  • January 19, 2019

    Classroom Expectations:

    Arrive on time

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    Bags off desks

    Equipment & Planner on desks


    DATE: 06/09/2018

    The darker side of the family.

    What do you think the darker side of the family will look like?Have you any statistics or facts that you can bring in?

  • January 19, 2019

    Objective Key WordsKnow



  • January 19, 2019

    Decision-making:Edgell: (1980): Women tend to only have decision making in smaller decisions such as food, children’s clothings and house decorations. Bigger decisions like house moves and taking out loans tended to be men alone, but this has changed. Things have improved, but women still taking more of a domestic role than men means that they are less likely to earn as much as the male, which ultimately impacts power within the home.

    Pahl: gradually more independence where each partner makes some financial decisions. More likely in younger women and couples in full time work with no children. But very little independence for the woman financially when she didn’t work and a little more when in part time work.However independence of earnings in long term coupledom can lead to greater inequality as men on average earn 15% more than women. Pahl argues unless this changes when children are born women can become poorer through spending more of their own money on the children than the man would. Unless money is then shared.

    Who would traditionally have the decision making power in a family?Why?

    How might power and control over money and decision making start to show itself? What would it look and feel like on a day to day basis?

  • January 19, 2019

    The darker side of the family: Feminist argument:-The growth of privatization of the family & a lack of support from extended family can lead to stress and arguments, which can lead to violence.-Violence within the family, as well as abuse of children is becoming more and more of an issue people are aware and more than 2/3rds of murders involve a partner or ex-partner.

    What would the key feminist arguments be about the family?Consider:Whose to blame?Who are the victims?Why as an institution might the family worsen the situation?

    Think - Pair - Share

  • January 19, 2019

    Domestic violence:

    89% of violent incidents within the home are committed by men against women and 1 in 4 women will suffer some form of domestic violence in their lifetime. 2 women die a week.-Worryingly women suffer roughly 35-37 assaults over an average of seven years before they inform any agency.Questions:-Why do women not leave?-Why do women not report violence?(2/3rds of victims do not seek help/ ashamed/scared/consider it private/believe it will change.1 call a minute in the UK.

    Listen to her story and try to write as many reasons down as to why women may not leave a violent relationship.Why are some people so judgmental about this point do you think?

  • January 19, 2019

    Domestic violence - Key Statistics -89% of violent incidents within the home are committed by men against women, 1 in 4 women will suffer some form of domestic violence in their lifetime. -Crime Survey England and Wales (2013): 7.3% of women (1.2 million) compared with 5% men (800,000) reported domestic abuse in the previous year (relatively small gender gap).-Coleman & Osbourne (2010): 1 third of all female homicide victims are killed by a partner or former partner(2 women a week)-Women suffer roughly 35-37 assaults before they inform any agency (Yearnshine, 1997).

    Questions:-Why do women not leave?-Why do women not report violence?(2/3rds of victims do not seek help/ ashamed/scared/consider it private/believe it will change.1 call a minute in the UK.

    Barriers to Leaving

  • January 19, 2019

    Case study 1:

    Read the article about the Criminal Justice System and answer the questions. Be preparedto discuss it.

    Domestic abuse and the courts..docx

    Challenge: What would the different perspectives say about this article?

  • January 19, 2019

    The attorney general has been urged to examine the sentencing remarks of a judge who freed a man guilty of domestic abuse because he did not believe the victim was vulnerable.Mustafa Bashir, 34, was spared prison despite forcing his wife to drink bleach, throttling her in public, and striking her with his cricket bat. He admitted assault occasioning actual bodily harm and was given an 18-month prison term, suspended for two years.Judge Richard Mansell QC ordered Bashir to attend a workshop entitled “building better relationships”, pay £1,000 costs and banned him from contacting Karim.Mansell said in his sentencing remarks that he did not believe Fakhara Karim, 33, was vulnerable as she was “an intelligent woman with a network of friends” and a college degree.

    Polly Neate, chief executive of Women’s Aid, said: “The horrific assaults and controlling behaviour that Fakhara Karim endured are completely unacceptable; and a softer sentence on the basis that ‘she is not a vulnerable woman’ is shocking. “It is a complete fallacy that only a certain type of woman can become a victim of domestic abuse. In fact, perpetrators target women of all ages from all sections of society.

    Case study 2:

    Consider:What mistake has the judge made here to suggest that she is not vulnerable because she is intelligent and has friends?

    Challenge: What would the different perspectives say about this case study?

  • January 19, 2019

    Issues of difficult to prove?5 reasons why rape may be difficult to prove?

    5 reasons why a woman experiencing rape in marriage would not go to the police?

    Footballer case: Ched Evans:What happened in this case and what was the controversial aspect regarding the girl in question?

    Rape in marriage:More than 1 in 4 women have been raped or will be, with most being committed by men on their female partners. 3/4s of rapes take place in the home of the victim or the offender.Only in 1991 that rape in marriage was officially made illegal. Only 6% of reported rapes lead to convictions.

  • January 19, 2019

    Feminist explanations of domestic violenceWhat would they say?

    Radical Feminists

    Patriarchy/making women submissive.

    Marxist feminists?

    Low pay, overcrowding and money problems make a culture of violence inevitable.

  • January 19, 2019

    Task:Using the information from the textbook and today's lesson, complete the summary sheet on Domestic Violence. -Make sure to bring in Key Studies and refer to the key perspectives

  • January 19, 2019

    TASK: Create an essay plan for this question Remember: PERC structurePoint: Make your pointExplain using Evidence to back it up (studies, examples, statistics)Refer back to the question: this shows that families are more equal today as.... Critique: offer a criticism/evaluation point (are all relationships equal? Domestic violence, segregated conjugal roles etc.)

    Then link back to the question at the end.

    Item B:In contemporary Britain, families are often thought to be more 'symmetrical, whereby the relationship between married or cohabiting couples have become less patriarchal, or male-dominated, and much more an equally balanced partnership. Both partners share household chores, childcare and decision-making, and both partners are more likely to be involved in paid employment.

    Applying material from Item B and your knowledge, evaluate the view that contemporary families have become partnerships of equals. 20 marks

  • January 19, 2019

    PLENARYObjective Key Words



    TITLE: The darker side of the family.