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Page 2: Top 21 Natural Ways To - Staying 21 Natural Ways To Stay Healthy Plus the Secret Superfoods that will boost your immunity

Top 21 Natural Ways To Stay Healthy

Plus the Secret Superfoods that will boost your immunity and give you more energy to feel alive!

The world today is complicated. Humans’ understanding of the body has never been better yet we struggle to make the right choices every day with the foods we eat. Millions around the planet starve while we battle with an epidemic of obesity. Companies marketing food products try to cash in on health buzz words and profit off the average person’s lack of knowledge on proper nutrition.

Most people would easily do better with a little guidance and direction but health information is constantly troubled with conflicting advice that only ends up confusing readers.

This report aims to give you a solid foundation for identifying your body’s greatest allies and a few of its sworn enemies. Don’t be too concerned about exactly how you will integrate these into your life just yet. The most important thing right now is becoming aware of some of the best choices you can make for your health.

After you’ve finished reading all 21 steps to staying healthy, get more tips, updates and recipes on the Staying Healthy blog, Facebook and Twitter pages. Until then, enjoy this handy guide!


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1. Blueberries Many have heard of the rich antioxidant properties contained within blueberries. Their skin contains resveratrol, a natural phenol that has many studies suggesting great cancer fighting, anti-aging and blood sugar reducing properties. There is a debate you should be aware of between cultivated vs. wild blueberries: wild ones have greater health benefits. The most antioxidants are packed in the skins and with wild blueberries being about half the size of their cultivated counterparts, there ends up being nearly twice the amount of skin (and antioxidants) in a cup of wild blueberries, effectively making them the “healthier” option.

2. AvocadosAvocados provide a whole plethora of health benefits ranging from excellent skin complexion, lowering cholesterol and weight loss. The soluble fiber helps you feel fuller for longer and contains healthy fats your body will thank you for. Half an avocado several times a week will aid your digestive system and help the breakdown of carbs in your body.

3. Dark & Leafy GreensWebMD released an article suggesting that greens are the number one food you can eat regularly to help improve your health. ‘The darker the green the better’ is a good general rule of thumb when choosing greens. Spinach and kale are great examples of healthy, delicious greens with powerful nutritional properties.


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4. Coconut Oil Not only is it great for cooking and baking but it’s also much healthier than margarine and butter. The myth about fat-free being the better option is completely false; even some saturated fats play an important role in your health. Naturally occurring saturated fats are often referred to as trans-fats and should be avoided at all costs. Coconut oil is chock full of healthy fats that are easily digested and immediately burned by your liver for energy without the insulin spikes caused by consuming carbohydrates.

5. Lycopene Great news for all you chili fans, this cancer fighting, powerful antioxidant is found in tomatoes and other red fruits and vegetables. A study on heart disease found that men with high levels of lycopene in their fatty tissues had a 50% reduced risk of heart disease. In addition to being a common ingredient in anti-aging creams, lycopene seems to be effective against stomach, colon, lung and skin cancers. Surprisingly, cooked tomatoes have higher levels of lycopene than raw tomatoes due to the cooking process breaking down the cell walls, making the lycopene more available.

6. GingerStudies have suggested that ginger possesses strong cancer prevention and possibly even cancer killing properties. In addition to being great for improving circulation and blood flow, ginger is known to be effective for nausea and vomiting. A great home remedy for a sore throat is to cut and peel raw ginger, boil it in a tea or chew on it (if you can handle the spiciness). The ginger gives a soothing burn that provides relief surprisingly fast. One of my personal favorites!


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7. Flax SeedA single teaspoon of flax seed contains 3 grams of fiber and is rich in omega-3s. These tiny seeds yield big nutritional properties and can be easily incorporated into a daily diet by adding them to oatmeal, cereal, protein shakes and smoothies, pancakes, muffins and countless other meals. You can even grind them into a fine powder so the texture is less noticeable in your recipes. A tablespoon of flax seed will give you your daily dose of omega-3s; promote bone health and lower cholesterol. Not bad!

8. Organic FoodsThe simple reasons for eating organic are fewer pesticides and more nutrients. Some fruits and veggies are more important than others to purchase organic, also known as “the dirty dozen”. Here is a list of 12 foods that you are best to always buy organic due to higher amounts of pesticides:







Bell Peppers






9. Alkaline WaterDr. Otta Warburg, winner of the Nobel Prize in 1931 said this when he discovered the root cause of cancer: “Cancerous tissues are acidic, whereas healthy tissues are alkaline.” The fluids of the body should


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ideally have a slightly alkaline balance. That pH balance is so critical that if it goes too high or low, we feel it in our energy levels. Alkaline water will help neutralize the acids in the foods and liquids we consume on a daily basis. Look for water filters that specialize in alkalization to easily purify your home tap water.

10. Avoid WheatWheat contains a unique protein called gliadin that causes people who eat wheat to end up wanting to eat more wheat and other foods. In other words, it is an appetite stimulant. Many of the nutrients wheat and grains are celebrated for can be found in higher concentrations elsewhere, such as flax and sesame seeds. Most Americans have no idea that grains are actually not good for human intestinal health since it has become such a staple of our national diet. Lose the grain and watch the pounds begin to drop!

