Page 1: Toad Data Point - Professional · • HBASE: Toad now provides the ability to connect to an Apache HBase distributed database

Toad Data Point 3.5 New in this Release

T o a d ® D a t a P o i n t V e r s i o n 3 . 5

New in This Release Wednesday, May 21, 2014

C o n t e n t s • Toad Data Point - Professional Edition

• Toad Data Point - Base and Professional Editions

• Idea Pond

Toad Data Point - Professional Edition The Toad Data Point Professional edition includes the following new features and enhancements.

T o a d I n t e l l i g e n c e C e n t r a l Note: This feature is available in the Toad Data Point Professional edition only and requires access to a Toad Intelligence Central server.

Publishing Toad Files to Toad Intelligence Central New!

Now you can use Intelligence Central to share your Toad files with other Toad users. After publishing to Intelligence Central, you can manage the Toad files in the same way you manage other objects in Intelligence Central.

• You can publish any Toad file, including Query Builder, Editor, Data Compare, Import/Export Wizard template, Pivot Grid, Transform and Cleanse, Data Visualization, Toad Data Reports, and ER Diagram.

To publish a Toad file, click Publish File in the Wizard bar.

• Toad users with access to the Toad Intelligence Central server and Share privileges to the Toad file can save a copy locally. Then they can either use the document as-is or modify and re-publish it as a new Intelligence Central object.

• If you give Toad users Manage privileges to the Toad file, they can edit it and re-publish it to the same Intelligence Central server.

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Toad Data Point 3.5 New in this Release

• A Toad file is published with the connection it is using at the time. When you open a Toad file from Intelligence Central to copy or edit, if you do not currently have the connection defined, Toad opens the Connection dialog. You can then enter your password to add the connection or you can switch connections.

Publishing Data to Toad Intelligence Central

• You can now publish data from Transform and Cleanse as a dataset. After modifying data, click Publish Dataset on the Wizard bar to start the publishing process.

• Toad Data Point and Intelligence Central now support publishing data from a SQL Server Analysis Services data source.

• The Publishing dialog is enhanced to make it easier to publish a data object using Shared authentication.

Publishing Automation Scripts to Toad Intelligence Central

• Beginning with this release, you can now edit or modify an Automation script published to Toad Intelligence Central. Right-click a script in Intelligence Central and select Operations | Edit Script, or click the Edit Script button.

• Toad allows you to edit the script in the Automation design window.

• You can also copy a currently published Automation script and save it locally as a new file. Right-click a script in Intelligence Central and select Operations | Copy Script, or click the Copy Script button. This makes sharing scripts easy. Share your complex Automation scripts with team members, or copy and customize scripts for your own use.

• Now you can publish a script containing a connection to a SQL Server Analysis Services data source.

• You can cancel a running script from the Toad Data Point client. Select the script in the Object Explorer and click the Stop/Cancel button in the OE toolbar.

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Toad Data Point 3.5 New in this Release

• Scheduled scripts located on a Toad Intelligence Central server are scheduled and controlled using the Scheduler component (not Windows scheduler), which is installed along with Intelligence Central. The Scheduler component collects information about script execution and scheduling, which provides for better reporting of issues and aids in debugging.

Publishing Generic Files to Toad Intelligence Central New!

• In addition to publishing Automation scripts and Toad files to Intelligence Central, you can also publish generic files, for example, Excel files, text files, .sql files, etc. This allows you to not only share scripts and Toad files, but also share their supporting files.

To publish a generic file, select File | Send To | Publish File and browse to the file to publish.

Note: If you publish a Toad file using this method instead of using Publish File from the Wizard bar, the Toad file does not include the connection.

One-Year Trial License for Toad Decision Point

• In this release, a one-year trial license for Toad Decision Point Professional edition is included with the purchase of Toad Data Point Professional edition.

Toad Decision Point, part of the Toad Business Intelligence Suite, is an easy-to-use tool for accessing and analyzing data. Its self-service capabilities help you reduce reliance on IT staff. Toad Decision Point allows users to easily browse and visualize data from a variety of data sources, including business intelligence, traditional, and NoSQL. The personal workbench, charting, and modeling features simplify and speed data analysis, data reporting, and decision-making.

Visit to learn more about this easy-to-use, multi-platform, data visualization and analysis tool.


• Toad Intelligence Central Logging: You can now turn on logging for Intelligence Central from the Toad Data Point client. Select from several logging levels for both the App Server and HUB logs. Make the adjustments through the Connection Properties dialog for the Intelligence Central connection.

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Toad Data Point 3.5 New in this Release

• Increase the logging level for debugging purposes. The logs are included in your support bundle.

• The App Server log also collects information about script execution and scheduling, which is provided by the Scheduler component.

• Toad Intelligence Central User Names: Intelligence Central user names must now be lower case only. When you enter a user name in the Connection Properties dialog, all upper-case characters are automatically converted to lower-case.

C o n n e c t i o n s New Connection Types

This release of Toad Data Point includes many new Business Intelligence and NoSQL connection types. In addition, the Navigation Manager has been enhanced to simplify the process of selecting a connection type when creating a new connection.

• To create a new connection, select the connection type from the list, or use incremental search to narrow the list.

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Toad Data Point 3.5 New in this Release

• Connection types that were previously in the "Quest Data Services" group are now listed under Business Intelligence Data Sources or NoSQL Data Sources.

The following new connection types are now available:

• Google Analytics: Create a connection in Toad to access the Google Analytics Accounts and data that are available to you from your Google user account.

• The Database Explorer allows you to build a multi-dimensional pivot grid to view the data from a selected Account View.

• You can then save the view as a Query or send it to the Query Builder where you can join it with other Account Views, other saved Queries, or other data sources.

