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  • 7/31/2019 Trainee Material


    Table of Contents

    1. Basic Instruction ........................... 2

    2. Code Standards ........................... 3

    3. C Compiler Preprocessors ........................... 5

    4. Dynamic Memory Allocation ........................... 7

    5. About typedef ........................... 8

    6. If-Else and its Alternatives ........................... 9

    7. Structural Arrangements ........................... 14

    8. Container Concept ........................... 169. How to Use VOID pointer ........................... 18

    10. About Offset ........................... 20

    11. Array of Pointer ........................... 21

    12. About Segmentation Fault ........................... 24

    13. How to make Domain Application ........................... 29

    13.1. About Event ........................... 29

    13.2. Structure Construction ........................... 30

    13.3. Signature Construction ........................... 36

    13.4. Sample Code for Signature .......................... 37

  • 7/31/2019 Trainee Material


    Basic Instruction

    *modularize the code.

    *Use datatype as NODE for structure pointer avaiable inside the structures

    The NODE is nothing but the datatype of void

    typedef void NODE;

    *If possible use generic pointer(void*) to write common functions,so thatwe can call the function without respect to its pointer type, And we can

    retrive the data by typecast.

    *Declarations should be at the top of the function, not in execution part of

    the program.

    *Memory allocated using malloc or calloc should be freed if it is not

    not used anywhere.

    *One must not free or use the chunk of memory which is already freed using

    free function.It 'll raise segmentation fault.

    *free function must be called to free the chunk of memory which is

    created either by malloc or by calloc function.*Here we should Use linkedList to persist Data as of now.

    Createing Directory

    Syntax : $ mkdir FolderName

    Example : $ mkdir Protech

    Change to forward(fwd) Directory : $ cd folderNameChange to backward(bwd) Directory : $ cd ..

    Some Commands for related Directory

    Change to bwd More than 1 directory : $ cd ../../../

    : $ cd ../FolderName

    : $ cd FolderName/SubFolder

    Createing File

    Syntax : $ vi FileName.Extension

    Example : $ vi Source.c

    Compiling C source code:

    gcc main.c (to create binary file(a.out))

    gcc -c main.c (to create object file)

    Vi Editor shortcuts:

    V= to select a line. Press up or down arrows to select more lines.

    Y= to copy the selected line(s).

    p= to paste next to the current line.


    Here the motto is, The code should be simple and efficient

    The structures designing for Domain(like OMS,HMS,Reseller,Auditor,etc..,)

    should be less memory consuming and accessing time for the data should be less.

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    P= to paste Previous to the current line.

    u= to undo the changes.

    Ctrl+r= to redo the undone action.

    Code Standards:

    Our Organization has some basic formats for codings. This should be uniqueand every one should Follow this. They are given below,

    In variable declaration, A variable name should contains the Prefix of the

    date type declared. That is a variable name should tell that what date type

    is this. For example:

    int iRollNo; // integer variable

    float fAmount; // float variable

    char cSex; // character variable

    ADDRESS oPermanentAddress; // object variable

    ADDRESS *pTemporaryAddress; // pointer variable

    If there is more than one word in a variable name, then each first letter of

    the each word should be in Capital. For example,

    Roll no ---> RollNo

    Permanent address ---> PermanentAddress

    Temporary address ---> TemporaryAddress

    Give proper name to the variables. Using the name itself, we can

    understand the role of that variable.

    All Function prototype and construct the structures in Header file(*.h) notin source file(*.c).Include that header file in your source file If required.

    Minimal usage of temporary variables used in a function.Mostly avoid

    temporary variables inside functions.

    For Functions, Function name tells that whats is going to do.If there is

    more than one word in a function name, then each first letter of the each

    word should be in Capital

    Each Function should be written in a separate file. The filename should be

    the function name.

    When writing a function, think and make it as a common function. Its

    useful for other domains also.

    To make a common function, instead of using the structure parameter use

    offsets. Its useful for other structure functions also.

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    Avoid the use of if-else statements in a function. Use logical operators and

    bitwise operators in a function.Instead of if-else probably Function

    Pointers and Array of pointers can be used for efficiency.

    A function should be written in Efficient and simple manner.

    For example, strcpy() function

    int strcpy(char *cSource, char *cDestination)


    while(*cDestination != '\0')


    *cSource = *cDestination;

    cSource = cSource + 1;

    cDestination = cDestination + 1;


    The above function is rewritten in a efficient and simple manner like this,

    int strcpy(char *cSource, char *cDestination)


    while(*cSource++ = *cDestination++) ;


    The defined Macros should be in Uppercase.

    Each function should be of Return type as int .Because to reporting error

    in the funtion.You have to construct function such that if the function

    return 0 means non-Error . Returns non-Zero means Error.So that

    communicate with one function to other function.

    Proper Error handling must be for each function. Example : NULL should

    be checked for nullable variables.

    Use Conditional Inclusion in the Header files.

    Use -Wall while compilation to show all $ gcc main.c foo.c -Wall

    Input And Output codes should have separate files. Should not mingle

    with any other function codes.

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    C compiler preprocessors

    Preprocessor commands are executed before the compiler compiles the

    source code. These commands will change the original code usually to suit the operating

    environment and/or to add code that will be required by calls to library functions.

    Preprocessors are recognised by the leading # in their names.

    Include preprocessor

    The include preprocessor will add source code to your existing source. This

    is used to include header files that contain function declarations.

    * '< >' says to the preprocessor that the file is in the system libraries.

    Example: #include

    * means that this is a user defined file. Absolute or relative paths may be

    defined. Example: #include "myheaders.h"

    #include "/usr/home/leslim/myheaders.h"

    #define preproces

    The#define preprocessor allows us to define symbolic names and constants.

    A quick example

    #define PI 3.14159

    This statement will translate every occurance of PI in the program to

    3.14159. Here is a more complete example:

    #define PI 3.14159


    int r=10; float cir;

    cir = PI * (r*r);


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    Conditional Inclusion

    Use Conditional Inclusion at the time of header file include. The #if lines

    evaluates a constant integer expression (which may not include sizeof, casts or enum

    constants). If the expression is non-zero, subsequent lines until an #endif or #elif or #else

    are included. (The preprocessor statement #elif is like else if ). The expressiondefined(name) in a #if is 1 if the has been defined, and 0 otherwise.


    #ifndef _HMSHeader_

    #define _HMSHeader_

    /* HMS Structures */

    typedef struct Container


    void *pNext;void *pDataPtr;


    typedef struct Todo


    int iEntryDate;

    int iTodoTask;

    int iDueDate;

    int iDueTime;

    char cPriority; // 0-Low,1-Medium, 2-High

    int iNotes;}TODO;

    /* All structures will com here */


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    Dynamic Memory Allocate

    Malloc (memory allocation) is used to dynamically allocate memory at run

    time. Possible uses for this function are

    Read records of an unknown length.

    Read an unknown number of database records.

    Link lists.

    The simplest way to reserve memory is to code something like

    The example above has two problems

    1) If the data is less than 1000 bytes we are wasting memory.

    2) If the data is greater than 1000 bytes the program is going to crash.

    3) The 1000 bytes are reserved throught out the life of the program. If this

    was a long running program that rarely used the memory, it would again be wasteful

    malloc allows us to allocate exactly the correct amount of memory and with

    the use of free only for the time it is required.

    Malloc return type is void Pointer thats we use typecast.

    Calloc (memory allocation) allocates memory for an array of nmemb

    elements of size bytes each and returns a pointer to the allocated memory. The memory is

    set to zero

    Library: stdlib.h

    Prototype: void *malloc(size_t size);

    Syntax: char * String; String = (char *) malloc(1000);



    char string[1000];

    strcpy(string, "Some text");




    void *calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size);

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    Every variable has a data type. typedef is used to define new data type

    names to make a program more readable to the programmer.

    These examples are EXACTLY the same to the compiler. But the right hand

    example tells the programmer the type of money he is dealing with.

    Some Other type of Typedef:

    1) typedef enum {FALSE=0, TRUE} Boolean

    main () {

    Boolean flag = TRUE;


    2) typedef char *String;

    main() {

    String Text = "Thunderbird";

    printf("%s\n", Text);


    3) typedef struct {

    int age;

    char *name

    } person;

    person people;

    As a final note, you can create several data types in one hit.

    typedef int Pounds, Shillings, Pennies, Dollars, Cents;


    int Money;




    typedef int Pounds;

    Pounds Money=20;


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    If Else

    We want check something in our Program means to use If else. Suppose

    we check more than one data,in that time the Occurance ofifis more.So Our coding will

    be more lenghy and Not Effective way of Program.We should follow the below


    Scenario - I From HMS:

    In Home Management System, To-Do Module is used to write the things we

    want to do. To add a new to-do User has to enter the to-do contents ( pick up laundry,

    buy flowers, pickup dad from airport etc ) and due date and time. This due date and time

    is a future date and time only. If date is current date, then time should be a future one.

