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10. Believe and the disappearence of the dinosaurs

Believe it is not morons. Nor is the result of reflection alone the restless and insecure. It is a

subjective experience irrational. Or the escape of cowards without courage to admit the hardness

of a flat world or a life without meaning. No. Belief is not anything like that. Nor is demonstrable.

Believe choose to accept as real what is not, is a change of being: one who changes the hosts.

Benedict XVI has devoted considerable efforts to develop what it means to say 'I', which is

equivalent to saying 'we', because faith is a shared act.

However, today it is hard to believe. Some assumptions of our culture are incompatible with the

act of believing. "Of the states that dinosaurs became extinct because they were wrongly

developed: long shell and little brain, many muscles and low intelligence." Are we developing our

technical and very little soul?

In this volume offer a few texts, with many ideas of Benedict XVI-50ideas, say a number-about

these issues.

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1.10 states that is not The man has been created so that their eyes can only see what is not God. [...] God is essentially invisible. This expression of biblical faith in God that denies the visibility of the gods is primarily a statement about the man, the blind man is the essence that seems to reduce the space of its existence to the space of seeing and understanding. [...] God does not appear or may appear as much as to widen the visual field. [...] God is one that is essentially outside our field of vision, even extending its boundaries. [...] With this we already have a first draft of the attitude expressed in the word "creed." It means that your see, hear and understand, the man does not consider the totality of what is concerned, it means that man does not identify the space of his world with what he can see and understand, but find another way to access reality, which calls faith and which is the crucial starting point of his conception of the world.

Introduction to Christianity (Follow Me)


If so, the word credo involves a fundamental choice to reality as such is not to say this or that, but primary way of standing before the being, existence, one's own and all real. It is an option for what is not, which in any way falls within our visual field is not considered as unrealistic, but as it supports and enables all the remaining reality. It is an option that enables what all reality also gives the man a truly human existence. What is possible as man and man.

Introduction to Christianity (Follow Me) 1.10.b

Put another way: Faith is a decision to affirm that, in the depths of human existence, one thing that can not be supported or sustained by the visible and understandable, but so nice so you do not is that this applies to you and appears as something necessary for their existence.

Introduction to Christianity (Follow Me) 1.10.c

Believing means, above all, accept as true what our mind is not fully understood. You need to accept what God reveals about himself, about ourselves and the reality that surrounds us, including the invisible, ineffable, unimaginable. This act of acceptance of revealed truth broadens the horizon of our knowledge and we can get to the mystery in which our existence is involved. This limitation of reason is not easily granted consensus. And precisely here is where faith is expressed in the second dimension of trust a person, not a person, but of Christ. It is important what they believe, but more importantly is one in whom we believe.

Krakow, Sunday May 28, 2006 1.10.d

Believing is not adding an opinion to others. And the conviction, the faith that God exists, is no other information. Lots of information we do not care if they are true or false, it does not change our lives. But if God does not exist, life is empty, the future is empty. But if God exists, everything changes, life is light, our future is light and we have an orientation to learn how to live. So, believe is the fundamental orientation of our life. Believe, say, "Yes, I think you are God, I believe in the incarnate Son are present among us," directs my life, impels me to adhere to God, to join God and thus find a place to live, and way I live. And believing is not just a way of thinking, an idea, as I said, is an action, a way of life. To believe means to follow the path indicated by the word of God.

Castel Gandolfo, Tuesday 15 August 2006


What is faith? And our answer is: faith is the way every man stand so firmly to reality (so that is not confined to knowledge and that knowledge can not be measured) is the orientation without which man would be a stateless person who calculation and precedes all human action, without which it would be impossible to calculate and act. [...] Christian Believing means trusting the sense that I holding me and the world, considered as a firm foundation on which I can stay without fear. Put a more traditional Christian belief means understanding our existence as a response to the word, the Logos that everything holds and supports it. Mean to say that the sense that we can not build, we can only receive, we have been given, so that all we have to do is accept and trust him. Accordingly, the Christian faith is to opt for it when you received above.

