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Page 1: Trailer outline

Outline of the events in the trailer:

The trailer begins with a shot of a regular house on a street.

4 teenagers are walking towards the house. They are talking about the house being haunted.

One of the teenagers says that they don’t believe the house is haunted. This leads to the

teenager who lives in the house to invite them round to see it for themselves.

The trailer flashes forward to one of the characters shaking and crying in the corner of a


One of the teenagers is shown to be setting up cameras, in preparation for the evening and

to try and prove the ghost isn’t real.

Next scene shows the teenagers looking at the evening’s footage, showing that there isn’t a

ghost but there were suspicious movements.

The trailer flashes forward to a door slamming, creating a loud bang and scaring the

characters. A close-up of one of the teenager’s faces shows their nervous disposition.

The second night is shown to be more eventful. The scene switches to the camera that the

teenagers have used to try and prove that the ghost doesn’t exist. The shaky camera action

shows a picture falling over and we hear the floorboards creaking when there is nobody


The teenagers continue to look at the footage from the camera. It shows one of the

teenagers standing over one of the other friends in the night as they were sleeping. The

same person that is standing over the other teenager is the person that was shown earlier in

the trailer shaking in the corner of a room.

The teenagers become scared and concerned about what has happened so far in the house,

and all one by one begin to accept that the house may actually be haunted – as indicated

through close-ups of the teenagers as the camera pans.

The trailer flashes to very fast paced editing showing a range of unrelated scenes, connected

through fade to blacks.

These include;

someone screaming,

someone stood over a body,

someone crawling away as they are scared, looking up suggesting that the ghost is

above them,

a door shown to be locked,

The final scene shows one of the teenagers close to death as it fades to black.

The release date of the film appears on the black background of the scene.
