

I’m Gregg Michaelsen and I am here today for one purpose and one purpose only - to help you understand men. Men and women think differently - this is no surprise to you, but nobody has ever really given you the inside track on how the male mind really works. Lucky for you, I’m here to do just that!

How to Use this Workbook

This workbook follows the chapters in the book. As you read the book, come back to the workbook to do the activities associated with that chapter.

It’s important to actually write down your responses to the exercises in this workbook. Don’t just think about them! The act of writing something down helps to further solidify these lessons in your brain.

Keep both the book and the workbook handy as you progress through your relationships with men. Married or single, this will make a world of difference in your life.

Let’s get started!


P.S. If you’d like to learn even more about men, try my Man Whisperer Program!


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The Conveyor Belt to Manhood“A man must complete his mission of manhood by becoming self-reliant and this is defined by who he is, how much he makes and how he is defined by the important people in his life. Until he does this, women will not and should not be a focus in his life.”

Either in the relationship you’re in right now, or in a past relationship, think back to signs you may have missed that your man is/was a wet kitten. In the space below, write about what happened in one of those relationships. How do you now see he was a wet kitten? Was that what caused the relationship to end?

Check the box if you’ve dated at least one lion.

How did that guy differ from the wet kitten? Write the positives about each one in the columns below, then on the next page, write the negatives about each one. Compare and notice how vastly different these two types of men are.

Lion Positive Traits Kitten Positive Traits

Lion Negative Traits Kitten Negative Traits

How Men Love“We want to fix the lawn mower, shovel the snow and carry in the groceries. Many men don’t even know why they like these chores because they don’t understand themselves or the conveyor belt to manhood. They just under-stand they need to do these things to please and provide for their women and children. It makes them feel good. It is his DNA speaking. And if we feel good about ourselves, we can love.”

After reading this chapter, look back at your current or past relationships. Write down some of the ways these men were showing you they loved you. I am not trying to make you feel bad here, I just want you to begin to see the signs so you’ll recognize them in the future.

Are You a Woman of Value?“Men seek women of value. They bring us happiness. They keep us engaged. They satisfy all of our men ingredients that are instilled inside us. A woman of value keeps our eyes from wandering and always keeps us challenged.”

Are you a rest stop or a keeper? Select “This is me” or “I’m not there yet” for each of the statements below

I have a collection of life experiences to talk about

I ask intelligent questions

I have set boundaries relating to how I expect to be treated by a man, in general and with regard to sex

I can spot a pick-up artist at 50 paces

I date lions

I have hobbies and things I am passionate about

I always say “I’m sorry, I am busy this Friday, how about next Tuesday?”, rather than “Sure, I’m available”

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What Men Require“Men are very simple creatures, so you’ll easily understand this stuff.”

Think of a few ways you can make a man feel special

How can you allow a man to feel he is in control, even when he is not?

Write about how you will be able to stand by your man, even when your friends and family may disagree with him

Why He Left“There is no course in life on this subject. Just crappy magazines telling you crap about finding and keeping a man with the latest in makeup and liposuction tips.”

How can you become a challenge to a man?

How can you slow yourself down in a relationship, especially when things are fresh and new?

Do you have contempt for men in general?


In the past, you may have dropped your hobbies and passions for a man - write a short letter to yourself promising not to do this in the future. As you write, consider these questions: Do you give up sex too soon? Why do you think that is? What can you do to hold back in the future?

Controlling Emotions“You have a glaring weakness - your emotions. It’s like you have massive armor plates all over your body, but one glowing target on your back with a bright red sign that says, “Shoot here if you want to control me.”

Are you an emotional woman? Answer yes if any of the following are true of you:

I get angry at the smallest things

I cry if the least little thing doesn’t go my way

I easily get frustrated when things aren’t going well

I find myself to be easily upset when someone criticizes me

Do you feel you can begin to control your emotions after reading this chapter of the book?

Write down some strategies for controlling your emotions.

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Think like a Man“Relationships are a game. Love is a game. Life is a game. I’m tired of people thinking love should be a fairy tale and end like a Cinderella story where all is well.”

How can you leverage man mode in a relationship?

Pique His Interest“If you attract us with your cleavage hanging out, we will just want sex from you. But, if you attract us with your mind, knowledge and experiences, we will want all of you.”

If you met a high value man today, what would you have to talk about and share?

How can you expand your interests? You should always be trying!

Baggage Anyone?“We all have baggage, even if we think we don’t. Sometimes no baggage is even baggage.”

What baggage do you bring to a relationship?

Get Busy!“Nothing attracts a man more than a woman who is busy.”

Select yes to the statements which apply to you today:

• I have a hobby or interest I can teach to someone else• I have boundaries set - forget getting in my pants Mr!• When I am in a relationship, I don’t rely on the man to make me feel good about myself• I pursue men too hard - I am always calling, emailing or texting• I am always available when someone asks to do something

What can you add to your life to get busy? Here are a few prompts...

• Write some ideas for new hobbies• Look for a few MeetUp groups to join• Where can you volunteer in your community?

Time to Whip it into Shape!“Your physical condition directly correlates to your level of security and confidence.”

How would you rate your physical condition today?

How would you rate your eating habits?

Are you willing to put at least 30 minutes a day into better habits?

Are you willing to learn more about healthy eating?

What excuses have you used in the past to keep from working out?

What excuses have you used in the past to keep from eating healthy?

Write down 3 statements you’re going to use instead of the excuse statements above the next time you’re scheduled to work out.

Write down 3 statements you’re going to use instead of the excuse statements above the next time you’re planning to eat healthy.

Face those Fears!“Do one thing every day which scares you and watch how self-esteem pours into your mind and body.”

Make a list of things which scare you

What can you do today to face one thing on the list?

The Jerk“Sometimes we just get ourselves into bad relationships. It happens. Some guys simply suck. They don’t know what they want, they don’t know how to communicate, they can’t get out of their college years, they have no self-esteem, they’re liars, cheaters or they go MIA for no reason.”

Where have you compromised in the past to accommodate a man who shouldn’t have been in a relationship to begin with?

How often have you blamed yourself for the traits of a wet kitten, as described in this chapter of the book (and others)? Now that you’ve read this chapter, what do you see differently about those situations?

Power-DATING Men“By dating multiple men, your time becomes valuable and this gives you self worth. This also makes men step up their game and realize that you are not an easy catch.”

Write confidently about your new dating strategy. Even if you’re with someone now, imagine you are single and write something powerful!

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How Will You Know if He’s the ONE?

“Guys will do anything for sex. They will lie, buy you things, move in with you and even get you a ring. They will advance the relationship just enough to keep you happy and keep him happy while driving to your hoop.”

Write down how you want to be treated.

“I need a man who will...”

Experience Life Together!“Build a portfolio of experiences together that no one can match or take away. The more experiences the better chances of you winning that furry prize on the top shelf - a loving relationship that survives the test of time.”

What kinds of activities can you see yourself doing with your guy?

Teamwork is the Key!“Couples who beat the odds are a team. They have become a team because they both have chosen to share com-mon interests. If you love someone, you love their interests too.”

In either your current relationship or a past relationship, how could you become a team? Are there hobbies you could share or new things you could try together?

Change One Thing“Men, like you, fantasize all the time about what they don’t have. We want a slut but we want a librarian. We want an extrovert to start with, but we want a shy girl to stay in with. We want a motivated woman who has a great career but we want a lazy girl on Sunday afternoons.”

What kinds of changes can you make to switch things up?

What things in your routine are kind of stagnant - what can use a change?

Don’t learn even more about men and how to manage your relationships with them, check out my Man Whisperer Program! Just click the image below to learn more about it!

Have you bought your copy of the book yet?

Click the cover to the left to get your copy now!

To Date a Man, You Must Understand a Man

Understanding men is something women often overcomplicate. I’m here to tell you just how simple men are and help you learn how to navigate the male mind. This workbook is a supplement to my best-selling book, To Date a Man, You Must Understand a Man.

When you combine the exercises within this workbook with the information I give you in the book, you have the one-two punch! No longer will the male mind be a mystery to you.

I have given you nearly two dozen exercises within this workbook - exercis-es to help you think through past relationships and understand a clear path way forward for future relationships.

Probably the best part of understanding men is that you’re not setting out to understand just men you’re in a relationship with - you’re going to learn about all men in your life - brothers, coworkers, your son, your father, any man at all!

Gregg Michaelsen - Dating Coach Ace & Best-Selling Author

Gregg Michaelsen is a top dating coach and best-selling author of more than two dozen books. His books focus on helping men and women improve their lives through building their confidence, im-proving their communication skills and building solid relationships through understanding.

It is when we are confident that we become choosers in life instead of being grateful to be chosen! All of Gregg’s books help individuals grow and become more confident in one or more aspects of their lives.

To see what Gregg has planned next, visit his Website at:
