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Transformation of Teacher Attitudes toward Diversity

CABE 2003

2/14/02 8:30-10:00 am

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Department of Teacher EducationCalifornia State University, Long

Beach, CA

Dr. John Attinasi Dr. Olga Rubio Dr. Leslie Reese

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Background and Overview 8:30: Review and Answer Diversity Inventory Leslie: Course: Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Schools Theoretical Orientation: S. Nieto, J. Banks, N. Gonzalez, F. Erickson, Enid Lee; etc Standards 5, 10, 13 of Multiple Subjects Preparation

(SB2042/AB1059) TPE/TPA Especially TPE 12, Professional obligations

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Basic Characteristics of Multicultural Education

Multicultural Education is antiracist education.

Multicultural Education is basic education.Multicultural Education is vital for both

majority and minority students.(Nieto, 1996)

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Basic Characteristics of Multicultural Education (cont’d)

Multicultural Education is pervasive in the entire schooling process.

Multicultural Education is education for social justice.

Multicultural Education is a process; it is ongoing and dynamic.

Multicultural Education is critical pedagogy.(Nieto, 1996)

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New Credentialing System

Multiple Subject Teacher Preparation Standards 5, 10, 13 SB2042/AB1059 TPE/TPA Especially TPE 12, Professional obligations

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431: Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Schools

Multiple forms of diversity present in schools: culture ethnicity, race, linguistic, faith, special needs, gender, sexual orientation, and socio-economic status.

Emphasis is on multicultural education, language minority education, and the promotion of learning for all students.

Addresses concepts of culture, educational equity, social justice, anti-bias and anti-racist curriculum, stereotyping, and cultural and linguistic contact.

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431: Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Schools (cont’d)

Overview regarding cultural and linguistic minorities and impact on education

Special focus the rich ethnic diversity of California schools.

Models of English language development and bilingual education.

10-15 hours of fieldwork required.

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Teacher Performance Expectations [TPEs]

Making Subject Matter Comprehensible to Students TPE 1: Specific Pedagogical Skills for Subject Matter Instruction Assessing Student Learning TPE 2: Monitoring Student Learning During Instruction TPE 3: Interpretation and Use of Assessments Engaging and Supporting Students in Learning TPE 4: Making Content Accessible TPE 5: Student Engagement TPE 6: Developmentally-appropriate Teaching Practices TPE 7: Teaching English Learners

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Teacher Performance Expectations [TPEs]

Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for Students

TPE 8: Learning about Students TPE 9: Instructional Planning Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning TPE 10: Instructional Time

TPE 11: Social Environment Developing as a Professional Educator

*TPE 12: Professional, Legal and Ethical Obligations TPE 13: Professional Growth  

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Teacher Performance Expectation #12

TPE 12: Professional, Legal and Ethical Obligations

Candidates for a Teaching Credential take responsibility for student academic learning outcomes. They are aware of their own personal values and biases and recognize ways in which these values and biases affect the teaching and learning of students. They resist racism and acts of intolerance. Candidates…


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Diversity inventory conversation

Which Questions address issues directly relevant to TPEs

7, 8, 11, & especially 12?

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Quantitative Analysis of Diversity Inventory Survey

John: Sample Total surveys 1351 Pre 56.7% Post 43.3% Age Mean: 29.5 Female 83.8% Male 15.5%

(missing data <1%)

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Diversity Inventory

Survey 1


558 89% return

Survey 2


544 62% return

Survey 3

Fall 2002

249 83% return

Total 1351 76% return rate

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Ethnic Profile of Respondents

Latino 206 15.2% African American 50 3.7% Asian 217 16.1% White 744 55.1% Native American 8 .6% Other (mixed) 96 7.1% Total White/Non-white 56.4%/41.4% (2.3% missing)

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The School Community Study

Olga: Value of the Ethnographic Study

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Reflections 1 Initial Assumptions about School and Community

Changes in Attitudes through Community Study “I looked at the outer appearance of the school and

equated that with the commitment of the students and staff. While this is a very general statement, I think that it is representative of what a lot of the public thinks of the schools within most of the XXUSD… The assumptions that were positively challenged included my perception of the students’ academic abilities and the outward appearance of the school.”

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Reflections 2

“For the 5 years that I have lived in this area, I had never had the occasion to travel to X School. It was an experience I will always remember. This memory will stay with me, more for the preconceptions of what I made prior to my visit, than the events and places I observed. Never again will I draw conclusions or preformulate opinions about places I know little about.”

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Reflections 3 “As a psychology major, I have learned that one should

never go into an observation site with preconceptions. However, I have also discovered how difficult that is to do! Because the area is located near Long Beach (which has many areas with a high Hispanic and African American population), I expected to see a fairly high degree of minority representation….Interestingly, [this] assumption proved to be false. X School itself consisted of about 80% white students.”

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Reflections 4 “I have lived in this community for 10 years. Before I

began this study, I did not know any parents in this community who sent their children to X School. Because of talking to these parents, I had the assumption that the school did not have high academic standards…..My assumption of the teachers not doing an adequate job of teaching the students was not confirmed. Both of [the teachers observed] worked hard to make sure all students in the classroom understood the lessons.”

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Reflections 5 “My initial assumptions were that I was going to

see a lot of struggling students. I thought this because before I observed the 2nd grade class, the teacher informed me that many of her students don’t speak English….Many of the second language learners were doing better than the students that have English as their first language. As I watched, I was continually impressed by how the class worked together and helped one another.”

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Reflections 6

“I went in with low expectations. Spanish was the only language I heard in the office as I signed in…All of my assumptions were incorrect. They were just stereotypes and bad judgments. The class that I worked in turned out to be one of the best behaved, most motivated classes.”

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Reflections: Student Attitudes Showing Little Change

“I am already very familiar with the school that I did my study on, so I knew exactly what it was like.”

“The area I observed is in a wealthy area in which parents are expecting their children to go to college. I observed the parents were supportive of the school and want the best possible education for their children. School is taken very seriously, and parents diligently make sure their children are right on track.”

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Studying a School w/ Less Diversity

“At first I thought X School would be a good school with mostly middle class students. The area of the school is good. The houses surrounding the school are middle class. The school is about 10-15 blocks from the beach. I thought the school would be reflective of the community…The school area was good and the API performance was good too.”

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Interpretation:Limited Experience w/Diversity

White non-white differences interpreted as limited experience with diversity

(Ricardo Gonsalves dissertation) Qualitative differences: Journal reflections demonstrate questioning the

assumptions and enhancement of learning & growth among students.

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Questions for Discussion Is MCE designed for white students? Are we perpetuating an outmoded notions? Contemporary students: all groups may have variation in

amount of exposure to diversity Multi ethnic and multi-diverse students in California MCE Literature and paradigm is from B&W and Eastern

perspective The Pacific rim and no-majority perspective of the 21st C.

is needed to augment the literature
