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Top Five Iconic WordPress Themes for Health Care Industry

With mounted internet penetration rate, every household has gone online for seeking assistance in regular activities. They use websites for every requirement and take help of virtual forums and websites before stepping out of their homes. There are few business domains, which get the majority of virtual traffic (teenagers and non-working women). These domains are health care industry, beauty care websites, and wardrobe enhancement websites. The biggest example of this trend is The 78% of overall traffic at belong to non-working women and teen-age girls.

Noticeably, open source content management systems have flooded these industries with resourceful websites. And, WordPress has played a great role in this boom. So, if you are using a WordPress website and providing valuable tips to your potential readers and facing the issue of increasing bounce rate then you can use below mentioned themes. By adding an appropriate theme, the

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user experience at your website will increase positively and your readers will stay more at your website. In case, you do not find these themes suitable for your website then you can take services of WordPress Theme Developers.

1. Care

For Health Blogs Well, if you want to give a perfect look & feel to your health care blog then this is your pick.

With responsive layout, advanced theme options, short code builders, and custom sidebars, it becomes a suitable option for health related blogs. You can elaborate your tips with supporting pictures. Therefore, if you

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are a doctor, a physiotherapist, or dentist then you can increase your blog’s popularity by using this theme. You will not have to take much stress for managing your website after adopting this theme.

2. Wellness

For Health Bloggers

With increasing internet penetration rate, every one prefers to use internet for finding the cures of his or her illness from web. In this way, the healing practitioners can enhance their popularity and turn their profile into personal brands.

So, you can brand yourself with this impressive theme. It will surely help you in decreasing the bounce rate at your website.

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This theme is amazingly made for bringing high volume online traffic on your website. You just need to furbish your website with interesting, shareable, and resourceful health related tips, which can help your targeted audience. Technically, it sports 960 grid system, responsive nivo slider, shortcodes, and four skins.

3. FIT

For Gym & Physiotherapy BlogsIf you are running a gym or physiotherapy blog and trying to elaborate your tips in an appropriate manner then this is the perfect theme for your needs.

With responsive design, light & dark color schemes, and custom templates, it helps the

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blog owners in creating unique posts. They can use dark and light backgrounds for depicting the importance of their tips. The fitness trainers can make use of its custom widgets, post types, and ten PSD files.

4. HealthPress

For Dietitian Professionals

This theme is ideal for dietitian and other such health professionals so if you are engaged in such business then you can get your hands on this theme.

Technically, this theme provides the freedom of creating custom posts that include testimonials, faq, list of medical practitioners, senior surgeons, and slide shows for showing impactful picture stories. Moreover, it

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provides the facility of custom widgets for quick contact, appointment widget, which are backed by Ajax & Captcha. Apart from these specialties, this theme has full width, testimonial, and three home page templates.

5. HairPress

For Hair Stylists

It is a common fact that the people engaged in profession of hair styling and make up face multiple issues in showcasing their unique skills over web. They do incredible jobs in carving out stars out from normal human beings but find discomfort in showing their own skills.

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So, if you are a hair stylist and facing previously mentioned issues in branding yourself then you can easily load your WordPress website or blog with this theme. It provides the option of adding pages like appointment page, contact us page, service page, galleries page. Apart from this, the search result page, and single blog post page, and blog front-page layout will also be included from this page. So, you can choose your theme and adorn your blog with the powerful look & feel of these themes. However, you should prepare your blog well before launching for public. It will help you in debugging all the possible glitches of your health care blogs. You should also check your website thoroughly after adding these themes or custom theme on your blog.