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towards a better marine data infrastructure

Iain Shepherd European Commission

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spending on marine monitoringorganisation turnover Data spend

SHOM 75 mil 24.8 mi

INSU CNRS n/a n/a

IRD 219 mil 6mil

IPEV 23 mil 20.7 mil

CNES 1423 mil 15 mil

CLS 24.54 mil n/a

IFREMER 230 mil 70 mil

E-SURFMAR 0.82million 0.13 mil

CETMEF 0.335 mil 0.134 mil

Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris 34 mil 7.69 mil

SOMLIT n/a 1.3 mil

CNRS University de Perpignan 0.3million n/a

Université de la Rochelle, CRMM n/a n/a

Bureau Gravimetrique Int’l 0.15 mil 0.1125 mil

Total 1811.15 mil 139.9 mil

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Estimate for Europe

€1000 million per year

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why marine data is underused

• Discovery of Data. – Especially difficult outside your own community

• Access to data. – Confidentiality – Desire of owners to exploit added-value themselves

• Use of data.– Often restricted to “research”

• Cost of data. – Landsat fiasco

• Coherence of Data. – Especially cross-disciplinary and cross-border

• Quality of Data. – Data unaccompanied by precision estimates is useless

• Quantity of Data. – Are we undersampling?

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public research institution 77national government 67university 31international body 23local government 18large enterprise (more than 250 employees) 12self-employed 11none of these 10industrial interest group 9micro enterprise ( less than 10 employees) 9private research institution 9civil society, environmental group, charity 8medium enterprise (between 50 and 250 employees) 7small enterprise (between 10 and 50 employees) 5EU project 4

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What do they use it for?

reason private authority research otherbehaviour of the planet 8 18 62 35coastal protection 39 36 23 20exploit resources 42 15 17 15inform the public 8 40 29 45marine management 26 46 62 65national defence 0 10 1 0new developments 47 33 22 18promote or support tourism 0 3 1 5regulatory requirement 18 26 13 28safe navigation 32 31 4 10teaching students 8 4 23 8

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discovery, access and use - environmental law

• Discovery– INSPIRE 2007/2/EC

• Access– Environmental Information Directive 2003/4/EC

• Use– Public Sector Information Directive 2003/98/EC

Apply to bodies exercising public authority

Don’t override IPR

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Priorities for a better infrastructure

1. interoperability 2. collect data once and use it many times 3. provide at marginal cost4. accompany with statements on ownership,

accuracy and precision5. sustainable financing at an EU level6. process data at sea-basin level7. build on existing efforts 8. develop a decision-making process for

priorities that is user-driven

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• to reduce operational costs– private industry – public decision-making – marine scientific research

• to increase competition• to reduce uncertainty

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Preparatory Actions €4,250,000

hydrography North Sea the Celtic Seas, the Western Mediterranean, the Ionian Sea and the Central Mediterranean

geology North Sea Baltic and Celtic Seas

chemistry North Sea Black Sea

biology North Sea Bay of Biscay and the Iberian Coast

habitats North Sea Baltic, Celtic Seas and Western Mediterranean

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what is going on now

Parameter collection assembling Application

bathymetry ur-EMODNET WISE marine

geology ur-EMODNET

physics GMES (space) GMES (except near coast) GMES

fisheries (including fisheries economy)

Data Collection Regulation JRC ICES

Chemistry ur-EMODNET WISE-Marine

biology ur-EMODNET WISE Marine

human activity (other than fisheries)

WISE Marine

coastal and maritime economy (except fisheries)


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tentative architectureAccredited data centres

1. the secure, long term, curation of key marine data sets 2. make available clear, searchable information on their data holdings.

European Disciplinary Groups

1. access to all raw observations held at data centres within that discipline

2. data layers indicating density of observation, quality of data, 3. seamless (gridded or polygon) data layers over whole sea basins.

Sea-Basin Checkpoints

1. check these data layers,2. ensure that the data from each disciplinary group are mutually

compatible 3. define priorities for further observations based on interaction with


Steering Committee

assemble the sea-basin priorities to draw up a set of overall priorities for further action

Secretariat 1. prepare meetings,2. manage contracts with the disciplinary groups and sea-basin

checkpoints, 3. ensure deadlines are met 4. prepare an annual report of activity to the Commission.

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IMPACT Cost or benefit

Option 1 support data processing and assembly


Option 2 support data collection(additional to

option 1)Reduced operational costs benefit €250 million

Increased competition benefit €60 million -

€200 millionReduced uncertainty benefit €220 million

Increased implementation costs

Cost €15 million[1] €10million- €90million

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Next steps

November 2009 Impact assessment Boardmarch 2010 Commission Communication
