


TM/IM/87(GPR TENDER) Dated 09.10.2019

Tender for the work of “Monitoring health of ballast bed with the help of ground penetration radar technology for through ballast renewal (TBR) and formation rehabilitation on Indian Railways” was called through the mode of e-tendering, and a pre-bid conference for the same was held on 03.06.2019 in the meeting hall of TMM directorate. In the meeting it was raised by most of the tenderers that foreign currency bidding must be allowed in this tender, as this tender is for a service contract, no foreign currency bidding was not permitted on the e-tendering portal. Subsequently a manual tender was called for the same work and a pre-bid meeting was held again on 24.07.2019.

In both the pre-bid meetings, held on 3.06.2019 and on 26.07.2019 several points and queries were raised by the firms, replies to which are given below.

Pre-bid meeting held on 03.06.2019 in connection with Tender no. TMM201903.

Firms representatives present.

RDSO representatives present

1. Zetica Rail, U.K.

2. Vandana international pvt limited, India.

3. ITC inida.

4. FUGRO, India.

5. AKRIBIZ India.

6. HEXAGON, India.

7. Ground Control Geophysik, Germany.

8. SRB International, India.

1.Executive Director/ Track Machines.

2. Executive Director/ Geotech.

3. Executive Director/ Testing.

4. Joint Director Geotech.

5. Joint Director/ Track Machiens -II

6. Diretcor/ Track Machines -IV.

7. Deputy Director Finance.

8. Deputy Director track Machines.


Issues raised during pre- bid meeting on 03.06.2019.


S. no

Document Reference Content in Document Bidder’s Query RDSO Remarks.

1 Tender Notice/ Minimum Eligibility Criteria. Clause no 4.1 on page 1of 62 of Main tender Document

Work Experience : The bidder should have satisfactorily completed ”in the last three previous financial years and the current financial year upto the date of opening of the tender, track bed survey of 5000 kms for addressing the issues of Ballast fouling and formation related issues, the speed of track bed survey must be above 80kmph”

Fugro suggests to reduce the ballast fouling related experience criteria to 3000km in last 5 calendar years. Fugro can provide experience proof for multichannel GPR survey for roads addressing formation related issues. Fugro is of opinion that there is very little difference between collecting multi-channel (3 or more channels) GPR data on a road or railway. The technical details of setting up the system are the critical elements not the location. The knowledge of how to make sure the antennas are configured correctly is the critical component. The collection on the roads is very similar in that the antennas are mounted underneath the vehicle travelling at 80 Kph, where you cannot easily stop and adjust something on a motorway so the mountings have to be suitable. Kindly confirm acceptance.

Not Agreed. Condition mentioned in Minimum Eligibility Criteria. Clause no 7.1 on page 2 of 62 of Tender Document shall be applicable.

2 Special Condition of Contract. Clause 4, on page 21 of 62. (now on 22 of 62 in revised Tender document)

A penalty of maximum 10% of the total value of the contract may be imposed in case of unsatisfactory performance of the Service Provider. The decision of Client regarding performance of the Service Provider shall be final and binding in this regard.

The term satisfactory / unsatisfactory may please be elaborated and quantified. In absence of quantifiable measure, this term remains vague. We suggest to link the same to completion of scope of work as per contract.

Satisfactory completion of work has been detailed in SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR THE SCHEDULE on page 58-62.

3 Functional Specification and Technical Requirement. 1(X). Page 24 of 62. (now on 25 of 62 in revised Tender document)

Training to be provided to 2 RDSO/IR officials on similar system (Wherever similar system is working), covering all important aspects of ballast fouling indice……

Functional Specification mentions training of 02 RDSO/IR officials, however,Sl.No. 7 of Schedule of Rates at page 57 of 62 states “Training of 2 nos IR/RDSO personnel for minimum 1 week on similar system (abroad) and 12 nos IR/RDSO personnel for minimum 2 weeks in India.” Kindly clarify the requirement to be considered.

The scope has been detailed in E-5 on page no 59-60 of Tender Document.


4 Functional Specification and Technical Requirement. 2(i) Page 25 of 62. (now on 26 of 62 in revised Tender document)

The GPR system will be mounted on under frame of nominated Track Recording Car (TRC). The TRC coach sketch & details are enclosed. The system should be mounted securely beneath the train to prevent damage and minimize the prospect of theft of any of the components. The details of mounting arrangements and necessary modifications required in existing parts to be submitted by service provider is to be specified by the firm.

(i) Please confirm how many TRCs will be provided to the contractor for carrying out the work. (ii) Please confirm that these TRCs shall be dedicatedly used for this work only and will be diverted for any other work during the period of contract execution. (iii) Please confirm that Movement of these TRCs/as per planned survey routes shall be made in consultation of contractor for efficiently planning data acquisition to achieve the target average monthly acquisition rate.

The system is to be installed on one TRC i.e. one TRC shall be used for this project. TRC shall not be used exclusively for GPR work. Details of TRC deployment program are given in E-6 on page 60. Deployment program of TRC shall be informed to the service provider in advance.

5 Functional Specification and Technical Requirement. 2(ii) Page 25 of 62. (now on 26 of 62 in revised Tender document)

Due care shall be taken to ensure that the antenna fitments fall within the IR Schedule of Dimensions as specified by RDSO

Kindly provide the IR Schedule of Dimension specified by RDSO

Link provided in Revised Tender Document.

6 Please confirm the no of equipment to be mobilized. This is a service contract, with the work to be done by installation of GPR system on one TRC. However, the no of spares and spare systems to be mobilised is the decision of service provider considering the various conditions of the tender document.

7 Indian Railways General Conditions of Contract for Services. Clause 4.4

Occupation and Use of Land…. Site is owned by Railway and allowing its use or providing access is Railway’s obligation, not Contractor’s. Railway is the owner of site and Contractor shall not be obligated to allow the site for use by any party. Kindly confirm that contractor shall be given a safe and free access to the site for the purpose of execution of services.

Agency shall be provided required assistance for execution of work. Decision of RDSO shall be final.

8 Indian Railways General Conditions of Contract for Services. Clause 4.10

Indemnity by contractors…. Contractor shall be liable for direct loss to Railway. Kindly confirm that Contractor shall be liable for direct loss/damage only to Railway with respect to any of its act or omission.

The provisions of Clause 4.10 of the Indian Railways General Conditions of Contract for Services, and special conditions of the contract shall be applicable and decision of RDSO shall be final.