    Screen for ToDo Module in HMS

    Int IsGreater(int iFirst, int iSecond)


    if(iFirst > iSecond)

    return 1;


    return 0;


    int IsGreater(int iFirst, int iSecond)


    return (iFirst > iSecond);


    Normal way of If-Else Our Standards If-Else

  • 7/31/2019 Trainee Material


    Wrong Way of Apporach

    HMS To-Do Structure

    typedef struct Todo


    int iEntryDate;

    int iTodoTask;int iDueDate;

    int iDueTime;

    char cPriority; // 0-Low, 1-Medium, 2-High

    int iNotes;


    Int RunCreateTODO(HMS *HMSRoot, TODO *Todo)

    { int i,j,date;


    if(i==-1) {

    printf("Past Date:\n");

    return 1;







    ///* This function is used to add the node in List. */

    return 0;


    Tempory Variable



    UnWanted Printf


    if(i==-1) { // Set of lines }

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    In Our Apporach

    Scenario - II From HMS

    There are many types of expenses we make in our day to day life. For

    Record that Use Expense Module in HMS. We spend some money the expense should be

    less than or equal to our Cash balance or Bank balance.

    Expense Screen in HMS

    int RunCreateTODO(HMS *HMSRoot, TODO *Todo)


    int iDate;

    return ((((iDate = IsCurrentDate(Todo->iDueDate))==-1) ||

    ((iDate==0) && (IsCurrentTime(Todo->iDueTime) < 1))) ||

    AssignContainer((void **)&HMSRoot->pTODO, (void*)ToDo);


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    Sub Screen in Expense (Above Screen)

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    Wrong Way of Apporach

    Our Apporach

    int CheckExpenseAmountWithPaymentTypeAmount

    (HMS *pHMSRoot, RECIPAYMENT *pPayment, void *pBankRef)


    if(pPayment->cReceiptPaymentType == 0)

    return CheckCashBalance(pHMSRoot,pPayment);

    else if( pPayment->cReceiptPaymentType == 1)

    return CheckBankBalance(pHMSRoot, pPayment,pBankRef );


    int IsFloatValueSmallOrEqual(float fFirstAmt, float fSecondAmt)


    return fFirstAmt > fSecondAmt ;


    int CheckCashBalance(HMS *pHMSRoot, RECIPAYMENT *pPayment)


    return IsFloatValueSmallOrEqual(pHMSRoot->fCashBalance,pPayment->fReceiptPaymentAmount);


    int CheckExpenseAmountWithPaymentTypeAmount

    (HMS *pHMSRoot, RECIPAYMENT *pPayment, void *pBankRef)


    int (*FnPtrCheckCashBank[])(HMS*,RECIPAYMENT *,void*) =

    { CheckCashBalance, CheckBankBalance};

    return (*FnPtrCheckCashBank[(int)pPayment-> cReceiptPaymentType])



    Become Like that

    Using Function Pointer

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    Structural Arrangement



    3.Fast Access Data.

    Normal Party Structure for all domain


    Typedef struct PartyEntity{

    int iPartyID;

    int iName;

    char cPartyType;

    // Cus,Sup,Cus/Sup/Agency,If Party Config And TxnBank Config is same1bit

    //char cBankConfigureStatus;

    int iAsOnDate;

    float fOpeningBalance;

    float fCurrentBalance;

    float fOverallRankOfParty;

    int iPaymentOrReceiptCount[2];

    int iInstrumentLastDate[7][3];

    void *pPartyItemDetails; //Arranged acc to Items best response

    float fDueAmount;

    int iTotalTransactionCount;

    int iBankTxnCount;

    int iCashTxnCount;

    float fAverageInstrumentAmount[2];

    int iAddressLine1;

    int iAddressLine2;

    int iArea;

    int iContactNo;int iFAXNo;

    int iEMailID;//abc_xyz

    int iEMailAddress;//

    int iPANNo;

    int iLicenseNo;//CST No

    NODE *pLocation;//DIRECT LocationConfig(City,State,Country)

    int iPinCode;


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    Same PartyEntity But Break Address

    In the above example we Break the address Node.Because in the kind ofNode to needed for all domain.Suppose its no Need means to put NULL.Null is Nothing

    but 0.

