Page 1: TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDIN AL Septemb er29,2015 … · Dave Shaw RESUME OF CORRESPONDENCE September 1, 2015 DATE August 11 August 17 " " August 20 August 20 August 25 " " August


Resolution Number:

Moved By:. __________ _ co py Seconded By: __________ _

THAT Municipal Council recommend in favour of the severances B-77-15 & B-78-15 (Swerfeger) conditional upon:

monstrates 1. Receipt of a satisfactory environmental impact assessment which de that there will be no negative impacts on the natural features or ecol functions of the St. Lawrence River and any adjacent wetlands; and


lity of private 2. Receipt of a satisfactory engineer's report with respect to sustainabi on-site services on the reduced lots to be severed as recommended by the Community Development Committee.

o Carried o Defeated o Unanimous


NAME YEA NAY Councillor M. Barrett

Councillor G. Morrell

Councillor K. Smail

Deputy Mayor P. Taylor

Mayor Sayeau





Page 2: TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDIN AL Septemb er29,2015 … · Dave Shaw RESUME OF CORRESPONDENCE September 1, 2015 DATE August 11 August 17 " " August 20 August 20 August 25 " " August


EC • ca


Committee: Community Development Committee

Date: September 15, 2015

Department: Planning

Topic: Severance B-77 -15 & B-78-15 (Swerdfeger)

Purpose: To consider an application for severance.

Background: Dean Swerdfeger is the owner of a riverfront residential property located at 1735 County Rd 2 that is approximately 5.8 acres with an existing dwelling.

Mr. Swerdfeger is proposing to sever two additional building lots approximately 1.69 and 1.55 acres in size, leaving the existing dwelling on a property of approximately 2.56 acres.

Policy Implications: The subject lands are designated Rural Policy Area under the Official Plan and Residential Limited Service under the Zoning By-Law.

The Counties have advised that the applicant must use the existing entrance way on County Rd 2 and create an easement to create a driveway to each of the lots to be severed rather than creating 2 new entrances onto the road.

Official Plan: The parcels to be severed and the parcel to be retained generally conform to Rural Policy Area provisions in the Official Plan. However, The OP states that where a severance is requested within 120m of an environmentally sensitive area, an environmental impact assessment will be required. The adjacent St. Lawrence River shoreline to this property is considered environmentally sensitive.

Zoning By-Law: The parcels to be severed and the parcel to be retained generally conform to RSL zoning standards. The Zoning By-Law states that the minimum lot size in the RSL zone may be reduced below 1 hectare (2.47 acres) to as low as 0.99 acre if an engineering report demonstrates that private on-site sanitary services are environmentally sustainable on a smaller lot.

Financial Considerations: The applicant has remitted the required fee for severance to the Municipality.

Page 3: TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDIN AL Septemb er29,2015 … · Dave Shaw RESUME OF CORRESPONDENCE September 1, 2015 DATE August 11 August 17 " " August 20 August 20 August 25 " " August

Recommendation: That Committee recommend that Council recommend in favor of the severances B-77-15 & B-78-15 (Swerdfeger) conditional upon:

1. Receipt of a satisfactory environmental impact assessment which demonstrates that there will be no negative impacts on the natural features or ecological functions of the St. Lawrence River and any adjacent wetlands.

2. Receipt of a satisfactory engineer's report with respect to sustainability of private on-site services on the reduced sized lots to be severed.

Page 4: TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDIN AL Septemb er29,2015 … · Dave Shaw RESUME OF CORRESPONDENCE September 1, 2015 DATE August 11 August 17 " " August 20 August 20 August 25 " " August

. '

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y Resolution Number:

Moved By: __________ _ COP Seconded By:----------

THAT Municipal Council directs the Treasurer to carry forward funds raised dollars and user fees in 2015 for the James Street Rehabilitation project as recommended by Public Works, Environmental Services and Facilities Com Whole so that this project will continue to be funded in 2016 as follows:

Roads - $63,196.95

Water- $95,000.00

Sanitary - $75,000.00

Storm - $75,000.00

o Carried o Defeated o Unanimous



Councillor M. Barrett

Councillor G. Morrell

Councillor K. Smail

Deputy Mayor P. Taylor

Mayor Sayeau



with tax

mittee of the








Page 6: TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDIN AL Septemb er29,2015 … · Dave Shaw RESUME OF CORRESPONDENCE September 1, 2015 DATE August 11 August 17 " " August 20 August 20 August 25 " " August


Resolution Number:

Moved By:. __________ _

Seconded By: _________ _ COPY THAT Municipal Council directs the Treasurer to carry forward funds raised with tax dollars in 2015 for the Joseph Street resurfacing project as recommended by Public Works, Environmental Services and Facilities Committee of the Whole so that this project will continue to be funded in 2016 with the $103,000.00 remaining in the 2015 budget.

o Carried o Defeated o Unanimous



Councillor M. Barrett

Councillor G. Morrell

Councillor K. Smail

Deputy Mayor P. Taylor

Mayor Sayeau


Page 7: TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDIN AL Septemb er29,2015 … · Dave Shaw RESUME OF CORRESPONDENCE September 1, 2015 DATE August 11 August 17 " " August 20 August 20 August 25 " " August


Resolution Number:

Moved By:----------Seconded By: _________ _

COPY THAT Municipal Council receives the correspondence listings for the following da tes as previously circulated:

• September 1, 2015

• September 8, 2015

• September 14, 2015

• September 21, 2015


o Carried o Defeated o Unanimous



Councillor M. Barrett i

Councillor G. Morrell

Councillor K. Smail

Deputy Mayor P. Taylor

Mayor Sayeau


Page 8: TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDIN AL Septemb er29,2015 … · Dave Shaw RESUME OF CORRESPONDENCE September 1, 2015 DATE August 11 August 17 " " August 20 August 20 August 25 " " August


Eastern Ontario Local Food





Sheila Fawcett






Township of Hamilton


Dave Shaw



August 11

August 17



August 20

August 20

August 25



August 26



August 27


2015 Conference

Weekly Report

What's Next Ontario Update

New Disaster Recovery Assistance Programs

Policy Update RE Disaster Recovery Assistance

Community Choir Photocopying Services

Highlights of 2015 Board Meeting

Economic Development eNews

ODRAP Announcement

Residential Fire Investigation

Energy East Pipeline Nat. Gas Agreement

Supporting Ontario Trails


September 1 Grenville Park

Page 9: TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDIN AL Septemb er29,2015 … · Dave Shaw RESUME OF CORRESPONDENCE September 1, 2015 DATE August 11 August 17 " " August 20 August 20 August 25 " " August





Brian Purcell/Debra McKinstry



Recycling Council of Ontario

Paul & Nicky Dunster




August 28 Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund

September 2 Fatal Collision on Hwy 401

September 3 Celebrate Ontario 2016 Applications Open

" SoapBox Road Closure

" Wetland Listening Sessions

September 4 Watchfile

" Waste Reduction Week

September 8 Grenville Park

" Labour Day Weekend Report

Page 10: TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDIN AL Septemb er29,2015 … · Dave Shaw RESUME OF CORRESPONDENCE September 1, 2015 DATE August 11 August 17 " " August 20 August 20 August 25 " " August





En bridge







Sept. 8 Health Funding Review Report & Funding Allocation

Sept. 9 Economic Development eNews

" Support for the Syrian Refugee Crisis

" Work at 1335 Jordan Rd.

Sept. 10 Watchfile

" Potential Changes to Eligible Investment Landscape

Sept. 11 MMAH Legislation Review

Sept. 12 Local Governments and the Syrian Refugee Crisis

Page 11: TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDIN AL Septemb er29,2015 … · Dave Shaw RESUME OF CORRESPONDENCE September 1, 2015 DATE August 11 August 17 " " August 20 August 20 August 25 " " August



Ernie Hardeman MPP Sept 11 AMO Conference Follow Up

MPAC Sept 14 New VP of Municipal Stakeholder Relations

OPP " Weekly Update

Joe Martelle " CDC Resignation

AMO Sept 15 Investment Basics Seminars

Trans Canada " Project Update

AMO " Policy Update

Health Unit Sept 17 Board of Health Meeting

FCM " Presidents Corner Update

AMO " Watchfile

FCM Sept 18 FCM News

Page 12: TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDIN AL Septemb er29,2015 … · Dave Shaw RESUME OF CORRESPONDENCE September 1, 2015 DATE August 11 August 17 " " August 20 August 20 August 25 " " August


Resolution Number:

Moved By: _________ _

Seconded By: _________ _ COPY THAT Municipal Council approves payment of municipal invoices circulated and dated as follows:

• Report dated September 9, 2015

• Report dated September 15, 2015

• Report dated September 22, 2015

o Carried o Defeated o Unanimous



Councillor M. Barrett

Councillor G. Morrell

Councillor K. Smail

Deputy Mayor P. Taylor

Mayor Sayeau



$ 229,045.18

$ 533.13

$1' 065,657.47

$1 ,295,235. 78



Page 13: TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDIN AL Septemb er29,2015 … · Dave Shaw RESUME OF CORRESPONDENCE September 1, 2015 DATE August 11 August 17 " " August 20 August 20 August 25 " " August

Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal Report Date List of Proposed Payments 9/09/2015 1 :33 PM As of 9/09/2015 Page 1

Payments due on or before 8/31/2015

Vendor# Name Invoice# Reference Due Date Invoice Amount Payment Total

.. ·------~ ·- ------ ---- .



BEL003 Bell Canada (Paid 2654) 657-1293 07-15 FD Stn #2 8/06/2015 48.62 657-3552 7-15 PWCard Shop 8/06/2015 59.98 657-3100 07-15 FD Stn #1 8/06/2015 63.36 657-4468 07-15 wtp 8/06/2015 85.30 657-3210 07-15 Rec Card 8/06/2015 102.12 657-4850 07-15 wwtp 8/06/2015 109.72 657-3765 07-15 wwtp 8/06/2015 307.49 925-5822 07-15 Rec J-Town 8/28/2015 94.21 657-4606 07-15 PW Pittston Shop 8/28/2015 117.56 658-3001 08-15 FD Stn #1 8/28/2015 142.58 658-3055 08-15 Admin Townhall 8/28/2015 407.88 658-2141 08-15 Rec Spenc 8/28/2015 181.26 1,720.08

DIR001 Director Family Responsibility (Paid 2663) 08-15 Aug Pay Garnishee 8/28/2015 919.00 919.00

GWL001 Great West Life Assurance Co. (Paid 2660) 08-15 August Benefits 8/28/2015 15,423.12 08-15 OPT Optional Benefits 8/28/2015 52.92 15,476.04

HYD001 Hydro One Networks Inc. (Paid 2653) 62670 07-15 wwpps sawmill 8/06/2015 45.63 18196 07-15 Lagoon Building 8/06/2015 110.00 25495 07-15 Library 8/06/2015 154.84 71283 07-15 wtplagoon 8/06/2015 192.47 03696 07-15 FD Stn #1 8/06/2015 799.60 53082 07-15 E/S Lagoon Cty Rd #21 8/06/2015 40.50 32562 07-15 Lagoon Charles 8/06/2015 42.50 24430 07-15 Rec Ball Lights 8/06/2015 234.22 27613 07-15 Admin Townhall 8/06/2015 411.50 41324 07-15 Rec Clock 8/28/2015 53.79 6411207-15 PW Lights Spencerville 8/28/2015 927.64 82278 07-23-15 PW Bingo Hall Light 8/28/2015 266.53 19876 07-128-5 Rec Spenc Arena 8/28/2015 513.48 98445 07-15 PW Spenc Lights 8/28/2015 1,058.84 77395 07-31-15 Rec S Centre 8/28/2015 470.19 16052 07-31-15 Rec J-Town Pool 8/28/2015 1,301.09 81448 08-30 PW Lights Hwy #2 8/28/2015 0.23 10647 08-15 PW Pittston Shop 8/28/2015 427.18 64439 08-15 wwpps Windmill Rd 8/28/2015 2,046.49 82682 08-15 PW Riverside Lights 8/28/2015 0.23 9,096.95

KOMATSU Komatsu Financial (Paid 2662) 403332 PW Loader 8/28/2015 4,237.50 4,237.50

MIN-EHT Minister Of Finance (Paid 2659) 08-2015 July EHT 8/28/2015 3,282.71 3,282.71

REC001 Receiver General of Canada (Paid 2655) PP15pt2015 PP 15 PT Source Deductions 8/10/2015 2,509.05 PP 15 2015 FT PP 15 FT Source Deductions 8/10/2015 17,891.90 PP16PT15 PP #16 PT Source Deductions 8/28/2015 2,957.46

Page 14: TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDIN AL Septemb er29,2015 … · Dave Shaw RESUME OF CORRESPONDENCE September 1, 2015 DATE August 11 August 17 " " August 20 August 20 August 25 " " August

Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal Report Date List of Proposed Payments 9/09/2015 1:33 PM As of 9/09/2015







Payments due on or before 8/31/2015

Name Invoice# Reference

PP 16FT 2015 PP #16 FT Source Deductions Reliance Home Comfort (Paid 2661) 4422619 08-15 Rec Hot Water Heater Royal Bank Visa (Paid 2657) 8356 07-15 PW/ES/FD Visa 0768 07-15 Admin Visa 8576 07-15 Rec Visa 3850 07-15 Admin I Treasurer Visa Rideau St Lawrence Dist. (Paid 2658) 270-00 07-15 PW Highway #2 Streetlights 505-01 07-29-15 Rec Card Hydro/Water 119-01 07-30-15 lnd Park Water 450-00 07-30-15 PW Card Shop 435-00 07-30-15 wwtp Henry St. 370-00 07-30-15 wwtp Adelaide 430-00 07-30-15 wtp Dundas 464-00 07-30-15 wwtp John St. Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardi (Paid 2652) PP# 16 2015 pp #17- 2015

Union Gas Limited

109-6090 07-15 1 09-6089 07-15

109-6746 07-15

109-6754 07-15

278-0654 07-15

109-7909 07-15

109-6795 07-15

109-6760 07-15

Township Payroll PP #16 2015 Payroll Clearing PP #17

PW Card Shop

FD Stn #2

Card Library

wwtp Adelaide

Rec Card Arena

Rec S Centre

wtp Dundas

wwtp John St.