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Toad Data Point 3.5 New in this Release

• You can also drag an Account View directly to the Query Builder to start building a query. Join it with other data sources or send data from the data grid to the usual places, including publishing to Toad Intelligence Central.

• Azure DataMarket: Connect to a Windows Azure Marketplace DataMarket service to view and query tables.

• Generic OData: Toad now supports a generic OData connection.

• Azure Table Service: Connect to a Windows Azure Table storage service, a NoSQL data source, to view and query tables.

• Cassandra: You can now create a connection to an Apache Cassandra database, another NoSQL data source.

• DynamoDB and SimpleDB: Connect to Amazon DynamoDB or SimpleDB to view and query tables.

• HBASE: Toad now provides the ability to connect to an Apache HBase distributed database.

• MongoDB: You can now create a connection to a MongoDB database.

• SharePoint: You can now create and save a connection to SharePoint in the Connection/Navigation Manager. Connections

• For connections, Toad now supports authentication using single sign-on with your corporate credentials. Enter your company's custom Salesforce URL, and then use the Corporate Credentials tab of the Connection dialog to sign in.

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Toad Data Point 3.5 New in this Release

A u t o m a t i o n This release includes this new enhancement to Automation.

• Cleanse Data: The Cleanse Data activity now allows you to export the modified data to Intelligence Central as a dataset.

Q u e r y D e v e l o p m e n t • Salesforce: For Salesforce users, the column/field names displayed for Salesforce tables and views are now

similar to the Salesforce column/field names that you are familiar with.

• Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services: After building a multi-dimensional view in the Database Explorer (Viewer) you can now send the view directly to the Query Builder (you no longer need to create a saved Query first). Click Send to Query Builder in the Wizard bar.

• Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE): In the Object Explorer, OBIEE Queries are now organized by their original OBIEE Catalog folders.

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Toad Data Point 3.5 New in this Release

Toad Data Point - Base and Professional Editions The Base and the Professional editions of Toad Data Point contain the following new features and enhancements.

A u t o m a t i o n This release includes some new enhancements to Automation.

• Export Wizard: In the Export Wizard activity, you can now use an Automation variable in file name/path of the exported file.

• Import/Export Wizard: In the Import Wizard and Export Wizard activities you can use an Automation variable in the query used to import or export data.

D a t a b a s e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Object Explorer

• The column viewer at the bottom of the Object Explorer supports column categories such as those used in Google Analytics, OBIEE, and SQL Server Analysis Services connections.

Version Control: Toad Data Point no longer integrates with your existing version control system (for maintaining multiple revisions of objects/scripts).


Oracle 12c Database

• This release includes support for connections to Oracle 12c databases.

CSV Files

• Toad now includes a separate connection type for CSV files. Use the CSV connection type when creating a new CSV or text file connection.

• When you create a connection to a CSV file, Toad displays all CSV and text files that use the same delimiter and are located in the same folder as individual tables in the Object Explorer.

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Toad Data Point 3.5 New in this Release

ODBC Connections

• An enhancement now allows you to retrieve large data columns (such as BLOBs and XML-type data types) using an ODBC connection.

Q u e r y D e v e l o p m e n t • In the Query Builder or saved .tsm file, you can now select a different connection to execute the query

against. Right-click the Query Builder tab or diagram pane and select Change Connection, and then select a new connection of the same type. A new document is created containing the same objects and the new connection. The connection saved in the original Query Builder file remains unchanged.

• In the Query Builder, when dragging a column from table A to table B to create a join, table B now automatically scrolls down to display columns that are not in view.

• The Query Builder now warns you if you attempt to save a Query Builder file and the statement and diagram are not in-sync.

I m p o r t a n d E x p o r t • Export Wizard: When exporting to Excel using the Export Wizard, you can now automatically append the

exported data to already existing data on a worksheet.

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Toad Data Point 3.5 New in this Release

• Export Wizard: When exporting data using the Export Wizard, you have the option to specify a format for the data in date and number columns. This can be very useful when exporting data to Excel.

G e n e r a l • FTP Connections: SFTP connections now support using an encrypted Private Key file. When creating an

SFTP connection, enter the passphrase for the Private Key in the Connection Properties dialog.

• DB2 Timestamp Formats: Toad now allows you to select DB2 specific Timestamp formats such as JIS, USA, EUR and ISO for Timestamp displays in grid controls.

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Toad Data Point 3.5 New in this Release

Integration with Toad Decision Point (Base Edition)

• You can now send data to Toad Decision Point using the Base edition of Toad Data Point.

Quest Software is now Dell Software

• In this release of Toad Data Point you will notice more references to Dell, including contact information and several new links to all-inclusive Web sites. The Support Portal has a new URL, (although you can still get there using the old URL).

• The Toad Data Point application is now installed by default under the Dell directory, not the Quest Software directory.

• You will now find Toad Data Point listed under Dell in the Windows Start menu.

I d e a P o n d Got a great idea for a new Toad Data Point feature or enhancement? Share it with the Development Team and the Community by posting it on Idea Pond. Visit Toad Data Point - Idea Pond where you can submit your ideas. You can also read and vote on the enhancement ideas submitted by other Toad users.

L e a r n M o r e Remember, you can find blogs, videos, and forums at the Toad Data Point Community.

• Learn about new features from product video demos.

• Find answers to your questions in the forums.

• Learn tips and tricks from blog posts.

• Find product documentation

Toad Business Intelligence Suite

Toad Data Point Professional is part of the Toad Business Intelligence Suite, which includes a Toad Intelligence Central server and Toad Decision Point, a tool for end-users. Please visit the Toad Business Intelligence Suite product page for more information about this exciting suite of tools.

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Toad Data Point 3.5 New in this Release

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