    If suppose one scenario To show all payment for Specfic Customer so

    we kept the Payment Reference to Customer also.

    CONTAINER *pPayment;

    Typedef struct PartyEntity


    int iPartyID;int iName;

    char cPartyType;

    // Cus,Sup,Cus/Sup/Agency,If Party Config And TxnBank Config is same1bit

    //char cBankConfigureStatus;

    int iAsOnDate;

    float fOpeningBalance;

    float fCurrentBalance;

    float fOverallRankOfParty;

    int iPaymentOrReceiptCount[2];

    int iInstrumentLastDate[7][3];

    void *pPartyItemDetails; //Arranged acc to Items best response

    float fDueAmount;

    int iTotalTransactionCount;

    int iBankTxnCount;int iCashTxnCount;

    float fAverageInstrumentAmount[2];

    container *pAddress;


    typedef struct Address


    int iAddressLine1;

    int iAddressLine2;

    int iArea;

    int iContactNo;

    int iFAXNo;

    int iEMailID;//abc_xyz

    int iEMailAddress;//

    int iPANNo;

    int iLicenseNo;//CST No

    NODE *pLocation;//DIRECT LocationConfig(City,State,Country)

    int iPinCode;


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    Screen for SUGAR

    We entered data and click the Add Button, above all details will be store in

    the Below corresponding Struct Variables its become a NODE.

    After that we keep that data in our Memory so, use some DataStructure

    like LinkedList,Tree,Array etc.,Here we use linked list but structural arrangement is

    different.That Concept Name is CONTAINER.

    CONTAINER Concept

    Container is nothing but the wrapper that is List.Its have


    2. Next Node Address

    Typedef struct OtherIndustriesConfig{

    int iItemCode;

    int iItemName;

    int iDistance;

    int iDescription;

    Node *pLocation;


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    Here DataPointer is nothing but OtherIndustriesConfig Structure.Before

    fill data we allocate the memory for that.

    Now we make or Append that node to CONTAINER.So we make the

    Container Node first

    Make a Container for recently get Node.

    Struct Container *pNext; ==>NULL





    Container Node

    OTHERINDUSTRIESCONFIG *pOtherIndustriesConfig;pOtherIndustriesConfig =


    Typedef struct Container

    {struct Container *pNext;

    NODE *pDataPonter;


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    Insert in to Container List

    How to Use VOID

    Typedef struct Container


    void *pNext;NODE *pDataPonter;


    CONTAINER *pRoot,*pTemp;

    void *pRoot,*pTemp;


    pRoot=(void **)*pTemp


    Void **pRoot,




    Void *pRoot,







    pNext => 1008

    DataPointer =>2010

    pNext => 1012

    DataPointer =>2020

    pNext => NULL

    DataPointer =>2030

    1000 1008 1016

    Int AssignContainer(CONTAINER **pRoot,NODE *pNode)


    CONTAINER *pTempContainer=(CONTAINER *)malloc(8);


    pTempContainer->pNext =*pRoot;

    *pRoot=pTempContainer;return 0;


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    Int AssignContainer(CONTAINER **pRoot,NODE *pNode)


    CONTAINER *pTempContainer=(CONTAINER *)malloc(8);

    pTempContainer->pDataPointer=pNode;pTempContainer->pNext =*pRoot;


    return 0;


    Example Code With Out Using Void
















    Void *Node;

    Typedef struct OtherIndustriesConfig


    int iItemCode;

    int iItemName;int iDistance;

    int iDescription;






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    Example Code With Using Void

    Offset is a Number its increment by what we mention.

    *(int *)(pTempContainer+4)

    Here pTempContainer increment by 4. That 4 is Offset.Itsdiffer from datatype to datatype.