(Paid 2656)



Due Date Invoice Amount

8/28/2015 17,329.16

8/28/2015 157.77

8/28/2015 789.78 8/28/2015 915.90 8/28/2015 1,859.49 8/28/2015 195.49

8/28/2015 3,412.72 8/28/2015 3,063.34 8/28/2015 8,990.70

8/28/2015 35.18 8/28/2015 144.83 8/28/2015 385.03 8/28/2015 2,087.55 8/28/2015 5,091.40

8/06/2015 63,666.28 8/28/2015 61,876.84

8/28/2015 23.73 8/28/2015 23.73

8/28/2015 24.79

8/28/2015 51.77

8/28/2015 551.54 8/28/2015 44.78 8/28/2015 56.05 8/28/2015 176.64

Total To Be Paid:

Paid Items: Manual Cheques and Other:

Grand Total for AP:

Amount ----



Total Proposed Payments:







Page 2

Payment Total








0.00 229,045.18


Page 15: TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDIN AL Septemb er29,2015 … · Dave Shaw RESUME OF CORRESPONDENCE September 1, 2015 DATE August 11 August 17 " " August 20 August 20 August 25 " " August

Report Date 9/15/2015 3:49PM

Vendor# Name Invoice#



Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal List of Proposed Payments

As of 9/15/2015 Payments due on or before 8/31/2015

Reference Due Date Invoice Amount

HYD001 Hydro One Networks Inc. (Paid 2664) 18196 08-15 Lagoon Building 62670 08-15 25495 08-15

71283 08-15

wwpps sawmill Library wtp Lagoon





0 0

Total Proposed Payments: 0

8/31/2015 8/31/2015 8/31/2015 8/31/2015

67.20 43.87



Total To Be Paid: Paid Items:

Manual Cheques and Other:

Grand Total for AP:





Page 1

Payment Total


0.00 0.00



Page 16: TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDIN AL Septemb er29,2015 … · Dave Shaw RESUME OF CORRESPONDENCE September 1, 2015 DATE August 11 August 17 " " August 20 August 20 August 25 " " August

Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal Report Date List of Proposed Payments 9/22/201510:32 AM As of 9/22/2015 Page 1

Payments due on or before 9/18/2015

Vendor# Name Invoice# Reference Due Date Invoice Amount Payment Total


Computer Cheques:

ACH001 Achieve Training Centre

19856 wwtp Training Workshop 9/18/2015 254.25 254.25

ADV002 Advanced Water Treatmet

2267 lnd Park Pump 9/18/2015 310.73 310.73

AJS002 AJ's Water Treatment

5406 wtp Sensor/Motor/Lamp 9/18/2015 1,339.05 1,339.05

ALI001 Aliaksandra, lryna

Camp Trip 15 Refund Cancelled Day Camp Trip 9/18/2015 95.00 95.00

ALL001 Allard, Katie

07-2015 Camp Supplies 9/18/2015 78.34 78.34

AMC001 A.M.C.T.O. Zone 6

Zone Fall 2015 AMCTO Fall Meeting 9/18/2015 65.00 65.00


28634 Admin Prof Dev 9/18/2015 412.45

28639 Admin Prof Dev 9/18/2015 384.20 796.65

BAC002 Backflow Preventers &

2015-209 lnd Park Pryfmain Bldg 9/18/2015 452.00 452.00

BAR001 William Barnard

08272015 FD Building/light repairs 9/18/2015 140.44 140.44

BAX001 W. Baxter Products Ltd.

46624 pw shop supplies 9/18/2015 27.12

46721 PW nuts & bolts 9/18/2015 57.35

46722 PW Nuts & Bolts 9/18/2015 83.95 168.42

BEA001 Beach Home Hardware

521430-1 Rec anti-freeze 9/18/2015 47.82

523244-1 Rec Building supplies 9/18/2015 29.74 77.56

BEL005 Bell Mobility Inc

33783 09-15 Cell phone 9/18/2015 588.28 588.28

BLA001 Black Dog Tire & Lubricants

780500 PW tractor tire repairs 9/18/2015 117.46 117.46

BOT001 Jay Bottan

09-2015 FD H & S Conf Expenses 9/18/2015 369.34 369.34

BRE001 Brenntag Canada Inc.

40581803 wtp chemicals 9/18/2015 1,602.23 1,602.23

BRI001 J.R. Brisson Equipment Ltd.

WF35568 PW Con pressor repairs 9/18/2015 2,564.12 2,564.12

BR0009 Brockville Tractor-Trailer

47029 PW T#6 cleanblue 9/18/2015 90.32 90.32

BRU002 Bruce, Mark

47148 FD Cert renewal 9/18/2015 100.00 100.00

CAD002 Caduceon Enterprises Inc.

15-11258 wtp testing 9/18/2015 823.86

15-11259 lnd Park Testing 9/18/2015 64.14

15-11260 lnd Park Testing 9/18/2015 64.14

15-11261 wwtp testing 9/18/2015 1,291.21

15-11262 Lagoon testing 9/18/2015 68.76 2,312.11

CAD003 Cadieux, Brenda

Page 17: TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDIN AL Septemb er29,2015 … · Dave Shaw RESUME OF CORRESPONDENCE September 1, 2015 DATE August 11 August 17 " " August 20 August 20 August 25 " " August

Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal Report Date List of Proposed Payments 9/22/2015 10:32 AM As of 9/22/2015 Page 2

Payments due on or before 9/18/2015

Vendor# Name Invoice# Reference Due Date Invoice Amount Payment Total

Camp 2015 Refund Cancelled Day Trip 9/18/2015 110.00 110.00 CAN003 Canadian National Railway Co.

91160338 PW Railroad Crossing Maint. 9/18/2015 621.00 621.00 CAP001 Capital Controls

82782 wtp service/maintenance 9/18/2015 2,822.18 2,822.18 CIBC CIBC Mortgage Corp

045-04200 Refund Duplicate payment 9/18/2015 1,128.01 1,128.01 CIM001 CIMCO Refrigeration

90495743 Rec Spen Brine Pump 9/18/2015 13,498.89 13,498.89

COC001 Coca-Cola Refreshments Canada

93159709 Rec Canteen 9/18/2015 1,304.28 1,304.28

COV003 Coville Electric

4314 Rec Electrical repairs 9/18/2015 326.60

4317 Rec Electrical repairs 9/18/2015 155.74

4318 Rec Card Pool Electrical 9/18/2015 93.21

4319 Admin - Electrical 9/18/2015 73.45

4320 Rec Spenc Arena Electrical 9/18/2015 991.78

4325 Rec J-Town Ball Diamond 9/18/2015 1,258.60

4328 Rec J-Town Pool sump pump 9/18/2015 427.17

4329 Rec J-Town Pool pump room 9/18/2015 88.60

4330 Rec J-Town Pool pump room 9/18/2015 669.49 4,084.64

CRA002 Crane Supply

14-449032 wwtp repair clamp 9/18/2015 485.90

14-451866 wtp supplies 9/18/2015 220.35 706.25

CST001 CST Canada Co.

24073 PW coloured diesel 9/18/2015 954.76

24074 PW clear diesel 9/18/2015 1,554.39

24072 PW coloured diesel 9/18/2015 592.19 3,101.34

CWA001 C-Way Towing

312117 Rec Zamboni Towing 9/18/2015 113.00

312559 Rec Zamboni towing 9/18/2015 113.00 226.00

DIG003 Digital Postage On Call

09-2015 Admin - Postage 9/18/2015 2,260.00 2,260.00

DOU003 Douglas, Brenda

09-2015 Admin Janitorial 9/18/2015 540.00 540.00

DOU004 Douglas, Shelly

camp 2015 Refund Camp trip cancelled 9/18/2015 95.00 95.00 DRU001 Drummond's Gas

Rec 08-15 Rec Fuel 9/18/2015 273.31 273.31 DYA002 Dyaii,John

020-07321 Refund Duplicate Payment 9/18/2015 1,200.62 1,200.62

ELM001 Elmer's Construction

29358 PW Pittston Holding Tank 9/18/2015 310.75 310.75 ETP001 ET Performance

16282 PW T#7 Maintenance 9/18/2015 168.37 16314 PW L#1 Hyd line repairs 9/18/2015 201.77 16335 PWT#8 Hoist 9/18/2015 4,886.56 5,256.70

FAL001 Falcon Security Co. 1000033794 wmpps security 9/18/2015 678.00

Page 18: TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDIN AL Septemb er29,2015 … · Dave Shaw RESUME OF CORRESPONDENCE September 1, 2015 DATE August 11 August 17 " " August 20 August 20 August 25 " " August

Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal Report Date List of Proposed Payments 9/22/2015 10:32 AM As of 9/22/2015 Page 3

Payments due on or before 9/18/2015

Vendor# Name Invoice# Reference Due Date Invoice Amount Payment Total

1000034024 wwtp security 9/18/2015 111.31 789.31 FIX001 FIXALL Repair & Welding

9474668 PW High hoe repairs 9/18/2015 283.62

9474669 PW mower repairs 9/18/2015 357.65

9474670 PW mower repairs 9/18/2015 807.60

9474672 PW Tractor repairs 9/18/2015 364.99

9474671 PW Daewoo Hyd Leak 9/18/2015 231.59 2,045.45

FLA003 Flay, Valerie

08/27/15 self eyewear 9/18/2015 116.00 116.00

GLE002 Glentel Wireless Centre

S94529 FD pager repairs 9/18/2015 176.79 176.79 GOL001 Goldsmith Saw

34087 Rec impeller/squeegee 9/18/2015 106.21

35303 Rec ice blade sharpening 9/18/2015 70.06 176.27

GRA003 Grand & Toy

H784324 Rec Stationery 9/18/2015 189.96

H784491 Admin stationery 9/18/2015 152.76

H784323 Admin Stationery 9/18/2015 2.80

H813099 FD/Admin Stationery 9/18/2015 211.07

H821865 Rec Stationery returned 9/18/2015 189.96- 366.63

GRA007 Grant, David S.

Jonas eyewear Jonas eyewear 9/18/2015 300.00 300.00

GRA012 Grant Quarries

IN131799 PWgravel 9/18/2015 330.73

IN131909 PWGravel 9/18/2015 1,053.78 1,384.51

GRA015 Grant, David & Lori

005-31800 Credit balance on taxroll 9/18/2015 941.06 941.06

GRE017 Greer Galloway Consulting Eng

14524 PW Drainage Prof Fees 9/18/2015 4,562.66

14520 PW Sayeau Drain Prof Fees 9/18/2015 1,502.90 6,065.56

GTM001 GTM Legal Service

14051 PW CVOR Services 9/18/2015 379.68 379.68

HAR007 Harmsma, Ashley

264 Admin Website Maintenance 9/18/2015 113.00

279 Admin Website Maintenance 9/18/2015 113.00 226.00

HEW001 Hewitt (Brockville) Ltd.

85829 wwtp gear box 9/18/2015 376.86 376.86

HOP004 Hopkins, Randy

09-2015 Building Course 9/18/2015 1,593.40

09-2015 mileage Building Mileage 9/18/2015 322.71 1,916.11

HOW004 Howard Campbell & Sons Ltd.

1249 WD Portable Rental 9/18/2015 105.00 105.00

HWS001 HW Supplies

29984 PWsupplies 9/18/2015 82.56 82.56

HYD001 Hydro One Networks Inc.

35417 08-15 EMS Building 9/18/2015 427.14 427.14

IDE001 Ideal Pipe

221353 PW grates ventnor village 9/18/2015 550.76

221622 PW culverts/coupler 9/18/2015 3,834.22

Page 19: TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDIN AL Septemb er29,2015 … · Dave Shaw RESUME OF CORRESPONDENCE September 1, 2015 DATE August 11 August 17 " " August 20 August 20 August 25 " " August

Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal Report Date List of Proposed Payments 9/22/2015 10:32 AM As of 9/22/2015 Page 4

Payments due on or before 9/18/2015

Vendor# Name Invoice# Reference Due Date Invoice Amount Payment Total

224521 PW Culverts 9/18/2015 3,281.94 7,666.92

JIM001 Jim Guest

Period 8 PW Hot Mix Contract 9/18/2015 895.00 895.00

JOE001 Joe Computer

2697 Rec Computer accessories 9/18/2015 59.89

2778 Admin IT Services 9/18/2015 90.40

9202 Internet network 9/18/2015 507.37

2790 E/S Computer Accessories 9/18/2015 33.90 691.56

JP2001 Jp2g Consultants Inc

21858 Waste Disp Pittston Rd Consult 9/18/2015 3,706.22 3,706.22

KAR003 Karson Asphalt Paving Inc.

