
Title IV-A: Student Support and Academic enrichment Grants

Table of Contents


Allocation of Funds

page 3

Title IV-A Planning

page 3

Allowable Use of Funds

page 3

Prohibited Use of Funds

page 4

Application Options

pages 4-5

2020-2021 Title IV-A CRP Application Details

Application Details Page

pages 6-8

Well-Rounded Educational Opportunities

page 9

Safe and Healthy Students

page 10

Effective Use of Technology and Technology Infrastructure

pages 11-12

Private School Services

page 13

Private School Activities

pages 14-15

Related Documents

page 16



Title IV-A Assurances


Consortium Declaration of Intent


Transferring Funds in Accelegrants


CARES Act Waivers



The Title IV-A Student Support and Academic Enrichment (Title IV-A) grant program provides LEAs with supplemental funds to improve student academic achievement by increasing the capacity of states, LEAs, schools, and local communities to:

· provide all students with access to a well-rounded education;

· improve school conditions for student learning; and

· improve the use of technology in order to improve the academic achievement and digital literacy of all students.

In order to maximize the opportunities described in ESSA, LEAs are encouraged to use Title IV-A and other federal funds in a coordinated way across programs leveraging federal, state, and local funds.

Allocation of Funds

RIDE allocates funds to LEAs as formula grants based on their relative share of Title I, Part A funds. No LEA should receive less than $10,000. In the event the $10,000 threshold cannot be reached for every LEA, then all grants will be proportionally reduced to fit the funds the SEA has available.

Title IV-A Planning

In order to apply for funds, LEAs need to conduct a needs assessment, gather input from stakeholders and identify participating schools. LEAs will then use this information to develop activities and strategies that improve student academic achievement in one or more of the following content areas:

· well-rounded educational opportunities;

· safe and healthy students and

· effective use of technology.

Allowable Use of Funds

Once the LEA has identified potential activities for improving student academic achievement, a determination is made regarding allowability by asking the following questions:

· Is the cost of the activity allowable under the Title IV-A program -

· Are the funding requests reasonable and necessary for the performance of the grant?

· Is the request allocable to Title IV-A (2 CFR Part 200, Subpart E)?

· Does the proposed use of funds supplement, and not supplant, other State or local funds that would otherwise be used to pay for the allowable activity?

· Is the activity prohibited activities in either section 4001(b) or 8526 of ESSA?

Keep in mind that Title IV-A funds can be used to support RIDE Focus Areas, provided they also meet the allowable use of funds requirements for the program. See Appendix 1 for more information.

For additional information on allowable activities, please refer to US Ed’s Non-regulatory Guidance on Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants.

Prohibited Activities

Prohibitions in ESSA, Section 8526 (Title VIII)

No ESSA funds may be used—

· for construction, renovation, or repair of any school facility, except as authorized under this Act;

· for transportation unless otherwise authorized under this Act – See RIDE FAQs for allowable uses under Title IV-A;

· to develop or distribute materials, or operate programs or courses of instruction directed at youth, that are designed to promote or encourage sexual activity, whether homosexual or heterosexual;

· to distribute or to aid in the distribution by any organization of legally obscene materials to minors on school grounds; to provide sex education or HIV-prevention education in schools unless that instruction is age appropriate and includes the health benefits of abstinence; or

· to operate a program of contraceptive distribution in schools.

Prohibitions Specific to Title IV-A, ESSA Section 4001 (b) & (c)

· No funds under this Title may be used for medical services or drug treatment or rehabilitation, except for integrated student supports, specialized instructional support services, or referral to treatment for impacted students, which may include students who are victims of, or witnesses to, crime or who illegally use drugs.

· No child shall be required to obtain a prescription for a controlled substance, as defined in section 102 of the Controlled Substance Act (21 U.S.C. 802) as a condition of:

· receiving an evaluation or other services described under this title; or

· attending a school receiving assistance under this title.

Application Options

LEAs are required to submit an application, which includes signed assurances (see Appendix 2), to the state in order to receive Title IV-A funds. There are three methods for accessing funds:

· through a direct application;

· as part of a consortium (lead LEA submits the application); or

· by transferring funds to another eligible program.

