Page 1: To grin like a Cheshire cat. Chupina L.A.-teacher of English, lyceum №329 Saint-Petersburg

To grin lik

e a Cheshire cat.


Chupina L.A.-teacher of English, lyceum №329 Saint-Petersburg

Page 2: To grin like a Cheshire cat. Chupina L.A.-teacher of English, lyceum №329 Saint-Petersburg

Идиома – это устойчивое словосочетание, значение которого не определяется значением входящих в него слов взятых по отдельности. Из-за того, что идиому невозможно перевести дословно часто возникают трудности перевода и понимания.

Среди представленных идиом, Вам следует найти и кликнуть на ту, чье значение вы увидите в окне внизу. Если ответ неверен, то неправильно выбранная идиома исчезнет. При правильном ответе появится одна из частей пазла, собрав который вы познакомитесь еще с одной..

Значок отправит вас на страничку, где можно увидеть практическое применение той или иной идиомы.

Дорогие ребята

Чтобы не сесть в калошу и не наломать дров, УЧИТЕ ИДИОМЫ

Page 3: To grin like a Cheshire cat. Chupina L.A.-teacher of English, lyceum №329 Saint-Petersburg

to do or say something that would make it impossible to ever return to that situation or circumstance

To burn your bridges

to carry your heart on your sleeve

to drop the ball

to keep your eyes open for to bite off more

than you can chew

to bend over backwards

to be under the weather

to get butterflies in your stomach

to zip your lip

to put your feet up

let the cat out of the bag

to play hooky

Page 4: To grin like a Cheshire cat. Chupina L.A.-teacher of English, lyceum №329 Saint-Petersburg

not to attend school (without notice or excuse) when it is compulsory to attend school -

To burn your bridges

to carry your heart on your sleeve

to drop the ball

to keep your eyes open for to bite off more

than you can chew

to bend over backwards

to get butterflies in your stomach

to zip your lip

to put your feet up

let the cat out of the bag

to play hooky

to be under the weather

Page 5: To grin like a Cheshire cat. Chupina L.A.-teacher of English, lyceum №329 Saint-Petersburg

to carry your heart on your sleeve

to drop the ball

To burn your bridges

to keep your eyes open for to bite off more

than you can chew

to bend over backwards

to get butterflies in your stomach

to zip your lip

to put your feet up

let the cat out of the bag

to play hooky

to watch carefully (for something or someone)

to be under the weather

Page 6: To grin like a Cheshire cat. Chupina L.A.-teacher of English, lyceum №329 Saint-Petersburg

To burn your bridges

to carry your heart on your sleeve

to drop the ball

to keep your eyes open for to bite off more

than you can chew

to bend over backwards

to zip your lip

to put your feet up

let the cat out of the bag

to play hooky

To stop talking

to be under the weather

to get butterflies in your stomach

Page 7: To grin like a Cheshire cat. Chupina L.A.-teacher of English, lyceum №329 Saint-Petersburg

To burn your bridges

to carry your heart on your sleeve

to drop the ball

to keep your eyes open for to bite off more

than you can chew

to bend over backwards

to zip your lip

to put your feet up

let the cat out of the bag

to play hooky

to display your emotions or thoughts openly

to be under the weather

to get butterflies in your stomach

Page 8: To grin like a Cheshire cat. Chupina L.A.-teacher of English, lyceum №329 Saint-Petersburg

To burn your bridges

to carry your heart on your sleeve

to drop the ball

to keep your eyes open for to bite off more

than you can chew

to bend over backwards

to be under the weather

to zip your lip

to put your feet up

let the cat out of the bag

to play hooky

to rest or relax

to get butterflies in your stomach

Page 9: To grin like a Cheshire cat. Chupina L.A.-teacher of English, lyceum №329 Saint-Petersburg

To burn your bridges

to carry your heart on your sleeve

to drop the ball

to keep your eyes open for to bite off more

than you can chew

to bend over backwards

to zip your lip

to put your feet up

let the cat out of the bag

to play hooky

to reveal a secret often without the intention

to get butterflies in your stomach

to be under the weather

Page 10: To grin like a Cheshire cat. Chupina L.A.-teacher of English, lyceum №329 Saint-Petersburg

To burn your bridges

to carry your heart on your sleeve

to drop the ball

to keep your eyes open for to bite off more

than you can chew

to bend over backwards

to be under the weather

to get butterflies in your stomach

to zip your lip

to put your feet up

let the cat out of the bag

to play hooky

not feeling well, but not very sick

Page 11: To grin like a Cheshire cat. Chupina L.A.-teacher of English, lyceum №329 Saint-Petersburg

To burn your bridges

to carry your heart on your sleeve

to drop the ball

to keep your eyes open for to bite off more

than you can chew

to bend over backwards

to be under the weather

to get butterflies in your stomach

to zip your lip

to put your feet up

let the cat out of the bag

to play hooky

to make a mistake or fail - often because of carelessness or inattention

Page 12: To grin like a Cheshire cat. Chupina L.A.-teacher of English, lyceum №329 Saint-Petersburg

To burn your bridges

to carry your heart on your sleeve

to drop the ball

to keep your eyes open for to bite off more

than you can chew

to bend over backwards

to be under the weather

to get butterflies in your stomach

to zip your lip

to put your feet up

let the cat out of the bag

to play hooky

to be nervous or excited

Page 13: To grin like a Cheshire cat. Chupina L.A.-teacher of English, lyceum №329 Saint-Petersburg

To burn your bridges

to carry your heart on your sleeve

to drop the ball

to keep your eyes open for to bite off more

than you can chew

to bend over backwards

to be under the weather

to get butterflies in your stomach

to zip your lip

to put your feet up

let the cat out of the bag

to play hooky

to do everything possible to help or please someone

Page 14: To grin like a Cheshire cat. Chupina L.A.-teacher of English, lyceum №329 Saint-Petersburg

To burn your bridges

to carry your heart on your sleeve

to drop the ball

to keep your eyes open for to bite off more

than you can chew

to bend over backwards

to be under the weather

to get butterflies in your stomach

to zip your lip

to put your feet up

let the cat out of the bag

to play hooky

to attempt to do more than you are capable of

Page 15: To grin like a Cheshire cat. Chupina L.A.-teacher of English, lyceum №329 Saint-Petersburg

To burn your bridges

to carry your heart on your sleeve

to drop the ball

to keep your eyes open for to bite off more

than you can chew

to bend over backwards

to be under the weather

to get butterflies in your stomach

to zip your lip

to put your feet up

let the cat out of the bag

to play hooky

to complain in a loud and angry wayAm: to behave in a noisy or wild way, upsetting other people

To raise hell.

Page 16: To grin like a Cheshire cat. Chupina L.A.-teacher of English, lyceum №329 Saint-Petersburg

Tom and Jerry are talking about their friend James who has recently lost his job ...Tom:    "I heard that James lost his job.”Jerry:  "James had a big fight with his boss.  He called his boss many bad names.  James told his boss that his job was useless and that he would never work for such an idiot again."Tom:    "So, James actually quit his job?"Jerry:  "Sure.  Not only did he quit his job, he burned his bridges."Tom:    "Well then, he can never go back to work there."Jerry:  "Yes, poor James."

Page 17: To grin like a Cheshire cat. Chupina L.A.-teacher of English, lyceum №329 Saint-Petersburg

One Friday morning, Johnny's friend Stan stops by Johnny's house on the way to school to pick Johnny up for school.  It is a beautiful spring day.  It is warm and the sun is shining.  Stan asks Johnny if he really wants to go to school.  Johnny replies...

"Not really.  Let's play hooky today.“

Even though both boys will get into trouble from their parents and the school authorities, the wonderful spring day is too much of a temptation.

Page 18: To grin like a Cheshire cat. Chupina L.A.-teacher of English, lyceum №329 Saint-Petersburg

Pamela and her husband Henry are sitting in their kitchen one morning discussing what they will buy their son, Aaron, for his upcoming birthday.  Of course, they want the birthday gift to be a surprise.  During the discussion, Pamela sees Aaron trying to sneak up as  quiet as a mouse.  Aaron wants to overhear his parents conversation and discover what his present will be but Pamela tells Henry...

"Let's not let the cat out of the bag."

Page 19: To grin like a Cheshire cat. Chupina L.A.-teacher of English, lyceum №329 Saint-Petersburg

Nancy and Patricia are doing a little shopping.  They have entered a shoe store and are browsing the aisles.  Nancy tells Patricia that she has been looking for the perfect pair of shoes to go with her new dress.  Patricia tells Nancy that ...

she will keep her eyes open for the perfect pair of shoes.

