Page 1: TO THE POINT: Mllon GETS LIFE Racism Within Us FOR ROLE IN

TO THE POINT: Shigeki Sugiyama

Racism Within Us II' hinilion our u,·~ . (urther I boyeoU o( Japan ...

Old.,.,- J apancs .rka ll!! loocll. ~ven Ulough the Japan-und,,"bl . <an =.11 I h • Tbe radal turmoU In B e ... -nppul'lng !><!Ople p(cketf:d ,'rlow (orMs of racial d I . - Ion 0 , ... r \he court ordered ha,~ nolllln, to do with whol­• ri.nlna tlnn prac\.l""d .,. Inst btulng of ,lud.nLs reHal. In,. This kind ot activity II th m In the paSI. '0" law. mOot clear~' the conUnued e - .emlnl • .,.,nt 01 U,e menl nllty and <OUr1 dec!. iorur sin.,., Iho ISlen"" of raellm and .aclal which !powned U, . s LnI.ment end of World War II haye p~udl"". In soelely . The UI- "Once 0 JuP. 01W8Y. and Jap." .topped the mo.... ob,·lous line and "Iolon"" o( \h. eon- and I. ~~nU~ ' ~.n ge ",ou l. practices 01 th pUl IronlaU...,. a." .... Im romlnd-

Tod.,.. Ihe ue Inere sed era o( t h. <,:<plosh'e lorce Thl. I. nol wrlU.n 10 cau •• Clpportunlucs tor mosl Japan- whkh can be unle8!hl'CI when alum. bul to remind that 81-

Amen<· ns In aun",,1 every I."'nt or hlddrn rncl. m I. sur- thouah lOme prOll'('O h .. r. Id o( rod.OYDr. Fat..,-Io-Io"" (1«'<1 br"" mode In /Il lnln!: wldcr d nlal 01 parucular li~hL' or A more ubUe lorm 01 .. a- re<-OlllllUon thot radom and

n tits becau.. 01 0 u r lI ce cl m h... alJ<o ~n revealed racial pr.ludl.,., . hould have art' rart'. In on g n.raUon. b< the of Pekin. r1- no part In nny IOcial or pcr­Ihe """lo-t'COllomlc statUI of IInoi. throuRh inu·nn.<I- >onal relaUon.hlp. tho I .... on .1 po".,.., Am.rlcans hll! Im- I/.nt rNI.tance 10 chanlln, atilt n , 10 be learned by pro\~ drnmaU,·ally. 10 I h e the blnlanUy racist nlcknamo mall). mon,. mOre pcople. o l<!nt thai many are con vine- "Chinks" Cor tholr .chool o\h- Bul be(ore we. M JACLerI c<l Ihal ""e'w gOI it l11ade" leUr leams. When peoplo In or I! ordinary cIUt ens. can • n d thai thinl couldn·1 be our ,aclen.· 111 this day and eltecUv .. b· communlcntc our belt all' apparenU. will nOI ac""pt concern to others. we need 10

T avo Japan _ ,\mC'l'ican and connot comprehend the a!<SUre OIINel"ea thai we do _". malerlall.· 0 n d odnll)' off.n.l"en,," o( racially dtro- not our~eh · cs IlU.ffer (rol11 the beller olt. IlIr,ely beenu •• o( galor)' t .. rom, \he ouUook (or lAme malady which "'e n ,. 0

the blood. 5\"c •• 1 lind lear In - t h. e"clltuol elimination 01 \.Ioytnll to CUI'C and , Icd b\' \h, I . • 1 nnd NI- racl.m !tom our .oclety ~ms lily d • . k dlcUonory' deftne.

• in lhrlr al.:ruu1 to makr #:\"en more dIm. "racism" a.s "nuumpUon 01 11(. tkr (or tI",msel\'el! and The pernldoume"" o( ra- Inherenl raelol superiority or th .. 1r Camille b u abo be-- dsm Is even more subtlch' re- U,e purlly nnd SUperlorlly of c. o( Ih drlvc for civil Haled b,· o\herwlJr.e well-In- eertaln roces. and cOIU!CQucnt AAd huon~n rlihu pcarhe.d- lonlioned' con..,rvotlonl! Ls In- dl.crbnlnaUon agaln.t other rd ma[nl) by other mlnonUe. \'ohed In 1M "SOH the racc.s: 01 ' 0 leS! spcelflcally, The Cl .1 Rllhls lovem<nt Whales" campllan. In th~lr ro.. hatred and dlscrlmlna­which 60" rrd In the '\IOs b ... "ltoM.< to sa,'. wbales /rom ox- Uon," a,uk ned 10m con,~m for LincUon. some campaillTl par- JI allO defines "pr.,udl .... the n b and privUclics 01 Udpanl. have Induced ~·ounl .. "pr«oneelved ludgm.nt or mlnorllY IrrouP! b)' the lorl- school chlldrtn \A) draw plc- opinion; unreasonabl .. p • ..,dl-l'r SOC1e\~ . lun:, depictinG .Ian\ - eyed. IccUon or objeeUon: ·.peclal-

Howe'«. cmt occurrcn- ,'creo~plcal caricature, of Ja- I:; In opinion 01' lennlng ad-"", "hleh ha.. oino.'Cl natlon- paM e as cruel predalo", ot V"..., to anylhlng without ju.t aI atlcnllon m.k .. It clear \hat helpl~ whalcs. The.. .amo ground, or be(ore sufficient the nc" I~" and <ourl dc- groups ba,'" al&O (ormed p.·o- knowledg .... d Ions h.,·c nol changed the test d"monstraUolUl ond plck- Can we say thai we. In­heart., and minds 01 .11 the at lines around "Japonesc" fS- dl"ldualb' and collectively, ~plc D n d Ihal rilchun and labUsbments-lncluding tho.e arc Ire<; of l'acll!lTl and pr lu-prt'Jud.CC! .~ <tIll part 01 01 Japan .... America .... - to dice oul .. elves?

Mr Sugiyama's address: 8319 Cushing Court, Springfield, Va. 22153

'Language stays in resolution

offered by CANE to Nat'l JACL SAN FRA NCI co - The Na- terested partl.... ~r:n. w\l!l. I u~~o~~ l'h~,\:~~:u: i tional JACL re<olullon caU- Two meelings with the the San F'nncill<O Re<I ... eloDment ing (or a Congl'C!,<ional re- CANE coordinating eommlUee ::e:~' :1·1~~~~~'t:'ltI~~~ t!'lb; ,iew o( urban renewal pro- followed wl\h George Yama- ""Dlaeed by ,xll"natvt IDArtmtnl grams and pledgJng a commll- saki J r .. naUonal JACL legal I d r1I1 11 11 menl oJ JACL .... ources 10 counsel. The CANE general ""U'~~."fn ::I~ 1 97~ ~~~ 'S~ slOP the destruction and dIs- membership. which met sub- ~:~ :;~.''­persal of any Japanese Amer- sequent to the National' JACL 10rmatloQ 01 J.honmaehl Inlo I

1C<U1 community ~am. elfec- Con"ention, voted to ac .. pt no tourist ,howcue: tlve Sept. 27. changes In the language. 'Vht ... u. Ihe San FrlnelltO R.-

The tiO-day period hod e'X- There was agreement on the d~I~'nltn\ ~~ ~I~:~r; plr.,d in which \he language principles of the resoluUon :r Ih. Nlho:m~chl ~mmunllY by

f .k U' I t' b but serious criticism to the, the houslne 11 has de-::'i;;;'~ enb~:e 'J,~ uS~~~~to~ harsh wording in the pre- :~t!;edre-::;\!'~ n~~~1n:"to~~o~; M tropolitan r.o. An Ir e Ie s. amble during the NaUonal -'denl.: OnIn~ County. San Mal~ Council discussion at PorUand. Where;u. the S"" Fnnc1lco R.­

and B:w Art .. "3 Community However attorney M u r ray =~~J)=~D~t~:a :=a lJe\ '~~ ~ chapter! 'lor Ihe San Franelsco Sprung. New York delegol.e n..... with thr .. to imd m.,a1 Committee Agalnsl Nlhonma- lelt the strong lanllUage mlght tactlca nol conformln, with th. chi EYiction (CANE) could be be n..,.".,ary "tor we can't lh,~'do'''tl>~el~~~fn~ ~3 fI~\:':'; modified with Inpul trom In- wait no longer". Dovelopmenl mlnual:

Sequoia 10 host

NC-WN quarterly

The CANE resoluUon. whleb \\"bereas. the pollcl.. as ""t-focused on San Francl.«o NI- ,ltd oul by Ihe ~n Francisco 11<­honmachl. was amended to development A,eney 11: D viola-cover any Nthonmachi when Ut>D oIm&~~I~"o'1'lgUT IIngu~n ~ delegates from other aress re- r::-montu. uuslnr ~eat dlKom­ported the Inss of their Japa- rr~~l'ct d~~~J: Ihe ProDI. nes.- eommunity In name or Whereas. the IJI'Owlna ruent­urban rene,,'al. ment a"inst unjustified manlou-

?tin Masuda ot SealUe said w.!~~ndR:~~~~~J~ ~~t~; \he Chinese and Japanese In led to the fonnoUon 01 CANE. the

and electr'on meet his area were taclng a simllar ~~o,::e~e.AJ"~Js ~o::,m:i~~ f'roblem, Raymond Uno said for Ih. rfch'" of Japane •• Arnot-

Salt Lake CIt)Js Nthonmach! teWh~"", the CommIttee Anini' has been reducf:d to only two Nlhorun.chl Eviction rCANE) II •

OUNT.-\ IN VIEW. Call!. - J a pan e s e churches. Frank demoentlc. non..,rofil or,lnlu­Seq u 0 la JACL hos\.s \he Iwama said Sacramento's Ni- lion encompassln, all ,enoraUolll fourth Quarterly ..... ion o( the honmachi has been replaced or Jooln ... and peo-

N •• ~ ada JACCLaflfoD".'ltra .~ctWCcst.eounr~ by the Capitol MaU. Mike Ma- ~e I~e~ther raoes. from oil Wilki ~, ., laoka of Washington. D.C., Whereas. CANE has united

ell Ihl. Sunday. Nov 3. at the ur. ged a DaUonal angle be ;::a~;;.":rni!'.~o o~:'I~.r'l'~U~I !~ Sakuru Gardens here. \\:orked Into the resolution. TrancfJcn R';de\'eloDment Acency

An'" dbtrietllovernor and Tb. National Council voted under II< "rlnciol.. which or. bo:"d mrmlx-.. will be ~Ieeled 68-3 with the understanding CU-SIoD th. destrucllon .nd dls­during thr afternoon bu.lnes. that U Ihe language could not ~lo O~!: ~~!:'!.'!e~m:,::~~ • IDn BIld InstaUed during be modified. It would abldo bu,Jn ... and resldentlll ar ... (21 hr en,nlnl banquet. by Ibe resolution as amended. -UDhold Ihe of Te<ldtnu

Army Cot. John Hada. ret.. Text of the re!'oluUon (ollows: .n,'h~":~ b~~ <SbS:lssuln~ a CAli

"ill be principaJ banquet RaoluUon D for 1II11 ornnluttons CC'nC!emed .peak.r. tellfng 01 hi. master', AGAr.>1ST srno:o.~IAcm wilh the dtmocrollc n(hl> and



KARATE KILLING Jud,e Impolel FI" •

Concurrent Sentencel

for Nlmlmltlu Murder

LO ANGF:LER - KlIrat .. ilma1t.(>r" Jlmet MI~ I .. ~t w .. ,. k (Oct . 22) rI'Celved a II (e Hntcn.,. lor ndln~ a "dl!<:lpIO''' <><II 10 kill weallhy

on Dim .. I lrawb< ' ~ ' arow­er FrRnk Namlmau u ot .1\ItI home In . outhwr L.A. l.orl Morch 21

Notln" the 57-year-old MI­tooe'o UIO. Superior Court Judi l ...... lIe W, Lighl wid In handlnR down I h ~ >enlrne" lhnl "lhh undoubtedly mconJl h. will . pend Ihe remalndor o( hI! lI(e In prl<on"

'I'echnlcolly. 'Mltose could be coruoJdercd 10' parole In lev­tn y~lr.\ un the murder count, but Light al 0 Iml'O"ed con­eur,,,,"l , ent~ . (or conspi­racy. attempted murd~. · , ",11-cltaUon to commit murclcr. exlortion and g.-and IbeU.

Mtmblrt hIp PubllulH'm; J.p."t~ Arne", .• ," C,tlzcn

Publl· ho:d W.okly EJ,ctp. F., •• nd L I Wt ~

$ •• , lM Anoeln, Goli' 90012; 1213) IIAo 6-6~3 6

V~,,· .. <OtKi CI. P"'oIge P,;.! Jff Loo ""'0 I ,Cool.l.

VOL. 79 NO. 18 ~ ' RlfJ AY, NOV~MBER 1,1974 15 CENTS

Alien farm labor issue confuses Supreme Court WASHI NGTON - Oml ar- th n, whrlher a rulde2lt Im­/lUmenLi on Cederal poUcy (hal mlvant t<.lI be lawfull,. :.<1-""""ILl I h(Ju.~nd& 01 "lII'tcn mlUOO lor redd':f'~e wMn h card" 1\-1(-xlcan laborers \I) rf:1.Umo tram ~ tempc,r.u,. vi _ cr_ tb. U.s. border Ind Il .. broad - whee M hal h1a rompt.i(· far Jobe wilh leul home'" r Id .... to wer" h,.rd by the EvaJII, Ct>needlnc tha "It a I Suprcml! Court Lrlal 01.. 17 ~ a !lttl~ tI'llna.e".

'I'h .. e addlUonal Ol'lllenc~ , 'fhl! C;C' ·. orIIPlVllly IIlrd by rd neo..nhelesl \h:1 I b-e"en runnlna concurrently. the Uni~ Farm WClrk...-1 o( u,·c hlaWry ~raled that undoubtedly will add severil l America, appe:.or('tJ 10 1I"c th,· Cal ''baa <liw;.,.. """" Joon to the minimum limb ju ti_ troubl AI Ih" Md aWl'" ClI a cI of r <1cn lI1il h .. to . ~rw . of an hoor pent J""nlllt (ran- !Jnmlgranu Iivlnc abroad".

The lP':tIld u,~rt olld exlor- IIcally throullh a c:opy " t th~ AllOI'Il'7 Bruce J T~. for lion conviction" r<sulted 11'0111 imml.raUon I.,.... Chief J IJI.- the /.arm ,.."''' __ CQWl1n«i

8\'ldl'tlcl' Introduced at the trl- tlce Warren E. Bur, .. r wearl- that I h e govUllQl.m ..... al .howlnfl thai MilO"'" had Iy ask,-d a IIQvernlDl!nt law- twUtllltl' the .... ord "re!1crem~ bilked Nomlmatsll out 01 $89,- y<'r: "Arc YOU 1I00ni to eon- [of) much It hac! become mean -000. mostly for phony medlc- fu:,,- UA lurther?" Inll!, • ImmilUll (lC aIldals, al Cure!. The jlSue 15 whelher I h eM,Itt<S. are DOt .... "" _

It WI" Ihe theory of co- ImmlJlT"lian and N.turaUza- ri "'nt In the1r tr.,._ ,,! pro",,~ulor . Louis flo and tl"n St1Vice I I&NR I acted cr<=~ 0 nee ~ Ronald Carroll Ihnl Mit"",, prOp<'rly in clauUyln, Mex- ttoIII t h .. bC.rdcr "1IIey are hod Narnimal.u murd..-ed be- leans as " retunun, resident trca1<d .Ii~ no lIke cause the grO\,er bad made imnuaranU" and _Ing th .. lr dent immlan..t.." be ""-an appointment with lhe dll1- way Inlo the U.s. b ~ .... Iv - plalnf:d. "TIlL.,. don't p.y In -lrict altorney', office to com- Inll: normal vi!: reqwremnLL os 011 lbclr lneome ~, f plain aboul hi. dcaJlngs with Wbll" the UFWA .... rtf:d wh:;t Is earned In ~ US4 MII<><e. Mexicans take lobs. \hat rlghl- they d""'1 £crVe In 1he anny

In turning down delCDse at- Iy belong to Am,,".,..n w <Jrk- and they are not e.len ellll-tOl1ley Doye Shlnn's plea for <:N. undercul un.on orJallU- b!e (or naturali%au<lll.. a more lenient sentence, Light Ing efforts throughout \he The only teaICln for _ saId: Southwest and d'!'ll!'_ wages, tyint them u -rdllm!n& ra-

"The history o( Mr. MI\.o6e Close· up of 442nd RCT Monument near the French the .growers through a Call- Id e n t Immlgr..nts", Tt!I'TI.I In ." .. nt years shows blm to town of Bruyeres in the Vosges l\Iountains forma Farm Bureau Feder.I- said. 15 to ge anJW>d v i I a be one ot \hose unfortunale- t10n amicus brid warned do- requirl!U1elts and th" _t-Iy gro\\~ng number o( persoll8 !ling the border to Mexican I Impos.ed quota on WesI«n

'fuf~ S::r s~:~gtoo~~1 os;>u~; Hawaiian 442 veterans revisit Europe ft~kl!' '''~:Jd ~. :':!...:a~ B~ Immi~ c:azden ... It Is a parasitic \.$p<l or ting Impact on the agri<:ul- c.ould obtain visas. be ~ living." lUnd economy". b«awe under a 1~ I a _.

