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O U R T A S K F O R T H I S B L O G P O S T I S T O D I S C U S S O U R F I L M T I T L E I D E A S A S A G R O U P A N D B R A I N S T O R M T H E M W E T H E N A S K E D S O M E O F T H E A U D I E N C E F O R T H E I R O P I N I O N O N T H E T I T L E S .

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Our first film title idea is ‘Demented’. This would immediately show the audience that the film would be based around a character losing control and behaving irrationally due to anger, distress, or excitement. Lastly this is a scary subject which could be suspenseful as well as some audience members being able to relate knowing people who act this way.

One of our second ideas would be the title ‘Raised by the voices’. We have added a scene where there are faint voices getting louder which taunt the girl. As she is an orphan her main source of help would be her mind and as she is not stable this would be dangerous. She would also have been raised by the voices as they are a part of her life she cant control meaning they are also taking over her life and actions.

Our last film title name is called ‘Least Expected’This links back to the fact she is a lonely orphan looking for a family. She is also 16 years old meaning society would not expect her to murder as she will be doing in the film. Our film story also goes on to demonstrate her life living with this condition as she is not viewed as dangerous since she blends into society as she is deceiving.

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AUDIENCE FEED BACKOne of the main advice we received from our title our podcasts from out audience is that the title ‘Raised by the voices’ is very long and the audience would get lost by the title although it clearly explains that the protagonist is being controlled by an unknown power. One of the audience feedback was that the most intriguing title is ‘Least Expected’ as in only two words it gives the audience a brief introduction to the characters as they can imply that one of the main characters will have an innocent appearance(podcast 1).On the other hand one of the audience have stated that ‘Least Expected’ does not link back to a thriller film. Two of the audience members have also said that in their opinion ‘Demented’ has a clear definition behind it and would clearly demonstrate that the title sequence would be linked to an illness or focus around a character dealing with mental problems which we would learn through the film.

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FINAL TITLE IDEA• As a group we have decided that we will be calling our film ’Raised by the

voices as it’s the most intriguing name. We also like the idea that we are clearly introducing the force that has been controlling the young orphan since she can remember.

• As many of the audience liked the title although it was said to be too long we have chosen to stick with it and not shorten it to ‘The Voices’ as we want to demonstrate and make the movie relatable to someone who has suffered with a mental problem or someone who knows someone with a mental problem as many people find their conscience an on going problem they can not control.

• The last reason as to why we have chosen this title is because it gives the audience curiosity to find out what voices the title is referring to as well as how and who has been dealing with them.