9 Indian Railways General Conditions of Contract for Services. Clause 4.12

Force Majeure….. Definition of force majeure is very narrow, It shall include all the events which effects the performance of work, is unforeseeable and which is beyond the control of parties. In the event of force majeure, either party shall be entitled to terminate the contract upon reasonable notice to the other party. Kindly confirm that the definition of Force Majeure shall include all the events which effects the performance of work, is unforeseeable and which is beyond the control of parties. Also, kindly confirm that Contract may be terminated upon written notice of twenty- four(24) hours by either party if an event of Force Majeure continues for period of more than seven (7) cumulative days, upon payment of Railways to Contractor for work performed up until the Force Majeure event.

Relevant provisions of GCC for services and special conditions of the contract shall be applicable. Decision of RDSO shall be final.

10 Indian Railways General Conditions of Contract for Services. Clause 4.14

Contractor’s Understanding… Circumstances which cannot be foreseen at this stage shall be considered for time extension. Even after careful examination of the site, Contractor may encounter circumstances which could impact the execution of the services and which is not foreseeable at this moment. Kindly confirm that such situations shall be considered by parties and time extension shall be given if such situation arises.

Due consideration shall be given but relevant provisions of GCC for services and special conditions of the contract shall be applicable, decision of RDSO shall be final.

11 Indian Railways General Conditions of Contract for Services. 4.17.1

Compliance to Manager’s instruction

We understand that it is not possible that to quantify the definition of satisfactory performance the work and/or quality and therefore, this penalty under this clause does not hold good. Kindly confirm that this clause shall not be applicable.

Reply is same as of point 2 above. (Satisfactory completion of work have been detailed in SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR THE SCHEDULE on page 58-62.)

12 Indian Railways General Conditions of Contract for Services. 4.20

Separate Contract in connection with Services…

Railway’s obligation to afford and inspect other contractors. Site is owned by Railway and it is Railway’s obligation to afford and inspect any of its contractors. Contractor shall not be liable for any act of the other contractor. Kindly confirm that this clause is not applicable.

Relevant provisions of GCC for services and special conditions of the contract shall be applicable. Decision of RDSO shall be final.

13 Indian Railways General Conditions of Contract for Services. 4.24

Damage to Railway’s Property or Private Life and Property…

Contractor shall be liable only for its acts of negligence or wilful misconduct, as opposed to whatsoever cause. Kindly confirm that Contractor shall be liable to damage to Railway’s Property or Private Life and property if caused due to contractor’s negligence or wilful misconduct.

Provisions of clause 4.24 of Indian Railways General Conditions of Contract for Services and special conditions of the contract shall be applicable.

14 Indian Railways General Conditions of

Facilities for Inspection… It is Railway’s obligation, not Contractor’s. Site is owned by Railway and it is therefore Railway’s

The para 4.29 Indian Railways General Conditions of Contract for Services states the provisions to establish


Contract for Services. 4.29

obligation to provide free access to site and to afford any party. Kindly confirm the same.

Railways right for inspection of Contractor’s work.

15 Indian Railways General Conditions of contract for Services 4.3

Temporary Works…. Not applicable to the scope. Kindly confirm that the clause shall not be applicable to the current scope for services.

The relevant clause shall be applicable if required and decision of RDSO shall be final.

16 Indian Railways General Conditions of Contract for Services 4.41.2

Suspension of services… If the period of suspension exceeds 2 days for reasons other than aforementioned, Contractor shall be entitled to time extension and extra cost if incurred and/ or standby charges. Contractor cannot afford to remain standby if the work is suspended by Railways for any reason other than those stated in Clause 4.41.1. Kindly confirm that the Contractor shall be entitled to time extension and extra cost, if incurred and/ or standby charges if the suspension herein exceeds two (2) day. Further, Contractor shall have right to terminate the Contract if the suspension herein exceeds seven (7) cumulative days. Kindly confirm.

Decision shall be taken as per GCC for Services and special conditions of the contract and decision of RDSO shall be final.

17 Indian Railways General Conditions of Contract for Services. 5.1.3

Extension for Delays due to Railways…

Contractor shall be entitled to damages/ compensation if the execution of services is due to any reason attributable to Railways. Please note that Contractor shall not be able to take up any loss/ damage occurred due to any failure or delay by the Railway, for whatsoever reason. Kindly confirm that Contractor shall be entitled to time extension and extra cost if incurred and/ or standby charges for any such delay/ failure by Railway.

Contractor shall be entitled for time extension for any delay due to Railways, however no extra cost other than those mentioned in Schedule shall be payable.

18 Indian Railways General Conditions of Contract for Services. 5.2

Extension of time for delay due to Contractor...

Liquidated Damages shall be sole remedy available to Railways for delay due to Contractor. Liquidated damages, as stated in this clause, shall be the sole remedy available to Railway for any delay due to Contractor. Kindly confirm that all other remedies/penalties under the Contract, or at law shall not be applicable for delay.

This point is explained in Indian Railways General Conditions of Contract for Services clause 5.2.2 and shall be applicable. “This section does not limit Indian Railways from imposing any penalties under other provisions and such penalties will be applicable concurrently”

19 Indian Railways General Conditions of Contract for Services

Limitation of Liability Contractor cannot accept the liabilities without any limit. Kindly confirm that the overall limit on the Contractor’s liability shall not exceed the total contract.

No such provisions in GCC for services, The relevant clause of GCC for services (Para 4.10, 4.24 etc.) and special conditions of the contract shall be applicable and decision of RDSO shall be final.


20 Indian Railways General Conditions of Contract for Services

Consequential Loss Contractor cannot accept liability for any consequential loss. Kindly confirm that contractor shall not be liable for any indirect, consequential, incidental, special or punitive loss or damage, whether foreseeable or not, as well as any direct or indirect loss of profit, loss of use, loss of revenue, downtime facility, loss of production, loss of interest, loss of goodwill, loss of contract.

Not Agreed. Relevant clause of GCC for services and special conditions of the contract shall be applicable.

21 Indian Railways General Conditions of Contract for Services

Indemnify by Railway Kindly confirm that Railway shall indemnify, defend and hold Contractor harmless from and against any or all claims, losses and damages to Contractor’s respective facilities, equipment and/or properties and/or death of or injury to contractor’s respective personnel, agents and/or representatives, caused due to any act or omission of Railway.

No such provisions are there in Indian Railways General Conditions of Contract for Services however any such issues shall be dealt with relevant clauses GCC for Services and special conditions of the contract. Tenderer should cover these risks with suitable insurance provisions.

22 Deviations from Special Tender/ Contract Conditions Clause 4

Penalty for unsatisfactory performance shall not be applicable for this project. For the current scope, it is not possible to quantify the satisfactory performance. Kindly confirm that no warranty in relation to Contractor’s activities will be applicable under the contract.

Satisfactory completion of work has been detailed in SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR THE SCHEDULE on page 58-62.

23 Payment Terms E.6

We request you to kindly relax the payment terms and provide 100% payment on monthly basis.