LEA Application

LEA’s that receive a formula allocation above $30,000 must conduct a comprehensive needs assessment, then must budget and expend funds in each of the three Title IV-A content areas as follows:

A. no less than 20% of funds for activities to support well-rounded educational opportunities;

B. no less than 20% of funds for activities to support safe and healthy students; and

C. a portion of funds for activities to support effective use of technology.

LEA’s that receive a formula allocation below $30,000 may use their funds for one or more of the three Title IV-A content areas.[footnoteRef:1] [1: US ED Non-Regulatory Guidance, Student Support and Academic Achievement Grants, Nov. 2016]

Regardless of the allocation size, LEAs or consortiums of LEAs may not spend more than 15 percent of funding set aside for effective use of technology on technology infrastructure, which is defined as devices, equipment, software applications, platforms, digital instructional resources and/or other one-time IT purchases.

Consortium Application

LEAs may apply for funds as part of a consortia in order to implement programs across districts. Working together, LEAs may be able to more efficiently deliver services, and benefit from economies of scale that enable them to serve more students at a lower cost and reduce administrative overhead. This structure would be similar to the current Rhode Island Title III Consortia, with one LEA serving as the fiscal agent on behalf of the Consortia.

Please keep in mind, consortia with allocations of $30,000 or more must distribute the funding as described in the previous section for allocations of $30,000 or more.

See Appendix 3 for the Title IV-A Consortium Declaration of Intent form.

Transferring Funds

LEAs may transfer some or all of their Title IV-A funds as follows:

Transfer out of Title IV-A to:

Transfer into Title IV-A from:

Title I-A

Title II-A

Title II-A

Title III

Keep in mind that LEAs that transfer funds must:

· ensure that the funds meet the requirements of the program to which they are transferring funds,

· begin equitable services consultation prior to the LEAs decision to transfer funds, and

· comply with the relevant equitable services provisions for the effected program(s).[footnoteRef:2] [2: ESSA section 4106(e)(2)(B), ESSA Sections 8501-8504, and ESSA Section 1117]

See Appendix 4 for instructions on how to transfer funds in Accelegrants. For additional information on transferring funds under ESSA see Non-Regulatory Guidance: Fiscal Changes and Equitable Services Requirements Under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), as Amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

2020-2021 Title IV-A CRP Application

Application Details Page

Question #1: Needs Assessment

All LEA’s must conduct a needs assessment to assist in identifying how Title IV-A funds are spent.

LEA that receives at least $30,000 must conduct a comprehensive needs assessment at least once every three years. Based on the results of that needs assessment, the LEA must use funds for:

· access to and opportunities for a well-rounded education for all students;

· school conditions for student learning to create a healthy and safe school environment; and

· access to personalized learning experiences supported by technology and professional development for the effective use of data and technology. ESSA Section 4106(d)

Needs assessments for LEAs with allocations under $30,000 only need to address the area(s) for which they are expending funds.

Note: LEAs can incorporate these requirements into existing needs assessments processes (e.g. annual strategic planning exercises, school improvement planning processes, safety audits).

Describe the process the LEA used to conduct its Title IV-A needs assessment.

Please keep in mind that LEAs only need to conduct a new needs assessment once every three years. Therefore, LEAs may carry forward identified needs from previous years.

The response should address the following elements:

For LEA’s that have $30,000 or more after transfers:

· Describe the process the LEA used for conducting its Title IV-A needs assessment for the three required content areas:

· well-rounded education opportunities;

· safe and healthy students; and

· effective use of technology.

· If the LEA is requesting funds for technology infrastructure, this should also be included in the needs assessment.

For LEA’s that have less than $30,000 after transfers:

· Describe the process the LEA used for conducting its Title IV-A needs assessment for each applicable content area:

· well-rounded education opportunities;

· safe and healthy students; and

· effective use of technology.

· If the LEA is requesting funds for technology infrastructure, this should also be included in the needs assessment.

Question #2: Stakeholders

A local educational agency, or consortium of such agencies, must engage stakeholders during the design and development of its Title IV-A application. Stakeholders include, but are not limited to, the following: parents; teachers; principals; specialized instructional support personnel; students; school leaders; community-based organizations; local government representatives; charter school teachers, principals and parents; Indian tribes and tribal organizations (when applicable) and others with relevant and demonstrated expertise in programs and activities designed to meet the purpose of this subpart (ESSA 4016(c)(1)).

