LAM-Benz

OM 904 LAM-Benz

OM 904 LAM-Benz

OM 906 LAM-Benz

OM 904 LAM-Benz

OM 906 LAM-Benz

OM 906 LAM-Benz OM 906 LA

M-Benz OM 904 LA

M-Benz OM 906 LA

M-Benz OM 904 LA

M-Benz OM 924 LA

M-Benz OM 924 LA

M-Benz OM 924 LA

M-Benz OM 924 LA







6-in-line Diesel

6-in-line Diesel4-in-lineDiesel







Capacity (cm3) 4 250 4 250 4 250 6 374 4 250 6 374 6 374 6 374 4 250 6 370 4 250 4 801 4 801 4 801 4 801

Max Power - kW (hp) @ r/min130 (177) @ 2 200

130 (177) @ 2 200

130 (177) @ 2 200

170 (231) @ 2 200

130 (177) @ 2 200

170 (231) @ 2 200

205 (279) @ 2 200

205 (279) @ 2 200130 (177) @ 2 200

205 (279) @ 2 200

130 (177) @ 2 200

160 (218) @ 2 200

160 (218) @ 2 200

160 (218) @ 2 200

160 (218) @ 2 200

Max Torque - Nm @ r/min675 @

1 200 - 1 600 675 @

1 200 - 1 600 675 @

1 200 - 1 600 810 @

1 200 - 1 600675 @

1 200 - 1 600 810 @

1 200 - 1 6001 100 @

1 200 - 1 6001 100 @

1 200 - 1 600675 @

1 200 - 1 600 1 100 @

1 200 - 1 600675 @

1 200 - 1 600 810 @

1 200 - 1 600810 @

1 200 - 1 600810 @

1 200 - 1 600810 @

1 200 - 1 600


Make / ModelM-Benz









G60-6/9.2Allison 3000P

M-Benz G60-6/9.2

M-Benz UG 100 M-Benz UG 100 M-Benz UG 100 M-Benz UG 100

No of Forward Gears 6 6 6 6 6 6 9 9 6 5 68 forward / 6 reverse

8 forward / 6 reverse

8 forward / 6 reverse

8 forward / 6 reverse

High / Low Ratios 6,291:1 / 0,786:1 9,201:1 / 1:1 9,201:1 / 1:1 6,70:1 / 0,73:1 9,201:1 / 1:1 6,70:1 / 0,73:1 9,478:1 / 1:1 9,478:1 / 1:1 9,201:1 / 1:1 3,49:1 / 0,75:1 9,201:1 / 1:1 9,57:1 / 0,73:1 9,57:1 / 0,73:1 9,57:1 / 0,73:1 9,57:1 / 0,73:1

Synchromesh or Constantmesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Automatic Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh


3,909:1 3,308:1 3,909:1 4,778:1 4,300:1 4,778:1 3,583:1 3,308:1 4,300:1 5,222:1 5,222:1 6,94:1 6,94:1 6,94:1 6,94:1


Engine Brake Engine Brake Engine Brake Engine Brake Engine Brake Engine Brake Engine Brake Engine Brake Engine Brake Engine Brake Engine Brake Engine Brake Engine Brake Engine Brake Engine Brake


Size and Ply Rating 235/75 R17.5 265/70 R19.5 11 R22.5 11 R22.5 11 R22.5 11 R22.5 11 R22.5 275/70 R22.5 12 R20 11 R22.5 11 R22.5 365/80 R20 365/80 R20 365/85 R20 365/85 R20

Radial or Crossply Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial

2016 |TMH| 103



918/424x2 F/C

Atego1118/484x2 F/C

Atego1318/484x2 F/C

Atego1323/484x2 F/C

Atego1518/544x2 F/C

Atego1523/544x2 F/C

Atego1528/544x2 F/C


4x2 TT

Atego1118AF/394x4 (SWA)

Atego1428AF/394x4 (DWA)

Atego1518K/334x2 Tipper

U4000 Single CabU4000


U4000 Crew CabU4000


U5000 Single CabU5000


U5000 Crew CabU5000



Overall Length 7 665 8 665 8 665 8 665 9 665 9 665 9 665 6 315 7 495 7 385 6 015 6 010 6 010 6 010 6 010

Overall Width 2 323 2 363 2 363 2 363 2 363 2 363 2 363 2 363 2 416 2 441 2 363 2 300 2 300 2 368 2 368

Overall Height 2 557 2 663 2 667 2 667 2 763 2 763 2 763 2 763 2 875 2 831 2 672 2 775 2 775 3 071 3 071

Front Overhang 1 380 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 050 1 050 1 050 1 050

Rear Overhang 1 885 2 285 2 285 2 285 2 685 2 685 2 685 1 135 2 085 2 085 1 135 1 110 1 110 1 110 1 110

Wheelbase 4 220 4 760 4 760 4 760 5 360 5 360 5 360 3 560 3 860 3 860 3 260 3 850 3 850 3 850 3 850

Bumper to Back of Cab 1 643 1 643 1 643 1 643 1 643 1 643 1 643 2 243 1 643 2 243 1 643 3 530 3 530 3 530 3 530

Back of Cab to Centre Rear Axle 3 950 4 550 4 550 4 550 5 150 5 150 5 150 2 750 3 650 3 050 3 050 2 480 2 480 2 480 2 480

Turning Radius (m) 8,0 8,7 8,7 8,7 9,7 9,7 9,7 7,0 8,7 8,7 6,6 14,5 14,5 16,3 16,3


Manufacturer’s Gross Vehicle Mass 9 500 11 900 13 500 13 500 15 000 15 000 15 000 15 000 11 000 14 500 15 000 7 500 7 500 12 500 12 500

Manufacturer’s Gross Combination Mass

13 000 21 000 21 000 28 000 21 000 28 000 32 000 34 000 11 000 14 500 21 000 25 500 25 500 32 000 32 000

Manufacturer’s Front Axle Mass 3 800 4 400 5 100 5 100 6 100 6 100 6 100 6 100 5 000 5 600 6 100 4 000 4 000 5 500 5 500

Manufacturer’s Rear Axle Mass 6 200 8 100 9 300 9 300 10 500 10 500 10 500 10 500 6 200 10 400 10 500 4 400 4 400 7 100 7 100

Permissible Maximum Vehicle Mass 9 500 11 990 13 500 13 500 15 000 15 000 15 000 15 000 11 000 14 500 15 000 7 500 7 500 12 500 12 500

Permissible Maximum Front Axle Mass

3 800 4 400 5 100 5 100 6 100 6 100 6 100 6 100 5 000 5 600 6 100 4 000 4 000 5 500 5 500

Permissible Maximum Rear Axle Mass 6 200 8 100 9 000 9 000 9 000 9 000 9 000 9 000 6 200 9 000 9 000 4 400 4 400 7 100 7 100

Unladen Front Axle Mass 2 530 2 807 2 775 2 963 2 977 3 165 3 283 3 531 3 214 3 738 2 955 3 310 3 310 3 550 3 550

Unladen Rear Axle Mass 1 121 1 492 1 716 1 703 1 818 1 807 1 952 1 653 1 517 1 849 1 499 1 650 1 650 1 800 1 800

Total Unladen Mass 3 652 4 299 4 491 4 667 4 796 4 972 5 236 5 185 4 731 5 587 4 494 4 960 4 960 5 350 5 350

Permissible Max Drawing Vehicle Mass

13 000 21 000 21 000 28 000 21 000 28 000 32 000 34 000 11 000 14 500 21 000 25 500 25 500 32 000 32 000


Make / ModelM-Benz

OM 904 LAM-Benz

OM 904 LAM-Benz

OM 904 LAM-Benz

OM 906 LAM-Benz

OM 904 LAM-Benz

OM 906 LAM-Benz

OM 906 LAM-Benz OM 906 LA

M-Benz OM 904 LA

M-Benz OM 906 LA

M-Benz OM 904 LA

M-Benz OM 924 LA

M-Benz OM 924 LA

M-Benz OM 924 LA

M-Benz OM 924 LA







6-in-line Diesel

6-in-line Diesel4-in-lineDiesel







Capacity (cm3) 4 250 4 250 4 250 6 374 4 250 6 374 6 374 6 374 4 250 6 370 4 250 4 801 4 801 4 801 4 801

Max Power - kW (hp) @ r/min130 (177) @ 2 200

130 (177) @ 2 200

130 (177) @ 2 200

170 (231) @ 2 200

130 (177) @ 2 200

170 (231) @ 2 200

205 (279) @ 2 200

205 (279) @ 2 200130 (177) @ 2 200

205 (279) @ 2 200

130 (177) @ 2 200

160 (218) @ 2 200

160 (218) @ 2 200

160 (218) @ 2 200

160 (218) @ 2 200

Max Torque - Nm @ r/min675 @

1 200 - 1 600 675 @

1 200 - 1 600 675 @

1 200 - 1 600 810 @

1 200 - 1 600675 @

1 200 - 1 600 810 @

1 200 - 1 6001 100 @

1 200 - 1 6001 100 @

1 200 - 1 600675 @

1 200 - 1 600 1 100 @

1 200 - 1 600675 @

1 200 - 1 600 810 @

1 200 - 1 600810 @

1 200 - 1 600810 @

1 200 - 1 600810 @

1 200 - 1 600


Make / ModelM-Benz









G60-6/9.2Allison 3000P

M-Benz G60-6/9.2

M-Benz UG 100 M-Benz UG 100 M-Benz UG 100 M-Benz UG 100

No of Forward Gears 6 6 6 6 6 6 9 9 6 5 68 forward / 6 reverse

8 forward / 6 reverse

8 forward / 6 reverse

8 forward / 6 reverse

High / Low Ratios 6,291:1 / 0,786:1 9,201:1 / 1:1 9,201:1 / 1:1 6,70:1 / 0,73:1 9,201:1 / 1:1 6,70:1 / 0,73:1 9,478:1 / 1:1 9,478:1 / 1:1 9,201:1 / 1:1 3,49:1 / 0,75:1 9,201:1 / 1:1 9,57:1 / 0,73:1 9,57:1 / 0,73:1 9,57:1 / 0,73:1 9,57:1 / 0,73:1

Synchromesh or Constantmesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Automatic Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh


3,909:1 3,308:1 3,909:1 4,778:1 4,300:1 4,778:1 3,583:1 3,308:1 4,300:1 5,222:1 5,222:1 6,94:1 6,94:1 6,94:1 6,94:1


Engine Brake Engine Brake Engine Brake Engine Brake Engine Brake Engine Brake Engine Brake Engine Brake Engine Brake Engine Brake Engine Brake Engine Brake Engine Brake Engine Brake Engine Brake


Size and Ply Rating 235/75 R17.5 265/70 R19.5 11 R22.5 11 R22.5 11 R22.5 11 R22.5 11 R22.5 275/70 R22.5 12 R20 11 R22.5 11 R22.5 365/80 R20 365/80 R20 365/85 R20 365/85 R20

Radial or Crossply Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial


104 |TMH| 2016

2016 |TMH| 105


3034 3042


Axle (4x2, 4x4, 6x4, etc) 6x4 6x4

Drive Rear Rear

Number of Doors 2 2

Number of Seats 2 2

Vehicle Type Chassis Cab Truck Tractor


No of Cylinders 6 6

Configuration In-line In-line

Cubic Capacity (cm3) 11 596 11 596

Max Power - kW @ r/min 247 @ 2 200 309 @ 2 200

Cycle 4 stroke 4 stroke

Cooling system Water Water

Diesel/Petrol Diesel Diesel

Turbo Yes Yes

Fuel Tank (ℓ) 380 700


Manual/Auto Manual Manual

Number of Forward Gears 9 12


Tare (kg) 9 380 8 665

GVM (kg) 30 000 30 000

GCM (kg) 39 500 60 000

Height (mm) 3 280 3 624

Length (mm) 7 676 6 825

Width (mm) 2 500 2 500

Wheelbase (mm) 4 475 3 875


Front No Tyres 2 2

Front Tyre Size 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5

Rear No Tyres 8 8

Rear Tyre Size 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5

106 |TMH| 2016


Vx Range

1627 4x2

Chassis Cab



1729 4x4

Chassis Cab



2628 6x4

Chassis Cab (SWB & LWB)




Overall Length 9 600 8 390 7 680 / 9 390

Overall Width 2 495 2 495 2 495

Overall Height 2 905 3 200 3 085

Front Overhang 1 435 1 435 1 435

Rear Overhang 2 550 2 340 1 350 / 1 940

Wheelbase 5 500 4 500 4 175 / 5 175

Bumper to Back of Cab 1 880 1 880 1 850

Cab to Rear Axle / Unit 5 055 4 060 3 735 / 4 735

Turning Radius 10 000 9 000 8 500


Manufacturer’s Gross Vehicle Mass 16 000 17 000 26 000

Manufacturer’s Gross Combination Mass 28 000 34 000 43 000

Manufacturer’s Front Axle Mass 7 100 7 500 7 500

Manufacturer’s Rear Axle Mass 10 000 13 000 26 000

Permissible Maximum Vehicle Mass 16 000 15 500 25 500

Permissible Maximum Front Axle Mass 7 500 7 500 7 500

Permissible Maximum Rear Axle Mass 9 000 8 000 18 000

Unladen Front Axle Mass 3 840 4 740 4 140

Unladen Rear Axle Mass 2 440 2 400 4 540

Total Unladen Mass 6 280 7 140 8 680

Permissible Max Drawing Vehicle Mass 28 000 34 000 43 000


Make Weichai Euro 3 Weichai Euro 2 Weichai Euro 2

Model Configuration WP7-270 E30 WP10-290 E32 WP10-290 E32

Capacity 6-cylinder / 7,14 ℓ 6-cylinder / 9,726 ℓ 6-cylinder / 9,726 ℓ

Max Power – kW @ r/min 199 @ 2 300 213 @ 2 200 213 @ 2 200

Max Torque – Nm @ r/min 1 100 @ 1 200 – 1 600 1 160 @ 1 200 – 1 600 1 160 @ 1 200 – 1 600


Make / Model 8JS118TB-B+QH50 12JS160T 12JS160T+QH50

No. of Gears 8 12 12

High and Low Ratios 11,40:1/1,00:1 15,53:1/1,00:1 15,53:1/1,00:1

Synchromesh or Constantmesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh


Clutch Plate Diametre (mm) 420 430 430


Ratio 4,11:1 4,769:1 4,769:1


No No No


Size and Ply Rating 12 R22.5 14.00-20 315/80 R22.5

Radial or Crossply Radial Radial Radial

2016 |TMH| 107


Vx Range

1627 4x2

Chassis Cab



1729 4x4

Chassis Cab



2628 6x4

Chassis Cab (SWB & LWB)




Overall Length 9 600 8 390 7 680 / 9 390

Overall Width 2 495 2 495 2 495

Overall Height 2 905 3 200 3 085

Front Overhang 1 435 1 435 1 435

Rear Overhang 2 550 2 340 1 350 / 1 940

Wheelbase 5 500 4 500 4 175 / 5 175

Bumper to Back of Cab 1 880 1 880 1 850

Cab to Rear Axle / Unit 5 055 4 060 3 735 / 4 735

Turning Radius 10 000 9 000 8 500


Manufacturer’s Gross Vehicle Mass 16 000 17 000 26 000

Manufacturer’s Gross Combination Mass 28 000 34 000 43 000

Manufacturer’s Front Axle Mass 7 100 7 500 7 500

Manufacturer’s Rear Axle Mass 10 000 13 000 26 000

Permissible Maximum Vehicle Mass 16 000 15 500 25 500

Permissible Maximum Front Axle Mass 7 500 7 500 7 500

Permissible Maximum Rear Axle Mass 9 000 8 000 18 000

Unladen Front Axle Mass 3 840 4 740 4 140

Unladen Rear Axle Mass 2 440 2 400 4 540

Total Unladen Mass 6 280 7 140 8 680

Permissible Max Drawing Vehicle Mass 28 000 34 000 43 000


Make Weichai Euro 3 Weichai Euro 2 Weichai Euro 2

Model Configuration WP7-270 E30 WP10-290 E32 WP10-290 E32

Capacity 6-cylinder / 7,14 ℓ 6-cylinder / 9,726 ℓ 6-cylinder / 9,726 ℓ

Max Power – kW @ r/min 199 @ 2 300 213 @ 2 200 213 @ 2 200

Max Torque – Nm @ r/min 1 100 @ 1 200 – 1 600 1 160 @ 1 200 – 1 600 1 160 @ 1 200 – 1 600


Make / Model 8JS118TB-B+QH50 12JS160T 12JS160T+QH50

No. of Gears 8 12 12

High and Low Ratios 11,40:1/1,00:1 15,53:1/1,00:1 15,53:1/1,00:1

Synchromesh or Constantmesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh


Clutch Plate Diametre (mm) 420 430 430


Ratio 4,11:1 4,769:1 4,769:1


No No No


Size and Ply Rating 12 R22.5 14.00-20 315/80 R22.5

Radial or Crossply Radial Radial Radial


Vx Range

2628S 6x4

Truck Tractor



3335 6x4

Chassis Cab (SWB & LWB)



4035 8x4

Chassis Cab




Overall Length 6 955 7 680 / 9 390 9 400

Overall Width 2 495 2 495 2 495

Overall Height 3 085 3 085 3 085

Front Overhang 1 435 1 435 1 435

Rear Overhang 620 1 350 / 1 940 1 350

Wheelbase 4 175 4 175 / 4 450 5 025

Bumper to Back of Cab 1 850 1 880 2 215

Cab to Rear Axle / Unit 3 735 3 755 / 4 735 5 040

Turning Radius 8 500 8 500 11 500


Manufacturer’s Gross Vehicle Mass 26 000 33 000 40 000

Manufacturer’s Gross Combination Mass 43 000 43 000 75 000

Manufacturer’s Front Axle Mass 7 500 7 500 15 000

Manufacturer’s Rear Axle Mass 26 000 26 000 26 000

Permissible Maximum Vehicle Mass 25 500 25 500 31 650

Permissible Maximum Front Axle Mass 7 500 7 500 15 000

Permissible Maximum Rear Axle Mass 18 000 18 000 18 000

Unladen Front Axle Mass 4 460 4 140 5 880

Unladen Rear Axle Mass 4 820 4 540 4 260

Total Unladen Mass 9 280 8 680 10 140

Permissible Max Drawing Vehicle Mass 43 000 43 000 60 000


Make Weichai Euro 2 Weichai Euro 2 Weichai Euro 2

Model Configuration WP10-290 E32 WP10-340 E32 WP10-340 E32

Capacity 6-cylinder / 9,726 ℓ 6-cylinder / 9,726 ℓ 6-cylinder / 9,726 ℓ

Max Power – kW @ r/min 213 @ 2 200 250 @ 2 200 250 @ 2 200

Max Torque – Nm @ r/min 1 160 @ 1 200 – 1 600 1 350 @ 1 200 – 1 600 1 350 @ 1 200 – 1 600


Make / Model 12JS160T+QH50 12JS160T+QH50 12JS200T+QH50

No. of Gears 12 12 12

High and Low Ratios 15,53:1/1,00:1 15,53:1/1,00:1 15,53:1/1,00:1

Synchromesh or Constantmesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh


Clutch Plate Diametre (mm) 430 430 430


Ratio 4,769:1 4,769:1 4,769:1


No No No


Size and Ply Rating 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5

Radial or Crossply Radial Radial Radial

108 |TMH| 2016


V3 Range

2635A 6x6

Chassis Cab



2642S 6x4

Truck Tractor



2646 6x4

Truck Tractor




Overall Length 9 390 6 935 6 908

Overall Width 2 495 2 495 2 500

Overall Height 3 275 3 160 3 475

Front Overhang 1 435 1 410 1 515

Rear Overhang 1 940 625 703

Wheelbase 5 175 4 175 3 975

Bumper to Back of Cab 1 880 2 420 2 445

Cab to Rear Axle / Unit 4 735 3 165 3 165

Turning Radius 10 000 8 500 6 750


Manufacturer’s Gross Vehicle Mass 26 000 26 000 26 000

Manufacturer’s Gross Combination Mass 65 000 65 000 65 000

Manufacturer’s Front Axle Mass 7 500 7 500 7 500

Manufacturer’s Rear Axle Mass 26 000 26 000 26 000

Permissible Maximum Vehicle Mass 25 500 25 500 25 500

Permissible Maximum Front Axle Mass 7 500 7 500 7 500

Permissible Maximum Rear Axle Mass 16 000 18 000 18 000

Unladen Front Axle Mass 5 253 4 700 5 420

Unladen Rear Axle Mass 5 123 4 900 4 540

Total Unladen Mass 10 376 9 600 9 960

Permissible Max Drawing Vehicle Mass 60 000 65 000 65 000


Make Weichai Euro 2 Weichai Euro 2 Weichai Euro 3

Model Configuration WP10-340 E32 WP12-420 E32 WP12-460 N

Capacity 6-cylinder / 9,726 ℓ 6-cylinder / 11,596 ℓ 6-cylinder / 11,596 ℓ

Max Power – kW @ r/min 250 @ 2 200 309 @ 2 200 338 @ 1 900

Max Torque – Nm @ r/min 1 350 @ 1 200 – 1 600 1 750 @ 1 300 – 1 400 2 110 @ 1 000 – 1 400


Make / Model 12JS160T+QH50 12JS200TA+QH50 16S 221OD IT

No. of Gears 12 12 16

High and Low Ratios 15,53:1/1,00:1 12,10:1/0,781:1 13,80:1/0,84:1

Synchromesh or Constantmesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh


Clutch Plate Diametre (mm) 430 430 430


Ratio 4,769:1 4,769:1 4,11:1


No No Yes


Size and Ply Rating 14.00-20 315/80 R22.5385/65 R22.5 (F)

315/80 R22.5 (R)

Radial or Crossply Radial Radial Radial


Wheels 385/65 R22.5 Super singles

Rims 11.75x22.5 Centre Disc Aluminium

Suspension Air Suspension

Spare wheel carrier Winch Type

Brakes EBS


Elite Fibre refrigerated body, Automatic lift axle, ToolboxRaise and lower valve, Stopper rollers, Hubodometer


Tare 9 450kg (refrigerator unit included)

Payload 30 550kgGCM 49 500kg


Length 15 470mmWidth 2 500mmHeight 4 300mm



18 500

15 470

1000 W/B 37813975 W/B1440

1800 550




2547Load centre 5850

Manufactures of GRP Truck Bodies and Trailers

Elite Fibre is one of the leading brands of GRP vehicle body builders to the food chain distribution.

We manufacture high quality GRP, insulated and semi insulated truck bodies and trailers. We do

repairs to all truck and trailer load bodies, including steel repairs and spray painting. Thanks

to innovative engineering, durability and its repair-friendliness, good value retention and low

overall cost your Elite Fibre Product will stand up to all your needs. We have a reputation for

delivering the best quality and service. We have branches in Johannesburg, Centurion, Durban,

Port Elizabeth and Cape Town. We have the largest National Footprint in outlets.