500920 PW Paving 9/18/2015 496,820.14 496,820.14

KEM002 Kemira Water Solution Canada

9019108398 wtp Chemcials 9/18/2015 1,705.85 1,705.85

KEN002 Kenora Farms (Henderson Ltd)

045-00800 refund FT rebate on acct 9/18/2015 973.88 973.88

KEY001 Keystone Bridge Management Cor

1518 PW bridge/culvert insp 9/18/2015 5,672.60 5,672.60

KIN001 King Edward Auto Parts

6029-97070 PW shop supplies 9/18/2015 229.68 229.68

KIR002 Kirkland, Jennifer

camp 2015 Refund Day Camp cancelled 9/18/2015 40.00 40.00

LAN003 Landmark

2015-127 wwtp Composite elevated tank 9/18/2015 35,934.00 35,934.00

LES001 Leslie, Colleen

17 Rec Swimming Exams 9/18/2015 62.50 62.50

LIF001 Lifesaving Society

M108333 Rec Lifesaving Manuals 9/18/2015 100.72 100.72

LIM001 Limerick Environ. Services Ltd

2015-1311 WID Waste Transfer Site 9/18/2015 2,275.03 2,275.03

LIN001 Linde Canada Limited T4070

52607875 Rec Propane 9/18/2015 130.13

52641127 Rec Propane 9/18/2015 130.13

52683247 Rec Propane 9/18/2015 116.84

52679957 Rec Propane 9/18/2015 10.62

52679554 Rec Propane 9/18/2015 13.22

52717329 Rec Propane Card 9/18/2015 130.13

52750050 Rec Propane 9/18/2015 162.38 693.45

M&L001 M&L Supply Fire & Safety 139614 FD SCBA Units 9/18/2015 231,235.29 231,235.29

MAC005 Mac's Convenience Store Inc. Rec 08-15 Rec Fuel 9/18/2015 149.15

Rec 08-15-2 Recfuel 9/18/2015 85.00

PW 08-15 PWfuel 9/18/2015 256.77

ES 08-15 E/S Fuel 9/18/2015 1,019.33 1,510.25

MAR002 lmagewear a Division of Mark's

7349293 Rec Safety Boots Simzer 9/18/2015 203.39 203.39

MCD001 MC Delivery Inc. 00082056734973 Rec Canteen 9/18/2015 47.94 47.94

Page 20: TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDIN AL Septemb er29,2015 … · Dave Shaw RESUME OF CORRESPONDENCE September 1, 2015 DATE August 11 August 17 " " August 20 August 20 August 25 " " August

Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal Report Date List of Proposed Payments 9/22/2015 10:32 AM As of 9/22/2015 Page 5

Payments due on or before 9/18/2015

Vendor# Name Invoice# Reference Due Date Invoice Amount Payment Total


MCK001 McKinstry, Debra

09-2015 Admin Mileage 9/18/2015 640.77 640.77

MET003 Metex Corporation Limited

75234 wwtp Oxygen Controller 9/18/2015 3,227.66 3,227.66

MIN002 Minister Of Finance - OMFRA

SEP15 75 14-02 Tile Drain 9/18/2015 6,793.40 6,793.40

MIN004 Minister of Finance

17260815188 OPP Billing July 9/18/2015 96,458.00 96,458.00

M00001 Moore, Brian

09-2015 FD H & S Conf Expense 9/18/2015 384.01 384.01

MUN002 Municipal World

17388 2015-16 Admin Subscription 9/18/2015 62.15 62.15

MUR001 Murray, Mike

14 Library Card. cleaning 9/18/2015 80.00 80.00

NOR001 Norton's Crane Rentals

1124 PWmowing 9/18/2015 6,215.00 6,215.00

NSF001 NSF International Strategic

4025700 wtp/lnd Park sys audit 9/18/2015 2,147.00 2,147.00

ORE001 O'Reilly's Independent Grocer

02 9890 FD Parade supplies 9/18/2015 27.10

04 6834 FD Fire Prev parade supplies 9/18/2015 55.52

08 6574 FD Expenses 9/18/2015 11.28 93.90

PAC002 Pacific Tier Solutions Inc.

3146 Rec booking software 9/18/2015 406.75 406.75

POP001 Poppa Corn Corp.

229921 Rec Canteen 9/18/2015 720.48

15967 Rec Canteen 9/18/2015 22.04-

15969 Rec Canteen 9/18/2015 86.92-

231139 Rec Canteen 9/18/2015 513.10

231712 Rec Canteen 9/18/2015 827.31

231904 Rec Canteen 9/18/2015 54.81 2,006.74

PRE007 Prescott Building Centre

2042347 wtp supplies 9/18/2015 15.87 15.87

PR0001 Progressive Waste Solutions

652-0000055215 WD Contract Collection July 9/18/2015 29,884.89 29,884.89

PR0006 Pro-Tech Transportation & 440 PW CVOR Training 9/18/2015 904.00 904.00

PUB002 The Public Sector Digest Inc.

6431 Admin - IT expenses 9/18/2015 6,274.33 6,274.33

PUR002 Purolator Courier Ltd.

428526445 FD courier 9/18/2015 8.67

428665085 FD courier 9/18/2015 11.46

428732442 Admin courier 9/18/2015 4.35 24.48

QUA001 Quattrocchi & Co Ltd

00382165 Rec Canteen 9/18/2015 384.01

00385105 Rec Canteen 9/18/2015 1 '122.67

00389501 Rec Canteen 9/18/2015 744.60

00389697 Rec Canteen 9/18/2015 27.69-

00390981 Rec Canteen 9/18/2015 826.56 3,050.15

Page 21: TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDIN AL Septemb er29,2015 … · Dave Shaw RESUME OF CORRESPONDENCE September 1, 2015 DATE August 11 August 17 " " August 20 August 20 August 25 " " August

Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal Report Date List of Proposed Payments 9/22/2015 10:32 AM As of 9/22/2015 Page 6

Payments due on or before 9/18/2015

Vendor# Name Invoice# Reference Due Date Invoice Amount Payment Total

R&D001 R & D Dairies Ltd

002.B144219 Rec Canteen 9/18/2015 21.13

002.B 116888 Rec Canteen 9/18/2015 68.21

002.B116894 Rec Canteen 9/18/2015 11.95

002.B144620 Rec Canteen 9/18/2015 240.85

002.B 116930 Rec Canteen 9/18/2015 64.47

002.B116953 Rec Canteen 9/18/2015 9.96 002.B116974 Rec Canteen 9/18/2015 30.45

002.B117012 Rec Canteen 9/18/2015 30.14

002.B 117032 Rec Canteen 9/18/2015 45.30 522.46 RAH001 R. A. Howard Bus Services Ltd

25968 Rec Day Camp travel 9/18/2015 621.50 621.50

REA001 Realtax Inc.

51800 005 41030 9/18/2015 401.15

51801 005 24100 9/18/2015 604.55

51802 050 09503 9/18/2015 559.35 1,565.05

RES001 Resurfice Corp.

77741 Rec Card - Zamboni repairs 9/18/2015 293.26

77875 Rec Zamboni repairs 9/18/2015 460.70 753.96

RIC003 J.L. Richards & Associates Ltd

66780 PW James St. Prof Services 9/18/2015 166.11

68781 Planning 9/18/2015 65.26

68782 Econ Dev 9/18/2015 320.36 551.73

RIV001 Riverside Pontiac Buick Ltd.

263900 E/S fuse 9/18/2015 39.27

263897 E/S clean air insp 9/18/2015 33.90

268377 E/S Oil Change 9/18/2015 72.59 145.76

ROB009 Roberts, Steven

1438 0457334 FD supplies 9/18/2015 30.67 30.67

ROG001 Rogers Telecom- Business

38588643 Admin Long distance 9/18/2015 18.94 18.94

RSL001 Rideau St Lawrence Dist.

Perry St Water bill pd to us in error 9/18/2015 422.11 422.11

SAN005 Sani-Sol

215792-1 Rec cleaning supplies 9/18/2015 32.21

212593-1 Rec cleaning supplies 9/18/2015 28.25

218117 Rec Cleaning Supplies 9/18/2015 108.37

218364 Rec cleaning supplies 9/18/2015 485.41 654.24

SAY001 Patrick Sayeau 06-07-08-15 Council mileage 9/18/2015 255.75 255.75

SDR001 SDR Electric & Plumbing

1317-9136 PW Cardinal sign lights 9/18/2015 3,160.17 3,160.17

SHA004 Shaw, Gord

08-15 wtp supplies 9/18/2015 16.37 16.37

SMA004 Smail, Karie camp 2015 Refund Day Camp Cancelled 9/18/2015 200.00 200.00

SOM004 Somerville, David

2015-000056 Refund overpay on bldg permit 9/18/2015 50.00 50.00 SPE001 Spencer, Mike

Page 22: TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDIN AL Septemb er29,2015 … · Dave Shaw RESUME OF CORRESPONDENCE September 1, 2015 DATE August 11 August 17 " " August 20 August 20 August 25 " " August

Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal Report Date List of Proposed Payments 9/22/2015 10:32 AM As of 9/22/2015 Page 7

Payments due on or before 9/18/2015

Vendor# Name Invoice# Reference Due Date Invoice Amount Payment Total

--·-- -----------·-------

090115 Council/Rae 9/18/2015 1,440.18

091715 Rec Canteen 9/18/2015 1,132.51 2,572.69

SPE002 Spencerville Home Hardware

52523 Rec tools 9/18/2015 28.72

52580 Admin Building supplies 9/18/2015 46.32

52757 Rec Building Supplies 9/18/2015 33.89

52758 Rec supplies 9/18/2015 24.85

52929 Rec Building supplies 9/18/2015 6.76

52941 E/S supplies 9/18/2015 52.93

52952 Rec supplies 9/18/2015 19.19

53000 E/S supplies 9/18/2015 66.58

53005 Rec supplies 9/18/2015 6.76

53021 Rec supplies 9/18/2015 43.48

53080 Rec Building supplies 9/18/2015 71.11

53089 F/D supplies 9/18/2015 9.81

53136 Rec supplies 9/18/2015 7.28

53140 Rec supplies 9/18/2015 8.69

53143 F/D supplies 9/18/2015 44.06

53145 Rec cleaning supplies 9/18/2015 81.31 551.74

STE005 Steve's Quality Coffee Service

460307 Rec Canteen 9/18/2015 102.00 102.00

STE008 Steve & Sons Plumbing & 5797 Travel Centre 9/18/2015 496.07 496.07

STE010 Steve Polite Sand & Gravel 9343 PWtopsoil 9/18/2015 366.12 366.12

STL001 St Lawrence Printing Co Ltd.

75732 Admin Advertising 9/18/2015 220.76

27510 Waste Disposal punch cards 9/18/2015 165.97

27517 Econ Dev 9/18/2015 110.42 497.15

STR004 Strongco Limited Partnership

90077736 PW G#1 Repairs 9/18/2015 3,373.95 3,373.95

STU002 Stubbs, Melanie 06-2015 Admin Mileage 9/18/2015 34.41 34.41

TAC002 G. Tackaberry & Sons K-0320073 PWGravel 9/18/2015 8,868.47 8,868.47

TAS001 T.A.S. Communications 332470 Rec Answering Service 9/18/2015 284.03 284.03

TAY001 Taylor, Margaret (Peggy)

09-15 Council - Dive Site Ceremony 9/18/2015 84.75 84.75

TEL001 Talus Mobility

09-15 Cell Phones 9/18/2015 2,311.27 2,311.27

TEN001 Tenaquip Ltd.

140497-00 wwtp supplies 9/18/2015 259.61

160544-00 wtp hard hat 9/18/2015 124.74 384.35

TR0001 Tropical Pools

3095 Rec Pool supplies 9/18/2015 1,481.70 1,481.70

TYR002 Tyroute Communications Inc

140365 Building Cell Phone 9/18/2015 395.50 395.50

UNI005 Universal Supply Group 3735

Page 23: TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDIN AL Septemb er29,2015 … · Dave Shaw RESUME OF CORRESPONDENCE September 1, 2015 DATE August 11 August 17 " " August 20 August 20 August 25 " " August

Report Date 9/22/201510:32 AM

Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal List of Proposed Payments

As of 9/22/2015 Payments due on or before 9/18/2015









Name Invoice#





WaterTrax Inc.


Rec cleaning supplies

PW T#11 gas cap

PW G#1 Mirror


4007 51827 WaterTrrax Subscription

Weagant Farm Supplies Ltd.

WB21301 Rec Tractor repairs

Wemerman, Eric

Work boots Work Boots Wemerman

Westburne Ontario

7197040 wwtp processor

Wesco Distribution Canada LP

790625 Env Services

Workplace Safety & Prevention

Z644714 Rec Conference Exp

Xerox Canada Ltd.




wtp copies

Due Date













Invoice Amount



38.36 43.96









Total To Be Paid:

Paid Items: Manual Cheques and Other:



Cheques: 128

EFT's: 0

Total Proposed Payments: 128

Grand Total for AP:





Page 8

Payment Total










0.00 0.00


Page 24: TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDIN AL Septemb er29,2015 … · Dave Shaw RESUME OF CORRESPONDENCE September 1, 2015 DATE August 11 August 17 " " August 20 August 20 August 25 " " August


Resolution Number:

Moved By:----------Seconded By:. _________ _ COPY THAT Municipal Council approves payment of Port invoices circulated and numbered as follows:

• Batch 31

• Batch 32

• Batch 33

o Carried o Defeated o Unanimous



Councillor M. Barrett

Councillor G. Morrell

Councillor K. Smail

Deputy Mayor P. Taylor

Mayor Sayeau




$ 12,345.26

TOTAL: $539,500.25


Page 25: TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDIN AL Septemb er29,2015 … · Dave Shaw RESUME OF CORRESPONDENCE September 1, 2015 DATE August 11 August 17 " " August 20 August 20 August 25 " " August

9/16/2015 11:01:42AM AlP Batch Usting - Payment (APCBTClZ)

From Batch Number

From Batch Date Type

Status Reprint Previously Printed Batches

Show Tax Details

Show Adjustment Details

Batch No.:

Batch Date: Last Ed"rted:







Port of Johnstown

[31] To [31]

[9/16/2015] To {9/16/2015] [Entered, Imported, Generated, System, Extemaij

(Open, Ready To Post, Posted]







EntryNo.: 1 §ystem Generated Payment Document No.: PY000005047

Transaction Type: Payment Payment Date: 9/16/2015 Posting Date:

Vendor: CORN01 CORNWALL GRAVEL CO. L TO. Account Set:

Payment Code: CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.:

"~.~Ak'. • ·"'·<~~~~-~'t~~;...~,;',_.Jo_.,_i..

