Page 1: Towamba Mini Murmur...Mon 20 July Staff Day Tues 21 July Students return Attached: • parent guide for face-to-face learning Reminders Message from the Principal Dear Towamba Families

Mini MurmurP U B L I C SCHOOL



Tel 6496 7159 Fax 6496 7059 [email protected]

Coming EventsJuly 3 End of Term 2

Term 3 starts

Mon 20 July Staff Day

Tues 21 July Students return


• parent guide for face-to-face learning


Message from the Principal

Dear Towamba Families

I am slowly settling into my new role and am realising how lucky I am to get to work in such a beautiful place. We are slowly get-ting back to some normality and have been able to reintroduce Pie Day Friday. You will find some updated advice from the Department of Education regarding activities that we can and cannot do here at school. I continue to enjoy getting to know the children both in and out of the classroom and I am slowly getting to know some of your families. With social distancing measures in place, I have been able to meet a few of you at pick up time. I look forward to a time when we can meet face to face, but we are being encouraged to keep non-essential meetings to a minimum. In saying that if you need to meet with any of us, we can arrange the time to do whilst maintaining social distancing measures.

We have reintroduced our assemblies before school and our school leaders, Oliver, Monique, Arlie and Moriah are showing fantastic leadership skills in running those. I am very proud of the caring and consideration these fantastic students show on a daily basis.

This week we hosted some special visitors. Mr Keith Duran, Director Educational Leadership and Mrs Kathy Powzun, Exec-utive Director – Bushfire Relief Strategy. Mr Duran was particu-larly honoured to receive a gift of a painting from Monique. Monique had remembered Mr Duran’s last visit, where he re-marked on her artwork of an owl, that it was his favourite ani-mal. Watch this space next week as Mr Duran has promised to send a photo of where he has hung his painting. What a beau-tiful and thoughtful gift to give a visitor.

Kind Regards,

Fiona Beasley

Relieving Principal

Page 2: Towamba Mini Murmur...Mon 20 July Staff Day Tues 21 July Students return Attached: • parent guide for face-to-face learning Reminders Message from the Principal Dear Towamba Families

Have you downloaded Skool Loop?Towamba School is now using Skool Loop- a very useful school app that means everything is at the tip of your fingers! Hopefully we are seeing more families downloading the app, and it has been great to receive the first absence notification through the app. So easy! It will be great to have as an option for permission notes too down the track. The aim is to diversify the options and have a way for easy notification to all.

The app includes these features:

• parents can notify the school of absences via the app

• each week’s newsletter

• school can send out instant messages to everyone

• parents can contact the school

• event calendar and excursion permission notes (once we have things planned again)

Mobile Phone number

The school now has a mobile phone so parents can text if you need to on 0448 293 913.

The preferred number for calls is still 6496 7159 and landline and email are still the best ways to contact the school.

Department GuidelinesMore information is attached, but in summary what the latest guidelines mean for this term:• no parent attendance at end of term assembly• no end of term P&C BBQ• no excursions - possibly also in Term 3 which may impact our

planned ski excursion• scripture can return in Term 3

Semester 1 Reports

Due to the unusual format with a mix of school and home learning in both Term 1 and Term 2, student reports will be issued early next term, rather than the end of this term, and in a slightly modified form. This is in keeping with the Department guidelines.

Hopefully we will be able to schedule some parent/teacher/stu-dent three way meetings later next term too.

Waste Free WednesdaysBring a lunch free of excess packaging on a Wednesday and you score a wildcard! It is wonderful seeing so many students earning these each week.End of term assemblyUnfortunately we will not be able to have our usual end of term assembly due to social distancing and Department guidelines. Students and staff will still celebrate student achievements and have an assembly on the last day of term with the usual format but sadly no parents or other visitors.Sporting School GrantThis term’s plans for in- school tennis coaching was put on the

Arlie’s pet rabbit visit went down well on Friday afternoon!

Page 3: Towamba Mini Murmur...Mon 20 July Staff Day Tues 21 July Students return Attached: • parent guide for face-to-face learning Reminders Message from the Principal Dear Towamba Families

P&C NewsLunch OrdersVolunteers for next term are welcome to contact Karen How or use the return slip overleaf to indicate your preferred dates.

End of term BBQ cancelledSadly due to the Department guidelines we will not be running our usual end of term BBQ. In addition there is no usual assembly either!

Term 2 P&C MeetingStay tuned for more information when available.

backburner and all Sporting Schools grants were modified by the Department late last term to non-contact to reduce any risks. We will be applying again soon for a Term 3 grant and hope to be able to be able to go with the same plan of tennis lessons for all students.Bottled waterOur school was supplied with a lot of bottled water at the start of the year due to the situaton we were in. We would now like to move it on so if you know a family in the community that is in need of bottled water please let us know or let them know. Oth-erwise we will be contacting BlazeAid or someone similar to find new homes for the ater bottles.

Family UpdatesPlease return any outstanding family updates at your earliest con-venience. Check the reminder box on the front page to see if we are waiting on yours.

Nest Box OfferDon’t forget to take up Steph on the nest box offer if you can mount one up at your place. If you would like one, ake sure you let Steph know on 0455 774 050 and she’ll make sure you get one. Thanks go to Tamsine!

High School EnrolmentOliver and Monique will find attached some paperwork from the local high school. Please complete and return at your earliest convenience.Fireflies on displayThanks for the parents doing the changeover of art at Wild Ryes Bakery at Pambula. We will restart our features of the displayed artwork on our Facebook page. Unfortunately not all have back-stories or photos of the artist at work but we are trying to cover as many students as possible.

Looking for volunteersThe school and P&C have purchased a lot of additional readres recently and we are looking for parents to assist us with covering these books with contact. We supply the contact and the books, and you can do it in the comfort of your own home! Let us know if you can help and we can get a box together for you!

Plain meat pie $4.00Gluten Free pie $4.00Cheese/Bacon $4.50Chicken/mushrm $4.50Vege pastie $4.00Sausage Roll $3.50Mini Pizza $2.50Juice $1.50Flav Milk $1.50

FRIDAY Lunches

Lunch Orders

Tomorrow: Esther Fri 26 June: Robyn NFri 3 July: VACANT

Page 4: Towamba Mini Murmur...Mon 20 July Staff Day Tues 21 July Students return Attached: • parent guide for face-to-face learning Reminders Message from the Principal Dear Towamba Families

Community NewsEvery Friday is Pie Day at Towamba Rural

Wild Ryes pies, donuts, selected other items, coffee and more!Personal orders by Wednesday midday if you want some-thing special

ABSENCE & Partial Absence NOTEMy child_________________________________________________________________________

was absent from school on the date/s____________________________________________

OR will be arriving late/departing early at (time)___________________________________

due to__________________________________________________________________________

Signed ____________________________________ Parent/Carer. Date:____________

Follow us on Facebookor phone Nilena 0490 673 539

Register your intention by August 21Entry forms available from school

TERM 3 LUNCH ORDERS NAME:_________________________

Yes I can help with lunch orders in Term 3. I am happy to do ___ days and have indicated my available dates.

1 Friday 24 July1 Friday 31 July1 Friday 7 August

Just one volunteer per day, handwashing, sanitiser, social distancing

1 Friday 14 August1 Friday 21 August1 Friday 28 August

1 Friday 4 September1 Friday 11 September1 Friday 18 September

Now displayed at Wild Ryes Bakery

Hill rolling fun!
