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Traffic Building Strategies for Your Internet Marketing

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I actually just got started in Internet Marketing pretty much less than a year ago. Actually I guess it would be coming to 13 months now so that’s exactly a year ago. You know, I’m 32 now and from the time I was 21 years old until the time I was about 31 years old, I was bartending for like 10 years. You know, something about turning 30, you know, makes you just some kind of rethink stuff and I was kind of Oh my God, my life is on the trajectory of being behind the bar and it’s like 30 years. I was like, I just can’t do that. No matter what, I have to figure out some other way to make a living.

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I knew that people were making money online and making money in Internet Marketing. One of my friend’s brothers was doing really well at it. I knew that people were doing it. I just don’t know how. So, I really just threw myself into it for 3 weeks and got a couple things going and I think I was making a couple of hundred bucks a month at that point.

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And I started to think I that I had to quit my bartending job. I kind of hit the wall, I kinda have a big fight with my manager and I said screw this, I’m done. At that time I felt awesome and I felt great for just like 5 seconds and then it hit me, okay wait I just have destroyed my income, I still have to pay my bills and I still have to pay my rent, and I have no money.

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The cool thing about that though was that it really forced me to just dig in and you know, I mean I have no choice. I had to just like chain myself to my computer and figure out how to make money doing this. So, that was in November 2010 and I was actually able to figure things out pretty quickly, thank God! And in January 2011, maybe about 7 or 8 weeks after I quit my bartending job, I actually had my first 4-figure days online and that just completely blew my mind, I didn’t even know that was possible.

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I think I have made $1300 in one day and I just kept thinking to myself like Oh my God, do you have any idea how many drinks do you have to pour to make $1300. So, it just took off like crazy. It just really went well. But I’m not suggesting that everybody out there run and quit their job, okay?

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Ever since this past year, it’s just been unbelievable, spend consistent 5 figure months which I just never thought was possible and then yeah, it’s been fantastic.

If I have managed to do it by myself without the help of any mentor, then you can do it, too!