Total Amount: Source Application: AP No. of Entries: Bank:



01 No. of Checks Printed:

Payment Amt.:

Year- Period: 2015-09 /

WAa--rP - p:..~ { ,]

Page 1





~fpf'C.Ju .,__,

Document No. Schad. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference _A...:dj:.... _Descri __ ·..:.p--tion ______ _ Adjustment Discount Amount


EtJ!rY No.: 2

Transaction Type:


Payment Code:

System Generated Payment Document No.: PY000005048

Payment Payment Date: 9/16/2015 Posting Date:

SOUT01 SOUTH NATION CONSERVATION Account Set: CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.:



0.00 0.00 262,087.80

Total: 0.00 0.00 262,087.80

Payment Amt.: 5,436.50

Year- Period: 2015- 09


Adjustment Discount -Document No. Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description ~------~-------------------


IN12452 IN12456

Entry No.: 3

Transaction Type: Vendor:

Payment Code:

System Generated Payment Document No.: PY000005049

Payment Payment Date: 9/16/2015 Posting Date: SOUT07 SOUTH GRENVILLE FOOD BANK Account Set:

CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.:



0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total: 0.00 0.00

Payment Amt.:

1,135.00 4,301.50



Year- Period: 2015- 09 {

,;Ley s- [)crt c~ :-o/1 - {5---r / lfJ-ppruuc--..1-

Document No. Schad. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description Adjustment Discount Amount

2015 BATTLE OF CANS 0.00 0.00 500.00

Total: 0.00 0.00 500.00

;w:"'I.W"!75177~~~"'l· .• !l'.<!\!-...&"'l.i!l>,,.W!!A'I!!MI\0! .• 1'!14kl!.lllll!l!llil!llll!!l!l!!!!iW----------------------------

Page 26: TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDIN AL Septemb er29,2015 … · Dave Shaw RESUME OF CORRESPONDENCE September 1, 2015 DATE August 11 August 17 " " August 20 August 20 August 25 " " August

~- = PNf ;t mrw 1 ffif''Rtd 'V H'"*d''R'.JW···~·ar 'r\i' ez 11'± ·. ±wi '\;; t' if'm::·•·•itJAni?+~, ... ,= ..... L.l~~.~'4-o"

9/16/2015 11:01 :42AM Port of Johnstown

AlP Batch Listing - Payment (APCBTCLZ)

EntryNo.: 4 System Generated Payment Document No.: PY000005050

Transaction Type: Payment Payment Date: 9/1612015 Posting Date:


Payment Code: CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.:

9/16/2015 TRADE 0

Year - Period: 2015- 09

G .. .J!_,_~-F


Payment Amt.: 14,746.05

Document No. Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description Adjustment Discount Amount

15D89 0.00 0.00 14,746.05

- Batch Summary-

Total for Batch 31:

4 entries printed 1 batch printed

~':~~>?!tlii!#i,3! ;;;:;aa;:;II£QQQ w

Total: 0.00 0.00 14,746.05

Invoice Adjustment Discount Payment Advance Credit Bank Amount ------~o=-.o::o o.oo o.oo 282,770.35 o.oo 282,770.35

Page 27: TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDIN AL Septemb er29,2015 … · Dave Shaw RESUME OF CORRESPONDENCE September 1, 2015 DATE August 11 August 17 " " August 20 August 20 August 25 " " August

· '"" "- - ·' ,~,~ .• • '~ ... , ''"·~ ':k'~"~'S\Y*''•··~-~~-"'""~l''' o]j,j,;" !··' -·' ~~"""""'""'"""'"'

9/2512015 10:10:05AM AlP Batch Usting- Payment (APCBTCI2)

From Batch Number From Batch Date Type

status Reprint Previously Printed Batches

Show Tax Details

Show Adjustment Details

Port of Johnstown

[32) To [32]

[9/25/2015] To [9/25/2015] [Entered, Imported, Generated, System, Extemaq [Open, Ready To Post, Posted]





Page 1

Total Amount:

Batch Date: 9/25/2015 Type: System Last Edited: 9/25/2015 status: Open

Source Application: AP

~k: 01 No. of Entries:

No. of Checks Printed:




Entry No.: 1

Transaction Type:


Payment Code:

System Generated Payment Document No.: PY000005051

Payment Payment Date: 9/25/2015 Posting Date:

ACCU01 EXOVA ACCUTEST Account Set: CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.:



Document No. Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description ~--------~-----------------------1518235

EntryNo.: 2

Transaclion Type:


Payment Code:

System Generated Payment Document No.: PY000005052

Payment Payment Date: 9/25/2015 Posting Date:

ACKL01 ACKLAND5- GRAINGER INC Account Set: CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.:




Document No. Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description ~------~----------------1438 0458408

1438 0458563

Entry No.: 3 SysteJ11 Generated Payment

Transaction Type: Payment Payment Date: Vendor: BDIC01 BDI CANADA INC

Payment Code: CHECK Payment Type:

Document No.: PY000005053

9/25/2015 Posting Date: Account Set:

Check Check No.:

9/2512015 TRADE



Payment Amt: 529.57

Year- Period: 2015- 09

LucJ-er ks+-,~

Adjustment Discount Amount

0.00 0.00 529.57 -0.00 0.00 529.57

Payment Amt: 355.55

Year- Period: 2015- 09

s ~ {':.e 1--J s'---<-ffY i.-~ s

Adjustment Discount Amount ---------0.00 0.00 295.35 0.00 0.00 60.20 -0.00 0.00 355.55

Payment Amt.: 1,551.04

flY'::r- Period: 2015- 09

j._.KC......f'< ~ t2x 01'-(-c.r P:-.Yl.

Document No. Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description Adjustment Discount Amount

90217552 0.00 0.00 1,551.04

Total: 0.00 0.00 1,551.04

Page 28: TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDIN AL Septemb er29,2015 … · Dave Shaw RESUME OF CORRESPONDENCE September 1, 2015 DATE August 11 August 17 " " August 20 August 20 August 25 " " August

9/25/2015 10:10:05AM Port of Johnstown

NP Batch Usting - Payment (APCBTCLZ)

Entry No.: 4 System Generated Payment Document No.: PY000005054

Transaction Type: Payment Payment Date: 9/25/2015 Posting Date:


Payment Code: CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.:

9/2512015 TRADE 0


PaymentAmt: 137.14

Year- Period: 2015-09 /

L..Jc....r .~~'--<~ .S0p .X.--·<pp Jtr.p_5

Document No. Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description 521925-1 ___; __ ....:...._ ______ _ Adjustment Discount Amount

0.00 0.00 9.53 523372-1 523961-1 526921-1 115080032-1

Entry No.: 5

Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code:

System Generated Payment Document No.: PY000005055

Payment Payment Date: 9/25/2015 Posting Date: BOBC01 BOBCAT OF OTTAWA Account Set:

CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.:

9/25/2015 TRADE 0


0.00 0.00 31.93 0.00 0.00 40.67 0.00 0.00 51.52 0.00 0.00 3.49

0.00 0.00 137.14

Payment Amt.: 69.91

Year- Period: 2015-09

~~-ppf.-es fl_r bCJh-co_l-,

Document No. Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description Adjustment Discount Amount

14407 0.00 0.00 69.91

Entry No.: 6 System Generated Payment Document No.: PY000005056

Transaction Type: Payment Payment Date: 9/25/2015 Posting Date: Vendor: CANA010 CANADIAN RAIL EQUIPMENT WORKS AND~ Account Set:

Payment Code: CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.:

9/25/2015 TRADE 0

Total: 0.00 0.00 69.91

Payment Amt.:

Year- Period: 2015-09

r('c.-<_,'A:f"-~ - J('e-..c(L


.Yl1.o b; /-e :

Document No. Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description Adjustment Discount Amount

1001 0.00 0.00 3,753.96

Entry No.: 7

Transaction Type: Vendor: Payment Code:

Document No.


System Generated Payment Document No.: PY000005057

Payment Payment Date: 9!25/2015 Posting Date: CANA06 CANADIAN SAFETY EQUIPMENT INC. Account Set: CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.:

9!25/2015 TRADE 0

Total: 0.00 0.00 3,753.96

Payment Amt.: 1,273.06

G c_. .5 c:le f-e c fc...Y" 5 Year- Period: 2015 - 09

~'-<fP L e .s ~(

Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description Adjustment Discount Amount

0.00 0.00 1,273.06

Total: 0.00 0.00 1.273.06

Page 29: TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDIN AL Septemb er29,2015 … · Dave Shaw RESUME OF CORRESPONDENCE September 1, 2015 DATE August 11 August 17 " " August 20 August 20 August 25 " " August


9125/2015 10:10:05AM Port of Johnstown

NP Batch Usting - Payment (APCBTCLZ)

Entry No.: 8 System Generated Payment Document No.: PY000005058

Transaction Type: Payment Payment Date: 912512015 Posting Date:

Venc!or: CANA08 CANADIAN CORPS OF COMMISSIONAIRES Account Set: Payment Code: CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.:

9125/2015 TRADE


Year - Period: 2015 - 09

.{ec L-<-r' ~


Payment Amt.: 410.19

Q_:y'\_ ues5~ /.

Document No. Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description Adjustment Discount Amount

64818 0.00 0.00 410.19

EntryNo.: 9 System Generated Payment Document No.: PY000005059

Transaction Type: Payment Payment Date: 912512015 Posting Date:

Vendor: CHES01 THE CHESTERVILLE RECORD Account Set: Payment Code: CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.:

9/25/2015 TRADE


Total: 0.00 0.00 410.19

Payment Amt.: 310.75

Year - Period: 2015 - 09

~4oluc.r f., .5 ,-~

Document No. Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description Adjustment Discount Amount

145754 0.00 0.00 310.75

Entry No.: 1 0 System Generated Payment Document No.: PY000005060

Transaction Type: Payment Payment Date: 9/25/2015 Posting Date:

Vendor: CHRI01 CHRISTIE WALTHER Account Set: Payment Code: CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.:

912512015 TRADE


Total: 0.00 0.00 310.75

Payment Amt.: Year- Period: 2015- 09

f<G<.c-t,-o · 5


Document No. Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Desaiption Adjustment Discount Amount

332924 0.00 0.00 5,775.43

Entry No.: 11 System Generated Payment

Transac!lon Type: Payment Payment Date:

Vendor: CLAR01 M.E.CLARK

Payment Code: CHECK Payment Type:

Document No.: PY000005061

9/25/2015 Posting Date:

Account Set Check Check No.:




Document No. Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description ~~--~-------------0000087075

0000087104 0000087144

Entry No.: 12 System Generated Payment

Transac!lon Type: Payment Payment Date:


Document No.: PY000005062

9125/2015 Posting Date: 9/2512015

0.00 0.00 5,775.43

PaymentAml: 1,248.10


C (e<:_ c·Y"u>•--::; J~yp ( ,~< j

Adjustment Discount Amount

0.00 0.00 327.47 0.00 0.00 420.27 0.00 0.00 500.36

0.00 0.00 1,248.10

Payment Aml: 791.00

Year-Period: 2015-09

Page 30: TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDIN AL Septemb er29,2015 … · Dave Shaw RESUME OF CORRESPONDENCE September 1, 2015 DATE August 11 August 17 " " August 20 August 20 August 25 " " August

9/25/2015 10:10:05AM AlP Batch Listing - Payment (APCBTCI.Z}


Payment Code:




Payment Type: Check

Port of Johnstown

Account Set: Check No.:


0 ft~~s 11-e-e f' -~.


Document No. Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description Adjustment Discount Amount


Entry No.: 13 System Generated Payment Ooc:ument No.: PY000005063

Transaction Type: Payment Payment Date: 9/25/2015 Posting Date:

Vendor: CULL01 CULUGAN OF OTTAWA Account Set: Payment Code: CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.:





0.00 0.00 791.00

0.00 0.00 791.00

Payment Amt.:




Doa.ment No. Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description Adjustment Discount Amount


Entry No.: 14

Transaction Type: Vendor:

Payment Code:

System Generated Payment Document No.: PY000005064

Payment Payment Date: 9/25/2015 Posting Date:

D&JT01 D&J TRANSPORTATION Account Set: CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.:





Document No. Scheel. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description ~1 ~----~-------------41051

Entry No.: 15

Transaction Type:


Payment Code:

System Generated Payment Document No.: PY000005065

Payment Payment Date: 9/25/2015 Posting Date: DALT01 DALTCO ELEC. & SUP. (1979) LTD Account Set: CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.:




Document No. Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description 0867013 ~----~-------

0867267 0867557 0868402 0869702 0871585


0.00 0.00 59.50

0.00 0.00 59.50

Payment Amt.: 1,006.83

Year- Period: 2015-09

o~ s +- 12.-e vy"ICj uc--<- ' .

Adjustment Discount Amount ---0.00 0.00 531.38 0.00 0.00 475.45

0.00 0.00 1,006.83

Payment Amt: 722.99


~0c.f-t--,·cc.,! 5-r~t,~~ _5

Adjustment Discount Amount

0.00 0.00 64.83 0.00 0.00 193.50 0.00 0.00 116.15 0.00 0.00 36.74 0.00 0.00 272.39 0.00 0.00 39.38 -0.00 0.00 722.99

Page 31: TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDIN AL Septemb er29,2015 … · Dave Shaw RESUME OF CORRESPONDENCE September 1, 2015 DATE August 11 August 17 " " August 20 August 20 August 25 " " August

9/25/2015 10:10:05AM Port of Johnstown AlP Batch Listing - Payment (APCBTCLZ}

Entry No.: 16 System Generated Payment Document No.: PY000005066

Transaction Type: Payment Payment Date: 912512015 Posting Date:


Payment Code: CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.:

9/25/2015 TRADE 0


Year- Period: 2015- 09

G pP, "Ce 5--.pp I,·-P5



Document No. Scheel. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description Adjustment Discount Amount

AUGf15 STATEMENT 0.00 0.00 239.83

Entry No.: 17

Transaction Type: Vendor.

Payment Code:

System Generated Payment Document No.: PY000005067

Payment Payment Date: 912512015 Posting Date: DIOT01 DIOTTE'S HYDRAULICS CO LTD. Account Set: CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.:




Document No. Scheel. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description ~----~-------------212587

212999 213175

Entry No.: 18

Transaction Type:


Payment Code:

System Generated Payment Document No.: PY000005068

Payment Payment Date: 9/2512015 Posting Date: EMON01 EMOND HARNDEN, LLP Account Set: CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.:

9/2512015 TRADE 0


0.00 0.00 239.83

Payment Aml: 3,262.31

Year- Period: 2015- 09

11/lc'-'f\+-- 5~pl~e...} R-r L:)c:.A.. r- < c.n ...... ..$. e cz ..._._; f' j?"\--e::.-.../t---

Adjustment DiSCOU'lt Amount

0.00 0.00 390.98 0.00 0.00 1,830.60 0.00 0.00 1,040.73

0.00 0.00 3,262.31

Payment Aml: 7,157.45

Year- Period: 2015-09 p-c"j ~(..A_)~

Document No. Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description Adjustment Discount Amount

131359 0.00 0.00 7,157.45

Entry No.: 19 System Generated Payment

Transaction Type: Payment Payment Date: 9125/2015 Vendor: FALC01 FALCON SECURITY CO. Payment Code: CHECK Payment Type: Check

Document No.: PY000005069

Posting Date:

Account Set: Check No.:

9/25/2015 TRADE 0

Total: 0.00 0.00 7,157.45

Payment Aml:

Year- Period: 2015- 09

,4nf\L-<..6...( _yc~r,. J-) y'/LCVJ ) }c:.x ' '':)


Document No. Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Desaiption Adjustment Discount Amount

1000033826 0.00 0.00 1,193.28 1000033827 0.00 0.00 135.60

Total: 0.00 0.00 1 ,328.88

Entry No.: 20 System Generated Payment Document No.: PY000005070 Payment Amt.: 356.97

Page 32: TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDIN AL Septemb er29,2015 … · Dave Shaw RESUME OF CORRESPONDENCE September 1, 2015 DATE August 11 August 17 " " August 20 August 20 August 25 " " August

912512015 10:10:05AM Port of Johnstown Page6 AlP Batch Usting - Payment (APCBTCLZ}

Transaction Type:

Vendor: Payment Code:

DoaJment No.


Entry No.: 21

Transaction Type:

Vendor: Payment Code:

Document No.


Entry No.: 22

Transaction Type: Vendor:

Payment Code:




Payment Date: 9/25/2015 FARMERS FORUM

Payment Type: Check

Posting Date:

Account Set: Check No.:



Year- Period: 2015- 09

)lJ.d.c .... >.el f- i S i ~

Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description Adjustment Discount Amount

System Generated Payment Document No.: PY000005071

Payment Payment Date: 9/2512015 Posting Date:

FLOW02 FLOWERS BROCKVILLE Account Set: CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.:

912512015 TRADE



0.00 0.00 356.97

0.00 0.00 356.97

Year- Period: 2015-09

Pl~......v~ .s-

Payment Amt.: 109.05

v4 I ?.....4ot lo~ .

Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Desaiption Adjustment Discount Amount

System Generated Payment DoaJment No.: PY000005072

Payment Payment Date: 9/2512015 Posting Date: FUTU02 FUTURE OFFICE PRODUCTS Account Set: CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.:

912512015 TRADE



0.00 0.00 109.05

0.00 0.00 109.05

Payment Amt: 110.01


( C/f ;-..e r Cc.Y' 1-r- c_ c ~.

Document No. Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description Adjustment Discount Amount

FOP124184 0.00 0.00 110.01

Entry No.: 23

Transaction Type:


Payment Code:

Document No.


Entry No.: 24

Transaction Type:

Vendor: Payment Code:

System Generated Payment Document No.: PY000005073

Payment Payment Date: 912512015 Posting Date: GARL01 GARLAND CANADA INC. Account Set: CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.:



Total: 0.00 0.00 110.01

Payment Amt.: 313.01

Year- Period: 2015- 09

J2~c_:, r 5<----ppl~-.r 5

Scheel. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Desaiption Adjustment Discount Amount

System Generated Payment DoaJment No.: PY000005074

Payment Payment Date: 912512015 Posting Date:

GORD01 GORDON SIGNS Account Set: CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.:

9125/2015 TRADE 0


0.00 0.00 313.01

0.00 0.00 313.01

Payment Amt: 1,031.69


l)::::u- t c;) c...t 5 it 0 h _j

Page 33: TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDIN AL Septemb er29,2015 … · Dave Shaw RESUME OF CORRESPONDENCE September 1, 2015 DATE August 11 August 17 " " August 20 August 20 August 25 " " August

~--------------------------------- ---· ----------------

9/2512015 10:10:05AM Port of Johnstown Page7 AlP Batch Ustlng - Payment (APCBTCLZ)

Document No. Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description Adjustment Discount Amomt


Entry No.: 25

Transaction Type: Vendor:

Payment Code:

Document No.


Entry No.: 26

Transaction Type:


Payment Code:

Document No.

5444623 5445148 5447234 5447328

Entry No.: 27

Transaction Type: Vendor:

Payment Code:

System Generated Payment

Payment Payment Date: GTRS01 GTR SCALES LTD.

CHECK Payment Type:

Document No.: PY000005075

9/25/2015 Posting Date:

Account Set: Check Check No.:




Scheel. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description ~--~------------

System Generated Payment Document No.: PY000005076

Payment Payment Date: 9/2512015 Posting Date: HANS01 HANSLER SMITI-! UMITED Account Set CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.:




Scheel. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference :...:Ad.:!~.:..-Desa:;.:.:...:;ri;;,:P;.:;ti.:..on.;._ ____ _

System Generated PayrTl_ent Document No.: PY0000050n

Payment Payment Date: 9/25/2015 Posting Date:

HOUS02 S. HOUSEMAN & ASSOCIATES Account Set: CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.:




Document No. Scheel. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description 01~57 ~---~---------


Entry No.: 28 System Generated Payment Document No.: PY000005078

0.00 0.00 1 ,031.69

0.00 0.00 1 ,031.69

Payment Amt.:

Year- Period: 2015- 09

j(cA/.e (/1S(JC?C f,'"of'l_

Adjustment Discount

0.00 0.00 -0.00 0.00

Payment Amt.:

Year- Period: 2015-09

5h-'P St--YJ p 1~--(' _.s

Adjustment Discount

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00

Payment Amt.:

Year - Period: 2015 - 09

U.. ... J/-,_cJ p

Adjustment Discount ---0.00 0.00 -0.00 0.00

Payment Amt.:








144.53 144.53 124.53 71.69







Transaction Type: Payment Payment Date: 9/25/2015 Posting Date:

Vendor: HOWA01 HOWARD CAMPBELL & SONS L TO. Account Set Payment Code: CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.:



0 f{/r -1-6<-bV /vr leI tkro p-· I J-

C lc:-o--..-.. '~~ Document No. Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description Adjustment Discount Amount

Page 34: TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDIN AL Septemb er29,2015 … · Dave Shaw RESUME OF CORRESPONDENCE September 1, 2015 DATE August 11 August 17 " " August 20 August 20 August 25 " " August

r=m·mwrwtn·~rft'7t17f''"~py wrtASStWW . .. ,!?'71 W'M 1t'' n:;n·~l't"·,.q "·~r'H -.-·m f r· m ·~· ··;z-- "0' jBf'''#&r&tflY ···g , .. ·,.·wttzir "t b'tttdr Wtu··rertth ) ' '' t·rnnentbMtrr ·'ndXt bittthimrtw c tffl& '" 'f'T'>?WriYt'tttt Wt'Wt 0''tf"·.,Tlb""ftt'~Nfttfttrtt ""('f' »'Hiflsil

------ ----------------- ---------------------------····-··-·-·· -

9/2512015 10:10:05AM Port of Johnstown PageS AlP Batch Usting - Payment (APCBTCLZ)

AUG/15 STATEMENT 0.00 0.00 307.00

Total: 0.00 0.00 307.00

Entry No.: 29 System Generated Payment Document No.: PY000005079 Payment Amt.: 6,700.90

Transaction type:

Vendor: Payment Code:

Payment Payment Date: 9/25/2015 Posting Date: INDU02 INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 1 Account Set: CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.:

9/2512015 ,-r Year - Period: 2015 - 09 • G _ , - ( f TRADE ..L-715-f-.,_...._( r L e-D ( '-=-oi..._r ...s. - 0 ·

0 r.ece;·._;.e_ i(..eb.,-J-c- (1..!'~-~r. ~clcru

Document No. Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description Adjustment Discount Amount


Entry No.: 30 System Generated Payment Document No.: PYOOOOOSOSO

Transaction Type: Payment Payment Date: 9/25/2015 Posting Date:

Vendor: 1SIC01 lSI CONTROLS INC. Account Set:

Payment Code: CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.:



0.00 0.00 6,700.90

Total: 0.00 0.00 6,700.90

Payment Arnt.: 480.82

n~ Year- Period: 2015-09

J4-C='~ ""~ Q ~4-rlrre;:::-

Document No. Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description Adjustment Discount Amount

11458-2015 0.00 0.00 480.82

Entry No.: 31 System Generatecl Payment

Transaction Type: Payment Payment Date:


Payment Code: CHECK Payment Type:

Document No.: PY000005081

9/25/2015 Posting Date:

Account Set: Check Cheek No.:



Total: 0.00 0.00 480.82

Payment Amt.: 3,619.96

Year- Period: 2015- 09

G~.r r c.-·'---' 5 C CYY\P'-~ I ic.-<-p(J [ L'.P) J-- ~-e_pc_,_ • ''('

Document No. Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description 2596 __:. __ ..:.._;__ ____ _ Adjustment Discount Amount

0.00 0.00 56.50 2683 2714 2751 2779 2852 2997 9251

Entry No.: 32 System Generated Payment Document No.: PY000005082

Transaction Type: Payment Payment Date: 9/25/2015 Posting Date:

Vendor: LACI01 LONDON AGRICULTURAL COMM INC Account Set 9/25/2015


0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total: 0.00

Year- Period: 2015- 09

0.00 31.08 0.00 472.34 0.00 2,258.87 0.00 90.40 0.00 452.00 0.00 180.80 0.00 77.97

0.00 3,619.96

Payment Amt.: 1,512.74

Page 35: TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDIN AL Septemb er29,2015 … · Dave Shaw RESUME OF CORRESPONDENCE September 1, 2015 DATE August 11 August 17 " " August 20 August 20 August 25 " " August

912512015 10:10:05AM Port of Johnstown Page9 AlP Batch Usting - Payment (APCBTCLZ}

Payment Code: CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.: 0

AriioJStment Document No. Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description _ --.-- Discount Amount


Entry No.: 33

Transaction Type:


Payment Code:

System Generated Payment Document No.: PY000005083

Payment Payment Date: 9/2512015 Posting Date:





Document No. Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description 2015-1239 --=----=--------2015-1266 2015-1294

Entry No.: 34

Transaction Type:


Payment Code:

System Generated Payment

Payment Payment Date: 912512015


CHECK Payment Type: Check

Document No.: PY000005084

Posting Date:

Account Set: Check No.:





Document No. Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description 2015299 __..:; __ ....:..._ ______ _

Entry No.: 35

Transaction Type:


Payment Code:

System Generated Payment Document No.: PY000005085

Payment Payment Date: 9/2512015 Posting Date:


CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.:





0.00 0.00 1,512.74 -0.00 0.00 1,512.74

Payment Aml: 1,062.20

fl.~YY'CG'b... \ .

Year- Period: 2015- 09

U-.:c-rs 1-.e C"'-("c.--...··.1"1


0.00 0.00 0.00


Year- Period: 2015- 09





Year- Period: 2015- 09


0.00 0.00 0.00


Payment Aml:

,)R...rurct? ..f




Payment Amt.:


45.20 339.00 678.00







.{2ep::;r ~"-) L-U r J;!_: f~.~ A_j .../-- 55 C--r C' _5.