Describe how the LEA engaged stakeholders and how this feedback was used to help identify needs and design supports in the development of its Title IV-A application.

The response should address the following elements:

· Describe which of the required stakeholders the LEA engaged in identifying priorities for improving student academic achievement;

· Describe how the method(s) the LEA used to engaged stakeholders in identifying priorities for addressing student academic achievement (e.g. District Strategic Planning, School Improvement Teams, Parent Meetings/Principal Coffee Hours, surveys, etc.); and

· Describe how the LEA used the feedback gathered from the stakeholders to design the Title IV-A program.

Question #3: Schools Identified for Support

The LEA, or a consortium, must prioritize the distribution of funds to schools based on one or more of the following criteria:

· are among the schools with the greatest needs, as determined by such local educational agency, or consortium;

· have the highest numbers or percentages of students from low-income families who are counted under Title I, Part A;

· are identified for comprehensive support and improvement under section 1111(c)(4)(D)(i);

· are implementing targeted support and improvement plans as described in section 1111(d)(2); or

· are identified as a persistently dangerous public elementary school or secondary school under section 8532 (ESSA 4106(e)(2)(A)).

List the school(s) the LEA has identified for interventions and describe the LEAs process for selecting each school. Note: LEAs with only one school do not need to respond.

LEAs must prioritize the distribution of Title IV-A funds to schools. This response should:

· List the school(s) identified for interventions and describe the method and data used to support the selection of these schools.

The following methods are applicable for the 2020 – 2021 school year:

1. Schools with the greatest needs, as determined by such local educational agency, or consortium;

2. Schools with that have the highest number or percentages of students from low-income families who are counted under Title I, Part A;

3. Schools that are identified for comprehensive support and improvement under section 1111(c)(4)(D)(i); or

4. Schools that are implementing targeted support and improvement plans as described in section 1111(d)(2).

5. RI does not have any schools identified as a persistently dangerous public elementary school or secondary schools. This option does not apply.

For Single School LEAs

Please write NA, as this response does not apply to LEAs with one school.

Question #4: Administrative Costs

LEAs may reserve up to two percent of its allocation for direct administrative costs associated with implementing the grant (ESSA Sections 4105(c)).

Describe how funds set aside for direct administration costs will be used to carry out the LEA’s responsibilities under Title IV-A, if applicable.

For LEAs that are setting aside funds for direct administrative costs, the response should:

· Describe how the funds will be used to carry out the LEA’s responsibilities under Title IV-A for its public school program. This amount cannot exceed 2% of the total allocation for the current year excluding any carryover funds.

Indirect Costs

Funds reserved for indirect costs are a separate administrative reserve, and are not included in the 2% cap for direction administrative costs.

Well-Rounded Education Opportunities Page

Well-rounded activity funds are intended to support student access to a well-rounded education by providing an enriched curriculum and educational experiences for all students.

LEAs or Consortia with allocations of $30,000 or more must use at least 20% of the funds to support well-rounded educational opportunities.

For each proposed activity, describe the identified needs, objectives, activities and intended outcomes, as well as the method that the LEA will use to evaluate the effectiveness of the activity.

For each new activity, click on the “Add an Activity” link under the activity table.

The response should address the following elements for each new activity:

· Name of Activity – enter name the LEA will use to refer to the activity and how this activity aligns with the purpose and intent of well-rounded education in Title IV- A.

· Participating Schools – move any schools participating in the activity to the right hand column. One arrow moves one school at a time. Two arrows moves all the schools.

· Describe the needs for improving student academic achievement – Describe the needs identified as a results of the LEA’s needs assessment for providing all students with access to well-rounded education opportunities in order to improve student academic achievement that will be addressed through this activity.

