
Today you will learn about the grass covered lands.By: Sabeen ,Colton, and Jason

GrasslandsThe grasslands are a terrestrial ecosystem. Grasses go up to 3-6 feet high! Terrestrial means land or varying temperature depending on the location.Grasslands are located in Africa or near the equator. So the climate is very warm so the grass can absorb the sunlight and produce food and oxygen for animals. Q: How tall are the grasses in the grasslands

Abiotic Factors in GrasslandsGrasslands have many abiotic factors.Like the sun, cool winter and hot summers,10 to 30 inches of annual precipitation, And rich topsoil. Q:What are three abiotic factors in the grasslands

Biotic Factors in GrasslandsGrasslands have a lot of biotic factors like animals and plants.Most likely you will find Mammals like, buffalo,Prarie dogs ,foxes, snakes, insects, and birds. You can also find many plants like grasses, tall shrubs, and trees near water. Q: what are three biotic factors in the grasslands

Food Chains in GrasslandsIt starts out with the sun like every other food chain. Plants grow and the first level consumers like buffalo, gazelles, zebras, and giraffes. And then they are consumed by lions, cheetahs, and hyenas. When they die, bacteria and fungi decomposes the dead organism and use it to fertilize soil to grow plants. Q:What are two consumers, producers, and decomposers.

How Organisms Interact in the Grasslands One way of mutualism is a rhinoceros and a bird. The bird is eating bugs off of the rhinoceros' back, and the rhino is clean from the bugs.