Not Agreed, relevant paras of the tender document shall be applicable.

24 Payment Terms E.7

We request you to kindly release the payment with 15 days after submission of invoices.

Not Agreed, relevant paras of the tender document shall be applicable.

25 Financial Standing. Clause 4.2 Page 2

The bidder should have an annual financial turnover not less than 1.5 times the advertised bid value during the last three previous financial years and in the current financial year upto the date of opening of the tender. The audited balance sheet reflecting financial turnover certified by chartered accountant with stamp, signature and membership number shall be considered.

We request you to kindly make the financial turnover not less than 1.0 times the advertised bid value during the last three previous financial years and in the current financial year upto the date of opening of the tender.

Not Agreed, relevant paras of the tender document shall be applicable.


26 Bid Evaluation System. Clause 18 Page 16 of 62

In this tender, Quality & Cost based system (QCBS) method of evaluation shall be used. The weightage of the technical requirements (i.e. quality) & financial (i.e. cost) components of the project shall be in the ration of 60:40. The score attained for technical requirements (quality) & financial (cost) component will be separately worked out & combined score shall be considered for the tender. The Bid with the highest weightage combined score (Quality &Cost ) shall be selected.

We request you to kindly provide a detailed marking scheme for both technical and financial evaluation.

Detailed description is given on page 45-47 of revised Tender Document.


27 Section 4.5 Page 10/62

As part of a Consortium bid, we would request RDSO to allow for payment to Indian Consortium partners directly in Indian Rupees. As a foreign partner, we would not have any Indian Rupee account and therefore, we would humbly request RDSO to allow for all foreign currency payments to be made us our account and all Indian Rupee payments to be made to the account of the Indian consortium member.

Consortium are not allowed for this tender; however, the issue of foreign currency bidding is addressed in the Revised Tender Document.

28 Section 2(i) Page 25/62

Please confirm that the fitment location for GPR antennas will be based on available space beneath the TRC and not necessarily at the location indicated in the tender. We would only request RDSO to allow the successful bidder to determine the final location of the installation underneath the coach.

Fitment location shall be based on available space under the TRC and not necessarily on the space shown in the attached document. The arrangements shall not infringe the SOD (2004) (MMD envelope).

29 Section 1(v) Page 24/62 Section 4(i) and 4(ii) Page 26/62

Please provide a complete example of digital data from the linear reference system (route tape) with an explanation of the fields. Please confirm the digital interface protocol that would be made available between the TRC route tape system and the GPR system. These are critical to the understanding of the interface and without this information it would not be possible to technically determine our solution.

Provided as an additional upload with the tender document.

30 Section 4(ii) Page 26/62

Please confirm the digital interface protocol that would be available between the TRC location system (GPS), distance measuring instrument (DMI) and the GPR system. Has RDSO identified on which TRC this system would be installed? Ideally this information needs to be provided to the bidder at this stage itself so that the technical challenges of the integration can be

TRC no 7968 or 7969 shall be utilised for this project (Supplied by Mermec Italy). Other issues Addressed in the revised Tender Document, for any extra information the bidder may collect the same from RDSO.


determined before submission of tender.

31 Section 1 Page 24/62

Please provide a program and timescale for training abroad and in country. We would be keen to understand if RDSO would need 1-week training in foreign country in an office environment.

Program and timescale is to be provided by the service provider for the training. The training on similar system (for 2 RDSO Officials) wherever working shall be on the system, field and in office for various aspect of the project as described in E-5 on page 59-60 and in Part-IV of the Tender Document. (If the basic aspects of the project could not be covered in 1 week and needs more time, same must be mentioned by the service provider in the offer). For training in INDIA details are mentioned in E-5 on page 59-60 and Part-IV of The Tender Document.

32 Section 2 (iii) Page 25/62

Please confirm that a 0.5ns pulse width impulse antenna (2GHz bandwidth) is required to resolve thin track-bed layers and characterise fouling in the absence of a visible GPR layer interface. Furthermore, a 2.5ns pulse width impulse antenna (400MHz bandwidth) is suitable for mapping thicker and deeper layers.

As this is a service contract, the service provider may use any frequency of the GPR antenna, to achieve the final result with the desired accuracy required as described in Part-IV and in SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE SCHEDULE (page 58-62).

33 Section 2 (v) Page 25/62

Please confirm the scan interval required is 5 cm at the anticipated survey speed.

As this is a service contract, the service provider may use any SCAN Interval, to achieve the final result with the desired accuracy required as described in Part-IV and in SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE SCHEDULE (page 58-62). The scan interval shall not be more than 20cms.

34 Section 2 (v) Page 25/62

Please confirm the average recording speed of the TRC during normal operation every month. Furthermore, how much recording is typically done each day and whether a schedule will be made available in advance of each recording month. This would help us plan for the data collection.

The recording speed TRC is from 80-160 kmph, average recording speed per month is around 75 kmph. The recording is done for an average 15 -20 days in a month and average recording done on each day is from 300-400 kms. Recording by TRC is as per pre-decided schedule. Details covered in Revised Tender Document.

35 Section 5 (iii) Page 26/62 Section 7 (vi) Page 27/62

Please provide a schedule of reporting extents for the deep track-bed deliverables. Please confirm the acceptance criteria for this deliverable. Please confirm if this data would be provided in one go or in a broken manner every month.

Schedule shall be as per E-6 on page 60.

36 Section 6 Page 26/62

Please confirm that due to the likely range of fouling materials, a single calibration determined at the start of the project may not be sufficient for the survey as a whole. Please confirm that there would be interest in providing relevant calibrations for different parts of the network, based on the actual needs of Indian Railways.

Details covered in Revised Tender Document.


37 Section 7 (vii) Page 27/62

Please confirm that track geometry data will be provided on request in order to fulfil the requirement for track-bed inspection reports. Please provide an example of a track geometry “digital file” for reference.

Track geometry Data as per availability shall be provided when required for Track-bed reports. The bidder may contact RDSO (before submitting offer) for details of any specific requirement.

38 E6 Form 6-schedule of rates. Payment of recurring activities.

Based on a decade of annual sampling programs to validate GPR measurement results on track, we recommend that either a median error %<35% or a non-parametric measure of the coefficient of determination (R2)>70%, should be utilised. The mean % error measure proposed by RDSO would not be the ideal measurement standard for GPR due to this measurement being sensitive to outliers caused by errors in observations due to noise in measurement methods, collocation problems, cross validation concerns, human errors etc.

Details covered in Revised Tender Document.

39 E14 Form 6- schedule of rates. Accuracy of repeatability.

We would suggest a practical and acceptable measure of repeatability as 85% and of reproducibility as 80%. 95% and 90% respectively are not practical for a train-mounted GPR measurement system.