Document No. Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description Adjustment Discount Amount

29174 0.00 0.00 2,688.84

Entry No.: 36

Transaction Type:


Payment Code:

System Generated Payment Document No.: PY000005086

Payment Payment Date: 9/25/2015 Posting Date:

NORD01 NORDSTRONG EQUIPMENT LIMITED Account Set: CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.:




Total: 0.00 0.00 2,688.84

Payment Aml: 826.03

Year - Period: 2015 - 09

~flP 1:~ .5 f2r C cr1 u-e1~ r ·

Page 36: TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDIN AL Septemb er29,2015 … · Dave Shaw RESUME OF CORRESPONDENCE September 1, 2015 DATE August 11 August 17 " " August 20 August 20 August 25 " " August

---------------------------------------•••••••••••llliii•••iiiiil.o..•ilii.i-..,..,.."""""'""""'..t.. .... ...,. ..... ..,.""'" .. .c:.c.~ ....

912512015 10:10:05AM Port of Johnstown Page 10 AlP Batch Usting - Payment (APCBTCLZ)

OoaJment No. Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description Adjustment Discount Amount

25174 0.00 0.00 826.03

Entry No.: 37 System Generated Payment Ooalment No.: PY000005087

Transaction Type: Payment Payment Date: 9/25/2015 Posting Date:

Vendor: OMER01 OMERS Account Set:

Payment Code: CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.:

9/25/2015 TRADE


Total: 0.00 0.00 826.03

Payment Amt.: 36,804.52

.;J:::TJ .s t'c_.) ...........

Year- Period: 2015-09

G-r1plc.) '1-e-e

Document No. Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description Adjustment Discount Amount

SEPT/15 PENSION 0.00 0.00 36,804.52

Entry No.: 38 System Generated Payment Document No.: PY000005088

Transaction Type: Payment Payment Date: 9/25/2015 Posting Date:

Vendor: PETT01 PETTY CASH Account Set:

Payment Code: CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.:



Total: 0.00 0.00 36,804.52

Payment Amt.:

Year- Period: 2015- 09

(__)c-...y- ; C.' '-..... .s . 479.50

Document No. Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description Adjustment Discount Amount

SEPT/15 0.00 0.00 479.50

Entry No.: 39 System Generated Payment

Transaction Type: Payment Payment Date:


Payment Code: CHECK Payment Type:

Document No.: PY000005089

9/25/2015 Posting Date:

Account Set: Check Check No.:

9/25/2015 TRADE 0


Document No. Scheel. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description IPJ0815 __:: __ ....:.._ ______ _

Entry No.: 40

Transaction Type: Vendor:

Payment Code:

System Gen~f<!te~_!'>ll}'l'l!ent Document No.: PY000005090

Payment Payment Date: 9/25/2015 Posting Date: PRES01 PRESCOTT MACHINE & WELDING Account Set: CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.:




Document No. Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference ,..Adi..::;J:.;,· _Descl;.,.:.;..:.;rt::..pti:.:'on..:.;_ _____ _

23520 23553


J'II),t'~·;p '""<·A·, .'!;'Jm"' .. "'·"""'~ll'!l"~~i!!!!!'-""''""''""''!'!'!'!Q"'!'I!'!!i!-IJ!'I!!!R!!!i!I-I!!I!'IIIIIIJI----------------------------------

0.00 0.00 479.50

Payment Amt.: 2,363.35


LL)jf'\__c.._{ ('.

Adjustment Discount Amount

0.00 0.00 2,363.35 -0.00 0.00 2,363.35

Payment Amt.: 839.99

Year-Period: 2015-09

l_.)C.Ar to<..-<. s f}7c--<. ' n t- .

Adjustment Discount Amount

0.00 0.00 35.71 0.00 0.00 234.76 0.00 0.00 426.01

Page 37: TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDIN AL Septemb er29,2015 … · Dave Shaw RESUME OF CORRESPONDENCE September 1, 2015 DATE August 11 August 17 " " August 20 August 20 August 25 " " August

W'srrzrwerr=rzet ~n· Z"' "ArMfltltwr·--"'"Nftttrr ··-·rrt'· t b t ''"t Fmz<cirt·'fu'tt: ~t'f'''?r ',net· ., ·nrtt rtb1 tt®ts·· r··r ··tief'-xir:rt• &rt

9/2512015 10:10:05AM Port of Johnstown

AlP Batch Usting - Payment (APCBTCLZ)


Entry No.: 41 System Generated Payment Document No.: PY000005091

Transaction Type: Payment Payment Date: 9/25/2015 Posting Date: Vendor: PREV02 PREVENTION AND REGULATORY SOLUTIOI Account Set: Payment Code: CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.:



Page 11

0.00 0.00 143.51

Total: 0.00 0.00 839.99

Payment Amt.: 5,237.55

Year- Period: 2015-09

£,.d..vs 1-r ,-~! /J-<-; S r"-er1r? D"-'sf ~pit"'-~·

Document No. Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description ~--------~---------------------

Adjustment Discount Amount


Entry No.: 42 System Generated Payment Document No.: PY000005092

Transaction Type: Payment Payment Date: 9/25/2015 Posting Date: Vendor: PSAC01 PUBLIC SERV. ALLIANCE OF CAN. Account Set: Payment Code: CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.:






Year-Period:2015-09 L-z.Y\, -u.r-.....

0.00 5,237.55

0.00 5,237.55

Payment Amt.: 3,784.88

(J <.--(7"' 5-

Document No. Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description Adjustment Discount Amount

AUG8-SEPT 4 DUES 0.00 0.00 1,n2.15 SEP5-0CT2 DUES 0.00 0.00 2,012.73

Entry No.: 43 System Generated Payment Document No.: PY000005093

Transaction Type: Payment Payment Date: 9/25/2015 Posting Date:

Vendor: PUR001 PUROLATOR COURIER lTD. Account Set:

Payment Code: CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.:



Total: 0.00 0.00 3,784.88

Payment Amt.: 8.39

Year- Period: 2015- 09


AditJStment Document No. Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description . -.-- Discount Amount

4285n339 428846023

Entry No.: 44

Transaction Type:


Payment Code:

System Generated Payment Document No.: PY000005094

Payment Payment Date: 9/25/2015 Posting Date:

RIVE01 RIVERSIDE PONTIAC BUICK LTD Account Set: CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.:





Document No. Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description ~--------~-------------------------268657


0.00 0.00 -0.00

Year- Period: 2015- 09


Adjustment ---0.00


0.00 0.00


Payment Amt.:

b +r~ c k:.




4.04 4.35






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9125/2015 1 0:1 0:05AM Port of Johnstown

AlP Batch Usting - Payment (APCBTCLZ)

Entry No.: 45

Transaction Type:

Vendor. Payment Code:

System Generated Payment Document No.: PY000005095

Payment Payment Date: 9/25/2015 Posting Date: RIVE03 RIVERSIDE BRASS & ALUMINUM FOUNDRY Account Set: CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.:

TtftWS@?M® z·J·sx·~w···"'V?""*t' ·wlM-.'wfr "i& ''-t&lM" & '*Y''iMiae'i'wn·'t'*fiiaw'l"''*...:.~,;.;}.,.,~~

9125/2015 TRADE 0

Year- Period: 2015 • 09

PLo. ('-"-<

Page 12

Payment Amt: 2,289.38

(2__r Pro_jV'C f-..

Doannent No. Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description Adjustment Discount Amount

90204 0.00 0.00 2,289.38

Entry No.: 46 System Generated Payment Document No.: PY000005096

Transaction Type: Payment Payment Date: 9/25/2015 Posting Date:


Payment Code: CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.:

9/2512015 TRADE


Total: 0.00 0.00 2,289.38

Payment Amt.: 2,551.00

Year- Period: 2015- 09

}4 c c f u. c ren-e r___L;c~ t.

Document No. Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Desaiption Adjustment Discount Amount

2001358473 0.00 0.00 2,551.00

Entry No.: 47 System Generated Payment Document No.: PY000005097

Transaction Type: Payment Payment Date: 9/25/2015 Posting Date:

Vendor: SANI01 SANI-$0L INC. Account Set:

Payment Code: CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.:

9125/2015 TRADE


Total: 0.00 0.00 2,551.00

Payment Amt.: 315.36 Year- Period: 2015 _ o9 f e-<-pe r 'f u <--<..J.f? I ..5

Document No. Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Desaiption Adjustment Discount Amount

217672 0.00 0.00 315.36

Entry No.: 48 System Generated Payment Document No.: PY000005098

Transaction Type: Payment Payment Date: 9/25/2015 Posting Date:


Payment Code: CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.:



Total: 0.00 0.00 315.36

Payment Amt.: 565.00


tJor+ ~+--~·

Document No. Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description Adjustment Discount Amount


EntJy No.: 49 System Generated Payment Document No.: PY000005099

Transaction Type: Payment Payment Date: 9/25/2015 Posting Date: Vendor. STIR01 STIRLING ENGINEERING INC. Account Set:

912512015 TRADE

0.00 0.00 565.00

Total: 0.00 0.00 565.00

Payment Amt.: 3,977.60

! . Year-_Period: 2015 :>!~ ~ , . ~ fi!.e-c+r, rc.< ( (_'(c./.5>r f', C c._!., e...r__. 0 ~ ., ~ '/ rc...-.. cl!. Sreo(

Page 39: TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDIN AL Septemb er29,2015 … · Dave Shaw RESUME OF CORRESPONDENCE September 1, 2015 DATE August 11 August 17 " " August 20 August 20 August 25 " " August

-"-···--·····-··--·~-·---- ··-~------

9/2512015 10:10:05AM Port of Johnstown Page 13 AlP Batch Listing - Payment (APCBTCI.Z)

Payment Code: CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.: 0

Document No. Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description Adjustment Discount Amount


Entry No.: 50

Transaction Type:


Payment Code:

System Generated Payment Document No.: PY0000051 00

Payment Payment Date: 9/2512015 Posting Date:

STLA02 ST. LAWRENCE TESTING & INSPECTION CC Account Set: CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.:




Document No. Scheel. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description 150098 .......:. __ ..:...._ _____ _

150099 150100 150101 150102 150105 150106 15093 15094

Entry No.: 51

Transaction Type:

Vendor: Payment Code:

System Generated Payment Document No.: PY0000051 01

Payment Payment Date: 9/2512015 Posting Date: STLP01 ST. LAWRENCE PRINTING CO. LTD. Account Set: CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.:





Document No. Scheel. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description ~----~-------------27541

Entry No.: 52

Transaction Type: Vendor:

Payment Code:

System Generated Payment Document No.: PY0000051 02

Payment Payment Date: 9/25/2015 Posting Date: STRA01 STRADER-FERRIS INTERNATIONAL Account Set: CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.:

9/25/2015 TRADE



Document No. Scheel. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference Adj. Description ~~--~------------3-096178


o.oo o.oo 3,

0.00 0.00 3,9n.60

Payment Aml: 89,178.75

Year- Period: 2015- 09 ()_

~c..J ~ rrc:J--~c t .

Adjustment Discount Amount

0.00 0.00 12,592.46 0.00 0.00 6,003.97 0.00 0.00 7,879.04 0.00 0.00 9,955.76 0.00 0.00 14,351.23 0.00 0.00 16,504.12 0.00 0.00 12,306.37 0.00 0.00 5,904.03 0.00 0.00 3,681.n -0.00 0.00 89,178.75

Payment Amt.: 211.58

Year- Period: 2015-09

.~ct {fOff\o+rCJr ..5 .rLOf--e IC--<o/.5

Adjustment Discount Amount

0.00 0.00 211.58

0.00 0.00 211.58

Payment Amt.: 581.05

Year- Period: 2015- 09

CCAS~ Fe-e j-

Adjustment Discount Amount

0.00 0.00 111.92

0.00 0.00 3n.o2

Page 40: TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDIN AL Septemb er29,2015 … · Dave Shaw RESUME OF CORRESPONDENCE September 1, 2015 DATE August 11 August 17 " " August 20 August 20 August 25 " " August

-----·~·~.wr-....... ~~~~;~,~~~ .... .:.. ··m z·"&!.· ..!l..·~"'c~=~£.-~,~~; .. ~....,"""-~·~~-~

---····--·--··-----~------------··-~ ··-- --- ----------··-··-

912512015 10:10:05AM AlP Batch Usting - Payment (APCBTCLZ)


Entry No.: 53 System Generated Payment

Transaction Type: Payment Payment Date: 9125/2015


Payment Code: CHECK Payment Type: Check

Port of Johnstown

Doa.lment No.: PY000005103

Posting Date:

Account Set: Check No.:





Page 14

0.00 0.00 92.11

0.00 0.00 581.05

Payment Amt.: 1,822.13

Year- Period: 2015-09

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J018071 0.00 0.00 1 ,822.13

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Total: 0.00 0.00 1.822.13

Payment Amt.: 610.20


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7264 0.00 0.00 305.10 7298 0.00 0.00 305.10

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Total: 0.00 0.00 610.20

Payment Amt.: 470.44


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System Generated Payment DOaJment No.: PY0000051 06

Payment Payment Date: 9/25/2015 Posting Date: UNIT02 Uni-Tech Inspection Services Account Set: CHECK Payment Type: Check Check No.:



0.00 0.00 470.44

Total: 0.00 0.00 470.44

Payment Amt.: 939.60

Year- Period: 2015- 09

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9/2512015 10:10:05AM Port of Johnstown

AlP Batch Usting - Payment (APCBTCLZ)

Entry No.: 57 System Generated Payment Document No.: PY000005107

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Total: 0.00 0.00 882.16

Payment Amt: 17,140.69

Year- Period: 2015-09

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Year- Period: 2015- 09

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111591 0.00 0.00 717.60

Total: 0.00 0.00 717.60

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9125/2015 10:10:05AM Port of Johnstown Page 16

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59 entries printed

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9/2512015 11 :46: 13AM Port of Johnstown

NP Batch Usting - Payment (APCBTCLZ)

[33] To [33] From Batch Number

From Batch Date


[9/2512015] To [9/2512015)


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Reprint Previously Printed Batches

Show Tax Details

Show Adjustment Details




Batch No.: 33




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Last Edited:

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Payment Code:

Type: System

Status: Open

System Generated Payment

Payment Payment Date: DALC01 DALCON L TO.