Elite Fibre Cape Town14 Jig Avenue, Montague Gardens, 7441Postal Address: P. O. Box 37041, Chempet, 7442Tel: 021 551 9390 / Fax: 021 551 9320

Elite Fibre GautengCnr Kruger & Mimetes Street, Denver Ext 11, 2094, JHBPostal Address: P O Box 1871, Rosettenville, 2130Tel: 0861 00 99 13 / Fax: 011 615-8563 more information, please visit us online:


Wheels 385/65 R22.5 Super singles

Rims 11.75x22.5 Centre Disc Aluminium

Suspension Air Suspension

Spare wheel carrier Winch Type

Brakes EBS


Elite Fibre refrigerated body, Automatic lift axle, ToolboxRaise and lower valve, Stopper rollers, Hubodometer


Tare 9 450kg (refrigerator unit included)

Payload 30 550kgGCM 49 500kg


Length 15 470mmWidth 2 500mmHeight 4 300mm



18 500

15 470

1000 W/B 37813975 W/B1440

1800 550




2547Load centre 5850


Wheels 385/65 R22.5 Super singles

Rims 11.75x22.5 Centre Disc Aluminium

Suspension Air Suspension

Spare wheel carrier Winch Type

Brakes EBS


Elite Fibre refrigerated body, Automatic lift axle, ToolboxRaise and lower valve, Stopper rollers, Hubodometer


Tare 9 450kg (refrigerator unit included)

Payload 30 550kgGCM 49 500kg


Length 15 470mmWidth 2 500mmHeight 4 300mm



18 500

15 470

1000 W/B 37813975 W/B1440

1800 550




2547Load centre 5850

Manufactures of GRP Truck Bodies and Trailers

Elite Fibre is one of the leading brands of GRP vehicle body builders to the food chain distribution.

We manufacture high quality GRP, insulated and semi insulated truck bodies and trailers. We do

repairs to all truck and trailer load bodies, including steel repairs and spray painting. Thanks

to innovative engineering, durability and its repair-friendliness, good value retention and low

overall cost your Elite Fibre Product will stand up to all your needs. We have a reputation for

delivering the best quality and service. We have branches in Johannesburg, Centurion, Durban,

Port Elizabeth and Cape Town. We have the largest National Footprint in outlets.

Elite Fibre Cape Town14 Jig Avenue, Montague Gardens, 7441Postal Address: P. O. Box 37041, Chempet, 7442Tel: 021 551 9390 / Fax: 021 551 9320

Elite Fibre GautengCnr Kruger & Mimetes Street, Denver Ext 11, 2094, JHBPostal Address: P O Box 1871, Rosettenville, 2130Tel: 0861 00 99 13 / Fax: 011 615-8563 more information, please visit us online:


Wheels 385/65 R22.5 Super singles

Rims 11.75x22.5 Centre Disc Aluminium

Suspension Air Suspension

Spare wheel carrier Winch Type

Brakes EBS


Elite Fibre refrigerated body, Automatic lift axle, ToolboxRaise and lower valve, Stopper rollers, Hubodometer


Tare 9 450kg (refrigerator unit included)

Payload 30 550kgGCM 49 500kg


Length 15 470mmWidth 2 500mmHeight 4 300mm



18 500

15 470

1000 W/B 37813975 W/B1440

1800 550




2547Load centre 5850

Elite Fibre Gauteng – Corner of Mimetes and Kruger Streets, Denver | Tel: 083 390 4044 (Frans van Vianen) | Email: [email protected] Elite Fibre Centurion – 45 Adriana Crescent, Gateway Business Park, Centurion | Tel: 012 661 8219 (Dawn van Vianen) | Email: dawn@elitefi Elite Fibre Durban – 30 Mahogany Rd, Mohogany Ridge, Pinetown | Tel: 031 700 6123 (Reggie Charles) | Email: reggie@elitefi Fibre Port Elizabeth – 189 Grahamstown Road, Deal Party, Port Elizabeth | Tel: 082 357 7752 (Peter Kriek) | Email: peter@elitefi

For national customers Elite Fibre is well positioned to cover all your needs. Proud sponsor of

For more information, please visit us online: www.elitefi



2016 |TMH| 109


V3 Range

2635A 6x6

Chassis Cab



2642S 6x4

Truck Tractor



2646 6x4

Truck Tractor




Overall Length 9 390 6 935 6 908

Overall Width 2 495 2 495 2 500

Overall Height 3 275 3 160 3 475

Front Overhang 1 435 1 410 1 515

Rear Overhang 1 940 625 703

Wheelbase 5 175 4 175 3 975

Bumper to Back of Cab 1 880 2 420 2 445

Cab to Rear Axle / Unit 4 735 3 165 3 165

Turning Radius 10 000 8 500 6 750


Manufacturer’s Gross Vehicle Mass 26 000 26 000 26 000

Manufacturer’s Gross Combination Mass 65 000 65 000 65 000

Manufacturer’s Front Axle Mass 7 500 7 500 7 500

Manufacturer’s Rear Axle Mass 26 000 26 000 26 000

Permissible Maximum Vehicle Mass 25 500 25 500 25 500

Permissible Maximum Front Axle Mass 7 500 7 500 7 500

Permissible Maximum Rear Axle Mass 16 000 18 000 18 000

Unladen Front Axle Mass 5 253 4 700 5 420

Unladen Rear Axle Mass 5 123 4 900 4 540

Total Unladen Mass 10 376 9 600 9 960

Permissible Max Drawing Vehicle Mass 60 000 65 000 65 000


Make Weichai Euro 2 Weichai Euro 2 Weichai Euro 3

Model Configuration WP10-340 E32 WP12-420 E32 WP12-460 N

Capacity 6-cylinder / 9,726 ℓ 6-cylinder / 11,596 ℓ 6-cylinder / 11,596 ℓ

Max Power – kW @ r/min 250 @ 2 200 309 @ 2 200 338 @ 1 900

Max Torque – Nm @ r/min 1 350 @ 1 200 – 1 600 1 750 @ 1 300 – 1 400 2 110 @ 1 000 – 1 400


Make / Model 12JS160T+QH50 12JS200TA+QH50 16S 221OD IT

No. of Gears 12 12 16

High and Low Ratios 15,53:1/1,00:1 12,10:1/0,781:1 13,80:1/0,84:1

Synchromesh or Constantmesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh


Clutch Plate Diametre (mm) 430 430 430


Ratio 4,769:1 4,769:1 4,11:1


No No Yes


Size and Ply Rating 14.00-20 315/80 R22.5385/65 R22.5 (F)

315/80 R22.5 (R)

Radial or Crossply Radial Radial Radial


Wheels 385/65 R22.5 Super singles

Rims 11.75x22.5 Centre Disc Aluminium

Suspension Air Suspension

Spare wheel carrier Winch Type

Brakes EBS


Elite Fibre refrigerated body, Automatic lift axle, ToolboxRaise and lower valve, Stopper rollers, Hubodometer


Tare 9 450kg (refrigerator unit included)

Payload 30 550kgGCM 49 500kg


Length 15 470mmWidth 2 500mmHeight 4 300mm



18 500

15 470

1000 W/B 37813975 W/B1440

1800 550




2547Load centre 5850

Manufactures of GRP Truck Bodies and Trailers

Elite Fibre is one of the leading brands of GRP vehicle body builders to the food chain distribution.

We manufacture high quality GRP, insulated and semi insulated truck bodies and trailers. We do

repairs to all truck and trailer load bodies, including steel repairs and spray painting. Thanks

to innovative engineering, durability and its repair-friendliness, good value retention and low

overall cost your Elite Fibre Product will stand up to all your needs. We have a reputation for

delivering the best quality and service. We have branches in Johannesburg, Centurion, Durban,

Port Elizabeth and Cape Town. We have the largest National Footprint in outlets.

Elite Fibre Cape Town14 Jig Avenue, Montague Gardens, 7441Postal Address: P. O. Box 37041, Chempet, 7442Tel: 021 551 9390 / Fax: 021 551 9320

Elite Fibre GautengCnr Kruger & Mimetes Street, Denver Ext 11, 2094, JHBPostal Address: P O Box 1871, Rosettenville, 2130Tel: 0861 00 99 13 / Fax: 011 615-8563 more information, please visit us online:


Wheels 385/65 R22.5 Super singles

Rims 11.75x22.5 Centre Disc Aluminium

Suspension Air Suspension

Spare wheel carrier Winch Type

Brakes EBS


Elite Fibre refrigerated body, Automatic lift axle, ToolboxRaise and lower valve, Stopper rollers, Hubodometer


Tare 9 450kg (refrigerator unit included)

Payload 30 550kgGCM 49 500kg


Length 15 470mmWidth 2 500mmHeight 4 300mm



18 500

15 470

1000 W/B 37813975 W/B1440

1800 550




2547Load centre 5850


Wheels 385/65 R22.5 Super singles

Rims 11.75x22.5 Centre Disc Aluminium

Suspension Air Suspension

Spare wheel carrier Winch Type

Brakes EBS


Elite Fibre refrigerated body, Automatic lift axle, ToolboxRaise and lower valve, Stopper rollers, Hubodometer


Tare 9 450kg (refrigerator unit included)

Payload 30 550kgGCM 49 500kg


Length 15 470mmWidth 2 500mmHeight 4 300mm



18 500

15 470

1000 W/B 37813975 W/B1440

1800 550




2547Load centre 5850

Manufactures of GRP Truck Bodies and Trailers

Elite Fibre is one of the leading brands of GRP vehicle body builders to the food chain distribution.

We manufacture high quality GRP, insulated and semi insulated truck bodies and trailers. We do

repairs to all truck and trailer load bodies, including steel repairs and spray painting. Thanks

to innovative engineering, durability and its repair-friendliness, good value retention and low

overall cost your Elite Fibre Product will stand up to all your needs. We have a reputation for

delivering the best quality and service. We have branches in Johannesburg, Centurion, Durban,

Port Elizabeth and Cape Town. We have the largest National Footprint in outlets.

Elite Fibre Cape Town14 Jig Avenue, Montague Gardens, 7441Postal Address: P. O. Box 37041, Chempet, 7442Tel: 021 551 9390 / Fax: 021 551 9320

Elite Fibre GautengCnr Kruger & Mimetes Street, Denver Ext 11, 2094, JHBPostal Address: P O Box 1871, Rosettenville, 2130Tel: 0861 00 99 13 / Fax: 011 615-8563 more information, please visit us online:


Wheels 385/65 R22.5 Super singles

Rims 11.75x22.5 Centre Disc Aluminium

Suspension Air Suspension

Spare wheel carrier Winch Type

Brakes EBS


Elite Fibre refrigerated body, Automatic lift axle, ToolboxRaise and lower valve, Stopper rollers, Hubodometer


Tare 9 450kg (refrigerator unit included)

Payload 30 550kgGCM 49 500kg


Length 15 470mmWidth 2 500mmHeight 4 300mm



18 500

15 470

1000 W/B 37813975 W/B1440

1800 5501604



2547Load centre 5850

Elite Fibre Gauteng – Corner of Mimetes and Kruger Streets, Denver | Tel: 083 390 4044 (Frans van Vianen) | Email: [email protected] Elite Fibre Centurion – 45 Adriana Crescent, Gateway Business Park, Centurion | Tel: 012 661 8219 (Dawn van Vianen) | Email: dawn@elitefi Elite Fibre Durban – 30 Mahogany Rd, Mohogany Ridge, Pinetown | Tel: 031 700 6123 (Reggie Charles) | Email: reggie@elitefi Fibre Port Elizabeth – 189 Grahamstown Road, Deal Party, Port Elizabeth | Tel: 082 357 7752 (Peter Kriek) | Email: peter@elitefi

For national customers Elite Fibre is well positioned to cover all your needs. Proud sponsor of

For more information, please visit us online: www.elitefi


110 |TMH| 2016


ModelSFC 407 Ex

4x2 Freight CarrierSK 407 Ex 4x2 Tipper

LPT 709 Ex 4x2 Freight Carrier

LPT 809 Ex2 4x2 Freight Carrier

LPT 813 Ex2 4x2 Freight Carrier

LPK 813 Ex2 4x2 Tipper

LPTA 715 4x4 Freight Carrier

LPT 913 Ex2 4x2 Freight Carrier

LPT 1116 4x2 Freight Carrier

LPT 1518 Ex2 4x2 Freight Carrier


Make / Model TATA 497 SP Turbo (Euro 2)TATA 497 SP Turbo

(Euro 2)TATA 497 TCIC

(Euro 2)TATA 497 TCIC

(Euro 2)TATA 697 TCIC

(Euro 2)TATA 697 TCIC

(Euro 2)Tata Cummins 6BTAA 5.9TC

(Euro 3)TATA 697 TCIC

(Euro 2)TATA 697 TCIC

(Euro 2)Tata Cummins B180 20

(Euro 2)

Capacity (cm3) 2 956 2 956 3 783 3 783 5 675 5 675 5 883 5 675 5 675 5 883

Layout Diesel In-line 4 Diesel In-line 4 Diesel In-line 4 Diesel In-line 4 Diesel In-line 6 Diesel In-line 6 Diesel In-line 6 Diesel In-line 6 Diesel In-line 6 Diesel In-line 6

Type Turbocharged Turbocharged Turbo intercooled Turbo intercooled Turbo intercooled Turbo intercooled Turbo intercooled Turbo intercooled Turbo intercooled Turbo intercooled

Power – kW @ r/min 53 @ 2 800 55 @ 2 800 68 @ 2 400 67 @ 2 400 95 @ 2 400 95 @ 2 400 108 @ 2 500 95 @ 2 400 118 @ 2 400 132 @ 2 500

Torque – Nm @ r/min 225 @ 1 500 - 1 800 225 @ 1 500 - 1 800 325 @ 1 300 - 1 600 325 @ 1 300 - 1 600 416 @ 1 400 - 1 700 416 @ 1 400 - 1 700 590 @ 1 500 416 @ 1 400 - 1 700 550 @ 1 500 - 1 700 650 @ 1 500


Make / Model GBS - 380 GBS - 380 GBS - 27 GBS - 27 GBS - 40 GBS - 40 GBS - 600 GBS - 40 GBS - 600 GBS - 750

Type Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh

Shift Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual

No. of Forward Gears 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 6 6

High / Low Ratios 5,53:1 / 1:1 5,53:1 / 1:1 7,36:1 / 1:1 7,36:1 / 1:1 7,51:1 / 1:1 7,51:1 / 1:1 6,58:1 / 0,77:1 8,02 / 1:1 6,58:1 / 0,77:1 6,58:1 / 0,77:1


Overall Height 2 245 2 650 2 341 2 341 2 341 2 455 2 850 2 351 2 430 2 800

Overall Length 5 050 5 015 6 125 6 875 6 860 5 780 5 616 6 859 7 700 9 047

Overall Width 2 006 2 006 2 140 2 155 2 155 2 155 2 145 2 155 2 270 2 440

Front Overhang 745 745 1 275 1 275 1 275 1 273 1 431 1 275 1 275 1 515

Rear Overhang 1 205 1 170 1 450 1 450 2 100 1 450 960 1 784 2 100 2 337

Wheelbase 3 100 3 100 3 400 3 800 3 800 3 400 3 225 3 800 4 200 5 195

Cab to Bogie / Rear Axle 1 830 1 830 3 110 3 475 3 475 3 108 3 091 3 475 3 875 4 642

MASS (kg)

Manufacturer’s Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM) 4 900 4 900 6 900 7 700 8 050 8 050 7 650 9 000 11 500 14 900

Permissible Maximum Vehicle Mass (V) 4 900 4 900 6 900 7 700 8 050 8 050 7 750 9 000 11 500 14 900

Manufacturer’s Gross Combination Mass (GCM) 6 900 6 900 8 600 9 700 10 050 10 050 10 250 12 000 14 900 21 400

Permissible Maximum Drawing Vehicle Mass (D/T) 6 900 6 900 8 600 9 700 10 050 9 700 11 000 10 050 14 020 21 400

Permissible Body + Payload 2 700 1 720 4 100 4 920 4 990 3 970 3 310 5 760 7 490 9 680

Tare (T) 2 200 3 180 2 800 2 780 3 060 4 080 4 340 3 240 4 010 5 220

Permissible Rear Axle Weight 3 250 3 250 4 700 4 750 5 060 5 060 4 000 5 750 7 500 9 000

Permissible Front Axle Weight 1 650 1 650 2 800 2 950 2 990 2 900 3 750 3 250 4 000 6 000

Manufacturer’s Rear Axle Weight 3 250 3 250 4 700 4 750 5 060 5 060 4 000 5 750 7 500 9 000

Manufacturer’s Front Axle Weight 1 650 1 650 2 800 2 950 2 990 2 900 3 750 3 250 4 000 6 000


Type Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single

Diameter (mm) 240 240 280 280 310 310 352 310 352 380


Reduction Type Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single

Final Ratio 3,875:1 3,875:1 3,875:1 3,875:1 3,11:1 3,11:1 5,857:1 3,44:1 5,285:1 5,857:1


Type Dual circuit hydraulic Dual circuit hydraulic Full air dual Full air dual Full air dual Full air dual Full air dual Full air dual Full air dual Full air dual

Front Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums

Rear Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums

Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) No No No No No No No No No No


Tank Capacity (ℓ) 60 60 90 120 120 120 200 160 160 350


Size and Ply Rating 7.00 R16 - 12PR 7.00 R16 - 12PR 7.50 R16 - 14PR 7.50 R16 - 14PR 7.50 R16 - 14PR 7.50 R16 - 14PR 12.00x20 - 18PR 8.25 R16 - 12PR 8.25 R20 - 14PR 11.00 R22.5 - 16PR

2016 |TMH| 111


ModelSFC 407 Ex

4x2 Freight CarrierSK 407 Ex 4x2 Tipper

LPT 709 Ex 4x2 Freight Carrier

LPT 809 Ex2 4x2 Freight Carrier

LPT 813 Ex2 4x2 Freight Carrier

LPK 813 Ex2 4x2 Tipper

LPTA 715 4x4 Freight Carrier

LPT 913 Ex2 4x2 Freight Carrier

LPT 1116 4x2 Freight Carrier

LPT 1518 Ex2 4x2 Freight Carrier


Make / Model TATA 497 SP Turbo (Euro 2)TATA 497 SP Turbo

(Euro 2)TATA 497 TCIC

(Euro 2)TATA 497 TCIC

(Euro 2)TATA 697 TCIC

(Euro 2)TATA 697 TCIC

(Euro 2)Tata Cummins 6BTAA 5.9TC

(Euro 3)TATA 697 TCIC

(Euro 2)TATA 697 TCIC

(Euro 2)Tata Cummins B180 20

(Euro 2)

Capacity (cm3) 2 956 2 956 3 783 3 783 5 675 5 675 5 883 5 675 5 675 5 883

Layout Diesel In-line 4 Diesel In-line 4 Diesel In-line 4 Diesel In-line 4 Diesel In-line 6 Diesel In-line 6 Diesel In-line 6 Diesel In-line 6 Diesel In-line 6 Diesel In-line 6

Type Turbocharged Turbocharged Turbo intercooled Turbo intercooled Turbo intercooled Turbo intercooled Turbo intercooled Turbo intercooled Turbo intercooled Turbo intercooled

Power – kW @ r/min 53 @ 2 800 55 @ 2 800 68 @ 2 400 67 @ 2 400 95 @ 2 400 95 @ 2 400 108 @ 2 500 95 @ 2 400 118 @ 2 400 132 @ 2 500

Torque – Nm @ r/min 225 @ 1 500 - 1 800 225 @ 1 500 - 1 800 325 @ 1 300 - 1 600 325 @ 1 300 - 1 600 416 @ 1 400 - 1 700 416 @ 1 400 - 1 700 590 @ 1 500 416 @ 1 400 - 1 700 550 @ 1 500 - 1 700 650 @ 1 500


Make / Model GBS - 380 GBS - 380 GBS - 27 GBS - 27 GBS - 40 GBS - 40 GBS - 600 GBS - 40 GBS - 600 GBS - 750

Type Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh

Shift Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual

No. of Forward Gears 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 6 6

High / Low Ratios 5,53:1 / 1:1 5,53:1 / 1:1 7,36:1 / 1:1 7,36:1 / 1:1 7,51:1 / 1:1 7,51:1 / 1:1 6,58:1 / 0,77:1 8,02 / 1:1 6,58:1 / 0,77:1 6,58:1 / 0,77:1


Overall Height 2 245 2 650 2 341 2 341 2 341 2 455 2 850 2 351 2 430 2 800

Overall Length 5 050 5 015 6 125 6 875 6 860 5 780 5 616 6 859 7 700 9 047

Overall Width 2 006 2 006 2 140 2 155 2 155 2 155 2 145 2 155 2 270 2 440

Front Overhang 745 745 1 275 1 275 1 275 1 273 1 431 1 275 1 275 1 515

Rear Overhang 1 205 1 170 1 450 1 450 2 100 1 450 960 1 784 2 100 2 337

Wheelbase 3 100 3 100 3 400 3 800 3 800 3 400 3 225 3 800 4 200 5 195

Cab to Bogie / Rear Axle 1 830 1 830 3 110 3 475 3 475 3 108 3 091 3 475 3 875 4 642

MASS (kg)

Manufacturer’s Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM) 4 900 4 900 6 900 7 700 8 050 8 050 7 650 9 000 11 500 14 900

Permissible Maximum Vehicle Mass (V) 4 900 4 900 6 900 7 700 8 050 8 050 7 750 9 000 11 500 14 900

Manufacturer’s Gross Combination Mass (GCM) 6 900 6 900 8 600 9 700 10 050 10 050 10 250 12 000 14 900 21 400

Permissible Maximum Drawing Vehicle Mass (D/T) 6 900 6 900 8 600 9 700 10 050 9 700 11 000 10 050 14 020 21 400

Permissible Body + Payload 2 700 1 720 4 100 4 920 4 990 3 970 3 310 5 760 7 490 9 680

Tare (T) 2 200 3 180 2 800 2 780 3 060 4 080 4 340 3 240 4 010 5 220

Permissible Rear Axle Weight 3 250 3 250 4 700 4 750 5 060 5 060 4 000 5 750 7 500 9 000

Permissible Front Axle Weight 1 650 1 650 2 800 2 950 2 990 2 900 3 750 3 250 4 000 6 000

Manufacturer’s Rear Axle Weight 3 250 3 250 4 700 4 750 5 060 5 060 4 000 5 750 7 500 9 000

Manufacturer’s Front Axle Weight 1 650 1 650 2 800 2 950 2 990 2 900 3 750 3 250 4 000 6 000


Type Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single

Diameter (mm) 240 240 280 280 310 310 352 310 352 380


Reduction Type Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single

Final Ratio 3,875:1 3,875:1 3,875:1 3,875:1 3,11:1 3,11:1 5,857:1 3,44:1 5,285:1 5,857:1


Type Dual circuit hydraulic Dual circuit hydraulic Full air dual Full air dual Full air dual Full air dual Full air dual Full air dual Full air dual Full air dual

Front Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums

Rear Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums

Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) No No No No No No No No No No


Tank Capacity (ℓ) 60 60 90 120 120 120 200 160 160 350


Size and Ply Rating 7.00 R16 - 12PR 7.00 R16 - 12PR 7.50 R16 - 14PR 7.50 R16 - 14PR 7.50 R16 - 14PR 7.50 R16 - 14PR 12.00x20 - 18PR 8.25 R16 - 12PR 8.25 R20 - 14PR 11.00 R22.5 - 16PR