Agreed. Details covered in Revised Tender Document.

40 Financial standing T1 annual turnover

Please confirm that this requirement is based on a cumulative turnover over the prescribed period of 3 years (plus current year till tender opening) rather than annual.

It is cumulative and not annual.

41 GST Please provide the below-mentioned letter with respect to the Service Provider to comply with GST Act,2017 – Change in Para (a) Of Clause 6, Part-I of Indian Railways Standard General Conditions of Contract, July 2014 according to Railway Board’s Letter No. 2017/CEI/CT/4/GST dated 23.06.2017 or latest.

All the concerned letters are available in the link provided below. Letter asked specifically is being uploaded as an additional upload with the tender document. The bidder is expected to be updated about any changes in this regard.,1,304,366,526,616,895

42 Annexure-I Please provide Part-I of the instructions to tenderers regarding the mode of depositing the Earnest Money.

Details covered in Revised Tender Document.

43 Form-6 Please confirm whether it is possible to quote in local (INR) and international currencies.

Details covered in Revised Tender Document.

44 Insurance Please confirm that the cost for replacing or repairing damaged GPR equipment lies with the responsible party.

Insurance of the equipment to be done by the service provider, cost of insurance must be included in the prices being quoted. No further cost shall be borne by the Railways.


45 Time schedule Confirmation for time schedule, whether it is 20 months or 14 months a. At Page No. 21 of 62 CI. No. 2.0 mentioned 20 months

b. At Page no. 24 of 62 CI. No. 1.0 (i) mentioned 14 months

Time schedule has been revised. Details covered in Revised Tender Document.


47 Penalty Page no. 21 of 62CI. No.4.0 mentioned a penalty of maximum 10% of total value of the contract may be imposed in case of unsatisfactory performance of service provider. Please note that penalty clauses are already mentioned in details under “Special Conditions for the schedule” which is covering performance and accuracy too. Hence need clarification if it is duplicating the clause or applicable and if so how RDSO will evaluate the unsatisfactory performance and what will be the minimum penalty.

It is not duplicating of the clause. Unsatisfactory performance shall attract penalty even if no payment is made to the service provider. The provisions of deductions made in the SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE SCHEDULE are related to the accuracy and timely deliverable of the reports and timely execution of other activities.

48 Scope At page no 24 of 62 need clarification what are the exact tasks and exact scope, whether it is Ballast fouling Index, Ballast pockets and what are the meanings of signs of formation failure, development of water pockets?

a. Also, at page no 24 of 62, CI no. 1.0 (xi/b) mentioned ‘location with ingress

of water ‘etc’ AS REQUIRED ‘What does etc& as required mean whether it is

in term of quantity or else?

Details covered in Revise Tender Document. “Etc.” here means any sign of failure or trouble i.e. ballast pockets, water beds or any other sign of formation trouble. “As Required” means that reports for same shall be submitted when asked by the railways for any specific patch of the track.

49 Scan interval At page no 25 of 62 CI No 2.0 (v) Scan interval shall preferably be not more than 5 cm. Here we would like to share , we can do for sure what as per our long experience in same field we believe scan interval of 5 cm is not required at all and will not help much hence we recommend Scan interval should be minimum 10 cm or even more is better .

As this is a service contract, the service provider may use any SCAN Interval, to achieve the final result with the desired accuracy required as described in Part-IV and in SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE SCHEDULE (page 58-62).


50 Bidder requests further clarification in regard to how the order of precedence is determined in order to ensure complete understanding of which documents are most important if further review is required

Already mentioned in “Instructions to Tenderer point 1.2 page 7 of 62.”

In case of conflict, the order of priority for document determining the conditions will be Functional Specifications and Technical Requirements of Work, Special Tender / Contract Conditions, Instructions to Tenderers and Indian Railways General Conditions of Contract for Services.

51 General Conditions of Contract 2.6.1 Pg 10

Work Experience – The bidder should have satisfactorily completed in the last three previous financial years and the current financial year up to the date of opening of the tender one similar single service contract for a minimum of 35%

Bidder requests the minimum of 35% of the advertised value of the bid be reduced or removed.

Eligibility shall be as mentioned in Tender Document. i.e. “5000 kms of Track Bed survey by GPR for ballast fouling

and formation related issues. The Speed of the survey for conducting GPR Survey must be 80 kmph and more.”


of advertised value of the bid. Contract shall be governed by the law in the Republic of India.

52 General Conditions of Contract 3.3.4 Pg 14

The Earnest Money should be demanded in the form and manner as per the latest instructions issued by the Railway Board from time to time-per the modes available on the e- tendering portal of the

Bidder requests if Earnest Money can be submitted in the form of a bid bond from Wells Fargo.

Earnest Money can be deposited only in the formats mentioned in the Tender Document.

53 General Conditions of Contract 4.2 Pg 17

Contract shall be governed by the law in the Republic of India

Bidder request this to be neutral law. NOT Agreed.

54 General Conditions of Contract 4.11.4 Pg 20

If the penalty imposed exceeds 50% of the applicable maximum penalty(as per the revised value of the contract).

What is the maximum penalty that can be imposed under this contract? Does the performance guarantee count towards the total amount of the maximum penalty?

Penalty shall be as per details mentioned in the SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE SCHEDULE page 58-62 of the Tender Document and relevant paras of the GCC for services.

55 General Conditions of Contract 4.23 Pg 24

Working timings- The Contractor shall have to carry out any required services round the clock as per Manager/Manger’s representative.

Bidder requests better definition of work schedule shift hours, days of the week, and hours of operation of the Track Recording Car (TRC). In addition to provide details of the traffic blocks.

Work timings generally shall be as per TRC working schedule, which is generally on an average of 15-20 days a month, 9 am to 6 pm.

56 General Conditions of Contract 4.41.2 Pg 29

Suspension of Services Bidder requests this to be mutually agreed upon for any suspension of service.

The relevant clause of GCC for services shall be applicable. Decision of RDSO shall be final.

57 General Conditions of Contract 5.1 Pg 35

Extension of Time Bidder requests this to be mutually agreed upon on time period for project to be completed

The time period of completion of project has been defined in the tender document. Any changes in that shall be as per detailed guidelines mentioned in the GCC for services and relevant paras of tender document.

58 General Conditions of Contract 5.3.1 Pg 37

Powers to Modify to Contract Bidder requests this to be mutually agreed upon on modifications to the contract.

The relevant clause of GCC for services shall be applicable.


59 Technical Specs 1(i) Pg 24

To conduct a GPR survey of about 48,450 kms of railway track over IR by using GPR systems attached with underframe of nominated TRCs (Track Recording Cars) within a time period of about 14 months assuming an average productivity of 4000 kms per month.

