
Transfer of Energy (SB4b

Name:_____________________________________ Date:___________________ Period:_________

Notes 2.6: Energy Transfer

1) How does the population of one species effect another population?

Essential Questions

Energy Transfer

What is Energy?

· Energy is ____________________ to do ______________.

· All __________________ on Earth ______________ (comes from) the ___________.

The Transfer of Energy

· Autotrophs - obtain energy from ______________ through _______________.

· Autotrophs are also called ___________________.

· Heterotrophs - obtain ________________ by eating other ______________________.

Think!What is a producer? Are producers and autotrophs the same thing? Explain.

What is an example of a producer?

What is a consumer? Are consumers and heterotrophs the same thing? Explain.

What is an example of a consumer?

· Heterotrophs are also called ____________________.

Types of Heterotrophs


· Herbivores - _______ eat __________________ such as _________, berries, and ____________________.

· Examples: ______________, deer, ______________, and elephants.


· Carnivores - eat _______________________ or other _______________.

· Examples: ______________, sharks, and ________________.


· Omnivores - eat _________________ and _________________.

· Examples: _____________, rats, ____________, and pigs.


· Decomposers - eat _____________ or _______________________.

· Decomposers are also known as _______________________________.

· Examples: ______________ and _______________.

Think: What type of heterotroph

1. Can eat both plants and animals?

2. A cow?

3. Can eat only other animals?

4. Eats dead or dying organisms?

5. A lion?

6. Can eat only plants?

7. A vulture?

Flow of Matter and Energy in Ecosystems

Energy Flow

· Energy __________________ in an ______________ in the form of _____________.

· Matter – the ____________ substance that ______________________ (atoms).

Food Chain

· A Food Chain is a ___________ that shows how ____________ and ___________ move through an ____________________.

· The arrow________________ the _______________ and away from the __________.

Nutrients and energy move from

_________________ ___________________ __________________


In the food chain to the right, what is the producer?

Who eats the grass?

Who gets energy from the mouse?

Food Web

· Food web: made up of ________________________________.

· Food webs _____________________ the possible _____________________ for each organisms

· A food web is ________________ than a _________________ because organisms depend on __________________________ other _____________ for food.

1. What does the rabbit eat?

2. What eats the rabbit?

3. What would happen to the mouse, rabbit, and goat if all the plants went extinct?

4. How would this affect the lion?

Food Web Levels

Level 4: _______________________ (who eat secondary consumers)

Level 3: ______________________ (who eat primary consumers)

Level 2: ________________________ (who eat producers)

Level 1: ___________________

Food webs Classwork (SB4b)

Section 1: Use the food web to the right:

1. What does the mouse eat?

2. What does the owl eat?

3. Who eats the snake?

4. Who eats the grass?

5. What does the snake eat?

Section 2: Use the food web to the right

1. What is the predator of the snake?

2. What are predators of the frog?

3. What is the prey of the rabbit?

4. What are competitors of the deer?

5. What is a competitor of the mountain lion?

Section 3: Use the food web to the right

1. What organisms are herbivores?

2. What organisms are omnivores?

3. What organisms are carnivores?

Homework Assignment 2.6

Step 1. Draw a food web using the list of organisms below

Organisms: deer, rabbit, grass, wolf, mouse, insect, mountain lion

Step 2. Write a paragraph describing who eats whom in the food web. Use at least 3 of the 6 key words: predator, prey, herbivore, omnivore, and carnivore.

(example sentence: “The deer is a predator of the mouse”)