Page 1: Towards a discipline of nursing: G Gray & R Pratt Churchill Livingstone 1991 ISBN 0443-04438-4 £21.00


there is some room for this too). Rather, if anything, there is a reassuring emphasis on how to employ

In summary, a very helpful resource, filling a gap in

existing materials so that they serve local circum- our theory discussions confidently and with clarity.

stances flexibly and well. BOB PRICE

Whilst some colleagues may sense a threat from such SRN BA(Hons) MSC CertEd ARRC

pre-packaged educa;on, and a narrowing of oppor- tunities to teach imaginatively face to face - there is ample in this package to indicate that the innovative teacher has little to worry about. What we may need to do is to facilitate a whole new range of authoring and facilitating skills - which may form a priority agenda when we think of nurse educationists needs under PREPP. An excellent series then and one well worth circulation and discussion within the faculty of your college.



Towards a Discipline of Nursing G Gray & R Pratt Churchill Livingstone 199 1 ISBN 0443-04438-4 f2 1 .OO

Despite the recession, and the increasingly cynical public gaze cast upon professions and professionalism, there is a very real need to build and consolidate the theory base of nursing and its education. This Austra- lian text offers a very significant contribution to that cause and will prove an invaluable asset at undergra- duate and diploma levels, as well as within depart- ments of continuing nurse education.

The papers contained herein take a discursive and often refreshingly direct approach to the models, concepts and values of nursing, although there is a fairly obvious round of applause for reflective practice and the work of American and Australian nurse theorists of the experiential learning fraternity. That said, there is a wealth of other windows on what nursing is and should be developing - including an excellent chapter on paradigms (Crane), phenomeno- logy (Bartjes) and the future (Holmes). This seems enough to placate those of us who want to stringently review the reflective practice - scientific basis of nursing interface, and to stimulate discussion amongst nurses who are eager to explore just how theory and practice mutually enrich each other.

It would be easy to suggest that this book hasn’t travelled too well-that it stubbornly takes a particular Australian view on nursing. That however, would be far too simplistic and really most unfair. The theory discussed here is truly global, and well represented and discussed within our best seats of nurse learning. It is therefore, a worthwhile resource to lecturers and tutors, and sufficiently succinct and clear, to make a useful dip in read for students at a variety of levels.

The Practitioenr as Teacher Sue Hinchcliff Scutari 1992 2OOpp illus ISBN l-871364-70-1 f14.50

This is a very logical and easy to read text that follows a simple structure to help the practitioner explore all aspects of teaching. The first chapter begins with a very comprehensive overview of theories in teaching and learning and the application of these to teaching in nursing. Subsequent chapters take the reader through the process of assessing, planning, teaching and learning strategies and evaluating teaching. The final section focuses on teaching in clinical practice with a specific focus on the application of teaching nursing within a conceptual framework.

Each chapter is written by a different author, a factor that has probably contributed to the breadth of material explored in the text. The integration between chapters has been achieved by consistently giving readers opportunity to complete activities related to the text. A glossary of terms is contained at the end of each chapter. This, coupled with very detailed references and a short review of texts recommended for further reading, makes this a very useful text for the aspiring teacher.

Although written for the practitioner in a teacher role 1 feel this book can be recommended as a useful reference text to the qualified teacher who might occasionally need to refresh their mind about some of the important principles of teaching.



Research Methods for Nurses and the Caring Professions P Abbot & R Sapsford OU 1992 173pp ISBN: 0 335 09620 4 210.99

I am always delighted to see the latest addition to the growing number of textbooks on health care research, and this was no exception. This introductory text is concerned with both the appreciation and evaluation of other people’s research and with the conduct of one’s own. The focus is on social research, with particular emphasis on evaluation research as a means of assessing the efficacy of professional practice. The text has obviously been written with the needs of practising nurses, midwives and health visitors and of pre-registration students on diploma and degree courses in mind.

The text is divided into four sections. Section 1 consists of a single chapter providing an overview of