The ability to efficiently analyse and manage the GPR information in an accurate way depends on how accurately the data is located. Does IR want bidder to install a GPS/IMU location-system on the TRC? What is location system on the IR car and what is its claimed accuracy?

Location system is available on TRC. The bidder is expected to take input signals of location from the system available on TRC. However, the bidder may not solely depend upon the signals received from the TRC. Details mentioned in relevant para of revised Tender document.

60 Technical Specs 1(v) Pg 24

All processed data must be in format so that it could be registered to RDSO Linear reference system Linked to a route tape and standard track blocks of 200mts.

Bidder can provide data in any format, however, to ensure accuracy when co-locating the GPR data to a specific Linear Referencing System (LRS), the architecture and location accuracy of the IR’s LRS need to be known. Will IR provide the architecture and accuracy of the RDSO LRS (linear reference system) so that we can assign/register our GPR data to the RDSO LRS? Will IR provide the architecture ( e.g., route layout, asset locations, line segmentation protocol) from this RDSO system prior bedding so we can develop an accurate budgetary allocation for the scope-of-work and level-of-effort for registering our GPR data to the RDSO LRS?

RDSO will provide the architecture and accuracy of the Linear reference system. Route data tapes shall be used over Indian railways and that shall be provided. Details mentioned in relevant para of revised Tender document.

61 Technical Specs 1(vi) Pg 24

Based on the processed GPR results the system should provide customer definable rules & thresholds such as ballast fouling index, which can be used to provide ballast maintenance recommendations ( ballast cleaning, shoulder ballast cleaning ) across the surveyed network .

Rules and thresholds should be based on speed, tonnage, and priority of the specific line under evaluationmeasured. Will IR give us these Operation factors for us for use in developing Rules and Thresholds? Will the Operating factors be referenced to the RDSO LRS?

Operation factors as mentioned shall be provided as per availability for use in developing rules and thresholds. These operating factors are not referenced to the RDSO LRS.

62 Technical Specs 1(vii) Pg 24

The supplier of GPR services would provide the first set of rules & thresholds to be used to provide ballast maintenance Recommendations for Indian

Rules and thresholds should be based on speed , tonnage, and priority of the specific line under evaluation measured. Will IR give us these Operation factors for us for use in developing Rules and Thresholds? Will the Operating factors be referenced to the RDSO LRS?

Operation factors as mentioned shall be provided as per availability for use in developing rules and thresholds. These operating factors are not referenced to the RDSO LRS.


railway (considering conditions on IR as described in Para 1 (ii)) based on the use of thresholds provided by agency which shall be derived from the experience gained by service provider in other railway systems and their maintenance schedule. These would be reviewed by RDSO.

63 Technical Specs 2.0(i) Pg 25

The GPR system will be mounted on underframe of nominated Track Recording Car (TRC). The TRC coach sketch & details are enclosed. The system should be mounted securely beneath the train to prevent damage and minimize the prospect of theft of any of the components. The details of mounting arrangements and necessary modifications required in existing parts to be submitted by service provider is to be specified by the firm.

Can the GPR antennas be located near to the TRC bogies, in order to minimize the interference induced by the rail and sleeper fasteners when traversing curves with antennas mounted underneath the center portion of the TRC ? Can the bidder store additional equipment in the space provided on the TRC ? Is this room or compartment secured or have the ability to be secured?

GPR antennas could be provided under the TRC in the space available, which may be different than that shown in the attached figure. Bidder can store extra equipment in the space provided in the TRC. The bidder has to mention the details of the space required in the offer. The safety of the equipment stored on the TRC is to be ensured by the service provider during recording being done by the system.

64 Technical Specs 2.0(v) Pg 25

Normally the speed of scanning shall not be less than 100 kmph, however the service provider shall submit the maximum speed at which the GPR recording could be done which could be utilized in future . The scan interval shall be such that the reports arrived shall have accuracy not less than as laid down in relevant Para’s of SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR THE SCHEDULEof Part V for

Bidder request that a scan of 20cm interval be acceptable. In 15 plus years of railway GPR surveying experience, we have found 20cm interval to be optimal in terms of speed of collection, data file size, and minimizing the effects of concrete sleepers on the results. The biggest railway companies in North America, Europe, and Africa consider 20cm measurement interval as a standard practice.

As this is a service contract, the service provider may use any SCAN Interval, to achieve the final result with the desired accuracy required as described in Part-IV and in SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE SCHEDULE (page 58-62).


reported ballast fouling, depth of clean ballast layer, ballast pockets/ penetration etc. when the reports are cross checked from field samples. (Scan Interval shall preferably be not more than 5 cm).

65 Technical Specs 3.0(iii) Pg 25

Where the bidder/contractor’s data processing algorithms utilize Frequency or amplitude-based analysis of the data, such as for ballast fouling, they shall provide a proven method of antenna performance monitoring and calibration. To ensure high data quality and repeatability between antennas they shall be monitored every week during data collection. Antennas exhibiting amplitude or frequency changes outside of agreed limits shall be replaced. Antenna performance results shall be made available to RDSO via a shareable webpage.

Does IR have acceptable threshold values or percentages to present for frequency or amplitude changes between antennas?

At present IR has no acceptable threshold values or percentages to present for frequency or amplitude changes between antennas.

66 Technical Specs 4.0(i) Pg 26

The system shall be able to take distance measuring inputs from the TRC to locate exact position of TRC, to accurately trigger date capture at a minimum scan interval described as before.

Bidder requests specifications on the GPS or encoder being used on the TRC.

Details mentioned in relevant para of revised Tender document. The TRC nos 7968 or 7969 to be used for this work. Supplied by Mermec, Italy. The bidder may inspect the TRC and collect any relevant information with prior intimation.

67 Technical Specs 4.0(ii) Pg 26

All GPR data shall be referenced by km post, elapsed distance and block number as per the TRC route tape.

To ensure accuracy when co-locating the GPR data to a specific Linear Referencing System (LRS), the architecture and location accuracy of the IR’s LRS need to be known. Will IR provide the architecture and accuracy of the RDSO LRS (Linear reference system) so that we can assign/ register our GPR data to the RDSO LRS? Will provide the architecture

Details mentioned in relevant para of revised Tender document. The TRC nos 7968 or 7969 to be used for this work. Supplied by Mermec, Italy. The bidder may inspect the TRC and collect any relevant information with prior intimation.


(e.g., route layout, asset locations, line segmentation protocol) from this RDSO system prior to bidding so we are can develop an accurate budgetary allocation for the scope –of –work and level-of-effort for registering our GPR data to the RDSO LRS?

68 Technical Specs 4 (V) Pg 26

The data acquisition system shall be remotely accessible to monitor system performance and if required change system settings

Bidder can comply with this requirement providing there is connectivity to the internet through cellular or other methods if available. Will IR guarantee internet connectivity will be made available at all times?