Introduction to Christianity (Follow Me) 1.10.f

2.10 Directions to believe

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This attitude can only be reached by what the Bible calls "return", "con-version." Man tends by natural inertia, as visible, to which you can take with the hand, which may include as its own. Must change from within to see how neglected his true self when it is carried away by natural inertia. Must change to realize how blind is the only trust what your eyes can see. Without this change of life, not overcome this natural inertia, can not be faith. Faith is the conversion it does see the man who pursues an illusion when it is only in the visible. Here also the profound reason that faith can not be demonstrated: a change of being, and only those who change the hosts. And because our natural inertia continues to push in another direction, faith is a change that needs to be done every day, only a conversion that lasts all our lives we can see what the phrase 'I believe'.

Introduction to Christianity (Follow Me) 2.10.A

Here is the reason why faith is today, in the particular situation requires us our modern world, problems and, apparently, almost impossible. But not only today, because faith has been a jump over the infinite abyss that overwhelms both men. Faith is always something risky and jump break, because at all times implies the audacity to see what it truly is not real, the truly basic. Faith was never an attitude which in itself has to do with what is pleasing to human existence. Faith was always a decision that affected the depth of life, a continuous change of human being that can only be reached by a final decision.

Introduction to Christianity (Follow Me) 2.10.b

The context of faith is the act of conversion, changing the mode of being passed from the worship of the visible and feasible to trust in the unseen. Formally, the expression 'I think' could be translated as 'I pass', 'I accept'. [...] In the words of Heidegger, we can say that faith is a 'turn' the whole person, which shape to the future existence. [...] Conversion, existential turn, change of being "

Introduction to Christianity (Follow Me) 2.10.c

Faith is an orientation of our entire existence, "he had said before: it is a fundamental choice that extends to all areas of our existence and, moreover, only be achieved if it carries all the forces of our existence . Faith is not merely intellectual event, not merely voluntary, not merely emotional, but all at once: an act of self as a whole, of the whole person in their unit encompassing. In this sense, the Bible is designated as an act of 'heart' (Rom 10.9).

Gospel, catechesis, catechism (Edicep) 2.10.d

You can never find faith in isolation, but only to find people able to understand you believers. Always grow in faith community.

God and the world (Debolsillo) 2.10.e

Human Faith is always a shared belief, and it is so important to pre-Christian, which precedes faith. Which is more exposed than others, because they depend upon the faith of his, and at certain times he has to carry the weight of belief on them.

Pastoral Care of the diocese of Aachen, Berlin, Essen, Hildesheim, Koln, Osnabruck, "Catholic Magazine" (1988) 2.10.f

3.10 Faith and reason in the act of believing As a child he learned from his mother, St. Monica, the Catholic faith. But as a teenager had left the faith because they no longer could see their rationale and did not want a religion that was not also for him an expression of reason, ie the truth. His thirst for truth was radical and led him away from the Catholic faith. But it was so radical that it could not be satisfied with philosophies that did not reach the truth itself, which did not reach God. And a God who was not only the ultimate cosmological hypothesis, but the true God, the God who gives life and enters into our lives. Thus, all the intellectual and spiritual journey of St. Augustine is also a valid model today in the relationship between faith and reason, fear not only for believers, but for every person who seeks the truth, central to the balance and the fate of every human being. These two dimensions, faith and reason, not be separated or opposed, but must always be united. As Augustine himself wrote after his conversion, faith and reason are "the two forces that lead us to know" (Contra academic, III, 20, 43). In this respect, are justly celebrated her two ways (cf. Matthew, 43, 9) with expressing this coherent synthesis between faith and reason: crede ut intelligas ("believed to understand")-believe opens the way to crossing the threshold of truth, but also and inseparably, ut intellige credas ("I understand to believe"), scrutinizes the truth to find God and believe.