CHECK Payment Type:

Document No.: PY000005110

912512015 Posting Date:

Account Set:

Check Check No.:

Total Amount:

No. of Entries: Source Application: AP

Ban~ 01 No. of Checks Printed:



Payment Amt.:

Year- Period: 2015- 09

Lz..--il\_e--lr t-Document No. Sched. No. Adj. No. Adj. Reference

~-------------------Adj. Description Adjustment Discount

20072 20073

- Batch Summary-


0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00

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11,110.73 1,234.53


Invoice Adjustment Discount Payment Advance Credit Bank Amount

Total for Batch 33:

1 entry printed

1 batch printed

0.00 0.00 0.00 12,345.26 ---------

0.00 12,345.26

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II a)



BY-LAW NO. 2015-


WHEREAS Municipal Council deems it advisable to adopt a policy with respect to social media accounts of the Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal;

NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal enacts as follows:

1. That the Social Media Policy attached hereto as Schedule "A" shall form part of this by-law.

2. That by-law 2013-36 is hereby repealed.

3. That this by-law will come into effect on passing.

Read a first and second time in open Council this_ day of ____ , 2015.

Read a third time and finally passed, signed and sealed in open Council this_ day of

-----' 2015.

Mayor Clerk

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Scnedu...\c "A" Township of Edwards burgh/Cardinal Social Media Policy

1. Purpose 1.1 This policy establishes enforceable rules and criteria for the professional use of social

media (including but not limited to Facebook and Twitter) by representatives of the Township.

1.2 This policy:

(i) Outlines how social media sites will be created, maintained and retired by Township staff;

(ii) And provides guidelines for the conduct of the Township's staff and representatives who use social media.

1.3 This policy is necessary in order to:

(i) Disseminate information from the Township, about the Township, to its citizens, stakeholders, partners, visitors and the media on a wider, more accessible platform;

(ii) Protect the reputation and image of the Township during the use of social media; (iii) Limit the liability of staff and elected officials; (iv) And manage brand integrity and identity.

1.4 The Township's sponsored social media sites will be used in a professional manner and will be consistent and secure. This policy is intended to operate within, and be consistent with, existing provincial and federal laws and municipal policies in areas such as harassment, discrimination, freedom of information, copyright, defamation, discipline and misconduct.

2. Policy Statement 2.1 The Township of Edwards burgh/Cardinal uses various tools to share information and

communicate with the public, its stakeholders, partners and the media. Social media platforms offer a way to deliver public information and customer service as well as offer a means for the public to interact with the Township. In general, the Township supports the use of social media technology to enhance communications, collaboration, and create an exchange of information to meet its business and community development goals.

3. Scope 3.1 This policy applies to all who use social media on the Township's behalf.

4. Governing Rules and Regulations 4.1 The Township's approved social media sites shall only be used for the purposes of

furthering the Township's interests in a manner that protects the Township's reputation.

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4.2 The CAO will ensure the Township's social media sites are evaluated annually to ensure they continue to be relevant and meet the Township's requirements or expectations. Should they no longer meet these purposes, the site shall be retired.

4.3 The CAO reserves the right to close social media sites that are deemed unsuitable, inappropriate or in violation of this policy.

4.4 Social media platforms must comply with all applicable federal, provincial and local laws, including all of the Township's by-laws, policies and procedures. This includes, but is not limited to, adherence to laws and policies regarding copyright, human rights, public records, privacy laws, confidentiality, security, collective agreements, human resource and information technology policies, and any other applicable policies established by the Township.

4.5 The usage of social media or the creation of a social media site shall not in any way negatively impact or compromise the performance or security of the Township's communications and technology systems.

4.6 Social media sites will use approved names and official titles.

4.7 Social media site settings should be as open as possible to allow the public to view content without requiring membership or subscription.

4.8 Any login information, user names, passwords, and account information shall be provided to the CAO in addition to the staff responsible for using and maintaining the site.

4.9 The CAO is responsible for ensuring staff follows the procedures set forth in this policy and monitoring the sites for appropriate use by designated staff.

4.10 The Township's website shall remain the primary and predominant source for internet information. Where possible, social media sites should link back to the Township's website or relevant webpage for in-depth information, forms, documents or other online services.

4.11 Without limitation, all content uploaded to a corporate, online social media site shall at all times be consistent with the Township's mission, values and policies. It should be understood that online resources are not private; information posted on such resources is public.

4.12 Social media sites shall be updated regularly to ensure the information and content provided is current, accurate and useful. As a general rule, information and content should be updated at least once per week.

4.13 All content created by staff using the social media must be professional and consistent with the Township's policies and meet the Township's standards.

4.14 Social media sites shall be maintained to ensure that responses to the public are made in a timely manner and in accordance with any Township policies.

4.15 Information posted on social media sites must be related to Township business.


Updated September 2015

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4.16 Staff responsible for posting comments on social media sites are prohibited from disseminating any private organizational information, such as internal deliberations about how policies or decisions are made, or any negative comment regarding the Township.

4.17 All comments or posts shall be made in accordance to the Code of Conduct for Employees of the Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal.

4.18 The CAO reserves the right to edit, restrict or remove any content that is deemed in violation of this policy or any applicable law. Inappropriate content must be removed immediately.

4.19 The Social Media Policy shall be made publicly available online either on the Township's website or on individual social media sites.

4.20 Township representatives who publicly display their affiliation to the Township and who choose to utilize social media in their personal lives shall clearly note they are representing their personal views and not the views of the Township. Representatives are subject to established Employee and Council Codes of Conduct.

4.21 At no time shall users reveal, disclose or discuss:

(i) Matters which have confidentiality requirements.

(ii) Identifiable and/or personal information about another staff member, elected official, or citizen that is not publicly known, and without consent.

(iii) Information gained from or about companies or other third parties as contracted with the Township to provide goods, programs and/or services.

4.22 Posts involving the following will not be tolerated:

(i) Content that violates the Criminal Code of Canada or the Ontario Human Rights Code;

(ii) Proprietary and confidential Township information;

(iii) Discriminating statements, sexual innuendos, obscene language, and comments that are offensive to an individual, individuals or organization as determined by the Township;

(iv) Threatening, derogatory or defamatory statements;

(v) Content that violates any of the Township's policies or By-Laws;

(vi) Comments not related to the original topic, including random or unintelligible comments;

(vii) Promotion of commercial services or products except for services and products available from the Township;

(viii) Comments in support of or opposition to political parties or campaigns or any other personal political content;

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(ix) Any other content that the Township deems unsuitable or undesirable for the social media site.

4.23 All Township social media sites must include a general disclaimer stating that any content posted or submitted is subject to public disclosure.

4.24 Any staff member who becomes aware of an accidental or intentional privacy breach or violation of any rule or regulation must report it to the CAO in a timely fashion.

4.25 Employees are discouraged from discussing Township business through personal social media accounts, websites or networks. All Township business, whenever possible, should be conducted through corporate social media accounts by the appropriate staff member.

5. Other 5.1 When a social media site is deemed to no longer meet the needs of the Township it shall

be decommissioned, retired and shut down by the maintaining staff or by other staff as required.

5.2 A site may be decommissioned for any o( the following reasons, though not limited to these reasons:

(i) The site is no longer required; (ii) The site is not regularly used or maintained; (iii) The site no longer reflects the mission, values, policies or culture of the

Township; and (iv) The site poses a security risk or other risk to the Townships technological


6. Administration 6.1 The CAO may issue further terms of use for the use of social media and maintenance of

social media sites.

6.2 A copy of this policy shall be provided to all representatives of the Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal.

7. Disclaimer 7.1 The Township is not responsible for comments made by subscribers or members related

to its social media applications. The Township reserves the right to remove any content that is inappropriate for any reason and at any time. Third-party social media sites are private businesses with their own terms of service and privacy policies. The Township does not accept any responsibility for the operation of third-party social media sites and is unable to guarantee the privacy of individuals who access content provided to such sites by the Township.


Updated September 2015

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BY-LAW NO. 2015-


WHEREAS Section 270 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended provides that a municipality shall adopt and maintain policies with respect to its procurement of goods and services;

NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal enacts as follows:

1. That the Procurement Policy attached hereto as Schedule "A" shall form part of this by-law.

2. That by-laws 2011-43 and 2014-49 are hereby repealed.

3. That this by-law will come into effect on passing.

Read a first and second time in open Council this_ day of ____ , 2015.

Read a third time and finally passed, signed and sealed in open Council this_ day of

-----' 2015.

Mayor Clerk

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EC •


Reviewed September, 2015 By-law 2015-57

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Procurement Principles and Goals

General Purchasing Procedures

Budgetary Control and Spending Limits

Quotation Procedures (Values over $50,000)

Disposal of Surplus Goods


"A" Goods and Services Exempt from Provisions

"B" Methods of Procurement- Summary Template

"C" Bid Irregularities

"D" Leases











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The purchasing principles of the Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal are as follows:

1. To procure by purchase, rental or lease the required quality and quantity of goods and/or services in an efficient, timely and cost effective manner;

2. To encourage open competitive bidding for the acquisition and disposal of goods and services where practicable;

3. To consider all costs, including, but not limited to, acquisition, operating, training, maintenance, quality, warranty, payment terms, disposal value and disposal costs, in evaluating bid submissions from qualified, responsive and responsible vendors;

4. To give consideration to the annual aggregate value or to consider the total project cost of specific goods and services that will be required by each department and by the Municipality as a whole prior to determining the appropriate acquisition method and to co-ordinate purchases on a municipal­wide basis when appropriate in order to obtain available volume discounts and best possible price

5. To monitor the economic climate and legislative changes which may have an impact on the Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal and to determine the appropriate actions to be taken through purchasing policies and procedures;

6. To encourage the procurement of goods and services with due regard to the preservation of the natural environment, vendors may be selected to supply goods made by methods resulting in the least damage to the environment and supply goods incorporating recycled materials where practicable.

7. When procuring goods, services and facilities, the Township will incorporate accessibility criteria and features where applicable and practicable;

8. This policy will be reviewed every 5 years or earlier, to evaluate its effectiveness.

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1. The purchasing procedures laid out in this policy shall be adhered to by all municipal departments, the Boards, and Committees over which Council has direct control and by their staff.

2. Department Heads may delegate their purchasing authority as assigned to a subordinate, however all responsibility remains with the Department Head.

3. Joint departmental purchasing shall be done whenever possible. Bulk purchasing is encouraged when practical.

4. Department Heads shall provide proof of the receipt of all goods and services purchased to the Treasurer before payment is made to the vendor.

5. Department heads shall ensure that local suppliers are given the opportunity to provide quotes on goods and services. Should any quotations be equal in price and meet the desired specifications of Council, preference shall be given to the supplier within the Township's limits.

6. Where requests for quotations are being sought it shall be done in writing, specifying the deadline for quotation and including a specification sheet on documents provided by the Township. All quotes shall be in writing. Each supplier shall have one opportunity to provide their quotation.

7. In the absence of the Treasurer, the CAO shall assume the responsibilities of the Treasurer under this by-law.

8. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Policy, the acquisition of the items listed in Schedule "A" do not fall under the guidelines of the Purchasing Policy and shall be subject to applicable Policies and Procedures established from time to time.

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1. All expenditures shall be within the current approved budget or within approved estimates; otherwise prior approval of Council shall be required. The department head or Treasurer shall not approve any expenditure that is not within the approved budget or estimates. In the event that the annual budget has not yet been approved, expenditures can be made provided that the expenditures are within the previous year's budget authority.

2. All expenditures shall be supported by original invoices, voucher, or requisition forms with satisfactory detail to support the purchase.

3. All invoices shall be initialled and assigned the proper account number/name by the respective department head and shall be submitted to the Treasurer for review and approval. Upon review, the Treasurer shall summarize the purchases on an accounts listing and forward it to Council. If a member of Council has a question or concern, he/she shall first contact the Treasurer directly to seek clarification. If there is still a concern, the member may raise the specific issue under Council inquiries at the following meeting.

4. Expenditures are to be paid in accordance with the Delegation of Authority Policy approved by Council.

5. All payments for goods and services shall be made by cheque issued by the Treasurer. Where efficiencies can be achieved for payment of recurring expenses such as utilities, electronic payments may be processed. An accounts listing of electronic payments shall be forwarded to Council as per item 3 above.

6. Expenditures required during a declared emergency may be approved by the CAO or the Treasurer and the Mayor or Deputy Mayor in accordance with the approved Delegation of Authority Policy.

With the exception of a declared emergency, any other emergency expenditures not in the approved budget shall be authorized by the following: i) the affected department head, and ii) the Treasurer, and iii) the CAO, and iv) the Mayor

Expenditures during an operational emergency at the Port of Prescott may be made by the Port General Manager in accordance with the approved Delegation of Authority Policy.