Light's comments referred I 30th ann' y of Bruyeres liberation ~b~ ~~y~W~ ~ '4,.-s::: ~ r:~ 'A= to both I1l1tese's eonduct wltb lySlS o( the ImmigraUon code. ti6es a manpav;-er sbortoige In Namlmatsu and Mitese's soU- Mark L: Evans. yaung JI1$- a particular ilIdustty and citation of tunds tor a Dwight BRUYERES. FranC<! - Nearly enemy lor tour da~·· .-Ed.) tice Dept. lawyer defeudint pledges thal admJsi,on or ill-Eisenhower Memorial Found- 180 m~mbers (nnd wivcs) 01 Mayor M Mercier 01 Bru- I&NS. beld up a sample ?I ens .... ill DOt hurt A1:rlo!riGiD alion and then converting the Jl a wali'~ 442nd Ve~rans Club yere. thanked the Japan~e the "gret!D card" that MelO- ,,"'Wkers _ CUlditlons tnat do money to his own use. IIntose, ere luncheon lIueots here Americans tor their heroiml can Iaboren sbow. lns1.ead or not ~-alJ In agriculture.. addressing the court through at. 20 01 U,e mountain town during \he W;U-, Wreaths were ~'15a, to enter th~ U.s. But C .... "---' oa __ • interpreter Haklo Pal<. in- oy helped Hbe,.atc 30 year. also laid Sunday at Ihe monu- 1t ,' .. as b I u e - 01$ be as ~..... • .. ~ fonned the judge Ulat he bad go to the day. ment in \he town ,<tua~. qwclt to .c:lmawledll"- The donated much of the money The p.evlous day the vet- servlce has lust ,witched col-

li ted t his ed ns had marched up Rue du . The 442nd Club mtouralle on. he said. :e:Ori31 b:~ to the P:.:'~u- 442e Regiment Amerlcain to .s on a 28-da)' tour of Europe. E\"3IlS contended tha a nlty. ~peelfically namlng the 1\ !1I1lall clearing whet'e the revlslUnJ: sites In Italy and "greep carder" waB proptTly Kyodo Scbool SYstem. WW2 memorial slands in France wbe~ \he 4~2nd had c!assitied as an "1mmi1laJlt.

In conclud'h; his remarks hOllo.· oC the 442nd war dead fouRbt or vl!lled. They had tawtuUy. admitled f~ penr.a-

th Mit -~mil' -'-U 0 d laid wI·eaU,s. Vlsl~ London .and Ams. er- nent resIdence. wbo IS return-on e 000 ,u ).""" on- "Th b' Un ru F ' h - _ .. dam beCore corru.nJ to Ylmal· tram ~ viDi . chips with Namimatsu and hJs " e • gu . I cnc ou ... cl_ to 'ed b' aD~ 1.0&. a ao-

AnU-war protests

cloud Ford visil wife, Toshiko. the judge said. English. bronze plaque lor the road \\'11 --- ) r road and. .lbe I a .... "Someone In this Incident Is monument was presented by . need not show a nsa. TOKYO - Poi5ibie Japanese diabolically clever " T h. 11 lhe JACL In 1947. Besides cit- To bou!'c the group. the \is- ''They ba ... been lecaUy ad- re.action ID President FMd's Light turned to ·sentencing Ing the roct \hat "loyalty to itot< were lodged an hour's mit1ed to t be u.s_ on the • '""ember visi ID Japan was Milos.·s 62-vear-old wile. Do- one's country .is not modified drive away at Gerardmelr • .a authority ,of the AtlOnle)" foreshacknred this past week rothy She had also been by racial onglD". the plaque rll60rl town. as there were not Geleral. with the pn''iI~ ID (Oct. 21) with noisy c!Bnon!­• h a ~ g" d with conspiracy. notes \hat tbe Japanese Amer- enough hotel r001ll! .at Bru- ~de • bere. n E~-ans 5Iaf,d. traliDDa ~­murde,' and attempted mur- lcans In the BalUe of Bru- yer.,. . Th. group continued on 'Theres DO r~en1 m al Ann-War Day. der. bul the jury could not yores snapped \he German de- to rtorence. Rome .and Ven- tbe Il!w teat the pn~e&e be PoIke lIoeff said:!5. 'Gl­reach verdicts on these counts lenses and rescued \he Texas .ce and then to NIce belore exercised. . lied at Meiji Pari<. tar obert against ber. 141st Inrantry BattaJion which returning to Honolulu on Nov. ThaI >tarlIed }u..<tiee Hany of tbe 100.000 the ~

However. the lury did con- bad been sun·ounded by the 8. A Blaclanun. Is t b e bsue sougbt; to ~. the soched-viet her and Mltose's son. Al- uJed _ IN_ 18-tz visit by Pre-vin. 19, ot extortion and grand HAWAII POLITICS !dent Fard. . th.ft. Part 01 the ebarges in- Rall,y. marI<ing 1 he IUIltb vovle forcing \he Namlmatsus annh~ or the I!rst t:.s.

to _Ign over their Los Ange- TV deb te sp~rks governor race bombmll C!' NOrtn V'..mam. ~:1dh~,;eh!d ~~~~;e ~djd~~ a ~ ~ ~~;m~~:: suspicions" about Mrs. Mlto- Japan. left - 'IO'UI6 • political se's role In the events of the parties. ore raIlie! are ca s e and he wondered out By ALLAN BEEKMAN Bw.,.s· lieutenants as Robert cans were th" gainers !tom scheduJed.

loud whe\her "she was the (Sped.1 to The PlcWC Cltlz.o) Osblro and D~n Aoki" th'h, ~sion. By m~~ Whi~ H ou s e ~ assistant cook or one of the HONOl..ULU _ K G M B-T V Man~er of the Ari2;oshi 'd'i . e repDe"",entaud"es ~_ said Oct. :!3 \.be PresiOen: chefs In this kelUe or fish". campaign; Oshiro bas " .. tten orrunant mocra c r ... • " Zoill<: ahead "-ith plans Cor his

t~arch 01 the so- tailed To- eVJCTION _'eD be In, of Jaomese: AmulcatU kyt> R""" Ircason c~ 01 1949. "'b.r .... ~n Franc1lco·. Nlhon- 10 tab a Drlnclnl.d "'n~ ... Inst Lillht dedded 10 send IIlrs.

machl hu hlstorlcaUy been .he this th~1 10 th. Sin Franel·co Mltose to the CaUt. Institu-

Cross-ftre relieved the apa\hy a crude. racisl spe<:ch support- the Republicans gained mOle Ean Asia ,-WI . ..-him,. 11110 which th. gubcrnalorial ing the candidacy of Ariyo- exposure than they could ha .. e con lest had Callcn alter the shi. Dan Aoki caused a furOl' otherwise. two day! in South KDr-N ;;.nIl

1nJ~de:bI:':~ ~:l ::e~: =~ ~t~~~'rr:~!ct;.u:~~c; ~rr.~nm:~~1 c:Jl"mo~~~t; Tao~~~; tion for Women at F rontera ""S th lV\,!!lI1 .. bo It. J.pan~ communhy; American communlUu IIlrew1te tor a 90-day psychological

ave ~ o· or""e! yeo Whrreal. San Fnnehco'. NJhoD. atrtt\ed In .enera l ~ therefore, .!i tudy preparatory to senten-C-W ' regional director. re-

paration.!. wordlnK tor the ~ri~~ ~~W \:.rer'l1PI~ ~~; A Be ~l re~~~ . th~ the J~.t?,ue cing her. Prosecutor Carroll l ta tf' hf1itoriea1 markf'r at Tule e"'aC1Ule'CS to conetillr.Uon eam~ almc~~ilJ ur.:!'lh(' a~~ir:JSo~ i said there SUU was a possJ-uk T kv R d BI by thf! Unllrd Stalu ,ovemment tht Un't~d Statts of Amtrlc~ to bUlly or 81aln putUng ber on

C·'#'V."" O. 0 In ur which munt the dttllne and dt. r,,'few nllUonwldt the- redevelop. trial on the conspiracy and v ." .trucUon of the once Uvel)' and ment pronam on lhe blm of murder counts but the deci-

f .( D~~t~~ ~~h!f~e~~r:; ~J::,~u,:nl~ Fl'&nclsco .llpanuC! ~e~:~a~~e ~:Jt\u~~n:~~~ l C:na~ !rion would be reserved until Whereu, wHhln • deeadt of n· lhe lake appropriate- adlon to ree· after the diagnosUc study.

be ~!~r .. ' ~ut:~~~; tarat' I rkl. ~~~~~~ j!';.'::f.!h~~:r'~~trt~t~~ ~!t . ;rt' pl::oo;.~~(nas ot urban n· The judge also del aYe<! sen-t WI' Cntt-uka and Hlroko Yo- lIu and small bU.llneuu In San Be It turih" relOlnd, lhat thf' t.cnclng or the son until st-

• • Id.a.. fTanefreo'. Nlhonmaehl wue be- .l.pan,.~ A mer I a a n CIUz.en. he has been examined by ------------:...:.:::.:::.:.:.::..=...:.:.:::.:::::: ~~~. ~:~~~lloc;,oun.::~.:rtd ~; psychiatrists George Abe and

prlnelpl .. 01 '11< CAm: stru .. lt. Seymour Pollack. The sen­which ort (Il Slop the d.llructlon tcnclng 01 the younger Mitese and dl.lpenal o( .11 Japanese c:om· b now ~et (or Nov. 19. PORTLAND NIKKEI GROUPS PUSHING

FOR COMMUNITY CENTER DOWNTOWN PORTLAND. Or ... - Reprc­... ntau" from over 20 Nlk­Ict l QrpnoT.aU,," he,., mel Mpt 9 nl llo~ Nikkt'IJIn Kai to dl tuU bull,lIn, a c"mmunJly c nkr for J.p. ne e or Asian Am rl""~ within Ih~ clty'l Urbl," rtni'!·,"tli pirm.

Two memberl "I lhe city "Iannlnl bo rd h. rd ot Ihe ncrd (rJT I" ch a bulldlna to bel tarllitatl' th. mulnv-­n. nr.o of th~ J J4 p .. n~ ..J ~ or NI­an , ult,, ", hrrlu.lle and Iden­tHy Th(" a:cnf'n J (,On.&en"UI

w pTlS lt h~, ,,<cordln!: to th~ Portl .• nd - r,r hano Troutdale JACI. ow loll.,

Oit("U Ion ('t nk'rl'd Stround 1h Iypc a lld I,,,, 0/ th< proj­

t. Dcl& VW,.. and proKr:llml th a' ..,lJuld boo h.1<I IClCulr.



lran<portation. tundlng and whmer or not to seek "Japan monle. ".

A ... ond m~Uni WI! hcld Sept. 23 at which Ume It wu drdded a letter o( Inl<!rut be l ubmltlrd Vl \he City Plru,­nlnll Bonrd. Henry Ueno nnd Jerry Goldsby were named temporary ohalrmen to repre-

nt Ihe Nikkei .... oups. Another mreUnll W.I plan­

nl'd tor mld-Oclobpr. al which tim. mppon Irom the Chl­nOM community wa' expec\f:d .

~~~~~ :~~lItob~ln~M·)~n:lhT~~ : "Either Alvin ~1ttosc is a Jdf"ntlal .ru... (2) Uobold lhf!"o completely callous and C\,U rif:.'!~ aO~d l.~d:d~:r;d J=,:I~t!U:~: young man or so stupid an,d oourco, 10 noD till' threll of de- pliable that he will do an) ­Aruellon 10 ony Nlhorunlchl tom- thing his parents tell him to munltv. do," Light commented.

Nlhonmachi Terrace

calls for applicants

SAN FRANCISCO - Nlhon­machl Terrace In Ihc Weslern Addition Redevelopment arca wJII be rendy lor occupancy and tenanl application. n r e brl", acoopted. It \V B S an­nn'llleed 001. II by Archbl. h­op Nltten I. hldo. pre Idenl o( lh. Japonme American Rell­III 0 u Federation . bullde\'­owncr t>r thc prolect. and the San rrnnd,co Rede,'olopment Aircn.),.

The /lOW prol<Ct comblnes 176 studio and one - room apartmenl hou.1nl (or .enlor 0 n d 70 aparlmenl­hom.. for famlll"" In Ihe p. -block complex .

Terry Lee. a 27 -yoor-old tormer Marine who was stu­dying a. a "dl""iple" or lI-U­tose. turned stale's /vibless and allowed to plead gullty 10 second degree murder. He Is ""hedu led to be sentencrd Nov.8.

M the prosecution', star wlbless. W tCtiU6ed that MI­lose .ent hIm to kW Naml­mallru and a l50 take a $100.000 check th.1 Mltu<e sald was 10 the hOt'"'" Lee said he could not find Iht' check.

a",lmatsu w a . kiliod by lAc', altack but hi. wlto sur­vived a ""'ere beatlnll and te. tlOed 01 the tJ"lal.

In addition to hla unqucs­Uoncd . talus a8 • moster ot k.rolt'. Mltosr c"t{med to be both n Buddhist and Episco-pal prl_I_. ____ _

Oct. 5 primary by bringing the wben he recenUy delivered lbe A ,igorous 70. Cro..ley ap- poosIbt ... meet ~I c:om.;,u-Democratic and RepubUcan speech. peared per!Onable. warm. In- ~~in ~~ gubernatorial nomin~s 10- In a ru.CU&'Oll of mari - lelligent. inlonnf:d. artirulate gether (or an hoW' of inter- juano and prosUtuUon. Cross- and public - sp\rt~. view and dlstus>-Jon ley healedly decla",d \hat with a tendency \A) "",?"Ional- UPAC office set

Int .. rvlewe.'S wcre John A. judges . hould back up the Iy stray from lbe subject un-Scott. pubU. hcr or the Hono- police. Leaning lorward and der dIscu.sslon. The Crossl..,- ,\/' DIEGO. Ca.!it. _ l' be lulu Slar-Bulletin and Cecil pointing a 1\nger at Crossley. personalin.- contra..~ fa\'O( - Union or Pan Asian C<lIDmu­Hettel. pre ide n I. Heltel who drew bock delensively. abl?' Wlth ~at .ot \.be dour. ni'es has opened its ~ at Broadcasting. Doi said. "What kind 01 rea- taCllurn Ariyusbi. the fabuha." Bw.;, -~

Offslage. the Democralic soning is \hat?" He answered The more articulate Demo- kel L 'l was anD<lWlCed by nomtnees, Acting Gov. George his 0\\'11 que.sUon . "Never mind eral. Doi oCten ,\'ent Quickly ,- e r 0 <>n Y05biob. t,-PAC R. Arlyoshi and form.,. clr- tI'e law. Neve .. mind Ihe Con- to the beart of a ""bject. In eh.1.irman. .1' i!' 2cross ~ cuit judge Nelson K. Dol are .utution. Gel \h. guy' " contrasl Dillingham left most _ from e Buddhist a.,.,u,ed of abelting a tr.nd Nevertheless. the llepubU- of the talking to CJ'05SIC.Y Temple. I towards J apane5C domlhatlon 01 HawaiI. Large amounts ot Japane ... capital has been in­I.iItraUng Hawaii . the mosl cOllsplcuom; of Ute' Japanese enb"prcneurs beinll Kenll OSlIJlo. who hos boughl heavi­ly into the hotel Indu!<lr}·.

In a s lory "eprlnled. in brier. In the loca l press. the Japanese monthly Bungo!

hunju ho. documented 9

clo.e relotlonsblp belween multimllllonoire Osano and mulUmUlionalre Kakuel Tana­ko. Ihe millIons of lhe two growing speelacularly slnee Tanaka became Pl'ime Mlnls-1,,1' or Japan - soml' o( the mWion. f.'Om unethical ma­nipulation .

Mayors expose Bannai opponent HAWTHORNE. CaJU. - l\fau - den.,., his occupation and his D<'mocranc parI,l -l'iee lIInyesh. 32. who Is op- name. Ma~'esh sougbt the De- BanDaJ . "~ f~t the Dem­posing Asscmbb'man P a u I mocrtlUc nomination tor "' - ocntic ,candiaates ""'"' ...-en­Bannai (R-53rd Di t.) in Ihe ""mblyman. ;"" qualilied. :;aid. ~ln • -= ­Nov. 5 general election. was 5-To win the pnmaries ber. il "ill s1ill be ~ . n!e­

Inbel.,d on "oul ot district op- against eight local Democrat- on! CLin..<t what the ~ portunlsl" in a letter issued Ic candldales. Ma..vesb spent oralS claim Ib _ can do. He last month b~ ' Lawndale Ma~'- o"er , 3,000. which was tun- ..ud ~ wa s ~ .ng to coc­o.· Marvin hwnrr wa ll.,r. Ilt'Ied through three campaign ,;nee Democrats III t b . dh -

'1'0 ilwesligatc the serious CO!!IJlIittees. Documents on die trict ~ ha' ·e a ch<liee aDd charge. n committe called with the Secretary 01 tatc don'l ha, ..... ID ,-ut •• s:ralght "Democrats for Local R"Ilrl'- dated lay 29 and Jul1 1S~ ' rlcltet. enli.,tlon" \\' 0 S lormed with sbow that ol'"r 99'" or May- "Wbeo you come 10 ~ ­

Hawlhorne M R )' 0 r Champ e!'h 's mODey came tram West meD y ou lind ~ t unme­Clark . , cha irman. 1\", Nik- Los AnJ; ~I es. Be,......-Iy Hills dialely thai )'OU don \'Ure "!! kel c\\I eouncl1ml·n. MRS Fu- and other out-ol-dlstrict in - party hn .... but on tile 1ssue<-

Iroi o( Gardena ilnd k Ya- teres . Bannai added. mamolo o( Ca",oll. 01 0 sen 'e Clark said bL> committ .. •• In the Jun.._ 19,73. ~ on Ihe commillC!l'. conclu..<lon Is thai Maurice 67th o., ::ri<'1 el e<'1l ~ wluch

After a Iho''OlI8h sludy. Ihe "Jack" Mayesh is "an unwor· "",t Bannai a,; the ,nrn J . ­commltl"" Q/l Oel. 7 "'Ica>«l thy candidale in our district", paD<!:S>e American legislator a <Iule.nen l In lellow Demo- running a campaign or decep- ~ cramenlo. be polled 55 pct­c",ls I It e l'hRr 'c. le, 'clod. uon aDd mL<reP""-"'IItation. ( 10.9U ) oJ th" \'Ote5 ca..<'~ The agwl1sl ~I oyes h \\, ('1"<> (ound to m.llaged and financed. by out- distrid was then reapport1on-be lrue. Clw'k cited: sid" inlerests. ed 10 be Ibe S3rd.

1- ?oJ n y c s h ,..,-regislered Clork was JOUled by 16 o\h- Bannai, 5-1. ser\'es on four J 1\ 11. 16. 1974 his reslden e,. Democrntic l oo d ~rs in the important .Assembly C!OID.IIII t-

P ,\ RI! T 0 '"n l"".1 of J) " IIt- ~ .. e't: cali i'd Ocl 21 to (I,lm 2.n1JIJ Inl.<rn.tlonol bu,Y­fO ,. fi n d tl' pc', r't,(r t r~ ln. to

The Portland Urban Renow­. 1 Plan provide. a (rame­w"rk f<>o· developlnll an area o( downlown now , uffering Irom "btOle cen .. and undtr­uUlI7a1lon, By ualn, Onlncllll rapit.,1 Ihrouah tax Increment. , h.rlled to Iht lar,c bUl ln.u bulldln.. \hal dol the Port­lAnd Ikyllne. the clly can aid any f/Toup or ,roups Inlertmd In p.rUdpalln. In the renrw­al p'''ltlam.

Ther • • •• ellhl dl. lrlc1.t un­drr renewal - Includlna Ih. wo Ide bu. 1 nc·, and "old W,I<'rlronl" a rea An Orienta l community dl , tr lcl h.. b. n tlc.I/III . ted . bounded by Bum­. ld.. Filth. Ho,Yt and Third Avenu,·--. 12-blnck "rl. In which Ih. P"rUand JACL 01-ft" I. h Ultl'd.

Loiter. ho,'e be.." Aenl to ......uBca~ holde .... who arto cn­ttUI'd to prlorlly handling. Appllcanta musl be 62 years old . lnqulrlu Ihould be od­d .... <ed to the SFRA hou ~ in, mallBlICmellt tion. 762 Ful­ton SL (922-9100) .

Bolh A1'I),o. bl and Dol nrc ollicluU~ Idcntlfied os Jopa­nrH:. the Id.nllUca tlon corl')'­IIlI! nl le".-t the Impllcollon \hut they lire . ublects and agenls or J npan Thc), benr their IdenllJlrotion o( fo.clgn natlonRlity wllh conspicuous (orlltude. bul It I. lI PPol'enl U.nt knOWledge or the O ~n no­

'I'annkQ mlotlonshlp at(ord. \he x.nophoblc rumo,· mon­gel'a wUh oddltlonal argument

JACL sponsors workshop (01' thpir ohurg. that Ihe cle.­lion o( \h~ Del11ocr" tlo nomi­nee. mil turn RawaU Into n colon)' of Jalllln.

I,·on, W 0 s t Los Angeles district in the InvestigaUon. tees: E\..,tions and Re3ppor-(which he s llli owns) to n rc- In lh .. J une clOo..<ed prima- doomeot: Planning. Land U~ slden e<' In Hnwthorne. rle,"- Bannal ran unoppooed and Energy: Retirement: and

• I!mn Ih, print ,o.,l v-to-... r p,.. VJOW (}I d,..I«nf."r

Kenl" Tak.,11 " Au Prln­l<'mpl fNp.rlm.n l Slo,e.

( n/·o. ""hr, ClJ)c"ned hlAi P o ... til OOtIUtf 'l '"JIJII"le J a,," (rAJ(

r.RI"A ,,0, " 811 I"tj 0 f u ror amoog J opom ,l Am('rlt'lIn8

I I h 101. "J p" Inbt' l Th~ Otf,.",IVtf 1,..*1 ha nt, Lc-'n rc­~t144 Within th. pu t yr.r,)

Palth In Ih~ reoo" . 1 plnn a .o". ht to lnm r. a. alnst

n. " bUllne • .,. dll plorll' 2 whal IInl,· rcmlln • J a l1u­_ Town or "ChinAtown ...

Flournoy in little Tokyo I ~ O S ANGELI'S - Hou. lon Flournoy. RcpubUcan candl­dnlr lor .ov .... nor. ca mpaljf1l­.,1 Ihroullh LIt\lp Tokyo Ocl. 23. ".nkrd by IUPPOrl­Pta. Yo T. kOlA k.I wal In ch3r"," or Ih ~ local llln_ry.

on textbook evaluation SAN FRANCISCO _ Nallonal 'I'h" Cross-lhe d l5CU Ion. JACL . ponaored a workehOp howevC\'. 10llched on thl. a.-011 textbook evaluation this pect of the campnlgn only week (Oct. ~O) at lhe BCA IISbtly ond IndlrecUy. AJlJ>cor­HeadQunrien C on Ie r e n a e Inll with hi. n mnlog on"I •• Room. Booke lire reviewed an- Bcn F, DlIllnRllllln. Cro.-,lcy nu.Uy fo.· \ho Curriculum sold th, vol. ... nre tired 01 CommlNion betore the Slate the 12 yro,' BlIrn ~' admlnlstra­Board ot Education adopLs UOIl and wonl. c h n nile . lhpJr uea. Com m unl~ Inpul I. 'I'hou/lh Ar lyo.hl promises required to OMure legal com- chango In IIIee,\ and dlrcc tlon, pllance. JACL polnied out. how can he repudtale such

2- Mo \'e,h a~nln I'e - , egis- 101' t b " Republican Domina- Urban Oevdopment and Rou-It'red Feb. 25. changinll hIs tlOD 1\ n d polled 8.660 ,'oles. sin!:. , o c ell p n I I on (rom tlor!' I to May-esh g'trnercd 33 pet. (9.- 0 , ~r 300 support~ oJ Al­"collSumer r cp"."' nl " UI' ~". In 326) 01 the 27.850 " ot .. cast sernb~'man Bannai. mcludinc: his slMe mcnl Jl10d Mar, 8 wi\h In the D<>moc;raUc primarlto;;. aU the ma,'·ors o,f ~e CIties the Secrouu', 01 Itlte. " l\I IIY- The dI trict .s predomlnanl- within Ibe SSrd D.smct, tw;n­esh Wholc,ale Florlsl" was IIs- Iy lkmocraUc: 53.925-24 .204. ed OUI at the S5Q-3-plate din-ted a. his Q/l1)' soure<> oC In- The Ma)'csh I,rimar), cam- Il('r 001. 23 In Gilrdena. Guest come palllTl was Tega.'ded as ·'1011' erll,·rtnlner was Rud.y , V alJ~,

3-lIe •• 1,,, cholll;c'Cl hI. k l'~'''. wblch Included pl'('Clncl- who had offet'PCi .10 "'" aI­n .... m'. 10 Jack Mn) sh 1\1 the walking 1~llIng , ·t>Ief'S th"r tl'~ a chan"" me tIng Wlth Ih t im c or ."('-.- 'I.trallon to Dt'Ulocra\lc "machinc" h. d N."", 1cg1:lator on a fliJ:ht be-­chnnKc hh OI:cupatlon. sulTercd and Ihal II was Urne IW, n _ cramrott> and Lt.!

4-Arter changing hi. ~ - to reft)fm a 5trona" grass-roots Angeles.

Page 2: TO THE POINT: Mllon GETS LIFE Racism Within Us FOR ROLE IN




WI\h1ll \hr week "I~r th~ lAbor O.y HoUd_H. thr adv~r­Usl Il camp'lan kits 101' the 10H PC Holiday I,sue wn'~ len~ 10 .U JACL" .. and d.Iolncl coundls. Several ......... 1<.. lalrr our ollie<' ,,,,,,,Iv~ lis dnl HolidlY " ur ad-lrom Ill. rr.n~h Camp JACL chlpler. And aln"" thaI lImr, reo r,,'-\Ions lor rull-paa~ or I "0

h., come b .. doted Dec 20-27. II a • WhUe chapl." ~ nOw 10 p •. ' around Dec. 18 It

Tho Burnine h\uc

• D.yld U.hlo

- BUlines and­Professio nal Guide


!I.n f r~nd co ·m. <omln, fit rail m'.n.

Ihat leo". or J"pln •• Amor­Icon .Iudent. will he "ttf>ndln, collri"' "nd unlvtrllU. tn t'"lIrf)ml. Their alltndnnrr L­mnde pO.,lble 10,,01, uy th. help ,Iv," by Th. Sumll"mfJ B.n~ 01 rallfl'Jmla and Th. nonk 01 Tokyo of C:alll<tmlr, And Ihr Vedorally I n a u r r d Sludrnl rAnn PrOllrJm. Aa 0

ruult 01 Ihe," ban!u' partici­pation In Ulil prOl/rum, San­~I arr making I>I'rl<)l1al In­

vr lmrnt. In lulu •• I,y paylnl for Ihrlr 09. n ochool IRII. c>ltcn 'Avln, Ih.lf N .1 poren" Irom h.vlne to ,0 df~ply Into d'bt lor Ihelr ehll­drt'll'. , ducoUon

Althoullh mcmb... 01 •

man1 r 1 ""L .lthou,1I I)t ~o­nl)mlc.lI,. dludvanl.II'C'<l, hay. ""I r.·"h,1I Ih~ Ifvd ... hl'h prrml!. Ih'm I', IUPP'lrt 110'0 (Jr thr,.,. atud,"1'tu In ("I)IJ.,I!' at th~ ;Im .. lIm~ ,. I

II I. Ir'","', 11,.0, thaI th~ Irult of Nurl dlll.""re.M V.malo Emplo/ horrl "lI>rk ftr. "",d v, dl.- Agency quaury Ihol, "hlld,fto IrCAn tho \ , I , I.- A t.. ,,'" m8ltY .UrJltllYtI Atd prr'Clam I MA "2:I2J l~ r~-"tnr 06111

th.1 · .... ""Id h-Ip Ihom nn.n,el--1."UO ' ... vll '''''''\1-tho hlah N.,.t "I r',U',e. Il' I 1 .. " LJo '_If)

• • ... ~A .. ..."

In " ",,05e \I) Ihil I>robl m, t • Ih. NIII"" I JA(J. p:u..,d 1

vera l re"" 'JI,lfI' I!\;'_ --::::-____ ------..; nle bank It) provide r.d"rai­Iy Inlurrd 10"01 I.alt l .ummrr, The B,nk "I Tokyo 01 Callrr,rola and 1'1'0 lIum-1 ", ' •• ttllnf} Barlk (I( CalltamJ .. un .. d./1I..ok JUli Iueh .. proiTlm . S.n Jo, •• C.III undcr lhe pro,,,, .Ive I adr,-

plannlnll th~lr local camPllrn~ lhould bt in Ih~ mllll· the o ~('U"' _UnJl!l lrom ar,'R 10UowlnR d.\ • From Our 60 ,000 Reade ..

minority. mllny S"n .. ( d" nIlI qua Illy tor nn.ndal aid pro­"rem. ror min 0 r It T """P IOpmben brCIUI' thrlr 1'11.,.1 pil:r~n" have too many It Y"

Brlnr 01 Allan horltallr '" not 'nou,h 10 ,1.t many or th,..., ,ront.; tbt,. a" minimum In­rome requlrrmenla aJlO. Vel.

.hlp 01 tauo ~nd I fOW Aao T MO.l0K4. <>. " lehlyo Kum.jlal. III esld'nl ',f I"" ~. Son J • lh,.l, r peeU"C;1 bank . JAr:L I • .~ A_ .. •• ?..II~

Ni ... 1 m~mb"n flf Ih~ h08rdl . S"I1I. W.,h businrllmen and member. The .torle. we try to 111-e ,.'ould Uke 10 Imp • dud" In Ihe HoUday I. u~

thue a", Iwo polnl.! Ih.1 aU will haw lullna \'alu . On. 01 our chaplera and r •• d.r~ already set la n hl.torlcal IC- PC Letter Box

of dl",,11AI 01 th~ 1'4" b.nla 1. ____ ·;.... _____ -: 'II an Lcd \(.0 .ee IhIl "rc'l/rams ecl und.r way. Th Uunch Imperial une~ and 10 al JACf .. nl,.mL a •• \ :"'0' 0. nl'd A • f,I) flo "'7~1 ran,ed IrJr ml" lb mttt whb ""I~ - I,tO '. ~ II".

need to 1m",," count 01 1I1anjlro Nakahdma· I-Th~ Holiday I ue "ad • youna Japa" ... , ... ued II

ralr" hu ne up (rom <5 to oa by a New £",Iand whaler SI; per column Inch. This Is In Ih. 18tO.. educated In 'he rtnol Inc""a,r dn", the M8""RcbuaeU eventually rc­PC bepn operalloru In Los lurn~ 10 Japan (wbon the

n,ele. IOmr ~O yrars alIO. countt)' ..... llll In I_olutlon) Th. on ... lin~r (name and ad- Bec.use 01 hi, knowledx~ 01 dms) JTftllnJl! rtmRln Ihe £nail. h. he quickly Iranl1al~ same al Sl per. documenl.5 ror th~ Toku.awa

2-Chaplen laJunl advan- ~o\'cmm~nl Commodore Penoy lal~ o( "bulk role" \\ill be had . ubmllted -- thouRh the puln' ,URht!" more than In American. never reaUzed h;; PIl~t. A cUU-pI,. will be Mllnjlro woo worldn, behind

SS04, ~qua ... r 1I.,e $H4. the .""nes In .haplna Ihe 111'$1 h.lf-pue 32~. and lOr Ihe U .. -Japln truly 01 :unity Md !trat time, a quarter-pille commertt. HI .IdU~ In navi ­U04 When chap,,"rs 'eU nil 1I1110n lound him retw."lnl to he JlI&ce I'el'en'ed at the new America aboard Ih. Kanrln e ralr, they Wo .tand 10 MArn L' tbe "acllnK" captain.

earn mo~el"""'n $48 and We are nOw Inquirinl with an "04. Is.'ol hislory bulf on Maojlro

Ch.plera wuhint "bulk lor add(tlonal material and rale" JIlouJd re;erve 'PlIce picture •. now WIth thr PC oWce. The Chap"",, whlcb ha" a par­annual HoUday Issue Bo,,- tlcular proJecl 01 Ihe year ICOI'O' will appear {rom next they would Uke to eo pub­... e e k, .clmowl~cIn' the IIsh~ are ur,ed to submll numw of Inches """,h'~ or ~ o\ol'l' with pletu",' .. pl~ed soon .. po<slble.

Our loal it 10 bellre 1 •• 1 Short stori"" (not over 10 Tear's ',568 column Inches 01 III,e.. Iypewrltlcn. double­.u.pIay Id"erUslnl and 665 'pace) are n!waya welcome. on.-11ners. (The one-Un~n be they vignette! 01 people. a within bulk-rate .p.... are personal ",",perienee or lic-Do! tabulated). tlonal.

UoUk .. our re,uIar uaue. continuing the "JA-y, bleb i. priDted off -hOI CL-Holldny I~e" project metal". th .. HoUday ls."e 15 wbere contributions In exce .. 8et b, pbotocompo&itlon or 01 $10 (or a one-nnl.t space -told type" - provldln, use In the RelereDce Section. an o( art y,'Ork or 10101 without earmark~ for the Abe Halll­colnl \.brouIb the more ex- "'ara Memorial Fund ror stu­peIW'''' proce!! of having a dMI ald. The contribution metal encravin, made. Some should repre..ent the sum a of thr tanc, artwork rub- member spends In sen dine m1tted by chapIn'S was evi- 5euon's Greetings 10 hi. J A­denl last YI'QI'. CL friends - and that In lieu

Our productloo Icl>edulr re- of IIOIIdlne the card.!. spend­m.aIDI IbClut the aame as In Inc III that money lor post­;,ani put. Deadline for ma- aae. etc.. the JACL-Bollday tufal 10 appear in the !irtt 1.""e proje<!t .ay. It for them eecUCill LJ Nov. 30. the second and also benellt a J ACL pro­IeCtICIII and me","1:e section jeet as wrU, Deadline lor tht. D.c. 7. The HoUday Issue will Is Dee. 10.

• • •

CANE resolution Editor:

A JACL ,e olutlon calUng lor a Concr ... lonal r.vl~w 01 urban renewal pro.ramo and pl~iinll a commitment 01 JA­CL rcsourtt 10 stop the de -lrucUon and dispersal 01 any Japane." American communJ­I> omelolly weDt Inlo efteet on Sepl. 2i .

\V_the Commltlee AlIaln.1 Nlhonmachl Eviction (CANE) 01 an Francl6eo - had Ihe ro>olution Introduced Irom the ftoor or the recent J ACL Na­lIonai Convention In Portland. because we believed Ihat the lar,est n.tloDal J. pan" • e American organJUltion should like po.ltlve .tep. to s top dellrucUvc r~"velopmenl In our community.