    Pointer Arithmentic


    DataType Size Size

    Of *

    Increment Sample Start


    Sample End


    Int* 4 4 + + 2000 2004Float* 4 4 + + 3000 3004

    Char* 1 4 + + 1000 1001

    Void* 1 4 + + 300 301

    Structure* Sizeof


    ure) 4

    + +




    Int AssignContainer (void **pRoot,void *pNode)


    void *pTempContainer=(int *)calloc(1,8);*(int *)(pTempContainer+4)=(int )((int *)pNode);

    (int *)*(int *)pTempContainer=(int*)*pRoot;


    return 0;


    Insert Node

    Container Create

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    DataType Size Size

    Of *

    Decrement Sample Start


    Sample End


    Int* 4 4 - - 2004 2000

    Float* 4 4 - - 3004 3000

    Char* 1 4 - - 1001 1000

    Void* 1 4 - - 301 300

    Structure* Sizeof


    ure) 4

    - -




    Array of Pointer

    The way there can be an array of ints or an array of floats,similarly there

    can be an array of pointers. Since a pointer variable always contains an address, an array

    of pointers would be nothing but a collection of addresses. The addresses present in the

    array of pointers can be addresses of isolated variables or addresses of array elements or

    any other addresses. All rules that apply to an ordinary array apply to the array of

    pointers as well. I think a program would clarify the concept.

    In OMS(Office Mgmt System) have one scenario that is.,

    The above Root is OMS Main Root.we want to insert a Node to any one SubRoot like (Enquiry,Quotation....) with respect to its type passed as its argument.There are

    TWO way to insert

    Typedef struct Oms{

    CONTAINER *pEnquiry;

    CONTAINER *pQuotation;

    CONTAINER *pOrder;


    CONTAINER *pInvoice;

    CONTAINER *pGoodsReturn;



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    Normal Way

    The above case we can also switch case but it is also Inefficient.

    DrawBack Of Above Coding

    No.Of Lines More

    More Checking

    if... else if

    Code Repeat in every if AssignContainer

    int RunCreateAndInsertInstrument(OMS *pOMSRoot,Node *pInstrument,

    int iInstrumentNo)



    {// Enquiry Instument

    AssignContainer(&pOMSRoot->pEnquiry, Node *pInstrument );


    else if(iInstumentNo==2)


    // Qutation Instument

    AssignContainer(&pOMSRoot->pQuotation, Node *pInstrument );


    else if(iInstumentNo==3)


    // Order Instument;

    AssignContainer(&pOMSRoot->pOrder, Node *pInstrument );}

    else if(iInstumentNo==4)


    // DC Instument;

    AssignContainer(&pOMSRoot->pDC, Node *pInstrument );


    else if(iInstumentNo==5)


    // Invoice Instument;

    AssignContainer(pOMSRoot->pInvoice, Node *pInstrument );


    else if(iInstumentNo==6){

    // Goods Returns Instument;

    AssignContainer(&pOMSRoot->pGoodReturns, Node *pInstrument );


    else if(iInstumentNo==7)


    // GRN Instument;

    AssignContainer(&pOMSRoot->pGRN, Node *pInstrument );



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    we rectify the above drawbacks.Here we use Array of Pointers

    Double Pointer

    Int AssignContainer (void *pRoot,void *pNode)


    void *pTempContainer=(int *)calloc(1,8);

    *(int *)(pTempContainer+4)=(int )((int *)pNode);


    return 0;


    void *InsertFirst(void *pRoot,void *pNode){

    (int *)*(int *)pNode=(int*)pRoot;pRoot=(int*)pNode;

    return pRoot;


    Int AssignContainer (void *pRoot,void *pNode)


    void *pTempContainer=(int *)calloc(1,8);

    *(int *)(pTempContainer+4)=(int )((int *)pNode);

    InsertFirst(&pRoot,pNode);return 0;


    void *InsertFirst(void **pRoot,void *pNode){

    (int *)*(int *)pNode=(int*)*pRoot;



    int RunCreateAndInsertInstrument(OMS *pOMSRoot,Node *pInstrument,int iInstrumentNo)


    Void *pInstrumentRoot[]={&pOMSRoot->pEnquiry,&pOMSRoot->pQuotation,






    Return the Root


    Return Type Void


    Address of Root

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    How to Avoid Segmentation Fault

    Fault - I

    #includetypedef struct Party


    int iPartyId;

    char *cPartyName;


    int main()


    Party *pNewParty;

    printf("Pointer Addr:\t%p\n",pNewParty);



    return 0;


    Output Screen

    Its Garbage Value May be here

    Segment fault will occure

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    Fault - II


    typedef struct Party


    int iPartyId;

    char *cPartyName;


    int main()


    Party *pNewParty=NULL;

    printf("Pointer Addr:\t%p\n",pNewParty);



    return 0;


    Output Screen

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    Solution - I


    typedef struct Party


    int iPartyId;

    char *cPartyName;


    int main()


    Party *pNewParty=NULL;

    pNewParty = (Party*)malloc(sizeof(Party));

    pNewParty->cPartyName = (char*)malloc(50,sizeof(char));

    pNewParty->iPartyId = 10;


    printf("Pointer Addr:\t%p\n",pNewParty);printf("PartyId:\t[%d]\nPartyName:\t[%s]\n",


    return 0;


    Output Screen

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    Solution II


    typedef struct Party


    int iPartyId;char *cPartyName;


    int main()


    Party *pNewParty=NULL;

    pNewParty = (Party*)malloc(sizeof(Party));

    pNewParty->cPartyName = (char*)malloc(50,sizeof(char));

    pNewParty->iPartyId = 10;

    pNewParty->cPartyName = strdup("Alocious");

    printf("Pointer Addr:\t%p\n",pNewParty);


    return 0;


    Output Screen

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    Solution - III


    typedef struct Party


    int iPartyId;char *cPartyName;


    int main()


    Party oOldParty;

    Party *pNewParty = &oOldParty;

    oOldParty.cPartyName = (char*)malloc(50,sizeof(char));

    oOldParty.iPartyId = 10;


    printf("Pointer Addr:\t%p\n",pNewParty);printf("PartyId:\t[%d]\nPartyName:\t[%s]\n",


    return 0;


    Output Screen

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    How to make a Domain Application*:

    From the Domain Analyst , the Domain requirement may be came by either

    as document or pdf or oral.The Programmer have to convert that requirement in to

    Structures and Signatures . The structures are nothing but the group of related data for

    the given domain requirement in an organized mannar.After that Using those structures

    create the signatures ,The signatures are nothing but the flow of functions invoked while

    tigger an event.*--> The Examples contains less content for understanding purpose.The Actual content 'll moreWhat do you meant by Event:

    The Event is an action what an Applictaion 'll perform.For example, Lets

    take a Domain called OMS(Office Management System).In the OMS, There are many

    modules are there namely Enquiry, Quotation, Order, GRN, DC, Invoice,GoodsReturn, Party, Accounts, etc.., In that modules, It can contains the action like

    search, Create, Update ,Delete, Restore, etc.., are termed as events.

    If we write a function for an event means the function should be prefixed

    with Run. Note that the prefix should not be suited for any other subfunction.

    Each Events may or may not have set business rules or business

    validation.That business rules were narrated via document or oral by Domain Analyst

    For Example, we took the Enquiry, where imagine the Enquiry is you are the shopkeeper

    professionally you'll enquire rate and details of some item or product from many different

    shops. The enquiry which is made by you is purchase enquiry. To whom it has been

    made is Supplier.When someone Enquire from you is the Sale Enquiry, the person who

    enquired is termed as Customer. The customer and supplier has same set of

    parameters. So, we call them as Party.

    Eg for Signature(Function) naming for Events.



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    How to construct a Structure for Domain Requirement:

    The construction(Design) of structures should be simplified and use to put

    the variables whereever required for optimized search and minimal consumption of


    Lets see some examples,First we'll take the Party screen and designstructure for it.


    One of the Event


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    Typedef struct PartyEntity{int iPartyID;

    int iName;

    /* cPartyType - 2-bit--[0-customer/1-supplier/2-Both]

    - 2-bit--[Company Classification]

    [ 0-Manufacture/1-Industry

    /2-SEZ /3-Others]


    char cPartyType;

    Container *pPartyAddress;

    int iContactPerson;

    int iContactNo;

    int iMobileNo;

    int iFAXNo;

    int iEMailId;

    Node *pTaxOrientedNo;

    int iAsOnDate;

    float fOpeningBalance;

    float fDueAmount;

    NODE *pSalesInstrument;

    NODE *pPurchaseInstrument;


    Char cPartyType-- Here this

    parameter holds 2 parameter

    value as described above in Blue

    color Font.If write a normal mean

    it'll like below

    char cType;

    char cCompanyClassification

    Because of this one byte'll be

    wasted. So while designing

    structures you have to combined

    the parameter like this.To avoid

    wastage. This is applicable only

    parameters having defined value

    This variable is designed as a pointer

    Because that variable holds Tax

    oriented nos like (PAN No,TIN No,

    CST No,etc).But all party donot have

    this so here minimal wastage of

    memory.Due to the memory 'll be

    created when those no exist.

    The variable is not given by DomainAnalyst.But the Developer has to

    thing and introduce some variables

    like this.For fast Retrival due for the

    party. Introduce variables whereever

    it required.Keep it mind This is for

    fast access.

