  • 7/29/2019 Tockington Tracker 08-03-13


    The Weekly Newsletter of Tockington Manor School 8th March 2013

    2013 Tockington Manor School, Washingpool Hill Road, Tockington, Bristol, BS32 4NY.

    Year 1 NotesTrip to M Shed

    Year 1 are going on a trip next Tuesday 12th March toM Shed. They should wear normal school uniformincluding blazers. They do not need to bring any moneywith them. We will leave at 9.15am and be back at

    school by approximately 2.30 pm.


    Year 1 will be doing a Red Nose Day Assembly on

    Friday 15th March. All parents are welcome to attend.

    Matrons NotesWinter Uniform

    If any Year 8 parents have items of winter uniform

    suitable for sale in the shop could they please give theseto Mrs Graham as soon as possible.

    Uniform Sale

    There will be a Nearly New Uniform Sale on Tuesday12th March from 2.00-4.00 pm. Please telephone MrsGraham to arrange a suitable time.

    Parents EveningsThere will be a meeting for Nursery parents from 6.00-

    8.00 pm on Monday 11th March.

    The Lower School will be holding their ParentsEvening appointments on Wednesday 13th March. Ifyou have not already booked your appointment pleasesee your class teacher.

    Red Nose DayOn Friday 15th March the Upper School and Lower

    School will be holding a Mufti Day (wear own clothes)and having a Bring & Buy Tuck Shop at break time to

    support Comic Relief. Donations of cakes and biscuitsfrom everyone in Year 8 to Reception will be welcome

    for the Bring & Buy. Please ensure all items of food arenut free. Children are asked to bring 1 for the privilegeof wearing their own clothes and 1 to spend at break


    Children in the Nursery are asked to wear something

    red and bring 1 donation.

    Red noses will be on sale at 1 each.

    Year 2 had a fantastic day at Raglan Castle in beautiful sunshine. They really got a feel of what it would have beenlike to live in a castle and were able to spot all the features.

    Tennis SuccessCongratulations to Jessie Sanzo who won theConsolation Draw in a tennis tournament in Lansdownin Bath last Sunday.

    EisteddfodCongratulations to all the children who took part in theThornbury Eisteddfod in Speech & Drama and Music.There were outstanding performances from both theLower School Choir and the Performance Choir. Bothhave been invited to perform at the Eisteddfod Concertalong with the Cup winners of Speech & Drama and

    Music. Good luck to all the instrumentalists taking part

    in the competition this weekend.

    Sofas Needed!The Tree Top Club would be grateful for any unwantedsofas you no longer require for their club room. If you

    are able to donate a sofa, please contact the office.

  • 7/29/2019 Tockington Tracker 08-03-13


    The Weekly Newsletter of Tockington Manor School 8th March 2013

    2013 Tockington Manor School, Washingpool Hill Road, Tockington, Bristol, BS32 4NY.

    Art Department100's of bottle tops needed! Mrs Martin is stillcollecting plastic bottle tops in order to create excitingartwork next term. Please keep collecting - we need100's in every shape and colour! There is a bucket for

    them in the back lobby.


    If you are throwing away any glossymagazines perhaps you could donate them to the Art

    Room instead?

    U9 Severnside Netball TournamentThe U9 girls took part in a very competitive tournamentin the Dome at Beggars Bush on Wednesday 6th March.Despite losing all the matches the girls had valuableexperience ofplaying some very well-drilled teams.Notable performances were from Jessie Sanzo and

    Dalis Jones who both fought hard in all the games. Welldone to all the girls who took part; remember wehavelots to work on for next year.

    Science News

    On Tuesday 5th March Year 3 scientists went into the Year 1 class to share what they had learned and the work

    they have produced on the topic of "Helping Plants Grow", with some pupils even getting to grips with the wordPhotosynthesis! This was thoroughly enjoyed by both classes and will help to develop the presentation skills of the

    Year 3 pupils as well as introduce the topic to Year 1 before they study Plants next term.

    Quiz Club CompetitionHaving come a very close second in the Quiz ClubGeneral Knowledge competition on February 27th, wedid not anticipate finding ourselves in the semi-finals,but it appears that our team (Joe Ancell, AnnabelSheppard, Adassa Walker and Aditi Mehendale) scoredso highly in the heat that they have been invited to join

    the semi-finals at Fairfield School. This will take placeon April 26th. Well done to the team!

    British Museum TripYears 3 and 4 and the ten staff accompanying the tripall had a wonderful day visiting the British Museum.We visited the Egyptian, Roman and Greek sectionswith their amazing statues and took part in handlingartefacts. The children were fantastic ambassadors forthe school and were congratulated on their great

    interest, wonderful behaviour and very smart uniform.Well done, everyone! (See lots of photos in following

    pages).Mr & Mrs ToveyNPSCC at Malvern College

    Congratulations to all those athletes who took part inthe National Prep Schools CC championships atMalvern on Sunday 3rd March. Everyone put in 100%effort. In the U11 boys race Alex Grocott won a shieldfor finishing in 6th place and Max Curtis came acommendable 11th. The top placed team was the U11

    Boys who came 11th overall with 69 schools taking


    If you would like to view any photos taken of TMSathletes taken at Malvern College last weekend pleasevisit The event code is cross.

  • 7/29/2019 Tockington Tracker 08-03-13


    The Weekly Newsletter of Tockington Manor School 8th March 2013

    2013 Tockington Manor School, Washingpool Hill Road, Tockington, Bristol, BS32 4NY.

    World Book DayWorld Book Day was tremendous fun. We really do appreciate the enormous effort all of you parents put into

    costumes, book swap arrangements and photos for display. We realise that this comes at a very busy time of yearand that many of you were juggling lots of balls with Cross Country relays and Eisteddfods thrown into the mix. Ibelieve it was all worth it and the children have had fun in character and in taking part in the many activities

    throughout the day.

    Photographs are on display in the Library many were very creative and a lot of fun. It will be impossible to

    choose a winner so a small prize will be given to each participant.

    The childrens bookmark designs have been laminated and given to them and we will be entering some into the

    National Bookmark Competition. In the meantime, take a look at them there were some very special designs.

    If you want to follow up on the enthusiasm generated for World Book Day, do look at the Biggest Book Show on

    Earth which is on the World Book Day website and see what a range of authors say about writing successfully.

    Your child will have brought home a pack of goodies for World Book Day. Can I please urge you to look through

    these and to get involved in the Readathon? Last year we raised a good amount with only about 25 childrentaking part. Lets see if we can get every child involved even 2 sponsorship from each child would make animpressive amount. The Readathon monies will be collected after the Easter break so there is plenty of time to get

    your children making reading promises. It is so important to get the reading habit early in a childs life.

    Finally a reminder that the Book Fair will be open next week after school on Monday and Tuesday for Lower andUpper School and on Wednesday for Lower School only. Please come and browse with your children andconsider whether you could maybe stock up on good quality books for high days and holidays. Many thanks.

    Ms Case

    TMS RelaysThis was a fantastic afternoon enjoyed by all with anexcellent effort from the Tockington teams. Over 320athletes took part. The highlights were our U13 girlsbeing 2nd, U9 girls 2nd, U9 boys 3rd and U11 girls 3rd.However, the performance of the day was from the U11boys who came 1st breaking the existing record by five

    seconds. Congratulations to Oliver Shutt, Max Curtis,Alex Grocott and Alex Jacobi.

    Mr Jones

    FOTMRace Night

    Thank you to all those who came along last Saturday to support the Friends Race Night event.The atmosphere

    and decoration of the Hall were brilliant and everyone had a great time. We will be able to let everyone know

    how much we raised very soon.

    School Pay Drinks Pre-Orders

    Please return your play drinks pre-orders to the office by Friday 15th March as this really helps to ensure we have

    enough drink in stock for each night. Thank you.

    Summer Ball - A Night With The Stars and a Fond Farewell Saturday 13TH


    We are pleased to announce that the tickets are now on sale for the Summer Ball. This is going to be a veryspecial year as the Ball will also be dedicated to Richard & Jane who, as we all know, are retiring at the end of theschool year. The theme is A Night with the Stars, dress code is Classic Hollywood/Black Tie. Early birdtickets are 70.00 each if you purchase before 24th May or 75.00 per person after this date. Tickets are going

    fast as the event is open to OTs and other local people who have known Richard & Jane for all these years, soplease get your ticket requests in as soon as possible. We have an amazing band for the evening Bring theHouse Down - which is exactly what we want to achieve for this Fond Farewell. Ticket request forms areavailable from the signing in desk or school office

  • 7/29/2019 Tockington Tracker 08-03-13

    4/5 2013 Tockington Manor School, Washingpool Hill Road, Tockington, Bristol, BS32 4NY.

  • 7/29/2019 Tockington Tracker 08-03-13


    Years 3 and 4 visit

    Monday 4th March 2013