112 |TMH| 2016


ModelLPT 1518 Ex2

Sleeper Cab4x2 Freight Carrier

LPK 1518 4x2 Tipper

LPT 16234x2 Freight Carrier

LPT 1918 6x2 Freight Carrier

LPT 2523 TC 6x4 Freight Carrier

K7CEF 6x4 Freight Carrier

K5DEF 6x4 Tipper K5MVF 6x4 Mixer M2SEF 4x2 TT V3TVF 6x4 TT V3TxF 6x4 TT AMT


Make / ModelTata Cummins B180 20

(Euro 2)Tata Cummins B180 20

(Euro 2)Tata Cummins

B5.9 E-IIITata Cummins B180 20

(Euro 2)Tata Cummins B235 20

(Euro 2)D.H.I DE12TIS

(Euro 2)D.H.I DE12TIS

(Euro 2)D.H.I DV15TIS

(Euro 2)D.H.I DE12TIS

(Euro 2)D.H.I DV15TIS

(Euro 2)Cummins ISX 475 (FR-10374)

(Euro 3)

Capacity (cm3) 5 883 5 883 5 883 5 883 5 883 11 051 11 051 14 618 11 051 14 618 14 618

Layout Diesel In-line 6 Diesel In-line 6 Diesel In-line 6 Diesel In-line 6 Diesel In-line 6 Diesel In-line 6 Diesel In-line 6 Diesel V8 Diesel In-line 6 Diesel V8 Diesel In-line 6

Type Turbo intercooled Turbo intercooledWater Cooled, Direct

Injection, TurbochargedTurbo intercooled Turbo intercooled Turbo intercooled Turbo intercooled Turbo intercooled Turbo intercooled Turbo intercooled Turbo intercooled

Power – kW @ r/min 132 @ 2 500 131 @ 2 500 154 @ 2 500 130 @ 2 250 170 @ 2 500 250 @ 2 100 250 @ 2 100 287 @ 2 100 250 @ 2 100 308 @ 2 100 354 @ 2 000

Torque – Nm @ r/min 650 @ 1 500 650 @ 1 500 789 @ 1 500 650 @ 1 500 814 @ 1 500 1 421 @ 1 260 1 421 @ 1 260 1 569 @ 1 200 1 450 @ 1 260 1 666 @ 1 200 2 509 @ 1 200


Make / Model GBS - 750 GBS - 750 Eaton GBS - 600 ZF 9 S 1110 T14S10 T15S6 T16S6 T14S10 16 S 151 OD FO-18E318B-AMT

Type Synchromesh Synchromesh Syncromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Constantmesh

Shift Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual AMT

No. of Forward Gears 6 6 6 6 9 10 6 6 10 16 18

High / Low Ratios 6,58:1 / 0,77:1 6,58:1 / 0,77:1 7,05:1/0,78:1 6,58:1 / 0,77:1 9,48:1 / 0,75:1 9,555:1 / 0,777:1 7,263:1 / 0,699:1 7,263:1 / 0,699:1 9,555:1 / 0,777:1 13,8:1 / 0,84:1 14,4:1 / 0,73:1


Overall Height 2 859 2 970 2 744 2 690 2 800 2 910 3 060 3 720 2 910 2 910 2 910

Overall Length 9 047 6 595 9 048 9 265 9 370 6 190 7 775 8 304 6 190 6 840 6 840

Overall Width 2 440 2 440 2 474 2 440 2 448 2 490 2 495 2 495 2 490 2 490 2 555

Front Overhang 1 515 1 515 1 515 1 515 1 515 1 520 1 520 1 520 1 520 1 520 1 520

Rear Overhang 2 337 1 500 2 340 2 155 2 170 960 1 375 1 904 960 650 1 904

Wheelbase 5 195 3 580 5 195 4 880 4 880 3 700 4 880 4 880 3 700 4 480 4 480

Cab to Bogie / Rear Axle 4 570 3 017 4 055 4 055 4 430 3 700 3 080 3 170 3 950 3 275

MASS (kg)

Manufacturer’s Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM) 14 900 14 900 16 000 19 000 24 000 33 500 33 500 33 500 20 500 33 500 28 000

Permissible Maximum Vehicle Mass (V) 14 900 14 900 16 000 19 000 24 000 25 500 25 500 25 500 16 500 25 500 25 500

Manufacturer’s Gross Combination Mass (GCM) 21 400 21 400 21 400 25 000 30 500 43 500 43 500 43 500 45 000 75 000 75 000

Permissible Maximum Drawing Vehicle Mass (D/T) 21 400 21 400 21 400 26 000 31 000 40 500 43 000 33 500 45 000 56 000 56 000

Permissible Body + Payload 9 680 7 730 10 500 12 620 16 620 17 700 14 330 14 080 9 930 17 310 24 135

Tare (T) 5 220 7 170 5 500 6 380 7 380 9 570 11 690 11 760 6 770 8 190 9 710

Permissible Rear Axle Weight 9 000 9 000 9 000 9 000 18 000 13 000 13 000 13 000 13 000 13 000 10 250

Permissible Front Axle Weight 6 000 6 000 7 000 6 000 6 000 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500

Manufacturer’s Rear Axle Weight 9 000 9 000 9 000 9 000 18 000 13 000 13 000 13 000 13 000 13 000 10 250

Manufacturer’s Front Axle Weight 6 000 6 000 7 000 6 000 6 000 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500


Type Single Single Single Dry friction Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single

Diameter (mm) 380 380 380 380 380 430 430 430 430 430 430


Reduction Type Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single

Final Ratio 5,857:1 5,857:1 5,857:1 6,833:1 6,17:1 5,571:1 6,166:1 6,143:1 4,875:1 4,444:1 3,909:1 / 4,444:1


Type Full air dual Full air dual Full air dual Full air dual Full air dual Full air dual Full air dual Full air dual Full air dual Full air dual Full air dual

Front Drums Drums Drum Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums

Rear Drums Drums Drum Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums

Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) No No No No No Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard


Tank Capacity (ℓ) 350 225 350 350 350 400 400 300 400 400 800


Size and Ply Rating 11.00 R22.5 - 16PR 11.00 R22.5 - 16PR 295/80 R22.5 11.00 R22.5 - 16PR 11.00 R22.5 - 16PR 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5

2016 |TMH| 113


ModelLPT 1518 Ex2

Sleeper Cab4x2 Freight Carrier

LPK 1518 4x2 Tipper

LPT 16234x2 Freight Carrier

LPT 1918 6x2 Freight Carrier

LPT 2523 TC 6x4 Freight Carrier

K7CEF 6x4 Freight Carrier

K5DEF 6x4 Tipper K5MVF 6x4 Mixer M2SEF 4x2 TT V3TVF 6x4 TT V3TxF 6x4 TT AMT


Make / ModelTata Cummins B180 20

(Euro 2)Tata Cummins B180 20

(Euro 2)Tata Cummins

B5.9 E-IIITata Cummins B180 20

(Euro 2)Tata Cummins B235 20

(Euro 2)D.H.I DE12TIS

(Euro 2)D.H.I DE12TIS

(Euro 2)D.H.I DV15TIS

(Euro 2)D.H.I DE12TIS

(Euro 2)D.H.I DV15TIS

(Euro 2)Cummins ISX 475 (FR-10374)

(Euro 3)

Capacity (cm3) 5 883 5 883 5 883 5 883 5 883 11 051 11 051 14 618 11 051 14 618 14 618

Layout Diesel In-line 6 Diesel In-line 6 Diesel In-line 6 Diesel In-line 6 Diesel In-line 6 Diesel In-line 6 Diesel In-line 6 Diesel V8 Diesel In-line 6 Diesel V8 Diesel In-line 6

Type Turbo intercooled Turbo intercooledWater Cooled, Direct

Injection, TurbochargedTurbo intercooled Turbo intercooled Turbo intercooled Turbo intercooled Turbo intercooled Turbo intercooled Turbo intercooled Turbo intercooled

Power – kW @ r/min 132 @ 2 500 131 @ 2 500 154 @ 2 500 130 @ 2 250 170 @ 2 500 250 @ 2 100 250 @ 2 100 287 @ 2 100 250 @ 2 100 308 @ 2 100 354 @ 2 000

Torque – Nm @ r/min 650 @ 1 500 650 @ 1 500 789 @ 1 500 650 @ 1 500 814 @ 1 500 1 421 @ 1 260 1 421 @ 1 260 1 569 @ 1 200 1 450 @ 1 260 1 666 @ 1 200 2 509 @ 1 200


Make / Model GBS - 750 GBS - 750 Eaton GBS - 600 ZF 9 S 1110 T14S10 T15S6 T16S6 T14S10 16 S 151 OD FO-18E318B-AMT

Type Synchromesh Synchromesh Syncromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Constantmesh

Shift Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual AMT

No. of Forward Gears 6 6 6 6 9 10 6 6 10 16 18

High / Low Ratios 6,58:1 / 0,77:1 6,58:1 / 0,77:1 7,05:1/0,78:1 6,58:1 / 0,77:1 9,48:1 / 0,75:1 9,555:1 / 0,777:1 7,263:1 / 0,699:1 7,263:1 / 0,699:1 9,555:1 / 0,777:1 13,8:1 / 0,84:1 14,4:1 / 0,73:1


Overall Height 2 859 2 970 2 744 2 690 2 800 2 910 3 060 3 720 2 910 2 910 2 910

Overall Length 9 047 6 595 9 048 9 265 9 370 6 190 7 775 8 304 6 190 6 840 6 840

Overall Width 2 440 2 440 2 474 2 440 2 448 2 490 2 495 2 495 2 490 2 490 2 555

Front Overhang 1 515 1 515 1 515 1 515 1 515 1 520 1 520 1 520 1 520 1 520 1 520

Rear Overhang 2 337 1 500 2 340 2 155 2 170 960 1 375 1 904 960 650 1 904

Wheelbase 5 195 3 580 5 195 4 880 4 880 3 700 4 880 4 880 3 700 4 480 4 480

Cab to Bogie / Rear Axle 4 570 3 017 4 055 4 055 4 430 3 700 3 080 3 170 3 950 3 275

MASS (kg)

Manufacturer’s Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM) 14 900 14 900 16 000 19 000 24 000 33 500 33 500 33 500 20 500 33 500 28 000

Permissible Maximum Vehicle Mass (V) 14 900 14 900 16 000 19 000 24 000 25 500 25 500 25 500 16 500 25 500 25 500

Manufacturer’s Gross Combination Mass (GCM) 21 400 21 400 21 400 25 000 30 500 43 500 43 500 43 500 45 000 75 000 75 000

Permissible Maximum Drawing Vehicle Mass (D/T) 21 400 21 400 21 400 26 000 31 000 40 500 43 000 33 500 45 000 56 000 56 000

Permissible Body + Payload 9 680 7 730 10 500 12 620 16 620 17 700 14 330 14 080 9 930 17 310 24 135

Tare (T) 5 220 7 170 5 500 6 380 7 380 9 570 11 690 11 760 6 770 8 190 9 710

Permissible Rear Axle Weight 9 000 9 000 9 000 9 000 18 000 13 000 13 000 13 000 13 000 13 000 10 250

Permissible Front Axle Weight 6 000 6 000 7 000 6 000 6 000 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500

Manufacturer’s Rear Axle Weight 9 000 9 000 9 000 9 000 18 000 13 000 13 000 13 000 13 000 13 000 10 250

Manufacturer’s Front Axle Weight 6 000 6 000 7 000 6 000 6 000 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500


Type Single Single Single Dry friction Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single

Diameter (mm) 380 380 380 380 380 430 430 430 430 430 430


Reduction Type Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single

Final Ratio 5,857:1 5,857:1 5,857:1 6,833:1 6,17:1 5,571:1 6,166:1 6,143:1 4,875:1 4,444:1 3,909:1 / 4,444:1


Type Full air dual Full air dual Full air dual Full air dual Full air dual Full air dual Full air dual Full air dual Full air dual Full air dual Full air dual

Front Drums Drums Drum Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums

Rear Drums Drums Drum Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums Drums

Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) No No No No No Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard


Tank Capacity (ℓ) 350 225 350 350 350 400 400 300 400 400 800


Size and Ply Rating 11.00 R22.5 - 16PR 11.00 R22.5 - 16PR 295/80 R22.5 11.00 R22.5 - 16PR 11.00 R22.5 - 16PR 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5

114 |TMH| 2016


ModelPRIMA 4028S

4x2 Truck TractorPRIMA 4038S

4x2 Truck TractorPRIMA 4938S

6x4 Truck TractorPRIMA 2528K

6x4 TipperPRIMA 3338K

8x4 Tipper


Make / ModelCummins ISBe 270

Euro-3Cummins ISLe 370

Euro-3Cummins ISLe 375

Euro-3Cummins ISBe 270

Euro-3Cummins ISLe 375


Capacity (cm3) 6 692 8 898 8 898 6 700 8 850


common-rail Diesel6-cylinder

common-rail Diesel6-cylinder

common-rail Diesel6-cylinder

common-rail Diesel6-cylinder

common-rail Diesel

Type Turbo intercooled Turbo intercooled Turbo intercooled Turbo intercooled Turbo intercooled

Power – kW @ r/min 200 @ 2 500 276 @ 2 100 279 @ 2 100 198 @ 2 500 268 @ 2 100

Torque – Nm @ r/min970 @

1 200 - 1 700 1 550 @

1 200 - 1 400 1 550 @

1 200 - 1 400 970 @

1 200 - 1 700 1 550 @

1 200 - 1 400


Make / Model ZF 9S 1110 OD Eaton FSO10309 OD Eaton FSO10309 OD ZF 9S 1110 DD Eaton ES15409 DD

Type Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh

Shift Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual

No. of Forward Gears 9 9 9 9 9

High / Low Ratios 9,48:1 / 0,75:1 10,58:1 / 0,74:1 10,58:1 / 0,74:1 12,73:1 / 1,00:1 14,39:1 / 1,00:1


Overall Height 3 286 3 286 3 286 3 486 4 218

Overall Length 6 133 6 133 6 968 8 337 9 260

Overall Width 2 950 2 950 2 950 2 590 2 600

Front Overhang 1 482 1 465 1 482 1 482 1 482

Rear Overhang 1 191 1 191 921 1 610 1 800

Wheelbase 3 460 3 460 3 890 4 570 5 250

Cab to Bogie / Rear Axle 2 262 2 262 2 695 3 850 4 525

MASS (kg)

Manufacturer’s Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM) 18 000 18 000 25 500 25 500 33 000

Permissible Maximum Vehicle Mass (V) 18 000 18 000 25 000 25 500 33 000

Manufacturer’s Gross Combination Mass (GCM) 40 500 40 500 49 500 - -

Permisiible Maximum Drawing Vehicle Mass (D/T) 40 500 40 500 49 500 Provision Provision

Total unladen - w/o body 7 100 7 450 9 970 8 455 11 220

Permissable Rear Axle Weight 13 000 9 000 10 500 18 000 9 000

Permissable Front Axle Weight 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500

Manufacturer’s Rear Axle Weight 13 000 13 000 13 000 9 000 9 000

Manufacturer’s Front Axle Weight 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500 7 500


Type Single Single Single Single Single

Diameter (mm) 430 430 430 430 430


Reduction Type Hub reduction Hub reduction Hub reduction Single reduction Hub reduction

Final Ratio 6,724:1 5,126:1 5,492:1 5,86:1 7,246:1


TypeFull Air Dual Circuit

with ABSFull Air Dual Circuit

with ABSFull Air Dual Circuit

with ABSFull Air Dual Circuit

with ABSFull Air Dual Circuit

with ABS


Front Parabolic Leaf Springs Parabolic Leaf Springs Parabolic Leaf Springs Parabolic Leaf Springs Parabolic Leaf Springs

RearSemi-elliptical Leaf

SpringsSemi-elliptical Leaf

SpringsSemi-elliptical Leaf

SpringsRear Bogie Suspension Rear Bogie Suspension


Tank Capacity (ℓ) 625 625 630 365 260


Size and Ply Rating 315/80 R22.5 Rib at front and Lug at rear

315/80 R22.5 Rib at front and Lug at rear

315/80 R22.5 Rib at front and Lug at rear

315/80 R22.5 Rib at front and Lug at rear

12 R24 (on/off road) at front and rear


Gradeability (%) 24,9 35,0 30,6 32 54

Max. Speed (km/h) 99 99 103 84 80

Body Type - - - 10 m3 box 19 m3 rock body


2016 |TMH| 115


The Shell Truck Diesel Network is a truck-focused network of Shell sites, specifically designed to meet all trucking needs. This network consists of Shell forecourt locations on the most convenient routes throughout South Africa. Sites include exclusive amenities for members of the network.

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116 |TMH| 2016



CONSTELLATIONVW 13.180 4x2Freight Carrier

Day Cab

CONSTELLATIONVW 15.180 4x2Freight Carrier

Day Cab

CONSTELLATIONVW 17.250 4x2Freight Carrier

Day Cab

CONSTELLATIONVW 17.250 4x2 Freight Carrier

Sleeper Cab

CONSTELLATIONVW 24.250 6x2Freight Carrier

Day Cab

CONSTELLATIONVW 24.250 6x2Freight Carrier

Sleeper Cab


Truck Tractor Sleeper Cab

DIMENSIONS (mm)Overall Length 9 175 9 811 10 359 10 359 9 864 9 864 6 085Overall Width (excl. mirrors) 2 510 2 510 2 507 2 507 2 507 2 507 2 507Overall Height 2 810 2 824 2 872 3 286 2 845 2 845 2 949Front Overhang 1 511 1 511 1 511 1 511 1 511 1 511 1 511Rear Overhang 2 457 2 700 2 848 2 848 1 922 1 922 1 014Wheelbase 5 207 5 600 6 000 6 000 5 819 5 819 3 560Bumper to Back of Cab (incl. air intake) 1 951 1 951 1 951 2 261 1 951 2 261 2 261Cab to Rear Axle/Unit (incl. air intake) 4 767 5 160 5 560 5 250 5 379 5 069 2 810Turning Radius (m) 9,8 10,1 11,1 11,1 10,25 10,25 7,85MASS DATA (kg)Manufacturer’s Gross Vehicle Mass 13 500 15 900 17 700 17 700 24 700 24 700 17 700Manufacturer’s Gross Combination Mass 23 000 23 000 35 000 35 000 35 000 35 000 44 000Manufacturer’s Front Axle Mass 4 500 5 500 6 700 6 700 6 700 6 700 6 700Manufacturer’s Rear Axle Mass 9 000 10 400 11 000 11 000 18 000 18 000 11 000Permissible Maximum Vehicle Mass 13 500 14 500 15 700 15 700 24 700 24 700 15 700Permissible Maximum Front Axle Mass 4 500 5 500 6 700 6 700 6 700 6 700 6 700Permissible Maximum Rear Axle Mass 9 000 9 000 9 000 9 000 18 000 18 000 9 000

Unladen Front Axle Mass 3 037 3 140 3 480 3 550 3 490 3 540 4 240

Unladen Rear Axle Mass 1 708 1 775 2 110 2 150 3 530 3 580 2 160Total Unladen Mass 4 745 4 915 5 590 5 700 7 020 7 120 6 400Permissible Max Drawing Vehicle Mass 23 000 23 000 35 000 35 000 35 000 35 000 44 000ENGINE

Make / Model ConfigurationMWM-VW 4.12

Turbo Intercooled Diesel 4-cylinder in-lineMWM-VW 4.12

Turbo Intercooled Diesel 4-cylinder in-line

Cummins ISBe Turbo Intercooled Diesel

6-cylinder in-line

Cummins ISBe Turbo Intercooled Diesel

6-cylinder in-line

Cummins ISBe Turbo Intercooled Diesel

6-cylinder in-line

Cummins ISBe Turbo Intercooled Diesel

6-cylinder in-line

Cummins ISCe Turbo Intercooled Diesel

6-cylinder in-lineCapacity (cm3) 4 748 4 748 5 880 5 880 5 880 5 880 8 270Max Power – kW @ r/min 132 @ 2 200 132 @ 2 200 184 @ 2 500 184 @ 2 500 184 @ 2 500 184 @ 2 500 235 @ 2 000

Max Torque – Nm @ r/min600 @

1 550 - 2 000600 @

1 550 - 2 000950 @

1 200 - 1 700950 @

1 200 - 1 700950 @

1 200 - 1 700950 @

1 200 - 1 7001 288 @

1 300 - 1 600 GEARBOxMake / Model Eaton FS 4205 A Eaton FS 4205 A Eaton FS 6306 B Eaton FS 6306 B Eaton FS 6306 B Eaton FS 6306 B ZF 16S 221 DDNo of Forward Gears 5 5 6 6 6 6 16High / Low Ratios 8,05:1 / 1:1 8,05:1 / 1:1 8,03:1 / 1:1 8,03:1 / 1:1 8,03:1 / 1:1 8,03:1 / 1:1 16,41:1 / 1,1:1Synchromesh or Constantmesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh SynchromeshREAR AxLE RATIO

4,88:1 / 6,80:1 4,88:1 / 6,80:1 4,10:1 / 5,59:1 4,10:1 / 5,59:1 4,10:1 / 5,59:1 4,10:1 / 5,59:1 3,73:1RETARDERType Exhaust Brake Exhaust Brake Exhaust Brake Exhaust Brake Exhaust Brake Exhaust Brake Exhaust BrakeSTANDARD TYRE EqUIPMENTSize 11 R22.5 11 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5Radial or Crossply Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial

2016 |TMH| 117



CONSTELLATIONVW 13.180 4x2Freight Carrier

Day Cab

CONSTELLATIONVW 15.180 4x2Freight Carrier

Day Cab

CONSTELLATIONVW 17.250 4x2Freight Carrier

Day Cab

CONSTELLATIONVW 17.250 4x2 Freight Carrier

Sleeper Cab

CONSTELLATIONVW 24.250 6x2Freight Carrier

Day Cab

CONSTELLATIONVW 24.250 6x2Freight Carrier

Sleeper Cab


Truck Tractor Sleeper Cab

DIMENSIONS (mm)Overall Length 9 175 9 811 10 359 10 359 9 864 9 864 6 085Overall Width (excl. mirrors) 2 510 2 510 2 507 2 507 2 507 2 507 2 507Overall Height 2 810 2 824 2 872 3 286 2 845 2 845 2 949Front Overhang 1 511 1 511 1 511 1 511 1 511 1 511 1 511Rear Overhang 2 457 2 700 2 848 2 848 1 922 1 922 1 014Wheelbase 5 207 5 600 6 000 6 000 5 819 5 819 3 560Bumper to Back of Cab (incl. air intake) 1 951 1 951 1 951 2 261 1 951 2 261 2 261Cab to Rear Axle/Unit (incl. air intake) 4 767 5 160 5 560 5 250 5 379 5 069 2 810Turning Radius (m) 9,8 10,1 11,1 11,1 10,25 10,25 7,85MASS DATA (kg)Manufacturer’s Gross Vehicle Mass 13 500 15 900 17 700 17 700 24 700 24 700 17 700Manufacturer’s Gross Combination Mass 23 000 23 000 35 000 35 000 35 000 35 000 44 000Manufacturer’s Front Axle Mass 4 500 5 500 6 700 6 700 6 700 6 700 6 700Manufacturer’s Rear Axle Mass 9 000 10 400 11 000 11 000 18 000 18 000 11 000Permissible Maximum Vehicle Mass 13 500 14 500 15 700 15 700 24 700 24 700 15 700Permissible Maximum Front Axle Mass 4 500 5 500 6 700 6 700 6 700 6 700 6 700Permissible Maximum Rear Axle Mass 9 000 9 000 9 000 9 000 18 000 18 000 9 000