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General Audience, Wednesday, January 30, 2008 3.10.a

God is hidden in mystery would want to limit it to pretend to understand our concepts and our knowledge, and thus irretrievably lost. Instead, through faith can we make our way through the concepts, even theological, and can "touch" the living God. And God, once touched, immediately conveys strength.

Speech, Friday May 26, 2006 3.10.b

The act of faith is a process in which both reason and individual existence are beyond their limits, is a reason to take the individual, isolated and divided, and channel it into the space of one who is the Logos, the reason and basis all things wise and all men.

Theory of theological principles (Christianity) 3.10.c

Most of my life, the most important and most beautiful-spent in Traunstein, notably marked by Salzburg. That was where Mozart penetrated our souls, and their music, so bright and at the same time, so intense, yet I still vibrating with excitement. There is a simple fun, the music of Mozart contains the whole tragedy of human existence. Art is the item for the man. The human response to reality can be just the reason, as science says, nor can express everything that man wants and needs to express. I believe that art is something that God has placed in man. Art, science, is the greatest gift God could have given.

The salt of the earth, (Word) 3.10.d

4.10 Endless pursuit No means knowing half, but an existential choice. Relating to the future is to live that God gives us even beyond the borders of death. This address is the one that gives weight, measure, its laws and, in doing so, their freedom. Actually, I take a life of faith is more like a mountain to climb to a sleepy sitting in front of the fireplace. But anyone who joins the pilgrimage known and increasingly experience the adventure that invites us to live, it's worth.

Faith and Future (Follow Me) 4.10.a

Is Christianity the answer? Can you still believe what he says about God and ourselves, live up to it? Or maybe it is something past? Currently there are movements of young people with enthusiasm and strength, recognizing the Christian faith as a way that responds to your most intimate, as a way in which they find mates who go through with them, which include a community open borders beyond the cultures and generations. Many young people are considered challenged by great moments, like the World Youth Days, but for the promise of an exciting time to have long, have to continue with the questions and answers, the same way that communities seek and find always go hand in hand. The search never ends to find, but neither and ends in nothingness. Faith has been announced, in dialogue with people who ask. From the beginning, the dialogue is part of the Christian ways of preaching.

The salt of the earth (Word) 4.10.b

Many, even in our time, seeking God, seeking Jesus and His Church, seeking God's mercy, and expect a "sign" that will touch their minds and their hearts! Today, as then, the Evangelist reminds us that the only "sign" is Jesus raised on the cross, Jesus died and rose is the absolutely sufficient sign. In it we can understand the truth of life and obtain salvation. This is the proclamation of the Church, which does not change over the centuries. Therefore, Christian faith is not an ideology but a personal encounter with Christ, crucified and risen. From this experience, both individual and communitarian, flows a new way of thinking and acting: as the saints testify, is born an existence marked by love.

Roman church of God, merciful father. March 26, 2006.

4.10.c The ascending and truly want to reach the top, to the true height, must be people who wonder about God, people scrutinize around him seeking God, seeking His face. Dear young friends, how important it is now just simply not be swayed from side to side in life, not content with what we all think, say and do, scrutinize God and seek God, not to let the question about God dissolve in our souls, the desire for what is bigger, the desire to meet him, her face ...!

WYD. St. Peter's Square Sunday April 1, 2007 4.10.d

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5.10 It is demanding How to respond to this radical love of the Lord? The gospel presents us with a character named Nicodemus, a member of the

Sanhedrin of Jerusalem, at night going to find Jesus. This is a good man, attracted by the words and example of the Lord, but he is afraid of others hesitate to make the leap of faith. Feel the fascination of this Rabbi, so different from the others, but fails to

overcome the constraints of the environment contrary to Jesus and hesitates on the threshold of faith.

Parish of God, merciful Father, Sunday March 26, 2006 5.10.a

A strong faith must endure tests. A living faith must always grow. Our faith in Jesus Christ, to remain such, must often confront the

lack of faith of others.

Speech, Saturday May 27, 2006 5.10.b

The apostle says that his faith rests a "model of doctrine." We do not think about it. Faith does not come as an idea itself, of our crop, but as a word addressed to us from outside. It is, so to speak, word on the Word, hows delivered to the Word, so she sets

new ways to our knowledge and shapes our life.

Gospel, catechesis, catechism (Edicep) 5.10.c

6.10 Meeting

We have not yet discussed the most important feature of the Christian faith, his personal character. [...] The key statement is not 'believe in something', but 'I believe in you. " Is meeting with the man Jesus, and in that meeting was the sense of the world

experience as a person. [...] Faith is, therefore, to find you holding me and [...] lives that there is intelligence in its pure state, but the intelligence that knows me and loves me that I can trust him with the same certainty with which a child sees solved all their

problems on you mother.

Introduction to Christianity (Follow Me) 6.10.a

When we say, 'I believe', [...] is like saying: 'I trust you', 'I put my trust in you', maybe even 'I support you. " The you in which I trust it

gives me a certain different but no less safe than that which comes from the calculation and experience. In the context of Christian belief is that the meaning of the word. The basic form of Christian faith is not 'believe in something', but 'I believe in you. " Faith is

an openness to the reality that reaches the trust, she loves, which acts as a person. As such, faith is not rooted in science, but she

is, as primordial as it is nuclear and supportive of what is authentically human. "

Faith and Future (Follow Me) 6.10.b

Our faith is not a theory but an event, an encounter with the living God who is our father, who in his Son Jesus Christ has made a

human being, and that the Holy Spirit draws us into Him

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Gospel, catechesis, catechism (Edicep) 6.10.c

Faith is not to accept a system, but to accept a person who is his word. Faith is accepting the word as a person and the person as

a word.

Introduction to Christianity (Follow Me) 6.10.d

Faith, which comes as a word, must become ourselves again in word, which now also express our life. Belief will always be called also "confess the faith." Faith is not private but public and community. Faith is the first word to the idea, but must always return the

idea to the word and action.

Gospel, catechesis, catechism, (Edicep) 6.10.e

In describing his conversion experience and baptism, Paul has indicated that the radical nature of faith in the formula: "I live, but not me ..." (Gal 2, 20). Believe me and simply dip, just with it, bringing out the true self, self-constituted in intimate communion with God

through the mere release me, and this communion is accessed through communion with Christ.

Gospel, catechesis, catechism (Edicep) 6.10.f

Faith as a fundamental attitude of mind which is not merely intellectual or sentimental. True faith involves the whole person:

thoughts, feelings, intentions, relationships, physicality, activity, daily.

St. Peter, Sunday May 31, 2006 6.10.g

Believing means surrender to God, put our fate in their hands. To believe means to establish a personal relationship with our Creator and Redeemer, the Holy Ghost, and make this relationship is the foundation of all life.

Krakow, Sunday May 28, 2006 6.10.h

For which it was born and raised in the Christian tradition, the trail begins in the you of prayer knows he can talk to the Lord, that Jesus is not a historical personality of the past, but is present over time. You know that in the Lord with him and he can talk to

whom Jesus called 'Father'.

Theory of theological principles (Christianity) 6.10.i

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7.10 Yes, it is accessible How can we love God with all our mind if we can just find it with our intellectual capacity? How do I love him with all our heart and

soul, when our heart can only glimpse from afar and are so many contradictions in the world that would hide his face? At this point, where the two ways in which God has "abbreviated" his Word. He's not far away. It is not unknown. It is inaccessible to our hearts.

He became a child for us and it has dispelled all doubt. He has become our neighbor, restoring in this way the image of man that we are often so hard to love. God has become a gift for us. He has given himself. He has entered time for us. He, the Lord who is

above time, has taken the time it took our time.

St. Peter, Sunday December 24, 2006 7.10.a

"Gate! Raise the thresholds, which rise up the ancient gates: going to enter the King of glory." In the ancient liturgy of Palm Sunday, the priest, the procession arrived at the temple, called strongly with the shaft of the Cross procession at the gate still closed, which then opened. It was a beautiful image to illustrate the mystery of Jesus Christ himself, with the wood of his cross, with the strength of his self-giving love, drew from the side of the world at the door of God from the side of a world I could not find access to God. With the cross, Jesus has opened wide the door of God, the pu ERTA between God and men. Now it is open. But on the other hand, the Lord calls his cross: he calls the world's doors to the doors of our heart, so often and in such great numbers are closed to God. And it tells us more or less the following: whether the evidence that God gives you of their existence in the establishment fail to open to him if the word of Scripture and the Church's message leave you indifferent, then look at me, the God who suffers for you, I personally have with you, look what I suffer for love of you and open yourself to me, your Lord and your God. This is the appeal at this time we enter into our heart. May the Lord help us to open the door of the heart, the door of the world to him, and l the living God, in His Son can reach our time and change our lives.

WYD. Saint Peter´s Square, Sunday April 1, 2007. 7.10.b

The final task of man is not invented but guess, to listen attentively to the Creator's justice, the truth of creation. Only this guarantees the freedom, because only this ensures the respect of man by man, the creature of God is, according to Paul-mark of those who know God. This task to guess, to accept the truth of the Creator in His creation is worship. To this we mean when we say: I believe in God the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth.

Theory of theological principles (Christianity) 7.10.c

8.10 It raised to believe in Open our hearts to Christ crucified and risen for us to renew, so that we clean the poison of sin and death and we infuse the lifeblood of the Holy Spirit of God and eternal life. In the Easter Sequence, and echoing the words of the Apostle, we sang "Christum Scimus surrexisse / a mortuis vere," we know you're raised, you do not send death. Yes, this is precisely the core of our profession of faith, it is the cry of victory that unites us all. And if Jesus is risen, and is therefore alive, who can ever separate us from him? Who can deprive us of his love that has overcome hatred and has overcome death? The announcement of Easter spreads throughout the world with the joyful singing of the Alleluia. Let us sing with your mouth, let us sing it especially with the heart and life, a lifestyle "unleavened" simple, humble, and fruitful in good works. "Surrexit Christus spes mea: / precedet Galileam you in" - my hope really risen! Come to Galilee, the Lord there awaits. The Risen Lord before us and accompanies us along the pathways of the world. He is our hope, He is the true world peace.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

8.10.a 9.10 Discover the core "In this is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as expiation for our sins" (1 Jn 4, 10). Here lies the heart of the Gospel, the heart of Christianity. The light of this love opened the eyes of St. Augustine, we did find the "ancient beauty ever new" (Confessions, X, 27), in which peace is only a man's heart.

Vigevano and Pavia.Sunday April 22, 2007

9.10.a 10.10 Does it serve for something? As an example, I remember only one way of conversion of our time: Tatiana Goritscheva. This woman had learned that the goal of life was distinguished, "to be smarter than others, more able, stronger ... But I never told anyone that the highest of life was not to reach and defeat the others, but in love. "progressive in the encounter with Jesus is becoming aware of this from within, until one day, while praying the Our Father is overcome by a new birth, perceived y. ..," not just with my ridiculous understanding but with all my being, "a new awareness that disrupts your whole being," that He exists. "This is absolutely real knowledge, experience, experience intimately understand and, as such, testable, verifiable, of course, not from the position of the viewer, but only after delivery to the experiment of life with God.

Images of Hope (Meeting) 10.10.a

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Faith is not merely a personal reaching out towards things to come, and that are still totally absent: it gives us something. It gives us even now something of the reality we are waiting, and this present reality constitutes for us a "proof" of what is yet unseen. Faith draws the future into the present, so the future is not simply a "not yet". The fact that this future exists changes the present, the present is touched by the future reality, and future realities and impact on the present and the future present.