· Describe the activity – This section should:

· Provide an overview of the activity (services should be of sufficient size, scope, and quality to positively impact student achievement);

· Describe the intended audiences (e.g. x# of eighth graders, all K-2 teachers, etc)

· Describe when services are provided and by whom;

· Identify the frequency and duration of services (e.g fall/winter/spring sessions - 3 hours a week x 12 weeks = 108 hours);

· Explain how requested budget items support the activity/strategy (e.g. teacher stipends, classroom resources, etc.);

· Describe how the LEA will periodically evaluate the effectiveness of the activity –

· For new activities, describe how the district will measure the impact on student academic achievement.

· If this program is a continuation from the prior year – describe any modifications the LEA made to improve the program; and how the LEA will periodically evaluate the effectiveness of the activity for the coming year.

AP Testing Fees

Title IV-A funds, under the well-rounded education area, may be used for AP testing for eligible students.

· To determine the amount of funds needed for eligible students, multiple the # of low-income students who are in need of financial assistance for AP testing by the LEA’s per student testing rate.

Safe and Healthy Students Page

Safe and healthy activity funds are intended to improve school conditions for student learning.

LEAs or Consortia with allocations of $30,000 or more must use at least 20% of its Title IV-A funds for activities to support safe and healthy students.

For each proposed activity, describe the identified needs, objectives, activities and intended outcomes, as well as the method that the LEA will use to evaluate the effectiveness of the activity.

For each new activity, click on the “Add an Activity” link under the activity table.

The response should address the following elements for each new activity:

· Name of Activity – enter name the LEA will use to refer to the activity and how this activity aligns with the purpose and intent of well-rounded education in Title IV- A.

· Participating Schools – move any schools participating in the activity to the right hand column. One arrow moves one school at a time. Two arrows moves all the schools.

· Describe the needs for improving student academic achievement – Describe the needs identified as a results of the LEA’s needs assessment for providing all students with access to well-rounded education opportunities in order to improve student academic achievement that will be addressed through this activity.

· Describe the activity – This section should:

· Provide an overview of the activity (services should be of sufficient size, scope, and quality to positively impact student achievement);

· Describe the intended audiences (e.g. x# of eighth graders, all K-2 teachers, etc)

· Describe when services are provided and by whom;

· Identify the frequency and duration of services (e.g fall/winter/spring sessions - 3 hours a week x 12 weeks = 108 hours);

· Explain how requested budget items support the activity/strategy (e.g. teacher stipends, classroom resources, etc.);

· Describe how the LEA will periodically evaluate the effectiveness of the activity –

· For new activities, describe how the district will measure the impact on student academic achievement.

· If this program is a continuation from the prior year – describe any modifications the LEA made to improve the program; and how the LEA will periodically evaluate the effectiveness of the activity for the coming year.

Effective Use of Technology Page

Effective use of technology funds are intended to improve the use of technology to improve the academic achievement, academic growth, and digital literacy of all students.

LEAs or Consortia with allocations of $30,000 or more must use a portion of its Title IV-A funds to support the effective use of technology.

Note: LEA’s may not use more than 15% of the funds they set aside for the effective use of technology funds for technology infrastructure (devices, equipment, software and digital content) ( ESSA Section 4109(b)).

For each proposed activity, describe the identified needs, objectives, activities and intended outcomes, as well as the method that the LEA will use to evaluate the effectiveness of the activity.

For each new activity, click on the “Add an Activity” link under the activity table.

The response should address the following elements for each new activity:

· Name of Activity – enter name the LEA will use to refer to the activity and how this activity aligns with the purpose and intent of well-rounded education in Title IV- A.

· Participating Schools – move any schools participating in the activity to the right hand column. One arrow moves one school at a time. Two arrows moves all the schools.

· Describe the needs for improving student academic achievement – Describe the needs identified as a results of the LEA’s needs assessment for providing all students with access to well-rounded education opportunities in order to improve student academic achievement that will be addressed through this activity.

· Describe the activity – This section should:

· Provide an overview of the activity (services should be of sufficient size, scope, and quality to positively impact student achievement);

· Describe the intended audiences (e.g. x# of eighth graders, all K-2 teachers, etc)

· Describe when services are provided and by whom;

· Identify the frequency and duration of services (e.g fall/winter/spring sessions - 3 hours a week x 12 weeks = 108 hours);

· Explain how requested budget items support the activity/strategy (e.g. teacher stipends, classroom resources, etc.);

· Describe how the LEA will periodically evaluate the effectiveness of the activity –

· For new activities, describe how the district will measure the impact on student academic achievement.