Unladen Front Axle Mass 3 037 3 140 3 480 3 550 3 490 3 540 4 240

Unladen Rear Axle Mass 1 708 1 775 2 110 2 150 3 530 3 580 2 160Total Unladen Mass 4 745 4 915 5 590 5 700 7 020 7 120 6 400Permissible Max Drawing Vehicle Mass 23 000 23 000 35 000 35 000 35 000 35 000 44 000ENGINE

Make / Model ConfigurationMWM-VW 4.12

Turbo Intercooled Diesel 4-cylinder in-lineMWM-VW 4.12

Turbo Intercooled Diesel 4-cylinder in-line

Cummins ISBe Turbo Intercooled Diesel

6-cylinder in-line

Cummins ISBe Turbo Intercooled Diesel

6-cylinder in-line

Cummins ISBe Turbo Intercooled Diesel

6-cylinder in-line

Cummins ISBe Turbo Intercooled Diesel

6-cylinder in-line

Cummins ISCe Turbo Intercooled Diesel

6-cylinder in-lineCapacity (cm3) 4 748 4 748 5 880 5 880 5 880 5 880 8 270Max Power – kW @ r/min 132 @ 2 200 132 @ 2 200 184 @ 2 500 184 @ 2 500 184 @ 2 500 184 @ 2 500 235 @ 2 000

Max Torque – Nm @ r/min600 @

1 550 - 2 000600 @

1 550 - 2 000950 @

1 200 - 1 700950 @

1 200 - 1 700950 @

1 200 - 1 700950 @

1 200 - 1 7001 288 @

1 300 - 1 600 GEARBOxMake / Model Eaton FS 4205 A Eaton FS 4205 A Eaton FS 6306 B Eaton FS 6306 B Eaton FS 6306 B Eaton FS 6306 B ZF 16S 221 DDNo of Forward Gears 5 5 6 6 6 6 16High / Low Ratios 8,05:1 / 1:1 8,05:1 / 1:1 8,03:1 / 1:1 8,03:1 / 1:1 8,03:1 / 1:1 8,03:1 / 1:1 16,41:1 / 1,1:1Synchromesh or Constantmesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh SynchromeshREAR AxLE RATIO

4,88:1 / 6,80:1 4,88:1 / 6,80:1 4,10:1 / 5,59:1 4,10:1 / 5,59:1 4,10:1 / 5,59:1 4,10:1 / 5,59:1 3,73:1RETARDERType Exhaust Brake Exhaust Brake Exhaust Brake Exhaust Brake Exhaust Brake Exhaust Brake Exhaust BrakeSTANDARD TYRE EqUIPMENTSize 11 R22.5 11 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5Radial or Crossply Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial

118 |TMH| 2016


Western Star 4900SB

Wrecker Chassis

Western Star 4900SB On-Off

Highway Tractor

Western Star 6900xD Heavy


Western Star 6900xD 8x6

Heavy Hauler


Overall Length 10 823 8 483 8 066 10 470

Overall Width 2 510 2 510 2 590 2 590

Overall Height 3 100 3 100 3 200 3 200

Front Overhang 1 371 1 371 1 473 1 473

Rear Overhang 1 778 1 473 1 473 2 650

Wheelbase 7 100 5 640 4 978 6 350

Bumper to Back of Cab 3 988 incl sleeper 4 496 incl 54” hi-roof sleeper 3 358 day cab 3 358 day cab

Cab to Rear Axle / Unit 4 369 2 844 2 870 4 283

Turning Radius Wheelbase determined


Manufacturer’s Gross Vehicle Mass 28 390 34 000 38 165 48 165

Manufacturer’s Gross Combination Mass 74 000 100 000 150 000 200 000

Manufacturer’s Front Axle Mass 7 530 8 000 8 165 8 165

Manufacturer’s Rear Axle Mass 20 860 26 000 30 000 40 000

Permissible Maximum Vehicle Mass 27 430 25 500 25 700 31 700

Permissible Maximum Front Axle Mass 7 530 7 500 7 700 7 700

Permissible Maximum Rear Axle Mass 20 400 18 000 18 000 24 000

Unladen Front Axle Mass 5 398 4 742 5 500 6 100

Unladen Rear Axle Mass 4 358 4 500 5 100 7 900

Total Unladen Mass 9 756 9 242 10 600 14 000

Permissible Max Drawing Vehicle Mass 74 000 100 000 107 280 111 120


Make Cummins Cummins Cummins Cummins

Model ISX 475 ISX 565 ISX 565 ISX/Signature

Capacity (cm3) 15 000 15 000 15 000 15 000

Max Power - kW @ r/min 373 @ 1 700 447 @ 1 700 447 @ 1 700 up to 463 @ 1 700

Max Torque - Nm @ r/min 2 237 @ 1 200 2 508 @ 1 200 2 508 @ 1 200 up to 2 800 @ 1 200


Make / Model Eaton-Fuller RTL018918-AS3 Eaton-Fuller RTL022918-AS3 Eaton-Fuller RTL022918-AS3 Eaton-Fuller or Allison

No. of Gears 18 18 18 18 or 7 x 2 spd aux.

High and Low Ratios 12,9:1 / 0,73;1 12,9:1 / 0,73;1 12,9:1 / 0,73;1 N/A

Synchromesh or Constantmesh Automated Constantmesh Automated Constantmesh Automated Constantmesh Conventional or Full Auto


4,89:1 4,89:1 5,56:1 7,01:1


Cummins Intebrake Cummins Intebrake Cummins IntebrakeCummins Intebrake + hydraulic



Size and Ply RatingFront 385/65 R22.5

Rear 315/80 R22.5

Front 385/65 R22.5

Rear 315/80 R22.5

Front 385/65 R22.5

Rear 315/80 R22.5

Front 385/65 R22.5

Rear 315/80 R22.5

Radial or Crossply Traction Radial Traction Radial Traction Radial Traction Radial


2016 |TMH| 119

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120 |TMH| 2015120 |TMH| 2015


s a




h c



Quick reference guide


Manufacturer Model GVMEngine power –

kW @ r/minand location

Chassis typePrimary application and number of passengers

BRT Page

Tata LP 713 TMP 4x2 7 70096 @ 2 400



No 126

MAN-Volkswagen Volksbus VW 9.150 9 200107 @ 2 600



Yes 128

Tata LPO 918 4x2 9 500130 @ 2 250



No 126

Mercedes-Benz OF 917 9 600 125 @ 2 500 LadderCommuter

40No 124

Tata LPO 1823 4x2 17 900173 @ 2 500



No 126

MAN MAN HB1 - 18.240 BB FOCR 4x2 18 000 176 @ 2 400



Yes 123

MAN MAN HB2 - 18.240 BB FOCR (A) 4x2 18 000176 @ 2 400



Yes 123

MAN-Volkswagen Volksbus VW 17.210 18 000151 @ 2 600



Yes 128

Mercedes-Benz OF 1726 18 100191 @ 2 200



No 124

Mercedes-Benz OF 1730 18 100225 @ 2 200



No 124

Mercedes-Benz OH 1726 RF 17 000191 @ 2 200



Yes 124

Mercedes-Benz OH 1726 LE 17 000191 @ 2 200


Low-entry city bus45 + 1 wheelchair

Yes 124

Mercedes-Benz OH 1826 RF 18 500188 @ 2 200


Raised-floor city bus45 + 1 wheelchair

Yes 124

Iveco Afriway 18.28M 18 000202 @ 2 500



No 122

Iveco Afriway 18.28A 18 000202 @ 2 500



No 122

Mercedes-Benz OH 1825 LEG 18 500 186 @ 2 200 LadderLow-entry city bus45 + 1 wheelchair

Yes 125

Mercedes-Benz OH 1826 LE 18 500188 @ 2 200


Low-entry city bus45 + 1 wheelchair

Yes 125

Volvo B7R 4x2 18 600213 @ 2 100


Commuter/Coach45-65 seated

Yes 130

Mercedes-Benz OH 2436 RF 24 000260 @ 2 000



No 124

Volvo B9R 6x2 24 750255 @ 1 900


Intercity coach65-70 seated

Yes 130

Volvo B11R 6x2 24 750317 @ 1 800 - 1 900


Luxury coach52-76 seated

No 130

MAN MAN HB4/310 - 26.310 LL FOCNR 6x2 26 000228 @ 1 900



Yes 123

MAN MAN HB4/350 - 26.350 LL FOCNR 6x2 26 000257 @ 1 900



Yes 123

Mercedes-Benz OH 2836 RF A 28 000260 @ 2 000


Articulated bustrainCapacity as required

Yes 125

Mercedes-Benz OH 2836 LE A 28 000260 @ 2 000


Low-entry articulated city bus 54 + 2 wheelchairs

Yes 125

MAN MAN HB4BT - 26.310 LL FOCNR 35 000228 @ 1 900



Yes 123

MAN MAN HB4BT - 26.350 LL FOCNR 35 000257 @ 1 900



Yes 123


2016 |TMH| 121Volvo Buses. Driving quality of life

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Drivingprofile time and

money Saved

122 |TMH| 2016


Model Afriway 18.28M Afriway 18.28A


Overall Length 12 210 12 210

Overall Width 2 586 2 586

Overall Height 3 663 3 663

Front Overhang 2 605 2 605

Rear Overhang 3 395 3 395

Wheelbase 6 210 6 210

Turning Diameter (m) 18,9 18,9


Manufacturer’s Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM) 18 000 18 000

Manufacturer’s Gross Combination Mass (GCM) 3 2500 32 500

Manufacturer’s Front Axle Mass 7 500 7 500

Manufacturer’s Rear Axle Mass 11 500 11 500

Permissible Maximum Vehicle Mass 17 700 17 700

Permissible Maximum Front Axle Mass 7 500 7 500

Permissible Maximum Rear Axle Mass 10 200 10 200

Unladen Front Axle Mass 5 110 5 015

Unladen Rear Axle Mass 4 880 5 005

Total Unladen Mass 9 990 10 020

Permissible Maximum Drawing Vehicle Mass (DT) 18 000 18 000


Make / Model Tector F4A Tector F4A

Configuration 6 In-line 6 In-line

Capacity (cm³) 5 880 5 880

Diesel / Petrol Diesel Diesel

Maximum Power - kW 202 202

Maximum Torque - Nm 970 970


Make / Model ZF9S1110TO Voith Diwa 854

Number of Forward Gears 9 4

Manual / Automatic / Automated (AMT) Manual Automatic

Rear Axle Ratio 4,89:1 5,63:1


Clutch Plate Diameter (mm) 380 n/a


Type n/a Intarder


Size and Ply Rating 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5

Radial or Crossply Radial Radial

2016 |TMH| 123



Front Engine Front Engine Front Engine Front Engine Front Engine Front Engine

MAN HB1 - 18.240 BB FOCR

Chassis 4x2

MAN HB2 - 18.240 BB FOCR (A)

Chassis 4x2

MAN HB4 - 26.310 LL FOCNR

Chassis 6x2

MAN HB4 - 26.350 LL FOCNR

Chassis 6x2

HB4BT - 26.310 LL FOCNR

HB4BT - 26.350 LL FOCNR


Overall Length 12 500 (Body) 12 500 (Body) 13 900 (Body) 13 900 (Body) 22 000 (Body) 22 000 (Body)

Overall Width 2 561 (Body) 2 561 (Body) 2 561 (Body) 2 561 (Body) 2 561 (Body) 2 561 (Body)

Overall Height 3 426 (Body) 3 426 (Body) 3 400 (Body) 3 400 (Body) n/a n/a

Front Overhang 2 456 (Body) 2 456 (Body) 2 458 (Body) 2 458 (Body) 2 184 2 184

Rear Overhang 3 920 (Body) 3 920 (Body) 4 018 (Body) 4 018 (Body) 3 100 (trailer) 3 100 (trailer)

Wheelbase 6 050 6 050 6 050 6 050 6 050 + 1 350 6 050 + 1 350


Manufacturer’s Gross Vehicle Mass

18 000 18 000 26 000 26 000 35 000 35 000

Manufacturer’s Gross Combination Mass

19 500 19 500 31 000 33 000 35 000 35 000

Manufacturer’s Front Axle Mass

7 700 7 700 8 000 8 000 8 000 8 000

Manufacturer’s Rear Axle Mass

11 500 11 500 11 500 + 7 500 11 500 + 7 500 19 000 (+ 10 500) 19 000 (+ 10 500)

Permissible Maximum Vehicle Mass

17 900 17 900 25 400 25 400 34 400 34 400

Permissible Maximum Front Axle Mass

7 700 7 700 7 700 7 700 7 700 7 700

Permissible Maximum Rear Axle Mass

10 200 10 200 10 200 + 7 500 10 200 + 7 500 17 700 (+ 9 000) 17 700 (+ 9 000)

Unladen Front Axle Mass3 500

(Chassis Only)3 300

(Chassis Only)4 180

(Chassis Only)4 180

(Chassis Only)n/a n/a

Unladen Rear Axle Mass1 980

(Chassis Only)1 980

(Chassis Only)2 680

(Chassis Only)2 680

(Chassis Only)n/a n/a

Total Unladen Mass5 480

(Chassis Only)5 620

(Chassis Only)6 890

(Chassis Only)6 880

(Chassis Only)n/a n/a

Permissible Max Drawing Vehicle Mass

19 500 19 500 31 000 33 000 35 000 35 000


Make MAN D0836LFL40 MAN D0836LOH41 MAN D2066LF04 MAN D2066LF03 MAN 2066LF04 MAN 2066LF03


Capacity (cm3) 6 871 6 871 10 518 10 518 10 518 10 518

Max Power - kW @ r/min 176 @ 2 400 176 @ 2 400 228 @ 1 900 257 @ 1 900 228 @ 1 900 257 @ 1 900

Max Torque - Nm @ r/min

925 @ 1 200 - 1 800

925 @ 1 200 - 1 800

1 550 @ 1 000 - 1 400

1 750 @ 1 000 - 1 400

1 550 @ 1 000 - 1 400

1 750 @ 1 000 - 1 400


Make / Model ZF 6S 1200 BD Voith DIWA 854.5 ZF 12AS2131 DD ZF 12AS2131 DD ZF 12AS2131 DD ZF 12AS2131 DD

No of Gears 6 4 12 12 TipMatic TipMatic

High / Low Ratios 7,72:1 / 1:1 6,2:1 / 0,7:1 15,86:1 / 1:1 15,86:1 / 1:1 15,86:1 / 1:1 15,86:1 / 1:1

Manual or Automatic Manual Automatic TipMatic TipMatic TipMatic TipMatic


4,00:1 6,00:1 3,364:1 3,364:1 3,364:1 3,364:1


Voith 120-3 Retarder Voith Intarder ZF Intarder ZF Intarder ZF Intarder ZF Intarder


Size and Ply Rating 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5

Radial or Crossply Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial Radial

124 |TMH| 2016


Chassis ModelOF 917

Front EngineOF 1726

Front EngineOF 1730

Front Engine

OH 2436 RFRear EngineRaised Floor

OH 1726 RFRear EngineRaised Floor

OH 1726 LERear EngineLow Entry

OH 1826 RFRear EngineRaised Floor

OH 1826 LERear EngineLow Entry

OH 1825 LEGRear EngineLow Entry


Overall Length 8 066 11 900 11 90014 000 (9 375 Buggy Chassis)

11 870 11 786 11 870 11 870 11 787

Overall Width (Body) 2 190 2 600 2 600 2 600 2 600 2 600 2 600 2 600 2 600

Front Overhang 1 201 2 406 2 406 2 200 2 570 2 486 2 570 2 570 2 487

Rear Overhang 1 996 3 544 3 544 2 825 3 350 3 350 3 350 3 350 3 350

Wheelbase 4 800 5 950 5 9503 000 (Buggy

Chassis)5 950 5 950 5 950 5 950 5 950

Turning Radius 8 900 9 840 9 840 11 090 8 875 10 535 8 875 10 900 10 500

Angle of Approach / Departure 21º / 12,1º 12º / 11º 12º / 12º 30´ 14º 35´ / 9º 51´ 13º 41´ / 7º 51´ 9º 04´ / 7º 51´ 13º 41´ / 7º 51´ 9º 04´ / 7º 51´ 9º 04´ / 7º 51´


Gross Vehicle Mass 9 600 18 100 18 100 24 000 17 000 17 000 18 500 18 500 18 500

Gross Combination Mass - 26 000 26 000 27 000 17 000 17 000 18 500 18 500 18 500

Front Axle Mass 3 600 7 100 7 100 7 000 7 000 7 000 7 000 7 000 7 100

2nd Axle Mass - - - 6 000 - - - - -

Rear Axle Mass 6 000 11 000 11 000 11 000 11 500 11 500 11 500 11 500 11 500


Max Vehicle Mass 2 812 17 300 17 300 23 200 17 200 17 200 17 200 17 200 17 300

Max Front Axle Mass 1 595 7 100 7 100 7 000 7 000 7 000 7 000 7 000 7 100

Max 2nd Axle Mass - - - 6 000 - - - - -

Max Rear Axle Mass 1 217 10 200 10 200 10 200 10 200 10 200 10 200 10 200 10 200


Total Chassis Mass 3 494 6 146 6 146 7 092 5 770 5 814 5 676 5 930 5 868

Front Axle Mass 1 807 3 524 3 524 806 1 624 1 364 1 334 1 464 1 306

2nd Axle Mass - - - 6 286 - - - - -

Rear Axle Mass 1 687 2 622 2 622 6 286 4 146 4 450 4 342 4 466 4 562


Model 4D34i BSIII OM 906 LA OM 926 LA OM 457 LA OM 906 LA OM 906 LA OM 926 LA OM 926 LACummins ISL-G

8.91 CNG

Emission Standard Euro 3 Euro 3 Euro 3 Euro 3 Euro 3 Euro 3 Euro 5 Euro 5 EEV

Configuration 4-in-line 6-in-line 6-in-line 6-in-line 6-in-line 6-in-line 6-in-line 6-in-line 6-in-line

Capacity (cm3) - 6 374 7 200 11 967 6 374 6 374 7 200 7 200 8 898

Max Power - kW @ r/min 125 @ 2 500 191 @ 2 200 225 @ 2 200 260 @ 2 000 191 @ 2 200 191 @ 2 200 188 @ 2 200 188 @ 2 200 186 @ 2 200

Max Torque - Nm @ r/min 520 @ 1 500950 @

1 200 - 1 6001 200 @

1 400 - 1 6001 600 @ 1 100

950 @ 1 200 - 1 600

950 @ 1 200 - 1 600

900 @ 1 200 - 1 600

900 @ 1 200 - 1 600

990 @ 1 300


Transmission (a - automatic, m - manual, p - PowerShift)

M036S6 (m)ZF 6HP 504 (a)/

Voith DIWA.5ZF 6HP 504 (a)/

Voith DIWA.5MB GO 240-8 (p) Voith DIWA.3 (a) Voith DIWA.3 (a) Voith DIWA.5 (a) Voith DIWA.5 (a) ZF ECOLIFE AP

Optional Transmission (a - automatic, m - manual, p - PowerShift)

- ZF S6 1550 (m) ZF S6 1550 (m) - ZF 6HP 502 (a) ZF 6HP 502 (a) ZF 6HP 504 (a) ZF 6HP 504 (a) -

Number of Gears 6 6 / 6 6 / 6 8 4 / 6 4 / 6 4 / 6 4 / 6 6

Retarder / Intarder - Intarder / Thelma Intarder / Thelma Intarder Intarder Intarder Intarder Intarder Intarder

Brakes Pneumatic Pneumatic Pneumatic Pneumatic Pneumatic Pneumatic Pneumatic Pneumatic Pneumatic

Brakes: Front / Rear Drum / Drum Drum / Drum Drum / Drum Drum / Drum Disc / Disc Disc / Disc Disc / Disc Disc / Disc Disc / Disc


Rims 6.00 x 17.5 9.00 x 22.5 9.00 x 22.5 8.25 x 22.5 8.25 x 22.5 8.25 x 22.5 8.25 x 22.5 8.25 x 22.5 8.25 x 22.5

Tyre Size 215/75 R17.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 295/80 R22.5 295/80 R22.5 295/80 R22.5 295/80 R22.5 295/80 R22.5 295/80 R22.5

Suspension Leaf Spring Leaf Spring Leaf Spring Pneumatic Pneumatic Pneumatic Pneumatic Pneumatic Pneumatic

Differential - Hypoid Hypoid Hypoid Hypoid Hypoid Hypoid Hypoid Hypoid

Fuel Tank ( l) 160 300 300 300 300 200 300 200 190

2016 |TMH| 125


Chassis ModelOF 917

Front EngineOF 1726

Front EngineOF 1730

Front Engine

OH 2436 RFRear EngineRaised Floor

OH 1726 RFRear EngineRaised Floor

OH 1726 LERear EngineLow Entry

OH 1826 RFRear EngineRaised Floor

OH 1826 LERear EngineLow Entry

OH 1825 LEGRear EngineLow Entry


Overall Length 8 066 11 900 11 90014 000 (9 375 Buggy Chassis)

11 870 11 786 11 870 11 870 11 787

Overall Width (Body) 2 190 2 600 2 600 2 600 2 600 2 600 2 600 2 600 2 600

Front Overhang 1 201 2 406 2 406 2 200 2 570 2 486 2 570 2 570 2 487

Rear Overhang 1 996 3 544 3 544 2 825 3 350 3 350 3 350 3 350 3 350

Wheelbase 4 800 5 950 5 9503 000 (Buggy

Chassis)5 950 5 950 5 950 5 950 5 950

Turning Radius 8 900 9 840 9 840 11 090 8 875 10 535 8 875 10 900 10 500

Angle of Approach / Departure 21º / 12,1º 12º / 11º 12º / 12º 30´ 14º 35´ / 9º 51´ 13º 41´ / 7º 51´ 9º 04´ / 7º 51´ 13º 41´ / 7º 51´ 9º 04´ / 7º 51´ 9º 04´ / 7º 51´


Gross Vehicle Mass 9 600 18 100 18 100 24 000 17 000 17 000 18 500 18 500 18 500

Gross Combination Mass - 26 000 26 000 27 000 17 000 17 000 18 500 18 500 18 500

Front Axle Mass 3 600 7 100 7 100 7 000 7 000 7 000 7 000 7 000 7 100

2nd Axle Mass - - - 6 000 - - - - -

Rear Axle Mass 6 000 11 000 11 000 11 000 11 500 11 500 11 500 11 500 11 500


Max Vehicle Mass 2 812 17 300 17 300 23 200 17 200 17 200 17 200 17 200 17 300

Max Front Axle Mass 1 595 7 100 7 100 7 000 7 000 7 000 7 000 7 000 7 100

Max 2nd Axle Mass - - - 6 000 - - - - -

Max Rear Axle Mass 1 217 10 200 10 200 10 200 10 200 10 200 10 200 10 200 10 200


Total Chassis Mass 3 494 6 146 6 146 7 092 5 770 5 814 5 676 5 930 5 868

Front Axle Mass 1 807 3 524 3 524 806 1 624 1 364 1 334 1 464 1 306

2nd Axle Mass - - - 6 286 - - - - -

Rear Axle Mass 1 687 2 622 2 622 6 286 4 146 4 450 4 342 4 466 4 562


Model 4D34i BSIII OM 906 LA OM 926 LA OM 457 LA OM 906 LA OM 906 LA OM 926 LA OM 926 LACummins ISL-G