The requirement of internet connectivity is to be addressed by service provider. IR cannot guarantee internet connectivity.

69 Technical Specs 4 (VI) Pg 26

The system will be configurable to upload GPR data to a suitable cloud storage platform to limit manual handling of data.

Bidder requests clarity on when the data access needs to be made available to IR.

Described in Part-IV 1(viii) and in E-4 page 59. Data access is required for future reference after the completion of work.

70 Technical Specs 7.0(ii) Pg 27

It is expected that reports shall be produced in at-a-glance sheets ( excel sheets or csv files etc.) where it could be easily made out by colour codes etc. degree of ballast fouling, depth of clean ballast etc. The length of track covered in each sheet shall be user dependable, the report must include chainages , elapsed distance, block number, ballast fouling categories for the left shoulder, centre and right shoulder and the thickness of clean ballast as categories of the left shoulder and the thickness of clean ballast as categories of the left shoulder, centre and right shoulder. Category thresholds should be editable by the customer.

To ensure accuracy when co-locating the GPR data to a specific Linear Referencing System (LRS), the architecture and location accuracy of the IR’s LRS need to be know. Will IR provide the architecture and accuracy of the RDSO LRS ( linear reference system ) so that we can assign/register our GPR data to the RDSO LRS? Will IR provide the architecture ( e.g., route layout, asset locations, line segmentation protocol ) from this RDSO system prior bidding so we can develop an accurate budgetary allocation for the scope-of-work and level-of-effort for registering our GPR data to the RDSO LRS?

Details mentioned in relevant para of revised Tender document. The TRC nos 7968 or 7969 to be used for this work. Supplied by Mermec, Italy. The bidder may inspect the TRC and collect any relevant information with prior intimation.

71 Technical Specs 7.0(iii) Pg 27

Track charts with km post and asset labels derived from the route tape showing ballast

To ensure accuracy when co-locating the GPR data to a specific Linear Referencing System (LRS), the architecture and location accuracy of the IR’s LRS need to be known. Will

Details mentioned in relevant para of revised Tender document. The TRC nos 7968 or 7969 to be used for this work. Supplied by Mermec, Italy. The bidder may inspect the


fouling and ballast depth categories for the left shoulder, centre and right shoulder. This should be producible with a selectable block size ( 5m, 50m, 100,200m).

IR provide the architecture and accuracy of the RDSO LRS (linear reference system) so that we can assign/register our GPR data to the RDSO LRS? Will IR provide the architecture (e.g., route layout, asset locations, line segmentation protocol) from this RDSO system prior bidding so we can develop an accurate budgetary allocation for the scope-of-work and level-of-effort for registering our GPR data to the RDSO LRS?

TRC and collect any relevant information with prior intimation.

72 2.0 pg 61 10-15 samples to be collected from any one block section/ adjoining block sections from the stretch of track covered in the month by GPR survey.

In order to better estimate the work requirement and costs. Bidder requests more details of timing or scheduling, location range of testing, and length of the testing.

Details available in E-6 on page 60-61 of Tender Document.

BS Geo Scopie/ Anand Traders.

73 Clause 2.0 of SCC Time period for completion of the work.

The time period to complete the project of 48,450 km of track should be seriously reconsidered, keeping in view the diverse weather conditions and ballast contamination in India, specially the monsoon season as it rains heavily during 3-4 months in each calendar year. As a result we have high humidity in the ground. Geo Radar measurement is therefore not possible;………………hence the time period must be reconsidered.

Issue addressed in the revised Tender Document.

74 Clause no 1 of Technical Specifications

Time period of submitting the report.

Time period of submitting the report after the end of months recording may be revised to 30 days instead of 15 as it requires manual intervention.

Issue addressed in the revised Tender Document.

75 Clause no 6 and 7 Process of validating the report. May be reviewed. Issue addressed in the revised Tender Document.

76 Clause E6 Payment conditions for recurring activities.

Payment of recurring activities. May be reviewed. Issue addressed in the revised Tender Document.

77 Clause E7 for one time activities 2,3 and 8.

Payment of one time activities. May be reviewed. Issue addressed in the revised Tender Document.


Pre-bid meeting held on 26.07.2019 in connection with Tender no RDSO/TMM/GPR/2019/01

Firms representatives present.

RDSO representatives present

1. Vandana international pvt limited, India.

2. AKRIBIZ India.

3. HEXAGON, India

4. SOWIL India.

1.Executive Director/ Track Machines.

2. Executive Director/ Geotech.

3. Executive Director/ Testing.

4. Joint Director Geotech.

5. Joint Director/ Track Machines -II

7. Deputy Director Finance.

Issues raised during pre- bid meeting on 26.07.2019.

ZETICA Sl. No. Tender reference Queries Remarks

1. Section 4.5 Page 10/67

As part of a consortium bid, we would request RDSO to allow for payment to Indian Consortium partners directly in Indian Rupees. As a foreign partner, we would not have any Indian Rupee account and therefore, we would humbly request RDSO to allow for all foreign currency payment to be made us our account and all Indian Rupee payment to be made to the account of the Indian consortium member. We therefore, request for minor modification in this clause.

Consortium are not allowed for this tender; however, the issue of foreign currency bidding is addressed in the Revised Tender Document.

2. Section 19.4 Page 18/67

There is a comment in which it is stated that the price can only be quoted in Indian Rupees. We would humbly request RDSO to allow for all foreign currency payment ($ or £ or є) to be made to foreign partner/Member of consortium and all Indian Rupee payment to be made to the account of the Indian consortium member. We therefore, requested for minor modification in this clause.

Addressed in the revised Tender Document.

3. Section 1(v) Page 27/67 Section 4(i) and 4(ii) Page 29/67

Please provide a complete example of digital data from the linear reference system (route tape) with an explanation of the fields. Please confirm the digital reference protocol that would be made available between the TRC route tape system and the GPR system. These are critical to the understanding of the interface and without this information it would not be possible to technically determine our solution. This is only a request for clarification.

Addressed in the revised Tender Document.

4. Section 4(ii) Page 29/67

Please confirm the digital interface protocol that would be available between the TRC location system (GPS), distance measuring instrument (DMI) and the GPR system. Has RDSO identified on which TRC the system would be installed? Ideally this information need to be provided to the bidder at this

TRC no 7968 or 7969 shall be utilised for this project (Supplied by Mermec Italy) Other issues Addressed in the revised Tender


stage itself so that the technical challenges of the integration can be determined before submission of the tender. This is only requested for clarification.