· If this program is a continuation from the prior year – describe any modifications the LEA made to improve the program; and how the LEA will periodically evaluate the effectiveness of the activity for the coming year.

Technology Infrastructure

Only LEAs that set aside funds for the Effective Use of Technology can apply for these funds. LEAs may not spend more than 15 percent of funding set aside for effective use of technology on technology infrastructure.

Describe any proposed use of funds for technology infrastructure (devices, equipment, software and digital content) and how the request supports the identified schools in carrying out blended learning projects, which includes:

· planning activities, which may include development of new instructional models (including blended learning technology software and platforms), the purchase of digital instructional resources, initial professional development activities, and one-time information technology purchases, except that such expenditures may not include expenditures related to significant construction or renovation of facilities; or

· ongoing professional development for teachers, principals, other school leaders, or other personnel involved in the project that is designed to support the implementation and academic success of the project. ESSA 4019(a)(4).

The response should address the following elements:

· Describe any proposed use of funds for technology infrastructure (devices, equipment, software and digital content)

· Describe how this request supports the identified schools in carrying out blended learning projects, including:

· planning activities, which may include development of new instructional models (including blended learning technology software and platforms),

· the purchase of digital instructional resources,

· initial professional development activities, and

· one-time information technology purchases (such expenditures may not include expenditures related to significant construction or renovation of facilities), or

· ongoing professional development for teachers, principals, other school leaders, or other personnel involved in the project that is designed to support the implementation and academic success of the project.

Important Note

These requests (and final expenditures) cannot exceed more than 15% of the funds set aside for effective use of technology.

Private School Services Page

Private School Services Table

Type of Participation

After consultation is complete, select one of the following types of participation from the drop down list for each school listed in the table:

· Participating – For participating schools. Signed Consultation letters should be uploaded into Related Documents for each participating school.

· Not Participating – For schools that have declined to participate. When available, signed Consultation letters should be uploaded into Related Documents for each participating school. Otherwise, the district should upload documentation in Related Documents verifying which schools chose not to participate.

· No Response – For schools that did not respond to the districts invitations to participate. The district should upload documentation in Related Documents verifying which schools chose not to participate.

· Not Applicable – This option is reserved for schools that are not eligible to receive Title IV-A equitable services.

Amount Allocated

Insert the total amount allocated on the 2020-2021 private school worksheet for each participating private school.

Private School Question #1

If there are carryover funds from the previous year or if the total amount allocated to all private schools from the chart above does not equal the total amount reserved in the budget for private schools, an explanation must be provided below:

The response should address the following elements, as applicable:

· A description of the extenuating circumstances, by private school, for any funds that were carried forward from the previous year.

· If the total amount allocated to all private schools from the chart above does not equal the total amount reserved in the budget for private schools, a description of how these funds are being used.

Important Note

Expenditures for services and other benefits provided to eligible private school children, teachers, and other educational personnel must be equal to the expenditures for participating public school children, taking into account the number and educational needs of the private school children to be served; and be obligated for the fiscal year the funds are received.

Carry-forward funds are only allowable in extenuating circumstances, e. g. hurricane. Good planning and ongoing consultation throughout the year should prevent any unspent balance of equitable share funds. 

Private School Activities Page

Please use this page to describe the districts Title IV-A program for participating private schools.

Question #1: Well-Rounded Educational Opportunities

For each proposed activity, describe the identified needs, objectives, activities and intended outcomes, as well as the method that the LEA will use to evaluate the effectiveness of the activity.

For each new equitable services activity under well-rounded education, click on the “Add an Activity” link under the activity table, then answer the following for each new activity:

· Name of Activity – enter name the LEA will use to refer to the activity.

· Participating Schools – select all participating private schools.

· Activity Plan - The description should include a summary of the activity (who will benefit from the activity, when services are provided and by whom, the frequency and duration of services, and how the requested budget items support this activity), how the activity aligns to the purpose and intent of Title IV- A under well-rounded, and how the district will periodically assess the effectiveness of the activity.

Question #2: Safe and Healthy Students

For each proposed activity, describe the identified needs, objectives, activities and intended outcomes, along with the method that the LEA will use to evaluate the effectiveness of the activity.