In San Francisco Nlhonm.­chi, we h a v ~ watched more than 2.000 u( our friends and nellhbors driven out of our commun,lty by so - c.lI~ urban renewal durin, Ihe past Iwo decad.,.. We have walched our community de.4'oy~ ... re­sldenUal And $mall bu.lness neighborhood and turned Inlo a commercial lourist trap un­der Ihe domlnaUon 01 lar~e

corporatloM from Japan. We have wa!cb~ our wlture Ind our hentalle lurn~ Inlo a­lable Item.. 10 enrich the col­fen of these corporate dant...

At the Portland convention. JACL d~egaw from acro"~ \he nation spoke out in la­vor of Ihe resolution, point­\nJ out the destructive effecfll of r~evelopmeot within their own c:ommunitie!, D~e, from Suttle. Salt Lake Clly. Sacramenlo. and Los Angeles strongl,y condemn~ the e(­feats or "urban removal" In their owo bome towns.

OUr resolution. thus. wa. NEW BALL GAME FOR URBAN RENEWAL ~m,,"ded 10 caU for a commit­

ment at J A C L resources to The pllebt of San Francisco ta ~ whlcb otten lrustra~ stop the destruction and dls­

N\honmaehi (and other Ni- J.oeaI ettom hal been un- persal of not only San Tran­boamlebls) can be noted In JWnl;ed by the ne'" law. It', cisco NlhODmachl but all Ja­\be preamble to thr resolullon • -,v ball game lor cities paDese American communl­otferH by the Committee -.iIl,g f~era! aasJst;utce 10 ties. The r.,:olutlon pa!<!~ by Ap1nst Nibomnathl Eviction IIIJevtale urban problems. No a 68-3 margin. ICANJ:) and adopled by the local matching requirements The resolution passed at the National JACL CouocU IOV- exl!t In this proll\'am. convenUon alo:o includ~ an eraJ moutb.o 8&0. The reoolu- Sirong provisions are also amendment esblbUsh\nc a 60-Uon calla upon JACL to have included lor dU7en partici- day period (July 2i to Sept. Concreu review nationwide pation in Ibe development and 27) during which tim e any urb.n renewal and to stop execution of the procram. interested party could .p_ further d~etlon of any Ni- Clti"" wlU be required to proacb CANE \\~th sUel""­honmschi. maintain a high level o{ ac- t I o n. concerning wording

It now .ppe...... Concresl countabiUty ror assuring thaI chaDlles in the re6olution. This has already revi .... ed and cltizena are Involved In the amendment "' .. propos~ be­President Ford bas ";cn~ a decision-makin, process. cause during lloor debate, cer­law .... 1I1cb. the President sald. It also demandft substantial taln delegale3 opposing the "marks I complete and wel- work In planning. such as In resolution objected 10 the come ",venal In the way Ihat dala collection, aDalyli" "ha1'llh" language of the re.o­America lrie. to ""Ive the eslabll.hln, goalA and objee- lutlon. Under the lentil! of problem.s of our urban com- tlv"" •• o.iing out proll\'am ap- the amendment. these Indlvld­munIUe~" It·. the 511.9 bUUon proach.... and determining uals could approach CANE Rowin, and Community ~ priorIUe.c. (This mlc/lt remind ,vith sUllested chaug.".. How­velopmenl Ad, taklnll elfed JACL delegates 01 the pro- evu, if mutual agreement be­J.n. 1. 1915. The money will pows they had to prepare to tween CANE and the penom be .pent over three years. urure JACL lundlng) with $Ueles~ revisloo& could ('OnaolidaUng ,evera! urban CANE .. 10 be comrnend~ not be reacbed. the wording "ant laws. for It. work and compassion. 01 the r",olutlon would stand

Intent of Coo,,.,,.. was tbat JACL nationally baR become.., pa •• ed at the convention. I low-Income bOUllIII and ur- Involved. It meana people OD Sept. 24 . three day . be­ban renewal be dven blgb must help elly govemmenta tore the lermlnatlon ot tbe priority by oommunlU .. re- examine and plan whole pro- 60-day period. ('.\,11: w .. ap­celv1ng funda. San Jose Mayor cram.. to Improve the quality proach~ by Goor,e Yam""a­Norm Mlnota. wbo had been 01 life. At the same time. as k.i Jr. or tbe National JACL puahlnl thl. bill throullh. pula Mayor Atlnela declar~. "the board who ~uggeSUld chanaes • t thla way: "So that all pea- cbaUen,e to the eltlea and (n tbe ""olullon 10 ellminale pie can enjoy a I\Irh quality their reoldenla i. how we take "lnJlammatol'l''' word! and fIf human .. llIlene~" a. had limited re.ources. develop an make it m 0 r e palatable 10 julft ~tn wltn ... ~d Ihe iID- .. erutlvt pianola, and man- JACL. He said his sUllle.t­Inc of thl. law It th~ While allement capacity Ihal .. lIb- ~ revblons were "changes In House and ,ave bill In.lahla IIIh .. ne~. lela prioriU"". al- wording. not In cootent." 10 Iht leclslahon In a s\X'<'ch locale.. rerouree. and lacUl- The CANE coordinating d.Uvtr~ ~pl. 12 al a fa:e- tales the Implementation 01 committee and cabinet met ,. ell ttstlmonlal lor Kan,o .. flectlve sYllcms in i' complex two evening, wllh Mr. Yamo­KunJ~CU .. Lltllp Tokyo Rr- I 01 Inlrr-llovernmenla! re-!l3k1 and deddod that we d.v.lopmonl Project mana,er laUona - .0 that ALL peoplp could not accepl hls revision •.

ran pnjoy a high quality of The wordlnll he 5uRested human ~xL<l<!n""." were in lact chani" In con-H rna, boa Ihat to Imple- :,;.;;;;;.;;;;...;....;....;....,;.;. _____________ ,;;... ____ •

mtnl Ih. CANE r .. olutlon, JACL can corulder the How­Inll and Community Dev~op­mtnt Act. which bullda on previous experience In Model Cltlu, Urban Renewal, tillb­b<>rhood facilities . 0 pen Land BeauUlfcaUon. WatN anti SC1I; en. elc.

25YearsAgo In Ihe Pacific Cilizen, Ho .. , 5, 1949

As a block-lrant proarlln with pr!orIU .. lei at the local level. II makee aUowanees lor Individual conditions (lIIIeh u Nihonmach I. Veder.1 "rcd

Revtal 11m complete llory 01 role play~ by Nlu. Gb dUMn, war aeabut Japan •.. MI oourl law bara marnage of NIH; vet. Sprin.fleld elrl .•. Nuel ""Idler Memorial 0 a y (Oct. 301 ob •• rved with cer.-

mony at ArUngton N.Uonal ""meltry . . . Aid 10 Tok),o Typhoon vlcU,"" .. So. Cal­It. ACL1.1 lells effect at gov­ernmenl action In Tul. Lake f'OJIund.nls en I


HEAD OFFICE 100 WII.hir. Ih-d., LOl Art,.I .. , C.llf, 90017

LITTLE TOKYO OFFICE 321 bll Second SI., lOI Art,.I •• , Calif. 9001 2

GARDENA OFFICE 1600 W. R.d,ndo I.,ch II .. d., GardiFl' CI Uf, 90247

(2lS) 623·7191

(213 ) 680·2650

(213) 532-3360

M.mb., FDIC

Ihe pul I \V 0 decad,,< under redevelopmenl. 11 I, no ua,­

I"nt. Wr c I Ie Ihroc 'peclftc ""IIl" cou, ,>al dl cmn- gontlon IJ) .Iate that ",""pie exampl~ . '10 r t ~nd dillocotlon to Ih' have beeom~ III and died be-

c.mcla!J 0/ their b.nkl 10 th~t r.'nc.'TIOto T r •• el Se""ce I could prop<oCC that the ban , , -

(I) In I h e Ixth wher".. pL'Oplc II hould be ,ervin,." CIUIe 01 Ihe harattament ~nrl undertak,. the lIu81",,\eed IQCln I .. , 1· n pro. ram I: oncl.: appro :tt-d.

olause. thc original resoluUon Complotely omilled (rom Ihre:ala Irom the RftItvelop-ao pa ... ed ,lain, M... Ynmnoaki' revision I ment Aeene),.

Whereat th .. San 'ranciJl< () H'~ :lO\' l11l'nUon of a \'i"lotion of Last ,ear, one CA ~£ m m-:~:!OP;!:'tl~~n~·~~~ h:.ue\1:'t!.I~ puhUo mandnlt· and mirulf! of ber cufterin, [rom hiCh blood or e. wUh thrnh Ind UJe I t X doll r '. Wt" l>C'ltc\'p th pre. urp rec~f\',-d an M IctJon ~~~:u~C'u.' dc:~~tlo~l:r .dll,l~ \b~ polnls arc r"lu'mely tmport- notlc~. Shorn)" thrrl!, ,h .. ""Idell... .1 .ht HDUll.. llld u,,1. ".0 "villted" rCf/Ularly by I

theae .. me JACL m.mbera · Hew York City '·",rk.d In Ihclr re$pe'11~c In-.UluUon. to aour th.t th .. 1 'A l(~rah )- gen y, ~ITo:::.' ... ere pmperly tar-I ., '"

The Bam: Clr Toq.o 01 call_I" . 7 " .. ~ rornl~ and The SUnuto,lVJ . W .. hinglon D C Bank 01 California .re tr.o be • .•

bld"y eommendcd 10f' I/U'J-, MIoSAOlCA _ ISHll(AWA

Urbln Devolopm •• 1 In 'un Frand!Co NlhonmQ- rPdev~lopment .taft ml'lTli>er 1I1r. Yamauki hod pr - chi. th~ Red.velopmenl Aaen- who han <.d her to mo"e.

cd. "Wherea. Ihe San frnp- cy Itn. Uled our tax dollar' The woman w •• evenlual,ly cL<co Redevelopment A eney In d,· lroy low-co. I h", .. ln" hOlpltaU,,~d and dlod levrral h a. evicted mnny ... ld~1l nd mall buslnr.' space. to month. lotf>r, Almool Imme­and small bualn. e. by Im- ",,17~ I>fOPI"ly IhrouJlh "t>ml- dlaloly. Ih. al~nc} beR~n 10 proper lactic>." nent dom .. in". anti Onally In hara .. be r husband. H~ lO<J

tuUn, th..- prc>lf:ims .,d lor d.mon.HraUnil their ICllIIlUVlly ", AHO ",::SOCIA!U,. "". , . to 1111> I!~ III the cornm L~ - 900 "'~" , , r . .. ~ tift Ibty '""'~ T" e. uel -- -----memben of Ihe boarda 01 eli· recto ... and the 'IIeI and S~n­v·i cmpI01~' "I boIh banb

T b r suggesled 'evt on Is lum (hJ' Innd over 10 larlle bt-gan 10 develop hlih blood nol merely 11 change 01 word- pl·"·JI.· dc, eloper. .uch as pr",'ur.. Ev.ntu3l1y, h~ end­Inl bul a change 01 conl~nl. 'carpor hons Irom .Iapan. lor ~ mO"ing out of ·Ihonm.cbl. and a major one al Ihol. S I he i r OWn profil - making away (rom the communll". cUlcally. his revllll.n omll> II .. hem .. · We find IhL~ prcx",,' where he had JIved a1mOll ail

,. ho .h"" .. ed th~r In'el'f!St In y au ~ ... 11 'n e PC IhJ. project and In helplnc -,

ruze tht luture 01 J pane -~~;;.;-,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~ American younl pe<)ple ,~ i: th~ decp Ihanb of the JACI~ ~-

menUon ot threat.: and 1110- a 1(1'", tn. u.e 01 0 u r tn. b .. IIle. gal tactics u.ed by lhe Re- dollar . Pr"".nli)" an eld.rly Japan-development Agency. Bul nol only I! lhi. a «r e. ~-. pe3k1ni couple Is IDeini

Under lede,,.al law o' delin- ml.u c 01 our lax dolla .... It eviction . The wife," very ill. eal~ In the HUD manual. e i5 iI I. 0 in vlolnUon of Ihe And yet Cor man y montlu. R~evelopmcnt Agency Is - publle mandale. The public they bave be"" haraosed ~ qulr~ 10 provide a .. l.tanC!<! mandale behind redevelop- an agency repretleDtative who to Ih"". II I, ev!ctlng. In ac- called lor Ihe MSlruc- ha been more Intent on mO\'­tuol pr.cUO(·. the agency h ... lion 01 'ubslandard houRlnl fng Ihem out than In ... lrt­manv tim.. Icnored th nd il.: equal ,.cplacement by Ing them .ocure relocation guideline!'. mort Inlent oh d - decenl . Jale. lOW-COli I hOll>;ng. beneftta which they n~ in "Ing people trom their hom .. Thl. hao nol happcnPd In NI- order to move. T b ~ alelle}, rather Ihan mecUn« th honmnchl or In Son Franclaeo represenleth'e has threat~ed n.eds. CANE h,1S docume - as ~ whole, In lacl •. latlsUc< to call the .herift' 10 throw ed ,e"cral ca.~cs where r - complied b~' I h r !Joaguc or the elderly couple and their dent. nnd .moll busln"". own- Women Vot.ra Indlcale thai beIODg:\na' out on the street. ei-s In Nlhonmachl have 21.000 low-('o.t homln, unit. The chUlina effeets ot re­har ... sed wit h IntlmldatlDg have been destroyed or will ""Ivlne a 30-day eviction no­eviction noUeM and thre:lls of be deslroyed by rede\'elop- tlce are oo.t .umm~ up by bodily evlcllon by agcnely slalr mCllL The a~ency "ill build a crocer: "I could only lie members. "nly H.oon unll! 10 replace awake aU nJgbl wonderina

PoriUn action lOch ... \.his , \1 i ha,~oIi8 d.arly iIIuslrat.,. th~ '!U!n~ • wp ha,'~ when Ja p a De. r I Sw .. 1 Shop Amerlcanl work lOIe1hcr II> I mm JACL af! .ffcctl~e .nd U' \0 t .. connructhe or InlUltion. Lc .. oc e ... ,. a . 9H

Incid~n~UY .• a ~de ,,0 l - : -: -::=: - =====~:::;== . , I benellted directly Irom Ioltn prot[ram Imllar to lb' C.,

MARUKYO Me. My uDh·."..)1Jr d:I" mlrt . nol h .. ~ been poulble ,th­out II and J am ~rateful \.0 Q.,

bank and tb. F~eral /tOto. emment tor the education I wal enabled to acqllire.

The F~erally / ~Ted ,tu­dent Loan Prolftlm Is an im­portant undertaktnc. boIh (c;r Undcr H1.1D guidcUnt'S. the Iho. e .t h., destroy~, or what I .hould <in. In 30 days

Redevelopmenl A,ency b re- Ih ...... only 1.200 10 3.000 wiU I would have to clos~ down qulr~ 10 provide to IhOOt It be low-co.t howlng unils. my bu.slnOM. Wh~ could I Is evicting adequale "'Iocation This I. whv we dC<Cribe the i 07JWhat could I do?"

Ibe Japan ... American ~- ; ;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;~_;;;;;;;;;;~ , ! munlty and for The Bank 01 Tolo'o and The Sumltomo l Bank. Japanese Am e rica n' N k P youth ..-111 benrftt trom lhdr an a rin~ng rarsl1thtedn tor decJ,da

reftn'8.!s and beneftt pa - Red~, ... lopm':nt Agency's pol_ Por the ",UOD cil<!d abo,·e. mcots. CANE ha. documeet- Ieles. J ,·.olatlon 01 I h e we could not aceepl Ya-

ed lustnnees whete Idlhd"'" II pubnc mandate and a groM ~a Ib~·r-.!i~oo4varfetf his come. rertals weren't prov e 01 a mishandling of our tal< mon- -- , or where benefits were paid cy. sUggestiOM were not mere The aut.tance ~I JACL only alter the tenaDl! Inltiat- (3) In the eighth whereas cbanges In word.log but In members, particularly .,NiseI.

~ legal actlon against the clause. I he resolution!: ra~ech~i..'':': Mr~~~ ~~e :'~~'1:dLI:,p~!: agf~cfiJ73 CANE representa- m~~·~!~""lh~nl~1ft:::f ..,=~: Ihat now Ihat the GO-day po- their belp. 'Jsol can help JA­tlv"" tM!lfI~ before Ihe U.S. t.Uon. ond •• roelll .. b)' lh. San riod b .. elap.ed. we look for- CL In msny wa,.. other than Comm/slson on Civil RighI! r~"'l~Lw::, :.~~;~~o:,:;~\M.'~~ ward «orkinl with JACL In banking. ADd 111 Ihe eaB and cited examples of how Commltt..., A"I,,", !'Ilhorun ... h. membert iD implementinll the ahead. JACL v.ilI uk Inerea.­the R~evelopmcol had lall- I!:\"chon In<., In .. r1:f 1973 10 R.hl resolution. We must lraluform Incly for Ihelr .... rlstaoce. . ~ to meet its legal rcspon- f~~~e rlsh .. 01 Jopon ... Amer· wbat is now • poUey on pa- a croup, NiJd a~e a ~'1Iir .iblllties a. deftn~ by the 1I1r. Yamasaki propos~ to per into a provam of .ction. 01 talen experience and In­H1.1D manual. ,1t'lke out the word.. "manl- We mtat pul an end 10 des- kuenCl! in manyftelds. JACL

(2)1n the seventh whereas pulalions and atrociti ..... and truclh'e r~e\'elopment and bope! to tlll on . Lsd mem­clause. the re;olution ,Ia : sui>stitutlnll "ac"," He said the exploitation of Ibe mao; ben 10 lend their JU'Cng help-

Whe", .. tho politi ...... rrfed the word "atrocities" was In- ror Ihe profits at an .. UIr fe·. In, hand. and ::oorl words

:~ :y v\~~.n:~·~fl~~b1f~I~,:~~ 6amrnato~· and Inapproprlale. G~ ~~:~~ ~~nrl~~!~ .~e.~:p~~ and Ih. rro .. mlahandlln, 01 our CA.NE dl$agrecd. We recOi- --~~~~f~~t n~~n~i!io:~~~! J'~! nize that "atrociti~" is a _S_8_n_Ft'a __ n_C_'''''' ________ d_C_la_n_· .. _ . ________ .. peop J ~ It ~houtd be ~r\'ln,. h3Nh word. but we feel it , ."

Mr. Yamasaki proposed: is an accurate descrlpUon 01 "Whereas Ihe poJlcle!' o( the Ihe kind of acllons that have San Frnncisco Redevelopment liken place in our community

7 .50% '6.75% '6.50% '5.75% '5.25%0 "'.... ~ III 11. ... ~

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at a low interest rate: Come Drt~e a Bargain wah






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RE 1·7261

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r-tU ..... fIIIIG ..... 0 H(AtlJ0.6

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3,8 e t Fi"'St trf'et

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Page 3: TO THE POINT: Mllon GETS LIFE Racism Within Us FOR ROLE IN

= • 11111 Hocok.w.

Frying Pan Dell"", Colo.

A'L\"" A:oII-.CD01E CON'CL~T - B . ck on 30 Ihll l'Olumn. d~plo r inl th~ .hol \a l ~ 01 mtilt. In thh publlcallon. announC'td a funny 1t0l), conte t wlLh an aulOATaphed ~ p~

01 M.laUOk.·, cortoon book. " 11. Block 111 •• the pm • • I ... Id I T.'Otild b~ ' Ul ' pru~ IC Ibcre wer more ban I b.lI do .. n .ntrie •• and tlll/hll'd If wore ., " \'ou're rl,hl. ."mothln. I. any u a d oz ~.n . Well. I'm lun n~' , It d""m'l make .hR."

.U,h!.l'd. Tweh·t dlClerenl Tbon II dl w o~ on blm. " You • clllo CltIz.n rt3dtu .ent are . NI'lI. an An,.r1eall." h.

n la"ori~ Ilorl~ . Some lAid "SO I wr ole th. INltr cludtd ~e"cral. and there Ihe W B Y Am me"1\!! reAd. from

"ere .no\llh ,\lOCI on... 10 l.lI 10 I1 l hl _ not top 10 bOI-ak. Judainl a problem. 10m nnd r lllht 10 lefl." The... \\..... L ... i otori<,. Grace Hno of L Angele

. '1 el .Im... Sln-.1 1101'1 ... al' re ln~1 I .lOry In which Cblo.,., .lOrin .nd even Ha- Inn."a,o dlrllcuJ\y tl~ure s, walll~ slorl. · For uampl •• Tb. word ".Inru·· In JOpI­Ha .... ailan-bom Fuml" Yoshld,) n",e can m"an "10 hll. or of Garden • • CallI. lelt.. how strik .... ulld II can al,o moan his H-vur-old dlu.hler Bar- to b, ., fleeted b: tnlnkd food . bara . .\nn once a.. ktd : "Why H.r un. le khlro oneo ",a, do you Hawaiian. u. o"p" - hospllal l<ed 11I"r eallnK ""mo 10M like 'Da KIne' and 'you t .. lntcd . h,imp lempur., Her

kno\\':' 50 otteo'" ThlnIdnK brother, • youn .. t"r At Ihr fas\. Yo.bld. told her' "US time. Iramlalt<t the overhenro H wllhlns Ire .. oally , m ... t Japanc r COII"N'fati,)n nnd people bttlu..", all we need 10 Iprud thr new. IIl'ound th. know I, lour ",oed! to up...... 110lchborhood In thl' manner ourselve!l-Da kine and you "Uncle Ichlm ROL h1l on Ih~ lalo ... ·! Then th. olber p~. head by • bl, ~mpur • • bane· mo,..' he Imo"'s th" ansWer Ind they bad 10 take him to b' .ayJDI "Y"a. mmm.- And the hospital" sarbara Ann duly r"porttd thia to ber teacbers al • ehoo1.