Spe Salvi, 7 10.10.b

11.10 is obedience Faith, as they said, requires a conversion. But the conversion is an act of obedience to that which precedes me and has no origin in myself. And this obedience remains, because what precedes me, once you've met, does not become a part of my thinking, is exactly the opposite: I who I become in it, this [= faith] is always over myself. Moreover, for Christians, what precedes it is not a 'something', a thing, but a person, better yet, a "You." It is Christ, the Son of God made flesh, he is the new beginning from which we think. He is the new subject, which has gone the limit of subjectivity, have blown up the barriers between subject and object, so I can say I, but not just me (non piu io). "

A look at Europe (Rialp) 11.10.a

Faith is obedience. Is the unity of our will with the will of God, so just follow Christ as the key in the way of Christ is moving in the merger of his will with the will of God. The redemption of the world rests in prayer on the Mount of Olives: "Not my will but yours be done", the prayer that the Lord taught us in the Our Father as a center of living faith.

Pastoral Care of the diocese of Aachen, Berlin, Essen, Hildesheim, Koln, Osnabruck, "Catholic Magazine" (1988) 11.10.b

"Blessed is she who believed", Elizabeth greets Mary. The act of faith which Mary was for God the gateway to the world and thus opened the field of hope, "happy you", is fundamentally an act of obedience: "Be it done unto me according to your word", I am quite helpful in a relationship with you. Believe it means made available to say yes. In the act of faith offered to God his own existence as a field of action. Faith is not an attitude, is to have one's own self in the face of God and, consequently, to the will of truth and love.

Pastoral Care of the diocese of Aachen, Berlin, Essen, Hildesheim, Koln, Osnabruck, "Catholic Magazine" (1988) 11.10.c

Faith is obediente; it reminds us of the essential note of our being: the creaturely condition, and rescue and our true reality. Made known to us as a basic responsibility of our lives thus power, threat and danger that was going to be hope. This obedience defines our relationship with God presupposes a relationship with God lucid and alive, and makes it possible at the same time as God sees only the obedient.

Pastoral Care of the diocese of Aachen, Berlin, Essen, Hildesheim, Koln, Osnabruck, "Catholic Magazine" (1988) 11.10

Only faith in God necessarily involves the recognition of the will of God, the worship of God is not without a dive, but that brings us back to ourselves and gives us the task of everyday life, requires all the energies of intelligence, feeling and will. Faith in God can not renounce the truth, a truth which can be defined in their content.

La Chiesa, Israele e le religioni del mondo (San Paolo) 11.10.e

Paul says that faith is obedience springs from the heart, the model of doctrine to which we delivered (cf. Rom 6.17). There is expressed, ultimately, the sacramental character of the act of faith, mutual internal reference between confession of faith and sacrament. The apostle says that his faith rests a "model of doctrine." We do not think about it. Faith does not come as an idea itself, of our crop, but as a word addressed to us from outside. It is, so to speak, word on the Word, hows delivered to the Word, so she sets new ways to our knowledge and shapes our life.

Gospel, catechesis, catechism (Edicep) 11.10.f

12.10 What are the Christians? This also should give us pause to Christians today: our faith is pure and open enough to that, thanks to her also the "heathen" people today are seeking and have their questions, they can glimpse the light of the one God, join together in the atria of faith in

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our prayer and with their questions they too may become worshipers? The belief that greed is idolatry, "also comes to our hearts and our lifestyle? Do not let go, in various ways, to idols also in the world of our faith? Are we willing to be continually purified by the Lord, allowing us to throw and the Church everything that is contrary to him?

WYD. Saint Peter´s Square.Sunday March 16, 2008.