For each new equitable services activity under safer and healthy students, click on the “Add an Activity” link under the activity table, then answer the following for each new activity:

· Name of Activity – enter name the LEA will use to refer to the activity.

· Participating Schools – select all participating private schools.

· Activity Plan - The description should include a summary of the activity (who will benefit from the activity, when services are provided and by whom, the frequency and duration of services, and how the requested budget items support this activity), how the activity aligns to the purpose and intent of Title IV- A under safe and healthy, and how the district will periodically assess the effectiveness of the activity.

Question #3: Effective Use of Technology

For each proposed activity, describe the identified needs, objectives, activities and intended outcomes, as well as the method that the LEA will use to evaluate the effectiveness of the activity.

For each new equitable services activity under effective use of technology, click on the “Add an Activity” link under the activity table, then answer the following for each new activity:

· Name of Activity – enter name the LEA will use to refer to the activity.

· Participating Schools – select all participating private schools.

· Activity Plan - The description should include a summary of the activity (who will benefit from the activity, when services are provided and by whom, the frequency and duration of services, and how the requested budget items support this activity), how the activity aligns to the purpose and intent of Title IV- A under effective use of technology, and how the district will periodically assess the effectiveness of the activity.

Question #4: Technology Infrastructure

Describe any proposed use of funds for technology infrastructure (devices, equipment, software and digital content) and how the request supports the identified schools in carrying out blended learning projects, which includes:

· planning activities, which may include development of new instructional models (including blended learning technology software and platforms), the purchase of digital instructional resources, initial professional development activities, and one-time information technology purchases, except that such expenditures may not include expenditures related to significant construction or renovation of facilities; or

· ongoing professional development for teachers, principals, other school leaders, or other personnel involved in the project that is designed to support the implementation and academic success of the project. ESSA 4019(a)(4)

For each new equitable services activity under technology infrastructure, click on the “Add an Activity” link under the activity table, then answer the following for each new request:

· Describe any proposed use of funds for technology infrastructure (devices, equipment, software and digital content), and

· Describe how this request supports the identified schools in carrying out blended learning projects, including:

· planning activities, which may include development of new instructional models (including blended learning technology software and platforms),

· the purchase of digital instructional resources,

· initial professional development activities, and

· one-time information technology purchases (such expenditures may not include expenditures related to significant construction or renovation of facilities), or

· ongoing professional development for teachers, principals, other school leaders, or other personnel involved in the project that is designed to support the implementation and academic success of the project.

Important Note

LEAs may only offer this as part of their private school services if they are also using funds to provide Effective Use of Technology services in private schools. Technology infrastructure funds are limited to 15% of the portion set aside for effective use of technology.


Enter all UCOA Codes in accordance with UCOA Guidance.

Reserves – Select one of the following reserves for each funding request:

· Well-Rounded Education Opportunities – Funds reserved to support well-rounded education activities and strategies in ESSA section 4107.

· Safe and Healthy Students – Funds reserved to support allowable safe and healthy activities and strategies in ESSA section 4108.

· Effective Use of Technology – Funds reserved to support allowable effective use of technology activities and strategies in ESSA 4109.

· Technology Infrastructure – Funds reserved to support technology infrastructure purchases. Technology infrastructure costs cannot exceed 15% of the funds set aside for the effective use of technology

· Administration – Funds reserved for:

· direct administration costs of the Title IV-A program (funds cannot exceed 2% of the total allocation), and

· indirect administration costs – LEA indirect cost rate.

· Private Schools – All funds reserved for services to private schools, including well-rounded education activities, safe and healthy activities, effective use of technology activities, and technology infrastructure. Technology infrastructure costs cannot exceed 15% of the funds set aside for the effective use of technology.

Cost Basis - Use number sentences to provide details for the request, such as:

· hourly rate x # of hours of service (duration) = total

· annual salary per contract

· item x cost = total

· (item x cost) + (item x cost) + estimated shipping = total

Description - Indicate the position to be funded, service(s) to be provided, or item(s) to be purchased AND name of participating school(s)

Justification - Budget requests are allowable if necessary for the implementation of the Title IV-A program and if costs are reasonable. Please describe how the request is aligned to the activities described in the related content area. Suggested format:

This request for (list item or service) supports the goal of (list related goal described in the application, aligned to the appropriate Title IV-A content area) by providing (describe how it is reasonable and necessary to implement the Title IV-A program).