. tl. Klsbi of Canlllchnel. C.UI" writes 01 h~r daullhter Llana and ber (alr - 5k1nn~

M • ,roup. lb. 1s:.1 slOrie. friend Jennlfpr WUrlchmldt , ..... re best. Stlko hhlda of Thl. past sunun.,· boU, Ilil"l. South G.I". Call!.. 1.lls 01 $pent much tim. oUldoors. One ,eIUn, I leU.r from her fa- day Jonnll.r noticed hor tan­ther about Chrlslmoa lime. ned "rm. And cried Jubilantly ' written in Jlpan ... of couroe. "Look. Mommy. I'm beJ(inning "Tin" ·Suman ktdo hon su- to look like Llllna-ex .. pl for kOilbI mocllloku .... " Sdko un- mv hair!" dersloOd "bon .ukO!'hl" to \V. 100 wIsb to acknowledj:e m~ be wan!.l'd be .. to send enLrlo< lrom Phil Shlgeklanl of hlm a Ie .. · book.s Ind so sent pulveda. Callf.; WillJam blm !10m • . Anolb.r way 10 unners o{ Brooklyn. N.Y. : F. read "hon rukoshi" ls "JUlI a ~hlb .. hl or Sacramento: K1yO \try Uttle" and Selko', father Vilcrucl •• Iso oC SacramenlO; hid used It In that .ense In and Tad Fujita ot San Fran­uklnc ber to .end him a lew c15CO. P~rha p s there will be .' t" Ytar "mothl" cakes. occasion to use some oC their

Tomf Hoshlzald oC 1M! An- lorles m a future column

I:~I". had anothor ,'ef)' amus­

Inl: I .. ei 'tory. An I_I b1end (1 / h.", kept talkin, aboul an c" ter talnor namtd S bin a Tomi th"Ulhl she W3. ""ferrin~ to some J apa­ne ... sin,er wb06e n=~ mt.nt Chln,,",p TiRer. but <uddenly sbe ,..,allztd her friend WI1S

talldn, aboul Franld. Sinatra.

Ellen Kisblyama o{ Santa !.:iria. Calif. ,· .. aUs that her

husband ",hU. on a Irip to J a­pan \\TO~ 10 her in J'apane",. Sbe could read tbe lett.r bul It dldn't make sen.e - tho word, were IOta1Ir disconneel­td. Sho complained 10 blm wben bt came home and ho 'l8rt~ to il for ber wblHl sud d e 0 I y ho uld.

Oh. almosl for,ot. The win­ner of J ack Matsuoka', book I. A. Ml)'lZakl of Sl Louis. Mo. A Cew weelc.! allO her Sansei cousin WA. sbopplng near ber homo 10 Kansas City when an O,ienlal clerk In one oC \he slore< came up to her and spoke in a (orelgn Ian­."age. The San..cel girl had nev.r leamtd J apan ... e and qulck\)' ,..,plied: " I'm sorry but I dOD't speak Japane!<e. " Sho wa.< astonisbtd wben the clerk 8 m il e da n d • a I d : "Neither do I. I WI> speaking Chinese"

Thanlc.! 10 all o{ you Cor giv­Ing u. a chance 10 smile, It didn't broke anybody', {ace. did It~

• Rich.rd Gima


Unique look through Japan Chapter Pulse

Installati on L.A. educa tor to s poak , I WLA insta llatio n

dWI1("r '10 ;juturda,. w, gl II UJ pm. It 1,lIt San C;abrl .. V.II_y .I.p.n... Cnmmunll, Conlre In W .. t Covina

Pacific Cit rzen- l friday. (JV J 1974

W.L.A. Auxiliary

starts new season SAN FRAN(;I 'co It h .. bC!<'n .boUI IWO month .inc th. return 01 H coll."r-aMI-d

an d and 7 'ldull~ trOIn Ul IP74 JACL Bnstl Stud.v 'Iour of .IApan. They 01 ~ probab­I~ ' back Into their e\,<'O dllY rQuUnrs, I Car cry from lh('t e. ellemcnt 01 Ihelr I D-dO\' Loll '-

NatlunHt J A(; l . worked with Ih{' '''w F ra nrl. ('0 J upan Con .. ulnl. ofller. A Ahl ntw. pup""

in J upan. and tht· prl'f('cl\n III 1 ' ''' . l'Om cn~ of II lr hit" " nnd Kumamoto to IItr"n"" n un lquc Ih.· .. o n. ~1 stud)' lous'

Th. 81'uUP lund.'<I In Ull' '1'0-1<." 0 hu mldlly on A u ~. 5. By P' Inl nrranl!e m ~n t 01 ""uhl,

the lou r WRS wl'lcomcd by ('n · tb u~ l a Uc J apane'c c ol I r II < luden ts. In I,lct. I h c A <ahl

:\ su red "hn (lnr wc l C'om('~ In ({.\'oto. Hlro.' hlmn. and K umn­moto ,1S well. T h " J Up UlH.',H'

l eneroU' I,)' "olunt, , cd theh' 11m. and cnNIIY so th ol the tour member. could l'nJo:-' th<.> , llht. and . ound of Ihdr own cltlr s. ('onlpl('m r- n tl'<i extraor­dina rily b ~' I h ,. hd tl lu ll1c and rr"'DMhlp o{ I h e ho>t sludcn l

The Illuolary Includ~ via­ll ' 111 Tokyo, Kyoto. Hlr h l­mn. and Kumamotn. "h l~lIc­. Iop lour of such .ccnic pla­ce; a. Bcppu and Mounl A 'o and such h istor iC' .. i t ~~ <.I S J ~c

J lngu and Sengttku-J l. Low­eo. .. t accomm odCt tion ~ were .1 1-wo,·s m ade the mo:- t or, but a h'ighli Rhl wa. Ihe four-nighl tal' In thl' home of IUro. hl-

ma lamill",.

Thc.,,· {amlll.. were mo t kind 10 open up their home! R n d their .,·cf)·day II""" 10

on~. two. or three tour mem­ber;, .t a timc. Thl' "xperi­eDce o( , uch ho' p\lality rea lly ,ave th. Son.el. and adult •. n gUmp. e o( Jnpan" .e home lite \haL the a"era,e lOurlsl would never chance to ec.

Japon('>e language Instruc­tion wos ~Iso arraDged In 11 1-ro.,hlma. For thlee days , l""ch morning was spelll ill crash .. !.Slons 01 NlltollYo "<litva. Three Instructor. from a lo­cal university were hired 10 give the tour members. many of whom had no working knowledge ot Ihc lan"uage. an abillty to a t least exchange greelln,s and a<k simple quest1on •.

Th. 191h day came too soon. The ~ I { o U r member" did, howeveJ', welcome the fU~ht ­

long resl (rom their incrtdlb­Iy dch e"pedence. Thoy re­turned here Au&. 24.

Tot. 1 cost for the IS-doy tour came to 978 per per­

son. Thi~ Includtd aIrfare ($4231. and ground arrange-

mtn L. room.!!, 11 non and .velling mr,,1 1 ~6M l. Thr'

tud\'n t hall nPI,IINI through C.n tr,,1 Callfol n n J ,\ CI, 0 1 -trirt I'hl. had but' '' • pilot proj ,·.'t (or Ull .IAlL '1·!10\l.' ­lind Club, hrnded by , ',1d 111-Intn. l'tl- uhnirmun uI the Nil" tlonll l J ,\ CI. Tr.1\'ol Co",",I I­t,,,, (1 07 1) .

!Ju,' In ,lie< •• 01 Ih I D74 Sail. I Stud, " 0 11 1' •• IAC!. I. "tAnning a '"t:cnnd tou r r 0 r 11115. Mort: tnfurmlltJrm ,vIII br fClr lhc"minj(

Ad111t 1 "lld~r "I th t IOH 'ludv Tour \\'f"n Mn no A r ,l ­

kl. L, nn A,akl. Mlltr 1\\'3 11-bo, N or I Mlludu. Mr nnd M, . Gearlll' Iw"halhl. oC thl."

J ACL T hou'Rllli Club. and «notchl K Olnulo, ~u n. "e i rn('m~

bt"l Wl'rt,

o lJUtuh A k,," .t , Shlfon A .. • kim,.,. lIhyut Otll. C_robr1 tt. ­l' ahl. Gordon I ... )',..hl . J u nn"



TOKYO "Gloom' ,.m.lnl Ihe most - u."'( word 10 des­Qrlbr the Int. m a tlons l CcOno­mlc uutlook and the 1Il00mlc,t outlook thl. Ilowt week 10ct. JU ) w" ~ In J ap" n \1.'hf'l"P a 1' 0" omel,,1 .. , Id thot hl< oncc­J) fOS)'k' J" OU9 counhy \V 8; s al ­mo t co"lHlnly hendlni for a deprts. lon .

In a ('nndid "J>C'f"ch to the F'or ciRn C o rn 's p o fld c nl ~ C lub 01 .l npal1 , Eimc l Yama., hlta. vice manisl<'r 01 Inlematlonlll t"ade nnd indu st.,·. said the Toky o government "\\,111 hnve to prep"re a multl-Ia)· .. · ~ dc ­J C J1 ~ C to prev('nl u chain rt"­ndlon of bankruplcle. and a cntes trophlc dcprc".lon ."

Japan Today

INtilD E T OKYO - Tok~'o's

lallest hospital lor completion in 1977 will be Ii slode. higb with 635 beds for Show a Unl ­vcr. i I v in Shlnakawa-ku. High",t at present is tlte 16-slory Firs t National Hospita l

~! ,J{ro-::~·"," : !~~~·~, t U l~~~~~: .. ~:~~ II Id.t.a, Sharon I.hll J'"~l h .... ' , ubu, 'Tum IWIUubo. In. lea to. Rohrrt.1 K Klkura.

Uri." KnmDto. K'lI'T1 Komr,ttl" Arltl1" K. Kuroklwa. Jim,. MJ .. )'.kawa, C'.ra1, Morlt., Chat" ,.tI)W., J""nli ll Hi llo.

8ul.l,lh NA ltn. Lind .. rIa .)".tnh, I'''n NAKII,.ma. I'Oh.'",I 1("

o ~!~~,·' ~t:r'tJ ,,:ic O:.d,:~}' r:,ru~~;~ mtw, J.n lcl' R~rnQld", In)'clt

1 ~'~~~:i, ~~~~~ ~~:~i::n Sucb. I. Urn f;lJd., Harrelt, TlnAka. J ,.,,,1 T'rnokn, lohrlO Ttybf,l. Robt'rl 1'.udllfll. Joan Y.m.,"f'ht • .flU KlIw.moltJ, CIUTord Uamldle , I nd DlltTI U Vamlld ••

Tulare County looking

for charter members

J..J NDSA Y. Cali f - 'I' II I a re COllhty ,/ACL, wblch will e~ l­ebr.... II<! 41JIh annlvel·.Dry a l " •• In pn1'ly cheduled lor ·"turda),. Feb. 8. 1975 al the Oinubn Memorial Roll. I. Iry ­

~ :~~~ ~ ~ ~pll. a Ils t 01 ohllie r

There lYe ... o v~r 100 char­t, r m( ru bel'S. 'rhc chapter cur ... r oll ," h.s 42 nomc :

J.'"r Jwa ta . Him Ha yect... Jnd • bhleta. £ddt,. "'.,.ta, Rut h W ... ttn.abf', f:l.l r J ~y lWl la. John Ya-

~, ~~~;~~ J!~~O a U~~ ~!~ T ~ :·~ ~~ mnda, K • .\' ~ W.tan,br , K aT WAI-'I" n br, Pe" y U,.ma. J:lk J fcbh·, r"I1.', K, uma Maruyama, HI II') V. I." . Tom Shim.ukl, tu ~ hlm ... •• Id, aUI I. hfdt, Yo.h Im o \.Q. Am

~ ltuU:'~' J~ ~kn o K~kU~k a~;' HI~ Uk 9 ·. KAku. J ohn , t , Kubota. Fam Ok a .. ,.a"kl, I{ftt' u }= e Uy rno, Sam UYf'no. S vut" Uyrno. Jim "1Jh l mtn~. John NnrlmAlt'\I . Jo- Kau no. Jnhn

tano. N"Qb() ru " ak _kl. 94"n YI ­b uno, 'Phylli. Olanl. Sam " uk . ........ .

ber1 ~lu r at.ll. Joe MUrata. Sam HIYA mu.

1975 Officers 1. L \R E c o u~ n ~ .I .\ CL

D ~ ~ I !'o~~I./:~ . ~b~~ Y .~t! '!: ; Jack SumJda. rec tee; Shl« KJta ­U hi. cor le-e: dbt chmn-8t1t y". bl u (Vlaa l1al, Tosh Sadahuo tO ~~~ ) ' r~~,~~.ta ' Dinubal , Bob

I \"''1 GABRIEL \,AJ.,L£V .lACL

,Jane Saharl. prell' Hany UI.o-

J ames B T aylo r

J am, B 'fa 'I", dppl1! su­p!'rll1lrndr'nt r.f tbe Loa An ­~. I ~. ell . • choa"'. wiU be maI n "peak • • · ,.t thr W .. t La n­rei.. JACL 111.110,11.11"" dln­ner-d.nee Nov. 9 at the Air­port l\1 ilrln .. Hol" l. Hu IOple " III bt " . 'rorn l\1ellinK Pot 11.1 MlI llI-Cullurul f'AucaUon",

For the "hllp"'r whleh h. be~n Jnvol\'cd In community and school program •. luch

'ora S l ~rry Co m m u n I ! Y L I~ h \.<'d School which <mpha­I". mulU-.,u ll ural eduratinn,

T ,," lor' odd,,·, II rXp!'c1ed to ',urther Inen •• e .JACL in­vol ve,",,"1 In education.

Ta"lor, who "raduak<! UC­LA , 'wal prlnr apal of Poly­technic HIgh before moving Inln dislrlcl 2dmlnlsiroUvp r-i1ioll.l.

Arnold Maeda. eh ap t e r pr .. ldcral. hu In\' lled \he communl,v 10 l b ~ gala a ffaIr. Dlnne.,. ,,,ill be tcrvcd from 7, Dlnn. r tickets and reJCT\'a­lions ran be ,~cur (> d {rom' '8:;0-1133 doll'. 821'1 .. 3192 ,.,:\:e,. Amy Nak...,hlm.a '473 - - »

~ ~~ ?~~J::,,:..;!;Ok~~&r'::::[ Jerry Enomoto ta speak T kemolO. cor Itc. .t San Gabriel VaHey

WEST L.I\ . ""CL \ tfX1L I.\R\ Former llalion .. J JACL prl" _

Y uk i Sa,o, PICfIo; :\(ra Cto~e ident J erry Enomoto will be

~ c~" rt~ ~~~ 6l::r.~~~~: ~.y~ ~~~~I \' !'i l !;e~:~ihl':..·~~a~~ :=n=o~.~p= u =b~ - h~I =. t~ . ________________________ _


Jan,. SahAra 11."1 .1t<:\.Pd 107;' chaptr'r, ',e­ccrdln" HaTTY rlJl,o!IUCt.! .

, • .... 0 .ho,t Rlnu. ",,, .. I' the nnt ~(j Ytan" .nd '" Told Yuu So". III ."IJO t... bown.

'.1)8 ANOEI..lS - The dav'­Un. n t." Hunll7 TI, ,,, rt<l ­!aurant In WeI\wlYA VII~ •• _

November Events wu the .e1.Unr ten' tt~ an­nu.1 dlnller m 'UII, of t 1\ • Wf!fl V" An,e1 ... JACL Aux­flilry "" MQllday. I):-t. 21.

CleYe la nd t o hold 4th , nnll, 1 Holiday hir

In a channJD( tuden-Uh Thtr • /) m ~ t h In, for ~Unc o( wbl~ wkkc a e -

e' ery'm. at Ih. to\lrib annual eMl~1 W'I\h kelly (p'eeIl. tnesl'1 -(Ap •• land JACL Hollda, Pair b<>rs held It. 'm ..... 1 m~, beln h.ld No" 4. 9-S p,m .• In& and r .... I...:v..d Yuld Sal., at I",uclld C.ntral Jr. HI", prf!lldMlt ff1r .. MmIn. Srhool, ~tar, It wal I WIIIlImoo.o Ip-

1lI>1 Andow and 'rom Naka- pr""al .n~ tribu ... to her Ik ~ ohlle, r()-chalrmen. laId com- ludershlp Ibt. put 1ea~, '11 -mille"" ar. pr.parinl .rap. - .tallatl"" 01 Auxllliry oe\t~ I '''' rCKlCla ,a\hmn, .n. '.111 be .t tbe Wort L.A. IA­crolla plant. and ftov. .. ,. Ja: CL dln~ Nfl?, • at AlfI>')l't pant ~ Impon.. odda and .nda !.1artna rtltaurant. for tht sale. A cand,.hop A opeclal Iteat 10 In Mr. and bob 1110 ,."t .. rtainment lor \ho AwdUary 'AI Yrid.,.. and call1p-aph;, d_on,trIUon :·ov. 8 ""'PD fhp Ceorle Au­complel .. the oll'-rln,. w .... OP"h 1b~r bom .. to han

Th.. Holiday Fair [a \h- a ."oat "P""xe-, Ru\h Au .... h ._ , J tu d '-1 IAnl~r. renown MUr. and

c ,p""" ml or n - ra .. n, ICuIpt;:,r from San Yrar.d!eo

ellort. Tn. tol!owln,lIIIX1\h. 0..:..: October Events

150 se nior citiz:en.

e"joy S,F, kelro picn ic

Abou t 150 .,ed ~ el 'e,-• honored I I the San f'raD.1seAt JACL ._red Keiro plcnle Ort. 12 ~I Serra P ark In San Bruno. KGO-TV provldtd tr..

Awclllary members and bus­bands rret'i \he hollde,. IeII01 " .. Ith \htlr annual Chrall:: ' party at the HoOert Wa'.Ulabe "om~

Savings deposit still

climbing at Merit S&L trnntpo,.Ution Other CriendJ LOS ""-CELts _ !trlt Sa _ mprchanaUt and btUlnes_ InlS & t.o.n AMn. hu paid conlrlbu!.l'd IICu, prize. and $91 5.538 In lnl.tTffl r 0 r the "'rvIc~, nln e - m~Ua oC 18;1 . lUi

Four r a u pl • • celt'braUD, In the hatory ot lhe aaod:I ­Ih .. t r f( 0 Ide n annl"enarl.. on il1ld "'.... !W-:o r a r lhe "'ere .peel.1 honOl"OC!'. Ther Gmt pt!.rk.d • ytar a. t>. ac­• 'er. Sangoro MalaUoka., J . T. cordln, 10 Bruce T Kefl. :.~_ Shlmomural. Gff",t ShlolanlJo ril pr...tdenL and tb.. Taml Mat.ruoku, Savin,. incroued from 112.­Cartoonist .rack M a t I u 0 k . U9,r.S7 as o{ Sept.. ~O . lila d rew Ik. lch •• ot the couple. to $ 22.147.746 .. 01 lut Sept.

T v.·ent) - ..,von peoplo and ~O. Mit has ~ plu. monln /lroups partlclpa~ In the n P17 montit to dale, ruc.nln' Sponsor a Senior project to abou Indunry performance,' IInance the outln, KaJi added.

Take It from M. !,Ian I. the only bWlon-eell­

ed Drlaninn wblch can be completely reproduced by un­killed labor. - Mhley 1>lon­

\a,,"ll .


Jean Ariyoshi

Flower 'flft Gardens

slotH 13th open house

LOS A.. ... GELts - no.. ... V;e ... Ga.rden.<, 1801 N_ W_ ~ rn celebra',es i ts 131b Cbrtstmaa open boule • -ov. 3 tram 10 un.-S pm. ...tth the t f1) floors tranrf.Onud It> to a holiday wocderland.

A preview tdIowrooIn Ale " ill be eonduC' • 0"-'_ 1-2, It v. as aDJIOWleed by Attimr ar.d AHa, 110. 1nr!cW- HoI1ro:'ood JACLen aIld proprietUrl. B:- "IClUE ONG

(Tbe Advert iser ) you. ",,,11 eaU a family mee~ tni'_ Geofle ;. very palient bUI he can be as Jirm as any­one eIse when It come! 10 dis­c:IplJnJng \be cblldreo."

Chicago JAA program

Aloha from Hawaii

. Delay In is, uanco of t"x l business licens.s due to the oil orlsl. has I/enora~d a black market in the operal.ion. Tax i cwner-drivcrs wonting to quit jlre di.spo s in~ lheir car '-lnd llcensc at an e"hobitant ¥ 1.5-million In mosl cas .. -about " 'ill -million over. Since , t 'akes .. bout a 18 monlh~ {O l' a IicC! nsc to be issued now. one \ c\.eran cabbic says a new oper"lor will make out. seeing \haL he can earn '1'300.000 (SI.OOO) a montb ... The 40l)l annIversary meeting of the Japan- U.S. Student Confer­enec ",as beld Sepl. 27 at Ni­hOIl Kogyo Clu b In tbe Maru­nouchl area . . . The Tokyo consumer pr ice ind"" (1970= 100) tor September was 157.8 -8 22 p l. jump since Septem­ber 1973.

HONOLULU - Tbe key to Acting Gov. Geor,e Arlyoshi's victory In the Democratic gu­b~llalOri a l r3ce wa s the N~ahQJ>r r.l8Dd~. And he. ""0 thank bis ki{e, J ean. for ~ ­curing Ibat ke)-.

Lrnn sald her cad \Ii a. ell­tl'emely patient wit." her .... hen. 5e,-eral rean 310. she 1m <!.I'd on daUng • bar four yean older than Ine. Father and daughter talked lbout Ibe problem every IlllIbt for more than a .... eek.

CHICAGO - The Ja~ An:.erica.o AI:m. at Cl:lc:a&o ita IIltb a=l~ ­sary • 'av. 2-3 at StepI1m ltIa­thn Hirb School 'IFltb a Ka­buki play. Mlolodori BuI:tI-, unde<' dlrectiOl1 of Wala:a.,.-qi Slti..~ Proc:eedt 10 toward &!u! propootd Japan... cWtur2l center.

HIWlil TodlY tninln, programs for pubUc

Honolulu llnance ollIcert! In HaweJl . . The Rev. David Hirano wa'

Tha J.plneR Chamb... 01 installtd .... Ihe lOt h minister C; __ hu adop!.l'd I res- C tl I olution url1n. P resident F ord ot N u u a n u on,rOia ona and Concreas to live llnancleJ Church Sepl. 29. Hirano. wbo bacldn, to Pan American Air- wu previously . t Los An­.... ,., lor I.. "light tor sur- ,ele.. a 1 9~ 3 lIl'a du a ~ oC \1"aI" . . . About 500 .m- Roose"elt Hillh School. has d. -

P I_ ~ . o{ PaD American AIr- l1'ee. from W a~ Forest Unlv. w, - and Andover Ne\\10n Tbto­wa,.. =~beld in dUo~~ o t~!ii logical Seminary . . . Clinton

allia capllO an e Y TIDlmura. s l a~ lelislatlve au­Sept. %7 to dramatize their dlt.or b .. reeeivtd a national company'. flcbt ara!rurt In- aw.~ trom the Government equities. Th .... the om ployee, Research AMm. for a report r'Olltendtd, were denial of a compiled by hi. ol!lce. Honor­domestic rou~ .... Ithln the U.S .. ed waf • 1973 audit on the alleltd!y un fair treatment by Unlv. or Hawaii faculty work­Ihe Export-Import Bank and load \hat crlticlud the unlvor­alJerlmlnatory I and I n II fee, olty for fai lure to .et overall

"'·:-e'::W.I1aD II" requlrln, workload policies.

I married woman to u .. b t r Crime Fil. hwband'l name C8lDf! under fire by two woman 10 vo~ un - PoUce on iUual are .xpeel­de, thtlr "birth names" (or ed 10 lIle murder cbar, .. the primary elecUon. A ault on ., a 25-year-Old d.menl­behalf 01 LeAnn Cracum anel td man in connecUon with the Penelope Splller WII lIled In .JIo' run 11111",. of two tour­c1rc:ul1 court Sepl 27 by the I W over a recenl weekend, American Civil Liberti .. , UnI - The Iwo persons kill~ SOpl on ., Ih • • tate and I .... 28 worr Identified as William .Ie<tlona adminlatralOr. Tho and Helen Mallory of Medina. I.w I, tho anI, one ot Ita kind ro. Their bodle. weI'. found m th. country on /he Hanakaplal Trail on

4 ••• Ulloa .1 wtn' .. ." 0 >1> . KauII', north . ho .. e. A shot­; m~ un !'J ~ . u rdSe ~ ~ ~~ ft°':l: cun , belJ~vfd t1) bt tht' mur­.8l('t"" Fall. ,parkin, Il)t to pro. d~r " ·~ npon . wall found near t ! . pla nnw;i d.uJop m r n t )n the lh ~ bodl.J. A lew hours .l~r it • . "". d. , .It) pm ~nl would In ... their bodlt we-re dlacovered

