  • HOMER.





    Minor works (including the Homeric Hymns, the Epigrams and the Batrachomyomachia)



    General dictionaries and concordances (Dictionaries and concordances of the Iliad or Odyssey alone are entered under Iliad. Appendix or Odyssey. Appendix)


    The above headings are further subdivided, where appropriate, as follows:


    Modern Greek



    Other languages, in alphabetical order


    Texts, in any language, accompanied by translations are entered after other editions in the language concerned which do not include translations.

  • HOMER [continued].


    GREEK (Opera.] Ed. pr. 1 vol. (in 2).

    2' [Florence] 1488. µV18. 4I-+9r Proctor 6194. Ilnin 8772. - Eivrraetov 'ApXttrrinronov fltnoaXnrtrgr rraptr(ioaat tit rqr 'Oprtpov'IÀI' (I Kai '08vuotrnv 'Afro fi'tropterarov rent navy w(1)eÀ tpnv rruarot [by M. Doveriun. \1'ith the text. Ed. by N. Mnjoranus.] 4 tom. 2° Roma,, 1550.

    W. 16. 37.40. The pagination of vol.,. 1.3 i., continuous. Vol. 4, which contain., the index, is without pagination. - 1Lrignttr 'Opgpov ripe$ cv, q rt 'Utur rat 7 'OBv rimia... Opus utrumqun . . . lhados of Odysseoo . opera J. Mreylli et J. Camerarii ... Adjecta cet ... Batrachomyo- mru`hut, etc. 2" Basileae, 1551. W. 21. 16. Tqr rou 'Opgpou'Utci of rnpor nporepor (- 8evrepor). (And 'rqr env 'Opgpov 'OBvnnetar ropor nporepot (- devrtpnr).- Ta tir Tor 'Opgpov árn(Prpoptva. ßarpaxopvopaxta. 'Y u'oi. 'H:ntypappara. 'earl unn,`inAipota. Att +ava, ac.) (Ed. by J. illoor and G. Muirhead.) 4 tom.

    2° Glasguao, 1756 --58. W. 16. 17 -20. - 'Opgpov 'Uiar sa4 '08vnntta. 4 tom. 4O 1OFortß, irti pm (1801). W. 28. 8.11.


    'Opgpov inq. Homer+ et llomoridarum opera et reliquiae, ex recension() F. A. Wolfii. 6 vols. 8° Lipsirr, 1804-7. W. 82. 1l1-á .. - 3

    -Another ed. of vol. 1. 2° Lipsiao, 1806. W 15. 16. - Cat-mina Homoriea, Iliac et Odyssoa ... opera ... R. P. Knight.. 8° Londini, 1820. 1464-614,-(4 - $ e31

    Ilomeri certaine. Recognovit et explicuit F. H. Botha. 8 vole. (in 6).

    8° Lipeitte, 1832 -35. W. 4. 10.12 t W. 6. 8.9. Vols. 1.3. Ihas. Vols. 4.6. Odysaee.. Ilatraohomyoninchis. Hymni, etc. - H. opera. Edidit G. Baeumloin. Ed. star. 2 pta. (in 1)..

    8° Lipsire, 1864. W. 6. 10. -- Another copy. 4 O . S. ' é C I

    I - Another Dopy of pt. 2. C.R. 11. 6. 24.

    [Continued overleaf. ]

  • HOMER.



    --- H. Ilias. (And Odyssea.) Ex recognitione I. Bekkeri. 2 pts. (in 1).

    Berolini, 1843. .8831

  • HOMER [continued].


    WORKS [continued].

    Greek [continued].

    Lipsiae. Fine Art (Arch. ) Lib. 40'`* Baldwin Brown

    3. Hymni Homerici. Accendentibus epigramma


    3. Hymni Homerici. Accedentibus epigramm


    . 8831

    - -- Homeri opera. Recognoverunt brevique adnotatione critica instruxerunt D.B. Monro et T.W. Allen. 5 tom. [Script. Class. Bibl. Oxon.] Oxonii. *W. 2. 571


    1 -2. Iliadis libros ... continens. 2 tom. [1908 ?]

    3 -4. Odysseae libros ... continens. 2 tom. (1907. )

    5. Hymnos Cyclum fragmenta Margiten Batrachomyomachiam vitas continens. copyright 1912.

    - -- Ed. 3a. 5 tom. Oxonii (1919, 1911 -16. ) Classical Lib. *+:4` Only tom. 1 -2 are of the ed. 3a. Tom. 3 -4 are of the

    ed. 2a. Tom. 5 is of the 1st ed. , with preface dated 1911.

    - -- Another copy. Tom. 1 -4. R.R. (Greek).

    - -- Ed. 3a. Repr. 5 tom. Oxonii, 1951, 1946 -53. Classical Lib.

    4°'°* Only tom. 1 -2 are of the ed. 3a, repr. Tom. 3 -4 are of the ed. 2a, repr. , tom. 5 is repr.

    [Continued overleaf.]

  • t11JL111V1V.J

    HOMER [ continued] .

    WORKS [ continued] .

    GREEK [ continued] .

    Homeri carmina. Ex recensione A. Baumeister. Ed. ster. Vol. 3. [Bibl. Teub.]

    Lipsiae. .8831

    3. Hymni Homerici. Accedentibus epigrammatis et Batrachomyomachia Homero vulgo attributis. 1906.

    --- Homeri opera et reliquiae. Recensuit D.B. Monro. Oxonii, 1901 . Classical Lib.

  • HOMER [continued].

    WORKS [continued].

    Greek [continued].

    --- Ed. 3a. -Repr. 5-torri- Ax ' , 19§5-57: R. R. (Greek).

    *44 . - he-ed-: -âa,-repr. Tom-a-Care- , pr.

    - -- H. carmina. Cum prolegomenis, notis criticis, commentariis exegeticis. Eclidit J. van Leeuwen. 4 vols.

    Lugduni Batavorum, 1912 -17. *W. 6.75.

    - -- 'Oµripou 'IXLaÇ, 'OSuaaELa. Leipzig, 1921. *W.1.50.

    - -- Ilias. Odyssee. [Ed. by] J. C. Bruijn, C. Spoelder. 4de dr. Haarlem, 1950. .8831

  • HOMER.



    - -- The Ptolemaic papyri of H. Ed. by S. West. [Wiss. Abhdl. d. Arbeitsgemeinschaft f. Forsch. d. Landes Nord Rhein - Westfalen, Sonderrhe. Papyrologica Coloniensia, Vol. 3.]

    Köln [1967.] .8831

  • HOMER [continued].

    WORKS [continued]

    Greek and Latin

    - -- 'OprIp ©u ' µaXXov &Tcavta to ß14oµeva. Homeri Ilias seu potius omnia eius quae extant opera. Studio & cura O. Giphanii I.C. quam emendatissime edita, cum eiusdem scholiis et indicibus novis. 2 vols.

    Argentorati [1572.]

    *** Adam Smith Collection.

    [2] ' Oµr)pov ' Obuoac La. Homeri Odyssea, id est, de rebus ad Ulysse gestis. Eiusdem Batrachomyomachia & Hymni ...

    *** No general title -page.

    JA 2803

    E.B. .8831

    - -- Homeri quae extant omnia ... cum Latina versione ... perpetuis item

    ... in Iliada simul et Odysseam I. Spondani ... commentariis. Pindari

    quinetiam Thebani epitome Iliados ... & Daretis Phrygii de bello Troiano

    libri, a C. Nepote ... Latino versi carmine [or rather, written

    originally . by Josephus Exonirnsis] ... [Ed. by J. de Sponde.]

    2 pts. (in 1). Basileae, 1583. *W.15.33.

    - -- Another ed. Aureliae Allobr., 1606. *W.15.32.

    - -- Tr)S '06vcsacLaç at xb rSacl,wbLa . H. Odysseae libri XXIV. (And BatipaXo iuopaXLa. - 'YµvoL XÇ3'- 'EinLypaµµatia. )

    n.p. [c. 1650.]

    *** Vol. 2 of a complete edition of Homer's works. Title -page wanting.


    --- 'Oµcopov 'IXa xaa, 'ObußßELa, xat, Et carta S ßXoXLa, fi r)yrßt, DLbvµov. Homeri Ilias et Odyssea, et in easdem scholia,

    sive interpretatio Didymi. Cum Latina versione ... indiceque

    Gr-eco locupletissimo rerum ac variantium lection. Accurante C. Schrevelio. 2 vols. (in 1).

    Lugd. Batavorum, 1656, 1655. D.S.c.3.38.

    [Continued overleaf.]

  • HOMER [continued].

    WORKS [continued]

    Greek and Latin [continued]

    - -- 'Opflpov 'IXt.a xat, 'Obvß6Et,a xat. ELC avtia ßXoXt,a ... Homeri Ilias et Odyssea ... Accedunt Batrachomyomachia, $ymni et

    Epigrammata ... Opera ... J. Barnes. 2 vols.

    Cantabrigiae, 1711. *W.21.17-18.

    - -- ' Opnpov áltavtia, h. e. , Homeri opera omnia ex recensione et cum

    notis S. Clarkii. Accessit varietas lectionum ... cura J.A. Ernesti

    ... 5 tom. Lipsiae, 1759 -64. JA 2668 -72

    *** Adam Smith Collection.

    - -- Another copy. Tom. 1 -2, 4 -5. *W.29.4O -44.

    - -- Another ed. 5 vols.

    Glasguae, 1814. W* 2.18 -22.

    - -- Homeri carmina cum brevi annotatione. Accedunt varie lectiones ... curante C.G. Heyne. Tom. 1 -8.

    Lipsie, 1802. .8831

    *** No more published.

    -- 'Opripov rcot,nvata tat. ta tiov KvxXov XELOva. Homeri carmina et cycli epici reliquie Graece et Latine cum indice nominum et rerum. Editio iteratis caris correcta. [Didot.]

    Parisiis, 1853 .8831


    - -- The whole works of Homer ... Tr. ... by George Chapman. Pt. 1.

    Lond. [1612.] *W.21.33.

    [Continued overleaf.]



    --- The Iliade and Odyseee of Homer. Tr. ... by T. Hobbes. With a large preface concerning the vertuee of an heroick poem, written by the translator. 2nd ed.

    Lond., 1677. E.B. .8831

    *** There is an engraved title page.

  • HOMER [continued].

    WORKS [continued]

    English [continued]

    - -- The Iliad and Odyssey ... Tr. into English blank verse, by W. Cowper.

    (And The battle of the frogs and mice ...) 2 vols.

    Lond., 1791. *W.18.32 -33.

    - -- Another copy. 2 vols. *W.18.34 -35.

    - -- 2nd ed. ... publ. with a preface by ... J. Johnson. 4 vols.

    Lond., 1802. W.11.1-4.

    - -- The Iliad (and Odyssey) ... Tr. by A. Pope ... A new ed. with ...

    notes, critical and illustrative, by G. Wakefield. 11 vols.

    Lond., 1796. W.12.20 -30.

    - -- Chapman's Homer; the Iliad, the Odyssey and the lesser Homerica.

    Ed. with introds., textual notes, commentaries and glossaries by

    A. Nicoll. 2 vols. Lond., 1957. .8831

    - -- The Iliad and Odyssey of Homer. Tr. by A. Pope. Ed. by H.F. Cary,

    with a biographical notice of the author. [Routledge's Excelsior

    Ser. 66.] Lond., n.d. English Lib.

    [Continued overleaf.]

  • HOMER [continued].

    WORKS [continued].


    - -- Homers Werke. Von Johann Heinrich Voss. Stuttgart, 1840.

    - -- Homer's Werke [Iliad and Odyssey] von Johann Heinrich Voss. 2 Bde. (in 1). Stuttgart, 1851.

    - -- Homers Werke. Uebersetzt von J. H. Voss. Mit einer litterarhistorischen Einleitung von J. Lautenbacher. 2 Bde. (in 1). Stuttgart, n. d.

    1. Inhalt: Ilias.

    2. Inhalt: Odyssee.

    - -- Homers Werke. 2. [Deut. Hand -und Haus Bibl. ] Stuttgart.

    Gibson Lib.

    *W. 7. 14.

    Yk31 Crib-8.01'14, ib .

    árY31 Gib-seft-Lib.

    2. Ilias. Uebersetzt von J. H. Voss. Mit Einleitung von J. MNhin. n. d.


    - -- Kvictur Hómers. S. Egilsson Mddi. (K. Armannson og J. Gïslason bjuggu til prentunar. ) 2 bd.

    Reykjavik. **'` Bl'dndal Collection.

    LL. 106. 6. 5.

    1. Ilfonskvifia. pr. 1949.

    2. Odysseif skviN.. pr. 1948.

  • HOMER.


    WORKS German

    See HÄNTZSCHEL (GÜNTER). Johann Heinrich Voss; seine Homer - Übersetzung als sprachschöpferische Leistung.

  • HOMER [continued].

    ILIAD ORES[ - 'Opqpov'IArat owe roil. oCXo)nrorc .rvArrrrypaorr ArbvNav.

    Ti'; pa Irvrrpor. 8° iv 'OGova, Q y' w' [1780). W. 29. 36. Vol. 1 wanfiny.

    'Opgpov 'IXrac avv fort ?Xoñrorc. H. 'has ad voteris codicis Veneti fidem remen- sita. Scholia in cam antigniasima ... Edidit ... J. B. C. d'Anasn do Villoiaon. 2` Venettie, 1788. W. 15. 6. - Another copy. AA. 5. 55. - If. iliae. Cum brevi annotntiono curnnte C. O. Heyne. Snhjicitur appendix excuranurn viii. de majore Media Heymann) erhtione excerptnrum.

