Page 1: Top five easter safety tips for your pet

Top Five Easter Safety Tips for Your Pet

With spring on its full bloom and Easter bunny around, it’s time to enjoy the season along with the festive colors. For Easter means a lot, full of gatherings, dinners, sweet Easter treats, decorations and lots more. But, if you are a pet owner, there are lot other things that you need to consider to keep your pet safe from all h Easter things, which can irritate them.

Here we have disclosed some of the important things that can help you to provide your pet a safe and happy Easter.

Easter Parties

Easter means family parties or gatherings. When planning for such things consider your pet’s need first. Crowd of people and children may cause behavioral problems in your pets. Loud noises due to parties can cause stress into them. If your pet is not ready for egg hunt or dinner with entire family, keep him away in a quiet room till the party is over or until your guests leave. Don’t forget to leave food and bowl of water into that room along with a blanket in case your Easter party goes for a little longer.

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New pets

New pets add great volume to your happiness but the same may not be true for your existing pet animals like dog or a cat. This Easter, you may want to buy a new pet like duck, chicks or bunnies. However, it is good to resist the temptation. These pets grow very fast and they grow immensely, seeking your more care. This disrupts your dog or cat’s lifestyle and they may not able to adjust as you may think. Contrarily, new pet means additional burden on your pocket.

Easter Plants

Spring plants like Easter lily are poisonous to pets. In case, your pets swallow these flowers, it is quite dangerous and you may need to call emergency services. Therefore, it is crucial that you ensure that your garden and surroundings do not have such Easter flowers or any kind of such harmful plants.

Easter Decoration

You may love to decorate Easter baskets with all those beautiful stuff including plastic grass. However, you need to be careful while using those tinsels, artificial grass and other plastic items, as these things are very harmful to your pets if they ingest them. Small toys or plastic eggs can choke them and can even put your pet into dangerous situations. Better try to use some organic material compared to plastic. You can think of using paper decorations or can avoid bringing small plastic decorations this Easter. Also, remember to clean all the decorations properly once the festive is over.

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Easter sweets

Like you, your pet may also love to have sweets and Easter reminds you to all those delicious treats to enjoy. Those sweets may be good for you but for your pets, they are not healthy. Ensure not to bring those mouth-watering dishes in front of your pets and better keep them away.

Following these small tips, you can ensure safe and happy Easter for your pet. Along with you, let your pet also enjoy this festive season in full swing, and it will only happen if you ensure to take care of him keeping all the Easter dangers at bay.

For more pet care and safety tips, visit:

