
Tobacco Use

By Kathryn Ruhno

Smoking Facts

7 million smokers in the USA

440, 000 die each year due to tobacco smoke

Annual health care costs $193 billion every year

First AttemptParent or siblingPeerBlue collar, low incomeSingle parent homeLack of intelligence

Continued Use…Nicotine Addiction3 packs/month Addiction

Social and Psychological factors

Genetic factors

Health Hazards Carcinogens & Poisons

Causes cancer- 4100 harmful chemicals Carbon monoxide Additives


Increases absorption of nicotine

Lungs of a nonsmoker compared to lungs of a smoker. Which one are you?

Nicotine Poisoning Dizziness


Increased heart rate

Suppressed appetite- cannot taste food

Future Health Issues Cardiovascular disease

Lung cancers & other cancers


Chronic Bronchitis

Additional concerns – ulcers, impotence, reproduction, dental, decrease senses, osteoporosis, diabetes

That’s not good for me Mommy!

Smoking Causes Impotence

Smokeless Tobacco Smokeless tobacco contains 28 cancer-

causing agents

Smokeless tobacco is a known cause of human cancer; it increases the risk of developing cancer of the oral cavity and pancreas.

Smokeless tobacco is associated with recession of the gums, gum disease, and tooth decay

Result of Chewing Tobacco

Hazards to Nonsmokers Lung cancer


Breast & Cervical Cancer


Infants get bronchitis, ammonia, respiratory problems, ear infections

Teen Smoking Facts Each day 3,000 children smoke their

first cigarette. Of the 3,000 teens who started

smoking today, nearly 1,000 will eventually die as a result from smoking.

At least 3 million adolescents are smokers.

Very harmful

China Smoking Facts

Produces more tobacco than any other country.

Has an estimated 350 million smokers — that's 1 in 3 of the world's smokers.

More than one million people a year die in China from tobacco-related diseases, including lung cancer and heart disease.

What’s in a cigarette?Cigarettes contain arsenic, formaldehyde, lead, hydrogen cyanide, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide, ammonia and 43 known carcinogens.

Urea, a chemical compound that is a major component in urine, is used to add “flavor” to cigarettes.

Every time you inhale, think about what you are putting into your body.

Don’t Smoke

The End