    8' Lond., 1819. Yy. II. 105. - Ilinrlia fragmenta nntiquissimn cum pietruia. Item scholia votera ad Odysseam, rdente Angelo Maio.

    2° Mrdiolnni, 1819. CC. 4. 36. - 'Opgpov'Iñtat. H. Ilins cura bravi annotation() curante C. G. Boyne. Accedunt'scholia minora passim emendnte, neennn lfernclidie allegorinc Ifnmericne. 2 vola.

    8° Oxnnii, 1821. W 12. 57-58. - Another copy. r+° 96"3/ - Anollutr rd. 2 vola. Mackay Beq. 8' Oxonii, 1834. 11g. 8. 131x. - 'nngpov 'bras. The Iliad ... chiefly from the text of

    Hetno. With ... English notes ... by W. Trollope. 2 val°. 8° Lond., 1827. %s 3 f - .4*.eaw.act Z. c) ,.KU ,.J' Lond., 1836. T!'tir .2;63f - 4th ed. 8' Lond., 1853. \V. 4. 15.

    -- H. ]line. Recensuit et brevi annotation() instruxit F. Spitzner Saxo. Vol. 1, Sect. 1-4 (in 3). []]ibl. Gr. Poet. i.) 8' Cothne, 1832 -36. ße.î -tIS. i 8 31

    -- '0,lgpov FrÀrac. Littora digamma roetituta ad metri Ieges redegit et notation() bravi rllnstravit T. S. Itrandreth. 2 vol.. 8' Lond., 1841. 444-4.7.-4044. Jr ' 3,

    The Iliad of H. A new ed., eompriaing a text formed by a collation of those of the most approved editore, critical rani explanatory notes ... by J. Kennedy. 4th ed. 3 vola. 8' Dublin, 1846. W 15/1. 6.7. - H.'s Iliad, Books trv. With a critical introduction and ... English notes by T. K. Arnold.

    12' Lond., 1850. W' 6. 4. - Fragmenta of the Iliad ... from a Syriac palimpsest. Ed. by William Cureton. Face.

    4° [tond.] 1851. -11r-04. f w 31 -- H.'s Iliad, with English notes, and grammatical references. Ed. by ... T. K. Arnold. 12° Lond., 1852. W 6. 6.

    [Continued overleaf.]

  • HOMER.




    ---'H toy 'Oµrlpov 'IXac. Homeri ILias. [L.P.] 2 vols. (in 1). Glasguae, 1747. Dp. B. 4.

    - -- ̀Oµrlpo7t ' Homeri lilas. curante C.G. Heyne. Accedunt emendata. 2 vols.

    Oxonii, 1834.


    Cum [nevi annotatione scholia minora passim

    Classical Lib.

  • HOMER [continued].

    ILIAD [continued].

    Greek [continued].

    --- Homeri Ilias. Edidit G. Baeumlein. Ed. Stereotypa. lcY3l Lipsiae, 1854. G419.sea-Bib.

    - -- The first three books of H. 's Iliad ... with the restoration of the digamma. To which are appended English notes ... a metrical index, and Homeric glossary by C. Anthon. A new ed. by Benjamin Davies. Lond. , 1858.*4ri+t. fi 3/


    - -- Homers Iliade, erklärtJ. U. Faesi. 4te Aufl. 2 Bde. (in 1). Berlin, 1864 -65. W *14.29.

    - -- 5te Aufl. Besorgt von F.R. Franke. 4 Bde. (in 1). Berlin, 1871 -77. Yn.10.29.

    - -- The Iliad of H. with English notes by F.A. Paley. 2 vols. [Bibl. Class.] Lond. , 1866 -71. W. 6. 30-31.

    - -- Homeri Ilias. Nova ed. stereotypa C. Tauchnitiana. Noytva impr. 2 tom. (in 1). Lipsiae, 1867, 39. Fine Art (Arch.) Lib.

    Only tom. 1 is of the no ova impr.

    - -- `Oµripov 'IX et . L'Iliade d'H. Texte grec ... précédé d'une introd. ... par Alexis Pierron. 2 vols.

    Paris, 1869. W *12.39 -40.

    - -- The Iliad ... from the text of Dindorf. With preface and notes by S. H. Reynolds. Books I -XII. [Catena Class. ]

    Lond. , 1870. W *15/ 1.33.

    - -- The Iliad ... with English notes ... by T. H. L. Leary. Pt. 1. Lond. , 1873. Yy. 11. 31.

    '-` Pt. 2 wanting.

    - -- H. Ilias. Ad fidem librorum optimorum edidit J. La Roche. 2 vols. (in 1). Lipsiæ, 1873-76. Zw. 6. 19.

    [Continued overleaf.]

  • HCNE .




    '1Nou 'I -: The Iliad of Homer. ;d. with ,3 eneral .nd &ranmatical introdc., noted and appendices b, 'n. Leal' and M.A. ;zyf..old. Repr. 2 vols. LMacmillan' e Class. Sor.]

    Lond., 1952. .8831

    - -- The Iliad of Hornar. Books I -XII. Ed. with introd. end commentary by LClass. Ser.]

    Basingstoke, 1973. .8331

    .?nctäer copy. Classical Lib.

    the Iliad of Homer. Books XIII -XXIV. 1]d. witn introd. and commentary by M.N. Willcock.

    Basingstoke, 1984. .P831

    Pri' r (!O'r, í:l8a88+.c21 -- Iliad. Book XXIV. 15d. by C.W. Macleod. LGamo. Greer anu Latin Class.]

    Cazabridge, 1982. .3831

    -- Another copy. Classical Lib.

  • HOMER [continued].

    ILIAD [continued].

    Greek [continued].

    - -- Homers Ilias. Für den Schulgebrauch erklárt von K. F. Ameis. 4te ... Aufl. besorgt von G. Hentze. 2 Bde.

    Leipzig, 1877 -84. Zt. 8.561-2

    - -- Anhang. Hfte. 1 -7 (in 2). Leipzig, 1875 -83. Zt. 8.563-4.

    - -- Iliad, Books I -XII (and XIII- XXIV). With introd. ... and notes by D. B. Monro. 2 vols. [Ciar. Pr. Ser. ]

    Oxford, 1884 -88. O. S. . 8831

    - -- Another set. 2 vols. Oxford, 1884 -90. Classical Lib. IOo` Vol. 1 is of the 1st ed. , vol. 2 of the 2nd ed. rev.

    - -- 2nd ed. rev. Vol. 1. Oxford, 1886.

    - -- 3rd ed. rev. 2 vols. Oxford, 1890. *°"` Vol. 2 is of the 2nd ed. rev.

    - -- 4th ed. rev. 2 vols. Oxford, 1894, 1893. 4* Vol. 2 is of the 3rd ed. rev.

    - -- 5th ed. rev. Vol. 1. Oxford, 1906.

    - -- 5th ed. rev. Vol. 1. Oxford, 1924.

    Classical Lib.

    O.S. . 8831

    Classical Lib.

    Classical Lib.

    Classical Lib.

    - -- The Iliad. Ed. , with English notes and introd. , by W. Leaf. 2 vols. Lond. , 1886 -88. O.S. . 8831

    - -- Another copy. Vol. 2. O.S. . 8831

    - -- Another copy. 2 vols. Classical Lib.

    [Continued overleaf. ]


    HOMER [ continued] .

    ILIAD [ continued] .

    GREEK [ continued] .

    - -- The Iliad. Ed., with ... notes and appendices by W. Leaf. 2nd ed. Vol. 1.

    Lond. Classical Lib.

    1. Books I -XII. 1900.

    - -- Mad. With ... notes by D.B. Monro . 4th ed. rev. 2 vols. [ Clar. . Pr. S er. ]

    Oxford. Classical Lib.

    1. Books I -XII . 1894

    2. Books XIII -XXIV. 1897.

  • HOMER [continued].

    ILIAD [continued].

    Greek [continued].

    - -- 2nd ed. Ed. with apparatus criticus, prolegomena, notes and appendices by W. Leaf. Vol. 1.

    Lond. , 1900. O. S. . 8831

    - -- Another copy. Vol. 2. Lond. , 1902. Classical Lib.

    - -- H. Ilias. Edidit G. Dindorf. Ed. 5a correctior quam curavit C. Hentze. Ed. ster. 2 pts. (in 1). [Bibl. Teub. ]

    Lipsiae, 1893-94. . 8831

    - -- The Iliad of H. Ed. by A. Platt. [The Cambridge Homer.] Cambridge, 1894. Classical Lib.

    - -- Another copy. Classical Lib.

    - -- Homeri Ilias cum scholiis. Codex Venetus A, Marcianus 454, phototypice editus. Praefatus est D. Comparetti. [Cod. Graec. et Lat. Photographice Depicti, duce Scatone de Vries, Tom. VI. ]

    Lugduni Batavorum, 1901. DD. 2. 5.

    - -- Another copy. FF . 4717:. 4817

    - -- The Iliad. Book VI. Ed. with introd. , notes and appendices by G. M. Edwards. [Pitt Pr. Ser. ]

    Cambridge, 1907. Classical Lib.

    - -- The twenty- second book of the Iliad. With critical notes. By A. Pallis. Lond. , 1909.

    - -- The Homeric catalogue of ships [Iliad ií,494 -877. ] Ed. with a commentary by T. W. Allen. .t.

    Oxford, 1921. . 8831 Ili. All.

    [Continued overleaf. ]

  • HOr.


    ILI AI)


    - The Iliad. Ed. with apparatus criticus, pro'Fgomena, notes and appendices by W. Leaf. 2nd ed. Vol. 1.

    Lond., 1900. Classioa1 Lib.

  • HOMER [continued].

    ILIAD [continued].

    Greek [continued].

    - -- The E rhapsody of the Iliad. Annotated by A. Pallis. Lond. , 1930.

    - -- Homeri Ilias. Edidit T. W. Allen. 3 tom. Oxonii, 1931.

    1. Prolegomena.

    2. Libros I -XII contiVnens.

    3. Libros XIII -XXIV continens.

    - -- Another copy. 3 tom.

    .8831 Ili. Pal.

    . 8831 L.

    Classical Lib.

    - -- Ilias Athen4nsium; the Athenian Iliad of the sixth century B.C. Ed. by G. M. Bolling. [Amer. Philol. Assoc. Special Publ. ]

    Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 1950. .r-f3t1T-1 SF31

    Irerná. ,-14&2: -

    Eronet-7-1i9--z'9 v: > >

    - -- Papyrus Bodmer I; Iliade, chants 5 et 6. Publ. par V. Martin. [Bibl. Bodmeriana, 3.]

    Cologny- Genève, 1954.

    - -- Ptolemaische Homerfragmente [from the Iliad] ... See GERHARD (GUSTAV ADOLF) ed. Griechisch literarische Papyri. Bd. 1.


    . R.-{6ree1r,.-}-

    . 8831 4147-Iv.iftr.

  • HOMER [continued].

    ILIAD [continued]. Greek and Latin

    H. hiss own interpretation° Latina. Adjectae Bunt, breves notas marginales. Ed. novissima.

    8° Cantabrigiae, 1664. W. 32. 33. - Homeri Ilia°, Greece et Latine. Annotationee ... scripeit ... 8. Clarke. 2 vols.

    4° Lond., 1729 -32. W. 21. 19-20. - Ed. 5a. Vol. 2. 8° Lond., 1765. W. 17. 00. - Ed. 10. Vol. 1. A° Lond., 1786. W. 17. 59. Hiarathay...'Apxuecorcofrov 8rovañovcccgr aapeicßoAac tir

    rot, 'Opgpov 'IÀcaila. Euntathii ... commontarii in llomeri Iliadem. [Books t -v ; with text in Grook and Latin.] Alexander Pelitus ... I.atine vortit ... hotie ... illustravit. Aceedunt notre A. Al. Salvini. (And Indox vocabulorum in Homeri non tantum Iliade atque Odyssea Red eretorie edam, quotquot extant, poematie ... studio Al. W. Seberi . editua, de.) 3 tom. 2° Florentine, 1730 -35. W' 15. 9 -11. - Homeri Rias, Greece et Latine, juxta editioneru .. . 8amuelis Clarke expressa, etc.

    10° Amsteleedami, 1734. ìtj-. I I. 00 - 'H row 'Oµgpov 'U1tar- Homeri Dias ad optimal editionee castigate. Adjecta est intorpretatio Latina. 2 vols.

    12" Edin., 1758. I-k - Homeri than Greece et Latine. Ex recensione et oum

    notis 8. Clarke. .Naps. Ed. 10. 2 torn. 8° Lond., 1815. W. 6. 11 -12. - 'H rov'Opopov'Iñwr. H. Rias. 2 vols. (in 1).

    12° Glasguue, 1819. C.R. 12. 7. - Homeri Iliaa, Greece of Latino. Ex recensions et own now Bemuelis Clarke. Nova ed. 2 torn. (in 1).

    Cameron Col!- 8° Edin., 1845. C.R. 13., 4. é,à


    E. 6. 883I

    [Continued overleaf.]

  • HO1VíER.



    Greek and Latin

    - -- `Our)pov 'ILaç. Homeri Ilias, id est, de rebus ad Trojam gestis. Ed. postrema.

    Cantabrigiae, 1679. E.B. .8831

    - -- `?-I tiov `Oi pov 'IXLaç. Homeri Ilias. Interpretati; Latina adjecta est, ex editione S. Clarke. 2 vols.

    Glasguae, 1747. Dp. B. 5. - -- Another copy. Vol. 2. JA 2842

    xxx Adam Smith Collection. - -- Homeri Ilias, Graece et Latine. Annotationes ... scripsit

    ... S. Clarke. 2 vols.

    Lond., 1729 -32. D.S.c.2.81 -2. - Ed. 2a. Edidit .. S. Clarke filius. Vol. 2. Lond., 1735. JA 2843

    - -- Ed. 8a. 2 vols.

    Lond., 1774. D.S.i.12.10-11.

  • HOMER [continued].

    ILIAD [continued].

    Greek and English

    - -- The first six books of II. 's Iliad, with an interpaged translation and ... notes. By the author of 'The first six books of Virgil's A neid,' etc. Lond. , 1841.

    - -- The Iliad. With an English translation by A.T. Murray. 2 vols. [Loeb Class. Lib.] Lond. , 1924 -25.

    - -- Repr. 2 vols. [Loeb Class. Lib. ] Lond. , 1930 -34.

    W*7. 13.

    . 8831


  • HOMER [continued].

    ILIAD [continued].

    MonenN OfEEK - 'Oum. Ilnpnq)ponitrton rat ApnsotraraXlivrtut ortxovpy7Ortoa turn trpnollgcgs.., vrroogprtarrtuv.., traps I'. l'ouotnilnu... l -prypn n'. I'Io,

    Illarkie. 8° 'Ev Iitrvvrl, 1817. Ill. Coll. 5. 38. - 'Utnilns pn 4'n in a'. \Irra0paot9rton tir lii ortxovs ortxnvr itrn A. Xptnrorrovñov, irzitaovros Ai. Arypnvlltnv. [Legrand, Coll. do mon. pour servir il l'étude do la lang. oho..holh 11.]

    rlackie. 8° 'Aermirriv, amd [1870]. 131. Coll.3. 2/1. - tlpgpov 'litas. MrrafXriertoa rrnXm rit tcotrrlr y).unnav trapn N. rev Anvtrnvov, itritiinrrns Ai. Arypnvdtov. [Legrand, . Coll. do mon. pour servir tl l'6tudo do la Inng. née. -hull. 5.] Mackie. W' 'AtirIvrpirl, 1870. BI. Coll. 3. 1/5.

    LATIN - Poet.arum ... longe principis Ilotneri Dias ... Latino carmine reddita, H. Eobano Homo interproto.

    8° Basilor, 1640. W. 28. 2.

    Exor.rIH r- Homer hie Iliudn uunslnted, ndorn'd with sculpture, and'

    illustrated kith annotations, by John Ogilby. Lontl.,' I 669. \ \' 15. 12/1,

    Tho Bled of H., with notes by Madam Daoier. Done (rom the French by Mr. Ozal' (Mr. Broome, Mr. O1dieworth). IU. Vole. 2 -6.

    12° Lond., 1712. W. 33. 22.26. Vol. 1 wanting. - Tim first book of H.'e fiad. Tr. by Mr. Tiokoll.

    4° Lond., 1716. V. 26. 37/4. - The Iliad of H. Tr. by Mr. Popo. 6 vole. 2° Lond., 1715 -20. W. 16. 21.26. - Another ed. Vols. 3-5. 8° Lond., 1771. W. 32. 40-42. - Another ed.

    Cameron Coll. 16° Lond., 1800. C.R.12. 8. 11. - Tho Iliad of H. tr. by James Macpherson. 2 vole. 4° Lond., 1773. W. 17. 25-26. - Another copy. W. 8. 1 B. S G CJl . F. (íZs' [(o - Another copy. C.R. 6. 1. 3.4. - The Iliad of H. Tr. into English blank verse by W.

    Cowper. With preface by J. Johnson. 2nd ed. 2 vole. 8° Lond., 1802. W. 11. 1 -2. - The Iliad of II. Tr. by W. Sotheby. 2 vols.

    8° Lond., 1831. W. l '.1i. - gg 3I - Tho Iliad of H. tr. into English prose ... with explana- r tory notes. By a graduate of the University of Oxford. Preface signed H. P. 3rd ed. 8° Lond., 1833. W. 11. 12. - Tho ] of H., prince of poets, nover ìleforo in any language truly tranelatod ... Done according to the Greek by G. Chapman. A now ed., with introd. and notes by W. C. Taylor ... With ... engravings ... from the com- position' of J. Flaxman. 2 vols. (in 1).

    8° Lond., 1843. W. 11. 11. - Another ed. With introd. and notes by R. Hooper. 2 vols. [Lib. of old auth.] 8° Lend., 1857. 8. 18. 78.77. - The Iliad ... tr. by T. S. Brandroth. 2 vole.

    8' Lond., 1848. Ce. 14. 13.14. - The Iliad of H. With notes by W. G. T. Ilarter. 8° Lend., 1854. W. 5. 8. - The Iliad of H. Faithfully tr. into unrhymed English

    metro by F. W. Newman. 8° Lond., 1856. W. 14. 32. - Tho Iliad of H. Tr. into blank verse by Ichabod Charles Wright, Vol. 1. 8° Cambridge, 1861. X. 32. 20.

    Vol. 2 wanting. - Tho Iliad ... literally tr. with ... notes by T. A. Buckley. [Bohn's Class. Lib.] 8° Lond., 1881. it:t.. - Another impr. Two copies. 8° Lond., 1879. R.R. - Tho Iliad of H. in English hexameter verse. By J. H. Dart. Vol. 1. 8' Lond., 1862. 41s446/0.-84.

    Vol. 2 wanting. - The Iliad of H. rendored into English blank verse. By Edward, Earl of Dorby. 2 vols. .

    8° Lend., 1864. W. 8. 27 -28. - Tho Iliad of 1f. Tr. into English worse in the Sponsorion etnttza, by P. 8. Woreley. (Vol. 2, Books xra -zary tr. by J. Conington.) 2 vole. 8° Edin., 1865-68. X. 30. 2 -3. - Tito Illed of H. tr. into English accentuated hexameters by Sir J. F. W. Herschel. 8° Lond., 1866. W 2. 9. - II.'e Iliad in English rhymed verso. By Charles Merivale. 2 voles 8° Lend., 1880. . X. 30. 11 -12. - IL'. Iliad. Tr. [into English blank verse] by J. B. Roee.

    Priv. pr. 8° Lend., 1874. Zv. 8. 30.

    o.s. f811

    [Continued overleaf. ]

  • HOMER.



    - -- See FABBRI (RENATA). Nuova traduzione metrica di Iliade XIV, de una miscellanea umanistica di Agnolo Manetti.

    - -- The [Not the

    Iliads of H. in Library;

    date 1969.]


    ... [Tr; by G. Chapman.] London, 1611. for a photographic reprint see below under

    - -- The Iliad of Homer. Tr. by Mr. Pope. 2nd ed. 6 vols.

    Lond., 1720-21. Bzrr. P-- - 10r31

    - -- The Iliad of Homer. Tr. by A. Pope. 6 vols.

    Lond., 1743. Bzm: 1fr. -ssr is

    -- The Iliad of H. Tr. by James Macpherson. 2 vols. Lond., 1,073. E.B. .8831

  • HOMER [continued].

    ILIAD [continued].

    English [continued].

    - -- The Iliad of H. Done into English prose by Andrew Lang, Walter Leaf, and Ernest Myers.

    .3000í.t .St iti ze tond. , 1883.

    - -- Another ed.

    - -- Rev. ed.

    - -- Rev. ed.

    Lond. , 1889.

    Lond. , 1897.

    Lond. , 1901.

    - -- Rev. ed. [Globe Ed. ] Lond. , 1930.

    Rig_ 0,1,f(ii-aft )1-4, g:.. A 4.4 IA .,...i. \ T :L.

    O. S. . 8831

    O. S. . 8831

    Classical Lib.

    . 8831

    - -- The Iliad of H. Done into English verse by A.S. Way. 2 vols. Lond. , 1886 -88. W *13.58 -59.

    - -- H. 's Iliad. Tr. by G. Chapman. With an introd. by H. Morley. 3rd ed. [Morley's Univ. Lib. 17.]

    Lond. , 1887.

    - -- The Iliad of Homer. Tr. into English prose by J. Purves. Ed. with an introd. by E. Abbott.

    Lond. , 1891.

    Classical Lib.

    O. S. . 8831

    - -- The Iliad of Homer. Tr. into English prose by E. H. Blakeney. 2 vols. Lond. , 1909 -13. English Lib.

    - -- The Iliad of Homer rendered in English hexameters by A. F. Murison. Vol. I. Books I -XII.

    Lond. , 1933. .8831 Ili. Mur.

    [Continued overleaf.]

  • HOMER.




    - H.'s Iliad. Tr. by G. Chapman. With an introd. by H. Morley. 3rd ed. [Morley's Univ. Lib. 17.]

    Lond., 1887. .8831

    Tovey Collection.

    - -- The Iliad. Tr. by E.V. Rieu. [Penguin Class. L, 14.]

    Harmondsworth, 1950. New Coll. Lib.

    --- [New ed.]

    Lond., 1953. .8831

  • HOMER [continued].

    ILIAD [continued].

    English [continued].

    - -- The Iliad. T- r7y -E. V. Rieu. [New ed. ] bond. , 1953.

    - -- The Iliad of Homer. Tr. with an introd. by R. Lattimore. 6th impr. Chicago, 1957.

    - The aegeF ef- t r. by n r " .. _... s Lond. , 1960.


    - -- L'Iliade d'Homère, tr. en rançois Madame Dacier. 3 tom.

    Paris, 1711.

    -a.-Et; -

    .8831 Ili. Lat.

    .8ßâ1 ili. Gru.

    avec des remarques par

    LL. 38.16.7=-97 EB. SR31

    - -- L'Illiade. Poeme: avec un discours sur Homère. Par Monsieur de La Motte. [Books I -XII. ]

    Paris, 1714. *W. 33.26.

    - -- L'Iliade d'Homère. Traduction nouvelle précédée de réflexions sur Homère. Par M. Bitaubé. 2 tom.

    Paris, 1764. W. 21.49 -50.

    - -- L'Iliade d'Homère, tr. en vers, avec des remarques (par D. R. ). 2 tom. Paris, 1766 -70. LL.

    E.B. S63I

    - -- Iliade d'Homère. Tr. en Français par Dugas Montbel. Précédée de l'histoire des poésies Homériques. 4me éd.

    Paris, 1860. *X.32.13.

    - -- Iliade. Tr. d'Homère [par C. M. Leconte de Lisle]. See LECONTE DE LISLE (CHARLES MARIE). Oeuvres de Leconte de Lisle.

    [Continued overleaf.]

  • HOMER.




    - -- The Iliad of H. Tr. with an introd. by R. Lattimore. 10th impr.

    --- 25th impr.

    Chicago, 1960. Classical Lib.

    Chicago, 1976. .8831

    - -- The Iliad of H. [Tr. by G. Chapman.] London, 1611. [The Eng. Experience, No. 115.]

    Amsterdam, 1969. F .8831

    - -- War music; an account of Books 16 to 19 of Homer's Iliad. [By] Christopher Logue.

    Lond., 1981. .8831

    - -- The Iliad of H. Tr. by A. Pope. With notes by ... T.A. Buckley ... [ Chandos Class.]

    Lond., nd. Classical Lib.

  • HOMER [continued].

    ILIAD [continued].


    - -- An t -Iliad aig Homer. Duan I -VIII. See MACLACHLAN (E.). Ewen MacLachlan's Gaelic verse, comprising a translation to Homer's Iliad, Books I -VIII .. .


    - -- Ilias Homeri. Die Bücher von dem Khrig so zwischen den Grichen und Troianern vor der stát Troja beschehen. Homeri des vier - treOlichen weitberümbten Poeten ... In griechischer sprach von Im ... beschriben und durch mich Johannem Baptis: Rexium verteütscht allen lustig zulesen. 1584. Hrsg. von R. Newald. [Kleine Texte, 159. ] Berlin, 1929. . 208 Kle.


    - -- Ilións- kváe

  • t: ():L .i1




    - -- La Iliade di Omero. (Tr. by n. Cesarotti.] 4 vol. (in 2). (Cesarotti, Caere, Vol. 6-).]

    ?irenze, 1802 -0). T.15/2.32-33.

    - -- Versione letterale dell'Iliade (by N. Cesarotti]. 7 vol. (in 4). (Cesarotti, Opere, Vol. 10 -16.1

    Firenze, 1804 -07. 7.15/2.34 -37.

  • HOMER [continued].

    ILIAD [continued]


    --- Scholia in Homeri Iliadem ex recensione Immanuelis Bekkeri.

    (And Scholiorum in Homeri Iliadem appendix,Addidit I. Bekkerus.)

    2 tom. (in l). Berolini, 1825-27.

    --- Scholia Graeca in Homeri Iliadem Townleyana. Recensuit

    Ernestus Maass. Tom. 1. [Scholia Gr. in Homeri Iliadem, ed.

    a G. Dindorfio, v.] Oxonii, 1888.

    F .8831


    - -- Auswahl aus den Iliasscholien. Zur Einführung in die antike

    Homerphilologie. Ausgewählt und geordnet von W. Deecke. [Kleine

    Texte, III.] Bonn, 1912. ( ,,o t, .208 Kle.

    - -- EYONL etc 'c ]v 'Op.î you 'I\Lcc a. Les scolies genevoises de l'Iliade. Publ. avec une etude historique, descriptive

    et critique sur le Genevensis 44 ou Codex ignotus d'H. Estienne et une

    collation complete de ce manuscrit par J. Nicole. Avec une introd.

    par H. Erbse. Reprografischer Nachdruck der Ausgabe Genf und

    Basel, 1891. 2 vols. (in 1).