7. Department heads may approve budgeted expenditures with a value of $20,000.00 or less.

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8. All expenditures with a value over $5,000.00 and below $20,000.00 shall require a written quotation, whenever possible, which shall be recorded by the department head.

9. The CAO or Treasurer may approve expenditures with a value of $50,000 or less.

10.AII expenditures with a value over $20,000.00 and below $50,000.00 shall require three written quotations, whenever possible, which shall be recorded by the CAO or Treasurer.

11.AII expenditures exceeding $50,000 shall require the prior approval of Council.

12.AII expenditures in excess of $50,000 shall be contracted where appropriate.

13. Procurement methods are summarized in Schedule "8" to this policy.

14. Purchases may be made from a single source without quotations or tenders where,

i) the compatibility of a purchase with existing equipment and/or facilities is of paramount consideration and that purchase must be made from a single source.

ii) an item is purchased for testing or trial use. iii) a product is leased or rented by the Township with a credit purchase option, and

such purchase would be beneficial to the Township. iv) the consideration for a purchase is to be paid by a third party and that third party

agrees to or designates the contractor. v) engagement of experts on an ad hoc basis sought to provide specific advice to


15. Procurement by means of a 1ease agreement is addressed separately in Schedule "D" of thi,s policy.

16. Where goods and services are routinely purchased or leased on a multi-year basis, the exercise of authority to award a contract is subject to:

i) the identification and availability of sufficient funds in appropriate accounts for the current year within Council approved estimates, and

ii) the requirement for the goods or services will continue to exist in subsequent years and, in the opinion of the Treasurer, the required funding can reasonably be expected to be made available.

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QUOTATION PROCEDURES (Values of over $50,000)

1. All quotations called and specifications pertaining thereto, shall be prepared under the supervision of the Treasurer.

2. Except in cases of emergency a minimum of ten days shall elapse from the date of the first insertion of an advertisement or other action initiated to the closing date of all quotations called.

3. All written quotations shall be received in sealed envelopes, clearly marked, and directed to the Clerk or designate for safekeeping until the opening of the quotations.

4. All quotations shall be opened publicly at a predetermined time in the presence of the Clerk or designate and the department head or designate.

5. All quotations shall include the qualification that the "lowest or any quotation may not necessarily be accepted".

6. Awards shall be made to the lowest responsible bidder. In determining the lowest responsible bidder consideration may be given, in addition to the price, the bidder's:

i) Ability and experience to perform in accordance with the terms of the request ii) Record of past performance iii) Financial and technical resources iv) Quality of bid

7. Bid irregularities will be dealt with as outlined in Schedule "C".

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1. Where any goods or equipment are considered to be surplus to the needs of the municipality, the Department Head shall issue a report to Council to recommend/advise the item(s) to be surplus, except where the replacement of goods has already been approved as a trade in as part of the procurement process;

2. Surplus items may be disposed of through public auction, sealed - side or trade in, whichever is in the best interest of the municipality at the discretion of the Department Head as approved by the GAO/Clerk and Council;

3. All identifying markings on Township assets must be removed prior to disposal;

4. All assets shall be sold on an as is, where is basis and without warranty or guarantee. The new owner shall assume all risk and expense associated with these assets. At least one year of CVOR records shall be included with the surplus vehicles.

5. The Department Head who has the responsibility of declaring goods surplus, or for sending items for a public action shall not bid on or personally obtain any goods that have been declared as surplus;

6. No Council member, employee or volunteer shall be permitted to receive surplus or obsolete goods except by purchase at public auction or sealed bid;

7. An information report shall be submitted to Council annually listing all surplus items disposed of, the method of which they were disposed of and the value obtained for each.

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Schedule "A"


1. Petty Cash Items 2. Training and Education

a) Conferences b) Courses c) Conventions d) Memberships e) Seminars f) Periodicals g) Magazines h) Staff training i) Staff development j) Staff workshops k) Subscriptions

3. Employee/Council Expenses a) Advances b) Meal allowances c) Travel & Hotel accommodation d) Miscellaneous- Non-Travel

4. Employer's General Expenses a) Payroll deduction remittances b) Licences (vehicles, elevators, radios, etc.) c) Debenture payments d) Tax remittances e) Charges to/from other Government or Crown Corporations f) Employee income

5. Professional and Special Services


a) Committee fees b) Witness fees c) Court reporters' fees d) Honoraria e) Arbitrators f) Legal settlements

Utilities a) b) c) d) e) f)

Postage Water and sewer charges Heat/Hydro Cable television charges Telephone Internet Services

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METHODS OF PROCUREMENT- SUMMARY TEMPLATE The following are authorized procedures for the procurement of goods, services

and construction not available from pre-existing agreements.


Under $5,000 Department Head

$5,000 to Written Purchases Department 20,000 quotation made from the Head

competitive marketplace where possible and practicable

$20,000 to Written Minimum of CAO, 50,000 quotation three solicited Treasurer,

including quotations Port General response sheet where possible Manager

Over $50,000 Tender or Advertise on Executed Council written website and contract where quotation local deemed including newspaper necessary response sheet minimum

Quotations are to be requested where products and services are as standardized and as commoditised as possible. Quotations are solicited from potential suppliers and should contain in detail a list or description of all relevant parameters of the intended purchase.

A tender is an open invitation for suppliers to respond to a defined need.

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BID IRREGULARITY A bid irregularity is a deviation between the requirements (terms, conditions, specifications, special instructions) of a bid request and the information provided in a bid response.

For the purposes of this policy, bid irregularities are further classified as "major irregularities" or "minor irregularities".

A "major irregularity" is a deviation from the bid request that affects the price, quality, quantity or delivery, and is material to the award. If the deviation is permitted, the bidder could gain an unfair advantage over competitors. The Clerk or designate must reject any bid, which contains a major irregularity.

A "minor irregularity" is a deviation from the bid request, which affects form, rather than substance. The effect on the price, quality, quantity or delivery is not material to the award. If the deviation is permitted or corrected, the bidder would not gain an unfair advantage over competitors. The Clerk may permit the bidder to correct a minor irregularity.

MATHEMATICAL ERRORS- RECTIFIED BY STAFF The Clerk will correct errors in mathematical extensions and/or taxes, and the unit prices will govern. The responsibility for correcting mathematical errors may be delegated to the requisitioning department.

ACTION TAKEN: The Clerk and the Department Head will be responsible for all action taken in dealing with bid irregularities, and acts in accordance with the nature of the irregularity:

-major irregularity (automatic rejection) - minor irregularity (bidder may rectify) -mathematical error (additions or extensions) as above

In the event that the vendor withdraws his/her bid due to the identification of a major irregularity, the municipality may disqualify such vendor from participating in a municipal quotations/tender/request for proposal for a period of up to one year.

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SCHEDULE "C", continued


ITEM DESCRIPTION MAJOR MINOR ACTION 1. Late bids, by any amount of time X Automatic rejection 2. Bids completed in pencil X Automatic rejection 3. Bid surety not submitted with the bid when the bid request or X Automatic rejection

any addenda indicated that such surety is required 4. Execution of agreement to bond: X Automatic rejection

a. Bond company corporate seal or equivalent proof of authority to bind company or signature missing

b. Sure!Y company not licensed to do business in Ontario 5. Execution of bid bond: X Automatic rejection

a. corporate seal or equivalent proof of authority to bind company or signature of the bidder or both missing

b. corporate seal or equivalent proof of authority to bind company or signature of bonding company missing

6. Other bid security: X Automatic rejection I Cheque which has not been certified

7. Bidders not attending mandatory site meeting X Automatic rejection 8. Unsealed bid envelopes X Automatic rejection 9. Proper response envelope or label not used X Acce_Q_table if officiall1'_ received on time 10. Pricing or signature pages missing X Automatic rejection 11. Insufficient financial security (i.e.: no deposit or bid bond or X, or X Where security is required and amount is

insufficient deposit) not specified in request, automatic rejection unless insufficiency is trivial or insignificant Where security is required and amount of security is specified in request, automatic rejection

12. Bid received on documents other than those provided in X Not acceptable unless specified otherwise request in

the request 13. Execution of Bid Documents X Automatic rejection ~~--

_:_f)roof of authority to bind is missing

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ITEM DESCRIPTION MAJOR MINOR ACTION 14. Part bids (all items not bid) X, or X Acceptable unless completed bid has been

specified in the request 15. Bids containing minor clerical errors X 2 working days to correct initial errors.

Municipality reserves the right to waive initialling and accept bid.

16. Uninitialled changes to the request documents which are X 2 working days to correct initial errors. minor (i.e.; the bidder's address is amended by overwriting Municipality reserves the right to waive but not initialledj initialling and accept bid.

17. Alternate items bid in whole or in part X Available for further consideration unless specified otherwise in request

18. Unit prices in the schedule of prices have been changed but X 2 working days to correct initial errors. not initialled Municipality reserves the right to waive

initialling and accept bid. 19. Other mathematical errors which are not consistent with the X 2 working days to correct initial corrections.

unit prices Unit prices will govern. 20. Pages requiring completion of information by vendor are X Automatic rejection. I

missing. 21. Bid documents which suggest that the bidder has made a X, or X Consultation with a solicitor on a case-by-]

major mistake in calculation~ or bid _ - --

case basis.

~ -~··''""'' ,,,-,

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Leases for goods or services are to be negotiated by the Treasurer or CAO and the Department Head. Leases extending beyond the current budget year shall require budget approval. As a general principle, lease shall be considered when the following conditions are applicable:

- When the expenditure of the goods or services is less than the purchase of the goods and services

- The residual payment on the lease is negligible or justification can be made to accept a residual payment that is higher.

Leases will be treated in the same manner as purchase, based upon the retail value of the lease payment (e.g. a $25,000 vehicle will be purchased through the bid process, even though the annual payment is less than the amount required to go quotation.)

At the expiration of a lease, replacement goods or product must be re-quoted or re-bid. Automatic "roll-over" of a lease payment into a new product must be authorized in accordance with Schedule "8".

Subject to Schedule "8", where Council approval is required, the report to Council recommending the entering into a lease agreement will require the Department Head to include the following information:

- Value of product or service if being purchased - Length of the lease - Monthly and annual lease payments - Residual amount - Interest

Once a lease has been negotiated and approved, a copy of the lease and documents must be forwarded to the Treasurer.

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BY-LAW NO. 2015-



WHEREAS the Municipal Act 2001, SO 2001, c.25, Section 270(1) directs that a municipality shall adopt and maintain policies with respect to matters including the delegation of its powers and duties;

AND WHEREAS Section 23.1(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, SO 2001 c.25, as amended, authorizes a municipality to delegate its powers and duties subject to the restrictions set out therein;

AND WHEREAS Municipal Council deems it advisable to amend such policy;

NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Edwardsburgh/ Cardinal enacts as follows:

1. That references to the"Port of Prescott" in Schedule "A" be deleted and replaced with "Port of Johnstown";

2. That an updated Schedule "A" noting this amendment shall form part of this by-law.

3. That all provisions of By-law 2011-30 remain in force and effect as per the attached Schedule "A".

4. This amending by-law will come into force and take effect on its passing.

Read a first and second time in open Council this_ day of _______ _ 2015.

Read a third and final time, passed, signed and sealed in open Council this __ day of , 2015.

Mayor Clerk

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Schedule "A" By-law 2015-58

Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal Delegation of Authority Policy1

Description CAO Treasurer2

Hire employees Yes Yes Award Increments based on approved Salary Grid or Yes No Approved Budget

Discipline employees Yes Yes Dismiss employees Yes No Pay Municipal Accounts pursuant to Procedures By-law5 Yes Yes

Payments in accordance with approved contracts6 Yes Yes

Make adjustments within approved cost center Yes Yes provided no increase to cost center budget authority

Award service or works contracts where budget Up to Up to approval exists $50,000 $50,000 Amend service or works contracts or issue change Yes Yes orders where budget approval exists

Purchase of goods or services where budget approval Up to Up to exists $50,000 $50,000 Award, incur, acquire, contracts, costs or goods and No No services where budget approval does not exist

Incur costs during a declared emergencl Yes Yes

Incur costs during an operational emergencl at the N/A N/A Port of Johnstown

Approve conferences, training or memberships where Yes Yes budget approval exists

Approve travel where budget approval exists Yes Yes

Approve leases, easement documents and real property No No transactions

Enforce lease agreements Yes Yes

Release securities for development applications • Yes Yes Donations to Charitable Organizations or Not-for-Profit No No where budget exists

Manager3 Port GM4

Yes Yes

No Yes

Yes Yes

No Yes

No No

No No

Yes Yes

Up to Up to $20,000 $50,000

Yes Yes

Up to Up to $20,000 $50,000

No No

No No

N/A Up to $50,000

Yes Yes

No Yes

No No

No Yes

No N/A No Yes

1 Must be read in conjunction with other applicable by-laws such as Procurement By-law, Procedure By-law, etc.

and subject to restrictions contained within the Municipal Act 2001, as amended. 2

Treasurer's Financial authority is Township wide, and HR authority is Departmental 3

Authority applies to Manager's Department 4

Authority applies to Port of Johnstown Operations 5

Requires co-signature of Mayor or Deputy Mayor 6

Requires co-signature of Mayor or Deputy Mayor 7

Pursuant to approved Emergency Plan 80perational emergency is defined as an urgent health or safety matter which cannot wait for a regular or special

meeting of Council to be called