~~~!; :n ~~ : ~"o ~ : e ~::;; . ('~':: ~~ tht ~U ll pe c t IUrrendered to ·j.1 bulldln,.. Th o ,rOUD .aId pollee in Lihue. Police lo ld . :J!h • d.,.-rlQprt:.f"nt WI" nl)l ttr .. d- fhf"V hAd not tdabl lJ1 hcd I

I'''Two b u nd:-f' d .n.cry Walaholt- motivf" in thr killing!! "atkan,. aru rt-.trftnl pJC .lit'd

~;'l ~ : ~d ~ '!' ;~ . ~1Jft'~ ' r.~~ t- t ~ I' ~ ; Neighbor Is'a"ds I)D~ f) .ri tltm ,,, • "rn~H d 1;n. . '.1'8 r ~" 'n l " c r) ( 1r(" .. . dlf' !.a­t jff,. b ad n .. ruld f!tl11 .r .. t)p .. po ~ tl) p ro~ thJnan In Jand

,. trtJtn .lTt("Uli ,..1 ·n Irma n .. In' n II: h , t. .. \\ I ld".l'd Oah u

.r ~.

alil inell Tick. ,

n' '!.:I UI' Jt ' ·'~hh V. 'b r :~ II< Rtt.: .r t.!!~ : 'I'. on t~r f' r 1t ~ ,. bUllnt •• I"dl­eJto,., tty ! 1\ . ' ..... I'Jn "",. ",th,r 'n " hU'. lIoft.. Ho'J"' l) lu lu ... ftbn" f'; • ' ~III' In fl) o. p ' r1m~t ,tor. q ..... up IU ~ r r.nt tnr lul,. 1,.lnl' I J ur t .(n," U ~ • fir · ...... u p • 4 fM' r t flnt "1. ·tm4ann 1"ft', pT"WI'n, nt . up 21 r' ~ t' ('''n f _ .ul "" .. t I' per , ,, ,,t p ,., " Ti ' ''~ III r:or.tnaetfl)T) utlf'Ut'. up . .. Pf' r ... . n l 1II,.lntt. ,. .. t"lln" 01 ae J) ~- ' .. M n.a lll'l".n,. " .... U rank,-

fil l) · • M.,'" 'n to;a In; cub t.n , I • tn ,.. r C4nt un". plOJ

tt, _nt h&/!.tu~

t' n ' .u, r n. .nd rlnnl .u ~a" r" M IIn lan" hI" II (01,,.'U'tt A ofnt """II .. 'I) ""r)tlll 'rut' I ,h ,. fII "'1*U II ' all flatllr'l l ."',.,. n.. wr .. ~r }oJ , . ... ... "

t .... f"f)tn&)_nl .t r-OrI'.mnla'''' r ,n­r.ruI"UG-n of • mul'JmflUottn 11"",, t .... ,t c~"r b,-Jllt In 'ht! b" 'n"e'u-n "'.1 .,,,,, T.url)pf'ln t'l)n~.r. Ill. I rvc:tn1,. It11m.r1l .. . • n aU. tnAtI ,. to ,unt; 1\'. ,.~ .trn I ' ", .... mu"" al in II: 01,. u t! t PI"'Jt ll " "'" ~ ,.r aa ,..It ~

tbm .. In the N.w. J • m ~.. aka l, rlt mmt

II" . n(,#I: tU,rclor. h r.n 110

1)'.lnl'" Stat .halrm.n lor I ,p

Ih. {unr.:apot FI"lnre (,m­< ,. AI.n. ~I Iho Unl\J!<l ~11"'. ' 0" ('anorf •• n. III I,. tP­. p~".I"'I. I"r rr.m ...... hln PI n_ tr'! ..... Unn 1.,., 11 rt'tr ""onrlln. 0

1!«It/.Ur.n h~adrlu.r~n on

iU UAI p!'opl~ . rr lalkln, about a u.rl .. ~ 01 evpn t afT('t1 -In, th. KI. hunA Burl! Hou ••• In r"".nl ,"r.k Yor e . ampl., In " IG-doy ",·dod th. tle\'cl­opmrn t a t Poipu BeRch .u.­. Iurd th. followlnrr N b .c~

( I) A nt e In Ahu­klnl d.stroyed all opplli ncr . Ind co", oth., ma­Irril l for I ~ 8 unlit und.r con­, truellon a t K lohuM: ( 2) An­nthpr ft r. ,1 .. Lroye<l Iwo nenr~ Iy t ~ mpl c"'d .. ructure At th. .t ... that ronlalnl'd a ttl ta l ot 10 Ilvlnl{ unllrl: (3) On Oct. I J lm'l C:okp .•• 1 •• manalfor of Kllhunl. ~" klllrd In an < .. I,. mornln, trAnte neeld.nt.