8.91 CNG

Emission Standard Euro 3 Euro 3 Euro 3 Euro 3 Euro 3 Euro 3 Euro 5 Euro 5 EEV

Configuration 4-in-line 6-in-line 6-in-line 6-in-line 6-in-line 6-in-line 6-in-line 6-in-line 6-in-line

Capacity (cm3) - 6 374 7 200 11 967 6 374 6 374 7 200 7 200 8 898

Max Power - kW @ r/min 125 @ 2 500 191 @ 2 200 225 @ 2 200 260 @ 2 000 191 @ 2 200 191 @ 2 200 188 @ 2 200 188 @ 2 200 186 @ 2 200

Max Torque - Nm @ r/min 520 @ 1 500950 @

1 200 - 1 6001 200 @

1 400 - 1 6001 600 @ 1 100

950 @ 1 200 - 1 600

950 @ 1 200 - 1 600

900 @ 1 200 - 1 600

900 @ 1 200 - 1 600

990 @ 1 300


Transmission (a - automatic, m - manual, p - PowerShift)

M036S6 (m)ZF 6HP 504 (a)/

Voith DIWA.5ZF 6HP 504 (a)/

Voith DIWA.5MB GO 240-8 (p) Voith DIWA.3 (a) Voith DIWA.3 (a) Voith DIWA.5 (a) Voith DIWA.5 (a) ZF ECOLIFE AP

Optional Transmission (a - automatic, m - manual, p - PowerShift)

- ZF S6 1550 (m) ZF S6 1550 (m) - ZF 6HP 502 (a) ZF 6HP 502 (a) ZF 6HP 504 (a) ZF 6HP 504 (a) -

Number of Gears 6 6 / 6 6 / 6 8 4 / 6 4 / 6 4 / 6 4 / 6 6

Retarder / Intarder - Intarder / Thelma Intarder / Thelma Intarder Intarder Intarder Intarder Intarder Intarder

Brakes Pneumatic Pneumatic Pneumatic Pneumatic Pneumatic Pneumatic Pneumatic Pneumatic Pneumatic

Brakes: Front / Rear Drum / Drum Drum / Drum Drum / Drum Drum / Drum Disc / Disc Disc / Disc Disc / Disc Disc / Disc Disc / Disc


Rims 6.00 x 17.5 9.00 x 22.5 9.00 x 22.5 8.25 x 22.5 8.25 x 22.5 8.25 x 22.5 8.25 x 22.5 8.25 x 22.5 8.25 x 22.5

Tyre Size 215/75 R17.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 295/80 R22.5 295/80 R22.5 295/80 R22.5 295/80 R22.5 295/80 R22.5 295/80 R22.5

Suspension Leaf Spring Leaf Spring Leaf Spring Pneumatic Pneumatic Pneumatic Pneumatic Pneumatic Pneumatic

Differential - Hypoid Hypoid Hypoid Hypoid Hypoid Hypoid Hypoid Hypoid

Fuel Tank ( l) 160 300 300 300 300 200 300 200 190


Chassis ModelOH 2836 RF A

Rear EngineRaised Floor Articulated

OH 2836 LE ARear Engine

Low Entry Articulated


Overall Length 17 870 17 787

Overall Width (Body) 2 600 2 600

Front Overhang 2 570 2 487

Rear Overhang 3 350 3 350

1st Wheelbase 5 250 5 250

2nd Wheelbase 6 700 6 700

Turning Radius 9 570 9 570

Angle of Approach / Departure 13º 41´ / 7º 50´ 9º 04´ / 7º 50´


Gross Vehicle Mass 28 000 28 000

Gross Combination Mass 28 000 28 000

Front Axle Mass 7 000 7 000

2nd Axle Mass 10 000 11 500

Rear Axle Mass 12 300 12 300


Max Vehicle Mass 26 200 26 200

Max Front Axle Mass 7 000 7 000

Max 2nd Axle Mass 9 000 9 000

Max Rear Axle Mass 10 200 10 200


Total Chassis Mass 9 426 9 878

Front Axle Mass 1 914 1 912

2nd Axle Mass 1 688 2 172

Rear Axle Mass 5 824 5 794


Model OM 457 LA OM 457 LA

Emission Standard Euro 5 Euro 5

Configuration 6-in-line 6-in-line

Capacity (cm3) 11 967 11 967

Max Power - kW @ r/min 260 @ 2 000 260 @ 2 000

Max Torque - Nm @ r/min 1 600 @ 1 100 1 600 @ 1 100


Transmission (a - automatic) Voith DIWA.5 (a) Voith DIWA.5 (a)

Optional Transmission (a - automatic) ZF 6HP 604 (a) ZF 6HP 604 (a)

Number of Gears 4 / 6 4 / 6

Retarder / Intarder Intarder Intarder

Brakes Pneumatic Pneumatic

Brakes: Front / Rear Drum / Drum Disc / Disc

Braking System: ABS / ASR / EPB ABS ABS

Rims 8.25 x 22.5 8.25 x 22.5

Tyre Size 295/80 R22.5 295/80 R22.5

Suspension Pneumatic Pneumatic

Differential Hub Reduction Hub Reduction

Fuel Tank ( l) 300 300

126 |TMH| 2016


Model LP 713 TMP 27-seater 4x2 LPO 918 37-seater

4x2 LPO 1823 66-seater



Make / ModelTATA 697 TCIC

(Euro 2)Tata Cummins 6BT 5.9 - 180

(Euro 2)Tata Cummins 6BT AA 5.9 - 230

(Euro 2)

Capacity (cm3) 5 675 5 883 5 883

Layout Diesel in-line 6 Diesel in-line 6 Diesel in-line 6

Type Turbo intercooled Turbo intercooled Turbo intercooled

Power – kW @ r/min 96 @ 2 400 132 @ 2 250 173 @ 2 500

Torque – Nm @ r/min 416 @ 1 400 - 1 700 683 @ 1 500 800 @ 1 500


Make / Model GBS - 40 GBS - 600 GBS - 750

Type Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh

Shift Manual Manual Manual

No. of Forward Gears 5 6 6

High / Low Ratios 7,51:1 / 1:1 6,58:1 / 0,77:1 6,58:1 / 0,77:1


Overall Height 2 600 2 900 3 400

Overall Length 7 125 8 946 12 000

Overall Width 2 140 2 240 2 600

Wheelbase 3 800 4 200 6 200

MASS (kg)

Manufacturer’s Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM) 7 700 9 500 17 900

Manufacturer’s Gross Combination Mass (GCM) 9 700 11 500 21 000

Permissible Maximum Drawing Vehicle Mass (D/T) 9 700 11 500 21 000

Permissible Body + Payload 2 740 3 330 7 590

Tare (T) 4 960 6 170 10 310

Permissible Rear Axle Weight 4 750 5 700 7 700

Permissible Front Axle Weight 2 950 3 800 7 700

Manufacturer’s Rear Axle Weight 4 750 5 700 10 200

Manufacturer’s Front Axle Weight 2 950 3 800 9 000


Type Single Single Single

Diameter (mm) 310 352 380


Reduction Type Single Single Single

Final Ratio 3,44:1 5,285:1 5,8547:1


Type Full air dual Full air dual Full air dual

Front Drums Drums Drums

Rear Drums Drums Drums

Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) No No No

Retarder No No Yes


Tank Capacity (ℓ) 120 160 350


Size and Ply Rating 215/75 R17.5 8.25 R20 - 14PR 315/80 R22.5


2016 |TMH| 127


Model LP 713 TMP 27-seater 4x2 LPO 918 37-seater

4x2 LPO 1823 66-seater



Make / ModelTATA 697 TCIC

(Euro 2)Tata Cummins 6BT 5.9 - 180

(Euro 2)Tata Cummins 6BT AA 5.9 - 230

(Euro 2)

Capacity (cm3) 5 675 5 883 5 883

Layout Diesel in-line 6 Diesel in-line 6 Diesel in-line 6

Type Turbo intercooled Turbo intercooled Turbo intercooled

Power – kW @ r/min 96 @ 2 400 132 @ 2 250 173 @ 2 500

Torque – Nm @ r/min 416 @ 1 400 - 1 700 683 @ 1 500 800 @ 1 500


Make / Model GBS - 40 GBS - 600 GBS - 750

Type Synchromesh Synchromesh Synchromesh

Shift Manual Manual Manual

No. of Forward Gears 5 6 6

High / Low Ratios 7,51:1 / 1:1 6,58:1 / 0,77:1 6,58:1 / 0,77:1


Overall Height 2 600 2 900 3 400

Overall Length 7 125 8 946 12 000

Overall Width 2 140 2 240 2 600

Wheelbase 3 800 4 200 6 200

MASS (kg)

Manufacturer’s Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM) 7 700 9 500 17 900

Manufacturer’s Gross Combination Mass (GCM) 9 700 11 500 21 000

Permissible Maximum Drawing Vehicle Mass (D/T) 9 700 11 500 21 000

Permissible Body + Payload 2 740 3 330 7 590

Tare (T) 4 960 6 170 10 310

Permissible Rear Axle Weight 4 750 5 700 7 700

Permissible Front Axle Weight 2 950 3 800 7 700

Manufacturer’s Rear Axle Weight 4 750 5 700 10 200

Manufacturer’s Front Axle Weight 2 950 3 800 9 000


Type Single Single Single

Diameter (mm) 310 352 380


Reduction Type Single Single Single

Final Ratio 3,44:1 5,285:1 5,8547:1


Type Full air dual Full air dual Full air dual

Front Drums Drums Drums

Rear Drums Drums Drums

Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) No No No

Retarder No No Yes


Tank Capacity (ℓ) 120 160 350


Size and Ply Rating 215/75 R17.5 8.25 R20 - 14PR 315/80 R22.5







128 |TMH| 2016


Model VW 9.150 OD VW 17.210 OD

Application Front Engine Front Engine

Cab Description Bus Chassis Bus Chassis

Axle Configuration 4x2 4x2


Overall Length 7 630 10 540

Overall Width 2 150 2 514

Overall Height Dependant on body type. Dependant on body type.

Front Overhang 1 200 2 040

Rear Overhang 1 200 2 550

Wheelbase 4 300 5 950

Turning Radius (m) 15,5 20,5


Manufacturer’s Gross Vehicle Mass 9 200 18 000

Manufacturer’s Gross Combination Mass 11 000 26 000

Manufacturer’s Front Axle Mass 3 200 6 500

Manufacturer’s Rear Axle Mass 6 000 11 500

Permissible Maximum Vehicle Mass 9 200 16 700

Permissible Maximum Front Axle Mass 3 200 6 500

Permissible Maximum Rear Axle Mass 6 000 10 200

Unladen Front Axle Mass 1 722 3 031

Unladen Rear Axle Mass 1 071 2 040

Total Unladen Mass 2 793 5 071

Permissible Max Drawing Vehicle Mass 11 000 26 000


Make MWM-VW 4.10 Turbo Intercooled Diesel 4-in-line MWM-VW 6.10 Turbo Intercooled Diesel 6-in-line

Capacity (cm3) 4 300 6 450

Max Power - kW @ r/min 107 @ 2 600 151 @ 2 600

Max Torque - Nm @ r/min 500 @ 1 600 657 @ 1 700


Make / Model ZF S5-420 EATON FSB 5406 A

No of Gears Five Speed Six Speed

High / Low Ratios 5,71:1 / 0,76:1 9,01:1 / 1,00:1

Synchromesh or Constantmesh Synchromesh Synchromesh


4,30:1 4,88:1


Exhaust Brake Exhaust Brake


Size and Ply Rating 215/75 R17.5 295/80 R22.5

Radial or Crossply Radial Radial

2016 |TMH| 129


Model B7R 4x2 B9R 6x2 B11R 6x2


Overall Length Depends on wheelbase Depends on wheelbase Depends on wheelbase

Overall Width 2 600 2 600 2 600

Overall Height Depends on body Depends on body Depends on body

Front Overhang 2 500 2 500 2 500

Rear Overhang 3 144 3 209 2 670

Wheelbase 4 800 - 6 900 4 800 - 6 900 5 000 - 7 400

Turning Diameter (m) Depends on wheelbase Depends on wheelbase Depends on wheelbase


Manufacturer’s Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM) 18 600 24 750 24 750

Manufacturer’s Gross Combination Mass (GCM) 22 100 28 250 28 250

Manufacturer’s Front Axle Mass 7 500 7 500 7 500

Manufacturer’s Rear Axle Mass 11 500 17 250 17 250

Permissible Maximum Vehicle Mass 17 700 23 450 23 450

Permissible Maximum Front Axle Mass 7 500 7 500 7 500

Permissible Maximum Rear Axle Mass 10 200 15 950 15 950

Unladen Front Axle Mass Depends on body Depends on body Depends on body

Unladen Rear Axle Mass Depends on body Depends on body Depends on body

Total Unladen Mass Depends on body Depends on body Depends on body

Permissible Maximum Drawing Vehicle Mass (DT) 22 100 28 250 28 250


Make / ModelVolvo D7E


Volvo D9B


Volvo D11A

Euro-3 & -5

Configuration 6-in-line Diesel 6-in-line Diesel 6-in-line Diesel

Capacity (dm³) 7,14 9,365 10,8

Maximum Power – kW @ r/min 213 @ 2 100 255 @ 1 900 317 @ 1 800 – 1 900

Maximum Torque – Nm @ r/min1 200 @

1 050 – 1 6001 632 @ 1 200

1 970 @

1 100 – 1 400


Make / Model ZF 6AP1400B or Voith DIWA.5 Volvo AT2412C (I-shift) Volvo AT2412C (I-shift)

Number of Forward Gears 6/4 12 12

Manual/Automatic/Automated (AMT) Automatic Automatic Automatic

Rear Axle Ratio 3 ratios available 4 ratios available 6 ratios available


Clutch Plate Diameter (mm) N/ASingle dry plate push type –

430 mm

Single dry plate push type –

430 mm


Type Integrated / VoithVoith Hydraulic retarder


Voith Hydraulic retarder



Size and Ply Rating 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 315/80 R22.5

Radial or Crossply Radial Radial Radial

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FAWFAW Bethlehem 4 Kerk Street, Bethlehem 058 303 0935 FAW Bloemfontein 68 Frikkie Van Kraayenburg Street, New East End, Bloemfontein 051 432 3332 FAW Cape Town 9 Karee Street, Kraaifontein Industria, Cape Town 021 987 1909 FAW Eastern Cape 113 Old Grahamstown Road, North End, Port Elizabeth 041 819 9888 FAW Ermelo 2 Merino Street, Ermelo 017 811 5225 FAW George Rand Street, George Industria, George 044 802 0900 FAW Harrismith 8 Piet Retief Street, Harrismith 058 622 2486 FAW Isando 45 Brabazon Road, Isando, Johannesburg 011 392 1530 FAW Johannesburg South 101 Turfontein Road, Glenesk, Johannesburg 011 683 3364FAW Kimberley 12-14 Edward Street, Kimberly 053 836 5500 FAW Klerksdorp 118 OR Thambo Street, Klerksdorp 018 462 4041 FAW Middelburg 4 Celcius Street, Middelburg 1050 013 246 2606 FAW Trucks Namibia 14 Rendsburger Street, Lafrenz Industrial, Windhoek, Namibia 00 264 613 33000FAW Nelspruit Cnr R40 & Lydenburg Road, Riverside, Nelspruit 013 757 0585 FAW Newcastle 12 Murchison Street, Newcastle 034 312 8028 / 9FAW Pinetown 48 Westgate Place, Westmead, Pinetown 031 700 5167 FAW Polokwane 63 19th Avenue, Industria, Polokwane 015 297 7046 FAW Pretoria West 1656 Malie Street, Zandfontein, Pretoria 012 372 1323 FAW Randburg Malibongwe Drive, Ferndale Ext 15, Randburg 011 791 0355 FAW South Coast Lot 725, Marine Drive, Shelley Beach 039 315 0012 FAW Vereeniging 12 De Villiers Avenue, Vereeniging 016 455 5131 FAW West Rand 151 Main Road, Johannesburg 011 477 0055 / 3705 A & J Dieseldienste (Service dealer) Cnr Third and Fourth Roads, Gunhill, Kroonstad 056 212 3646Andre Elektries (Service dealer) Plaas Ver Genoeg, ZeerustBrand Ford 20 Kerk Street, Vredendal 027 213 1090 Bright Spark Auto (Service dealer) 8 Industria Road, Jan Kemp Dorp 053 456 1240 DFN Maintenance & Repairs (Service dealer) Welkom Development Centre, Alma Road, WelkomF & R Phakisa (Service dealer) 6 Main Road, Ladysmith 036 633 3602Highway East London (Service dealer) 8 Electron Road, Gately, East London 043 736 3332Hydro Automotive 369 Pretoria Road, Silverton, Pretoria 012 756 5805 / 6 / 7Komati Mida’s 1 Air Street, Malelane, Komatipoort 013 790 0341 Louis se Werkswinkel (Service dealer) 46 Hendrik Van Eck Weg, Kathu 053 723 1951NW Truck & Trailer (Service dealer) 2 Ross Street, Potchindustria, Potchefstroom 083 763 6330ROLA Botswana Plot 20578 Moshaneng, Block 3 Industrial Broadhurst, Gabarone, Botswana 00 267 316 3200 ROLA Botswana Plot 1085, Dumela Industrial, Francistown 00 267 241 5458

Ford GautengAction Ford Cnr William Nicol & Constantia Boulevard, Constantia, Roodepoort 011 858 4000Action Ford 201 Voortrekker Avenue, Monument, Krugersdorp 011 950 3300Allen Joss Auto Cnr Braam Pretorius and Albrecht Streets, Annlin, Pretoria 012 567 5171Aurinia Auto 478 Pretoria Road, Silverton, Pretoria 012 804 2369Barloworld Ford Cnr Voortrekker Road & Redruth Street, Alberton 011 724 1100Barloworld Ford Bruma Cnr Cumberland & Eastgate Lane, Park Meadows, Kensington, Johannesburg 011 607 5000Basil Green Auto Cnr Aitken & Van Riebeeck Avenue, Edenvale 011 609 3068BB Menlyn Ford Cnr Glen Manor Avenue & Frikkie De Beer Street, Menlyn Ext 10, Pretoria 012 368 8000Ben Morgenrood Auto 84 Main Road, Randfontein 011 412 3353Casseys Auto Cnr Mowbray Avenue & Tom Jones Street, Lakeside Mall, Benoni 011 427 2000Casseys Auto 140 Second Street, Springs 011 812 1150CMH Kempster Ford Hatfield Cnr Jan Shoba and Park Streets, Hatfield, Pretoria 012 423 4300CMH Kempster Ford Pretoria 42 Bosman Street, Pretoria 012 338 3700CMH Kempster Ford Pretoria North 610 Steve Biko Road, Gezina, Pretoria 012 404 9200CMH Kempster Ford Randburg Cnr Hill Street & Long Drive, Ferndale, Randburg 011 509 7300Consolidated Auto 19 Northrand Road, Bardene Ext 60, Boksburg 011 306 2000Eagle Ford 616 Louis Botha Avenue, Bramley, Johannesburg 011 531 3000Fury Ford Fourways Cnr Witkoppen & Douglas Roads, Fourways, Sandton 011 658 1599Fury Ford Midrand Cnr New & 16th Road, Halfway House, Midrand 011 315 3295Fury Ford Sandton 24 Witkoppen Road, Rivonia, Sandton 011 807 6015Fury Ford William Nicol Cnr William Nicol & Mattie Road, Parkmore, Sandton 011 666 8500Fury Ford Woodmead Cnr Woodmead & Waterfall Crescent Drive, Woodmead, Johannesburg 010 596 9400Gani’s Auto 45 Schoeman Road, Heidelberg 016 341 7111Hoffeldt Auto 43 Church Street, Bronkhorstspruit 013 932 6400Imperial Ford Cnr Russel & Rand Airport Roads, Airport Park, Germiston 011 383 5000Imperial Ford Cnr Pretoria & Wellington Streets, Rhodesfield, Kempton Park 011 922 2900Lazarus Motor Company 400 West Street, Centurion 012 678 0000McCarthy Ford The Glen 4 Amanda Road, Gleneagles Ext 8, Johannesburg 011 436 7600McCarthy Ford Silver Lakes 1 Etienne Road, Cnr Lynnwood & Hans Stijdom, Equestria Ext 99, Pretoria East 012 809 6600Park Ford Cnr Frikkie Meyer & Kelvin Streets, Vanderbijlpark 016 981 6010Paul Maher Auto 253 Beyers Naude Drive, Northcliff, Johannesburg 011 431 1781Vereeniging Auto 14 Voortrekker Street, Vereeniging 016 422 3541LimpopoMatopi Ford 3 Kotie Street, Lephalale 014 763 2295Modimolle Ford 1115 Neptune Street, Modimolle 014 717 1054Thabazimbi Ford 5 Tin Road, Thabazimbi 014 777 1593North WestB&R Motors 52 General Delarey Street, Delareyville 053 948 0115Brits Ford 3 Van Deventer Street, Brits 012 252 3333Daly Ford Klerksdorp 29 Connie Avenue, Adamayview, Klerksdorp 018 406 1800Daly Ford Potchefstroom 66 Walter Sisulu Street, Potchefstroom 018 299 8000Leons Auto 5 Howick Avenue, Waterfall Park, Rustenburg 014 597 6300Supreme Auto Mafikeng 17 Aerodrome Road, Industrial Sites, Mafikeng 018 381 3675

dealersHip lisTings

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Supreme Auto Vryburg 69 Molopo Road, Vryburg 053 927 1466Western Ford Lichtenburg 60 Scholtz Street, Lichtenburg 018 632 2150Western Ford Zeerust 41 Church Street, Zeerust 018 642 1161MpumalangaBarberton Ford Cnr Hospital & General Streets, Barberton 013 712 3070Eastvaal Motors Ford Secunda Walter Sisulu Street, Secunda 017 634 7157Eastvaal Motors Ford Witbank Cnr Frans & Mandela Streets, Witbank 013 693 8200McGee and Company Lydenburg Cnr Viljoen & Voortrekker Streets, Lydenburg 013 235 2371McGee and Company Groblersdal 18 Linbri Avenue, Groblersdal 013 235 2371Motomid 22 Weber Street, Middelburg 013 249 2600Nelspruit Ford 47 Emnotweni Avenue, Riverside Industrial Park, Nelspruit 013 757 3500Numbi Ford 6 Chief Mgiyeni Khumalo Drive, White River 013 751 2225 / 6 / 7Ritchie Ford Standerton 17 Cnr Church & Burger Streets, Standerton 017 712 1211Twenty Four Motors Cnr Oosthuizen & Kerk Steets, Ermelo 017 819 7222KwaZulu-NatalBallito Ford 35 Moffat Drive, Ballito 032 946 5600Barloworld Ford Pietermaritzburg Chatterton Road, Pietermaritzburg 033 392 4444Barloworld Ford Pinetown 113 Josiah Gumade Road, Pinetown 031 717 5555County Ford Waterfall Shop 111 Linkhills Shopping Centre, Waterfall, Hillcrest, Pinetown 087 135 2555County Ford Port Shepstone 2 Mbango Commercial Centre, Main Harding Road, Port Shepstone 039 688 9200Eshowe Auto 57 Osbourne Road, Eshowe 035 474 1376Fed Auto Ford Newcastle Allen Street, Newcastle 034 328 7150Hi Auto 39 Lorne Street, Estcourt 036 352 4870CMH Kempster Ford Durban 901 Umgeni Road, Umgeni, Durban 031 313 0800CMH Kempster Ford Durban South 274 Solomon Mahlanga Drive, Bluff, Durban 031 451 4700CMH Kempster Ford Umhlanga 89 Flanders Drive, Mount Edgecombe, Umhlanga Rocks 031 538 6200Fed Auto Ford Kokstad 13 Hope Street, Kokstad 039 727 2173