11. Avoid High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)Sugar in high doses in any form will cause obesity and disease, period. Many independent medical and nutrition experts do not support the use of high fructose corn syrup in the human diet, regardless of claims made by the corn industry. Long-term liver damage, hypertension, diabetes and even mercury exposure are linked to HFCS exposure. Mercury has long been known to be one of the most toxic substances to humans causing irreversible brain and nervous system damage, especially in children. Coincidentally, HFCS is found in many popular food products marketed to children.


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12. Avoid Artificial SweetenersArtificial sweeteners should always be avoided like the plague. The commonly used aspartame is one of several toxic substances disguised as delicious consumables. Originally denied FDA approval due to flawed data, studies have shown aspartame can cause tumors and brain damage. Stevia and Xylitol are wonderful natural alternatives to refined sugar and artificial sweeteners!

13. Avoid SoyOne of the greatest marketing deceptions in the health industry has been convincing the public that soy is a health phenomenon. Aside from over 90% of soy in the United States being genetically modified, it has been linked to thyroid problems, premature puberty, cancer, brain damage and weakened immune systems – to name a few. Although not all soy is bad, it is best to simply avoid it.

14. Simple 20 minute walks a day and shorter, more vigorous workouts Attempting to integrate long workout routines seem unrealistic to most people but many important health benefits can be acquired from a simple 20 minute walk each day. When it comes time to working out, new studies have suggested shorter and more intense workouts to be most effective. Quality, not quantity!

15. SquashI’m actually talking about the sport, not the vegetable (although that one is good too). Forbes Magazine rated squash as the healthiest sport based on a survey asking fitness experts, coaches, personal trainers, physiologists and experienced fitness enthusiasts. A 30-


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minute round of squash involves near-constant running while working several muscles throughout the upper and lower body. How efficient!

16. Break a sweat everydayWhen you sweat, your body excretes toxins that have built up in your pores. Releasing those toxins helps keep your skin nice and clear. The reason why getting a fever makes you sweat excessively is because that is your body’s natural way to fight off sickness and dispel toxins. The best ways to break a sweat are through exercise and using a sauna. Get out there and sweat, baby!

17. WheatgrassDoing shots never felt so good before wheatgrass came along. Beta-carotene, calcium, iron and amino acids are part of a few of the powerful vitamins and minerals that are replenished by the green super food. Although claims of wheatgrass being the nutritional equivalent of eating two pounds of veggies might be overblown, there is no question that it packs a punch that’s worth keeping on your side of the ring.

18. Chlorella Chlorella has become a popular detoxifying substance because of its unique ability to bind with mercury, lead and cadmium. It is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E as well as important minerals like potassium, iron and calcium. The cell wall surrounding chlorella is indigestible by human bodies so it is important to get “broken cell wall” chlorella to obtain any health benefits.


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19. Omega-3 (Essential Fatty Acids)Essential fatty acids are necessary fats that you can’t make internally; they must be obtained through what you eat. Omega-3 deficiencies have been linked to decreased memory and mental abilities, nerve tingling, poor vision, increased tendency to form blood clots, diminished immune function and a variety of other issues. Great sources for omega-3 range from flax seed, walnuts, salmon, pumpkin seeds and some dark leafy green vegetables (spinach, kale, collards).

20. Vitamin DGo outside and get some sun to soak in all that Vitamin D. Over 100 million Americans are deficient in this crucial vitamin as many spend their days indoor. Taking a supplement is also a great way to get the day’s worth of Vitamin D. Not only is it great for bones but it has proven to be great immune system support as well.

21. Larch Tree ExtractThe larch tree is potentially one of the best-kept secrets in the health industry. The inner bark produces free arabinogalactan, a complex carbohydrate that helps the tree recover from injury caused by lightning, freezing and conditions experienced in the high altitudes of the Pacific and Inland Northwest where it grows. Products containing larch tree extract can significantly support your immune system, digestive systems and potentially even fight cancer. The power of the larch tree has even been embraced by the famous Harry Potter series, appearing as the wood of choice for Harry’s magic wand.


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Experiment with new ways to integrate these foods, exercises and habits into your lifestyle one at a time. You don’t need to go overboard and try to change your entire kitchen to the items listed here in this report, although that would be great!

Staying healthy is a lifestyle and you need to make it work for you. Take each of these suggestions and make it a weekly goal to integrate it into your routine. Whether it’s a round of squash, adding greens to your morning smoothies or switching your cooking oil or butter with coconut oil – make the change fun and interesting for you or you will simply abandon it.

Be proud of yourself for taking the first step to a brand new healthy lifestyle and downloading this helpful guide. Treating your body right brings life to the next plateau of enjoyment by restoring your focus, vitality and allowing you to be present to all that life has to offer.

Congratulations and good luck on your journey to optimal health. It’s the best gift you could ever give yourself!

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Disclaimer The information and opinions expressed in this free report are designed for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice or care. Do not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting a licensed physician. Please consult a doctor with any questions or concerns you might have regarding your condition.


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