Page 1: Trailer Features Options available for Oil Based … - 641 048, Tamilnadu, India Telephone: +91 95009 45511

Tr a i l e r F e a t u r e s

■ Diesel Engine 37 KW@ 3000 RPM powered with emissions to EU Stage 3 A

■ Eccentricscrewpumpwithaflowrateofupto 1800 LPM * and 6.5 bar pressure

■ 910 Kg GVW Trailer

■ Purpose designed to cope with touch working condition like heavy sludge

■ Selfpriminganddesignedforeasyoperation

■ Builtinmanualoperatedclutchunitforsmooth engagement

■ Throttle allowing variable speed depending upon thetypeofapplication

*Rated power with water at 540 RPM and zero back pressure

M o l e x M k V Pu m p F e a t u r e s

■ Abrasionresistantlowfrictionhollowrotor

■ Non-Swellingstatormadeofspecialrubber compound

■ Idealforemergencyfloodwaterpumping

■ Can be used on sewage and pumping through agricultural slurries

■ Effectiveevenhighviscousliquid

■ High delivery pressure upto 6 bar (90 PSI)

■ Goodsuctionliftcapabilitiesofover8metres

■ Capableofliftingliquidscontaining20%ormore solids

■ No Foaming

O p t i o n s a v a i l a b l e f o r O i l B a s e d s l u d g e i n a n o n AT E X z o n e

■ DrainingofOilstoragetanksandheavyIndustrial sludge

■ UnitsfittedwithEngineShutdownvalvespark arrestor

■ SpecialgradestatormaterialGF42Nitrile

■ Complete with 10 m Earthing reel and earthing points

O t h e r O p t i o n s

■ Electricmotor22KWwithGearboxandOnline starter

■ ScrewPumpcanitselfalsobesuppliedfreestanding

■ OptionofKeyedorsplinedshaftinpump

■ PumpmountedionTankerforloadingand transporting or spreading

Ty p i c a l A r e a s o f A p p l i c a t i o n

■ Agriculture

■ Industry

■ Bio-Gas plant

Distributed by:

Whale Enterprise PVT Ltd.1/1D Vilankurichi Road, Near Senthottam , Kalapatti,

Coimbatore - 641 048, Tamilnadu, IndiaTelephone: +91 95009 45511

[email protected]

Molex MkV Pump Data Pump Type HD 130/100 Rotor Diameter (mm) 100 Speed Maximum (RPM) 640 Pressure Maximum (bar) 6.5 Dimensions (mm) 1642 x 235

Page 2: Trailer Features Options available for Oil Based … - 641 048, Tamilnadu, India Telephone: +91 95009 45511

W h a l e S c r e w Pu m p Tr a i l e r

P u r p o s e d e s i g n e d f o r t o u g h c o n d i t i o n s