Fury Ford Amanzimtoti 34 Rockview Road, Amanzimtoti 031 903 5354Ritchie Ford Empangeni 17 Maxwell Street, Empangeni 035 772 1164Ritchie Ford Richards Bay 68 Allumina Alee, Alton, Richards Bay 035 797 3401Ritchie Ford Vryheid 234 Church Street, Vryheid 034 982 2191Sentracor 295 Murchison Street, Ladysmith 036 637 7837Stanger Auto 3 Industria Crescent, Stanger 032 551 9700Western CapeAgrico 35 Long Street, Moorreesburg 022 433 2288B&M Ford 18 Long Street, Bredasdorp 028 424 2518B&M Garage 20 Voortrekker Street, Swellendam 028 514 1150 / 1Barloworld Ford N1 City Cnr Willie Faasen Street & Frans Conradie Drive, N1 City, Cape Town 021 596 3200Barloworld Ford Tyger Valley 255 Durban Road, Tygervalley, Cape Town 021 910 7050Brand Ford 20 Church Street, Vredendal 027 213 1090CWL Baard Auto Voortrekker Street, Hopefield 022 723 0521De Vlei Diensstasie Graafwater Road, Clanwilliam 027 482 2161Eastcliff Auto 18 Arum Street, Hermanus 028 312 3704Oudtshoorn Ford 45 Voortrekker Road, Oudtshoorn 044 272 6168Imperial Ford Culemborg 5 Old Marine Drive, Culemborg, Cape Town 021 409 1900Imperial Ford Diep River 68 Main Road, Diep River, Cape Town 021 712 1104Imperial Ford Paarden Eiland 67 Paarden Eiland Road, Paarden Eiland, Cape Town 021 506 2700Imperial Ford George Eden Meander, Knysna Road, George 044 802 5400Jaffes Ford 45 High Street, Worcester 023 347 2601Kelfords Ford 11 Victoria Street, Somerset West 021 851 3333Kempena Motors 69 Voortrekker Street, Citrusdal 022 921 2150Lazarus Ford Malmesbury 1 Pieter Berg Street, Malmesbury 022 482 0900Mekor Ford Claremont 151 Lansdowne Road, Claremont, Cape Town 021 672 1700Mosselbaai Ford Cnr Louis Fourie & Via Appie Streets, Mossel Bay 044 695 4393Country Ford Goodwood 14 Voortrekker Road, Goodwood, Cape Town 021 590 6200Novel Motor Company Paarl 360 Main Road, Paarl 021 870 7000Novel Motor Company Stellenbosch Devon Valley Road, Devon Valley, Stellenbosch 021 886 5926Rola Ford Robertson 35 Paul Kruger Street, Robertson 023 626 3051Sentra Motors 12 Voortrekker Street, Porterville 022 931 2176Rola Ford Riversdale 12 Main Street, Riversdale 028 713 1688Weskus Motors 18 Saldanha Road, Vredenburg 022 713 1277Free StateDries Auto 4 Warden Street, Harrismith 058 622 2101 / 2 / 3Human Auto Bloemfontein 42 Zastron Street, Bloemfontein 051 430 1011Human Auto Welkom 141 Arrarat Road, Dagbreek, Welkom 057 352 6241Imperial Ford Kroonstad 4 Brand Street, Kroonstad 056 216 8300Scott Auto 24 Kerk Street, Bethlehem 058 303 9890Eastern CapeAliwal Auto 103 Somerset Road, Aliwal North 051 633 2498Eastern Cape Motors East London 93 Fitzpatrick Road, Arcadia, East London 043 704 4000Eastern Cape Motors King Williams Town Cnr Eales & Cambridge Road, King Williams Town 043 643 3211Eastern Cape Motors Port Alfred 28 Main Street, Port Alfred 046 624 1125Eastern Cape Motors William Moffett William Moffett Expressway, Fairview, Port Elizabeth 041 399 1200Eastern Cape Motors Port Elizabeth 41 Grahamstown Road, North End, Port Elizabeth 041 484 4326Eastern Cape Motors Uitenhage Cnr Market & Mitchell Streets, Uitenhage 041 922 9100Queenstown Ford 154 Cathcart Road, Queenstown 045 839 4024JW Auto 18 Voortrekker Street, Cradock 048 881 4452Kouga Ford 10 Voortrekker Street, Humansdorp 042 295 1146Midland Auto and Tractors 21 Market Square, Graaff-Reinet 049 891 0601Northern CapeBesters Auto 35 Church Street, Victoria West 053 621 0077Dawella Auto Inry Street, Industrial Area, Springbok 027 712 2151Moderne Motors Cnr Hartsweg & Stasie Streets, Hartswater 053 474 1754Human Auto Kimberley 56 Stockdale Street, Kimberley 053 831 3661North Western Motor Company 58 Scott Street, Upington 054 332 3323Southern Africa

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Barloworld Motor Francistown Sam Nujoma Road, Light Industrial Sites, Francistown, Botswana 00 267 241 2323Barloworld Ford Motor Gaborone 36 West Avenue, Gaborone International Commerce Park, Kgale View, Gaborone, Botswana 00 267 365 6000C & G Auto Dr Hendrik Witbooi Avenue, Mariental, Namibia 00 264 632 40357Carson Auto Portion 11 Farm 838, Ext 6, Maneni, Manzini, Swaziland 00 268 250 56234Gey Auto 427 Hage Geingob, Otjiwarongo, Namibia 00 264 673 03031Novel Ford Windhoek 444 Independence Avenue, Windhoek, Namibia 00 264 612 924000Novel Motor Company Walvis Bay Cnr Hana Mupetami & Moses Garoeb Street, Walvis Bay, Namibia 00 264 642 203411SF Auto 23D Hidipo Hamutenya Street, Grootfontein, Namibia 00 264 672 43501

FreightlinerGautengCargo Commercial Vehicles Germiston Cnr M2 East & Refinery Road, Germiston 011 437 0300New Vaal Motors Cnr General Smuts & Van Riebeeck Roads, Duncanville, Vereeniging 016 430 6500Sandown Commercial Vehicles Centurion 1 Park Avenue North, Highway Business Park, Rooihuiskraal, Centurion 012 621 7400Sandown Commercial Vehicles Roodepoort 1141 Leader Avenue, Stormill, Roodepoort, Gauteng 011 661 2100LimpopoMercurius Motors Polokwane Corporate Park 1, 5 Marmer Road, Magna Via, Polokwane Ext 12, Limpopo 015 297 3726North WestCargo Motors Klerksdorp 1 Goue Weg, Klerksdorp 018 406 5400MpumalangaDe Wit Motors Ermelo 2 Merino Street, Ermelo 017 811 5225McCarthy Kunene Cnr Watermeyer & Malherbe St, Ext 8, Witbank 013 697 4370United Motors CV 1st Avenue, Industrial Area, Bethal 017 647 8300Union Motors Lowveld CV 2 Bosch Street, Nelspruit 013 752 6003KwaZulu-NatalGarden City Commercials Pietermaritzburg 3 Grix Road, Willowton, Pietermaritzburg 033 397 5600NMI-DSM Commercial Vehicles Pinetown 6 Sprite Place, Westmead, Pinetown 031 792 0700Union Motors South Coast Lot 494 Off Izotsha Rd, Izotsha, Shelly Beach 039 315 4800Western CapeRola Motors Commercial Vehicle Centre 18 Chilwan Crescent, Helderberg Industrial Park, Strand 021 841 8700Sandown Commercial Vehicles Cnr Isotope & Brug Streets, Stikland, Bellville 021 948 0684Free StateJohn Williams CV Bloemfontein 270 Church Street, Hamilton, Bloemfontein 051 409 3700Eastern CapeMaritime Motors Port Elizabeth 111 Grahamstown Road, North End, Port Elizabeth 041 408 6600Ronnies Motors East London 90 Old Transkei Road, Nahoon, East London 043 702 2748Northern CapeGariep Motors Kimberley 112 Long Street, Kimberley 053 831 2400Southern Africa



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Improved driving comfort coupled with fewer costs. Voith‘s DIWA.5 automatic transmission offers you a solution that is optimally tailored. The topography-dependent gear-shifting program SensoTop increases driving comfort and significantly reduces fuel consumption. With a customised service concept Voith ensures that you will always be reliably on the move. Voith DIWA automatic transmissions: Getting your buses to their destination more efficiently, comfortably and economically.

New: We offer training courses!

Contact us for more informationOr to set-up an appointment Tel: +27 11 418 4000 [email protected]

134 |TMH| 2016

dealersHiplisTings engineering for a better world

GEA Southern & Eastern Africa48 Reedbuck Crescent, Corporate Park South, Midrand 1682, RSAPhone: +27 (0)11 392 7114, Fax: +27 (0)11 392 [email protected]

Comprehensive range and quality serviCe

GEA offers efficient and quality service on a comprehensive range of world class products – Thermo King for transport temperature control, Furgocar for fail-safe, secure locking gear and Dhollandia lifting equipment for operator and passenger safety. All our products are backed up by certified technicians to ensure the best possible service to our customers.

2016 |TMH| 135

Naledi Gaberone Plot 5241,Tlokweng Road, Gaborone 00 267 395 6217M&Z Motors Windhoek Windhoek, Namibia 00 264 613 7200/5

FusoGautengNew Vaal Motors Vereeniging Cnr General Smuts Road & Van Riebeeck Avenue, Duncanville, Vereeniging 016 430 6500Cargo Commercial Vehicles Germiston Cnr Dekema & Osborne Roads, Wadeville, Germiston 011 437 0300Sandown Commercial Vehicles Centurion 1 Park Avenue, North Highway Business Park, Rooihuiskraal, Centurion 012 621 7400Sandown Commercial Vehicles Roodepoort 1141 Leader Avenue, Stormill, Roodepoort 011 611 2100LimpopoMercurius Motors Polokwane CV Corporate Park 1, 5 Marmer Road, Magna Via, Polokwane Ext 12, Limpopo 015 298 4700North WestCargo Motors Klerksdorp 1 Goue Weg, Adamayview, Klerksdorp 018 406 5400Maemo Motors CV C/O R104 & 2nd Avenue, Waterfall East, Rustenburg 014 592 1141MpumalangaDe Wit Motors Ermelo 2 Merino Street, Ermelo 017 811 5225McCarthy Kunene CV Cnr Watermeyer & Malherbe St, Ext 8, Witbank 013 697 4370 United Motors CV 1st Avenue, Industrial Area, Bethal 017 647 8300Union Motors Lowveld CV 2 Bosch Street, Nelspruit 013 752 6003KwaZulu-NatalGarden City Commercials Vehicles 3 Grix Road, Willowton, Pietermaritzburg 033 397 5600McCarthy Inyanga Empangeni Inyanga Plaza, John Ross Highway, Empangeni 035 901 7500NMI-DSM Commercial Vehicles 6 Sprite Place, Westmead, Pinetown 031 792 0700 Stucky Motors Newcastle 26 Kirkland Street, Newcastle 034 328 1000Union Motors South Coast Lot 494 Off Izotsha Rd, Izotsha, Shelly Beach 039 315 4800Free StateJohn Williams Commercial Vehicles 270 Church Street, Hamilton, Bloemfontein 051 409 3700Western CapeOrbit Boland 138 High Street, Worcester 023 342 2420Paarl Motors Zandwyk Park, Old Paarl Road (R101), Paarl 021 872 1531Rola Motors Commercial Vehicle Centre 18 Chilwan Crescent, Helderberg Industrial Park, Strand 021 841 8700Sandown Commercial Vehicles Bellville Cnr Isotope & Brug Streets, Strikland, Bellville 021 948 0684Eastern CapeMaritime Motors PE CV 111 Grahamstown Road, North End, Port Elizabeth 041 408 6600Ronnies Motors East London 3 Napier Road, Settlers Heights, East London 043 736 3165Stanmar Motors George Cnr Discovery & Beach Roads, Pacaltsdorp, George 044 802 7000Northern CapeGariep Motors 112 Long Street, Kimberley 053 831 2400Southern AfricaNaledi Gaborone Plot 5241, Tlokweng Road, Gaborone 00 267 395 6217M&Z Motors Windhoek 35 Newcastle Street, Northern Industry, Windhoek, Namibia 00 264 613 7200/5

HinoGauteng Hino East Rand 190 Atlas Rd, Dunswart, Boksburg 011 914 8900Hino Kungwini Cnr R25 and Nan-Hua Road, Bronkhorstspruit 013 931 0500Barloworld Toyota Centurion (2S) 1301 South Street, Centurion 012 641 7000Hino Germiston Cnr M2 East & Refinery Road, Germiston 011 323 1200Hino Honeydew 61 Beyers Naude Drive, Honeydew 011 795 3743Hino Isando Cnr Barbara & Brollo Roads, Isando 011 436 7000Hino Selby 20 John Street, Selby 011 493 7100Hino Midrand 12th Street, Midrand 011 541 7104Hino Tshwane 1 Visagie Street, Pretoria West 012 357 9200Hino West Rand Cnr Springhaas & Rhinocerous St, Weltevreden Park 011 288 8000Hino Vereeniging Faraday Street, Vereeniging 016 450 3475Free State Hino Bethlehem 37 Kerk Street, Bethlehem 058 303 5441Hino Oranje Cnr Nelson Mandela Str & Muller Rd, Spitskop, Bloemfontein 051 406 3000Hino Kroonstad (2S) 8 Brand Street, Kroonstad 056 216 2800Hino Welkom (2S) 283 Koppie Alleen Road, Welkom 057 916 8300LimpopoHino Mokopane 44 Thabo Mbeki Road, Mokopane 015 491 3211Hino Phalaborwa 1 Sealene Road, Phalaborwa 015 781 0661Hino Limpopo 204 Tagore Street, Polokwane 015 292 9589Hino Tzaneen 52 Agatha Street, Tzaneen 015 307 4440Hino Werda (2S) Cnr Rissik & Krogh Streets, Louis Trichardt 015 516 0284Eastern CapeStatus Toyota Cradock Middelburg Road, Oukop Industrial Area, Cradock 048 881 4146Hino Buffalo 14 Bonza Bay Road, Beacon Bay 043 706 7611Hino Algoa 18A Diaz Road, Port Elizabrth 041 393 2000Buffalo Toyota Mthatha (2S) N2 Hillcrest Shopping Centre, Mthata 047 532 5256Western Cape Beaufort Wes Toyota (2S) 12 Donkin Street, Beaufort West 023 414 2101Hino Citrusdal 2 Paul de Villiers Street, Citrusdal 022 921 2115Hino George Rand Street, George 044 802 0900Hino Kuilsriver 122 Van Riebeeck Road, Kuils River 021 900 3171Hino Parow Cnr Jan Van Riebeeck & Epping Avenue, Elsies River 021 933 1828Hino Audensberg 133 High Street, Worcester 023 342 1083North West Hino Klerksdorp 4 Brother Patrick Ave, Flamwood 018 406 5500Hino Lichtenburg 36 Republick Street, Lichtenburg 018 632 4455Hino Mafikeng 33 Aerodrome Crecent, Mafikeng 018 381 2828Hino Potchefstroom 7 James Moroka Street, Potchefstroom 018 297 3921Hino Rustenburg Cnr Oliver Tambo & Beyers Naude Dr, Rustenburg 014 597 4790Hino Vryburg (2S) 194 Mark Street, Vryburg 053 927 2316Northern Cape Hino Kimberley (2S) 89 Memorial Road, Southridge 053 836 4700 C




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Hino Kuruman Main Street, Kuruman 053 712 1031Springbok Toyota (2S) 15 Voortrekker Street, Springbok 027 712 2006Upington Toyota Cnr Park & Le Roux Street, Upington 054 337 7100MpumalangaErmelo Toyota (2S) 130 Church Street, Ermelo 017 811 0613NTT Toyota Groblersdal (2S) 23 Van Riebeeck Sreet, Groblersdal 013 262 3051Hino Lydenburg Cnr Voortrekker & Bateleur Roads, Lydenburg 013 235 1780Hino Malalane 1 Air Street, Malalane 013 791 5000Hino Middelburg Fontein Street, Middelburg 013 283 9551Hino Nelspruit Cnr R40 & Wille Street, Nelspruit 013 753 4921Hino Piet Retief 54 Kotze Street, Piet Retief 017 826 2314Secunda Toyota Walter Sisulu Drive, Secunda 017 634 7711NTT Toyota Witrivier (2S) 1 Chief Mgiyeni Khumalo Drive, White River 013 751 1181Kwazulu Natal Hino Empangeni 89 Tanner Road, Empangeni 035 787 0900Hino Kokstad 23 Hope Street, Kokstad 039 727 3145Hino Ladysmith 344 Murchison Street, Ladysmith 036 637 7084Hino Mobeni 1355 South Coast Road, Mobeni 031 469 0987Hino Pietermaritzburg 118 CB Downs Road, Pietermaritzburg 033 386 9241Hino Pinetown 19 Trafford Road, Westmead 031 792 8500Hino Shelly Beach Shelly Beach Business Park, Shelly Beach 039 315 3001Hino Stanger Enterprise Road, Stanger 032 551 1293Hino Vryheid 90 Oos Street, Vryheid 034 980 9654BotswanaHino Francistown Plot 6175, Cnr Maun Rd & Sam Nujoma, Light Industrial 00 267 241 3855Hino Gaborone Plot 28562, Samora Machel Drive, Gaborone 00 267 395 1736Ngami Toyota Tsheko Tsheko Road, Botswana 00 267 686 0252Swaziland Hino Manzini Off Central Distributor Road, Helemisi, Manzini 00 268 505 3635Leites Toyota Mbabane (2S) Bypass Road, Mbabane 00 268 240 43536Namibia Hino Pupkewitz 13 Van der Bijl Street, Windhoek 061 291 6400Hino Indongo Cnr Bell & Stokes Street, Windhoek 00 2641 0614 02158

Isuzu Truck South AfricaGautengBarloworld Isuzu Trucks Johannesburg 1 Impex Ave, Cnr Heidelberg Road, City Deep 011 296 5000Barloworld Isuzu Trucks Zambezi 260 Veronica Street, Cnr Zambezi Drive, Montana 012 523 2300Eagle Canyon Auto Cnr Christiaan De Wet & Blueberry Streets, Rooseveldt Park 011 794 1023Imperial Truck Centre Isando 9 Brabazon Road, Isando 011 974 3001Isuzu Truck Centre Midrand 488 16th Road, Glen Austin, Midrand 011 207 0900Isuzu Truck Centre Pretoria 23 Visagie Street, Pretoria West 012 328 6580Isuzu Truck World Cnr Great North Road & Deodar Streets, Pomona, Kempton Park 011 552 5500LimpopoWestvaal Polokwane 86 Landdros Mare Street, Polokwane 015 297 1149North WestWestvaal Klerksdorp Goue Weg 2, Townlands, Klerksdorp 018 462 6209Westvaal Rustenburg 62 Corner Line Road, Waterfall, Rustenburg 014 523 6300MpumalangaRothman Motors 10 Kerk Straat, Ermelo 017 811 1827Solly’s Cnr Cowan Ntuli & Boncker Streets, Middelburg 013 283 6200Westvaal Nelspruit 1A Emnotweni Avenue, Riverside Park Ext 6, Nelspruit 013 757 5000Kwa-Zulu NatalBates Port Shepstone 1 Ryder Street, Port Shepstone 039 682 0007Key Trucks Durban 1051 South Coast Road, Mobeni 031 462 5215Key Trucks New Germany 6 Goshawk Road, New Germany 031 713 3111Key Trucks Pietermaritzburg 2 Peter Kerchoff Street, Pietermaritzburg 033 345 2542NTT Isuzu Trucks Ladysmith 60 Murchison Street, Ladysmith 036 637 2204NTT Isuzu Trucks Newcastle 24 Kirkland Street, Newcastle 034 312 1110Provincial Motors 23/25 Alumina Allee, Alton, Richards Bay 035 797 5101Western CapeIsuzu Truck Centre 1 Agric Road, Western Province Business Park, Epping 021 507 6900Kempston Motor Group 5 CJ Langenhoven Street, George 044 801 7411Perdeberg Motors 24 Bokomo Street, Malmesbury 022 482 1158Thorp Paarl 170 Main Road, Paarl 021 872 2101Free StateLereko Isuzu Bloemfontein 26 Kruger Street, Estoire, Bloemfontein 051 433 4123Eastern CapeIsuzu Truck Centre Port Elizabeth Archid Close, Young Park, Port Elizabeth 041 405 8600Jacksons Trucks 2 Sprigg Street, Queenstown 045 838 1023Kenrich Motors 18A African Street, Grahamstown 046 622 7312Meyers Motors East London 75 Cambridge Street, East London 043 701 6600Southern AfricaAction Auto Great North Road, Lusaka, Zambia 00 260 211 221076Auas Motors Cnr Hochland & Voigt Streets, Windhoek 00 264 61389100Autoworld Bulawayo Cnr 12th & Jason Moyo Avenue, Buluwayo, Zimbabwe 00 263 0970 9057Autoworld Harare 24 Silwood Close, Chisipite Circle, Harare, Zimbabwe 00 263 772 255068Entreposto Av Do Trabalho, Nr 2106, Maputo, Mozambique 00 258 21 225 400Mbabane Motors Cnr Sheffield & Distributor Road, Industrial Site, Mbabane, Swaziland 00 268 404 3501Mike Appel & Gatto Churchill Road, Limbe, Malawi 00 265 1845 152Motor Holdings Gaborone Plot 1284, Old Labotse Road, Gaborone, Botswana 00 267 362 6800

IvecoIveco South Africa Waterfall Business Park, Bekker Street, Midrand, South Africa 011 205 3990GautengItalian Commercial 437 Main Reef Road, Denver, Johannesburg 011 615 9552C




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Randburg Commercial Vehicles Unit 1, Northriding Office Park, Cnr Malibongwe Drive & Epsom Road, Northriding, Kya Sands 011 704 3274Truck Centre Wadeville 53 Dekema Road, Wadeville 011 824 5301LimpopoBB Truck & Tractor Services 33 Andalusiet Street, Futura, Polokwane 015 293 4000North WestGBS Truck & Bus 166 OR Tambo Street, Klerkindustria, Klerksdorp 018 464 2337MpumalangaErmelo Truck & TractorCentre

24 Chris de Villiers Street, Industrial Sites, Ermelo 017 811 5885

Iveco Middelburg 4 Celsius Street, Middelburg 014 246 2872Produkta Trucks 25c Rapid Street, Riverside Industrial Park, Nelspruit 013 757 5300KwaZulu-NatalKZN Iveco 10 Westgate Place, Westmead, Pinetown 031 700 1222N11 Commercial 5A Faraday Street, Newcastle 084 696 1576Western CapeNolan Truck Eikenhoff Farm R312, Fisantekraal, Durbanville, Cape Town 021 975 5460