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Faith, which comes as a word, must become ourselves again in word, which now also express our life. Belief will always be called also "confess the faith." Faith is not private but public and community. Faith is the first word to the idea, but must always return the

idea to the word and action. Gospel, catechesis, catechism (Edicep)

12.10.b Of the states that dinosaurs became extinct because they were wrongly developed: long shell and little brain, many muscles and

low intelligence. "We will also not be developed in the wrong way: a lot of technique but little soul? A thick shell of material capabilities but a heart that has become empty? The loss of the ability to see in us the voice of God, to recognize the good, the

beautiful and true? The Christmas Blessing (Herder)


13.10 Difficulty believing Of the states that dinosaurs became extinct because they were wrongly developed: long shell and little brain, many muscles and

low intelligence. "We will also not be developed in the wrong way: a lot of technique but little soul? A thick shell of material capabilities but a heart that has become empty? The loss of the ability to see in us the voice of God, to recognize the good, the

beautiful and true? The Christmas Blessing, pp. 76-77

13.10.a It is also true that in our modern Western society there are many false positives that take us away from Christianity, faith appears

as something far away, so also God seems far away [...] But life seems full of possibilities and [...] goals and tends to the desire of young people is to be the architects of their own lives, to live to their fullest potential [...] I think of the prodigal son saw his father's

home life boring "I want to live life fully, gozármela until the end." And then he realizes that his life is empty and it was really free and great when I lived in the house of his father. I think young people is spreading the feeling that all entertainment to them, the

whole market built on free time, everything that is done, you can do, you can buy and sell, in the end it can be all [...] For a side has to be the best. Here we find the big question: what is so essential? It can not be all that we have and we can buy. Behold the market called religions that somehow offers religion as a commodity and therefore degraded. But it begs the question, so it is

necessary to recognize and not ignore this question, do not consider Christianity as something completed and experienced enough, but to contribute in order to be recognized as that possibility is always fresh, precisely because it originates in God,

keeping and reveals itself ever new dimensions ... In fact, the Lord tells us: "The Holy Spirit will enter in things that today I can not tell." Christianity is full of dimensions not yet revealed and displayed always fresh and new.

Vatican Radio, Monday, August 15, 2005 13.10.b

We can not peer into God's mysterious. We see only piecemeal, and we are mistaken if we want to become judges of God and

history. In that case, would not defend the man, but would contribute only to its destruction. No, in short, we must continue rising, with humility but with perseverance, that cry to God: "Arise. Do not forget your creature, man." And we raise the cry to God must

be, at once, a cry that penetrates our own heart, to awaken in us the hidden presence of God, that power which God has placed in our heart not be filled and drowned in us by the mire of selfishness, fear of men, indifference and opportunism.

Speech, Sunday May 28, 2006 13.10.c

In today's culture often exalts the freedom of the individual as an autonomous subject, as if we were alone and self-sufficient, regardless of their relationship with others and our responsibility to them. We try to organize the life of society from subjective

wishes and changeable, without reference to objective, prior truths such as the dignity of each human being and his inalienable rights and duties to which service should be all social groups.

The Church never ceases to remind us that true human freedom derives from our having been created in the image and likeness of God. Therefore, Christian education is education for freedom and for freedom. "We do not do good as slaves, they are not free to

act otherwise, but we do it because we are personally responsible for the world, because we love truth and goodness, because we love God and therefore , also his creatures. This is true freedom, which the Holy Spirit wants to lead. "

V World Meeting of Families (Social Channel) 13.10.d

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The modern man does not understand and the Christian doctrine of redemption. There is nothing like it in their own life experience. You can not imagine anything behind terms like atonement, performance and satisfaction. As designated by the word of Christ

(Messiah), not on your life and it seems an empty formula. The confession of Jesus as Christ falls to the ground. From this also explains the huge success of the psychological explanations of the Gospel [...] Redemption is replaced by the release in the

modern sense of the word, which can be understood with an emphasis on psychological side-individual or political -collective, and tends to combine with the myth of progress. This Jesus has redeemed us, but can serve as a symbol to guide our redemption or

liberation. If there is already a gift of redemption that dispense or administer the church in the traditional sense is a chimera, even a scandal, it is not subject to any authority, their authority is alleged in this case, mere presumption. Would have become an area of

"freedom" in a psychological and political. Christian faith and responsibility to society and the world, Atlantis magazine (1992)