    Hildesheim, 1966. .8831

    - -- Scholia graeca in Homeri Iliadem; scholia vetera. Recensuit

    H. Erbse. (,VoLÇ. I*' Berolini. .8831

    1. Praefationem et scholia ad libros A-A continens. 1969.

    2. Scholia ad libros E -I continens. 1971.

    3. Scholia ad libros continens. 1974.

    4. Scholia ad libros 0 continens. 1975.

    [Continued overleaf.]

  • HOMER.

    AL)1)l i ll)IV>



    -- Scholia Graeca in Homeri Iliadem; scholia vetera. Recensuit H. Erbse. Vol. 5.4,.

    Berolini. .8831

    5. Scholia ad libros y -Q continens. 1977.

    6. Indices I -IV continens. 1983.

  • HOMER [continued].

    ILIAD [continued]

    Scholia [continued]

    - -- See BAAR (JOHANNES) comp. Index zu den Ilias -Scholien ...

    - -- See SCHMIDT (MARTIN) Classicist. Die Erklärungen zum Weltbild Homers

    und zur Heroenzeit in den bT- Scholien zur Ilias.

    Dictionaries and concordances

    - -- See PRENDERGAST (GUY LUSHINGTON) comp. A complete concordance to the

    Iliad of Homer.

    - -- See ROBERTI (ANTONIUS) comp. Clavis Homerica ...


    - -- See BANDINELLI (R.B.). Hellenistic- Byzantine miniatures of the Iliad.

    - -- See BLACKIE (J.S.). Homer and the Iliad.

    - -- See BOLLING (G.M.). The athetized lines of the Iliad.

    - -- See BOWRA (C.M.). Tradition and design in the Iliad.

    - -- See BROCCIA (GIUSEPPE). La forma poetica dell' Iliade ...

    - -- See BURR (VIKTOR). NEWV xaiaXoyoç. Homerischen Schiffskatalog.

    Untersuchungen zur

    [Continued overleaf.]

  • AI)1)l'17ONS




    -- See SCHLIINK (ROBIN R.). The Homeric scholia and the Aeneid.

    APPENDIX , c.

    -- See BOWRA (Sir CECIL MAURICE). Tradition and design in the Iliad.

    --- See ANDERSEN (OIYIND). Die Diomedesgestalt in der Iliac.

  • HOMER [continued].

    ILIAD [continued]

    Appendix [continued]

    - -- See CAMERQRIUS (JOACHIMITS) the Elder. Commentarii in librum primum

    (and secundum) Iliados Homeri.

    - -- See COLLINS (WILLIAM LUCAS). Homer: the Iliad.

    - -- See DAIMS (R.). Ilias und Achilleis.

    - -- See DEECKE (WILHELM) of Lübeck. De Hectoris et Aiacis

    certamine singulari.

    - -- See DEICHGRÄBER (KARL). Der letzte Gesang der Ilias.

    - -- See DELEBECQUE (É.). Le cheval dans l'Iliade ...

    [Continued overleaf.]

  • HOMER [continued].

    ILIAD [continued].

    Appendix [continued].

    - -- See DUETHORN (GUENTER A.). Achilles' Shield and the structure of the Iliad.

    - -- See ERBSE (HARTMUT). Beiträge zur Uberlieferung der Iliasscholien.

    - -- See EUSTATHIUS, Abp. of Thessalonica. E. commentarii ad Homeri Iliadem, etc.

    - -- See FENIK (BERNARD). "Iliad X" and the "Rhesus "; the myth.

    - -- See FICK (A. ). Die Homerische Ilias ... wiederhergestellt.

    - -- See GACON (F. ). Homère vengé, ou réponse à M. de la Motte sur l'Iliade.

    - -- See GREEN (W. C. ). The similes of Homer's Iliad.

    - -- See HOWALD (E. ). Der Dichter der Ilias.

    - -- See JACHMANN (GUNTHER). Der homerische Schiffskatalog und die Ilias.

    - -- See KULLMANN (WOLFGANG). Die Quellen der Ilias.

    - -- See KURZ (GEBHARD). Darstellungsformen menschlicher Bewegung in der Ilias.

    - -- See LEAF (W.) A companion to the Iliad.

    - -- See MAZON (P. ). Introduction à l'Iliade.

    [Continued overleaf.]





    - -- See FENIK (BERNARD). Typical battle scenes in the Iliad ...

    - -- See EUSTATHIUS, Abp. of Thessalonica. Commentarii ...

    --- See HEYNE (CHRISTIAN GOTTLOB). Excursus in Homerum.

    - -- See FLAXMAN (JOHN). The Iliad of H. Engraved from the

    compositions of John Flaxman. - -- See GISEKE (BERNHARD). Die allmäliche Enstehung der

    Gesänge der Ilias aus Unterschieden im Gebrauch der

    Präpositionen nachgewiesen.

    - -- See JOHANSEN (KNUD r'tìIIS). The Iliad in early Greek art.

    - -- See KNIGHT (DOUGLAS). Pope and the heroic tradition; a

    critical study of his Iliad. - -- See LATACZ (JOACHIM). Kampfparänese, Kampfdarstellung und

    Kampfwirklichkeit in der Ilia Q, bei Kallinos and Tyrt,ios.' - - - See JACHMANN (GUNTHER). Homerische inz_el ieder.

    - -- See LOHMANN (DIETER). Die Komposition der Reden in der Ilias.

    - -- See MASON (HAROLD ANDREW). To Homer through Pope; an

    introduction to H.'s Iliad and Pope's translation.

    - -- See MICHEL (CHRISTOPH). Erläuterungen zum N der Ilias.

  • HOMER [continued].

    ILIAD [continued].

    Appendix [continued].

    --- See MOSCHOPOULOS (E. ). M. M. . . . scholia ad Homeri Iliados librum I et II.

    - -- See MUHLL (P. von der). Kritisches Hypomnema zur Ilias.

    - -- See MUNDING (HEINZ). Hesiods Erga in ihrem Verhdltnis zur Ilias.

    - -- See NICANOR. N. 1tEpi. 'IXLaxfc oTLywn( reliquiae emendatiores .. .


    - -- See PAGE (DENYS LIONEL). History and the Homeric Iliad.

    - -- See PAPPENHEIM (E. ). Ueber drei den Lokrer Aias betreffende Stellen der Iliagi.

    - -- See PESTALOZZI (H. ). Die Achilleis als Quelle der Ilias.

    - -- See POWYS (JOHN COWPER). H. and the Aether.

    - -- See PEUCH (A. ). L'Iliade d'Homère. Etude et analyse.

    - -- See REINHARDT (KARL). Die Ilias und ihr Dichter, etc.

    - -- See ROMER (A. ). Die exegetischen Scholien der Ilias im Codex Venetus B.

    - -- See SCHOECK (GEORG). Ilias and Aithiopis.

    - -- See SHEPPARD (J. T. ). The pattern of the Iliad.

    - -- See SHEWAN (A. ). The lay of Dolon.

    [Continued overleaf.]

  • HOMER.

    Al) I)l'FIONS



    --- See REDFIELD (JAMES M.). Nature and culture in the Iliad;

    the tragedy of Hector.

    - -- See ROTON (Vicomte GABRIEL DE). Homère: l'Iliade illustrée

    par la céramique grecque.

    -- See SCHADEWALDT (WOLFGANG). Der Aufbau der Ilias.

    - -- See SHANKMAN (STEVEN). Pope's Iliad; H. in the age of passion.

    - -- See SEGAL (CHARLES PAUL). The theme of the mutilation of the

    corpse in the Iliad.


    The Catalogue of the ships in Homer's Iliad.

  • HOMER [continued].

    ILIAD [continued].

    Appendix [continued].

    - -- See STAWELL (F. MELIAN). H. and the Iliad.

    - -- See TERRASSON (J. ). Dissertation critique sur l'Iliade d'Homère.

    - -- See VALK (MARCHINUS H. A. L. H. VAN DER). Researches on the text and scholia of the Iliad.

    - -- See WADE -GERY (H.T.). The poet of the Iliad.

    - -- See WILAMOWITZ- MOELLENDORFF (ULRICH VON). Die Ilias und Homer.

  • ;




    - -- See WILLCOCK (MALCOLM M.). A commentary on H.'s Iliad.

    - -- See WILLCOCK (MALCOLM M.). A companion to the Iliad.

  • HOMER [continued].


    OREKR - 'Oµ7Pov 'Otivaona, avv rote axoñtott, tiarpaxoµvoµaxtt} vµvot, irrtypappara ña +ava. 2 tom.

    8' it 'Otortp, pyrrt`( [1782]. W. 29. 37 -38. - Homeri Odyssea. Cum intcrprotationis Eustathii et reliquorum granunaticorum doloctu, suisque commentaries, edtdit D. C. O. I3aumgnrton- Crusius. 3 vols. 8' Lipsite, 1822 -24. -WT-Kr-436461r y p 3

    Homeri Odyesen, cum echoliis veteribus. Accedunt Batrachomyomechin, Hymni, Fragmenta 2 tom.

    Mackay Ileq. 8° Oxonii, 1827. Hg. 8. 121'. -Two other copita. 1V 12. 59.(30 ; . S. e 3 - Homers Odyssee erklArt von J. U. Fatei. 21 Aufl.

    2 Bde. (in 1). 8° Leipzig, 1863. W. 7. 21. - FF. Odyssen, ex recognitione G. Dindorfii. 8° Oxonii, 1855. W. 5. 3. - Dio Ilomerieche Odyssee und ihro Entstehung. Text und

    ErlAuterungen von A. Kirchhoff. 8° Berlin, 1859. W:- }bfgr -,20. - Homers Odyssee. Für don Schulgobrauch orklttrt von

    K. T. Amois. 314 vielfach berichtigte Aufl. 2 I3do. (in I). 8° Leipzig, 1866, (12 -63. 1V 14. 25.

    Each Rd. ie in 2 Ilefte. Bd. 1 has an Anhang to each Heft. Iid. 2 is of the 2nd edition. - Rie berichtigt.o Aufl. besorgt von C. Hontze. 2 Bde. (in 1).

    80 Leipzig, 1880 -84. Zt. 8. 671. Bde. I, 2 and Il, 1 are of the 7th edition, 13d. II, 2 of the 8th. - Anhang. Var. eds. 4 Hfte. (in 1).

    8° Leipzig, 1876-80. Zt. 8. 67'. - Tho Odyssey of H. Ed. with marginal references, various readings, notes and appendices by H. Hayman. 3 vols.

    R° Lond., 1866 -82. 1V. 2. 7.9. _F { it. (i.ii k) ,

    Fi. Odyssee. Ad fldom librorum optimorum odidit J. La Roche, ítr,. 8' Lipsie, 1807 -68. Zw. 6. 24. - 'Oµ7Prry 'OAvaana. L'Odyssóo d'Hombro. Texts grec revu of corrigó d'apres los diorthosee alexandrines, aceom- pagné d'un remmeutairo ... prócódó d'uno introduction et suivi do la 13at.rachomyomaohio, des hymnes homériques, et.o. Par Alexis Pierron. 2 vols.

    8° Paris, 1876. WC 12. 41-44.


    [Continued overleaf.]

  • :101:1L.




    -_ .,µrvov 'L)6ucßE6a. '-x r EnTpou tv :,;ov, g.;.É 1705J.

    JA 2814

    * Adan smith Collection.

    -- 'Oµr)pou 'UbvcaEl,a. Tiomeri Odyssey.. [Oxf. Pocket Clans.] Oxonii, 1865. Pine Art (Arch.) Lib.

    r- ° Baldwin gown Bequest.

  • HOMER [continued].

    ODYSSEY [continued].

    Greek [continued].

    - -- H. 's Odyssey. Ed. with English notes, appendices, etc. , by W. W. Merry and ... J. Riddell. Vol. 1. Bks. I -XII. [Ciar. Pr. Ser.]

    Oxford, 1876. W* 14.26.

    - -- Another copy. Vol. 1. Classical Lib.

    - -- 2nd ed. , rev. Vol. 1. Oxford, 1886.

    - -- Another copy. Vol. 1.

    - 45th thousand. Odyssey. Bks. I -XII (and XIII -XXIV). etc. by W. W. Merry. 2 vols.

    Oxford, 1889 -96. ` Vol. 2 is of the 16th thousand.

    - -- 56th thousand. 2 vols. Oxford, 1895, 1892.

    Vol. 2 is of the 13th thousand.

    - - CAA& 0 CLL.- cc. p., . Vve - -- Another copy. Vol. 1.

    - -- Impr. of 1928. Vol. 1. Oxford, 1928.

    O.S. . 8831

    O.S. . 8831

    With introd. , notes

    Classical Lib.

    Classical Lib.

    O.S. k 31

    Classical Lib.

    Classical Lib.

    - -- Die Homerische Odyssee, von A. Kirchhoff. 2te umgearb. Aufl. Berlin, 1879. W* 12.5.

    - -- Homer's Odyssey. Book 1. Ed. ... by J. Bond and A. S. Walpole. [Elem. Class.] Lond., 1890. Classical Lib.

    - -- The Odyssey of H. Ed. by A. Platt. Cambridge, 1892. O. S. . 8831

    [Continued overleaf.]

  • HOMER.




    Homer's Odyssey. Ed. with English

    by W.W. Merry and J. Riddell. Vol.

    LClar. Pr. Ser.] Oxford, 1876.

    notes, appendices, etc.

    1. Books I -XII.

    Classical Lib.

    -- Homer. Odyssey. Bks. I -XII (and XIII- XXIV). With introd., notes, etc. by W.W. Merry. Oth thousand. 2 vols. [Ciar. Pr. Ser.]

    Oxford, 1889, 1882. .8831

    Vol. 2 is of 2nd ed.

  • HOMER [continued].

    ODYSSEY [continued].

    Greek [continued].

    - -- H. Odyssea. Edidit G. Dindorf. Ed. 5a correctior quam curavit C. Hentze. 2 pts. (in 1). [Bibl. Teub.]

    Lipsiae. .8831 Ody. Din.

    1. Odysseae I-XII. Ed. ster. 1894.

    2. Odysseae XIII -XXIV. 1893.

    - -- Homer's Odyssey. Book IX. Ed. with introduction and notes by A. D. Thomson. Lond. , 1899. O.S. . 8831

    - -- H. 's Odyssey. Books XIII -XXIV. Ed. with English notes & appendices by D. B. Monro. Oxford, 1901. W* 14.27.

    Another copy. R.R.

    - -- Two other copies. Classical Lib.

    - --" Óµripov ' 08voGE a . The Odyssey of H. Ed. with general and grammatical introd. , commentary, and indexes by W. B. Stanford. 2 vols. [Class. Ser.] Lond. , 1947 -48. Classical Lib.

    , 1948 . Aao

    Greek and Latin

    R. R. (Greek).

    - Homeri Odyssea cum interpretatione Lat. ad verbum, post ,mnes alias editiones repurgata plurimis erroribus ... partim ab H. Stephano, partim ab aliis. (And Homeri Batrachomyomach4. - Homeri hymni. - Homeri qua`dam epigrammata et versus, et Herodoto de vita Homeri. ) Adjecti sunt etiam Homerici centones [in Greek only] ... Ed. postrema diligenter recognita per I.T.P.

    Cantabrigia -e, 1664. E.B. . 8831

    - -- Homeri Odyssea, Graece et Latine, item Batrachomyomachia, Hymni et Epigrammata ... Edidit, annotationesque, ex notis ... a S. Clarke, S.T. P. ... relictis partim collectas, adjecit S. Clarke, S.R.S. 2 vols.

    Lond. , 1740. *W.21.21-22.

    [Continued overleaf.]





    -- Homer's Odyssey. Books XIII -XXIV. Ed. with English notes and appendices by D.B. Monro.

    Oxford, 1901. Classical Lib.

    - -- 'Op pou 'Obuooe i.a. The Odyssey of H. Ed. with general and grammatical introd. , commentary, and indexes by W. B. Stanford. 2 vols. [Class. Ser.]

    Lond. , 1947 -48. 8831

    - -- 2nd ed. 2 vols. Lond., 1959, 1958. Classical Lib.

    Greek and Latin

    - -- Homeri Odyssea, Graece et Latine, item Batrachomyomachia, Hymni et Epigrammata ... Edidit, annotationesque, ex notis ... a S. Clarke, S.T.P. ... relictis partim collectas, adjecit

    S. Clarke, S.R.S. 2 vols.

    Lond., 1740. D.S.c.3,91-2.

    -- `IIpLit,xz. '0i you 'Obuooet,n. Homeri Odyssea ... Ejusdem Batrachomyomachia & Hymni. 3a ed., cui ... accessit Heraclidis

    Pontici de fabulis Homericis ... libellus, cum C. Gesneri

    versione et annotationibus.

    [Geneva, 1586.] D.S.a.4.8.

    Title -page mutilated. Pp. 961 -974 wanting.

  • HOMER [continued].

    ODYSSEY [continued].

    Greek and Latin [continued] .

    --- Homeri Odyssea Graece et Latine ad praestantissimas editiones accuratissime expressa M. J. G. Hageri. (And Batrachomyomachia, Hymni et Epigrammata, etc. ) 2 vols.

    Chemnicii, 1776-77. *W.32.31-32.

    - -- Homeri Odyssea Graece et Latine. Edidit, annotationesque ex notis .. . a1S. Clarke, S.T.P. relictis partira collectas, adjecit S. Clarke, S.R.S. Ed. 6ta. 2 torn. Lond. , 1828. .

    - -- Another ed. 2 torn. (in 1). Edin. , 1846.

    *` Cameron Collection.

    Greek and English


    t:¢Pr. - -- The Odyssey. With an English translation by A. T. Murray., 2 vols.

    [Loeb Class. Lib.] Lond. , 1iß 1427 -t8: R.R.(GfceK

    --- Repr. 2 vols. Lond. , 1938 -42.

    - -- Repr. Vol. 1. Lond. , 1946.

    --Rcpr. Vol. -2. Lon. , 1Q46 Classical Lib.

    Classical Lib.

  • Hor.LR.



    Greek and Latin

    Homeri odyss °a Greece et Latine. -,didit, annotationesque,

    ex notis ... 8 S. Clarke, S.T.P. ... relictis partim

    collectas, adjecit S. Clarke, S.R.S. 1.a. 2 tom.

    din., 1810. D.S.f.7.11 2.

    Greek and . ;lish

    - -- The Odyssey. 4ith an aiglish translation by A.T. Murray.

    Repr. Vol. 1. [Loeb Glass. Lib.J

    Lond., 1960. Classical Lib.

    - -- Repr. 2 vols.

    Lond., 1966. .8831

  • HOMER [continued].

    ODYSSEY [continued].

    OnssK AND FRKNOf 'Oµgpot 'Oiiuoottn ... L'OdyssAe d'Ilomòrn, traduite . . .

    per Dugas Montbol. (And Ilarpaxopvopaxta La Ba- trachomyornachie, etc. - Ypro,. Ilyrnnen.- 'Etriypappora Divors potato poemee.- 'Airoorraoµnrta irrwv. Fragments de divers poemee attribuds à Ilomòre.) 3 tom.

    8° Paris, 1833. W 2. 8 -8.

    MoDau OnLF.x - 'Oóvnotcar pn*aAta 7,'. MtrafPpnoBttoa tit óqporiKOUr ortXovr vtro A. llIK1Án. VF,BvtKov 'llp.poAoycor, 1804).]

    Mackie OOU. 8 ir Attkttt. Bi. Coll. 6. 62/12. , - Another ed. See BtKar.Ae (D.). 'Oavoottor Z' do. 1872. Bi. Coll. 6. 7/2. - 'Opgpov 'Odvooaa. 'Eµptrpor ptrackpaotr 'IaR. IlowXa.

    4 pte. (in 1). Mackie. 8° 'Er 'A6q.att, 1876-80. Bl. COIL 8. U.

    LATrN 7 - Homeri Odyssoa, metaphresto Raphaele Volaterrano, quam diligenlissime excusa, ele.

    Mag. Carol., 1636. 8° Colonias, 1623. W. 31. 26. - Homeri Odyssoa ad verbum translata, Andrea Divo .. . interprete. Ejusdom Batrachomyomaohia ... A. Manutio interprete. Ejusdem Iiymni deorum xxxii, G. Dartona interprete. Drummond Coll. 8° Paris, 1538. De. 2. 81. - Homeri Odyeee e libri van, F. Florido Sabino interpeste

    Mag. Cond., 1636. 8° Lutetise, 1646. W. 28. 12.

    [Continued overleaf. ]

  • 1




    Greek and French

    - -- L'Odyssée; poésie homérique. Texte etabli et tr. par V. Bérard. a toni. [Coll. des Univ. de France.


    cris, 1924. .8831. - -- 4e éd. 3 tous.

    Paris, 1947 -6:.. :lassie at Clnly tom. 1, 3 are of the .ie , 1947. Tom. 2 is of the 7e tir.,

    Greek and L:Fsernsan

    - -- Odysee ... Übertragung von L. Weiher. Mit erliuterndem Anhang und Nar,,enverzeichnis. 2. Auf i. [Tusculum Bücherei.]

    [Munich] 1961. .8831

  • HOMER [continued].

    ODYSSEY [continued].

    ENGLISH - Horner his Odyssey translated, odorn'd with sculpture and illustrated with annotations. By John Ogilby.

    2' Lond., 1665. W 16. 12/2. - Homer's Odyssey. Tr. by Tho. Hobbes of Mnlmsbury. With a largo preface °oncon ing tho venues of an horoique poem. Written by the translator.

    12" Lond., 1075. W. 32. 37. - 'rho Odyssey of Homer. [Tr. into English verso by Popo, W. I3roomo and E. Fenton.] (And A general view of the epio poem end of tho Iliad and Odyssey extracted from Itoeune.- Postscript, by Mr. Pope.--I tumor's Battle of the frogs and mico [tr. by T. Parnell]. corrected by Mr: Pope.) 6 vols. 2° Lond., 1725 -26. W. 16. 27.31. - Another ed. 4 vole. 8° Lond., 1771. W. 32. 43 -46.

    -Tho Odyssey of H. Tr. by A. Pope. 2 vola. 12° Lond., 1778. Y-14.-S./42. - Tho Odyssey of H. Tr. into English blank verse by

    W. Cowper. The second ed. with ... alterations and notes ... Publ. with a preface ... by J. Johnson. 2 vols.

    8° Lond., 1802. W. 11. 3-4. - The Odysseys of H. tr.... by Coorge Chapman, with introduction and notes by R. Hooper. 2 vols.

    12" Lond., 1857. S. 18. 84 -86.

    ..i. ï1-eRrüas

    - The Odyssey of H. in English hendecasyllable vereo. By H. Alford. Pt. 1. Books 1 -12.

    8° Lond., 1861. mea. 8 8 3 - The Odyssey Tr. into English verse in the Spnneorian stanza by P. 8. Worsley. 2 vols.

    8° Edin., 1801 -62. W. 4á f9r-09 -Ñ 8 $ 3i - Tho Odyssey ... rendered into English blank verse. By G. Musgrave. - 2 vols. " 8° Loud., 1886. W. 8. 29.30.

    [Continued overleaf.]

  • HOMER [continued].

    ODYSSEY [continued].

    English [continued] .

    - -- The Odyssey ... Done into English prose by S. H. Butcher and A. Lang. 2nd ed. Lond. , 1879. .


    - -- 5th ed. Lond. , 1885. IoI* Baldwin Brown Bequest.

    Fine Art (Arch.) Lib.

    - -- Rev. and repr. Lond. , 1887. O.S. . 8831

    - -- Rev. and repr. Lond. , 1890. O.S. . 8831

    - -- Another copy. O.S. . 8831

    - -- Rev. and repr. Lond. , 1893. O.S. . 8831

    - AI/lather-copy: -R-: -R : (Greek) . - -- Rev. and repr. Lond. , 1897. Classical Lib.

    - -- [Repr. ] Lond. , 1919. English Lib.

    - -- The Odyssey ... Rendered into English verse. Books I -XII (and XIII to XXIV). By G. A. Schomberg. 2 vols.

    Lond. , 1879 -82. W* 12.3 -4.

    - -- The Odyssey of H. Books I -XII. Tr. into English verse with notes and parallel passages by Sir C. DuCane.

    Edin. , 1880. Classical Lib.

    - -- The Odyssey ... Tr. [into verse] by J. G. Cordery. Lond. , 1897. *W.15/1.23.

    [Continued overleaf.]

  • HOMER [continued].

    ODYSSEY [continued].

    English [continued].

    - -- The Odyssey. Tr. by J. W. Mackail. Books 1 -8. (And Books 9 -16). 2 vols. Lond. , 19O4, O.S. .8831

    - -- The Odyssey ... in English verse. By Arthur S. Way. 3rd ed. Lond. , 1904. W* 14.77.

    - -- H. 's Odyssey. A line -for -line translation in the metre of the original by H. B. Cotterill. With ... illustrations by Patten Wilson.

    Lond. , 1911. W. 8.37.

    - -- The Odyssey ... Tr. by T. E. Shaw (Col. T. E. Lawrence). Oxford, 1935. .8831 Ody. graw.

    - -- Stories from the Odyssey. Put into Basic English by R. N. Gallyon. Pictures by J. Forsyth.

    Lond. [1951.]

    --- The Odysccy. TFï by- E: u: Rie44-, - Leech , 1954.

    - -- The Odyssey. Tr. by R. Fitzgerald. Lond. , 1962.

    Appl. Ling. Lib.

    . 333} Otly . HOiil.


    ,-.- The- Odys-seintcr English-prose by -Sita.w (Colonel T. E. Lawrence). 6th pr. [Galaxy Bks. GB2. ]

    New -York, 1964.


    R.R.- kGreek).

    - -- L'Odyssée ... traduite ... avec des remarques par Madame Dacier. 3 torn. Amsterdam, 1717. *W.32.34 -36.

    - -- Odyssée et poésies Homériques. Tr. par Dugas Montbel. 3me éd. Paris, 1861. *X.32.14.


    - -- Odyssée. Tr. d'Homère [by C. M. Leconte de Lisle:]. See LECONTE DE LISLE (CHARLES MARIE). Oeuvres de Leconte de Lisle.

    [Continued overleaf.]

  • HOMER.




    - -- The Odyssey. Tr. by E.V. Rieu. [Penguin Class. L, I.]

    Harmondsworth, 1945. New Coll. Lib.

    --- The Odyssey of H. Tr. with an introd. by R. Lattimore.

    New York [1967.] .8831

    - -- The Odyssey. Tr. by W. Shewring, with an epilogue on translation. Introduced by G.S. Kirk. [The World's Class.]