Truck City 4 Chrome Street, Brackenfell, Cape Town021 981 5514021 981 0676 (Sales)

Free StateAJ Dieseldiens (Service) Cnr 3rd & 4th Roads, Gunhill, Kroonstad 056 212 3646

Nolan Truck 65 Ds. Kok Street, Ferreira, Bloemfontein051 443 8982051 443 8955

TJ Auto Clinic (Service) 61 Tenth Street, Welkom 057 396 1243Eastern CapeFleet Dynamics (Service) Unit 2, Airport Park, Breezyvale Road, East London 043 736 1502Fleet Dynamics 14 Standbridge Street, Deal Party, Port Elizabeth 041 486 1611Northern CapeMockey’s Maintenance (Service) 21 Hendrick van der Bijl Street, Kimdustria, Kimberely 053 841 0177Namibia Commercial Vehicles 36 Soutpan Street, Karakoel Street, Upington 054 337 5500Walker Midas Industrial Road, Industrial Sites, Upington 054 332 1074ELT Commercials 3 Welder Road, Kimdustria, Kimberley 053 841 1527Southern AfricaSwazi Trucks & Bus King Mswati III Avenue, Lot No. 3, Matsapha, Swaziland 00 268 251 84175Namibia Commercial Vehicles 15 8th Street, Walvis Bay, Namibia 00 264 642 19350Africa Commercial Vehicles 19 Eider Street, Lafrenz Industrial, Windhoek, Namibia 00 264 612 66100Erongo Commercial Vehicles Main Road, Ongwediva, Namibia 00 264 652 25660Continental Motors Cnr Sam Nujoma & New Maun Road, Light Industrial Site, Francistown, Botswana 00 267 241 2202Continental Motors Plot 22014, Kgomokasitwa Road, Gaborone West, Botswana 00 267 318 5558 HTD LTD Lubinga Road, Mzuzu, Malawi 00 265 199 8216

HTD LTD Independence Highway, Lilongwe, Malawi00 265 175 005500 265 820 8654

INCAR Nyerere Road, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania00 255 222 86166800 255 744 288558

INCAR Unga Limited Road, Arusha, Tanzania00 255 272 54838000 255 272 505264

Craftor Truck Centre Cnr Mushili & Lukasu Roads, Industrial Area, Ndola, Zambia00 260 212 65121300 260 212 650676

Vecauto Via Expressa Luanda Catete, Km 23, Viana, Republic of Angola00 244 928 86875100 351 936 63790600 244 934 035943

Ital Motors S.p.r.l. 2131 Avenue Kasa-Vubu, Commune de Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo00 243 993 17323200 243 812 79003100 243 992 179479

Ital Motors S.p.r.l. 1338 Route De Poids Lourds Q/Kingabwa C/Limete, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo00 243 998 63523000 243 899 484711 / 200 243 991 028637

Grasset Sporafric BP 624 Pointe-Noire, Democratic Republic of Congo 00 242 066 28339Bain Iveco 4604 Motherwell Road, Workington, Harare, Zimbabwe 00 263 466 9696Scomat Ltee 662 Bell Village, Grewals Lane, Pailles, Republic of Mauritius 00 230 206 0404

Ronil LDA Maputo AV. Eduardo Mondlane 2205, Maputo, Mozambique00 258 213 2130000 258 213 2235500 258 213 24577

Ronil LDA Rua Do Alentejo 1990, Munhava, Beira, Mozambique 00 258 842 501397

MAN Truck & BusGautengCenturion Truck & Bus Century Business Park, Freight Road, Louwlardia Ext 13, Centurion 012 673 2700Hatfield Commercial Vehicles Cnr Duncan & Schoeman Roads, Hatfield, Pretoria 012 431 8000Johannesburg Truck & Bus 83 Heidelburg Road, Unit 33 Production Park, City Deep, Johannesburg 011 405 0600MAN TopUsed Century Business Park, Freight Road, Louwlardia Ext 13, Centurion 012 673 2740Henter Motor Engineering 36 General Smuts Avenue, Vereeniging 016 422 5581 / 5Unitrans Commercial Cnr Heidelberg & South Rand Road, Tulisa Park, Alberton 011 861 3600LimpopoUnited Truck Centre 67 19th Avenue, Industria, Polokwane 015 297 7275North WestEbersohn Truck & Diesel 405 Wessel Street, Meiringspark, Klerksdorp 018 469 4101 Rustenburg Truck & Bus Cnr Ferro & Vanadium Street, Rustenburg Industrial, Rustenburg 014 538 1514 / 23Mpumalanga Protech Cnr Havenga & Wilger Avenues, Ermelo 017 819 2838Protech Cnr Twelopele & Hector Streets, Middelburg 013 246 2356Nelspruit Truck & Bus Centre N4 West, Nelspruit 013 741 1912KwaZulu-NatalGriqua Truck & Bus 3 Sparrow Road, Kokstad 039 727 5911 / 4309 / 4267Pietermaritzburg Truck & Bus Centre 6 Van Eck Place, Mkondeni, Pietermaritsburg 033 346 1366Pinetown Truck & Bus Centre 19 Trafford Road, Pinetown 031 792 7100Waylyn Mechanical Services Izotsha Road, Lot 13913, Port Shepstone 039 685 0761 / 56 / 63Indodha Truck Centre Zululand 3 Bronze Bar, Alton, Richards Bay 035 751 1930



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Indodha Truck Centre 19 Stretch Crescent, Vryheid 034 980 9291Alpine Commercial 7 Henderson Road, New Germany, Pinetown 031 713 1200Western CapeCape Town Truck & Bus Centre Falcon Close, Okavango Park, Brackenfell, Cape Town 021 980 2720MAN TopUsed Falcon Close, Okavango Park, Brackenfell, Cape Town 021 980 2720George Truck & Bus 27 Pieneer Road, Pacaltpoord, Industria, George 044 878 0115JEC Spares 30 Field Street, Worcester 023 347 3332Free StareBloemfontein Truck & Bus Centre Gemsbok Street, Plot 45, Kwaggafontein, Bloemfontein 051 503 2500Harrismith Truck & Bus 91 Mckechnie Street, Harrismith 058 622 1058 / 9Eastern CapeCustom Motor Services Cnr Regent & High Street, Cradock 048 881 1287Kempston Motor Group Trust Cnr Millard Road & Settlersway, Greensfields, East London 043 736 3538AAD Truck & Bus 2A Dyke Road, Algoa Park, Port Elizabeth 041 452 3647Northern Cape Hubner Truck & Bus 20 Hendrik van Eck, Kimdustria, Kimberley 053 841 0635Hubner Truck & Bus 10 Dorper Street, Industria, Upington 054 332 3364Southern AfricaSADASA Rua da Missao, no 20, 2395, Luanda, Angola 00 244 941 557569Autohaus Windhoek 2 Koch Street, Windhoek, Namibia 00 264 614 14154Automatriz, S.A Narciso Espirito Santos Road, Mainga N52-56, Luanda, Angola 00 244 939 204519CLA Commercial Vehicle Suite 1, Lex House, Addis Ababa Roundabout, Rhode Park, Lusaka, Zambia 00 260 966 032959CMC Motors Group Connaught House, Lusaka Road, Nairobi, Kenya 00 254 20 693 2000Commercial Motors Plot 10232, Moporoporo Road, Broadhurst Industrial, Gaborone, Botswana 00 267 395 2652Crans & Company 62 Pailles Road, Les Pailles, Mauritius 00 230 286 5060Dusty Pan Operations Plot 7, Cnr Phiri & Nkwe, Industrial Boseja, Maun, Botswana 00 267 686 3313Heavy Vehicle & Plant Supplies Plot 215, Mombasa Road, Nairobi, Kenya 00 254 20 497 0000Hughes Motors Usa River, Arusha, Tanzania 00 255 272 2553682Oxenhall Trading Stand 289, Beit Bridge, Zimbabwe 00 263 771 901181PVJ Fleet Management Plot 14P, Old Port Bell Road, Kampala, Uganda 00 256 774 568753R.T. East Africa Rangwe Road, Off Lunga Road, Industrial Area, Nairobi, Kenya 00 254 727 639724Swaziland Earthmoving Equipment 2nd Street, Industrial Site, Matsapa, Swaziland 00 268 251 84335TEM Limited Plot MC 196, Chileka Road, Blantyre, Malawi 00 265 016 82038 / 38Turnpan Zambia Limited Plot 2503, Independence Avenue, Kitwe, Zambia 00 260 221 0113WW Enterprise N4 Tchumene, Matola, Mozambique 00 268 760 22321Zambezi Group of Companies Plot 40249, Gaborone West, Botswana 00 267 391 2266Zambezi Group of Companies Plot 31069, Dumela Industrial, Francistown, Botswana 00 267 241 0012Zimbabwe Motor Distributors 157 Willowvale Road, Willowvale, Harare, Zimbabwe 00 263 462 1441 / 4

Mercedes-Benz Commercial VehiclesGautengMercedes-Benz CV, East Rand 54 Denne Road, Hughes Ext 63, Boksburg 011 437 5000Mercedes-Benz CV, Centurion 1 Park Ave North, Highway Business Park, Centurion 012 621 0000Sandown Commercial Vehicles Roodepoort 1141 Leader Avenue, Stormill, Roodepoort 011 611 2100Mercedes-Benz Zandfontein, Pretoria 31 Van der Hoff Road, Zandfontein, Pretoria 012 372 9200New Vaal, Vereeniging Cnr General Smuts Road & Van Riebeeck Avenue, Duncanville, Vereeniging 016 430 6500LimpopoMercurius Motors, Polokwane Corporate Park 1, 5 Marmer Road, Magna Via, Polokwane Ext 12 015 298 4700Mercurius Motors, Tzaneen 38 Peace Street, Tzaneen 015 307 5020North WestCargo Motors, Klerskdorp 1 Goue Weg, Adamayview, Klerksdorp 018 406 5400Maemo Motors, Rustenburg 112 President Mbeki Drive, Rustenburg 014 592 1141MpumalangaDe Wit Motors CV, Ermelo 2 Merino Street, Ermelo 017 811 5225McCarthy Kunene, Witbank Cnr Steenkamp Street & OR Tambo Street, Leraatsfontein Ext 8, Witbank 013 697 4370Stucky Motors, Volksrust 3 Joubert Street, Volksrust 017 735 1100Union Motors Lowveld, Nelspruit 2 Bosch Street, Vintonia, Nelspruit 013 754 6000United Motors, Bethal 1st Street, Industrial Area, Bethal 017 647 8300KwaZulu-NatalEurocar, Kokstad 9 Hope Street, Kokstad 039 727 3190Garden City Motors, Pietermaritzburg 9 Armitage Road, Willowton, Pietermaritzburg 033 397 5600McCarthy Inyanga Motors, Empangeni Inyanga Plaza, John Ross Highway, Empangeni 035 901 7500McCarthy Inyanga, Vryheid 173 Utrecht Street, Vryheid 034 989 6300Mercedes-Benz CV, Durban 5 Hippo Park Avenue, Riverhorse Valley, Durban 031 576 1700Stucky Motors, Newcastle 26 Kirkland Street, Newcastle 034 328 1000Union Motors, South Coast Lot 494 Izotsha Road, Shelley Beach 039 315 4800Western CapeMercedes-Benz CV, Cape Town Cnr Montague Drive & Freedom Way, Montague Gardens, Cape Town 021 550 9600Paarl Motors, Paarl 37 Jan Van Riebeeck Road, Paarl 021 862 1037Rola Motors, Strand 18 Chilwan Crescent, Helderberg Industria, Strand, Cape Town 021 841 8700Eikestad Motors, Stellenbosch 113 Bird Street, Stellenbosch 021 861 3600Orbit Boland, Worcester 138 High Street, Worcester 023 342 2420Stanmar Motors, George Cnr Discovery & Beach Roads, Pacaltsdorp, George 044 802 7000Free StateJohn Williams Motors, Bloemfontein 270 Church Street, Hamilton, Bloemfontein 051 409 3700John Williams Motors, Welkom 72 Jan Hoffmeyr Road, Welkom 057 916 9921New Vaal, Bethlehem 173 Commisioner Street, Bethlehem 058 307 8300John Williams, Ladybrand 44 Princess Street, Ladybrand 051 923 1000Eastern CapeCBF Motors, Humansdorp 35/37 Voortrekker Road, Humansdorp 042 295 1137Ronnies Motors, East London Farm 1490, Bonza Bay, East London 043 735 1333Star Motors, King Williams Town 6 Fleet Street, King Williams Town 043 642 3595Maritime Motors, Port Elizabeth Cnr William Moffat Expressway & Circular Drive, Port Elizabeth 041 399 2800Northern CapeGariep Motors, Kimberley 112 Long Street, Kimberely 053 831 2400Zelco Motors, Upington 63 Schroder Street, Upington 054 331 1666



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Namaqua Garage, Vanrhynsdorp 1 van Riebeeck Street, Vanrhynsdorp 027 219 1033Southern AfricaNaledi Motors, Gaborone Plot 588, 7th Steet, Belaw Po, Matshapa, Gaborone, Botswana 00 267 319 1653Naledi Motors, Francistown 35 Newcastle Street, Northern Industria, Francistown, Botswana 00 267 241 3602M&Z Motors CV, Windhoek Francistown-Gaborone Road, Windhoek, Namibia 00 264 61 372 005Swazi Auto Truck Centre Plot 5241, Tlokweng Road, Swaziland 00 268 518 6941

PowerstarSouth AfricaPowerstar Head Office 103 Park Avenue North, Highway Business Park, Rooihuiskraal, Centurion 012 940 1780 / 50Powerstar Assembly Plant 24 CB Downes Road, Mkodeni, Pietermaritzburg 033 846 0500North West Powerstar Property 194 Ext 64, Krokodildrift West, Britz 012 252 8525 / 6VSC Truck & Diesel Repairs 8 Electron Road, Gately, East London 043 736 3332Powerstar Ermelo Shop No. 5, 29 Wilger Street, Ermelo 017 811 5181Gerry's Motors (service) 1 Ntabamhlope Road, Estcourt 036 352 3716Lieb's Workshop (service) Thompson Road, Ladysmith, KwaZulu-Natal 036 631 1110Vaal Powerstar 112 Marmer Street cnr Batoliet Street, Valley Settlements, Randvaal 011 900 1228Powerstar Cape E K Green Street, Huguenot, Paarl 021 862 5400Powerstar Limpopo 79 Nelson Mandela Drive, Polokwane 015 292 4303 / 4Billson Trucks 181 Burman Road, Deal Party, Port Elizabeth 041 486 2552Northern Cape Universal Repairs 8 Hendrik van der Bijl Street, Kimdustrai, Kimberley 053 841 1860Trade Auto Motor Corporation Cnr No. 4 & Graniet Street, Nelspruit 013 741 3977Tumelo Plant & Civils Old Cheese Factory, Ladybrand, Freestate 051 924 1351Super Truck and Cab 50 Goodwill Place, Camperdown, KwaZulu-Natal 031 785 1985Smitties Truck Repairs (service) 082 389 9662Jetpark Shantui Unit 1, Jurgens Street, Isando Ext 5, Kempton Park 011 390 8160 / 61Powerstar Empangeni Unit B8C, Magazulu Park, Cnr R34 & D254, Empangeni 035 772 1739Pro Truck & Cab (service) B1 Main Road, Brakwater, Windhoek 021 903 3011Southern AfricaEquipment Sales & Service Plot 1250, Halle Selesie Road, Gaborone, Botswana 00 267 395 2291Choice Diesel Mozambique Maputo Av. Nuno Alvares 566, Bairro Da Malanga, Maputo, Mozambique 00 258 2140 49 20Choice Diesel Mozambique Beira 492/3 Estrada, Nacional, Manga, Beira, Mozambique 00 258 23 30 29 04Truck & Cab B1 Main Road, Brakwater, Windhoek, Namibia 00 264 61 229831Swazi Truck & Bus King Mswati 111 Avenue, Matsapha Industrial Site, Matsapha, Swaziland 00 268 2518 5713 / 4175Euro Trucks (service) Plot 8356, Washama Road, Lusaka, Zambia 00 260 123 8260 / 61 / 62Aeolus International Corporation (service) Plot No. sub A/14138, Kafue Road, Makeni, Lusaka, Zambia 00 260 211 840 739Machinery Exchange 5a Martin Drive, Msasa, Harare, Zimbabwe 00 263 447180 / 2XCMG Zimbabwe 7 Kenilworth Road, Newlands, Harare, Zimbabwe 00 263 477 6638 / 474 6846

Toyota South AfricaGautengAuto-Ren Toyota 102 Voortrekker Street, Heidelberg 016 341 6107Barloworld Toyota Centurion 1301 South Street, Centurion 012 641 7000Barloworld Toyota Pretoria Oos Cnr Louis Botha & Garsfontein Roads, Pretoria 012 995 1700Carnival Toyota Brakpan 011 306 8800CMH Toyota Alberton Cnr Voortrekker & Redruth Streets, Alberton 011 866 3900CMH Toyota Melrose Cnr Corlett Drive & Melrose Boulevard, Melrose Arch, Johannesburg 011 277 3000East Rand Toyota Cnr Sydney & North Rand Roads, Boksburg 011 841 1700Fosters Toyota Cnr Nadine & Anvil Roads, Roodepoort 011 674 1384Freeway Toyota Northern Parkway & Crownwood Roads, Ormonde, Johannesburg 011 661 0000Fury Toyota Cnr 1st Street & Republic Road, Linden, Johannesburg 011 888 1680Godrich Toyota Cnr Lanham & Kerk Streets, Bronkhorstspruit 013 932 0164Halfway Toyota Fourways The Arena, Cnr William Nicol Drive & Leslie Road, Fourways, Sandton 011 317 8888Halfway Toyota Honeydew Cnr Northumberland & Olievenhout Roads, North Riding, Randburg 011 801 6500Imperial Toyota City 271 Commissioner Street, Johannesburg 011 220 4600Imperial Toyota Fordsburg (After sales) Cnr Carr & Mint, Fordsburg, Johannesburg 011 309 9700Imperial Toyota Kempton Park 44 West Street, Kempton Park 011 970 3930Imperial Toyota Meadowbrook Cnr Herman & Edenvale Road, Meadowbrook, Gauteng 011 372 4800Imperial Toyota Parktown 67 Empire Road, Parktown, Johannesburg 011 276 0600Imperial Toyota Randburg 235 Hendrik Verwoerd Drive, Randburg 011 886 4735Imperial Toyota Strijdompark Cnr Malibongwe Drive & Tungsten Street, Randburg 011 792 1448Killarney Toyota 60 Riviera Road, Killarney, Johannesburg 011 486 1424McCarthy Toyota Arcadia 475 Vermeulen Street, Pretoria 012 328 6211McCarthy Toyota Bruma Cnr Queen & Broadway Streets, Bedfordview, Johannesburg 011 607 2700McCarthy Toyota Centurion Hendrik Verwoerd Avenue, Centurion 012 653 9400McCarthy Toyota Edenvale Cnr Parkway South & Modderfontein Roads, Edenvale, Johannesburg 011 608 0350McCarthy Toyota Gezina Cnr Vootrekker & Jacobs Streets, Gezina, Pretoria 012 356 9400McCarthy Toyota Hatfield Cnr Duncan & Schoeman Streets, Pretoria 012 427 8600McCarthy Toyota Lynnwood Cnr Simon Vermooten & Lynnwood Roads, Lynnwood, Pretoria 012 807 9800McCarthy Toyota Midrand Cnr 16th Street & New Road, Midrand 011 541 8600McCarthy Toyota Sinoville Cnr Lavender Road & Zambesi Drive, Pretoria 012 567 9600McCarthy Toyota Woodmead 14 Waterfall Crescent, Woodmead, Sandton 011 844 5544Monument Toyota Constantia Cnr Rhinoceros & Hendrik Potgieter, Weltevredenpark 011 288 2700Monument Toyota Randfontein 2 Main Reef Road, Randfontein 011 412 1050Monument Toyota West Rand Cnr Ontdekkers & CR Swart Roads, Roodepoort 011 279 3600Nic Bottari Toyota Cnr Tulbach Road & 1st Avenue, Nigel 011 814 8181Pat Hinde Boksburg 190 Atlas Road, Boksburg 011 914 8700Pat Hinde Springs 104 2nd Street, Springs 011 812 1030Pretoria Noord Toyota 597 Gerrit Maritz Street, Pretoria North 012 546 0545Rand Stadium Toyota, The Glen 4A Amanda Road, Gleneagles, Johannesburg 011 436 7000Rivonia Toyota Cnr Rivonia & Witkoppen Roads, Sunninghill, Sandton 011 275 1699Southern Toyota Cnr K43 & Nirvana Drive, Lenasia, Johannesburg 011 854 1340Vaal Toyota Vereeniging Cnr Johannesburg Road & Farraday Street, Vereeniging 016 450 3400Westonaria Toyota 19 Codrington Street, Westonaria 011 753 3935Limpopo Limpopo Toyota 204 Tagore Street, Polokwane 015 292 9500