    These 2 variables means where the party

    do any transaction'll be pushed

    that we can retrive all the transaction

    made by the party.. We can as simply say

    it as an Object in OOPs concept.If we

    take a party we can get records with

    respect to him.

    Typedef struct SaleInstrument


    Container *pEnquiry[3];

    Container *pQuotation[3];

    Container *pOrder[3];

    Container *pDC[3];

    Container *pInvoice[3];

    Container *pGoodsReturn[3];

    Container *pPaymentOrReceipt[2];


  • 7/31/2019 Trainee Material


    Lets take another Example Enquiry :


    The Item should be list because One Enquiry

    may contain many items

    Decides Purchase or Sales flow

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    Typedef struct ItemDetails


    Node *pItemRef; // StockItemRef or PreviousItemRef

    char cStatus; // 0 - StockRef, 1 - PrevItemRef

    int iDescription;

    float fQuantity;

    int iUOM;


    typedef struct EnqQuoOrdItem


    ItemDetails pItemDetails;

    float fRateUOM;}EnqQuoOrdItem;

    typedef struct Enquiry


    int iNo;

    int iDate;

    int iRemarks;

    char cStatus;

    Container *pEnqQuoOrdItem;

    Node *pParty;Container *pNextInstrument;


  • 7/31/2019 Trainee Material


    Lets see for quotation: Load the Previous Enquiry. If the user made

    the quotation with respect to Enquiry

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    Typedef struct Quotation


    int iNo;int iDate;

    int iRemarks;

    char cStatus;

    Container *pEnqQuoOrdItem;


    Node *pParty;

    Container *pPrevInstrument;


    Container *pNextInstrument;Node *pTermsConditions;

    float fTotAmtPerUOM;


    Here We use union, Because the quotation

    can be made via Enquiry or Directly. If

    quotation is come via Enquiry means that

    Enquiry Node in the variable

    pPrevInstrument and If Direct means

    holds party in the variable pParty.

    The cStatus 'll give information about what

    is stored

    typedef struct OMS


    CONTAINER *pCompanyProfile;

    CONTAINER *pParty[3];

    CONTAINER *pEnquiry[2][3];

    CONTAINER *pQuotation[2][3];


    pParty ,Here the party is in array because

    as we already discussed the party 'll

    Customer,Supplier,Both..,With respect to

    the party Type the party node'll be inserte

    in respective index.

    Each part Domain has its main structure,as simply

    says that is the database for that domain, it contains

    all the root pointer or head pointer if required

    when an event is triggered the checking also go

    from here and the final node should be inserted in

    corresponding root if required


    node 'll be

    inserted Here


    node 'll be

    inserted Here

    This array for sales

    and Purchase

    This array for current

    status of that Instrument


  • 7/31/2019 Trainee Material


    How to construct signatures:

    The signatures are nothing but the function prototypes, which is used to

    satisfy the domain requirement or business needs.When an event(create,update..)

    triggered an set of functions should be called those functions are arranged in a flow with

    its prototype using that flow itself we can check whether the event 'll completely work ornot.Actually the construction of signatures is equivalent to code.Let see how to construct.

    'll we take the Party for the event Create(Save).

    On save of party we've to check the following things.Note that the business

    rules which mentioned below is minimal for understanding purpose.But the actual

    content 'll be more.

    1. Check whether the party is already exist

    2. Generate the unique Id for the party.

    3. Check whether the AsOnDate is not future date.

    4. Check whether the AsOnDate is not lesser that Company start date.

    int RunCreateParty(OMS *OMSRoot,PartyEntity *pInputParty);

    int IsValidAsOnDate(int iCompanyProfileDate,int iAsOnDate);

    int IsNotFutureDate(int iAsOnDate);

    int GetCurrentDate(int *iCurrentDate);

    int IsGreaterThanOrEqual(int iAsOnDate,int iCompanyProfileDate);int GetBitStream(int cPartyType,int iBitPattern,int *pPartyType);

    int IsPartyAlreadyExist(CONTAINER *pPartyRoot,int iPartyName);

    ------If all the above condition TRUE.

    int SetUniqueId(int *iPartyId,int iModuleNo);

    int CreateAndCopyPartyNode(PartyEntity **pPartyNode,PartyEntity *pInputParty);

    int AssignContainer(CONTAINER **pPartyRoot,NODE *pPartyNode);

    These are the business rules tobe considered

    while creating a party.If it fails the operations

    should be aborted.