    Oxford, 1980. .8831


    --- Odusseia Homair. Eadar-theangaichte le I. MacGilleathain.

    An t -Oban Latharnach, 1966-1969. [Clo-Bhualaidhean

    Gairm, Leabhar 42.]

    Glaschu, 1976. .8831

    - -- Another copy. Celtic Lib.

  • HOMER [continued] .

    ODYSSEY [continued].


    - -- Homers Odyssee. Übersetzt von J. H. Voss. 2 Tle. (in 1). 15y31 Neutlingen, 1819. ßtbaeti-bib.

    - -- Homers Odyssee (tibersetzt) von J. H. Voss. Abdruck der ersten Ausgabe vom Jahre 1781 mit einer Einleitung von M. Bernays.

    Stuttgart, 1881. Cib. 81x31


    - -- Fyrsta og 0nnur (-tuttugasta og fjórda) bók af Homeri Odyssea. A Islenzku útl0gd af S. Egilssyni. [Prog. diss. ] 7 pts. (in 1).

    Videyar Klaustri, 1829-40. LL. 106. 6.1. B18ndal Collection.

    - -- Hómers Odysseifs-kvaeôi. Gefic} út af hinu Islenzka Bókmentafélagi .. . [Metrical version by S. Egilsson (to canto 19, stanza 135) and B. S. Gröndal. ] Kaupmannahi3fn, 1854. LL. 106.6.2.

    'I` Blöndal Collection.

    --- Odysseifs-kvicfia Hómers. S. Egilsson ïslenzkac i. Endurskoc?uX útgáfa. KaupmannahtSfn, 1912. LL.106.6.4.

    B1tSndal Collection.


    - -- L'Odissea di Omero. [Tr. into Italian verse by] I. Pindemonte. Introd. e note di G. Reichenbach. [Coll. di Class. Ital. 2a ser. vol. 46.]

    Torino, 1928. Ital. Lib.


    - -- Odyssée. Tr. en persan par S. Naficy. [Bongáh -e Tft-pieffié- va- Nashr -e Tarjomé va Nashr -e Ketab, Enteshárát 82, Majmucé -e Adabiyát -e Khareji, 30.] Téhéran, 1959. .89155:.8831


    - -- O,uvtcceA I'oMepa. IlepeBOz B.A. 75yKOBCKaro. CaxKTneTep6ypra., I885. 0.S. . 891713 Zhuk.

    [Continued overleaf.]

  • HONER [continued].

    ODYSSEY [continued]


    - -- La Ulyxea de Homero. Repartida en XIII. libros. Tr. de Griego en

    romance Castellano por ... Gonçalo Perez.

    Venetia, 1553. W* 23.101.


    - -- Scholia antiqua in Homeri Odysseam ... ab A. Maio prolata ... Edita

    a P. Buttmanno ... Berolini, 1821. .8831

    --- Scholia Gráeca in Homeri Odysseam, ex codicibus aucta et emendata.

    Edidit G. Dindorfius. 2 tom.

    Oxonii, 1855. w.54-5

    - -- Scholia in Homeri Odysseae A 1 -309 auctiora et emendatiora. Ed.

    A. Ludwich. Praefatiunculam lingua vernacula scriptam adiecit

    H. Erbse. Hildesheim, 1966.

    *** Photographic repr. of the Augsburg, 1888 -1890, ed.

    - -- Scholia vetera ad Odysseam, edente Angelo Maio. See HOMIER. ILIAD.

    GREEK. Iliadis fragmenta antiquissima cum picturis ...



    - -- See AGAR (T.L.). Homerica; emendations ... of the Odyssey.

    - -- See BATISTIC (NICOLÒ). La Nekyia, ossia il libro xi dell' Odissea ...

    - -- See BÉRARD (V.). Introduction à l'Odyssée.

    - -- See BÉRARD (V.). Les navigations d'Ulysse.

    - -- See BÉRARD (V.). Les Phéniciens et l'Odyssée.

    [Continued overleaf.]

  • HOM772.




    -- See ßUSTIY (NORMAN). Archery at the dark of the moon; poetic problems in IL 's Odyssey.

  • HOMER [continued].

    ODYSSEY [continued].

    Appendix [continued].

    - -- See BESSLICH (SIEGFRIED). Schweigen- Verschweigen- Übergehen; die Darstellung des Unausgesprochenen in der Odyssee.

    - -- See BORNEMANN (E.). Odyssee -Interpretationen, etc.

    - -- See COLLINS (W. L.). H. The Odyssey.

    - -- See DEKKER (ANNIE F.). Ironie in de Odyssee.

    - -- See DELEBECQUE (ÉDOUARD). Télémaque et la structure de l'Odyssée.

    - -- See DIRLMEIER (FRANZ). Die Giftpfeile des Odysseus ...

    EICHHORN Odyssee

    - -- See EUSTATHIUS, Abp. of Thessalonica. Eustathii commentarii ad Homeri Odysseam, etc.

    - -- See FICK (A.). Die Homerische Odyssee ... wiederhergestellt.

    - -- See FINLEY (M. I.). The world of Odysseus.

    - -- See FOCKE (F.). Die Odyssee.

    - -- See HARTMAN (JACOBUS JOHANNES). Epistola critica ... continens annotationes ad Odysseam.

    - -- See JONES (D. M.). Ethical themes in the plot of the Odyssey.

    - -- See MERKELBACH (R.). Untersuchungen zur Odyssee.

    - -- See MOULINIER (LOUIS). Quelques hypothéses relatives la géographie d'H. dans l'Odyssée.

    [Continued overleaf.]

  • HOMER.



    - -- See CLARKE (HOWARD WILLIAM). The art of the Odyssey.

    -- See CLARKE (HOWARD WILLIAM) ed. Twentieth century interpretations of the Odyssey.

    - -- See ERBSE (HARTMUT). Beiträge zum Verständnis der Odyssee.

    - -- See FINLEY (JOHN HUSTON). H.'s Odyssey.


    - -- See FENIK (BERNARD). Studies in the Odyssey.


    - -- See FLAXMAN (JOHN). The Odyssey ... Engraved from

    the compositions of John Flaxman.

    - -- See GAUNT (D,tMI. Surge and thunder; critical readings in

    Homer's Odyssey.

    - -- See HANSEN (WILLIAM F.). The conference sequence;

    patterned narration and narrative inconsistency in the


    - -- See HARRISON (JANE ELLEN). Myths of the Odyssey in art and


  • HOMER [continued] .

    ODYSSEY [continued].

    Appendix [continued].

    - -- See MÜLLER (MARION). Athene als göttliche Helferin in der Odyssee.

    - -- See NITZSCH (G. W.). Erkl.rende Anmerkungen zu H. 's Odyssee.

    - -- See PAGE (D. L.). The Homeric Odyssey.

    - -- See POCOCK (LEWIS GREVILLE). Odyssean essays.

    - -- See SCHADEWALDT (WOLFGANG). Neue Kriterien zur Odyssee -Analyse.

    - -- See THOMSON (J. A. K.). Studies in the Odyssey.

    - -- See VALK (MARCHINUS H. A. L. H. VAN DER). Textual criticism of the Odyssey.

    - -- See WILAMOWITZ- MOELLENDORFF (ULRICH VON). Die Heimkehr der Odysseus.

    - -- See WOODHOUSE (W. J.). The composition of Homer's Odyssey.



    - -- Homeri hymni et epigrammata. Edidit G. Hermannus. Lipsiae, 1806. W.5.7.

    - -- Die Homerischen Hymnen. Hrsg. und erläutert von A. Genvoll. Leipzig, 1886. W.4.54.

    - -- The Homeric hymns. Ed. , with preface, apparatus criticus, notes and appendices by T. W. Allen and E. E. Sikes.

    Lond. , 1904. *W. 6.73.

    - -- Two other copies. Classical Lib.

    [Continued overleaf.]





    - -- See NICANOR. Nicanoris reps 'Ot5ucacLa(fl , c'tLY127ç ...

    - -- See NITZSCH (G.w.) ... Indigandae per Homeri Odysseam interpolationis praeparatio.

    - -- Fee RUTER (KLAUS). Odysséinterpretationen.

    - -- See PAGE (Sir DENYS LIONEL). Folktales in Homer's Odyssey.

    - -- See ROTON (Vicomte GABRIM DE). Homère: l'Odyssée illustrée par la céramique grecque.

    - -- See TAYLOR (CHARLES HENRY) ed. Essays on the Odyssey.

    - -- See THOMSON (JAMES ALEXANDER KER). Studies in the Odyssey.

    -- See WENDER (DOROTHEA). The last scenes of the Odyssey.

  • HOMER [continued].

    MINOR WORKS [continued].

    Greek [continued].

    - -- 2nd ed. Ed. by T. W. Allen, W. R. Halliday and E. E. Sikes. Oxford, 1936. .8831 44444-r

    - -- Another copy. Classical Lib.

    - -- Batrachomyomachia, Hymni, fragmenta. See HOMER. ODYSSEY. GREEK. Homeri Odyssea, cum scholiis veteribus .. .

    - -- Batipaxoµvop.aXLa, vµvoL, 1LLypaµµatia XELOva. See HOMER. ODYSSEY. GREEK. 'Oµrwov '0 8vßß La, GUN.) tiot.c aXoXLoLC ...

    --- La Batrachomyomachie ... Hymnes homériques ... See HOMER. ODYSSEY. GREEK. ' O i pot ' 0óuoo E L a . L'Odyssée d'Homère. Texte grec revu et corrigé d'après les diorthoses alexandrines ...

    Greek and Latin

    - -- Homeri hymnus in Cererem nunc primum editus a D. Ruhnkenio. (And F Oragmentum hymni in Bacchum. -Homeri hymnus in Cererem Latine versus

    a J. H. Vossio. ) Lugduni Batavorum, 1781. *W. 28.1.

    - -- Another ed. Accedunt duae epistolae criticae et C. G. Mitscherlichii annotationes . . . (And N. Ignarrae emendationes hymni Homerici in Cererem.) Lugduni Batavorum, 1808. W. 5.1.

    - -- Hymni Homerici cum reliquis carminibus minoribus . . . et Batrachomyomachia. Addita est Demetri Zeni versio Batrachomyomachiae . . . et Theodori Prodromi Galeomyomachia. Textum recensuit . . . C. D. Ilgen. Halis Saxonum, 1796.

    4; .3_ sY3/ - -- Homeri Batrachomyomachia. (And Homeri hymni. -Homeri quaedam

    epigrammata et versus, ex Herodoto de vita Homeri. ) See HOMER. ODYSSEY. GREEK AND LATIN. Homeri Odyssea cum interpretatione Lat. ad verbum .. .

    --- Batrachomyomachia, Hymni et Epigrammata ... See HOMER , ODYSSEY. GREEK AND LATIN. Homeri Odyssea Graece et Latine ad praestantissimas editiones accuratissime expressa .. .

    [Continued overleaf.]

  • HOMER.




    - -- The Homeric hymn to Demeter. Ed. by N.J. Richardson.

    Oxford, 1974. .8831

    - -- Another copy. Classical Lib.

    Greek and Latin

    --- Homeri hymnus in Cererem nunc primum editus a D. Ruhnkenio. (And Fragmentum hymni in Bacchum. - Homeri hymnus in Cererem Latine versus a J.H. Vossio.)

    Lugduni Batavorum, 1781. JA 2762

    Adam Smith Collection.

  • HOMER [continued].

    MINOR WORKS [continued].

    Greek and Latin [continued].

    - -- Batrachomyomachia, Hymni et Epigrammata ... See HOMER. ODYSSEY. GREEK AND LATIN. Homeri Odyssea, Graece et Latine, item Batrachomyomachia .. .

    - -- Ranarum et murium pugna. See AESOP, the Fabulist. GREEK AND LATIN. Fabulae ft. Graece et Latine, nunc denuo selectae .. .

    Greek and English

    - -- Aphrodite; the Homeric Hynes to Aphrodite, and the Pervigilium Veneris. Tr. into English by F. L. Lucas.

    Cambridge, 1948. .8831 Hem,

    - -- The Homeric hymns and Homerica. See HESIOD. COLLECTIONS. Hesiod, the Homeric hymns and Homerica .. .

    Greek and French

    - -- Hymnes. Texte établi et tr. par J. Humbert. [Coll. des Univ. de France.] Paris, 1936. .8831 Min Hu-

    - -- [Repr.] Paris, 1951. Classical Lib.

    - -- La Batrachomyomachie ... (Hymnes. - ' Eft ypaµµatia . - Fragments de divers poëmes attribués Homère.) See HOMER. ODYSSEY. GREEK AND FRENCH. 'Oµnpou '0bvaaELa ... Tr. par D. Montbel.

    Greek and German

    - -- Homerische Hymnen ... Hrsg. von A. Weiher. 2. Aufl. Photomechanischer Nachdruck. [Tusculum- Bücherei. ]

    München, 1961. .8831

  • HOMER.




    - -- i3atrachomyomacliia ... A. i ïaautio interprete .. . Hymn'. deorum xxx", G. C)artona interprete. See ilOMEF . 3DYSSEY. T ATIN. Homers Odyssea ad verbum translata, Andrea 1 sivu ... interprete .. .

  • HOMER [continued].

    ,.... r _

    MINOR WORKS [continued].

    MODERN GREEK - 'O rroñt,int rear ilovrncofiarpnxmv v+rn Aor r. 'Ooroff ... irrytxt.p ... Al. .lrypavñinv. [Legrand, Coll. de mon. I . pour sorvir A l' itnde do la lang. n - -hall. 4.1

    Dlankie. 8° AOr vprrir, 1809. BI. Coll. 8. 1/4.