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Messina Toyota 8 National Road, Messina 015 534 0717Mopani Toyota 12 Potgieter Street, Bela-Bela 014 736 2127NTT Toyota Phalaborwa 2 President Steyn Street, Phalaborwa 015 781 0661NTT Toyota Potgietersrus 44 Voortrekker Road, Potgietersrus 015 491 3211NTT Toyota Tzaneen 52/53 Agatha Street, Tzaneen 015 307 4440Naboom Toyota 71 Hans van Rensburg Street, Naboomspruit 014 743 0161Northam Toyota Ruby Road, Northam 014 784 0308Tamboti Toyota 3 Kotie Street, Ellisras 014 763 2294Trophy Toyota Botha Street, Duiwelskloof 015 309 9258Waterberg Toyota 88 Thabo Mbeki Drive, Modimolle 014 717 5335Werda Toyota Cnr Rissik & Krogh Streets, Louis Trichardt 015 516 0284North WestAndrag Agrico Toyota Cnr Summer & Fontein Streets, Ottosdal 018 571 0143Carletonville Toyota 84 Annan Street, Carletonville 018 786 2444Intertoy Toyota 17 Hendrik Verwoerd Avenue, Brits 012 252 3231Kyalami Toyota 7 Lombaard Street, Potchefstroom 018 297 3921Lichtenburg Toyota Cnr Nelson Mandela Anenue & Republiek Street, Lichtenburg 018 632 4455Mafikeng Toyota 33 Aerodrome Crescent, Mafikeng 018 381 2828Oranje Toyota Klerksdorp 4 Brother Patric Road, Klerksdorp 018 406 5500Oranje Toyota Schweizer Reneke Schweizer Reneke 053 963 1347Oranje Toyota Vryburg 194 Mark Street, Vryburg 053 927 2316Rustenburg Toyota Cnr Oliver Tambo & Beyers Naude Drives, Rustenburg 014 597 4790Zeerust Toyota Cnr Viljoen & Voortrekker Streets, Zeerust 018 642 2071MpumalangaBarloworld Toyota Middelburg Fontein Street, Middelburg 013 283 9300Barloworld Toyota Witbank Cnr Swartbos Street & President Avenue, Witbank 013 653 3200Belfast Toyota 10 Voortrekker Street, Belfast 013 253 1141Burgersfort Toyota Dirk Winterbach Road, Burgersfort 013 231 7207Ermelo Toyota 130 Church Street, Ermelo 017 811 0600Imperial Toyota Nelspruit 7 Mystic River Crescent, Nelspruit 013 757 0929Lydenburg Toyota Voortrekker & Lange Streets, Lydenburg 013 235 1780Malalane Toyota Air Street, Malalane 013 790 0341NTT Toyota Barberton Cnr Crown & General Streets, Barberton 013 712 4214NTT Toyota Delmas 195 Sarel Cilliers Street, Delmas 013 665 2191NTT Toyota Groblersdal 20 Van Riebeeck Street, Groblersdal 013 262 3051NTT Toyota Witrivier 1 Krugerpark Street, White River 013 751 1181Sabie Toyota Cnr Main & Ford Streets, Sabie 013 764 1276Secunda Toyota Cnr Oliver Tambo & Charl Cillier Streets, Secunda 017 634 7711 / 4TWK Toyota Standerton 24 Krogh Street, Standerton 017 712 1341KwaZulu-NatalAnesco Toyota 46 Mark Street, Paul Pietersburg 034 995 1640CMH Toyota Umhlanga 1 Wilton Crescent, Umhlanga Ridge 031 580 4000Dundee Toyota 56 Karel Landman Street, Dundee 034 212 1165Durban South Toyota 2 Prospecton Road, Prospecton, Durban 031 949 6500East Toyota 137/139 Mangosuthu Buthelezi Drive, Eshowe 035 474 1161Halfway Malanda Toyota Cnr Old Main & Rozell Roads, Widenham 039 973 2022Halfway Toyota Howick 49 Main Road, Howick 033 330 2175Halfway Toyota Scottburgh 31 Stevens Road, Park Rynie 039 976 1337Halfway Toyota Shelly Beach Izotsha Main Road, Shelly Beach 039 315 3000Heinz Toyota 83 High Street, Matatiele 039 737 3196Hillcrest Toyota 6 Old Main Road, Hillcrest 031 765 5140Killarney Toyota Stanger Enterprise Road, Stanger 032 551 1293Lusted & Johnson Toyota 5 Margaret Street, Ixopo 039 834 2011Mascor Toyota Greytown 113 Pine Street, Greytown 033 413 1593McCarthy Toyota Ballito Lifestyle Centre, Ballito 032 946 7800McCarthy Toyota Durban – Kingsmead Cnr NMR Avenue & Somtseu Road, Durban 031 335 1600McCarthy Toyota Durban North 89 Waterkant Road, Durban North 031 571 6400McCarthy Toyota Empangeni 89 Tanner Road, Empangeni 035 787 0900McCarthy Toyota Mobeni 1365 South Coast Road, Mobeni, Durban 031 452 2500McCarthy Toyota Pietermaritzburg 9 Armitage Road, Pietermaritzburg 033 897 8100McCarthy Toyota Pinetown 159 Old Main Road, Pinetown 031 701 4282Mortimer Toyota Estcourt 219 Albert Street Extension, Estcourt 036 352 3045Mortimer Toyota Ladysmith 344 Murchison Street, Ladysmith 036 637 7084Mortimer Toyota Newcastle Allen Street, Newcastle 034 312 6241Motique Toyota 23 Hope Street, Kokstad 039 727 3145NTT Toyota Vryheid 230 Church Street, Vryheid 034 980 9654Pongola Toyota Shop No 1, Pongola Centre, Pongola 034 413 1333TWK Toyota Piet Retief 37 Church Street, Piet Retief 017 826 2314Thekwini Toyota Durban 58 Moore Road, Durban 031 310 2600Thekwini Toyota Westville 22 Buckingham Terrace, Westville 031 242 0649Western CapeAudensberg Toyota 133 High Street, Worcester 023 342 1083Barloworld Toyota Kuilsrivier 122 Van Riebeeck Street, Kuilsriver 021 900 3100Barloworld Toyota Stellenbosch 81 Bird Street, Stellenbosch 021 887 1345Barloworld Toyota Tygervalley 282 Durban Road, Tygervalley, Cape Town 021 910 8000Beaufort West Toyota 80 Donkin Street, Beaufort West 023 414 2101Caledon Toyota 30 Prince Alfred Road, Caledon 028 212 1050Ceres Toyota 112 Voortrekker Road, Ceres 023 312 1057Citrusdal Toyota 2 Paul de Villiers Street, Citrusdal 022 921 2115Clanwilliam Toyota Graafwater Road, Clanwilliam 027 482 2139Halfway Toyota George George 044 802 8200Halfway Toyota Ottery Ottery 021 703 9174Hermanus Toyota Schulphoek Road, Hermanus 028 312 1177Hoek’s Toyota Swellendam 15 Voortrekker Street, Swellendam 028 514 1103Imperial Toyota Capegate Cnr Okovango & De Bron Roads, Brackenfell, Cape Town 021 980 0500Klein Karoo Toyota 13/15 Hoog Street, Oudtshoorn 044 203 5400Knysna Toyota 9 Main Road, Knysna 044 382 1122 C




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Malmesbury Toyota 12 Voortrekker Road, Malmesbury 022 482 2961Market Toyota Athlone College Road, Athlone, Cape Town 021 637 9130Market Toyota Cavendish 14 Dreyer Street, Claremont, Cape Town 021 673 5000Market Toyota Culemborg Cnr Oswald Pirow Street & Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town 021 410 9300Market Toyota Tokai 145 Main Road, Tokai, Cape Town 021 715 3055McCarthy Toyota Kenilworth Chichester Road, Kenilworth, Cape Town 021 671 5160McCarthy Toyota N1 City Cnr Giel Basson & Frans Conradie Drive, Goodwood, Cape Town 021 596 9500McCarthy Toyota Paarl 3 Vine Street, Paarl 021 863 5900McCarthy Toyota Tableview Cnr Koeberg & Blaauwberg Roads, Table View, Cape Town 021 521 5700Montagu Toyota 52 Long Street, Montagu 023 614 1137Mortimer Toyota Vredenburg Vredenburg 022 713 2216Mosselbay Toyota Cnr Louis Fourie & Gouriqua Park, Mossel Bay 044 606 5800Protea Toyota 189-241 Voortrekker Road, Bellville, Cape Town 021 946 3324Riversdal Toyota 34 Mulder Street, Riversdale 028 713 2522Robertson Toyota 11 Piet Retief Street, Robertson 023 626 3090Rola Toyota Bredasdorp Bredasdorp 028 424 1144Rola Toyota Somerset West Somerset West 021 841 8600Free StateBothaville Toyota 1 President Street, Bothaville 056 515 2024Bultfontein Toyota 7 President Swart Street, Bultfontein 051 853 1164Ficksburg Toyota McCabe Street, Ficksburg 051 933 2316Greyling Broers Toyota 8 Sarel Cilliers Street, Reitz 058 863 2831Ladybrand Toyota Piet Retief Street, Ladybrand 051 923 4500Mortimer Toyota Bethlehem 37 Kerk Street, Bethlehem 058 303 5441Mortimer Toyota Harrismith 1 Warden Street, Harrismith 058 623 0939Oranje Toyota Bloemfontein 87 Church Street, Bloemfontein 051 406 3000Oranje Toyota Bothasville Bothaville 056 515 2091Oranje Toyota Kroonstad 8 Brand Street, Kroonstad 056 216 2800Oranje Toyota Welkom 283 Koppie Alleen Road, Welkom 057 916 8300Vaal Toyota Sasolburg Cnr Paardeweg & Saturn Streets, Naledi Industrial Park, Sasolburg 016 973 8000Wesselsbron Toyota 20 Voortrekker Street, Wesselsbron 057 899 1825Eastern CapeAlgoa Toyota Newton Park 347 Cape Road, Port Elizabeth 041 393 2000Algoa Toyota Uitenhage 140 Caledon Street, Uitenhage 041 922 9884Aliwal Toyota 74 Somerset Street, Aliwal North 051 633 3082Braams Toyota 4 William Stewart Street, Joubertina 042 273 1320Buffalo Toyota East London 45 Cambridge Street, East London 043 706 7600Buffalo Toyota King William’s Town 32 Eales Street, King William’s Town 043 642 1530Drostdy Toyota 51 Church Street, Graaff-Reinet 049 892 2143Humansdorp Toyota 27 Voortrekker Street, Humansdorp 042 295 1104Kowie Toyota 35 Main Street, Port Alfred 046 624 1170Settler City Toyota 69 Beaufort Street, Grahamstown 046 622 7017Status Toyota – Cradock Oukop Industrial Area, Cradock 048 881 1436Weirs Toyota 165 Cathcart Road, Queenstown 045 839 2366Northern CapeSpringbok Toyota Springbok 027 712 2006Vredendal Toyota Vredendal 027 213 2200Leach Toyota Main Street, Kuruman 053 712 1031Oranje Toyota Hartswater Cnr DF Malan & Pokwani Streets, Hartswater 053 474 2002Oranje Toyota Kimberley 89 Memorial Road, South Ridge 053 836 4700Trek-In Toyota 57 Voortrekker Street, De Aar 053 631 2732Upington Toyota Cnr Park & Le Roux Streets, Upington 054 337 7100Van der Linde Toyota 108 Main Street, Postmasburg 053 313 0080Southern AfricaBamangwato Toyota Selebi Phikwe, Botswana 00 267 261 0539Broadway Toyota Mahalapye, Botswana 00 267 471 0252Dennis Toyota Serowe, Botswana 00 267 463 0420Francistown Toyota Francistown, Botswana 00 267 241 3855Motor Centre Toyota Gaborone, Botswana 00 267 395 1736Ngami Toyota Maun, Botswana 00 267 686 0252Gobabis Toyota Gobabis, Namibia 00 264 625 62081Indongo Toyota Walvisbaai Walvis Bay, Namibia 00 264 642 03561Mariental Toyota Mariental, Namibia 00 264 632 40353Marina Toyota Otjiwarongo, Namibia 00 264 673 03867Pupkewitz Toyota Windhoek Windhoek, Namibia 00 264 612 91650Pupkewitz Toyota Oshakati Oshakati, Namibia 00 264 652 29000Pupkewitz Toyota Rundu Rundu, Namibia 00 264 662 55071Pupkewitz Toyota Tsumeb Tsumeb, Namibia 00 264 672 22980Ritters Toyota Windhoek Windhoek, Namibia 00 264 612 34479Ritters Toyota Okahandja Okahandja, Namibia 00 264 612 27722Steckels Toyota Swakopmund, Namibia 00 264 644 02719Maseru Toyota Maseru, Lesotho 00 266 233 13801Leites Toyota Manzini Manzini, Swaziland 00 268 505 3635Leites Toyota Mbabane Mbabane, Swaziland 00 268 404 3536

Tata Trucks & BusesGautengBus Centre (Bus only) 66 Middel Street, Bartlett, Boksburg 011 918 2396Car and Truck Newlands 151 Main Road, Newlands, Johannesburg 011 477 0055DHA Auto & Truck Services (Service only) 1 Dekema Road, Wadeville, Germiston 011 824 0999ELT Commercial Asia Turffontein 101 Turffontein Road, Glenesk, Johannesburg 011 683 3364Tata Johannesburg Cnr Main Reef & Link Roads, Langlaagte, Johannesburg 011 474 2138National Truck Workshop Commercial Vehicle Sales 514 Commissioner Street, Boksburg East 011 914 3062Republic Truck & Bus 312 Voortrekker Street, Brakpan 011 744 0363Silverton Bus & Truck 322 Dykor Street, Silverton, Pretoria 012 804 1314Tshwane Truck & Bus Plot 9, Dewaar Street, Wolmeraanspoort, Tshwane 012 808 2336 Tata Vaal 9 Willow Street, Noldik, Meyerton 0861 487 8257C




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LimpopoInternational Truck Polokwane 63 19th Avenue, Industria, Polokwane 015 297 7046Tubatse Service Centre (Service only) 376 Radium Street, Steelpoort 013 230 9832North WestTata Rustenburg 91 Zenndeling Street, Rustenburg 014 592 8282Tata Vryburg 208 Market Street, Vryburg 053 927 6555Tata Spares & Service (Service only) Plot 43B, Melodie, Hartebeespoort 082 575 5865Philips Motor (Service only) 117 Scholtz Street, Lichtenburg 018 632 6168 Tata Commercial N12 28 Joe Slovo Road, Freemanville, Klerksdorp 018 462 4303MpumalangaTata Groblersdal (Service only) 2 Linbrie Avenue, Groblersdal 082 789 9168DC Mobile 8 Harmony Street, Rockys Drift 074 170 2327Tata Witbank 1 Thorium Street, Witbank 013 656 1511Trek-in Motors CC (Service only) 35 Vry Street, Standerton 017 712 3286KwaZulu-NatalTata Automobile Truck & Bus 81 Newcastle Road, Ladysmith 036 631 1288Tata Durban 1249 Umgeni Road, Durban Central 031 303 2355Tata Commercial Richards Bay 28 Ceramic Curve, Richards Bay 035 751 2052Gerrys Motors (Service only) 1 Ntabamhlope Street, Escort 036 352 3716Royal Truck & Bus 164 Oddman Road, Willowton, Pietermaritzburg 033 387 6420South Coast Truck & Bus Lot 155 Esperanza Road, Umzinto 039 974 2600Turners Fleet Maintenance 45 Halifax Road, Pinetown 031 702 9933Cordoba Motors (Service only) 71/73 Aberdare Drive, Phoenix Industrial Park, Durban 031 507 6417Yukall Motors (Service only) 1 Riet Valley Farms, Shakaskraal 083 775 1196Free StateTata Bethlehem Cnr Commissioner & Muller Streets, Bethlehem 058 303 9188Harrismith Truck Centre (Service only) 1 Industria Road, Harrismith 058 623 0528Tata Commercial Welkom (Service only) 20 14th Street, Industria, Welkom 057 355 1663Tata Truck & Bus Bloemfontein 30 Hartley Street, Hamilton, Bloemfontein 051 434 2500Western CapeAfrica Truck Distributors Power Park, Saxenburg Road, Blackheath, Cape Town 021 905 1259Tata Garden Route 17 Rand Street, George Industria 044 802 0900N7 Workshop (Service only) 1 Van Riebeeck Street, Van Rhynsdorp 027 219 2629 Tata Worcester 1 Church Street, Worcester 023 347 8282Truck Corp Repairs (Service only) 10 Signal Crescent, Montague Gardens, Cape Town 021 552 5108Tygerberg Auto Electrical (Service only) 14 Krone Street, Worcester 021 983 2400 Eastern CapeMzantsi Commercial East Coast Resorts Road (R102), Meises Halt, Gonubie 087 350 4032Fleetwise Truck & Trailer Repair 60 Patterson Road, North End, Port Elizabeth 041 487 3031P&P Hersteldienste (Service only) Sunnyside Farm, Aliwall North 051 633 2295Union Diesel 8-12 Council Cresent, Queenstown 045 838 3777Northern CapeLoots Boulevard Trokdienste (Service only) 1220 Loots Boulevard, Prieska 053 353 1999Upington Motoronderdele (Service only) 15 Le Roux Street, Upington 054 332 2641Tata Kimberley 81 Long Street, Kimberley 053 807 9400Southern AfricaCommercial Motors Plot 10198, Cnr Mokolwane & Legolo Roads, Broadhurst Industrial, Gaborone 00 267 390 8694Truck 24 20 Copper Street, Prosperita, Windhoek, Namibia 00 264 612 69127Heavy Plant Centre (Service only) Portion 6, Lot 443, Matsapha Industrial Sites, Swaziland 00 268 2518 4370

Volkswagen Trucks and Buses* For a full listing of Volkswagen dealerships, refer to the MAN dealer listing

Volvo BusGautengHead Office/Gauteng Office Hughes Business Park, Cnr Saligna & Jet Park Roads, Witfield 011 842 5300Pretoria East 470 Willow Park Manor, Ext. 65, N4 Gateway Business Park, Pretoria East 086 144 3444Used Truck Division Hughes Business Park, 1 Gibb Road, Witfield 011 058 6600Regional Distribution Centre (Parts) 141 Denne Road, Witfield, Boksburg 011 418 8000LimpopoPolokwane 50/52 Platinum Street, Ladine, Polokwane 015 293 1216North WestRustenburg 290 Waterval East, Ext. 6, Korokoro Road, Rustenburg 014 592 3030MpumalangaMiddelburg 5 Nelson Mandela Drive, Vaalbank, Middelburg 013 246 1919Nelspruit 2 Waterfall Road, Riverside Industrial Park, Nelspruit 013 752 6138KwaZulu-Natal

Newcastle 5B Faraday Street, Newcastle083 322 0772 079 514 1791

Pinetown 52 Circuit Road, Westmead, Pinetown 031 792 4000Richards Bay 12 Betastraal Street, Alton, Richards Bay 035 751 2240Western CapeCape Town 19 Industrial Street, Kraaifontein, Cape Town 021 986 8200Beaufort West Engen 1-Stop, Cnr Concrete & Production Roads, Beaufort West 023 415 3392George 2 Pioneer Street, Pacaltsdorp Industrial, George 044 878 1333Free StateBloemfontein 18 Piet Human Street, Hamilton, Bloemfontein 051 435 5502Harrismith 1 Industrial Road, Hardustria, Harrismith 058 622 1240Eastern CapeEast London Unit 9 Airport Park, East London 043 736 1502Port Elizabeth 118 Burman Road, Deal Party, Estadeal 041 486 1885Northern CapeKimberley 10 Cabinet Street, Kimdustria, Kimberley 053 841 0527Uptington 21 Toekoms Street, Upindustria, Upington 054 338 6300

Western Star* For a full listing of Western Star dealerships, refer to the Freightliner dealer listing C




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Truck sTops


Eastern CapeGone South Truck Stop

041 466 8401

1 Old Grahamstown Road, Swartkops,

Port Elizabeth


Kempston Truck Stop

043 731 1029

36 Settlers Way, Grately, East



Western CapeBeaufort West

Truck Stop023 414 4702

Cnr Concrete and Production Streets,

Industrial Area, Beaufort West


Kempston Truck Stop

021 531 5651

Gunner Circle, Epping Industrial,

Cape Town



Truck Stop039 727 1581

Main Road, Kokstad

Sydney Road Truck Stop

031 304 0550

115 Sydney Road, Durban


Port Shepstone Truck Stop

039 683 4520

3 Servus Road, Port Shepstone

Free State

Highway Junction058 624 2000

1 Industrial Road,Harrismith

(N3/N5 split)


Springfontein Truck Stop

051 783 0474

N1 highway, Springfontein


Ficksburg Truck Stop

051 250 4771

Stafford Hill Ficksburg

Northern CapeKimberley Truck Stop

087 310 7634

Cape Town Road,Kimberley



Truck Stop013 793 8150

N4 highway, Komatipoort



Truck Stop071 851 9112

N1 Highway, Beit Bridge, Musina

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Eastern Cape

Plettenberg Bay 1-Stop 044 533 2152

N2 Plettenberg BayA T M

Sedgefield 1-Stop

044 343 1696N2 Sedgefield


Buffalo River 1-Stop

043 643 4797/8

Cathcart Road, King Williams Town


Myezo 1-Stop047 537 1731

N2 UmtataA T M

Western CapeMossel Bay

1-Stop 044 698 1444

N2 Mossel BayA T M

Hartenbos Vulstasie 044 695 1044

Kaap de Goede Hoop Avenue, Hartenbos,

Mossel Bay


Heidelberg 1-Stop

028 722 1633

N2 Heidelberg, Western Cape


False Bay 1-Stop

021 857 1050

N2 Somerset West, Cape Town


Winelands 1-Stop

(north/south) 021 988 1112

N1 Joostenberg Vlakte,

Cape Town


Swartland 1-Stop

021 972 1836N7 Philadelphia


Klawer 1-Stop

027 216 1816N7 Klawer




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Eastern Cape

Plettenberg Bay 1-Stop 044 533 2152

N2 Plettenberg BayA T M

Sedgefield 1-Stop

044 343 1696N2 Sedgefield


Buffalo River 1-Stop

043 643 4797/8

Cathcart Road, King Williams Town


Myezo 1-Stop047 537 1731

N2 UmtataA T M

Western CapeMossel Bay

1-Stop 044 698 1444

N2 Mossel BayA T M

Hartenbos Vulstasie 044 695 1044

Kaap de Goede Hoop Avenue, Hartenbos,

Mossel Bay


Heidelberg 1-Stop

028 722 1633

N2 Heidelberg, Western Cape


False Bay 1-Stop

021 857 1050

N2 Somerset West, Cape Town


Winelands 1-Stop

(north/south) 021 988 1112

N1 Joostenberg Vlakte,

Cape Town


Swartland 1-Stop

021 972 1836N7 Philadelphia


Klawer 1-Stop

027 216 1816N7 Klawer




Western Cape West Coast 1-Stop

022 772 1568

Langebaan Road, Langebaan


Laingsburg 1-Stop

023 551 1020N1 Laingsburg


Swartberg 1-Stop

023 414 2777N1 Beaufort West


Riversdale 1-Stop

028 713 1327N2


MpumalangaBelfast 1-Stop

013 253 0433N4 highway,

BelfastA T M

Reggie’s 1-Stop

017 826 3782

17 Church Street, Piet Retief


Sabie 1-Stop 013 764 2232

146 Main Street, Sabie


Vaal 1-Stop (east/west)

058 821 0375

N3 highway, Villiers


Gauteng Blockhouse 1-Stop

016 366 0335

R59 highway, Vereeniging


Grasmere 1-Stop

(north/south) 011 859 1650

N1 highway, Grasmere


Highveld 1-Stop

(east/west) 011 926 4001

R21 highway, Kempton Park


Longmeadow 1-Stop

082 563 7182

Parkland North Road, Edenvale


Platinum 1-Stop

east & westN4 highway, Pretoria


Limpopo Kranskop 1-Stop

(north/south) 014 717 1009

N1 highway, Nylstroom


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r 16



on fo




North West Aznip 1-Stop

018 596 1190

Broadbent Street, Wolmaransstad


Rudan 1-Stop

014 597 1068

Cnr R24 and R27, Rustenburg


Umfula 1-Stop

012 253 1275

R512 highway, Hartbeespoort


KwaZulu-NatalMooi 1-Stop

033 263 1145Main Road, Mooi River


Cato 1-Stop 031 782 1411

N3 Durban-bound, Cato Ridge


Nyala 1-Stop 035 573 1055

Main Road, MkuzeA T M

Pongola 1-Stop

034 413 1328

51 Piet Retief Street, Pongola


Tugela (north) 1-Stop

036 631 1289

N3 Johannesburg-bound, Ladysmith


Tugela (south) 1-Stop

036 635 7984

N3 Durban-bound, Ladysmith


North-Coast 1-Stop (north)

035 799 9005N2 Richards Bay


North-Coast 1-Stop (south)

035 799 9000N2 Richards Bay


Free State Bergview 1-Stop

058 622 2128

Boschetto Avenue, Harrismith


Kroonvaal (north/south)

056 819 8397N1 Kroonstad


Colesburg 1-Stop

051 753 0661

N1 Johannesburg-bound, Colesberg


Bloemfontein (north) 1-Stop

051 436 1109

N1 Johannesburg-bound, Bloemfontein


Bloemfontein (south)1-Stop

051 436 1109

N1 Cape Town-bound, Bloemfontein


Mangaung 1-Stop

051 433 1682Hazelspoort










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