5. Section 2(v) Page 28/67

Please confirm the average recording speed of the TRC during normal operation every month. Furthermore, how much recording is typically done each day and whether a schedule will be made available in advance of each recording month. This would help us plan for data collection. This is only a request for clarification.

Answered previously.

6. Section 5 (iii) Page 29/67 Section 7 (vi) Page 30/67

Please provide a schedule of reporting extents for the deep trackbed deliverables. Please confirm the acceptance criteria for the deliverables. Please confirm if data would be provided in one go or in a broken manner every month. We suggest not more than 200 km of data be provided in any one month for detailed analysis. We therefore, request for minor modification in this clause.

Addressed in the revised Tender Document.

7. Section 6 Page 29/67

Please confirm that due to the likely range of fouling materials, a single calibration determined at the start of the project may not be sufficient for the survey as a whole. Please confirm that there would be interest in providing relevant calibration for different parts of the network, based on the actual needs of Indian Railways/RDSO. We therefore, request for minor modification in this clause.

Addressed in the revised Tender Document.

8. Section 7(vii) Page 30/67

Please confirm that track geometry data will be provided on request in order to fulfil the requirement for trackbed inspection reports. Please provide an example of a track geometry ‘‘digital file’’ for reference. This is only a request for clarification.

Answered previously.

9. Form-1 Page 33 of 67

Annexure I. Please provide annexure I of the instructions to tenderers Form 1, regarding the mode of depositing the Earnest Money. Alternatively, this may be removed. This is only a request for clarification.

Addressed in the revised Tender Document.

10. Form 6 Schedule of Rates Page 62/67

A-1 System Hiring Cost. Currently period has been given as 14 months while this should be changed to 22 months (on line with clause 2.0- Time of work-SCC). We therefore, request for minor modification in this clause.

Addressed in the revised Tender Document. System hiring cost shall be paid only for the months when the system is working and shall not be paid for the months when the system is not working as described in the relevant paras of the tender document and system hiring cost shall also be not paid for the time required before the start of the GPR Survey work.

11. Form 6 Schedule of Rates E1-(4) Page 63 of 67

We recommend an achievable measure of repeatability of 85% and an achievable of reproducibility of 80%. It is not possible to achieve 95% and 90% respectively for GPR survey of track. The definitions of the EN code are acceptable but the requirements for achieving these are unpractical for GPR survey in the rail environment. Based on previous experience, we recommend 3 or more overlapping surveys of a minimum 5 km in extent carried out in similar environmental conditions and within a period of one month. We therefore, request for minor modification in this clause to read as: ‘’The accuracy of repeatability shall not be less than 85% and for reproducibility the accuracy shall not be less than 80%. Repeatability and reproducibility would be as defined in the EN codes but repeatability should be implemented according to the following procedure. Three or more overlapping

Addressed in the revised tender document.


surveys of a minimum 5 km in extent should be carried out in similar environmental conditions and within a period of one month’’.

12. Form 6 Schedule of Rates E6-Payment of recurring activities Page 65 of 67

When the sample size is large, is normally distributed and does not include outliers (a so-called Gaussian distribution), the mean score usually provides a better measure of central tendency. However, when the sample size is small and included outliers (a non-gaussian distribution) the median is a better measure to describe the central tendency of a set of data. GPR-derived and sampling measures of fouling can be non-Gaussian having the potential for outliers. Sources of (Non-Gaussian) error that can cause outliers include:

• Heterogeneity over small scales- fouling levels in one crib ballast compared to another can vary by an order of magnitude. We have seen differences in BFI levels of +/- 10 between adjacent cribs.

• Co-location – some errors can be introduced when sampling cribs which do not exactly match the location of the GPR result.

• GPR errors – Anomalous conditions (changes of ballast material, fouling material type, subgrade material change, moisture level, vehicle bounce, EMI) can introduce some error to the outcome.

Each month RDSO expect to cover 3500 to 5000 kms of track and the data validation would be done by sampling at 10-15 locations. Any large outliers in a small population (10-15 samples) can strongly influence a mean value. A median value would be more appropriate as would a non-parametric measure of the coefficient of determination (R2). The median % error would be calculated based on the result of the calculation (GPR-sample)/sample) for each of the 10-15 sample locations. The non-parametric measure of the coefficient of determination (R2) would be calculated using the Theil-Sen estimator for fitting a line to sample points by choosing the median of the slopes of all lines through pairs of points. We therefore, request for minor modification in this clause to read as: “If the median % error in the GPR-derived fouling and clean ballast depth is <= 35% or if a non-parametric measure of the coefficient of determination (R2) >=70% then the remaining 50% of the payment shall be released. If the median % error in the GPR-derived fouling and clean ballast depth is < = 45% but >=35% or if a non-parametric measure of the coefficient of determination (R2) >=60% but <=70%, then only half the balance 50% payment to be done while forfeiting the remaining 25% payment for the work done in the corresponding month. If the median % error is >=45% or the non-parametric measure of the coefficient of determination (R2) < 60% then the whole month’s survey and analysis along with the submission of reports is to be repeated.

Addressed in the revised Tender Document.


If the median % error is >=45% or the non-parametric measure of the coefficient of determination (R2) < 60% consecutively for more than 3 reporting months the calibration and validation shall be done again. If the median % error is >=45% or the non-parametric measure of the coefficient of determination (R2) < 60%, even after recalibration, the contract shall be terminated.”

13 Section 7.2 Page 2 of 67 Financial standing T1 Annual Turnover

Please confirm that this requirement is based on a cumulative turnover over the prescribed period of 3 years (plus current year till tender opening) rather than annual.

The turnover requirement is cumulative.

14 Section 31 Page 21 of 67 GST

Please provide the below-mentioned letter with respect to the Service Provider to comply with GST Act, 2017 – Change in Para (a) of Clause 6, Part-I of Indian Railways Standard General Conditions of Contract, July 2014 according to Railway Board’s Letter No. 2017/CEI/CT/4/GST dated 23.06.2017 or latest.

Addressed in the revised Tender Document.

15 Insurance Please confirm that the cost of replacing or repairing damaged GPR equipment lies with the responsible party.

Insurance of the equipment to be done by the service provider, cost of insurance must be included in the prices being quoted. No further cost shall be borne by the Railways. Addressed in the revised Tender document.


Sl. No. RFP Section/Clauses RFP Reference Queries REMARKS

16 Clause 7 (a) (b) (c) & (d) Employment/Partnership of Instructions to Tenderer

The full information as to the date of retirement of such Engineer or Gazetted Officer from the said service.

Which information of Ex. Railway officers to be provided?

Details already provided in the clause 7 (d) of Instructions to tenderer.

17 Clause 10 Earnest Money of Instructions to Tenderer

Registered MSEs in terms of Ministry of MSMEs notification No. 503 are exempted from Earnest Money Deposit.

