Page 1: TP-CASTT Mnemonic for Analyzing Poetry


Mnemonic for Analyzing Poetry

Page 2: TP-CASTT Mnemonic for Analyzing Poetry

TitleWhat do the words of the title suggest that the poem may be about?

Page 3: TP-CASTT Mnemonic for Analyzing Poetry

ParaphraseTranslate and put the poem in your own words. What is the poem about?


Page 4: TP-CASTT Mnemonic for Analyzing Poetry

Connotation(Figurative Language)What meaning does the poem have beyond the literal meanings? Use terms and examples!

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AttitudeWho is the speaker, and what is his or her attitude/feeling about the subject?

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ShiftsWhere do shifts/changes in setting, tone, voice, organization, etc. occur?


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TitleReanalyze the title now that you have read the poem. What does the title mean now on a deeper level?

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ThemeWhat is the main message, life lesson, and/or universal human truth that the poem is saying/teaching?