Honollilu Sce ne

Th. 'I no,oOO appro),rlnt<'d b,' Ih. ttate le,l. la turp will b" . . d t" IPrur. up W.lklkl '\ IIoarlum. Pnlltlr.1 Irader (''''''''.0 IHI",ohl, DiI.ld Me Clunr nrl T ,dan BePflu "rok. around (or II new tUl"tle: pond ~ p t. 3D, Fund. fOl" Ih. oqun­'fum will holp buy a "OW d,,­('or Itlr tht" (oytr and nncll t(""tum, plu n n('\I, r t w.h:r

.... m fnr IIvr u hlbll

Spor" Sccn.

Iln lrr IIIm.II •• p,uld.111 nr . ,~ f( C OJ P. hltll nntJunc,:I'd Ihll • multln.1l01181 1.'0111111'1 ('ilJb. Ihl! UtJfl'JluJu InlClnfl­linn'll 1 ('ClIlot ('II/h, plan. If! d£!vf'lql III,· t. III" II "flJlI_

Iq club. n wJl\ b ftnal1 ... ,d

mainly by sales ot mfmlber­ships in J apan and other over­I~'S nreas. The club plans to seU abOul 350 local member­.hips and about 1.000 mem­berships around \he world. Prices wlll be $7.500 (or Ibe ftrst 200 local memberships and $12.000 10 $15.000 Cor the In l erna ll ona l memberships. said Himeno

High School Football

SEPT, Zl .. ~a Punahou 23, Kameharneha 7;

Damlen 32, Pac-Five 0: 'arrln, ­ton 3.6. Castle 0; Rooseve lt 23. Kaiser 12: Kahuku 32. K . 1 A h~ 0; Radford 3$, ltoanalua iii ; Pe:t rl CII,. %7. WaIpahu 7: I.<lIehu. 24, NanakuU 8: Lahalnaluna 20. Sf. Anolhon)" 6; Kaual II, Waimea a

!n~i 1f:,UJ:4J~nIMg!,I~J~r~~~~ K ~: ~i;.'nlee , {J<'tl!~~lalua 8:

Pause for a Chuckle About the only thl", wor.e

than ~owlng old Ihese days Is beinl denied the prl" il e "~

• Jim Henry

TRAFFIC DEATHS - T be rate ot naUon's d ~a th toll on highways and streets dropped from last year. Thero were 8.000 traffic dead as ot late September or 30 deaths per day as compared with 40 last year at the same time. Osnka had the mosl, Tokyo was ninth.

RICE PAPER - Hokkaldo University scientists have de­veloped a method o{ produc­inll high -qualJly paper from rice straw, com <talk. sugar­cane stalk and wheot straw T he technique a"olds use of causUc soda nnd sodium sul ­ftd c - n process currcnU)' vogue and the mnn enur e o( pollution. More Ihan 8 millIon tons oC paper a Year (rom

riae straw is envisioned. bUI gatherin, that much straw Is anolher problem Ibnt mus t be t,rklf\(I

From late Au/lU$l through Sep~ m be r. }\u •. Ar!yosbi \Va. campaigning bard tor ber bU1-band whUe be was poll tick­in!! on Oahu,

uI was \'Isitiog factories, warehouses. restaurants, meet ­mg people in \he back. We felt we could meet more pe0-

ple If we maintained . eparate campaigning schedules. I went to t b c plantations, wbich meant waking u p at 4 a.m. 10 meet t b e workers at 5:15." ,'eJd Mrs. ArlyO$b1. looking a bil weary.

J ean Arlyoshl

"lfy patience bad run out.

but he kept d.Iscu~inll II .... Ith Utah JAn News her," .In. Arly06hl aald.

"ae's been able 10 keep a S.\LT LAKZ CITY- Tbe 1ft. cool bead during lh1I cam- I Ol=J'U.! JACL hu Jatned pallD. 1\'5 easy to lhrov.' barbs Ibe SAlt Lake JACL .. V.Ib­back but our campallD .... u Ii.shers 0' the :nD!l.tl1l:o" 'Utah cool-beaded, pos!U=~ JACL r;~ 'lrilb the <ktDber

When Ibe election rell1.l"D! Issue. In April. 11611. 5&;t on Saturd..... night Indlca!.l'd LUr con\'Uted tram mlm.eo­thai Ma boy \VU born grapb to Ottsel and ~de1t In a slum area 4B years 310. I:. ~ to Include C(.'Coo

". enl to Central Intermedla~ manit;r-wlde e\"tfIts.

and Me.Kinl.l' Hiih School.

She said she \Vas elso 'lHlakin, at thr ee 10 six coffee bours tach day. "Thank ,ood­n .... I love colfee." JIlrs. ArI­yoshi said grinnIng.

we've taken CalC o( them. could now be the nut ""'e-m- A c:ry in \be ortIderneu ;. " Geor & ~ ' s Mother _ p oo r or. ho , to h1a v.ile: rully nol \be ,"Oleo o! ll>e

thing, . he c , i~ all nlghl "Tbank you. ~I~a, you I propbe:- il·. !he pocll' guo wbo (when tho prunnf)' VOI~ were I re • .::aII::.:::y..::w:.:o:.r:kl!d:;;:..:hard.=.::;. ____ ,;. Ie ::.:. t .: b1s ::..: wi! ;,;;; e ;..; ,....; =:..; ~ ;;::..; m.a .;;:: ri :: rna ~ p.

"In 1970. I worktd at the bel n g counttd) . The on!)' campaign hea dqu ar~n and tbin, w e regre t is thai Papa wen I to the colfee bOUl'S but didn't live to see George be-this year. becaus, George had come governor ," ,he said to run the Stale. It was. "ery It I, clear thai Mrs. Ar,­difficult tor blm to moet the "oshl Is her husband's biggest pubUc. So 1 campalgntd ; 1 bad i an. he spea k.s of him In such th. time and George didn't." 'e. as ". ,enuin<'.

While Mt'S. Ariyoshl was warm human beln ~ ... a lot : pcokln, at ralUes on the oC compassion ... ~ "ood fam­Neighbor I<lands. h~r daugb- ill' man .. , a patient man who ler. Lynn. 17, ran the house- bas a lways IIsl<!ntd 10 b ls hold. "Lynn was R trem:n- cbildrcn."


liberal Terms No Extra Charges

Sakura P.S. dou- help . Sbe turned out to "We teU Ibe chi ldren. 'We're be a very good cook. Thai's not pel feet. you·r. nol per­what lhe boys (Todd. 15. and fect. If any lhlng's buggio, DOM. 13) said." Mrs. ruiyosbl I . ald.

National JACL Credit Union Mail, P. O. las 1721 , S,1t uke City. Uta h 84HO

Office: 242 S. 4th bit. Nit u ke City


Dressed In a sma... whll,' pantsuit. Mrs. Ariyoshl <aid I the family dldn 'l &0 to bed un­til 4 a.m. th. momlnR afte r the prlmlu1c •• They were OUI thanklnl! supporters and en­t..-tolnol"$ who had heljll.'d with Ihe campall(n.

Drunk... plcktd up by the pollee In Chlbo city can nur ,C

Ihl'lr hnIlRo". " In . Ir-condl­Honed comfol' t , ay"i' the hu­kan Yomlu,"J.

Omcl Rlly known n th e "Prot.ellon Cl'nWr lor Inebr l­. Ie ." thl, 1I1"1II·lou. "drunk tank" c on .l~ l , 01 ,·IRh l c"lIs. pach equipped willt " b.'<I, a toile t and a IVII>h ba In.

For t.hose who cum e in with ollod , hlrt. . a laundl'Y r r­

"I .. I provldrd , 80 t h thr lodglnll and Ihl . exLr.. cn'iec ti re Irc-t'

\V I I h 1.21111 t· l.bll_hl11cl\t .ervln. olcohollc b C\,,,,·,,gl~ In Chlb. , thrre I. not on., ,'ve­nlnl: Iha t II"'" by wlthMlt nn~ drunl' b<' l n ~ haull'<l In,

U kl' nn.' well-run ho t<;.\­I'Y, it uJTfMd.v hos 1I-URlC r.'¥­ulnr p.,trorut Whb hU\,t, . tu.\­" .. I l I h " c.'(·n lf'r u cr"t~hl mntr. thAIl onr.(\. Ont or th(·m eL ., r<'Cord b,' bl lUI brnuahl

b • .,k (our lime In 24 houri

* WHAT YoU "I ~ V f.R KN hW ABO UT .I.\ PAN -80 I.' 1I (I or tht" Iv't nOI)ulfltion InCfl".IIU· In th. mAli I hand countn-', mount lin. Hre If'\ "I .. / d ;1I1d I h ~ n r<'CI.lm"d tn ml ll a~ WU)' r () r hfJu ~l n" ttnd Indu tr ia l rropc,ly , TIl<' pv,t­war bDOm of lourl lm It. plMl r'" PO" Ibll' In!" UlI' r u 1 II tlr J pun' rJ"turnl benuty. OVl'r j 'lIJ.OUIl pr·,. on. IIl11b MI . Fu­J1 rvel') 'I'j\t lind Imply C'UIII

.CIIU('IIcd· ntop till' rnollillain t(,Lv l Inf)rt"! th,w I rnlllh1n. • Jap;Jm ~ rhlldn'Jl tinct )"uthl fl' '!'WIn,' ~I ~ 1IIII1'r IInti h '" I. rr I' II 1', fr ,'''''111 CI p'U'Ld ,III

7e:,n, "In bul AIO ull I ilu ~n

I ' h~ slca l c apabllll~ ' The num ­ber of ncar-' Ighled youngs­INS hn doubled "mong Ju­nior hlKh ,chool s ludents and h,,.bl .'<I amonu enlor high

C' hooJ tudc'nt!';1 ~o mp t U l"d with 19~U .

A t noon, thl'Y Awoke 10 Ince cOng11llulotory ph 0 n . coli •. l\C W~pR~r Inlel'views And it

new round o{ campaigning {or \he General ElecUon .

MorNlvcr. n ClIro I ~ and oth­er n el'\'~ di sorder nrc blam­.d lur 20 pcr c c n I nl Ih. d ropout. (If coll t..·ge tu th:nt.s .\1\\ uy~ speukinr sor tl~ • In J " pnn. It Is oslhnnt- Slowly. Mrs Arl!oshl •• 1<1 the ed there a"e ;1.. mony tiS SOO (UQ,lI)' realize • • "e hO\" 0 101 million .. ab. or n e~r ly lou I nl wO"k 10 do" to w in U'e tim e the pOlll1latJon Gencral Elccllon. * If Arlyoshl Is elecled go\'-

L.\ S1· I \UGU ON I N ~ · I .A- .,'nor, Ihe (amlly ~" I\I ho\ .~ T ION _ A doctor In(o,'ms a to mo"e from the" spoclous

nUrnt th"n' I. no known new hOlOe In Nuuanu to the ~ur f r hi, ailment nnd ,u8- Go,,01"l10r', l\Ionsion at Wa h-e , 0 til ed InlllOn Place. "C t. I ... ~ lawrn un m - " I' II' I ~ to b. n Icul n' t'Jlfcht 1\· flnd th(- nn- m ,;lU'C S 1(0 It t· 'Ill aWOl Fi fty ~o'l': U ·t- l(l t t'1" t h t ~~c r!n ce tor 011 ot us. OlOl~ ~ miln I d(.-thnwt'd :wd Mh'"\ t~ 1) . A:olng to ."Iss thb h n r hot III II 1l1'W wonder dnill. MI \ l1y . bl said. •

Good "' nlW. the pallenl Im- But one Ihlng won I ~h.n&r nt.dln\t I)' I,h"n<' hi. broku II and who.. the Ad) o,hl, dnn n, h.' whut it cOI· lo ln ml- mDVt l so too w ill arandmn. nina tock I 'vll ll1 l1 f" r "Two 1II1lJ1uo AtI.I'olhl. million dunnr, n s h (U"~" tht· IOGC'Orae', pnrrnts hov~ lived brnl'e!' 1'l pll. , Jubllanl: I h ,. wit h uS e"Cl' .tnce ". ~ol 1,"llrnl olll"'k. the rt .t nf his ,"a1T I ~. Whenever ". talk pall foil" "'1<1 I<arn Iht' 0110 .,bol,t Iho loml ly. It Includ •• .,11 r"",pa1l\' !o ,~ I HI .6 mll- Ihr e h Udl~ n nlld Ihe lI1'untl­II" n /. li:m, nnnthrr I 3 pArrnt •. But POll" died Ihr"r mUlIoli II { hul"" unci 10 on yell'" UilO. \Ve ,·rally mb~ him

Suddl'nl.\ Ihe- 0 per .il Lor lJll'ak ' n n 11 d lu)·S, "Vour thu,' mlnuh' nr (' up. Pl t-n~c do po It ~(J.OlJfI 10' tho n~xt thr '. mlnull It

* In (',I \ ""U'I'~ nnt fl·~lI nli!

ell pl't NI ~''''U''h. JII tlt' ­tn rub"1 Uh,hl I"HI\\'. tim 1IIf' n,iH:\,,'h .1 1. IJullina ) Ilur

utlma ()U IUlOcbod) '. mAti Be l

"I Ihln k 1111' 1""0 th. chil­dren hn\"~ 1 "c('l\lt'd troln lhC'lr Rrnnd pnrunt" I. l'Otncthlnj( \try brautlful. W~ hold them \'Ql)· dNU' lo om' hell! 1-.,.

Thu t '~, why we'n.' sto~ed 10-,.f'lhcr, II \\',," G~Ol"iC' po .... rl t. \\ hI! \'.'rtll(('(1 VCHY hard l6 HI\' "1111 Ih("' kim nr I dll""­lion 111' \\ ,m(rd. I flt,·I)I) ·'11" I'I"~c l Qtc them. 'lhul', wh),

(PAlO POUtlC A l -'0


MIKI HIMENO Gove rn ins Boa rd M e mbe r I Proposed Monterey Park

Tel .: 18011 3SS-8040

Rtl'T\ ~l'T'be, 't'OU Cln ~ SJ ,UOQ • ~ , ~ '\,jre "" ,ttot , QU, I, t ,ad' cred ·' ,. ~t ""0




• 1.800 Copies Sold In 3 MontI .. !

,tJCh~t~o~ e ~ • :!Ot.; On. NI"I m~thtr sold : "I ~.11y Lke Ih. • lho C kb:x>

1$ ""rlUen With ruy·to--follow dlreo.:ticHu. And I 1m .':>0 en ' he Intemung sIde contl'l\et'lh

Ord e r (,rly: A .. oid Holiday Rlish


Unified School District MAI L TO: TfL. 6l'~6 " MAU.O UWATI 110 N. SAN PfORO ST.

She CARES i1boul

• ,h!luren

• schools • communIty

« rn,nllf"~ to EIK t M,'" Hlnltno

1 ~nt P~·bhl\.·h111 it St. Mf ,,If'le' Park. Cahf

LOS ANGILES. CALi f . 900 11 ________________________________________ __

Addr •. ~.'~ ________________________________________ _

Price 5S.oo Po" Olllc .. '_____________________________ T. .30

How M.ny Malll119 .36

~mo3tJn' Enclol~ ~ ____________________ _

PC t.1 •


Page 4: TO THE POINT: Mllon GETS LIFE Racism Within Us FOR ROLE IN

4-Pacific Citizen Friday. Nov. I, 1974 DURING OCT0 8ER

• Kala Kunltsugu 1000 Club Membership

J'"I1,.ADELPnrA 15-01.,.. r, Mlrlrm o--H0t1k8W'. Jfflrbtrt PI\OOnf ~ ! I UVt. W~.T

&- 'Mln"ml. F",.lnk lin 11 P Vi\t l . .. \I\Ll.l \'

l $-Mn.ulUotu. Trd

On Margin Headquarter. acknowlod«l'd 12 " OW and

renewln« 1000 Club membl.l . hl "" for Ihe 1lrst haII of Oclober. 8 :\ n.\ 'U. S'TO

lfJ-Sak.molo, 8hl 8A N' nU! ««

JI-lhkA'hJIU8, !ihl SAN "l,\ r<C I co

Los Angeles LITTLE TOKI"O POWER PLAY (Pari ll-Whrut people

,,-ant >omcthin~. thl!Y u.e all thl! power they c." muster to lIet It. And when they want something badly enough, pe0-

ple belnI human will U!c lair mean.. and foul 10 IIct what

18-H")'nk.wa. KnYQ I ·lkuma. Mrll'

8- rllhtukf. K Qh."h l 2o-KurJhnra. Morl,

li : ~Hr ca:~k':il~~l t . u I--OnlhH. n l , K ClJI

l'T- T lIknh.thl , Henr! "AN lO ft I

they wanl. At the moment in LIttle To­

kyo, Ibere are some Int"n!sl-1011 cross currents or power play I"e\"olv\ni: around the re­development queoUon.

lWle... were made of Iwnex stuff. Sci FuJii. the Iconoclu­tic founder of the K""bu 1\IaI­niehl. WIl!I 1II0t at by 8 gana of hoodluIM who didn't ~ with whot he wroLe, but be kept on writing. He had IIllts.

J't:~:~~f :. "f:~ ~·:': O.


CLcr K.n Tokuyo,hl, 611 , a, the Man or t.he Ye/u' nl the Moo.e Lodge .1.11 Nov. 7. 'rhQ tweDlicth reclpienl or Ibp elly­IVlde honol'll, thr nWncr 01 Ken'. NUr""ry hns be«n /lClive

On<' such embroilment In­''01,,,,, the Anti-Eviction Ta..k I'or<e which put on a demon­stration at the poundbreak-

... __________ -' with tbe San Pablo aenullrlcn_

in, rites for the New OtanI AI.·ens­Bolel In Los Angeles which Awards was a .hameful. wiUeliS and rude e. .. erclse by a pubUcity- ConllJlued trom Frobt Pa... Scoutnu",w Tosb Shoji ot bW"IIry han d f u I or young Troop 109, La. Augel ... was "eommullity people" or an ex- Terr4< and Evans eould not accorded the Sentinel Dlatdet

Uon Commlu lon nnd t.he Su­leslan Boys Club. gom near Sacramento, he spent his e ... ly YCaJ"S in J npon and returl1ed In 1035, look up g81,,"in« with In 1053, too~ up fO"mlng with his pa"enl$ and brothers. Afler WW2, he became a lalld. cape gardener, gol m Q r r I ~ d In Borkolcy and tumed to bla present businesJ,


tlllaraUnIt dlsplny or solldRrlty alPee even about tbe num- award of merit ill recognition on behalf ot oldUine resldenls ber oC ,..een-clll'del'S . The of his lifelong work with and small bu.lne,,.,. of Little Justice Deparlment esUmates youlb. As R youth in Llvlngs­Toh"O by a couraacous bl\l1d of there are 9,000 seAsonal com- ton. he aUalned U,e rank of people \~hO b"Ue\'e In p..ople muten (those who llve In Me- Eagle Scout, has been In J)Ower. depending on whieh xlco and spend the entil'e har- scouUng and Com m u nit. y .ide of tho fence one stood on vest seasons In the U.S.l and Youth CouncU (a Nikkei ath­September 27. 50,000 daUy commuters (those letlc group) coach in baseball

The Anti - Eviction T ask ;~hllie ;;:r:1~c~c~~a~ ~~ and basketball with the TI- Yush Naka,awa ot SeaLllo Force. a 100"" org~nlzaU,:,n of iL dally to go the I r Jobs). tan •. He Is also a PTA hon- is presldenl ot Osborn & UI­you n Il commuruty ncU"isla E\'ans sald. orar)' life member. Hl.'I wICe land. Inc., an eight-unit sport­wh""" .mem~hip \' a r I e s Terris. clUng Hgures com- AUeen bas been a den moU,er Ing gC)Ods s tOI'C which doe. lrom I. to "O-odd. accordinl! pUed hy growers, put the to- and lien mother coach in the mOl'e than $t mJUion a Yea,' 10 one ~O\llft. sent a letter 10 tal number c1",er to 150,000. past. in soil goods (.port..wcar) , the Rafu Shlmpo, a !..os A'C'- A decision Is expected by Service clubs In San Pablo With six slores In Lhe Seatll.-it"1 .. "<macular nc",'poper 10 next June wlll hOllor Conlra Costa JA- Tacoma area and one In POI't-"hleb they ex.coriated the Ka- . land. It recenUy openeil a j,ma Corp. of being rich. huge store In downtown San Fl'all-and powerful and desh'OtIS of ' Stepin Fetchit' cisco and plans are to open taklnl o,'n LitOe Tokyo. appeal reject ~ d Local Scene shops IJI Spokane, Alaska and World War rr history was Hawaii . . . A J ,C. Penney Co.

Kuch an .noy llm~ lIotllnll te­~IN·ted Hr hu hlr~d " law Orm to rr' e/lrt'h whelher h. eM donal" hlJ' ""I ra mon..y to r 10blbh '«'hol"l11hlp In HawaH Nlkk,,1 upport In th(" lAfI AnS(f')r- nf(ti:l tor Ed­mund C Brown Jr.'a guber­nnt"rh.1 ol.clloll urtaccd In mld-Oetolxlr with Gtor,. '1'a­ktl and WiIIlom T. Hlro lo named AS co-chairmen. 'rh. group ho Led R chnmpagnc "arty nt Yamnto', RCitaurant Ocl.20.

Elections (PC w.lcomro ".w.pape,

<lipll/IIOS 0/ Japan". A mor­ir"." I" tlte IOU ~1.,·ti(1Il Ta­<r •. -Ed.)

l'ukUl Inouye, N'Ccnlly hon­om with the NI""I or the BIMlnium sliver ml'dalUon at th. Portland naUonal CQllven­Uon. i, on th~ Democrallc tlck"L for tho rour-year poat 00 the Ut..,h Counly Commil­.Ion. The M!. Olympus JACL­er has complll'd a two - year tenn.

Court room dredal'd fnr a tidbit in which WASHINGTON - Lincoln T. field representative in l'duca-Kajima slatt Ulembers wcre Pert')'; the once - celebrated tion, Cyndy 1\lura kaml, gave ~ra r i~D Shlb Klnr lIJJDr of alleged!." executed on the war black actor of the mJd-J930s Los "'nllelel a workshop on the metric 'YR- Chicago, bellevL'<l to be lhe CS"itnes trials tor thelr acts of who used the n a m e Sropln rom at a consume>' workshop firsl China-born worn a n torlUl'e and murder ot ChI- Fetchit. WIlS refuoed by the FlIJpino Commun1t:r ACtlOD In Seattle "econtly - part o{ IIcellsed to pracU"" law in the nele dvlUans. U.S. Supl'<'me Court Oil Oct. Services Inc 819 S Alvarado hI!!: job which takes ber to U.S .. is Msoelarod with the

Th15 did not sit too "'ell 15 to order a jury trial whe- will ope;"'te ~ mobile medical~' her naUve Hawali, Alaska and I?,," firm ot Milan & Mi~hclot­,,;ith a high-placed local Ka- ther he wos detaml'd when a deDtal CllDic unit soon in vwi- the westem U.S: She ha.. a to, Ltd. She , Is acli,e m the jhna official. who is said to TV documentary said be por- OUB neighborhoods IV her e graduaro degree m home eeo- Asian Amencan civll rlghts ha,'e eontacted 8 community trayl'd "the t.radllion of the there are large Dumbers ot Domi.,. {rom Michigan SLaro. movement and more .receDtly leader and voiced bl. unbap- lazy. stupid, crap-shooting, nOli-English speaking immi- Osaka-born Y",hlo Got{)h. sought. to have (ill.) pm .... The communl!,.v leader, chicken-stealing idlol". grants, racial minorities, el- with Flying Tiger Lines since HIgh Seh".'?l ~rop" Its atbletic in\'~h'ed u he was in fund Perry contended be was li- del'ly and the poor. Examina- 1971 as inromational salcs nlcl<llame Chrnks. ralsmg for the cullur-u/com- beled and his prlvucy Invad- . tlons cOllducted by volunteer manager at Los Angeles. was A S~cramento sup e rIo r munlty cenror and mrndtul ot ed by the 1968 TV professionals will be free, at- promoted sysrom directOr ot courl Jury awarded Alrforee the helpful role the Kajlma documentary lhat bl'ought him cording to Jenny L Batong- the department- the fil'St Asi- :sgt. Victor FOl( .• . $900,000 Cor.pOratlon can play In se- back to the limelight. Bill malaque, M.D., FCAS pres- an to head up a depart.ment of Judgment. tor sustaining third-cunng part of such funding Cosby was recalUng major flg- Ident. the all-cargo airline. He pre- degree bUl1ls over more than !rom Japan. organlzl'd a dele- ures IJI black cultural history "iously served with Pan- half oC bls b~y aIror a 1971

QUESTION BOX I CLASSIFIEDS 'Nilci' Paporb3,k ~mJ)IO - J'l>I --. n - I--- ---

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,ation of community. leaders and said Perry had populw'- Frelno American as traffic supervisor ~otocycle acc,dent. The ver-who ... ·ellt to !'ave a litUe talk J zed a Negro stereotype in in air Cal'go ... First. woman dlct was agaInst U.S. Su. llki I = the publisher or the Ralu comic entertainment. Fresno Sokyoku-kal (Koto to be appointed a phal1Tlacy Motor Corp. Fox ,COI\IA!n~ed, Ell:' EIIdo Engllsh editor The lowel' courts dismissed music Club) was recently 01'- manager tor Sav-on Drugs Is tbe cap on his bike s ga.obne

of lb• R-'" 'when '-'ormed Perry's case since Cosby's re- ganlzed with Doroths E:auc- Rose Yamauchl at its MOD- tank popped off with the ~m-

la'-- ·abo""ut'" the con'::."nts ot mark was rull'd.tair comment.- naga as president. Students ot terey Park location. She was Inpact, igruting the Ita, claun-

th':' m-_U-g. stood ~on her ary. on a public Hgw·c. Last Mme. Wajyo Tokumoto held employl'd since 1956 a grad_ g the cap and tank were

';;b'- """'to her -~i'-'al J'udg- spring, the court ga\'e added their sixth annual recital Sept. uate ot the Philadelphia Col- constTucrod ot intelior rna­;,;.,i and offe;; ~~ reslgna- rights to. sue tor libel to pri- 28 at Fresno Slaro Music Hall. lege of Pharmacy & Science. terlais,

Uon If the publisher was not vuro individuals wh o don't San Diego She and her husband, George, Milestones ,oing to back her up. The become public Hgures· except reside In Long Beach ... For-publisher did not accept ber at the behesl of the commu- A multl-oollural art exhibit, me~ ~apan t!lecih'Onics repre- 11m. Chlyono 1:amasaki, 91 resignaUon, and there the nieaUon media. But It s aid sponsorl'd by the Inter-Cul- sen tlve e Midwest, ot CenteniJle, Ohio. died Oct. matter stands. nothing to h el p those who, tural Cowuill of Arts and or- Geor,e Tald was appointed 10. An honorary Dayton JA-

o Uke Perry, had once sought ganllzed by the Sari Diego Rccount executive for Hyatt CLer. she is survh'ed bv s Raving been on the t'l!ceiv- and enjoyed pubUcity. County Human Relatlons egen~ Chicago. He is a 1>1asaru, d Kimise saklida,

in§ end of similar pressure Commission to develop an ex- graduate in marketing from II . ta~CI!, I applaud Ills. Endo's change between majority and Northwestern University. Ltr; Ts~~f ~~~'ii'.i ~ru:g~ ~ M abe pointed Jewish group lauds mlnorJ1;Y communitlC$ and en-out IJI her "Open End-o" eo!- courage ethnic groupS t.o pro-wnn. persons and groups feel- work on landmark mote and preserve their cul-Ing themselves un1alrly criti- lure, wUJ run through Nov. 13 dud have a chance to rebut LOI! ANGELES - The Com- at the lIRC ottlce, 3730 Fifth the charges by writing coun- munlty Relations Committee Ave. Normal viewing hours ler letters to the editor. Bow- of the Jewish Fl'deratlon- are from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. ever se\'eral recent Incidents Council of Greater Los .Ange-invoh1ng hoth the Rafu ShIm- les has commended the CalIf. Sacramento po and the other vernacular, Historical Landmarks Advlso­x.a.sbu IIfainichi, have shown ry Committee, in a SepL 10 to persons who feel aggrieved letter to Gov. Reagan, for es­by what is published abo!tt tabllshing the Manzanar site them that a mere threat to sue of WW2 Japanese relocation works wonders tar more sat- "as an historical monument tstac:tory than a counror let- and designating it for the COD ­

ter to the editor. "Correc- centratlm camp that It tru­Uons" and "retractions." which ly wvt'. on closer .crutlny only turn CoJllJ1Jltlee chalnnan Allan out to be the aggrieved per- J. Greenberg said the group ... n'. version of the charges In Identifies with the tragic ex­question. are printed forth- perience and voted this ex­with, accompanied by $Ubject pression of concern "that such apologies from the publisher. an episode must never again

The lint ,e"eratlon pub- OCcur In these United Stales".

• AllIn l eek mIn


ASIA.'ll oS: PACIFIC SflOBT Roderick Flnlay·son. Through IITORIES, compUed hJ' The the account of an o ld bun Collural Social Centre AWD driven fl'om the herd and a Fa.lll. CouncU, TuIUe, 307 young bull in!Toduced, the au-JlP·, $6.70. thor give'< a good picture 01

• 0 New Zealand tarrnllfe. But Born In l h e homelaDd of the account is a simple nar­

the .hort story. th~ >ophlstl- ration of an lncldent ra Iher ~ated An~ncan reader, at than a .hort story. I~a t uncolI&c\l), f<,nds to Thoufth lacking story line. .pply the hi(/l stand;mu of the o\ contributions are hi' natiy. land to . .ample<. of clear. In "Death Mask", !Tans­the form ImpoI'!I'd fr"'" lated by Georee S;,lto, Nobel abroad. By ouch a comparl.oll. Prize winner Ya.oUlllln Kawa­th" 18 'lnn~s In thl. antho- bata depicts the protagonist II),y fare poorl)', tho~lgh most suffering jealousy even aftor ,ive " good picture ot Ihe life his beloved hu died In his of the country in which t.h")1 arms. were concel\'l'd. Tn the othll1' Ja~ con-

The edJtnn hav~ lnelud«l trlbutlon, "The Mou.tache", two ltort ""ch from Aml1'8- LrallJllak"ll by Chleko MorozI'­ll .. , New Z<'Bland, Jupan, Ko- ml, Yolchl Nakagawa writes re<!, Republic of Chll'lll , Tho1- ot 'm all'ed widower who lends I nd . Vietnam and the Phi- a double life: ilt homc n de­IlPPlRes, All cQnlrlbutinll' au- voted ralher to his idloL lIOn; thort bre m"'DbP.ra of InUT- obro.'1d " da shing IlUln-about­nall.,n.1 P.E.N., an oCfcmym Inwn, admlred for hili moW!­fo. POIlU. Playwright.<, F.dlt- !<Jehe, with an eye for the ors. aDd NoveU.~ . ladl." .

"Ethnic Culture: American Style" is the title a UC Davis Exronsion lecture series ex­ploring the major ethnic COOl­munitles In Sacramento meet­Ing tln· .. weekends from No\,. 1-2, meeting at McClatchy High SchOOl, 3066 Freeport. Blvd. For further iniolmalion, c a I I UC Davis Extension (916-752-0880) .

A half-hour Kodomo Jlkan, a J apanese program ot songs and folk lales {or chlJdren, is being aired on KERS, local FM l'ducational staUOII (90.7) on Wednesdays at. 6 p.m. The Sansei Hour follows {rom 6:30-7 :30 p.m.

Nearly Z50 were Ple.18 at tbe 14th annual Sacramento Nisei VFW Post 8985 Issei ap­preciation dinner Oct. 6. 'rhe Hikari Music Makers enter­talnl'd.


Politics Dr. S. I. Hayakawa, stopped

by the court from opposing Sen. Alan Cranston this year says he is Interested in the 1976 race against Sen. John Tunney. He appeared as guest .peaker at a fund- raising breakfasL for State Sen. Clark Bradley (R-San Jose). Asked wbether his age would hurt his chances (Hayakawa is 68 today), the past San Francisco Staro president said: "I have no Idea. It depends on the condition I'm In alld the con­ditloll tbe COUll try's In. They may be desperate -enough by then to take me. \I

Five U.S. senatol'S whose re­elections seem assured have colleerod mOre titan $200.000 each by the end of August. according 10 reports flll'd \vlth the Secretary of the Senate. The live are Senatol'S Ernest Hollings (S.C.), Daniel ino­uye (Hawaii), Russell Long (La.), A bra ham R1bicoff (Conn.) and Hel,,"an Tal­

madge (Ga.) Inouye said he I had ralsl'd his money early before he knew be would have

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RE 1·2121 Thou gh \he hort - ,tory form blt>U<lflled lal'> In the Brlti h t:mpir , t h" BriU. h. too. have hJ(/I I t;mdards or ncell"""". Accordlnfll7, th., • tor r be: .pproxlmatJnll Ainertcan aliJndarda of ani -Ifr "ome. It,.om Au tmUII. "AL Ih. C1It.luu''', by H I Port .... , wbt.> Wlls of two ""Wo-con­",1(lUl 01" women who IIlCht th<rlr qwn pccullilr dud In the dl!ath t)Vtr tho nih! to . It. a t /. pr"'~rrC'd t.1ble a t th" Oalahad Hotel. In the "th« Au tMlllan u,rr, th~ IChor,l­I.C3chcr fI.ncl)C of a farm .... , seeklnll It> "Iell r Ihn la rxl lor cu l!lv,,·loo. ympathl,.es wl lh the wHd~rn h. rmll who opp<l56him,


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