Appendix 1: Title IV-A Assurances

Title IV-A Assurances

LEA’s must agree to the following Title IV-A assurances as part of their Consolidate Resource Plan (CRP). These assurances are included in the annual CRP Assurance Affirmation.

1. The LEA, or a consortium, will prioritize the distribution of funds to school, based on one or more of the following criteria:

· are among those with the greatest needs, as determined by the LEA;

· have the highest numbers of students from low-income families who are counted for the purpose of Title I, Part A funding;

· are identified for comprehensive support and improvement under 1111(c)(4)(D)(i);

· are implementing targeted support and improvement plans under 111(d)(2); or

· are identified as a persistently dangerous public school under section 8532 of ESSA. [ESSA Section 4106(e)(2)(A)]

2. The LEA, or consortium, that receives an allocation of $30,000 or more must distribute funds in each of the focus areas, as required:

· not less than 20% of the funds must be used to support activities pertaining to well- rounded educational opportunities;

· not less than 20% of the funds must be used to support activities pertaining to safe and healthy students, and

· a portion of funds must be used to support activities pertaining to the effective use of technology; but no more than 15% for technology infrastructure (devices, equipment, software and digital content). [ESSA Section 4109(b)].

3. The LEA, or consortium, that receives an allocation of less than $30,000 must distribute funds in at least one of the following focus areas, as required:

· at least 20% of the funds must be used to support activities pertaining to well- rounded educational opportunities;

· at least 20% of the funds must be used to support activities pertaining to safe and healthy students, and

· a portion of the allocation may be spent on all three priorities, including technology; but no more than 15% for technology infrastructure (devices, equipment, software and digital content). [ESSA Section 4109(b)].

4. The LEA, or consortium, will comply with Sections 8501-8504 regarding equitable participation by private school children and teachers. [ESSA Section 4016(e)(2)(B)].

5. The LEA, or consortium, will annually report to RIDE how funds are being used to meet the requirements of Title IV-A.

6. The LEA understands that other Consolidated Resource Plan Assurances also apply, and agrees to abide by those assurances in addition to the ones stated above.

Appendix 2: Consortium Agreement

Title IV-A

Consortium Declaration of Intent

The School District of Click or tap here to enter text. has agreed to become a Title IV-A consortium member during the 2020-2021 school year.

The School District of Click or tap here to enter text. has agreed to serve as the fiscal agent for its consortium members.

Click here to enter name.

Name of Member District Superintendent

Click here to enter name.

Name of Title IV-A Coordinator


This form must be completed by each district that is joining a Title IV-A consortium, including the district that is serving as the designated fiscal agent.

Completed forms must be emailed to David Luther at [email protected] in order for each district’s Title IV-A funds to be moved into the designated fiscal agent’s CRP application.

The fiscal agent must also upload each district’s completed form into the Related Documents page of their Title IV-A Accelegrants Application.

Important Notices

Consortia with a combined allocation above $30,000 must conduct a comprehensive needs assessment, then must budget and expend funds in each of the three Title IV-A content areas as follows:

A. no less than 20% of funds for activities to support well-rounded educational opportunities;

B. no less than 20% of funds for activities to support safe and healthy students; and

C. a portion of funds for activities to support effective use of technology.

Note: If a Consortia of LEAs chooses to set aside funds for technology infrastructure, then the Consortia may spend no more than 15 percent of the funds set aside for the effective use of technology on technology infrastructure.

Appendix 3: Transferring Funds in Accelegrants

How to Transfer Funds in Accelegrants

· Go to the CRP Landing Page.

· Click on Allocation Transfers.

· Enter the amount of funds you wish to transfer into the applicable federal program column.

· Click “Save and Go To…” and your allocations will be automatically updated.

In this example, $25,000 was moved from Title IV-A to Title I-A. Click on the Allocations tab to see the new Allocation Totals after Transfers.

2020-2021 Title IV-A CRP Users Guide2