    MODERN GREEK AND LATIN -T)emntrii T.eni ps.raphrasis lTatrnehomyomachia., vulgari'

    (irnecorum 'term-me scripta, quarn . . . recommit, inter-

    retatinnn T.atina inetruxit, et commentariis illustravit

    '. G. A. Mullaohius. 8° Berolini, 1837. 4W66r-48. 8e3, ---- Another copy. Blackia. BI. Coll. 3. 16.

    LATIN - Pugna ranarum et murium Homeri reddita Latino car - minn, et ... exposits. in Gymnasio ltatisponensi ... s H. Osio ... anno 1566. Item carmen eeriptum et reeitstnm ... ab nodem, anno 1686, eto.

    4° Rstieponse, (1566.) RQ. 4. 67/6.

    LATIN, ENOLIHH AND FRENCH - 'Op7Pov Ilnrpaxn),.'°# 'n. La guarro des grenouilles et des amuis d'líomilre, traduite ... de 1a version latine d'F,. Bergl6re ... par F. Cohen ... agó de huit. ans. A quoi on a ajoute uno paraphrase en vers anglois [by T. Parnell] pubi. par M. Pope. 4° Londres, 1797. Q 22. 36/2.

    [Continued overleaf. ]

  • HOMER [continued].

    MINOR WORKS [continued].


    - -- H. 's Battle of the frogs and mice. With the remarks of Zoilus. To which is prefixed the life of the said Zoilus.

    Lond. , 1717. . TA (044-iii

    - -- H. 's Batrachomyomachia, hymns and epigrams. Hesiod's Works and days. Musaeus' Hero and Leander. Juvenal's Fifth satire. Tr. by George Chapman. With introduction and notes by R. Hooper. [Lib. of Old Authors.]

    Lond. , 1858. S.18. 91.

    - -- The Homeric hymns. Tr. into English prose by J. Edgar. Edin. , 1891.

    - -- Another copy.

    - -- Another copy. Baldwin Brown Bequest.

    W. 7.13.


    Fine Art (Arch.) Lib.

    - -- The battle of the frogs and mice. Rendered into English by J. Barlow. Pictured by F. D. Bedford.

    Lond. , 1894. *W.15/1.22.

    - -- The Homeric hymns. A new prose translation, and essays, literary and mythological, by A. Lang.

    Lond. , 1899. W. 7.26.

    - -- Another copy. Classical Lib.

    - -- Homer's Battle of the frogs and mice [tr. by T. Parnell], corrected by Mr. Pope. See HOMER. ODYSSEY. ENGLISH. The Odyssey of Homer. [Tr. into English verse by Pope, W. Broome and E. Fenton.]

    - -- The Hymns, Epigrams and Battle of the frogs and mice. Literally tr. with ... notes by T. A. Buckley. See HOMER. ODYSSEY. ENGLISH. The Odyssey ... with the Hymns, Epigrams and Battle of the frogs and mice ...

    [Continued overleaf.]

  • HOMER.




    - -- The Homeric hymns. Translation, introd. and notes.

    [By] A.N. Athanassakis.

    Baltimore [1976.] .8831

  • HOMER [continued].

    MINOR WORKS [continued] .


    - -- Hymnes homériques, Épigrammes, la Batrakhomyomakhie. [Tr. by C.M. Leconte de Lisle.] See LECONTE DE LISLE (CHARLES MARIE). Oeuvres de Leconte de Lisle.

    - -- Poésies Homériques. Tr. par D. Montbel. See HOMER. ODYSSEY. FRENCH. Odyssée et poésies Homériques ...


    - -- See BREUNING (PAUL STEPHAN). De hymnorum Homericorum memoria.

    - -- See DEICHGRÄBER (K.). Eleusinsiche Frömmigkeit und 4omerische Vorstellungswelt im Homerischen Demeterhymnuo.

    - -- See FORDERER (MANFRED). Zum homerischen Margites.

    - -- See KOLK (DIETER). Der pythische Apollonhymnus als aitiologische Dichtung.

  • HOMER.



    Dictionaries and concordances

    - -- See TEBBEN (JOSEPH R.) comp. Homer- Konkordanz; a computez

    concordance to the Homeric Hymns.


    - -- See FÖRSTEL (KARL). Untersuchungen zum homerischen


    - -- See JANKO (RICHARD. Homer, Hesoid and the Hymns.

  • HOMER,, L -t ,1


    Greek and English

    --- The tale of Troy; scenes and tableaux from the Iliad and Odyssey ... represented at Cromwell House ... for the benefit of the Building Fund for the King's College Lectures to Ladies ... (Tr. ... by Prof. G. C. Warr.) Lond. , 1883. P., 619/1.



    - -- Homerici centones ... See HOMER. ODYSSEY. GREEK AND LATIN. Homeri Odyssea cam interpretatione Lat. ad verbum .. .

  • HOMER.




    n03 LEI . [IDxOJibHax bvt6. ]

    IJlocxsa, I953. .8831

  • HOMER [continued].

    . .««.rt...r.,.r..r,


    For (lirtionarieJ to the Iliad only, see supra ILIAD. 11IC7'ON9rie -S d CLWCgÇ1,44/C Tc. die --

    - Nova elavis Homeriea, cujus opo aditus ad intolligen- (los sine interprets Iliadic (and Odysseec) libros omni- bus recluditur. Interapenue Hunt solectrn ... Camerarii, ('hrrrldi. Ernesti, cet. annntationec k scholia. Opera J.

    . Sclinufelberg_ori. Praofatus est J. J. 13reitinger, etc. 8 tom. 8° Turioi, 1701 -08. W. 28. 20. 26.).`7.

    - A no» c.,vIne XfelKOr. Apollonii Sophistes lexicon Grneurn IliadiH et Odyaaeo... NotiH....1luatravit, & vereionem Latinam adjecit J. B. C. d'Anse de Villoison, etc. (Ir. and Gal. 2 torn.

    Lutetiw Parisiorum, 1773. *W. 16. 1 -2.

    - - Index vocabulonrm in ìlomen Iliade atque Odyssee, cHelenaque quotquot extant poematiH. Studio M. W. Seberi Sulani. Ed. nova auctior, etc. (And Ap- pendis ad Soben indicorn, sive index voeabulorum in tragmentis I[omerieis hymnisquo in Cerorem et Bace,hum.)

    8° Oxonii, 1780-82. W 12. 61. «- A.wther copy. W. 20. 39.

    P - 'irrollÁNV/ov arElKov. Apollonii Sophistae ]roricon (lraecum Matha et OdyaHone. Ex oditiono Parisionsi repstiit, recérrmlit h illuatravit H. Tollius. 0'r.

    8° Lugduni Batavorum, 1788. T 23. 12.

    - Clef d'lfomòre, prócedóe de dissertation grammaticales, d'un tahlean des verbes primitifs, d'uno lettre I M. Bas, ... Par M. J. -13. Gail. Torn. 1.

    8° Paris, [1806 1] 444-1-6141-940. - gr g 3i0 3 Ca- L-

    Appoollonú letaoon Homericum. l::x recensione , I. Bekked. ,C{!.,.. 8° Berolini, 1833. T. 20. 38.

    [Continued overleaf. ]

  • HOMER.

    ..ar_ - I




    --- 'AnoXVwVLov Xer,Lxov. Apollonii Sophistáè lexicon Gracum Iliadis et Odysseab ... Notis ... illustravit, & versionem Latinam adjecit J.B.C. diAnsse de Villoison ... [Gr. and Lat.] 2 tom. (in 1)

    Lutetin Parisiorum , 1773. D.S.e.3.17.

    - -- Index vocabulorum in Homers Iliade atque Odyssea, caeterisque quotquot extant poematis. Studio M.W. SeAberi Sulani. Ed. nova auctior ... (And Appendix ad Seberi indicem, sive index vocabulorum in fragnentis Homericis hymnisque in Cererem et Bacchum.)

    Oxonii, 1780 -82. D.S.d.2.25.

  • HOMER, L

  • HOMER.



    - -- [Wt3rterbuch zu den Homerischen Gedichten. ] An Homeric dictionary ... from the German of Dr. G. Autenrieth. Tr., with additions and corr. , by R.P. Keep. 4th ed. , repr.

    Lond. , 1963. Classical Lib.

    - -- New ed. Lond., 1885. Classical Archaeol . Lib.

    - -- Repr.

    Lond., 1916. Classical Lib.

  • HOMER [continued].


    - -- Index Homericus. Composuit A. Gehring. Lipsiae, 1891. Zt.3.61.

    - -- A lexicon of the Homeric dialect. By R. J. Cunliffe. Lond. , 1924. . 883103 Cun.

    - -- Another copy. Classical Lib.

    - -- Homeric proper and place names. A supplement to "A lexicon of the Homeric dialect ". By Richard John Cunliffe.

    Lond. , 1931. .883103 Cun.

    - -- Another copy. Classical Lib.

    - -- Lexique du cheval chez Homère ... See DELEBECQUE (É.). Le cheval dans l'Iliade, suivi d'un lexique du cheval chez Homère ...


    - -- See ALLEN (T. W.). Homer; the origins and the transmission.

    - -- See AUTRAN (C.). Homère et les origines sacerdotales de l'épopée grecque.

    - -- See BALETTA (J. N.). `Q» you ßLoc, ...

    - -- See BASSETT (S. E.). The poetry of H.

    - -- See BECHTEL (F.). Die Vocalcontraction bei Homer.

    - -- See BEKKER (I.). Homerische BIttter .

    - -- See BÉRARD (VICTOR). Did Homer live?

    - -- See BÉRARD (VICTOR). La resurrection d'Homère.

    - -- See BERGSTEDT (H.). Striden om H.

    [Continued overleaf.]




    - -- Index Homericus mit Appendix Hymnorum vocabula continens. [Comp. by] A. Gehring. Verbess. reprografischer Nachdruck der Ausg. Leipzig, 1891 -95. Eingeleitet, durchgesehen und erweit. von U. Fleischer. 2 vols. (in 1).

    Hildesheim, 1970. $rf. .883103 Gtñ .

    - -- See SEILER (ERNST EDUARD) comp. Vollsttndiges Wörterbuch über die Gedichte des Horneros .. .


    --- See AREND (WALTER). Die typischen Scenen bei H.

    - -- See BECH'l'EL (FRIEDRICH) comp. Lexilogus zu H. Etymologie und Stammbildung Homerischer Wörter.

    - -- See ALMEIDA (HERMUNE DE). Byron and Joyce through H.

  • HOMER [continued].

    APPENDIX [continued].

    L - -- See BATHE (E.). Homer; Dichtung und Sage.

    - -- See BIANCHI (U.). At-0c aica; destino, uomini e divinity, nell'epos, etc.

    - -- See BICKEL (E.). H. Die Lösung der homerischen Frage.

    - -- See BIERMANNUS (J. H. F.). Scripturarum varietates ad H. spectantes.

    - -- See BLACKWELL (T.). An enquiry into the life and writings of Homer.

    - -- See BOLLING (G. M.). The external evidence for interpolation in Homer.

    - -- See BONITZ (HERMANN). Über den Ursprung der homerischen Gedichte.

    - -- See BOWRA (Sir C. M.). H. and his forerunners.

    - -- See BRANDRETH (T. S.). A dissertation on the metre of H.

    - -- See BRIAL (M.). Pour mieux connaître Homère.

    - -- See BUFFIERE (F.). Les mythes d'Homère et la pensée grecque.

    - -- See CAMMANN (E. L.). Vorschule zu der Iliade und Odyssee.

    - -- See CAUER (PAUL). Grundfragen der Homerkritik.

    - -- See CHANTRAINE (P.). Grammaire homérique.

    - -- See DETIENNE (MARCEL). H. , Hésiode et Pythagore, etc.

    - -- See DÖRPFELD (WILHELM). Alt- Ithaka; ein Beitrag zur Homer -Frage.

    - -- See FINSLER (G.). Homer in der Neuzeit.

    - -- See FOERSTER (D. M.). Homer in English criticism.

    [Continued overleaf.]

  • HOMER.



    - -- See BEYS (CHARLES ROWAN). The Iliad, the Odyssey, and

    the epic tradition.

    - -- See BOWRA (Sir CECIL MAURICE). H.

    - -- See CAMPS (WILLIAM ANTHONY). An introduction to H.

    - -- See CODINO (FAUSTO). Einführung in H.

    - -- See COULON (LOUIS). Lexicon Homericum ...

    - -- See FERRUCCI (FRANCO). The poetics of disguise; the

    autobiography of the work in H., Dante and Shakespeare.

    - -- See DIRLMEIER (FRANZ). Die Vogelgestalt Homerischer Glitter.

    - - See FENIK (BERNARD C.) ed. Homer; tradition and invention. - -- See FLAXMAN (JOHN). Flaxman's illustrations to H.

    - -- See r'HIEDRICH (RAINER). Stilwandel im homerischen Epos.

    - -- See FRÄNKEL (HERMANN). Die homerischen Gleichnisse.

  • HOMER [continued].

    APPENDIX [continued]

    - -- See GEDDES (Sir WILLIAM DUGUID). The problem of the Homeric poems.

    - -- See GERHARD (GUSTAV ADOLF) ed. Griechisch literarische Papyri ...

    Bd. 1. Ptolemäische Homerfragmente.

    - -- See GLADSTONE (Rt. Hon. WILLIAM EWART). Homer.

