
Topic: Continental Drift

Essential Question: What evidence supports the theory of continental drift?

Topic: Continental DriftEssential Question: What evidence supports the theory of continental drift?

Alfred WegenerIn the early 1900’s Alfred Wegener proposed the theory of continental drift

Continental DriftAll of the continents were once connected together to form the super continent, Pangaea

Topic: Continental DriftEssential Question: What evidence supports the theory of continental drift?

Continental DriftAll of the continents have drifted to where

they are nowEarth’s lithosphere (crust) is divided into

tectonic plates

Topic: Continental DriftEssential Question: What evidence supports the theory of continental drift?

EvidenceAfrica and South America’s coastlines fit together like a puzzle

Topic: Continental DriftEssential Question: What evidence supports the theory of continental drift?

EvidenceFossils and types of rocks on the eastern coast of S. America matched those on the west coast of Africa

A closer look…

Topic: Continental DriftEssential Question: What evidence supports the theory of continental drift?

EvidenceScientists were able to use new technology to find ocean features such as trenches, seamount chains (mountains on the sea floor), and mid-ocean ridges

Topic: Continental DriftEssential Question: What evidence supports the theory of continental drift?

Harry Hessproposed that at mid-ocean ridges, magma flows up from the mantle and forms new crust on both sides of the ridge

This new crust makes the ocean floor wider and pushes the continents surrounding it further away from each other

Identifying Important Information

• Go through your notes and highlight or underline in a different color the important information

• You should not highlight everything, What we are highlighting will help us answer the essential question:

• What evidence supports the theory of continental drift?

Creating questions

• Look at what you’ve highlighted• What you have highlighted should be the

answer to your question• We will do this together

Topic: Continental DriftEssential Question: What evidence supports the theory of continental drift?

Alfred WegenerIn the early 1900’s Alfred Wegener proposed the theory of continental drift

Continental DriftAll of the continents were once connected together to form the super continent, Pangaea

What is the theory of continental drift?

Topic: Continental DriftEssential Question: What evidence supports the theory of continental drift?

Continental DriftAll of the continents have drifted to where

they are nowEarth’s lithosphere (crust) is divided into

tectonic plates

What are tectonic plates?

Topic: Continental DriftEssential Question: What evidence supports the theory of continental drift?

EvidenceAfrica and South America’s coastlines fit together like a puzzle

Topic: Continental DriftEssential Question: What evidence supports the theory of continental drift?

EvidenceFossils and types of rocks on the eastern coast of S. America matched those on the west coast of Africa

Topic: Continental DriftEssential Question: What evidence supports the theory of continental drift?

EvidenceScientists were able to use new technology to find ocean features such as trenches, seamount chains (mountains on the sea floor), and mid-ocean ridges

What are 3 pieces of evidence that support the theory of continental drift?

Topic: Continental DriftEssential Question: What evidence supports the theory of continental drift?

Harry Hessproposed that at mid-ocean ridges, magma flows up from the mantle and forms new crust on both sides of the ridge. This is called Sea-Floor Spreading.

This new crust makes the ocean floor wider and pushes the continents surrounding it further away from each other

What happens at mid-ocean ridges?

Now let’s write a summaryLook at each question you wrote on your

own, and answer each question in a complete sentence.-What is the theory of continental drift?-What are tectonic plates?-What are 3 pieces of evidence that support the theory of continental drift?

-What happens at mid-ocean ridges?