    After the business rules satisfies an Unique Id should be created and

    and allocate the memory for the party because while we get from user

    we can't assure that the node is created by using malloc or

    create a node and copy the contents from input node to new node.

    After that we have to persist the data so Insert the new node in the party root

    in the OMSRoot w.r.t. its type.

    Is- When the function

    characteristic'll be 0 or 1

    i.e.., True or False

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    Codes for above Signatures:

    Note: Error means return Non-Zero,Success means return Zero

    Every function should follows.

    Normal RunCreateParty Code:

    Int RunCreateParty(OMS *pOMSRoot,PartyEntity *pInputParty)


    PartyEntity *pPartyNode=NULL;

    int iPartyType = 0 ;

    if(!pInputParty || !pOMSRoot)

    return -1;


    return 1;

    if( IsValidAsOnDate(pOMSRoot->pCompanyConfig->iCompanyStartDate,

    pInputParty->iAsOnDate) )

    return 1;


    if( !IsPartyAlreadyExist(pOMSRoot->pParty[iPartyType],pInputParty->iPartyName))

    return 1;




    return 0;


    Our Expectational Style:

    Int RunCreateParty(OMS *pOMSRoot,PartyEntity *pInputParty)


    PartyEntity *pPartyNode=NULL;

    int iPartyType = 0 ;

    if(!pInputParty || !pOMSRoot)

    return -1;


    return 1;

    return ( IsValidAsOnDate(pOMSRoot->pCompanyConfig->iCompanyStartDate,pInputParty->iAsOnDate)|| (GetBitStream(pInputParty->cPartyType,0x3,&iPartyType))

    || (!IsPartyAlreadyExist(pOMSRoot->pParty[iPartyType],pInputParty->iPartyName))

    || (SetUniqueId(&pInputParty->iPartyId,1))

    || (CreateAndCopyPartyNode(&pPartyNode,pInputParty))

    || (AssignContainer(&pOMSRoot->pParty[iPartyType]),pPartyNode));


  • 7/31/2019 Trainee Material


    Normal IsValidAsOnDate Code:

    Int IsValidAsOnDate(int iDate,int iAsOnDate){

    if( !IsFutureDate(iAsOnDate) )

    return 1;

    if( IsLesser(iAsOnDate,iDate) // If Error Returns in Lesser means GreaterThanOrEqual.

    return 0;

    return 1;


    int IsFutureDate(int iAsOnDate)


    int iCurrentDate = 0;GetCurrentDate(&iCurrentDate);

    if( IsGreater(iAsOnDate,iCurrentDate) ) // If Error in Greater Means LesserThanOrEqual

    return 1;

    return 0;


    int IsLesser(int iLesser,int iNonLesser)


    if( iLesser < iNonLesser)

    return 0;return 1;


    int IsGreater(int iGreater,int iNonGreater)


    if( iGreater > iNonGreater)

    return 0;

    return 1;


  • 7/31/2019 Trainee Material


    Our Expectational IsValidAsOnDate Code:

    Int IsValidAsOnDate(int iDate,int iAsOnDate){

    return ( !IsFutureDate(iAsOnDate) ) || ( !IsLesser(iAsOnDate,iDate) );


    int IsFutureDate(int iAsOnDate)


    int iCurrentDate = 0;


    return ( IsGreater(iAsOnDate,iCurrentDate) );


    int IsLesser(int iLesser,int iNonLesser)


    return !( iLesser < iNonLesser);


    int IsGreater(int iGreater,int iNonGreater)


    return !( iGreater > iNonGreater);


  • 7/31/2019 Trainee Material


    For Practice:

    1. Make the IsPartyAlreadyExist into COMMON function with reference to the

    previous sections.

    2. Use to make GetBitStream and SetBitStream with your own Parameters.

    Int IsPartyAlreadyExist(CONTAINER *pPartyRoot,int iPartyName)


    while( pPartyRoot && ( ((PartyEntity*)pPartyRoot->pDataPtr)->iPartyName != iPartyName))

    pPartyRoot = pPartyRoot->pNext;

    return !(pPartyRoot);


    int CreateAndCopyPartyNode(PartyEntity **pPartyNode,PartyEntity *pInput)


    *pPartyNode = (PartyEntity*)calloc(1,sizeof(PartyEntity));


    return 0;
