Download pptx - Trainspotting

Page 1: Trainspotting


Page 2: Trainspotting

Trainspotting was released on 23rd September 1996 and was directed by Danny Doyle. This is an example of a social realist drama. It featured actors such as,  Ewan McGregor, Jonny Miller and Kelly Macdonald. This film was filmed on a budget of just £2.5millin with the cast and crew working in an abandoned cigarette factory in Glasgow. Due to this small budget most scenes were filmed in one take and any special effects were done practically. For example, when Renton overdoses on heroin and sink into the floor, the crew built a trap door with a platform above it and lowered it slowly to create this effect.

Page 3: Trainspotting

Despite the storyline being different to ours we can take some of the representations and conventions and use them in our own trailer, such as creating any special effects our self to save money. Another aspect that we can take from this trailer is the use of not well known actors/actresses. As our cast we made of our friends, they will also be unknown. This supports the social realist genre as the actor and actresses could be anyone, making it more realistic.