Is this applicable if any member of consortium is registered in MSME?


18 Clause 18.1 & 18.2 Bid Evaluation system of Instructions to Tenderer

Clause 18.1 In this tender, Quality & Cost based system (QCBS) method of evaluation shall be used. The weightage of the technical requirement (i.e.quality)&financial (i.e. cost) components of the

For the financial Bid Full marks should be 40 as stated in clause 18.1

Agreed, the issue has been addressed in the Revised Tender Documnet.


project shall be in the ratioof 60:40. The score attained for technical requirements (quality) & financial (cost) component will be separately worked out & combined score shall be considered for the tender. The Bid with the highest weightage combined score (Quality&Cost) shall be selected. Clause 18.2 For the financial Bid, full marks/ score (i.e.30) will be given to the lowest Bid. The other Bids will be given Proportionally score as per the formula as under- Score Obtained = (Lowest Bid Value / Offered Bid Value) x 30

19 Clause 19.2 Price Bases of Instructions to Tenderer

The prices quoted must include all charges e.g. Taxes (withholding tax, GST etc), levies, duties, customs, cess, packing, forwarding and delivery charge etc, as applicable.

What will be the Scenario in case of any statutory charge ?

Cost break up to be submitted by the firm showing component of taxes. Any change in statutory taxes to be dealt as per standing railway guidelines.

20 Clause 1.1 (Experience ) Eligibility Criteria of Part-II Special Tender/Contract conditions

Rail Road companies, public listed company /private company/trusts having annual turnover of Rs. 500 crore

For overseas experience the turnover will be equivalent in foreign currency of that particular country?

The value should be converted in INR, as per prevailing exchange rate on the date of Tender Opening.

21 Clause 3.4 Payment of Part-II Special Tender/Contract Conditions

The Service provider is required to quote his rates including all the taxes and duties applicable ( GST, Customs, etc.) as no extra payment other than that accepted against the items of tender schedule shall be done.

Will IR/RDSO arrange Custom Duties exemption certificate subject to return of equipment after 22 months?

Necessary certificates as applicable shall be issued in favor of the service provider by RDSO, however RDSO shall not have any obligation or liability with regard to exemption in tax or duties by any other agencies of Govt. Of India or others.

22 Clause 3.0 Payment of Part-II

Special Tender/ Contract Conditions

Within how many days payment will be released?

Payment shall be processed after details mentioned in E-1 to E-7 of form 6 schedule of rates are complied. The processing of payment after compliance of laid conditions may normally take between 15-30 days. However, no extra payment shall be made for any delay in payment.

23 Clause (i) of 1 Scope and Objectives of Part-IV Functional Specifications &

To conduct a GPR survey of about 48,450 kmsof railway track over IR by using GPR systems attached with under frame of nomination TRCs (Track

Clause 2 Time schedule of Work of Part-II Special Tender/Contract Conditions the time of completions

Issue has been addressed in the Revised Tender Document.


Technical Requirement Recording Cars) within a time period of about 14 months assuming an average productivity of 4000 km per month.

is 22 months. Please clarify the time of completion is 14 months of 22 months.

24 E-6, Payment of Recurring activities of SPECIAL TENDER CONDITIONS Part-V Forms for Tender

However, If there is any delay in submission of reports beyond 15 days as described in para E-6(1)(a) above, there shall be a deduction of payment to the extent of 2% per week of the payment due.

In how many days the Payment will made from date of issue of Invoice.

Payment shall be processed after details mentioned in E-1 to E-7 of form 6 schedule of rates are complied. The processing of payment after compliance of laid conditions may normally take between 15-30 days. However, no extra payment shall be made for any delay in payment.

25 Clause 1. Of Tender Notice-

Schedule of Bid submission Last date and Time of Submission of tender- 16 Aug 2019 14:30 hour.

4 Weeks time to be provided for Bid submission from date of issue of Pre-bid clarification.

May be considered.

26 Additional queries. What will be the remedy for service provider in case of availability & reliability of rolling stock is affected?

The service provider shall be paid system hiring cost if the GPR system is in working condition and the work is not being done due to any reasons of Railways. Details covered in relevant paras of Tender Document.

27 What will be the provisions in case of accident/Damage to equipment with no fault of

Successful Bidder? Insurance of the equipment to be done by the service provider, cost of insurance must be included in the prices being quoted. No further cost shall be borne by the Railways. Addressed in the revised Tender document.

28 Make Provision for Mobilization advance of 20% of Bid amount. Not Agreed.


29 SPECIAL TENDER CONDITION E-1 System and installation, commissioning and testing

The system after installation shall be commissioned by the service provider in a pre-approved time bound manner, and tested for flawless working by conducting repeatability test and reproducibility test over pre- decided stretch of IR Track. The accuracy of repeatability shall not be less than 95% and for reproducibility the accuracy shall not be less than 90% Repeatability and Reproducibility here have same meaning as in EN codes.

Issue addressed in Revised Tender Document


Loram Query : As the GPR survey is influenced by numerous factors, especially at high speeds, the accuracy of repeatability & reproducibility should not be less than 80%. The current targets of repeatability at 95% and reproducibility at 90% are not possible at this time in field /track conditions.

30 Clause SPECIAL TENDER CONDITIONS E-6, Payment of Recurring activities

Loram Query : The current regime of payment which has been defined by RDSO

Seems very complex and tedious. We suggest a simple method based on median

calculation as given below for the following parameters- clean ballast depth, total

ballast depth and extent of ballast fouling.

Type of Error Range of Error Payment Action

Median % error by GPR analysis

<30% Remaining 50% of the payment shall be released for that month

Median % error by GPR analysis

< 40% but >30% Only half the balance 50% payment to be done by RDSO while forfeiting the remaining 25% payment

Median % error by GPR analysis

> 40% Recalibration and Retesting of data for that month, with no additional cost paid.

Median % error by GPR analysis

> 40% for four consecutive month

Contract shall be terminated.

Issue addressed in Revised Tender Document.

Representatives of HEXAGON were also present in the pre-bid meeting, although no queries were submitted by representatives of Hexagon prior to the meeting few points were raised by them which were addressed in the meeting itself and further clarifications are provided as below. 31 Provisions may be made for

splitting of tender. NOT Agreed. As development of formula

fouling index is a major activity, splitting is not possible in this scenario.

32 Regarding bid evaluation It was requested to add an alternate condition to condition no.7 to provide maximum points NOT Agreed. As this is a service contract



(Executive Director/Track Machines)

Copy to : ED/Finance, ED/ Testing & ED/Geo-tech for information please.

system. 10 to any vendor/consortium which manufacture hardware and software both indigenously. and all the conditions kept in bid evaluation criteria are as per requirements.