    - -- See GLOCKMANN (GÜNTER). H. in der frühchristlichen Literatur bis


    - -- See GRAZ (LOUIS). Le feu dans l'Iliade et l'Odyssée ...

    - -- See HAINSWORTH (JOHN BRYAN). The flexibility of the Homeric formula.


    - -- See HEITSCH (ERNST). Aphroditehymnos, Aeneas und H.

    - -- See HEITSCH (ERNST). Epische Kunstsprache und homerische Chronologie.

    - -- See HELLWIG (BRIGITTE). Raum und Zeit im homerischen Epos.

    - -- See HEPP (NOÉMI) ed. Deux amis d'Homere au XVII siécle.

    - -- See NEPP (NOÉMI). Homere en France au XVIIe siécle.

    - -- See HEUHECK (ALFRED). Die homerische Frage.

    - -- See HEUHECK (ALFRED). Der Odyssee- Dichter und die Ilias.

    [Continued overleaf.]




    - -- See GRIFFIN (JASPER). H.

    --- See GRIFFIN (JASPER). H. on life and death.

  • HOMER [continued].

    APPENDIX [continued]

    - -- See HIRVONEN (KAARLE). Matriarchal survivals, and certain trends in

    H.'s female characters.

    - -- See HOEKSTRA (A.). The sub -epic stage of the formulaic tradition;

    studies in the Homeric hymns ...

    - -- See HOFFMANN (EMANUEL). Horneros und die Homeriden -Sage von Chios.

    - -- See INGHIRAMI (FRANCESCO). Galleria Omerica.

    - -- See JANKUHN (HARALD). Die passive Bedeutung medialer Forman

    untersucht an der Sprache Homers.

    - -- See JEBB (Sir RICHARD CLAVERHOUSE). Homer.

    - -- See JUSTESEN (P. T. ) . The Homeric "Ytiop" .

    - -- See JUSTESEN (P.T.). The Homeric " v o o c " .

    - -- See JUSTESEN (P.T.). The Homeric "phrén ".

    - -- See JUSTESEN (P.T.). The Homeric "OXfl " (And The Homeric "awµa"

    . )

    - -- See JUSTESEN (P.T.). The Homeric "thumos ".

    - -- See JUSTESEN (P.T.). Kardia and ker (Homer).

    - -- See JUSTESEN (P.T.). Three Homeric words: ephuperthe, huperthe and


    - -- See JUSTESEN (P.T.). Trechw and trochalos (Homer).

    [Continued overleaf.]

  • HOMER.


    -- See HOH N "DAL- Z0hitL I 1 :I (I.M.) . Manners in the Homeric epio.

    -- See JENSEN ( MINNA SKAF E). The Homeric question and the oral -formulaic theory.

  • HOMER [continued].

    APPENDIX [continued]

    - -- See KAKRIDIS (ALINE J.). La potion de l'amitié et de l'hospitalité chez Homere.

    - -- See KAKRIDIS (IOANNES THEOPHANOUS). Homeric researches.

    [Continued overleaf.]

  • HOMER [continued].

    APPENDIX [continued].

    - -- See KAUSCH (JOANNES BERNHARDUS EDUARDUS). Quatenus Hesiodi in Theogonia elocuti¢ ab exemplo Homeri pendeat.


    - -- See KIRK (GEOFFREY STEPHEN) comp. The language and background of Homer ...

    - -- See KIRK (GEOFFREY STEPHEN). The songs of Homer.

    - -- See KNIGHT (W. F. J.). Vergil and Homer.

    - -- See KRAFFT (FRITZ). Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur H. und Hesiod.

    - -- See LAMEERE (WILLIAM). Aperçus de paléographie homérique.

    - -- See LANG (A.). H. and his age.

    - -- See LANG (A.). The world of H.

    - -- See LEAF (W.). Homer and history.

    - -- See LEE (D. J. N.). The similes of the Iliad and the Odyssey compared.

    - -- See LEEUWEN (J. VAN). Commentationes Homericae.

    - -- See LEUMANN (M.). Homerische Wörter.

    - -- See LORIMER (E. H. L.). H. and the monuments.

    - -- See MARGOLIOUTH (D. S.). The Homer of Aristotle.

    - -- See MARTIN (STEPHAN). Quatenus Hesiodeae ration is vestigia in carminibus Homericis reperiantur.

    - -- See MIREAUX (E.). Les poèmes homériques et l'histoire grecque.

    - -- See MONRO (D. B.). A grammar of the Homeric dialect.

    [Continued overleaf.]

  • HOMER.



    -- See KIRK (GEOFFREY STEPHEN). H. and the oral tradition.

    - -- See KNAUFIR (GEORG NICOLAUS). Die Aeneis und H.

    - -- See KÖSTLER (RUDOLF). Homerisches Recht. - -- See KURT

    (CHRISTOPH). Seemannische

    Fachausdrücke bei H. - -- See LATACZ (JOACHIM) ed. H.; Tradition und Neuerung. - -- See KRISCHER (TILMAN). Formale Konventionen der



    - -- See LUCE (JON VICTOR). H. and the Heroic Age. - -- See LITTLE ( EVELYN STEEL). H. and Theocritus in English _trag8aáG

    (WALTER). Der Charakter in der Sprache der frühgriechischen Dichtung; Semonides, H., PvOae.

    --- See MUELLNER (LEONARD CHARLES). The meaning of Homeric a x o µat, through its formulas.

    --- See MOULTON (CARROLL). Similes in the Homeric poems.

    --- See METSAKES (KARIOPHILES) . '0 ' Oµtjpoç tTr) VE< tXXr)vI.xrl ÁoYoTEXV6a.

  • iim+.m





  • HOMER [continued].

    APPENDIX [continued].

    - -- See MUGLER (CHARLES). Les origines de la science grecque chez H.

    - -- See MYRES (Sir J. L.). H. and his critics, etc.

    - -- See NABER (SAMUEL ADRIAAN). Quaestiones Homericae.

    - -- See PALEY (F. A.). Homeri quae nunc exstant.

    - -- See PALEY (F. A.). On post -epic or imitative words in H.

    - -- See PALEY (F. A.). The truth about H.

    - -- See PERTUSI (AGOSTINO). Leonzio Pilato, Fra Petrarca e Boccaccio; le sue versione omeriche, etc.

    - -- See PRUSTUS (N.). Homeri epitheta omnia ex Iliade et Odyssea.

    - -- See RIEMSCHEIDER (M.). H. Entwicklung und Stil.

    - -- See RISCH (E.). Wortbildung der homerischen Sprache.

    - -- See ROBERT (F.). Homère.

    - -- See RODD (Sir J. R.). Homer's Ithaca; a vindication of tradition.

    - -- See ROTER (H.). Zeit und Heimat der Homerischen Epen.

    - -- See SCHADEWALDT (W.). Von Homers Welt und Werk.

    - -- See SCHERRANS (WALDEMAR). De poetarum comicorum Atticorum studiis Homericis .. .

    - -- See SCHRADE (H.). Götter und Menschen Homers.

    - -- See SCOTT (J. A.). The unity of Homer.

    [Continued overleaf.]

  • \ I1 11 1 I I

    11OMER [ continued] .

    APPENDIX [ continued]

    - -- See NEITZEL (HEINZ). Homer -Rezeption bei Hesiod.

    - -- See PARASKEVAIDES (H.A.). The use of synonyms in Homeric

    formulaic diction.

    - -- See PARRY (ANNE AMÓRY). Blameless Aegisthus; a study of

    6.µvµwv and other Homeric epithets.

    - -- See PARRY (MILMAN). The making of Homeric verse.

    --- See PERNOT (HUBERT. D'Homére á nos jours ...

    - -- See PHARR (CLYDE). Homeric Greek; a book for beginners.

    - -- See PORPHYRY, the Philosopher. Quaestiones Homericae.

    --- See SCOTT (WILLIAM C.). The oral nature of the Homeric


  • HOMER [continued].

    APPENDIX [continued]

    - -- See SEVERYNS (ALBERT). Homère.

    - -- See SHANNON (RICHARD STOLL). The arms of Achilles and Homeric

    compositional technique.

    - -- See SEEWAN (ALEXANDER). Homeric essays.

    - -- See SHIPP (GEORGE PELHAM). Studies in the language of H.

    - -- See STAGAKIS (GEORGE). Studies in the Homeric society.

    - -- See STEINER (GEORGE) and FAGLES (ROBERT) eds. H.; a collection

    of critical essays.

    - -- See TABACHOVITZ (DAVID). Homerische EC- sätze ...

    - -- See THOMPSON (FRANCIS EDWARD)1 Master at Marlborough School. Homeric grammar.

    - -- See TRYPANIS (CONSTANTINE ATHANASIUS). The Homeric epics.

    - -- See VOGRINZ (GOTTFRIED). Grammatik des homerischen Dialektes.

    - -- See WACE (ALAN JOHN BAYARD) and STUBBINGS (FRANK HENRY) eds. A companion to H.

    [Continued overleaf.]

  • HOMER.



    - -- See TSAGARAKIS (ODYSSEUS). Form and content in H.

  • HOMER [continued].

    APPENDIX [continued]

    - -- See WALLACE (F.E.). Color in H. and in ancient art.

    - -- See WHITMAN (CEDRIC HUBBELL). H. and the heroic tradition.

    - -- See WILAMOWITZ- MOELLENDORFF (ULRICH VON). Homerische Untersuchungen.

    - -- See WILAMOWITZ- MOELLENDONIr (ULRICH VON) ed. Vitae Homeri et


    - -- See WILLIAMS (JOHN) Archdeacon of Cardigan. Homerus.

    - -- See WOLF (FRIEDRICH AUGUST). Prolegomena ad H.

    - -- See WOOD (ROBERT) Author of The ruins of Palmyra. An essay on

    the original genius and writings of H.

    - -- See WYATT (WILLIAM F.). Metrical lengthening in H.


    - -- comp. The negro; a list of significant books. See NEW YORK PUBLIC



    - -- Bibliotheca Americana, or, a chronological catalogue of ... books,

    pamphlets, state papers, &c. ... upon ... North and South America ... [Chiefly compiled from Bishop Kennet's 'Bibliothecae Americanae

    primordial by H.H.]

    Lond., 1789. *M.19.1.

  • HOMER.



    .ea YAi.ìL I:LASSiCbL ái'UDI,'S. Vol. 2U. Hoverio studios.


    - -- comp. Avant -garde painting & sculpture in America, 1910 -25.

    [Catalogue of an exhibition at the] Delaware Art Museum ...

    See DELAWARE ART MUSEUM, Wilmington.

    - -- Robert Henri and his circle. By W.I.H. with the assistance of V. Organ.

    Ithaca, 1969. .75(738 -9) Hen. Hom.


    HOMERIC (The) "vooç ". See JUSTESEN (P.T.). The Homeric "vooç".



    -- Winslow Homer graphics from the Mavis P. and Mary Wilson Kelsey Collection of Winslow Homer Graphics, the Museum of

    Fine Arts, Houston. [Catalogue comp.] by M.P. Kelsey, with

    an introd. by D.F. Tatham. Ed. by K.S. Howe.

    Houston, 1977. .75(736 -9) Hom.


    -- Winslow Homer, Albert P. Ryder, Thomas Eakins; Museum of Modern Art sixth loan exhibition ... May 1930. See MUSEUM OF MODERN ART, New York. Four American painters. George Caleb Bingham ... Winslow Homer ...


    - -- See QUELMALTZ (S. T.) præs.

  • HOMES (HENRY A. ).

    - -- The correct arms of the State of New York, as established by law since March 16, 1778. Albany, 1880. P .451/5.


    - -- The works of N.H. ... 2 pts. (in 1). Lond. , 1652. *D. 19. 16.

    - -- Another copy. 2 pts. (in 1). . )*$ Pt. 1 imperfect, wanting all before p. 3. f 'IfSg j42oLJ fii,..,

    - -- Dæmonologie . . . and theologie . . . 2 pts. (in 1). Lond. , 1650. RD. 5. 29.

    - -- An essay concerning the Sabbath ... With an introduction touching the true meaning of Gen. ii. 2, 3.

    Lond. , 1673. Z *13.21.

    - -- The Resurrection revealed, raised above doubts and difficulties, in ten exercitations ... Lond. , 1661. *C. 21. 31.

    - -- Usury in injury. Cleared in an examination of its best apologie, alleaged by a countrey minister, out of Dr. Ames, in his Cases of conscience ... Lond. , 1640.

    44* Cameron Collection. 3-i1 f


    - -- Hatra et ses sculptures parthes; étude stylistique et iconographique. [Istanbul, Nederlands Hist. -Archaeol. Inst. Uitgaven, 15. ]

    Istanbul, 1963. . 7325 Horn.

    HOMEYER (C. G. ).

    - -- ed. See SACHSENSPIEGEL. Des Sachsenspiegels erster (and zweiter) Theil.


    - -- Die Wanderungen der Vögel, mit Rücksicht auf die Züge der Squgethiere, Fische und Insecten.

    Leipzig, 1881. O.S. . 598252 Horn.




    - -- The peasant's price of spirituali liberty; wherein is represented the complexion of the times, and considerations to cure it. In three sermons [on 1 Chron. IV. 21 -23,],

    Lond., 1642. JA 920/19

    * ** Cameron Collection.

    - -- Usury is injury. Cleared in an examination of its best apologie, alleaged by a county minister, out of Doctor Ames, in his Cases of conscience ...

    Lond., 1640. D.S.h.8.6 /7.

    HOMES for today and tomorrow. [Report of a sub -committee

    of the Central Housing Advisory Committee.] See CENTRAL HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Homes ...