13.10.e [...] The premise is that history can only happen so it is always possible, the assumption that casual gear and never stops what

these laws known hits is historical. Thus, the Jesus of the Gospels can not be the real Jesus, we need to find another and excluding from it everything that is intelligible only from God. The design principle on which Jesus emerges as both the divine

excludes him, the spirit of the Enlightenment: the historical Jesus can not be Christ or the Son. Today's man in the Bible reading is guided by this kind of exegesis, does not tell you the Jesus of the Gospels, but of the Enlightenment, a Jesus 'enlightened'. The

Church is thus ruled it can only be a human organization that tries to use more or less skill philanthropy of this Jesus. Christian faith and responsibility to society and the world (Atlantis magazine, 1992)

13.10.f Oh, and there are so many needs and indigence in this world, suspend for a moment the question of truth; Concerned first time

making a good social work major release and then we give ourselves one more time the luxury of asking for truth. But the truth is this: who is leaving aside the question of truth and declare it unnecessary, cut off the man, takes the essence of human dignity. If

there is no truth, then everything else is arbitrary. Then, the social order changes very quickly into violence and involvement in violence. Releasing the real action of the Church, that she can never set aside and that today has the greatest urgency, is that it

tends, I reached the world the truth, the truth that God exists, that God knows us, God this is how Jesus Christ, God in Christ offers us the path. Only if this is real, then there is also awareness and human capacity for truth, which every one is immediately in front

of God and each one is bigger than all systems of the world imaginable. Serving the pierced (Fundación San Juan)


Today's culture, profoundly marked by a subjectivism which often lead to extreme individualism or relativism, it encourages men to become the only measure of themselves, losing sight of other objectives that are not focused on the self, transformed in only

criterion for evaluating reality and their own choices. Thus, man tends to fall back increasingly on himself, locked in a suffocating existential microcosm, which no longer has room for the great ideals open to transcendence, to God. Instead, the man who overcomes himself and not be enclosed within the narrow limits of their own egotism, is capable of an authentic look to others and to creation. Thus, aware of its essential feature creature

constantly developing, called a balanced growth in all its dimensions, beginning precisely with the interior, to reach the full realization of the project that the Creator has placed on your innermost being.

13.10.h Deism has virtually imposed on the general consciousness. Is no longer necessary to conceive of a God who cares about the

individuals and acts in the world. God could have caused the initial explosion of the universe, if any, but he has nothing else to do in an enlightened world. It seems almost ridiculous to imagine that our good or bad you are interested, so small we are before the

greatness of the universe. It seems mythological attribute a stock in the world. Phenomena may be unclear, but look for other causes. Superstition seems more grounded than faith, the gods-that is, the unexplained powers in the course of our lives, and

which must be finished-are more believable than God. Christian faith and responsibility to society and the world (Atlantis magazine, 1992)

13.10.i But if God has nothing to do with us, also prescribes the idea of sin. A human act could offend God is already for many an

unimaginable idea. There is room for redemption in the classic sense of the Christian faith, because it just happens to anyone seeking the cause of the ills of the world and the very existence of sin. So there can be a Son of God to come into the world to

redeem us from sin and die on the cross for this cause. Christian faith and responsibility to society and the world (Atlantis magazine, 1992)

13.10.j [...] That which is resisted you have not even touched on the pressing needs of an era. The worst experience of Christianity in our

present century is not to his fight public: that authoritarian regimes to pursue, by all means in his power, to a helpless minority of believers is a sign of inner strength that they attach to faith encourages this small group. On the contrary, it is alarming indifference

to Christianity, which apparently suffers no longer any opposition: it is publicly seen as an outdated piece of no importance, you can leave quietly crumble slowly, or even a museum can take care . Against this, the Catechism was and is an event which, well above

the controversies within the Church, has affected the secular society: an insight through the silent wall of indifference. Believe again the salt that hurts and heals at the same time, the call that calls for taking a stance.

Gospel, catechesis, catechism (Edicep) 13.10.k

Page 12: To believe and the disappearance of the dinosaurs