Page 20: To grin like a Cheshire cat. Chupina L.A.-teacher of English, lyceum №329 Saint-Petersburg

Several boys and girls are busy talking and joking in their school library.  The librarian approaches the children and tells them that they are in a library and that they must be quiet so that they do not disturb the other students.  The boys and girls continue to talk rather loudly.  Finally, the librarian tells the boys and girls to…zip their lips. 

Page 21: To grin like a Cheshire cat. Chupina L.A.-teacher of English, lyceum №329 Saint-Petersburg

Children are usually very honest and open.  When they are happy, we can see that they are happy.  When they are afraid we can see that, too.  We are never left to guess what emotions they are feeling because...

Children carry their hearts on their sleeves.

Poor Steve is suffering after his girlfriend Barbara broke up with him.  He walks around with his head hanging down.  His face looks so sad and forlorn.  It looks as if he has just been crying.

Steve carries his heart on his sleeve.

Page 22: To grin like a Cheshire cat. Chupina L.A.-teacher of English, lyceum №329 Saint-Petersburg

You got up at five o´clock this morning.  You stopped at the gym and exercised for an hour on the way to work.  You worked hard all day.  The boss asked you to stay late to finish an important job.  Traffic was terrible on the way home.  You have finally arrived home at 9pm.

All you want to do is put your feet up at the end of a long day.

Page 23: To grin like a Cheshire cat. Chupina L.A.-teacher of English, lyceum №329 Saint-Petersburg

Johnny's mother is waking him up for school.  Johnny is usually slow to get up but this morning Johnny is very slow to get up and his mother checks his temperature to discover that Johnny is running a fever and is not feeling well.  Johnny's mother decides to keep him home from school and see if his conditions become worse.  She telephones the school and says...

"Johnny is feeling under the weather this morning.  He will not be attending school today.!"

Page 24: To grin like a Cheshire cat. Chupina L.A.-teacher of English, lyceum №329 Saint-Petersburg

Ned and Grace are driving in their car.  They are going camping for the long weekend.  All of a sudden their car breaks down and stops running.  They pull over to the side of the road:

Grace:  "What happened, Ned?"

Ned:      "Well, isn't it obvious, the car broke down!"

Grace:   "I can see that.  Did you service the car like I asked you to?"

Ned:       "Hmmm.  Did you ask me to service the car?"

Grace:    "Yes, I did!  I asked you to check the oil and antifreeze and the belts."Ned:       "I suppose I dropped the ball, then, because I completely forgot.  Sorry."

Page 25: To grin like a Cheshire cat. Chupina L.A.-teacher of English, lyceum №329 Saint-Petersburg

After dating Katrina for almost three years, Joe was ready to propose.  Joe made the decision to propose to Katrina three weeks before their three year anniversary. As Joe made the arrangements for the proposal, he started to get butterflies in his stomach.  As the day of the proposal came nearer and nearer, Joe's nervousness became greater.  He was feeling incredible butterflies in his stomach.

Page 26: To grin like a Cheshire cat. Chupina L.A.-teacher of English, lyceum №329 Saint-Petersburg

Helen is a successful woman.  One of the reasons for her success is that she works very hard.  Helen will stay late at work whenever her boss asks her to.  She will take work home over the weekend.  Helen will do whatever it takes to be good at her job.  When Helen was fired, it was a big shock to everyone because ...Helen always bent over backwards at work.

Page 27: To grin like a Cheshire cat. Chupina L.A.-teacher of English, lyceum №329 Saint-Petersburg

Bernie has been called into his professor's office again.  It seems that Bernie failed the professor's course this semester.  Bernie had needed to get an 88% on his final exam to pass.  Bernie only achieved a 75% on his final exam.  Bernie and his professor are talking ...

Professor:  "Hello Bernie.  I'm sorry that I have to see you again."

Bernie:       "I'm sorry, professor.  I tried as hard as I could."

Professor:  "What seems to be the problem?"

Bernie:       "Well, sir, I decided to take a full course load and I have a part-time job.  I also play hockey and am on the debate team."Professor:  "Do you think that you may have bitten off more than you can chew?"Bernie:       "Maybe.  I will see what I can do to adjust my workload." 

Page 28: To grin like a Cheshire cat. Chupina L.A.-teacher of English, lyceum №329 Saint-Petersburg

“She raised hell when she realized her office had no windows.”

A group of kids were raising hell in the street.

Page 29: To grin like a Cheshire cat. Chupina L.A.-teacher of English, lyceum №329 Saint-Petersburg

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Page 30: To grin like a Cheshire cat. Chupina L.A.-teacher of English, lyceum №329 Saint-Petersburg